Homeowner's Association: A Big Deal At Sunny Manor (BDSM)Chapter 22 free porn video

“I made a bet that I probably shouldn’t have with Karen after her training was over,” Mike admittedly with a regretful expression on his face.
“Chicken shit,” Karen expressed disdain for Mike when he said he should not have made the life-changing bet with is wife.
“I followed through with my end when I lost,” Mike said without explaining the conditions of the bet other than what happened if he won or lost.
“If I won, then Karen would enter orientation again and become the slave, I always expected her to be. The one from her dreams,” Mike said.
“But I won, didn’t I, Sir?” Karen gloated.
“Yes Karen, you won,” Mike admitted ruefully. He told us that meant that he had to let her be a dominatrix and rule the house. The slave rules no longer bound her. He didn’t wear an eternity collar but he said the agreement was that he would enter male orientation and be cuckolded if she could maintain order and discipline for three months. I didn’t know what it meant to be a cuckold, but I had a pretty good guess.
Mike had shame in his voice as he described his wife’s short but wicked reign over the household. Karen let Claire help her rule over the men in the house.
“There is no shame in submission,” My Dad said to cheer Mike up.
“You haven’t seen the way my mom does it,” Joe chuckled.
“I am not talking about humility training that involves humiliation,” Dad started to explain about healthy BDSM relationships and Joe told him he knew what he meant but had been making a joke. My dad takes that stuff very seriously, though.
“What is the difference between humility and humiliation?” Lucy asked naively.
Kyle and Charity were busy boxing things and closing up the market for Akim, but my dad called Charity over and put her at attention. He told her to answer Lucy’s question.
Charity dutifully snapped in place with her legs apart, tits jutting out, ass cheeks clenched, and hands behind her head. The expression on her face was pleasure that she was being asked anything. She was so used to general apathy about what she thought that even admitting her many mistakes was preferable to her.
“My understanding of the difference is that humility is what I must strive for, Princess Lucy. I was once a proud and vain bitch who thought much like Miss Claire and Karen,” she explained. There wasn’t anyone left in the market besides a few vendors and sound carried.
Charity had heard our conversation while she worked around us. I noticed she referred to Karen without a title which is part of the protocol when a slave is addressing a fellow submissive. “Humility is a state of grace. My natural tendency is to put myself above my betters and allow myself to be placed on a pedestal to be admired and lusted over. I can’t help myself. Discipline not only forbids me to fall out of grace and indulge my natural egotistical tendencies but it puts me in a headspace that keeps me from daring to think of myself as anything other than a valued pet. One of the ways to prevent me from getting too big for my britches is to take me down a notch by humiliating me. I know it sounds silly to ask someone to mock or ridicule you but it can be very powerful when you value their opinion of you,” Charity explained sweetly.
Lucy listened carefully to the explanation and nodded.
“An example is how Miss Claire squirted a tomato on Karen’s face and let it drip down while Karen is unable to wipe it off. It reinforces that Miss Claire has the power to do that, and as degrading as it is for Karen, it helps her accept she fully deserves it,” Charity explained brightly.
“She did it because she is a mean cunt,” Karen disagreed, but her tone suggested she knew Charity was right.
Lucy asked why it had to be so mean. She didn’t like the cruelty and the humiliation even though she giggled at times at Karen’s sorry state.
Charity told my little sister that she herself was still a novice in humiliation training. “I don’t believe that this is done just to be mean. It is obvious to me that Miss Claire loves her mom and wants her to be better. Sometimes there is such a thing as tough love when you have to be cruel to be kind. I hope you will never consider your father mean if he humiliates me. Your opinion of me matters a great deal to me. I am sure there will be times that I deserve humiliation for my actions but even if it appears I do not please understand that I’ve been looking forward to this training since before we left Atlanta.”
Lucy smiled and said she understood.
“I am happy to serve even with egg on my face. I’d imagine it has to be extreme for it to register to a woman who casually spreads her legs and shits in front of family and a bunch of people she doesn’t know, Princess,” Charity added.
It was still surreal to hear such a pretty woman use a vulgar word like “Shit” in everyday language. It turned me on to think that someone made it a part of slave protocol they had to be explicit and vulgar in their speech whether they wanted to or not.
My dad told Charity he liked her answer. He admitted that humiliation was never one of his focuses. “I am learning every day. It is a tool like any other,” he said. As if to demonstrate to us, He ordered Charity to present her ass and show him her butt plug before letting her get back to work.
I’d seen many different butt plugs that day at the pool. The sisters who served Fester had butt plugs with bronzed skulls sticking out of their asshole. There was a great ring coming out of the skull’s nose so that a person could easily reach in and pull it out. I’d see big ones, little ones and even a young girl with a real carrot sticking out of her ass.
I still loved seeing that big black round turnip in Charity’s ass when she bent over. It was like an advertisement that she’d allow anything that big up her ass. I assumed women that would wear a butt plug all day in public would just as easily be fine with a dick up their butt.
If they’d spend an hour with an inanimate object in their rectum, I fantasized that they’d be just at ease with sitting on my dick? I looked at Karen and though she had the blonde hair and face of a typical stuck up MILF that attended PTA meetings and took their kids the expression on her face was that she’d sit on just about anything if it would fit in her ass.
Karen’s facial expression wasn’t the hungry look of an eager slut. It was the defeated expression of a well-used slut that had resigned herself to fuck just about anyone or anything for any reason. She reminded me of a jaded, aging porn star who used to insist on no anal, no black guys and only did girl on girl porn when she first started out but had lowered her standards to fuck Donkey’s in the backroom of a Mexican bar.
Mike asked Akim how much longer he expected Karen to be tied up.
Akim replied “Until the work is done!”
“Do you want to untie Karen and have her help you?” He asked the Manager.
“Why? Do you want to be here all night? Her help is going to be a hindrance. Rules are rules, Master McGifford. She stays until it is time to go,” Akim reiterated.
Mike apologized to us for getting there so early and asked if their story offended us or bored us. He said that they normally liked to get their late but Akim would release her and let her roam around unsupervised.
“It isn’t my job to watch your bitch after the market closes,” Akim said bluntly in a stilted Indian accent.
We told him we didn’t mind hearing the story at all. I was quite curious about their background and it gave me a chance to peep on Claire. I loved the natural slope of her tits and her puffy areolas. She sat with her chest sticking out like she didn’t care who saw them. She had no reason not to be proud of those puppies but my experience was that the women with the nicest tits usually became the most offended if they noticed a guy like me staring at them.
Claire winked once and shook them for me when she noticed. The move was playful and flirtatious like she was flattered and didn’t mind. She went right back to sitting with her shoulder’s back, tits out and listened to her father’s retelling of their story.
Mike volunteered to continue and said that he’d try to keep the part about his wife’s dominance short and sweet.
“She became a total cunt,” Mike began.
“As opposed to what she was before that?” Joe laughed.
“I mean a total cunt with power,” Mike corrected himself. He described a woman consumed with controlling everyone and everything. She was short-tempered and refused to listen to anyone, even experienced Masters. The house rules she wrote were confusing and often contradictory. The final rule was, “If you are confused, come see Queen Bitch!”
She had elevated herself to Queen Bitch and Claire to Princess Bitch.
I could tell my sister was rethinking the title Princess when she heard that.
“We put all the boys in cock cages. I was tired of them telling me what to do and wanted a little payback,” Claire admitted she was in on it too. “It was boys rule, and girls drool when my dad had us in tough love. All the girls in the house were serving. Now, we went to the other extreme! We were in charge, and the guys had to do what we told them,” Claire said.
She explained that if any of them wanted out of the cage long enough to masturbate, they had to do what they were told.
“Well, except for Joe,” she smiled at her handsome brother.
Joe said he wasn’t mad about it either. “I was flattered!” he explained. “I was a young kid. I guess I looked pretty hot for my age. I don’t know,” Joe tried to seem modest. He was handsome like a Backstreet Boy as far as I was concerned. “Dad had to beg for his key, and Kyle wasn’t sexually active, so he didn’t really care that much. Mom rented out my key or sold it to ladies in the neighborhood. She started a little business called Rent-A-Jock. I thought I was going over to rake leaves, but instead, I ended up eating pussy. I thought I was going to move boxes, but instead, I fucked a mother and a daughter silly. The first couple of times it happened, I just thought it was a coincidence they had the same key that opened my lock. I started to realize by the third time I showed up to do chores that I was actually sent there to pleasure some bored housewife.”
I couldn’t have been more jealous of Joe if he sprouted a Lamborghini with wings and a million bucks appeared in the backseat. Women paid to be PLEASURED by him? That fucking chapped my ass. It shouldn’t have surprised me. He was so handsome and charming but it did.
“Don’t make me the villain in this. You liked it, Sir!” Karen protested.
“Yeah, I loved it. A 65-year-old woman wanted me to put on her husband’s old military uniform and pretend I came home from the war,” Joe said sarcastically.
“I was putting some of that money away for you, for college, Sir,” Karen said defensively.
“Where is it, Ma?” Joe asked.
“I admit I am terrible with money. Up my nose, or up my ass,” Karen sniffed like she was snorting cocaine. I had no idea what she meant by the money going up her ass, though.
“I don’t know. Why do you think I am a submissive?” Karen asked her son with a hint of remorse in her voice. She didn’t apologize for turning him out to fuck old women or for spending his college fund on cocaine. Karen seemed resigned to the fact that she was just a very flawed piece of shit who was better off controlled, where she could no longer fuck things up for anybody else.
“Why ARE you a submissive?” My father asked her rhetorically. “It is pretty obvious you hate serving. You’ve been ruthless to your family, and none of it has made you any of a better of a person,” he looked confused. He told us his only experience with submission had been mutually loving relationships.
“What else am I going to be, Sir?” Karen asked. The question was rhetorical, but the look on her face said she was very serious.
“I am a failed domme. I burned every bridge with my friends. I am a bad mom. I am a bad slave,” she admitted to all of these things.
“No offense, but you are a bad submissive as well,” Dad said unapologetically.
“Yes, I am Sir. I know that, and that’s why I am here today. My family is better off without me. I know that but don’t you see that I am selfish enough to stay anyway?” Karen started to break down and cry. I had seen a similar expression on Charity’s face at the end of the affirmations I gave her.
“I am a miserable cunt, Sir. After I failed as a domme, I agreed to remain a submissive for as long as Master would have me. As long as I am not permitted to hold any authority over anyone else, then I am not a danger to them. I can’t be a bad influence if they have no respect for me,” she said.
“Mission accomplished with that, Mom” Joe chuckled.
“I understand why you feel that way, Sir. I see parts of me in all of you. I also see good things in all of you. I’d imagine the good stuff is nothing I can take credit for. I could have packed my bags and ran away to work a truck stop. You’d probably be happier with me out of your lives, but until Master kicks me out, you are stuck with me. I love you, Sir,” Karen was in tears.
We changed the subject and let the woman have her moment.
“What about Kyle? What did he do wrong? Rob a bank?” Simon asked. My little brother has a precocious quick wit, and the joke lightened the somber mood.
“Kyle, attention!” Master Mike summoned his youngest son to explain why he was wearing a collar.
“I liked it when Mom was in charge of me. I knew what I’d do every morning before I woke up. I knew what was expected of me and how I’d be measured. I knew how I’d be ranked against my brother and father. I liked the attention my mom and sister gave me. They never had time before they submitted and I was never cut out to dominate them when Dad put them in tough love,” Kyle said.
I hated that I sounded so much like him. I wanted to be Joe, not Kyle!! I identified with some of what Kyle said even though I didn’t want to admit it to myself at the time.
“I took comfort in the order of having a hierarchy. I didn’t care if it was my father and older brother or my mother and older sister. I liked that there was a clear chain of command. There was harmony in the house. No arguments and no one was running away or skipping school. Everything was settled with the paddle or rope. I found it difficult to sleep without rope touching my skin. At school, I am painfully shy, and the girls I like are the bitches like my mother and sister were. They don’t like nice, polite boys,” she said.
Claire nodded in agreement, “No, we do not,” she chuckled.
I wanted to be less like Kyle than ever before. I was instinctively polite as well. I hated the fact that Kyle was sometimes talking directly to me as if I identified with what he was saying when he gave his explanation.
Kyle told us after his mother was no longer the domme, the rules abruptly ended. They didn’t give an exact time frame, but he would have been Lucy’s age when this happened by my guess.
“Some of her rules didn’t make any sense, but I thrived with them. I was ashamed to tell my father I wanted to put the cock cage back on because he and Joe were so happy to have theirs off. I thought there must be something wrong with me. I started acting out and trying to get in trouble. My father saw right through it and asked me if I wanted to submit.
I was shocked. I thought he’d think I was crazy. “I remember asking my Dad if he really wouldn’t mind taking control over me. Dad was very understanding and compassionate even though he couldn’t relate to what I was feeling about the benefits of submission,” Kyle explained that was the first time he began serving his father around the house.

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