FineprintChapter 3: Crimson Guard free porn video

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“Ambassador, you must get up, we have much to do.”

Dennis sat up, rubbing his eyes. It must be morning, though it was impossible to tell because of the lack of windows. It played havoc with his internal clock.

“Yes, I’m on my way Xhe, give me a moment...”

He hopped out of bed, the familiar pressure of the harsh gravity clamping down on him. Just pulling on his pants was a workout. His suits might be bland compared to local fashions, but damn it, they were his. He couldn’t represent Earth and her colonies in a Hawaiian shirt, as much as he would have liked to wear one in this crippling heat.

After a few minutes, he stumbled out of his bedroom and into the hallway, buttoning up his jacket as he pushed the door closed behind him. Xhe was waiting in the hall. She was clad in a revealing, blue dress made from a light, almost transparent material that clung to her figure. She looked good. Standing beside her were two towering Borealans, one male and one female. They wore what looked like suits of medieval armor, albeit somewhat lighter and better suited to the hot weather, the style of the metal plates archaic and impractical. UNN troops wore their body armor in tactical black, but these were cherry red, patterned with golden accents on the ceramic plates and golden embroidery in the fabric that they wore beneath. There were reliefs of the chest pieces depicting more heroic scenes of battle and hunting, giving Dennis the impression that these outfits were more for ceremonial purposes than for combat. They wore iridescent fur capes about their shoulders that were attached to their pauldrons with golden badges, somewhat smaller and less impressive than the flowing garment worn by the Patriarch. This was the first time that Dennis had seen a Borealan wear a full-faced helmet. They peered at him through the hollow visors that allowed them to see, their eyes seeming to glow as they reflected the light. Amusingly, their furry ears protruded from slots in the top of the helmets.

“Do we have company today, Xhe?” he asked.

“These are two of the Patriarch’s Royal Guards, they will be accompanying us to a lakeside fishing village where I am hoping you will be able to explore Borealan culture ... unmolested.”

“Is it dangerous?” he asked warily, eyeing the imposing guards. Their ears pivoted and tracked him, he had no idea whether they even spoke English.

“Not unduly, but after yesterday’s incident, I contacted my Lord Patriarch and requested some security. This way, even if you should leave my sight, you will not leave theirs.”

Dennis was uncomfortable, that sounded more like a threat than a reassurance. But on the other hand, he was excited to see more of the planet, and he was eager to get underway.

“Well, let’s go!” he exclaimed as he strode past the guards and made for the door. The Borealans turned to follow him, their armor clanking as they moved.

Xhe led them back through the towering, white spire and onto the stone landing pad that Dennis had first arrived on. A shuttle was waiting for them there, it looked like an old model. This must be one of the Patriarch’s maligned purchases. They piled in, Dennis noting that there was a Borealan pilot behind the controls wearing something analogous to a flight suit. He had no pilot’s helmet, however, and thus no HUD. He must be flying by eye. Dennis fastened his seatbelt extra tightly as the shuttle’s engines sputtered into life and lifted off in a cloud of dust.

They soared over the sandstone city, its ever impressive architecture wavering in the heat, the white glare of the spire dwindling into the distance as they crossed over the lake. The blue, shimmering surface stretched as far as the eye could see, more of an ocean than a lake by his measure. It was these precious oases that life clung to in the desert that the ancient tribes of Borealis had fought so hard over. Dennis could imagine the wandering desert tribes who had been driven to battle over the lush, welcoming forests and jungles, nomads warring for their right to stake their claim on the fertile land. He wondered if all of the Borealans now lived in the territories that the Patriarch had described or if some still wandered the wastes, outcast and unwilling to integrate into the larger societies.

He noticed that the guards were armed now, they sported the long-barreled, bayoneted XMR variants that had become popular among Borealan service members. The modular rifles were produced by the UNN and could be modified for use by any humanoid species regardless of their size. He had heard stories of Borealan soldiers using these weapons as spears as much as they actually fired them.

He leaned over to Xhe who was sat next to him, whispering, unsure if the guards were fluent in English.

“So how does this arrangement work? Will they obey your orders? Are you their Alpha?”

“You needn’t whisper,” she replied. “They are under orders to be here, they do not care what you think.”

He glanced at the guards, their expressions hidden behind their helmets. They fiddled with their weapons, cleaning and loading mechanically. Seeing that he wasn’t satisfied with her answer, Xhe elaborated.

“You must have realized it by now, but we must use parallel social structures in order for a complex society to function. If we didn’t, Borealis would still be tribal, with the most powerful making all of the decisions regardless of their qualifications. The Patriarch might rule us, but he doesn’t do so alone. He appoints trusted advisors to help him govern. He still makes the final decision, but he will take into account the educated opinions of his council in matters of economy, war or politics. Borealan society is governed from the top down, two individuals who might otherwise fight for dominance will cooperate when the order comes from a higher ranked member of the social structure. In this manner, a more dominant individual can even be ordered to follow the instructions of a less dominant subordinate, as long as the order to do so came from his superior.”

Dennis nodded, it made sense. He hadn’t thought about it before now, but it was the only way that such a rigid society would be able to get anything done without descending into infighting.

“So these guards will obey you because the Patriarch told them to?”

“Yes. Even though the Patriarch is not here, he gave them orders to defer to me. Thus, I carry the authority of the Patriarch until I relieve them of their duties, or they are given new orders.”

“How does that work in a professional setting?” Dennis asked. “Let’s say a large group of Borealans is building a dam or a bridge, how do they organize?”

Xhe thought for a moment, her clawed finger tapping her chin.

“In that case, an overseer would be appointed either by the Patriarch or the minister in charge of that infrastructure. The overseer would carry that authority until the completion of the project.”

“It sounds needlessly complicated,” Dennis scoffed.

“To you, perhaps. But from our perspective human society is incredibly chaotic and inconsistent. This way everyone knows their role, everyone has a place.”

Dennis looked out of the window thoughtfully as the lake raced past beneath them, he could see the far shore coming into view. It seemed that the Elysian population ringed the entire lake, making use of all available space. Some areas were more populated than others, although they were not officially distinct cities. The whole area was simply known as Elysia.

The shuttle began to descend, and Dennis saw their destination on the far bank of the lake, a small cluster of wooden buildings with piers extending a short distance into the water. A few had skiffs moored to them, bobbing gently in the water.

The craft circled as the pilot searched for a suitable landing site, then came down a short distance away from the small village in a clearing near the jungle. This area was not paved with stone, it seemed that the Borealans who lived here had to manually cut back the encroaching plants. Dennis could make out stumps and pruned bushes at the edge of the treeline. He felt the landing gear absorb the impact as they hit the ground, the Borealan pilot bringing her down a little harder than Dennis was used to, dust and dirt blowing up in a cloud around the shuttle. Locals crowded the border of the village, craning their necks curiously to get a look at the newcomers. Some of them might never have seen a shuttle before, and they would certainly have never seen a human. He felt a twinge of apprehension, but the presence of the Royal Guards reassured him.

The landing ramp descended, and the guards unfastened themselves from their seats, hefting their XMRs and waiting for Xhe’s signal. She waved them forward, and they thundered down the ramp, taking up position to the left and right of the shuttle. Upon seeing the crimson-clad soldiers, the rapidly growing crowd appeared to mutter amongst themselves, perhaps recognizing their uniform. If he had been close enough to hear what they were saying, Dennis would not have understood them.

Xhe glided down the ramp, surprisingly elegant in her blue dress, Dennis trailing along behind her. Upon seeing him the crowd became more animated, jostling to get a look at the strange alien and his regal escort. Xhe marched towards them, and the guards followed her, Dennis struggling to keep up with her loping strides. As they neared the village, Dennis got a better look at the crowd. They were less elaborately dressed than the Borealans that he had seen in the city, their clothing was more spartan and functional, their jewelry was made from shells and beads rather than gold and gems. He noticed that almost all of these villagers had similar coloring and patterns, were they a distinct ethnic group? A tribe that Taka Elysiedde had assimilated?

For the first time he saw young Borealans, children, or rather kittens. They were the size of large toddlers, chubby little creatures with large paws and oversized eyes, their bodies covered in a layer of fluffy fur. Borealans must lose the majority of their fur as they matured as all of the adults that he had encountered thus far were furless besides for their forearms, their lower legs and their feet. Perhaps the young needed it for insulation? Did Borealis even have winters? Everything seemed so arid. The little kittens hid between the legs of their parents, peeking out at him warily.

Xhe came to a stop before the crowd and began to address them in the Borealan dialect, gesturing towards Dennis occasionally. He stood straight, trying to make a good impression without understanding what was being said.

Whatever they had been told seemed to satisfy them. Some dispersed, going back to their business, while others crowded closer to examine Dennis. Their round, furry ears tracked him like radar dishes, their feline pupils dilated into dark circles. He realized that he didn’t even know how to say hello in Borealan, could he even pronounce the words? The language seemed to be all spitting and hissing.

An especially fat kitten stuck out its fluffy head from between two adults, staring at him with large, amber eyes. Its prehensile tail was curled around the leg of its parent for reassurance. He waved at it, and it inched forward, eyeing him warily. Nobody protested as it crept closer, sneaking a sniff of his pants leg. It tugged at the fabric with stubby, clawed fingers. Xhe reached down and gripped it by the scruff of the neck, lifting it off the floor and placing it a short distance away. It hesitated for a moment, then shook itself like a dog, waddling back over to the waiting arms of its caretaker. Like many young mammals, these did not seem to be fragile creatures.

“What did you say to them?” he asked Xhe.

“That you are the Ambassador to a Coalition ally, and that you are touring Elysia with the full authority of my Lord Patriarch.”

She made him sound so important. He had been here for a week now, and he hadn’t really done anything yet besides eat, sleep and antagonize women in bars. He wondered when the Patriarch would request his presence and the political maneuvering would begin.

“Can you translate something for me?” he asked, and Xhe nodded. “Tell them that I appreciate their hospitality and that I’m looking forward to learning about their culture and way of life.”

Xhe relayed the information, but the crowd did not have a strong reaction. They were more interested in his strange appearance than why he was here or what he wanted from them, and why shouldn’t they be? This was the first time that any of them had ever seen an alien.

“What interests you?” Xhe asked.

“What do you mean?”

“What aspect of their culture are you interested in learning about?”

Dennis thought for a moment, considering.

“In my book, I read about bare-handed fishing. Do they do that here?”

“Probably, this area is very ... rustic.”

“Maybe I’ll just wander around a bit first, would that be okay?”

“We have authority here,” Xhe replied, “they will not protest.”

That wasn’t really what he had asked her, but whatever. He wandered into the village proper, the guards hovering close to him as the small crowd parted to make way. The buildings here were distinct from the sturdy masonry of the capital, they were built from lumber, using the stout trunks of the gnarled trees to prop up the structures like pillars on a Greek temple. The almost wholly intact logs bore the load, while the spaces between were filled in with closely connected planks. No windows here either...

“Xhe, why do none of your buildings have windows?”

“Large windows would be a structural weakness,” she said as she walked along beside him, her floaty dress blowing on the breeze that rolled in from the lake. “The high gravity here means that buildings must be low and strong. They would also interfere with insulation.”

“Insulation? But it’s so hot.”

“Insulation prevents heat transfer, it keeps the heat out in the summer and keeps the heat inside in the winter.”

“You have winters here, then?”

Xhe stopped and looked at him, an expression of surprise on her feline face.

“Nobody told you about winters on Borealis?”

“No ... should they have?”

“Twice per month for a period of about three days, Borealis is sent into the shadow of an eclipse as the secondary yellow star passes in front of the white primary. The temperature drops below freezing, as what heat the atmosphere can retain is lost to space. It becomes dark, the only source of light being the secondary, far dimmer star. The lakes freeze and most of the local fauna either hibernates or retreats underground. Our ancestors would huddle deep inside caves for warmth, but in the modern era, dwellings are designed to resist the weather. The people retreat inside and enter a state of reduced metabolic activity in response to the drop in temperature.”

“That’s ... unusual!” Dennis replied. Yet another damned obstacle. This planet was a nightmare, Earth was a paradise in comparison, and he was beginning to miss it more and more. “That explains why your trees look so out of place, they must be evergreen, adapted to survive the cold.”

“Correct, our flora is very hardy. Some plants die off, releasing spores as part of their life cycle in order to grow again when the sun returns, but the larger trees and shrubs endure the winter.”

“And this all happens in the space of one month?”

“From the sixteenth to the eighteenth day of Borealis’ thirty-four day month, and from the thirty-third to the first of the following month, yes.”

“How did life even evolve in such a harsh and variable environment?”

“A tough planet will produce tough life. We have a saying here, roughly translated from Borealan it means the strict mother raises disciplined children. Traditionally, Borealans credit their strength and endurance to the planet. It has often been worshiped as a mother deity in ancient religions.”

“So when is the next cold period?” Dennis asked, not really wanting to know the answer.

“Soon, a few days.” She noticed his concerned expression and waved her furry hand dismissively. “Don’t worry, you’ll be perfectly safe. Our buildings are very well insulated. Don’t expect to be doing much during those days though. As I said, in response to extreme cold Borealans go into a low metabolic state.”

“You’ll have to show me an orbital model of what that looks like some time Xhe, it’s hard to picture.”

“We are used to it. For us this is normal.”

They walked along a dirt path towards the center of the village as Dennis digested this new information. Perhaps the chaos of the environment that the Borealans lived in contributed to their desire to form strict social hierarchies. After all, prolonged arguments and bickering pretty much anywhere on the planet might result in you dying of exposure in the desert or freezing in an eclipse. Coupled with the harsh gravity and the limited living space, no wonder Borealans were such renowned frontline troops. Life before the comforts of technology must have been harsh here. In a way, Xhe’s adage about strict parenting was correct, this planet would have selected only the hardiest Borealans to survive and reproduce.

The village formed a rough crescent around the lakefront with the piers in the center, protruding out into the water. Wooden boats, their decks littered with nets and traps were moored here and fishing lines dangled unattended into the clear lake. Pebbles smoothed by the water crunched under Dennis’ shoes as he neared the shore, peering out over the great expanse. Somewhere on the other side was the city, he didn’t know how far away it was, but it was completely out of view.

He crouched, searching for a flat pebble. He found one that was suitable and picked it up, weighing it in his hand. He threw it, skipping it along the surface of the lake. It bounced four times then sank under the water.

He felt a tug at his pants leg, looking down to see the fat kitten peering up at him expectantly. He turned to Xhe, but she didn’t come to retrieve the little creature this time. Dennis lowered his hand and scratched the juvenile Borealan’s head, it was fluffy and soft. To think that this squat little creature was running around in 1.3Gs, totally carefree.

“What’s up little guy?” he asked. The kitten might not speak the local dialect yet, and it certainly didn’t know any English, but it responded to his voice. It tugged again, its already sharp claws hooked into the fabric of his suit. “You like the stones?”

Dennis crouched, finding another smooth, flat pebble. He showed it to the kitten, who examined it with surprising care. Dennis then raised his arm and flung the pebble, flicking his wrist to put a spin on it. The rock bounced twice on the calm surface of the lake, then a third time, before finally sinking to the bottom. The little Borealan watched with wide eyes, then crouched, rummaging for another pebble and foisting it into Dennis’ hands.

“You want me to do it again?” he laughed. “Alright, watch this.”

Xhe watched as Dennis interacted with the little orange kitten. He was trying to teach it a game in which pebbles were thrown at an angle so that they might skip along the surface of the water. A simple game, unknown to her. Something about his futile attempts to play with the kitten, for it was far too young to perform any kind of complex actions, was endearing to her. She had come to resent him for the trouble that he caused her and for his inability to follow basic instructions. Yet seeing his genuine desire to explore the land and connect with its people, undiluted by any preconceptions of caste or social class, warmed her heart. Borealans went where they were ordered to go but this human went where he willed, he was as free as one could be on Borealis.

Eventually, the kitten became bored and toddled off into the village. Dennis walked along the shoreline, watching the moored boats bob on the water. He could hear the Royal Guards trailing a short distance behind him, their heavy paws crunching on the pebble beach. He made his way back up to the village and stopped before an especially large building, admiring its carved features. The logs that held it up were engraved with scenes of fishermen casting nets and hoisting large creatures that looked like sharks, similar to what he had seen being chopped up for sale in the market. There were whittled figureheads above the heavy wooden doors, busts of Borealans, perhaps people of importance or family members. Everything that these people built, they built to last. Who knows how long these structures had stood here, enduring the weather and the harsh winds blowing in from the lake.

It was hard to believe that these people, who still lived in wooden houses and fished for their livelihood, belonged to a race that now owned starships and participated in interstellar wars.

“You may enter if you like.” Xhe surprised him, she was standing next to him, watching him admire the woodwork. “It is the Alpha’s dwelling, but we rank higher.”

“I wouldn’t want to intrude,” Dennis replied.

“It would not be an intrusion. You are too considerate, Ambassador. One rarely takes into account the feelings or opinions of a subordinate, they obey, or they are punished.”

“Well, that might be how you do things, but not me.” He walked away from the building, examining the other structures. “I saw fish in the city market, how do they transport their goods?”

“By boat.” Xhe replied. “They sail across the lake and sell their cargo to vendors at the port. There are many such villages in the less developed regions of Elysia. There are hunting villages inside the jungle also.”

“Hunting villages?” Dennis asked, perking up at that. “What do they hunt?”

“Various kinds of local fauna, the majority of species on Borealis live in the green bands. We hunt them for meat and furs.”

Dennis stared into space, remembering the pearlescent cape that the Patriarch had worn. He would like to see what animal that hide had come from.

“Can we visit one?”

Xhe looked apprehensive, perhaps annoyed that he was creating more work for her.

“Not today, no. Maybe another day, if I can arrange an escort. The jungles are not safe for a human.”

“Well, what is there to see in this village? I want to experience the local culture. How about the fishing?”

Xhe called to the villagers who had been milling around, observing them from a safe distance. Were they perhaps afraid of the guards? A group of them walked towards Dennis and Xhe, and she addressed them for a minute in the local tongue. When she was done, they moved towards the beach, wading into the lake.

“Did you just order them to demonstrate bare-handed fishing, Xhe?”

“Yes, is there a problem?”

Dennis didn’t reply, he felt bad watching them as the water reached their waists, they were being ordered around for his amusement as if they were jesters in some medieval court. But it was not his place to judge, this was the way of things here and upsetting the balance would do them no favors.

Surprisingly they took to the water ardently, floating and splashing, their simple clothing seemingly designed to be worn in the water as well as on land. They were powerful swimmers, their reflective eyes peeking out from beneath hoods of wet hair when they floated on the surface, disappearing beneath the water with powerful strokes of their legs and tails. Xhe commented as Dennis watched them frolic.

“Borealans like water, most enjoy swimming and bathing. There are bathhouses and swimming pools in the city, but wherever you go on Borealis that is populated, a lake or a spring will be nearby. Life here revolves around water.”

One of the larger males surfaced explosively, gripping a struggling fish in his hooked claws. It was not dissimilar to the ones that Dennis had eaten, an armored carapace protected its back and head, and it had more flapping fins than he felt it should possess. It writhed its long, scaly body, trying to break free of the Borealan’s grip.

“This is how we fish, traditionally. Of course, in the modern era, commercial fishing must be done with nets and trawlers in order to capture a large enough quantity to sell. But this practice lives on, both as a sport and as a way for more remote communities such as this one to supplement their diet.”

Two more Borealans surfaced holding fish of varying sizes. One female struggled in the shallows, dragging something large onto the beach. It writhed and twisted, splashing and frothing in the water so as to obscure it from view. There was a touch of pink to the foam that indicated blood, and the woman heaved, her claws embedded in whatever it was that she had caught. The villagers crowded around, making vocalizations that sounded like cheering or yowling, but none stepped forward to help her. It seemed that she had to do this on her own.

She pulled the struggling beast from the water, it was one of the shark creatures from the market that Dennis had seen being prepared for sale, grey-skinned with half a dozen waving flippers. She beached it with one last grunt, unhooking her claws from its flesh, the deep wounds in its blubbery meat oozing crimson blood. It attempted to swim, its six-foot long body undulating and its wide, toothless mouth gasping rhythmically as its tail dug into the smooth pebbles.

“That is a good catch.” Xhe said, appraising the creature as it wriggled. “Perhaps we should ask them to prepare it for you, would you like to eat it?”

“Sure, if it wouldn’t inconvenience them.”

Xhe waved dismissively as if to indicate that she didn’t care, and neither should he.

The crowd cheered enthusiastically as the female who had dragged the beast ashore pounded a clenched fist against her prominent abdominal muscles, barking what might have been a victory cry. Dennis watched as more of the Borealans left the water, discarding their fish into a pile near the shark. There was no point asking Xhe what it was called, he wouldn’t be able to pronounce it.

Xhe spoke to the fishermen, and they chatted amongst themselves, nodding and gesturing to their catch. After a moment, two of the males hefted the now limp and lifeless shark, carrying it back to the village while the smaller fish were piled into a large wicker basket.

“What did you say to them?” Dennis asked, watching as one of the aliens carried away the brimming basket of fish.

“I told them that the Ambassador, honored guest of the Lord Patriarch, wishes them to prepare the fish in whatever way they deem appropriate so that he might sample the local flavors.”

Dennis nodded. Something about the way that Xhe treated these people rubbed him the wrong way. She wasn’t being abusive, they seemed happy to obey her, but the way that she lorded over them and ordered them around gave him a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. These were simple fishermen who were obviously far below the means of those who lived in the city. Borealan society respected strength and achievement, but what of the lower rungs of society? What of the poor and the weak? If Xhe was to be believed, they had a place in the power structure, and they obeyed willingly. But to Dennis’ human eyes, it didn’t seem as if they had much of a choice in the matter. In such a harsh environment and on a planet that had only recently been contacted, perhaps issues of social mobility were not a priority.

Dennis watched the suns set as he sat on the beach, the pebbles cool beneath his hands. The giant shark had been skewered and was being slowly spit-roasted over a crackling fire by an older Borealan with greying hair. The rest of the villagers milled about nearby, the low murmur of unintelligible alien speech floating over the calm water. A handful of kittens prodded the fire with long sticks, mesmerized both by the dancing, orange flames and by the slowly turning shark. Xhe and the guards were standing some distance away, seemingly at ease. The cool air blowing in from the lake alleviated the heat somewhat and ruffled his hair, even the high gravity couldn’t ruin the moment. He looked to the sky, bright pinpoints of light visible against the velvet darkness. The constellations were strange and alien, he didn’t recognize any of them, and the lack of a moon stood out to him. One light was especially bright and occupied a space low on the horizon, it must be the secondary yellow star in the binary system.

He wondered what Xhe might say if she saw Earth’s moon, massive and prominent in the night sky. The more he learned about the galaxy, the more he realized how unusual it was to have a satellite so large and close, craters and plains visible with the naked eye.

Xhe called to him, the food was ready. He rose to his feet, his stomach rumbling as the smell of the roasted fish wafted over to him. He made his way up the beach, the pebbles crunching under his shoes, and sidled up to Xhe. The old Borealan with the salt and pepper hair pulled a chunk of meat from the flank of the animal, now supple and pliant. The soft, white flesh pulled away from the cartilage, and he skewered it on a long, metal fork. He handed it to Dennis, who had to compensate as he took the metal prong, it was heavy than he had anticipated. He sank his teeth into the meat, it was surprisingly firm and chewy, more like a steak than a fish fillet. It had a pungent odor, but the taste was pleasant.

Same as Fineprint
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Azure and Crimson Magical Girls of Light Season 1Episode 6 Helpful Hands

Kristen Flint complained to Tendo Aoi on the bus, “Why do I have to go volunteer, it’s Saturday! I could be relaxing or asleep!” “Kristen-chan, it is important to be active in helping the community. Helpful Hands does good work helping to build homes and clean up neighborhoods for people in need.” “Isn’t community service, like, a punishment for minor crimes? Like, couldn’t I literally get wasted and busted for underage drinking, and they’d send me here, or I could just hang out with you....

2 years ago
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The Crimson King Ch 10

‘Are you sure this is where she is?’ The private detective Chambliss had hired shook his head as they sat in the limousine, staring at the huge mansion with its imposing dark windows. ‘My source says that the cameraman, Leon Antonidas, bought some maternity clothes and had them delivered here.’ ‘That doesn’t necessarily mean that she’s here.’ The detective tossed a manila folder into his lap and Chambliss extracted a sheaf of photos. The subjects were enjoying a picnic on the side of the...

3 years ago
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The Crimson King Ch 05

‘Sammi … ‘ The disembodied voice gently called to her and she was suddenly a bird, lazily flapping her wings as she soared over sea and earth. She swooped and glided, catching the caress of the winds and laughing when she was pushed upwards under their guidance. She felt so vibrant, so free as she headed for a twinkling light on the horizon. The radiance from the light swelled, gathering an outline and becoming a target. As she flew closer, she recognized the form and he turned towards her,...

2 years ago
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Playtime Stories 19Crimson Dom Switch Gimp

The amazing IE sex adventure continues. A hot mix of fantasy and experience...enjoy and comment!!!19 Crimson Dominatrix and the Switch Gimp Tameesha and I had met about two hours before and had almost gotten caught after doing a threesome in a warehouse parking lot with Don, black guy she’d met on the chat line. We had a great time and just after we finished a guard nearly caught all three of us cleaning up after a steamy ménage-a-trois. I followed her around the corner as she tried to...

3 years ago
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Crimson Cheeks

Donald Kemp was the dean of a very private college in a small Midwestern town out in the middle of nowhere. As such, he was able to keep his students in line with some good old-fashioned discipline. Not that there was much trouble to be found out there among the corn fields and a town that had exactly one grocery store, one gas station, and one drive-in movie theater. But occasionally, even the best-behaved young men and women needed a reminder to stay that way. So, whenever there was the...

3 years ago
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Crimson and Sapphire

The civil war began when the old king died. His oldest son and heir assumed the throne and one of his many bastards tried to assassinate him. He failed and six of the twelve duchies split away from the crown. Of course one of the other duchies was empty and part of the royal lands and titles. The kingdom was split down the middle, east against west. The King and crown held the western duchies and the bastard and traitor dukes held the east. The king's uniforms were deep blue or Sapphire and...

1 year ago
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The Crimson Scourge

 Just before dusk Maria Santiago de Vera strolled up the gangplank of the merchant ship, Dei Sanctus, and stepped aboard. This was to be her first voyage by sea and she was quite apprehensive. She was to meet her father, Don Carlos Vera, governor of San Cristo. The voyage would take about two months if the winds held. As she stepped aboard the captain came upto her. "Welcome aboard, Senorita Santiago. We will do our utmost to make your voyage pleasant." "Gracias," she replied graciously, trying...

2 years ago
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Fatal Frame II The Crimson Sacrfice

CLICK. FLASH. WHIRL. I drop to my knees as the Kusabi disappears, moaning and screaming as he goes. My hands are shaking around the Camera Obscura, it feels hot in my hands like it does after facing one of those poor, damned souls, and he was the biggest I’ve done, and the camera feels as if it is burning and blistering my hands. I feel sweat drip down my face, and my clothes are clinging to me and covered in dirt, I ache all over and my eyes are heavy. I just want to curl into a...

2 years ago
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The Crimson King Ch 07

‘LEON!’ ‘Mary! Mary, calm down!’ Mary Ann opened her eyes and looked around, her entire body shaking with memory. The rich surroundings were unfamiliar but the handsome features poised above her were warm and comforting. ‘You’re safe. You’re safe now, baby.’ She met Leon’s soft eyes and pushed herself up, trying to remember what had happened. ‘Leon?’ ‘Yes, baby. You’re safe.’ He moved aside and Sammi came forward, her open arms encompassing Mary and holding her tight. ‘What … what...

3 years ago
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The Crimson King Ch 09

Her voice sent him hurtling into the vortex, shredding his last bit of self-control and he swabbed a soft throbbing circle of her sweet flesh and slowly, surely bit down. The purity of her blood took his breath away, just as it had before, but this was much sweeter. His lips covered the wound and he drank deeply, reliving her life memories and reveling in her triumphs. The anguish he’d felt over taking her was quickly washed away, replaced by an exhilarating feeling of possession. Sammi felt...

3 years ago
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The Crimson Void

I still remember the first time I felt her warm breath against my skin; it's soft bait sent shivers cascading down my spine. Since that very first time I have been trying to find that feeling again, longing for it, starved for it. Never finding it.I often found myself deep in thought in my thinking space. To most, it was simply an old dingy warehouse deep in the damages of age, but something about its decay comforted me, calmed me, but I didn't understand why.  It was a typical cold and damp...

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Crimson Peak

We hunt we kill we feed no innocent blood shall be spilt. The peaks high above small town of Moon Shadow Falls had been home to vampires for as long as history of town had been around none Aged among the old ones but death was always around. Joining the Crimson was hard none had join for hundreds of years and those that did were born into the clan of Crimson Peak. But There is one how was not born into clan but was made by the Dawn Star . Prison He walk alone he hunted those how killed his...

4 years ago
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Crimson and Blue

"And then the little fagot has the balls to ask for a tip…….." TonyVincent paused just long enough to let the other men start laughing, then hejoined in himself, big booming laughter that filled the narrow corridor. OnTony's left Big Al paused to wipe a tear from his eye. It didn't take muchto make the big man laugh, so much so that some of the other men on the crewcalled Al the "laughing gorilla" though never to his face of course. The big man was a giant, a lumbering mountain of muscle that...

3 years ago
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Crimson Cheeks 2 Disciplining Dolly

Sophie Bennett looked in the mirror and smiled. She had graduated recently from college with a degree in journalism and found a job with a small, independent magazine in New York City. She’d moved there three weeks ago and was lucky enough to have found a roommate, Dolly, who also just got hired at the magazine. Neither of them could afford an apartment in Manhattan, even sharing the rent. So, they found a little flat in Queens, near the Number 7 Train which they could ride all the way to...

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Green Guard

He was counting the Ehue “One to be happy, two to be sad, three to be good and four to be bad.” There were four, he sighed. The fates were against him. The man was taller than average, but not taller than his fellows in their armour. He stood a little aside from the others, leaning against a tree. His breastplate wore the green crest, embedded into the metal, as was his right. This right could not be taken from him, whatever he had done. It was a double-edged sword, for he had the right, and...

2 years ago
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Fun With Uncle His Son And The Security Guard

Hello, Mai Gomi Patel hu,,mai mere bare me batati hu,, mai 26 years ki hu, Aur mai Gujarat se hu, mai ekdam fair, 5 feet 4 inc ki hu,, mera figure 36 29 39 ka hai,,,pehle bhi mene mere incidents apko bataye hai,,,aaj mai apko mera naya incident batane jaa rahi hu,,mere papa business ke kaam se pehle M.P gaye the waha meri mulakat papa ke dost Kapil Uncle aur unke bete Akhil se hui thi, ees bar wo feer se M.P mujhe le kar gaye the, mai ne papa ko kafi mana kiya,, but wo nahi mane aur mujhe le...

3 years ago
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My 10th Gangbang By UK Customer And His Guard

Hello. I am Parul Parikh. I am from Gujarat, Ahmedabad. I am a Gujarati. I am 25 years old. I am sharing my experience recently happened with my company’s customers and boss. Please share your feedback at Let me describe myself. I have done MBA and I am from a very rich family. I am 5 feet 4 inches tall, very fair in complexion. My figure is around 36-29-38. I usually wear t-shirts, jeans, shorts. The incident happened this way. I do a job as a sales manager and HR in one company. Recently, my...

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The Prison Guard

It was a normal work day for Jessica. The eighteen-year-old was a trainee prison guard who loved wearing her prison guards uniform of a white short sleeved blouse and dark blue skirt with a wide black leather belt and the authority over the prisoners that went with it.  Jessica had really taken to the job which seemed a natural follow through to her being a prefect at school. Jessica had been one of the youngest prefects when appointed at sixteen-years-old and had learned the benefit of being...

2 years ago
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The Crimson King Ch 12

Thorne and Sammi ‘This is Sammi Glass and for Bernard and everyone here at Channel 5, have a good night.’ ‘And we’re out.’ Sammi took a huge breath and smiled shakily, accepting the congratulations of Bernard Porter, co-anchor of the five o’clock newscast. ‘Great job, Sammi. Welcome aboard.’ ‘Thank you.’ She accepted the accolades of her fellow news people and stepped down from the podium, unhooking her earpiece and handing to the technician. It had been a long five months since the story...

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The Crimson King Ch 08

Pieter’s dinner was, in a word, superb. It began with a light Pinot Grigio, crispy and ice-cold, served in heavy, cut-glass goblets. Its slight acidity made it a perfect match for the garlic-basil sea scallops that came as the first course. Sammi sighed loudly, chewing slowly and letting the sweetness of the shellfish mingle with the buttery strength of the garlic. Her blissful smile made Pieter blush. ‘Heavenly.’ The second course was a Caesar salad, bright green leaves of Romaine lettuce...

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The Crimson King Ch 04

Sonny Frangipone lit his cherry cream cigar and shoved the cigarette lighter back into its nesting place, drawing deeply on the smoke. Mingled flavors of his mother’s famous cookies swirled into his nasal cavity, whisking him from the inside of a smoke-ridden and dent-damaged SS Super Sport to the table in Madonna’s kitchen. Maddie Frangipone was well-known in the neighborhood for her Cherry Crème cookies and sold huge batches of them to stores and neighbors alike when he was a kid. Every...

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The Crimson King Ch 03

Domenico Roballo. The name Sammi had innocuously transmitted to Thorne had kept his sleep from being restful. Roballo had been one of his victims in 1884. He was more than surprised to find out that Domenico had been, for all intents and purposes, ‘preserved’. Sammi’s shock ignited his senses like a short circuit but his trance-like state kept him immobile. Once the sun set, he was able to rise and sat up, rapidly blinking and letting his feelings stretch out for her. Sammi, Sammi … ***** ...

4 years ago
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The Crimson King Ch 06

Pieter pushed the heavy wooden door open and winced at the cold that met him. Thorne had insisted that he move his lab but he was too content with the dark dankness of the dungeon that he could not resist its consolation. He set the basket of supplies down and activated the special black lighting system, illuminating two long trestle tables and a host of tubes, beakers and Bunsen burners arranged in scientific fashion. Three different colors of liquids boiled in the glass tubes: dark red,...

2 years ago
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Crimson Lips

I never really was one to complain that sex was lacking in the bedroom. My girlfriend kept me well satisfied and I felt that I did the same for her. Our sex life was very much on the active side, at least once a day as long as our everyday lives would permit it. We both knew that we have very busy lives outside of the home and our home lives had to work with that. With us both being very focused on our careers, we knew that things could not always be 100% on their game. Though our sex life was...

4 years ago
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Crimson Clover

EPISODE IVCrimson & CloverWe decide for our anniversary to go for a ride in the country, having a picnic lunch packed with a bottle of red table wine & a blanket. Just the two of us this time. We drove for quite some time, until we drove way out into the boonies, big time! We spotted this huge field of clover growing on the right side of the country road, so we found a dirt road leading into it. Bob's road, I presumed? Ha ha. Driving in just far enough not to be spotted from the road,...

3 years ago
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Crimson Skies

“I’m sorry,” My voice broke, “I love you,” I called out to the retreating back of my boyfriend of four years. “I love you too, but I’m not very happy with you right now,” His voice sulky, “I think it’s time you went home.” I silently and slowly gathered my things, remains of the dinner we had just shared. Dirty plates with their sad remains of lasagna sauce, the crusty ends of garlic bread, and dismal amounts of lettuce all went into the picnic basket where they sat forlornly beside the...

2 years ago
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Crimson Lips

I never really was one to complain that sex was lacking in the bedroom. My girlfriend kept me well satisfied and I felt that I did the same for her. Our sex life was very much on the active side, at least once a day as long as our everyday lives would permit it. We both knew that we have very busy lives outside of the home and our home lives had to work with that. With us both being very focused on our careers, we knew that things could not always be 100% on their game. Though our sex life was...

4 years ago
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Crimson Cheeks 4 Caning Training

“I’m going to start by giving you each a very hard spanking. Then your asses will feel the wrath of my cock,” Mr. Black explained. “Somehow, I have a feeling that this won’t teach you a lesson either. But who am I to complain? I have two willing anal sluts, and I’m going to enjoy every thrust. Are you ready?”“Yes, sir,” the girls said together.“Wonderful!” Mr. Black said. “Oh, and to make this session more memorable for you both, I’ll be attaching clamps to your nipples. I’ll be right back with...

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Drop of Crimson

"And now that we have him secured, we find the perfect place to bite..." Gibbs struggled against his bonds, looking at Abby and Tony in shock. They'd come over hours ago, bringing bourbon and conversation. He'd assumed that they wanted to talk about Lee, but the drunker Abby got, the more chances she took and Tony was uncharacteristically ... quiet. Brooding. A little uncertain. Then they'd done something he'd never expected. Abby had crawled onto his lap and kissed him while Tony...

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Changing of the Guard

Changing of the Guard By Maddie Valasek "Julian, you better get moving. You don't want to be late on your first day," Mom yelled out to me. "I'm just about ready," I answered as I finished tying my shoes. "What time is it anyway?" I asked. My alarm clock was still packed away in the moving truck that wouldn't make it to our new house until sometime that afternoon. "7:00, sweetheart. Classes start at 8:00. Remember, you have to stop by the office and give them you...

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The Roman Guard

I had just turned eighteen, soon to be getting my own residence. My father was a senator in the Roman Empire and if I were to leave our home I would require a guard at all times because of the threat from the East. How exciting was that to have some no-good meat head watching my every move...for my "safety." My father scheduled a meeting of sorts to allow me to choose my guard. I arrived at the Temple to be greeted by the Centurion. He took me to the foyer where there were about twenty men...

Gay Male
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The White Guard

My father was a bastard and I never knew my mother. All my life I scrounged for food or clothing or anything else I wanted. My father was an addict and a drunk who barely knew I was there unless he wanted to torment someone or someone to beat on. I was ten when my life changed and I almost died. My father and a couple of his friends were into stealing and selling exotic drugs and one was called Mind's Eye. It was a designer drug that temporarily expanded or allowed the person to use more or...

4 years ago
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Cadet Guard

I was twelve and visiting a friend. Like me he was member of a cadet branch. Mine was for a ducal family in another empire. His was from a secondary cadet branch of the royal Ming family. We did not know the heir Mara was visiting or that things were going to go bad. Men attacked through the gate and killed the guards. Rog tried to protect Mara as her guards were killed. As for me ... I attacked the men. I shoved a pistol to the side and struck into a throat with the walking stick I had just...

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Purty Prison Guard

WARNINGS: Contains transgender themes, Sci-Fi, explicit sex, mild violence, bad words, and strange ideas. It has only the strange things that dribble from my head. If you are not old enough, mature enough, open minded enough, and especially not smart enough to stop reading should you find yourself becoming offended viewing such a story, don't! I hereby grant permission to post this story, make it available for download, or send it to a one or more of your kinky friends, as long as I...

2 years ago
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Keeping Guard

I groaned as the sound of my whining alarm clock filled the room, my usual response to the dreaded noise. I didn’t have to look at the face to know it was just past four in the morning, a time when only an insane person would choose to leave a nice warm bed. My mental checklist of all the work ahead of me was no help either, but I managed to swing my legs over the side of my bed and drag myself into the bathroom for a hot shower. My morning routine was quick and easy: get up, make myself look...

4 years ago
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Sinful secrets of a lustful female security guard

Syn kicked back in her black leather chair within the small office,as she tuned in the radio. Trying to find a good old time rock n' roll station, as she danced about stations. Flicking along over the country ones and the static until an old Led Zeppelin tune tuned in. She relaxed as she sung softly along, " Ooh, it makes me wonder, Ooh, it really makes me wonder... and it’s whispered that soon ,If we all call the tune ..then the piper will lead us to reason...and a new day will dawn..for those...

3 years ago
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Change of guard

Through her binoculars X could see the change of guards at the small building that guarded the barricade, the final obstacle between the dead city behind her and the rebel camp in the woods where her supplies were desperately needed.The city was full of weapons, food and medical stuff, and anyone who could get them to the rebels was sure to be a respected member, just as much or even more so than the fighters in their ranks.Maybe they would reconsider their opinion about X if they knew how...

1 year ago
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The Black Security Guard

I was outside walking my dogs while waiting on hubby to get home from work and the security guard where we live walked up to me and started talking to me and as we talked he told me how attractive I was to him. I must admit I felt the same. Bare in mind my hubby is white and I have never even touched a black man other than a hug. Well I have to go quickly cause I know hubby is enroute home and so the guard asks me if he can have a hug and so I agree and he said if so it would have to be inside...

Cheating Wifes
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The guard

It was the wee hours of the morning in cell block D, and Jud Olson was in the middle of his second tour around tier three. All the lights were out, and it was so quiet that he could hear the rhythmic breathing of the inmates as he passed each cell. He checked his security punch clock, and its red numerals glowed back that it was 2:03AM, "Right on time," he whispered to himself, as he continued his rounds. Occasionally stopping to make sure that a door was indeed locked, he moved quietly through...

2 years ago
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The Guard

It has been a long, boring night. In just a little bit the sun will rise.. My squad of men are highly efficient battle tested soldiers. Some might even call us cold and cruel, but I prefer the words deadly efficient. We are on guard duty. It is never a good idea to take duty lightly. We are not going to let people get to our prisoner, and we definitely are not going to sleep on the job. Those who fall asleep on guard duty or let their prisoner escape are never given a second chance. Failure was...

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On Guard

After my military service, I had realized my craving for submissive bisexual sex and the kinky need to combine that with authority positions, preferably in uniform. This was probably in the back of my head when I moved to the nation's capital and started to work for a very special security firm. It was owned by the state, still with a monopoly on state contracts, including the military. I liked the uniforms. They were army green with old fashion design, jackets with Sam Brown belt, knitted...

3 years ago
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My Gay Side Explored With Pakistani Guard

Hello dosto, mera naam zaeem hai. Meri age 19 hai aur main pakistani houn aur islamabad ke shehar main rehta houn. Mera lun ka size 6.5 inch hai, meri height 6 feet hai aur skin colour acha hai. Yeh kahani kuch saalon puraani hai jab main 18 saal ka tha. Mere dada abu ek minister thay aur hamare ghar main har waqt bohat guards aur naukar thay. mJab merey dada abu minister baney aur tab se yeh guards aur naukar mere ghar main thay. Mera ek guard tha jis ka naam tha rabnawaz. Uss ki age ho gi koi...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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City Guard

I had been on the streets since I was little. The master that had taken me in was stern but fair, he was also a master thief. As I grew older I learned the art of a pick pocket and a sneak thief, I also learned to open locks. By the time I was fourteen I was a junior master but Master Eric saw the change coming to our city and we left before the purge began. I was surprised when he turned me over to the three mercenaries but he only smiled, "listen son, listen and learn everything they can...

3 years ago
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Green DoomChapter 2 Caravan Guard

Shantar let his pony pick its own path through the gathering darkness. It had been a long day, and only the memory of his anger was left to keep him from nodding off in the saddle. A few of the brightest stars glimmered feebly through a tattered veil of high clouds, and none of the moons would be up until later in the night. At last, he caught a faint odor of wood smoke. His pony pricked up its ears and walked a little faster, eager to join the pony herd it could smell and hear somewhere...

2 years ago
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The starlet and the prison guard

(First name = you, Last name = starlet's name) You are a guard at a jail in the Hollywood area. It's not a bad job, all things considered. The vast majority of the prisoners are non-violent offenders, who are only in there for a few months. The serious criminals go to one of the bigger prisons elsewhere in the state. The occasional celebrity makes an appearance at the jail, although you've yet to have one in your area. From what you've heard though, they make the worst prisoners, from the...

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Tracey the Lifeguard

Tracey the LifeguardBy: Jake OliveNote: As always, feedback is greatly appreciated. [email protected] had finally come to England and Tracey was very happy to be working as a pool lifeguard. At 22 Tracey was probably a bit too old to still be holding temporary summer employment but she had spent the last four summers working as a lifeguard and she couldn’t think of any reason to stop now! Tracey’s wasn‘t always the brightest or most mature girl in the world and unfortunately she had...

2 years ago
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The Security Guard

I took my job as a security guard very seriously. A lot of people think of it as a flaky job, but I busted my butt to do the job well and to keep my eyes peeled for anything out of the ordinary. Not that it didn't get boring, but that was one of the nice features of working the graveyard shift. You were alone and it was quiet, and if you were feeling horny, you could whip out your dick and whack off. I liked being able to whip out my dick any time l wanted. That may sound contrary to my taking...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Driver Cum Security Guard

Helloo! How are you all? I want to thanks to the makers of ISS. This site is amazing. We can totally write what we feels on this site. I am very big fan of this site. I am regular reader and the stories written here makes me horny. So I am also sharing my experience with you all. Hope you will like it. This is my first story so please forgive me for my mistakes. Your suggestions are welcomed. You can contact me at Now coming to the story, this is a true incident which occurred in my life about...

2 years ago
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Getting high with the building guard

A little bit about me, i was 5ft 5 tall, had a chubby and curvy body. I also had a smooth white body, my ass was pretty round and sexy. I was not gay but i always felt myself attracted to older hairy men. I didn't felt attracted to girls and even porn didn't excite me. I also had no friends and you could call me a lone wolf since i was always alone. Now coming to the story, One night i was having a smoke at the roof, it was then i heard some noise, i quickly threw away the cigarette and...

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