Foursome 1
- 4 years ago
- 70
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Sophie and Josh were the couple who still whispered and kissed and made out in public long after everyone else had stopped. They kissed a lot. They always had. They groped each other in public. When they were near each other, they wanted to be physically close. They hugged while they walked. They kissed each other in the middle of conversations. They tried to sit beside each other in crowded rooms, and made other people move so they could.
After six years together, Josh still wanted Sophie. He wanted her like none of her friends were wanted. He chased her around the house if he saw her in her underwear, and he followed her into the shower when she was trying to get ready for work. Everywhere they went they were late, because one pulled the other back inside for a quickie on the way out the door. They had a lot of sex, so much that Sophie felt guilty and lied to anyone who asked. Two or three times a day, pretty much every day, even after six years. They had it often, and in stupid places too. They were always on the verge of being caught. He fingered her at the movies and she blew him in the car and they had sex in other people’s bedrooms, at parties, just because they couldn’t wait to get home. Neither of them could wait, once they got started. They both still ached for each other.
That was what Sophie was. No children, a dull job, mostly financially dependent on Josh. She hadn’t much that other people would envy in her life, except the intensity of their relationship. It was a good relationship. It was solid. It was love as well as sex. They were close, and still talked, and were kind to each other as much as they could be.
Their friends pretended to be sick of them, but most, Sophie thought, secretly felt they were sweet. She and Josh were lucky. She didn’t know why this had happened to them, why they’d ended up like this, but it had, and they were, and she was very glad.
Walking home from town one night, late, a little tipsy, Sophie started kissing Josh. Kissed, just to kiss him, then got distracted and started wanting more, because it was late and quiet and no-one else was around. And because that was just what they did.
She stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, so he had to stop too, pushed her hands up inside his shirt and opened her mouth and kissed him until he started trying to grope her back.
She’d worn jeans because it was almost winter and the nights were getting colder. He tried to get his hand down the front of them, but it didn’t really work. The jeans were too tight. After this many years she should know better than to actually wear jeans, ever, but she still did.
Josh gave up and unzipped them, and got his fingers inside her pretty quickly. Sophie was used to being felt up fairly publically, but not so used to it she’d actually fuck on the side of the road. While Josh fingered her, she started looking around for some cover.
She’d got good at finding it, since they had been together. Overhanging trees, and bus shelters, and the dark hidden space between two parked cars. She’d had sex a lot of odd places, where she had to balance and lean and hold herself up, and by now she’d try almost anywhere except an actual public toilet, because that just seemed a bit grotty.
There were terrace houses all down the street. Bigger houses, with front gardens and fences, but all with their walls touching each other and no alleys or parks or laneways between them. There were cars all down the street to hide behind, but it was fairly open, and fairly brightly lit.
Sophie looked backwards. The house behind them had its lights off, and a hedge along the front path. That looked promising. It was two in the morning. Everyone would be asleep, and would stay that way, if Sophie and Josh were quiet.
‘Hey,’ she said, and walked backwards, pulling Josh with her. Little shuffling steps with her mouth still on his, and his fingers still wetly deep inside her.
It was an older house, but tidy, done up with bright-colored paint. Someone had renovated it, Sophie thought. The garden was neat, so there wasn’t anywhere much to hide. There was a covered porch, but going right up to the house and basically inside seemed a little much like trespassing.
There was a waist-high brick fence between the garden and the street, though, and the end nearest the path was shadowed from the streetlamps, secluded in beneath the hedge.
Sophie pulled Josh over, and leaned on the fence. Close against the hedge, where they shouldn’t be seen. She undid her jeans some more, pulled them all the way open, and started kissing Josh again. ‘Just finger me,’ she whispered. ‘I’ll blow you in a sec.’
He did. He kissed her neck and breathed against her hair and rubbed her slippery wet as she perched on someone’s fence. She was already quite close. They were good at this, had a lot of practice. Each knew how to do the other, and what to do to themselves to hurry it along. Josh could get her off in three or four minutes, and she could do him in two, and she was actually quite proud of that. They’d been doing this for years without embarrassing themselves, or anyone else.
He pushed his fingers against her, slid into her, rubbed gently, slippery over her lips. She undid his pants and started rubbing him too, because touching him when he was hard turned her on, and would make him quicker when it was her turn.
They could have just gone home and had actual sex, but Sophie liked not waiting. She liked that they couldn’t control themselves, and wondered how many of her friends got finger-fucked by their partners, on the side of the road, on the way home, like they were still horny teenagers.
Sophie was almost there, wasn’t really paying much attention to anything around her, when Josh’s hand stopped and he said, ‘Wait, hold on.’
Sophie moved her head, tried to breathe gently. Tried to listen, without pressing her ear to his chest.
Someone was coming down the road. She heard heels clicking on the asphalt, heard low voices, a second pair of feet. Another couple walking like she and Josh had been, she assumed.
‘Wait,’ Josh whispered, his fingers still inside her, and she bit her lip and nodded.
The other couple walked closer. Sophie turned her face away, pressed it against Josh’s chest. Josh looked past her head. They’d both learned long ago that other people noticed movement and they noticed faces and they didn’t really see you otherwise, if you weren’t moving or looking at them.
The other couple walked up the street, and then stopped beside their house. Stopped beside the path Sophie and Josh were standing in, and then the woman said, ‘Hi.’
The owner of the heels, Sophie thought, without looking. Didn’t look, because she felt embarrassed.
‘Um,’ Sophie said, her face against Josh’s chest. ‘Hi.’
After all this time, doing things like this, they’d finally got caught and she was embarrassed.
‘This is our house,’ the woman said.
‘Yeah,’ Sophie said. ‘Shit. Of course it is.’
Reluctantly, she turned towards them. She wasn’t sure what else to do. Josh seemed to be embarrassed too. He looked like he’d been caught doing something terrible. Sophie tried push him away, but he held on. He seemed to be trying to hide his cock inside her hand.
‘This is awkward,’ the woman said, but just kept standing there, which didn’t really help. She sounded more like she thought it was funny.
‘A bit,’ Sophie said. ‘Um. Sorry, by the way.’
‘It’s fine,’ the woman said, still watching. ‘Happens more than you’d think, around here.’
‘I’m really sorry,’ Sophie said, and hit Josh to make him let her go. ‘We’re stopping.’
‘You don’t have to,’ the woman said.
Sophie stood there for a minute, not sure what to say.
‘Seriously?’ Sophie said.
The woman shrugged.
‘You know what we’re doing, right?’ Sophie said.
‘I can guess.’
The woman was
grinning. The guy beside her was smiling too.
Sophie stood there for a moment, startled and a little turned on. She looked at Josh and decided he wasn’t horrified by the idea either.
‘Dare you,’ the woman said.
‘You dare me?’
‘Yeah,’ the woman said. ‘I dare you. To finish what you’re doing.’
‘And what, you’ll owe me a dare back if I do?’
Sophie thought about that. She wanted to laugh, and ask if they were all twelve, and suddenly she really didn’t, both at once.
‘Any dare I like?’ Sophie said.
‘Sure. Anything.’
Sophie looked up at Josh. She was wet. She was halfway through sex and had expected to come and Josh knew her well enough to know she wasn’t going to be horrified by this. It wasn’t like they weren’t both halfway to being exhibitionists anyway, they’d just never been put on the spot before.
And it wasn’t like anyone was actually going to see anything. The light was bad, and Sophie was hidden against Josh.
Sophie decided. ‘Want to?’ she said to Josh.
‘I will if you will.’
Sophie looked at Josh, looked back at the couple, then reached down and pulled his hand back into her jeans. ‘Okay,’ she said.
She stood there. It was easier to get off standing up in jeans if she just stood up, and held his wrist, and pushed herself into his hand. It wasn’t really getting fingered as much as wanking herself by humping his hand, but it worked. She kissed him, and ignored the other two, even though she was painfully, sexily aware of them. She pressed onto Josh’s hand and thought about what they were doing and got very turned on. He was moving his fingers now, quick, round and round strokes on her mound that always made her come. She listened to the quiet sounds of the city at night, and breathed in the cool night air, and pressed herself into Josh’s hand and got herself off as quickly as she could.
She came. She grabbed Josh’s shirt with one hand and screwed it up into her fist, trying to avoid making any noise. She closed her eyes and bit her lip and made herself not moan. It was sudden and intense and more than a handjob orgasm usually was. She stood up on her toes, reached up and grabbed Josh’s hair, and pulled his mouth down and kissed him.
He kissed her back, and grinned.
‘I love you,’ he said, very quietly into her mouth. ‘You’re fucking incredible.’
‘Yeah?’ she said, into his. ‘You too.’
She leaned against Josh, hugged him for a moment until her breathing went back to normal, then looked over at the couple watching her. She’d just let Josh get her off while two strangers watched, and she didn’t seem to care at all. She glanced around to make sure no-one else had seen.
‘I’m Sara,’ the woman said, holding out her hand. ‘This is Owen.’
Sophie reached out and shook. Josh took his hand out her jeans without thinking, and reached over too. Sophie grabbed his wrist, and stopped him.
They all looked at his hand. At fingers shiny with Sophie’s wetness, even in the dim light.
Sophie yanked on Josh’s arm, pulled it down between them. Pulled it between her thighs, outside her jeans, and wiped it before they looked any more. She suddenly felt a bit embarrassed.
‘Well,’ Sara said. ‘Shit. You’d better come in for a drink or something.’ She took keys out her pocket and walked past Sophie and Josh, up the path towards the door.
Sophie looked at Josh, and at Sara, and decided the whole thing was so strange and odd that she didn’t want it to be over. She actually wanted to go inside and hang out with Sara and Owen, and she wasn’t really sure she should.
‘I need a drink,’ Josh said, as if he knew what she was thinking.
‘Yeah,’ Sophie said. ‘Actually, I really need a fucking drink.’
‘Yes?’ said Sara, and pushed the door open.
Sophie nodded.
‘Come on then,’ Sara said, and went inside.
Sophie kissed Josh. ‘I think we just got picked up as a couple,’ she whispered, and he just grinned.
The house was nice inside. Big windows, wooden floors, leather couches in the lounge, everything very modern and open-plan. Sophie walked around and looked at things because she liked to get ideas. ‘This is nice,’ she said.
Sara said thanks, vaguely, like you did when guests told you things like that.
Sophie was watching Sara, curious, now she could see properly in the indoor light. Sara and Owen were about the same age as her and Josh, around thirty. Owen was probably a little older, like Josh. Sara had nice shoes, and expensive hair, and the house looked like they earned a fair bit of money. About what Josh did, and more than Sophie. They must have been out somewhere fairly formal, Sophie thought, perhaps a work do or at a restaurant, because Owen was wearing a suit without a tie, and Sara had a party dress and heels.
They looked like ordinary people, she thought. Just like she and Josh probably did. Not like the kind of people who watched strangers get handjobs on their front path.
Owen asked what they wanted to drink, and took Sophie’s coat and hung it up in the hall, and it all started seeming like a normal evening with a normal couple, and everyone was suddenly very polite.
Owen and Josh started talking about work, and Sophie stopped listening.
It was like a dinner party, she decided, and that was very nice, but she wasn’t sure she liked the change. She wanted the tingle, the little buzz of flirty anticipation there’d been as they all walked inside. She didn’t want to make friends, she wanted to tease, and push, and see what happened next. She didn’t want a dinner party. She wanted it to be like visiting two strangers who’d just watched her come, and knew every secret sound she made when she did.
She thought she knew how to fix it. ‘You owe me a dare,’ she said to Sara.
Sara grinned. ‘I do,’ she said. ‘What is it?’
Sophie smiled, and didn’t answer, and wandered across the room.
It worked. Right then something changed. Sara followed her, was watching her, was wondering where this was heading again.
Sophie didn’t know where it was heading, but she at least wanted someone else to be curious too. Not just talking about a brokerage firm that Josh and Owen both dealt with at work. Which they were.
‘I like that,’ Sophie said to Sara. A photo of a model in a big multicolored peasant skirt. Like a woman wearing a quilt. It was very high fashion, very Vogue.
‘I did it,’ Sara said.
Sophie looked at her, surprised.
‘I did all of them,’ Sara said. ‘Except…’ she pointed. ‘That one. What’s the dare?’
‘I’m thinking.’
Sophie looked at the other photos. Mostly models, a few of faces. Sara followed her as she walked, and was standing a little too close, all the time. Shoulder to shoulder. Not flirting exactly, but not exactly not.
She had just watched Sophie come, so maybe a little flirting made sense.
‘You’re a photographer?’ Sophie said.
Sara nodded.
‘You’re good.’
Sara kind of shrugged.
‘No,’ Sophie said, looking at a picture of a woman jumping, pulling her shirt open as she moved. ‘I buy way too many magazines and you’re really fucking good.’
Sara stood there and looked at her and didn’t move, and Sophie had the strangest feeling she was about to get kissed.
She stood where she was too, didn’t go back and didn’t go forward and just waited to see what happened.
Nothing happened. Owen brought her a glass of wine, and Sara took one too, and Sophie sipped, and didn’t know what she was doing, so she just kept looking at photos.
Josh and Owen seemed to have stopped talking. They were watching Sophie and Sara, like they were trying to decide what was happening.
Sophie still wasn’t sure herself, but she liked that everyone else cared too, now.
‘We were just saying I owe Sophie a dare,’ Sara said.
‘And I was thinking of one
,’ Sophie said.
Josh and Owen sat down. There were two couches, and one of them sat on each. Sara was sticking close to Sophie, and Owen was sitting well away from Josh. Sophie thought that was interesting.
She wondered about sitting too, but didn’t. She stood beside Sara, stayed too close to Sara, just in case Sara wanted to try something. She looked over at Josh, and he grinned back. They were being hit on. Sophie was almost certain they were being hit on, although she couldn’t quite decide how it was going to happen. Neither she nor Josh seemed to care. They’d never done anything like this before, but it wasn’t like they had some rule they shouldn’t. Just that no-one had ever offered, she supposed, probably because everyone looked at them groping all the time and assumed they were happy with each other. Which seemed to be turning out not to be entirely correct.
Sara took off her shoes. She had strappy heels, and she lifted up her feet one at a time and took the shoes off, then dropped them on the floor beside the hallway door. She stayed close to Sophie while she did it, was watching Sophie look at her photos.
Sara’s dress was short and even without her heels, her legs were very long and very bare. Sophie knew she was suddenly noticing, when she didn’t normally, and she was pretty sure Sara knew she was noticing too.
Sophie liked girls, a bit. She’d tried enough to know she did, but not enough to settle down with anyone she’d met, and that was all before she’d become happy with Josh anyway. She knew she liked women’s softness and smoothness and especially their smell, and that she didn’t care at all what their legs looked like at all, except that right now, here with Sara, she did.
She looked at Josh, and wondered if they should talk. If she should make sure he was okay, with whatever this was. He knew she’d tried women, because that was the kind of thing you ended up telling your boyfriend, especially during sex, but he might not know exactly how much she’d tried, or how willing she was to try again.
She should ask him, she decided, but was reluctant to in front of Sara and Owen. It felt like something that should stay between Sophie and Josh, like it would be giving away some private couple secret. She hesitated, but in the end she asked. Because she was playing sex stares with Sara, and still standing too close, and because she was flirty and wet and everyone here knew she was wet, so she owed it to Josh to make sure he was okay.
‘Hey,’ she said. ‘Partner. Man. Are we all good?’
‘We’re fine.’
‘You’re sure?’
He nodded.
He and Owen still weren’t talking. They were just sitting, watching Sophie and Sara.
Sophie felt somewhere between a stripper and a public speaker, sexy, but under pressure to perform. She didn’t know why.
‘Do you want to sit down?’ Sara said, still too close, looking from Josh to Sophie.
‘I could,’ Sophie said, and didn’t move.
‘What’s the dare?’ Sara said.
‘I’m thinking.’
Sara sipped her wine, and waited, and stood there looking at Sophie.
Everyone looked at Sophie, and Sophie went around the room, looking at photos again.
‘Dare?’ Sara said after a while.
‘Want see some more photos?’ Sara said.
Sophie nodded. ‘All right.’
‘Come on.’
There were stairs in the hall, and more framed photos on the stairs, and up around a landing at the top. Always people, always their expressions a little aloof. The colors were rich and the photos were sharp. It looked like fashion photography, except one photo was of a homeless guy, one of a tattooed man holding his cock, and one of a tagger being grabbed by neck by a police officer, and pushed against a wall.
‘You’re really fucking good,’ Sophie said.
Sara nodded. She didn’t say no and she didn’t say yes and Sophie liked her for that.
‘Are these work?’
‘Mostly.’ She touched the picture of the tattooed guy. ‘Not that. He’s my ex.’
Sophie thought about that. ‘Owen doesn’t mind?’
‘I’ve always had them up. He doesn’t mind.’
Sophie nodded, she understood that. ‘He looks sad. The ex.’
‘I took it after we broke up. That might be why Owen doesn’t mind.’ Sara pointed to the homeless guy. ‘He bit me.’
‘He bit you?’
‘I’d followed him for a while and he didn’t like it. Just after I took that he bit me.’
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Dedicated to LUE! The four of us had been best friends for all of our lives. We have been hanging out since as long as we can remember. Steve was our leader; he was the tallest, with curly blonde hair and a fit body. Meredith was his girlfriend, who had a skinny body with long blonde hair. She was the most beautiful girl I knew! Her boobs were not large, but they fit her body. And then there was Anna, my own girlfriend. If Meredith was the most beautiful woman, Anna was the second. She was a...
First Time****************************************************************************** STANDARD DISCLAIMER =================== The following piece of fiction is intended as ADULT entertainment and has only been posted to an appropriate group on the Internet. If it is found in any other place, it is not the responsibility of the author. If you are not an ADULT of legal age, you should avoid this text and find something more appropriate to read All characters in this story are fictitious, and any...
That Saturday, during the evening, I got a phone call from Denise, in which she sounded, suddenly, less than excited about my upcoming visit. I would have described her as "distracted." If I had needed any confirmation that she didn't suspect who she and her daughter were playing with, that was a good indication -- the fact was, she was probably suddenly realizing that having her brother around for 4 days was going to put a crimp in her and Lissa's fun little game. But, hearing her...
For the two days after Rita's holes had been unveiled, they were kept in constant, almost non-stop, use. Apparently both the boys and the girls felt they'd been cheated out of 24 hours of valuable fucking time and they were determined to claim it back. Everyone was pretty happy with the new system for keeping their sex quotas up, and the girls especially were happy to have their daily supply of cum back. Three girls however still looked somewhat down, even though they made frequent stops...
Four Minutes In Heaven The three of us were standing in the hallway against one wall as the rest of the students changed classes. Jimmy and I had our backs against the wall and Mary was between us and she was facing us. She was closer to me so no one could see that my hand was up under her miniskirt. Jimmy was blocking the view from the other side so no one could see what I was up to. Mary was standing there with her feet about shoulder width apart. Her panties were in my pocket and...
bio - I'm writing this because Cathy can't even keep her lies consistent. Every time she gets the fancy you'd think she was a different person. She just tacks on a new last name and now she's a 24 year old with oversized breasts. Anyway, she's unusual in my experience, a young woman who not only likes porn but also likes writing it. By the way, to me most women are young, even Cathy's mother. I'm 58. I think Cathy's stuff is often a bit tame for xnxx, though some of it's...
It all started with a phone call. Dean was working on his blog, and suddenly he felt his cell phone begin to vibrate in his pocket. He pulled it out, and read the text. It was a message from his girlfriend, Kate, telling him to call her, as Ashley, a mutual friend, was staying the night. He called, and was greeted by his girlfriend's laughter. “Ashley has a question,” said Kate. “Okay.” Ashley greeted Dean, then explained the situation. “So Kate said her back hurt, so I...
During the week end Ana and I had gone to Tampa to attend a rock concert. We got a nice hotel near downtown. My sensual wife looked stunning in a tight white dress that really showed off her round tits and her fit body. The concert show had been great and after we had hit the bar across the street from the hotel for a few drinks before going to bed... A few margaritas turned into a lot and my sweet Ana soon got a little tipsy.I said we better could get back to our room if I wanted to get sex...
During the week end Ana and I had gone to Savannah to see a good rock concert. We got a nice hotel near downtown. My sensual wife looked stunning in a tight white dress that really showed off her tits and body well. The concert show had been great and after we had hit the bar across the street from the hotel for a few drinks before going to bed... A few margaritas turned into a lot and my sweet Ana soon got a little tipsy.I said we better could get back to our room if I wanted to get sex from...
My sweet Ana and me had flown to Los Angeles.I had a boring conference and my wife could enjoy making some shopping. We had hired a comfortable room in a very nice resort.One afternoon I came back late from my business and found Ana trying on a new bikini she had purchased. It was white and too revealing; but she said nobody would pay her any attention; she wanted only enjoy the Jacuzzi.We snuck out and jumped right into the Jacuzzi with some drinks. I could immediately see her hard nipples...
[ This is for 'Jack.' Covid-19 has put an end to such things, for now, at least. But, hopefully, in the not too distant future, glory holes will be a thing again! ]Number One: ConnerI sat patiently, or as patient as I could, for Conner to show up at my glory hole. Conner was one of several younger (20 + year old) glory hole patrons that I had, and he was nearly a weekly, and sometimes twice-weekly, visitor. I knew his parents. Of course, they had no idea that their youngest son loved getting...
Four guys for me in the ladies roomAfter completeing my exercises in the gym, I went to the ladies room and took a nice warm shower. Wrapped on a long towel, I sat down on a bench and looked for my panties inside my bag.Suddenly I was surrounded by four huge guys; all of them Young and muscled; all wearing a towel at their waists.“Guys, I think you are in the ladies room” I said; my voice shaking a little."What's your name?" One of them asked. I answered telling my name."Well, Ana, my name is...
Four-Way Street By Cassandra Morgan "Are we really doing this?" Chris wondered, his apprehension growing. Maggie laughed, but her nerves could be heard, too. "If you want to...." she said. "I mean, we've talked about it enough, haven't we?" Chris stared at the window. The road signs flashed past. Yeah, they had talked about it, all right, endlessly. They had debated and considered and fantasized about it. Theoretically, They agreed that opening up their marriage was a noble...
It was just about a month after our three-way with Fred that we met them both at a function at the Yacht Club.Now I have to say this, so you know. Freddy had a heart attack a week after our three-way. Gail was only home for three days from Florida. It wasn’t a big one and he was only in the hospital for two days. He was fine and Gail was a wreck. I never saw anyone dote over someone, like Gail over Fred. She wanted to spoon-feed him and, he wanted to have a party on his boat.At the Yacht Club...
Wife Lovers*February 9, 1848 - Thursday* Here begins my journal. I arise today a new man. My past is that of a cad, my future, if I have one, will be that of an emigrant farmer. I am Christopher Hanlon, 23, born October 12, 1824. I am 5' 6", 150 pounds, moderately good looking with brown hair and a beard which I keep well trimmed. I grew up on a farm in up state New York and left home as soon as I could. I had found employment at a stock brokerage firm in New York City. In the last eight years I have...
It began innocently enough, for an obsession. I wasn't the type for obsessions, but sometimes you don't have much choice. I'm an executive with a large insurance firm, a conservative company for conservative clients, which means I have plenty to lose. I'm married to a decent woman, a good mother to our two grown kids. We don't have sex very often, but who does after twenty-five years? I told myself I didn't care, that passion and abandon were for hormone-stoked teenagers, not senior vice...
Hey there i am ink , the characters in this story is myself and my school teachers when i was in Higher secondary . The story here is about how i saw my teacher horny and how it ended up to be a foursome. I was the school leader at the time of my schooling. i was well built , 5.9 feet height , 5 inch cock with a girth also inch so its a thich one ( Anaconda ) , Demilia a chemistry teacher (tan in colour)- 5 feet height , 32 DD with nice holes with hairy pussy; Thendral (tan) a Maths teacher...
This is Maddysab, a 24-year-old handsome young energetic man from Bangalore In my previous story of I had shared my threesome experience with daughter and mom. I didn’t contact them afterward. Then one day I got a call from a new number and Truecaller’s name showed Sapna (name changed). Then I heard that hot MILF voice again, “Beta kaisa ho? Hum yaad hai? Ye mera number hai save karo.” Then after some formal discussion, she told me that she is visiting Bangalore again. This time she told that...
Hey guys Jatin here! I am back with another amazing and a real experience. It’s up to you if you want to believe the story as a fiction or a real-life experience! Do let me know if my experience gave you an orgasm or not and if you want any advice or wish to give the feedback! This just happened a month ago, now you know about my mami from my earlier story if not then go and read that to know her dimensions and how busty she is! So, my mami has a daughter 4-year-old and in her school was...
Hey dosto pyare lundo or sexy chuto kaise ho sab. Aap sab ne meri last story bhut like ki uske liye aap sabhi ka thanks.To dosto iss baar fir mai ek or story leke aaya hu apni pyari auntie’s ke liye and unke sexy hubby ke liye. To dosto ye story ek foursome story hai. Apni story aage badhane se phle mai ek baar fir aapko apne bare me bata du. Mera naam Ankit hai age 21 height 6 feet,cock size 8 inches hai fair color slim body hai dikhne me bhi smart hu or mujhe sexy,aged aunties bhut pasand hai...
Dear ISS Reader, as you have all read about the first part of my foursome encounter in Delhi farmhouse. Now let me describe about the second part. I had told the story up to 1 o’clock. Maya and I had two orgasms and our husbands had only one. My husband Rahul thought this was over. But Maya told him that we should have two more rounds till evening. She also said that she had some surprises for us. Because we were tired we took some rest. While we were sitting on the sofa each one of us had a...
Foursome in Delhi Hi, I am an avid reader of ISS. My name is Nina. I live in Bhopal. My husband Rahul is an industrialist. He has a sponge iron factory. We are an upper middle class family. We live in a joint family. My age is 45 years and my husbands is 48 years. It all started about some five years back and it is still continuing. As a reader I read others experience and I also want to share my juicy experience with others. We are now married for 20 years. We also have kid of 15 years now....
The drive from the beach to Dhruv’s place today seemed a little longer than usual. I was desperately waiting to reach home and to know what all surprises my Indian boyfriends had for me. Would it be foursome sex? The day before, they made me strip dance and blow their dicks before fucking me in all possible ways. But today was a different day and a different mood. As soon as we entered the flat, the three guys jumped together on me without wasting any time. They were so rough and savage that it...
My friend has a great ski house in Vermont that barely gets used over the summer and she offered to let me use it for a long weekend. I convince Ron to take some time off and join me; we rarely get to spend nights away together and are both ridiculously excited to fuck each other’s brains out without interruptions!I arrive before him, set out some food, mix up some margaritas and slip into a little black lace piece. I see his truck pull up the driveway and start getting so wet with...
Group SexA noise startled me. I jerked awake, blinking the sleep from my eyes. The TV was on. Bryan was nestled in the crook of one arm, Gabrielle in the other. Their eyes were glazed over; both sleepily watched the race. Her twin sister Gwendollyn was quietly playing with a family of Potato Heads on the coffee table. "Enjoying your little nap?" Katie kissed me, then picked up our son. He lazily snuggled up to his Momma. Now that she had me all to herself, Gabi cuddled a little closer. I just...
"Have you seen Mimi and Geoff's latest video?" Leah asked as I lathered up her hair. "No," I replied. "When was it posted?" "Tuesday." She tilted her head back as my hands massaged her scalp. "They sent us an email ... wanting to know if we would come down and see them next month." The warm water cascaded over our bodies. There were jets coming from all directions, one of the luxuries we had built into this house. In each of the master suites, we had a stand-up shower large...
That night, after putting the kids to bed, the four of us sat around the coffee table in the living room. Each of us had a copy of Mimi and Geoff's email. "So what do we do?" I asked. "I say we do it." Since our trip to Georgia, Katie was the most gung-ho about this new adventure. "To what end?" Melinda asked skeptically. She has been the most reserved. I think she didn't want anything to mess us the chemistry we had formed over the years. Extra-marital activity will do that, you...
The girls banished me from the house. Usually, I'm in charge of running the day-to-day things and keeping everything straight. It's all part of being the one of us who stays home. However, with company coming, the girls all went on a cleaning tear, because apparently I didn't do it right. Mimi and Geoff had originally invited us to come visit them, but the girls wanted to do it on their own terms and in a place that was familiar to them. So we invited our friends up to visit us for a...
I think Mimi and Geoff expected us to jump them right away. While we are just as anxious to be getting started, the first thing we did was give them a tour of our "adult" playroom. Their eyes were wide at the scope and variety of activities we could engage in. We pointed out the various contraptions we had and gave them a quick—but clinical—safety briefing for some of the devices, such as the hydraulic bondage rack and the pedestal-mounted Sybian. Of paramount interest was the rack of TV...
Very quickly, I retreated from the bed. I pulled on a t-shirt and a pair of pajama shorts, then covered myself in a terrycloth robe. When I got upstairs, Gabi had settled down. She had a life-sized Elmo doll clutched in her little arms. Gwen was in the next bed over, snoring softly. As silently as I could, I stroked Gabi's hair, wishing I could will away the bad dreams that still haunted her. After a few moments, I went back downstairs, all libidinous thoughts pushed aside. Stopping in the...
I woke up first. The sun's first rays were hardly over the horizon. Melinda was curled up behind me. Usually she beats the rest of us out of bed, but when she's pregnant, she tends to sleep a little longer; I can't explain it, it just happens. Leah lay with her head on my shoulder. Her breath was warm against my skin. Katie was curled up in a ball, one hand resting on Leah's naked hip, her cheek pressed against our wife's shoulder. With practised efficiency, I extracted myself from the...