Homeowner's Association: A Big Deal At Sunny Manor (BDSM)Chapter 30 free porn video

I went upstairs to clean my room. I hadn’t made that much progress when, once again, there was a knock on my door.
Lucy was standing outside of my door with an enthusiastic smirk. She said some girls were here to see me.
“Me?” I can honestly say that I had never imagined a day in my life that multiple girls came to my house to see me. The last one who did come over let me fuck her. I was excited but apprehensive that I could have the same luck more than once.
She giggled and said they were downstairs but that their mom looked angry.
“This is the boy?” Moxxi the Dicktatress, was short. Waverly and Stacy’s mom had a charisma and presence about her that made her seem intimidating none the less. She reminded me of the cartoon character Tweety Bird if it came to life, got a fake boob job, and a bunch of tattoos. She had bleached blonde hair in ponytails, and she wasn’t wearing any makeup. She wasn’t wearing much at all. She had a top that reminded me of twin slingshots designed to strap her huge fake tits in place like a bikini top. She had a matching pair of beige bikini bottoms on.
I knew instantly that whatever she wanted was probably not going to include sex with me and that I was probably in some kind of serious trouble.
She was talking to my father when I came downstairs. My heart was racing, and my lips were dry with nervousness. She must have caught Waverly and Stacey coming back home.
Moxxi looked sternly at my father when she saw me. My father had offered her a seat, but she said she preferred to stand.
I noticed as I walked downstairs that Waverly was seated on a chair next to Lindsay. Lindsay had her arms folded and looked at me with a bemused expression like I was about to get thoroughly reamed.
Waverly, on the other hand, was smiling and wearing a bikini top and bottoms and acting like nothing was wrong.
Her little sister was at her feet on all fours and completely naked except for a collar. She had the words Ecstacy written across her plump butt. Stacy had a ripe, yellow banana sticking out of her ass.
Lucy was giggling, and Simon was sitting next to her calmly.
Charity was standing in the attention position. She had a wooden plank balanced on her head. There were two chains attached to either side of the plank, and they were attached to her nipples. She held a silver tray with both hands and appeared to be waiting for orders with her mouth slightly open.
My Dad doesn’t need to use words to communicate. He can tell you with one look that he doesn’t believe what he just heard, and he wants you to confirm it.
Waverly and Stacy could easily have almost been twins. They looked so similar. They both had mischievous looks on their face like they were very amused.
I wasn’t sure if I was in trouble or not because I assumed they would be in trouble as well.
“Did you sneak out with my daughters last night?” Moxxi asked me with a scowl on her face. She instantly inspired fear and trepidation without raising her voice.
“Yes, Ma’am,” I gulped. It didn’t feel humiliating to say Ma’am to her the way it did to Lindsay. It felt like a natural extension of respect to say it to Moxxi due to her regal and powerful bearing. Their mother didn’t have to ask me to explain further. The expression on her face was all I needed to know I needed to come clean.
“We snuck out to a trailer park just outside the community. They dared me to, Ma’am,” I admitted.
Lindsay started to remind my father that during my spanking, I had said I hadn’t gone anywhere last night. Moxxi held up one finger, and Lindsay stopped talking.
“What did they dare you to do?” Moxxi asked me. If you have ever read the Jungle Book you might be a familiar with the story of Rikki Tikki Tavi. In the story there is a wise but wicked Cobra named Nag in the that taunts the Mongoose. Moxxi’s tone could best be described as something that would have frightened Nag. She wasn’t screaming or raising her voice. It was when she spoke slowly and softly that scared me the most.
I wasn’t sure what version of the story the girls had told their mother. I opted for the truth and described how they dared me to run to the tree completely naked.
“It isn’t clothing optional out of Sunny Manor. The people that live there are not in the lifestyle. You understand that was indecent exposure?” she asked me.
“I do,” I answered in shame. I felt like one of those Imperial Officers that has to bring bad news to Darth Vader. I was just waiting to be choked.
“You did it anyway, and you knew it was wrong?” Moxxi made me answer her.
“Stacy said it was you who dared them to have a moonlight streak through the trailer park,” she said. I started to answer, but Moxxi cut me off and told me never to interrupt her again. “It is unacceptable to speak when your betters are talking. I know that Stacy is lying because she and her sister snuck into your room last night. You didn’t seek them out. They like to make dares with each other,” she paused.
I didn’t speak. I felt like Moxxi was giving me an opportunity to interrupt to test me and felt validated when she continued. “You did dare them to do something. Would you care to share with us what that was, Matt?” she said. She looked over at Waverly who was seated and Stacy serving as her table.
I swallowed. I had suggested they take turns dominating each other. It seemed like an excellent idea at the time. They told me they had turnabout days once a month with the submissives in the house. I will admit though, that I just wanted to see two sisters dominating each other. Stacy and Waverly could be very competitive, and it seemed hot.
“They told me they have turnabout days at their house to help them understand what it is like to submit. It is to show how much they appreciate what their slave dads and brothers do around the house,” I started to explain.
“I didn’t ask that. You really need to learn to understand that my time is precious. People pay highly to have my undivided attention, and you are squandering that time by not answering my questions. I don’t like to repeat myself, Matt. What was the dare?” she asked again more bluntly. Moxxi made it clear she would suffer no one to waste her time under any circumstances.
I felt a compulsion to answer her questions. I am not like Lindsay where I can put on this elaborate charade.
“I suggested they take turns dominating each other. They are so used to being in charge. I thought it would help them to understand...” I started to explain.
“Matt, come here and look in this mirror,” she made me walk over to a mirror in our living room and look at myself. “Do you see yourself? Now, look at me. Who knows what is best for my girls? You or me?” she asked.
“You,” I felt I needed to answer verbally.
“Yet, you felt you could teach them about submission because you know about the lifestyle? You’ve lived here for a weekend. Tell me what experience you had with it before you moved here,” Moxxi asked me.
My dad was frozen on the chair.
“The answer is not on your father’s face. I need you to tell me, Matt, what makes you an expert on my family dynamic? What gives you the experience to know what they should or should not learn? I would really like to know,” Moxxi was harsh, but she was right. I had no right to interfere with anything.
I apologized.
“That is a good answer,” Moxxi smiled at me. “You also had sex with both of them last night?” she asked me bluntly.
My father nearly fell out of his chair. He had been quiet and let Moxxi talk, but now he was stunned.
“Yes, Ma’am,” I admitted.
“Was it just anal?” she asked me. I felt she should be angry that I fucked her daughters in the ass, but she looked relieved when I said yes. “They also sucked my dick,” I admitted.
“I am not concerned about blowjobs, Matt. Neither of my daughters is on the pill. I will rectify that oversight. I thought I could trust their judgment, but I obviously cannot. I have also decided to take your suggestion. They will each submit to each other for a week. You also suggested that they come to me and ask to judge who was the most submissive?” she asked.
“Yes, Ma’am,” I admitted. I could not look at my father, but I could tell he was stunned. Lindsay couldn’t be happier with this turn of events. I explained that it was supposed to be a motivation to try harder. “The girl who submits the best doesn’t have to do it again. The one who loses has to spend another week as the submissive.”
“Neither of them loses anything,” Moxxi told me sourly. “I spent 3 years as a submissive before anyone ever let me swing a whip. They will alternate for two weeks, and in the end, if they want to continue, that will be my decision. They won’t be coming through your window any longer, but if they do, I would appreciate you letting me know so that I can deal with it,” Moxxi said that last part to my father more than to me.
Moxxi was gruff and commanding - it was her nature. I couldn’t picture her as a submissive at any time. Moxxi exuded a kind of strength and force of will that didn’t make me doubt her words.
I tried to apologize, but Moxxi had finished talking and abruptly excused herself and her daughters. She said she would be taking them to the trailer park and make them knock on each door and apologize. There was a hint in her voice that I should as well, but that she wouldn’t be the one to make me do it. I assumed Stacy would be putting on clothes, but I didn’t think Moxxi would change out of her skimpy bikini to make the trip.
“Your father will address your behavior in his own way. That is not for me to decide. I am thankful that you were honest with me. I am thankful that you did not get my daughters pregnant. I believe you, Matt. If you ever lie to me, I WILL know,” Moxxi promised dramatically before leaving with her daughters. Stacy was the last one to leave. She stood up and put her hands behind her back. She had little bells attached to her nipples and pussy lips, so she jingled anytime she wiggled or jiggled. She turned around and winked at me as she walked out the door.
My father didn’t say a word when they were gone. He looked up at me with a blank expression. He could speak a thousand words with a single expression, and yet right now, he wasn’t saying anything with his face.
Lindsay could barely contain the look of a cat that swallowed a canary.
Lucy looked goofy and silly and seemed to have lost interest in the conversation.
Simon looked impressed with me. It was as if he saw me in a completely different light.
Charity remained expressionless and passive.
“I don’t know what to say, Dad,” I broke the silence.
“I don’t know what to think,” My dad answered abruptly.
“Are you angry with me?” I asked him.
“I don’t know what to be, Matt. You snuck out with two girls, had sex with them, tempted them into submitting to one another. They are sisters!” He said.
“Temptation is Mr. McGifford’s daughter,” I offered that they were related too. It didn’t seem taboo here in Sunny Manor that a family would talk about and even engage in these relationships. I could have used half a dozen examples from the Director training his daughters as slaves to Carlos training his sister Dancer. However, Claire was the first example that popped into my head.
It was time for me to come clean with my father. I had to tell him what Lindsay was going to make me do today. I had to fall on my sword. It would be difficult to deny I was the one who sent all the emails with videos of myself jerking off to Lindsay now that my Dad had heard about last night. I had gone streaking and dared girls to submit to one another. It was more than just a little naughty.
“I really should tell you, though,” I was going to tell him all about Lindsay’s threats no matter the consequences. He just didn’t let me finish talking. Once I told him everything, there would be no putting the cat back in the bag. It was like standing on a precipice and realizing that once you jump, there is no stopping until you hit bottom. Lucy and Simon would know their sister would betray them just like she would me. It would probably feel terrible for them to hear what their sister was capable of doing. She’d throw them under the bus if it suited her.
I was just going to lay it all out and let the chips fall where they may. It just seemed so difficult actually to lay everything out from the beginning.
“Go ahead and tell Dad what you were going to tell him,” Lindsay spoke when my father stopped talking. She was pretending to be supportive while at the same time, there was a hint in her voice that she would get vengeance on me if I didn’t follow through with her expectations. She looked at Simon and then Lucy as if suggesting they would be her next targets.
Lucy and Simon seemed excited to hear my confession.
My sister looked at them with a juicy expression on her face that suggested she would target them next if I didn’t do exactly what she had told me to do.
Dad wasn’t even looking at me when I began to kick off my shoes and take off my shirt. Lucy and Simon giggled a little.
“Son, if you are going to ask me what I think you are going to ask me, then I am not ready to hear it right now. I don’t even know what the rules would be for you,” My dad said with a very conflicted expression when he saw me awkwardly undressing.
It was too late to stop, though. I was going to go through with it. It was the safest way to ensure that my sister didn’t try to find some way to pin all of this on me and take it out on Lucy and Simon.
“Wait, is he asking to be in submission like Kyle and Claire?” Lucy realized what seemed obvious to everyone else and blurted it out excitedly.
It only intensified my humiliation further to hear my little sister’s gleeful response to learning that I’d be asking to submit. I started to regret trying to save her from Lindsay.
That was until she stripped down as well. She took off all her clothes before I had mine completely off and stood naked before our Dad with a perky smile.
“This isn’t a game, Lucy! I know Waverly and Stacy made it seem like they were competing. Those girls love attention. I doubt knocking on doors in the trailer park to apologize for streaking is going to phase them all that much. Anyone who was genuinely offended probably wouldn’t want to meet the flashers that ran through their neighborhood,” Dad said.
Lucy hugged me and thanked me while my dad lectured her. “I wanted to ask to try submission, but I was afraid, thank you so much! If you hadn’t done it first, I would never get the courage to ask too!” she told me.
I looked at Lindsay, and she shrugged with a look that suggested she hadn’t been the one to make Lucy do this.
“I love attention, Sir, but that is one of my shortcomings! I have a lot of shortcomings! I’d really like to learn to be a better person,” Lucy assured my father as she stood in front of him.
“You expect me to believe that all of a sudden you decided to explore submission the moment your brother took his clothes off?” Dad squinted at her in disbelief.
“No, Sir, I have been thinking about it since the first time Charity explained what it meant to be graceful and obedient. She likes to make people happy, and that spoke to me on so many levels. It is why I wanted to become a cheerleader! The difference is this discipline is also supposed to make me a better person!” Lucy beamed with pride when she replied.
“You really think standing naked in front of me is how to be a better person?” Dad shrugged my sister’s sincere offer away dismissively.
“It has worked for Charity, Sir,” Lucy said as she looked over at Charity, who was standing impassively like furniture.
My Dad couldn’t respond to that. He changed the topic “You are a good girl, Lucy! There is nothing wrong with you,” she said.
“I lie and manipulate my friends. I love to get them fighting over a boy only to end up being the one the boy likes. I flash boys, and then when they show an interest in me, I act like they are disgusting,” she admitted.
Dad said that was pretty normal for a girl her age but seemed shocked to hear it anyway. Lucy was always his golden girl. She could do almost no wrong in his eyes. He hardly considered her confession to be proof she needed tough love or discipline.
“I shoplift for the thrill of it,” Lucy produced some Han Solo dice she had on a chain that she stole from the gift shop at the community center as proof.
Dad looked very upset about that and said that she’d stop it immediately.
“Kyle and Claire said they would like to be good people, but they can’t snap their fingers and be nice. They need structure and discipline, Sir. I am happy to stop but I need discipline too!” Lucy sounded eager and naive about the entire thing. She was being pushy and not at all submissive in how she asked Dad. She whined that if I could do it, then she should be able to as well. She pointed out she was only a year younger than me.
“You are a year and a half younger, and I haven’t said that Matt can do it either. It is a lot to think about. I don’t think either of you is as bad as Claire. I really don’t know what Kyle is like when he isn’t submitting. He seems like a nice enough kid,” he said.
“If Matt’s balls are in one of those cock cages, he can’t have unprotected sex with random girls, Sir!” Lucy smiled.
“We are not having this conversation, Lucy!” Dad said and asked her to put some clothes on.
“No, Sir! I am going to stay naked and call you Sir,” Lucy said there were no rules that said she couldn’t. She insisted she’d stand at all times unless he was going to require her to sit as well.
“Stop it,” Dad insisted. Lucy would never get her way making demands of my father. She had to know that tactic was NOT going to make Dad budge an inch in her direction. “You will never learn submission by insisting on getting your way!” my dad called out Lucy’s hypocrisy.
“You want me to stop being respectful, Sir?” Lucy scoffed.
“It isn’t respectful. You are mocking the entire process by inserting yourself in something you don’t understand,” Dad told her.
“If you won’t teach me what submission is, then what difference does it make? Are you going to forbid me from being naked around the house? I thought it was just skin. You said that yesterday when you were naked at the pool, Sir!”
Dad grunted and told her to knock herself out. “You’ll put on clothes after you get bored. You love your clothes!”
Lucy started looking around the room and found a rubber ball that Charity had used as a gag. She put it in her mouth and bit down on it. It made her choke a little, but she kept it in and stood next to Charity with her hands behind her head. Lucy looked at me to implore me to do it as well.
I was caught in between their arguments. I had already taken off my clothes. My dad wasn’t addressing me because Lucy had a way of focusing all attention on her.

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