Spells R US - The Ghost Of Rhule Manor free porn video

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Spells R US- The Ghost of Rhule Manor By Alexander Kung Can a spirit convince someone the value of life? Jackson brown feels as if he's a man with nothing to live for and decides on one cold Valentine's Eve to end it all. A chance encounter with the spells r us wizard convinces him to postpone his decision until the following night. Will it be enough? The Ghost of Rhule Manor It was a cold and unforgiving night in February as the pure white snow tumbled from the dark sky. It was an eerily beautiful night St Valentines Eve, the kind of night when people cuddle in a warm bed making passionate love all night. Jackson Brown laughed bitterly at the thought. At 25 years old, he had had enough of life crapping all over him. It the past year it seemed as if his whole world had been torn apart. Due to the bad economy he was laid off from his well paying construction job. His fianc? coldly left him for his now ex best friend and to twist the knife even deeper, she was pregnant but not by him. Sadly it wasn't long before his home was foreclosed on, leaving him out on the streets. That was the last straw; it was just too damn much. "I don't know what I ever did to have the universe hate me so much," Jackson sighed sadly, "I tried to do everything right, I really did." As he crossed the Jefferson Street Bridge, he decided that tonight he'd just end it. It was a choice he didn't take lightly but felt there was no other way. He truly felt that he had nothing to live for to why go on? "Nobody will miss me," he said trying not to cry as he stepped over the rail, looking at the ice cold water below. He was a 25 year old unemployed black man ready to leap to his death off a bridge. He chucked bitterly as he doubted that his death probably would barely be mentioned on the local news. As he loosened his grip on the grip on the railing, he closed his eyes as he prepared to jump.... "Not so fast Jackson Browne," said a gruff voice as Jackson felt himself pulled to safety and landing on the hard cement walkway with a thud. Looking up he saw a peculiar looking man with in a bathrobe and bunny slippers. He had almost jolly Santa Claus look to him however at the moment there was a look of stern disappointment on his face. "Who are you old man?" Jackson asked in irritation. "How do you know my name?" "Just someone enjoying his nightly walk," smiled the old man with a mischievous glint in his eye. "As for your other question... I know a lot about you Jackson Browne because I'm a wizard" "Well, Merlin," scoffed Jackson as he started to go back over the railing, "I didn't ask for your help, so just go away and let me die in peace." "So you would just toss away the most precious of gifts because life didn't turn out the way you wanted eh," said the wizard coming closer to the rail, "I see it as such a waste" "You don't know what's going on," sobbed Jackson, "I have nothing... absolutely nothing to live for" "I know you've been through a lot son," said the wizard. "But things will get better I promise. Just please come back over the rail" Jackson wiped the tears from his eyes as he slowly came back over the rail, much to the older man's relief. In a kind gentle grandfatherly way, he rested his hand on the young man shoulders and gave it a gentle comforting squeeze. "Here's a key to one of my properties,it's called Rhule manor on the far side of town," said the wizard handing him a key with a red ruby shaped key chain "I know you've been on the streets for the better part of the month. You're cold lonely and hungry. How about you take a night in a warm bed tonight and something warm to eat to think this foolishness over? If by tomorrow you're still intent on hurting yourself I won't stop you. But at least take the night to think it over" "But I don't have any money to pay you..." Jackson said softly "We'll talk about the payment later," said the old man kindly. "Just take the night to rethink and reflect of what's really worth living for" Nodding his head he took the key pausing to quickly look at it. It was an older key like what you'd see in the classic movies. What did he say, Rhule manor? The abandoned mansion on the far side of town? Everybody knew that place. It was the towns Haunted mansion that everyone stayed clear of. Even the bravest squatters wouldn't go near the place. They knew better. But other choice did he have tonight? Sleep under a bridge in this cold ass weather, listen to 2 hours of fire and brimstone for a spot in a crowded shelter or spend the night in a so called haunted house "Hey old man...." Jackson trailed off as the old man was nowhere to be seen "What the hell?" thought Jackson walked in the direction of Rhule manor "what do I have to lose?" ~O~ Lindsay Rhule floated in the dark hallways of the place she called home for the past 60 or so years, Rhule Manor. It was a lonely existence aside from the occasional trespassing idiots from the local high school football team. She had to admit she took a peculiar sick joy in running people off her property in pretty inventive ways. She smiled gleefully a bit as remembered last Halloween. She had literally made one large burly boy piss his pants before jumping out the second floor window in fear. All she did was just slam a few cabinet doors and away they went. As run down as the place was it was her home, her sanctuary and she didn't take kindly to trespassers or thieves However, most of the time she spent her long days and nights alone in deep reflection of her life and the way she had ended it. It was a familiar story, a broken heart leading into being despondent for weeks before finally taking her life. Now a lost spirit unable to move on, she endlessly wandered the empty dilapidated and decrepit mansion, using the endless time to rethink the choices she made in her short life. She was once a very famous Hollywood starlet back in the 1940's but sadly as was the case with most stars of that era, her time came and went very quickly. As her career started to wind down, she finally accepted a marriage proposal from her long time off and on again boyfriend, the dashing actor Hugh Stewart. Thinking he was the one who could truly understand and love her, she revealed her deepest darkest secret to him in the hopes he'd love her regardless. His response wasn't what she expected it would be... not even close. His response was one of shock and disbelief. Slapping her across the face her across the face and wiping his mouth in disgust he left without looking back. In the week that followed, she realized what a grave mistake she had made and found out just how much pull Hugh had in the picture business. As she expected, the engagement was off. But Hugh didn't stop there, oh no, he made sure that her career was tarnished by getting her blackballed from any studio work in Hollywood. While her secret was safe, her reputation was tarnished by Hugh reporting her to the House Committee of Un-American Activities and labeling her a red commie sympathizer. It wasn't long before her so called Hollywood friends dropped her like a hot potato. Has-beens were not worth their time, especially a commie has-been Her career was over; her so called friends had abandoned her, her reputation was shot to hell and any hope at a normal chance at love gone. It was all too much for someone like her, a naive 20 year old actress to take. After a week in a depression, she took a whole bottle of sleeping pills. Looking back she kind of wished didn't because it was such a painful way to go. The papers said she suffered for 5 days before she went. Hugh Stewart was reported to be very distraught over her death. Perhaps out of guilt or more likely just taking advantage of the media hoopla,he played the part of the grieving ex boyfriend to the T. He recorded to have said that he never believed the vicious untrue rumors of Lindsay. He said that she was a steadfast patriotic American and that while their whirlwind romance had soured, he had always loved her. "Like hell he did!" she thought bitterly "The fucking bastard!" As she floated across the entry way she heard the front door unlock and creak open. As a reached in hand hit a switch on the side of door the entry way was bathed in light for the first time in decades. Even though she didn't need to, she hid behind one of the large pillars as she paused to look at the intruder that had the audacity to just come barging into her home. She didn't care much for trespassers and she hated thieves. She noticed he was a colored boy carrying a small rucksack over his shoulder. He didn't seem like a burglar or a bum. And strangely he had a key. Still he was treading on her sanctuary and she didn't like it. ~O~ Jackson couldn't believe what he was seeing, Yeah it was a bit run down and dusty but it was beautifully furnished. From his construction background he knew the place had tons of potential. It wasn't a cold museum like sprawling Manson but more of a cozy warm home. For a haunted house it seemed quite inviting and cozy home. "WOW," he said impressed at the art deco furniture. A small glimmer caught his eye as he opened a nearby collections case. It was beautiful hand carved of ebony wood but it was what was inside that more interesting, a collection of Faberge Eggs. Lindsay seethed a she took one out of the case studying it intensely. Of course, he was a lowlife thief. As she slowly grabbed a small statue from a nearby table to throw at him, he surprised her by gently blowing off the dust and putting it back sighing sadly. Jackson was no fool, He know that that egg was worth whole lot but there were three reasons for him not taking it. 1. For whatever reason, the old man let him stay her and it seemed disrespectful to steal from him. 2. Even if he did take it, who the hell would he sell it to?" and 3. And most importantly, was his upbringing, his grandmother aka big momma, god rest her soul. When he was a kid she beat his ass for stealing a pack of gum. It there was such a thing of ghosts, the last thing he wanted was her coming after him for that. "Your work or you fucking starve," sighed Jackson softly as he closed the case. "Big Momma says she don't raise no damn thieves" Walking up the stairs he hoped the house had some hot water, he could really use a shower. Maybe it would make him feel better but honestly he doubted it. Curious she floated after him wondering what he was up to. As he laid out his things on the bed in the master bedroom and took a shower, he felt like he was being watched. Other than the occasional cold chill which he dismissed as draft for the windows he dismissed it as an over active imagination Modesty forbade her for peeking in on him; she did consider herself a lady after all. However his things were another mater and completely fair game. He didn't have much other than a change of clothes, a stack of resumes, some food and a strange little machine with numbers on it. As he came out of the bathroom she hid again even though she really didn't need to since he couldn't see her anyway but it was an old habit. Normally she had never really looked at colored men during her life before but she had to admit that he cleaned up quite nicely. In fact he was an absolute drooly She smiled as she took in the view liking what she saw. He was ruggedly handsome; His black hair cut short almost bald, arched yet masculine eyebrows and a chiseled jaw with just a bit of fuzz. He had changed into t-shirt and jeans but she could tell he was quite beefy as if he did a lot of manual labor and heavy lifting. She also noticed, kind of unnerving really, he had the saddest looking light brown eyes she had ever seen. "Sorry old man," sighed Jackson as he picked up his phone, "but I don't think I can keep that promise. It'll just be better if I just end it tonight" Her eyes widened as she couldn't believe what she was hearing, did he say what she had thought he said? Was he going to kill himself? "Like hell you are." ~O~ Hitting the voice mail on his now disconnected cell phone, he heard his fianc?'s last message to him "*beep* Jackson honey, it's not going to work out between us. You're always working and leaving me alone,so while you were at work, I found someone new. I think you know him; he's your best friend Daniel. Oh yeah, one more thing, I'm pregnant and it's his. Sorry I had to break this to you like this but hey that's life, right? See ya never! *beep* As he played the message over and over, the sadness and depression overwhelmed him, using a bit of bed sheet he fashioned a crude noose attaching it to the banister on the second floor. He hoped it would hurt too much. As he jumped, the sheet ripped, sending him crashing to the bottom floor with a loud thud. As he groaned in slight pain, he felt an unseen force grab his ankles and proceed to drag him across the floor, through the entry way, down a small flight of steps, through the kitchen and finally into a den. The doors behind him locked as he was slammed hard into a nearby wall. As groaned and got to his feet, various small items in the room started flying at him. It wasn't enough to do any permanent damage but enough to sting like hell. "What the hell?" He gasped as he tried to protect himself from the flying projectiles It was at that moment when an old grandfather clock started chiming, signaling that it was midnight. As the clock gonged, Jackson's eyes widened as a strange fuzzy shape started to form in front of him. He had to rub them a few times as he could not believe what he was seeing. As each time the bell tolled it started to get take shape a bit more and more until the final toll when the shape formed into an elegant and beautiful looking woman. However at the moment she wasn't looking the least bit happy. In fact she looked pretty pissed holding a vase over her head. "Are you a fucking nut?!?!" Lindsay screamed at him while trying to crown him with a old vase "Why would you even think that killing your self is a keen idea at all, much less diving off the top floor!?! I should brain you.... You dummy!" "Uh......Who," said Jackson about ready to lose control of his bladder "What the hell are you?" "I'm a ghost," she said seductively moving closer. "BOO!" Normally her presence would scare normal people. Maybe it was just shock but Jackson was more confused than scared. Quickly taking the vase from her and setting it down on a nearby table. He rubbed his eyes again, not believing what he was seeing. He couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was. She was the epitome of the elegant starlets of a bygone era dressed in a black tasteful evening gown. She had beautiful green eyes, soft peaches and cream skin, full cheekbones, sultry eyebrows and radiant wavy shoulder length reddish blonde hair styled in a peek a boo. In all honesty she looked like an even sexier version of Veronica Lake, if that was even possible. Still despite all of that, she was a ghost and that really made him uneasy. As he walked backward to the door, he didn't take his eyes off of the strange floating girl. He watched enough horror movies about vengeful spirits and he wanted no part of this. "Um, look I'm sorry for disturbing your rest or whatever but I think I'm just going to go," Jackson said as he jiggled the locked door. She tilted her head in amusement a bit before floating closer to him, smiling softly he stiffened up in fear a bit. "You're a gas, you know that?" she giggled in a sexy voice "You try to bump yourself off earlier but now you're just scared of little ol me? Don't worry I won't bite....much." "What do you want?" Jackson said a bit more calmly but still very uncomfortable with the situation "Well, to be quite honest I'm a bit lonely," she said batting her eyes at him. "You're the first person I've been able to talk to for a while. I have to admit that I'm a bit worried about you though. Therefore I'm not allowing you to leave just yet." "What?!?" said Jackson in utter shock trying to open the door but it wouldn't give. "You can't keep me here!" "I can and I will," she smiled crossing her arms "When I'm a bit more bit more confident you won't do yourself in, then I'll let you go. Until then you stay here" "You have no right," Jackson growled "it's my life and if I want to end it. I will" "I have every right; you see this in MY house. I don't appreciate you trespassing or trying to kill yourself in it," she glared right back at him "Let me tell you a little secret about suicide it's, the pits! Now take a seat!" "I'm fine!" said Jackson defiantly "I SAID TAKE A FUCKING SEAT!" she yelled echoing through the room as windows vibrated Jackson quickly took a seat at a nearby chess table. As he sat down he pulled his phone out of his pocket and accidently hit the voice mail. Lindsay cocked a curious eye bow as the last voice mail cut through the awkward silence "*beep* Jackson honey, it's not going to work out between us. You're always working so while you were at work, I found someone new. I think you know him; he's your best friend Daniel...." As Lindsay heart dropped a bit in empathy as she saw Jackson's face kind of delve a bit deeper into sadness. Without a second thought, she grabbed the retched machine and chucked it against the wall with all her might, smashing it into pieces. "I'm sorry I don't usually flip my lid like this," said Lindsay demurely as Jackson looked on speechless. "But you don't need to keep listening to that. It's only going to make you feel worse" Walking gracefully over to the other side of the chess table she sat down crossing her long sexy legs. Jackson found despite his the fact that she was a ghost he couldn't take her eyes off of her. "I shouldn't be so cross with you," she said brushing a stray hair behind her ear, "I guess I'm a terrible hostess. The name is Lindsay. Lindsay Rhule. So what is your name, handsome?" "Jackson. Jackson Brown," he said kind of shyly embarrassed that she called him handsome. "So what are you going to do with me? "How about a friendly game," she said setting up the chess board "Lets wager...." "Let me guess my everlasting soul right?" scoffed Jackson. "I'm a ghost, you stupid dolt," she said not amused. "I'm not Ol Scratch, I don't deal in souls.. But since you want to be a smartass, how about we wager your life." "My life?" he asked in confusion. "Yes, your life," she said with an eerie smile "We play a game of chess. If you win I let you go and you can go kill yourself if that what you really want to do. But if I win you have to promise that you will never think of doing that again and ...... "and what?" said Jackson "You stay with me until sunrise," she said in an almost whisper. ~O~ "Well?" she asked resting her chin on her well manicured fingers. "Don't rush me I'm thinking," said Jackson looking intently at the chessboard. Man was she good, in less than ten minutes she had taken most of his pieces and saw though his feints, undermining his whole strategy. "Tick Tock," she teased. "Fine," he said in frustration. "Knight takes Bishop." She smiled devilishly as she moved a single piece into place. "Checkmate! I win," she said with a smug look. "Now are you going to be a man and keep your word?" "Yeah," sighed Jackson in defeat, "I promise." "I'm glad," she smiled as she reset the board. "Now if I should be so bold as to ask, why would you want to kill yourself anyway?" "It's a long pathetic story," said Jackson shamefully. "You know? There's one thing a ghost has...." said Lindsay sadly, "and that is plenty of time, so tell me. Please?" I don't know even where to start," said Jackson. The beginning is a good place," she smiled. "Well I was raised that if you worked hard, did right by others and maybe you get what you want," said Jackson. "Things rarely work out that way," said Lindsay. "Tell me about it," said Jackson, "I had had everything I wanted and then it all went to shit." "The girl on the machine?" "Yeah that pretty much started it," said Jackson, " I wanted to make sure that, my wife to be would never have to want for anything so I took on extra hours and more projects. I guess I neglected her too much, driving her into the arms of another man." "That's bullshit," he said as she poured herself and Jackson a glass of wine. "You had to earn a living right?" "I guess," said Jackson. "Anyhoo, I got the dear john message that you heard and soon after my life spiraled out of control. I couldn't concentrate on work and ended up getting laid off, without a job I soon lost my home. So I have nothing and nothing to really live for." "You really define yourself by your possessions?" she asked sipping her wine. "Not really," said Jackson. "I think I would be happy living in extremely modestly with very little. I guess I wanted the same thing every other human being wants." "Yeah and what's that?" she asked. "To be loved," he said honestly. "I think that's what hurt the most, I loved her and I don't think she ever loved me. I was just a convenience until she found something better." Lindsay stayed silent as she sipped her wine. Jackson found it odd that a ghost could drink but didn't press it too mush as the whole night was just odd anyway. Still, he realized that he started to feel a bit better having someone who seemed to give a shit listening. Maybe that all he really needed in the first place. Someone to talk to that maybe understood. It's fully how unchecked emotions could drive one to that dark place. "So what about you?" said Jackson curiously. "What's your story?" "Me?" she said uncomfortably. "You don't want to hear about that." "Yeah," said Jackson looking into her pretty green eyes, "I do." "You'll think I'm disgusting," she looked away sadly. "I know you will." "Do you bathe in dog shit?" asked Jackson with a smile. "What?!?!" she gasped in horror. "Eeeeeew! NO!" "Then you're not disgusting," said Jackson. "So, tell me please." "Cute!" she playfully glared at him. "Even after all these years, it's still hard to talk about." "You killed yourself didn't you?" he asked. "Yes," she said matter of factly. "And I can tell you that it is a lonely existence afterward. That's why I didn't want you to go down that same path. Can you understand that?" "Why?" he asked. "Why did you do it?" "You really want to know don't you?" She sniffed with a bitter look on her face. "Fine don't say I didn't warn you!" Jackson listened intently as she told him her story from growing up in a small farm in idaho to being kicked out on the streets by her father. Then making her way to Hollywood where she was found by a down and out agent who transformed the little street urchin into a rising star of 1940's Hollywood. "I had it all," she sighed. "Money, fame and a wonderful man who loved me.. or so I thought." "So what happened," asked Jackson. "I thought I could trust him with one of my deepest secrets." She sobbed a bit as started to cry "It was one of the biggest mistakes I ever made. Even now I can still hear him retching in disgust and wiping his mouth. He slapped me for lying to him all those years that we had been dating. If that wasn't bad enough he did everything in his power to ruin me. Ratted me out to the government calling me a commie. What funny, is I still don't exactly know what a communist is. "Hey hey don't cry," he said as he wiped her tears, "huh, that's really weird, I can touch you.. You feel warm." "Oh yeah I forgot about that." She smiled weakly, enjoying his soft touch. "Halloween and Valentine's Day are the rare days when a ghost can become flesh. I think it's the reason you can see and talk to me." "So what was the big secret?" asked Jackson. "What was so bad that he would hate you so much?" "Like hell if I'm telling you!" she scoffed grabbing a bottle of wine. "Just forget I said anything and have a drink with me As she sipped her glass of wine she noticed that she could see the wheels turning in his eyes. "You not going to let it go are you?" "No," said Jackson. "I want to know." "Tough," she said defiantly. "How about another game then?" he said. "I win you tell me, I lose and you don't and I won't ask again." "Promise?" "Yeah." ~O~ Lindsay scowled in frustration as he was better this time around. All her little tricks from last time weren't working and the match was close to being a stalemate. She really didn't want to tell him, she liked him. The last time she told someone it destroyed her and she didn't want him hating her to. The best she could would be to try to appeal to him one last time "Can we stop now please?" she asked softly. "Please don't make me tell you,okay?" "I want to know," said Jackson. "There's no way I'll think any less of you." "You say that now..." she scoffed as her lip started to tremble, "but you won't mean it!" In a mix of defeat and frustration she toppled over her king signaling her surrender. "Arrrrrrrgh!" she screamed as she tipped over the chess board. "Hey relax!" said Jackson as things started all flying over place. "Relax?!? Relax!?!" she cried as her mascara started to run down her cheeks. "How can I even think of relaxing now? I told you to drop it, to just let it go but no you had to push it didn't you...DIDN"T YOU!?" "Look i...." Jackson started sincerely. "Shut up!" she growled rather meekly as she started to undress. "You want to know my secret, huh? There! Have a good look!" As her dress slid to the floor Jackson couldn't help but stare while his jaw hit the floor. Her thin lithe body with creamy peaches and cream skin almost glowed in the moonlight, her small budding breasts with tiny pink nipples, her flat stomach and long slender legs. Between her legs was a rather average sized penis. She was a transgender? "Still think of me the same way?" she choked back tears Do what he did! Tell me I'm disgusting, tell me how ugly I am, tell me what a no good queer faggot nancy boy I am and then just buzz the fuck off." Turning her back on him she started to really let the tears flow now; she waved her hand and unlocked the door slamming it open. "There, you can go now!" she said between sobs. "Just....Just get lost!" "Look I..." "Are you deaf! I SAID GET OUT! Just go away!!" Looking out the window at the falling snow, she heard his heavy steps walk away from her. She didn't expect him to be any different, though a small part of her wanted him to be. But it was wishful thinking nobody could be attracted to someone like her. Her heart sank as she heard the door shut. She'd probably never see him again but maybe it was for the best. "Hey," Jackson said gently. "Look at me." "No, I don't want to," she said trembling in surprise. "Why are you still here, anyway?" "Because I want to be," he said wrapping his arms around her. "Beside I promised to keep you company till sunrise." "You don't have to anymore," she said struggling only for a moment. "I said you can go." "I keep my promises," he said warmly turning her around "Besides I can't leave such a beautiful woman crying, now can i? "You're really wacky," she smiled weakly as he wiped her mascara stained cheeks. "So you don't think I'm disgusting?" "No, I don't," he said. "I have to admit it's was bit shocking but I think you're still very beautiful. You are just perfect as just you are." With a half smile and a small twinkle in her eyes she decided to take a small risk. It was something she wanted to do from the first time she first laid eyes on him. Leaning in slowly, she gently pressed her lips against his. He didn't fight her, much to her relief; In fact he returned it even more boldly. Breaking the kiss ever so gently, she felt for the first time in a long time genuinely happy. "No fair," she said unbuttoning his shirt. "You got to see me naked. So let me see you." As she undressed him she had to smile just a bit. In her heyday this would have been quite scandalous, even more so than the revelation of her being born male. She could just see the headlines and radio announcements now. Lindsay Rhule found in flagrante delicto with negro lover. She really didn't care what color he was. He was kind, sweet, non judgmental and yes while a bit shallow on her part; he was a deliciously handsome man. As she rubbed his beefy slightly hairy chest, she couldn't help but taste his wonderful looking chocolate nipples. She giggled as she licked him all over as she unbuckled his jeans. "Whoa," she gasped as she felt his warm hardness in her small hands. "Don't tell me THAT rumor was around in your day?" said Jackson with a blush. "Ummm," she said shyly, "yeah it was." Pushing him down on a nearby chaise lounge she moved on top of him, kissing him ravenously. She loved how their skin tones contrasted and yet matched so beautifully. Why couldn't have she met him instead of Hugh. It would have been so much more wonderful "To hell with him," she thought as she felt his rough hands all over her body, "I'm with Jackson tonight and he's all I want to think about." ~O~ Jackson couldn't make sense of this crazy night but if he had to do it all again to get to this point he would. Earlier he just wanted to die and now all he wanted was Lindsay. He truly meant what he said about nothing being wrong with her. He had to admit it was his first time being with a transgendered woman but it didn't bother him in the least. To him she was all nothing but a pure elegant woman. Grabbing her ass roughly, he flipped her over so that he was on top of her. "I think I could fall madly in love with you," Jackson said between soft kisses. "Stop it you," she gasped. "You're making me blush with all your sappiness." "I guess I'll have to make you moan instead," he said with a smile. Licking and kissing her neck he worked his way down to her budding breasts. She gasped as he gently lapped and nibbled on her nipples. She giggled as she felt him kiss his way down to her belly he smiled devilishly as he swirled his tongue around her navel before going down even further.... "No...you don't need to...." she gasped but it was too late. "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" Closing her eyes she surrendered to the warm sucking feeling on her most hated body part. Her body bucked and swayed he licked and sucked. It wasn't long before she felt the throbbing waves of pleasure from her cock and that all too familiar release. She moaned loudly while grasping at his head because it was just so much more intense now. "You ..you didn't have to do that," she gasped in satisfaction as she brought him up for a kiss. "I know," he said gently while running his fingers through her hair, "but I just wanted you to know that I like all of you. Yeah I know it sounds stupid." "Not from you it doesn't," she said tracing his face. Shoving him on his back she again took charge. Grasping his cock in her hands she gulped a little bit as he was a bit bigger than what she was used to. Still she was no stranger to giving a little head herself; Hollywood wasn't all diamonds and champagne. A blowjob here and there kept the naughty actors and producers from getting into her pants (and exposing her little secret). Jackson gasped as she took him into her mouth. Her beautiful lust filled emerald eyes locked with his topaz colored ones as she sucked her cheeks in deeper, bobbing her head slowly and methodically. Pulling her mouth off with an audible POP, she seductively worked her way back up, taking her time to lick every bit of her dark skinned lover before arriving at his wonderful delicious tasting lips. "I could kiss you forever," she thought wistfully. "Me too," Jackson said softly. "Are you sure you want to go any further?" "Yeah, just please be gentle," she said, "I never did this before." ~O~ She gritted her teeth in that strange mix of pleasure and pain as she felt his rough hands on her hips. What did he call this position again? Doggy-something? No matter it felt too damn good feeling him inside her while she stroked herself. She loved the feeling of hid rough callused hands on her hips as slammed into her. He pulled out, turned her over and gently entered her again. Lindsay had to admit she liked this one a bit better as she wrapped her long legs around him. It was so much more intimate and as sappy as it sounded, more romantic. Just feeling his large broad shoulders as he thrust into her, was just heaven. She bit her lip as he started to breathe a harder and stiffen up, he was at his limits and about ready to explode and so was she. Pulling him for a deep kiss she made sure they'd cum to together. It was one of the most amazing sensations she had ever felt. ~0~ As a small fire roared in the fire place, the pair of lovers cuddled on the chaise lounge fully enjoying the afterglow. They didn't even bother getting dressed, instead enjoying the romantic intimacy that only skin to skin contact could bring. "Thank you, Jackson," she whispered as she nuzzled closer. "I think I should be thanking you," he said. "For what?" "For not letting me kill myself and..." "And what?" "Sharing yourself with me," he said kissing her sweetly on the lips. She propped herself on her elbow and traced his chest as she smiled. Looking into is kind eyes she wished things could be so much different. "Did you mean it?" she asked shyly. "Or was it just pillow talk?" "Mean what?" "About falling in love with me." "Yeah, I meant it," he said, "it's hard not to." As the sky started to turn colors, signaling sunrise, her heart sank a bit. It was almost time "I have to go away soon," she said sadly. "What, why?" Jackson asked. "It comes with being a ghost," she said. "Will I see you again?" Jackson asked hopefully. "I don't think so. I think it might be finally time for me to move on," she said with her lip trembling cuddling closer, "if it was up to me I'd stay with you forever." She started to tear up a little bit as she felt his arms wrap around her. It was true she had to go soon but it seemed kind of cruel. Both of them walking in sadness for, so long and then giving then just a single night of happiness. It didn't seem fair. "Can I at least stay with you like this until you have to go?" he asked sadly. "You mean fall asleep in each others arms?" "Yeah?" he said. "I mean unless you think it too sappy." "I'd like that very much," she said getting comfortable in the arms of her lover. A small tear rolled down her cheek as she closed her eyes. She didn't need to sleep of course but she enjoyed the feeling too much. Why did it have to end so soon? I just wasn't fair! "Lindsay?" "Yeah?" "For whatever its worth to you, I think Hugh was a fucking idiot. I wish I could have married you." "The same goes for your fianc?; she's a fat head too. I wish I could have married you too." "Really?" "mmmmmmmmmmm hummmmmmmmmmmm," she moaned. From beneath the pile of clothes the ruby on the key ring started to glow dimly, unnoticed by the two lovers. ~O~ As the morning sun rose Lindsay smiled sadly as she looked at Jackson for the last time. She caressed his cheek as he slept. Last night was so wonderful. Setting down a Faberge egg, with a note she prepared to move on. However, as an afterthought, a mischievous grin appeared on her face as she decided on one last thing to remind him of her. "Goodbye," she whispered softly into his ear as she faded away. ~O~ Jackson awoke a few hours later to an empty den. "Lindsay?!" he called out but there was no answer. Sighing sadly he got dressed and gathered his things. Last night seemed so surreal it had to be a dream. "Yeah that's it just had to be a dream," he thought. That is until he looked into the mirror. On his neck was a rather large hicky. As a parting gift she gave him a rather large love bite. "That little shit!" He chuckled as he finished getting dressed. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a beautiful ruby red Faberge egg sitting on top a delicately folded letter. Dear Jackson, As I write this letter i feel my time here ending and preparing to finally move on. I cannot express how much last night has meant to me. For the longest time I felt like an unholy freak undeserving of being loved and you proved me wrong. If there is such a thing as true love in first sight, I felt it with you. You're a good man Jackson and if things were different I would have been delighted to be yours forever. Still I'm holding you to your promise you made to me. I learned too late that life is indeed worth living and there's always a light in the deepest darkness. Last night you were mine. I want you to have something to help you get your life back together, this egg. It's worth enough to get you back on your feet. I love you Lindsay P.S This is in no way like leaving two twenties on the dresser, so don't you dare think the it is. Just what kind of girl do you think I am? Packing the egg in his rucksack, he left the now empty and lonely manor. He headed back to the brige in hopes of finding the old man and returning his key. During his trek there he couldn't help but let his thought wander back on Lindsay. He had at least hoped she had found some measure of peace. He would keep his promise and just live day by day and hopefully things will get better. As he made it to the bridge he indeed saw the man he was looking for, kind of hard to miss. Not many people in 31 degree weather with a bathrobe and bunny slippers. "Hey Merlin!" said Jackson. "I take it that a good night's sleep did you well?" "You...you could say that," said Jackson with a blush handing him back his key. "Funny I don't remember giving you a key with a black gem I could have sworn it was red' said the old man. "Now about that payment?" "I don't have much money," said Jackson. "Would you be open to a trade?" "Perhaps, what do you have?" "How about an ruby red egg?" he said handing him the Faberge egg. "It's a deal," said the old man slipping a key off the ring, "and I believe that this is yours." "Isn't this to key to Rhule manor?" asked Jackson. "Old man?" As he looked up, the old man was gone...again. ~O~ While he appreciated that he had a place to live, Jackson dreaded going back to the manor as what really was the point. Lindsay was gone and the place was going to be empty and lonely without her. As he walked up the hill he noticed a couple of construction trucks coming from the direction of the manor. As they came closer he noticed that they read Brown Construction on them. "Brown construction?" thought Jackson. "What the hell." As the truck slowed down, one of the construction workers poked his head out the window. "Hey boss!" yelled the guy. "We just got the rest of the house done today. It looks beautiful man." "What the fuck?!?" thought Jackson. "Boss?!?" "I know you guys wouldn't let me down," said Jackson without even thinking. "Tack on a $800 bonus for each of you." "Hell yeah," said the guy to his crew. "See this is why I like working for this motherfucker. Come on boys it's miller time!" "Why the hell did I just say that?" thought Jackson. As he reached the gates he noticed that the manor was completely restored almost brand new "This can't be the same place," said Jackson as he walked into the place. He sighed as he walked into the entry way, granted it was very beautifully restored but he'd rather have it all in disrepair again if it meant seeing Lindsay again, just one more time. As he closed his eyes, he felt two sharp jabs in his both sides of his ribs causing him to flinch and jump. "You scaredy cat," said a familiar sultry voice. Turning around, Jackson's jaw dropped as there was Lindsay dressed in jeans and a t shirt in the flesh so to speak. "Lindsay....What ...How?" Jackson gasped. "I don't know how," she said. "I thought I was moving on and the next thing I know I'm waking up in a different part of the house." "It doesn't make any sense," he said, "I mean your real, right?" "See for yourself," she said as grabbed his hand and pressed it to her cheek. "I'm alive." He was speechless as he felt her warm skin, this was all too surreal "Not only that," she said showing her ring finger "You might want to look at yours." Looking at his hand he noticed a thin gold band, a wedding ring looking back at her he smiled. Does that mean what he thought it meant? "So you don't have a problem being married to me?" she asked gently. "Are you kidding me? Get over here!" he said as he kissed her and picked her up off her feet. "How about you?" "Do you even have to ask?" she said with a smile. "What do you think, should we should christen the house?" "I don't know," smiled Jackson. "Do you think you can keep up with me, there's a lot of rooms?" "I do," she said licking her lips seductively. "Let's start with the den." ~O~ The old man looked on from the bridge at the large manor on the hill satisfied that he could at least save one soul. He had not anticipated that outcome with Lindsay but who was he to argue and interfere with their happiness. Jackson would find himself the owner of a small but profitable construction company. Lindsay would find herself in Hollywood once again, this time as a screenwriter. There would be some trying times but their love and devotion to each other would always work itself out Waving his hand he turned the black gem back to its red color. It was a simple wishing stone he had picked up long ago. He was wise to not tell the boy what it was, les he do something stupid like wish he was dead .But he could have never expected it to grant the same wish by two different souls. He was right though, things do get better....

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Haunted by the Futa GhostChapter 8 Ghostly Futa SixtyNine

I rubbed the polish carefully into the statue of Kanshu-no-Kami, the mighty kami wrestling the dread yokai Yokubo-no-Tako and keeping him imprisoned. I shuddered as I reached one of the octopus-like tentacles wrapped about Kanshu’s leg. The artist who had sculpted the statute caught the features perfectly. But so long as I danced the Kagura on every equinox, Kanshu would keep the yokai trapped, protecting our province. Behind me, the slap of my father’s feet echoed through the shrine. He...

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What A Troublesome Ghost

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Haunted by the Futa Ghost 6 Banging My GenderSwapped Girlfriend

Chapter Six: Banging My Gender-Swapped Girlfriend By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “You danced so beautifully in my dreams again,” my Ōjo-sama cooed in the steamy waters of the onsen. “You awakened such hungers in me, Sayuri-chan.” I blushed as I stood in the onsen's hot waters, my breasts rising and falling with the beat of my heart. We stood so close, our nipples almost touching, both hard. My pussy itched with the hungers shining in her eyes. “Thank you, Mitsuko-hime.” Her hand...

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Ghost Orgy

Growing up I used to piss the bed a lot. That’s not a big deal. It’s really not. Mom used to tell me that pissing the bed a lot was something serial killers did but I think that she was just being a bitch. Although I have heard that fun fact from other sources too. But, still, I bet she was just being a bitch. I don’t even like the word “bitch” but when it comes to Mom sometimes it just seems like there’s no other word. Anyway, Mom died five years ago in a terrible accident involving a...

Group Sex
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Haunted by the Futa Ghost 4 Taken by the Demons Tentacles

Chapter Four: Taken by the Demon's Tentacles By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 The beat of the drum summoned me to the stage before the statue of our shrine's guardian, Kanshu-no-Kami. I was dressed in my miko garb, my red hakama about my legs and cinched tight at my waist, my haori over my kimono, the tasseled ends swaying before me, dangling with bells that tinkled with my every movement. I gripped my gohei in my hand, a wand of cedar wood from which dangle two shide, paper folded to...

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Haunted by the Futa GhostChapter 6 Banging My GenderSwapped Girlfriend

“You danced so beautifully in my dreams again,” my Ojo-sama cooed in the steamy waters of the onsen. “You awakened such hungers in me, Sayuri-chan.” I blushed as I stood in the onsen’s hot waters, my breasts rising and falling with the beat of my heart. We stood so close, our nipples almost touching, both hard. My pussy itched with the hungers shining in her eyes. “Thank you, Mitsuko-hime.” Her hand stroked my cheek. She cupped my face and pulled me closer. My heart beat faster and faster...

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Haunted by the Futa GhostChapter 12 Fucking the Futa Ghost

My joyful night had turned to ash. Hangetsu, the great Kami of change and transformation, took an entire cycle of the moon to remake me. So I wasn’t there at the shrine to dance the Kagura and bolster Kanshu-no-Kami in his endless battle to keep the dread yokai Yokubo-no-Tako imprisoned. It was my most important duty as the miko of the shrine. My father was dead, and the yokai had escaped, possessing Daimyo Todo Hidenaga, the father of my love, my Ojo-sama. I had gained a cock, but the...

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The Moaning Ghost

I awoke with a start when I realized I wasn't alone. The ghost was across the room from me, laying on the bed. I don't know what surprised me most -- that I had finally seen a ghost after so many months of searching, or that it appeared to be masturbating.It was nearly 3 am on the last night our group had permission to investigate the haunting at this old hotel. There were twenty volunteers stationed around the building monitoring temperatures, checking EM fields, and attempting contact. After...

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ghost and the girls chapter 1

She had arranged to meet ghost, an old friend, the memories of their past encounters sent chills down her spine. Ghost had funded her education and had provided her with a steady income through her cash strapped college days, they had met after Jada had stumbled into a strip club with a friend Shana looking for employment, they were desperate and had met ghost the managing pimp of the illegal enterprise, Ghost was renowned in the underground world as a leading supplier of flesh he had told...

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The Unusual Case of the Vindictive Ghost Entwhistle Investigations 4

The Unusual Case of the Vindictive Ghost Ian Broadway was finally going to get married. After the trauma of the previous failed attempt, he had been in therapy for years afterwards. He had not trusted himself to fall in love again; well not until he'd met Holly that is. She was the one who he loved, would marry and finally unlock the family fortune! Ian had just returned home from work at the Chester Sofa Emporium when his mobile phone rang. "Mr Broadway, this is Kath Saunders your...

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The Devils Pact the Cult of the GhostChapter 3 Winter

Wednesday, November 21st, 2013 – Deidre Cheshire – Cassia County, ID I hadn't been to my dead aunt's ranch since I was a kid. It seemed the same now as it had then, like time had stopped for this one spot and the rest of the world had moved on. Right into the hands of Mark Glassner. The main house was painted a faded blue, rising three stories at the center around several barns and sheds. My great-grand father had built it to house his rather large family at the turn of the last century....

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The Devils Pact the Hell ChroniclesChapter 10 Ghost

Svitlana "Lana" Paquet-Holub "I had a vision," Iris moaned. "I know where Mother is!" "You found Lilith!" I gasped, my pussy exploding in delight. I looked up in shock at Iris. She was a Nirah, a breed of Lilith's daughters that had the power of divination. I stared into her snake-like, green eyes, her sinuous face framed by dark-green hair. Her forked tongue flicked out with excitement. I disentangled myself from my wife Chantelle and her daughter, Lamia. We had been celebrating...

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ghost boy jayrich part nine

Visions Part 1 “And then, the milk started shooting out of his nose.” Danny, Sam & Tucker all share a laugh over Tucker’s story as they sit in a booth as the Nasty Burger. It’s a peaceful day for Danny as he hangs out with his friends. There’ve been no ghost attacks all day, and he’s been able to appreciate this moment without worry of the whole town being put in danger. He’s about to thank his friends for the great day he’s having, but nothing comes out. He tries to talk, but his vocal...

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Haunted by the Futa GhostChapter 4 Taken by the Demonrsquos Tentacles

The beat of the drum summoned me to the stage before the statue of our shrine’s guardian, Kanshu-no-Kami. I was dressed in my miko garb, my red hakama about my legs and cinched tight at my waist, my haori over my kimono, the tasseled ends swaying before me, dangling with bells that tinkled with my every movement. I gripped my gohei in my hand, a wand of cedar wood from which dangle two shide, paper folded to form a zigzag chain of diamonds. The shide fluttered as I turned on the tatami mats...

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The Devils Pact the Cult of the GhostChapter 7 Bitter

Notes: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this. Friday, July 18th, 2014 – Sheriff Caleb Barends – Boise, ID My boots stomped on the ground as I followed the Holy Sluts into the Boise Airport's terminal. Behind us, the C-130 cargo planes disgorged the Legion—the private army of the Living Gods—on to the tarmac. Alison and Desiree had come to take charge, and they did not seem happy with me. These two women were among the closest to the Gods. The first two sluts chosen to serve. The two given...

4 years ago
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The Ghost of Scarlet Mountain a Karl and Merry Adventure

"Sooth, 'tis a tonic to be in the open air once more," Merry exclaimed as Nightshade's booming wings hurled she and Karl among fleecy clouds. "I heartily agree," Karl replied. "Between the scheming nobility and the fawning hangers-on at court I am pleased to be shut of all such nonsense. No doubt you were becoming restless as well, noble dragon." "I was indeed," Nightshade replied. "Food is plentiful in the royal forests, but I crave adventure and to see new things." "We are...

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Haunted by the Futa Ghost 10 Futas Horny Wrestling

Chapter Ten: Futas' Horny Wrestling By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 My eyes opened. I lay in the grove where I had danced the Kagura to summon the great Kami Hangetsu. Last I remembered was the half-full moon blazing with light and shadow, the energy falling upon me, driving me to the ground. I blinked, struggling to remember what happened next. A presence had greeted me, cocooned me, changed me. I was a caterpillar. And now I was free to be a butterfly. Above me, the half-full moon...

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Haunted by the Futa GhostChapter 13 Possessed by the Futa Ghost

I gripped my gohei as I thrust my hand at the rice paper door. The roars of Mitsuko’s possessed father resounded through it. Shadows moved. A woman moaned, the same throaty sounds that I had brought forth from my Ojo-sama during our time at the onsen. The sounds of pleasure. Of orgasms. “You must free him,” Mitsuko-hime begged. “Please, Sayuri-chan.” “I will,” I told her, trembling. So much had happened. I was a futanari now, but my transformation had taken a full turning of the moon. So I...

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I Bribed The Lady Of The Manor

I started a new job up at the manor house to strip wallpaper from three bedrooms before my boss came and redecorated. It was a big old house just like the owners, Lord and Lady Hamilton. There three posh c***dren all left home now and working in different parts of the world meant just the two of them and a housekeeper lived there now.I was dropped off and showed what I had to do by my boss and the housekeeper, then she went to town for the day. I noticed there was his and her bedrooms with a...

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The Old Manor

****Authors notes**** So this is the first thing that I've written for this site after years of browsing. The release cadence may not be solid but I will try to update as often as possible with different paths for different main content. I welcome other authors creating chapters, but I will review them as I want to keep the quality of this piece intact. One of the things that would ruin other stories for me was a shift in quality when another author started writing a branch. I am hoping to...

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Haunted by the Futa GhostChapter 9 Futanari Fucks Her Bully

“Will this work?” my Ojo-sama asked, hugging me from behind. Her damp hair brushed my neck. She still wore it loose after our bath. Our love-making. “I do not know, Mitsuko-hime,” I whispered. “But I have to try. Tonight is the half-moon. The transition.” It was the last half-moon of Summer. The next would fall on the Autumn Equinox, and that night I had to perform the Kagura and help Kanshu-no-Kami keep the yokai imprisoned beneath the shrine. And not long after that, Mitsuko-hime would...

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Ruchika Ghost8217s Whore 8211 Part 1 Losing Virginity To A Spirit

Welcome to my new story on the site. Enjoy! ✍ Story Starts Ruchika, 27, now married to a man named Vikram and having a baby boy, was reminiscing about the instance that changed her life in a way she least expected. Ruchika was a beautiful girl with voluptuous features who also remained a virgin until she was 19. She saw her female friends losing virginity to men they weren’t married to and saw them having fun too. She had been asked out multiple times and she rejected those proposals each and...

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