Fineprint 2 RepublicChapter 2 Cabin Fever
- 3 years ago
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Over the next few days, the Borealans split off into small groups, each choosing a location for their log cabins, clustered vaguely around the longhouse. They used similar methods as they had used to build the original structure, albeit the going was much faster on such a smaller scale. There seemed to be no real organization, the Borealans milled about, helping where they felt it was appropriate. It wasn’t uncommon to see one member of the pack working on a log wall in the morning, only to find that someone had taken his place later in the afternoon, and he was now lining a roof with bark on the other side of the growing village.
Dennis couldn’t provide much help, being too short and weak to carry armfuls of logs or leap up onto rafters, but he stripped bark, and help prepare food, the whole affair was oddly emergent. Ursi didn’t do much work herself, mostly supervising the construction of her own cabin, it was situated directly beside the longhouse and was of an impressive size compared to many of the others.
When he couldn’t help with construction, Dennis worked on the flag design, using an image editor on Ursi’s tablet computer to experiment with shapes and colors, trying to think of something that would properly represent the new republic and its people.
The Borealans had a massive store of meat and furs now, a new hunting party ventured out at least every other day, and each night another feast was held. None quite as extravagant as the first, but the Borealans ate an incredible volume of meat to sustain themselves. Ursi was indulging a little too much, perhaps bored, or maybe enjoying her leisure time. Her already substantial bust now strained against the thin fabric of her clothing that kept it in check, and the subtle paunch of her belly was now protruding conspicuously over her waistline. She carried the weight well, her feminine figure distributing it to her hips, ass and chest, but it couldn’t be healthy for her.
Ursi was sat at one of the plastic tables, the gaudy, yellow stool she was sitting creaking under her considerable weight. Her carpenters had begun to carve real, wooden furniture now that they had surfaces to work on, but replacing the furnishings in the longhouse was not a priority. The stools and tables they were making were for the private cabins, and the Borealans would make do with the plastic furnishings the Russians had provided for the time being.
She hooked a slab of mutton in her claws and dragged it across the surface of the table, leaving a trail of juice in its wake. Ursi demolished the huge mass of dripping meat, staining her fur with its oils, then leaned on the table, taking a drag from her long pipe, the fragrant smoke rising in the warm air.
“You know Ursi, you should really start to moderate what you eat. This isn’t Borealis, you’re not burning calories just walking around, and the climate here is a lot warmer.”
He leaned back in his seat, appraising her butt, tight and shapely against her clothing, overflowing over the edge of her stool. She caught him looking and smirked, jiggling in her seat.
“Borealans are a hardy people Dennis, it is not unhealthy for us to become fat, besides...” She leaned closer and whispered suggestively.” You can’t seem to keep your hands to yourself.”
“Be that as it may,” he muttered, loosening his collar conspicuously as her massive breasts rested on the edge of the table, deforming as their weight spread, “you should at least lay off the fast food. It might feel small and light to a Borealan, but humans pack their foods with fat and salt, I don’t think you appreciate how unhealthy it is.”
Ursi eyed him skeptically, cleaning juice off her furry fingers with her textured tongue.
“Come now Dennis, you worry too much. I am perfectly capable of managing my health, and my eating habits.”
The Russians had delivered the first shipment of the gravity sickness medication by cargo shuttle, it would strengthen their bones, help prevent muscle atrophy, lower their blood pressure, and deal with many of the odd ailments that afflicted those who lived in lower gravity than for which they had evolved. People living on Mars and Luna had done so for generations with few ill effects once a medical solution had been found. Along with the medical supplies, they had delivered more food upon request from Ursi. Dennis had seen no harm in Ursi sampling more human dishes and exploring alien cuisine, he had done as much on his trip to Borealis, however her request had eventually been revealed to be an entire crate of cheeseburgers. She had taken a liking to them after the celebratory feast, and he now somewhat regretted introducing her to junk food.
They were small enough compared to her exaggerated height that she treated them as snacks, and not as the calorie bombs that they were. At least she would run out eventually, and then he might be able to prevent her from acquiring more. Borealans ate when they were hungry, until they were full. It was unlikely to ever become a problem in the high gravity of Borealis, when Dennis had visited he had never seen an obese Borealan, they were all built like Olympians and champion weight lifters, simply walking on Borealis incurred a cost in calories and built muscle mass. Even though Ursi was gaining weight, her underlying muscles were still incredibly powerful, and would probably remain so for years until the muscle atrophy caught up with her.
It only took a few more days for their cabin to be completed, it was small and rustic compared to Ursi’s vacation home in Elysia, but it was cozy, and as he and Ursi closed the door behind them, he felt as if he were truly alone with her for the first time in a while. The log cabin had a single floor, but several rooms, and was spacious compared to most of the dwellings the pack were erecting. The longhouse served as a dining room and a place for the Borealans to congregate and interact, so there was no food preparation area in the cabin, no dining area, and no place where one might entertain guests. It was mostly just a living space and a bedroom. Dennis peeked his head around the corner and was delighted to see a single, massive bed carved from wood, piled with pillows, blankets and furs in the way that Ursi preferred. They would be sharing a bed, in private, for the foreseeable future. In the middle of the main living area was a traditional fire, ringed with stones and smoking lazily through a small hole in the roof, the relatively small space was warmed easily by the dancing flames.
Dennis was beside himself, the unexpected sense of wellbeing and happiness almost overcame him as he realized they had a home together now. As a lowly attorney operating out of a law firm, before he went to Borealis he had mostly been confined to either an office cubicle in one of the towering skyscrapers that brutalized the skyline of Earth’s sprawling cities, or his apartment, similarly located many floors above the ground in a minute, cramped space that even a sardine would complain was too confining. His job had never allowed for a serious relationship, cohabitation required a time consuming, expensive process of courting and entertaining, along with the means to actually afford a space in which two people could reasonably live. Coupled with his lack of success with women, he had never lived with another person since graduating law school.
“What has you so happy, Dennis?” Ursi eyed him curiously, and he realized he was beaming. He quickly composed himself, straightening his spider fur tie and forcing a more casual expression.
“It’s nothing, just ... I’ve wanted this for a long time.”
“A cabin?”
“In a way. Earth has somewhat of a housing problem, and the job I had made courtship difficult. Even if we don’t admit it, what we all want deep down is just to live in a simple home with a loved one. I’ve never had that before, and I didn’t really expect to ever have it.”
“It is a little unusual for me too, I am constantly surrounded by aides, guards and ... concubines. Borealans do not court the way humans do, two individuals pairing exclusively is uncommon, though not unheard of. Most reproduction takes place in the context of dominance battles, where the losing party is forcibly copulated with in order to spread dominant genes. Mutual relationships where both parties are of equal standing is essentially impossible in our society, though a Borealan might take a liking to one underling above all others.”
She scratched her furry chin, thinking as she stared into the fire.
“Humans are odd though, anomalous. We cannot use violence to subdue you, you are too fragile, and so the only option left in order to assert authority is sex. Humans rarely submit, and if they do it is not for long, leaving the relationship between a human and a Borealan in a constant state of limbo, neither can fully assert dominance over the other, though the desire to do so rages as strongly as ever.”
She leered at him, like one might eye a tasty treat before partaking.
“Polars are a little more placid than our equatorial cousins, but humans must drive them to fits of lust.” She chuckled to herself, obviously imagining one such scene in her head.
“It’s true,” he confirmed, starting to blush a little as memories of Xhe, Cola and Chaka played in his head, “I’ve been on the receiving end.”
Ursi ruffled his hair with her fuzzy palm.
“Poor creature, though judging by your temperament I doubt you found it entirely unpleasant.”
“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean,” he replied indignantly, crossing his arms and shooting her an angry look. He was aware that he was overcompensating, and she surely was too. Her sultry gaze confirmed his suspicion, and she leaned down to whisper in his ear, wrapping him in her arms and pulling him closer.
“You love it when I bite you, I can feel your body relax as it gives in to me.”
She pinched his ear in her teeth, as if to prove a point, and he shivered, his face reddening as she dragged her rough tongue across his neck, and smirked.
“You should admit to it, embrace it. It would feel good...”
She released him abruptly, his erection pressing uncomfortably against his pants.
“But no time for that now, come back with me to the longhouse, I am hungry.”
He trailed after her, wiping his brow with his sleeve and trying to banish the salacious thoughts that swirled in his mind.
Ursi chewed happily, wolfing down another burger, her supply showing no signs of diminishing. She licked the grease from her fingers, then raised a sheep femur, cracking the bone with her powerful jaws and sucking out the marrow noisily. The aliens had an enormous bite strength, the bones of Earth animals barely slowed them down in their endless pursuit of sustenance. Dennis sat beside her, eating a more modest portion of the jerked moose meat. The light, gossamer fabric that constituted her clothing, immodest at the best of times, was at breaking point. The flesh of her soft, heavy breasts protruded over the straps that strained to hold them aloft, and her ass was becoming more than her clothes could contain, he could practically hear the creak as she moved. Her hips and legs were thick and inviting, just looking at her meaty thighs made him want to press his face between them. On a human, the amount of weight she had put on would be unpleasant, but somehow on Ursi it all went to the right places, Dennis found it hard to complain when the features that so attracted him to her were only growing in size. Perhaps they stored fat differently to humans, maybe it was entirely unintentional, but the signs of her fertility tickled his simian brain in a way that he found ceaselessly distracting.
“You’re popping out of your clothes, Ursi,” Dennis insisted, waving a piece of jerked moose as he spoke. “I’m telling you, you have to slow down, you can’t just eat until you’re full on Earth, those extra calories aren’t going anywhere. You have to change your habits to suit your new environment.”
“Dennis your complaints bore me, your attraction to me is obvious, and at times blatant, such as right now, you are staring at my bust.” He reddened and averted his gaze. “I don’t mind, in fact I quite enjoy the idea that you are in a constant state of arousal around me, it makes you more ... available.”
She cracked another bone loudly, picking at her teeth with her claw. The table was littered with the styrofoam containers of the burgers, splintered bone, juice from the cooked meats, and stray flecks of blood. The Borealans were nothing if not messy eaters. It seemed that besides work and sex, feasting was the only interest they really had.
Ursi uncorked a bottle of ‘raises the hair’, taking a draw of the pink liquid, then gasping happily, wiping her mouth with the back of her furry arm. She hooked it around Dennis’ head and pulled him into her bust, pressing his face into the malleable fat of her breasts as they threatened to spill from her clothes.
“What say you, me, and this bottle retreat back to our new residence and see if we cannot break the bed frame that was so carefully crafted for us?”
She knew that he couldn’t say no, the question was almost a formality. She grinned at his expression, lifting him from his stool and placing him on the dirt floor of the longhouse. She dropped down heavily to join him, the plastic creaking as her weight left it.
“Despite the low gravity, I find that my shoulders hurt. Perhaps your complaints have some merit, use your agile little fingers and make me feel better.”
She tugged him by the hand and led him out of the longhouse, and back to their newly completed cabin.
Dennis sat on the tall bed, and Ursi sat on the floor in front of him, her head still level with his, and he delved his hands into the silky fur and pliant, insulating fat of her shoulders. She shrugged and shivered, enjoying the sensation of his fingers pushing into her flesh and seeking out the muscle beneath. He used his thumbs to press deeper, easing out the knots in her brawn. She groaned, leaning back into him.
“Oh, you’re so much better at that than a Borealan, Dennis. No claws to get in the way.”
She took a swig of her bottle, and slipped out of the straps that restrained her breasts. They fell weightily, even larger than they had been when he had met her, and Ursi had already been on the bigger end of the spectrum as far as Borealans were concerned.
“Ah, that’s better,” she sighed, rolling her shoulders and relaxing. It didn’t take much to make a Borealan tipsy, and Ursi was getting there quickly, her bottle already half empty.
“It’s so strange,” she mused, purring contentedly as Dennis moved his hands down her back, tracing the line of her spine and massaging her taut muscles. “I was always so busy on the homeworld, always doing something...” She slurred her words a little, the alcohol getting to her. “But now that everything is done, what is there for me to do?”
“Well you still have to govern your people, probably negotiate with the Russians, meet with the UN representatives eventually.”
“It will take months, years for enough of my people to make it to Earth to constitute a real territory, for now we’re just a settlement. Everyone knows what to do, they are hardy children of Borealis, they don’t need me right now...”
“You’re their Queen, their Alpha, they will never stop needing you, Ursi.”
She drank again, the pink colored liquid sliding down her throat, was she trying to get drunk?
“Dennis, you will still love me if I grow fat, will you not?” She blurted it abruptly, holding the protruding paunch of her belly in her free hand and gazing down at it miserably.
He brought his hands up to her head and scratched her scalp through her mane of long, snow-white hair, she shuddered and crooned happily, and he realized that he rarely saw the top of her head, she was just too damned tall.
“I’ll still love you no matter how old or fat you get, how about that?”
“You don’t even know how long we live for,” she chuckled, finishing off her bottle and rolling the empty vessel away along the wooden floorboards. “But I will hold you to your promise.”
She turned to face him, her massive head moving to nuzzle his neck. He shivered as he felt her cool nose on his skin, then began to blush as her nuzzling became kissing, then gentle biting. Her fluffy palm rose to his cheek, holding him steady as her sharp teeth, which he had seen shatter bone, pressed against his vulnerable throat, gently, tentatively. The rough surface of her tongue scoured him, tasting, teasing as it played over his warming skin.
“Dennis,” she whispered, her warm breath blowing over his ear, “you’ll entertain me, won’t you? You’ll keep me from becoming bored?”
She slid her furry hand under his shirt, and ran her fingers down his chest to his belly, the stark contrast of the silky fur and the prickling claws making his gasp. She chuckled under her breath, enjoying his reaction.
“Today I’m feeling ... predatory. Will you indulge me?”
Without waiting for an answer she bit his shoulder, just hard enough to make him wince, then licked the red mark apologetically.
“In all the time we have been together, I don’t recall ever using my mouth on you, would you like that?” She moved her head lower, her puffy lips an inch away from the bulge that was growing beneath his clothes. She looked up at him with her reflective, blue eyes, smirking and waiting patiently. “You have to ask for it, Dennis.”
“Yes, I mean ... I want you to...”
“Good boy,” she chuckled, undoing his belt and pulling down his pants. His member bounced free, jumping in the air in time with his pounding heart as she breathed warm air on the tip. She moved in slowly, teasing him, and he shuddered as he waited for contact. Finally her soft lips pressed against his glans, lightly planting a kiss on the tip. Dennis flexed and his erection jumped, Ursi chuckled again, a low purring that reverberated through the room, and stroked his balls with her downy hand. Her fine hairs tickled the sensitive skin and he shivered, gasping as she withdrew her hand, watching his reaction with amusement.
“We have a proverb on Borealis, ‘you cannot rush an ambush’, it means that you must wait for some things to happen, you cannot hasten them.”
The tip of her long, rough tongue snaked out of her mouth and coiled around his glans and beneath his foreskin, her warm, viscous saliva coating the tender flesh and dripping wetly to the floor in glistening strings. He bit his lip, the tiny papillae on the surface of her organ raking his head, then she withdrew again, a rope of saliva linking her soft lips to his member. She licked them before her tongue coiled back into her mouth, then gazed at him, examining him as his breath became ragged and his excitement mounted.
Was this some kind of game? A test? He remained stoic, resisting the overwhelming urge to simply grab her by the ears and force his member down her slippery gullet.
He whined as she cradled his balls in her downy hand, squeezing gently, then kissed his shaft, her lips pressing against the side, lingering for a moment as he throbbed hopelessly.
“I will make you a deal, Dennis. If you can hold off long enough, I’ll let you come deep in my throat, and I’ll hold you there until you’re spent. But, if you beg me to stop before I’ve had my fun, I’ll cut you off before you finish.”
She leaned in again, taking his shaft in her hand gently, and pressed the surface of her tongue against the sensitive underside of his glans, dragging it slowly, torturously, enjoying the pained groan that escaped his lips as the tiny bumps stimulated him.
“Where are you most sensitive, little human, where are you most vulnerable... ?”
She dragged her claws over his inner thigh, leaving red streaks and making him gasp in surprise. She lowered her head between his legs, and he had to cover his mouth with a trembling hand to muffle a cry as her hot, slick tongue curled around his balls and her pouting lips teased the base of his member. The silky fur on her cheeks tickled his legs and he delved his fingers into her hair, gripping her as if it might somehow help.
She crawled her lips up his shaft, planting slow, hot kisses as she moved, then sucked the glans into her mouth, holding it for a moment, gazing up at him with her sapphire eyes and lapping gently at the precum that oozed from the tip.
Dennis covered his burning face with his hands, peeking through his fingers at her as she laughed at him, the vibrations translating into his member. His legs were going numb, her practiced tongue tormented him, it was almost unbearable. His lower lip began to tremble and Ursi eyed him eagerly, expecting a plea of mercy, but he composed himself, biting a finger instead.
She put a hand on his chest, pushing him into a prone position on the bed as his member left her warm mouth to pulse and ache in the comparatively cold air. She lifted her massive breasts, the flesh deforming and spilling over her hands as she raised the weighty globes over his waist. She dropped them heavily, like two bags of sand, the impact was strong enough to hurt his hips and push him deeper into the mattress. She pressed them around his cock, burying it in twin mountains of soft, furry breast meat. They were so large that despite being reasonably well endowed, his member was completely submerged in her bust. Her fat was impossibly soft, and her velvet fur tickled his skin, as she squeezed her mammoth breasts together, the yielding fat gave way to firm tissue.
“You are always looking at them, you think I don’t notice, but I do. Do you really like them so much? Have you wanted to do this for a long time?”
She began to raise them, struggling to find a grip in the supple flesh, then dropped them back down heavily, keeping his shaft squashed between them. The sheer size of her bust made it a little awkward and clumsy, but Ursi was grinning, enjoying herself and the effect she was having on Dennis. His precum and her thick saliva matted her silky fur, and he bucked and writhed as the warm, soft, and now wet cleavage enveloped him. She found a rhythm, sliding her breasts up and down his shaft, the impact nearly bruising his hips as she let her heavy breasts fall. It was not as intense as the cruel barbs of her feline tongue, but she was entirely right, he ‘did’ like them, her heavy bosom was always a distraction to him, now moreso that it had started to spill from her clothing like so much bread rising from a pan. She lifted her breasts again, her downy, damp fur teasing his glans, then dropped them, looking up at him with her reflective, blue eyes and smirking as his eyelids fluttered. He thrusted instinctively, driving his member deeper in search of further stimulation, and noticing his reflexive bucking she slowed and held her breasts steady, allowing him to fuck them.
With nightfall came another feast, and the pack, or the village, as he could now call them, crowded the dining tables waiting for their meat. The butchers brought the freshly cooked kills, and the usual flurry of activity followed, the Borealans tearing into the platters of food with their hooked claws and sharp teeth. Ursi seemed to like the venison, savoring the soft, tender meat and taking her time to chew it, the mutton however she wolfed down with abandon, it barely touched the sides....
Dennis stood on one of the dining tables in the longhouse, and two dozen Borealans sat before him, some stared attentively, others muttered amongst themselves, perhaps wondering what all the fuss was about and why they had been called to this meeting. His hips were still sore from the night before, and Kaisha must be positively bedridden, but he did his best to appear commanding. Ursi stood beside him on the ground, almost at eye level despite their height difference, her arms crossed, ready...
Dennis left the embassy, breathing in a lungful of hot, dry air. The white sun blazed above him, bleaching the sandstone buildings and casting dark shadows. He could tolerate the heat and the gravity, though he acted a lot more brazen than he really felt. “Stay close to me and do not leave my sight,” Xhe warned as he trotted along beside her, the alien outpacing him with her long strides. There weren’t any pedestrians in this part of the city. The Patriarch’s spire protruded above the...
“Ambassador, you must get up, we have much to do.” Dennis sat up, rubbing his eyes. It must be morning, though it was impossible to tell because of the lack of windows. It played havoc with his internal clock. “Yes, I’m on my way Xhe, give me a moment...” He hopped out of bed, the familiar pressure of the harsh gravity clamping down on him. Just pulling on his pants was a workout. His suits might be bland compared to local fashions, but damn it, they were his. He couldn’t represent Earth...
The next morning Dennis was awoken by Xhe knocking on his door. “Ambassador, I managed to arrange a hunting trip. I also brought you breakfast. We will be departing in one hour.” A hunting trip? He had told her that he wanted to see the jungle, but he hadn’t expected her to organize a trip so quickly. He hopped out of bed, pulling on a pair of pants, then went to open the wooden door. Xhe was wearing a green dress today in a similar style of light, almost transparent fabric as her previous...
Dennis adjusted his new tie, the downy, shining fur standing out brilliantly against his black suit. It was the focal point of the outfit, a uniquely Borealan touch to a human style that conveyed status as much as sophistication. The rainbow spider fur was worn only by those of high standing in Borealan culture. His participation in the hunt, however passive it had been, and his position as ambassador to Earth qualified him to wear it. He turned to Xhe, who was standing behind him as he...
Dennis was awoken by Xhe tapping on his door. “Ambassador? I’m sorry to wake you early, but the Polar Regent is here to see you.” He stumbled out of bed, bleary-eyed. “The Polar Regent? What does she want?” “She has not said, and I lack the authority to ask her.” “Very well, give me a moment to get dressed.” Dennis flung on a clean suit and his now signature fur tie, then stepped out of his bedroom. The Polar Regent was waiting for him in the marble hallway, her long, fluffy tail waving...
“Is there anything else you’d like to see?” the Regent asked, lifting a steaming beverage from a tray that one of her guards was holding as she lounged in the courtyard. It was morning but, Dennis wouldn’t have known that without a clock on hand. Besides for the almost imperceptible, yellow glow of the secondary star, the electric lamps that circled the building were the only illumination. “Not that I can think of. I’ve already had Xhe take me to the places that came to mind. The city, a...
The vibrations of the engines traveled up through Dennis’ seat as the pilot lowered the craft to the landing pad adjacent to the Patriarch’s ivory tower. The landing gear crunched in the fresh layer of snow, and as the exit ramp opened a chill wind flooded the passenger bay, the brisk breeze ruffling the downy fur of the Polars. Dennis tried to avoid slipping in the slush that the thrusters had melted as he left the stone landing pad, navigating the oversized steps and watching for ice. Ursi...
Ursi could hardly contain herself as he relayed the story to her, sitting together before her roaring fire on the massive couch, the flames licking at the metal grate. She suppressed a chuckle as she sipped daintily from a wooden mug, her long legs crossed as Dennis finished telling her about his encounter with Xhe. “How embarrassing for your poor secretary, Dennis. You’re just full of surprises, aren’t you?” She handed him the mug, and he took a long draw, the sweet taste of raises the hair...
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“It’s about time you slowpokes got here!” I looked around the tower of stuff in my hands to see a woman in about her early 40’s smiling back at me. She was very pretty, standing at 5’4” with brown hair and hazel eyes and a nice set of breasts; she could have easily passed for 30. “We didn’t know how much longer you’d be, my husband Jim was just about to call you guys.” Just then a man came around the corner and put his hand on her shoulder, he must be Jim. “Hi, I’m Jim,” he confirmed, I...
The crowd gathered around my naked wife. She was extremely exhausted after masturbating in front an audience of forty-seven men, many of which were total strangers to us. The huge black dildo, dripping with her aromatic white foam, attested to her many pleasurable orgasms. Lying there in the middle of the king sized bed surrounded by dozens of shriveled but sated dicks, she knew that each and every orgasm sprayed into the clear plastic enema bag was done in her honor.Forty seven cum shots would...
Chapter II Slut Wife Nescafe Worships Big Black Cocks (INTERR, MMF, BBC, BJ, ANAL, WIFE, CUCKOLD) My name is Aziz, I am a 45 years old businessman from Casablanca. My wife Nescafe (that’s her nickname), is 15 years younger than me. She is a very tall (almost 6’) and very sexy babe with the most perfect body you could ever imagine! She‘s got the most perfect boobs, a small waist, large sexy hips, and the biggest booty in town. With the purest and silkiest skin ever, light brown shiny hair...
Mark’s eyes were closed, his brow deeply furrowed and his head thrown back against the armchair as he furiously stroked the length of his manhood. With one hand holding and pressing down the base of his shaft and balls, the other intensely pumped his glistening and incredibly turgid cock; he was hardly breathing, his whole body was tense. The sight of me, naked in bed with his young nephew, caressing him, kissing him and licking him, was a sensation that Mark had not expected. In fact, nothing...
Taboo“Are you okay, Cory? This is seriously shitty, you know?” They were sitting on Mattson’s couch, watching the sunset over the trees and the other houses of west Los Angeles. Corinne sighed. “Yeah, I’ll live. It sucks, but I’ll find something else to do with my life if I never work in this again.” Mattson let a sound like a low growl come out of his throat. “How could those goddamn idiots actually think that this is fair or right? Seriously? I wish I could shit on their cars or...
You hear your name called from downstairs and glance at your clock and you are at least 30 minutes late, you run in the shower, dry you hair throw on what clean clothes you have left, no bras are clean so you go without one, you run downstairs see your father standing there very serious looking. "Honey. Your uncle Robert is dead." You never really knew him, only that he had been a rich asshole who treated your aunt very poorly. "I've already called the school and told them you wouldn't be...
Incest“If you say he wasn’t right for you, Angie,” Demetria Willis told her sister over the phone, “I’m not going to disagree.” This was definitely not the time to say, “I told you so,” though she had. “He was very wrong for me. He started to get violent there at the end.” “Maybe, though, if you’re not finding your permanent partner, you’re not looking in the right places.” “Dee! Who told you that I’m looking for something permanent? Now that you’ve settled down, you want everybody in the same...
Slim showed Jake into the barn where he selected an empty stall for Blaze. After removing the saddle and brushing him down, Jake put Blaze in the stall while Slim brought some grain and hay. Slim had brought his and Todd’s horses with him and began removing the saddle on one of the horses. After Blaze was put away, Jake began removing the saddle from the other horse. “That Todd doesn’t seem like the friendly type,” Jake said. “Aw, you have to take him with a grain of salt,” Slim said. “He’s...
Dedicated to LUE! This is part of a trilogy, so this is only part of the story. Poor Emily. She was one of the most beautiful girls in the world. She had shoulder-length red dyed hair. It looked as if it was on fire; incredibly cute. Her breasts stuck out proud, their glorious B cup perfectly perportionate to her body. She wasn't too chubby around the stomach; perfectly fit. Her ass was not huge, but not inexistant. She looked perfect. She was also a great person. She was incredibly kind, and...
MasturbationHi guys this is hard-dick this is my first story so if there any mistake please forgive me . So let come to the story . Meri wife ka naam mahi hai delhi ki khule vicharo ki ladki height 5’6″ dikhne me pyari . Ek din mein aur mahi drink kar rahe the .Waise wo sirf mere saath hi drink karti hai .Ab tak to usne aisa hi bta rakha hai .Mene isi dauran mahi se kaha apni sexual fantasy btao to wo thoda jhijki fir mene kaha chalo me apni fantasy btata hu to mahi kehti hai haan haan btao ji mene kaha...
I had to attend the interview straight after my shift, upstairs in the hospital boardroom with 4 senior consultants. I had brought a spare uniform to change into, freshly ironed with a little starch to keep it looking crisp and neat. I walked into the room, at the end was a large table and behind it sat the 4 consultants - 1 woman, 3 men - 1 of the men was a very senior Pakistani and the other 2 were probably 60+ and had been eminent surgeons, the lady was around 45, well dressed and obviously...
Cheating WifesThis story happened many years ago and it is one that I have held close to my heart ever since. Please let me begin with some background information to set the stage. When my grandparents were young they bought a farm in the hills of Pennsylvania near Pittsburgh. My grandfather worked in one of the mills and farmed as well. When my mother and her siblings grew up and married to start a life on their own, my grandparents sold the farm to a younger family whose names are not important. However it...
Hi guys! How are you? Thanks for giving response to my previous stories. And today am going to pen down my new story in my mother tongue ? Telugu. Na Peru prashanth and nanu Hyderabad lo untanu. Eroju rasey e story Hyderabad lo unde “ISS” fans Ki ankitham. Telugu lo rayamani nanu okaru request chesaru so vala kosam nanu Telugu lo rasthunanu. Meku kavalantey English and hindi lo kuda translate chesthanu. Meku na story nachinatu ayitey, mail petandi. “” nanu Oka active, mature partner kosam...
Kelly wasn't the first to awake the next day. He lay in bed watching girls clad in pajamas or only panties dawdle about. Until Chrissy emerged to wake everyone up. Then his focus shifted to her, remembering what lay beneath her long tee-shirt—her large breasts, shaved pussy, and tight ass. In the next bed, Tara raised her arms and stretched. "You already washed up?" "No, I um ... not yet." "What are you waiting for?" "My boner to go down." Tara rolled out of the other side of...
Nirmal was watching a porn on his computer in that afternoon. As his father and mother were gone to their offices, he is alone in his house. After passing B.Tech. he is in search of a job. For time pass he will see porn at times. When seeing video he will get horny and naturally his hand will go in search of his hard cock. At that time he will wear only a lungi, nothing under. While he was watching the fucking of an old man of about 70 years of a girl of 25, he wanked his rod and was enjoying...
Hi this is Sam,thank you for the reply & suggestions recd from many of iss im going to tell you about the true story when i intially joined the job,i just finished my graduation and i joined the (bpo).Those days because i had g.f(true love),so never had bad intensions on other girls,one day one of my friend(office friend) her name is keerthi(name changed).she was working as hr for some different process and she was a common friend of my friend.she used to do lunch daily with me...
I’m Ganesh, 28 years old engineer and Sowmya, my wife, aged 23 has always been stunning. The wheatish color, 5.3 in height mesmerizing looks and 32 inches bust line would make anyone masturbate. It was an arranged marriage. The event I want to share happened dring our honey moon. The owner of the paying guest accomodation, mukesh, started making wrong advances towards her. One day, he was explaining to me that my wife is cute and the other day he was enquiring about our sex life. I had avoided...
Crystal Taylor meets her newest client, Tyler Nixon, and begins to give him a relaxing standard massage. But as the massage continues, Crystal aggravates an old tennis injury, which makes it harder and harder for her to keep massaging. It becomes so hard that she has to end the session early, which, understandably, leaves Tyler disappointed. Not wanting to lose her newest client, Crystal gets creative. To work around her injury, she’ll give him a NURU massage! It’s not long before...
xmoviesforyouAs you check your e-mail a single message in your spam folder stands out. "Experience you wildest fantasies from the comfort of you own home!" is in the subject line. Curious you open the message, "I hope it isn't a virus," you think, belatedly. The message is only two words, 'click here.' You shrug and click the link. You're transferred to a site with clips you assume are supposed to be of the game, except they look more like real footage than 3D renderings. You click the new member link an...
FantasyDan's Turn: I couldn't believe it. I walked back from Leona's apartment with Jan's hand on my bicep as I carried a box bearing some of her things: Toiletries. Hair dryer. Socks. Underwear. "I'll go back and get school clothes for tomorrow," Jan said to me. "You will not. We will go together. I can't believe this, Jan." "Believe what?" "Your grandmother. Leona. She seemed positively serene about this." "Baby, I told you that I had long talks with her. At first they were...
It’s a story about a son and his mom, a son who turned 18 last month, and mom 38. I don’t know why this happened to me. I had born in a small town where our family, dad, mom and me lived for 13 years. But five years ago my dad and mom decides to separate out. I decided to live with mom, as she was helpless at that time. After two years of their divorce I left our town for my graduation. Up till now all the things were going normal. The relation between mom and me was same as every other mom and...
The dragonflies slipped above the surface of the pond as we lay next to the water. I cast my eye to the strand that led from the rod to the water wondering if I would get a bite. As it was I bit into the delicious fried chicken and sipped at the parsnip wine and cradled your head into my lap. Looking up at me you smiled and reached up and wrapped your arms about my neck and levered up to kiss me on my lips. You looked into my eyes and with your eyes sparkling you spoke. ‘I am wearing the red...
Ever since the afternoon when Alex Warner first fucked Adrian Cobb, they were fucking at every opportunity. One day, when her husband was out of town, Adrian was sitting in her kitchen watching her handsome lover working in his yard next door. Staring at him through the window, the beautiful brunette was fascinated by his muscular body as he worked, stripped to the waist. He was deeply tanned, and Adrian could see the sweat gleaming on his broad back as he worked under the blazing sun,...
June 17, 2000, Chicago, Illinois Mid-afternoon on Saturday, Jesse, Albert, Nicholas, and I headed for Great Lakes for the ceremony the Navy men had arranged for my dad. Patrick was flying him and Matthew to Waukegan National Airport, and the Navy would pick them up and bring them to the base. Eduardo was bringing Michael to meet us as well, and a few other non-Navy guys would be in attendance with their kids. We arrived at RTC, showed our pass, and followed the directions given us by the...
I have a friend who has a mom sexy as hell. We used to joke him asking his mom for sex. He gets very angry after that. But everybody like to have sex with his mom. I am not doing jokes about his mom and i make my friends stop joking about his mom. So he has a big respect for me. Describing his mom is so difficult. She is smoking hot. She is a bit short, brown skin, huge tits and ass. Her lips colour is pink and soft as a rose. (Found that after some time).The story began with my friend and his...
There's something about Sophie. Something very compelling, very arousing. As my flatmate I get to see her in all her guises - early morning, late at night, before and after make-up - and I am constantly entranced by her. She oozes it! At 19 she has the youthful innocence of a bubbly, carefree teenager, but she has the physical presence of an alluring woman. Her hair silky blonde, flowing over her shoulders, center parted, covering the sides of her pretty face. Her eyes big blue entrancing eyes...
BisexualEin M?dchen zu sein V Inhalt Was bisher geschah Die Geschichte Die Pr?fungen Personae Dramatis Sonja Viki Anna Maria Tatjana Carolin Heike Chris Frau Margarete Schneider Frau Dr. Piefenschlick Herr Wieland Was bisher geschah Es war ein ganz normaler Arbeitstag f?r den Elektrotechniker Sven, als ein Systemfehler den Teilchenbeschleuniger anlaufen lies. Ein Systemfehler mit schwerwiegenden Folgen denn am n?chsten Tag musste Sven feststellen, dass er sich ver?ndert ...
By: Khanlovesaunty Hi mera naam Khan Hai (name changed) I am from B’lore aur mein ek MNC company mein kamm kartha hun my age is 27 and height 5.7 and 8 inches dick mein recently B’lore ayaa hun aur mujhe indiansexstories itna pasand hai mein aaj appko meri ek real story submit karna chatha hun plz read it and let me know ur feedbacks at The story begains 1 year back I was in Hyd and working in a MNC company and mere parent were use to saty in Mumbai mein hyd mein naya tha aur mujhe ghar ki...
Back when I was relatively young, eighteen or so, but still thought I knew more or less everything , an old boyfriend of mine invited me to go to his parents' house near Perpignan in France. The house was on the coast there and sounded adorable. Despite my arrogance, I wasn't stupid and soon checked out that we weren't going to go on our own but with three more friends, two girls and a guy. I wasn't even the youngest, the youngest was a partial friend of mine who was only seventeen then. It...
ExhibitionismAfter my last session online with the woman I called mistress I was absolutely shattered, but still managed to wash my panties, before I had a shower to get into bed. While in the shower I looked down at my hairy legs and thought they would look better smooth, so I got my razor and shaved my legs without thinking about it I shaved my balls and most of mine pubs, leaving a small triangle just above my cock. I trimmed this triangle and throught 'that makes my cock look a bit bigger' so I carried...
To that special someone, with my endless gratitude. ( You know who you are ) Yes, I’m indeed grateful to you. Grateful because you showed me, or should I say reminded me, of the abundant pleasures and delights that the body of a sexy lady offers to the attentive man. Let’s start with your hair. Memories of being treated to the tantalizing way your hair so lightly brushed over my skin and teased me while you gave me the best oral sex I’ve ever had, lives vividly in my mind. All I could do was...
thanks guys for 2493 Likes i hope u liked my story part -1 kyunki yeh Gita sach mein maal hai sorry for the repeat . so as per gift if u want to ask anything about me or Gita ma’am message me on . so she kissed me but i said nahi maam mana ki i like you but yeh achha nahi hai . she removed her dupatta and opened her suit buttons i went to her and said ma’am main apke saath sex krna chahta aur sabhi bacche class kebhi . she was shocked and punished me to shave my armpits as a ladka armpits hair...
After the first night in the motorhome, something had happen to me, and the only thing I could think about was his naked body and the things happend last night. We was slowly heading to the ferry in Trelleborg, and stopped at a gas station to refuel. My uncle did and I went into the shop to buy some candy and icecream. WhenI stood ther prepare to pay my gd came and said he will pay and also for the fuel. The old lady asled if there was something more, and my gd went away to the papers, and when...
Introduction: You might hate me for how this ends… haha. There we lay the morning after, asleep together, unconsciously treasuring the tranquillity of being in each others arms, our recovery from last night almost complete. I felt a slight twitch on my stomach, slowly waking me up from a perfect rest. Looking down with squinted, tired eyes I saw it was Callums right hand as he shifted delicately in his sleep. Tilting my head to the right, there he was&hellip, sleeping blissfully with his head...
So after my first experience (previous story) with a guy and going back for more a couple times, I fancied something different, So I got hold of an old friend and asked if he wanted to hang out. I knew he was gay because he used to beg me to wank in front of him when we were both at school, and I always did. So I went to his house for a 'catch up' So I was sat on his bed and he was on the other side of the room, so yeah we were chatting for a bit and the topic got on to sex as he knew the guy...
Emily ran along the road, her feet raising splashes in the shallow puddles, the warm summer breeze drying the white cotton blouse that clung to her blossoming teenage body. The rain had come and gone, though the sky to the south was a dirty, sullen smear that was dark even in the gathering twilight. She glanced at her watch, and increased her pace, her athletic legs carrying her swiftly along the single-track country road. Her boyfriend Luke had promised her a ride home after cheerleading...