Homeowner's Association: A Big Deal At Sunny Manor (BDSM)Lindsay Knows Some Secrets free porn video

Eddie wished us all good luck and told us that we can hang on to the loaner butt plug until Monday in case we decide to stay over the weekend. The Director also told my father that if he decided to take him up on the offer to stay at a Hotel that Angelica would place a reservation in his name at the Hyatt. “We’ll only be billed if you actually use it,” he said. He told us we had plenty of time to talk it over and wished us the best of luck before inspecting his daughter’s ass himself and riding back to the community center.
Once inside our house, it looked incredibly empty. The movers had placed furniture, but they didn’t put it quite where it probably belonged. There were boxes everywhere.
“Good thing we didn’t bother to unpack,” Lindsay said smugly. She fully expected my father wasn’t going to stay after what we just witnessed on the tour.
“You wouldn’t help unpack anyway,” My Dad chided her for complaining and said we all needed to meet in the living room and talk about what we saw today.
“Christ, can’t we just chill out? I need to charge my phone. I am tired of talking about butt plugs and boners,” Lindsay disagreed.
“That is a fair point,” My dad said. Lindsay appeared surprised he agreed with her. “I have a tendency to want to take a problem head-on and talk about it, but you’ve all seen more than your share of new things for one day. How about we eat lunch, and then we talk about this as a family afterward?” he said.
“With what food?” Simon opened the fridge. Like all of our kitchen appliances, it was state of the art, top of the line dual 25 cu. Ft. Smart Wi-Fi Enabled French Door Refrigerator! It was already hooked up to the Wi-Fi, and I am not sure what that even did. All I knew was it was completely spotless, and it was also empty.
“Fine, we’ll order Uber Eats,” My dad said.
“Do you think they will let Uber Eats past the security gate? With all the naked women walking dogs?” I wasn’t trying to be sarcastic, but it sounded like that.
“Okay, what do you want then? I’ll drive us to get a hamburger,” My dad said.
Sunny Manor had been purposely located between New Port Richey and Land O’Lakes Florida. It was most likely by intention in one of the most remotes parts of Florida. It would be at least a 45-minute drive before we reached civilization and then we’d have to order food and wait.
“I am hungry now, Daddy!” Lucy whined and held her tummy.
“Okay, I’ll walk over to DeSade’s Pantry and get us some sandwiches,” my father conceded.
“I can do that, Master!” Charity offered. She was still naked and had the black turnip shaped butt plug in her ass.
“What I want you to do my love is to go to our bedroom. Remove that plug, take a shower, and relax. You’ve been through a lot,” my dad said.
“Yes, Sir,” Charity looked disappointed and walked into my dad’s spacious Master bedroom and closed the door.
Dad turned to me and said that I was in charge while he was gone and then he turned and walked out the door.
“Why are you in charge?” Lindsay shrieked at me after dad was gone. I had no idea. Dad had never felt the need to officially put anyone in charge when he was gone. I always assumed that Charity was in charge when he wasn’t home because she was the adult but that was before she became Charity the Slave.
“Run after him and ask?” I shrugged. It didn’t really matter, though because nothing happened while he was gone. I really did hope we could have all eaten at one of the restaurants in the community center -even if it meant Charity had to wear the butt plug. She had it in all afternoon and didn’t seem to mind.
None of us talked about what had happened. Instead, we all went our separate ways in the house. I started to look for my Xbox stuff, but when I couldn’t find it, I gave up.
Instead, I began to look out of the windows in my room on the second floor. I was looking for naked women walking by and hoping to see full-on buttcrack if I could. I was especially hoping to spot some hot girls my own age, but I’d settle for anything.
“What ya doing? Looking out the window to check out naked girls?” Lindsay walked into my room without knocking and scared the crap out of me.
“NO!” I lied.
“Okay sure, you were bird watching?” Lindsay snickered.
“What do you want?” I asked gruffly. I hated it when my sister caught me in a lie.
“When Dad comes back, he is going to want to have a family meeting and ask us all to vote. You know as well as I do that no matter how we vote if he feels strongly enough he’ll just veto it and do whatever he wants,” she said.
That was true. Dad liked Democracy, but he made it clear that as a parent, He wouldn’t let us vote for Ice Cream and Pancakes for dinner every night.
“So?” I wanted Lindsay out of my room. I wanted to get back to my dirty thoughts and fantasies. I was picturing spreading peanut butter up and down Bambi’s butt crack and then eating her like a sandwich. It was probably because I was really hungry AND horny.
“I know your little dick was hard the entire time we were out there. You should be embarrassed of yourself. You certainly made Dad and the rest of us look like perverts,” when Lindsay told me that I felt an intense wave of shame waft over me. I hadn’t considered how it would reflect on Lucy or Simon either that their big brother couldn’t control his urges.
“You made no secret that you were goo-goo eyes for that redheaded girl, and when you couldn’t have her you tried to make for that little blonde fatty,” Lindsay had a tendency to pretend to forget people’s names to make them seem insignificant
“Bambi and Stacy? Stacy isn’t fat!” I insisted.
“Whatever. That hot mess had chubby chipmunk cheeks and weird nipples. She seems right up your alley,” Lindsay said.
I know it may sound strange but I thought a girl with a weak chin, turned up nose and chipmunk cheeks was hot. The Japanese have a word called Wabi Sabi for something that is imperfectly perfect. I don’t know if that applied to Stacy but I didn’t mind she wasn’t the traditional Barbie-type hot girl.
I was flattered that she thought I had a chance with either girl that I had pursued. As far as I could tell, It had been blind luck those girls sat next to me. They were also both the ones that had started the conversation. I didn’t want to tell Lindsay I was flattered though so I continued to seem uninterested in where this conversation was going.
“I want you to do some things for me,” Lindsay told me with a bitchy certainty that suggested I would do these things for her whether I liked it or not.
“Fuck to the no,” I told my sister. I didn’t normally cuss, but it just slipped out.
“I thought you would say that,” Lindsay offered me her phone.
“I don’t want your dumb phone,” I thought she was trying to offer me an iPhone XR in exchange for my vote. Dad got her it after she bitched enough about it, but I still had an iPhone 5s.
“No dumb-dumb, watch the video,” she tapped the phone and showed me a video of my back. My pants were around my ankles, and I was jerking off in that disgusting toilet in that dirty motel we stayed at. There is a moment where a giant cockroach flies up off the floor, and Lindsay screams.
I turned around, and Lindsay opened and shut the door behind her in the dark to make it appear she just walked in on me and put the phone down so that I would think she hadn’t been there the entire time.
“When I saw you sneak out of bed and creep into the bathroom, I knew what you were going to do,” Lindsay smiled. She asked me if I wanted to see the second video when I crept back again and started over after Lindsay caught me spanking my monkey the first time.
She must have been a stealth ninja to be able to take the videos unnoticed OR I must have tuned out the entire world in order to focus on my perverted fantasies so I could ejaculate.
“You spied on me!” I was mortified. My sister loved to humiliate me when we were younger, but as we got older, she stopped doing it at school. She still got me in trouble at home now and then but never like this.
“I thought you, and I had matured past this? That you would stop making me look bad now that we are older?” I said.
“Is that what you thought? Well, you thought wrong. I’ll always be smarter and more clever than you, little brother. The only reason I stopped was that you are impossibly boring and I didn’t need anything from you. If it helped me I would have raised your underwear on the flagpole the first day of school this year. It would only make me seem cruel to the other girls at school to tease a pathetic weirdo like you. I let you think you were safe,” she said as she smiled and showed me the second video she had of me jerking off.
“You can even see the skidmark shit-stain in the underwear you’ve been wearing for two days!”
“Why?” I felt betrayed and hurt. I didn’t like Lindsay, but I loved her as a sister anyway. This was a new low even for her.
“I wanted a little insurance policy. I’ve been trying to get dirt on you since before we left Atlanta but other than being a jerk-off boy you aren’t very creative. Would you like to see your internet search history? My phone can hold all 2 gigs of the porn you keep on that purple flash drive. Wait until Daddy sees what you have been looking at?” she taunted me.
Lindsay described some of the more out there porn I had saved. I like to save pictures that tell a story in a single image. I also like pictures that you have to wonder why a person took it in the first place and subsequently uploaded it on the Internet -a real WTF picture. As an example, I have a picture of a naked woman holding a watermelon standing next to a real bear. I don’t know what the original photographer said to her the day of the shoot. “Hey there, I’d like you to get naked and hold this watermelon next to a real bear” perhaps but why did he take the photo? why was it free to download.
“Look at this picture, little brother. Do you want to explain to Dad why you spank it to this? It is super creepy,” she said. It was six college-age women standing in a school dormitory holding their butt cheeks apart. They each had a different flavor of sour cream chip dip between their butt cheeks, and the frat boy was going down the line dipping a potato chip. It was part of a series of Freshman hazing rituals for joining fraternities.
“What about this one?” Lindsay had found the weirdest shit in my collection, which meant she must have looked at everything.
This was a video and not a picture. It featured an Asian woman. She was tied up tightly with red yarn in shibari style bondage. Someone had tied clear cellophane around her neck and filled it with water up to her nose like a bag. They dropped a goldfish into the clear bag and let it swim around the girl’s face. Someone instructed her off-screen to open her mouth. She reluctantly opened her pretty little mouth, and the goldfish swam in and out of her mouth while she looked like she was about to cry. The video ends when he instructs her to close her mouth and swallow it.
“That was probably faked,” I couldn’t imagine how it was faked.
“I can tell him you are porn obsessed and that you have been sending me these things for weeks after I told you to stop. I can tell him that I am afraid if we stay here you’ll get even weirder, and for your own good we have to leave,” she said.
I really hated that she was doing this and I told her that there was no way dad would believe that.
“Open your e-mail, Little brother,” Lindsay liked to call me little brother when she wanted to make me feel small.
She told me to check my sent mail. I didn’t normally send a lot of e-mails, and I never had a reason to check my sent mail. There in my e-mail were hundreds of e-mails from me to Lindsay with attachments. “Check your deleted box you’ll find all my replies telling you to stop,” she chuckled.
“How did you get my password?” I asked her. She wasn’t a hacker!
“Iambatman1” or “Iloveass123”? She enjoyed taking me apart piece by piece. She told she has months of video of me jacking off. “Your eyes roll up in the back of your head, and your toes curl up. It is so adorable. You know what you do right before you jerk off? You open up about twenty-five tabs of porn and search dirty stories and pictures. I thought you’d go back and look at the porn you already saved, but you always want new stuff. All I had to do was be quiet, wait in the back of your room and press record. My phone has an excellent microphone and an incredible zoom. It didn’t take me that long to work out your password after recording you type it over and over,” she was really a snake!

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