Fineprint 2 RepublicChapter 2 Cabin Fever
- 3 years ago
- 25
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Over the next few hours Ursi worked out what furniture they would need for the longhouse, walking through the space with a tablet computer and entering in the data, converting Borealan measurements to centimeters and being sure to note any special requirements. Dennis returned to the Navarin and used the computer to look up information on the animal species that inhabited the Siberian taiga. It looked as if wild game was plentiful, there were large moose, of ideal size for a Borealan to dine on, species of wild deer and sheep, and even large predators such as black bears and the newly reintroduced Siberian tigers. He wasn’t sure if Borealans would eat those, but they would surely prize the pelts. The two pilots hovered over his shoulder, increasingly bored and agitated, resentful of being grounded for so many days.
After a while Ursi pushed through the automatic doors to the cockpit, crouching as her head brushed the ceiling, bringing Dennis the tablet with all of the necessary data for the things she required. He put the request through, and the Russians were more than eager to help, insisting that they could 3D print the furniture and deliver it that very afternoon. Ursi was surprised, but pleased. Dennis transferred the data on the local species to her tablet, then followed her back out of the Navarin and down the ramp, into the snow.
“If the Russians keep their word, we can hunt right now, any meat we catch will keep in the snow until the work surfaces we require to prepare it arrive.”
“What are you going to hunt?”
Ursi looked out over the snowy landscape, past the longhouse, with three trails of smoke slowly rising from its roof. The Borealans were moving the rest of the crates inside, and chopping more firewood with their giant axes.
“It is hard to say, having never hunted any of these species before. At this point you know more about them than I do. What do you suggest?”
She handed him the tablet and he reached up to take it, swiping past the list of local fauna.
“Well ... moose are the largest, they have the most meat. That said, they’re solitary animals, might be hard to find one. Deer live in herds, but they’re very fast and quite lean. Wild sheep might be your best bet, I can even advise on how to best prepare mutton.”
She cocked her head at him.
“Oh, that’s sheep meat,” he added. He handed the tablet back to her and she examined the entry on sheep. She couldn’t actually read English very well yet, Dennis had been attempting to teach her.
“Their coats are made of fluff? Could be useful to us.”
“Yep, that’s called wool, humans have used it as a material to make clothing for thousands of years.”
“Can you read this?” Ursi asked, showing him the entry on her screen and pointing with her black claw.
“It says ... they live in large herds, that’s good, looks like you’ll find them in the more mountainous regions, it’s quite a trek but I’m sure your people can handle it.”
“I will take a small party, this is new prey, there may be unforeseen complications. Stay here, and meet the Russians when they bring the furniture. Have the Borealans who remained take it inside the longhouse.”
“Got it, how long do you think it will take?”
Ursi shrugged, a human mannerism she had amusingly picked up from Dennis.
“I cannot say, it is not uncommon for a hunt to take several days, and we do not know this land well, nor the prey that we track. We will take enough provisions to last us maybe three days, after that, if we have not succeeded, we will return and request advice from local humans.”
Dennis nodded.
“Hurry back, ok? Watch out for predators, see, here...”
He gestured for the tablet and she handed it to him, then scrolled to the predators section.
“Black bear, and Siberian tiger.” He pointed to the animals, and her eyes lingered on the tiger.
“It looks ... like me.”
“It’s a big cat species, similar to your evolutionary ancestors. It’s an apex predator, skilled in ambush tactics, very big, very strong. Even a Borealan shouldn’t take any chances, if you meet one, kill it on sight. Bears aren’t too bad, they’ll mostly just run away unless their young are nearby. Just be careful, remember, this is an alien planet.”
“You don’t need to remind me.”
Ursi retrieved traditional Borealan rifles and ammunition from one of the wooden crates that had been moved inside the longhouse, of the same kind Dennis had seen the Rangers use when he attended a hunt on Borealis. Long, large bore rifles that used black powder projectiles. It reminded him that although weapons and technology were being shipped en masse to Borealis, very few of them actually found their way out of Elysia. She took five of her pack members with her, setting off towards the distant mountains, laden with heavy backpacks that contained their supplies and equipment.
They marched through the snow, passing between the tall, straight trunks of the coniferous trees that made up the Siberian forests. The ground was uneven, dark rocks protruding from the snow, steep hills and inclines making the way treacherous, but to a Borealan in low gravity, the going was easy. Ursi led the pack, hopping deftly over the terrain, her rifle oddly light in her hands. The handling would be a little different, she would need to compensate. She swiveled her ears, keeping alert for any unfamiliar sounds that Earth animals might make. The smells were strange, alien, her nose would not be of much use in its untrained state.
They had been walking for most of the day, and the sun was getting low in the sky when one the pack members spied movement on a hillside, maybe a quarter mile away. He called Ursi over, crouching in the deep snow, trying to keep a low profile lest their prey spot him. They had no way to know how far or how well these animals could see. There was something moving on the hillside, something very large, it had four long legs, which supported a bulky, furry body, and there appeared to be branches growing from its head that split into prongs. It was hard to tell just how large it was due to the distance, but Ursi wasn’t too interested in getting closer, not while it was alive, at least.
She rummaged for her tablet in her pack, and turned it on, scrolling through the list of animals trying to find a match. There, that was it.
“M-moose...” She mouthed, struggling with the pronunciation of the alien text.
“Good to eat?” Her scout hissed under his breath, the Polar dialect rolling off his tongue.
“Yes, I want to make the kill.”
He bowed his head as the rest of the pack crawled up a short distance behind them, keeping low and observing the strange alien creature.
Ursi shouldered her rifle, rising to her knees get a better view. The animal was just wandering along the side of the hill, it didn’t seem to be grazing, or doing much of anything at all. Where could it be going in this wasteland?
She dialed her telescopic scope, adjusting for range and bullet drop. The gravity was lower here, so the bullet should travel further, with less of a curve. She wasn’t sure by exactly how much, she would have to eyeball it. She tapped her scout with her fluffy tail, getting his attention.
“Prepare a follow up, if I miss, take the shot.”
He nodded and lay prone, resting his rifle in the snowdrift. It took him a moment to prepare, tweaking the range on the sight and shifting his weight.
“I am ready, my Queen.”
Ursi fired, the impact rocking her shoulder back. The chemically propelled round flew from the barrel, the crack ringing out and echoing across the valley. The massive slug hit the moose below the shoulder, where she assumed the lungs would be, and it seemed that she was correct. The great animal lurched, staggering for a moment as it tried to flee, red blood poured from its mouth and nose, and then it fell, rolling a short distance down the hill. The pack whooped and yipped their praises, running forward to inspect the alien. They covered the distance quickly, leaping and bounding, reveling in the floaty gravity, then came to a stop around the felled animal.
Ursi prodded it with the butt of her rifle, it was indeed dead. What did such a massive animal eat out in this wilderness? What could sustain it? She would have to ask Dennis to read her more of the text when she returned with her prize.
“How do we carry it back?” One of the pack members asked, tugging at the horns experimentally, rolling the creature’s giant head limply on its long neck.
“Try lifting it,” Ursi replied. He hooked his claws under the animal and heaved, and was indeed able to lift it. It was awkward to carry, but not prohibitively heavy, and so two of the Borealans elected to drag it along between them. It was a good kill, but not enough to feed the pack, and so they continued on in search of the ‘sheep’ Dennis had told Ursi about. They definitely sounded more portable than this moose creature, though the smell of its blood pleased her.
Dennis stood in the center of the longhouse as the Borealans finished bringing in the furniture. The Russians had dropped it off by cargo shuttle, dozens of massive chairs, tables and assorted effects. The pilots had seemed quite frightened by the Borealans, despite Dennis’ attempts to reassure them that they were quite tame and harmless in his limited Russian. They wouldn’t stop muttering ‘tigr’ under their breath, it required no translation. When all of the plastic furniture had been discarded in the snow, the shuttle had left, hurrying back in the direction it had come.
He appraised the new furnishings that now decorated the space, the gaudy, brightly colored plastic in shades of yellows and blues clashing horribly with the rustic, traditional timber design of the building. It would eventually be replaced, but for now it would provide the seating and work spaces they needed to get the fledgling colony off the ground.
Now the Borealans could sit on stools, and lie down on bed frames, they could store equipment and objects on shelving units and tables. The longhouse was finally livable, and Dennis had added one last item to the list that Ursi had given him, a communications suite, not dissimilar to the one he had taken to Borealis, along with the solar panels and portable battery required to power it. All they needed now was a steady supply of food, and the Navarin could finally leave.
The Borealan diet consisted mostly of meat, with a smattering of cereals and gourds here and there. Based on his time on the homeworld, he knew from experience that there was nothing they ate that he could not, but he might need to ship in some dietary supplements if he intended to live with them indefinitely. Hell, a bottle of barbecue sauce would go a long way to making their diet not just palatable, but downright tasty. The aliens favored savory, oily meats, unlike humans they had no sweet tooth and their condiments consisted of their favorite oil, refined from meats, fish or plants carried around in little spray bottles.
There was no sign of Ursi yet, she must still be hunting, and so as the Borealans broke open some more of their crates that had been scattered around the longhouse, retrieving mattresses and blankets for use on their new beds, Dennis elected to return to his cabin on the Navarin to sleep.
Dennis lowered the heavy axe he was using to chop firewood, and shielded his eyes from the sun, looking out over the snow at the advancing figures. Ursi’s hunting party was returning, they were carrying what looked like a whole damned herd of sheep, and one gigantic moose. He lay the axe down against the log pile and waded through the snow to meet her. Ursi was carrying two sheep, one over each arm, and a third was strapped to her pack. The other five Borealans were each carrying two or three more, and two were dragging a moose carcass between them. Dennis couldn’t believe the size of the thing. He had never seen one up close before, it looked to be about seven feet tall at the shoulder, and had to weigh at least fifteen hundred pounds.
“The victorious hunter returns!”
Ursi smiled at him, adjusting one of the dead sheep on her shoulder, its head hanging limply from its neck.
“Did the Russians deliver the furniture?”
“Yes, it’s all set up and ready to go, the longhouse is fully operational.”
“Good, we can start preparing the meat right away.”
Dennis trailed after them as they entered the longhouse through the main door, and after a moment of searching for a suitable surface, piled their prizes on some of the tall, Borealan sized tables. The pack members who had remained behind crowded around on all sides, getting a look at the strange, alien animals they would be dining on.
Ursi and a few of her people got to work immediately, retrieving massive, sharp knives from storage and beginning to gut the animals. She had Dennis hold her tablet and stand nearby, giving instructions concerning the anatomy of the creatures and how best to prepare them for cooking. The smell was foul, and a couple of unlucky Borealans were tasked with attempting to carry out the masses of gelatinous, stinking guts and dumping them outside, their white fur stained crimson. They were meticulous, keeping the tongues, the hearts, livers and kidneys, and even piling some of the thicker bones in order to make use of the marrow. They diced most of the organs, forming them into patties, then bagged them and packed them in snow for later use.
With nightfall came another feast, and the pack, or the village, as he could now call them, crowded the dining tables waiting for their meat. The butchers brought the freshly cooked kills, and the usual flurry of activity followed, the Borealans tearing into the platters of food with their hooked claws and sharp teeth. Ursi seemed to like the venison, savoring the soft, tender meat and taking her time to chew it, the mutton however she wolfed down with abandon, it barely touched the sides....
Dennis stood on one of the dining tables in the longhouse, and two dozen Borealans sat before him, some stared attentively, others muttered amongst themselves, perhaps wondering what all the fuss was about and why they had been called to this meeting. His hips were still sore from the night before, and Kaisha must be positively bedridden, but he did his best to appear commanding. Ursi stood beside him on the ground, almost at eye level despite their height difference, her arms crossed, ready...
Dennis left the embassy, breathing in a lungful of hot, dry air. The white sun blazed above him, bleaching the sandstone buildings and casting dark shadows. He could tolerate the heat and the gravity, though he acted a lot more brazen than he really felt. “Stay close to me and do not leave my sight,” Xhe warned as he trotted along beside her, the alien outpacing him with her long strides. There weren’t any pedestrians in this part of the city. The Patriarch’s spire protruded above the...
“Ambassador, you must get up, we have much to do.” Dennis sat up, rubbing his eyes. It must be morning, though it was impossible to tell because of the lack of windows. It played havoc with his internal clock. “Yes, I’m on my way Xhe, give me a moment...” He hopped out of bed, the familiar pressure of the harsh gravity clamping down on him. Just pulling on his pants was a workout. His suits might be bland compared to local fashions, but damn it, they were his. He couldn’t represent Earth...
The next morning Dennis was awoken by Xhe knocking on his door. “Ambassador, I managed to arrange a hunting trip. I also brought you breakfast. We will be departing in one hour.” A hunting trip? He had told her that he wanted to see the jungle, but he hadn’t expected her to organize a trip so quickly. He hopped out of bed, pulling on a pair of pants, then went to open the wooden door. Xhe was wearing a green dress today in a similar style of light, almost transparent fabric as her previous...
Dennis adjusted his new tie, the downy, shining fur standing out brilliantly against his black suit. It was the focal point of the outfit, a uniquely Borealan touch to a human style that conveyed status as much as sophistication. The rainbow spider fur was worn only by those of high standing in Borealan culture. His participation in the hunt, however passive it had been, and his position as ambassador to Earth qualified him to wear it. He turned to Xhe, who was standing behind him as he...
Dennis was awoken by Xhe tapping on his door. “Ambassador? I’m sorry to wake you early, but the Polar Regent is here to see you.” He stumbled out of bed, bleary-eyed. “The Polar Regent? What does she want?” “She has not said, and I lack the authority to ask her.” “Very well, give me a moment to get dressed.” Dennis flung on a clean suit and his now signature fur tie, then stepped out of his bedroom. The Polar Regent was waiting for him in the marble hallway, her long, fluffy tail waving...
“Is there anything else you’d like to see?” the Regent asked, lifting a steaming beverage from a tray that one of her guards was holding as she lounged in the courtyard. It was morning but, Dennis wouldn’t have known that without a clock on hand. Besides for the almost imperceptible, yellow glow of the secondary star, the electric lamps that circled the building were the only illumination. “Not that I can think of. I’ve already had Xhe take me to the places that came to mind. The city, a...
The vibrations of the engines traveled up through Dennis’ seat as the pilot lowered the craft to the landing pad adjacent to the Patriarch’s ivory tower. The landing gear crunched in the fresh layer of snow, and as the exit ramp opened a chill wind flooded the passenger bay, the brisk breeze ruffling the downy fur of the Polars. Dennis tried to avoid slipping in the slush that the thrusters had melted as he left the stone landing pad, navigating the oversized steps and watching for ice. Ursi...
Ursi could hardly contain herself as he relayed the story to her, sitting together before her roaring fire on the massive couch, the flames licking at the metal grate. She suppressed a chuckle as she sipped daintily from a wooden mug, her long legs crossed as Dennis finished telling her about his encounter with Xhe. “How embarrassing for your poor secretary, Dennis. You’re just full of surprises, aren’t you?” She handed him the mug, and he took a long draw, the sweet taste of raises the hair...
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by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Please read and enjoy this fictional writing. NOTE: I detest the “N” word, however viewing this story without the use of the “N” word, the story did not show the true prejudice of the wife. Rachael was southern born and raised that black people were inferior to white. Her husband has spent years since their marriage to change her mind. That deep southern bigotry, instilled...
by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Please read and enjoy this fictional writing. NOTE I detest the “N” word, however viewing this story without the use of the “N” word, the story did not show the true prejudice of the wife. Rachael was southern born and raised that black people were inferior to white. Her husband has spent years since their marriage to change her mind. That deep southern bigotry, instilled by her...
Lindsey cringed when Graybeard began to sniff at her hair and stroke her hairless face with surprisingly tactile fingers. She was astonished by his gentleness. Slowly she relaxed and allowed the Big Foot to fondle her arms, belly and breasts as she watched his large paws intently. Lindsey kept her legs firmly crossed at the ankles as he explored her body. The Big Foot seemed fascinated by her firm breasts, he was mesmerised by her soft hairless skin. His head kept tilting one way then the...
Fictional story where names are mentioned is purely coincidental.It was a cold winters evening and Abigail was waiting for Gerry to come back after being on a work trip for 2 weeks, Abigail and Gerry had been married six months only being able to spend about 2 months in total, due to work commitments on both parts, they had met via friends and fell for each other at first sight, Abigail was stunning long raven black hair a perfect figure and deep brown eyes, Gerry had a brother Simon that only...
Originally posted to http://www.celebritystoryarchive.comCelebs: Abigail BreslinCodes: M/f, M+/f, enema, modification, Young, size, teen, toys, WaterSport, Swallowing, Tit Torture, S/M, BDSM, hair, bondage, Rape, spoof, reluctant, mc, humiliation, torture, nc, Forced, Extreme, HeavyWARNING: This story contains themes that may be offensive or disturbing to some. Obviously, this is a work of fiction. Breslin brushed a lock of her long, brown hair behind her...
Foreword. It is a sad fact of life that many of our teenage children come off the tracks. There are many hypotheses that try to explain how it is our society cannot cater for the younger generation, how it fails them at a fundamental level and leaves them to learn and fend for themselves. We teach our children the usual things, History, Geography, to read and write, numerical skills, but we seem to have forgotten how to teach them social graces and how to behave. But, for a large slice of the...
Foreword.It is a sad fact of life that many of our teenage children come off the tracks. There are many hypotheses that try to explain how it is, our society cannot cater for the younger generation, how it fails them at a fundamental level and leaves them to learn and fend for themselves. We teach our children the usual things, History, Geography, to read and write, numerical skills, but we seem to have forgotten how to teach them social graces and how to behave.But, for a large slice of the...
BDSMIt is a sad fact of life that many of our teenage children come off the tracks. There are many hypotheses that try to explain how it is, our society cannot cater for the younger generation, how it fails them at a fundamental level and leaves them to learn and fend for themselves. We teach our children the usual things, History, Geography, to read and write, numerical skills, but we seem to have forgotten how to teach them social graces and how to behave. But, for a large slice of the...
"What were ye doing?" A stern voice cried, and the woman helped Abigail to her feet. "What were ye up to? Silly lass. Nearly got yourself killed." Abigail swayed slightly as she stood on her feet and the woman parked Abigail on a garden wall. "I'm fine," Abigail muttered, but the woman told her to stay there while she parked the car out of the middle of the road, and then escorted the teenage girl some stairs for a "cup of tea." Abigail's foot hurt, and her ankle was sore. She...
ABIGAIL MAKING PEOPLE HAPPY On Wednesday afternoon at the private school, Abigail could be found in the gymnasium with the three physical education teachers. Lori Johnson, Bart Wilson and Gary Thornton were naked and coupled together on an exercise mat. Gary had his stiff dick buried in Abigail’s incredible sexy student as Lori munched on the teen’s tasty pussy. Bart with his cock in Abigail’s mouth waited patiently for his turn at her marvelous ass. Abigail was on all fours with Lori beneath...
This is my first try… Leave comments to what you think could be improved! * * * It was six oclock on Friday night when Abigail began to make her way down the street towards the OLachlan house. She grumbled under her breath. There were plenty of things that she would rather be doing on a Friday night that didnt involve babysitting two teenage brats. Her mother had pressured her into babysitting the OLachlans kids, though Abigail didnt see why they needed babysitting. The oldest, Jacob, was...
Dennis was a little surprised to see 14 year old Abigail standing at the front door totally naked. He knew that they’d be alone during school hours for the next 3 days but he’d expected her to spend most of the time in her room either reading or playing electronic games and when she did come out she’d be wearing her PE skirt like she had quite a lots over the previous days. “Can you check me like you do Mandy please Dennis?” “What do you mean Abi?” “Everyone knows that you used to put your...
Copyright Otto26, 2007 * The dungeon corridors had very low ceilings, such that Abigail was forced to bow her head. The torch of the guard in front of her danced in the puddled water on the rough-hewn stone floor and left thick ropes of smoke that quickly blended into the darkness. Even in the relative warmth of the Hungarian spring the tunnels were cold and the sound of coughing echoed through them. Abigail pressed a handkerchief over her mouth and nose and shivered for a moment within her...
The middle of May in Arizona can be quite nice weather wise. It’s also when the University bestows the degrees upon the graduating students. Inside the auditorium, Ed sat in the crowd of students wearing a maroon gown and cap. It was hot under the gown and he fidgeted restlessly. He was here because Kelly had wanted to see him attend the ceremony. John was seated somewhere with the faculty. Kelly and Beth were up in the stands. He had no idea where the cats were, and wondered how John had...
While the morning spent at the Federal Building talking about the raid had been tough, the afternoon spent swimming, getting a massage, and napping had re-energized him significantly. The time for the guests to arrive had come so he went to the living room to welcome their guests. He knew it was a wasted effort because Ling would warn Bill before they ever made it to the door, but he felt like it was a nice touch for at least one of the family to be there to greet visitors. Beth entered the...
Mike sat at one end of the conference table absently fiddling with the stack of papers in front of him. Bewildered, he said, “I was transferred to the detective squad the other day. I reported in and the captain told me that he didn’t want to know anything about the case I was working on. Not a single detective will talk to me. Even the ones I know won’t talk to me. It’s weird going into the building and being treated as though I wasn’t even there.” “I went into the IRS office and all anyone...
Belly swollen with child, Kelly lay on the couch feeling very pregnant and elephantine. However, unlike a lot of women in her condition, she didn’t feel ugly. The men and women in her family paid so much attention to her body that it was almost frightening. How could one feel ugly with so many worshiping her? She didn’t know. All that she did know was that they did whatever they could, to make her comfortable and happy. Ed was on the floor next to her slowly rubbing some skin cream on her...
The house was quiet. Everyone was sleeping with the exception of Annette. In order to take the late watch, she had slept through the afternoon and evening. It made sense for her to take that watch as she could give them the most warning that something was about to happen. A very happy Annette swayed through the night watching the approaches to the town. She almost missed the three men on motorcycles, but saw them in time to give a reasonable warning. Going into the living room, she shouted,...
This was the first time that Ed had traveled outside his normal area while wearing his black robe, and the reactions that he received were beyond anything that he could have predicted. People stared at him when he walked by. It wasn’t the kind of stare that people gave freaks, but the kind of stare they gave a celebrity. Months of television coverage about the mysterious Druids had made the name a household word. Whenever there was a forest fire, Sid was on television talking about how the...