Sodomy Manor
- 3 years ago
- 29
- 0
by Alex B.
Edmund Thackeray stepped from his carriage and motioned for the horsemanto move along to the stable. He was pleased to see the front door of his Londonresidence on Woodbury Street.
It had been a madhouse in Parliament that day and he was glad to
be home. It was a bad year to serve in the House of Lords. 1775 was comingto a miserable close and 1776 didn't seem to hold much promise either.
Colleen, one of the Thackeray's servants, was there to take Edmund's hatand coat as he came in the front door. He walked down the hallway to find hiswife, Lady Madeline Thackeray waiting for him in the sitting room.
"Hello, my sweet." Edmund said with a tired smile.
"Oh dear, you look exhausted!" Mrs. Thackeray said, turning to Jennifer,a servant waiting nearby. "Some sherry." she ordered.
The girl nodded and quickly left the room.
"It's been a devil of a day!" Edmund moaned as he sat down in his chairnear the fireplace. "A devil of a day!"
Jennifer came back with a glass of sherry on a silver tray. Mrs. Thackeraytook the glass from the tray and waved the girl away.
"Trouble in the colonies?" she asked.
Edmund gave his wife an annoyed look.
"You know I never discuss matters of state at home!"
"Of course, dear. I do apologize." she said, handing him
the glass.
He took a gulp of the sherry and sighed.
"Yes, trouble in the colonies." he continued. "A damnable insurrection,that's what it is!"
"Oh my!"
"Oh, I can sympathize with their situation, the tax burden and all, butyou can't just break off from the empire!"
"Certainly not!"
"The upstarts! They all need a good thrashing!" he said.
Madeline grasped the opportunity to change the subject.
"Speaking of thrashing, we need to deal with the servants.
This is Friday."
Friday was the established day of the week to punish the servants for variousmisdeeds in the house. Not all punishment took place on Friday. Occasionallya maid would displease
Mrs. Thackeray and quickly find herself bent over the nearest
chair with her dress tossed over her head, having a dose of the Lady's oakhairbrush briskly applied to her bottom. Or perhaps a serving girl would spillsomething during supper which would result in an immediate spanking over Mr.Thackeray's knee.
Edmund had no compunction about baring a servant girl's buttocks and spankingthem soundly, even in front of guests. In fact, it was when others were presentat the table that he was most prone to wallop one of his girls. The impromptuspanking or strapping
of a servant was not uncommon at Thackeray manor. For the
most part however, a record of misdeeds and unfinished duties
were kept in Mrs. Thackeray's ledger and the corresponding punishments weremeted out on Friday afternoon, before dinner.
"Very well." Edmund said. "Let's get on with it."
Lady Thackeray took a small silver bell from the mantelpiece
and rang it vigorously. Within moments, four servants, all young women, hadentered the room and were waiting at attention in front
of the lord and lady.
"Are they prepared?" he asked.
"Yes, they are." she said. As always, the girls had been
instructed to leave their aprons and undergarments in their rooms in preparationof punishment in order to make their bottoms
easily accessible.
"Where are Katherine and Rebecca?"
"Katherine is not in the ledger this week." Mrs. Thackeray told her husband. "Shehas performed without flaw. As for Rebecca, she had to leave for a few days-some family matter. But I did settle accounts with her this morning, beforeshe left."
"Did she require the hairbrush?" he asked.
"One of your belts, actually."
"Yes." Lady Thackeray explained. "Insufferable girl!
Always dawdling- always up to mischief! I caught her taking
a nip at our dinner wine yesterday!
"Good lord! I hope you laid it on well!"
"She won't sitting for a few days, I can promise you that."
Sitting down across from her husband, she opened the ledger
and chose a name from the list. "Emily, you will be the first."
Emily Wicklund was a small, brown-haired, buxom youth of twenty who's behavioron the whole was quite good. She had done very well for herself as a chambermaid, with the exception of some nervous clumsiness on her part. Emily steppedforward
and stood quietly with her head bowed as the complaints against her wereread.
"On Monday, Emily forgot to bring fresh water to the bedroom basin and onWednesday she dropped one of my Aunt Margaret's antique flower vases, causingit to be chipped."
"Can it be restored?" Lord Thackeray inquired.
"I believe so." she replied.
"Well then, nothing too serious. Still, we must be more careful in the futuremustn't we?"
"Yes, sir." Emily quietly agreed with a curtsy. Mr. Thackeray hooked hisarm around Emily's waist and bent her over his lap. Without ceremony, he liftedthe young woman's dress, revealing her pale, round buttocks.
"I think a good hand spanking should suffice, don't you?"
"I might have used the brush." said Lady Thackeray. "But I'm certain youknow best. "Right." the gentleman replied and with that, he lifted his largepowerful hand and brought it down,
landing a sound, solid swat across Emily's fair cheeks.
Emily flinched and grimaced, but she did not cry aloud.
She knew better. She had witnessed many a spanking at the manor and had takennote that the girls who kicked and cried only received more swats in return.As the volley of painful slaps rained
down on her naked, vulnerable bottom, Emily simply gritted her teeth andtried to remain still, resisting as much as she could the impulse to cry out.Of course, after a while over Lord Thackeray's knee, it was impossible notto show some signs of distress.
His ability to find the softest area on a bottom and to set that patch
ablaze with pain was uncanny. His punishments were rarely unfair, but neverforgotten. He was a quiet-spoken man except
when angered. And if he was angry enough to raise his voice, someone's bottomwould soon be throbbing.
Lord Thackeray laid swat after stinging swat onto Emily's reddening cheeksuntil even that well-controlled girl was
weeping openly. Her buttocks were spanked until they were
red and raw. She was about to start begging for mercy when her master gaveher one last resounding slap and then put her dress back in place.
"You may stand." Mr. Thackeray said. Emily pushed herself up, wiping thetears from her face as she stood up.
"We will try not to be so clumsy won't we, Miss Wicklund?" Lady Thackerayasked her.
"Yes, ma'am." Emily answered, curtsying again.
"Off you go then." said Lord Thackeray.
Emily returned to her place in line with the other girls and began
to rub the soreness from her aching buttocks.
Mrs. Thackeray glanced down at the ledger.
"Colleen will now step forward for punishment."
Colleen Sullivan was a trim, but sturdy young woman of Irish
descent who wore her fine red hair in shoulder-length curls.
Her smooth, porcelain skin and soft emerald eyes made her a vision hard toignore. The only thing more noticeable than
Colleen's beauty was her quick temper and stubborn will.
Such elements in her personality caused her to be the most often punishedgirl in the house. During her first year in the Thackeray's
employ, she had been spanked on no less than sixty occasions. Still, herinsubordinate behavior continued. If it were not for a promise to Colleen'sailing mother to keep and train her
errant daughter, Madeline would have released the girl long ago.
"Miss Sullivan has been lazy and insolent this week."
Lady Thackeray declared. "On Tuesday, she was given the
simple duty of beating the rugs. Not only did she perform her
duty in a haphazard fashion, but when I informed her that she wasn't beatingthe rugs hard enough, she answered me with
a sharp tongue!"
"Sir," Colleen interjected. "I only said that, if Lady Thackeray was touse her hairbrush, she'd have those rugs beaten clean in
no time."
The other girls tried not to giggle.
"You impudent little whelp!" Lady Thackeray fumed. "If your
mother had the strength, she'd-"
"There's no cause for anger, my dear." Edmund interrupted.
"We shall simply show Miss Sullivan how to properly whack
a rug." He stood and pointed to Emily. "Fetch the rug beater." Emily noddedand darted out of the room. "Only, I believe
Miss Sullivan should experience this particular whacking from
the rug's point of view." Lord Thackeray took a tall wooden chair from anearby table and placed it sideways directly in front
of Colleen. "You will lift your dress and assume the position
of a dirty rug." he told her. Blushing as deeply as a rose,
Colleen took hold of the hem of her dress and pulled it up
above her waist as she lowered herself over the seat of the chair.
Emily returned with a long paddle-shaped instrument made from thick, shellackedwicker. Edmund took the rug beater from
Emily and stood to the left of Colleen's upturned bottom.
"Now, I want you all to watch closely as I attempt to whack the filth fromthis nasty little piece of carpet." he said as he lifted the rug beater onhigh and brought it whistling through the air onto the young woman's buttockswith a thundering smack that caused the other girl's to flinch. Colleen letloose with a high-pitched wail that
was answered by a second stinging swat. Tears streamed down
Colleen's pale, freckled cheeks as the next few swats found their
round, trembling target. "You see, you must stand clear of the rug and holdthe instrument at the far end of the handle using it's full length when youswing. These quick smacks do very little to get the job done." He punctuatedeach of these words with short,
sharp spanks. Lord Thackeray then took the handle in both hands, lifted therug beater high above his head and swung it down
across Colleen's bottom with a powerful slap, the hardest one yet. Colleengasped and began to bawl. "You must use full-armed swats that produce a resoundingclap that can be heard all around the house." He gave Colleen's bottom anothercracking blow
and then held the instrument out to Emily. "Now you try it."
He noticed that Emily was hesitant. "Come on, now. You both need to learnfrom this." Edmund said, noting Emily's hesitation. He placed the handle firmlyin Emily's hand. Emily blushed a bit as she took her place at Colleen's side.She took a deep breath, brought back the flat end of the instrument and swungit with all her might delivering a loud, solid spank to her workmate's pink,throbbing cheeks. Colleen was crying loudly now and when Emily
landed another equally painful swat, the Irish lass howled with pain andhumiliation. Emily continued the thrashing until Edmund
handed the beater to Jennifer Beecham.
Jennifer was a raven-haired beauty fresh out of school and new to the Thackeray'shome. Colleen had made things difficult for the new girl with cruel pranksand teasing.
So it was with relish that Jennifer took the rug beater in hand and begansmacking Colleen's fanny as though she was whacking a hundred years of dustfrom a thick carpet. She swung with terrific malice causing Colleen to gripthe legs of the chair with both hands as she began to blubber uncontrollably.Again and again, Jennifer joyfully smacked Colleen's bottom, bringing it
to a dark, ruddy hue. Eventually, Edmund took the beater from Jennifer'shand and passed it to Jane.
Jane Thisby, the Thackeray's short, slightly plump cook's assistant, wastimid and easily frightened. She too had been mistreated by Colleen, but wasafraid to spank her in earnest for fear of reprisals. Jane took the rug beaterand began to give Colleen a few moderate swats, each of which landed with a
dull slap.
"No, no!" Mr. Thackeray shouted. "You have to swing much harder than that,Jane!" Mrs. Thackeray added.
Jane curtsied and then continued to give Colleen a half-hearted spankingwith blows only a trifle harder than before.
"No! This won't do!" Lord Thackeray said, grabbing another chair from thetable and placing it flush against the chair that Colleen was bent over. "I'llshow you how it's done!" He then took Jane by the shoulders, forced her overthe empty seat and flung her dress up. The two girl's bare bottoms were snugagainst each other, Colleen's red and swollen one next to Jane's which
was pale and unmarred. Lord Thackeray hauled back and swung the beater catchingJane's bottom with a powerful blow that had her wincing. This was followedby several harder spanks that swiftly brought tears to Jane's eyes. Then therewas a surprisingly hard swat for Colleen who had begun to think her punishment
had ended. Jane got another stinging spank followed by one
for Colleen.
For the next few minutes the two took their spankings simultaneously. Mr.Thackeray alternated swats, from one bottom to the other until both young womenwere kicking and crying
for mercy.
"Stand up, Jane." Edmund commanded.
"Yes sir." Jane sobbed as she stood, gripping her sore backside.
"Do you feel that Jane has been sufficiently punished?"
Mrs. Thackeray checked the ledger.
"Hmm. She only forgot to mop the kitchen floor one night.
Yes, I think that should do. Get back in line, Jane."
Jane curtsied and took her place next to Emily and Jennifer.
"You! Stand up!" Lord Thackeray told Colleen who stood, weeping and rubbingher bottom furiously as she hopped gingerly from one foot to the other. "MissSullivan, you have talked back
to my wife! This will not be permitted! You will have no dinner
tonight and no breakfast tomorrow! You are to be spanked
by Lady Thackeray every morning this week and by me
every evening. Any other transgressions on your part will be settled mostharshly with my belt, do you understand?!"
"Yes sir!" Colleen gulped. Mr. Thackeray waved her away.
Still sobbing, Colleen dashed back to her place in line.
"Jennifer shall be last one." Lady Thackeray said, closing
the ledger. "I would like to take charge of this myself. You see,
she neglected to dust the foyer on Wednesday and while that
in itself may not be a grave transgression, it is something I have
personally reminded her about again and again. I cannot help but think thatshe is ignoring me." She glared at Jennifer. "And I will not havethat."
"Very well." Edmund agreed. "Jennifer, bring Lady Thackeray her hairbrush."
Jennifer bowed her head and left the room returning a few moments laterwith a large oak hairbrush which she handed to
her lady. Mrs. Thackeray wasted no time, hauling Jennifer over
her lap, lifting her dress and landing the first swat of the brush
in what seemed to be one smooth continual motion.
Lady Thackeray was an expert spanker. Every servant in the house knew thesting of that hairbrush and none of them took the subject lightly. It wasn'tjust the harshness of the swats, but the blinding speed with which they weredelivered. A spanking from Lady Thackeray took far less time than one fromher husband, but it was debatable which was more feared.
She dispensed an array of sharp stinging swats that had
Jennifer's bottom bright pink within a minute. The fierce staccato
of spanks continued and soon those pink cheeks were crimson. Lady Thackerayswung the brush like a woman possessed, peppering the girl's burning cheekswith blistering smacks,
each one seemingly harder than the last. Jennifer was a mass
of tears and apologies before her mistress was through with her.
Then just as quickly as she had taken the girl over her knee,
Lady Thackeray grabbed Jennifer by the arms and yanked her to her feet. Shestood and stared coldly into Jennifer's watery eyes.
"From now on, you will attend to all the duties you are given!"
"Oh- yes, ma'am!" Jennifer tearfully replied.
"Very well. Back to work- all of you!"
Lady Thackeray clapped her hands and the girls all scurried
out of the room.
Edmund sat down in his chair by the fire. Madeline stood behind
him with her hands on his shoulders.
"That seemed fair enough." she stated.
Lord Thackeray stared into the flames for a few moments
before answering.
You did seem a bit rough on Jennifer, though."
"Do you think so?" Madeline asked. Edmund smiled.
"Never mind." he said, patting his wife's hand. "You and I
will soon settle that account."
Later that night, all four servant girls were gathered around the door ofthe master bedroom, giggling quietly as they took turns
peering through the keyhole. One at a time, they watched with delight asLord Edmund Thackeray, in his nightgown, held the naked Lady Madeline Thackerayover his lap, spanking her mercilessly with her own hairbrush.
"Look at her face." Jennifer commented as she moved aside, giving Emilya chance at the keyhole. "She almost seems to be enjoying it!"
Young Emily took a closer look.
"I think you may be right!" she replied.
"Imagine that!" Jane said, with amazement. Colleen rubbed her own bottomto feel the wickedly delicious sting. "Imagine that."
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EroticAlisha listened intently as her grandmother related the old legend that linked her family and Pierre de la Rochelle. No matter how many times this story had been told to her, she never got tired of it. Each time she would visit the elderly woman, the latter would talk about her ancestors and the once prestigious lord of French origin, Pierre de la Rochelle. “He was successful, envied by the men and wanted by the women. His manor was beautiful and well maintained by his servants. He could have...
Jenna and her college roommate, Sondra, settled into their seats for the three hour flight to Sondra’s hometown. Sondra, evidently exhausted from finals, promptly tilted her seat back and fell asleep. Jenna, wired from the coffee she’d drunk to study for her geology final, found reflecting on her first six months away from home more interesting than the airline magazine.Classes had been about as she expected, challenging but not overwhelming. Some of the weekend parties far surpassed anything...
SpankingHere I am, standing in front of Stormhold Manor, wondering if it was a stupid decision to rent this place on the basis of some rumours. But I was desperate, my career was on the line, and unless I could produce a hot orgasm inducing story in the next 3 weeks, I could kiss my job goodbye. My boss had been very patient with me, but 8 months was a long time and I hadn't been able to write anything close to a decent story. The magazine ratings were going down and we were losing a lot of...
FantasyYou never really got to know your mother. All you knew about her was the little your father told you on the rare moments he spoke of her. They had never officially divorced, that much you knew, and he never took off his wedding ring. Whatever happened between them though was enough to always put your father in a bad mood. That was all the really knew about your mother and her family when he suddenly passed away. You had just come home from a long day at college when you found him laying on the...
IncestStewart Black was in his final year of college when he finally did it. It took him almost all of his free time at the cost of any semblance of a social life, but it was a risk he was willing to take. At the age of 23, Stewart had stumbled onto some blueprints on the internet; blueprints of a powerful machine. This machine, supposedly, had the ability to alter reality. It could change people's minds and bodies, to varying degrees of subtlety. At first, Stewart had dismissed the blueprints as...
Mind ControlYou're have been invited along with anybody that wants to come. to a party at Mansion De Florance. the family throwing a huge party through the whole Manor. The Florance family are mysterious people that has only been seen around town at night. They consist of Mary and Gen Florance. their count and countess of the mansion.they have a daughter named Amber, and a son named Jake. the reason for this party no one knows, but your invited thou. So suit up and prepare to have a timeyou'll never forget.
Fetish((This is only the first part of it...more shall come soon and that is when it will get very heavy...hope you enjoy!) It was two days before my wedding, when i really should have been living it up with my friends as a send off from single to married life...but instead, my three closest buddies approached me that day, handing me a card and telling me that they'd all chipped in on a special bachelor party replacement gift. I was rather curious as to what this gift was and how it could be so...
BDSMCuriosity got the better of Chloe. She knew she shouldn’t look but it was hardly her fault the laptop was left open. After all, Clark and Lana Tate employed her to come in twice weekly to clean their swanky 6 bed pad overlooking the River Thames. They should be more careful. Chloe was paid to clean and tidy up after the them having access all areas. Well, mostly. The successful business owners clearly too busy to do their own housework. Or maybe just too rich to put themselves through such...
Stern Manorby [email protected] 1 The Range Rover pulled up outside the large country house that was well hidden in expansive parkland. Privacy was paramount – there were electric gates, warning signs, CCTV cameras and high walls. To the outsider no one would know that a house was there, or what went on there. The beautiful woman who exited the car was met by three equally stunning women at the front door. This in itself was not strange, but what made it bizarre were their clothes....
Chapter 7 Breeding Party at Omalley Manor The hot water ran over Trixie’s tight white body as she washed the last of Monobo’s dried African jizz off her face chin and upper body. Trixie paid special attention to her wet white pussy thinking about the old black stud. Tammi really does get me, the blonde smiled thinning about the rotund 18 year old slut. “Wise beyond her years,” the skinny agent whispered as the continued to soap and rub her horny blonde pussy. Trixie shuddered as a small...
Chapter One: The Gathering The manor house stood resplendent as it bathed in the cool orange glow of the autumnal sunset. Major Stanley stood on the veranda admiring his gardeners' handiwork. All the effort and expense had been worthwhile, and the garden was a triumph. It was of course fitting that it should all come to completion this year the bicentenary of the founding, all had to be just as it was then. His guests would soon arrive and the six families be reunited, in a celebration of...
Mitwirkende Personen Benjamin McLachlan婴儿制造商-Kräuter Babymacher-Kräuter Lady Annerose Austen 厚厚一摞-Öl dicker-Pfahl-Öl ihre Tochter, Charlotte Austen肿胀药草 Schwellkraut ihre Nichte Gwenwhyfar Miller die Freundin von Charlotte Diandra Withersporn Die Hausdame Jane Rufford (schinant) Die Köchin Aislin O'Sullivan, rothaarig sehr erfahren Das Lehrmädchen Mady Mulligan Die Beschälerin Cindy Starr Der Pferdebursche John Whistler Das Verwalterehepaar Edward Simons und seine Frau Mary Die...
Friends only
In the misty morning, after a hearty breakfast, the Judge is driven back to Albury Hall. In the hazy daylight, he can see this building was once an old Abbey, which has a stone bell tower, part of an old chapel which has been incorporated into the Tudor mansion. This time the front door is opened to him almost immediately. The sour-faced housekeeper, Mary Durnley, reluctantly lets the bewigged and black gowned Lord Chief Investigating Justice into the vestibule, the walls of which are lined...
Sett walked towards the big mansion in front of him with a slight smile on his face. The journey had been very tiring and he was happy to see the house in front of him. As one of the many champions of the league, he got invited to this vacation by Vayne a few weeks ago. She had told him that it was some kind of tradition, to meet outside of the battlefield and just have a good time with each other and Sett liked the idea of spending a bit of his time with all the other champions he usually...
FantasyThe next morning I awoke to the sounds of the sanitation trucks on the street below our apartment. My wife was already up, and I could smell coffee brewing in the kitchen. Stirring from the bed, I heard a clicking sound from under the sheets. Looking down at my crotch, I saw the chastity cage and it all came back to me in a rush. Had last night really happened? Yes. Yes it had.I got out of bed and began to walk to the bathroom. My asshole was sore. And loose. I started to lift the toilet lid to...
Preface to Part 3b As always: the inevitable disclaimers: This story is pure fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, places, products or firms is entirely the result of the reader's imagination. Disclaimer: this story contains scenes of a sexual nature that are not suitable for all audiences, including incest and sex between minors. If such things are illegal in your area, stop reading now. If such things offend you, please seek professional counseling. *** ***...
Just seeing the Sergeant Major brought back a flood of memories. Good, Bad and terrifying. We had traveled the same hell paths several times and I still had the occasional nightmares. “Sergeant Major, how are you doing old soldier? What are you doing on this god forsaken wide spot in space?” “Colonel Sir, it’s good to see you again. And in command of your very own garbage scow. Switching from Fleet Marine to Navy, oh how the mighty have fallen.” We grabbed each other and hugged like only...
You awaken in the bomb shelter on the farm where you grew up, for a minute not knowing where you are. Then the realization comes to you, and you begin to remember. The radio crackling, signalling what was going on, the massive explosions everywhere. Every country had speculated that someone else had started it, but now that was all academic. From what you can tell, you might have been the only survivor of World War III...or whatever the heck happened. Still, according to your giger counter,...
Emma was a "good girl". At eighteen, she had been around people her age who messed around, but had never felt the urge to participate in that kind of behavior.She was more into observing and reading about life than actually living it. As a result, she began to have fantasies. The main fantasy she had was about Bryan, who happened to be her best friend, Jana's, father. She had known Bryan for four years now and had always thought he was nice looking...for her best friend's father.When she turned...
Carrie and I have been having an affair off and on for several years. Hispanic and African American mix, Carrie was the most purely dominant female I'd ever known, and I'm about as submissive as it gets, I guess. We'd done it all, bondage, cbt, spanking, caning, nipple torture, all of it. Carrie really knew how to press my sex buttons, and my stomach always got into an exciting knot when we were getting together. I was at Carrie's house where she had me knotted to the bed, spread eagled. While...
BDSMUnexpected outcome. At the ripe young age of 25, I had everything going for me. I could get all the dates I wanted and with almost any of the town's hottest- looking ladies, too. I had college degree and a good, well-paying job, a nice car and a decent apartment. Then, one day, my world came crashing down around me and everyone else too, for that matter. No one knew it at the time for the only news available at this point was that the Earth was going to have a near- miss...
The day after Dawn had given herself to me I was confused, had I taken her, had she taken me, had I been set up by Dawn and Helen, who was in control here. Dawn had returned to head office and I was wandering round my office, there was still the faint stain under my desk where Dawn had been squatting and sucking me off, her cunt had been dripping her juices and with a faint hint of piss which must have squeezed out as I pumped down her throat causing her to wretch and gag as she took my swollen...
So after a week or two of coming to terms with what Jon did to me, I found myself in town browsing the shoe and clothes shops. I picked up a pair black stockings, matching corset and suspender belt, a pair of silver heeled sandals and a sparkly silver mini dress. I picked up some makeup, dildo and my first bottle of poppers, having experienced them with Jon I just had to get some myself.I rushed home, dressed up and dildo'd myself whilst sniffing poppers. All the sensations came back to me and...
“Look, want to go into the back seat?” “Ted! I’m not going to...” “Make love? In a Toyota? I’d have to cut your legs off. Anyway, sex in the back seat is so high school!” “And you’ve been a college student for nearly a month?” “Well, yes, but you’re a college woman. You’ve got to behave like one. Anyway, these seats are impossible. come on back.” “Okay ... Satisfied?” “Well, Mmmmm ... Now, I’m satisfied. You look so pretty and feel so nice. Mmm. And you’re such a hot kisser.” “Mmm....
............ As I Enter the Room, the First Image of Your Beautiful Body Comes as You Stand Gloriously Naked Beside the Bed.. Gently Patting Yourself Dry with a Towel. My Eyes are Enraptured by Stray Droplets Beading Their Path Slowly Down Your Curves.. Silently I Approach Behind You. Your First Inkling of My Presence Not Until The Pulsing Curve of My Arousal Nudges Insistently Against You.. Leaning Back Ever So Slightly, You Allow My Thick member to Nestle Atop the Crack of Your Pleasantly...