Ed BiggersChapter 21 free porn video

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Belly swollen with child, Kelly lay on the couch feeling very pregnant and elephantine. However, unlike a lot of women in her condition, she didn’t feel ugly. The men and women in her family paid so much attention to her body that it was almost frightening. How could one feel ugly with so many worshiping her? She didn’t know. All that she did know was that they did whatever they could, to make her comfortable and happy.

Ed was on the floor next to her slowly rubbing some skin cream on her bulging stomach, enjoying the feel of the child moving inside. It was with total awe that he watched her body change as a new life grew within it. This was the miracle that he served, innocent life created by the Goddess, given strength by the God, and that little spark that made human different from animal from the Two-Sided One.

Leroy was at the end of the couch, with Kelly’s feet on his lap rubbing them with body cream. The firm caress of his hand on her feet was so sexy that she felt with just a little effort she could come. Dr. Hayes, on his crutches, hobbled into the informal living room and looked at the scene. Smiling he said, “Now don’t you look comfortable Queen Kelly.”

She laughed and said, “If I had known that I would get this kind of treatment, I would have gotten pregnant years ago.”

Smiling up at her, Ed said, “I can’t wait for the water balloons and paper airplanes.”

Dr. Hayes said, “You’ve got a long way to go before that becomes part of your everyday life.”

Smiling, Ed said, “This child is going to be special.”

Years of working in the hospital had taught Kelly a few lessons about new parents and infants. She replied, “All children are special.”

Having finished rubbing the body lotion onto her stomach, Ed put up the bottle and rested his hand on her stomach. Ed jumped and Kelly gasped as the infant within kicked where he was resting his hand. When Ed returned to massaging her stomach, the aggression stopped. He laughed and said, “This little one really likes massages.”

Dr. Hayes made his way over to one of the chairs and sat down. It wasn’t long before John entered the room with a smiling Linda. As Linda sat down on a chair, she said, “Kelly, you are glowing.”

Smiling over at the younger woman, Kelly answered, “I’m excited about tomorrow. We’re getting married.”

Paling, Leroy said, “Oh my gosh, my parents will be arriving soon. I better get dressed.”

As he ran out of the room, Linda took his place and continued the foot massage. She smiled as she ran a finger down the middle of the foot, provoking an immediate response from Kelly. As Kelly pulled her leg back and struggled to get up to respond, she exclaimed, “Wait until you’re pregnant. I’ll get you back for that!”

Linda giggled and said, “Don’t worry. You’ll be too busy chasing the little one around to bother with me.”

As everyone laughed, Kelly settled back on the couch and tried to scrunch up her face at Linda. The result prompted another laugh from Linda. After a few minutes, Kelly said, “I have to get up.”

Ed stood and helped her sit up. Once she was sitting, she held out a hand to be helped up. Grasping her hand, Ed helped her to her feet. Once she was standing, she said, “One of the downsides of all this, is that I have to go potty about twenty times a day.”

Almost simultaneously, Ed and John said, “Shhhhhhhhhh.”

Their response created a minor ripple of laughter. Whenever she said that she had to go to the bathroom, it was almost an automatic reply on their part intended to make the need a little stronger. If Leroy had been there, he would have joined in as well. As she waddled away a little faster than her original need had demanded, she said, “I’m going to get you guys one of these days.”

Surprised at the juvenile behavior of the two men, Dr. Hayes commented, “You two are incorrigible.”

As Ed joined John on the couch, he smiled at the doctor and said, “That’s why she married us.”

“Clearly it wasn’t for your good looks,” retorted the doctor.

Ling entered the room and said, “I think one of you should go to the airport with Leroy. He appears to be very nervous about his parents showing up.”

Standing, Ed said, “I’ll go.”

Looking over at his husband and seeing a cowboy standing there as others might see him, John wondered what the effect would be on the parents of Leroy. John asked, “Are you sure?”

“Yes,” answered Ed, looking forward to meeting the parents of his future husband. He headed directly to his room to get dressed. Five minutes later, he was headed to the garage.

Greeting Ed when he entered the garage, Walt waited by the van to drive Leroy to the airport. Ed said, “That’s okay Walt. I’ll drive him.”

Shaking his head, Walt said, “No, I’ll drive. You need me to come along to deal with the luggage.”

Surprised, Ed asked, “Are you sure?”

“Yes. If you talk nice to me, I’ll even take you with me,” quipped Walt with a grin.

Ed was about to argue and then realized that Walt was kidding. Looking at him out of the corner of his eye, he asked, “Are you sure that you haven’t been working here for years?”

“Quite sure,” replied Walt. He added, “Bob was kind enough to fill me in on all of the tricks of dealing with you guys.”

“Remind me to fire Bob,” Ed joked.

Leroy finally showed up in the garage wearing a grin. One look at Leroy told enough of the story to Ed. He said, “Let me guess, Ling?”

“Linda,” replied Leroy knowing exactly what the question meant.

“That explains everything,” said Ed. Linda had been practicing her oral sex skills every chance she had. There was no doubt that she had gotten better at that than anyone in the household.

The three men climbed into the van and Walt drove towards the airport. Leroy was looking out the window nervous about the reaction of his parents to the rest of the Carter Clan. Noting the pensive posture of Leroy, Ed asked, “What are you worried about?”

“My Dad,” answered Leroy. He turned to face Ed and added, “My Dad is a Deacon at the church and is very conservative. I don’t know how he’s going to react to a group marriage, particularly when he learns that you guys aren’t black.”

“Oh,” replied Ed, as the implications of what Leroy had said became clear to him. Was he about to experience some reverse racism? He grinned and said, “Don’t worry. He won’t be as upset about that as the fact that you’ve been having sex with men.”

“Oh, God,” groaned Leroy. He hadn’t even thought about that aspect of the group marriage.

“Relax, you’ve been around us for a while and know that we don’t have many problems with even the most ardent objectors.”

Thinking about his father, Leroy replied, “You don’t know my father.”

“I’m looking forward to meeting him,” said Ed with a grin.

At the airport terminal where the passengers disembarked, Leroy paced waiting for the doors of the gate to open. Leaning against a post, Ed watched Leroy with concern. He had never seen Leroy this nervous about anything. Sitting on one of the chairs, Walt waited patiently knowing that no matter what happened, he could just claim to be the hired help. Ed glanced up at the clock and saw that it was five minutes before the plane was due. He called over to Leroy, “Leroy, have a seat and take it easy. All worry does is make it likely that you will react to things that aren’t intended.”

“You don’t know my father.”

Pushing his hat back on his head, Ed asked, “Does he serve the good?”

“Yes, he does,” replied Leroy confused by the question. His father was a deacon in the church and a righteous man.

“So do we,” replied Ed. Looking directly at Leroy, Ed added, “That gives your father and us something in common. Those who serve good won’t fight each other for long.”

For the next few minutes, Leroy looked thoughtful as he considered the implications of that. By the time that he had come to a conclusion, the plane had landed and pulled up to the gate. Within minutes, the doors had been opened and the first class passengers had disembarked. Among the first passengers to get off the plane was a black couple in their late fifties. The man, an older version of Leroy, wore a conservative gray suit and walked with perfect posture. The woman beside him wore a simple dress, conservative in cut and yet with a nice floral pattern.

As Leroy moved to intercept them, Ed told Walt, “Wait for them to finish greeting each other and then go ask for their baggage claim checks.”

Walt moved over to the threesome as the father shook hands with Leroy as he grasped the younger man’s arm. It was a firm authoritative handshake. After a moment, Leroy and his mother hugged each other in a heartfelt greeting. Walt waited for them to separate before he said, “Mr. Jones, if you could hand me your baggage claim checks, I’ll pick up your luggage and bring it to the car.”

The elderly man turned to Walt and asked, “Who are you?”

“I’m the driver, Sir,” replied Walt.

Handing over the claim checks, Deacon Jones said, “There are two bags, both of them are brown.”

“Thank you, Sir,” replied Walt as he accepted the tickets and left towards that baggage claim area.

Ed was about to head over to them when he noticed a news story on the television. They were broadcasting live from Mexico the consequences of an earthquake of magnitude 6.2. Frowning, Ed wondered if the Fusion Foundation had been activated. Turning from the television, Ed joined Leroy by his parents. Extending a hand, Ed said, “Hello, I’m Ed Biggers.”

Leroy’s father looked at Ed with a critical eye and accepted his hand. In a deep rolling voice, he replied, “I’m Deacon Leroy Jones and this is my wife, Cleo.”

“Pleased to meet both of you. Would you like to head to the car?” asked Ed.

Leroy said, “That’s a good idea. Let’s get home so that my parents can get settled into the house.”

Adjusting the hat on his head, Ed interjected, “I hate to say this, but we need to make another stop in town before going to the house.”

As the four of them headed to the parking garage, Leroy asked, “Why do we need to stop?”

With a long sigh, Ed answered, “There was an earthquake in Mexico just a few minutes ago.”

Knowing the involvement of the Carter Clan in the Fusion Foundation, Leroy understood the answer. His father, walking beside him, was still puzzled as to who Ed was and what his relationship to Leroy was. Feeling like he deserved to know what was going on, he asked, “So how do you know Leroy?”

“I’m a member of the family that he’s marrying tomorrow,” answered Ed distracted by his thoughts about what was happening in Mexico.

Leroy cringed as his father stared at Ed. Concerned, Deacon Jones said, “You’re white.”

The comment made Ed smile. He answered, “I’ve been working on a tan, but it just hasn’t taken. When I get these clothes off, I’m as pale as they come.”

Although the deacon tensed up, Cleo laughed at the joke, appreciating the ease with which the man accepted the racial comment. Despite the look from her husband, she said, “That’s funny.”

“Thank you, Ma’am,” replied Ed tipping his hat. When they reached the door to the parking lot, he added, “It’s a little warm outside. I hope you don’t mind the heat.”

Deacon Jones replied, “We live in the south and are used to the heat.”

“Good enough for me,” replied Ed. He led the way to the car as Leroy hung back to talk to his mother and father. Their conversation was held in quiet voices so that Ed couldn’t hear what was being said. When they reached the van, Ed held the doors open for Leroy and his parents.

Inside the van, the temperature was cool representing a compromise between the temperature that Ed liked and that liked by everyone else. Deacon Jones commented, “At least you don’t keep it freezing in the car like most people.”

Leroy replied, “Ed doesn’t like it too cold. This is a compromise between the temperature that he likes and what everyone else likes.”

“Ed sounds like he carries a bit of weight within the family,” remarked the deacon.

Joking, Ed said, “Well, if I ate too much of Marguerite’s cooking, I’d be carrying a whole lot more weight. I try to keep it down.”

The deacon just looked at Ed and shook his head. The back door of the van opened as Walt loaded the luggage into the back. He closed the door and after going to the front of the van, got into the driver’s seat. As he settled into his seat, he said, “Next stop, home of the Carter Clan.”

Ed corrected him, “Next stop, Fusion Foundation.”

Walt looked at him in surprise and pulled out of the parking lot. The Fusion Foundation headquarters was not that far from the airport. As they drove by the hanger, Ed noticed that the planes normally parked there were gone. Nodding, he said, “The planes are gone, that’s a good sign.”

The Deacon asked, “Why are we going by the Fusion Foundation?”

Hoping to score points with his father, Leroy was about to explain, but Ed beat him to the punch. Ed answered, “I do some volunteer work there. A major earthquake occurred in Mexico and I need to check to make sure that I’m not needed.”

Pleased to hear that this guy actually volunteered his time to a good cause, Deacon Jones said, “The Fusion Foundation is quite a nice group. There is a medical center near where we live and they do great work.”

Nodding, Ed said, “That’s the area where Kelly does her volunteer work. I’m in the emergency response area.”

Leroy still trying to impress his father said, “Ed is in charge down there.”

Ed said, “Don’t overstate my role. I just visit occasionally.”

Frustrated by the modesty that Ed demonstrated, Leroy sat back in his seat. Walt pulled into the parking lot of the Fusion Foundation building and said, “We’re here folks.”

Ed said, “Why don’t you guys come in, and I’ll show you around?”

After a few minutes of discussion, Leroy was able to convince his parents to go into the building with Ed. Inside, the receptionist stood up and greeted Ed, “Dr. Biggers, we weren’t expecting you.”

Smiling, Ed said, “Hello, Karen. I heard about the earthquake and thought I would stop by to see how things were going.”

Karen replied, “Everyone is in the command center.”

Ed took a minute to introduce everyone to Karen. She was very polite and gave them all VIP badges. Deacon Jones looked at the badge in surprise as she put the chain around his neck. Ed said, “This is the reception area of the headquarters for the Fusion Foundation. Karen Carson is the receptionist here. If you have any troubles, just ask for her and she’ll take care of you.”

Same as Ed Biggers
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Chapter Two - The Two Steves The events that transpired at the Eta Lambda Pi frat house caused Felicity Benson to permanently take possession of Francis Benson's psyche. Francis Benson couldn't deal with what had happened to Felicity but Felicity had the courage to process what had happened to her and drive the shame and bitterness deep inside her subconscious. Any self-doubt about Felicity Benson's gender had dissipated. She was and always would be Felicity Benson now and...

1 year ago
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RapeBetrayal 9 After All it is My Birthday

The late spring of 2002 was a weird time for me. I lost my virginity, finally. I was 18, going away to college, and have never had a serious girlfriend. Shit I did not even have a date for the prom. Go ahead, say it with me, "Loo-ZER!" I am not a nerd ("No really I'm not! Stop laughing at me you assholes, I'm NOT!!"). Yes I get good grades and like D&D, sci fi, and the occasional comic book. I'm not good at sports, and have a minor Spazzy-Klutz problem. I guess I should describe...

2 years ago
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PalmistryChapter 2

"I never knew..." Rebecca said softly as I left. I wasn't sure which one of us she was talking to nor did I know what it was she had never known. When I had arrived, I'd gotten the impression from the guys on the loading dock that Rebecca was the office bitch. As I left, the guy in the office next to hers was out in the hall. I figured he had heard at least part of the commotion and had some idea what had taken place. I winked at him. He gave me a thumbs up. Just as I thought. If Rebecca...

3 years ago
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A Sons First LoveChapter 6

I woke to morning sun streaming into the bedroom. It was a lazy wakening. Memories of last night played through my mind and my penis thickened under the sheets. Turning my head, I realized I was alone in bed. I didn't hear any sound from her bathroom so I assumed she was downstairs. With a smile on my face, I hauled my ass into the bathroom to shower and dress. Once done, I headed down to the kitchen, my stomach growling with hunger. Mom was at her usual spot, at the sink filling the coffee...

4 years ago
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I would like to thank Y2C, Wergor, and David Gee and the others at the MC Forum for the help in designing this story. Thanks. Brian Towns was looking at the papers on his desk. It was hard catching with all that need to be done with his two business that when on below him. If it wasn't for Lucy, his personal assistant he would have been swamped with work that kept him from his real work. Being a superhero. It made him a bit guilt that he had accidentally made her his love slave. Brian Towns was...

Mind Control
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Butlers DelightsChapter 6 Duties

After studying the operation of the Golden Palace for a few days, Robinson approached the Emir with a request. "Sir, I would like to put another lock on the Wine Cellar door," he said. The Emir was surprised by this request and commented, "All the doors are electronic. Only you and I, and anyone else we nominate, can get in through that door." "Sir, I am a cautious man. If the electronic lock were somehow subverted I would like to think that the door would still not open. I suggest a...

1 year ago
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MOO COW THREE Shirly gets help

Shirly Cheznick was losing her mind. She walked around the house calling pigs to come and fuck her. Her huge fat lactating breasts dripped milk all the time. Her kids could not empty them, nor her husband or father. As soon as they thought they had her sucked dry her tits were full again.Shirly often ate her food off the floor rooting around and making grunting noises like a pig. Karl and Bill were beside themselves with worry. They loved this so much they would do anything for her. Her father...

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Training Gail THe End The final humiliation

Twice in the last 30 minutes Gail was cheated out of an orgasm. But the call from Sarah was important, as much was hanging in the balance. Gail picked up the phone with a hello, and Sarah asked what she was up to. Not really caring about the response, Sarah cut in to Gail’s response, “You need to meet me in 30 minutes at the Shell gas station on 30th and Park. Don’t be late if you want more pictures deleted off my camera.” Gail didn’t have time to finish what she had started, and barely...

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Dottys Detransition

Daniel is a fairly average 19 year old boy, with one major difference. He was born a girl named Dorothy, and had admitted that fact to as few of his adult companions from work and school as possible, now that he was away from the high school where everyone had known he was transgender. Daniel had frequent trouble convincing people of his age, with his short stature at 5'3 and total lack of facial hair. His wavy red hair was cut above his shoulders, and his face was splotched with freckles....

2 years ago
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Shelly Hugh DriscottChapter 48

Immediately the Church grounds were searched for artifacts and documents. Those from Buseland were watched. We wanted the articles for study and didn't need some to vanish. Site security was high because this was the time when we should be preoccupied with plunder. Everything went to a team of Section M people that scanned pages of books and photographed and bagged all of the silver objects. I was doing my own investigating as I looked for places that may hide more information. I found an...

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A DaemonHorn BladeChapter 4

It was the sixth of Lagufæ, the late-mid summer month of the Goddess of the Sea, before Rowan had regained much of his strength once again and realized probably for the first time that his old life here in this village was now over for good. His master's-piece done, his relationship with his old master Gorge was now rather different; not strained, but things were indeed now a bit different between the two men. Sitting here and sharing a pint of beer at the Goblin's Head with him at the same...

1 year ago
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Judys RevengeChapter 3

On a Wednesday afternoon, a couple of months after what I came to think of as my initiation, I bumped into Nicki Long in the library. I hadn't actually seen her since I had discovered she was a fisting-fan too. She was happy to see me, as I was, her. We chatted, but all the while, thanks to my new knowledge about her, I had an image of her writhing on a fist. On my fist, I reflected, blushing. The longer and closer I looked at her, the more attractive and sensual she seemed. Her grey-blue...

1 year ago
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Journey Of A Slut Part 4

People ask me about my other stories, click on my name above, which leads to all my stories, this is part 2 of the story of a slut who craves for something new, idea is to write erotica on different aspects of it, which helps the arousal around, mail me on for feedbacks, please respect Girls, I do Thanks for all the responses, I have got my stories here, keep mailing me the feed back, the slut life is here for you to enjoy, which I am going to share along Next episode of my slut life takes me...

3 years ago
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Chhat Par Chudai 8211 Part II

Hi this is Karan again from Aurangabad. I would like to thank u all for great response for my previous story “Aurangabad mein chudai.” I think many people asked me what happened after my first sex incident. So folks this is part two of Aurangabad main chudai. I hope u will enjoy this. My name is Karan from Aurangabad; right now I’m in Pune doing my mba from reputed college of puna. This story is about me and my girl friend barkha. I want to tell this story in Hindi. I think it wills more...

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The Soccer Player

Freshman year I lived down the hall from this big, scruffy, tough-boy soccerplayer. One day I went to see a soccer match in which he was playing. I hadbeen fantasizing about him for some time -- he wasn't my usual type (I usuallyfantasized about other gays). Kevin was a big, hairy, muscular jock, whogenerally avoided me, probably because I seemed like some intellectual faggot--he was basically right. I was always trying to catch covert glimpses of him inthe showers, and he...

2 years ago
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A New BeginingChapter 7

During the two weeks that followed the Roshaa cruised leisurely toward her next destination. Construction work continued throughout the interior and the exterior surface of the cube. One notable thing accomplished was the construction of a large swimming pool in one of the interior compartments. Such a luxury was impossible for a warship such as the Antares and even civilian passenger liners were limited to only a small swimming facility. But on the Roshaa there was no such limitation and so...

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Lucky Star

Born Under A Lucky Star By Stefanie Flowers Despite an unfortunate start in life, I believed that I had been born under a lucky star. Right now it's light was obscured by heavy clouds but at some time in the future the sky would clear, it's light fill the sky and good fortune would come to me. That thought was all that kept me going during the darkest days of my very troublesome childhood. Having paid my dues as a child I was sure to benefit from good luck and fortune for the rest...

1 year ago
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My Slave Her Maste Part 2

Hannah's slave weekend wasn't over. Monday Morning Rich had one last suprise for hannah when they arrived at Sea-Tac Airport to pick up her sister, Samantha. He presented a pink vibrating egg, This request had been for her to wear the vibrating egg and go through Sea-Tac Airport terminal where her sister would already be waiting. Hannah was to visit the shops, and he was to control the pleasure she was getting.Rich ordered he to insert the egg in the truck while in the parking lot of the...

2 years ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 170 Hurricane Marilyn

That night we watched Saturday Night Live. I don’t normally watch it, since I thought the first cast (Chevy Chase, et al) was the best, and anybody since then had been downhill. Still, I knew after all the comedy this week they were going to have to do something about Marilyn in jail. Marilyn wanted to go to bed, but I insisted we watch. I knew something crazy was going to happen. Darrell Hammond (as me): (In a command post, surrounded by generals and admirals.) “Are we ready for the...

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Snow Angel

Lisa Stilton stood next to a parapet of the old castle overlooking a snow covered foreign city. She reminded Bo of the skier, Lindsey Vonn, who hailed from their own country. Or perhaps Lisa was a little Dutch girl with yellow braided hair planning to put her finger in a dike.The final day of their European Honeymoon was to end with a bit of sightseeing before returning to Colorado. Hard to believe his new wife had been Lisa French only a few days before and, to some extent, a different...

Oral Sex
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The Babysitters SecretChapter 4

My name is Nancy Dodge and I have been a very naughty girl the past few weeks ever since I got my cherry busted by my babysitting employer. I have to confess I was more than happy he took the initiative and pulled my panties down and did all those things to me that I had only heard about in whispers from my female friends at school. I woke up early the next morning after doing countless filthy and depraved things with Coach Hardman wearing my cheerleader uniform and showing him my pom-pom...

3 years ago
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Friends and FamilyChapter 16 Diana ndash Part 2

Saturday Afternoon, and Evening I tried to hold my meat lower and almost ran to the refrigerator. Sasha and Diana followed me. “Mick, what’s up? I don’t think I have ever seen you so flustered,” Diana asked. “I actually had an erection?” I asked in a panic. “Yeah. A full hard-on, sweetie,” Sasha answered. “Yup, definitely. Full on. Definitely,” Diana affirmed with a grin. “FUCK!” I almost screamed. “MICK?” Sasha was shocked. “Mick! I’ve never heard you use that word before, let alone...

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Black cock was good to fuck but had a shocking sec

I meet a very nice well fit older black male in the Bar at a Hotel i stayed in on a weeken trip i had.We got along real well, and had alot of fun and much great sex that weekend.i asked him if he was married or if he had k**s... But he was singel and no k**s.And on Sunday when we spilt up, we promised each other to do this again..But it took almost Six months before i heard from him again.Then he said that he had been out of the contry on work, and he wanted to hook up again.And he invited me...

2 years ago
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Airport Surprise Chapter Four

Airport Surprise - Chapter FourIn the morning we were awakened by a ringing phone. The front desk called to let me know that the airline called and I was scheduled to depart at five that evening. I looked at the clock. It was ten in the morning.I kissed Taylor and asked her to call her airline and find out about her flight. I then ordered breakfast."Southwest says I'm on a flight at four thirty this afternoon. They said I could leave at one, but I told them later was better," she said."Oh. My...

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Its Fact that I had slept with Two Guys at N

My greatest buddy Alica is one of the greatest people I know. And she is a looker. Nevertheless, as we are imminent her refusal, she sustained to remain one. Couldn’t believe these eight years after she could have a legal dating personals sex, she was a Virgin. I found the answer in its soppy romance novels. She was holding for “The One”.My girlfriends and I decided to go on a trip to the Sun, sea and scoop to sex on Ibiza. We decided to have a no-holds-barred party starts on Christmas Eve and...

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Forced to His Bed Ch 02

Lord Reardon whistled to himself the next day. Tonight would be his revenge. His men had snatched the girl out of her bed this night. No one would know she was missing until it was too late. He could not help but smile at the idea of Mr. Anderson having to collect his precious daughter from Jennings. The place was little more than a brothel, with its red carpets, red and gold décor, mirrors, and cut crystal it was a nice brothel, but a brothel none the less. ‘Do you have her?’ He asked the...

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Wives and Daughters Swap ClubChapter 9

Britney sent Tim and Mark an invitation to her wedding. They went home with Lenny to attend the ceremony. They had ended up liking Lenny’s sister very much; their only regret was that they did not get to fuck her. The fact that they did however get to fuck Britney’s young sexy teacher, made up for them not being able to get in-between the beautiful blonde teen’s legs before she dropped out of college and went back home. On the night before Britney’s wedding, while her future husband was at...

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Older is Better

As a young good looking man of only 20 years old Carl has had a couple of partners but nothing steady. His choices in women was always what everyone else thought he should have, tall, blonde, thin, and absolutely sexy. Though he as always had the stereotypical woman he has never found one that could truly satisfy his sexual drive. Now standing naked in front of this much older non-stereotypical woman he has to wonder if he can finally be sexually satisfied or if he can satisfy her.Jill is an...

First Time

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