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Jessica’s a five year veteran of the force.  Still young, attractive, she’s been assigned to a task force investigating the suspicious disappearances of young women from the downtown riverfront night spots.  The task force has been assigned teams, usually a couple or so undercover male officers in the background with a female officer, sometimes two, dressed as ‘Marks’ frequenting certain bars and clubs.  A couple months in without any further disappearances and the rumors are the force is about to be disbanded, much of the task force almost disinterested.  Jessica’s begun to drift over to her own investigation, partly for her own reasons.  Having mingled, hung out with various employees of the clubs, gaining their confidence, she’s got a gut feeling something’s about to break.

Tonight, once again, the members of her team have dropped slips to take the night off early, meaning she can’t officially work alone.  Setting by the bar, ready to leave, the others long gone, approached by a couple of the waitresses’ she’s made friends with, she can’t believe what’s just happened, she’s just been offered a part in an abduction.  Realizing they’re serious, deciding to go it without the team, scrambling, contacting by cell phone someone she knows she can con into helping, she gets her to agree to come to the club as soon as possible, willing to become involved, without really knowing the situation, the slightest idea of the severity what the consequences could be.  Jessica let’s the club’s employees involved know she’s in, and wants to help to pick out a good victim.

Her contact arriving alone around midnight, acting like they just met, Jessica foots the tab for a couple drinks.  Watching as she hits the dance floor, Jessica points her out to the employees.  Young, hot, and alone, obviously she appears to be a good choice.  Agreeing, it’s decided she’s the one.  Waiting, partying with the new ‘friend’ till around two in the morning, one of the employee’s involved, their waitress, hangs with them as the club thins out.  Jessica lets her know she has to leave for a few minutes, and it’s agreed she’ll meet them outside at their van at closing.  They’ll handle getting the girl, right after the uniformed police details leave.  Leaving the club, heading for the station house, Jessica knows the wheels are in motion, she’ll be back in time and if they have her ‘friend’ she can have the uniform off duty security detail fake leaving and help make the collar right there on the lot, and bust the case wide open, alone!

Chapter One


        After a couple of months of frequenting the downtown bars, clubs, the types she didn’t even realize existed before joining the force the better part of five years ago, she’s in the process of crossing the line.  Having left the club just to check in, jot down the days’ activities until the group disbanded tonight, she leaves the sergeant her report on his desk, and in an hour or so she’ll be getting all the credit for solving the task force’s case.

       ?See ye’ Tuesday night, Stef!  After my three day weekend!?  She nods toward the desk officer who barely waves back, on the phone as usual, probably killing time with one of her friends about which supervisor she’s going to blow next.  ?Yea, you’re lucky, off the next three.  Get outta here Jessica!? Okay, It’s two? Two twenty five, I’ll jot it down in the blotter.?

       Hastily leaving out the rear entrance, making sure the door’s secured behind her; she walks briskly to the undercover car, getting her purse off the seat before heading toward her Corvette, parked around the building, on the street.  Sliding in, quickly checking the rear view mirror, slipping her tongue across her full lips, she quickly glides the lipstick around, back and forth, puckering them, figuring she’ll easily make it back to the club in time.

       A muggy haze’s in the air, the streets damp from an on again, off again shower.  Pulling slowly past the club, noticing the pair of uniformed off duty officers standing next to the club’s entrance, she pulls to the curb just down the street, lowering her window.  Lighting a cigarette, adjusting her rear view mirror, she waits, watching the parking lot as the club’s lingering patron’s leave.   Halfway through the cigarette, she notices the officers getting in their parked cars in the near empty lot, securing their private detail for the evening.  She smirks to herself? Twenty seven bucks an hour they get paid to watch the tits and ass frequenting the club.

       Watching as they leave the lot, one behind the other, she starts to follow, to stop them, then stops herself, makes a u-turn in the middle of the street, drives past the front door, parking next, but not too close to the dark colored conversion van.  Checking the mirror one last time, again unbuttoning the top couple buttons of her white, silk blouse, spreading her fingertips across the black fringe of her French cut bra, she’s satisfied, ready.  Sliding her radio, gun and I.D. under the passenger seat, she flips the cigarette butt from the window, closing it.  Squatting, stepping from the car, her short, black leather skirt rides up her thighs as she leans, slips her five inch stilettos on.  Straightening, she feels her hardening nipples pushing against her stretching blouse, her stomach tingling with the air of anticipation.  She’s decided to let the whole thing unravel, to find out where the abducted girls are taken, to follow in her car, contact the dispatchers once she’s found where they’re going.

       Stepping over to the van, leaning against one of its back doors, lifting the back of her right heel up over the bumper, she feels the damp, warm metal across her back as she takes another cigarette from her purse, lighting it, takes a long, slow drag while slipping her lighter back in the purse.  Glancing over toward the entrance, watching, waiting, even after the last of the patrons have made their way out, she thinks, plans as the noise of the last couple cars leaving the lot fade.

       Finally the club’s doors swing harshly open, three women, with the one in between obviously on the brink of being incapacitated, step out into the parking lot.  Glancing around, the redhead on the right shouts.  Hey!... Jess, yo!!?  She waves while gripping the arm of the woman in the middle.

       Leaning off the van, Jessica slips her heel from the bumper, waves back.  ?Yeh??bout time girl!?  She yells back as the blonde on the other side gives a quick wave with her free hand while also helping hold the girl up.

       ?What’s up with her??  Jessica asks, as the three make their way to the side of the van.

       ?I guess this wanna’ be party girl you picked out can’t hold her drinks.?  The redhead grinningly answers while turning toward the van’s side doors as Jessica grabs a forearm.  Glancing toward her nearly incoherent, but still quite attractive face, her corn rowed, dark hair, Jessica nod’s, frowning.  Unlocking the van’s door, the redhead kneels across the floor getting in, turns, her arms out stretched.  ?Hand her to me.?

       ?Okay, Beth, here we go.?  Jessica answers the redhead as she twists the limp girl, pushes her toward the open door, with Beth grabbing her, tugging her across the carpeted floor.  Jumping in behind, Jessica hears the door slide shut as the other girl’s already heading around the van, sliding across the driver’s seat.

       ?Let’s get outta’ here, Deb.?  Beth quips while glancing toward the front, sliding the girl across her back on the center of the floor.  ?Stay the speed limit; we’ve got plenty of time, be careful.?

       ?Wait!... Wait a minute!?  Jessica blurts, how ‘bout my car, I wanna’ take it too!?

       ?That’s okay, it’s safe? We’ll come back for it in the morning.?  Beth grins while tugging at the nearly unconscious girl.

       Glancing toward the girl lying across the floor, Jessica’s mind scrambles while her heart pounds.  Focusing on the girl, she can tell she’s conscious, not drunk, but obviously drugged.  Glancing toward Beth, concernedly back at the girl’s face, gripping her chin, looking into her dilated eyes, she asks.  ?What? What’s she really on?

       Already beginning to strip the girl’s clothes, she mutters.  ?Ex.?  A bunch of ?Ex? Jess.?  Help me here, you strip the bottom, I’ll do her top.

       Still frowning, slowly shaking her head back and forth, Jessica hesitates as she feels the van dipping, pulling onto the street from the lot.  ?Come on, help me!?  Beth whispers as she leans across the barely conscious girl.

       Reflexively nodding her head, she begins to slowly slip the shoes, footie’s from the girl’s feet,  unsnaps the fly from the blue jeans as Beth already has the blouse pulled up over the girl’s head, and is tugging at the sports bra.  Slipping the tight jeans off her right, then left leg, Jessica notices she’s pantyless as she drops the jeans on the floor as the bra’s finally stretched above her head, off her outstretched arms.  Smiling, Beth kneels across the girl’s palms while leaning above her tilted head.

       ?Spread those legs; let’s get a good look at her pussy too.?  Beth nods toward Jessica while sliding her hands under the girl’s shoulders.

       Also kneeling, sliding between the girl’s legs, Jessica glances toward the bare breasts thrusting upwards, spreading apart as Beth lifts both shoulders.   Spreading the girl’s thighs with her knees, Jessica can’t help glancing her over, across the short, stubby pubic hair in its ?Landing strip? cut.  Spread eagled on her back, naked, her nearly flawless skin’s accented by a perfect tan, no bikini lines, just even all over, even across her well proportioned and firm, symmetrical globes with perfectly centered smooth areolas, the nipples virtually flat nubs.  The only visible mar on her, a recognizable, couple inch tattoo of a black panther etched across her left breast, just above the nipple.

       ?She’s a hot one, huh??  Beth smiles.  ?Those titties are a lot bigger then they look clothed, aren’t they?  Know what?  I’m going to show you how to make ‘em look even bigger!?  She continues.  ? Nice wide split between those legs too!  I love girls with those little fleshy folds for labia’s, don’t you??  Griping the girl’s shoulders again, Beth tugs, slides her upwards across her knees, nodding toward Jessica.  ?Slide over here, grab that duct tape, wrap her arms, here at her elbows.

       Seeing the tape on top of a pile in an open black plastic beverage crate, Jessica haltingly grabs it, shuffles beside Beth, the girl’s legs still spread, now held, setting upright, her head hanging down across her swaying breasts.  Pushing forward, pinning her arms behind her back, gripping her elbows, Beth nods toward Jessica.  ?Tape ‘em? Right here across her elbows? Wrap ‘em tight.?

       Slowly stretching out some tape from the silver roll, hearing, feeling the jerking from the adhesive as she releases a few inches at a time, Jessica finally gets a foot or so, tears it off the roll.  Hesitantly slipping the strip up under the girl’s arms as Beth forces the elbows to touch while jerking upwards, forcing the girl’s face downward, practically between her spread knees, Jessica wraps it once, a second time, across the elbows forcing the arms to straighten out.

       ?Come on girl, get going!?  Beth scolds.  ?Another strip, just like that one!?

       Staring at the bent over, contorted girl, Jessica rips, tugs, and ripping some more, tears off a little longer strip then the first.  Reaching under the girl’s arms again, she wraps the tape, more carefully this time, smoothly across the first strip, around the bound elbows, feeling them touching, pressing tightly together.  Beth, lifting by the wrists, forces the girl’s face across the carpet, bent over, her breasts swaying against her stomach, arms straight up toward the van’s ceiling.

       ?Give her wrists a couple quick wraps, right here.?  Beth glances toward Jessica, twisting the girl’s wrists a little toward her side.  ?Come on!?

       Ripping another similar strip, Jessica easily wraps it two or so times across the wrists, the girl’s palms outward as Beth jerk’s her upright.  ?Take a good look at those titties now, I told you!... I love it!?  Beth scoffs as she glances over the girl’s arched shoulder as she forces her hands down against the floor.  ?Look how big and hard they look now, when they’re forced way out like that, naked!?

       Dropping the tape in the crate, Jessica glances across the girl’s naked breasts, separating, thrust straight out from her bent forward torso.  Frustrated, concerned, she still can’t help agreeing to herself that Beth’s right, both breasts seem like small, ripe melons, the areolas, nipples still flat and smooth, but widely stretching, barely jiggling off the firm mounds, and she’s the one who helped strip her naked and tapped her.

       Arching, leaning her slightly back against her own breasts, Beth giggles.  ?Grab one, feel how hard it is!?  Reaching around, gripping the girl’s left breast in the palm of her left hand, she adds.  ?Go ahead, you’ll be amazed!?

       ?That’s okay, Jessica faintly smiles, nodding her head slightly back and forth, actually feeling the warmth cross her face.

       ?Jessica, go ahead, squeeze it!... Feel it!... What’s the matter with you girl?... Grab it! Play with it!?

       Taking a breath, leaning over, reaching up with her right hand, Jessica mutters.  ?Okay, okay!? Sliding her fingers underneath the symmetrical mound, gripping the smooth, yet incredibly firm tit flesh, she gently squeezes, melding the breast.  Watching Beth squeezing the other breast, she winches as she watches Beth’s fingernails pinching into the bud of the puckering nipple and yank, letting the naked breast stretch out and bounce back as she releases it.  With another giggle Beth pinches, twists again, the tips of her fingernails embedding into the sides of the swelling areola.

       ?Oomph!?  Jessica hears the first sounds from the girl, a low grunt as her head also slightly twists back and forth, her eyes hazy, staring at her.

       Quickly grabbing in the crate, Jessica finds the duct tape, stretches, tears a short strip off, and plasters it firmly across the girl’s eyes.  Beth just watches, smiling, holding the tip of the nipple firm as another, longer strips ripped off the roll and wrapped completely around the girl’s head, covering the first strip.  Ripping one more, Jessica slows, then again carefully wraps a third strip completely around, across the other two.

       ?That’s a nice touch!?  Beth grins.  ?Afraid she’ll wanta’ watch??  She continues as she reaches around, grips both breasts, twisting, squeezing back and forth as the girl’s moan becomes a grunt.  ?Oomph!?. Ohhh!?

       ?Aggghh!.....Mummmph!... Jeeesssss!?  Quickly grabbing the sports bra, Jessica wads, crams it between the girl’s lips, stuffing it in her throat.  ?Don’t need to listen to that crap!?  Jessica frowns, giving another push of the material.

       ?Okay!?  Beth nods, still gripping, pinching the girl’s breasts.  ?But, you’re going to be hearing a whole lot more from her when we get her there in a few minutes!?  Reaching in her pocket, snapping a capsule between her thumb and forefinger, she whiffs it under the girl’s nose, watches her head jerk, her legs trembling as the van crosses the bridge, over the river.

       Sliding to the front passenger seat, Jessica glances out into the dark, tries to locate any familiar landmarks as she listens at the grunts and whimpering behind them as Beth amuses herself while passing the time.  Pulling into a gated, guarded driveway, momentarily waiting as the house is communicated with, finally past the security, the van continues around a large, secluded southern style mansion to under its rear car port, backs in beside an entrance next to the closed garage doors.  Two men already waiting, slides the van’s door open, grabbing the bound girl by her shoulders and legs, quickly carries her inside.

       ?What now??  Jessica, kind of stunned by the quickness, the idea that the girl is gone, stares concernedly back and forth from Beth to Deb.  ?Where they taking her??

       Both grinning, smiling toward each other, Beth climbs toward the front of the van, between them, glances at Jessica.  ?So, you wanna’ go in? See what happens to those young sluts?? 

       ?Yeh, yeh let’s go in.?  Jessica hesitates, glancing back and forth at the women, feeling her chest thumping, obviously more then just a little concerned with the situation.

       ?Okay, cool!?  Beth grins, jumping out of the van. ?Park it out front.?  She nods toward Deb.  ?Then meet us inside!.... Come on Jess, lets give you want you want!?

       Opening the door, jumping out, Jessica follows Beth through the entrance into a long, shadowed corridor to a caged elevator beside a flight of stairs.  ?Up there, Beth advises.  ?Probably straight to the third floor, we’ll take the elevator.?

       Opening the cage door, stepping in the wooden, service type elevator, Beth turns a handle, jerking, rattling, the elevator slowly lifts upward.  Giggling, Beth keeps her hand on the handle, glances toward Jessica’s stoic face. ?What’s the matter, Jess.  No one followed us!?  No one even knows we’re here? You’re here!?

       Smiling back, Jessica’s mind races, her stomach in turmoil, realizing how deep in she’s getting, actually an even more ominous feeling.  ?Yea, I’m just interested what’s happening to her.?

       ?Christ, you’d think she was actually close to you or something, girl.  Hell, don’t even think about it, she’s disappeared for good!?  Beth scolds, half grinning, half serious as her eyes seem to momentarily glare, before she giggles again. 

       Glancing as the second floor passes by, closing in on the third, Beth adds.  ?Hell we might even have her a companion before we’re done tonight, you know anyone we can use??

       Stopping the elevator, sliding the cage open while looking down, Beth steps into another corridor.  ?Watch your step, these things never stop even with the floor.?

       Stepping off, Jessica notices several open arches on the right side of the long, curving hallway, widely spread apart with closed doors across from them on the other side of the walls.  Hearing some muffled sounds, faint talking, she can see several people milling around, spread apart from arch to arch.

       Down there, Jess.?  Beth nods down the long curved hall.  ?Probably taken her to the very last room.  Go ahead, I’ll let them know we’re here.  I’ll meet you down there.?

       Nodding toward Beth, even as she’s turned, started briskly the other direction toward a bared security door, Jessica turns herself, almost hesitatingly begins walking toward the sounds, the people.  Approaching the first archway on her right, she notices several people standing around a chair in the middle of the floor with what appears to be a girl in her late teens strapped naked onto it.  Her arms bound behind the back of the seat, her legs are spread and tied to the chair’s legs.  Wide eyed, a red ball gag in her mouth, as the people mill around her, Jessica can see visible welts across her glistening flesh, mainly across her smaller, heaving breasts and bald pubic mound.  A black hooded man ominously by a stand with an assortment of whips next to the chair.

       Heart pounding, glancing down the corridor, curious that it seems that no one’s even paying attention to her, Jessica slowly approaches the second archway.  Again the same size room, this time a flat metal table in its center with a similar crowd circled around another young naked woman.  Moaning, occasionally loudly grunting through her ball gag, stretched strictly out on the table, her hips are forced a foot or so higher then the rest of her body by a narrow brace or something between her and the table.  As the people circle, inspect her, Jessica can see her large quivering breasts forced upward, a black wire clamped to one nipple, a red wire to the other.  Swaying toward her armpits, her breasts seem to sporadically jerk as her fingers and toe twitch in unison.  This time, an Oriental couple gives Jessica a quick glance and nod then quickly focus again on the distressed girl as she gives out a pitiful screech, her body bucking upwards.

       Quickly stepping past that scene, toward the third archway, Jessica’s queasiness is becoming more then nauseating.  Stopping just at the break in the wall, she glances through an even larger group of men and women, to an unnerving sight of a shapely, well endowed, thirtyish woman affixed to a wooden cross in the center of the room.  Totally naked, drenched in sweat, her knees bent, her arms stretched so tightly that even her veins seem to press through her bare flesh, her head hangs downward, her stringy black hair matted across her forehead and shoulders as her stomach flattens, ripples with each gasping breath.  Forcing herself to look even closer, it’s obvious that the small square pieces of flat wood covering her palms and ankles are penetrated by real metal skewers, impaling her to the cross.

       Again unnoticed, her legs now heavy, almost shaking, the pit of her stomach rumbling, Jessica passes around the slight curve in the corridor toward the final two archways.  Forcing herself to glance into the next room, again past the dozen or so people surrounding a naked woman, this one tautly stretched, spread eagled inside a large round, hollow wheel.  Slowly turning in a clockwise rotation, blond, twentyish, again big breasted, her head tilts, her breasts sway, her hair drifts in motion with the circling wheel.  A bright red ?O? Ring in her mouth, her moans are hoarse, raspy as trickles of blood crisscross her breasts and shaved vagina area with a multitude of needles embedding her flesh.

       Glancing back down the hallway, the people still seemingly ignoring her existence, Jessica braces as she slowly steps toward the final archway. Lowering her head, stepping to the center of the opening, raising her head and facing inward, Jessica finally comes across the girl from the club, hanging upside down, by one leg, her ankle tightly shackled in a leather cuff connected to a chain stretching to a pulley on the ceiling.  Swaying around in a slow circle, her arms still taped behind her back, breasts thrust out; her hollowed stomach rippling, every tendon and muscle stretching throughout her glistening body are visible as she’s still being jerkily raised upward above the floor by an automated black and tackle system as her free leg flails in the air.

       Her head pitched back, the tape ripped from her now visible eyes and mouth, saliva drools from a bright red ?O? ring widely spreading her lips, dripping across her flushed face as the slightest of her grunts are audible through the collecting crowd gathering in the room, observing her.  Stepping into the doorway, hardly able to keep her eyes off the suspended girl, Jessica glances back and forth from her to the rather large group of people, the room itself larger then the rest.  A mixed group, both sexually and race; all seem well to do, refined, all intently inspecting her.

       A final couple of clanks and the system shuts down, her body tautly stretched from the one leg, the other bending, straightening, twisting as her toes and fingers frantically claw the air as her muffled grunts spew even more saliva across her cheeks and forehead as she twists her head.  Rasping for breath, her abs flexing, her stomach trembles in and out, glistening from a fine coat of perspiration beading across her naked flesh.

       Jessica finds herself stepping to the side of the group, slightly to the side and behind the girl’s slowly twisting, naked body, silently glances toward another area of the room, a black, thick pole mounted on a podium, eyebolts in the floor surrounding it, a bar swaying down from the ceiling above it, all empty.  Glancing back as a masked, black clothed man literally brushes past her, enters the room, directly approaching the girl, pressing through the group, Jessica’s attention is again directed toward the girl as he slides his hands between her thighs, probes her gapped labia folds with one hand while squeezing, twisting what appears to be a foot long thick wooden phallus completely in side her trembling vagina.  Staring unbelievably, the rounded tip of the phallus appears to Jessica to push outward on the girl’s taut stomach, just above her navel as he pinches the twin folds of her labia across it’s flat surface and sadistically shoves what appears to be something like a large safety pin through the lips, across the flat end of the phallus, securing it in her.

       Her grunts, moans are just gurgles as she chokes on her saliva oozing from the ?O? ring.  Blood quickly trickles down from her pubic mound, barely streaking across her rippling abs as her naked body continues to twist, her free leg kicking, jerking, bending.

       Feeling a bump, her shoulder twist, Jessica, startled, looks behind her.  ?Well, what ye’ think?? Beth smiles, nods toward the girl, toward the hall.  ?Would you believe they’ve all been collected just today?... From the tri state area??

       ?Really??  Jessica answers, glancing toward the hall, back at the girl.  ?What, four, five of ‘em??

       ?Actually we need one more!?  Beth answers.  ?To mount naked on that pole over there!?  Nodding toward the black pole.  ?Some of these girls are going to take their turns in each room this weekend, before they’re auctioned off.  There’ll be quite a few paying customers for the exhibition.?  Again glancing toward the vacant pole, Beth nods back toward Jessica.  ?Yea, the girl on that thing’s going to really get a workout to start off.  Whips, needles, clamps.  Her tits are really going to be abused, Hell her whole naked body’s going to get a workout from top to bottom!  Yea Jessica, you ain’t going to believe what we’re going to do to you, next to your sister there!?

       Jerking, twisting, Jessica feels the wet, pungent rag pressed across her face as Deb steps behind her from the archway.  Rasping, chocking, dropping to her knees, her head spinning, she feels Beth’s hands ripping at her blouse, her bra ripping from her flailing breasts as everything goes dark, her mind blanks.

End Part One                       

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Went up my apartment wife had called. Her and her Mom to her Aunts house. Called my buddy Ed see what he was up too! Asked him if he wanted to come hang out! Told him the wife was out of town! Time to Party!Kathy ask "Is your buddy going to come over?" "Yeah " asked her how she wanted to do this? Kathy said " I'm excited but scared.." Assured her if she didn't want to do this she could back out. Kathy reply" I'm wet just thinking about this!" She said she would go down to her apartment and give...

3 years ago
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Live a super life

It was the year 2019 and superpowers had become all the rage. Things you read in comic books, watch in movies and spent half of your lifetime going to conventions for, had metaphorically come around to hit you in the face. The saying; with many superpowers comes many superheroes and villains too... had never been truer, at least in this case. The first breakout of superpowers in the year 1999 led to a near catastrophic incident that made the need for capes and tights men and women to arise. And...

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Esme Chapter 4

As always a special thank you to everyone at Transcripts TG Fiction for all their support and help. Even that ditzy maid! Chapter 4 Nagy's was OK, mostly what she had expected. She enjoyed it more seeing it through Jay's eyes. He kept up a steady stream of stories from his youth. The names of people she'd never remember, the odd spaces in the stories she suspected had once been filled by old exes. Mostly she kept quiet, enjoying not having to speak. Trying to imagine him as...

1 year ago
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My First Anal Experience

He leans in and kisses me passionately. I feel my pussy moisten and quiver with anticipation, my heart beat speeds up, and I breathe rapidly as his tongue explores my lips. As he caresses my hair and I can feel his warm breath on my lips, his hands groping my breasts as he nibbles on my ears and neck. I truthfully didn’t think I was going to see him again. I feel an overwhelming sense of emotions. I feel his manhood stiffen beneath his coveralls as he rubs his hand between my legs, my pussy...

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Pass Around Girl

I arched my back as he thrust deeply into me and exploded. My pussy held his cock tight as he pumped his seed into me filling my womb. After his balls were drained he pulled out of me and I stood up and turned to him. He pulled his pants up and told me thanks and went back into the bar. I loooked around the parking lot and pulled my pants up and headed for my car. As I walked I could feel that my pussy was all gooey. I got in my car and headed home. It only took ten minutes for me to get home...

3 years ago
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I Love You Daddy Part 3

The next morning, Master woke up before I did. When I finished doing my hair and makeup in the bathroom, I went straight to the living room without getting dressed. I remembered he had something serious to talk about with me and I didn’t want to appear overly guarded or haughty. I found him in the computer nook, fully dressed in one of his work suits, with the administrator page of the website opened. “Daddy…” I began. He was tapping the right hand of his chair and his brow was furrowed....

2 years ago
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Grauwulf seemed not to notice the rolling and pitching of the boat. His elbows rested on the front rail, fingers entangled in his shaggy beard. To his left, the watch scanned the blue with Zeiss binoculars - attempting to mask his fear with concentration. Behind, on the birdcage, two more seamen stared up at the sky - one, his arm draped protectively over the grey breeches of the twin 'zwillingkanonen.' A stiff breeze whipped spray up and over the hull, sending foamy rivulets slopping into...

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Felicity Ch 12

Chapter 12. Marina Marina and I began our last college semester as a committed couple. We lived together. Early that spring semester I had an important swim meet at a college just forty miles away so most of us drove to the site. With very few exceptions college swim meets do not attract much of a crowd so it was easy for me to spot Marina in the stands of the away venue. I picked that day to beat the conference record in the thousand meters free, which was what it took for us to win the...

3 years ago
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The summer I got to know Mom Part 1

June 4th Dear Journal, Well, I’m here, my first night at my Mom’s place. So far, things are good, though it’s a little weird being here. When I saw Mom at the Airport this afternoon it was the first time I’d seen her in nearly a year. She’d changed enough that I had to double check to be sure before I went over to her in the terminal. Her blonde hair was cut up to her neckline, she was wearing sunglasses, she was tan, and moreover, she looked somehow smaller than the last time I’d seen her. She...

2 years ago
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The Gangbang Of The Belly Dancer 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone. Sit back and enjoy as your favorite belly dancer brings you a brand new series of her sex adventures with her Indian boyfriend. You can read my previous series A little backdrop of the previous stories: A 19-year-old Thai girl moves to Hong Kong for higher studies. There she starts practicing belly dancing. She meets an Indian guy who is mesmerized by her dancing and beauty. They started dating and end up having sex with each other. It started during the early days of February....

1 year ago
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The Transformation Machine

"Fresh start", "It's a new life", "It'll be a great adventure". All words people constantly say when it comes to moving out to a new place. Sometimes it's true. Sometimes it's not. You sure hope it'll the case for you. For now, it seems to have taken a good start: you moved from a small cheap places buried somewhere deep in the city, to a nice small house in the suburbs, and it felt awesome. All of that was made possible by a raise ; long awaited in your opinion, but that finally was it. Your...

1 year ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 76

"Good to see you back with us," Blevins said as he entered the room. "So do you remember what happened now?" "Oh yes, I remember them saying that it was a message from Davenport. The skinny one, who is no longer with us, said that if I didn't leave Davenport alone, he would have me and my whole family killed. He was very specific." "My God Max, we are going to hang his ass from the courthouse flagpole, when you tell that in court." "Good, now tell me something. Where the hell is...

4 years ago
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Erotic Evening in Paris

The last of the arriving passengers had finally trickled out of the arrival gate at the Charles DeGaulle airport. 30th of December was not a particularly busy time for air traffic in Paris. Vitorrio DeLuca scanned the faces of every last passenger that passed by. What did she look like? They had not met or seen each other in seven years. Would she recognize him? He heard she had gained some weight since they were last together in New York in the summer of 2001. She had married some wall...

3 years ago
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75 year old mother in law

I caller at the mother in laws last night I fancied a fuck, gets to her flat all the lights were on so I open the door with my key, Went into the living room, I could hear something in the bedroom, that got me thinking I know she was on a dating site, I bet the slag got a man in there might get a threesome so I open the door & here’s this bloke about thirty with his cock up her, He was really fucking her, then she looked at me & put her hands on his shoulders & said stop he did & looked round...

3 years ago
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Me My Wife Neha And My Best Friend Samir 8211 Part 1

First of all let me introduce me to you alll. I am Pratik a 26 years old techie from Pune working in a MNC & I have a sweet wife Neha who is 23 years old. It was well past 10 o clock on a chill winter Saturday night & me and my best friend Samir were enjoying our whiskey at my place. We were too drunk as per usual standards.My Friend Samir had got little too tipsy & he said to me, ” Pratik, I am must admit.You are a very lucky guy. You have a very beautiful wife. I am a silent admirer of her...

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TripleA DushayChapter 3

I didn't see any more of Nolan Ryan O'Conner or his sweet little mama during our long home stand, but all three of us guys got nice thank you cards from Maureen O'Conner, addressed to us "c/o Camden Yards" and finding their way to us there without any evident difficulty. She sent us each a wallet-size snapshot of Nolan, wearing a baseball uniform and looking somewhat older than he now appeared. In the picture, the kid had a lot of shaggy, dark hair with reddish tints to it. If he...

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CHAPTER 23: RECOVERYThe feeling of blackness coming over me certainly wasn’t a new experience. I hoped it would not continue to be familiar to me in the future.The first sensation to return was sound. It was difficult at first to distinguish and identify the sounds that came to me. The sounds and my place in the world relative to those sounds were confused. My mind wanted me to be waking in a richly appointed room secure within an estate in modern society of the well-to-do. I wasn’t in such a...

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So my husband and i have not had a great sex life for years, not even sleeping in the same bed. I've always been attracted to my husband best friend, and for the past little while he's been a huge comfort to me. This is what happened the last time he came to visit...We were finally alone. My husband and the k**s had gone to bed. We were both sitting on couch, both action as if everything was normal. Donna felt like the air between them was electric. It had been so long since she had felt his...

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The Present Part III

The Present... (Part III) Tony asked me to try on the black baby doll and the ?gather belt with black stockings, so I went to my room to change... I was still thinking on what just had happened and I couldn?t believe it. I took my clothes off and I took the gather belt and the stockings and I put them on... I remembered that I had a sexy lace panties that could match with what I was going to wear so I went to my drawer and took the panties and I put them on top of the gather... then I...

2 years ago
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1 November 2008Chapter 5

Lisa put together some last minute things, cosmetics, and her light blue wraparound dress in case she and Dan were to go out for the evening. She knew that John would be balls deep in Karen as often as possible and she wanted that same feeling from Dan. “Girls make sure you have everything in case we spend the night at Dan’s home!” Lisa shouted to Hanna and Jennifer. “And make sure you’ve taken your birth control pill!” “Yes, Mom!” Hanna acknowledged. “And speaking of birth control, I...

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A Little Stinger

A Little Stinger By Miss Anonna It was a beautiful day down at the river but I had soaked up enough sun and gathered my things to head back to the car. I opened the door, tossed my towels in the passenger seat and plopped down to head home. “Ow! Shit!” I hollered and jumped up so quick that I bumped my head really hard on the car. “Dammit!” I hollered again and nearly cried. I was so pissed off and figured that I had sat on a bee so I frantically searched for the little bugger but to no avail....

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Double Dared

I was returning home from a 3 week outpost nursing job and my g/f Elaine was going to pick me up at Pearson in Toronto. I had made three flights already this day to get to this last portion of the journey and had made it as far as Thunder Bay. I had a 1 hour wait before loading for the last leg of air flight and of course, this was when they announced that all air flights to and from T-Bay were postponed. A rain storm turned to freezing rain and shut everything down, temporarily, as the storm...

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The chick and the dick

Emma woke up feeling relaxed and looking forward to the day ahead. She didn't have anywhere to be, and had no plans as yet for the day, so a morning in bed seemed perfect. She stretched out her body. She was of medium height, and average size. Her red hair was long and loose, spread out across her pillow, and contrasted with her pale skin. She lazily traced a finger along her collar bone, down to her right breast. Her breasts were C cups, topped by pink nipples which she gently teased to...

4 years ago
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Sex in coimbatore bus

Hi this is rajesh again. The response for my earlier gay story has been mind blowing which has given me confidence to write my new story. Sorry guy’s this is not a gay story. This is a real instance, which happen to me last year in november 2008. As i am working in a private company as marketing head so i have to travel a lot. This is the incident, which happens when i was traveling to coimbatore by kpn sleeper coach a/c bus. Actually i hate to travel by bus but as tickets are difficult to get...

1 year ago
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Remember Me

I got the call late one Sunday evening, and the last thing I ever expected was her bouncing voice to come flying over the line at my ears. “Remember me?” She didn’t wait for my answer. “It’s Cora. I used to live three houses down the street from you.” Remember her? It wasn’t like I could forget. How could I ever forget one of those pivotal people in my childhood? And, as far as sexual awakening goes, Cora was the overriding figure of my teenage years. The years washed away faster than my...

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Hot Romance With Dad8217s Friend8217s Daughter

Hi Readers, I’m a regular reader of ISS stories and read so many stories which made me to write my first sex story in ISS. So, excuse me for any mistakes or if I am making the story boring at any point and thanks in advance for reading the sex story. Let me introduce myself, I am Sunny from Hyderabad 28 M, 5’11’’ height with my tool 6 inches, slim built body with fair complex in colour. Interested Aunties / widows/ housewives can reach me @ , confidentiality maintained at its best ☺ Coming to...

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My Young Vietnamese Doctor

It’s has been six months since I met Dr. Wei a beautiful, petite Vietnamese doctor right out of medical school. Dr. Wei was very serious 28 year old Neurologist who was treating me, a 64 year old Vietnam vet for a central nervous system disorder. At first she was kind of standoffish, but I am a naturally friendly guy and after a few office visits we began to hit it off and talked about how she could not date while she was in medical school, and the “man shortage” for young professional women...

2 years ago
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The Brass StatuettesChapter 5 Different Points of View

On Saturday morning Trudy rose early to eat breakfast with Frank. She decided not to wake the girls; they would have been grouchy for having been rousted at that hour. She wanted to talk with Frank, anyway. "Frank, before you leave to play golf, I thought that I'd let you know—Gloria Warner called me up yesterday." "No kidding," he answered, "it must have been about the charity foundation." "How did you know?" "Don't you remember? We talked about it a few days ago." "Well, I...

1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 411

No one believes seniors ... Everyone thinks they are senile. An elderly couple was celebrating their sixtieth anniversary. The couple had married as childhood sweethearts and had moved back to their old neighborhood after they retired. Holding hands, they walked back to their old school. It was not locked, so they entered, and found the old desk they'd shared, where Jerry had carved I love you, Sally. On their way back home, a bag of money fell out of an armored car, practically landing at...

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Laundry Tales 06 Nude Maiden

***************************** Copyright jeanne_d_artois June 2010 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. ***************************** The laundry of my ancestors’ house is now my workshop. I’m a potter and good enough at my trade to make a reasonable living from it. The...

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Sex with my hot aunty

It was a Saturday afternoon.My uncle phoned at home and told me to come to stay at his place.He was going on a business meeting in England.So he told me to come and give my aunt company. I started packing my luggage.At eight at night,he came to pick me as he was ging tomorrow.Arriving there,i went to freshen up in his bathroom.My aunt Asha was a very beautiful women(34yrs) with a fair color and an amazing body structure.She huge pair of boobs which had always made my mouth watered.She had a...

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AllGirlMassage Brett Rossi Cadence Lux The Tutor

Tutor Brett Rossi is helping her student Cadence Lux study anatomy and physiology. Cadence is frustrated because she’s trying to understand, but can’t retain the information. She’s overwhelmed with her tests and her rent, and the stress is giving her backaches and neck pain. Good thing Brett used to be a masseuse. She hikes up her skirt to prepare to massage Cadence. When Cadence sees Brett’s black panties, she suggests they stick to the books, but Brett insists that a...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 372 Guest Services

So how is this going to go for the rest of the guests coming in today? I expected a lot more dressing down of the families, but it was much less than expected. One of the families was shocked to hear the psychologist say, “We have placed five of your children under psychiatric care to prevent harm to other guests or themselves. Three are classic psychopaths, the other two sociopaths. None of them are the ones you have kept under close watch due to showing suicidal tendencies. Those children...

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Breeding Mrs Gray pt 1

I just graduated from college and wanted to take the summer off. My parents were okay with it as long as I helped around the house. My parents were gone on a 3 week vacation, and I was outside cleaning the pool when I first saw her. She and her husband bought the house next to ours. Her name was Mrs. Gray and she was gorgeous. She had shoulder length black hair that was curly at the moment, she seemed to be from my estimations 5’9” about 115lbs and more importantly her breast size seemed...

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Note to reader: This story has a slow build, so if you are looking for a quickie you want to read another and come back later. Thanks. September 1975, Denver Daniel had a big decision to make. And he had to make it soon. He was sitting in a lecture hall, lost in a daydream while waiting for the professor to arrive so class could begin. Daniel was beginning his sophomore year as an engineering major, and the fall semester was only three days old. His dilemma, and the big decision that was...

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As Annalise unbuttoned her blouse, she could not help but wonder what on Earth caused her to take a quick shower and change into other clothing...for this? Her bra and panties really weren't anything special, just a matching pastel cotton set, but her darker skin showed thru them, and she liked that. She also had simply pulled on a nice little buttoned-down blouse, and she fumbled a bit in nervousness as she removed it. Annalise was no virgin, but on the other hand, not the most...

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The ASSasin

This is just a short little story I wrote, please be warned though that it is a rather dark piece of fiction and so please keep an open mind whilst reading through it, and understand that it is just FICTION, not based on any real events or truth, so don't go hounding me with burning torches and pitchforks! hehe--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I loved the life I had. I loved my lifestyle. I was living the dream in a paradise like...

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Hannah g marketing

This all started off when I got a new job working for a marketing company as a door-to-door salesperson. She was the managing director. The most beautiful blond I had ever seen, C-cup breast and skin like butter. The best part was her legs. I got a boner every time I saw them and she had the most delicious pedicure feet with red toenails, don’t even get me started on her arse. Every morning before we went door to door, the entire company would have a meeting. There were about 50 of us in the...

3 years ago
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Seduced Bt Tenant Jai

Nobody wants to be unfaithful but there are situations when one cannot avoid. My story is like this. I’m Zarina aged 30 ,married with one son aged 10. My husband is traveling salesmen and usually stays away from home for months. However, we love each other so there was no bad feeling. Our compound is large so we build a small home separately to give to a tenant. Yet we share the same bathroom and toilet, which is outside the house. Our tenant Jai is a good person who minds his own business and...

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Games That Grownups ndash Part 5

After a hard week there was nothing like relaxing in the hot tub in the back yard, thought Joyce Summers. The warm water frothed and fizzled, the bubbles forming and popping in a continual effervescent surge, each one making a tiny, but important, contribution to the feeling of relaxation flowing through her. The MILF lay back, resting her neck in the headrest in the corner, closing her eyes to the coming dusk and letting the steam envelope her, cleaning her pores and relaxing her aching...

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Prisoner of the New Republic

Chapter 1 The panic attacks just kept coming, endlessly, one after the other. An attack would begin, and Mona would feel the fear in her spine. Breathing would become difficult. She would panic more when she felt it. Perhaps something horrible was about to happen. She would do the breathing exercise she had learned long ago. She would do the exercise for 10 minutes and just as the attack was beginning to ease off, and she was sort of able to breathe again, something else would happen just...

4 years ago
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I have just met a new man, Josh, four years younger than me. Lots of flirtatious banter and questions on our first dinner date. “I prefer a well hung man. I love being licked and teased,” I confide. “Do you consider an eight-inch man well hung? What part of your body do you like being licked?,” he teases back. “You look magic in those heels and tight, green leather slacks,” he tells me on our second date. “They would look even better around your ankles.” “Do it for me then,” I whisper as...

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Showering with sister

I’m a 21-year-old software engineer from the UK. I’m addicted to watching some reality shows ( I cannot think of anything else I could possibly get off to ), and owning all my favorite videogames. I live in a small apartment with just my little sister. Our parents have given us all the material possessions and have supported me in my goals.I work hard and am just trying to make it through a really rough winter. I am trying to keep up with the monthly food cost, gas, and other living...

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Michelle the maid

As michelle awakes bound in her bounds for her sleep. She had slept with a vibrating plug on all night, chastity and ballet heels.Mistress carmen walk into the room, "i hope your ready for you day today my sissy slut you got a big day today." Mistress unbuckles michelle bounds. "Now slut we need you to get changed and prepared for master and house duties. In the bathrom will be your outfit for the day."Upon walking into the bathroon struggling with her ballet heels michelle sees a maiden...

2 years ago
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The view leads to someone else

A month after I moved in with them, I had become rather comfortable, both physically and emotionally. They even upgraded their queen sized bed to a king sized bed, so we wouldn't be quite as cramped. Our relationship really had grown. It was mostly physical before, but after I moved in, I truly got to know them better on a deeper level. Before when I came over, there wasn't a lot of time to talk after the deed was done. Then they began to open up quite a bit. We all were lying down on the bed...

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My First the day my life changed forever

If every man were to try a BBC up his ass, I promise we would have more gay submissive men that will like bottoming and would be sneaking around to ride BIG COCKS that could tear your insides apart. Just try a BBC one time and I can also promise you you will be questioning your sexuality after. I know I did the first time I had a cock up my ass. My first cock wasn't a BBC but it was 8 inches and very thick. It was violently forced into my poop shute by an older man who could care less about my...

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middleageminx picks up a stranger

I’d taken a few days off work to do some jobs around the house, but I needed to go to B&Q to get some bits. While I was getting some light fittings a smart lady, slightly grey hair asked if I knew about outside lights. I didn’t want to be rude so asked what she was looking for, I then picked up some lights and said that I thought these were good value for money and suggested a particular light. She smiled and thanked me, putting the light into her basket. I went back to getting some cables...

3 years ago
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Temporary Roommates

Fire sucks. I just wanted to say that from the start and get it out of the way. There’s no way to describe coming home from a long day at work to see fire jetting out of your apartment windows. To make a long story short … electrical fire. I guess you could say I was lucky though. Not everything burned, and I was able to save about half of my clothes and a few other odds and ends. And trying to look on the bright side of things … I guess that’s what renters’ insurance is for, right?

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