A Night At The Manor House
- 2 years ago
- 69
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I retired several years earlier than I had planned, but I didn't begrudge my wife the almost year I spent with her. The first part of that year I simply had to drive her in for her treatments. There was a lot of time spent sitting in the reception room waiting for the doctors. Later I spent my time waiting in the same places for her treatments to end. Alice didn't like me sitting in the doctors examining rooms with her. Alice didn't think I should complain about things in my cop voice. She probably was correct to think it effected her treatment in a negative way.
I actually had no long tern effect on her at all. I couldn't have prolonged her life another hour. It was sad but true, they really had done all they could have for her. She spent all but her last week at home. That week she went into the Christ Hospice run by a group funded by the local churches and donations from the families of the love ones who ended their lives there departed. The hospice was nice. It should have been the gifts, insurance, and religious donations made for a nice budget. I shouldn't say anything bad about the employees there. I was never tempted to use my old cop voice with them.
The day after Alice passed through the veil of tears was a busy one. I hadn't left her side those last days, so I went home and crashed.
Since Alice had written her final wishes so my involvement on that day was to give our daughter the message when she arrived. "If you need any help call me. I'm going home to sleep all day." I said in a failing voice, then I disappear for the day. I woke almost twelve hours, to the minute, since Alice left me. I realized I didn't have a plan for the rest of my life.
I was empty when I took the shower, then two of Alice's sleeping pills. There were only two, or I might have taken whatever number was in the bottle.
I drifted back to consciousness. I awoke to answer the ringing land line. "Hello," I said into the phone.
"Tom it's Marta, I was so sorry when the church group leader called. Is there anything I can do."
"No Marta there is nothing anyone can do, but I do appreciate the offer. Sarah is taking care of me," I said. The truth was I didn't expect to hear from Sarah other than to settle Alice's estate.
After Marta finally hung up, I went into the shower again. I had been skipping showers the last week, so that day it was my plan to return to daily showers.
We had bought one of those single cup coffee makers a few months before. It had been the easiest method for us those last few weeks. I had a cup of coffee and would have made toast had I not found mold on the bread.
So instead of fixing breakfast I drank the coffee while contemplating emptying the refrigerator. During that contemplation I remembered I could rent a metal dumpster for a week. Since I couldn't imagine how I could get through the day without a project, I called the city to schedule a dumpster delivery
"Sarah, how you doing?" I asked when she answered her cell.
"I'm fine what do you want?" she asked in her no nonsense cold voice.
"Where is your mother and have you finished that part of her list?" I asked.
"Did you read her note," Sarah asked.
"I didn't read that part in detail," I informed her.
"Markam And Son transported her for a direct cremation. She had prepaid for the service. They will hold the urn for one of us to pick up," she explained. "Probably be a couple of days."
"Okay, I'm going to start cleaning out the house this afternoon. If there is anything you want come flag it tonight please."
"You aren't wasting any time," Sarah said.
"I'm trying not to go mad. If you want me insane, I will sit here and wait for you to come visit," I said it in my tough guy voice. "Oh that's right you almost never visited your mother. I don't expect you to ever visit me. I have work to do goodbye."
I went out to breakfast while I waited for the morning to pass. The trash container was due by 3pm.
I couldn't face the staff at the local restaurant where we had breakfast most mornings toward the end, so I drove to the fast food joint for biscuits and coffee take out. Then I took it to the lake to consume. I spent an hour over a ten minute meal. I watched the city's rowing team race their scull back and forth down the lake as I ate.
The drive back to the house was miserable. I sat in the short driveway staring at the two story three bedroom two bath house. It was a lot bigger than I would ever need again.
There was a one car garage without a car. It was filled with work benches and tools. They would probably all have to go as well as the antique furniture of limited value. We had bought the furniture buying what we liked when it was just old furniture, so I would be surprised if any of it had any real value.
The plan I formulated was to trash all the paper and junk. It should take me a couple of days to remove it. If the dumpster was full I would send it back before the week was up. When the house was more or less empty, I planned to have an estate sale.
I would tell Sarah only after I emptied the trash from the house. Alice had wanted her to sell the house, but she allowed me to get rid of everything else.
The dumpster came just after noon, so I began with the kitchen. I emptied all the food from the kitchen cabinets and the refrigerator. I moved all the cans from the cabinets to the rear pantry on the enclose back porch. Like every place else in the house it needed washing or painting.
I cleaned the table then placed all Alice's dishes on it. There wasn't room of course. So I filled the kitchen chairs and the kitchen step ladder with things.
By the end of the day everything was out on display for Sarah to view in the downstairs rooms. When she came that evening she would just tour the upstairs and her mothers bedroom in search of treasure.
Sarah came after I returned from my drive to pick up a pizza. I ate the small pizza and tossed the box in the dumpster before she arrived.
She searched through the house before she loaded her car for the drive home. "Tom where are you going?" she asked.
"Don't worry I won't be living with you honey," I said in my cold voice. It was how we had communicated since she was a teenager.
"You know Ralph and I would be happy to have you," she said.
"No you wouldn't and I don't blame you one bit. For some reason since you was thirteen we were like the two Koreas but with slightly better manners," I said
There were tears in her eyes when she left. "You always make me so sad," she said as she left.
"I don't try to do that. It's just how you react," I got the last word. It was one of the few times since I married her mother.
I got the estate sale in for the next weekend's newspaper classifieds and Alice's four year old low mileage car onto the Craig's list the second day after her death. By the time the dumpster was picked up the house had an empty feel about it. I stayed mostly in my bedroom and the kitchen.
The day before the estate sale Sarah called to offer her help with the sale. "Sure honey I would be glad to have you. Is Ralph coming as well?"
"No he is taking the kids to the club to swim," she said.
"Okay it will probably mostly be over by noon. So maybe you can join them," I suggested.
"Maybe, we will just have to see how it goes," she replied.
Sarah brought coffee and breakfast, so her coming was a good thing. The looky loos came at 7am. The coffee was gone when the local antique store pickers arrived. They found a few things that had some value. I let Sarah deal with them. I was willing to give them real deals, she wasn't.
By the end of the day most of the furnishing and my tools were gone. I man even came by to put a deposit on Alice's car. I considered the weekend a success but it was also sad.
At the end of the day a truck from a thrift store came buy to take all the left overs. Sarah had given me the money before she left.
On the way to the car she said, "Mom said to give you her ashes. She said you would know what to do with them."
I just nodded through the tears. I took the urn. Since I had made the decision it was just a matter of doing it then returning to the empty house.
"Tom I hate to sound like I'm rushing you but when do you plan to vacate the house?" Sarah asked.
We were standing by her car when she asked. "I have nothing holding me here after tonight." I said.
"Where will you go?" she asked.
"I'm going to take a temporary gig for a guy I know at the Department of Justice. I'll be a nomad for a couple of months at least," I explained.
"Then we have to go to dinner before you leave," she demanded.
"Absolutely," I lied.
After she left I waited until almost midnight then drove to the park by the lake. It closed at midnight but climbing the fence was doable even for a well past sixty year old man. I walked to the floating dog there I pour her ashes over the city water supply lake.
"Well you loved this place and I love that you have a kind of immortality," I said as I replaced the cover to the urn. I also threw it into the lake even though I think it cost five hundred bucks.
The sun was streaming through the uncurtained window at 8am when I finally got moving. I had been awake since 6am, I just couldn't make the body work so early. I had never noticed how the house looked so early. The small two story place seemed cavernous without the furniture. For the last couple of days I had slept on the floor.
I slept in the empty house in order to get rid of the last of my possessions. In that last week I discovered how much physical and emotional work it was to rid onesself of a lifetime of crap.
Anything that wouldn't fit in the large Camouflaged Duck Dynasty backpack had to go. I had promised Sarah to leave the house in 'ready to sell' condition. I even had a painter from 'Give A Drunk A Job' come in and repaint the place inside and out. After the estate sale.
Sarah and her husband should be able to flip it easily. The agreement was that she and her husband would keep half the profit, and send the other half to me.
After selling off of everything, including Alice's two year old car, the debts had been settled. It took the proceeds of the estate sale and most of our small savings, the part that hadn't gone for medical expenses during that last year. Looking in the mirror, while I brushed my handful of teeth, I saw a debt free man. A man who just happened to be almost broke.
I suppose that I wasn't completely broke, just badly bent and worn to the breaking point. I shut the medicine cabinet after adding all the pill bottles to the plastic bag which I would somehow fit into the 'DD' pack. When that was done, my plan was to drive to a fast food restaurant to get a breakfast sandwich, then to the lake where Lucy and I ate breakfast most mornings. When both of us were healthy enough, the last year those morning had been few. It was also where I would be going to talk to her one last time.
On my last morning I found that the lake hadn't changed much. There were just a few fishermen on the banks that morning. I mostly looked at the water and felt the emptiness. People talk about an empty space, after the loss of a loved one. Their descriptions don't even come close to the real feelings. Lucy had been gone only a month and I still saw her everywhere I looked. I wondered if she would ever be truly gone. Maybe that was what immortality was. "Well old girl I'm off to a new place and a new adventure."
The time came when I finally had to leave the lake. Not because I was on a schedule, I simply ran out of food and coffee. The lake still had an appeal, but not as much as when Lucy and I sat discussing the world. Most it was about the grand kids at the end. She made clear that her half of the assets were to go to the two grandson's college fund. She probably feared that left to my own devices, I would drink myself to death. Hell I still might.
I stopped at the dumpster on the side of the access road to toss my trash in on the way out of the lakeside park. Then it was on to the interstate highway, which ran almost directly to the coast. I should have taken the job and made the move five years ago before Lucy got sick. It didn't matter much I would have been alone on that day anyway.
The drive along the interstate was an efficient use of my time, but a miserably boring drive. It would have been more fun to choose a drive down the old renamed state highway system. It would have taken two hours longer, but I might have stayed awake. That two hours was the difference between arriving at my new job before the office closed, and arriving when everyone with any authority had gone home for the evening.
I made my one stop about half way. It was for gas and a sausage dog in a clear plastic wrapper. After the microwave destroyed the taste, I was left with the fat and calories. Those I could have done without, but nonetheless I ate it while I filled my coffee cup with the evil convenience store brew. It was almost as bad as the poison I made at home.
Once I left the highway there were some twists and turns before I arrived at the gates of the Manor House. The Manor House was what used to be called a home for wayward girls. Today it was classified as juvenile detention center. I arrived at 4:13pm exactly. The guard on the gate checked my driver's license against a list of approved visitors. He obviously didn't need a call up to the office to clear me.
"Sir, you want to stay right when the drive splits. That branch will take you to the office. The guard at the desk just inside will buzz you in and direct you to the right office," the gate guard explained. Night Staff officer of the Manor.
"I think I can handle that, and thanks," I replied. That was one job I could eliminate, I thought. That was going to be my new job. Revamp the alternative juvenile girl's detention facility. As with everything else the feds had taken over the detention facilities nationwide. They leased it to private contractors, then paid them to house the detainees. It was a money laundering operation any drug cartel would envy. I recognized it for what it was, as did every other real copper. There were very few of us old timers left. Almost none of the new ones could see what had happened. Crime finally did pay, it seemed.
The Thirty something bottle blonde guard standing behind the high counter was very soft spoken when she asked, "Mr. Phelps is it?"
"Yes that's me." I said looking at her name tag which had only her first name. "Janet."
"Would you sign in please. I'm afraid it's rather a long form since you are a first time visitor."
"You do know I'm not here to visit a detainee?" I asked in reply.
"Yes sir, but everyone who enters has to follow the same procedure," she answered.
"Then I will fill in the forms," I said trying to fake a cheerful attitude. I didn't dare say what I was thinking during the ten minutes while I stood by the tall counter filling in the form.
"Here you go," I said.
"Just one minute while I register you into the data base," she explained.
She is no doubt a poorly paid clerk in a uniform, I thought.
After a few key strokes she led me off to the office of the head of the facility. Miss Annabelle Jones was the name on the door. The clerk leading me had wide hips I noticed. They were accentuated by the uniform which always seemed to be the case. Her red knit shirt did nothing to hide her breast deficiency. She did have a pretty face. I had to admit to myself that it was her one saving grace.
She opened the door to the office of a woman much younger than me. My first impression was that I had entered the office of a bean counter. The desk was way too large for her. It was a hold over from the old days when the building had been a girl's finishing school, I expected.
"Tom Phelps," I said pushing past the clerk. I had no intention of letting the bean counter control the interview. The pecking order needed to be established between the two of us immediately. I wasn't sure that either of us understood it.
Since I didn't work for her she had no control over me. Since she didn't work for me, I had no control over her. It was a catch 22 situation which bureaucrats love. There was always someone else in line to take the blame.
My job title was temporary security consultant. My directive was to assess and handle all things related to the facility and inmate security. I would never call them inmates in a written or oral communication, but that is what they were. They were females between the ages of 12 and 18 from the thirteen county eastern district. The county detention centers had been closed and regional ones set up when the local law enforcement take over was finished.
The Mayweather Group had spent a lot of money to modernize the facility while still keeping its Gothic look, on the outside at least. Their desire to stop bleeding money was understandable, but the need for real security was also urgent. There had been several escapes which usually were ended by a call to the local constabulary. The one exception was the breakout of two 17 year old girls. They weren't on the outside long. They were picked up after they stabbed a man in the western district of a nearby large urban area.
The so called victim had given the two young girls a ride, then demanded payment. One could argue that he got what he deserved. The newspapers turned a small crime into a national disgrace, but only after the guy took a turn for the worse. His family went on national TV to complain. An investigation was begun immediately. I got the job of cleaning up the mess, but more than that I was commissioned to set the detention center on the right path, security wise.
"Annabel, how about having the security staff show me around. You and I can meet in the morning to discuss what I see at first glance. We can arrange interviews with staff over the next few days," I suggested.
"I hope you have a proper understanding of our very different roles here. You do know you are merely a consultant," she said with a smile.
"Of course I understand. You understand that I do not report to you. My report goes to the office of prisons in D.C." I said it with a smile. "We can discuss item of minor concern, so long as it is a civil discussion. If not, I will simply leave my post and deliver my report to the director of prisons in person."
"I'm sure that will not be necessary. As for what should be done today, I will get one of the counselors to show you around," the almost attractive Annabel Jones suggested.
"I would like to keep casual contacts with your guards to a minimum. So would it be possible to have the guard who brought me here give the tour?" I asked.
"Of course I'll make some calls. I have some other business calls to make, so could you wait in the hall?" Annabelle asked.
"Of course," I said not at all interested in playing whose is the bigger prick at the moment.
I spent the moments waiting for Janet looking at the framed photographs of the Mansion in its better days. I heard the click of her heels on the hardwood floors as she approached. Since she wasn't a real guard I was tempted to ignore it completely.
"You do know you can never sneak up on anyone wearing those heels?" I asked.
"You do know I'm not a guard? I am a simple receptionist." Janet replied.
"Hardly simple," I commented. "If someone is bent on doing you harm, they will be able to track your movements very easily. Is that better?" I asked then laughed.
"Much," she said. "If you will follow me, I will be happy to explain the purpose of each building," Janet said.
"If you are going to be on overtime, you can just make it a brief tour," I suggested.
When she opened the rear door with her swipe card, she revealed the three newer building completing the garden enclosure. "Who maintains the garden?" I asked.
"The residents all have jobs. There is a group who maintain the grounds. Those are the most trusted," she informed me.
They would be the most likely to come into contact with persons other than staff?" I asked.
"Yes I suppose so. Some jobs in the Manor are so technical that outside vendors and contractors come to work here, so everyone could have some contact," she said.
"Are you familiar with the protocol when outsiders are working in the building?" I asked.
"No Sir. For that you would have to talk to the security counselors." she suggested.
"So if you saw an outside worker alone with a resident, you wouldn't know whether or not to report it?" I asked.
"I know that isn't right. I would have a security counselor check it out," she snapped.
I nodded my head then moved on. I found that the buildings were numbered from left to right. Building two was to my left as I stepped into the garden. That one two story building housed close to one hundred kids. They were housed two to a room.
"Building three was set parallel to the Manor House and directly to the rear. It was the newest building and held the services units. Medical, food services, laundry and a couple of workshops designed to teach the older girls a trade. The trade shops were suppose to be a highly sought after assignment. The girls who worked in those were paid a slightly high wage than the slave labor wage of the maintenance jobs.
Building three was the right border of the garden. It housed another hundred or more residents. The capacity could be doubled easily if needed. Crime was going to be a growth industry, or so everyone speculated.
The campus was located on several acres of the old estate surrounding the Manor house. Consolidating the detention centers for young residents had made the visiting of the detainees difficult. Difficult for all but the most local of the residents. In turn it also make smuggling drugs into the prison much more difficult. In theory at least it make it impossible. That theory could not be proved since no one really knew how bad the drug problem was in a private juvenile center. It was one of the things with which I was tasked. The government wanted me to get a handle on the drug situation.
After the tour, I walked back to my truck in the small parking lot. During the walk I wondered where I was going to spend the night. I should have asked someone at the facility I thought at first. On second thought, I was glad I hadn't I wouldn't have to worry about a coworker visiting without warning.
I left the Manor house at half past five almost exactly. I drove my old Ford pickup toward the highway entrance because I knew for sure there was a restaurant just off the highway's interchange. I had seen it as I pulled off while headed to the Manor.
Even better for me, there was a convenience store staffed by local residents. It wasn't one of those chain grand convenience stores. It simply sold gasoline from the pumps outside and had a bar with coffee and slushies machines inside. There were even snack food items hanging along the wall. There were cigarettes behind the register of course.
The information from the very thin middle eastern man was free, if one could understand it. He advised me, in a heavily accented voice that the local motel was on the same road as the Manor house. It was a couple of miles past it in the general direction of the downtown. Just follow the signs for the inland waterway," he advised...
"The waterway runs though the downtown if you can call it that," he added.
I left the convenience store with a cup of coffee and a new direction in mind. I drove past the Manor House and into the town of Spring Branch. Like the foreigner had implied, it wasn't much of a town which suited me fine. Since I worked thirty years in a major city's police department I was ready for a little boredom. The excitement had taken a tole on my body and soul.
As I drove along the old state road which connected the town to the interstate highway system, I realized how flat the topography of the area was. It looked like a good place for me to get some badly needed exercise.
Just past the town limit sign I saw what could have been a 1930 tourist court. I only recognized it because I had seen the old black and white Movie, 'It Happened one night', on TV many years before.
Inside the cabin with the neon 'office' sign blinking, I found a young very black female. "Good evening, do you have a vacancy?" I asked. I was pretty confident that there was room for me in that Inn.
"Yes sir," she answered in a British laced accented voice. The half cabins are $45 US dollars per night. Check out is noon," she informed me.
"Do you take visa," I asked. It had a DOJ visa card meant for expenses only. Since she nodded her agreement, I swiped the card, then followed her directions to my assigned cabin located along the circular drive bardering the parking area.
"Do you know a good cheap restaurant?" I asked.
"It is my experience that one can have good or cheap but seldom both. There is a very small choice here in Spring Branch either way." she said in her clipped voice. "Try Aunt Lucy's restaurant down the a Ways. It's the best of the two mediocre restaurants in town," the black girl informed me.
First think the next morning, I ended up getting two biscuits with bacon and egg to go from Aunt Lucy. There was no drive through, so I had to wait inside on a round stool while she fixed them on an open grill behind the counter.
Because I had to wait, I was late to the Manor. I didn't have office hours but I had wanted to arrive before 9am.
Once at the Manor house it was simply a matter of jumping through the same hoops as the day before. Janet had me sign the same sign in form, then sign for another identification card, which would allow me temporary access to the facility's administration building.
"To gain access to the other buildings you must wait for a permanent Photo ID," Janet explained.
"So, for now to get anywhere I an forced to have a Tonto?" I asked.
"A what?" she asked with a bewildered expression.
"An Indian scout," I replied."
"We prefer the term escort," Janet explained.
"Considering the nature of this place I would think escort would be off limits," I said with a smile. Janet appeared to be a few watts short of fully bright bulb.
"The director has assigned you a space in the pool for now," Janet admitted shyly.
"Oh there's a pool. I should have brought my swimsuit." I said with a laugh.
"No, not that it is just the large room with work stations for the security staff to do their paperwork," she went on to explain.
"Sounds lovely," I replied sarcastically. "There are some records I need, so who do I ask?"
"I suppose for now you can give me a list and I can arrange delivery," Janet suggested.
"Check with the director to make sure before you agree to anything," I suggested. "I do have one urgent request. Point me to the coffee pot."
"Your desk is the office a the end of the hall. It is the one with the large window on either side of the door. The door off to the right of it is our tiny kitchen," she informed me.
I nodded my understanding, then headed off to settle in for my short stay in the fish bowl.
I walked to the end of the hall and opened the door. Inside I found a couple guards with snacks and coffee cups. I nodded to them threw my bag from the local restaurant onto a somewhat empty looking desk. Then I walked out into the hall, turned left and entered the kitchen area. I found a small refrigerator and a large coffee pot. I poured myself a cup before returning to my newly pirated desk.
I still hadn't spoken to the officers. I opened the sandwich bag and began unwrapping one of the aunt's biscuits.
"So, if there is anything you wish to know about me. If so now is the time to ask," I advised them.
The offer might have been ill advised. The staff of all phases of the Manor drifted in for the rest of the day for short little chats. They wanted to know everything from my plans for the review, to my taste in music. My Marital status came up several times.
In the end it was probably a good thing to have done. Getting the facts out usually prevented wild speculation. Speculation was almost always wrong. It was more likely to be harmful as well.
There were a large number of women and older men. Some nearing retirement, others just past the prime age for chasing prisoner through the night. Even to those I must have seemed a senior citizen, since I looked about ten years older than them.
I did ask several of the security staff and asked them to spread the word. I was looking for a piece of property with a short term lease available. I was disappointed at least until the woman in her mid twenties, who monitored the CCTV system for the day shift come to see me. Her duties all day long was to look at the CCTV monitors. I had to assume she was bored to tears.
When she showed up for her a second visit I was a little surprised. "Hi I'm Ruth my shift has ended, so I stopped by on on my way out of the Manor."
"Hello there, Ruth wasn't it?" I asked.
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“That is why boys normally aren’t allowed to sleep with shorts on!” Stacy pointed to my hard dick wedged in my shorts. I didn’t understand at the time what she was saying. A boner was perfectly natural for me. They explained that in their house, boys were allowed to walk around hard all the time. The boys were expected to masturbate at set times during the day. The girls considered it a biological function. The act of masturbating cleared the boy’s minds of dirty thoughts and made them less...
How many of you are in your 20s? You know, a virgin living with your parents and wishing there was a way out? I’m sure there are plenty of you raising your hand right now. If only you could find a way to move out of mom and dad’s basement, get a job like a real man, and discover the art of enticing women to ride on the Tiny Knob Express.Mythic Manor put you in the role of a dude that’s in exactly that kind of predicament. But instead of him sitting alone in his room and jerking off to porn...
Free Sex GamesThe Curse of Mammary Manor There are strange rumours about Mammary Manor - that no man can come out alive. Will any of the gang be brave enough to enter? (Sorry, I couldn't wait until Halloween to post this!) ------------- Late one night, Jake was driving his car with his buddies Nick, Gary and Chris. They were cruising the towns in the hills on the edge of city, where there were a number of old abandoned mansions, now that the freeway bypassed these towns. They were looking for...
The following story contains characters owned by DC Comics/Warner Bros. It is written as a fanfic parody story not intended to make any use of actual story lines in published books. The story is purely for fun, with no profit to be made by the author. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the author is given proper credit. I would really love to hear any comments you'd like to send me. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy it! I wrote a story a few years...
Wayne Manor ~ Egged On by Sasha Zarya Nexus ************************************************* Goddess of Exxor Universe, A Super Friends Fan Fiction This fan fiction piece is based on the original works, "All New Super Friends Hour" by Hannah Barbera, copyright 1977 and "Extreme Justice #9" by DC Comics, Copyright 1995. Cosmeg originated in "The Gods Themselves" by Arthur C Clarke, Copyright 1972 All original characters and plot lines are the property of the owners, and any resemblance...
I stayed late that night. They got her up after she was so brutally used, and she finally got her bath, though I don't know how hot the water was by then. She recuperated while the men deposited their seed in their other partners, whereupon she was taught how to use her mouth to make a man ready. By then, she was no longer astonished by anything. I think all her astonishment had been used up. When given her choice, she took Jack again, but ended up beneath all of them again, as they...
I am David Parr and I lost my mother when I was only two. She in fact died in child birth leaving my Dad to bring me up. His firm was very good and allowed him to work at home, on the odd days he had to go into the office the next door neighbour looked after me. Just before my 5th birthday I went to St Mark's boy's primary school where I stayed for two years. St Marks had a male teaching staff so my contacts with females were very rare. At 7 my father got me in to South West...
extensive grounds a mile from the old Oxford road. To the front of the Manor there is a large ornamental lake and to the rear many smaller buildings. It was quite dark when Karen and Deborah Mellor arrived and to them everywhere looked cold, drab and most uninviting. Miss Victoria Hall, the housekeeper, ushered them straight into the warm kitchen, serving them some special broth to help get them warm again after their long journey in the damp carriage. Always delighted with...
It was a fairly standard afternoon, or as standard as they were now. You'd graduated from university about 2 weeks ago, and had moved back in with your parents. You felt the need to take a short break before delving into the world of work, and they were supportive of that decision. You now spent your time seeing family, playing video games, and spending time with friends. On this standard afternoon, you were playing Hall of Heroes, a favourite of yours. The quickfire strategy game had enough...
MISSEDThe Fenian Outrage at Wantsumford Manor ************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan July 2015The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ...
Pleasures at Dressing Manor - by PRIM The story so far: Young teacher Miles Johnson has tried his best to rescue his pupil, Lyndon Blonding, 18, from the sissifying plans of his spiteful stepmother, Vera Hidebotham, who aims to turn her stepson into a girl. His Headmistress, Alison Forceman, accompanied the young teacher to the boy's home, Dressing Manor, outwardly to help him but secretly in league with Vera. The two males have been fed the feminizing drug Fem-Agra,...
Staring at the living room's Screen, Zax and Serah had two huge, proud, childish grins. They did tell the truth and now Troel and Jinka have to believe them. In contrast to the two children, Troel and Jinka completely ignored the notion of their daughter and her friend lying. The two adult listened to every word of the announcer and followed each of the reporters' questions that were answered or overlooked. They did not laugh or were excited. By when the announcement broadcast the third...
“Fun Center? Looks more like the fart center,” Lindsay didn’t look impressed by the two small buildings pressed close together at the edge of the property that Eddie introduced as the Fun Center. The twin buildings did seem very plain almost like warehouses next to each other compared to the much more ostentatious parts of Sunny Manor. There was a fenced in garden on one side and what appeared to be a third smaller unmarked building down an alleyway. “We built this as a phase two for Sunny...
PART 2. MY LADY TRANSEXUAL MISTRESS JESSICA/JESSIE OF FINE OUTSTANDING, DIVINE BEAUTY...The lady says I should been taken upstairs as too change into what there requirements too stay with them here for a few days in Her chambers... before such she Tie's my Balls up with a bondage rope and pulling it backwards between my legs that goes through the sides on my harness & up through the O rings of my Collar too the Mistress standing behind me as I'm cuffed too the wall in front watching my...
My sister Lucy was bouncing off the walls to get out of the house and explore. If given a choice between leaving the house and Xbox I would usually always choose Xbox. That being said the fact that there were real naked girls outside made me excited about going outside as well. I could never read Simon to know for sure how he felt. He was usually only excited about money but he seemed ready to get out of the house as well! My Dad was feeling pretty confident with the new household. The only...
I didn’t know what I was going to do about Lindsay’s blackmail as I climbed down the spacious stairway to our vast living room. The great vaulted ceilings and sky windows made our new living room seem so big compared to our old house. I was intensely conflicted but one thing was for sure, I really didn’t want to leave Sunny Manor. At the same time if I was doing what my sister told me it was probably wrong on many different levels. I would have probably done what my sister asked me to do...
All thoughts I’d had of returning home were wiped from my mind, knowing Ralph needed our support at the Manor while his mother was recovering from a brain haemorrhage! Without Iris, it became clear, that as guest we would take our lead from Ralph; and although he was not yet seventeen Ralph responded surprisingly well in the absence of his dominant mother; making adult decisions. I saw the last remnants of Ralph’s boyhood fall away, revealing a young man determined to impress himself on the...
Sex is its own reward. By that, I mean simply that once the ecstasy of a good romp is experienced, no one needs bully one into engaging in the sport again. Jane was not a complete idiot. She knew that there was something a bit off about it all. The songs are all full of courtship, and anyone could see that whole process had been skipped over without a nod. But here were two girls she desperately wanted to be like, two girls who had the ear of the Lady of Farnsworth Manor herself, and they had...
Geoffrey's protestations that he had no part in the rape Aldo and Horace intended now had no ability to protect him. He could not testify that he had sought only to "teach the bitch a lesson." In these more modern days, women have attained higher status in the world, but back then, it was commonly held that sometimes, women had to be taught their proper place. Had Geoffrey been dragged in front of a tribunal, that argument might have struck a chord with some. But if ever Geoffrey Flagman...
No one was surprised, of course, when Cynthia announced she was pregnant. She and Louis had only been married two months, and the baby "they" created was born only five months later. By then, of course, the peace and solitude that had been the rule for so many years in the halls of the manor had been completely destroyed by the bawling of babes. Soon that bawling would change to the pitter patter of little bare feet, leaving prints on the shiny floors, followed eventually by the nattering...
The Mystery Maid of Milton Manor By Cassandra Morgan The taxi rode slowly along the mountain road, and I had to admit, the scenery was something out of Ansel Adams' portfolio. The sky was high, as advertised, and the low mountains were green. I supposed that in another few months, they would be covered in white. There were crossing rivers in the valley, blue and green and peaceful. I looked out the back window for wildlife, but I couldn't see any. I sighed and settled back in the...
It was nearly 5 PM when James Seaworth finally decided to put his book down."It's no use," he said, under his breath, "I just can't stay focused."After a couple of hours traveling by train from London, he was now in a hired car headed directly to his Aunt Rachel's home. They hadn't seen each other since her husband's death, over a year prior. He lived in London, studying and working part time at a well renowned law firm.Aunt Rachel being his last living relative (although not blood related, as...
TabooA small car was circulating through a lone and dirty road near the small town called Swamp-Point. The destination an old manor in the swamp. Three persons were sitting aboard the car, Jonathan, Kim, and Sonia. They were college friends and at the end of last semester they had decided to do a road trip together during summer, but not any normal road trip they wanted to see the places that were supposed to be haunted. The three young adults loved those things. In fact, every week they meet at...
FantasyChapter 1 An exploration of a love-hate relationship That old manor was no place for a city girl like Stella. Perhaps if she’d been born in this country and her parents hadn’t decided to move to America when they tuned 18, she might feel more comfortable running this big mansion. She would have been living here all along if her mother hadn’t passed this house on to her younger sister when their parents died. Now that Stella’s aunt had died a lonely, some say crazy, maid at 45, her mother was...
452 [c58] Mallow Manor Part 8 Muriel had heard rumours about the maids mother but didn’t know if it was true, so she wasn`t perhaps as shocked as she might have been, so at the midday meal, she asked Hodges about the family, and was told the father had been a labourer and a drunk, pimping out wife and daughter, the mother no better than a whore, had died from a sexual disease, and later he too had passed over but from his liver being a drunkard. After the meal was over Mary returned and went...
448 Mallow Manor Part 6 The following Tuesday the ladies forwent the afternoon together it being Marys wedding, as was the local custom a wedding meant a drink or three for the villagers most of whom worked for or were linked to the manor directly or indirectly in some way, so after a simple ceremony in the afternoon, attended by the few who were not busy working, the couple returned to the manor, as man and wife to dine royally at the manor table, a rare privilege, After the evening meal the...
446 life at mallow manor Part 4 Bessy was up as usual early, her backside painful, her sex full of her young partners seed, but with a spring in her step that said she had enjoyed the whole experience, even if sitting was a chore today. Monty in turn had got out of bed somewhat tired, before Mary had arisen and could have caught him leaving the flat, he had stolen away and returned to his own room. A timid knock from the bathroom heralded the butler returning his mother, thanking him and...
Pleasures at Dressing Manor The story so far: Miles Johnson, a newly qualified teacher, receives a letter from his pupil, Lyndon Blonding, 18, telling how his father has eloped and his stepmother is venting her fury on him, keeping him prisoner at Dressing Manor, dressing him childishly and punishing him severely. He takes the letter to his Headmistress, Alison Forceman, who has Miles visiting her study every afternoon as a result, where he becomes addicted to the feminizing drug...
“If where we are going next is something for Lucy, then we probably ARE going to the FART FACTORY!” Lindsay teased her little sister as we walked back to the golf cart. “They will make you head of production in no time!” “You fart too!” Lucy pouted. Lindsay was once again making the joke that the Fun Center was a Fart Center because in her opinion it was dumpy while at the same time getting a little dig in on her sister. “You seem obsessed with farts,” Eddie said to Lindsay, “sounds like a...
When Cynthia burst through the door to her father's cottage, he was sitting in a cloth covered chair, an old cast off from the manor, stuffed with horse hair. He sat beside the unlit hearth in the weak light of an afternoon sun trying to pierce a layer of clouds that filled the sky. She skidded to a stop. He seemed so still. "Is it true, Papa?" she asked, breathlessly. "Is what true?" came his deep voice. "Did Mistress Penelope find you? Did she tell you? Did she ask you if you...
The Manor was a charitable trust linked to one of the university; its aims were to provide education and research into gender issues. A number of school parities of key stage 4 and 6th formers had visited the centre were by the use of bodysuits they experienced the visits as members of the opposite gender including the teachers. The visits also included day's experiencing previous historical periods of time. The Manor was becoming very busy with the visits and the trackers...
433 [cc 58] life at Mallow ManorA story of life in a Wiltshire countryside manor house, during the pre ww2 period, [a continuation of the story; Taking Monty`s cherry]. We take up the story a few months after Fathers departure to America, Hodges, the butler, having plucked up enough courage to ask Bessy, the cook to become his regular sleeping partner, Maycroft, having retired, to the gate cottage while still acting as advisor to the young and rather inexperienced, master Monty, who now runs...
MAID OF BUXCOMBE MANOR By Lisa Lovelace After two humiliating years as a male maid in petticoats at Buxcombe Manor, I was desperate to escape - but I had to time my attempt perfectly. Through the kitchen window, I could see that the rear door of the caterers' panel truck was open. I needed to duck away from Ms. Buxcombe's party, at which I was serving as the maid, and stow away in the truck just before the caterers closed the rear door and drove away. With luck, the truck would...
Mary looked at the statue between the pair of stars on either side. It was of an ancient Greek queen with a Sapphire and gold necklace built into the granite statue. Mary mused that it might be the goddess Hera or Athena from the gold wreath crown on her head. Mary looked around and just as the Estate Lawyer had said, it was furnished. * Mary stood five ten in her six-inch heels as she walked off the elevator of New York City office building. The door to the lawyer’s office was open and inside...
LesbianA transgender game by Alyssa S AKA Melody Mounier. This game contains very adult themes - there's body swapping, forced feminization, SM, sex of the consensual and nonconsensual type, some graphic images, et cetera. You might find this boring, annoying, or offensive if any of the above gets your goat instead of floating your boat. Let me know what you think: [email protected] or https://melodystgstuff.wordpress.com And enjoy! Alyssa S. *** Introduction You can't really say that you were...
BDSMEven then, Mistress Penelope did not pull in on the reins of her original plan. The only flaw in it, actually, had been that she assumed all the young women in the manor were engaged in sexual affairs already. It shocked her to find out they were not. Personally, I blame that on the fact that life in the manor was so dismal, and we had such few staff that everyone was busy all the time, and had no time for the frivolity of sex. Actually, come to think of it, the only residents of the manor...
The day was muggy and hot, midsummer and the sun was beginning to show itself in the sky overhead. I was mucking out the stables and preparing the masters horses for a day of riding with his beautiful lady. It had become almost a tradition over the last few years since they were betrothed on the eve of Erastide . The whole county had come to pay their respects to m’Lady of Edenshire. The old master had really outdone himself with this marriage for not only had he married a beautiful lady of...
EroticWithout sight, she started to scan the area with her hearing. Somewhere there was the sounds of logs popping from a fire, but she wasn’t close enough to feel it’s warmth. She couldn’t hear birds or night time bugs, so she had to be inside. This was confirmed when from behind her she hear sharp steps on stone, coming closer and louder until they stopped. She heard metal ringing, keys most likely, and soon a heavy door opened and the steps moved into Gwenive's room. “You are awake.” A woman’s...
Pleasures at Dressing Manor - part 5 of 7 by PRIM The story so far: Young teacher Miles Johnson receives a letter from his pupil, Lyndon Blonding, 18, telling how his spiteful stepmother is keeping him prisoner and dressing him childishly. He takes the letter to his Headmistress, Alison Forceman, who secretly feeds Miles the feminizing drug Fem-Agra, so that he becomes addicted to girls' clothing and suffers embarrassing changes to his body, before accompanying him in his bid to...
Pleasures at Dressing Manor - part 6 of 7 The story so far: Young teacher Miles Johnson receives a letter from his pupil, Lyndon Blonding, 18, telling how his spiteful stepmother is keeping him prisoner and dressing him childishly. He takes the letter to his Headmistress, Alison Forceman, who secretly feeds Miles the feminizing drug Fem-Agra, so that he becomes addicted to girls' clothing and suffers embarrassing changes to his body, before accompanying him in his bid to rescue the...
Eddie escorted us around the inside of the Community Center first. There were technically three restaurants attached to the main building. The first was called DeSade’s pantry. It was a simple walk-up service counter that sold ready-made meals, groceries, and the like. The only difference was a few women were shopping in the nude, and the cashier was bottomless. Simon asked how do the women pay for the items in the shop if they are naked. “The women bend over and spread their butt cheeks...
Jack had told her every detail of every dream he could remember. It wasn't until then, that he realized that the secret she had said she wanted to share had not, in fact, been shared. Still, she sat upon him. She had rocked, somehow, exactly at the right pace to keep him iron hard, and on edge. It was obvious she wasn't disgusted and that, alone, made his heart soar. His guilt still lay heavily on his heart, but her acceptance of his confession somehow made it feel a bit lighter. "If she...
I leaned back, to ease the sore muscles in my back and knees. But I couldn't keep my eye from the spy hole for long. I had to hear the story too. As I peered once again through the hole in the wall, this is what I heard. "Once upon a time there was a girl who had an uncle. She loved him very much, because he knew her better than anyone else in her family. He was kind to her, and answered her questions. He assured her she was pretty, when she doubted that. When others ignored her, she sat...
It was a climactic point in poor Suzette's miserable life. The privation of her diffident youth was suddenly assuaged by the overwhelming appreciation Stephan heaped upon her. It was not love ... not then ... but each offered the other a measure of sequacious adoration that left both of them in a torpor, until they could catch their breath, and roll toward each other, beginning anew. Suzette had always held something back from the world, hoarding that little bit that was hers and hers only...
Chapter 1: Invitations Sally Hines was free. At least from the world of high school. She stepped out from her last exam and made her way toward the bus stop to head home. Never again would she have to return to high school and the complicated social world that she had failed to understand. Next year she would be traveling off to college, far away, where she could make a fresh start. She would be able to reinvent herself. She could shed the dorky bookworm image and instead be the confident,...
SupernaturalIt was said that the Manor housed all sorts of inhabitants, from actors to accountants to clothing designers, as well as its own janitorial, kitchen and gardening staff to facilitate its remote location. There were no rumours in EdgeVille, Montana that held fast, however, much to the frustration of a group of socialites in the prestigious little cliff-side town. People stayed at the Manor for indiscernible intervals, the reason for which remaining unknown to all but said inhabitants.Situated...
****Authors notes**** So this is the first thing that I've written for this site after years of browsing. The release cadence may not be solid but I will try to update as often as possible with different paths for different main content. I welcome other authors creating chapters, but I will review them as I want to keep the quality of this piece intact. One of the things that would ruin other stories for me was a shift in quality when another author started writing a branch. I am hoping to...
“Ruin has come to our family. You remember our ancestral manor, opulent and imperial. Gazing proudly from its stoic perch above the forest. It has become a festering abomination of its once proud ancestry. I beg you Croft, return home, claim your birthright, and deliver our family from the ravenous clutching shadows, of our dark manor.” Croft read the letter a second time, and watched the scrawling words. Their father's words called to them, beckoning them home. It had been a decade since they...