Good Things Come in Threes
- 4 years ago
- 32
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They say things come in Threes....
I've noticed the last few weeks this man with dark hair, striking blue eyes and good looking has been
driving slowly as he drives by me. Doesn't make sense I'm not young or skinny but I keep noticing him
around town. The funny thing is he is always in a different vehicle. It was starting to worry me some
when I started noticing him driving down the street I live on. Just in case I always locked my doors and
kept the windows locked.
Then one night I heard some noise in the house. Since I was already in bed I didn't really know what to
do so I was reaching for my phone to call 911 but just as I got the phone in my hand another hand
closed around mine. I screamed but his other hand moved to cover my mouth. He pulled me out of bed
and brought me into the front room. Once there I noticed two other men and all three of them were 6'4
or so dark hair and those striking blue eyes. With the moon light coming in the windows they looked
like Greek Gods to me. While one was holding me to his body the last man took out a knife to cut my
long t-shirt off of me. I struggled to get free to no avail. Looking up to these three men the one who had
his hand over my mouth took it off. Not knowing what was going to happen I said I didn't have
anything of value to take, they just smiled at me and said that wasn't why they were there. I looked at
them noticing how nice their bodies were even though they looked close to my age and looked down at
mine which is a bit over weight and asked why me I'm not young or skinny. As I was trying to figure
out what was going on one of the other men took both my hands and pulled them behind my back and
tied them. That is when they told me that they were triplets Danton being the oldest, then Dakota and
Dallas and they shared everything and that it was hard to find women who were ok with their particular
tastes for sex so they came up with a plan that they would find one who would be good for all three.
They picked me to see if they could train me to please all of them.
Then there hands started moving all over my body and grabbing and pulling. Shoving their fingers
inside of all my holes and they told me that they happened to like the way my body looked and felt.
That their wants were a little different than most men. With my hands still tied behind me and my t-
shirt cut off of me one at a time they got themselves undress. One went rummaging around my bed
room and brought out a blanket to lay on the floor. Than one of the men laid face up on the floor. As he
did that I noticed how hard he was and looking at the other two they were just as hard. Hard for me, I
couldn't believe it. One of the men holding me guided me over to stand over the one on the floor and
told me to kneel down so his cock could go into my cunt. They helped me slide down over his
wonderful cock, feeling it go all the way in me. The man laying on the floor reached up as they leaned
me over so he was holding me up with his hands on my tits and he would lean up and suck on my
nipples and bite them and squeeze them hard. Then one of the men knelt down behind me and slowly
put his cock into my ass. I went to look back and saying please don't when the last one grabbed my hair
and shoved his cock into my mouth. Now all three men had their cock in me and they all started
fucking me slowly at first and then much faster. Slapping my ass hard and squeezing my tits and
pulling my nipples. I couldn't believe this was happening to me and I couldn't believe how much I was
enjoying it. Wait no I shouldn't be liking this. As they pounding me harder in all three holes I couldn't
think of anything else but how good it felt my mind was going blank just thinking of the movement of
all three cocks in me. All of a sudden they all came and shot their cum into me. Hearing them moan as
they came, I wanted to explode as their warm cum filled every hole. Once they were finished they
helped me up but told me to get back down on my knees as the two who were in my cunt and ass sat on
the couch and wanted me to suck their cocks clean. The one who was fucking my mouth guided me
over to the first one and pushed my head down. I started sucking his cock and licking it all clean as I
was told. Then I felt my legs being pushed farther apart and a vibe being put on my clit while I was
sucking on the cock. The one holding the vibe kept moving it until I came. Then pulled my head off
and told me to move over to the other cock and clean it so I went on my knees to the other one waiting.
While sucking and licking that cock he put the vibe back on my clit and the second man started pulling
and squeezing my tits. I came harder than I ever had before and I couldn't believe how they were
making me feel. I got to rest a little while and then they were hard again. One whispered in my ear we
are going for another round. I looked at them worried and they smiled at me but changed positions.
Guiding me back on to one of their cocks and the other two put their cocks in me. Starting slow and
speeding up. Cumming in me once again and my brain turning blank with pleasure of being used so
completely. Sucking and licking the two cocks and getting to cum over again. Covered in sweat and
cum they let me rest for a bit once more but then whispered we are going to do this once more. So all
three men had fucked and cum in all three of my holes and afterward I sucked and licked clean their
cocks. With them having the vibe on my clit and pulling my nipples and cumming so hard. It was so
hard to think as they laid me on the blanket and told me I was theirs and that I needed to call them Sir
and that they would be back to use me the following Saturday to continue my training and that I had
better not tell anyone what had happened. All I could say in the state of euphoria I was in was ?yes
When I woke up the following day I couldn't believe what had happened thought it was a dream until I
saw all the hand prints, bruises all over my tits and when I looked in the mirror saw my ass all read
with hand prints. After my shower feeling how sore I was and how fulfilled I felt. I went over what had
happened I wanted to tell someone but didn't think anyone would believe me. I told myself it was just a
one time thing, it was just a game to them cause they were good looking and even though I think I'm
nice looking in no way someone who men like them would really want. As the week went on I kept
telling myself it wasn't going to happen and they would forget all about me. But as Saturday night was
getting closer I could feel myself getting wet thinking, what if they do come back?
As I got ready for bed I debated on if I should put a t-shirt on or not. Then told myself I was crazy and
they weren't coming and I was silly to think they would. So I put a t-shirt on and climbed into bed. But
before I could fall asleep I heard a noise and looked around and there they were smiling at me. One of
them pulled me out of bed and looked down at my t-shirt and laughed a little. He said ?you didn't think
we were coming did you?? I looked up at him and said ?no Sir sorry? he told me to take it off unless I
wanted it cut off of me. I took it off quickly and he tied my hands behind me again. I could feel myself
getting dripping wet as they walked me into the front room and laid the blanket down. I never wore a t-
shirt to bed again after that night.
As last Saturday each of them took turns in all my holes filling them with their wonderful warm cum
and me sucking their cocks clean and being allowed to cum while doing that. After a several weeks of
them coming over and using me all night they told me that the next weekend they were coming Friday
night at dinner time to have dinner ready. They said all I could have on was an apron while I cooked
and that they will be staying until Sunday night. I looked up at all three of them and told them that
would be wonderful Sirs and smiled at them. I couldn't believe how much I wanted all three of them
and each one of them leaned down and kissed me deeply before they left.
I was in heaven and couldn't wait for Friday to get here and it was all I could think about. People at
work were asking why I was smiling so much lately but I couldn't tell them why so just said I just feel
happy. Couldn't really say that I'm being used by three gorgeous men at the same time and can't believe
I like it as much as I do and don't want it to stop cause I was starting to crave their cum and touch. The
week took forever to get over with. By the time I left work on Friday I couldn't think of much besides
that they would be here soon and I needed to have dinner ready for them. Dinner was ready and the
table was set when I heard them come in. Realizing now that some how they had made a copy of my
house key and that is how they got in my house so quietly, but at this time not caring at all. I went to
the door to greet them and one by one they leaned down and deeply kissed me and the last one undid
my apron tie and said I wouldn't be needed this on any more if dinner was ready. So I took it off and
showed them over to the table as they looked at the four places they said one thing needed to be
changed. They took one of the chairs and put one place setting on it and one went into the front room
and got a pillow and put it on the floor in front of the chair. They all looked at me and said that is where
I was going to eat from now on. I looked at them and said ?yes Sirs? smiling but not really knowing
why that should make me happy but it did and even with them not here I ate sitting on the floor. I
served them their dinner and than placed some on my plate and they told me to stand there until I was
told I could sit. I did as they said and they all took a bite of the dinner and told me it was very good and
that I could sit and eat, thank you Sirs, just came out of my mouth and I sat down on the pillow and
started to eat. When they were all done I cleared the table and did the dishes as they sat and relaxed in
the front room and put on a movie.
When I was finished with the dishes I went in the front room noticing they were all naked and asked if
they needed anything. They asked for a beer so I went and got them one opened the bottles and brought
them out. When they had their beers they told me to knee down in the middle of the floor and face
them. I did as I was told they finished the movie and beer, then they told me I needed to start sucking
on their cocks to get them all hard but I had to crawl over to each of them. I crawled over to Danton
and got between his legs and started sucking on his cock. Feeling his cock in my mouth sent pleasure
down my body as I have never gotten before. His cock was hard and he told me, good pet, now go to
the others. I smiled up at him and said yes Sir and crawled over to Dakota and got him hard and then to
Dallas. I could feel that I was dripping wet and it was going down my legs as I was sucking on their
Then they tied my hands behind my back and had me slide down on Danton's cock and the others slid
theirs in me and fucked me. With them shooting their warm cum in me and filling all three holes at
once was a feeling I never wanted to stop. With sucking Danton and Dakota's cocks clean and
cumming and going two more times was heaven. After the three had cum in all three holes they untied
my hands and we all laid on the floor for awhile and I could feel their hands moving all over me
squeezing and pinching and my hands moving to their cocks and playing with their balls. We all slept
that night on the floor. Waking up with them was a joy having them all lean over and kiss me. I could
never have thought that this would be so comfortable for me. Since they all woke up with their cocks
hard they had me knee in the middle of the room and they each took a turn fucking my mouth and
filling me with their cum. Telling me that will be my breakfast and I needed to go make them their
breakfast. While they were eating they told me to go take a shower and be ready to wash them. They
came into the shower one at a time and I got to wash every inch of them. Once done I got to dry them
Over the weekend they were training me on how to say things to them, how they wanted things done,
along with a lot of sex, which with all three of them was amazing. I found doing the things they asked
was something that came easily to me like I was born to be theirs and please them. It didn't seem
strange to me that I had to wait for them to tell me to sit on the floor before eating and that they would
start eating before me or that I needed to ask them to go to the bathroom. They controlled everything
and it just seemed the right thing and I did it happily.
After a month of spending the weekends with me they told me I would go and live with them. To make
it easy for me to explain to others Danton and I would get married and his brothers would live in the
same house but would have their own rooms in the house but I would be all of theirs.
The weekend before I was to move in with them they brought me to a tattoo parlor and had a tattoo
picked out for me. It was 3 interlocked D's with a chain weaving through them with the letter k leaning
almost on it's side with the chain cuffing to the top end of the k and the other end of the chain cuffing to
the bottom end of the k. It was located at the small of my back.
When the day of the wedding came I couldn't believe I would be theirs forever but it was happening.
Walking down the isle seeing all three of them in tux's was an amazing site for me. When the vows
came I noticed the little changes Danton made to them and that Dakota and Dallas were saying them
quietly also. When he put my wedding ring on my finger it was actually 3 thin rings. I put Dantons on
him and later that night I got to put rings on Dakota and Dallas.
They had a surprise for me for the honeymoon, they found this bed and breakfast out in the woods by a
lake and the place was not into asking a lot of questions and was very open. So we could have a room
all together with no one saying anything. Once there we waited until the sun was setting on the lake to
have the collaring ceremony. There they were again in their tuxes but this time I was just in a white
corset with my hair up in a pony tail with three braids and I had to crawl down the isle of fabric they
had laid over the grass. Once getting to them I got on my knees and sat back on my feet and looked up
at them smiling and feeling how wet I was. They showed me the collar they had specially made for me.
It was beautiful. Three rings a half inch apart with three sets of numbers equally spaced to hold the
rings apart. They were 15, 23, 14, 5 and 4 while looking at the numbers wondering what they meant
Danton told me that they corresponded to letters and arranged as they were said ?owned?. I smiled at
all three of them saying it looks amazing and I would be proud to be theirs and wear this. They told me
as they put the collar on me to bend my head over. I could feel the cold of the stainless steel and them
closing each ring and putting a lock on it so I had three small locks with them holding the keys which
they put each on a chain so each would wear a key. Now I was totally all theirs, tattooed and collared to
them forever and I couldn't be more happy.
We spent most of the weekend in the room having sex. But we would go down for meals well I would
get to go down for lunch and dinner, not breakfast since their cum was going to be my breakfast from
now on. They also had the a special low table and pillow for me to be sitting on the floor next to my
Masters had two pictures made with us. One at the wedding with me in a chair and them behind me
(groom and best men so everyone thought) and one from the collaring with me on my knees and sitting
on my feet with my eyes looking down and with them behind me holding a braid each. The one from
the wedding they put over the fireplace, but the one from the collaring was in each of Masters rooms.
After coming home Masters had to go back to work and I stayed home to take care of the house and
them. While in the house I could only wear an apron while cooking. They staggered their hours a little
so in the morning I would get to spend a little time with each of them making Master's breakfast and
him feeding me mine before leaving for work.
I would have an hour to clean the dishes after they all had left for work before I had to get my special
stool out and put it in the middle of the front room. Masters had installed cameras all over the house to
keep and eye on me. The stool had two remote controlled vibrators on it and I had to sit down on them
and place another remote vibe in it's holder that would keep it on my clit which I had to spread my cunt
lips around the vibe. They would lower a spreader bar down with cuffs on them that they made to lock
remotely when they saw I had my hands up in them and then they would turn the vibes on, some days
on low some days on high and I would have to stay like that until I had cum three times while they
watched from work. Once I came three times for them the cuffs would release and I would clean the
vibes and get to my daily chores cleaning the house and making Masters beds.
I would have to text my Masters to go to the bathroom or have lunch, I had to text all three in case they
were busy one would be able to answer back but I had to wait until one did. When I had to leave the
house I had to tell them where I was going when I got there and when I got home. There were times
when I got back from these errands they would tell me to get my stool again and have me cum three
times again for them.
Then getting dinner ready for my Masters, setting the table. Masters also made a special table for us. It
was normal and all three of them sat on one side but on my side a hidden table could be swung out so it
would be at the right height for me to eat sitting on the floor. Once dinner was ready I would kneel by
the door waiting for Masters to come home. One at a time they did and I got to kiss their cock as they
came in and then they would pull me up and kiss me deeply. Granted their hands usually fingered my
cunt or pulled my nipples. We always had dinner together with me serving them and waiting for them
to tell me I could sit to eat.
During the week days I would take turns spending the night with each Master. Giving him full body
massages and what ever else would please him. Until the weekend when Masters would put a big
blanket in the front room, where they would fuck all three of my holes three times with me sucking and
cleaning their cocks and we would get to sleep all together and shower together. Every now and then
we would go out into the hot tube. Being with each Master during the week was oh so very nice but I
yearned for the weekend when all three Masters used me hard and filled me with their wonderful cum.
Before I met my Masters I would never believe that being controlled and used this much would make
me feel as good as it does. But over the years I have found I couldn't have anything else and feel as safe
or as happy as I do with my Masters.
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Lindsay was XX when it first started. One morning she awoke to find odd little crumbs in her bed. At first she thought they were crackers, but as she was getting dressed for school she noticed a small little tan ‘O’ laying on the floor next to her nightstand. It was a cheerio. She picked it up and looked at it for a moment, its wholesome oaty contours seeming perfectly harmless. She threw it away, assuming that her bratty older s****r was responsible. Little did she know that it was an omen of...
Lindsay was XX when it first started. One morning she awoke to find odd little crumbs in her bed. At first she thought they were crackers, but as she was getting dressed for school she noticed a small little tan 'O' laying on the floor next to her nightstand. It was a cheerio. She picked it up and looked at it for a moment, its wholesome oaty contours seeming perfectly harmless. She threw it away, assuming that her bratty older sister was responsible. Little did she know that it was an omen of...
I got home from school on a thursday afternoo and collapsed on the couch to take a nap. I woke up around 6 to have dinner, when my mom told me that she and my dad were going to Toronto for the weekend, and I would have to look after my little sister lindsay for the weekend. I didn't really mind because I had alot of homework to get done, and didn't really have time to hang out with my friends. When i got home from school on friday, I went up to my room to masturbate thinking...
It was a good day for a walk: sun, but not too hot, no wind, just a very pleasant day. With nowhere in particular in mind I roamed the streets, going wherever I pleased. In hindsight, I probably should have looked over my shoulder more carefully before crossing the street – a quick glance proved not to be enough when I was suddenly hit by what felt like a tank. They say I rolled over the car and subsequently the street but I can’t remember any of that. I don’t really remember...
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Mr. Franklin smacks Lindsay's ass bring her back into reality, she couldn't help but think about last night when she got home and used her dildo and how her fansty is all coming true right now, Mr. Franklin sits at his desk and demands Lindsay to suck is cock so he can cum and leave no evidence behind. She does as asked and gets on her knees below his desk and grabs his cock and starts bobbing on his dick taking it all and not being scared to rub his balls. Looking up at her boss seeing the...
This is a true story about what happened on my birthday a few years ago. I had been seeing my girlfriend, Lindsay, for about 6 weeks. She worked at a local supermarket, on the checkouts, and she phoned me that morning to ask me to pick her up after work at 4:00pm. Although she was only 19, Lindsay was very experienced sexually, in fact I had never met a girl who liked to get fucked as much as her. She told me that she had lost her virginity aged 13 to one of her friend's brothers, and ever...
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ExhibitionismLindsay was not looking forward to her shift at the department store where she worked. At 21, every night seemed like the perfect opportunity to get into some trouble, but tonight, she wasn’t scheduled to be off until midnight. She looked at her watch as she put her things into her locker and made her way to her area. 7:16 P.M. It was going to be a long night. Lindsay was gorgeous and she knew it. She had rich, brown hair that fell just below her round 38C breasts. She was the perfect frame...
EROTIC ESSAY #6 EMERGING: CONSISTS COMPLETELY OF OUR COMMENTS @ EROTIC ESSAY #5Erotic Essay hopefully comes back to this Valentine sequels of our series soon. After less as a week?Erotic Essay hopefully be read soon by both nice neighbours of Professor Peter Poet at Tasmanstreet.Erotic Essay hopefully be getting all attention all those involved. But both lovely ladies should know!Erotic Essay hopefully he gets chance soon: To hand them the link to their lovely little story for three! EROTIC...
The assignment, the first major essay of the school year, was to write a narrative essay about a first-time experience. Given the age of my students, most of whom were from just fifteen to almost sixteen, I frequently received essays on learning to drive a car, staying at home by themselves, cooking a meal, or other kind of age-appropriate topics. But in my eight years of teaching, I had not received a sexually themed narrative essay before. My eyes flicked to the pile of essays, half of...
Hi guys how are you? Mari storey pay anay ka shukaria ya mari phalli story ha kise be platform pay mara name javeria ha or aj main ap ko apni real story bata rahi hun ya story bhoat lambi ha short kar k likhun gee 2 3 parts main mujhay koi idea nahi ha stories likhnay ka so ager koi be glati lugi ap ko ya koi bee question ha ap ka to I am open to discuess why I am on this platform mari is storey say maqsad kia ha batana ka ya may is story ko kun likh rahi hun so waja ya ha k insan galtiyan...
Hello sisters , bhabhai,s and bhai . I am Ruksaar i tell not a writer or story writer but want to share with u some happening who come in my life or every girls life in come , even she is your sister or your bhabhi and maybe your mom , every person in come so problems and some strange things . I want tell you first , my name Ruksaar 32 year old , white color dark black wide eyes and long black hairs now , my breast 38 or waist 28 or hips 38 hain , breast maray goray or light brown nipples hain...
I love women's underwear. Not wearing it, but looking at it (especially when it's being worn by some hottie), touching it, and yes, occasionally sniffing it. Luckily for me, Lissy loves buying new stuff and modeling it for me. Even so, sometimes I need a little more, not that I ever get tired of looking at my beautiful wife, but sometimes you just need to spice things up a bit. As a result, shortly after we bought our new house, I made a promise to myself. I pledged that I would attempt to get...
After we chatted Comet and I went to the basement to play. He seems to havebetter control if his paws are able to grip something, his back paws Imean....his front paws are wrapped tightly around my waist ;) , so I usuallyplay in the k**s basement playroom. It has an area rug in it. But rightnow it is full of boxes and stuff while I redo daughters room. Anyway....So I took him into my workshop area.Hmmmm... what to do about the hard floor. Grabbed a painting dropcloth froma shelf, canvas...
I have existed for as long as I can remember. That is a very long time. As a being that lives outside the physical realm, time has very little meaning to me. I exist in what you would describe as an energy state, but it is necessary for me to be a part of a physical life most of the time, I could survive a few days without occupying a physical body at most. The beings I inhabit are unaware of me, I can control them 100%, or leave them in complete control. I can let them remember everything...
Things will be great when we're downtown... When it comes down to it, skid row is a state of mind rather than an actual place. It is where people go to be away from all society, and even there you can't escape it. Where the needle or the smoke or the bottle is your only friend, and everyone else is a blur. Weather is rain falling on you, snow gently covering and freezing you. The sun baking you and night having it's own terrors. During the winter they flock to mental institutions, and...
I had one spear left. Two of the Rock sharks floated belly up to the surface, the Slayer harpoon meant for Tyrannos was good enough to kill these triangle snouts. Even now fighting for my life I wondered why I called them that way. My last spear missed! Not that it mattered much, four sharks were now busy with the carcass of the ones I killed, fighting each other for the meat, there were three more now aiming for me, also that immense presence beneath me came closer. This was the largest...
We arrived in Halstaad Fjord and were greeted by a group of elders accompanied by twenty beefy looking men, all were dressed in the traditional Neo Viking way with leather vests and trousers and shirts. They all wore identical helmets and swords and all were dressed in the same dark brown color. Egill was also with them. As we stepped ashore he said to me, I know what happened, Eric and I will take it from here. You may have noticed the men; these are the first members of the Nilfeheim...
Jimmy's Comeuppance By Cheryl Lynn This is a spin off from my Little Leroy story recommended by a fan. This is a female domination/humiliation story and Not sweet or sentimental. If such stories are not to your liking, Do Not Read. It may be downloaded for personal use and any other use forbidden unless approved by the author. All standard disclaimers apply. [email protected]. Jimmy's Comeuppance Jimmy stood from behind the large ornate teak wood desk, stretched and picked...
Cordelia’s Corporal Comeuppance. This is a parody I do not own any of the characters or Angel the TV Series. They are owned by Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy and Warner Brothers Studio.Warning: This should be read by adults only, eighteen years of age or older All characters are over 18 years of age and this is a hard spanking with humiliation and sexual overtones. (FF/F) Bodily noises just happen sometimes in your life at the most inappropriate times. I remember such an incident when the...
"Dear mother and father," Ayeka wrote. Now siting in her side of the divided room she shared with Sasami. "I hope this writing finds you in the best of heath. I must confess I have been remiss in my correspondence with you, but with father's quite verbal abatements as to my 'living in shameful denial of my family duties' Nothing I could offer would have done more than simply aggravate the situation. To that end, I hope this pronouncement will gladden father's heart, as I wish to...
I’m cursing in my thoughts. “Where the fuck is she?” I’m hidden in a dark alley and wait for that pretty former Deputy Press Secretary to come walking through. I’m anxious as hell as I hold the garrote in my right hand. I need to have her tonight. I’ve studied Lindsay’s schedule and habits over the last few weeks; she always takes this shortcut in Friday nights. As I think of this, I hear brisk walking. Peeking from the dark corner, I see her coming towards me, dressed in skinny pants and a...
I’m cursing in my thoughts. “Where the fuck is she?” I’m hidden in a dark alley and wait for that pretty former Deputy Press Secretary to come walking through. I’m anxious as hell as I hold the garrote in my right hand. I need to have her tonight. I’ve studied Lindsay’s schedule and habits over the last few weeks; she always takes this shortcut in Friday nights. As I think of this, I hear brisk walking. Peeking from the dark corner, I see her coming towards me, dressed in skinny pants and a...
I’m cursing in my thoughts. “Where the fuck is she?” I’m hidden in a dark alley and wait for that pretty former Deputy Press Secretary to come walking through. I’m anxious as hell as I hold the garrote in my right hand. I need to have her tonight. I’ve studied Lindsay’s schedule and habits over the last few weeks; she always takes this shortcut in Friday nights. As I think of this, I hear brisk walking. Peeking from the dark corner, I see her coming towards me, dressed in skinny pants and a...
The YNC welcomes you to watch some extreme content! Let’s fucking face it; people are different and not just because others are cowards, filthy freaks, intellects, geeks, and shit, but ultimately because we subscribe to completely different stuff that literally sets us by far apart from each other. I am talking about the desire or guts to view shit like people bleeding to death, getting stabbed, extremely lethal accidents, or people behaving like scavengers eating and drinking each other’s pee,...
Extreme Porn WebsitesThey Are Huge! If you are a giant titty lover like I am, then you probably find yourself hitting the ‘big tits’ categories and relevant tags every time you visit a tube site. You have an unquenching appetite too, and it’s probably not enough for you! You want to see videos that only feature big boobies!They Are Huge has heard your cries. That is why they provide only videos featuring big tittied women getting as nasty as you want them to be for your stroking sessions. Oh, you seriously think...
Big Tits Porn SitesIntroduction: My first erotic story is a fantasy of a professor facing his attraction for a nympho student in his class. In the cool, dim light of his abandoned classroom, Professor Belford sits grading essay after essay of mediocre student work. It has been an especially taxing day, lectures are one thing, but its always an overwhelming stress fest when term papers are due. He can feel the tension in his students when they arrive to class with worried faces. He can even see the anxiety in each...
Lindsay pulled into her work's parking lot 15 minutes early like she did everyday. She started coffee in the break room because her office was right next to it, and she loved the smell of freshly made coffee. She clocked in and began working diligently at her computer. Lindsay was a hard worker. She was normally a day or two ahead of schedule, and today was no exception. It was Wednesday, and in just a few short hours she would be done with her presentation she had to do on Friday. She got to...
I had been dating Michelle about a year and while we always had fantastic sex, it was always on her terms. After a year of an "on -gain-off-again" relationship, I wanted to try something different - sex in public. At first, Michelle was not very keen on the idea. “Look,” I argued, “We can keep it discreet, but still have fun.” Michelle finally acquiesced under intense pressure. We were having sex at the time and she was on the brink of a massive cataclysmic orgasm. Public sex wasn’t my only...
HumorDisclaimer: This is my second story here, but for some reason, the first has never appeared... All photos belong to Lindsay Lohan or their rightful owners. And so we begin...She wasn't like that you know.She wasn't so... for lack of a better word, wild.When I first saw her, I thought, this chick looks so innocent.Am I to be blamed? That's a question I would think to myself now at times.Do I regret it? No. She was of a legal age when we first got together, and she was a willing party. In fact, I...
That’s why he thought he would go soft on his college students for once and give them a broad topic to write about. He hoped this would encourage creativity in his students and also save him the chore of having to read the same identical damn paper all night. “Write about something you love.” It was the only guideline he gave them, and deep down he was hoping for a flood of inspired pieces about the adventures of travel or the priceless beauty of art. Instead he got a...
Daddy, I'm ready for bed. Besides, I have something I need to talk to you about." "Sure baby, what is it?""Look at this letter, Daddy. Can you believe it? They're going to make me take College English all over again! They decided my credits didn't transfer after all." "That's a bunch of crap. You're on the Dean's List in the freaking engineering department and they want you to repeat freshman English because they decided on a whim not accept the transfer after you've been going for a...
hi my names kate id like to share a true storie with u. i was 15 at the time going out with a older boy it was so good because it ment so much more things to do. well one night he decided to try and get me in to our local as he new the landlord. I was abit nervous because iv never met hes friends before and thought id end up showing myself up. i dressed up to go down there in my short skirt and low cut top as i always like to give the men a good view wich they did when i was on the pool table...
This is what I would like to do. First, we would have and male join us for some cocktails and watch some porn. (his name is Tom he is 20 years younger than us and is in good shape and is bi) This gets my wife real horny. As we are watching I rub my cock throw my pants adjusting it so it’s straight up. As I am doing this, I see my friend doing the same thing. My wife asks if we need a helping hand. We both said yes at the same time. So, she tells us to remove our pants as we do, I can’t help...
now here is a fail story that seems so sexy and like every dudes dreams come true at the start. it started as us looking online for females to join us for some fun, after about 2 months of endless posting and searching we finally had a reply on one of our countless postings. it started out with hi and how are you and picture exchanges so we knew what each other looked like. after a few hours of chatting we felt safe enough to name exchange, for privacy reasons lets call her missy, a short time...
The story I am going to tell is about my first threesome and my first bisexual experience.REcently I met the Girl of my wifes younger brother. The whole family was relieved when the youngest guy came finally with a Girlfriend because everyone was speculating he might be homosexual. He acted for quiet some time like he is gay and made a big secret of his relationship with his gf. So finally we all met her and they seem to be very happy. One evening we were sitting altogether at home and watching...
Today started out as a normal Sunday.....k**s are at camp, and the wife asked where I wanted to eat for Fathers Day. I choose Hooters (I know I know) and never expected what was to come. Really, no one ever gets lucky at Hooters, hell most of the women could be my daughter, but still, I love the sights. We sat at the bar for the first time ever and the place was packed. A guy sat down next to me, ordered a beer and we had some chit chat about guy stuff. The girls all knew him, obviously a...