Fineprint 2 RepublicChapter 2 Cabin Fever
- 3 years ago
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With nightfall came another feast, and the pack, or the village, as he could now call them, crowded the dining tables waiting for their meat. The butchers brought the freshly cooked kills, and the usual flurry of activity followed, the Borealans tearing into the platters of food with their hooked claws and sharp teeth. Ursi seemed to like the venison, savoring the soft, tender meat and taking her time to chew it, the mutton however she wolfed down with abandon, it barely touched the sides. Looking around the table at the other aliens, Dennis remarked that a handful of them were also putting on weight. Ursi was not the only one who was overindulging it seemed. He wondered if he should do something about it as he chewed a piece of jerked moose, try to make them more aware of the impact the change in environment was having on their bodies. If he didn’t make sure they were informed, who would? Even the petite (by Borealan standards) Kaisha was filling out, though it looked good on her previously svelte body, her breasts and hips swelling to accentuate her figure.
He felt his member twinge under the table, and looked away, concentrating on his meal. Ursi eyed him with a sly, sideways glance, her lips curling into a knowing smile. She leaned closer to him, smirking and whispering under her breath.
“If you will not ask her Dennis, I will.”
His face burned, could Ursi smell arousal on him? The damned aliens had keen noses, or did she just know him well enough to see right through him? Probably the latter. He cleared his throat, and changed the subject quickly.
“Ursi, I want to hold a meeting in the longhouse, and I want all the Borealans to attend.”
“Whatever for?” She chewed a mouthful of venison, the juices from the succulent cut escaping her lips to stain her fur as she spoke.
“You’re all eating too much, and it has become a matter of public health.”
She rolled her eyes, an oddly human gesture, and hooked another slab of mutton with her claws.
“I’m serious, Ursi. It’s not just you, the pack needs to be informed about the problem. I understand that no Borealan has ever needed to watch their diet before, but you must adapt to your new environment.”
She dangled the meat above her mouth, letting it fall, catching it in her teeth and munching wetly. Was she mocking him?
“Do it as a favor to me.”
She swallowed, then sighed, leaning on the table with her head in her hands.
“Fine Dennis. You may have your meeting, and once it is done, will you drop this issue?”
He nodded.
“All I want is for everyone to be made aware of the problem, afterwards it’s their own responsibility to do something about it. That goes for you too.”
“I have but one condition.”
“What’s that,” he asked suspiciously, crossing his arms. Ursi smirked, a mischievous glint in her eye as she glanced over the table at Kaisha. She turned back to Dennis, whispering again.
“Bring Kaisha back to our cabin tonight.”
“H-how am I supposed to that? I can’t speak Borealan...” She grinned as his face burned red and he shifted uncomfortably on his plastic stool.
“Figure it out. I know that you like her, and I want her too. I could just order it, but it is more fun to watch you struggle.”
“You’re unbelievable, you know that?”
“So I have been told...” She popped another burger into her mouth, barely the size of a small sandwich to her, and chewed while maintaining eye contact with him, unable to keep a straight face as her lips curled into a wry smile.
One of the Borealans brought them a round of drinks and tobacco pipes, and Ursi puffed contentedly, chewing on a bone and taking the occasional sip of her pink beverage. She seemed to be taking her time with it today, perhaps wanting to remain sober for what she imagined would be a fun night of toying with him and Kaisha. As much as it hurt his pride to have Ursi lead him around by the nose, he also enjoyed it on a lower, more base level. The conflict he felt when she treated him like that was almost becoming arousing in itself. She loved him, but she had a sadistic streak that usually resulted in him, and unfortunate bystanders, being left in a shivering, panting wreck of tangled limbs and loins.
“Stop thinking about it, and just do it! She will be leaving soon, when the tobacco runs out.”
He shot her a distressed look, then climbed gingerly down from his stool, walking past the other seated Borealans and over to where Kaisha was sat, one of the long pipes dangling from her lips, trailing grey smoke lazily as she puffed. Dennis straightened his tie nervously, glancing back at Ursi for support, but she was smirking, eagerly awaiting the spectacle she sought to create.
“Er ... excuse me,” Dennis muttered meekly, and Kaisha turned to look around. Finding nobody at eye level, she looked down to see him standing beside her stool. She burbled something in Borealan, a greeting of some kind? A simple acknowledgment? Impossible to say. How the hell was he supposed to ask her anything when they didn’t share a common language? His face burned and he felt Ursi’s gleeful stare on his back.
“Ursi wanted to know ... well, I wanted to ask you if you’d like ... if you’d care to join us, me and Ursi, tonight in our cabin for ... for...”
Kaisha cocked her head at him, confused, and he heard Ursi slam the table with her fist, laughing riotously as he stammered and wrung his hands. She let him steam for another few moments, then composed herself and called something across the table in their native language. Kaisha looked surprised for a second, then her expression softened and she looked back at Dennis, smiling warmly. She nodded.
“Come back Dennis!” Ursi chuckled, taking another drink as he marched back to his stool, face bright red.
“You are a funny creature Dennis, I cannot help myself. Do not be angry, I’ll make it up to you, and so will Kaisha...”
He bit off a mouthful of dried moose jerky and chewed, waiting for his face to cool down.
Night fell, and the Borealans filed out of the longhouse, returning to their private dwellings, full of meat and some quite tipsy, staggering though the snow. Dennis trailed behind Ursi as she left through the heavy, wooden doors and into the cold wind, her fur blowing in the chill breeze. Dennis hugged his arms to his body, he wanted to get back to the warmth of the fire at their cabin as soon as possible. He felt something furry grip his hand, and turned his head to see Kaisha standing beside him. She smiled, interlocking her fluffy fingers with his, her warmth spreading up through his arm. He blushed again, and Ursi chuckled.
“Well, now that everyone is here, let us return home.”
They walked back through the snow to Ursi’s cabin, it was very close to the longhouse so they didn’t have to go far. They pushed the door open, and Dennis removed his snow caked boots at the threshold so as not to track it across the floorboards. The trio sat on the wooden benches, padded with soft fabric that encircled the fire in the center of the building, and warmed themselves as the flames licked at the stone that enclosed them.
Dennis rubbed his hands, reaching towards the fire. He felt a bit awkward, when Ursi had included people in their ... activities, in the past, it had been very spontaneous and Dennis hadn’t had much of a say in the matter, this was the first time he had known about it it in advance. He snuck a glance at Kaisha, who was waiting patiently, the embers painting her white fur in an orange flow.
She was short for a Borealan, closer to his height than Ursi’s nine feet, but still much taller than him. As he had remarked at the dining table, her previously svelte, slight figure was filling out. Her breasts paled in comparison to Ursi’s exaggerated pair, but they were no less shapely, hanging heavily in her immodest clothing as she leaned towards the warmth.
They sat for a while in silence, before Ursi nudged him with her elbow, leaning down and whispering in his ear.
“What are you waiting for? You like her, do you not? I can smell that she likes you.”
Before he could stammer an answer she pushed him along the bench until he was beside Kaisha, and she looked down at him, curious. Her furry ears swiveled to focus on him, and she blinked her big, blue eyes at him. Ursi pressed up behind him, her breasts pushing against the back of his head through her tight, revealing top. She wrapped her arms around his chest, and bit his ear softly. He flinched, and his face burned as Kaisha watched them, seemingly unsure of how to react. Ursi whispered to him again, her warm breath on his neck as she nuzzled.
“You want her, so reach out, and take her.”
He raised an unsteady hand, and Kaisha tracked it with her eyes. He sunk his fingers into the downy fur of her thigh, pressing them into the soft fat. She rubbed them together, seeming to enjoy the sensation, then gripped his wrist, guiding it up her body, over her doughy belly and under the strap that held her bust aloft. Her eyelids fluttered as the meat of her ample breast spilled around his fingers, and he delved into the inviting, malleable flesh.
“That’s right,” Ursi encouraged, he could hear her breathing more heavily in his ear as she watched him grope Kaisha, a hint of anticipation in her tone as she squeezed his torso in her strong arms. She hissed something in Borealan to Kaisha, and the girl released Dennis’ hand, leaning closer and caressing his cheek with her clawed fingers. She loomed over him, blocking out the light from the fireplace and casting him into shadow as she pressed her soft lips gently against his. Ursi leered at them, her hot breath tickling him as she watched Kaisha’s tongue push past his lips and into his mouth. Her embrace was slow and strong, the muscle of her tongue exploring him, the rough surface grazing his organ and the tapered tip touching against the roof of his mouth and the back of his throat, sending sparks of pleasure through his nervous system. She tasted vaguely of the tobacco they smoked, and a hint of sweet, fruity flavor from their traditional alcohol. She raised a second hand to his other cheek, cradling his face in her velvet palms as she kissed more earnestly now, sliding a little closer to him on the bench. Ursi pricked his neck with her teeth, in the way that she knew would bring him to his knees, and he gasped, a shiver running down his spine as he collapsed backwards into her, Kaisha following him down, keeping her smooth lips locked to his. She licked rhythmically, wrestling with Dennis as Ursi forced shudders and gasps from him, exploiting his every weak spot with her gentle bites and raking tongue. His mind was a haze, and his erection strained against his pants, throbbing in time with his heart as it threatened to leap from his chest.
He was leaning back against Ursi, whose legs were to either side of the bench, straddling it as she hugged him to her body, and Kaisha had taken up the opposite position, one leg to either side of the bench, and she now crawled closer in order to perch over his lap, not quite sitting on him, perhaps for fear of crushing him. Dennis felt one of Ursi’s arms leave his torso and sneak down his back, disappearing between her thighs. Her chest rose and fell a little faster, her breathing becoming more ragged as she mouthed and kissed his neck, craning her head down to reach the smaller human.
Kaisha’s tongue uncoiled from inside his mouth, an obscene length that he wouldn’t have believed would fit, teasing his lips on the way out. Dennis gasped, shivering and panting, Ursi’s warm saliva coating his neck and Kaisha’s dripping from his chin. Ursi trapped his earlobe between her teeth and tugged, jolting him out of his fugue.
She mumbled something to Kaisha, who rose to her height, pressing her breasts into Dennis’ face as she met Ursi’s embrace, their pink, slippery tongues entwined like snakes as Dennis looked up at them from below, catching a stray string of saliva on his forehead. The two of them tussled, kissing aggressively, their downy fur rubbing against him on all sides, the meat of their weighty breasts enveloping his head as they squeezed together.
Ursi buried her hands in Kaisha’s long mane of hair, gripping handfuls as their long kiss dragged out. It was clear who was in control, and that this encounter was as much for Ursi’s amusement as it was for him to get together with Kaisha, less about Dennis and Kaisha than about Ursi and her ravenous sexual appetite. Still, he felt as if his brain might boil out of his skull as the two aliens battled and clawed at each other all around him.
Ursi broke away with a wet pop, leaving Kaisha to sink into Dennis, panting and shivering after being subjected to one of Ursi’s stamina-draining kisses.
“Dennis ... let’s go to bed,” Ursi crooned, and after repeating the command to Kaisha in Borealan, she wrapped her powerful arms around them both, lifting them by the waist like dolls. She carried them to the bedroom, Kaisha covering her face with her hands as she bounced under Ursi’s arm, embarrassed, or perhaps just surprised by Ursi’s manhandling. Ursi was so strong, Kaisha was a great deal heavier than him, but as a result of the low gravity and Ursi’s already impressive muscle mass, she hefted the pair effortlessly. She placed them beside the bed unceremoniously, then dropped down on the mattress, the springs creaking with the stress of supporting her massive frame. She lay back against the pile of pillows with her legs splayed, then beckoned for the two of them to join her. Being significantly smaller than Ursi, Kaisha was able to fit between her soft thighs, along with Dennis, and the two embraced as Ursi enclosed them in her limbs. They leaned on her cushiony body, one of Ursi’s arms around each of them as they pressed closer together.
Dennis rubbed his face in Ursi’s silky fur, her protruding belly like a pillow, digging his fingers into her yielding body as her one of her heavy breasts rested on his head. He was distracted by Kaisha trying to pull off his pants, and suddenly both aliens were tearing off his clothes. Ursi pulled his shirt over his head and Kaisha succeeded in undoing his belt and tugging off his pants, his erection bouncing loose. Their delicate hair tickled his skin, inviting, like a blanket made from animal pelt, and he jerked, feeling Ursi run her dull claws down his spine.
“You look like you are about to fall apart, Dennis. I can arrange that, in time I can make you pass out from the things I will do to you, but for now, pleasure me.”
She barked an order at Kaisha in their hissing, feline language, and she bowed her head, beginning to move towards Ursi’s open thighs.
“She will do anything I tell her to do, because I am her Alpha, and you, Dennis,” she lifted his burning face with her finger, gazing down at him as his breath came in ragged gasps, his hand squeezing the irresistible chub of her plump body. “You will do anything I tell you, because you love me.”
She said it so confidently, simply stating a fact, but the declaration made his heart throb in his chest, and sent butterflies roiling through his belly. He didn’t want to admit it, but she was right. At this moment he would have done anything she asked of him, no matter how obscene or undignified, if it would please her. Seeing the submission in his expression, she crooned, running her claws through his hair, and he lowered his head to join Kaisha, Ursi practically drooling in anticipation.
“Stroke my thighs, kiss my belly, make it good...”
He felt Ursi flinch as Kaisha dragged her long, textured tongue up her vulva, her flowing nectar wetting Kaisha’s face, matting her fur. Dennis gripped Ursi’s inner thigh, combing her velvet coat with his fingers, and she squirmed, looking down at them over the obscuring mounds of her breasts as they mouthed and kissed. She gripped Kaisha by the hair, tugging and directing her as Dennis watched her pink organ slip inside Ursi’s leaking opening, extending her tongue to its full length. His cock jumped at the sight, she must be as deep inside Ursi as his member could reach, and judging by Ursi’s squeaks and pained gasps, she was licking her insides, teasing her deepest and most sensitive spots.
Refusing to be outdone, Dennis leaned down, and Kaisha made space for him as he pressed his lips against the hood of skin that protected Ursi’s clitoris. Ursi let out a groan, almost sounding afraid as he probed for her engorged protrusion with the tip of his tongue. He found it, and pressed his lips around it, teasing the stiff surface with glancing licks.
Over the next few days, the Borealans split off into small groups, each choosing a location for their log cabins, clustered vaguely around the longhouse. They used similar methods as they had used to build the original structure, albeit the going was much faster on such a smaller scale. There seemed to be no real organization, the Borealans milled about, helping where they felt it was appropriate. It wasn’t uncommon to see one member of the pack working on a log wall in the morning, only to...
Dennis stood on one of the dining tables in the longhouse, and two dozen Borealans sat before him, some stared attentively, others muttered amongst themselves, perhaps wondering what all the fuss was about and why they had been called to this meeting. His hips were still sore from the night before, and Kaisha must be positively bedridden, but he did his best to appear commanding. Ursi stood beside him on the ground, almost at eye level despite their height difference, her arms crossed, ready...
Dennis left the embassy, breathing in a lungful of hot, dry air. The white sun blazed above him, bleaching the sandstone buildings and casting dark shadows. He could tolerate the heat and the gravity, though he acted a lot more brazen than he really felt. “Stay close to me and do not leave my sight,” Xhe warned as he trotted along beside her, the alien outpacing him with her long strides. There weren’t any pedestrians in this part of the city. The Patriarch’s spire protruded above the...
“Ambassador, you must get up, we have much to do.” Dennis sat up, rubbing his eyes. It must be morning, though it was impossible to tell because of the lack of windows. It played havoc with his internal clock. “Yes, I’m on my way Xhe, give me a moment...” He hopped out of bed, the familiar pressure of the harsh gravity clamping down on him. Just pulling on his pants was a workout. His suits might be bland compared to local fashions, but damn it, they were his. He couldn’t represent Earth...
The next morning Dennis was awoken by Xhe knocking on his door. “Ambassador, I managed to arrange a hunting trip. I also brought you breakfast. We will be departing in one hour.” A hunting trip? He had told her that he wanted to see the jungle, but he hadn’t expected her to organize a trip so quickly. He hopped out of bed, pulling on a pair of pants, then went to open the wooden door. Xhe was wearing a green dress today in a similar style of light, almost transparent fabric as her previous...
Dennis adjusted his new tie, the downy, shining fur standing out brilliantly against his black suit. It was the focal point of the outfit, a uniquely Borealan touch to a human style that conveyed status as much as sophistication. The rainbow spider fur was worn only by those of high standing in Borealan culture. His participation in the hunt, however passive it had been, and his position as ambassador to Earth qualified him to wear it. He turned to Xhe, who was standing behind him as he...
Dennis was awoken by Xhe tapping on his door. “Ambassador? I’m sorry to wake you early, but the Polar Regent is here to see you.” He stumbled out of bed, bleary-eyed. “The Polar Regent? What does she want?” “She has not said, and I lack the authority to ask her.” “Very well, give me a moment to get dressed.” Dennis flung on a clean suit and his now signature fur tie, then stepped out of his bedroom. The Polar Regent was waiting for him in the marble hallway, her long, fluffy tail waving...
“Is there anything else you’d like to see?” the Regent asked, lifting a steaming beverage from a tray that one of her guards was holding as she lounged in the courtyard. It was morning but, Dennis wouldn’t have known that without a clock on hand. Besides for the almost imperceptible, yellow glow of the secondary star, the electric lamps that circled the building were the only illumination. “Not that I can think of. I’ve already had Xhe take me to the places that came to mind. The city, a...
The vibrations of the engines traveled up through Dennis’ seat as the pilot lowered the craft to the landing pad adjacent to the Patriarch’s ivory tower. The landing gear crunched in the fresh layer of snow, and as the exit ramp opened a chill wind flooded the passenger bay, the brisk breeze ruffling the downy fur of the Polars. Dennis tried to avoid slipping in the slush that the thrusters had melted as he left the stone landing pad, navigating the oversized steps and watching for ice. Ursi...
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I was totally pressed from all side and could not move in the crowd. I was experiencing my body being touched and groped from all sides. Some hands of the youngsters were freely trying to take advantage of the rush." Reena, it is too crowded today."" Yes, the rush is unusual." Reena said. I found a hand slowly touching my boobs. The touch was soft and delicate, but I could not do anything as I was almost helpless. The touch became more bold and the hand mow was pressing my boobs. I looked at...
Me and my sister had gone to watch the fire work at Chowpaty in Mumbai. There was a huge crowd of may be few thousand all gathered to watch the fun. Me and my friend Ruby were young teens full of energy. Both of us had nice big boobs and anyone looking at us would keep watching at our boobs for a while as the boobs were all soft and full with nice nipples protruding out from under the blouse. The crowd which came to watch the fire work was huge and we both got surrounded by lots of young boys....
I had been friends with Amy for a short while..she was pretty, petite, sexy and fond of telling me that she was bisexual….one night after being out..drinking..dancing..we started to walk home together..her hands kept brushing my arm…her fingers touching me, she asked if i wanted to come in her house for a drink…as we got in the front door she told me to go through and sit in the lounge… I sat down on the sofa, head back, eyes closed…suddenly i realised Amy was in front of me, she leaned down...
I had been friends with Amy for a short while..she was pretty, petite, sexy and fond of telling me that she was night after being out..drinking..dancing..we started to walk home together..her hands kept brushing my arm...her fingers touching me, she asked if i wanted to come in her house for a we got in the front door she told me to go through and sit in the lounge...I sat down on the sofa, head back, eyes closed...suddenly i realised Amy was in front of me, she...
My mouth is currently on your dick. And it’s fucking SUCKING IT!!!! (The crowd ooosand aaahs) (I give them a thumbs up without stopping!) Isn’t it great to know the crowd’s impressed?! Then I say “lets go somewhere more private” and stand up and pull you into a private room backstage not too removed from the crowd’s earshot. We find a comfy beanbag!!!!! (Isn’t it nice to work in comfort to the narrative!?) (I’m so nice!) You sit on the beanbag and you comment on its comfort and then I pull up a...
Tabitha, Renée and I strolled through the thinning crowd to the food court. It was obvious that many of the patrons had congregated there, so finding a table that Renée wanted seemed impossible. I recalled her desire to play footsies and prayed that she had given up the thought before my embarrassment became something of legend. Tabitha was no help as she spotted a group of kids leaving a u-shaped booth. I felt like a dog on a leash as they dragged me over before anyone else could claim...
I’d been replacing the hot tub filter and plumbing with a newer model and I was covered with dirt, plastic bits, and filter sand. I decided to go to the cabana and shower there, rather than drag all of the mess through the house. I had just lathered up my hair when I heard, “Need some help washing your back sailor?” I spun around and looked in the direction of the voice. Teagan was standing in the shower entrance unhooking her bra, having already stripped off her shirt and kicked off her...
"You rotten bastard! How could you do this to me? This is all your damn fault!" The string of blasphemies coming from my wife's mouth seemed never ending. I have to look back sometime to think just how I came to be in this uncomfortable position that all too many men have found themselves in over the years. There I was, along with thousands of other idiots, trying to force my way into the underground station during the rush hour. I'm told there are worse places in the world but London...
Cheri and Dan had been married about two years. They had the best active sex life. They also lived with Dave, Dan's father. Both men shared Cheri. Tonight she was naked watching a movie between both men and they were each sucking on her tits and had two fingers in her cunt fucking her. Both men were also naked and she was stroking both cocks. She knew where her husband got his big cock as her father in law was huge. He was always naked with a big hard on and loved fucking Cheri. Last Saturday...
The beat was heavy, filling the lungs with dull reverberation. Even far below, she could feel the echoes of it, the sounds causing the musty pools of green-tinted water to shiver with gentle rings. It was dark here, thick with decay so old that the mossy film covering the black tunnel walls had long ago fossilized, now a murky grey beneath the newer slick of green. A thin crackle of noise scratched in her ear as someone tried to use the radio. With a hiss, she crept along the tunnel, her only...
I love being watched. Here is a story of how I found out I’d like being watched.I was twenty-one, in good shape and horny. I wanted to get my nut off from some anonymous guy so, I hit a local adult theater. The operator knew men were hooking up in his cinema, there were several rows of seats, but there were also open spaces to allow better access for the patrons to mess around.So, I paid my minor fee and entered the theater. There had to have been about half a dozen guys of various ages. A...
Gay MaleSometimes it only takes one meeting of eyes, one fleeting glimpse across a packed room to know. Sometimes your eyes connect with someone so intensely that it transcends the sound of Velvet Underground being blasted from a rented PA, the dozens of fratboys with red cups and the couples practically fucking on the stained couches. That’s what happened to me that night. Perhaps I’m getting ahead of myself. I was only there that night because a friend of mine needed a wing man. I was supposed to...
Straight SexA couple years back my marriage got a bit turned upside down. Long story short, my wife was bored at home and wanted to try seeing other men outside our marriage. I didn't like the idea at first, but after some discussion and negotiation, we made a deal that she could see other man, but only if at some point I would get to participate. Another factor of the deal was that she would indulge my deepest fetish by wearing whatever clothing or costume I desired for the event.Fast forward just a...
Paula had not stopped thinking about yesterday, the day she watched her long-time employer make love to a man Paula had known for a while now, as not only a friend but also a co-worker. She tried to make sense of the previous day's events as she moved from room to room, keeping up with her daily duties.She had always taken her employer’s confidentiality with the utmost respect but she had never once flaunted her exploits so blatantly to her before. This was not simply lying around in the...
Love StoriesI had worked with Stacy’s mother for a year or two and we had become close. I was 53 and she was 50. I was divorced for a couple of years, and she had been divorced for over 10 years. She knew that I had a vasectomy. I was hoping that knowledge would get me in to her pants. Not a chance. She had two children Sean, the oldest at 19, and Stacy at 18. Sean was always happy to work on my Fiat Spyder to fix anything that went wrong. And something always went wrong. The acronym for Fiat was true;...
Group SexChapter 1There are many sayings about patience. Patience is a virtue; good things come to those who wait; absence makes the heart grow fonder; and things of that nature.As you can imagine, someone offering even to try an FFM exerts a great deal of pressure on your patience. You want something like that to happen yesterday, but there was no rushing this potential erotic adventure.Siobahn and I have a great deal of trust invested in each other. We are both comfortable with our situation, knowing...
ThreesomesI love the crowds. In my mind they are like a smorgasbord, only instead of perusing food and desserts I scan the masses of lovely faces and hot flesh. In either case, the scene makes me incredibly hungry. Be it the stadium, crowded restaurant or bar, the local shopping mall, you name it, I’m a people watcher. Mind you I don’t watch just any person but those of the female persuasion in particular. I love to scope out, scan the field, flirt a little then scheme and strategize who I can try to...
They say things come in Threes.... I've noticed the last few weeks this man with dark hair, striking blue eyes and good looking has been driving slowly as he drives by me. Doesn't make sense I'm not young or skinny but I keep noticing him around town. The funny thing is he is always in a different vehicle. It was starting to worry me some when I started noticing him driving down the street I live on. Just in case I always locked my doors and kept the windows locked. Then one night I heard...
My friend, Lilly, is staying with us while she recovers from a bad breakup. She has long blonde hair, smaller breasts than mine, and a much smaller waist. I am not jealous that she might steal you away. You find her shallow and boring, so I am not worried. But she does want you.At first I told her, no, straight out. I don’t share. But her idea intrigued me. You have been good to me lately, so maybe you deserve to be rewarded. Hmmm. Definitely something to think about.Later that week, you are...
We are all standing around the bed Chrissy is just in sexy lingerie, whilst Greg is sitting on the bed next to her still fully clothed and I am standing just in my boxers shorts, my is cock is already fully erect and straining against the fabric the head poking its way through the top of my shorts. I am trembling with nerves and anticipation, Chrissy moves forward and places a reassuring hand on my thigh. I look her up and down, her erect nipples are clearly visible sticking out against the...
I was attending a party, at a pub in a town near where I live.Yes, I was dressed up; a black and white frilly skirt that hung to just above mid-thigh, denim knee high boots and a tiny tube top.I was here because someone at work mentioned this place, not recommended you understand, no; he was complaining about it. He spent about twenty minutes telling us on our lunch hour that every thursday night it was tranny night. His precious pub turned "gay" every thursday.Okay, so he's an arsehole, we all...
The note was stuck under my windshield wiper blade, and was in Gloria's handwriting. "Come over for dinner tonight...7:30 sharp !!" I finished work, raced home, showered, and sat on the sofa waiting for 7:25. just so I could dash across the yard and arrive on time. I knocked on the front door, and Gloria met me. "Wow...I'm impressd at your punctuality," she laughed, "Come in." She was wearing an orange sleeveless stretch top, a black stretch skirt which ended a bit above her knees, and orange...
Christmas Changes Come in Threes By: Alexis © 2007 Wolf-Pup Publishing Prologue Bill looked at himself in the mirror and sighed. 30 years old and alone again on Christmas Eve. Not just alone, he was dressed up in women's clothing. He was wearing plain cotton panties, such as one's mother would wear, tan pantyhose that looked strange on his unshaved legs, and a 48C bra with empty cups. Bill...
After finishing up my vacation with the kids, I dropped them off at my parent’s for the weekend. Rex was entertaining clients and would be home later in the evening. I wanted to have a sexy weekend with my husband. I had been thinking about Sandy, the babysitter. My husband and I had a threesome with her for our anniversary. I wanted to surprise Rex with another threesome with her. I couldn’t stop thinking about our threesome. Sandy and her squirting orgasms made me hot. Several times on...
Group SexGood things sometimes come in threes, and such was the case with a local guy I met on three separate occasions. I usually can’t meet for play in my home town because of risk of discovery (I am a married professional), but in this case I made an exception. My acquaintance was a senior manager at a local construction company. His wife allegedly had some kind of medical issue that prevented her from having/enjoying sex. I met him online, and he described himself as a middle-aged top with average...