Lessons in a crowd
- 4 years ago
- 28
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We were making love maybe twice a month. "The problem," Joanne had once said to me, "is that you're just too damn unimaginative. Has it ever occurred to you that there might be more to lovemaking than just kissing my breasts and climbing on top?"
After living together for a year, the relationship was spiraling down into the doldrums. Jo wasn't even my type physically -- I like 'em big, blonde, and curvy -- and she's a petite brunette. We didn't have much else in common either. We weren't even talking much. In short, we were just plain bored with each other.
One evening she brought home one of those weirdo magazines that they sell under the counter. I had never heard of "Swinging Couples" before, but we ended up poring over it for hours.
We placed an an ad there.
MF twosome in their mid 30's seek same or older to explore the swinging lifestyle. Adventuresome, willing to travel, willing to try new ways of expressing affection. We are both bi-curious.
An even dozen replies came in the mail, about half of which we classified as possibles.
After a few exchanges of letters and numerous phone conversations, we narrowed it down to two couples, then one.
Marv and Winnie Burton were intelligent people in their mid 50's. They lived in western Texas. He was a retired civil engineer and she a registered nurse. They were RV people, spending at least a couple of months of each year on the road. We agreed to meet.
On an evening several weeks later, the phone rang, and it was Winnie, telling me to expect them at our door momentarily. A half hour later, there was a throaty rumble outside as a huge vehicle painstakingly maneuvered into three adjacent vacant spaces of our apartment building's parking lot. At first I thought it was a bus, but Jo, laughing and nudging me, asked if I had never seen a mobile home before.
Winnie was a very tall, plump woman, with graying blonde hair. Her husband was couple of inches shorter, maybe 5'9", and a well-muscled flannel-shirt-and-hiking-boots outdoorsy type. We sat around talking while Jo whipped together some light snacks and got out the fondue cooker.
It was getting on toward midnight, and by then all four of us knew we could stand each other's company without discomfort. We were socially compatible, but now what? The conversation wound down, then stopped.
Jo broke the silence. "I'd like to spend the night with Marv, if he's willing." She smiled shyly at me. "Cal, could you possibly work something out with Winnie, if she's agreeable?"
She was.
Marv stayed in the apartment with Jo while I accompanied Winnie down to to their parked RV.
"This is a 26-footer, Cal. It's fairly small, as such things go, but it has most of the amenities of home. I'd be happy to show you. Step right on up."
Such a luminous smile she had, there under the stars and the orange sodium-arc lights. I followed her bouncy round ass up the metal steps.
She switched on the interior lights. "It's battery power when the engine's not running," she explained. With a distinct click, she bolted the door behind us. Down the aisle, in the very back, was a fancy-looking queen-size bed.
Her cool hand on my forehead momentarily startled me. "You're very tense," she said. "I know just what you need to relax. As a nurse, I'm professionally knowledgeable about such things. While I freshen up, you can take your clothes off and make yourself comfortable on the bed."
I was nervous, all right, but I undressed down to T-shirt and Jockey shorts. My feet ached from a long day at work, and that bed sure did look inviting. I slipped under the covers and closed my eyes.
"Wake up, sleepy head."
She was standing at the foot of the bed, smiling and holding something aloft. I recognized it, all right. It was an old-fashioned red rubber enema bottle.
"This is just what you need to unwind," she said, and winked. "I don't know if you've ever had an enema, but it can be a very soothing and enjoyable experience. And, after that, we can proceed to other matters, if you're up to it." That endearing smile again. Marv was a lucky man, all right. Maybe it was my turn to get lucky tonight. I smiled back.
She pulled back the covers and I tensed up involuntarily. "Oho, you're a little shy. No need for that. I'm a nurse, remember? Roll over on your tummy and put yourself in my professional care."
Lying face-down, I felt her gently slide my underwear down past my knees, then all the way off. She was caressing, then massaging my buttocks.
"A very nicely shaped little butt you've got on you, sir. We'll be cleansing the interior of that particular part of your anatomy momentarily. You're a beginner at this, so we'll start off nice and easy. You'll only get a quart this time. Just relax."
My buttocks were feeling nice and warm and loose by now. I loved the feel of her strong capable hands on them. Now she was lightly stroking between the cheeks, and I felt something cold and moist at the entrance to my anus.
"Just a little lubricant to let the nozzle slip in more easily. Ready now?" Her voice had gotten a little hoarse. Or was that an undertone of excitement?
"Carry on, nurse."
I felt a slight pressure, then something slid into me. A gush of liquid warmth spread through my insides, then there was a gradually building feeling of fullness. Somehow, in the midst of all this, I had gotten a solid hardon. Funny thing, that. I wasn't sure whether to be proud or embarrassed.
"Let me know if I should stop. If it gets unpleasant or painful, I can cut off the flow." Her soft reassuring voice came from above and behind me.
I was starting to feel unpleasantly full, as if something were blowing up my lower guts like a balloon. Manfully, I tried to hold out.
"Almost there. Just a little more cleansing water into you. You're a brave little boy. Momma approves." I felt a gentle slap on my butt.
She held up the deflated rubber bladder in front of my face with a gleam in her eye. "You done good. Not everyone can take a full quart their first time. Now, just hold it in for as long as you can. Five minutes would be fine, ten even better."
Damn, but I had to get to the toilet. The pressure inside me was screaming to be set free. I was ready to burst. To explode. To spew that stuff out of me. Anything to relieve the cramps.
"Hold it in just a bit longer. It works better that way. Make momma proud."
I tried. I really tried. Then I vaulted off the bed and dived into the small bathroom cubicle. Raised the lid on the commode and sat down just in time. Then came the explosion. An enormous, watery, gushing, smelly explosion. I heard applause on the other side of the partition.
About ten minutes later, with my guts thoroughly washed and emptied, I staggered back to the bed and collapsed. Exhausted and more than a little sleepy. Limp as a noodle. I didn't know if I were capable of much of anything. She was lying there waiting for me. Naked.
She gathered me into her arms and pulled my head down to her breast. I sucked on a nipple for a few minutes then drifted off, pillowed in her reassuring talcum powdery warmth. The last thing I remembered that night was the sound of her voice lullabying me to sleep.
I awoke to the crackle of hot grease and the smell of sausages grilling. My clothes were neatly folded on the nightstand. Stacks of pancakes with butter and real maple syrup and the sausages on the side. Grapefruit juice. She sent me off with a lingering kiss.
I walked back up to the apartment to check in with Jo before I took off for work. She greeted me at the door with an open-mouthed kiss and pulled me into the living room. Without warning, there she was, bent forward over the end of the sofa with her skirt flipped up. No underwear. (How long had it been since she had exposed her gleaming, naked bare ass for me?) Seconds later I was inside her, and she was slick with moisture, and I was holding on to her skinny hips and pumping. She screamed as she came. I was half an hour late for work.
Joanne had always been the dominant partner in the relationship. When it came to sex she called the shots. I was the shy one.
I remember the first time we made love. We had only known each other a couple of weeks. She was driving me home from a poetry reading and I noticed we were on an unfamiliar road. She pulled off into a dark side street, unbuckled, then opened her door.
"It's a beautiful night out and I feel like a walk. Look at how brilliant the stars are. I see them reflected in your eyes."
We walked and she pulled me close and we cuddled while we walked. Her cheek was cold. She took my hand and pulled it inside her blouse. Her breast was hot.
We kissed in that secluded place on a nameless street. "I love- "
"Hush," she said. "I've loved you since the first time I saw you. You were so needy, and it touched something deep inside me. I can't resist wounded creatures. Come here."
We were behind a small grove of trees, and without any warning she had pulled down her skirt and was bending over. She presented her bare behind to me.
"Come here," she said. "Come to me. You know what to do now. I need you. I need you inside me. I'm so empty. Fill me."
Then and there I filled her, and it was the beginning for us. Things were never quite that good again.
That evening, Marv and Winnie were already there when I came home. Jo had fixed one of her Cal-Mex black bean taco specials (shredded cheese and hot sauce optional). The four of us were all smiles, and there was no shyness or hesitancy.
After dinner, Winnie insisted on putting on a "show" for the rest of us. I dimmed the lights, and she took center stage. She sang a couple of 1950s Broadway hits (quite a decent voice she had), then, with a few showbiz-type flourishes, removed her blouse. Another song. Her bra joined the blouse on the floor. Two more songs and she was wearing nothing at all.
She walked over to Marv and took him by the hand. Slowly she undressed him, then pulled his erect penis into her mouth. He huffed and puffed a couple of times, mimed steam coming out of his ears, then withdrew from her lips. He tongued her breasts, traced a line of kisses downward, then got on his knees and sucked her clit. She groaned, then laughed.
"We'll take requests," she announced.
Jo raised her hand and asked for the doggie position. Winnie bent over on hands and knees and wiggled her ass provocatively. Marv positioned himself behind her and got ready to insert. Winnie suddenly giggled, then farted loudly. Marv waved a hand in front of his face and laughed in turn. "Quite a sense of timing the gal has. And they call me an old gasbag."
He grabbed on to her hips and put himself into her, reached around to hold her breasts, then pumped. The sight of him bouncing off her plump round ass excited me, despite the rank fart smell filling the room. His own ass wasn't all that bad, either.
I pulled Jo onto my lap, reached down and began stroking her pussy. She stood up, shrugged out of her panties, and, facing away from me, eased down onto my hard dick with a practiced wiggle of her torso. With both hands around her, I tweaked her nipples while she milked me. All four of us were making love within sight of each other. It was the nearest thing to an orgy I had ever taken part in.
A bit later, we traded partners. Winnie lay on her back on the carpeted floor, raised her knees to her chest, and took me into her for the first time. She turned out to have a trained pussy. A nutcracker. The sensations were so intense that I couldn't spare any attention for Marv and Jo.
That just about wrapped up the evening. After a late snack, our guests left and I fell asleep in my own bed in Jo's arms.
The following evening, we took a break from sex. The four of us went to an outdoor concert in a nearby park. Sousa's military marches and Handel's "Music for the Royal Fireworks".
"There's a quaint little family-run Italian restaurant not too far out of our way," Jo said as we were walking back to the car. "Chewy, garlicky pasta, and the atmosphere's warm and home-like."
Garlicky indeed. Afterwards, enjoying wedges of key lime pie and fighting off heartburn, we got to talking about, of all things, finances.
"Yeah, we do like it out here in Simonton, but the problem is the high cost of living," I was saying between suppressed belches. "Rent for our two bedroom apartment runs $900 a month, and when you factor in electricity and the heating surcharge... forget it."
"Well, what's keeping you here then?" Marv asked. "Your jobs? Family attachments? Friends?"
I had to admit that it was mostly inertia. Pulling up stakes and moving was such a hassle, after all.
"You might consider settling out in our neck of the woods, out west of the Pecos... Van Horn, Texas," Marv said. He suppressed a belch. "Beautiful country -- mountains nearby, cheap living, and I could probably fix up the both of you with decent jobs.
"You're a what? Systems programmer, you said? There's a new software outfit starting up a few miles down the road from us and I'm know they're desperate for skilled people. Jo can get a job teaching in a county school. Lord knows, there's a shortage of experienced teachers.
"As for living accommodations, you might consider an RV. You could get a used one for only a few thou, and space rental in a trailer park is pretty cheap. For that matter, you could buy a couple of acres of land to park the RV. Even paying a mortgage, you'd be considerably better off financially than you are now."
I had a mouthful of questions. We sat and talked. And snacked. And talked.
It was past midnight when yawns began to overpower the discussion, and we drove home to warm beds. To sleep. And think.
Now it was Friday night. "This will be something special," Marv had promised. I couldn't imagine how it could get any more special than it had already been, but he told me to wait, just wait.
"Winnie likes it in the ass," he said.
She laughed out loud at this. "I don't like it in the ass half as much as he likes giving it to me there. And as for taking it up the ass, ah-huh, well, that's it's a tossup as to who likes it there more."
I had often fantasized about fucking a woman in the ass, but had never actually done it. Jo had been willing to consider it early in our relationship, but had we had never gotten beyond talking about it. She was afraid it might be too painful, and I had some issues with hygiene.
"Show us," I told them.
Marv lovingly undressed Winnie. He kissed her long and hard, then moved down to her nipples. Five minutes later, she was arching her back and scratching long, red welts on his forearms. He traced a line of kisses down, down toward her pussy, then spent a good while tonguing, then sucking her clit. She was gasping as he raised her legs over his shoulders and inserted himself into her, then held still without stroking.
"Ready, honey?" he asked.
"Give it to me. Put the eight ball into the side pocket. Or rather, put your cue stick there."
He pulled out of her, and she positioned herself on hands and knees. I handed him the tube of lubricant he reached out for. Now he was gently massaging the valley between her ripe, round buttocks. He inserted a finger, then two, finally three into her rosebud. Her sphincter stretched and opened up as he rotated his hand, then slowly withdrew it.
"Ready, mate?" he asked.
"Check, mate," she answered.
He gradually pressed the head of his cock into her ass, rocked back, then pressed in again. Her opening dimpled, then yielded. "Here we go, baby. Sliding past the ring. Shooting the rapids now."
He was all the way in, pumping in and out, seemingly in slow-motion. The sight of his hard dick slowly disappearing into her backside then reemerging coated with gleaming lubricant was almost more than I could bear. Jo had moved in for a close-up look.
"I'm going into lecture mode," he said. "I expect you all to take notes. Look at how gently I press in. The friction, and much of the sensation comes from the out stroke, just the opposite from cunt fucking. The ass is considerably more fragile a vessel than the pussy, and it needs special care."
There was a faint pop as he pulled out of Winnie's ass. He pointed at me. "All right, demo's over. Cal, your turn now. Final exam time."
I was hard as a rock and Winnie's round, stretched asshole was beckoning, pulling at me like an electromagnet. There was a glistening drop of something (lube? come?) quivering at the crimson-rimmed entrance. I stood behind her and rubbed my hands over her lush cheeks. Holding on to her hips, I placed the tip of my dick against her innermost gate and gingerly pressed forward.
It was surprisingly easy to slide in. The sensation was almost like being inside a pussy, but tighter, and yes, somehow smoother, with a gently rippling texture. Like slipping into a silky, ribbed velvet tunnel. Fucking a silk-lined tube... a tube whose function was passing foul-smelling feces and noxious gas... yes. Yes! Then Winnie clamped down hard on my dick and I almost passed out as I came.
While I had been otherwise occupied, Marv had been instructing Jo in the theory and practice of ass fucking. "The side-by-side spoon position is the easiest and most gentle for beginners to receive in," he was saying. Winnie had her arm around me and was nuzzling my neck as I watched Marv inserting into Jo's ass, then comforting her as she winced.
"There, that's better now. Once I'm past the ring, all you feel is a gentle stretching, and possibly a mild burning sensation. I'll finger your clit while I'm in you." Jo's face relaxed, then she closed her eyes and her lips settled into a faint smile.
I must have drifted off with my head on Winnie's breasts (they made plush, comfortable pillows). Marv's voice wakened me.
"I saw you staring at my ass while I was doing Jo, Cal old fellow. Interested in getting inside me? Simon says, fuck him in the ass."
I was instantly hard again. I hadn't really been thinking of doing that, not consciously, but what had happened tonight must have stirred up old fantasies from the dusty recesses of my mind.
He took me by the hand and led me over to an exercise mat spread out in the corner. He handed me a tube of lube and positioned himself on hands and knees.
"Now, the trick is to slather the lube on. Squeeze some on your index finger and press it into my ass. Not so hard. Easy does it. Do it again, and repeat until the stuff is oozing out of me. Now, put two fingers in and stretch me a little. Side to side, and up and down. Spread the fingers and swivel them around. That's it. Now, more lube. Try three fingers. I do believe I'm ready for you. The door's wide open. Lube up your dick and come right on in."
By feel, it wasn't really all that much different than the inside of Winnie's ass. Well, maybe just a little tighter. I hesitantly told Marv that after I had fully inserted.
"No shit, fella. An ass is an ass is an ass. An ass by any other name." That's all I need, I thought, a literature-spouting smartass. I commenced fucking that smart ass.
Oh, that was good. I had come inside him, but was still partly hard when I pulled out. Still horny. Still wanting something or other. He noticed.
"You want to find out what it feels like? Inside you, I mean." Marv was smiling at me as he used a damp towel to mop up the semen seeping out of him.
I was curious. Very curious. His detailed explanation of the art of bottoming must have tripped a relay in my head. I was totally hard again and both my penis and anal sphincter were throbbing in rhythm with my heartbeat.
"Lay down on your left side. You'll find it easier to relax that way. Now I'm going to prepare you the same way you did me. Don't worry, I'll be gentle."
He lay down behind me and began massaging my neck. I closed my eyes and let my breathing slow. Then I pulled my top knee part way up toward my chest, as instructed.
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IncestHello everyone, I am Sahil once again with another story. I am from Pune working for a reputed leading company in Viman Nagar. I am 25 years old with little muscular body after consistent workouts and also a 6-inch dark dick. So, this story is about a foursome sex I had in Goa. In the month of December with chilly atmosphere in the night and sunny in the day, I went with my friend named Tanya (name changed) for a 4 days vacation. We both needed a break from office work from home situation...
Paula had not stopped thinking about yesterday, the day she watched her long-time employer make love to a man Paula had known for a while now, as not only a friend but also a co-worker. She tried to make sense of the previous day's events as she moved from room to room, keeping up with her daily duties.She had always taken her employer’s confidentiality with the utmost respect but she had never once flaunted her exploits so blatantly to her before. This was not simply lying around in the...
Love StoriesI’d been replacing the hot tub filter and plumbing with a newer model and I was covered with dirt, plastic bits, and filter sand. I decided to go to the cabana and shower there, rather than drag all of the mess through the house. I had just lathered up my hair when I heard, “Need some help washing your back sailor?” I spun around and looked in the direction of the voice. Teagan was standing in the shower entrance unhooking her bra, having already stripped off her shirt and kicked off her...
Hey.... (It was Brittany) "Whats up? " I know I said we would hang out tonight, and I hope you still want to, but Erin's mom just called my house and apparently some thing happened with her grandma.... She is gonna have to staying the night. "Oh...I mean, I still want to, but how are WE gonna hang out?" Call up Steve? They should be able to keep each other company... "Alright ill see what I can do" Erin and Steve met a few weeks ago at this party we were at....
I opened the door to find a stunning blonde on my door step and I was completely speechless. Tonnina approached from behind and said "Darling let her in then..." "Who is she?" " Her name is Sophie and she is the surprise for this evening" "I don't understand" "All will become clear, now be a gent and pour Sophie a glass of wine" I finished pouring the wine and it wasn't until then that I realised that Tonnina hadn't just freshened up, she had also got changed. She was...
Sometimes it only takes one meeting of eyes, one fleeting glimpse across a packed room to know. Sometimes your eyes connect with someone so intensely that it transcends the sound of Velvet Underground being blasted from a rented PA, the dozens of fratboys with red cups and the couples practically fucking on the stained couches. That’s what happened to me that night. Perhaps I’m getting ahead of myself. I was only there that night because a friend of mine needed a wing man. I was supposed to...
It was a Friday night and we’d arranged to meet friends at the local pub for a few hard earned drinks after work. When we arrived we were surprised to see how busy it was. The landlord had organised another of his Open mike nights and the ‘stars’ of the local area had arrived to show their skill. The night didn’t get off to a great start when the friends we’d arranged to meet cancelled on us. The talent on display at the mike wasn’t exactly music to our ears either. I toyed with the idea of...
Introduction: This is Chapter IV of the Amy story. Read the others first, if you want to know how we got here. The school year went pretty much that way. After tennis and track season, we had more time, and enjoyed ourselves. We had sex every day that we could, and during this time, that was pretty much every day. If we had to miss a day, we were both highly charged at our next session. Neither of us told anyone. I knew he would never brag about it, and I had no reason to tell anyone. However,...
My name is Cheryl and I am thirty something, working for a large investment bank in the city. I’m 5’8 inches tall, have shoulder length brown hair, and a tidy figure that I work hard in the gym to keep in shape. I work very long hours and am very career minded so I don’t have time for a normal relationship, just the occasional one night stand if it feels right. I finished work around 8.30pm one night, and decided to stop for a drink in my local wine bar on the way home. I had been there for...
I had worked with Stacy’s mother for a year or two and we had become close. I was 53 and she was 50. I was divorced for a couple of years, and she had been divorced for over 10 years. She knew that I had a vasectomy. I was hoping that knowledge would get me in to her pants. Not a chance. She had two children Sean, the oldest at 19, and Stacy at 18. Sean was always happy to work on my Fiat Spyder to fix anything that went wrong. And something always went wrong. The acronym for Fiat was true,...
At the far end of a long country lane lies the small English village of Oedipus Falls ? named in antiquity by a local Lord with a classical education and a sense of humour. Now in the 21st century, little has changed since the 14th. Occasionally the outside world intrudes on village life to build a road or to put up a telephone box or a bus shelter. But by and large residents here don't have anything to do with "townies" ? a word that describes anyone from a big city, small town, or even the...
Incest“Here’s to Sophie.” Brian raises his glass in salute to me. “And to her newly renovated flat.” “Hear, hear,” Jonathan concurs as we clink our three glasses. The bubbly tickles my nose when I sip it. “Are you so ready to get rid of me?” I tease. “Of course not, beautiful,” Brian says and envelops me in a bear hug, making my tiny frame disappear in his embrace. “We’re just happy for you, that you’re getting your apartment back,” Jonathan says, soothingly kissing my cheek. “And you won’t have to...
BisexualMy wife and I, in an effort to keep our sex life fresh, talked about her fantasies. Of her biggest was to have a threesome with me and a guy friend. She mentioned one in particular, John, who happens to be a neighbor as well. John is a few years older, widowed about 3 years, and seems quite the horndog. One thing he has mentioned many times is his love for tits. Particularly large ones, but he likes them all. Well my wife, J, happens to have big, natural, breasts with big pinkish brown nipples....
As the party wound down and everyone left, Rich decided he’d go out to buy a fresh pack of cigarettes. He told his girlfriend Jess and his best friend Seb that he’d be back shortly. Seb and Jess had hooked up during the summer and they they got along extremely well, sometimes better than Rich and Jess did which sometimes worried him. He'd noticed how well they’d been interacting all night long and, half-jokingly, he'd texted her “suck his dick, already!” when he caught her nuzzled up against...
Group SexA couple years back my marriage got a bit turned upside down. Long story short, my wife was bored at home and wanted to try seeing other men outside our marriage. I didn't like the idea at first, but after some discussion and negotiation, we made a deal that she could see other man, but only if at some point I would get to participate. Another factor of the deal was that she would indulge my deepest fetish by wearing whatever clothing or costume I desired for the event.Fast forward just a...
My friend, Lilly, is staying with us while she recovers from a bad breakup. She has long blonde hair, smaller breasts than mine, and a much smaller waist. I am not jealous that she might steal you away. You find her shallow and boring, so I am not worried. But she does want you.At first I told her, no, straight out. I don’t share. But her idea intrigued me. You have been good to me lately, so maybe you deserve to be rewarded. Hmmm. Definitely something to think about.Later that week, you are...
My name is Cheryl and I am thirty something, working for a large investment bank in the city. I’m 5’8 inches tall, have shoulder length brown hair, and a tidy figure that I work hard in the gym to keep in shape. I work very long hours and am very career minded so I don't have time for a normal relationship, just the occasional one night stand if it feels right. I finished work around 8.30pm one night, and decided to stop for a drink in my local wine bar on the way home. I had been there for...
AnalCheri and Dan had been married about two years. They had the best active sex life. They also lived with Dave, Dan's father. Both men shared Cheri. Tonight she was naked watching a movie between both men and they were each sucking on her tits and had two fingers in her cunt fucking her. Both men were also naked and she was stroking both cocks. She knew where her husband got his big cock as her father in law was huge. He was always naked with a big hard on and loved fucking Cheri. Last Saturday...
We are all standing around the bed Chrissy is just in sexy lingerie, whilst Greg is sitting on the bed next to her still fully clothed and I am standing just in my boxers shorts, my is cock is already fully erect and straining against the fabric the head poking its way through the top of my shorts. I am trembling with nerves and anticipation, Chrissy moves forward and places a reassuring hand on my thigh. I look her up and down, her erect nipples are clearly visible sticking out against the...
I was attending a party, at a pub in a town near where I live.Yes, I was dressed up; a black and white frilly skirt that hung to just above mid-thigh, denim knee high boots and a tiny tube top.I was here because someone at work mentioned this place, not recommended you understand, no; he was complaining about it. He spent about twenty minutes telling us on our lunch hour that every thursday night it was tranny night. His precious pub turned "gay" every thursday.Okay, so he's an arsehole, we all...
It was 8 pm and the guests were about to show up. My tight little bunghole was not virgin anymore and I felt like walking on clouds. I felt very feminine and quite demure. I had helped Carlos set up the table with snacks and put sodas and beers in the fridge. I looked in the hallway mirror and everything was still in place."You look adorable sweet cheeks", Carlos murmured in my ear and squeezed my ass. He went to answer the door as his guests arrived. A short plump blonde boy went past...
The note was stuck under my windshield wiper blade, and was in Gloria's handwriting. "Come over for dinner tonight...7:30 sharp !!" I finished work, raced home, showered, and sat on the sofa waiting for 7:25. just so I could dash across the yard and arrive on time. I knocked on the front door, and Gloria met me. "Wow...I'm impressd at your punctuality," she laughed, "Come in." She was wearing an orange sleeveless stretch top, a black stretch skirt which ended a bit above her knees, and orange...
“Michelle, quit kicking me.”“Sorry, Stacy. I can’t sleep.”“You guys still awake? Me too, what about you, Kris?”“Still up. Michelle’s boyfriend is snoring pretty loud. Is he still in the other room?”“Yeah. Sorry, this sleepover’s a bust.”“Maybe we shouldn’t have done it for your twenty-fifth birthday.”“I’m tired of everything else. And I just wanted to see you three, my best friends in the whole world.”“We love you too, Michelle. But I can’t sleep, I usually workout or something to tire me out...
Nabokov led them through the backdoor of the beach house and into the living room. The inside was wide open, no walls, vaulted ceiling. Saying no walls is maybe untrue. There were some walls. Two cages the size of office trailers lined each side. Vernon was feeling like a million bucks. He couldn’t deny the feeling he had. His balls ached, though. He had drained both of them in that girl’s pussy and they throbbed, but he felt horny again already just thinking about it.Jules was scared. She was...
It was a Friday night and we'd arranged to meet friends at the local pub for a few hard earned drinks after work. When we arrived we were surprised to see how busy it was. The landlord had organised another of his Open mike nights and the 'stars' of the local area had arrived to show their skill. The night didn't get off to a great start when the friends we'd arranged to meet cancelled on us. The talent on display at the mike wasn't exactly music to our ears either. I toyed with the idea of...
Group SexI had worked with Stacy’s mother for a year or two and we had become close. I was 53 and she was 50. I was divorced for a couple of years, and she had been divorced for over 10 years. She knew that I had a vasectomy. I was hoping that knowledge would get me in to her pants. Not a chance. She had two children Sean, the oldest at 19, and Stacy at 18. Sean was always happy to work on my Fiat Spyder to fix anything that went wrong. And something always went wrong. The acronym for Fiat was true;...
Group SexI’m lying naked on the bed, having just been thoroughly fucked by Ashleigh, the attractive redheaded bar waitress when there is a knock on the door. I freeze as tI hear the lock click and the door opens.“Hello, Ms McDonald, It’s me, Joanne.” The hotel receptionist Joanne comes into the room. She’d been here last night. I’d brought her up here after catching her masturbating to lesbian porn while on duty at the front desk. I’d gone to a sex shop this afternoon to purchase a strap-on as I wanted...
ThreesomesChapter 1There are many sayings about patience. Patience is a virtue; good things come to those who wait; absence makes the heart grow fonder; and things of that nature.As you can imagine, someone offering even to try an FFM exerts a great deal of pressure on your patience. You want something like that to happen yesterday, but there was no rushing this potential erotic adventure.Siobahn and I have a great deal of trust invested in each other. We are both comfortable with our situation, knowing...
ThreesomesI was lying naked in bed on a Friday morning, just beginning to awaken from a rather difficult night, when I thought I heard a muffled sound coming from the kitchen. I decided to ignore the occurrence, thinking it was merely the product of an overactive imagination, when at that moment, she burst into my bedroom with a huge grin on her face. "Hiya Dylan!! I was in the neighborhood, and after I knocked and got no answer, I used my key," she explained with a broad smile. Alison was a...
I tapped my fingers on the cafe table. Looking around I sip my frozen mocha. So happy I tried Dunkin Donuts. I check the time; 1457. Still glancing at my watch I hear the little chime of the door bell. Looking up I see Luke and Henry walking in, laughing as if they heard a joke. They look around and spot me when I raise my hand. Sitting down we exchange greetings and start with banal conversation. About five minutes later we get to the details of the meeting. “So?” I begin, “Where’s the pet?”...
I fell in love with Laurie because she was not available. She had made that clear from the very beginning. "I'm not looking for a relationship." Point blank, in your face, statement. "Good, me either." I could play that game too. We met at "The Hut". It was the only gay and lesbian bar in our small, college town. I was very persistent and before long, she let me into her heart. We hung out together. I slept at her house, usually on the couch, sometimes in her bed. We both slept in...
Scarface led them down the hall and past some bedrooms that were occupied by piles of sleeping Polars, searching for a free dorm and eventually finding one, thrusting the pair into the room and then closing the door ominously behind them with a click as the lock engaged. They landed on the mattresses that lined the floor, white hairs from previous occupants littering the space, the two bunk beds that were unable to support the weight of the pack members pushed out of the way towards the back...
The Emir pondered long and hard how, exactly, he would break it to the two English women that he was marrying both of them and that neither would have precedence over the other. Their accommodation was not a problem, since each was using one of the junior wives' suites in the harem. They could stay exactly where they were. The problem would be two-fold; firstly persuading each of them to share him with the other. There was no worry over his already having other concubines because he had...