KellyChapter 32 free porn video

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Kelly had received an invitation to speak at a meeting of the War College Officers’ Wives Club. When she checked with Rita, she was told it was a standard invitation. The President traditionally spoke at the Club’s major spring meeting. Rita was sitting across from her in her office. She had been teasing the girl about the dark circles under her eyes from lack of sleep. The girl spread her legs wide and rubbed her groin gently.

By this time Rita had become accustomed to Kelly’s teasing. She just stuck out her tongue and said, “You’re just jealous because you’re bulging with a baby and I’m not.” Actually, they both knew that Kelly wasn’t bulging at all. The only sign — which wasn’t visible when she was dressed — were her swollen breasts.

Kelly smiled softly and said, “Rita, you can’t believe how wonderful I feel! The important thing is it relieves our minds. Mike knows I was pretty badly beaten by the KGB and no one could be sure I was still capable of having children. My doctor says I’m made for having babies. She says there won’t be much bulging at all. The same thing is true with Katrina. Anyway, what about the Wives’ Club? What should I wear? Should I go in uniform?

Rita cocked her head to one side and looked pensive. “I think you should, Kelly. I don’t know about you, but I’ve always thought that a pregnant woman in uniform is a contradiction somehow. But you can certainly wear your uniform now, and I think you should.”

Kelly agreed, so she went over to the Officers Club wearing her summer service uniform. She was greeted at the door by the president of the club, Marian Collins, whose husband, Harry, was a brigadier general and a student at the College. The woman held both of Kelly’s hands in hers and looked at her. She slowly shook her head. “Harry told me about you, but I didn’t believe him. You look so young!”

Kelly grinned and said, “Shh! They’re not supposed to serve me, but they’ve never had the nerve to ask a general for proof of age.”

Marian Collins was aghast. “Do you mean to say you’re not even twenty-one!?”

“I won’t be twenty until next month. It’s known to a lot of people but I still don’t advertise it. Please don’t mention it today. Now, I didn’t prepare a speech. I have no idea what the members are interested in. If it’s all right with you, Mrs. Collins, I would prefer to just answer questions from the floor. Would that be satisfactory?”

Marian Collins looked nervous. “I’m sure that will be fine,” but she didn’t sound as if she meant it.

“Mrs. Collins, it looks like your heart wasn’t in that answer. What’s wrong?”

Marian explained, “If I had known what I was getting into, I never would have taken this job. Even though we’re all officers’ wives, we have some militant feminists in our group who come with all the well-known baggage. Frankly, I don’t see how some of these girls stay married or why they would want to if they really believe half of what they say. I guess I was hoping you would have a nice boring speech that would put everyone to sleep.

“I know that’s a terrible thing to say, but I can’t take the constant battling anymore. Usually the President of the College gives a speech like that. No one knows what he’s talking about but the big words sound real good.”

She grinned at Kelly and added, “Come on, General. I’ll buy you a drink. If they ask, I’ll say you’re my daughter and of course you’re over twenty-one. As a matter of fact, my youngest child is twenty-three now.” The woman smiled at Kelly and said, “Please call me Marian.”

She smiled at Kelly who decided she liked Marian Collins very much. She had beautiful features, a beautiful figure, but carried enough extra pounds to appear matronly. The woman led the way to the bar. She asked, “May I call you Kelly? I hope that’s not being too familiar?”

Kelly said of course not and asked her please to do so. They were seated in a booth and Marian Collins looked at Kelly’s breast for the first time. She saw the array of ribbons and immediately looked puzzled. She said, “Kelly, I apologize. I asked for a biography to use in your introduction but it never arrived. I’m looking at those ribbons. The second one looks familiar, but I can’t tell you why. What is it?”

Kelly replied softly, “It’s the ribbon of the Medal of Honor.”

Marian Collins turned pale. “My God! We’re used to academic presidents at the War College! When I asked for your bio, I was just being polite. But ... it’s the second ribbon — and there’s an oak leaf cluster. That means two, doesn’t it? I thought the Medal of Honor was the highest award we have. What’s the first ribbon for?”

“It’s the ribbon of the Cross of Liberty. It is now the senior United States award for valor. And yes, there is an oak leaf cluster on the Medal of Honor. To save time, it is followed by the Distinguished Service Cross, Distinguished Service Medal, the Legion of Merit, the Silver Star, Purple Heart, and some foreign stuff.”

Marian raised an eyebrow. “Foreign stuff? What ‘foreign stuff’? Specifically?”

Kelly blushed. “The Victoria Cross, the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor, the Gold Order of the Knight’s Cross, and the Gold Cross of the Republics. In order, Great Britain, France, Germany, and Russia.”

Collins let out a soft whistle. “I guess it shows what happens when you don’t pay attention to what’s going on in the world. Kelly, there are two things: I’m no military genius, but I recognize the first couple of names. Am I correct in assuming that those awards are the highest awards for valor the respective countries ever award?”

Kelly nodded.

“And the Cross of Liberty? That has to be very new. I’ll bet you are the only winner, aren’t you?” Again Kelly nodded. Marian Collins smiled and nodded her head. “In that case, I guess you’re just the person to enter our lion’s den. If you can’t handle them, we’ll just have to give up!”

They finished their drinks and went to the dining room.

Kelly was surprised to find Camille acting as head waiter. She caught the girl’s quick wink. As she was being seated, Camille quickly whispered that her mother was managing the luncheon. “Kelly, we have an investment in you. We can’t take a chance with you eating yucky food!”

Kelly just grinned and winked back.

The luncheon was a memorable feast. Marian Collins couldn’t believe what she was eating. “Where did this food come from? It’s the best I’ve ever eaten — anywhere! Kelly, have you ever had anything to compare with it?”

Kelly grinned at her and whispered, “As a matter of fact, yes. It’s my cook who’s cooking today. You see, I’m expecting a baby. The beautiful girl who seated us is my doctor. They want to be sure I eat the right things.”

Marian’s jaw dropped. “You’re serious, aren’t you? But, my God, you don’t look pregnant. And the person who cooked this is your cook!?”

Kelly assured her she was indeed pregnant and Selma was the family’s cook. “I won’t try to tell you how that happened, because I haven’t quite figured it out yet, myself.”

Finally the lunch was over and it was time for the meeting to begin. First, there was a short business session. In spite of the wonderful food and the routine nature of the club’s business, the antagonisms in the organization immediately became apparent.

Finally, Marian adjourned the business portion of the meeting and introduced Kelly: “Ladies, we are fortunate today to have with us the President of the War College, Lieutenant General Kelly Jackson. General Jackson ... Kelly ... represents a significant break with the recent past. As most of you know, the last several College presidents have been academicians.

“I don’t believe Kelly qualifies. I learned some things today which cause me to believe she is the most highly-decorated war hero in the history of the United States. You see a row of ribbons on her chest? There is not a single service ribbon there. Every one is an award for gallantry. She leads off with the Cross of Liberty. It is the highest award our nation can give and was created for her. Why? Because following it are two Medals of Honor, formerly our highest award. I guess Congress didn’t want to make it three. She also wears the highest awards that can be given to anyone by England, France, Germany, and, believe it or not ... Russia.

“Please welcome our guest speaker today, the President of the War College, Lieutenant General Kelly Jackson!”

Kelly stood up and went to the speaker’s rostrum. “Good afternoon, ladies. I spoke with your president this morning about the topic for my talk today. Apparently, there is none. I gather that precedent is for the President of the College to put you all to sleep with an academic speech on some arcane subject or other. I can’t give an academic speech. I’m not an academic. Accordingly, I just intend to answer any questions you may have about the College or anything else you may be interested in.”

A woman who appeared to be in her mid-thirties stood up. She had a very stern face and wore mannish clothes. She said, “I think it’s wonderful for us to welcome General Jackson this afternoon. She has demonstrated what happens when women have full control of their own bodies. What happens when they have access to the right kind of education. Now, perhaps they’ll see what happens when women have access to degrees and...”

She stopped because Kelly was shaking her head from side to side and trying without great success to control her laughter. She stopped and Kelly looked around to both sides. “I was looking to see if someone else was up here with me. Madam, your statements may be correct. I don’t know. I do know you can’t use me to prove them.

“First, with respect to ‘control of our bodies’ and ‘the right kind of education’. My body was under the control of the KGB. My education was administered at the end of a whip. I don’t think that’s quite what you had in mind. As for degrees, I don’t have any. In fact, it’s been pointed out to me a few times by a number of people, including the President of the United States, that my high school diploma is honorary. And that’s true: It is. I’m afraid I didn’t let you finish the speech you were starting to make. I apologize. However, I could see you were headed for trouble when your preliminary remarks were factually incorrect, at least as they concern me.

“However, I think I know where you’re going. I think you were headed for a diatribe about dominating men and subservient women. How we have no control over our bodies. I guess I can understand that. My first child is growing in my belly right now. This morning I could feel his first movement. It’s a little boy, and Mike and I can hardly wait. I have no control over that. It’s taking place inside me right now.

“Do you know what? I’m the proudest woman on the face of the earth. I am going to be the mother of Michael Callahan’s children! It’s all I ever wanted from the first night I met him. Control of our bodies? I will do anything for Michael Callahan. The only important question to me is, ‘Will it give my husband pleasure?’ If the answer is yes, I do it. But I’m afraid that’s not what you wanted to hear, either.”

There was the sound of people moving and then a voice behind Kelly said, “Stand aside, young lady. It’s time for reinforcements.” Kelly spun around and found Cathy Adams standing there behind her. Cathy hugged her and moved to the microphone. Kelly was stunned to see Katrina, Mary Harris, and Chris Collins. Mary was now Mary Carson and Chris was married to Bill Carlson. Kelly returned to her seat and waited to see what would happen next.

Cathy spoke into the microphone. “Ladies, order please. My name is Cathy Adams. I guess I’m here this afternoon because, since my husband, Sam, is Army Chief of Staff, I outrank Kelly ... sort of. On my left beginning with the silver blonde, we have Katrina Solov Murphy, then Mary Harris Carson, and finally Chris Collins Carlson. We are the female members of Kelly’s wedding party. We’re all married. And we’re all pregnant — although none of us has been married a year yet. As the oldest, it’s only right that I’m closest to delivering. We came to tell you something and to tell Kelly something.

“First, my child will carry the name Kelly ... probably as a middle name. I was Sam Adams’ secretary. I loved him for years, but didn’t do anything about it. The first time I met Kelly, I hated her. I thought she was a call girl who Sam had arranged to have visit him at SACEUR headquarters in England. I’ll never forget what she said: ‘Sam said this was the first time.’

“We went into Sam’s office — Kelly was a major then — and he tells me to arrange for an immediate promotion for her to lieutenant colonel and to begin action to award her the Legion of Merit. Then I find out that she already had her first Medal of Honor, as well as the Silver Star, and a Purple Heart. I wanted to die! Keep in mind, I had just accused her of being a whore!

“Do you know what she does? She tells Sam I love him. How did she know? She pointed out to Sam that he was terribly attractive to me. He thought he was too old. She said if I considered a nineteen-year-old as competition for his attention, being thirty-two, I couldn’t possibly consider him to be too old. Kelly then told me how to act and what to do. She told me how to seduce Sam. I did. We got married. I got pregnant. I couldn’t be happier.

“Oh, I nearly forgot. I’m a West Point graduate with a graduate degree from Harvard. I’m a major in the Army. I have all the pieces of paper you were alluding to. You know what? You can take ‘em and shove ‘em! Since I’ve been with Sam, I’ve never been happier.

“One final point. I saw Kelly when she was wounded and evacuated back to England. She was white as a sheet from blood loss. Do you know what happened? They put her in one of our fastest helicopters. It came all the way back to England from Germany covered by four helicopter gunships and a full fighter squadron covering above. Why? Because it was Kelly! When the men of the 82nd Airborne Division saw her fall, the word spread like wildfire: ‘Kelly’s down! She’s hit!’

“Those men went berserk. Do you know why? Because they love her so damned much. When she came to in the hospital, her first thought was for Mike. She had operated on him — for the second time — to remove a bullet. Degrees? Right kind of education? No, ladies. It’s being women. Now I want to introduce Mary Harris Carson who knew Kelly before I did. Mary?

Microphones had been placed in front of the women Mary spoke from her seat. She said, “Like Cathy, I’m a West Point graduate. I met Kelly at Quantico, just down the road. I was a second lieutenant at the time and very proud of my West Point education and my Regular Army commission. Ken Carson, my husband now, was the platoon leader of our training platoon. I was his assistant platoon leader.

“We had this beautiful young girl assigned to our platoon. Because we were training for penetration behind enemy lines, there were all sorts of people in our unit including civilian foreign nationals. Of course, I knew all about Kelly. She had to be a punk kid out of the enlisted ranks. I was an officer. I was going to show her how it was done.

“Boy, I sure did!

“She seemed to delight in showing me up. I was an officer, mind you! But there were things I observed that I didn’t understand. The instructors in small arms and explosives at the school seemed to defer to her. She was very good with weapons of all kinds, particularly including Russian small arms. But I could get even! I was giving her punishment details for everything — principally for showing up at school in the morning. The most she ever did was to look at me with the faintest expression of hurt in her eyes. I was being unfair and she knew it.

“Finally, after two weeks, I couldn’t take it any more. I made an issue of it with Ken. I had Kelly in my charge, and he took my word for it. I’ll never forget what happened then. It was a Monday morning. We met with Colonel Rogers, the school CO. I said, ‘Kelly’s exercises are okay, Colonel, but she’ll never be able to operate behind enemy lines. She doesn’t have the temperament for it.’ He said he would take my recommendation to drop her from the program under advisement and let us know his decision after a meeting of the student body that afternoon.

“That afternoon I looked around the auditorium. Kelly was gone. Well, I thought, that takes care of one problem. Then Colonel Rogers addresses us. He points out that we are organized as a training company but we have no company commander. He tells us we’re fortunate to have an officer — a major — who is fluent in German and Russian, an officer who has the Medal of Honor for gallantry in action behind enemy lines. That’s just the sort of work we were there to train for.

“The officer was Kelly, of course. When the meeting was over, Kelly asked Ken and me to stay. I resigned my commission on the spot. Instead of accepting it, she ordered me to do twenty pushups. I did. I said I had been punishing her unfairly. She replied that she had just punished me unfairly, too.

“Later, she asked Ken and me to join Mike and her at Virginia Beach for our one free weekend. Why she would want to associate with me I never could figure out, but we went down with them.

“Lying on the beach that day I saw the marks of her whippings all over her body. She had been continually tortured by the KGB for nearly a year. I had the gall to ride a girl who had been through that — and wins the Medal of Honor, too.

“Anyway, Kelly takes over our company. She wants us to set records for achievement. She shows us how to do everything and then we try to follow. Our company set every record the place has. Oh, I nearly forgot. Kelly set every personal record they have ... Every single one! You know what? It was a by-product. She was just demonstrating what she wanted us to do.

“Well, anyway, Ken and I went on the mission with Kelly and Mike that took out the Russian reserves and made our breakthrough in Germany possible. She planned it and then she executed it. And she got us out.

“I have never felt so honored in my life as when she asked me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding. Ken and I are married now. I adore the man. Like Cathy, I took advice from Kelly. It works. I’m pregnant, too. I can hardly wait to deliver our baby! Now I want you to hear from Katrina Murphy.”

Same as Kelly
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- RoryMy wife (Allie) and I (Rory) have been together for a little over three years now, she is quite aware that I’m the kinky, weird one out of the two of us. We are both in our late twenties with fairly successful careers thus far. Soon after we started dating, through casual talk, she informed me that in every relationship, she was the controlling one.Why she didn’t feel it necessary to be like that with me, I may never understand. For the first couple of years, she satisfied my fetishes on...

3 years ago
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The Food DesertChapter 4

The girl I was dating turned out not to be the one. We were great in bed and got along pretty well, but neither of us was what the other was looking for. In the end, we parted on good terms. I dated from time to time, but still hadn’t found the one. Kara remarried, and it crashed and burned in eighteen months. Cheating was rumored to be involved, but nobody knew who cheated on the other. Two years later she married again, and two years after that, she was single again. I didn’t hear much...

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Sylvias Mother Ch 29

Jason got up once he was sure he and Sylvia’s mother were alone in the cabin, showered, dressed, and went downstairs. Karen was at the kitchen table, putting things into the knapsack they’d used the two other times they’d gone to the pool and smiled at him when he walked into the kitchen. ‘I thought I was going to have to come up and get you,’ she said. ‘I just figured I’d wait until Sylvia and Brenda were gone,’ he replied. ‘Looks like you’re planning on spending the whole day at the pool.’ ...

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Mr and Mrs Claus at the Childrens Ward

Mr. And Mrs. Claus at the Children's Ward By Lorraine B. I had just moved back to the Windy City Chicago from New York City. I was previously the Assistant Director of Nursing at Beth Israel Hospital. Now I am the Director of Nursing at a Class I Trauma Center linked to a Major Teaching Hospital. I departed New York primarily due to a disastrous relationship breakup with my live-in boyfriend. He is an attending physician at Beth I. We have been together ever since I started at...

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My slutty wife and a couple blacks

That night Ana had convinced me to celebrate our anniversary going to have some drinks outside.My sensual wife’s outfit was great. She was wearing a white tight blouse, a very short red skirt and a pair of killer red heels…After dancing for a while and having drinks; my wife went to the ladies room. Another great looking girl came and stood next to me: so she started talking with me. I saw Anita was watching me from the other side of the bar.When the girl suddenly left; Ana returned and she...

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Conspiracy of DreamsChapter 20 Back at the Ranch

Kelly Dalton was not one of the community leaders of Silver Orb, Nevada, so when Lieutenant Lester Boron of the Capitallian Marshal Service requested a visit with her, Kelly turned to a slave for advice. Nancy was Hank Dalton's personal assistant and better-educated in the laws of Capitallia. Kelly was the citizen, though, and the decision had to be hers. Nancy could advise when her advice was requested--nothing more. Nancy recommended that Hank be notified and that Kelly ask Lieutenant...

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Delta OriginalChapter 8 A Visit to Queland

The cave-in at the mine had turned out to be more serious than Allan had first thought. He had to spend two weeks, sorting out the mess. He also had to promote a new foreman and console Glenda. Ferris, the numpty had gone and gotten himself killed. They had been here for nearly four years, and the planet had finally got even and claimed one of them. The fool had gotten the workers out and then went back in to inspect the area. They had cut into a gas pocket, and one of the workers had...

3 years ago
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Bhabhi Ki Chudai

Hi, Friends I am Bhupesh, Male 35 from Sangrur Punjab again with my another sex experience. Hope you have liked my previous stories. I Heartly thank a lot for your mails and responses for the same.. Ab mein aap ko apne aaj se dus saal pehle ki kahani sunata hun. Hamari kirayedaar ka naam sonali hai jo ki 23 years ki hai. Unhe mein bhabi kehta hun .Wo ek sexy lady hai 36-30-38 rang gora figure maintain choochiyaan badi…badi aur bhaari chutad .Unke husband yani ki bhaiya Aksar business ke silsile...

2 years ago
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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 97 A Taste of Each Other

He never did discover the identity of the mystery girl. He only knew it wasn't Brit, because on Monday morning he awoke with her in basically the same position next to him as when they had gone to sleep together last night. In the end, it didn't matter anyway who his nocturnal visitor was. He was likely to have sex with her several times over the next week anyway. Several of the others were already awake. Greg had gotten up early to call into the office and tell his secretary that he...

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MylfBlows Sheena Ryder Blowjob Before The Gym

Gym-going hottie Sheena Ryder is adamant about keeping her MILF body in tip top shape. But today, she catches her man watching some deepthroat porn, and she is too turned on to focus on her fitness. So, instead of hitting the gym, the horny MILF stays home to satisfy her cravings for big cock in her mouth. She wraps both hands around our stud’s big boner before putting it between her lips and giving him some loving head. Spit drips from her tongue as she bobs and chokes, and she runs his rod...

4 years ago
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Lucky Alex Ch 11

Chapter 11 Natural Progression Over the next few weeks life continued normally, work, training and time together with Lorraine, life was very good. I even took up tennis and golf, both of which I thoroughly enjoyed and we managed to play both on as many weekends as we could while the weather held. Chrissy started to spend more time with her friends, exactly as Lorraine had predicted, going to clubs and even a few dates with men that she met at work and whilst socialising. There was talk of...

1 year ago
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He Wants to See Me Take Another Cock

Erin loved her husband. He made her feel beautiful and sexy. She wanted to make him as happy as he made her, but she was unsure about the one desire he'd held from the… Erin loved her husband. He made her feel beautiful and sexy. She wanted to make him as happy as he made her, but she was unsure about the one desire he'd held from the start: he wanted to see another man's cock fucking his wife's pussy. While it seemed unconventional, she found it intriguing because it would fulfill a...

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Melissa plays with me

We started this encounter by soaking in our hot tub for quite awhile. Melissa made us drinks and then more and more drinks. I was pretty buzzed and she led me to our bedroom. Melissa sat on the edge of the bed and began to suck my cock, as she did she slowly massaged around my ass dragging her fingernail across my anus. I have to admit, there are a lot of nerves there and when they are stimulated, it felt great. Melissa laid me on the bed and began to kiss my nipples and rub my cock, as...

4 years ago
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The Shiny LadiesChapter 11 A Long Night

After an hour of repeating the same moves over and over, the class ended, and dispersed, with most of the ladies heading to bed. Lupe escorted the two new priestesses to their room. "You will have your own rooms tomorrow. Tonight you will sleep in here." "Why here tonight?" asked Theresa. Monica already knew the answer. "Your rooms will have complete privacy. This room is constantly monitored." "To make sure we don't cheat," finished Monica. "Exactly." Alice walked up, just...

2 years ago
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Bi mmf threesome

I was really interested in getting involved in a threesome. Unfortunately, I had no idea how to find such opportunities so my first guess was to go to the internet. I posted an ad to let people know what I was looking for and the amount of replies I got was astonishing. I had no idea that so many open minded people were out there.One of the replies I got was from a woman twice my age. I'd never been with an older woman before and the thought interested me a hell of a lot. The attached picture...

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The Contest

When my colleagues learned that I was still a virgin they started a contest to see who could seduce me. They pooled their money and purchased a nude statuette of Artemis, the virgin goddess of the hunt in Greek mythology. My seducer was to be awarded the statuette as a trophy. The statuette was more explicit than the statues made during the golden age of Greece. The nipples protruded. The hairless vulva had a slit in it. I did not learn about the contest until the man who won explained it to me...

2 years ago
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The Breeding Grounds

The Breeding Grounds ??????????? Jake opened his eyes only to be greeted by a blurry image of what he thought was his bedroom. Still groggy, he raised a hand to his face so he could give his eyes a good wake-up rub. As his vision cleared, a few articles of clothing were the first to come into view. He looked up to find that he was laying on the couch in his living room. Had Jake been your average guy, he would have thought that was odd, as the last place he remembered being was in his...

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Teenager fancies his 50 year old married neighbour

18 year old Rob had just left his all male school. He lived at home with his parents. Although he had zero experience with girls he had discovered the pleasure of self satisfaction.His neighbours who lived next door were a little older than his parents and were considered rather posh. Although his parents called them by their first names Kate and Graham, Rob had always referred to them as Mr and Mrs Barratt. She was really sophisticated and very well spoken. What fascinated Rob about her was...

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Dont Make Me Spank You

I had a girlfriend who was quite bossy. She expected me to do anything and everything just on command. I told her that we needed to break up. She was really damaged by this. She said no. That she’d do anything for me. I told her she wouldn’t. She’d never do anything for me. She said she would. I asked her if she would submit. She said yes. I told her to strip and get down on her knees. I told her to open her mouth. She opened her mouth and I let my cock in. I let her suck for a while. She...

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24 Interrogation Ch 02

12:00pm The vehicle drove for about 20 minutes to the address Chloe had given the two agents. She was exhausted and humiliated by all that had happened but when they pulled up and Jack fastened her cuffs to the wall of the van before leaving, she grabbed at his hand. She looked pitifully into his eyes and said ‘Please don’t leave me?’ Surprised at this remark Jack softly stroked her face as he reassured her she’d be fine and that they wouldn’t be long. Chase opened the back of the van and...

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Life of Christopher Schwartz Part Two

A Visit with Karen After the incident with the gorgeous Kate, Christopher’s school day continued without any other incident But he walked off the grounds and headed to his new home something he didn’t expect happened. His ambling footsteps were often interrupted by the sounds of passing cars, that he was used to. Then he heard the sound of a car pulling in behind him, he looked behind him, Karen, the woman from the Administrative Office, was pulling up behind him in a yellow 2007 California...

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fun day at the park

I have a hobby that sometimes proves to be more then what it is. I do a lot of walking to keep in shape and in doing so I started picking up aluminum cans since there seems to be so many of them along the roadways. There is a county park not far with a nice lake and many shelter houses for picnics and gatherings s**ttered throughout the park. One Sunday morning early I decided to drive around the lake and check the trash cans for aluminum cans. No telling what one finds in those trash cans. I...

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Fucked My Hot Neighbour

After seeing the overwhelming responses from the ISS readers, this story is about how I fucked my neighbour a month ago. I live in Chennai and her name is Savitha (name changed) and she is from Andhra. She lives with her husband and her kid in our flats as they have recently shifted to Chennai due to her husband work location changed. To tel about her, she is little bubbly, not too much of over weight, but the weight a woman gains after giving birth to a baby. Am not sure about her size as I...

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Betrayed pt 1

I looked into his eyes in search for any trace of sympathy. He paused in the doorway, light forming around his silhouette dimming the darkness in my cell. My heart beat and for a second I had hope, but he just smiled. Tears began forming around my eyes, his face is menacing, and all I can see in him is lust. He began making his approach, his shadow slowly encroaching on my own. Whimpering, I backed against the wall, lowered myself and closed my legs. It gave me a few seconds against the...

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A work in progress

Please excuse the poor grammar in this story and any misspellings that I might have. Wrote this quick one day, just putting my feelers out to see if I should continue writing. Comments welcome, but please be nice ;)I find us a place for you to sit/lay down, and after locating some lotion, I'd start rubbing your feet for a while, working my way up to your ankles, onto your calves, the lotion making sure I don't give you an Indian burn. Gently and slowly working my way up till I can feel your...

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OMalleys revised

I've been going to a pub called O'Malleys on Thursdays for great blues music. Didn't know that till my 3rd week there that Mike, the bartender, mixes really stiff drinks. Was drinking beer till then. The plan switched to having two stiff drinks starting at 6pm and then be sober by the time the music was done. Easy plan. It also got me drunk early.I'd met and chatted with a nurse with really nice dark hair. She always sat next to her friend.For whatever reasons I ended up sitting next to her...

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Taking Tammys Daughter pt one SashaMike

It was a hot summer’s eve when Sasha received a call from her c***dhood friend Tammy. Sasha covered in sweat raced to her cell that was sitting on her coffee table. Out of breath from running, she answered the recognized ringtone. “Hey girl …What’s up?” “Well girl you know I don’t usually ask for favors but I really need a big one this time.” “Girl just spit it out! What is it?” Tammy finally replied.” Well you know my daughter Cameron just graduated and ….well she just was accepted to UNC. I...

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Stevie The Squirter

I worked with Stevie, She was a couple of years older than me, brunette with medium length hair and incredible jade green eyes. Stevie had a very nice figure everything in proper proportion and very hot. I tried for quite some time to get together with her. Then after a couple of months she announced to me she was moving into a new house which was located close to mine. I offered to help her with the move, during which I learned two things about her. #1 She had no guy in her life. #2 She had a...

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Sangeeta And Rahul

Hello guys, I am Rahul, from Hyderabad, brought up in Chennai, and now settled in Mumbai. I am 30 years old now, 6.2 feet in height with a hard rock dick of 6.5 inches. I can make any woman happy in bed. Contact me for hot sex, and you will feel the heaven. My family consists of me and my elder sister, Sangeeta. My elder sister is 32 years old now. She is one of the most beautiful girls in the universe. She is fair and cute. Normally, she wears chudidhar and sarees. We don’t have our parents...

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MySistersHotFriend Armani X 31030

Armani X had plans to hang out with her friend Brie, but when she shows up to her place, the only person home is her friend’s brother Apollo. He’s a massage therapist and is in the middle of getting the room prepped for one of his clients. Armani convinces him to give her a massage since her friend ditched her and Apollo’s client isn’t there yet either. As he works his magic on her body, Armani get horny and lets him rub her asshole and wet pussy. Eventually they agree...

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Lose One Find AnotherChapter 53

It was Wednesday when Brenda texted us saying that she was bringing a boy home to hang out. Ashlee was at work and it was the last week of December before Christmas break. I was home working with Adam to straighten out the situation with Ralph Lauren. He had contacted them saying that we were not trying to perform a hostile takeover; it was an error in their buying and selling software that caused such a large purchase, not a hostile takeover. They were relieved by hearing that and when Adam...

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Enjoying a black cock at the adult book store

I was on a business trip that night and I was really very horny.I had talked recently with my sensual wife at home.Ana had teased me, telling she was now horny without me; but she would call her Black Master to come to our marital bed and fuck her until she would be satisfied and relaxed…Her words made me even hornier, being alone at my hotel room…After sipping a glass of Irish whisky and having my rock hard cock in my hands, I decided it was time to look for an adult book store there.I could...

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WebYoung Kendra Spade Sabina Rouge Pillow Talk

Sabina Rouge is sitting up at night in bed, playing on her phone, while Kendra Spade rests beside her. Then Sabina Rouge is distracted by Kendra mumbling and realizes that her friend is talking to herself! Sabina is highly amused by what’s happening and uses her phone to record her friend. Kendra obliviously starts talking about all the sexy things she wants to do to a special someone… and Sabina realizes that Kendra’s dreaming about HER! That much excites Sabina since she...

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Professor Puppetmaster

You walk into the auditorium and step up to the podium. 300 Freshman stare back at you. “Hello everyone,” you begin, “I'm Porfessor Smith and this is a class about the law. No, the university doesn’t require you to take it because they expect everyone to become lawyers. They just want you to obtain some simple facts about how to live within the law. “You see, it all boils down to what you can afford to get away with. I’m not here to teach you how to be perfect. I’m just going to teach you how...

Mind Control

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