Helen… Ch. 03 free porn video

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Dusk had descended and the house was plunged into darkness. There were no power supplies, which Harry in his infinite wisdom forgot to mention. He found a half burned candle and he lit it to bring some form of lighting into the lounge. Helen had the option to leave or stay, she chose to stay. The day had been hot and now the late evening was left humid. Helen sacrificed a hot shower and so followed Harry’s suggestion to take a cold one instead. After drinking a hidden stash of beers, they felt tired, hungry and disappointed for their own reasons, especially Helen who had to cope with having her bag stolen with the car.

They sat together on the settee. ‘Who are the O’Grady’s?’ Helen asked with curiosity.

‘Oh they are just friends.’ Harry replied nonchalantly. ‘Well, old friends. Quite old friends.’

‘Are they the ones you were trying to drive away from, nearly killing us?’

‘Yeah, they were. I’ve been hiding from them for months. And today they found where I lived. Pathetic isn’t it? If I hadn’t have picked you up at the university, that wouldn’t have happened.’

‘Oh, so you are blaming me? Thanks a lot.’

‘No, no. Indirectly. I wanted to pick you up. Show you this place. Everything turned out a bit arse over tit.’

‘Harry be honest. Do you think I’m going to live here with no food, power or…’

‘Me?’ Harry interrupted to continue her quoted list of reasons for rejecting the house. ‘I’m here. I can have things sorted in no time, before I move on.’

‘Move on? You intend to leave this house… to me? What about the owner in…South America or Africa?’

‘He won’t mind. He’s quite a nice mate. We have know each other for ages.’

‘Ages? How long is ages?’

‘About… five weeks. No… to be honest I don’t know him at all. To be honest again I made him up. I’m a squatter. And you can be the squatter when I’ve gone. It’s not a bad thing. Lots of students squat. You can bring some of your student mates around to move in.’

Helen looked and listened to him in absolute disbelief. He returned her glances knowing that she was not going to accept his outrageous offer. She was lost for words, but then what he said did not matter, even though it was rubbish. Watching him speak and hearing what he had said so nonchalantly just shown his overall personality for what it was. She liked it. There was something sexy about it and he looked so gorgeous in that candlelight. It was kind of ‘roughly’ romantic. Harry raised a smile and mellowed through anticipated embarrassment. She was not going to fall for the excuses he had offered and he felt so stupid for trying. But there was one thing he did know, he fancied her like crazy.

Helen smirked and sank back into the settee. She had forgiven him for his lame and, as yet, unfounded answers about his supposed landlord, who may not exist at all. Someone like Harry can never be trusted to tell the truth. However, she was willing to stand by him.

Harry sat back next to her with his head slowly edging towards her ear. His hand rested gently upon her belly, with his thumb rubbing against her skin between the openings of her blouse. She felt his breath and then his lips as he began to kiss then nibble on her earlobe. It felt so wonderful, sending pleasant chills along her spine. Harry had conveniently found one of her erogenous zones and realised how much he could use it to take advantage. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply as he continued to touch and feel, letting his hand glide over the curve of her breast. He was not content with just that, he began to open the top buttons to gain further skin contact as Helen enjoyed his tongue, smoothing and licking her lobe.

Once her blouse was open, he exposed her breast. His thumb began to tease her aroused nipple, making it hard and raised from the smooth pink areola. It was what he had desired. To see and touch her breasts was his first conquest completed. Again, Helen seemed oblivious to all of this, but she knew exactly what was happening. She could feel him and did not want him to stop. His fingers playing on her nipple and his tongue licking on her earlobe was manifesting into total pleasure. However, she pretended to be lost in the moment so that Harry could make further moves. She enjoyed it when a man took advantage of her body.

Harry realised that he had control of her. In his way of thinking, she was like putty in his hands. He opened up her blouse and began to grip and hold her breast, caressing it gently. His lips met hers and together their kiss began a journey of passion, becoming deeper and deeper in the wild exploration of each others mouths, tongues and lips. Harry wanted to feel and see more of her, but the candle’s dying flame made the room darker, with only a hint of dim light coming from the window. Helen opened her eyes and acclimatised to the diminished light, feeling his fingertips run softly over her belly, before hitching up her skirt to the waist. His hand pushed her thighs open as she slid herself deeper into the settee. He began to manipulate her sex through the panties, pulling them to oneside in order to tease her lips open wide. Helen loved it when a man touched her in that way. The feel of his finger gently rubbing against her clitoris and then exploring into her welcoming vagina made her even more drenched and wanting.

No words were spoken by either of them. There was only the sound of her moans and deepening breaths that broke the silence. Harry concentrated on his finger teasing, and then he kneeled between her thighs to slip off her panties, giving more access to her sex, allowing him to get closer. She could see his silhouetted body in the darkness removing his clothing and then his hands opening her thighs once more, to feel his slick tongue tasting her, probing within her and then tantalising her clitoris.

There was now no reason to let it all stop. Her slow rise to orgasm was growing ever more stronger with each stroke of his tongue. She could hear and feel how wet he had made her during the act and it felt so good. This stranger she had known for only a short while was invading her body at will.

The intensity grew stronger as Helen threw her arms around his shoulders, pulling Harry closer to her, fingers stroking his spiked gelled hair as she allowed herself to come for him, filling his mouth with the release of her liquid love. There was no doubt in her mind that Harry was experienced in what he was doing. In the darkness he lifted his head to hers and her fingertips felt his face and lips, wet with her love juice. She kissed him, tasting the sweetness of her, which only served to raise her passion even more.

Harry raised himself and stood before her. She reached out and felt the long hard cock he was offering her. Her fingers explored it, feeling its protrusive veins and perfect form from base to tip and the smoothness of the head unsheathed. He wanted her to lick and suck it, and Helen had no bounds against giving in to his desires to feel her mouth upon him. She knew exactly what to do and it did not matter if it was dark, as the taste and feel of him was enough. It had everything in its natural form she had imagined and desired. Soon he began to yield to her, as his moans grew louder. She began to stroke it delicately, slowing down his ardour and finding it irresistibly intoxicating.

Helen did not want him to come too quickly. She knew well enough that once he came, his passion and hardness might diminish completely, and she had not yet been completely satisfied. Together they relaxed for a while, resuming their sitting positions next to each other as Helen removed the rest of her clothing to match his total nakedness. His fingertips caressed her nipples gently, keeping them hard and aroused. ‘I always wanted to see you naked, ever since I first saw you.’ he said.

‘And how long have you been watching me?’

‘To be honest, for weeks before I plucked up the courage to talk to you. I know that mig
ht seem strange, but inside this rough exterior is someone who is really shy. Can you believe that?’

‘I would say roguish rather than rough,’ she smiled. ‘And yes, I can believe it.’

‘You are someone I have always dreamed of meeting,’ he explained, lifting her face to look at her more closely in the partial darkness. ‘You are beautiful, you know that?’ Helen replied with a smile, realising that this person was capable of being tender. That inner-self of his was now showing through. She also realised that there was a cry within him, for him to be understood a little more than he was.

‘What kind of trouble are you in Harry?’ she asked, braving the opportunity to find out.

‘Lots to be honest. The errors of my ways are catching up on me fast. It’s either the cops or those friends of mine who will get me first. The only one person I can turn to is Kenny.’

‘And who is Kenny, if I may ask?’

‘My step dad.’

A few hours later they both retired to Harry’s bedroom, or atleast the room in the house he claimed as his sleeping area. There another candle was lit which gave them more light to explore each other more clearly. Harry had staying power in his love making, enabling her to come many times before he did eventually as they furiously fucked to a crescendo of orgasms. This time she was careful, making sure he wore a condom. And, credit where it was due, Harry had a ready supply and considerate enough to use them.

He lay beside her, removing his protection and disposing of it quickly. Helen laid her arm across her breasts, catching her breath. She could not help but compare Jack with Harry. It was the first thing that came into her mind, a comparison between the older mature man and the younger man of her own age group. And, out of all the boy friends in those past years of sexual exploration and discoveries, Harry had performed the best of all so far. Yet Jack was still the one who seemed to know exactly what she wanted and made it all happen, apart from the accident they had the last time, which made her worry about any consequences that may still arise.

‘You are an amazing fuck, you know that?’ Harry said, adding a hint of humour to his words and meaning. It made her laugh at his brash description of her lovemaking and she tapped him gently on his arm. ‘It’s true,’ he continued. ‘You blew my mind, as well as my cock. Totally amazing. Lets do it again.’

‘Some other time maybe. I’m ready for sleep and there is the problem of my stolen bag thanks to you.’

‘Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Was there anything valuable in it, apart from books and things?’

‘The only keys I have to my bed-sit, my credit card and loose change.’ She turned to face him, snuggling into his arm. She watched him contemplating some kind of solution, or atleast hoped he was. ‘Those books and notes are important. It was my study work, and I’m completely lost without them.’

‘I’ll have a word with Kenny later. See what he can do. The O’Grady’s might still have them to return. But, you can kiss goodbye to your cash and credit card. They know a few tricks with pin numbers and if they get it, they will wipe you clean.’

‘Pity they can’t pay off what I owe. My limit is exceeded. They won’t get anything.’

In their moment of chilling, Helen caressed his face with her finger. Slowly, they both drifted off into a state of slumber, fully satisfied and contented with what they had just achieved. The candle slowly expired too, as if all the timing was eloquently in tune with their minds and bodies and the passing of the last few hours.

Later that morning, Helen was awoken by the sunshine beaming through the bedroom window. She turned to see if Harry was lay beside her, but he wasn’t. His place in bed was empty. She drew back the duvet and began her search of the house for him. Every room was looked into as she called out his name and it became apparent that Harry had left her alone in a strange house, in a strange suburb of town without means of communication. At that moment she began to realise how important her phone was and her stolen bag with its other contents.

After a cold-water wash and then dressing, Helen searched for food in the house. The milk in the fridge had gone sour. There was simply nothing to eat or drink but cold water. The front door was unlocked, and she was free to leave. She still knew nothing of the area or even where it was. She considered asking a neighbour, but that idea was soon dispelled from her mind. The house did not belong to Harry and they might ask too many questions. So, she decided to hold on a few more hours.

As she sat in the corner of the lounge, arms around her knees after many hours of waiting, Harry returned carrying shopping bags. She raised her had to look at him. ‘Where have you been? She asked.

‘I’m sorry for running out on you. I had to see someone. Look, I’ve brought us some food.’ He took the shopping bags into the kitchen and Helen watched as he emptied their contents into the cupboards. ‘I’ve even got energy cards, so we can have electricity.’

‘What about my things… my bag?’

‘Oh yeah. Well, we didn’t manage to find that, so I bought you a mobile phone. Brand new and all connected.’ He took out the phone from his jacket pocket and handed it to her. It was still useless because of all the contact numbers stored in her usual phone. Not every one remembers so many numbers, including Jack’s. There was however one number she did remember and tapped in the numbers. It began to tone and a few seconds later it was answered.

‘Hello? Who is this?’ It was the Irish accent of a man, brogue and insistent.

‘This is the owner of the phone you have,’ she told him. ‘And I want it back.’ The phone disconnected before she could say anything else. Harry watched as she threw down the new phone onto the table. ‘Bastard!’

‘Wait. Was that one of the O’Grady’s?’

‘So what if it was? I need my phone and my bag.’

‘Look, you have to be careful how you speak to them.’ Harry became nervous as he explained. ‘They can be cruel and heartless in their violence. A family of thieves. Even the cops take a wide berth when it comes to dealing with the O’Grady’s.’

That was nothing new to Helen. Where she had spent her childhood was full of families like the O’Grady’s. She even befriended a few and found them quite generous towards her when it came to needing help with a few bullies at school. And the family that Harry mentioned was no challenge to her. ‘So where do I find them?’ she asked.

‘No way! I’m not even going to think of it. You’re safe with me. I’ll sort something out.’

‘Fair enough. How do I get into my place without keys?’

‘That’s easy. We break in.’

During dinner, they sat at the kitchen table. Helen asked more questions about Harry and his sketchy lifestyle, making things clearer about him. He did not even own the market stall in town. His job was to guard it from shoplifters and rogues, like the O’Grady’s, from having unhealthy interests in the businesses. He was a security man for his stepfather and his gang of rogues. And she also discovered that Harry had served time in prison until recently for violent crimes against other rivals.

‘I was framed. I didn’t do half the things I was sent down for,’ he explained. ‘It happens I suppose. Dad, that’s Kenny, he was furious obviously. The whole thing sparked off again. Mad as ever. Now the O’Grady’s try to get one up on us. Like yesterday. They wanted my car to wreck and burn just for fun. Probably break my arms and legs too if you hadn’t have been with me.’

‘Stupid games.’

‘Stupid yes, but serious. You’re never going to get your things back. We can sort it.’ He put his hand on hers. ‘You’re smart and I like you. Last night was good. I realise now that you were more than just a good fuck.’ Helens eyebrows rose at the expression. ‘No, seriously. I like you a lot. You’ve grown on me and I want to get to know you more.’
In Helen’s mind, he was not the kind of man with his kind of lifestyle that she wanted. He was handsome in his own right, but wild, reckless and unreliable as well as a liar and potential vagabond. Infact, she wondered how much of what he had just told was for real. And yet she found him endearing and an excellent lover in bed.

The old Victorian house where her bed-sit was situated had a back alley passage. Harry looked up at the crisscross of drainpipes on the wall, looking for a way into her apartment. Helen watched on as he studied the situation with concentration. ‘Thing is, how safe are those pipes? I could climb them and find myself falling off the wall. These old properties are not that easy to get into.’ Helen smiled at him, which raised his attention. ‘What? I mean it. I could seriously injure or kill myself.’

‘There is a better way in.’ She said. ‘Safe and a lot easier.’

‘Ok then, how?’

‘The attic. We climb up into the attic on the landing and look for the trapdoor on my ceiling. Get in that way and nobody will even notice.’ The thought had come to her while they were searching for a way in, and remembered the various trapdoors over every bed-sit apartment on that third floor.

It was quiet. The rest of the lodgers were either asleep, out or too busy doing their own thing. She pressed the key code on the front entrance that gave them entrance to the house. On the third floor landing there was the trapdoor into the abandoned attic. Harry lifted her up to open the trap. She was light and the view of her panties and her delights within gave him an added bonus to the whole effort. Helen lifted herself into the attic and there was enough daylight coming through the cracked and broken glass of the skylight to see where she was. After searching, she found the trapdoor that would give her access to her tiny apartment.

Harry waited a while outside the door until she opened it from inside. ‘See, it was easy,’ she said with a gleeful smile that signified self-cleverness. ‘Come on in. I’ll make us some coffee.’ Harry had been there before and noticed how cramped the place was even more, because Helen was the prime focus of his attention on his last visit. It was tidy, yet there was that certain smell, an old musty smell that came with age and multiple use over the years. The furnishings were partly damage and the bed-settee had seen many comings and goings in its time.

‘You need to get out of here girl. You deserve better accommodation.’ He told her as she passed him the only decent coffee mug she had in the place. She drank from a cereal bowl and sat beside him. ‘I can get my house sorted for us both.’

‘It’s not yours.’

‘That doesn’t matter. We can stay there… for now.’

‘The dreaded O’Grady’s might burn it to the ground while we are asleep at night.’ She said jovially, but Harry found it disturbingly possible and shook his head in reply.

‘You have a point. I think I should find us a much safer place.’

‘Us? Why do you say us? We are not a couple.’

‘Well, I know that, but we could be.’

Later, the inevitable had to happen. Helen lay back on the bed settee naked on her back with her legs open over the edge as Harry thrust in and out of her with ambitious vigour. It was rough and hard as he worked his way towards a climax just wearing his open shirt. She began to moan out loudly as he made her come several times. His cock felt amazingly satisfying and he knew exactly how to use it. She pulled the pillow partly over her face to bite it, in effort to silence her ever-escalating loudness. Harry however could not silence himself so easily. He began to slow down, nearing his orgasmic release, moaning loudly with each thrust until it was close enough to exit and stroke himself to a finish. His warm spunk came in several long streams, hitting her belly. Helen looked at his charges, settling into white sticky pools on her skin as she took long breathes. There was no doubt that he had plenty to give. She leaned up and watched him slowly resting on his knees as his moans and gasps slowed down into recovery.

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Kagney Linn Carter is trying to keep her bigtit body in shape by doing some yoga, but it’s not easy to nail some of the positions. When Kagney’s stepson, Codey Steele, finds his hot stepmom and takes the opportunity to perv on her, Kagney is initially irritated. She soon sees it as an opportunity for fitness and fucking, though. Directing Codey to come closer, Kagney tells her stepson that since he’s here he can help her with some of the stretches she’s been having...

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Vacation Preparation

This is my first attend in writing these events, the person’s names has been change, the events has not. Also if there any grammatical mistake please let me know and I would do my best to clean them up. Julia and Sandy are two very attractive 40, and 43 year old wife. I am married to Sandy for the last 19 years. They are both petite hot looking ladies that exude sexuality. Sandy has a very nice tight ass; this is due to her constant Zumba dancing. Julia has almost the same figure as Sandy but...

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SweetSinner Paisley Rae Naked Photos

After taking a nude picture of her professor, Paisley Rae realizes he’s a lot hotter naked than in clothes and decides that having sex with him to get into her sorority isn’t as ‘gross’ as she initially thought. In the middle of his living room, Paisley evolves from a timid student into a confident, horny woman – surprising both herself and her professor with her sexual prowess. She is more than excited to offer up her tight, wet hole for her professor’s...

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Dee And Kavi 8211 8216The Lovers8217 8211 Part 3

Hey everyone. Deepak here, and I hope you guys are doing well in this pandemic. So here I’m with another part of my life. A big thanks for ISS for posting my story and a big thanks to readers who gave suggestions and thoughts. I am overwhelmed! New readers, you know what to do. Start from my past series and come to this series. Without further ado, let’s jump into the story. I had the best day (and sex) of my life on my birthday. It’s not even comparable to the days to come. We stopped being as...

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A Very Magic Cream

A Very Magic Cream Chapter 1 New Beginnings Steve a slim 30 something, pushed at the smoked glass door, glancing nervously around him as he entered. Inside, the bright lights dazzled him a little compared to the dull wet day outside. "Hello, can I help you?" smiled the dark haired tall assistant. "No. Thanks, I'm just looking," said Steve trying not to make eye contact with her. "If you need any help, just ask." She said as Steve walked towards the rear of the store....

3 years ago
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My First Date Part Two

After a while we got pretty tired of just lying in the sun so we took a little dip in the ocean, it was cold, but fun. We went back to our blanket after drying off and lotioned back up again. It wasn't long before Jimmy wanted to make out some more and since this was my really first date without supervision, I felt like going crazy. We started kissing and feeling each other all over, still dressed. Jimmy had his hand down inside my bottoms and I really wanted him to do more, so I did what...

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The Green Green Grass of HomeDGH

Note from Jake Rivers: This is my fifth semi-annual ‘invitational.’ The initial one was based on the Statler Brother’s song, ‘This Bed of Rose’s.’ The second used the Marty Robbins El Paso trilogy: ‘El Paso’ ‘El Paso City ‘ and ‘Faleena.’ The third had stories based on the various versions of ‘Maggie May’ or ‘Maggie Mae.’ The fourth invitational was based on any Country & Western song. The current invitational is based on any song written or performed by Merle Haggard. Regards, Jake * I...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Sofi Ryan Sucking and Fucking That Pervy Cock

Sofi Ryan is so sick and tired of watching her pervy stepdad stroke his cock. He is so repulsive. All he does is masturbate and watch him all day long. She just wants him to die already so she can get that inheritance with her Mom. Donnie may not be dying any time soon though… how about a deal to get some of that money sooner than later? All Sofi has to do is suck and stroke his cock for him. Well he does have a nice cock! Sofi gets down and sloppy on that dick and ends up loving every...

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Hentai Bros! Back in the day, when I was just A dude, the entertainment world was divided into cartoons and not cartoons. One could watch colorful, moving images all day long without having to worry about the trajectory of an alien tentacle monster. The world of porn was divided into Jenna Jameson and Pamela on the yacht. No amateurs, freemium, premium, amateurish, semi-professional bullshit! Then THE dude era began!Some nerdy fucker invented the internet, and soon enough, things got hectic....

Hentai Streaming Sites
4 years ago
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The Beginning

The evening was dark but I had a call from Billy. From this I got in my car and went over to his place. Anything sexual was the last thing on my mind, weird how things turn out. After chatting for some five minutes I noticed you were getting uncomfortable, a bit of wriggling going on, it didn’t cross my mind that it was a hard on until you looked up and said “it’s because you’re here”. Next thing I see is your cock out and you’re wanking, I just looked and was thinking I want a taste. I heard...

4 years ago
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Neta Se Panga 8211 The Eve Tease

Hi, pornasaxena apke liye isbar laye hai, didi ki wo secret kurbani jo hamare parivar me hamesha dabi reh jati agar mai apko na batata, is kahani ke dwara. Waise to mai, aisi wild kahaniya nahi likhta, par isbar readers ko kuchh different dena chahta tha. Have a msg at the end, think abt it for some time. To ye rahi ..  .. Is bat ko huye kariban 2 sal hogaye par aj bhi sochta hun to wo bhayanak ghatna ka pal pal yad ajata hai. Thoda sabr rakh kar padhiyega, aur mistakes ko nazarandaz karke...

2 years ago
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Come on Over and My Mom Will Teach Us

Amanda jumped into bed . . . the pink hair brush on her nightstand dropped to the carpet. She had heard of girls using a brush handle to excite themselves and maybe that would be how she could fall asleep tonight . . . while thinking of Mike who was coming over after school the next day. A half-hour later, her pink brush still glistened with her juices as she began to dream. She was suddenly in the boy's high school bathroom at her school . . .and there were ten boys standing around her....

4 years ago
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Key West Incedent

Dearest Debbie, I know you were quite taken back at my sexual event of weeks ago, yet you didn’t seen that upset which made me more concerned. So I figured I write you and let you read the way my feeling were going, the funny part is that they went the same way as they do for you besides being sexual I have ever daring love for you. We have been so truthful in our relationship and you have accepted Karen Well you know Karen my girlfriend, well we made reservations at the Nassau House for a...

3 years ago
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Bathroom Encounter

I was hanging out with a bunch of friends in Cory’s basement. I was sixteen and the school year had just ended a couple weeks before that Wednesday. It was around 11am and we were planning to ride our bikes to the local courts to play some hoops. Before we left I wanted to use his bathroom. He said it was upstairs on the left. Thinking ‘upstairs’ meant upstairs, I bypassed the main floor (and the bathroom on the left) and went up to the second floor. I passed what was probably his parents’...

2 years ago
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Aunty Ki Gand Ki Mehek

I’m a new iss member so if any errors in story occur please excuse Mera nam xyz hai.I m a maharshtrian.Mai medical padh raha hu aur 3 saal me doctor ban jaunga . Mai iss bahut saalo se padh raha hu so isislye socha apni ek kahani bhi likh du . Ti chalo kahani pe aate hai. Meri kahani hai meri aunty k bareme. Unka figure bahut hi kadak hai rang sawla hai. Unki height 5”4 hai.Unke mamme jaise ki ras ki dukan aur gand jaise bada sa makan. Baat aise shuru hui ki mai hamesha chuttiyo me aunty ko...

4 years ago
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Marline Becomes A SlutChapter 8

Kelly said, "Good girl. You are quite a slut. If you were like this when we were in school you and I would have had a lot of fun. Come on. Our next stop is the city library. They are looking for a new computer and you're going to get it for them." We drove up to the library and Kelly said, "I have a different idea. I want you to go into the library, pretend to look at books. I want you to flash a guy and then take him to the men's room to fuck him. One other thing -- pick out the oldest...

4 years ago
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A Promotion at Work

Once we got home it was supper time, the house was cool and Catherine stoked the fire and soon got a nice fire going, I fixed myself a drink and settled into one of the chairs by the fire while she busied herself fixing supper. I recalled the events of the afternoon and how it had affected me, I had to watch everything. I couldn’t have averted my eyes if I’d wanted to, to me it was incredible to see how they endured the punishment. I was too busy taking it all in to really notice how the other...

1 year ago
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Balcony Diddling

My wife, Penny, can’t help herself. She loves to show off. It’s bad enough when we’re around the house or in town, but if we have to go anywhere far off, and especially when we go on vacation, she’s a lot worse. The truth is, though, she reigns herself in closer to home because she doesn’t want to totally mortify me in front of people we know. Out of town is definitely a different story. She loves to play in public, and if the circumstances are right I am right there with her too. Penny is...

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My Virgin Sister Chapter Three Final Chapter

"Oh Jack!" she begs. "Don't pull your cock out. Fuck me with it! My pussy feels good, doesn't it? It's burning, Jack. Just fuck me! I'll suck the juices off after, you know I will." The look on her face, as she pleads, almost make me change my mind, but I want to tease her just a little more. I lift my weight off of her and she starts humping my cock, as I pull it out of her pussy. I slide up her body, slip my pussy soaked cock between her lips and start pumping in and out, fucking...

4 years ago
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Surviving 2Chapter 14 Constantine

Scott shook off his black mood. He knew it wouldn't do him or Dalriada any good and in any event, the people had made their wishes clear. His first order of business was to see to their defences so that they could hold the High King long enough to allow the full muster of his men. He knew the Pass of Brander was the key to stopping anyone overrunning the main part of Loarne and he now marshalled archers and crossbows onto the high ground above the narrow pass. Even a small number of men...

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Both her and I were shall we say, quite young for sex but that didn’t stop us. Her family had moved in next door a couple years before and being that me and her where the same age, and I also think because she was kind of a tom boy, me and her “got along like peas and carrots” as Forrest would say. Now both our families were pretty much, middle class, white folk, stuck in the middle of the desert and that is about it. no glamour here. Anyways, we would spend our days together in school on the...

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The Threesome

My girlfriend, Mave, and I wanted to have a threesome with a guy so we posted it up on my profile. Admittedly, we were pretty picky about our selection. I even wrote up a whole blog post of rules about how to ask us and who we would accept. Here is a link to that post:http://xhamster.com/user/LadyOfDarkness/posts/71669.htmlAfter talking with some really nice guys (and a few douche bags) we finally picked somebody. After our night together I told him that I was going to write a story relating...

3 years ago
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Me Kemo SabeChapter 2

I took an hour nap in the afternoon. I took time to lay out my Lone Ranger suit. I had a feeling someone might want to see me dressed that way. We met the Rockford's at the door. Cindy handed the baby to Melanie to coo over. Rich shook my hand and eyed my wife closely. She smiled at him saying, "I'm glad you came to dine with us." "Have a beer, Rich?" "I shouldn't but sure, I'd like one. I'm not driving yet. I can manage the cast on my arm, but I don't have my license back...

1 year ago
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Indian Families In A Wild Orgy

Hello, My Dear Readers. It has been some time since I have been trying to write stories featuring a lot of characters. I never felt I had enough skills to compile a decent story, and gave up each time. But, now, I am pleased to present to you an orgy story, with plenty of characters of different age groups. This is the first part of the story. I will try my best to make sure the reader is not confused regarding the names and actions. Happy Reading! ‘Merry Times’ was a 5-star luxury resort...

2 years ago
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Frat girls

About 6 years ago i lived in a giant apartment building. It literally had 12 apartments, mostly 1br studios cept for two of them. Then, on my floor i noticed a new girl moving in across the hall and struggling with a dresser. Being a gentleman, i offered to help and introduced myself. Her name was alyssa, she had strawberry almost red natural blonde hair, a very young petite body with tiny breasts and was around 22 years old.I told her i read tarot and commented on her mariah carey poster and...

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A Night With My Buddy Ryan

During my freshman year in High School, I had finally reached maturity, and although I didn’t have many close friends, my friend Ryan and I were close. On one of our weekly weekend sleep overs, Ryan and I were looking and porn on my lab top. Both of us were getting horny and we were pitching tents. Usually, we would jack-off in front of each other (even on the same bed), but we never touched. During this night though, all of that changed. With looking at the porn, both of us started to undress...

3 years ago
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Half the ManChapter 5 It Is Always Darkest Before The Dawn Of A New Day

Dark gray clouds swirled ominously in the west, as the soft green lawns once full of people rapidly emptied. The dazzling jet blue sky above mutated to a premature menacing dusk as vendors hastily made their final sales. The many species of ducks huddled on the pond's banks and together waited for the appearance of the life giving moisture. Suddenly a deafening bellow followed by the heaven's stormy rage pierced the gathering darkness, and scattered the shore's multitude. A lone drop of...

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Sandy and RandyChapter 2 Daytime Funtime

After the close call and excitement, in more ways than one, of that first night together, Sandy decided they better cool it a bit so Mom wouldn’t get suspicious. Mom also went back on day shift, 8am – 8pm, so bedtime was less private, but days were not such a problem. Randy tried to act normal around Mom and of course, around Sandy, but he did have some issues like being quieter and more protective. Mom just thought he was getting older and closer to starting into puberty, especially now...

4 years ago
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Two guys one night

My parents decided to go away for the weekend, so it was just my older sister, my little brother, and me. My older sister had to go to work one evening so I was babysitting my little brother. I intended to spend time with him but I got a call that I’ve been wanting for a long time… His name was Derek, he was light skinned black guy, star running back on the varsity football team in our high school and was hot shit. I never had a black guy before but i heard “once you go black,...

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Feels So Right It Cant Be Wrong chapter 4

Kelly Layton glanced out at the dreary, post-blizzard landscape. Just looking at it made her feel cold. That alone would have been enough to keep her indoors, but she had one more special reason.A sudden wave of ecstasy rippled across her nude body and she quivered with delight. Moving her gaze away from the outside world, she smiled and watched the familiar blonde head bobbing between her spread-eagled legs. This had to be the absolute perfect way to spend a Sunday afternoon.Well, she supposed...

2 years ago
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RevengeChapter 15

All my senses shouted danger after Sofia's comment. A nagging voice inside my head kept on telling me that confessing about Helen and Kristin had been a bad idea, but I was not going to lie to her, ever. When my thoughts circled she kept on drawing with her finger to my chest. "Alexa needs to see what this business should really be. I promised to be there with her, and explain to her what you do, and why." When I did not answer to her immediately she adopted the look of pleading little...

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Not the Sharpest Knife in the Drawer Part 3

by Vanessa Evans Part 3 I lay in the sun for most of the rest of the day and I made myself cum one more time. I’m finding it easier to make myself cum but I’ve definitely decided that I much prefer it if someone else makes me cum. Tom was home early that Friday and he decided that we’d have pizza for tea. As soon as Mike arrived Tom phoned the order through and 20 minutes later I was rushing to the door to get it from the delivery guy who just stared at me when I opened the door. I had to...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 352

Before we knew it the weekend was over. The Sunday talk shows were filled with pundits who had all kinds of theories from mild to wild. The wild was that the prince had gone undercover to Morocco to inspect and buy virgin sex slaves from the Libyan branch of ISIS and had been double crossed. Centuries of tales of harems and private sex slaves were still rumored to be happening in the backrooms of the closed society that were made of the Kings and Princes. The modern internet only fueled the...

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Hannas Bra Fitting

It was almost break time when a girl approached me. “Hi, you’re Andrew, aren’t you?” “Yes, I am, can I help you?” “You’re in my sister’s year at school, Georgia, do you know her?” “Yeah, although I don’t share any classes with her, I don’t think I ever have actually.” “That’s probably a good thing to be honest. Anyway, I’m not here to talk about my sister, I need your help. I’ve never had a bra that fits properly, and these things are becoming a distraction for the rest of the class,...

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