Comwyn Manor free porn video

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O -- Table of Contents I. Comwyn II. Potential III. Eleven Weeks IV. Good Behavior V. Like Them VI. Induction VII. Four Houses VIII. The Ball IX. Epilogue X. Afterword *** I -- Comwyn The irony of the manor was that despite the huge windows that covered every side of the place, nobody knew the secrets that went on inside. The house stood at the crest of an emerald hill above the town of Comwyn, a black peak surrounded by rolling grounds, manicured gardens, and at the edges, thick lines of trees. Both the town and the house were named for the family that had lived at the estate for as long as anyone could remember. The house stood alone, at the end of a road that wound its way around fields and farms. I could just see it, nestled in the tops of the trees when the train arrived. The station faced the main road, the roof lines framing the estate, the buildings turned to look up at the great hill, kneeling at its base. The driver raised his eyebrows but said nothing when I told him the address. As we approached, the trees obscured the house from view but revealed the sweeping, sun-dappled lawns below. As we pulled into the roundabout at the top of the driveway, the cars wheels crackling and popping on the gravel, the great black walls towered above us, three stories of family wealthy and secrets. The front door opened and a man in a sharp suit collected my bags and paid the driver. "I'm afraid your aunt is out until the weekend," he explained with a practiced tone of apology and incuriosity. Technically she was a family friend who was letting me stay with her during my school break. As we entered the main hall, I was surprised by the row of staff lined up to welcome me. Consisting almost entirely of women, they each wore minor variations of the same outfit. A tight bodice, some low-cut and exposing cleavage and others up to the neck, gave way to a lace-trimmed skirt so stuffed with flouncy petticoats that they stood nearly perpendicular to the body. Despite the layers, the skirts ended high on the legs, exposing a tantalizing strip of naked skin between the lace of the petticoats and the top of the stockings each maid wore. A gentle upward curve suggested a garter belt holding them up. Black patent heels of varying heights and styles stood in perfect rows on the marble floor. Inch-thick chokers made from various colors of satin ribbon were worn by each maid, each trimmed in lace and finished with a large bow in front. At the end of the line stood another woman in towering heels and tight skirt. Her blazer was form-fitting, but she wore it open, revealing a spaghetti strap silk blouse. Around her neck was a thin golden chain ending somewhere between her breasts, but whatever was at its end was hidden from view. Despite her austere, almost severe outfit, her face was kind and sculpted, with high cheekbones framed in long brown curls that fell past her shoulders. As we approached, she stepped forwards and tipped her head, her hands held behind her back. "Welcome," she said. "Lady Comwyn is out for the evening but should be returning this weekend. I am Elizabeth, and I run the house for the Lady. Jonathan will take your bags to your room -- in the meantime, would you care for some lunch?" Without waiting for an answer, she turned and walked towards a large door to the side of the hall, clearly expecting me to follow. Her heels cracked as I looked back towards the staff, still perfectly in formation, their postures unchanged. "Unfortunately, the East Wing is undergoing renovations so you'll be staying closer to Lady Comwyn's quarters in the South Wing," Elizabeth said, her eyes flashing as she looked at me over her shoulder. I was marched briskly through grand galleries and seemingly endless, beautiful rooms. "Uh, I'm sure that won't be a problem," I replied, struggling to keep pace. How could she go that fast in heels that tall? "Good. Lady Comwyn is, as I'm sure you know, a very private woman. The South Wing is typically not open to visitors or guests, so you're very lucky to be there. I would hate if unnecessary curiosity got you in trouble." No veil on the threats here, I thought to myself as we arrived at our destination. The dining room seemed purpose-built around an enormous wooden table. Twenty foot windows looked out over the grounds, the sandy beaches of a small lake peaking up from behind lovingly manicured flower gardens. Between two sat a table nearly overflowing with food. "When you're finished with lunch, Jennifer will show you to your rooms," Elizabeth said, nodding towards a maid standing in a far corner. Turning to me, she furrowed her brow. "If there's nothing else..." I shook my head. "You've been very helpful, thank you." I assembled a sandwich, barely making a dent in the arrangement. I felt a vague anxiety, almost a phoniness -- who was I to suddenly be in the lap of luxury? How was I supposed to eat with that girl staring at me from the corner? "Would you like one?" I asked her, gesturing towards the sandwich I had made. She smiled and shook her head. Shrugging, I took the chair closest to me and self-consciously ate my lunch, shooting looks at the maid the whole time. Like the others, her skirt was short and displayed her garter tabs. Around her neck was a thick, red ribbon trimmed out in white lace, and she wore a black bow in her blonde hair. Carefully made up to look like she wasn't wearing any makeup at all, she carefully looked into the middle distance, not at me but carefully not giving the impression that she was avoiding me. "Jennifer, was it?" She nodded. "I'm finished. I, uh, can you tell me where my room is?" She giggled and took my hand. *** My room was lavishly but tastefully appointed. My bags sat at the foot of the four-poster bed, looking slouchy and out of place in the careful elegance of the manor. Jennifer entered in front of me, explaining the layout. "Your apartment has a bedroom, a living room, and a bathroom," she said, pointing at each with a French-tipped finger. "There is an intercom box in every room, should you ever need anything. Please don't hesitate to ask." She nodded and moved back towards the door, skirts rustling, but didn't leave. She looked me up and down, almost as if she was evaluating me. Her lips were full and soft, but I couldn't help but stare at the curve of her breasts. A strand of her yellow hair traced a line towards a whisper of pink lace peeking out from behind the black satin of her uniform, a tease of what lay next to her skin. I couldn't help myself - - she saw me staring and her face split into a grin. "It's alright -- there's a reason our uniforms are like this," she laughed, gesturing to her neckline. "But I, it's not like that," I stammered. I forced my eyes up to meet hers, still smiling. "I can understand why you'd be interested," she said, shifting her weight and thrusting out a hip. I swallowed hard, feeling my face burn. How could I not be interested? The thick carpeting muted the sound of her heels as she turned and stepped towards the door, her skirt gently flaring as she moved. The force of the motion exposed another inch of skin above the lace tops of her stockings. I couldn't speak, couldn't even pretend to look her in the eyes -- I was transfixed. She knew the effect she was having on me, and in retrospect, I'm sure she planned on it. As the door shut softly behind her, I was left with nothing but an afterimage of lace and satin and stiffening in my pants. I spent the rest of the day walking the extensive grounds and gardens on the estate. The hill was tall enough to overlook the town below, with an especially lovely view from the pond I had seen out the dining room windows. The flowers I had seen turned out to be peonies, some as large as my head, in every shade of pink, white, and red. There were hundreds, carefully planted and cared for in a garden leading from the manor out to the pond. I sat on a bench, doing nothing except enjoying time with no obligations, pressures, or responsibilities. I breathed in the perfumed air and with the sun on my face and felt relaxation roll over me like a wave. When I awoke, the sun was setting behind the giant black building. *** I noticed the door on my way back from dinner. The South Wing was split into two main areas: my aunt's apartment and the temporary "guest" area. What it had been before it was used as guest quarters I couldn't guess -- if it was for the staff, it was incredibly luxurious. It consisted of five apartments like mine arranged around a central vestibule, itself a sort of common area with enormous windows and French doors that opened out to a balcony. It almost reminded me of my dorms, if they had been built by the same architects as Versailles. But between my aunt's apartments and the hallway that led to mine, there was a door. Elizabeth had been moving so fast that I hadn't noticed it when we first arrived, but with my belly full of food and wine, I was taking things a bit slower on my way back. A maid with a baby blue choker was leading me back -- the house was large enough that I was worried I would get lost, especially with the delightful haze I was experiencing -- when I noticed it. No larger than any other door in the house, it was made entirely out of leather with an ornate lockset and filigreed silver hinges. The handle was curved and organic, with a small silver lock above it. "What's behind there?" I nodded my head toward it and asked the woman leading me. "I'm afraid that's private," she said with an edge to her voice that told me not to ask again. I didn't know much about my "aunt" Vivienne - - as the story goes, someone in our family had worked for the Comwyns and had eventually turned into a friend of the patriarch. Ever since then, our family had visited the estate every once in a while. I had been here three or four times, but not in the last decade, and never here. But Vivienne had always been a part of my life in the way that extended family was. Her birthday cards had the biggest checks, her Christmas gifts came in the biggest boxes. And she had invited me to stay when she learned I'd be going to school a few towns away. I wouldn't say that we were close, but it wasn't like she was a stranger -- so while I found the door curious, I did not find it odd. I flopped face-down into my bed, then propped myself up on my elbows. I could handle it if this is what my life would be like for the next few months. I showered and got ready for bed, my head still buzzing from the wine and dramatic luxury of my surroundings. Even the towels felt softer and nicer -- the sheets were cool and smooth as I slipped into them. I wasn't sure what time it was when I startled awake, the moonlight shining in through the window casting shadows over who stood in my doorway. II -- Potential Jennifer had changed out of her maid's outfit and into something more appropriate for the task at hand. The boy had practically been drooling over her when she had left him. It almost wasn't fair how easy this would be. A bit of lace here, a flash of thigh there, and he was like putty in her hands. She smiled to herself as she straightened the seam on her stockings, checking herself in the mirror one more time. She turned to Lucy, a maid with a green ribbon choker around her neck. "Would this have worked on you?" she asked the Green Ribbon, cocking her head to the side and throwing her hip out. Lucy took a long look up and down, squirming in her seat and nodding. "I think you know exactly how well it works," she said. Laughing, Jennifer adjusted her hair one final time before her night began. This boy wouldn't even be a challenge, she was sure of it. She stood from her vanity, stepping into her simple grey dress and doing up the single button at the back of the collar. Her back remained exposed save for the large bow of the lace apron she wore, and the hem fell just below her rear. It was a dress that paid lip service to the idea of a professional uniform, but nothing more. "Thanks, Luce!" she said as she left, turning and blowing her a kiss. "Wish me luck!" "Good luck," Lucy said flatly, rolling her eyes. As Jennifer gave her a mock pout, she sighed and blew a kiss back. "You'll do great." *** Groggy from sleep and still feeling the effects of the drinks at dinner, I struggled to see who was standing in the door. I fumbled at the nightstand for a light, knocking the clock off before I had a chance to look at it. When I finally flipped the switch, the figure had moved into my room and closed the door behind them. My heart pounded in my chest, adrenaline flaring before I realized who it was -- the maid I had met in the dining room, who had showed me to my room after lunch. "I'm so sorry to bother you," she said, taking a step toward me. She had a simple grey dress on, and even in my state I could see just how short it was. One misstep and I could see her underwear as if she wasn't wearing anything at all. "But since it's your first night here, I thought I would check in on you before I turned in for the night." Now she was at my bedside, the light revealing her dark red lips and heavy eyeshadow, the curve of her neck towards her breasts and the stocking-covered legs, all hinting desperately at what lay underneath. She leaned over me, breasts hanging in front of me. It was as if she wanted me to look at them -- right at eye level, I could see practically to her navel. "I'm okay," I said, confused and remembering how she had left me that afternoon. "What time is it?" She sat, and I felt the warmth of her body next to me. Her hand lightly rested on my stomach. "Are you sure there's nothing you need? We are the manor's staff; it is our job to provide you with whatever you --" she paused, her hand swiftly moving to the growing bulge beneath the sheets. "Desire." I was at a loss for words, but I'm sure my face told her all there was to know. She leaned in and kissed me, her lips soft against mine. We stayed like this for a moment before I remembered my initiative and reached up to her, taking her head in my hand and resting my other against her back. Where I expected to find fabric I instead found bare skin, and as this registered in my mind I felt her reach behind my head and pull me closer. As we kissed, she fell across me, then straddled me, and I felt her warmth and weight against me. I reached behind her head and ran my hand down her neck to the button behind her collar. Undoing it, I was surprised to see her dress all but fall away, bunching at her waist. Underneath she wore delicate lace lingerie that framed her breasts and her body. In the light of the lamp, its beads and pearls glittered against the darkness of her skin, the white lace covering and revealing in tantalizing patterns. It formed spirals that rose up to embrace her bosom and end on her nipples, already hard against the hand that I pressed there. The halter left her back completely open, a smooth expanse down to the crest of her rear, where a line of ruffles highlighted her waist. Her hands slipped beneath my pants and found the heat within, stroking as she sat on my legs, staring down at me. My arms felt heavy and my head swam as she ran her hand up and down the shaft, alternating between speeds. I gasped and moaned, shuddering and twitching, but her weight kept me from moving too much. I reached and held her breasts, then ran down her body to her waist. As I did, she slid down my legs and took me into her mouth. I gasped and thrust and I could feel her giggle around me. She bounced her mouth up and down, using her hand a the same time. As the feelings reached their peak, she would stop and smile, leaning forwards to tweak a nipple or press herself against my penis while she kissed me. Soon, it was so red and stiff that it was almost purple, and even the slightest touch from her anywhere on my body send lightning down my back and legs. Her stockinged legs rested against my mine and I could feel the high heels against my feet. Every inch of me felt on fire, and as she leaned in to my ear, even the breath on my neck was enough to make me cry out. "Is there anything you need me to do?" she whispered into my ear, sending electricity down my buddy and making me shudder. She held my penis in her hand, gently wiggling it back and forth. It felt like even a gust of wind would make me explode. "Please, please," I grunted, nearly incoherent. It was the closest to a complete sentence I thought I could make. She laughed and bit my earlobe, causing me to scream and arch my back. "There's something I'd like you to do first," she said. "Something I'd like to do for you." "Anything," I breathed, my voice tight. "Anything?" she asked, kissing a line down my neck to my nipple. "Please!" I moaned. Begged. Hoped. "I have a surprise for you. Has anyone ever made you cum from your G- spot?" she asked, sitting up and undoing the single tie holding the rest of her dress on. She left it in place, looking at me coquettishly, her hand still on my erection. "My... my what?" I gasped, incapable of anything more. "You know..." she giggled again. I wanted nothing more than for her to continue. "Your prostate!" "N--no," I managed as she slid her nails up my shaft, each a tiny thunderclap that exploded as she moved. "Roll over," she said with a grin, pulling away her dress. Underneath the simple grey fabric was something I'd never seen in person before, purple and thick. The swirls and spirals in her lingerie continued down her belly and waist before encircling a purple penis, several inches long and thicker than my own. It was erect and curved upwards as it reached the tip, veins cast onto its surface. The white lace of her teddy was pushed away by it, making it seem as though it wasn't a prosthetic but her own hard cock. "But wait, I've never --" I began before she cut me off. "Do you want to cum?" "Yes, yes!" I begged in a sigh. "This will be the best you've ever had." She slipped a hand beneath me to encourage me to roll over. Maybe it was the wine, or the girl, or the thick, almost painful throbs I felt in my penis -- but I complied, revealing my cheeks to the air. "All fours," she said quietly, helping pull me up. I felt naked and exposed, and was surprised to find how sexy it was to be that way. I was vulnerable to whatever this woman wanted to do with me, and to my own amazement, I found that I wanted her to do things to me. I wanted her to use me how she saw fit. I wanted her to enter me. I felt something cool at my entrance and then a warm finger. She leaned over me and I felt a hand grab my pectoral, then nails scrape in until she gently pinched my nipple. I gasped at how pleasurable the slight pain was, and in that moment she slipped inside of me. I suddenly felt full, wonderfully warm, and then an incredible feeling overtook me. Like butterflies in my stomach, I was overwhelmed with sensation. The feeling left and I felt my fullness lessen, then suddenly it was there I was whole again. "You took that so well," breathed a voice in my ear. "I'm very proud of you." That was all it took. I exploded, screaming as I clenched around the shaft inside of me and feeling her warm, soft hands wrapped around me. I emptied myself into the grey dress she had, relief and pleasure and energy filling my body as I reached an ecstatic climax. I had never felt anything like it before, and as soon as it was over, I wanted -- needed -- more. I collapsed into the sticky dress, feeling myself pull away from her and her strap-on and into the bed. I lay there for a moment, breathing heavily and shaking from the sheer overwhelming sensation of it all, when I felt a hot stinging sensation on my rear. Startled, I didn't even yelp in pain. Still floating in a post-orgasmic haze, the spank felt almost pleasurable. But the second did not, and I suddenly came to. "You're not done yet," she growled in my ear, biting my earlobe as she pulled away. This time it wasn't a nibble -- she meant business. In a smooth motion, she released the harness from her waist and threw the strap-on to the floor, crawling up around me and sitting against the headboard. The lingerie she wore had been crotchless, I realized -- that's how she wore the strap-on below, and now she was exposed. "Show me how much you liked that," she commanded with a grin, her face flushing. Her hands moved through my hair, then grabbed and pulled me to her. She smelled sweet and I buried myself inside of her. Instantly and painfully she pulled me back. "Too fast!" she hissed. "Just because you're turned on doesn't mean I am yet." I turned bright red as she yanked my head back between her legs. This time I was slower, more careful -- I gently reached out with my tongue, teasing her lips before parting them and tasting what was between them. My mouth found her clit and I took it between my own lips and sucked on it, feeling her legs suddenly clamp around my head and ears and muting the world to me. I stayed there, licking her and sucking her for a few moments before I probed deeper. Even with my ears covered I could hear the muffled cry that told me I had found the right spot. She grabbed my head and pulled me closer, grinding her hips against my face as she came, hard into my mouth. She pushed me away, kissing me quickly before slipping out of bed standing before me. I felt crippled next to her, my body broken by new pleasures. "You have potential," she said sternly, then turned off the light and walking to the door. "See you in the morning," she said, and even in the darkness, I could tell she was smiling. III -- Eleven Weeks The sun sliced through a gap in the curtains, hitting my face and awakening me with a start. It took a moment to remember where I was and another moment before I remembered what had happened the night before. I looked to the nightstand but found the clock unmoved. I was beneath the sheets -- had it actually happened? Maybe I had just dreamed it, some unknown fantasy deep within me drawn out and half-remembered. There was no evidence that anything had happened at all. Until my feet hit the floor and I felt it -- the scrap of grey fabric Jennifer had worn. It hadn't been a dream, though it had felt like one. Nothing like that had ever happened to me before. She had been inside of me with that purple shaft, and I wanted her to be there. Begged her too! And I think I wanted her to do it again. A maid with a light blue ribbon around her neck entered without knocking. I jumped, scrambling to cover my naked body. "Hey!" I shouted, leaping back into bed. "I'm so sorry!," the maid blushed and gasped, covering her mouth. She instinctively averted her eyes, but I saw her look down -- straight to the messy dress on the floor. "I can come back..." she started, but I shook my head. The damage was done, but it's not like she could tell what had happened the night before. I waved her in. "No, it's alright, you're already here," I said, reaching for the dress to flip it over, attempting to obscure some of the more obvious stains and marks. This maid was dressed like all of the others, with a thick cloud of petticoats making her short black dress stand out from her waist. She had on tall heels that she seemed slightly unstable in, as if she hadn't quite mastered walking on carpet in them yet. "I can handle it," I offered as she took a wobbly step. "I appreciate it, but I've never had anyone open my curtains for me before. It's totally unnecessary." "It's no trouble at all," she replied. With the curtains open, she self-consciously grabbed the scrap of grey fabric from the floor and glanced from it to me. Without a further word, she stood and went to the door. "Sorry again," she said quietly, her face framed in the closing door. *** It was almost week later that I saw Jennifer again. I was reading in the dining room by one of the towering windows overlooking the peony garden when I heard the scrape of a chair behind me. She had a crooked smile fixed upon her face, and behind her was a maid with her eyes glued to the floor. Despite this, it was clearly maid with the blue ribbon choker who had walked in on me a few days earlier. She seemed nervous, studiously avoiding eye contact and holding as still as she could. "Annette tells me you had a little encounter with her," Jennifer said, tipping her head towards the anxious-looking girl. "Someone forgot to knock." I chuckled. "It really is fine, Jennifer. An honest mistake! After all, usually there aren't visitors in that wing, right?" Jennifer nodded, her blond hair catching the light. "Even so, Annette would like to apologize for her transgression." She snapped her fingers and the other maid stepped forwards stiffly, lifting her head and looking at me with wide eyes. Her face was pink at the cheeks and her voice was taught as she spoke. "I'm very sorry, sir," she said, bowing her head again. "Please allow me to apologize formally to you this evening." Jennifer smiled as Annette stepped back. "After dinner, we'll come to your apartment." Before even waiting for an answer, she turned and left, Annette following behind her in small, quick steps. *** "How long has it been now, Annette?" Jennifer asked, taking long strides to force the other maid to keep up. Her heels clicked on the floor as they made their way back to the staff section of the house. "Six weeks tomorrow, Miss Jennifer" Annette replied, struggling both for words and to keep up. Every motion, every bounce of her dress and underskirts was delicious agony that she couldn't escape from. "And is that the longest you've gone?" "No ma'am," she said as she felt knots form in her stomach. In her state, in her position as one of the lowest-ranked maids at Comwyn -- that was not a question you wanted to be asked. "The longest was nine weeks." Jennifer shook her head and breathed out loudly. "Nine weeks! I can't even imagine. That must have been torture for you, poor thing!" She stopped abruptly and turned to Annette. She grabbed the girl's shoulder with one hand and pushed on her stomach with the other, gently pressing her against a wall. She released Annette's shoulder and grabbed her left hand, bringing it above her head before doing the same with the other, holding both above her head, fingers clasped around Annette's hands. She leaned in until her lips were fractions of an inch away from Annette's ear, her free hand reaching under the girl's skirts and grabbing between her legs. Her hand closed around the metal cage locked in place around Annette's penis, and even through the satin panties, she could feel the heat from the poor maid's trapped erection. The cage held the maid in chastity, and she felt a gentle buzz through it from the vibrator the maid held in her rear. When Jennifer had learned about Annette's unannounced visit to the new guest, she had ordered the maid to wear the vibrator from dawn until dusk every day "until I see fit that you should get to remove it," she had said. And like the good little maid she was, Annette had kept it in ever since she had returned from the room. It kept her in a constant state of arousal, made worse by the cage she wore that prevented her from any sort of release. All she could was get more and more aroused with the deep knowledge that she had no control over when she would be free. The black patent heels, the pretty maid's dress and the required evening wear further heightened her excitement, all of it together combining into a sick delight within her, completely at the beck and call of those who could have her way with her. Every vibrating step reminded her that she was meant for the pleasure of others and that her own came in a distant, oft-forgotten second. But that didn't mean that her torment went unnoticed -- she was teased mercilessly, either in punishment or for her own pleasure or for the pleasure of others, and though she rarely had release, she was constantly on the edge of it. It was a game others played with her and at her own expense -- make her ever more aroused than she thought she ever could be but never let her finish it. See how even the most innocuous touch here could make her squirm, how a kiss there could make her back arch so intensely. She loved every second of it and she hated every minute. She wanted nothing more than to finally have release but desired more than anything else to stay locked. Another hour was torture she could hardly bear, and she desperately wanted every hour she could have. Sometimes her feelings felt so complicated she thought she'd never understand them herself, but sometimes it was so simple it scared her: the orgasm was good, but the waiting was better. Jennifer nipped at her neck as she tugged on the cage, holding the maid in place by her hands as her knees buckled and she let out a sigh. "Nine weeks is a long time," she whispered into Annette's ear, who felt her own breath catch in her throat. "Let's see if we can break that record. How does 11 sound?" She kissed Annette's neck, then her lips, slipping her tongue inside the eager mouth and pressing her body up against the other girl's. Their petticoats rustled, the material thick and voluminous enough that their hips stayed several inches apart. Annette was lost in the sensations, her arms straining against Jennifer's hands as she leaned into the kiss. Jennifer pulled away and Annette leaned forwards, gasping, desperate for more, but Jennifer just giggled. "That's it until tonight," she said, letting Annette go. "And if you're an extra good girl, maybe you'll get a little reward." She stepped back and turned in the direction of the staff quarters, straightening her dress as she did. "I believe you have some work to do here," she said to Annette as she began to head back. "Oh, and Annette? Wear something special tonight." *** At the conclusion of dinner, Jennifer arrived and placed a hand on my shoulder. With evening expectations in my mind, I had planned on having just one glass of wine, but as I sat thinking about it, anxiety overtook me and I quickly found myself in a pleasurable buzzy state. I followed Jennifer back to my rooms, passing the mysterious door and back towards my own. The other maid -- Annette -- was nowhere to be seen, but as I watched Jennifer walk in front of me, I felt only curiosity. As her hips slid from side to side, I could swear that I saw a flash of underwear peeking out from beneath the mountain of petticoats. After opening my door, Jennifer stepped aside and gestured me to go inside with a smile. I stepped into my room and found Annette standing slightly awkwardly in the center of the room. She was wearing a matching yellow skirt and a bra, each trimmed in baby blue ruffles. The bra was translucent, and I could see erect, pink nipples undernearth. A halter, it was held in place with two large bows, one at the neck and one loosely tied so it rested in the small of her back. The skirt was made from the same translucent material as the bra, and consisted of so many layers that it acted as its own petticoat, covering her hips in a bouffant of yellow, silken fabric. The top layer was trimmed with a thick line of ruffles that formed a blue hoop around her. Despite the layers, the skirt was short enough that her bikini-style panties were visible, matching the dress with a large bow on each side. The skirt, too, was tied in the back with a bow. With just a few quick tugs, I thought, I could entirely strip this girl of her outfit. Nude stockings and transparent platform heels completely the outfit, her long hair held back with a simple yellow ribbon. As soon as I stepped into the room, she smiled shyly and walked over to me, draping her arms over my shoulders, hands behind my neck. She stepped towards to me, kissing me deeply and dropping a hand to my waist, pulling us together. She leaned back, her smile more confident now. Hungrier. "Consider this my apology," she said quietly, kissing me on my neck, reaching down to the hem of my shirt and pulling it over my head. She kissed again on my nipple, then dropped down to her knees, pulling my pants and underwear down with her. It was happening so fast I barely had time to register what was going on, but any objections I had vanished when I felt her mouth. Then from behind, a second set of arms wrapped around me, fingernails running up my belly and chest, my nipples pinched between her thumb and forefinger. I gasped and sighed, involuntarily thrusting into Annette's mouth. "Why don't you join me on the bed?" Jennifer whispered in my ear, slipping away from me and sitting on the edge of the four-poster bed. Annette kissed the tip of my already-throbbing member and stood, following behind me. As I approached, Jennifer spread her legs and grabbed my hand, diverting me from sitting next to her to kneeling on the floor in front of her, hand on the top of my head. Annette kneeled quietly behind me. "Not yet," Jennifer said with a grin, pressing my head between her legs, burying me in crinolines and her scent. I noted with a mixture of relief, and to my surprise, disappointment, that there was no strap-on there this evening. Instead, I hungrily dove into her, tasting and worshiping her. I ran my tongue from bottom to top, swirling around her clitoris before spreading her lips and going inside. Soon, I slipped a finger in her, flicking her with my tongue while I gently stroked her from within. The petticoats and dress she wore covered me, blinding me from what was happening around us, the rustle of them so loud here that they were all I could hear. Her body tensed and relaxed as I licked her, my own neglected member still very hard. I desperately wanted Annette to return to it, but when I pulled back from Jennifer I found Annette was no longer behind me. Instead, she was kneeling on the bed next to Jennifer, kissing her deeply, one hand on her breast, moving under her dress. I sat back and watched, gently stroking myself as I watched the two maids. Then Jennifer broke the kiss and turned to me, curling a finger and gesturing for me to get on the bed. "Thank you," I sighed, leaning against the headboard. Jennifer nodded to Annette, who returned to my erection, slipping it back inside her mouth and bouncing up and down on it, using her hand to stroke me while she kissed my thighs and shaft, running her fingernails over my belly, and tenderly rubbing my perineum. Soon, I was nearing climax, but just before I came, she pulled off me and I was left teetering on the edge. I gasped, almost a scream, and felt every muscle in my body tense. To my surprise, I could barely move my arms -- soft velvet straps had been wrapped around my wrists, themselves tied with glittering pink cord to the posters at either side of the headboard. The cords were taught, so even when I rested my arms they were held outwards, almost even with my shoulders. "I thought we could have some more fun tonight," Jennifer said to me, twanging a cord like a guitar string. "Doesn't this seem like fun?" She didn't wait for an answer before she turned to Annette, grabbing her cheeks between her thumb and finger and pulling her to her mouth. Jennifer kissed her roughly, pulling Annette from her position on all fours to kneeling, reaching between her legs underneath the voluminous skirt, her hand disappearing in the froth. Annette's back arched and she let out a moan and a shudder. Jennifer took the chance to gently bite the girl's neck, then lean back herself, laying on her back and propped up on her elbows, spreading her legs towards Annette. Try as I might, all I could was watch as Annette returned to her crawling position and buried her head deep in Jennifer's skirt, her rear held high in the air. Annette's skirt fell forwards, revealing the curve of her butt, covered in silken panties. If I could just reach one of the ties, I could take it off, but I couldn't move my arms more than an inch. I forced to do nothing but watch as Jennifer slowly removed her outfit, revealing strappy black lingerie underneath, complete with a garter belt holding up her stockings. Dropping the leg closest to me, Jennifer revealed Annette's devoted attention to her. I was harder than I felt like I had ever been. For what seemed like hours, I watched Annette pleasure Jennifer, occasionally pausing for a deep kiss and Jennifer's hand under her skirt. A few times, they came to me, sucking on me together, taking turns exploring my body with their mouths while the other brought me to the edge of orgasm. Each time they stopped just short of carrying me over that edge, returning their attentions to each other instead. Jennifer broke a kiss to turn to me. "Well?" she asked expectantly. "Do you think Annette is doing a good job tonight?" My jaw clenched and I pulled at the cords holding my arms up. "She'd be doing a better one if she could make me cum," I almost growled. "At least she's making you happy!" Jennifer laughed. "She certainly is!" She turned to the other girl. "What do you think Annette? Have you done a good job? Have you made up for what you did this morning?" "Oh yes, Miss Jennifer!" Annette's voice was thick and heavy as she answered. "I think so too," Jennifer said with a smile. "Annette has a little gift for you," she said to me. "Would you like her to give it to you?" "Is it like what you gave me?" I asked apprehensively. Jennifer's smile split into a dangerous grin. "As a matter of fact, it is. But if that's not okay with you, we can certainly leave..." As her voice trailed off she looked towards the door. Annette got off the bed, standing next to it. "No, no, that's okay," I stammered, making no attempt to hide the desperation in my voice. I added quietly: "I enjoyed it before." Jennifer nodded to Annette and moved to my left arm, releasing it from the velvet strap while Annette did the same with my other. Still standing at the edge of the bed, she pulled on the ties on either side of her panties, letting them fall to the floor in a dramatic flourish. A thick blue phallus fell forwards, its base covering her completely, running between her legs and disappearing between her cheeks behind. Even from a few feet away, I could tell it was vibrating. "Legs up," Jennifer commanded, pushing me onto my back as I raised my legs. She an Annette quickly re-attached the velvet straps to my ankles, spreading my legs in the air and keeping me pinned on my back, completely exposed. The feeling was as thrilling as it was terrifying - - at least before, when I had been on all fours, I still controlled what happened to me. With my legs above me, tied to the bed posters, I was at the mercy of these women. I wanted them to take advantage of me -- to use me like this, totally unable to do anything but submit to their whims and desires. And I desperately, viciously hoped that what they wanted involved the use of the blue shaft Annette wore. As Annette returned to the bed, sliding a pillow beneath my hips, my still-rigid erection thrust further into air, Jennifer removed her lace panties and straddled me, facing towards Annette. She bent down and took me into her mouth and I yelped. My cry was immediately stifled by her vagina, which she pressed onto my mouth like an unspoken command. I eagerly dove in, kissing and licking her as she returned the favor. Then I felt a pressure and relaxed below as much as I could. Slippery rubber slipped inside of me, the sensation of fullness mixed with the vibrations intensely pleasurable. My scream was muffled by Jennifer, who sat up, one hand tightly squeezing me. She kissed Annette, who slipped the rest of her blue strap-on in me until the tip of rode up against my prostate. The vibrations felt like lightning inside of me, and thunder rolled across my body. My stomach tied itself in knots over and over, then my body began to calm from the initial shock. I felt her slide out, then quickly back in and the sensations instantly returned to me, electric and visceral. The vibrations made me shake violently, but the sensation was muted by the loud smack against my rear. "You're not doing your job!" Jennifer said in an almost malicious, sing-song voice. I immediately returned my attention to her, focusing on pleasing her even as Annette did her best to distract me. Soon, I felt Jennifer begin to shake, then racking shudders coursed through her body. She flexed and squeezed me with her legs, crying out as she came, her fingers tightening around my erection. Annette switched to deep, long thrusts and my body quaked every time she reached her depth. "Would you like to finish?" Jennifer asked me, breathing heavily. "Yes, please!" I cried out. "Do you like what Annette is doing for you?" She asked, cocking her head. "Yes, yes!" "What exactly is she doing that you like?" "With the strap-on, inside of me," I choked out between thrusts. Annette was smiling, clearly enjoying making it as difficult as possible for me to speak. "What precisely do you like?" Jennifer asked, emphasizing her words. "I-- I-- I like her fucking me with the strap-on!" I all but shouted, Annette's pace quickening with each stutter. "I want to cum while she fucks me!" Jennifer's smile spread over her face. She took me in both her mouth and hand at once. It took just two motions for me to erupt, and she backed up, pointing my penis towards my belly. I shot thick ropes all over my torso, shuddering and shaking when I was finally empty. I couldn't open my eyes, and hung my legs limply against their restraints. I felt Annette remove her strap-on from me, then suddenly felt kissing and slurping sensations on my belly and penis. The sensation rapidly crossed the line from intense pleasure to almost pain and I screamed as Annette licked up all the cum covering my body. "Good girl," Jennifer said quietly, watching the other girl work. She rose from the bed and dressed quickly, placing a hand on Annette's shoulder. I was so tired I didn't even see them leave. I passed out, my legs still tied to the bed, utterly exhausted and feeling things I'd never felt before. IV -- Good Behavior Annette's knees shook as she stumbled out of the room. The vibrations in the strap-on had been controlled by the speed and depth of her thrusts, and had a plug that delivered those sensations directly to her own prostate. The front had completely covered her chastity cage, with a second vibrator against the tip of her penis. She was incredibly aroused, dripping pre-cum, her vision blurry. It was as delightful as it was cruel. "I'm not sure if I can make it back," she groaned. Too much at once and it loses the effect, thought Jennifer. She produced a small remote from the cup of her bra and dialed the vibrations down to a low level, although they didn't stop. Wouldn't want her to get too comfortable. The sissy maid breathed a sigh of relief, her breathing beginning to calm. Jennifer extended her hand and Annette took it, leaning into her as they began walking back to the staff quarters. To Annette, the slower vibrations felt almost soothing. Though they still kept her hopelessly aroused, her entire body had stopped buzzing and she felt some feeling coming back into her limbs. But by the time they arrived, Annette's excitement was growing again, her arousal back on the upswing after her body had a moment to rest. Five more weeks until release, she thought to herself with a mixture of sadness and delight. After the events of tonight she was more turned on than she had been in weeks. She opened the door for Jennifer and felt a hand cup her rear, squeezing her gently. Then breath on her neck that made her shudder. "You were such a good girl tonight," Jennifer whispered, pulling the sissy maid to her. Annette felt breasts against her back and warm air on her ear and her cage twitched. She moaned involuntarily and could tell Jennifer was smiling. "Thank you, ma'am," she managed as Jennifer's arms encircled her waist. "It was a pleasure to be of service." Jennifer slid a hand down between Annette's legs, grabbing the vibrating shaft that was still fastened there. "You deserve a little reward, I believe. You made him cum so hard, after all. Maybe it's your turn?" Butterflies filled Annette's stomach, her heart skipping a beat. "Go get changed for the evening and we'll see," Jennifer said. Annette practically ran to her room, tearing off her outfit and changing into the standard sissy nightwear. It was a babydoll in baby blue to match her rank as the lowest of the maids in the house. All the girls wore something that indicated where they fit in the hierarchy; whether their outfits themselves were the color of their rank or the simple ribbon choker worn with their uniforms, it was always obvious where a girl at Comwyn fell on the social ladder. At the bottom were sissy maids like Annette who did the cleaning and cooking and were at the complete behest of the high-ranking girls. Kept in chastity at all times, only released occasionally and even then in an often unsatisfying way, these girls were effectively little more than human playthings. Their color was a light, baby blue. Above them were the Green Ribbons, sissy maids with better work and more opportunities for release. Green and Blue Ribbons were always locked in chastity until someone else released them, but a Green Ribbon was considered more likely to please whomever was doing the unlocking, and as such was more likely to get that chance. Blue Ribbons who regularly demonstrated attentiveness and skill in their work were promoted to Green. Above the sissies were the Red Ribbons. Still officially maids and staff, Red Ribbons were women who ran Comwyn Estate. They oversaw the sissy maid pool, delegating tasks and promoting those who had earned it. Most releases of the sissy maids below them came at the hands of a Red Ribbon. Matching the status of Reds were the Yellow Ribbons. Transgender women who had opted to keep their originally-male genitalia, they were Red Ribbons in every way but name, the yellow color only there to indicate the special status of their penises. No chastity devices and no permission required to cum -- the Yellows were some of the few with free use of their penises. Together the Reds and Yellows were known as Oranges, and during official functions they wore ribbons of their primary color with orange accents to demonstrate their sisterhood and equality. A special class of Red and Yellow were known as the Teachers -- girls who took in men and brought them into the fold of maids, slowly teaching them the thrill of becoming a sissy. Jennifer, I would learn later, was one of the Manor's most experienced Teachers, and she had a special knack for finding those who would adapt well to their new lives at the manor. Above them all was the single Black Ribbon, the head of the staff and right-hand woman to Lady Comwyn. Elizabeth had filled this role for several years, effectively taking on the role of Lady Comwyn when she was gone. Elizabeth directed all the goings-on in the manor, from its infamous , invite-only parties to the daily tasks that needed to be carried out. Though she was the owner of the estate and not technically a member of the staff, for formal reasons Lady Vivienne Comwyn held the highest status of the girls -- White Ribbon, traditionally handed from mother to daughter on her wedding night. As Lady Comwyn had never married, there was much speculation about who would succeed her. Annette all but sprinted to Jennifer's room, her member dripping through the cage she wore and soaking her panties. She had removed the strap-on and returned the plug she was required to wear to its place, a familiar weight that was as comfortable as it was frustrating, gently stroking her prostate as she went about her work. All Blues wore the same outfit for sleep -- something intended to keep them excited and tantalized and provoke interest in those who may want to play with them. A baby blue nightgown consisting of cascading silk and lace ruffles pouring off a low-cut bodice, all held in place by two straining spaghetti straps. Each row of ruffles alternated between rouched silk and matching blue eyelash lace, falling in an asymmetrical cut. In the back it reached the middle of the wearer's thighs, while the front curved at the top of the hips to expose the translucent panties and whatever was contained within them. Two ribbons were tied in large, droopy bows at the bottom of the nightie's back -- when undone and tied together at the wearers' front, they were a built-in way of providing unobstructed access to the rear. The panties themselves were briefly cut in the front, lace trimmed to match the nightgown and covered in the rear with row upon row of ruffles, each capped in more matching lace. The panties were designed as a sort of two-layer construction, with snaps holding the rear panel on to the front. Should someone want quick access to the wearer's bottom, a quick yank would completely expose their naked backside but leave the front of the panties in place -- further reinforcing that the girl's caged penis was not meant to be used for pleasure. Around her wrists and ankles she wore tight silk cuffs trimmed out in lace, each surreptitiously hiding a metal D ring should there arise a need for the girl to be restrained. In Annette's experience, the need arose surprisingly often, which was probably why they were a required part of her nightwear. She had chosen to wear a simple pair of patent nude stilettos, almond toed and almost demure, if not for the exceptional garment she wore. The nude of her shoes emphasize her tan stockings with a subtle polka- dot print. She wore no garter belt -- it wasn't require and she hoped that by making it as easy as possible for Jennifer to release her. Jennifer entered her room and sat on the bed. The sissy had no idea what to expect, but she had hopes. Though officially a lower rank than Jennifer, Annette thought they were friends -- sharing jokes and thoughts. What Jennifer liked to do to her just enhanced that friendship. Jennifer had teased her mercilessly and seemed to enjoy pushing the maid to the brink, but she had never been cruel. She was fair and kind -- she just relished the power she had over the Blue and Green Ribbons and liked to use it for her own fun. And if those girls were being honest -- it was for their fun, too. The waiting and the constant arousal were sickly sweet. Annette felt her insides swirl around as she hoped that Jennifer would let her cum and simultaneously wished that she would keep her locked up. She wanted to be teased and denied as much as she wanted to be let go and released. It was all so terribly good. Jennifer patted the bed next to her and Annette strutted over, trying to suggest just how willing she was to do anything if she could cum. She smiled, leaning forwards to kiss Jennifer. It was a risky move, as taking the initiative with someone who had so much power over her could easily backfire. But the gamble paid off: Jennifer returned her kiss deeply and passionately, twirling tongues together. "You're an incredible girl," Jennifer whispered, pulling away. Annette shuddered with delight, goosebumps rising across her exposed thighs. "And incredible girls deserve rewards." Annette almost jumped off the bed when she felt the warm -- almost hot -- hand rest on her caged penis. It had been months since anyone had touched it beyond locking it up. It twitched so much that Jennifer's hand pulled away I surprise before quickly returning and tightly grabbing the locked maid. "Now," she growled, her mouth tucked into the crook of Annette's neck. "Have you been good enough to use this?" She punctuated her words with a shake of the cage. Annette balked for just an instant, her conflicting feelings crashing together. She wanted them both so badly that she couldn't even answer a simple question. Her indecision must have been obvious because Jennifer released her, leaning back with laughter. "I knew it!" she giggled. "You were made for this! Fine, you still get your reward, but this stays on." Annette quivered. She would get what she wanted -- both halves of her. And as each side celebrated, she was simultaneously distraught for not getting what she wanted. She would have an orgasm and remain locked up -- exactly what she wanted! -- but her arousal would drop from its dizzying heights and she wouldn't be unlocked -- two things she also desperately desired. Pleasure and denial are two sides of the same Coon, she reflected as Jennifer kissed her. After deeply kissing her, her superior pulled away and lifted her skirts, revealing an enormous black strap-on. It was clearly vibrating, emitting a gentle hum, and one of the larger kinds used at Comwyn. Annette had dressed other Red Ribbons in them before and knew how they worked -- there were four motors, one in the shaft, one against the clitoris, one in the vagina, and one in the rear, the power and pattern of each synchronized and controller by the wearer's thrusts. Jennifer, Annette knew, preferred no anal stimulation: hers was custom-made to end before it reached her behind. Jennifer still wore her maid's outfit, the black shaft growing from the cloud of white petticoats. Annette's own member swelled in her cage as she grabbed the strap-on, feeling the vibrations shake her hand. She was giddy with nervous delight, knowing where that would soon end up. Annette knew her job. When Jennifer pulled away from their kiss and gave her a knowing look, Annette moved to all fours, kneeling at the edge of the bed. Jennifer pulled up her nightie, tying it off around the sissy maid's shoulders and exposing her back. She kissed slowly and carefully from mid-back down to her tail bone, delighting in every squirm and yelp. Poor Annette was so aroused that there was a near- constant stream of pre-cum pouring from her caged penis. She would have done anything for release. The strap-on contained a reservoir of lubrication, and pressing at the tip released it. Jennifer rubber her member at Annette's entrance for a few moments before sliding in almost effortlessly. Annette let out a low, guttural moan as she was filled, then a gasping squeal as the tip of the vibrating shaft met her prostate. Jennifer left it there, moving it in circular motions as Annette all but screamed, then pulled back and began to thrust in earnest. Every movement shot electricity though Annette, her penis straining at the cold, unwavering metal of her cage. She felt herself swing with every one of Jennifer's deep thrusts, twitching when her prostate was probes by the black phallus. She knew her orgasm was only moments away, and she knew she would be caged when it happened. The thought sent shivers down her body. With every bump against her prostate and every swing of her cage, she felt it rise. She was at Jennifer's mercy, and even though she knew her superior would treat her well, it was thrilling to know that that could change in an instant. Maybe Jennifer would decide not to let her cum, and really play out those 11 weeks with no release. Maybe she would be spanked and denied -- anything could happen. But only one thing did. Jennifer smiled as Annette screamed, exploding rope after white rope into the bed through her cage. It must have been excruciating to cum that hard without being erect, and she kept thrusting as the sissy came. Every push seemed to force out another blast and another gasp or scream before finally the maid collapsed, slipping off the shaft and onto the bed. Annette was truly spent and exhausted, her body shaking and her mind aflame. She was wracked with pleasure, the sheer arousal at what had been to her enough to cause her to stiffen in her cage again. She had been satisfied enough, so intensely, that she was already being to be aroused again. As she felt the cage constrict her, she only became harder. *** Jennifer returned to her room, exhausted but happy and fulfilled. Things were going well, she thought, and soon there would be a new maid joining them. She stripped off her petticoats and dress, letting them fall to the floor. Next came the panties and bra, and finally her stockings and garter belt. These she hung on the knob outside her door. Though officially Elizabeth required that all maids be present for work when the day began, the girls often covered for each other. Especially when a Teacher had a session, the other maids would let her sleep in the next day if they saw the stockings hanging on the door. Naked, Jennifer stretched and got ready for bed. It wasn't until she was pulling back the sheets that she saw it: a huge, pinky peony on her pillow. She gasped, covering her mouth, her stomach turning over. Stepping back from her bed, Jennifer considered this. It had to be good news, she thought. It was a sign she was being considered for better things... and that she had noticed. Still, now she had to live up to the expectation and prove that she deserved this special treatment. She moved it gingerly from her pillow to the dresser, climbing under the sheets. Despite her fatigue, she stayed wide awake for a long time. Who would she bring with? What would it entail, and was she ready? For the first time in a long time, she was anxious. V -- Like Them Despite the previous night's activities, I awoke rested. Someone had released me from my bonds at some point in the night, and other than a low ache in my back, it was as though nothing untoward had happened. But I knew. And I knew I wanted more. I rang the service bell for breakfast and a maid with a green ribbon around her neck soon entered with my usual breakfast order. "Have you seen Jennifer?" I asked simply, trying not to let my desire color my words. The maid smiled and shook her head. "I'm afraid she's busy today, but is there a message I can pass along?" "Just tell her I enjoyed what we did and I would like to see her again." The girl nodded and curtsied, excusing herself from room. I didn't see Jennifer for several days, and spent my time reflecting on what had happened and what I really wanted. I'd never done these things before, and never even knew I'd like them -- much less want them. Need them. Hope for them! It wasn't just about how she used me, penetrating me. It was about her usage of me, that she could do so at any time and so completely. I wanted her to use me and I wanted to please her while she did it. It was like my pleasure was secondary to hers, and that by pleasing her I could make myself happy too. I wanted her to use me for her own needs. I wanted to feel used, like I was just there for her pleasure. And when she did deign to think about mine, I wanted her to give it to me however she wanted. Being in her control thrilled me to my core, I realized. I needed her to use me. And the outfits. I loved women in all their shapes, sizes, and clothes -- but something here at Comwyn Manor was different. The silks and satins, lace and frills, easily removed outfits and short skirts were exciting and new. My breath caught in my throat thinking about them and how aroused I was simply from the clothes. I wanted to hold a girl in those dresses, kiss a girl in the ruffles. It wasn't just the lingerie on a girl that was exciting, it was the lingerie itself -- I wanted to see all the house had to offer, what thrilling outfits awaited me. And soon my deepest desires, unspoken and even unthought, would be revealed. *** Lucy reported to Jennifer what she has learned. "I think she's ready," she had said, describing the encounter over breakfast. "Only one way to find out," Jennifer had said. "Thank you, Lucy. Go see Annette and tell her you've earned a reward." The maid smiled excitedly and curtsied so deeply Jennifer was worried her cage might hit the floor. As she scurried off, Jennifer was struck by the sheer girlish enthusiasm Lucy had, and added her to the mental list she had been assembling, now three names long. But she couldn't think about that now. Tonight was going to be incredibly important, and she needed to focus on the task at hand if she was going to succeed. There was an enormous amount to prepare today, and everything needed to be exactly right if she was going to pull it off. She found Lucy with Annette's head between her legs. She wasn't sure how enjoyable a mouth was on these cages, but the sissies seemed to enjoy it. She cleared her throat and watched the two instantly spring to attention, Annette flustered and Lucy frustrated. Clearly she hadn't received the release she wanted, but Jennifer was in no mood. There was work to be done. "Prepare our guest's chambers," she commanded. "Tonight's the make or break night." The two maids looked up at her with wide eyes, but curtsied and nodded before rushing out of the room to prepare. Jennifer steeled herself and went to Elizabeth's office. The door was partially opened, and Jennifer knocked gently on it. "Come in," came Elizabeth's hard voice, and Jennifer obeyed. She bowed her head as she entered. Elizabeth intimidated her -- intimidated everyone, really -- and going to speak with her always made her feel like a schoolgirl called into the principal's office. Jennifer gave a low curtsy, then sat a velvet chair across the desk. Elizabeth had on a low-cut silk blouse underneath a black leather jacket. Her eyes were grey and steely, almost unblinking. Jennifer has always found it hard to make eye contact with her superior, and looked over her shoulder into the old books behind her. "I'm planning on finishing his re-education tonight," she explained. Elizabeth tilted her head, fixing Jennifer with bright green eyes. "Already?" "Ah, well, he seems to be progressing quite well. The other night we had him begging." Jennifer was proud of that, and she swung her eyes down to meet Elizabeth's piercing gaze. "I trust you, Red Ribbon Jennifer," said Elizabeth. She used her full title, and the reason was clear: she thought it was going too fast, and if Jennifer couldn't make it happen, there would be repercussions. Jennifer nodded. "Thank you. I won't let you or your Lady down." "I'm glad. Now there's something else I'm sure you'd like to speak to me about." "Ah, well..." Jennifer turned red. The peony. "You know what that means. You know your responsibilities?" asked Elizabeth, looking down her nose. "I understand this would be your first time participating in a Ball." "I'm ready. I'll have three girls with me." "Good." Elizabeth leaned back in her chair, looking the maid up and down. "We're excited for you to bring your talents. I hope we haven't misplaced our trust in you. The Ball will be next week. Prepare your girls and yourself." With that, she turned back to her computer. Clearly the conversation was over. Jennifer excused herself, shaking slightly. Her first Ball -- would Lady Comwyn be there? Certainly Elizabeth would be... would she be servicing them? Would her girls? And what would happen to her? *** I may not have known what to expect when Jennifer arrived at the table that night, but I was excited for whatever she had planned. As soon as I saw her, I stood, dinner half-finished, a lopsided grin plastered across my face. Butterflies filled my stomach, my mind racing with a potent mixture of apprehension and excitement. She was dressed differently, having shed her maid outfit in favor of something more dramatic She wore a tight dress that ended at the tops of her thighs. The top was cap-sleeved and made out of floral lace, a dense pattern that tantalizingly revealed the shapes below but blocked them from full sight. The neckline plunged almost to her bellybutton, a shape she emphasized with a long necklace that ended with a silver peony hanging between her breasts. The skirt was black leather with a simple lace slip underneath, the hem of which could be just seen when she took a step. Her hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail and her makeup was dark and dramatic, with plum-red lips and a steely look in her eyes. I followed her into the hallway where two more girls were. One I recognized from our earlier tryst -- her name was Annette, and she had worn the strap-on. The other was new to me but equally lovely. They wore matching outfits, differing only in color: Annette in powder blue, the other girl in emerald green. Their dresses were little more than babydoll nighties belted with an apron. Wide necklines spread out to nearly the end of their shoulders, trimmed in a row of wide ruffles below a layer of lace, matching identical trim on the hem. The dresses were made of a translucent material that clearly showed both girls wore no bra, only a pair of matching panties. Not wanting to be a rude, I avoided staring too closely -- but it seemed to me like they were... different somehow, like there was something in their underwear. Before I had a chance to examine them any closer, Jennifer was sweeping me along. By this time I knew the way and followed next to her. It felt uncomfortable to talk so I simply kept pace with her until we reached my apartment. This time I opened the door and welcomed the three girls in. As soon as the door was shut behind me, Jennifer stepped towards me and took my head in her hands, kissing me deeply. Behind her, the two girls stood at attention, watching us. Jennifer began guiding me backwards to the bed as she kissed me, and when the backs of my knees were against it, pushed me onto it before climbing on top and straddling me. "You've been with us for a while now," she said, hiking up her skirt to reveal red lace panties. "And you and I have been together a few times." She began to grind against me. "Would you say it's been good for you?" I nodded and chuckled. "It wasn't what I expected... but yes, it's been amazing. You are amazing!" She smiled. "So you trust me? That all I want to do is please you?" I nodded again. I did trust her -- I had been apprehensive about being penetrated, but that was before I had the best orgasms of my life. If we were doing that regularly, I was more than ready. If we were doing something more, well, I may be nervous, but more than anything else I was excited. "That makes me very happy to hear," she moaned in my ear before nipping my earlobe. "There's something I want you to do for me. Put that on." She pointed to where the two other maids stood and I craned my head to look. They were holding a dress, and my heart skipped a beat. I turned back to Jennifer. "Wear... that?" I gasped. She nodded. "I've seen how you look at us. You appreciate our bodies, sure -- but you adore what we wear. Wouldn't you like to try it out?" She must have understood my hesitancy because she kissed me again, then whispered in my ear "no one will judge you here. I want you to wear it, and I think you do too." And it was true. It was beautiful, and I wanted to be beautiful in it. To describe it as a ruffled dress undersold the sheer quantity of layers it was made up of. Bright pink, it had off the shoulder sleeves that were like explosions of lace, engulfing the wearer's shoulders in several rows of ruffles, a line of lace running across the top and forming the neckline. As the garment slipped over my head, the line of lace aligned with my collarbone, exposing me from there up and limiting how far I could raise my arms. The bodice was three rows of ruffled silk sandwiched between two silk ribbons, each tied in a large bow behind. The rows of material ended at my ribs, exposing my sides and back to the air, my naked skin framed and trimmed out in delicate eyelash lace. The bottom ribbon emphasized my waist, providing a line before the skirt erupted outwards. It was so voluminous that it actually went slightly upwards, forming a ball of frothy lace and petticoats. The skirt was made from row upon row of ruffled lace, each line several inches tall, ending in rouched scallops held in place by large bows. Despite the sheer size of the dress, it barely covered my rear and left me feeling deliciously vulnerable. Nude stockings with thick lace tops were drawn up my legs, no garter belt required to hold them up -- though a sweet ruffled garter was slipped around my thigh. With the assistance of the girl in green, I stepped into pink T-strap heels while Annette fixed a large satin peony in my hair. I adored every second of it. The panties were revealed -- an explosion of lace and satin that carried the sheer femininity of the dress down to my legs -- and slid up my legs. I shivered from the excitement of it all and gasped as the tip of my steel-hard member was gently, teasingly kissed before being engulfed in ruffles and ribbons. The dress bounced and swung as I stood, twisting and swaying my hips. The silk caressed my nipples, the ribbons an embrace around my stomach. Even the slightest motion caused a cascade of rustling from the mountain of petticoats I wore, the sound making my stomach turn over, the feeling making me ever more aroused. I was so excited I was lightheaded, struggling even to stand in my -- my very own! -- heels. I wanted this forever -- pretty dresses overflowing with lace and frills, frou-frou accessories, petticoats I could get lost in. Overwhelmed with new sensation, I forgot where I was and who I was with. I sighed and moaned and shook in the sweet clothes, not just aroused but practically high. I had never experienced anything like this before -- and the sensations blurred into a streak of pleasure as my shaft was taken into someone's mouth. The warmth and wetness became all I could focus on, but a single twitch of delight caused all the feelings of the clothes to snap back into place. As she pleasured me, I bounced between the feelings from my penis and the deliciousness of the clothes until I couldn't tell what the difference between them was. To be in crinolines was as good as it was to be inside her mouth. "You seem to be enjoying this," came a voice at a distance. With every word it came closer and closer until finally it coalesced into Jennifer's voice, in the same room as I was -- right in front of me. "Yes," I gasped, knees shaking. I looked down and saw a green-pantied rear sticking out from the froth I wore. I could barely focus on her face, but I saw the flash of a grin. "Oh, I can tell. That wasn't a question." She cocked her head. "You know, I arranged all of this for you," she said, crossing her arms. "Do you have anything to say about that?" "Th--thank you," I gasped. The girl with her mouth around me had done something -- I couldn't even tell what -- that made my legs buckle so much I almost fell over, staggering to the side. Jennifer laughed. "Yes, Lucy is quite good at that. So would you like to do this again?" "Yes!" I almost screamed. As I had caught myself from falling, I had accidentally pulled myself out of Lucy's mouth. She now stood standing next to Annette. "That can be arranged. This is how Lucy and Annette live every day," she said, nodding towards the two girls. "Would you like to be like them?" My mind was too hazy to really think the question through. Did I want to be like a girl? How would that even work? Yes, the dresses and sex would be lovely. If they would care for me.. "Yes, of course! But I'm not a girl," I said. "What, because of this?" Jennifer stepped forwards and grabbed my throbbing shaft, squeezing it hard. I gasped and instinctively pulled away, but her grip was too strong for me to move. "You can't let a silly thing like that stop you from being a girl. Show him," she said to the two maids. Almost shyly, they lifted the hems of their babydolls and lowered their panties to reveal their pink genitals, each wrapped in metal. The cages themselves took the form of leaves growing off stems, curving around the shafts and moving towards the wearer's body, where it was held in place by a silver peony with a keyhole in the center. Both girls were clearly highly erect in the floral cage, but it prevented them from getting any larger than a few inches, forcibly curved down. Underneath panties they would appear to be nothing more than a small bulge. So this is what I had seen under their lingerie tonight. I was stunned and taken aback. I'd never considered that they could be girls with penises -- but here they were, undeniably so. That they were held under lock and key was irrelevant; without the silver cages, they would be just as feminine as they were with them. "Annette and Lucy don't let their shape prevent them from being who they want," Jennifer said. "And you can be just like them -- wearing the pretty outfits, experiencing the all pleasure you can as a maid here at the Manor." She loosened her grip and I shuddered. The quaking silk and lace gave me goosebumps and I stiffened even more. "That seems like a yes," Jennifer said. "Think about all the joy you've experienced here. All the new experiences. Wouldn't you like that to keep going? Don't you want more?" I did. More than anything else in this moment, yes -- I wanted more. And I worried that I would lose it if I said no. In the moment, I didn't appreciate quite what my answer would mean for my life. I just wanted to wear silky nightgowns and frilly dresses and be with the other girls in all of them. And that's how I was thinking already -- not with the girls, but with the other girls -- I was a member of the staff now, and I would get to wear the dresses and be with them. All I had to do was say the word. I felt Annette and Lucy step closer behind me, one taking my hand between hers while the other wrapped my belly in a loose, encouraging hug. "We want to make you feel good," said a whisper in my ear. I felt a nip on my neck, followed immediately by a kiss in the same place. "We want to be with you," said a different voice. She pressed up against me, and this time I felt it against my leg. The metal was warm from what filled it, locked away and subject to the whims of others. Did I want that, too? Was I willing to give up that control? I closed my eyes and caught my breath, then opened them, looking at Jennifer with newfound clarity. "Yes," I said. "I want to." Jennifer grinned, but this time her smile had an edge that was new and intimidating. "Then thank me properly," she said, her voice icy and commanding. It made me shiver, but not with fear. Lucy and Annette dropped to their knees and began to crawl towards Jennifer, and I quickly followed suit. My rear in the air, the delicate skirts shaking and bouncing around me. My feet encased in heels, my legs in stockings. I felt the peony in my hair as we crawled towards Jennifer, who had taken a seat in an ornate chair, her legs spread, revealing the lacy panties underneath her leather skirt. I crawled towards her, and before I knew it, it was just me at Jennifer's knees - - Annette and Lucy had been left behind. I didn't care; all I wanted was to please the woman who had taught me so much desire and indulgence. She spread her legs and grabbed my eager head, forcing it between her thighs. I did my job, my tongue exploring and teasing her. Her sweet, musky scent was overpowering as I hungrily breathed it in, ignoring the ache in my knees as I strived to please her. I put all my hopes and delights and thrills since I arrived into my work, the act of thanking her physically arousing me even as the clothes kept me rock hard. I lost myself in her, kissing her thighs and licking her clit, reveling in her moans and thrilling in her legs wrapping around me. She pulled me in and pushed me away, grabbing my hair so hard it hurt, the pain mixing into the cocktail of pleasure and submission and silk. It was so intoxicating I almost didn't notice my panties being dropped to my knees and the pressure at my rear, high in the air and framed by white petticoats and pink lace. Jennifer felt me pause and begin to pull away and yanked me back into her by my hair, pulling me so deeply that my nose was buried against her. Whatever it was, it entered me with barely any resistance and I instantly felt pulsing vibrations fill me. They were so strong and hard that my legs felt week. I moaned into Jennifer and twitched my legs, but what was inside of me was too big to be repositioned. Just as I had begun to grow accustomed to the vibrations, I felt a mouth around me again. It sucked and slurped me, making me jump with every tiny motion. I would cum soon, I knew it. And yet just before I was about it, it all stopped at once -- the vibrations, the mouth, even Jennifer pulled away from me, standing from the chair and shedding her lace and leather dress, pulling it over her head and letting it fall across my back. Underneath she wore red lingerie that seemed to be made only from straps that crossed around her breasts and body. There was no obvious pattern to it, but somehow her nipples were covered and her breasts were supported. The bottom of the longline-style bra was trimmed in long lace that matched the now-soaking panties she wore. This time she had no stockings on but she wore tall, black patent heels with blood red soles. I watched hungrily as she walked to the bed, standing next to it and staring at me. "Well?" she asked, her tone like steel. I instantly sprang up and ran to her side, moving as fast as my heels would allow. Annette and Lucy soon joined me, then kneeled on the bed on either side. "On your back," Jennifer said, pushing my shoulder and forcing me down onto the bed. I assumed the position and Jennifer stepped out of her panties and straddled my face. As soon as I resumed my efforts on her, I felt mouths and hands stroking my body and my shaft. Lucy and Annette took turns, expertly bringing just to the edge of orgasm before backing off. Every denial made the next come faster until I felt I was a breath away from cumming. Jennifer had, by my count, already come at least three times, but still she ground into me, riding my tongue and face with obvious passion. Eventually I felt myself slacken, my member beginning to droop, but quickly felt hands bring me back up and once again the tease and denial cycle began. All throughout I was filled with pulsing vibrations that slowly raised and lowered in intensity over time. Finally, Jennifer came and seemed content. She climbed off me and nodded curtly. "That was an acceptable job," she said, lowering her skirt and fixing her outfit. "Thank -- you --" I managed between gritted teeth. The sensations below had taken on such intensity that I was having trouble thinking, much less focusing on anything. The girls were merciless, my shaft nearly purple and throbbing -- and yet they continued until Jennifer commanded them to stop. "That's it for you," Jennifer said, smiling sweetly. "We wouldn't want you cumming before there ceremony tomorrow." She nodded at Lucy and Annette, who produced glittering pink cords and restraints, wrapping them around my ankles and wrists and tying them to the bed posters. I was so drunk on pure feeling that it didn't even occur to me to resist. They climbed off the bed and each kissed me deeply, giving me a long, teasing stroke for good measure, then followed Jennifer out of the room. "See you in the morning!" she called as the light flipped off. I was left alone, angrily erect, my heart racing as fast as my mind. What had just happened to me? What was going to happen tomorrow? I struggled against the restraints but the girls had done their job -- I couldn't get out of them. All my movements did was make my dress and petticoats rustle and shake against me, a wonderful reminder of what I wore. My mind played out the events of the evening and the encounters before. Every time I softened, a memory of a previous evening would pop into my head and I would stiffen again. Every other night, I had cum -- why not tonight? What was the ceremony Jennifer had mentioned? I shivered thinking about what it could possibly mean. My mind ran with memories and desires mixing together, and I knew I wouldn't be able to fall asleep. VI -- Induction I awoke to the feeling of a mouth around my instantly-hard penis. The sheer force of the erection was enough to surprise me and I startled awake, my dress shaking as I struggled against the restraints. The events of the night before came flooding back to me and I stiffened further, almost painfully, in the interloper's mouth. I groaned, my limbs sore from their position all night and my body on fire from the pure, blissful sensation of it all. As soon as I made a noise, the mouth was removed and Lucy appeared. She didn't look at me, just began to work at my restraints until I was free. I sat up, my dress falling around me just as Annette entered the room. Both were silent and workman-like, not making eye contact as they set about their tasks. I slid to the side of the bed and was lifted them, Lucy holding me as Annette stripped me of the clothes I wore. If I had the energy I would have attempted to cover myself, but I lacked the power even to resist as a slim vibrator was inserted into my rear and another was attached to my erection, just below the head. I moaned and squirmed as I was teased, but the girls paid me no mind. They dressed me in a simple -- for Comwyn Manor standards -- babydoll nightie that fell to my thighs, the transparent, silken material teasing the tip of my shaft as it vibrated. The sides were rouched and raised up to my hips, the peaks of each curve finished with a large satin ribbon tied in a long bow. It was cap-sleeved, the armholes and hem trimmed with ruffled lace. The neckline was scalloped, a bow in the center. I was given no panties or hosiery. To weak to resist, I was sat in the large armchair in the corner of the room and tied in place, my ankles around the legs of the chair and my arms to the armrests. I moaned as the two maids left the room but they paid me no attention, turning off the lights as they left. The vibrations were enough to keep me aroused but not enough for me to come from them, and they came in waves. Every time I thought I could coax myself to orgasm, the sensations would taper off, and when I was sure I'd finally have a chance to calm down and soften, the vibrations would ramp back up and instantly return me to turgidness. I was trapped. *** "Did you prepare him?" "Of course." "Including the one on his--" "Prostate? Yes, Jennifer." "Good, thank you Lucy. Annette?" "Yes?" "You've been of incredible service lately. You've always been a good maid." Jennifer paused, eyeballing the Blue Ribbon kneeling in front of her. "Thank you, Ma'am," Annette said, bowing her head. "Despite being rewarded for your service, you still have gone above and beyond what was expected of you. And this is a pattern of service from you." Annette looked up to Jennifer, a quizzical expression on her face. Typically when she was asked to be on her knees, she was going to be punished -- or asked to service someone. This was not how she expected the conversation to go. "Maid Annette," Jennifer said, standing and grabbing a small box and a pair of scissors from her desk. "You have demonstrated subservience and a commitment to service that is commendable. It is my genuine honor to promote you to Green Ribbon." She walked to the stunned maid and cut through the blue ribbon she wore around her neck, letting it fall to the floor. She opened the box and showed the green choker it contained to Annette, wrapping it around her neck and straightening it. When it was in place, she put her fingers under the maid's chin and gently lifted. Annette rose to a standing position, automatically brushing off and straightening her skirts. "Maid Annette, you are now a Green Ribbon maid in the house of Lady Comwyn. With this promotion comes new privileges and rewards, but also new responsibilities. You are now no longer at the behest of the other Greens and may service them only when you wish, but you are now responsible for assisting in the training of other Blues. And as always, you will answer to any Red or Yellow ribbon without question. Do you understand?" Annette nodded vigorously. "Thank you so much, Jennifer!" she gushed. Unable to contain herself, she sprang forward and wrapped the Red Ribbon tightly in her arms. This was officially against protocol for a Green or Blue Ribbon maid, but Jennifer smiled and returned it. She loved her girls, even if it was her job to work and punish them. "You've earned it," Jennifer whispered in Annette's ear before letting her go. Annette took a step back and found herself embraced by Lucy, who pecked her on her cheek before Annette drew her into a deep and passionate kiss. Jennifer let this go on for slightly longer than she should have before clearing her throat expectantly. The two maids broke apart and snapped to attention. "We have a lot of work cut out for us today," she said. "Annette, your reward is to spend the Ceremony tonight uncaged. You may use it however you choose." Annette thought she would faint. "Girls, do you know what must be done? Are you ready to welcome a new sister to our fold?" Both nodded. "I'm excited!" exclaimed Lucy. Jennifer grinned. "Me too. Let's get to it!" *** I had been there all day. I watched the light beaming through the curtains trace a laboriously slow path across the wall before slowly disappearing, the room plunged into darkness as the sun sank behind the horizon. After that I lost track of time, my body aching and my penis dripping. I had never been so aroused or frustrated in my life. All I wanted to do was cum, and a small voice in my head told me that was probably the last thing that was going to happen. Eventually the door opened. A maid entered, carrying a candle in a holder. I couldn't tell who it was, but it didn't matter -- they untied me and helped me out of the chair, my legs shaking. I was walked to the bathroom where a hot bath was drawn for me. Stripped and the vibrators removed, I sunk into it and luxuriated. After what felt like hours but was far before I was ready, I was pulled from the bath. As two maids toweled me off, I found my body hair was missing -- something in the water, I supposed. I was brought back to my bedroom, still in the dark, where I was presented with a new outfit. It was the only item in the wardrobe, a lit by candles placed on and around it. First, I was helped into my lingerie. A garter belt was pulled to my waist, a sheer mesh arch trimmed in two lines of ruffles. Where the straps connected there were large bows, a peony in the middle of each. The belt stretched from just above my shaft to above my bellybutton, the top trimmed in fluffy lace with another peony bow in the middle. This was attached to white stockings with a seam at the back. The sensation of drawing them up my legs nearly made me cum on the spot, but so slowly and tenderly were they pulled into place that they heightened my arousal even more. Next came the panties. They were surprisingly complicated, consisting of a simple strappy scaffold upon which the front and back panels were attached. With a simple pull of a tie in the front or back, the associated panel would fall open, leaving that side of me completely exposed. The leg holes were trimmed in fluffy lace that matched the top of my suspender belt, and the panties themselves were constructed out of ruffled mesh and lace from top to bottom. High-rise, they ended just below my bellybutton, overlapping my garter belt. The bra was simple, with no wires. Effectively nothing more than transparent mesh demi-circles covering my chest, my nipples were exposed in small diamond-shaped holes trimmed with still more ruffly lace. At the peak of each hole was a small ribbon bow, again finished in the middle with a peony. The edges of the bralette were trimmed in ruffles and finished in eyelash lace. A halter, it tied at my neck and back. In my hair was fixed a headband. Above each ear was a large bow, with a line of silk peonies running from one to the other. Long diamond earrings were clipped to my ears and I was given an ornate, matching necklace. It was several rows of large gemstones that fell to the middle of my sternum, sparkling in the candlelight. Every subtle movement I made caused it to tinkle gently, the light catching my eye from below. I was made up with dark, smoky eye and a light pink lip gloss, and then I finally was dressed. The dress was white satin and silk and had a low neckline that barely ended above the top of my garter belt, exposing part of my bralette and neatly framing the necklace. Where the neckline ended, the skirt began, so filled by ruffled lace petticoats that it actually stood upwards, pointing back towards me. My legs and hips were lost in a tidal wave of ruffles that exposed a few inches of garter belt straps. Emanating from the neckline were row after row of vertical eyelash lace ruffles, wrapping around and matching the vertical contours of my body. When they reached my waist and the start of the skirt, they curved into each other, forming U-shaped arcs that ended at the hem, itself trimmed in numerous bows finished with silk peonies, all in white. I wore a see- through apron timmed in ruffles that ran over my shoulders, crossing in the back and finishing in an oversized bow at the back of the dress. The neckline curved up to my collarbone, following that line wrapping around, exposing my neck and the tops of my shoulders. It had off-the- shoulder cap sleeves -- as though the lace-trimmed sleeves had simply slid from my shoulders down to my upper arms, bows at the sides of each, the ends running down past my elbows. The back matched the neckline in depth; an enormous cut that exposed my back from the shoulder blades down to the top of my garterbelt, the bows from my bralette hanging down to my rear. The back was held to the front of the dress by two small ribbons, themselves tied in tiny bows -- should anyone give them a gentle tug, the back would fall away and expose me completely -- the petticoat was split in the rear, framing my cheeks and providing an opening between. I was in heaven. My shoes were platform heels, three inches tall, and made from white satin. Except for an ankle strap and a toe strap, my stockinged feet were open. I struggled to walk on them and was supported by the maids that had dressed me. As we walked from my bedroom down the hallway, I recognized them as Lucy and Annette, now wearing a green ribbon around her neck. As we reached the junction between the guest rooms and Lady Comwyn's apartments, I saw more flickering lights. All the staff of the house -- and some guests, it appeared -- were holding candles and forming a corridor of bodies in the hallway, lining the way towards the silver door with the filigreed lock. I recognized few faces, but as we reached the end, I saw Vivienne -- and Elizabeth. She withdrew the chain around her neck and revealed a small, silver key, which she inserted into the lock. There was a crunching, booming sound as she turned it, and the door swang slowly open, revealing an ornately-decorated room inside. The floor was marble and the walls plastered, every inch covered in moulding and frescos. It was like walking into Versailles. In the middle of the room was a rounded object covered in velvet. It stood on four metal legs, each with hooks attached to silk straps. I was walked towards it, the people from the hallway outside filing in behind us. The lights in the room were kept dim, and as we slowly approached the thing at the center, I recognized a woman standing next to it -- Jennifer, though her outfit and appearance rendered her almost unrecognizable. She wore a tight leather corset with a simple mesh skirt around its waist. She had red lace hipster panties on with small black bows on either side, eight suspender belt straps running out from under it and attached to full fashioned tan stockings. They seemed almost unnecessary -- she wore thigh-high leather boots with tall heels, a simple bow ending the row upon row of lacing at the back of each leg. The corset made her breasts spill out in front of her, caught by a lace bra that made each bounce and jiggle with every motion she made; even breathing was enough to make them quiver. Around her neck was a complex beaded necklace, arranged in columns and rows of curves, the apex of each was finished with a small ruby. These grew from an enormous, central ruby that sparkled in the light, matched by long, simple chain earrings that ended in a simple red stone. Her hair was pulled back in a tight bun, her makeup dark and severe with bright red lipstick and heavy, black eye makeup. She an onyx black strap-on, nearly 10 inches long and as thick around as my wrist. It looked molded from a real penis -- black rubber veins glistened and the head shone in the flickering light. It buzzed gently, almost threateningly. I shivered with anticipation, knowing where it would end the evening. Annette and Lucy brought me to the velvet object and stood me at the back of it, facing the door we had entered through. As I was bent over it, I realized what it was for: to hold me in place and expose me for others. My blood ran cold as my penis stiffened: I was here for the pleasure of others, I realized. I was going to become a maid by servicing the needs of the maids that were already here. I was as nervous as I was excited -- dressed in lace and frills and ruffles and silk and satin, teased all day. My pleasure was beyond ancillary -- it was of no measure to the men and women gathered in the room with me. It was my job to pleasure and service them, my own needs be damned. My desires would not be considered unless it was to further heighten my own arousal. I was nothing but an object -- a toy! I was going to make others cum and they wouldn't even consider me as something that could cum. I would simply get more and more turned on as I was used, and in the end I would be neglected. I shivered at the sheer delicious sadism of it. Was I really prepared for this? I knew I wanted it -- but was I prepared? I felt my dress and petticoats rustle as I was strapped across the velvet, my ankles and wrists held in place, my rear exposed and my mouth ready for usage. In front of me was placed a tall chair, and I realized it was designed so that I could both suck and lick whoever was seated there. I was more aroused and harder than I had ever been. "You are a maid, and it is your duty to serve," said a voice, and I looked to see Elizabeth standing in front of me. "Tonight, you will prove that you come second. You will demonstrated your commitment to your duty and satisfy the needs of all others before your own. As each maid before you has, you will sacrifice yourself in the service of others. You will experience pleasure for yourself only when you are allowed, and you will pleasure others whenever you are asked. Are you ready?" I paused. This was my last chance -- I could say no and it would be over. "I want to," I whispered. Then, more loudly: "I'm ready." "After tonight, you will officially be a Blue Ribbon Maid in service of Her Ladyship Vivienne Comwyn, under the calling of Red Ribbon Maid Jennifer." She stepped back, and Jennifer took her place. "I will teach and control you. You shall serve me and, in turn, I will allow you pleasure when you have demonstrated that you deserve it. As my new Blue Ribbon Maid, your needs are secondary to mine and those of the House Comwyn. Your duty is to satisfy -- before yourself -- your fellow maids and all those who ask. Tonight, you will demonstrate your commitment to your duties and vows. Repeat after me. I am a Blue Ribbon Maid." "I am a Blue Ribbon Maid," I said, looking at Jennifer. Her expression was hard to read. Pride? Joy? Victory? Excitement? "My purpose is to serve and to pleasure those who seek it." "My purpose is to serve and pleasure those who seek it." "My own pleasure is not my concern." I gulped. "My own pleasure is not my concern." "I will carry out all that is asked of me without question." "I will carry out all that is asked of me, without question." "I will serve House Comwyn above all, even myself. I am in Her debt." "I will serve House Comwyn above all, even myself. I am in Her debt." Jennifer nodded and stepped away, and Lady Comwyn strode forwards. "I welcome you into my House, and into my staff," she said, nodding to me. She recognized me, I realized. "Welcome to my service. Let the induction begin!" With that, she kissed me deeply and aggressively, holding my cheeks between her thumb and forefinger. When she pulled away, there was a steely smile on her face. She stood, nodding, and left the room, Elizabeth following closely behind. "Tonight, you will prove your commitment to your vows," Jennifer announced next to me. Addressing the room, she placed a hand on my back. "She is your plaything. Do with her what you will." I shuddered in my restraints. All I had wanted and dreamed of was about to come true -- I was going to be used like a toy, my needs completely ignored. And I was going to do it dressed like this. As my legs flexed I felt the silk of the stockings, the tug of the garter, the rustle of the dress and crinolines. Exposed and vulnerable, ready to be used and to serve everyone else. I was as aroused as I was terrified. I felt her enter me from behind, the vibrations filling my body as Jennifer's strap-on pressed against my prostate. I half-moaned, half- screamed as she filled me up, every inch of me awash in sensation and pleasure, then sad, lonely emptiness as she pulled back. Every thrust filled me with erotic joy, every withdrawal made me want her again. I don't know how long she worked me before someone approached my mouth, lifting her skirts to reveal a penis straining against a floral cage. I looked up to a Blue Ribbon maid I didn't recognize, but smiled at her. She bent down and kissed me deeply, my own shaft twitching as she did. She pulled back and slipped the chastised member into my mouth and I sucked at it, unsure exactly what to do. She must have been denied for a long time because she immediately moaned loudly. I kept at it as Jennifer filled me, but after a few moments it was pulled away. I looked up and saw another Red Ribbon kissing the maid deeply before reaching under her skirt and pulling out the floral cage. She handed it back to the newly-unlocked maid who thrust it above her head, turning and grinning at the assembled crowd. They applauded and cheered her -- the first sissy maid of the night to be released. Inductions, I would find out later, were essentially free-for-alls. Certainly there were some girls whose Reds or Yellows wouldn't let them be released -- particularly tough or sadistic, I thought -- but it was largely considered one of the few opportunities that all maids could be sexual equals and fully enjoy their outfits, bodies, and stations in the house. It was a chance for everyone to serve each other and seek out some pleasure for themselves -- except for the new maid being inducted, whose job it was to serve everyone at the expense of herself. The unlocked maid turned back to me, grinning happily. "It's been five weeks," she said, her penis rock-hard. She slipped into my surprisingly-willing mouth and I sucked on her, slipping my tongue around her throbbing member. She began to gently thrust in and out as I pleasured her, and within minutes I could tell she was at the edge. She tasted different, suddenly, but before she came she pulled out of my mouth and stroked herself once. She exploded on the floor next to me, her orgasm so strong she was almost screaming. When she finished, she leaned into my ear and whispered "Don't want to start you off too strong too soon!" She left, kissing me on my cheek. All the while, Jennifer continued to pound behind me. As she reached her deepest point, the vibrations from her shaft made my stomach churn, involuntary grunts and moans slipping from my mouth. Clearly she was enjoy it, too, and not just for the power she had over me. The strap-on she wore must have been pleasing her, too -- the longer she worked at me, the faster and deeper her thrusts became, and soon it was clear that she would climax before the night was over. But my night was just beginning. Next came a new Red Ribbon, another girl I didn't recognize, who sat before me and spread her legs. She smelled sweet and musky and I dove into her, working her the way I tried to please Jennifer. I found her clit and sucked it before slipping my tongue inside of her, exploring her from top to bottom before returning to her clit. As she reached her climax, she pulled my head into her so tightly I thought I might pass out, but before I started to gasp for air she let me go. She bent down to kiss me, but as I leaned into her, she bit my lip instead. I yelped, recoiling, and she laughed. "This isn't about you," she growled into my ear. I shuddered in delight. Next came a Green Ribbon and a Red Ribbon together. The Green Ribbon sat in the chair and leaned back, hiking her skirt up and revealing her stiff shaft. I dutifully opened my mouth and she slid it inside, just as the Red Ribbon lifted her skirts and squatted above the sissy maid's face, grinding into her face and tongue. While I sucked and licked and teased the maid's hot member, she pleasured the maid who rode her face. It wasn't long before the Green Ribbon was close, but I heard the maid riding her nearly scream: "Eloise, don't you fucking dare cum until you've finished me!" She slipped out of my mouth and rested against my cheek while she worked the other girl. I was so aroused I was dizzy, my erection so hard it was almost painful, pre-cum streaming from the tip. Jennifer had slowed and soon pulled out from me, leaving me feeling empty. She placed a hand on my back. "I'll be back for you later. Don't go anywhere!" she giggled into my ear, biting my earlobe before walking off into the crowd. As she left, someone spanked me, hard, and I yelped, craning my neck to see who was behind me. A grinning face appeared in my field of view, heavily made-up and dark-skinned with bright teeth. "You look absolutely delicious," she purred, grabbing my face and pulling my mouth to hers. She kissed me sweetly and aggressively -- she wanted to use me, yes, but she wanted me to want it, to want her. I smelled flowers and leather and vanilla as she kissed me, her tongue in my throat and mouth. "And you taste as good as you look," she said, finally breaking the kiss. I was flustered, breathing heavily, my stomach in knots. "Now prove that you deserved that kiss," she said, standing. She wore what amounted to a two-piece corset -- a bra with a longline garter belt. Both were made from yellow floral lace -- intricate patterns of peonies and leaves that teasingly exposed and revealed the skin below. The bra was two simple triangular cups trimmed in lace that barely held her large breasts in place, each cup open in the middle, showing her dark brown nipples behind tiny ribbons tied bows that held the slits together. The bottom of the bra was ruffled, with a large bow and peony in the center. The garter belt was simple, with large bows at the ends of the straps where they attached to her stockings and simple lace trim. Her narrow waist was emphasized with the ribbon tied around it, a large bow on her left side. She wore no panties, her long, thick shaft extending rigidly from her body, at its base was an yellow ribbon tied in a bow. She smiled as she saw my eyes grow wide and repeated her command. "Prove yourself," she said quietly as she pressed her tip to my lips. I kept them pursed and licked it teasingly, listening to the Yellow Ribbon moan as I did. It must have been too much for her because she forced it into my mouth -- and to my surprise, I eagerly accepted it, sliding up and down on it as I teased the underside with my tongue. She groaned and I tasted what I realized was pre-cum, preparing myself for her to climax. But she didn't, not yet, pulling herself from me and giving me another kiss. Her smell was intoxicating. Pulling away, she leaned her forehead into mine and looked into my eyes. "Do you want me inside of you?" she asked, her tone almost earnest. "Because I want to be inside of you." I shivered. "Yes," I moaned, my erection twitching. "Please!" She smiled, but this time it wasn't the hungry smile of someone about to take advantage of me. It was warmer, kinder. She kissed me again, quickly but tenderly, holding my cheek in her hand, then went around behind me. Still slippery from Jennifer's strap-on, she slipped easily into me. It was a wholly different experience -- this girl was thicker and longer, true, and I felt more filled than before. But she was warm and alive. I could feel her pulsing within me, the warmth of her body as she began to thrust, her shaft somehow more rigid but softer, more giving to me. Her tip easily bumped against my prostate, and with every motion I groaned and moaned in sheer delight. And then the Yellow Ribbon's grip on my hips suddenly became a grope and she forced herself deep into me, moaning and she climaxed. It was unexpected -- I felt full in a way I never had before, her cum drooling out of me as she pulled out. It wasn't something I thought I would ever want, much less enjoy.. But with her, I had. She spanked me before coming back into my field of view. She kissed me deeply but gently, and without saying another word, walked away. I was stunned and stared off at her, even after she disappeared into the crowd. The Green Ribbon had apparently finished off the Red Ribbon who had been riding her face, because my reverie was interrupted by a new, hot shaft entering my mouth. I did my best with her and after just a few seconds, she exploded into me. It was hot and salty and too much and I gagged, letting it fall from my mouth onto the floor. The Green Ribbon took no notice, her eyes glazed and a drunk smile on her face. Jennifer returned and took her place behind me, but before she entered me she leaned down to my ear. "Looks like someone's been here!" she whispered, and I could hear the smile in her voice. Before I had a chance to respond I felt her vibrating shaft slide inside of me. The night continued like this for some time -- I pleasured any girl who came up to me with my mouth or my rear. Occasionally, someone would wrap their own mouth around my dribbling member, but only to tease me further. I was never allowed to cum, and although I constantly felt like I was just seconds away from orgasm, I never managed to reach it. My arousal heightened with every girl who used me, my mind split between satisfying them and how simply turned on I was. Tonight, my pleasure wasn't secondary -- it was simply irrelevant. If anyone wanted to please me, it was only to turn themselves on, to know that I was incapable of reaching orgasm no matter how sexy it was for me to please them. I was nothing but a toy. I loved every second of it. I don't know how long I was there being used, but by the end I was sweaty and covered in fluids, a pool of my own pre-cum on the floor below me, my penis a deep, angry red, rock-hard and standing straight out from my body. After some time had passed, no one came up to me, and I realized that everyone who wanted to use me had already. I was almost disappointed that my night had reached its end, but little did I know that my delicious frustration had just begun. Jennifer stopped her slow thrusts and cleared her throat, the room quieting. "We've all had a lovely time tonight, and no one more so than our new girl here," she said, giving me a firm thrust that made me squeal. The room filled with laughter at my response, but Jennifer quieted them with a simple raising of her hand. "Unfortunately, our even has drawn to its close, and we must formally welcome her into the staff. Annette, as the newest Green Ribbon, you may begin." Jennifer resumed thrusting, but it was harder this time and more rhythmic, like she was counting out drumbeats. I groaned and closed my eyes, but they flew open and I screamed as I felt lips wrap out the tip of my member, a tongue flicking across it. Then it was gone, Annette rising and kissing me deeply on my mouth. As she did so, another mouth around my dripping shaft, and Lucy rose to take Annette's place, kissing me. Every girl in the room did this in turn, some giving me a light peck on the tip and others taking me entirely into their mouths. I ached, my pleasure and sensation rising in sharp bursts with every thrust from behind. The Yellow Ribbon from before smiled and kissed me first, holding my head in her hand as she did. It was longer than with the other girls and felt different -- hungrier. When she took me in her mouth, she pleased me for a long time, enjoying the control she had over my pleasure. When she finally rose and gave me her goodbye kiss, she whispered in my ear. "Marissa," she said as she strode away, blowing me a kiss. The last girl rose and kissed me, and Jennifer withdrew from behind. "You have served the Manor well tonight," she said to me. "And you will from tonight on out. You will dedicate yourself to the needs of your betters and your fellow staff, sacrificing self to satisfy them." I gulped. I hadn't really realized what I had been getting into, and hearing it described like this was, well... It was a little terrifying. I strained at my restraints to no avail. Lucy strode up to Jennifer, a large black box in her hands. She kneeled next to Jennifer, raising the box above her head. The Red Ribbon opened the box, revealing on the left a baby blue choker ribbon resting on pink satin. What I saw next to it made my heart sink and my penis stiffen -- it defined both what I wanted and what I dreaded, physical proof of denial and ownership, of my secondary status as a toy and object for others to use. Of my dedication to Comwyn Estate. The chastity cage was a short, bent metal tube. At its tip was a hole, and growing from it were leaves and stems that wrapped around, forming the shape of the tube. It was clipped into a metal ring, held in place with a peony-shaped lock. The whole effect was of stems and leaves of flowers growing up the shaft and ending in a single, glorious blossom. Jennifer took the choker and wrapped it around my neck, fastening it in the back. "With this, I officially designate you a Blue Ribbon Maid, in service to the staff and the members of the household at large, for whatever they seek and request of you." Then she took the cage delicately, almost respectfully, closing the box. Lucy stood and backed away, replaced by Annette and another Blue Ribbon I didn't recognize. They were carrying what looked like silk bags, which they pressed against my turgid member. I was so startled by the sudden cold that I yelped, instinctively flexing against the restraints. They didn't give, but my erection quickly vanished, and as the ice bags were held longer, it shrank and shriveled into something sad and flaccid. The bags were removed and Jennifer gave the cage to Annette, who quickly pulled me through the ring and slipped the tube over my shaft, clicking the peony lock shut. Even as she did, my erection was returning, rapidly filling the tiny cage. The pressure was almost pleasurable, a kind of sweet tightness. It meant that I was officially one of them -- a maid, my job to pleasure the other girls -- I swallowed -- and the other guests of the house, whoever they were. My pleasure wasn't important: it wasn't even my own anymore; I had no claim or ability to use my own body the way I wanted. It was up to others to decide whether I should be allowed to cum, and the only way I ever would is if I pleasured them, served them above and beyond what they asked for. And even then there was no guarantee -- perhaps my arousal and torment was all they wanted from me, a great game that turned them on, those whose pleasure was not limited like mine was. I was an object, a sexual tool in service of the other girls. I would be teased and played with to be kept in a constant state of euphoria but never allowed to cross the line to bliss. My orgasm was a reward to be doled out only on the rarest of occasions. If I was to be touched and toyed, it was only because someone else found it enjoyable to make me even more stimulated with no potential for release. My body existed for the needs of others and so did my pleasure itself: my arousal was simply a tool to arouse others. The harder I became, the wetter they would. The more I squirmed, the more they wanted to make me squirm. The more I moaned, the more I would be required to make them scream. I would be dressed in ways that turned me on and made me hope and dream for release, my outfits further indications of my position and responsibilities. One does not concern themselves with the needs of the help, even if those needs were sexual. I existed purely for the needs of others, a simpering girl in a short, frilly skirt and a tight cage. Every rustling step of the petticoat, every click of a high heel would be a reminder that I was dressed to turn on others and tease myself. The evening had made so hard and unsatisfied that even now, my caged member was drooling. Even as my panties were fastened and I was released, my dress falling back into place. Now the curve at the front revealed my floral cage, the translucent silk quickly becoming soaked. The petticoats stroked my rear as I was half-walked, half-carried out of the room. I felt empty and satisfied and excited and desperately, painfully horny. I was no longer the same boy who had stepped through the Manor doors. I was a Blue Ribbon maid in the service of Lady Comwyn, and I could not have been happier. VII -- Four Houses "You performed far above expectations," Elizabeth said. She was a strict woman, it was true -- but she wasn't beyond kindness and genuine pride. Jennifer smiled nervously before making eye contact with Elizabeth. She saw how happy she was and her own smile spread into a true grin, her face turning pink. "Thank you, Miss Lennox," Jennifer said. Giggling, she added: "He wasn't very difficult to break in. He seems to enjoy it quite a bit." "Well, you of all people would certainly know how to make him like it!" Jennifer really must have done a good job if Elizabeth was treating her like this. Their relationship had never been cold, but it had never been this warm, either. "Lady Comwyn was very impressed. She had known the boy for some time... a family friend, I think she said. She was surprised you managed to bring him into the fold so quickly." Elizabeth folded her hands and leaned across her desk. "She would like you and your girls to be in her entourage this evening." Jennifer gasped, covering her mouth. It was one thing to be invited to a Ball, but it was quite another to be in the Lady's retinue -- especially for her first time! She would have her run of the place, and if her girls did their jobs well, even they would be rewarded. A Ball was what everyone in the house worked for and looked forwards too -- a chance to cut loose, even the staff. "Naturally, you'll be expected to be a perfect representative of the Estate, and serve the Lady in whatever she needs," Elizabeth explained. Jennifer cocked her head at the second statement. "Does that mean I'll have to... you know, with... the Lady?" Elizabeth cleared her throat and tried to retain her composure. "No, Red Ribbon Jennifer, her pleasure is not of your concern." Her voice was sharp and flat and Jennifer understood the subtext: don't ask about this again, and don't even consider yourself capable of it. "Comwyn has a certain reputation amongst the other Houses," Elizabeth explained. "We're a little freer here, and sometimes people think that means we're a little sloppier and softer." Elizabeth's eyes narrowed. "It is your responsibility to show that such beliefs are wrong, and our girls are of the best caliber in the world." Jennifer nodded without fully understanding. Other houses? What did that mean? "Just because we don't resort to corporal punishment doesn't mean we're second-class. I want you to do what you do best: show them that Comwyn Manor is not to be trifled with." Jennifer's nodded again, more confidently this time. "I think I can do that." "That means nothing cute for you tonight. We want you to demonstrate the power we have. Even we don't always show it off, we want to remind everyone else who we are and what we stand for." "I have just the thing." *** The dining room had been cleared, and without the table it felt even bigger. Couches and chairs had been set up around the room in small clusters, with tables interspersed amongst them. At each end of the massive room was an ornate bar that nearly covered each wall. In the months since my induction, the construction had finished on the East Wing, and I was working with several other maids to get it ready for the night. Burly men had moved in the furniture, but all had to be decorated and styled -- since since it was a Ball tonight, it had to be a combination of elegant and over-the-top. Apparently this was the first time in more than a year that Comwyn had hosted a Ball, and everyone in the house was excited. Even Jennifer, normally poised and confident, seemed a little shaken. She had never been to one, and apparently had been invited to some high position at this one. And that meant I had, too, along with Lucy and Annette, the three of us there to support Jennifer in whatever she needed. None of us really knew what went on at one of these things, and even when I asked Marissa, all I got was a cryptic answer. "You'll just have to wait and see," she said as she kissed me, hand on cage, pressing me against a wall. "Everyone shows off, and everyone has a good time." "But what actually is it?" I asked, moaning as Marissa kissed my neck. "You won't understand until you've gone through one," she said, pushing down on my shoulders. I sank to me knees and slipped my head into her bouffant of petticoats, taking her shaft into my mouth. *** When the guests began to arrive, there was the standard receiving line, though this time I realized that all the girls who stood in it were sissies. Instead of the typical black uniform, however, they wore colored silk dresses cut the same way. The Blues and Greens alternated, forming two lines on either side of the door. They seemed especially polished tonight, every hem ironed and every seam straight. Running from the door was a long, plush pink carpet, ending at our feet. I was part of the welcoming party, along with Lucy, Annette, and Jennifer -- and Lady Comwyn herself, Elizabeth at her side. The four maids -- myself included -- stood in pairs on either side of the Lady and Elizabeth, forming a half-circle facing the door. Our outfits matched our ranks in color and cut -- as a lowly Blue Ribbon, mine was powder blue and revealing, putting my throbbing, locked cage on full display. It was an asymmetrical cut, long in the back and very short in the front, made from long layers of translucent, iridescent blue silk. The end of each layer was trimmed in long white lace and a line of blue ruffles, punctuated every few inches with a pink peony. As I moved, the layers of the skirt played in the light, creating an effect of glistening, deep silk that seemed to be made of layer after layer, far more than could possibly fit under the skirt. Around my waist was a thick white ribbon, tied into a large bow on my left hip. The neckline was a wide boatneck cut, following the line of my collarbone out to my shoulder before sliding down my mid-back. It was trimmed in fluffy white lace, and in the front, the trim curved down and created an hourglass shape across my bosom, waist, and hips, down to the top of the skirt. And where a normal skirt would cover my panties, this split at the front hem, forming an arch and revealing what I wore underneath. My lingerie this evening was design to titillate and put me on full display -- nothing more than a thong that barely covered my cage -- and even if it had, it wouldn't have mattered, as it was made from netting that clearly showed it off. Trimmed in simple ruffles, I felt deliciously exposed. I wore no bra and simple nude seamed stockings, clipped into a simple, blue lace garter belt. After weeks of drills and practice from Annette and Lucy, I stood quite confidently in my very tall, strappy silver sandals. Annette and Lucy wore green gowns that fell to their ankles, a translucent pinafore trimmed in six-inch-wide ruffles and lace extending from their knees up to their necklines, the straps crossing in X's across their backs. Their skirts were explosions of ruffles, tier upon tier forming a bell shape atop long silk petticoats. Their tall necklines extended to their long translucent sleeves, which ended in a flare tied off by a single bow. At their chins they wore giant pussy bows, covered in the middle by silk peonies the size of an outspread hand. Their shoes were simple Mary Jane-style heels in silver satin, the color matching my own. Though it couldn't be seen, underneath I knew they wore no underwear of any kind -- not even stockings. As Green Ribbons it was expected that they would be more capable of serving the guests, and as a result there was no need for them to prevent someone from having quick, unobstructed access. All three of us, however, wore our cages. Jennifer wore satin and leather and silk, a remarkable combination that projected power and grit and femininity and sexuality all at once. Her black satin pencil skirt was tight, extending from just above the knee up to under her bosom, a zipper running from top to bottom across the front. At her waist, it was tightly laced like a corset, the ribbon tied in a loose bow just below her sternum. Her top was transparent black silk, long sleeved and tight across her body, revealing the black lace bra she wore underneath. The shades and layers hid just enough of her skin to let your imagination run wild, and mine did as I followed the line of her bra across her back. She skipped stockings and wore black patent stiletto heels with bright red soles. On top of it all she wore a tightly cropped leather jacket that ended just an inch or two below the top of her skirt. Asymmetrical and modeled after a biker jacket, it had two large back straps that hung from her sides, the lapels held in place against her chest by snaps. It was a strong, intimidating outfit softened by her hair, pulled back into a loose, messy bun, and her simple makeup. Elizabeth was in all-leather, a surprisingly revealing outfit that was more like leather lingerie than proper clothing. A simple leather halter bra revealed her back, her tall suspender belt ending just below it, revealing a narrow band of naked skin between the two. Eight satin ribbons ran from the suspender clips up to the top of the belt, following the curves of her body and creating a textural pinstripe effect. The curved of the belt was so low across her legs that it was impossible to tell if she was wearing underwear, forming almost a miniskirt. Attached to the belt were very sheer stockings, and she towered in black, T-strap heels that ended in a point so narrow it was almost a blade. Despite her intimidating outfit, she had a white ribbon in her hair, tied in a loose bow, the loose ends hanging down her back. Despite her middle age, Lady Comwyn cut a striking and beautiful figure. Tall and slim, she wore a backless black dress that ended mid- thigh. The front curved up from the loosely-elasticized waist, ending in a high neck and revealing the sides of her full, pert breasts. The dress sparkled pink and black in the light, glittering with every movement she made. Her hosiery was simple tan stockings like mine, and she wore tall but not impractical lace heels. Around her neck was a diamond necklace, each of the many large stones framed in pave, the center diamond pink and cut to look like a peony. When she had seen Annette, Lucy, and myself standing in the foyer, Jennifer had fussed over us to make us perfect, though if anything had actually changed in our appearance, it wasn't obvious to any of us. She seemed nervous, unable to stand still and buzzing around until Lucy grabbed her hands and squeezed, looking her in the eye. "You can do it!" she whispered with a smile, then gave the Red Ribbon a no-contact kiss on the cheek, exaggerating the kissing sound and preventing makeup from being ruined. Elizabeth and Vivienne had arrived together and given us a once-over. Elizabeth seemed tense, her lips pursed and movements stiff. She nodded curtly at us, but Lady Comwyn gave us a wide smile and embraced each of us individually, complimenting us on our appearances. She brushed a flyway out of Annettes' face and commented on her beautiful makeup, then turned to me. Her face changed, a flash of recognition, then the same warm smile returned, a little bigger than before. "Ah, our new girl," she said. "Don't you look lovely! I hear that you were very excited to join us." I turned bright red, unsure if I should answer. "I hope everything has been going well since that night. And I hope that your time here has been as thrilling as you'd expected." Without warning, she grabbed my cage and I felt myself swell in it even more, twitching at her grasp. I gasped and blinked, staggering slightly, much to Comwyn's obvious delight. "Yes ma'am!" I sighed, regaining my balance and composure as best I could. She laughed, a light, tinkling sound. "You know, it was my idea to introduce these," she said. "Before, you girls were just at each other all the time. Nothing got done around here!" I gave her a half-smile, unsure of what to do. She continued to keep me in her grip. "But these... Well, they keep your minds on your work and make you so much more willing to comply. And I think," her eyes flashed, giving me a hard, knowing look. "that some of you even enjoy them." She held her gaze for a moment, eyes boring into mine, her face all steel and edges. Then she let go and the warmth suddenly returned. "You look very nice, dear," she said. "And I love that you have that on display." She turned, and took her place at the front of our group. "I hope you have a delightful time as my entourage," she said to us all. "Tonight is going to be incredible." *** Not long after we assembled, the doors opened and the first party of guests arrived. At front was a figure in a long, midnight blue coat. They wore thigh-high high-heeled boots with a red stripe up each side. They wore a long grey shirt with an asymmetrical hem, hitting at their knee on the left and above the hip on the right. Beneath it was a simple boyshort-style set of underwear in a random black and white pattern. Their hair was bright white with blue streaks and they had thick eyeliner circling each eye. The effect was startling and made them hard to maintain eye contact with, especially with their icy blue eyes contrasting so much with their dark makeup. I couldn't tell if this person was a man, woman, or something in between. Behind her was her retinue, dressed in more traditional lingerie. Each of the five had simple, strappy sets that didn't match but complimented each other. Some were halters, others bralettes. Some had obvious bulges in their underwear, others were smooth. It was impossible to tell what the anatomy underneath was. One striking figure had high cheekbones and thick lips contrasting with a short buzz cut. They wore a bandeau bra and a high-rise bandage-style suspender belt, but it didn't attach to stockings. Instead, elastic lines ran around mid- thigh, like stocking tops with the silk removed. The party was dramatic, contrasting sharply with the luxurious silks and lace around them. As they approached, I saw that each member wore gem-encrusted jewelry of various colors. The person in front -- who I assumed was the head of the household -- had two ear cuffs, earrings that wrapped around the lobes and back of her ears, dripping with bright blue sapphires. "Regent Allencourt!" Lady Comwyn said warmly, leaning forwards and kissing the other person once on each cheek. Allencourt returned a curt nod but a warm smile. "Vivienne," they said with a slight accent I couldn't place. "How many times must I remind you? Call me Saskia." Comwyn smiled slightly. "You know I can never do away with formalities. Look at my girls!" Saskia sized up the four of us, eyeballing me and my exposed cage in particular. "Still a fan of... restraint, Vivienne?" she asked. "Perhaps this is something to try at Allencourt Estate. Perhaps we will try this ball. Cosmo!" The high-cheekboned figure stepped forwards, face unchanging. She turned back to the group, not sure who to look at. "You have spares of these, yes?" she asked, waving her hand towards my cage. "Please find one for Cosmo." Jennifer stepped forwards. "Of course, Regent Allencourt. If you and your group would just come with me..." She extended her hand towards the rear door of the foyer, allowing Saskia to pass her before walking alongside and directing her towards the dining room and the depths of the house. As they left, Comwyn turned to the three of us. "Saskia is an old friend of mine from my school days," she explained. "They resisted this lifestyle for a long time before realizing it had certain benefits they couldn't get anywhere else. She's a bit..." Vivienne bit her lip. "Unorthodox. But then again, who isn't here?" Not long after the Allencourts had left the hall, the doors opened again, and a group dressed all in black filled the entrance. At its front was a striking, full-figured woman with wide hips and a narrow waist, exposing as much skin as possible. She wore hardly anything -- shiny black corset that ended below her exposed breasts, curving underneath them and meeting in a spike at the bottom of her sternum. Her waist was trimmed in a single layer of tulle that flowed out behind her to the ground, framing her hips in gauzy black. Her arms were covered past her elbow in back satin gloves, trimmed in simple black lace and a long line of more tulle. An ornate circle rested on the bridge of her nose, a large black gem in the center. Growing and snaking out from the gem were ornate, jeweled and beaded snakes, their intertwining and spiraling bodies growing outwards in eight directions. Where they reached the edge, their heads extended off, mouths open, tongues replaced by thick, black spikes. Where the bottom spike should have been, the snake into two heads that ran underneath each eye. From beneath the mask, smeared makeup ran to her cheek, her full lips coated in shiny black lipstick. I was shocked to see that she wore no underwear, no panties -- she was completely naked from the waist down. She had a thick, long shaft that curved gently upwards. Starting from the base, half was wrapped in black silk and lace, trimmed in more tulle and more lace, creating a small sheath that she grew out of. At the underside of the base of her shaft, a small bow was tied in black satin. Her shiny patent stilettos clicked on the floor, a sly smile on her face. No, I decided, not sly. Hungry. Like a predator sizing up its prey. Behind her came several girls in black tulle skirts, layered but not enough to cover their caged shafts, each shaped to look like a snake, the tip of the shaft molded like its head set with black jewel eyes. The skirts connected to leather corsets that, like their Mistress', ended below their chests. Their nipples were covered by black tape X's, their skin covered in tight tulle that ended at their wrists. They wore opaque, black stockings and tall strappy heels. The party strode towards us, the woman in front taking large, confident steps as her hips swayed, the girls scampering to keep up behind her. "I see you haven't lost your flair for the dramatic, Persephone," Lady Comwyn said delicately, leaning forwards and exchanging tense cheek kisses with the black-clad, nearly-naked woman. "Traditionally one waits to reveal that sort of thing..." She looked down at the erect shaft with an almost-concealed sneer. Persephone laughed, loudly and shrilly. "Why, Vivienne!" she exclaimed, stepping back, her predator's grin growing. "Shouldn't you know by now? The House of Amphis has always been bolder than that. We all know what we're here for," she said, spreading her arms and gesturing to the room. "We just choose to display it rather than pretend it's not there." Lady Comwyn shook her head but tipped it in a polite bow. "Lady Amphis, you and your house are welcomed here at Comwyn Manor. Please make yourselves comfortable during your stay." She turned her head to Lucy, then Annette, who gave a shallow curtsies before leading Persephone and her entourage deeper into the house. It was just me, Elizabeth, and Comwyn remaining in the welcome party. We waited for a long time, the maids by the door beginning to shift uncomfortably. "Has she ever been on time to anything?" Elizabeth whispered to Comwyn, who smiled and rolled her eyes in response. "With the way that house is run, it's a miracle they manage to make it out the door at all," Lady Comwyn said, shifting her weight. After a moment, she said, "We'll give them five more minutes." Five minutes came and went, then five more. Finally, Elizabeth sighing, Comwyn announced to the gathered staff that they would have a ten minute break before they were expected in the dining room. Just as they began to head towards to the rear of the hall, the doors sprang open and a messy, panting party stumbled into the hall. "I'm so sorry!" cried a young woman at front, scampering towards the three of us. "We left on time but, well, one thing led to another!" Her face was red and her hair, which had clearly once been coiffed and carefully arranged, had become disorganized and tangled. Her makeup was smudged, especially her lipstick, and her extensive jewelry all slightly askew. One of the girls behind her giggled and the woman turned to her with a dramatic flourish, finger to her lips. "Shhhhh!!" "Lady de Ville," said Vivienne calmly, her composure a sharp contrast with the disorganized group before her. "Comwyn Estate welcomes you and House Forge. As you've kept us waiting, I believe the Ball has already begun in the dining room. Please, come with us." She turned and strode towards the door before even waiting for a response, but I saw de Ville roll her eyes and stick her finger in her open mouth, miming vomiting to her gathered group. They tittered and laughed as they hurried after Comwyn, Elizabeth, and myself. If I hadn't seen Persphone's near-nakedness before them, I would have been shocked by how revealing House Forge's outfits were. Essentially nothing more than lingerie, each girl was dressed slightly different, all variations on a theme. Some of them wore sheer panties that clearly showed what was contained inside, and I was surprised not to see a single chastity cage in the bunch. Shafts in various stages of stiffness and exposed slits in crotchless underwear made their way past me, and I was almost jealous to see how freely they could be used. de Ville wore a basque with a low neckline that ended high above her hips, the garter straps long and bending over her exposed hipbones. It was made from translucent red mesh, trimmed in red lace. Over each breast was a curling, spiraling pattern of floral lace that curved down her hips and hung from the basque, forming two loops of lace that hung freely over her hips. The straps over her shoulders fell across the exposed back, breaking into more lines of lace that hung in long, elegant U's across her back and rear, forming almost a bustled skirt that fell to her knees. The basque connected to black silk stockings with red polka dots, the tops red eyelash lace. Where the two clips attached to each stocking was a large, dramatic bow with long ends that went almost to her knee. She wore bikini-style panties, tied on either side with red satin bows, made from the same red mesh as her basque. The front, however, was split open from top to bottom, trimmed in red lace on either side, a large, erect shaft emerged, wrapped in crisscrossing red ribbon ending in a large bow below the tip. As she hurried past me, I saw that the rear of her panties had a heart-shaped hole cut in it directly over her rear. Clearly, this was a woman who knew what she wanted and was ready for everyone else to give it to her. I was surprised at how quickly she managed to move her in platform heels, red satin with a T-strap. Every step was thunderous and followed by the tinkling of her jewelry -- an extravagant diamond necklace with three large stones outlined in ruby pave, chandeliers of rubies falling from her earlobes, and a relatively simple diamond bracelet around her left wrist. She was dressed to impress, to show the world what she had and make them beg to show her in return. If we at Comwyn were meant to serve, the House Forge girls were meant to enjoy -- each other, themselves, everyone they met. The arrangement here was strictly one- way, but it seemed like de Ville like to give just as much as she could get. I was instantly smitten. The Forge girls ran after her, heels clacking on the floor. They were a mass of red and pink, mesh and lace. Babydolls and teddies, all with strategically placed heart-shaped cutouts. One girl wore a tiny babydoll nightie with barely-there spaghetti straps. Hanging just above her nipples it ended a few inches above her bellybutton, a curtain of translucent layered mesh polka dotted with tiny hearts. There were large bows where the straps met the body, and the hem was trimmed out in lace. Over each hard nipple was a heart-shaped opening, matching one in her high-cut, lace panties. I was surprised to see a thick, red shaft emerging from the lace-trimmed hole. The strap-on was remarkably realistic save for its color, covered in veins and gently curving up to an arrowhead tip. Never before had I seen such open, indulgent display of eroticism and sexuality. No one hid their intentions or desires here -- quite the opposite, in fact. You put them on display, celebrating your wants with those around you. I followed behind them all in an almost trance-like state, my cage bouncing and reminding me of exactly what I wanted. To get to be dressed like this and used by others, my own pleasure denied and even ignored, was deeply thrilling in a way I never expected. I had no idea other places like Comwyn even existed, that other people shared in my desires and wanted to help me indulge in them. It was like being a part of royalty, a courtesan for a Queen. And now that I knew, all I wanted was to go deeper into this new world. VIII -- The Ball The Ball was well underway when we entered. Girls lounged on couches, drinks in hand, maids' heads buried between their legs. Others relaxed, chatting with each other while they were massaged, or nails painted, hair down, makeup touched up. It was clearly an opportunity for the high members of a house to be doted on by others -- and it seemed that as the host, Comwyn's staff was doing most of the doting. I didn't know how to read the ranks of the guests, but I saw mostly girls in green and blue maid dresses diligently seeing to the needs of our guests. There was debauchery and delight everywhere. In one corner, two girls in green dresses were lying on their sides with their heads between each other's legs while one of the Amphis girls watched, running a vibrator up and down her locked shaft. Not far away, I saw one of the androgynous Allencourt guests sitting in a chair with their legs spread, a blue-clad maid with her head tucked between them, grinding on top of another Allencourt guest, who themselves had their face buried beneath a squatting Red Ribbon. All four seemed to be enjoying themselves immensely, their moans a loud addition to the chorus of groans and sighs that filled the room. My gown swished around me as I came to a sudden standstill, taking it all in. I had no idea this sort of thing actually happened, much less that I would ever be a part of it -- but here I was, and even if I was locked away and intended to be used, I was excited all the same. I felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped, turning to face Lucy. Next to her was a giddy Forge girl, dressed in a simple -- by Comwyn standards -- babydoll nightie and panties. Made of translucent mesh, the straps were tied in large bows on her shoulders, one of which had slid down and was hanging by her elbow. The neckline and hem were trimmed out in matching ruffles, and there were heart-shaped openings over her nipples. She was voluptuous, with long, curly hair that was so blond it was almost silver, falling around her cheeks and over her hard nipples. Her panties were split across the bottom, forming two V-shaped wedges through which easy access was allowed to her. She grinned and took my hand, pulling me close and kissing me. "I'm SO excited," she exclaimed. "This is my first ball and I want to be with YOU!" She was so excited that I was worried she might tip over, but she seemed remarkably steady in her black stilettos, taking me and Lucy by the hand and leading us to a daybed next to an Amphis girl servicing a Comwyn Yellow Ribbon I didn't recognize. She gestured to the bed and Lucy and I sat, but she shook her head and instructed us to be on our knees. "My name is Brittany. Lucy, I want to see what you have between your legs. You--" she smiled at me "--already have it on display! How adorable!" Lucy diligently lifted her skirts and petticoats to reveal her translucent green panties, a wet spot already forming at the tip of her locked shaft. Brittany swooned, clasping her hands together in a gasp. "I can NOT believe you wear those all the time!" she said, reaching out and stroking Lucy's through her panties. The maid gasped, her cage twitching from the touch. "You must be dying to be released! How long has it been for you?" "Four weeks," Lucy said, shivering from the thought of being released. "Well, Lucy, if you do a good enough job tonight..." Brittany trailed off, revealing that she wore a key stamped with a peony around her neck. It was at the end of a long, fine chain, and she dangled it from her finger in front of Lucy's face. The implication was clear. Lucy sat up a little straighter. "I am here to serve all your needs," she said, voice shaking ever so slightly. Brittany giggled. "You know, I've never seen two maids like you go at each other," she said. "Why don't you help out Lucy here, and Lucy, why don't you help me out." Lucy nodded and lay down on her back, knees bent and legs spread. I got on all fours, assuming my place between Lucy's stocking-clad legs, while Brittany hiked up her babydoll and kneeled over Lucy's face, turned away from me. Lucy must have instantly begun to work on Lucy, who clenched the fist holding the gathered nightie, throwing her head back and letting out a satisfied moan. "Ooooohh yes, Lucy!" she cried, grabbing the maid's hair with her free hand and pulling her head deeper into her. I explored Lucy's soft thighs, kissing my way up and down them before gently rubbing her caged member. As soon as I touched it, it jumped against my fingers. I so desperately wanted to please her, but I had nothing I thought I could do. Pulling down her panties, I took the cage into my mouth, feeling her heat through the openings in it, sliding my tongue up and down the full length of it, trying to give her any pleasure. Evidently she felt something -- as my tongue would slip past some bare flesh, her legs would squeeze up against my head. Brittany's moans became louder and louder, but before she reached her climax, she climbed off Lucy's face and pulled me from between her legs. Seeing a passing Blue Ribbon maid, she grabbed the girl tightly around the arm, whispered something in her ear, and sent her off, spanking the girl's naked rear as she left. "I want you both on all fours at the edge of the bed, panties down," she said, her voice thicker and lower than before. We obliged, raising our skirts to expose our rears and our cages dangling between our legs. Lucy's panties were dangling from one ankle, mine still covering me as best they could. Brittany began to kiss our naked flesh, tapping our cages as she did. Every time we moaned or gasped, she would smile and pull away, moving to the other girl. Before long, the Blue Ribbon she had spoken to returned. They spoke briefly, then Brittany sent her away. After a moment, she put a hand on each of our backs and leaned in between us. "Which one of you wants to go first? How about you?" she asked, biting my ear. "These strap-ons are magnificent. It feels like having a real cock!" She pulled away, and I felt a stiff vibration at my rear. I had been caged for so long that I gasped instantly, twitching and shaking even before she entered me. "Seems like I picked the right girl!" exclaimed Brittany. Lucy turned to me and suddenly kissed me, deeply and passionately, my stomach turning into knots. Her lips were soft and sweet, her tongue probing against mine as the vibrating shaft abruptly entered me. It didn't hurt, but it was a shock to suddenly feel it so deep inside of me, the tip vibrating against my prostate instantly. I had never taken anything so large so quickly and I groaned, a deep, guttural sound that I had never made before. "Good GIRL!" Brittany said as she began to thrust into me. Her motions were aggressive, almost animalistic. Every motion filled me with gut- turning sensations of delight and pleasure, and she moaned as she alternated patterns and speeds within me. Her style was different than what I had felt before -- harder, more about the physical act than about the feelings it went with. I had grown so used to what it was like to be penetrated at Comwyn that it felt almost like a violation. But just because it was new and aggressive didn't mean I didn't like it -- every motion was lightning inside of me, my toes tingling and my knees shaking. Through it all, Lucy kissed me, her own body beginning to shake as mine did. It wasn't long before Brittany's moans turned into grunts. She gave one last, mighty thrust as she cried out, leaving the tip of the vibrating shaft against my prostate. I cried out too, my body spasming from the sudden sensations coursing through it. As Brittany's orgasm subsided, she fell backwards and the shaft slipped out of me. I fell to my chest, my rear still high in the air, breathing heavily as my cage dripped into the pool of my precum between my legs. "Good job, girls," panted Brittany after she had recovered. She spanked each of us, hard on our naked rears. "But not good enough to be released!" She giggled as she wandered away, leaving us aroused and frustrated. Just the way we were supposed to be. Just the way we liked it. I strained through my cage, shivering as I felt it constrict and contain me. My gown of ruffles rustled as I did, my stockings tugging at the suspender belt. I felt the silk against my legs, the weight of the dress, the straps of my heels -- it suddenly became all so much. My skin was so sensitive that I could feel every brush of lace and caress of satin. It was so much that I was almost lightheaded, and I thought I might burst when I felt someone kiss me, their soft lips pressed to mine. I hadn't even realized that my eyes were closed, and when I opened them, I found myself face to face with a stiff shaft pointed straight at my lips. I looked up and saw a girl I didn't recognize wearing pale green lingerie. Her bra had cap silk sleeves, elasticized around her upper arm and trimmed with small bows, attached to lace straps that ran down to a lace bralette, through which her nipples were easy to see. At the center was a large bow, a silk peony in the middle, and I realized that this was a Green Ribbon maid -- and she was unlocked. Her panties came up to her belly button, with three thick rows of frilly lace, each finished in the center with a small ribbon tied in a bow. The Green Ribbon had hers pulled to the size, exposing her member and what hung below. The surprise hit me in waves -- first, that there was an erection in my face, then that it was on a Green Ribbon -- and finally that a Comwyn maid was unlocked and apparently free to use what was normally kept under lock and key. She smiled, and without a word further, spread my lips with the tip and slipped inside my mouth. I was still on all fours and began to rock back and forth, sliding along her. I wondered how long she had been unlocked -- and how long it would be before she came. Almost immediately her eyes closed and she leaned her head back, grabbing my hair in her fingers and moaning as she pulled me into her. Then I felt something at my rear, pressing against me, then quickly the feeling of fullness returned. The sensation went deeper and deeper inside of me until it bumped up against my prostate, making me groan around the shaft in my mouth and my back arch. I could feel my cage raise as I thickened inside of it, then begin to bounce against my belly as I was roughly thrusted into. My whole body swayed and I had to steady myself, spreading my arms and legs to keep my balance. I used the force of the motions to move along the hot member in my mouth, sucking hard as I did. I heard the maid's groans turn into a low, roaring scream, and she exploded inside of me. I nearly choked from the force and volume of it, but swallowed what I could, the rest dribbling from my mouth as the maid slipped out. My eyes were dewy -- I'd never had anything like that happen to me before, and I had not been prepared. But before I had a chance to recover or even think about what had occurred, I felt myself get filled from behind, and I thought I recongized the groan. As I felt the shaft slide out of me, I collapsed to the ground, resting on my knees, my head laying on my arms. Someone sat next to me, and I rolled my head to the side, looking up at them. "Your first Ball can be pretty tough," Marissa said with a smile, stroking my cheek with the back of her hand. Then she took my head in it and leaned down, kissing me deeply and passionately. She pulled back after a while, smiling again, my stomach filled with butterflies. "But you took me and her like a professional! You were made to do this." She stood. She wore a plain black suspender belt with eight clips, the straps trimmed in simple scallops. The belt ended at her natural waist, exposing a tiny band of skin between it and the old-fashioned, pointed bra that completely covered her breasts. In the center between them was a small yellow peony, and I realized that the bra and suspender belt both had a shiny peony print on it that could only be seen in some lights. She wore her yellow satin choker and no underwear, her long, thick erection now beginning to soften and hang between her stocking- clad legs. Instead of a dress, she had on a long, transparent robe, loosely cut but tied at her waist with a thick, silk ribbon, and trimmed with fluffy feathers. "I'll come and find you later," she said before turning and walking back into the crowd. She was so mysterious, the way she came and went in my life. I never saw her around the Manor during the day, though once I thought I caught a glimpse of her entering the dining room just as I had left it, a mountain of plates stacked in my arms. Tonight she looked like a movie star from the 40s, I thought, right down to the subtle cat-eye makeup and the bright red lipstick. Even in her maid's outfit, she seemed elegant and graceful beyond the others. She didn't walk through the house's corridors, she flowed through them. She didn't kiss me, she poured herself into me. She didn't have sex with me, she shared the pleasure she felt with me as she was inside of me. She wanted to use me, sure, but she wanted me to know how much she appreciated that I was there be used by her. I wasn't just a thing to her, I realized, I was a person she could use and abuse, knowing full well that I would love everything she could think to do to me. I laid resting, thinking about her, recovering my strength. Eventually I managed to pull self from the daybed into a nearby chair, straightening my clothes and stockings, adjusting my thong to better contain my cage. I had filled it completely ever since I had seen de Ville of House Forge, and my time in the dining room hadn't exactly made it any smaller. I closed my eyes, breathing heavily and slowly as all around me there were waves of moans crashing into groans and cries. Some lucky maids were unlocked tonight, and I wondered what they had done to earn that privilege. *** I was awoken by a sharp tap to my shoulder. My eyes sprang open and I sat up straight, staring directly into the eyes of a dark-haired girl dressed in black tulle. "Your presence is requested." I took the hand that was extended and heaved myself up, following her towards the doors at the sides of the dining room. As we passed, I noticed Jennifer on her back on a couch, legs wrapped around someone from Allencourt aggressively thrusting into her. I realized that she was holding a leash attached to a collar around her partner's neck, moaning with every one of their deep motions. The scene was much the same elsewhere -- a woman in a yellow babydoll nightie had her shaft deep inside a black-clad Amphis girl while her head was buried between the legs of a girl from House Forge who stood over the Amphis girl. A Blue Ribbon maid was riding the bright red shaft of the Forge girl I had seen earlier. The Forge girl held a small silver vibrator against the maid's cage, occasionally taking it off when it seemed like she might be getting too close. We left and the door closed behind us, muting the sounds of ecstasy. I followed the girl down to an ornate door that had been draped with a black ribbon, embroidered with green snakes. I gulped -- House Amphis. Persphone. The Amphis girl knocked, and after a moment the door was opened. The room was stately, arranged around an enormous four-poster bed in the center. Around the room, girls from all the houses were in various acts with each other or by themselves, and I noticed they were all locked in cages. Annette, I realized, was one of the girls, naked save for her cage, stockings, and heels, a dopey smile on her face. Her wrists were bound together and held over her head, attached to the ceiling by a leather strap. The restraint was too short to allow her to do anything more than stand almost perfectly straight, which she seemed to be struggling to do. Attached to her cage was a vibrator, and behind her an Amphis girl wearing a strap-on over her own cage was slowly, teasingly thrusting in and out of the maid. So lost was she in her bliss that Annette didn't even notice that I had entered the room. Similar scenes played around around the bed: in the corner, a slightly scared-looking Forge girl was on all fours, her ankles and wrists bound to a saddle not unlike the one I had been inducted into the staff on. Behind her, one of the androgynous Allencourts was preparing to enter her with a strap-on. A Comwyn maid, still fully clothed, was bound to a bench on her back while an Amphis girl rode her face. Another Amphis girl bounced on a vibrating rubber phallus. In the center of the bed was Persephone herself, still in the same outfit she wore earlier, running her fingers up and down her large erection. When I entered, her full, black lips curled into a predatory smile and she raised a hand, curling her finger in a come-hither motion. "Come, Little Maid, and service me," she purred. I came to the edge of the bed and sat, beginning to turn and climb into it. Before I could, however, Persephone shouted "No, slut!" and slapped me hard across my face. Her long red nails scraped against my cheek, which began to burn. I gasped, holding my hand to my face where she had hit it. It had not been the playful spank we all passed around -- this was intended to hurt. "Is that what Vivienne is teaching you? That you're equal enough to be next to me?" she spat, eyes burning beneath her ornate mask. I shook my head, scared and hurt, and stood up from the bed. "From there. Crawl." Persephone commanded, her voice frigid, pointing to the foot of the bed. My head hanging, I scuttled to the end of the bed and fell to my knees, placing my hands on the end and beginning to hoist myself up. Before I did, though, I had an idea of what she was expecting. "May I come up, Miss Amphis?" I asked meekly, not making eye contact. She smirked. "Ah, a quick learner! Yes, Little Maid, you may." She leaned back into the pillows, hand returning to slowly stroking her immense member. "But to you, I am a Goddess. Girls like you don't deserve to use my name." "Yes, Goddess," I said quietly, crawling up the silk sheets towards her. As I approached, she spread her legs and removed her hand, watching me closely. I had never seen an erection this big before, and wasn't sure where even to start. After a brief moment's consideration, I softly kissed the tender spot at the bottom of the base of the head. Persephone made no sound but she twitched. I took that to be a good sign and kissed it again, more forcefully, running the tip of my tongue in a circle. This time she groaned and sucked in her breath. I took the entire head into my mouth, swirling my tongue around its velvety surface, gently probing the very tip. Then, butterflies in my stomach, I began to slide down, taking her deeper and deeper into my mouth. Before I reached the base, I could take no more, so I pulled back, beginning slip up and down, my tongue running around the underside. After a few cycles of this, I pulled back and held just the tip in my lips, then sucked. Gently at first, then harder, tickling the sensitive spot with my tongue. The slap came suddenly and harder than before. "No, you disgusting worm!" she shouted, sitting up and grabbing my face by my cheeks, dragging me up to her and staring at me with fire in her eyes. She leaned in and kissed me aggressively, almost angrily, her tongue forcing its way into mouth. It felt like she was taking off me into her, and I leaned back, slipping downward as she towered over me, forcing me down. The kiss ended as she bit my lip. "Danielle, Louisa. The restraints." Two Amphis girls strode over to us, leather straps in their hands. Persephone pushed me backwards until I was lying on my back, then climbed off the bed, shaft bobbing in the air. The girls grabbed under my armpits and dragged me towards the food of the bed until my head was hanging off it, then tied my wrists and ankles tightly to each of the four bedposts. I dared not move or make a sound through any of this should I provoke Persephone again. Apparently correctly restrained now, the two girls backed off, and I was left with my back bent, my hips and cage forced into the air, my skirts a tangle around me. "You're such a lovely creature," Persephone said, holding my upside- down cheek in her hand as she walked to the foot of the bed. "So soft and tender, unbroken. And what a beautiful dress you have on, all wrapped in silk and lace. Does it turn you on, Little Maid, to be a gift to others like this?" I nodded. Persephone smiled wickedly, the smeared makeup on her cheeks disappearing behind her mask. "Do you know what they call a gift for a Goddess, Little Maid?" she asked, standing above my head, shaft bouncing above me. I leaned my head back, relaxing my neck and looking up into her eyes behind its impressive girth. "No, Goddess," I said quietly. She laughed, a sharp, piercing sound, and leaned down to my ear. "They're called sacrifices," she whispered, biting my earlobe before standing up. As my mouth opened in a yelp, she slipped her cock inside, its stiffness and heat almost as surprising as how quickly it filled me up. Upside down, she could enter me easily, and I suppressed my reflexes as the immense member completely filled me. Then she pulled back, and I relaxed as much as I could before she thrust into me again, sliding up to the base, her soft package smacking into my face. She began to pick up her pace, and I in turn began to wiggle my tongue against her, stroking her from side to side as she pulled out and pushed into my mouth. "You are a fast learner, Little Maid," she moaned, reaching down when she was fully inside and pinching my nipple. I gasped around her, my whole body stiffening and my cage jumping. "And I see you like it!" She twisted my nipple and grabbed the other, obviously enjoying the groans it produced from me. We continued like this, my eyes beginning to water, my makeup streaming down my face. Once, I tried sucking on her and I was met with another fearsome slap, this time on my tender nipple. I shouted around her while she laughed. "Oh, does that hurt, Little Maid? I am your Goddess, I can treat you however I want." Soon, I felt her body stiffen, her motions becoming jerkier, her moaning louder -- then she climaxed, suddenly exploding into my mouth and throat, thick ribbons of heat. It tasted different than the Green Ribbon who had done the same to me earlier, but I had little time to think about it before she pulled out of me. On my back, my head hanging off the bed, I had no choice but to swallow everything. Persephone watched me with obvious glee, smiling broadly. "Did you like that, Little Maid?" "Yes, Goddess, very much," I lied. Well, half-lied: I was harder in my cage than I had been all night, but I had not been prepared for the torrent when she came. Still, she was using me like no one had before, and though it was harder and more painful, I loved it all the same. And now that she had cum, we were finished. And yet, her impressive erection showed no sign of slackening -- in fact, it seemed just as strong as when I had entered. She must have seen me staring and understood what I was thinking, because she explained: "I am a Goddess, Little Maid. Did you really think I would be done after that?" I nodded, dumbfounded, and my response was met with a twisting pinch on my nipples. I yelped, body straining against the restraints. "You dare to underestimate a Goddess, you dirty whore?" she screamed at me. She climbed on top of me, straddling my chest. "Look at me," she growled, and I lifted my head up to meet her eyes. "You need to learn how superior I am to you," she said. "I was going to be gentle with you, but now I think our little playdate has turned into a lesson." I felt the straps loosen, and Persephone climbed off me, rolling me over onto my belly. I dared not move, should I do the wrong thing. But this, too, was the wrong thing -- I was slapped again. "Why are you not on all fours yet?" she demanded to know, and I sprang into the position, leaning my head down and pushing my rear into the air. "Better, Little Maid. But perhaps you're not as fast of a learner as I thought." I felt the ankle restraints being moved up to my knees, and when I moved them experimentally I found that they were restrained in all directions, locked in place on the bed. My arms had some range of movement, allowing me to extend them halfway above my head. I felt the back of my panties unsnap, my rear exposed. "You, kiss her," Persephone said to someone I couldn't see. I heard the clinking of metal and the clicking of heels, then saw a floral chastity cage. The wearer bent down and I recognized Annette, her makeup running down her face. She smiled at me, then took my head in her hands and pulled me into a deep, passionate kiss. Her lips were soft and full, and after the aggressions of Persephone, she was soothing and relaxing. My eyes closed and I lost myself in her. Then there was a snap and I felt a line of fire across my naked rear. My eyes shot open and I screamed, the sound muffled by Annette's mouth. As I instinctively pulled away, she held me to her, opening her eyes to meet mine. She didn't speak, but I could tell she felt bad for me. "I'm so sorry," her eyes said as there was another smack, and again my rear burned. My eyes filled with tears, but Annette didn't break the kiss, just wiped the tears from my eyes. A third and a fourth in quick succession. "Do you like my crop, Little Maid" Persephone asked, striking me again. The tears were running fully down my face now, and Annette let me go. I understood I should answer, but I wasn't sure how. "No, Goddess!" I eventually moaned after a seventh hit. My cheeks were on fire but I couldn't move or resist. I heard Persephone laugh. "A good Little Maid should know her punishment isn't for her enjoyment," Persephone said, smacking me again on the word "punishment." I groaned, and Annette took me back in her hands, kissing me again. I tried to focus on it, on how good it felt and how delicious she smelled. "It's for mine!" Persephone hit me again, the crop whistling in the air before it connected with me. I cried out, breaking away from Annette, my arms collapsing and my head hitting the bed. "It's over now, Little Maid," Persephone said, leaning over me. "You failed me three times. You're lucky, most of my girls get five smacks for every failure -- I just gave you three." I moaned and nodded, tears streaking my face black with makeup. "Thank you for your mercy, Goddess." Persephone sat up, quiet for a moment, then burst out laughing. "'Thank you' she says! My, my, you ARE a good Little Maid. You really were born for this!" her cruel laugh continued as she delicately stroked my burning rear. Even the slightest touch made me jump, but I slowly became acclimated to it, the softness of her hands almost beginning to feel good. "You, come here," she said, pointing to Annette, who quickly and diligently rose and went behind me, to Persephone. I heard a quiet clicking sound and Annette gasp. "Thank you, Goddess," she moaned reverently, her voice shaking. "Go give it to her," Persephone said, and I heard Annette's heels clicking over to me. This time I didn't see her cage first, I saw her full, shaking member, dark red and standing straight out from her body. I gasped, looking up at Annette. Her eyes were glassy, a crooked smile on her face as she took her freed shaft in her hand, slipping it slowly into my open mouth. As soon as it entered, she moaned and her back arched, twitching in my mouth. She began to slide in and out and I did my best to tease and play with her, trying to make the most of this rare opportunity. I wanted her to cum, wanted Annette to get what we were all denied. "Isn't that cute," Persephone said. "A little sissy, trying to make the other one cum. I know how rare that is for you," she said in a sing- song voice. "Do you know how long it's been since you last came?" "Fifteen weeks, four days," gasped Annette, her pace quickening. "How long do you think it's been since one of my girls got to use their sweet little clitties for an orgasm?" Persephone asked. "Danielle, when was the last time you came?" "Never, my Goddess," came a voice. "And you, Louisa?" "Never since I joined your house, my Goddess." "You see, girls? Only Goddesses get pleasure here. Only Goddesses may cum. The rest of you are just our playthings." Her voice suddenly turned hard, and she grabbed Annette's cheeks between her thumb and forefinger. "You may not stop fucking the Little Maid's mouth, and you may not cum, do you understand?" Annette nodded. "If let go of even a drop of your disgusting juices, there will be punishments." Persephone said in a low voice. "I'll make you whip the Little Maid, once for every minute since we've started, and for every swing I think is too weak, I'll make you do again twice." Annette's eyes opened wide and she looked down at me in horror. My expression matched hers, and she slowed her pace. "I'm glad you understand," Persephone said cheerily. "Now Danielle, come over here, please." The Amphis girl who had tied me down before came to Persephone's side instantly. "Yes, my Goddess, how may I serve you?" "Wrap your fat pink lips around the Little Maid's cage and please her as best you can through it." "Of course, my Goddess." Danielle laid on her back and slid herself underneath me, pulling the snaps and exposing my cage. She took me into her mouth, and to my surprise, managed to actually work me quite well. I began to harden even more, moaning around Annette's member. "Danielle is quite gifted, isn't she?" Persephone said proudly. "She was quite a favorite of you Comwyn girls at the last Ball. I understand she made four girls cum with their cages on. I've heard it's quite unsatisfying, not that Danielle will ever know," she added. I moaned again as Danielle hit a particularly sensitive spot, my whole body shuddering. Then I felt Persephone lean down across me, hand resting on my whipped cheeks, gently -- teasingly -- stroking it. I felt her breasts weighing on my back, her shaft pressed against me, spreading my cheeks and curving up above the small of my back. "Are you ready for your Goddess' blessing, Little Maid?" she whispered in my ear, sending goosebumps spiraling out across my neck, back, and arm. Annette withdrew herself long enough for me to answer. "Please, Goddess, I can't wait any longer for it," I moaned, arching my back as I said it. I thought I was exaggerating what I felt, but as I said it, the words felt true. I couldn't wait any longer, and despite the pain and cruelty, I was deeply aroused, my body aching with pleasure. I had wanted to be used, and now I was, truly, wholly being used as a plaything for another. Persephone had no regard or interest in what I felt, she just did whatever she enjoyed. It was simply my job to know what she wanted and to do it better than she expected. And I knew what she wanted now. I lifted my hips as high into the air as I could, leaning backwards against her enormous erection, grinding against it like I was in heat. Persephone laughed, but this time there was no note of cruelty in it -- she seemed genuinely surprised and pleased. "I'm going to have to talk to Vivienne about keeping you as my private plaything, Little Maid," she said, sliding backwards and pressing her tip against my rear. It was hot, and I gasped around Annette, sucking her into me and making the Green Ribbon maid moan. The girl below me suddenly did the same, drawing me entirely into her mouth, her tongue bouncing along the underside of my cage, sending vibrations through it. I shivered, my arms and legs shaking, and Persephone entered me in one smooth motion. I felt like I was being split apart. She was so big and fast that she immediately bumped up against my prostate, knotting my stomach and making me twitch in Danielle's mouth. I let out a deep, guttural groan, my eyes shutting and legs shaking. Persephone stayed there, buried inside of me, gently vibrating herself. I squirmed and moaned, attempting to pull away from the intense sensations, but the restraints kept me tightly in place. We stayed like this for a moment, Annette slowly sliding in and out my mouth, Danielle's wrapped around my cage. I realized that Annette had been leaking for some time, the precum dribbling down my chin and onto the bed. Persephone had distracted me so much I hadn't even noticed what was going on in my own mouth. Without warning, Persephone suddenly withdrew, leaving just her head inside of me, then pushed back inside of me, jamming up against my prostate in a long, smooth motion. Immediately she pulled back out before slamming back into me, picking up into a steady, aggressive rhythm. When she was fully inside, I felt stretched to my very edge, my muscles clenching around her and my stomach turning over. If she stayed for even an instant longer, I knew I'd burst from the inside out, unable to take any more. Then she'd leave me, and I would feel cold and empty, hungry for her next thrust. I screamed and moaned around Annette, who despite herself had picked up her pace -- something I barely noticed. I even forgot about Danielle's efforts to my own cage. I was lost completely in Persephone's actions, her thickness and speed. Her package slapped against my own, my dress rustling around me. She had thrown the long back part of the skirt over my side, revealing my panties and garter. I felt so exposed and naked, almost violated as Persephone had her way with me. I wanted to feel this way, helplessly strapped down, dressed in my beautiful clothes and lingerie, a sissy toy being used by someone without a care for me at all. My frustration only heightened her pleasure, my pain thrilling her. "Danielle, release her." commanded Persephone after some time, her thrusts slowing. Danielle obeyed, crawling across the bed and undoing the straps attached to my wrists and ankles. Before I had a chance to relax, Persephone wrapped a surprisingly strong arm around my chest and pulled me backwards, both of us falling into a seated position. I sat on Persephone's thighs, her member still deep inside of me, our legs resting together. We were leaned back at an angle that allowed her to continue to thrust, though she was unable to pull out as much as she had before. The arm wrapped around me found its way to my nipple, gently pinching and rolling it between her fingers. The other grabbed my cage tightly as I bounced up and down on her. "Service the other one," Persephone said to Danielle, who dutifully crawled to the Green Ribbon and took her dripping shaft into her mouth. Annette's head rolled back and she groaned loudly. Clearly Danielle understood that she had no duty to Annette or myself -- her job was to make Annette cum for Persephone, not to avoid her own punishment. I could see Annette resisting, her legs beginning to quake and her face turning red as she fought down the sensation building inside of her. Persephone's hands had moved down to my hips, and she was raising and lowering me as she thrust in and out of me. Sitting up, everything was harder, deeper, more intense, my cage slapping against my belly and thighs as she had her way with me, her motions rough and almost violent. I, too, could feel an almost-forgotten sensation building in me, spreading along my shaft and through my hips. Every motion Persephone made shot lightning down to my toes, and I was lost in the feeling of being completely, utterly used by someone else. I realized that she, too, was moaning, her head thrown back, elaborate mask askew, revealing amber eyes and smeary, smoky black makeup. Her eyes seemed to glow, the intensity of their color so intense they were almost hard to look at. Her lips were spread and she was panting, groaning, her thrusts picking up speed, her grasp on my waist and hips becoming painfully tight. She bounced me on her and our cries began to mingle -- I threw my head back, leaning into her neck, and reached up behind me, putting my hand on the back of her head, my other covering one of hers. With an abrupt, guttural grunt that rapidly turned into a shouted scream, Persephone threw her hands back, pushing hard into me, lifting me from the bed and her legs. Her back arched and her toes curled as she came inside of me, exploding into me. She was so large I felt her member pulse as she came, over and over within me. I heard a shriek and opened my eyes, my vision blurry, and saw Annette with her hands on the back of Danielle's head, pushing the Amphis girl's head deep onto her own shaft. I could see her climax, pumping more than three month's worth of frustration into her mouth. Her chest and face were almost purple with the effort, her knuckles white in Danielle's hair as she came, a mixture of pure bliss and utter horror on her face as she both realized what she had done but was too transfixed by her orgasm to care. And finally, it was too much for me. I hadn't had release since my induction, and weeks of slow pleasure had finally built to a breaking point in me. The pretty clothes, all the lace and frills kept me permanently aroused. My life was ruffles and denial, the inability to cum making me ever closer to climaxing, the beautiful outfits -- alone enough to turn me on forever -- reminding me of my place as lowly maid, fit only to bring others pleasure. Even tonight, I was trapped and contained, a thing to be used for everyone around me. All of it had filled me, frustrated me, thrilled me. I came hard, my cage bucking as I exploded out of it, screaming as I did. My muscles tensed around Persephone, still inside of me, and I felt flips in my belly, my orgasm getting harder and stronger. It nearly hurt as I came, the marks from my whipping stroked by the silk of my skirt -- MY skirt! -- and the thick shaft pressed against my prostate making every additional explosion harder. But I was still caged, my member straining hard against the floral metal. It kicked and bounced, its constrictions reminding me of why I was cumming so hard which only made them harder. I came over and over, the intensity of each rising to a nadir where I thought I might burst out of my skin, then tapering off hard. I fell backwards against Persephone, her arms wrapped around my belly, her shaft still inside of me. I was suddenly deeply, deeply exhausted, my head lolling to one side. She leaned into it, kissing me hungrily despite her own orgasm. I had nothing left to give her. I was utterly spent, my own member still hard but drooling in its cage, my body slack and limp in Persephone's arms. My eyelids were heavy and she was warm, and I felt sleep quickly overtake me. The last thing I remembered was a far away voice whispering in my ear. "Good, Little Maid, good..." IX -- Epilogue I bounced up and down, moaning as I felt Marissa inside of me, filling me deeply and completely. She lay on her back, her translucent nightie's lace-trimmed layers spread out around her, the cutouts in the cups framing her hard, dark nipples in floral lace. My dress and petticoats rustled as she thrust into me, my cage a familiar heavy weight that bounced with every motion. Marissa liked me fully dressed when she was with me, and I liked putting on new, beautiful outfits for her. She would kiss me deeply, telling me how much she adored her little sissy girl, grabbing at my chest or squeezing my rear as she pulled me close. Her smell was intoxicating, a mix of vanilla and spice and leather and oak. She would kiss me, then pull back with an eyebrow cocked, a silent questioning of why I hadn't begun my duties. I would sink to my knees, kissing her smooth, bare flesh under its elegant lingerie, teasing her shaft in her gossamer panties. Inevitably it would quickly stiffen and strain as I kissed it through the silky material before finally freeing its full length and taking it into my mouth. Sometimes Marissa would have me squat instead of kneel and require me to bounce on a vibrator as I worked her. Before she would cum, she would grab my cheeks and lift me up to her, kissing me deeply before pushing me to the bed. She liked to stand close behind me as she did, her body pressed up to me, her stiff shaft pressing into my rear. It felt like every time we were together, she had some new toy or trick she wanted to try. Today, she had tied my wrists to the top of the four-poster bed so my arms were held up and away from my body, suspending me and forcing me to squat on the bed as I rode her. My dress was short, coming only halfway up my thighs even as I my knees touched my chest. Cut high in the front, almost to my neck, the back plunged deeply to the apex of my rear before exploding out in a cascade of ruffles. The front had corset-style ties, and I wore a full-body, halter-style apron in front, the silk ribbon tied around my back at the top of the skirt. As I had squatted on the bed, Marissa had enjoyed kissing my exposed back and watching me jump and moan. She held my locked member in her hand, and I felt her smile every time she kissed me and it twitched. Even through the metal of the cage I could feel the heat from her hand. I was, as I had been for the last six weeks, so hard that I completely filled it. I felt her come closer to finishing as I rode her, grinding my hips as she slid in and out of me. And soon she did, filling me with warmth as she exploded with a loud moan, thrusting her large shaft deep inside of me. She was so deep that I had to lean onto my toes, raising myself from my squat. Then she fell back and after a moment's rest, opened her dusky eyes with a wry smile. Her now-flaccid shaft slipped from me, and I could feel myself ooze slightly. "You get better every time," she said. "Now, is it your turn?" She said it so casually that I almost didn't notice it. My mind was already turned to what I had to do the next day: Vivienne was planning another Ball for the weekend, and I had to help prepare for that. And there was that new boy in the guest quarters that Jennifer had been working on... But then it registered and I gasped, my heart leaping into my throat. "Yes, please!" I said, but I was so excited at the prospect and my own captivity that it came out more as a moan. Marissa's smile spread even more and she rolled to her side, reaching into her nightstand and pulling out a long, metal shaft. She pressed a button at the bottom and it came alive, loudly and visibly vibrating in her hand. I shivered. The last time I had cum had been through my cage with a vibrator. It was enough to reach orgasm, but it was so unsatisfying -- it made me feel almost as turned on afterwards as I had been before. She held the vibrator against my cage and I flexed my arms in response, groaning as I felt myself stiffen -- somehow -- despite the cage. I lost myself in it, the pain in my legs mixing with the pleasure. I felt her body lean into me, her warm hand on my back, kissing me, me kissing back, my mind awash in bliss. I could feel it happening, could feel myself reaching the edge. And then it all stopped, suddenly -- Marissa pulled away, the vibrator was removed. Suddenly I ached, and after a moment I shuddered. "But it's not really up to me, is it?" Marissa asked sweetly. "You don't belong to me -- you're one of Jennifer's. I'm sorry, baby, but I can't." But the smile on her face said she wasn't that sorry at all. And neither was I -- my desire to cum was overwhelmingly mixed with a hope that someone wouldn't let me. Marissa was as kind and loving to me as she was commanding and cruel. She knew just the right mix to drive me wild, and she loved to exercise her power over me. I loved it too -- though it was my job to serve her, I came to her as often as she requested me. I loved the denial and the pleasure, thrilling at the obligation to please others with no chance of their reciprocation. I was a toy, a beautiful plaything. I chose this life, and every delicious day of suffering made me enjoy it even more. The silk and lace and frills and ruffles and vibrators and strap- ons and hot erections still made my stomach turn over. I wanted to wear a pretty pink dress and be used and violated, then left to clean up the mess and be ready the next day. I wanted to go to Balls and be toyed with, used for others. Lady Comwyn had found me one day after my first, telling me how impressed Persephone had been with me. I wanted to see her again, to see the other Houses' girls and offer myself to them. I wanted to put on a frilly gown that showed off my cage, wanted everyone to know that their pleasure was my own, that I wanted them to debase me for their own needs. I wanted to be objectified and used. I never would have found it within me if it hadn't been for this house, the girls of Comwyn Manor. They should me what I am: a Blue Ribbon sissy maid, meant for denial, in love with the torment. *********** X -- Afterword I hope you've enjoyed this. What started as simple story about a boy becoming a maid in a house of lace and denial quickly spiraled into something more. I know I liked my time with these characters, these scenes, and these beautiful, fantastical clothes. I sat down one night intending to write a quick, sexy story, and I unintentionally created an entire world. It's something I'm eager to explore with you. I don't know where it's going, but it's fun to have a space to play in, and I know it's going to have a lot of lace, frills, and sex. It's my sincere hope that you are as curious about these people and their world as I am. I would love to hear your feedback and your ideas. Please reach out to me at [email protected] to share your thoughts. Yours always, in lace and denial, TV, 2019

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Lords of the Manor

The driver shook the reigns and the horses struck the cobbles and the carriage moved off, clattering noisily down the narrow street, echoing off the close knit houses. The two gentlemen peered cautiously from under the overhanging building, careful not be seen by people looking out of the window. After a few minutes they both quietly headed up the opposite end of the street. ‘I don’t know why we have to go to this awful side of town every month.’ the red headed gentleman grumbled ’I’m sure...

1 year ago
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A Vacation at Clairbourne Manor

(Author Note: As always, I want to thank you for taking the time to read my story and hope you enjoy it. I know I am not the perfect writer, but if you find something that will help me improve or have good or bad comments, please, let me know. Thanks!) * This had to be the worse vacation she had been on in her life, even the yearly camping trips that her parents claimed built character and self reliance hadn’t been as bad as this. At least she was used to the poison ivy and sunburn. She...

1 year ago
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Mistress Of The Manor

Things had certainly changed for Mistress Karen. Here she was driving down the road in her brand new car, towards her sprawling new house in the country. Yes, only twelve months ago she had bought a ticket that changed her life. £6 million was now all hers. With the lottery won she had transformed her life. New house, new car, fine clothes and a body to die for. No surgery though, all fitness and hard work – and a lot of sexy fun thrown in. All the people in her life were catered for and...

2 years ago
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Master of the Manor

"HELLO!?" Amy barely hears her own knocking over the lashing downpour. The lights blinking in the window of the old, odd-looking estate had been the only possible reprise in sight. She had walked stubbornly for miles, convinced that the next town was far closer than it had proved to be, before stumbling across a huge wrought-iron gate amidst the thicket by the rural pot-holed road. Overjoyed and desperate, she ran through the creaking gate, slid on all fours over mud and autumn leaves up the...

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The Manor

You walk down the poorly lit lane to a large manor house, thrilling at the sight of its windows glowing against the dark. It's a cold night, and you're eager to warm yourself inside. Of course, you're much more eager to sample the infamous delights of the unnamed manor, and you check your appointment card for the upteenth time that evening. It reads: John Doe Ten o'clock p.m. First session PAID Please use the entrance appropriate to your sex. As you approach the front of the house, you do...

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Mistress Of The Manor

Things had certainly changed for Mistress Karen. Here she was driving down the road in her brand new car, towards her sprawling new house in the country. Yes, only twelve months ago she had bought a ticket that changed her life. £6 million was now all hers. With the lottery won she had transformed her life. New house, new car, fine clothes and a body to die for. No surgery though, all fitness and hard work - and a lot of sexy fun thrown in. All the people in her life were catered for and they...

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MeadowChapter 2 Manor

Morning arrived with sunshine. The fire had been rekindled to take the chill out of the air. Meadow was still asleep with her head on my shoulder. Her breathing was shallow. She was warm, and her skin was soft, her breasts though bruised were large and beautiful. The thought, that came to me first, was that I could get used to waking up next to her. I certainly wasn’t getting any younger. Here was this beautiful, if somewhat battered, girl. She was about 5’-7” tall, 125 pounds, 20-21 years...

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The Manor

She slid back on the chaise letting her gown flow to the floor, she stared at the roaring fire in the oversized fireplace and thought about how her life had changed in the past six months. Up until then for the past ten years she had been his mistress. She really never thought he would ever change the arrangement they had going on. It was one of convenience, though he loved her, he was to needy of a wife to ever divorce the woman he was married to. That all changed six months ago in what she...

3 years ago
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The Mystery of The Abandoned Manor

Alisha listened intently as her grandmother related the old legend that linked her family and Pierre de la Rochelle. No matter how many times this story had been told to her, she never got tired of it. Each time she would visit the elderly woman, the latter would talk about her ancestors and the once prestigious lord of French origin, Pierre de la Rochelle. “He was successful, envied by the men and wanted by the women. His manor was beautiful and well maintained by his servants. He could have...

2 years ago
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Femmes of Spring Break The Manor

Jenna and her college roommate, Sondra, settled into their seats for the three hour flight to Sondra’s hometown. Sondra, evidently exhausted from finals, promptly tilted her seat back and fell asleep. Jenna, wired from the coffee she’d drunk to study for her geology final, found reflecting on her first six months away from home more interesting than the airline magazine.Classes had been about as she expected, challenging but not overwhelming. Some of the weekend parties far surpassed anything...

3 years ago
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The Haunting of Stormhold Manor

Here I am, standing in front of Stormhold Manor, wondering if it was a stupid decision to rent this place on the basis of some rumours. But I was desperate, my career was on the line, and unless I could produce a hot orgasm inducing story in the next 3 weeks, I could kiss my job goodbye. My boss had been very patient with me, but 8 months was a long time and I hadn't been able to write anything close to a decent story. The magazine ratings were going down and we were losing a lot of...

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Lennox Manor

You never really got to know your mother. All you knew about her was the little your father told you on the rare moments he spoke of her. They had never officially divorced, that much you knew, and he never took off his wedding ring. Whatever happened between them though was enough to always put your father in a bad mood. That was all the really knew about your mother and her family when he suddenly passed away. You had just come home from a long day at college when you found him laying on the...

2 years ago
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The Manor

Stewart Black was in his final year of college when he finally did it. It took him almost all of his free time at the cost of any semblance of a social life, but it was a risk he was willing to take. At the age of 23, Stewart had stumbled onto some blueprints on the internet; blueprints of a powerful machine. This machine, supposedly, had the ability to alter reality. It could change people's minds and bodies, to varying degrees of subtlety. At first, Stewart had dismissed the blueprints as...

Mind Control
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Vamp Manor

You're have been invited along with anybody that wants to come. to a party at Mansion De Florance. the family throwing a huge party through the whole Manor. The Florance family are mysterious people that has only been seen around town at night. They consist of Mary and Gen Florance. their count and countess of the mansion.they have a daughter named Amber, and a son named Jake. the reason for this party no one knows, but your invited thou. So suit up and prepare to have a timeyou'll never forget.

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The Lady of Rosewood Manor

((This is only the first part of it...more shall come soon and that is when it will get very heavy...hope you enjoy!) It was two days before my wedding, when i really should have been living it up with my friends as a send off from single to married life...but instead, my three closest buddies approached me that day, handing me a card and telling me that they'd all chipped in on a special bachelor party replacement gift. I was rather curious as to what this gift was and how it could be so...

3 years ago
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Chloe plays in the bosses Riverside Manor

Curiosity got the better of Chloe. She knew she shouldn’t look but it was hardly her fault the laptop was left open. After all, Clark and Lana Tate employed her to come in twice weekly to clean their swanky 6 bed pad overlooking the River Thames. They should be more careful. Chloe was paid to clean and tidy up after the them having access all areas. Well, mostly. The successful business owners clearly too busy to do their own housework. Or maybe just too rich to put themselves through such...

1 year ago
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Stern Manor

Stern Manorby [email protected] 1 The Range Rover pulled up outside the large country house that was well hidden in expansive parkland. Privacy was paramount – there were electric gates, warning signs, CCTV cameras and high walls. To the outsider no one would know that a house was there, or what went on there. The beautiful woman who exited the car was met by three equally stunning women at the front door. This in itself was not strange, but what made it bizarre were their clothes....

2 years ago
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Trixies Big Case Chapter 7 Breeding Party at Omalley Manor

Chapter 7 Breeding Party at Omalley Manor The hot water ran over Trixie’s tight white body as she washed the last of Monobo’s dried African jizz off her face chin and upper body. Trixie paid special attention to her wet white pussy thinking about the old black stud. Tammi really does get me, the blonde smiled thinning about the rotund 18 year old slut. “Wise beyond her years,” the skinny agent whispered as the continued to soap and rub her horny blonde pussy. Trixie shuddered as a small...

3 years ago
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The Haunting of Dedington Manor

Chapter One: The Gathering The manor house stood resplendent as it bathed in the cool orange glow of the autumnal sunset. Major Stanley stood on the veranda admiring his gardeners' handiwork. All the effort and expense had been worthwhile, and the garden was a triumph. It was of course fitting that it should all come to completion this year the bicentenary of the founding, all had to be just as it was then. His guests would soon arrive and the six families be reunited, in a celebration of...

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Virgin Manor

Mitwirkende Personen Benjamin McLachlan婴儿制造商-Kräuter Babymacher-Kräuter Lady Annerose Austen 厚厚一摞-Öl dicker-Pfahl-Öl ihre Tochter, Charlotte Austen肿胀药草 Schwellkraut ihre Nichte Gwenwhyfar Miller die Freundin von Charlotte Diandra Withersporn Die Hausdame Jane Rufford (schinant) Die Köchin Aislin O'Sullivan, rothaarig sehr erfahren Das Lehrmädchen Mady Mulligan Die Beschälerin Cindy Starr Der Pferdebursche John Whistler Das Verwalterehepaar Edward Simons und seine Frau Mary Die...

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Curious Case of a Horseless HeadmanChapter 3 THE MANOR

In the misty morning, after a hearty breakfast, the Judge is driven back to Albury Hall. In the hazy daylight, he can see this building was once an old Abbey, which has a stone bell tower, part of an old chapel which has been incorporated into the Tudor mansion. This time the front door is opened to him almost immediately. The sour-faced housekeeper, Mary Durnley, reluctantly lets the bewigged and black gowned Lord Chief Investigating Justice into the vestibule, the walls of which are lined...

1 year ago
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League of Legends Vacation at Vayne Manor

Sett walked towards the big mansion in front of him with a slight smile on his face. The journey had been very tiring and he was happy to see the house in front of him. As one of the many champions of the league, he got invited to this vacation by Vayne a few weeks ago. She had told him that it was some kind of tradition, to meet outside of the battlefield and just have a good time with each other and Sett liked the idea of spending a bit of his time with all the other champions he usually...

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Im a Cunt Sucking Dyke Slut PT2

It's been two weeks since I've had an orgasm, and I'm starting to get desperate. I know what I have to do , but I don't want to. I've delayed the inevitable, but I can't delay it any longer. I call Victoria on the phone. "What do you want?" she asked."I need to talk to you about something," I said. "I think you want more than to talk, don't you?" Victoria said. "Tell me exactly what you want. And maybe. I will help you, depending on how you ask it." I had no choice. She was going to force me to...

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Mami Ki Raat Bhar Chudai Ki

Hello readers mein aj apni pehli story ap sabke samne batane ja raha hun koi bhul ho to maf karna. Mera mane Aryan hai mein jabalpur mein rehta hun graduation kar raha hun or sath mein friend ke sath masti or bhi bahut Kuch ab mein apne bare mein or bata dun meri height 5’4 hai mein body slim hai or mere land ka size 9 inc lamba or 3 se 4 inc mota hai jo ladies ko bahut hi pasand hota hai Ab mein story start karta hun ye kuch mahino pehle ki bat hai meri mami or mama ek shadi mein aye hue the...

1 year ago
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Alice and Sophia Meet Mrs Heaton

Alice and Sophia knew they were two very lucky girls. Both were twenty-six-years-old and rented a room and lived under the auspices of their two landladies. They both found adverts for single women, their mum's ages, who offered a maternal type arrangement. It turned out that both landladies, Loretta and Monika, enjoyed mothering girls they could treat as their daughters, and charged a lower rent as well. Alice and Sophia jumped at the chance, seeing many benefits to the arrangement.The...

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Twelfth Night

I had only been out of drama school a week. I was 23. Very penniless. And I had a job. I put the phone down and called my girlfriend. "They want me!" I told her, "They bloody want ME!" The previous day I had been to a recall for "Twelfth Night", thinking I had no chance as the confirmed cast were mostly TV stalwarts and stage legends. The play was to go on in the West End for 5 months following a 3 month tour of England, Scotland and Ireland, rehearsals starting tomorrow. It was all too much to...

Oral Sex
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pumpspanties and purse II

Panties,Pumps and a Purse - II Leslie stood at the Dresser, staring into the Drawer for a long minute before the enraged voice of Aunt Helen made her jump. " what in Gods name are you staring at you silly twit"." i'M sorry Auntie, I don't know if I should wear Pantyhose or Stockings and a Garter Belt"." wait right there and I'll show what to wear, you are so dense, if you make me late for work your behind will regret it". Helen stormed out and returned a minute later holding a stiff...

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TeenPies Allie Nicole Schoolgirl Sperm Injection

Sexy schoolgirl Allie Nicole has beena secret affair with an older man for a while, and she is craving his cock. The green eyed hottie has not heard from him, so she goes over to his place to confront him head on. There, she runs into the guys son, who tells her that his old man is out of town on business. But Allie needs to get her dick fix, so she spreads her legs for the young stud. He rams her pussy like a steam engine, and she squirms in orgasmic pleasure. She strokes his dick while she...

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The RiflemanChapter 3 Mass Shopping

Day 3 William As the thud sounded, I heard something shatter. I wanted to go and see what had happened, but I was scared, not knowing what was out there. I started to kneel when I heard Sandi start cussing. "GOD DAMN IT TO ALL THE HELLS! THAT BASTARD HIT MY SHELF OF UNICORNS. I'M GOING TO CASTRATE HIM IF I GET MY HANDS ON HIM!" Sandi snarled out as I heard a metal clack, and then she continued, "William, I am sure 911 has been called, but make sure for me." I reached for the phone...

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BenjamandaChapter 18

Bink’s turn: I suppose that a case could now be made to consider me severely off track. In fact, ALL of us severely off track, and in my head I run down the crimes: Incest. Sex with minors. Pretty good haul. Trouble is, I couldn’t entertain a real thought for quite a while after the crimes had been committed. I’ve been done by three different adults – my future husband Ben, my mother’s mate, Sara, and yeah ... Mom herself. And one girl-child my own age – Mandy. I have been severely...

2 years ago
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Pleasure with crossdresser part 1

Hi everyone, am back again. Was happy to see that, my first story had received such good reception. Thank you!!!! I will continue sharing my unique experiences. After going to the shemale, this gave me a lot of ideas and increased my options for finding pleasure. anyways,i will cut the chase and jump into action because, this is a long story. I went to a gay bar in my area, to find some shemale. Some shemales give lap dances there. had couple of drinks, looked around. all of them were taken....

3 years ago
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Stupid BoyChapter 5 Comeback Kid

I woke with my usual morning hard-on. My eyes were still closed, but I felt the presence of a warm female body in my bed. I felt a wave of pure bliss and I nestled my dick against her panty clad ass. In my sleep, my right hand found a handful of tit. I felt a hard nipple pushing through fabric into my palm. This was almost better than waking up to a blow job. Sleep started to leave my brain when I became aware I had no idea who was in my bed. To my surprise, it was Tami. She had apparently...

1 year ago
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My Cheap Cheating Affair

I was down on the “strip” a week ago Friday. It was about 9:00 in the evening and the early party atmosphere was in full swing. I got off the mono rail at the MGM and worked my way through the hotel and the casino out to the main entrance I had just finished the trade show and was flying home the next afternoon. I had been trapped in the hotel all week and now the client meetings were over, I figured I would walk up the “strip” at least once before heading back to the...

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