Crapshoot Ch. 04 free porn video

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Judy showered and then the hairdresser fixed her hair while another beautician applied makeup. She was still wobbly when she stood to get dressed. The combined effects of the mud bath and massage with Bruno had left her curiously drained and weak. By the time she walked out dressed into the reception area of the spa to leave, she felt great. Still there was a gnawing need that still demanded to be satisfied. She hoped that John would fulfill that need soon.

“There seems to be a problem,” said Sandy with a shrug. “Your husband is up in Mr. Clametti’s office. They need to see you. This gentleman will take you upstairs.”

Judy looked to the impeccably dressed man waiting to escort her. She shrugged and followed the young man to the third floor. After punching in a security code, he opened the door, escorting her into the sumptuous suite, the door closing behind them with a solid thump.

“Hello Doll,” greeted Nick as he came in from another room.

“Where’s John?” asked Judy as he took her in his arms.

“He’ll be here in a few minutes,” he said just before his lips touched hers. The kiss was another languid one. Soft and slow, the tip of his tongue circled and outlined her ruby lips before probing between them, his hands rising from the flare of her hips, and up her sides to caresses the slight swell of her breasts.

Breaking off the kiss, he asked, “Did you enjoy your visit to the spa?”

The very fresh memories flashed before her, until she remembered her plaintive plea for Bruno to fuck her. She blinked several times, in disbelief, aware that her pussy was itching again, before stammering, “Yes, it was quite…quite an experience.”

“Fine, fine. I’m glad you’re enjoying your stay. Perhaps we could…”

“Sandy said that there was a problem,” she said in an attempt to gain control over the situation, “and that you and John were in your office. What kind of problem?”

“Oh, its really nothing…Well…actually, your husband is in deep shit.”

“What? What did he do?”

“He tried to pass me a bad check for the room bill.”

“Where is he?”

“He’s with a couple of my men.”

“Oh, god! Please don’t hurt him.”

“Please, don’t worry. He’s fine. I don’t want to hurt him, but I do want to get paid.”

There was a knock on the door. Nick answered and John was escorted into the suite, surrounded by the hulking figures of Bruce and Mickey.

“Well,” said Nick, “I was just explaining to your wife that you tried to stiff me for your room bill.”

At the sight of his wife, John uttered, “You stupid bitch!”

Judy bristled and seethed at the insult.

“You shut the fuck up!” snarled Nick as Mickey grabbed John by the collar and lifted him on to his toes. Judy seethed at John’s piggish behavior, after all, he was the one who lost all their money. “I’ve already told you once, don’t ever call her a ‘stupid bitch’.”

John gasped, “Okay, okay…”

Nick nodded and Mickey lowered him to the floor.

“Like I said, we don’t like dead beats who try to stiff us for their bill. You can pay up, right now, or go dance with my men…or…” Nick paused to let his implied threat sink in.

“Or what?” asked John desperate for an out.

“Your wife is a sweetheart. I like her. I like her a lot. I really wouldn’t want to see such a ravishingly beautiful woman stuck for the rest of her life with a cripple. Now I’m a fair man, a sporting man. Like I said, I have something in mind to settle your debt.”

“What?” asked John doubtfully. “What do you have in mind?”

“A little game of craps. Street rules. You win, your debt’s paid, and you can go home in one piece. If I win, your debt’s still paid, in full. You can go home tomorrow in one piece. But your wife, she’s mine for the evening to do with as I please.”

John looked at Judy who looked at Nick.

“Rules are simple. Judy rolls for point. If she makes point again before she rolls craps, you win. She rolls craps before making point, she’s mine for the night. Either way, your bill is paid and you can go home a whole man.”

“What’s craps?” asked Judy uncertain of anything other than the desire to lose and get back at John.

“You roll a two, three or twelve. Odds are four out of thirty six you’ll roll craps.

“What’s a point?”

“Whatever you roll the first roll, unless it’s craps, then I win. If your point is seven, odds are six out of thirty six. If your point is nine or eleven, odds drop to two out of thirty six.

John looked about, his mind racing, evaluating the offer. It stunk. Shooting craps for Judy? Then again, with a little luck… He quickly figured odds in head, a four, three in thirty six, a five, four in thirty six, a six or eight, five in thirty six…

Noticing that she was enjoying her husband’s discomfort, Nick winked at Judy and added, “To liven things up a little bit, if she doesn’t make point, she takes something off.”

Judy snapped her head around. She wasn’t about to take her clothes off in front of Nick’s men.

But before she could voice her concern, Nick anticipating her objection, reassured her, “Don’t worry, Doll. There will only be the three us here for the game.”

Nick turned to John, “How about it? Are you game?”

Hesitating, John looked desperately towards Judy who looked back at her husband with a blank face, giving him no clue as to her feelings. He’d seen that face before, that controlled, affected, ‘everything is all right dear’ look that might mean just that or might mean ‘you’re a dead man, Buster’. ‘Dear God, this can’t be happening,’ he thought. ‘Oh god, what should I do?’

Nick nodded to Mickey who tightened the grip on John’s collar. The threat was immediate. Closing his eyes, he crooked, “Yes! Okay, okay.”

Judy immediately felt disgust for her sniveling husband. How dare he offer her up as a prize in a craps game? Then again, angry though she may have been, she really didn’t want him hurt. Besides, she could win, maybe. And if not, well she was certain that Nick would relieve the horniness that had gnawed at her ever since she ovulated.

Nick winked at her with a grin that John couldn’t see. “How about it Doll? You want to help your husband out? Or do you want him to go dance with the boys?”

Judy could hardly keep from snickering, certain that Nick wouldn’t actually hurt John, even if she refused to play his game. Nick just wanted in her pants. For John, the worst that would happen was that he would be humiliated knowing that another man was having sex with his wife all night while he waited alone in their room. She struggled to maintain an indignant expression. “I don’t know. I don’t like being treated…”

“For god’s sake Judy,” blurted John, “tell him yes! Damn it, tell him yes!”

Judy looked back at John and with a submissive expression conceded, “Okay, hon, if that’s what you want.”

“Good,” said Nick with a grin, “then we are all agreed?”

“Yes,” said John defeated, yet hopeful, relieved that he wouldn’t have to face Nick’s men, especially the monstrous looking animal with the bulldog face.

“And you Doll? Are you game?”

“If that’s what John wants,” she said looking to her husband. John looking down at the floor, nodded in acquiesce.

“Fine. Now, so that there are no misunderstandings, no sudden remorse after you two go home, I have a couple of papers for both of you to sign.” Nick picked up some papers from a table and gesturing towards a chair directed John to sit down.

He handed John a sheath of papers and then handed Judy a sheath. “These papers merely ou
tline our agreement to play a game of craps and what the stakes are. It states that if we play our game, regardless of who wins or loses, I will pay your debt in full to the casino and hotel. It further states that if I win, all sex with your wife will be consensual on your part and her part. Furthermore, you state that you agree to these terms on your own free will and are cognizant of the consequences that may arise and that there is no rape or coercion involved. In other words, tomorrow, you can’t run to the cops and claim that I raped your wife. Now if you are agreed, sign.”

John scanned over the document hardly reading it, just catching the gist, the gist being what Nick had just stated. Mickey offered John a pin. John glanced back at Judy. Unable to read her expression he signed at the indicated place.

Nick handed Judy a pin. Without looking at the documents, she signed where Nick pointed.

Nick gathered the documents and placed them in a safe. Turning back around, he gestured with his hand saying, “That’s all, boys. You can go now.”

Bruce and Mickey departed leaving John, Judy and Nick alone in the suite.


“Would either of you care for a drink?” Nick offered.

Relieved that the two thugs had left, John sighed, “Yeah! I need a drink. Make it bourbon…a double…on the rocks.”

“How about you Doll?”

Judy’s hands felt clammy. A drink would help her, no matter what happened next. “Pina Colda?”

Nick laughed. “Sorry Doll, but I don’t mix fancy drinks. How about some champagne?”

“Oh, yes, that would be nice.”

Nick poured John a stiff bourbon on the rocks and two glasses of champagne. John chugged his drink as soon as it was given to him.

“Would you like another one?”

“No,” answered John. “Let’s get this over with.”

Nick sipped at his drink, studying the desperate sucker. “Sure, the sooner we play, the sooner you can go.” He went over to the cabinet that housed the safe, opened an unsecured drawer and took out a pair of dice, still packaged from the factory. He handed the dice to John, who with still trembling hands, struggled to remove the tightly secured cellophane. Finally the cellophane yielded and John extracted the new dice from the package.

“Check them over carefully. Toss them a few times. Satisfy yourself that they’re honest dice. I don’t want you to leave here thinking that you were cheated.”

John studied the dice carefully, looking for modified rounded edges or other irregularities. He tossed them several times and satisfied himself that they were honest dice.

“Would you like another glass of champagne?”

“No, she’s fine,” snapped John. “Let’s get this over with.”

Nick shrugged, not concerned or caring that his hospitality had been rebuffed. He pointed his glass towards a vacant corner of the room. “Shall we?”

The three of them stood a few feet from the corner. John offered the dice back to Nick, who declined to touch them with a raised hand. John handed the dice to his wife.

“Now what?” she asked sincerely clueless. She looked at John, then towards Nick for direction. Nick merely nodded towards John and indicated that he should clarify what she should do.

“Just shake the dice in your hands, then when you’re ready, toss them against the wall.”

She took a sip of her champagne, paused and then she knelt down.

“Yes!” John shouted as the first toss showed seven, giving him the advantage.

“Seven’s the point,” intoned Nick without emotion.

“Way to go baby!” gushed John as a fresh hit of adrenaline tricked into his bloodstream.

“Now what?” asked Judy innocently.

“Roll a seven baby. We need seven to win,” urged her husband.

She picked up the dice and rolled again.

“Five,” intoned Nick.

“Now what?”

Nick stared John in the eyes. John swallowed hard and answered, “You have to take something off.”

“Oh.” She unbuckled a white high-heeled sandal and discarded it.

“Now what?”

“Roll again,” said John with a hint of irritation.

“Oh, okay.”

“C’mon seven, c’mon seven,” John chanted as the dice rattled in her hand. She tossed them against the wall.

“Eight,” declared Nick. He sipped his champagne and watched as she removed the other shoe.

Judy had it pretty well figured out by now. She scooped up the dice and to the chant of her husband, invoking the blessings of the dice for a seven, tossed the dice with a flourish.

“Four,” said Nick with sly grin.

Judy put her hands to her mouth as she thought about her next move. She reached behind her neck and removed the blue topaz pendant her mother had given to her. The pendant was part of a set, pendant, ring and earrings that her father had given to her mother when she was born. When her mother had remarried a few years ago, she passed them on to her daughter. Naturally, they had deep sentimental value to Judy, as they were an expression of her deceased father’s love.

“No fair,” chuckled Nick. She looked up forlornly, believing that she had somehow broken the rules. “Oh, okay,” conceded Nick, “this time it’s okay, but no more jewelry.”

“Jewelry’s fair,” asserted John.

Nick glared at him with a ‘don’t fuck with me’ look. “I said, no more jewelry.”

As Nick stared him down, John’s stomach churned. He meekly accepted the rule. “Okay, no more jewelry.”

“C’mon baby, you can do it, seven, give me a seven!”

The dice ricocheted in the corner and settled on the floor. “Six,” said Nick with big smile.

Judy’s eyes darted around seeking an out. Pleadingly, her eyes met Nick’s.

“Take it off Doll,” said Nick with smirk. John felt his gut tighten.

She looked back at her husband. After a brief pause, she slightly turned her back to her husband and asked him to unzip her dress. As the zipper lowered downward, he saw that her back was bare.

“You’re not wearing a bra?”

“No,” she answered meekly.

With a pained expression, his hands fell away as she pulled one strap off her shoulder and then the other. Then shaking and shimmying she peeled the form fitting dress down.

The dress hit the floor and she delicately stepped out of it dressed only in a red thong.

“Oh yes, Doll! You’re gorgeous! Absolutely gorgeous!”

Judy blushed mightily standing nearly nude before a near stranger as her husband looked on helplessly. John seethed as he studied the lust filled eyes of his rival and nemesis, as Nick unabashedly scanned up and down her body, openly feasting the nudity of his wife.

As far a Nick was concerned, he had won. It wasn’t that he had seen her close up and for all practical purposes in the nude. He had what he wanted. He had won even if the first roll after point was a seven and they packed up and went home. He had the releases she had signed. The releases giving her consent for him to use and distribute any video footage of her taken at the casino. In a few days, his crew would have the material edited into several video clips for his web site. The web site was a perpetual cash cow, but was always in need of a fresh new face, of fresh new footage. The suckers and their wives and girl friends provided a never-ending supply of fresh meat. Best of all, even though the odds were against him, the fact was the game went on, next roll he could get more, much more, and that was a thrill.

Judy sank to the floor, trying to preserve as much of her modesty as possible. She meekly gathered the dice. John was suddenly strangely quiet. The dice barely hit the wall and settled in the corner. John leaned forward to see the results. His heart sank as he slumped back dejectedly.
“Craps,” he mumbled.

“Does that mean…”

“Means I win,” said Nick triumphantly. Turning, he walked back to the bar for the bottle of champagne. Then he filled her glass and his.

John sat with his hands buried in his face.

“You want to hang around and watch me screw her?” Nick said cruelly.

John glared at him.

“I didn’t think so. The bill’s paid in full my friend,” said Nick with unction, putting a good spin on it for the pathetic sucker crumpled on the floor. “Look, I know you need to eat, so I’ll have room service bring you something for dinner…on me, of course. Now if you will excuse us…I have a hard on I need taken care of.”

John slowly rose. He looked down at his beautiful wife. She stared at the floor, hiding the smile that threatened to spread across her face, destroying her feigned distress. “Judy, I, I, I’m sorry baby. I’ve really made of mess of things.”

She kept her head down, concealing her wicked delight in the outcome of the game. She strained to contain her laughter. Tonight she’s going to get fucked by a real man and John had only himself to blame.

“Uh, you need to use a rubber,” stammered John, “she’s…”

“No rubbers! The doc says you’re free of STD’s and HIV, so I assume she’s free too. You haven’t been sleeping around on the side, have you Doll?”

“No,” she replied indignantly, “but I could get pregnant,” protested Judy realizing that things weren’t as easy as just getting a good fucking.

“Don’t worry Doll. I had a vasectomy. I already support three kids I never see, and that’s enough. You’re quite safe with me.”

Judy felt a little better. Then she had a pang of regret. Disappointment showed on her face. Nick read her expression and added with a laugh, “Don’t worry Doll, I still come like horse.”

Judy blushed again, this time because he had read her so easily. She looked down at the floor again not wanting John to read her too.

Nick bent down and picked up her blue topaz necklace and offered it to John. “You better take this with you. I wouldn’t want it to get lost.” As John accepted the pendant, an idea began to formulate in head.

“Now, I’ll send her back to you before checkout time.”

“Yeah, sure,” said John almost absentmindedly.

“Now if you will excuse us…”

“Yeah, sure.” John stood and staring at the clear blue stone, walked to the door. Without any other parting comments, John left his darling wife to be fucked all night by another man.

As the door closed behind him, John took a deep breath. Quickly he glanced up and down the vacant hallway, half expecting a goon to be waiting for him. “Stupid bitch,” he muttered. He opened his palm and studied the topaz again. “Sure, why not? I bought the damned things!” he declared to himself. Then he strode off down the hall in a hurry.


Back in the relative safety of his room, John punched in the code for the room safe. As he expected, Judy’s little jewelry bag was there. He opened it and shook the contents out, the diamond earrings and necklace fell onto the floor.

With a knock on the door, he nearly jumped out of his skin. “Shit,” he muttered. “Who in the hell?”

“Room service!”

“I didn’t call room service,” he answered through the door.

“Compliments of Mr. Clametti, sir!”

John cautiously cracked the door open. Sure enough there was young kid with a room service cart. “Okay, just a minute.”

John scooped up the diamonds from the floor and stuck them in his pocket with the topaz. As the kid wheeled the cart into the room, John suddenly regretted it, his gut tightening into a knot. ‘How could he have gotten here so soon?’

To John’s relief the kid parked the cart, cheerily said, “Goodnight Sir!” and quickly departed.

Opening the tray, John was greeted by a half-eaten, stone-cold hamburger and scattered, limp greasy fries, a reminder that he nothing more than a pathetic cuckold.

“Oh, fuck you,” he hissed as he slammed the cover back down on the unappetizing mess.

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Daddy and his Mistress give me my first Anal

I had been quite the little whore lately. Ever since my Dad had taken my virginity, I was a raging bundle of hormones. I loved the feeling of a hard dick inside me, and I had learned to get a guy to lick my pussy if he wanted me to suck him. I had turned a bit manipulative. My Dad gave good lessons on fucking, and I used them to my advantage. High school Senior boys were a piece of cake for me. They just wanted to shoot cum in my mouth. They did whatever I wanted. Little did I know, that there...

2 years ago
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The Box

A knock came upon the door. It was some Spanish looking woman who looked pretty damn hot. "Hello." Nathan smiled graciously. "How can I help you?" "I am looking for to sell you today this beautiful new vacuum cleaner." "Oh, sorry, look, I don't really need a vacuum cleaner. "...but is good vacuum cleaner." "Well yes, it probably is, but I already have one and it does the job I need it to do." "Please, I need to sell it to make money to feed my baby..." Nathan was taken...

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Study Session

An uncomfortable silence filled the library. I frantically scribbled notes in my biology notebook. Loni’s voice tore my attention away from my notes. “I’ll be right back,” she whispered. I glanced away from my books just in time to see her get up. I watched as she crossed the humongous, open space to the ladies' room. I couldn’t help but watch her full hips sway. Her heels clicked across the floor, making her round ass bounce with every step. I couldn’t pry my eyes away. She disappeared behind...

College Sex
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Elizabeth Grey Part 14 Friends

Elizabeth Grey - Part 14: Friends. By Carmenica Diaz Thinking the best time to telephone Cleo, Mandy and Mel was mid-morning, I waited until the next day before I placed Toby's piece of paper firmly on the table and picked up the telephone. The telephone rang a few times before a sleepy voice grunted, 'hello!' 'I was looking for Cleo Rosser...' 'Who wants to know...' 'Liz Grey.' Suddenly, she was wide-awake. 'Liz? Liz Grey? Is that...

4 years ago
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Hate Fuck

"That's the guy from our, Toronto, office. He’s kinda hot," Shelly whispered to her friend Amber. I had been tasked with reviewing all the IT projects presently in development, and to identify any redundancy. Our IT headquarters was located in, Vancouver. Amber and Shelly were strategically seated at the highest trafficked area of the bar. Dab smack in the middle of it. When a cute guy would be waiting to order a drink, the opportunity to start a conversation would not be wasted. Amber...

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To Catch a Merchant Princess Ch 01

Alicia fought to keep her eyes open, and thought that she was certainly going to lose the battle this time. Oblivious to her waning attention, Alfred continued to drone on about his exciting – at least to him – day of trading. He hadn’t even noticed that she’d completely changed her hairstyle since he’d called upon her only two days earlier. Alicia stared past him at the manicured lawn of her home, the beauty of the sculpted bushes and carefully chosen trees lost upon her in her irritation....

2 years ago
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Cruel Intentions pt 2

Mel left to join the boys in the other room’ Cindy approached Sarah smiling Sarah couldn’t really move so she was helpless Cindy was standing right next to her then she grabbed Sarah’s left hand. Cindy was holding Sarah’s hand with both of hers she slowly guided it down towards her pussy “Use your fingers on me bitch!!” threatened Cindy. Sarah’s fingers were now at the entrance of Cindy’s pussy, Sarah submitted and inserted two fingers into Cindy’s slot she slowly began rotating them in a...

3 years ago
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Sometimes the Good Guy Wins Ch 08

Kathy said, ‘About three hours ago I was having dinner with three women I work with. They were talking, complaining really, about the love they aren’t getting. They are married and wanted to know if I shared their feelings of loneliness, of not being taken care of. I told them I touch base with you every day and that every time I touch base I know I am loved right down to the marrow in my bones.’ Megan asked, ‘How about right down to your g-spot?’ Kathy laughed and said, ‘They wanted to know...

3 years ago
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All for Mr Redman Chapter 11

Thank you to all the wonderful people who have been sending Pms, commenting, and basically taking time out of their busy lives to let me know they like what I do... or have suggestions on how I can improve, or both! A vote or comment really helps make a dark day brighter! The ideas for other stories have also been appreciated and I am flattered you would trust me with them. Special thanks to (Not in a particular order): Spread1, Shotgun82, Clitpleaser12, rdwyier, Feazko, kakatz,...

4 years ago
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Delightfulgirls play with two men

I was 19. It was a hot and steamy summer’s night. I was out at my usual club and was in the mood to party, drink and dance until early hours of the morning. I spotted my gorgeous African spunk of a man across the room. Justin was an incredible lover, with lovely blue eyes, longish dreaded hair, beautifully tanned skin and a body to die for. Justin and I fucked on a regular basis. It was never more than that… neither of us wanted it that way. If I picked up someone else for the night or if he...

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Mileys Harem Ch 03

Even though the vibrator had shut off, it still sent tingles through her pussy every time she shifted her weight. Her cunt was sore and sensitive from the repeated orgasms as she sat down on her couch. There was breakfast on the table for all of the girls, and they ate and entertained themselves in their rooms, waiting for the inevitable summons from Miley. When the doors finally buzzed open, they took off their clothes and crawled into the room, kneeling in a row in front of Miley. ...

3 years ago
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We had a lot of plans

I hope you understand what I'm saying, my English is not so perfect and I took Google Translater as assistance.Traudl is now dead for almost a year. We had a lot of plans! She should be intimate piercings and - be tattooed. One of the woman from her cafe-round was that and Traudl that had seen she was thrilled.Just 4 days after their shattering diagnosis Traudl should the first date have at the piercer-girl. At their shame and to the right ass cheek should a oval branding iron in 5 euro range...

5 years ago
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Massage Fantasy

This is a fantasy. It’s true that for about twenty years I was a regular at massage parlors where the ladies worked nude and gave me a hand job at the end. That was until the authorities shut them down in the city where I live. But it’s based on what one of the ladies told me one day: That one of the newer ladies opened the door to the reception area and her Dad was there in the waiting room. He was a regular. But I didn’t have a twenty-something daughter in those days. Give me some positive...

1 year ago
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Finding a sexy nymph in the new intern

I had landed my first official job, right out of college and was working in the accounts section. I was a horny guy, but still a virgin and had zero experience on how to get a girl to do it with me. I got through college by completing it online and never had a chance of meeting and getting cozy with college girls. Getting a degree and a job to put food on the table was more important. But luck favored and I got to meet a sexy nymph soon! A few weeks into work, I heard stories about cam sites...

4 years ago
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Me Wife And Him Part 2

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston After we had this encounter with Manoj, my wife and me were very happy. I liked her openness now. One day when I returned from office, no one answered the door. I came in with my spare key. As I undressed and went to our bedroom, Manoj was lying with my wife, naked. My wife too was half naked, wearing only a t shirt and nude below. I saw that both had been exhausted by furious sex and had even dirtied the bed with cum. I didn’t disturb them, and changed into...

2 years ago
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Dost Ki Biwi Ki Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hello doston! Main Avinash fir se mukhatib hoon aapse aage ki kahani lekar. Meri kahani ‘Dost Ki Biwi Ki Chudai’ ke liye mujhe bahut mail mile. Iske liye dil se shukriya. To bina aap ka jyada waqt liye, main iske aage ki kahani batane ja raha hoon. Maine apna lund uski choot se bahar nikala. Maine feel kiya ki woh abhi bhi nikal rahi thi. Maine aas pas nazar ghumayi aur uski panty utha li. Uski or dekhkar poocha, “Kya main isse clean kar sakta hoon?” She: “Sure but ek shart hai! Mera bhi clean...

3 years ago
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Sisters HusbandChapter 3

Ginnie shivered deliciously as she pulled the tight fitting shorts up over her trim little hips. She wiggled a little, and turned around so that she could see the deep outline of the cleft between her neatly rounded buttocks. The hot pants were of a shiny satiny purple, and Ginnie enjoyed the cheap look they had about them. Everybody was wearing them, she knew, and the tighter the better. Her long legs looked just perfect, she thought as she surveyed herself in the bedroom mirror, and the...

3 years ago
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The Five Forms of Kimber Chapter 5 Stones of Sekenig

"My liege, I present Miss Kimber and her companion, Jonath," the servant announced. "Ah, you have come at last," said Duke Harold. He motioned to the regal looking woman sitting beside him, "This is my wife, the Duchess Olivia. My dear, this is the clever young woman that located the fire stone for us, and I presume now has in her possession the other three." "Indeed," Kimber said, presenting the stones in outstretched hands. "And I presume you have the payment we agreed...

2 years ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Alexis Tae Your Best Little Stepsister

Alexis Tae and her stepbrother Tyler Nixon have always had a bit of a frienemy thing going on, but this time Alexis thinks she may have taken it a bit too far. She calls her friend up to confess that she got Tyler in a lot of trouble by joining him in the shower and slapping his dick, then calling her mom to claim he was coming on to her. Alexis wants to make it up to Tyler, but she doesn’t know how. Talking with her friend gives her some ideas, so she hangs up and goes to join Tyler...

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Last week I flew to Tucson upon hearing of my father's death. He'd lived a good life, had been a school-teacher, and had been married for fifty-three years and raised three k**s. Our mother had died six years earlier and he'd continued living in their little duplex in Green Valley, Arizona, surrounded by his books and extensive classical music collection. As neither of my younger brothers could stick around after the funeral, it fell to me to go through and dispose of his possessions and get...

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An Interesting Day

My name is Robert, but my friends call me Bobby. I just finished up my first year of college at the University of Alaska. At this point, I think I’ll be a business major, but I really don’t need to know which way I’ll go yet. I still have three more years to decide what I'll major in. I really enjoyed my first year. I made a lot of friends. There were lots of crazy parties with women who wanted to have sex. I hooked up with a bunch of them. I’m not dating anybody seriously. I really just want...

2 years ago
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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 28 Towards the Final Exams

The August school holidays were only three weeks away; these were going to be the last break before the HSC exams at the end of October. At lunchtime one day, we were all discussing the plans we had for the two weeks off school. “Well, I’ll be going over all of the previous exam papers,” Cathy said. Some of the others groaned, called her ‘swot’. David wasn’t being anywhere near as studious as his sister; he had arranged to take a train up to the Gold Coast to renew his acquaintance with his...

4 years ago
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A Quiet Evening at Home

It had already been a long day for Quinn, and the work wasn't about to stop when he finally arrived home. Most of the day alternated between periods of frantic business, and hours of mind numbing boredom as the retail shop he worked at waited for the next rush of customers. Due to the holidays most of them were cranky customers too, demanding this and that and ‘I know this is special order but can you get it here in two days?' At least it was one of his weekends off. Compared to the crush of...

3 years ago
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12345678910 Truth or Dare February 7, 2016 Nerdgasm Stories, Steamy Erotic 1 Comment TRUTH OR DARE Matt had the biggest boner of his life. He was sitting in the living room with his friends Andy, Kate, and Stacey, and he was watching Kate give Stacey oral sex. They’d all gone round to Andy’s place for a drinking session, and after an hour or so and several levels of inebriation, the night had turned into a game of truth or dare. It had started out light enough, with normal boring questions...

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Wife Does DogsChapter 4

Tommy had gotten turned on by, of all things, a catfish. The boy had been walking along beside the slow running stream behind the cabin, bored and restless and wishing he was back in town so he could call his girlfriend and, if he was lucky, get her to give him a handjob. He and Vicky had been doing a lot of necking and petting in the last few months and, although she wouldn't suck or fuck, the girl was usually willing to jerk him off while he played with her tits. She seemed to enjoy...

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Mary alone

I was randy as hell by now and quickly opened her gown, oh yes she was totally prepared for what she wanted to happen, and I now was eagerly wanting too.As I saw her fabulous figure, on my own for the first time, I wondered what it would be like. I didn't need to wait long as she peeled down my jeans and pants, exposing my rampant cock. I pulled my shirt off and removed her robe so that we were both naked. Then, as I started to caress her tits and feel her wet cunt hole, she reached over to the...

2 years ago
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EvilAngel Sophie Anderson Destroy My Makeup

Busty British bombshell Sophie Anderson poses at the seaside wearing a see-through vinyl jacket and white boots. Director Angel Long follows Sophie, who kneels in a nearby park to stuff plastic balls into her asshole! Back at the studio, Sophie plays with more anal toys, leading to an interracial threesome with dark, heavily hung Antonio Black and white stud Luke Hardy. Sophie gives serial blowjobs and aggressively rims their bungholes. The men fuck her big ass, and they ream her in a double...

2 years ago
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Cant Get Enough

A few days had passed since Mr Wishart had gave me the note with his mobile number, and I was still quite shocked by the message which accompanied it, saying he was going to make me his slut. I spent every waking minute since I received his number deleting it, then re-adding the same number.  I just couldn't decide if I wanted to become his slut, his girl. The day slowly passed, until an argument broke out between myself and my mum's stupid boyfriend. He just couldn't deal with my bikini being...

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Graduation and Ch 12

Helen Parker and her husband Dave were in the process of getting a divorce. When the couple first separated, the woman did get a restraining order, but as the divorce progressed and things went well, she dropped it. Unfortunately, her estranged husband had begun to drink more and more and, as the divorce proceedings continued, he began behaving more and more irrationally. Finally, Helen, frightened by her estranged husband’s behavior, had the restraining order reinstated. Then, one day while...

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Holiday to Namibia

Michelle couldn't imagine how things had changed in 6 weeks. It seemed only like yesterday that she was at home in Melbourne excited about her adventure holiday to Nambia. But things had turned out horribly wrong since then. She had only been in the country for a few days when she was k**napped in broad daylight whilst she was on an expedition to the hill tribes.Her captors had carried her deep into the lush mountain jungles and now she found herself caught up in a strange ritual that she...

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This is the true story of the very very rudest weekend I ever had. I was 20 and my mates and I, 5 of us, went to Prague with the intention of getting pissed (Uk meaning: drunk)and shagging everything in sight, this was the mission! The first day we were where, we arrived about 10 am and we'd had virtually no sleep, and very litle food,We just went straight out drinking, at about 12 noon. When we got to the third bar that's when it hit me, I was wrecked, and that was when these two gorgeous...

3 years ago
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Night at the Light

Gabrielle had a profound smile as the light from the living room lamp glinted off her new ring and flashed about the room. That smile only grew bigger as she eagerly thrust her hand forward, her fingers outstretched as she let her best friend Leah rotate it around her left ring finger and marveled at the cut and clarity of the diamond and setting. Gabrielle knew there were more expensive rings, and this one hardly cost the two months salary that technically it was supposed to, but there was a...

4 years ago
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رومانسية مش جنسية بالدرجة الاولى ابداع ليس له حدود دي اكبر قصة كتبتها وفيها احداث كتير عادية بس كتبتها علشان اجاوب على اسئلة كتيرة كتبت القصة دي بعد ماعملت كل حاجة علشان احقق اجمل متعة في الدنيا وهي متعة الحب بس للاسف ملقتش الانسانة المناسبة عملت المستحيل علشان اوصل لانسانة احبها بجد وامتعها هيا وبس وتكون كل حاجة بالنسبة ليا تخيلت قصص كتير مع حبيبتي الخيالية وكلها قصص مثيرة جدا ودي قصة منها وكتبت فيها اوصافي واوصافها اللي بتمناها وطبعا بكتبها من ناحية البنت زي اغلب قصصي:حبيبي المجنون انا بنت...

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Fantasy FulfilledChapter 2

I quickly went over and grabbed Bronwyn and lifted her easily into my arms. I carried her back to a sofa we'd passed coming to this area. I sat down, still cradling Bronwyn in my arms. She seemed lost in some other place. She was murmuring about how incredibly wonderful her orgasm had felt, that she'd never experienced anything so fantastic before... how this was so close to her ultimate fantasy! Hey, we hit the jackpot! This was it! Now, knowing what her fantasy was, I could bring it into...

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Pleasure Of Love Making To An Angel

Hi friends it’s me Maddy back with my new story those who all don’t know me I will introduce myself I am Maddy from Hyderabad aged 19 height 5’10 and having a well grown dick. After writing my story in ISS I encountered sex affairs with some other people I want to share one of them with you all. I met a married girl around my area through Gmail id and I chatted with her for some days our chatting started when she read my story. She liked it and sent me a message I replied to it. And daily we...


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