Homeowner's Association: A Big Deal At Sunny Manor (BDSM)Chapter 21 free porn video

Master McGifford parked his golf cart in front of our house. My dad got in the front seat with him. Mike was comfortably naked in the driver’s seat.
Lindsay was still naked from being at the pool. She was laughing and flirting with Joe McGifford in the second seat. Joe was wearing shorts, but he was shirtless. He was a hard guy not to like. Joe was friendly and affable. I still found it difficult not to be jealous of his muscular chest and great physique.
Simon and Lucy were naked in the third row, seated on white towels.
Kyle was sitting in the rear-facing seat. He was completely naked except for his collar and cock cage. He looked sad.
Charity had been tethered to the back by a short rope and had been running behind the cart. The McGiffords had handcuffed her hands behind her back.
I walked with Claire over to the golf cart. She was wearing a tube top and a very short skirt without any panties and some flats. She looked very slutty wearing that tiny outfit. I was still naked except for a pair of sandals.
“There isn’t a seat for me?” I asked Claire. I assumed she’d take the final rear-facing seat.
“Kyle, hop out and run behind the cart! We have guests!” Claire ordered her brother.
“Yes Ma’am,” Kyle sullenly obeyed and allowed his sister to tie a cord to the leather collar around his neck that read “Lil’ Bitch.” She patted him on his hairless butt and then handcuffed his hands behind his back before offering me his seat.
“You didn’t have to do that,” I said politely.
“Would you like to run behind the cart?” she asked me as we both sat down and buckled ourselves in. I told her that I wouldn’t, and she told me to shut up then.
The rear-facing seat was the least comfortable in the cart. The others were padded, but the seat in the back was like an afterthought that could also be folded up to store golf clubs or groceries. The advantage was watching Charity jog with her hands behind back behind the cart when we pulled away. Her hands bound tightly behind her back, forced her tits to shake back and forth wildly as she tried to keep up with the speed of the cart. I loved it! But I played it cool and pretended it didn’t turn me on.
“You can watch titties shake,” Claire smirked when she saw I was pretending not to look at my stepmother’s boobs while she tried to keep up. “I don’t care whose tits they are! It’s fun to watch them bounce,” Claire smiled and bounced her own tits for a moment before turning to watch Charity struggle and jiggle behind us on the rope next to her naked brother.
Mike was not as lenient with his speed, and it seemed like he was purposely hitting every bumpy patch of road between our house and Minerva’s Market. The end result was Charity and Claire’s tits bounced up and down.
Claire seemed to like me. “You are a quiet one, aren’t you?”
“Just until I get to know someone,” I said.
“That is like Kyle,” she said. I wanted to ask about why he obeyed her, but I was afraid I wouldn’t like the answer. I didn’t want her to think of me as Kyle.
“I am not exactly like Kyle,” I said.
“Oh, that’s too bad. Kyle is so nice,” she rubbed my arm sweetly. Claire asked me thoughtful questions about where we were from and what I thought of Sunny Manor. I tried to steer the conversation to whether she had a boyfriend currently and what she liked, but she didn’t give up information very easily.
“Dad likes runners to be handcuffed,” she explained when she noticed I was staring at Charity’s tits bouncing and forth as she concentrated on running.
“I can see why,” I said jokingly.
“It isn’t to make their tits bounce,” Claire said with a wry grin. “The cuffs keep them from playing with their rope or themselves when we stop. The most they could do is stick a stray finger in their butts,” she chuckled.
“Good to know,” I nodded in agreement.
Once we arrived at Minerva’s Market near the Fun Center, it looked like it was about to close. We untied my mom and Kyle and walked inside. There were very few people inside, and the merchants were closing up. Master Phil sat and watched as his big-breasted submissive Deez carried out all the milking equipment and several jugs of what I assumed was breast milk.
“Help Deez carry her shit,” Claire ordered her little brother to help.
“Yes, Ma’am, thank you!” Kyle dutifully offered to help Deez with her work. The outgoing woman was quite grateful for the help.
I wondered if the same fate as being collared, awaited me if my sister followed through on her blackmail. My sister would love to see me like that. I doubted my Dad would ever go that far with things but it didn’t seem completely out of the realm of possibility.
We walked through the market to the area where the pillories were located. Fester had long since left, and the only person still bound was Mike’s wife, Karen. She was in the same painful squatting position with her knees bound and legs spread. Nine fully cooked hot dogs had been jammed down her throat, forcing it open as wide as it goes. The older blonde’s upturned nose and general demeanor was defeat and exhaustion. The hot dogs forced her mouth to appear completely packed. as
Marker had been used to draw dark, angry eyebrows on her face and approximate a snout on her nose. Someone had also drawn the universal symbol for a piece of dog doo-doo on her forehead with the words “I take stinky shits! Please bathe me,” written on her face.
Her nipples were hard and pink, and someone had drawn targets around both of them like they were mini-dart boards. They also stuck some old chewing gum on the end of one nipple and wrapped it around her boob. Under her tits was drawn in marker an unhappy face. There was a crushed cigarette butt sticking out of her pussy, and the magic marker they used was uncapped and shoved in her ass. She looked like she had collected more bruises and welts since the day before.
A guy who I assumed was the manager of the market told Mike that he had another hour before Karen could be taken down.
“We go through this almost every weekend. No one is here still, Akim. Can’t we just take Karen and go? We have guests,” Mike implored the guy to make an exception since his wife’s punishment was almost at an end.
Akim smiled at our family and waved and then said, “Absolutely not. Rules are rules.” He told us to have a seat and wait while the market got broken down.
“Master, may I help clean up the market while we wait?” Charity asked excitedly. Dad sent her to assist Akim.
Lindsay asked if she could buy a cover-up outfit to wear. She found a stall that was still open and a god awful looking terry cloth romper that would at least cover her tits and pussy. She said she would use her allowance to pay for it, and Dad pointed to his empty hands and general nudity and told her he forgot his wallet.
“Sunny Manor is already paying for itself,” Mike joked with my father. They got along really well.
Lindsay wrapped her towel around her waist and sat with Joe at a nearby table.
“Why does she have all those hot dogs in her mouth?” Lucy asked Mike about Karen.
“When the snack bar closes down, they take all the old food and chop it to be sold as slave food. However, a few hours before closing time, they like to take all the old hot dog’s nobody wanted and stuff them in my wife. She is just lucky they put them in her mouth this time,” he laughed.
Karen shot him an evil eye and murmured something unintelligible.
I felt like we were sitting at a one-woman play with Karen on stage and the rest of us around small tables watching her.
Mike said that Saturday night they feed them, cage them, and beat any slaves in the pillories. “They lock them back up in the morning and then sometimes give them a short break in the middle of the day. Karen is usually so exhausted at the end that she is almost pleasant to be around for a few days. We’ll probably be back here next weekend though,” he shrugged.
“I thought the entire idea was she’d get an attitude adjustment,” My dad was confused. He asked what the point of this exercise was if she was still an asshole to everybody.
“You can’t polish a turd,” Claire joked.
Mike explained that this grueling punishment was like medicine. He said that in small doses that after a while Karen has built up a little immunity. “It isn’t a panacea. She’ll be better for a little while but sooner or later her natural crabbiness will re-emerge. I could probably do more to keep my wife in line,” Mike shrugged.
Karen started to choke on the hot dogs and tried to swallow one. Mike asked Claire to help her mother by taking them out. Karen’s cheeks were packed with hot dogs. It looked uncomfortable and most of all, vulgar because the hot dogs were phallic. Karen’s expression was as much misery as it was a stubborn acceptance that she had to keep doing what she was doing. She was so different than Charity.
“Fuck, you didn’t have to take ALL of them,” Karen leered at her daughter once Claire pulled the spit covered hot dogs out of her mouth. Karen was completely tied up and couldn’t snatch a hot dog back.
Claire broke pieces off the end of one of the dogs and began to hand feed her mother.
“Who are these people?” Karen sneered at us. My Dad introduced each of us by name.
I noticed Karen mainly looked annoyed or jealous of other women. She liked my Dad a lot, and she seemed to tolerate Simon and me.
“I’ve got to take a shit. Tell Akim I’ll suck his dick if he lets me out early, Sir” she asked her husband to plead with the manager on her behalf.
Karen’s plea wasn’t the joyous, loving kind of request that Charity would make. Karen’s tone was that of a woman angry she had to submit but who seemed willing to do it anyway - as if she was only doing this because she was obligated.
“You’d suck his dick whether he let you out early or not,” Mike teased his wife.
“Yeah, but tell him I’ll give him a good one. C’mon honey. I’ve been holding this for hours. I don’t want to shit on the grate in front of our neighbors,” Karen’s expression seemed desperate, but her tone suggested she would if it turned any of us on to see her do it.
“So shit on the grate. That is what it is there for. It wouldn’t be the first time,” Mike insisted.
“Take this marker out of my butt, please,” she asked Claire.
“Take this marker out of your butt please, what?” Claire said.
“Take it out pretty please, Miss Claire,” Karen didn’t argue and even changed her tone to seem submissively sweet.
Just as Claire was removing the marker from her mother’s ass, Karen farted like a trumpet and chuckled. She pissed on her daughter’s hand and laughed about it.
“You bitch!” Claire jumped back startled by her mother’s trick.
Women’s asses are pretty delightful sources of pink mystery. I prefer them hairless and pink. There is something so submissive about a woman bending over and showing you their pink pucker and letting you look at the hole they use to fart or poop from.
Conversely, men’s asses are filthy, hairy disgusting holes to me. I went out of my way to avoid seeing any at the pool when guy’s bent over in front of me.
A woman’s asshole is beauty and a man’s asshole is the beast! I don’t know any other way to say it better.
I would have expected a white cloud of baby powder to softly float out of her mother’s ass when she farted. The reality was Karen’s ass-blast was just as crude and rank as any I had heard a man let rip before when he cuts the cheese.
“It takes one to know one, Ma’am” Karen’s tone was rude, but she usually referred to people as Sir and Ma’am. It was such a change from what I had heard Charity and Dancer say earlier in the day.
“That’s fine. You want lemonade with your hot dogs?” Claire dabbed the bits of hot dog she had in her hand into the piss on her arm and tried to feed them to Karen, but she closed her mouth.
“I couldn’t help it, Miss Claire. Please stop!” Karen apologized and asked for Mercy.
Claire waited for her mother to calm down and then asked her a question. Just as Karen began to answer, she shoved several of the pissy hot dog pieces into her mother’s mouth.
“It doesn’t taste half bad,” Karen snarled in defiance and chewed the pee-soaked bits of hot dog defiantly. “It would be better with mustard,” she joked before adding, “They didn’t feed me anything except old chewing gum today. I am fucking starving! I’ll eat anything,” she promised. I felt that was not much of an exaggeration for Karen.
“Why are their cigarettes in your cunt?” Mike asked his wife if her wrinkled pussy was finally so worn out and used up that people assumed it was an ashtray. There was a playfulness in his demeanor that made the comments seem less cruel, but they were still shocking. It was nothing like how my father talked to Charity.
“Hardee harr, harr, Sir” Karen despised that she was on stage like this from the look on her face, but she didn’t stop chewing hot dog. She spoke with her mouth full. “I was craving a smoke so bad. I begged a guy to light one and put it in my mouth. I told him I could blow smoke with my pussy and told him I’d show him if he lit one and put it in my pussy. The mean fucker lit a menthol and when I made a face that I’d prefer something else he shoved the lit end into my clit and walked away. Someone else came along afterward and assumed they could use me like a trash bin and stick their gum on my tits, Sir”.
I’ve been trying to get into a woman’s pussy since I started puberty. I loved pussy almost as much as I loved looking at a woman’s asshole. The only difference is that I felt women would only show their butthole to men that REALLY deserved to look at it. I know that probably sounds silly but that is what I used to think. I felt like women’s pussies, assholes and tits were great secrets that boys like me were not supposed to be permitted to look at.
I considered a pussy a sacred treasure of endless delights and mysteries between every woman’s legs and mostly unattainable. It was so surreal to hear someone had mistreated a pussy and used it as a garbage can. Karen spread her cunt and exposed herself like it meant nothing at all to her and yet it still felt like a waste someone could have used her pussy for pleasure and stuck a dirty cigarette butt in it instead.
I thought it must have been deeply humiliating to Karen when it happened and more so to admit it to her family. However, she acted like it was not that shocking.
“You know you aren’t supposed to beg people for smokes while you are in the pillory. It annoys them. You got what you deserved, Mom,” Joe laughed.
“She loves the attention anyway,” Claire shrugged and told Karen to open up wider like she was a child and said, “Open up wide for the hot dog choo-choo!”
“I don’t need attention like THAT, Ma’am!” Karen insisted, but I think on some level she did like what happened to her. She might have had an entirely different motivation than Charity would have in a similar situation. Charity would have seen this as an opportunity to prove her resolve to obey no matter how degrading. I think Karen may have just reached a point of total boredom and been happy someone paid attention to her. Charity absorbed humiliation with delight as a willing participant. Karen seemed to absorb it willingly but with a reluctant sense of humor and a bitchy attitude.
Karen looked intensely humiliated as her daughter fed her in front of us, but she played along and opened wide at her daughter’s instruction when Claire brought the train into the tunnel. She chewed the hot dog while her daughter poked her tits and sang “Milk, Milk!”
Then Claire poked her mom’s cunt meat hard, and they both sang “Lemonade!”
Claire smacked her mother’s ass with her hand, and Karen sang “Around the corner! fudge is made!”
Karen closed her eyes for a second to concentrate, and a little turd started to crinkle out of her ass. Simon and Lucy got out of their chairs and turned around completely. I gasped and so did my father.
I had never seen a woman poop in real life. I’ve watched it plenty of times on video. It was deeply humiliating and it turned me on.
Simon and Lucy giggled a little while they stood with their backs to the stage because Karen wouldn’t stop letting out little farts and then sighing with pleasure.
“Something crawled up in you and died, Mom!” Claire said as she held her nose and stepped back.
“Gross, it looks like a melted snicker bar!” Simon observed out loud as he twitched his nose in what I can only describe as a fascinated level of disgust.
My dad told him to be polite.
“No, it is true,” Joe smiled reassuringly at Simon and told him that there were peanuts in his mother’s turd and everything. “It is probably not as satisfying to eat though,” he joked.
Simon made a disgusted noise of disbelief and chuckled at Joe’s reassuring comment.
I was so jealous of Joe. I had reassured my brother and sister today at the pool and was pretty proud of myself. Joe wasn’t cocky, but he had a self-assured way about him that put people at ease like everything was going to be alright now that Joe was there. I hated that I was petty enough to be jealous of that, but I was because it seemed to come so easy to him.
“Oh, stop! Like none of you ever took a shit before? You know what it smells like,” Karen shouted at us unapologetically while she continued letting out a few more farty-fraps and a tiny turd nugget. “How do you think it feels for me to be up here and stuck with it?” she asked us to empathize with her. “I don’t even have toilet paper!” she retorted.
“Gross, how do you wipe?” Lucy’s question was not an inquiry. It was a concern that now that Karen had pooped she was still bound in place and couldn’t wipe her sticky ass.
“You don’t! You just air dry with a crusty butt. Want to come on stage and have a look? That’s what I am up here for. A warning to pretty little blonde bitches like you, Miss!” Karen warned my little sister.
“Watch your tone,” Mike warned his wife.
“Why? That is why they lock me up here. I am an object lesson in failing to follow the fucking rules. If you want to end up like me then just watch my daughter Claire and do what she does,” Karen indicated her daughter was on the same path as she was.
“You could have held it until we got home at least,” Claire scolded her and reminded her mother that we were her neighbors. “Stop being such a bitch to them. That little girl isn’t you and neither of am I,” Claire stood up for my sister.
“That little twat may not turn out like me, but I see my face reflected in yours every day. You belong up here almost as much as I do. You think your shit doesn’t stink or hers doesn’t just because she is a pretty little pixie? You hop up here and squirt one out. I’ll bet you an entire hell-week that you’ll crap out a dick-shaped cum-biscuit from all the cock you take up the ass, Ma’am!” Karen challenged her daughter.
“You really want to make that bet? I’ve got the week off from school, and I’ll enjoy putting you through a hell week,” Claire called her mother’s bluff.
“I am going to tell you right now that I don’t know you very well but what I do know I don’t like. I am not joking when I tell you that if you call my daughter a name again, then we are going to have problems,” my Dad said very succinctly.
“I am sorry, Sir” Karen changed her tone with my father and was apologetic. She apologized to Lucy as well. “In my house, we show affection by talking like that. I meant nothing by it,” she said.
“Bullshit, you totally meant it,” Claire started to tease her mother, but when she saw the look on my father’s face, she let it drop.
“We do tease each other. I think it is a coping mechanism sometimes, and while I seldom agree with my mother, she is right that I can be just as bad as her sometimes,” she admitted. She looked right at me as if warning me that I shouldn’t get interested in her because she was trouble.
It was too late. I was already VERY interested in Claire, although I didn’t think I had a shot. I wanted to know what hell week was! I also wondered if women shit bricks of hard-cum out of their ass after a man came in their butt? It was a hot visual.
Mike explained that hell week is a tradition in their house. “The normal house rules don’t apply. Karen basically becomes cum pig for the duration!” he said.
“As opposed to now?” Joe chuckled at his mother’s without a trace of sympathy for her.
“The house rules are a lot more strict and intensified. We focus on that aspect of her training,” Mike clarified his original statement.
It wasn’t lost on me that if Karen lost the bet, she’d have to become a cum pig for a week. I didn’t know what that involved, but I liked the sound of it. Did that mean that Claire would have agreed to be one too if she lost?
I was excited by the prospect that these women were so competitive with one another. Karen backed down and didn’t take the bet with her daughter.
“It is no picnic on a regular week for me,” Karen blathered angrily that a hell week wouldn’t have changed that much.
“You get away with a lot!” Mike reminded her.
“Yeah, but whose fault is that? I am not the one in charge!” She insisted.
Dad asked Mike if it had always been this way with Karen. He was clearly not amused by their back and forth and how Karen was so sassy.
“No, not at all,” Mike said it was a long story and asked if we really wanted to hear it. We had nothing better to do, so we prepared for a story. Mike could really paint you a pretty picture and make you visualize his story when he talked.
He told us that several years ago when his kids were really young, his wife came to him about an erotic dream she had. “In the dream, we were thrilled with each other as Master and slave. She obeyed me, and I was her King. It was very vivid, and we both loved that fantasy. I vowed to make that dream a reality
“This was the dream?” Dad chuckled, and Mike said absolutely not.
“This is the nightmare part of the dream I didn’t imagine!” Mike admitted. He said they spent years talking back and forth about a life of 24/7 BDSM power exchange. “We researched it. We read dirty stories and blogs about real people who lived this way. We exchanged dirty pictures, but it was all talk,” he said.
“Be careful what you wish for,” Karen told him as she wiggled her butt and snapped off a stubborn piece of dookie to let it fall to the grid. “You may just get it!”
“Our fantasies began in the bedroom. We eventually started going to bondage clubs and fetish groups locally. “I talked Karen into coming out to bars and seducing other men. She was reluctant at first, but soon she got off on it,” Mike explained.
“Yeah, that was probably a mistake,” Claire made a lemony face at her mother. “Once you opened the flood gate, there was no closing it!”
Karen made a lemony face right back at her daughter for pointing out what a huge slut she was.
Mike showed us a photo of what I thought was Claire at first. It was a much younger Karen in that picture, and she was very blonde and wearing a black see-thru fish-net dress that exposed her nipples. She wore a matching small black leather collar and high heels. It looked like they were standing in front of a bar called the Castle. There were a few others with her dancing to techno music inside a goth club with guys that were not Mike. There was another picture with Karen dancing with a woman who had duct tape over her nipples and pussy, and the two of them were body to body inside a decorative cage elevated above the rest of the dancers.
Karen was dirty blonde now, and she was still hot for a MILF. She reminded me so much of Julie Bowen, the mom from the TV Show “Modern Family.” It was surreal seeing pictures of her when she was young. I had seen similar pictures of Charity and didn’t fault her for her past.
Karen couldn’t see the photos from the stage, but she asked us if we thought they were hot with pride in her voice. Charity was ashamed of her youthful indiscretions and seemed like she wanted to atone for them, so she never repeated them. Karen was just getting started on her path of wickedness. Karen longed to return to that old life when she was hot and could drive guys wild while pleasing her husband.
Akim had set out some over-ride tomatoes for a dollar. Anyone could buy them to throw at some hapless loser in the pillory like medieval times. Claire asked Akim if he minded if she had one. Akim said that was fine.
“Don’t do it! Don’t do it, Claire!” Karen warned her daughter. Instead of throwing it at her mother Claire walked back up to the stage where Karen was bound. She held the tomato over Karen’s head, and Karen closed her eyes and accepted the inevitable. Claire squeezed the tomato into her mother’s hair. Karen’s pained humiliated expression was difficult to describe, but I’ll never forget it as I watched the seeds and tomato juice drip down her face. Start by imagining, she just stubbed her toe and is wincing in pain. Imagine Karen squinting and then paint her face with years of misery, humiliation, and the acceptance that she was powerless to stop it from happening. Now imagine her opening her eyes and no one looks like they want to help you. No one wants to wipe the goop out of your eyes. Imagine you realize that the people who are amused most by you having a tomato squished over your head are your family. That would be a good start to paint that picture in your mind.
I wondered if Lindsay had expected me to do these kinds of things to Charity. I wouldn’t have enjoyed smashing a tomato over Charity’s head but watching Claire do it to her mother was satisfyingly hot. Karen seemed to invite the nastiness, and while she protested, she didn’t do much to prevent it or change her attitude.
Mike continued his story by explaining that back in those days, he could decide who she was to walk up to at the bar. They’d make a game of it and even have little bets.
“I bet you can’t suck three dicks tonight before we leave the bar” or “I bet that guy won’t sleep with you!”
If Karen failed, then Mike would tie her up and do wicked things to her. If she succeeded well, she got fucked and sucked three dicks. Mike said at first it was not all that frequent, but eventually, Karen was charging money and meeting men off Craigslist for erotic encounters. Mike said he had full knowledge of it and was turned on by it.
“She paid for her first piercings and tattoo with the money she made fucking strangers,” Mike seemed proud of Karen, and she looked flattered.
“You ought to let me go back doing that, Master,” she suggested. “There is a slave auction here next Wednesday night. Put me up on the stage and see how much I can make for a night, Sir!” Karen seemed unafraid of the possibility of being rented by a stranger and didn’t place any conditions on it.
“Hell, I’d probably have to pay THEM to take you for a night and put up with your grubby and selfish ways,” Mike told her.
Karen’s face was still dripping in tomato juice. Claire had left the pulp in her hair. “Harr-Harr! Suit yourself! I was just trying to be helpful, Sir!” Karen sounded like she was anything but helpful when she made the suggestion.
“No way to know that Karen would love outside dick so much,”
Mike said he grew up knowing the Director and when a house opened up here, and he could afford it, he took it. They visited a few times by themselves without the kids, and then finally he convinced Karen to move here.
Mike described preparing his wife for the conversation with the family about her changes. “I gave her a new name to start a new life. Ironically, it was Chastity because she liked to fuck. It is a little like naming your dog “Chewie” and then wondering why he chews on furniture though,” Mike joked.
He explained how they practiced going over what the rules were and took the tour just like we did with their kids. “Karen was worried they’d freak out,” Mike said. He said that after they went over the new rules of their relationship that would be obvious, the kids had been the least judgmental of anyone else in the family. Mike implied they talked to other relatives but was vague about the details. I could only imagine what my Aunts and Uncles would think about Sunny Manor! Half of them would probably disapprove but secretly be jealous of my dad and Charity’s relationship!
“No, I just didn’t want them to laugh at me. I knew they could handle the weird shit. We watched Jerry Springer back to back at home!” Karen said.
“The year Karen took off from work before we came here, she was homeschooling them. That meant going out at night and fucking guys and then sleeping all afternoon, so the kids watched Springer all day,” Mike pursed his lips in disappointment.
“It wasn’t every day, Sir!” Karen offered that she hadn’t been entirely irresponsible. “I was a good mother!”
“What happened?” Joe joked that this had changed at some point and Lindsay and Mike chuckled.
“You know what happened, Sir! I am sorry about that. I am a bad mother okay,” Karen apologized and Mike continued the story.
“We couldn’t get the kids to put on clothes in the early days. They loved the pool so much! Half the time, Claire or Joe would walk out of the gate completely naked to the bus stop,” he was probably exaggerating.

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