A FOUND NOTEBOOK free porn video

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Last week I flew to Tucson upon hearing of my father's death. He'd lived a good life, had been a school-teacher, and had been married for fifty-three years and raised three k**s. Our mother had died six years earlier and he'd continued living in their little duplex in Green Valley, Arizona, surrounded by his books and extensive classical music collection. As neither of my younger brothers could stick around after the funeral, it fell to me to go through and dispose of his possessions and get the house ready to be sold. I had taken a couple of weeks off of work, so I had the time to carefully go through all of his stuff.

After a few days I had arranged to for Goodwill to come and pick up much of the furniture and salvageable clothes, and kitchen odds-and-ends. This left me with all of the bookcases containing my father's major collection of books, some of which were rare titles associated with his primary love of astronomy. Each morning I would put on some good music on dad's superb sound system, boot up my laptop, and start carefully going through and cataloging each of the books. There were some that I wanted to keep, and some I knew that my brothers might want, and others I felt could be sold via on-line booksellers. And this was how I found the leather-bound notebook.

I had carried a stack of books over to the table where I was working and sorted the books into a couple of piles. One of them was a black leather-bound journal-like notebook. I casually opened it up and riffled the pages. It looked to contain approximately 100 pages, or so, in my father's neat, but crabbed, handwriting in black ink. I sat down and started reading from the beginning. After several hours I was done, and my prior perspective about my family was now completely stood upon its head. The only way to explain it is to simply share some of my father's story verbatim with you. Obviously, I have changed the names to protect my family's privacy. Here is the first part of "The Notebook".


November 1953

I think I truly fell in love with my mother the day I returned home from nearly three years of combat during the Korean War. My mother had single-handedly raised me from my birth in 1930 until I enlisted in the Army in 1950, at the age of nineteen. I never knew my father, and she never talked about him either (well, not until much, much later). All I knew was that I was raised by a woman who loved me dearly and did her very best to give me a good life during the depths of the Depression and the long years of the Second World War. We lived on a small farm in western Nebraska that she had inherited from her father. Between the two of us we managed to raise a few dozen head of cattle, pigs, and farmed a couple of hundred acres with corn, mostly for feed for our own livestock and what was left over to be sold to neighboring farms.

My mother's name was Margaret, but everyone called her Maggie. She was tall, nearly six feet, long-legged, with a mane of long black hair that she typically kept in a braid that went halfway down her back. While I suppose one couldn't say that she was movie star beautiful, she was strikingly good looking. As I grew older I did notice that a lot of men kind of surreptitiously looked her over as she walked past when we went to town. Hell, to be honest, I did too.

Mother was eighteen years old when she had me, and she got the farm where we still lived when she was 24 and I was just a little fellow of six. I do remember that when I was a little boy and really wasn't able to help around the farm, Mother had hired an older man I just knew as "Mike". He came by three or four days a week and worked several hours doing the heavy chores that she couldn't manage on her own. But by the time I was 14 or 15 she was able to let him go as we managed just fine on our own. I had grown into a strapping young man of nearly six and a half feet tall, big, raw-boned and full of piss-and-vinegar.

I enjoyed working with her. My mother was a patient woman, light-hearted, a bit of a practical joker. Looking back on her over all of these years I realize that she was absolutely amazing in how she dealt with the privations of the Depression, the war, and trying to raise a c***d and run a farm all on her own. Talk about independent women, frankly my mother was the perfect example.

My mother had graduated from high school and she was adamant that not only would I graduate, but that I would go eventually to college too. Well, the Korean War kind of put those plans on hold for a few years. When I received my draft notice in the fall of 1950, I thought my mother would completely go to pieces. She was terrified that I was going to be killed and that she'd be all alone for the rest of her life. It was a tough few weeks around the farm before I left for boot-camp and then Korea.

I am not going to recount my experiences over the three years that I was in Korea during the war—it was terrible from start to finish—but suffice it to say that I wrote my mother, at least a few lines, just about every day that I was there. Interestingly enough, she took each one of those letters and home-made cards that I made for her and mounted them in a series of scrapbooks that she treasured for the rest of her life.


I got off of the bus late in the early fall evening, hefted my duffel-bag up onto my shoulder and began the walk up the dusty county road toward our house and farm just before sunset. I hadn't told mother that I was mustered out and on my way home in my last note to her. I wanted to surprise her.

I reached the house just as the sun went down. I quietly stepped up on the porch and set the duffel down. I peeked in the living room window and could see mother in her robe standing in front of the range in the kitchen. It looked like she was making herself a cup of tea. I stepped back, snugged up my tie, dusted the dust off of my uniform and then lightly tapped on the door. After a few seconds she opened the door, she looked at me for a moment with wonder in her eyes and then she screamed with delight and leaped into my arms!

"Oh, David, David, David, is it really you?" she squealed, as she smothered my cheeks and lips with kisses. I held her weight completely in my arms as she had wrapped her legs around my waist as she hugged me tightly. Instantly I could tell that she was ready for bed as she didn't have any clothes on under her robe, and she smelled so damned good, almost like the soft sweet smell of jasmine on an early spring morning. It was simply intoxicating to be home and to be holding my mother again.

I slowly set her down, circled her waist with my arm, grabbed my duffel and led her into the house. I stopped and looked around taking in the familiar sights and smells, and plopped my bag in the rocker by the door. I kicked the door closed with my heel, looked at her and said, "I'm home, Mother, I'm home for good!"

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she took me in her arms again and kissed me and softly said, "I am so glad, Honey! I have been praying for this day for so long..." she tailed off as she reached up caressed my face and mussed my short bristly hair, "Come along then, honey, let's get you settled."

I grabbed the bag and made my way down the hall to my bedroom. I dumped the contents of my duffel bag on the bed and we both spent a few minutes hanging the clothes in the closet. Mother went over to the tall wooden bureau and opened a drawer. She handed me my old robe, clean and neatly folded and smelling of cedar chips. She smiled and asked, "Do you want to take bath? You've got to be dusty and tired after your trip."

I replied, "Hell yes, Mother, that sounds great! But first I want a whiskey—no rocks, no water, just whiskey."

"Coming up, darling. And I'll go start the bath while you change, and then go make your drink."


With a sigh I slowly sank down into the hot water in the large enameled claw-foot iron tub in the bathroom just off of Mother's bedroom. 'Jesus!' I thought, 'this feels too damn good!' I leaned back, up to my neck in the water, and closed my eyes.

A few moments later Mother tapped at the door, poked her head in and asked, "Are you in the tub, dear? Ahh, you are..." She came in, bringing a small wicker stool that she set down next to the tub.

"Yes, I am, and it feels so good...I think it has been three years since I last actually took a bath."

She sat down on the stool, wrapping her robe around her legs, and handed me the whiskey in a heavy glass tumbler. She had one for herself too. We 'clinked' glasses and each took a slug. The fire raced down my gullet and instantly warmed my stomach. The water, the whiskey, and just being finally home seemed to be washing the past three years away in a matter of moments.

We made small talk and caught up on the doings around the farm, town, and the Army. She told me that the crops had been pretty good this year and that we'd actually been turning a profit for the past couple of years. I asked if my salary from the Army had been making it home, and she told me that I had quite a fat bank account waiting for me down at Farmer's Trust on Main Street.

I laughed, "Mother, that money was always yours and the farm's."

She replied, "Oh, honey, that is your money. The farm and I are doing fine, just fine."

I smirked at her, "Well, if that's the case, maybe I'll use my money and the G.I. Bill to buy myself a farm and house of my own."

A look of horror crossed her face, "Oh, no! Honey, don't do that! This is your home. I don't want you to leave...please, please don't leave!"

I laughed and reached out and grabbed her hand, "Don't worry, Mom, I'm just teasing you. I am so glad to be here with you, here in our home."

"Whew!" she whistled, "I thought for a moment you were serious...I mean I know a lot of veterans are coming home and doing just that."

"Nah," I replied as I sipped my drink, "I just wanted to get a rise out of you. It has been a long, long time since I have been able to tease you, Mama."

"You big k**der," she said softly as she reached over and rubbed my shoulder and arm. I slid my toes up out of the water and slowly turned on the hot water to just a trickle to warm up the tub. She said, "Hmm, I'll get that for you, baby," and as she leaned over the tub and reached for the faucet her robe gapped open and I was treated to the sight of my mother's large, pendulous breasts with their large brown nipples.

It is worth mentioning that Mother and I had always been relatively casual about nudity around one another for most of my life. I can remember having bathed with her as a c***d, and it wasn't all that uncommon to see each other naked as we changed clothes, bathed or washed up as I got older.

Well, familiar or not, but I'd not seen a woman's breasts in some three years, and it was all I could do but to not just reach up and grasp and caress my mother's beautiful breasts.

Almost instantly my penis began to harden, and I tried to shift deeper into the hot water. The problem was that mother was leaning on the edge of the tub talking to me and the water was gin-clear and she could certainly see my stiffening manhood.

I guess I've always known since I was a teenager that I had a pretty big dick. Even in the Army I never really saw too many penises that were larger than mine. I haven't actually measured it, but it took two hands to completely cover my shaft when I was stiff and jacking off. I still have my foreskin too, as my mother, just after I was born, chose not to have my penis circumcised.

I also share my mother's dark-hair color and have a thick pelt of hair on my chest, belly, back and legs. I was sometimes accused of being a Neanderthal by my fellow soldiers when they'd see me in the latrine or barracks with my shirt off.

I took another sip of my drink and tried to will my cock to relax, but to no avail. I was rock-hard and the bulbous tip was just breaking the surface of the water. Feeling embarrassed, I just leaned back and looked at mother.

Her eyes were glued to the tip of my penis bobbing in front of her, the glans half protruding from the foreskin. Her hand slowly slid off of my shoulder and she began running her fingers through the thick, curly patch of hair on my chest.

She whispered, "I'm so glad that you're home safe and sound. I've missed you so much, baby. I was so worried about you every moment that you over there in that awful place. It scared me to death. I really didn't know if I'd ever see you again."

Quietly I said, "I know, Mom, I was pretty scared too. I am so glad to be back here with you, and I want you to know that I'm not gonna leave you again...ever."

"Do you mean it, David? Do you really mean it, baby?" she asked her voice quavering.

I looked up into her dark eyes and reached up and cupped the back of her head in my hand and pulled her face to mine. We both paused for half a second and then we kissed each other on the mouth. I slid my tongue deep into my mother's mouth and moaned as I kissed her. She brought both of her hands up and held my head as she kissed me in return.

I reached up and took her hand and brought it down to my damp chest hair and then slowly slid it down my hairy belly into the bath water and then into my crotch and placed her fingers on my hard cock.

She lifted her mouth from mine and whispered, "Oh, David, are you sure? We can never go back from this, baby...Are you sure? Please, please be sure?"

"Mother, I love you, I have always loved you, and I will always love you. I am yours now, Mother," I said softly as her hand slowly moved up and down the shaft of my dick under the water.

I handed my drink to her and then slowly raised up from the tub and asked her to bring me a towel. I stood in front of my mother naked and watched her as she looked at my body, the large erect penis that was jutting up from my hairy crotch, and large testicles hanging low in my red, dangling scrotum.

She picked up the towel and opened it up and beckoned me out of the tub, "Jesus, David, you are truly a beautiful man! I can't believe how beautiful and sexy you are! I can't hardly believe that I gave birth to such a beautiful creature," she said as she began to dry me off.

I stood on the bath mat and watched my mother as she knelt down and gently dried my legs and thighs, and after she had dried my crotch and belly, she leaned forward and nuzzled my erection with her nose and lips. She began kissing the hairy shaft of my cock and then my balls, her hands clasping and pulling my buttocks to her as she buried her face in my crotch. I moaned with desire as she took one of my hairy balls into mouth and sucked and licked it, nipping at it with her lips.

I reached down and began to undo the thick braid of her raven-colored hair. After I'd finished, I ran my fingers through it massaging her scalp as she continued kissing my sex organ and thighs.

"Oh, God, Mother, I love you...I love you so much...don't stop, don't stop...please..." I groaned.

She looked up at me, her face flushed and her dark eyes flashing as she replied, "Baby, we've crossed a line here, but God help me I crossed it long ago. I have wanted this—no, I have wanted you—ever since I knew you were leaving for Korea. I have needed you, David, my love, I have needed you so badly..." She leaned forward again and gently kissed the head of my throbbing cock.

I reached down and cupped her chin in my hand and said, "Stand up, Mother, come here...Come here, Mother."

She slowly rose to her feet, and I led her out of the bathroom and into her bedroom. I took her to the edge of the bed where she slowly sat down. I then turned and went and drew the curtains closed and lit the candles on her dressing table and nightstand.

Neither of us had spoken a word since entering her bedroom, but then we didn't need to. We both knew what was next for us—what was going to happen. It was inevitable, my mother and I were going to make love to one another. Any other person on the planet would look upon us in disgust probably, it was i****t that we were going to engage in, but I knew then, just as she did—and just as I still know now—that this was the purest form of love-making that could ever exist. A mother and son were going to love one another—my mother and I were going to love one another.


She was still sitting on the edge of the bed as I returned and stood in front of her nude in the soft yellow flickering candlelight.

"God, Baby, you are so beautiful," she said breathlessly.

I slowly reached down and undid the tie of her robe at her waist, opened it and then slipped it off of her shoulders exposing her naked chest to my view.

Mother's breasts were large, not firm and perky like a young woman's, but sagged full and lush on her chest. These were the breasts of a mature woman who's given birth and nursed her c***dren. Her large dark areoles surrounded her thick and erect nipples. I reached forward and gently touched the nipple of her left breast. She gasped sharply never taking her eyes from mine as I caressed her. I weighed her breast in my hand, reveling in its softness and heft. I continued to gently pull and pinch her thick nipples. Mother reached up and began to run her hands up and down my chest and belly, her fingers seeking my own nipples in the forest of my chest hair. She stood up and I pulled her into my arms. We kissed one another deeply whilst wrapping our arms tightly around one another as we hugged and continued to kiss. I rubbed my chest against her nipples and boobs as we held each other, and she moaned into my mouth. Her robe slithered down her legs in a pile around her feet. My mother was now as naked as I was!

I pushed her back onto the bed. She slowly fell backwards across the comforter, her legs spread wide in front of me as I stood between them at the edge of the bed looking down upon her nakedness. Time seemed to stop as my eyes wandered over her body, from her beautiful face, down her chest and quivering belly, to the dense patch of dark curly pubic hair framing her sex, and then to her long, sexy legs hanging over the edge of the bed.

I got down on my knees between her legs and ran my hands up and down her thighs, spreading her legs even wider apart. Mother moaned as I touched her. I ran my hands up her belly, gently squeezing the sides of her waist and caressing the slight pooch of her belly. I reached up and tweaked and pulled at her big rubbery nipples causing her to groan even more.

I leaned my head forward and stopped when my nose was just an inch or two above my mother's hairy sex. I slowly breathed in the rich, fragrant, and incredibly heady scent of a woman's cunt—but not just that of any woman. This woman was my mother. This was my mother's cunt that I was looking at and smelling! I was so goddamned turned on at this moment that I could've pounded nails with my dick! In retrospect, I have come to realize that this moment was arguably one of the most erotic of my life.

I glanced up for a moment and saw my mother, propped on her elbows, looking at me. We smiled at each and then I leaned forward and buried my nose and lips in her hairy wet slit. She groaned and flopped onto her back on the bed and convulsed as my tongue began to sluice up and down her wet sex. Her warm and juicy cunt lips seemed to swallow my tongue and lips. The salty taste of mother's cunt was as intoxicating to me as her scent, and I wished that I could just somehow become completely enfolded back inside my mother's sex again. I know it sounds crazy or cornball, but it was my only thought at that moment in time and it has since never left me.


I licked and sucked my mother's pussy for the first time that night for probably a quarter of an hour until she was screaming and writhing on the bed. She had grabbed the quilted comforter in her hands and had pulled it up into a nest on either side of her as I orally made love to her pussy. Her legs and feet were d****d across my shoulders and back as I feasted on her wet sex.

I buried my tongue as deeply as I could in her vagina and probed and licked as she moaned and thrashed beneath me. I licked up the slit of her cunt and then slowly captured her erected clitoral bud in my lips. I nipped and pulled at it as I swirled around it with my tongue, her belly and pelvis pulsating and rippling up and down as I licked her sex. God, she tasted and smelled so good!

Mother clutched my head in her hands as I continued licking her pussy. I spread her labia, and while still sucking her clitoris, I slowly slid two fingers into her well-lubricated vagina, and began moving them back and forth. She groaned huskily, "Oh, God, yes, baby...just like that...Yes, don't stop, don't stop!"

"Mmmm," I responded, and reached up with my other hand pulled on one of her rubbery nipples as I continued sucking and fingering her wet sex.

Mother's body began to tense and her groaning raised in pitch to a steady keening sound as she began to orgasm. She clenched my head and forced my face even deeper into her wet slit, as I began rapidly pistoning my fingers in and out of her as I licked and sucked her clitoris. She began bucking her pelvis up and down off of the bed as she came.

"Oh my God, baby! Yes, David, yes, I'm cumming, baby! Mmmm, cumming, baby! Oh, God, yes, yes, yes...Mmmm...so good...Ohhhh, God, yes, baby!" she moaned, thrashing back and forth under my oral attack.

I slid my hands under her buttocks and lower back and pulled her crotch even tighter to my mouth; almost in an effort to swallow as much of her hairy wet sex as possible into my mouth. As she shuddered through the final throes of her orgasm I gently began kissing her clitoris and labia and gently rubbing my lips up and down her slit, listening to her breathing slowly returning to normal.

She touched the side of my face and whispered, "Come here, honey."

I slowly climbed up on the bed and kneeling next to her I leaned over and kissed her softly on the lips, "I love you so much, Mother! I have wanted to do that to you forever it seems. God, I'm so glad to finally be home with you again."

"Look at me, mother. Look at how much I want you," I said as I knelt next to her, my erect cock standing up thick and tall from the forest of black pubic hair covering my crotch. I reached down and grasped the shaft of my cock and leaned over her and slowly bent my cock down until I was rubbing the purple head against her cheek, leaving a little smear of precum in its wake. She moaned and turned her face until her lips encountered the head of my dick and she kissed it, her tongue flicking out as she licked the slit and underside of the glans.

"Oh, baby, you have such a beautiful dick...a big beautiful dick...so big, so big, baby," she whispered.

I leaned further forward over her head and lowered my cock and balls until I was gently rubbing my dick and balls on her face. She reached up and grabbed my cock in one hand and my ball-sack in the other and began stroking and pulling on my sex organ. Her nose and lips exploring the shaft and curly pubic hair as she fondled my testicles with her fingers.

"Lie down next to me, David," she said, "Baby, I want to taste you."

She scooted herself around, pulled her sweaty hair back behind her ears and then carefully straddled my head with her legs and lowered her crotch onto my face as I reclined on the bed. At the same time, she leaned down and took the head of my cock into her mouth and began to slowly swallow my thick shaft into her throat. God, to this day, I don't know that I have felt a more exquisite feeling in my life—the feeling of my cock slowly sliding into my mother's wet mouth and throat!

I wrapped my arms around her ass cheeks and pulled her damp cunt into my face and began to lick and suck her again. My mother and I were now one being—two bodies joined mouth to sex, mouth to sex—joined in body and soul with love. We moved together, moaned together, and sucked together. The quiet wet sounds of licking, sucking, and muffled breathing the only sounds in the soft candlelight of mother's bedroom. The reality of being joined sexually with my mother like this was an absolutely overwhelming emotional experience!

I could feel mother's nose and lips nestle in my crotch hair as she slowly swallowed the entire length of my cock, and then she'd withdraw squeezing her lips as she raised her mouth up off of the shaft until she reached the swollen head. She tongued the slit of the head and tugged at the coronal ring with her lips, and then she sank back down, taking my length deep into her throat again. I slowly bucked up against her face each time, groaning into her wet bush as I tongued and sucked her sex.

We languidly moved together on the bed, our bodies gently bucking and heaving against one another as we explored each other's genitals with our mouths. I could feel my own impending orgasm and in a muffled voice said, "God, Mom, I'm gonna cum soon...I want to make love to you now...I need to make love to you..."

She slowly raised up off of my cock, holding the wet shaft in her hand and replied, "Mmmm, yes, baby, I want that too."

Raising her crotch up off of my face she lay down on the bed next to me, still stroking my cock up and down in her hand and fondling my furry balls; she pulled her hair back from her face and looked into my eyes.

"David, you know that we have crossed a bridge tonight, and one that we probably can't ever return over. I just need to know—once and for all time—that you are okay...no, that you will always be okay with what we have done, and with what we are going to do. I couldn't bear it if this ever came between us...I love you so much, baby!"

Even before her words of concern had left her lips I'd reached up and lovingly caressed her face and said softly, "Mother, my one true love, my darling, nothing could ever change how I feel about you—what I feel for you—what I've always felt for you. Somehow I think we have been on this path for a long, long time, and now that I am finally home with you we can go down this path together. Mother, I love you, I am your son, but I am also your man from this point forward, and I'll never, ever leave you again." Tears filled both of our eyes as we looked at each other. I leaned forward and kissed her passionately on the mouth, my hairy chest pressing against her soft breasts.

"Come to me, David, make love to me, my darling baby, make love to your mother now, David," she whispered.

I moved between her splayed legs and taking my rock-hard dick in my hand I slowly rubbed the swollen glans up and down her wet groove for a moment and then pressed forward. Slowly, ever so slowly, I sank my cock into the warm clasping wetness of my mother's cunt. We both groaned at the sheer ecstasy of the moment, never taking our eyes from one another, as I slid the entire length of my cock into her until our genital hair was conjoined.

As I kissed up the side of her neck I breathed into her ear, "Mother, I am inside of you...My cock is inside of you...My cock is inside your cunt, Mother! Mmmm...oh God, I'm fucking my mother, I'm fucking you, Mother!"

She wrapped her arms around my neck and back as I moved in and out of her and moaned, "Oh, yes, baby, yes, Mmmm, so good, feels so good. Love feeling your dick in me, baby...My baby is back inside his Mama...Mmmm...yes, fuck me, honey, fuck me...Mmmm...feels so good, baby!"

It seemed like forever, but it was probably something like fifteen minutes that mother and I reveled in the experience of making love to one another, my cock slowly sliding out and then slipping deeply back into her wet cunt, feeling my balls gently slap against her ass cheeks as buried myself in her sex. It felt like every nerve in my body was now attached to the head of my cock that was now burrowed so deeply in my mother's cunt. I had no idea that love-making with a woman could be so all-consuming. It seemed that nothing, absolutely nothing, could ever have hoped to top this experience.

All of the sudden I realized that I was rapidly shuttling my cock in and out of her pussy, our pelvises noisily crashing together wetly, her legs wrapped tightly around my buttocks as I banged in and out of her.

I licked and kissed my mother's face as I thrusted in and out her, the sweat dripping from my face and scalp, my chest hair rubbing back and forth against her pillowy breasts as we writhed as one on her bed.

Her arms were clasped around my neck as she grunted, "Yes, baby, fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck your mother! Fuck me, baby! Fuck me! Nnnuh, yes, Mmmm...yes, baby, fuck your mama..." Her pelvis rising up to meet mine as I crashed back into her steaming wetness time and again.

"Love you, Mama! Love you, Mother! I love you so much! Oh, God, yes, Mother! Mmmm...love you...feels so good, Mother!" I moaned as I pounded in and out of her.

She cried out, "Oh, God, yes, I know, I know, I know, baby! Baby, yes, yes, yes, fuck me, fuck me, baby...Oh, God, David, I'm gonna cum, baby...I'm gonna cum...Fuck me, baby! Fuck me, fuck Mama!"

She tightened her grip on my neck and wrapped her legs even tighter around my ass as I pounded my cock into her pussy. She bit my neck as she began to wail with ecstasy and her body began to shudder and quiver as her orgasm washed over her.

Trying to prolong my own orgasm, I slowed down and moved my cock in and out of her more deliberately. I took my throbbing slippery shaft in my hand and rubbed the tip against her swollen clitoris as she shivered and shook beneath my body.

I looked into her eyes and asked her, "Mama, do you want me to cum inside of you?"

"Oh, baby," she replied, "no...no...no, don't cum inside me, I could still get pregnant...Mmmm...I'm so sorry, baby, not yet...Oh, God, I want you to cum inside me, but we need to be careful...Don't want to get pregnant..."

I silenced her by leaning down and kissing her on the mouth, my tongue swirling with hers as we sucked each other's mouths.

"Mama, it's okay...Mmmm...okay...Mmmm...don't want to make you pregnant either...Mmmm...I won't cum in you, Mama. Love you, love you, I love you so much, Mother. Love fucking you, Mama!" I groaned.

Staring into my mother's eyes I fucked her hard for a few more minutes and then suddenly withdrew my dick from her cunt. I rolled her onto her side, sidled up behind her and slid my cock back into her steaming wetness and began fucking her again. In and out, in and out, my belly wetly slapping against her jiggling ass cheeks. I reached around with one hand cupping her labia and began fingering her clitoris as I fucked her. With the other hand I pinched and pulled her nipples, squeezed her breasts, and stroked and caressed her neck and face. I loved this gorgeous sensuous naked female that I had my cock buried in. Yes, she was also my mother, but she was now my woman, I was her man, and I would be for all time!

After several more exquisite minutes of fucking my mother I moaned, "Mama, I'm gonna cum...Mmmm, God, gonna cum, Mother...God, love fucking you, Mama, love fucking you, baby...Gonna cum, Mama!"

I rolled onto my back pulling her with me, keeping her on top of me as I rapidly pistoned my cock in and out of her squishy wet cunt. At the very last moment I grabbed my pulsating dick and pulled it out of her and laid it against her hairy sex and began to ejaculate. She reached down and stroked and rubbed my slippery squirting penis with both of her hands as my sperm and semen shot up and onto her belly and pubic hair. She squeezed my balls as my cock pulsed and throbbed with each ejaculation of my cum. The combined scent of her wet sex and my sperm seemed to instantaneously permeate the entire room as I writhed in orgasm beneath my mother's body. I wrapped my arms around her chest under her breasts and hugged her close to me and kissed the back of her sweaty neck, her damp hair covering my face, as I groaned and shuddered.

I gently slid her body off of mine and to the side and then leaned over her belly and licked up some of my sperm and moved up to kiss her. I felt her tongue swirl around my lips and tongue as she tasted my sperm and semen. I reached down and rubbed my fingers through more of my ejaculate on her lower belly and thick pubic hair and gently began massaging my sperm and semen into her soft sweaty skin.

Mother quietly groaned, "Yes, baby, rub your cum into my body. I have my baby's cum on me...My son's sperm...son's sperm...I love the taste of your sperm, baby! God, I wish you could cum inside of me...I want your sperm inside me...Oh, baby, I love you, love you so much..."

I cuddled up to next to my naked mother and kissed her again, brushing her dark hair back from her face as I looked into her eyes, "I love you too, my darling mother. I love you with all of my heart and soul and always will."

Never taking her eyes from mine, she reached her hand up to my chest and lightly ran her fingers back and forth through my chest hair and said, "I know, baby, I know. David, I feel the same way, and I am so happy!"

We lay back in each other's arms and gently caressed each other, each lost in our own intimate thoughts. After a few minutes, I rolled onto my side and looked at her in the flickering candlelight and quietly said, "Mother, I can't begin to tell you how glad I am that tonight happened—that you and I made love—and that I never want to stop; but I honestly never thought it would be as simple as it was to convince you to 'love' me like this.."

She didn't say at anything at first, and then a wry smile came to her lips and her eyes sparkled as she replied, "Well, baby, I guess...I guess that since we have come this far—'in for a penny, in for a pound' they say—you deserve to hear a story; a story that I've never told anyone else. It's about your father and I..."


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Leda and the SwanChapter 3 The Notebook

Darkness fell. Rick sat at his laptop reading student essays. He heard a rap at his door. "Brenda?" "Rick -- have you seen Roger today?" "Yes ... earlier." "He didn't come home for dinner." "He hasn't left for his conference, yet -- has he?" "Conference?" Brenda asked. "What conference?" Rick sighed. "An economics conference in Philadelphia. Didn't he tell you?" "No but he always waits 'til the last minute to break news like that. He knows it upsets me to think...

2 years ago
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The Blue Notebook

You stare at the writing in the back of your old notebook. Obviously this had to be a prank, right? Things don’t just become reality because you write them in a notebook. Still, it does interest you that you’ve never used the notebook before. Maybe I should try it, just to check, you think, turning back to the first page. Walking back to your office to grab a pen, book still open, you think about what your “check” note should be.

3 years ago
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A Pornographers Notebook

‘Oh yeah! Oh yeah, fuck you feel so good. Love your fucking ass, and it loves me back. Hey! Are you jerking off down there? I told you very specifically that you are my bitch and that you are not allowed to do that without my permission.’ ‘Nnng sorry Keith, I want to be a good boyfriend for you but when you fuck me, I just lose my mind and my sex drive takes over!’ ‘Your cock is a false idol, boy, getting fucked is what you love most.’ Keith pushed his pet down and then flipped him over. ‘I’m...

3 years ago
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A Pornographers Notebook

"Oh yeah! Oh yeah, fuck you feel so good. Love your fucking ass, and it loves me back. Hey! Are you jerking off down there? I told you very specifically that you are my bitch and that you are not allowed to do that without my permission.""Nnng sorry Keith, I want to be a good boyfriend for you but when you fuck me, I just lose my mind and my sex drive takes over!""Your cock is a false idol, boy, getting fucked is what you love most." Keith pushed his pet down and then flipped him over. "I’m...

2 years ago
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The weather is so nice today. You could not ask for a more perfect day to get naked and run around the creek. It’s been a while; your muscles are getting a good stretching as you reach out even further on the next stroke. “I should make it out here more often”, this is the first thought you have every time you arrive. Probably would if you were to worry more about yourself and less of all those around you. You are always taking care everyone one else. Well, not today. After swimming for...

3 years ago
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Foundations academy

This is so dumb, I think as I approach the gate. For the next year of my life I will be forced to stay at the Foundations Academy. It seems like a dumb school and a desperate attempt by my mom to get me to figure out my life. The worst part is I have no idea what to expect since there is no information online about the school. I doubt my mom even knows where she is sending me. I walk up to the gate and past it see a large well kept clean giant brick building with a smaller just as nice brick...

3 years ago
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Foundations My wife and I fell madly in love with each other in High school where a case of raging hormones and a faulty condom made us parents at the age of 16. We weren’t ready for it, but our parents agreed that we would be held responsible for our promiscuity. We got our G.E.D.s, got married and got night jobs. Our parents helped us out by watching our son, Seth, while we worked and we lived with my parents until we could afford a place on our own. Shortly after we got our own place son...

3 years ago
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Newfound Lake

The main characters, Evan & Jane are in the 21-22 age range, though it was never specified in the story. All Characters engaged in sexual activity are 18+ ********** Newfound Lake ***** JUNE ****** Evan made his way into the busy kitchen to grab another beer. His friend Zack had convinced him to come out to one last party before he went away for the summer. Evan wasn’t really sure why, as Zack ditched him within 15 minutes to talk to some girl he had been wanting to bang. It must have...

1 year ago
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Newfound Roommates

Have each and every one of you people ever allowed yourselves to have the nerve to finally move out of your parents house and start a new life for yourselves in another city? Well, if you were to ask me that question, all I could do is introduce you to an old Berea High School buddy of mine named Wade Gilbert, who had finally decided that he has had enough of his dad running his life for him. And after he had told his dad what to do with his plans for his mom, packed up all of his belongings...

3 years ago
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Newfound Powers

It's a beautiful Monday morning. Everything is perfect. The only thing that possibly makes this day better is the fact that it's finally your 18th birthday. Getting up, you feel like a new person. You don't know what it is, but you like it. You slowly drag yourself to your bathroom and look in the mirror.

2 years ago
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Newfound friend gives her what hubby won

"You sure this won't hurt?" Mary asked again."Absolutely. All you have to do is push back, like you are trying to go, and relax. Things will be just fine. I slide in a little, let you have time to get used to it, and take it easy. You'll love it." At least he hoped he wouldn't hurt her. He had used enough K-Y. If she were too tense, it would hurt. If she relaxed and wanted to enjoy this, it wouldn't."God I hope so. I've heard about this enough.""Girlfriends huh?" John said as he moved closer...

3 years ago
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Found his stash

Found his stash We'd only been married for 6 months an together for a year. We're a mid to late 30's white couple. Our name's Bob, Ted, Alice, June it doesn't matter really. This was my first marrage and his second. I had moved in with him when we married. His parents had givin him a house an I was living in a small 1 bedroom apt. so it made sense for me to move in with him. It wasn't a big house, only 2 bedrooms but it had an attic with a staircase leading up into it, an thats where I found...

2 years ago
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Foundation of a Legend

Gregorio stood on the hill watching the British civilians walking towards the great stone circle. The druids chanting as they moved clearly in the middle of religious fervour while their chanting built in crescendo. Gregorio gripped the hilt of his Gladius as he watched the people bringing forward a youngish woman. He tightened his Lorica Segmentata as he prepared to rescue the woman. The old druid at his side gripped his staff as he knew what was coming. The rear of the procession was brought...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
1 year ago
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found the perfect boy to make my wife

After a long and exhaustive search, I have finally found the perfect boy to make my wife. He is as pretty as any girl I've seen, with unblemished, milky-white flesh, pouty lips, and a round, little bubble-butt that gets me hard whenever I picture bending him over and ramming home my seven-incher. I just know he'll take to my cock like a fish to water.He is painfully shy to the extent he has difficulties meeting girls his age. He lives alone, rarely dates, and has a mild, submissive temperament....

3 years ago
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Found Sealed and Delivered

Date Sept. 25, 06 By tom_boyplay@yahoo. com This story is for adults only. It involves sex, f/m, m/m, ff/m. FOUND, SEALED AND DELIVERED Todd glanced at his Mother driving as they zipped along at 75 mph on I- 35, crossing the Kansas Oklahoma line. The talk radio program she was listening to droned on and on as he closed his eyes for privacy. They were headed for Arkansas where he would be dropped off for a year stay with a couple she had met on the...

2 years ago
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Found in Translation

Found in Translation by Armond *** They are patient. Sparkling. Thrumming. Four perfect platinum monoliths, their faces filled with celestial marks; divine words, of life, of death, of love. They hold a secret, these plates, infinity's key; needing one to come, who, through the simple act of reading, will unlock them. They are waiting. *** 1. Kore "So you are like ...Indiana Jones?" Her broken English was so cute that he resisted answering in his...

3 years ago
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Found Out

Barry's wife arrives home unexpectedly to find him dressed as Berry, a transvestite woman. And argues that to be true to himself -- to herself -- he needs to go the rest of the way. But that isn't her only reason. One of my longer ones, but as readers know I don't like serial posting of any of my stories -- I enjoy uninterrupted continuity when reading others' stories, and anyhow don't trust my own short-term memory to tell me what I may need to remember from day to day, or week to...

2 years ago
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Found Mom On The Internet

Found Mom On The Internet I stumbled onto an Internet site that features nude pictures of wives and girlfriends. After a very long look around the free area I spotted several pictures of my mother. It had to be her, it looked just like her, and to top it off the pictures had been taken in her bedroom. There was a picture of me on her nightstand. Her sign-in name was Sexy34inNY. I copied all ten of her pictures to my hard drive and then I made a back up copy to hide. I thought about...

1 year ago
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Found and Feminized Section 2

Part 3: A good portion of the next part of the drive was in silence. My asshole captor had a wide smirk on his face, but seemed a bit lost in both his thoughts and keeping his eyes on the road, while I leaned towards the other window (trying to put as much physical distance between him and me as possible) and tried my best to ponder my fate and eventual escape plan. This man was clearly planning to do something sickening to me, and that happening is something I would have to wrap my...

1 year ago
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Found Mamas Porn Films Part 2

I tried to sleep, I really did. But, all I could think about was the rest of the videos on the DVD I'd found buried in the basement file cabinet. My mother had a porn film career I never knew about. After watching her in a scene with another woman, I felt really weird and distracted at dinner. I tried to be cool about it, but I was hyper aware of her body and what she looked like and felt like under the sundress she wore, as I tried to carry on normal conversation. Dad was clueless. But, I...

3 years ago
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Found and Feminized pt 2

Part 3: A good portion of the next part of the drive was in silence. My asshole captor had a wide smirk on his face, but seemed a bit lost in both his thoughts and keeping his eyes on the road, while I leaned towards the other window (trying to put as much physical distance between him and me as possible) and tried my best to ponder my fate and eventual escape plan. This man was clearly planning to do something sickening to me, and that happening is something I would have to wrap my...

2 years ago
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                                               Found                                                                    Chapter 1 – Crash-landing    The pilot turned back and smirked at Paula and Noel.     ?How are you girls?? he asked.      ?It’s getting boring,? Paula replied and slumped into her seat.     Noel hemmed, then took out a comb and brushed her curly brown hair.     The little Cessna rocked slightly and tilted. The pilot studied the dials. The engine started to whir louder.    ...

1 year ago
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Found in a Skip

Dear Carletta, Thanks for your note expressing your eternal gratitude for the framed Polaroid of Elinor, Jack, you and I, depicting us apparently happy on our fifth wedding anniversary, and at a time close to your mother and stepfather’s twentieth. At the very start of this reply to your note of thanks, I want to make it perfectly clear to you that my gift of the framed photograph was not intended to give you any false hope at all that we’d ever get back together. No, quite the reverse,...

2 years ago
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Found Mamas Porn Films Part 4

All day I tried not to think about my mother's naked body in the shower, how sexy she was with the water flowing down her skin, how erotic seeing her masturbate was. I couldn't shake the feeling that she was fantasizing about me the way I was about her. In the bathroom stall at school, I found myself lingering, my hand drifting across my clit with my shorts and panties at my ankles. Would she want to touch me this way? I was getting slippery down there. My fingertips began to caress my warm...

2 years ago
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Found Mamas Porn Films Part 1

So, I never had a thing for my mom until I found her videos buried in a box of old papers in the attic. I was cleaning it out for my parents when I found a DVD marked "Janie's Vids". I figured it was something from her c***dhood or some family movies. I was the only one home. When I took a break from the attic work, I made some food and put the DVD in my laptop. The sandwich about fell out of my hand when the first video started to play. It was my mom, must have been from the 70s when she was...

3 years ago
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Found A Cuckold Couple On Facebook 8211 Part 1

As is customary let me first introduce myself. I am Sandeep Patel from Rajkot, Gujarat. I am a 29 year old married guy. Happily married to my wife Shivani for the past 3 years. I come from a business family and we have an export and import company here and by gods grace we are doing well. Despite several sexual encounters this is my first sex story in ISS. Have always wanted to share my sexperience here for others to read and enjoy. Have always had bisexual urges and have enjoyed them to the...

4 years ago
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Found Out

"I love to play with my pussy while I read you letters, Richard. Right now I'm sitting here on the edge of my chair, my legs spread as far apart as they can be and my left hand is caressing the inside of my thigh. God I wish it was your hand, or better still, your tongue touching me there. The thought of your tongue sets me on fire and I feel like my insides are burning with my need for you. "My hand just found my pussy and I'm tracing the outline of my wet, swollen lips. My clit is...

1 year ago
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Found a partner who fulfilled my sexual desires Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

For a woman, it is often difficult to decide between someone who fulfilled my sexual desires and someone who makes a great father to my kids. I love my children but lately, my sex life wasn’t even remotely exciting. It was the same missionary after Sunday lunch when the kids were napping. And I was frustrated. One day, I read about some dating sites where people would go for just a purely physical need. Being the cautious queen that I was, I thought nothing of it, but kept reading about how so...

Extra Marital Affair
2 years ago
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Found Pride On An African Adventure

I have never been the type to believe in fate, that things would eventually come my way. And I certainly never expected that, one day, my life would dramatically change.But let me go back a few steps. I’m thirty years old and my name is Connie Taylor. Until recently, my sexual experiences had only been with a few select men although I confess that I occasionally checked out women at the gym. I even fleetingly wondered what sex would be like with another woman. That said, it didn’t really occur...

1 year ago
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Found in the www 82yo Mother In Law

82yo Mother In Law ________________________________________ I have always been sexually attracted to my mother in law and have had many sexual fantasies about her and have come close to getting inside her knickers a few times but have always been to scared to do anything about it until now…….. My Mother in law Betty is in her 80’s, the typical woman of her age, 5’ 5” tall, bottom heavy, tight grey perm, glasses, average breasts (Saggy) and dresses to her age slacks or a skirt usually worn...

1 year ago
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Found on my wifersquos new laptop

Recently my wife got a new laptop, and she made a mistake she never makes - she left it open and unlocked. So I took a look of course. I found a folder where she apparently keeps photos of herself that she sends to the men she talks to. In that folder, I also found this reply. I’m not sure if it was an email reply or a texting reply, since she had just saved the body of the reply as a text file. Still, it’s clear she must enjoy this particular man degrading her verbally, and perhaps more… I...

3 years ago
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Found this aion story online Very hot

A story I wrote for a friend about her own a*****ion, torment and enslavement. Hanna is a relatively normal girl k**napped and thrust into completely abnormal circumstances. But as she is ****d, tortured and abused, something in her begins to stir. Is Hanna really as normal as she seemed?This story is not for the faint of heart. Though not as extreme as some others I've written, it does contain acts of serious bondage, ****, torture and even my first attempt at b********y (at the subjects...

1 year ago
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Found in the www The affair with Mrs Sims

The affair with Mrs. SimsMy wife and I separated and divorced when I turned 30. We didn't have any k**s yet, so I felt quite free. It was a big weight off of my chest! After the divorce was final, I decided to change jobs (And basically careers) and go from being a Network Administrator, to opening up my own PC Repair shop. I had some money saved up, and it didn't cost too much to get started. I had a bunch of used PC's, monitors, parts, and so on, and kept a nice selection on new processors,...

1 year ago
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Found in the www 82yo Mother In Law

82yo Mother In Law ________________________________________I have always been sexually attracted to my mother in law and have had many sexual fantasies about her and have come close to getting inside her knickers a few times but have always been to scared to do anything about it until now……..My Mother in law Betty is in her 80’s, the typical woman of her age, 5’ 5” tall, bottom heavy, tight grey perm, glasses, average breasts (Saggy) and dresses to her age slacks or a skirt usually worn with...

3 years ago
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Found Out and Sissified by Wife

My wife stormed into the room and threw the red lacy panties in my face. "What the fuck is this Bill? Who is she?" I swallowed hard with the realization I had just been found out. "It's not what you think babe" I stammered trying to quickly think of san easy way out."How the fuck can it not be what I think? I find a pair of panties in the pocket of your coat. They're not mine, they smell like perfume that is not mine, and they have what I'm pretty sure is dried cum on them. So tell me, what am...

3 years ago
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Found My Master On Omegle

I wanted a kink in my life. A kink which will change my life and make me involved in it every time. I use to read and see BDSM porn only. How slave girl is being torture was the fun part for me an orgasm every time. I was regularly looking for a master. Even on a tinder date, I use to look for the master who was able to control me properly and able to satisfy my needs. Every day I use to masturbate while seeing the BDSM porn which use to excite me so much. One day I found the best thing. Omegle...

3 years ago
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Found Gay Partner in Office8230

I was seating in my chamber in office when my colleague Prabhu came up. As I am net savvy, everyone would be asking me tips and so did he. He wanted to know how to download XXX content form net and while talking said he knew a couple of sites where XXX things are shown, but he does not know how to download them to the computer. I was happy to help him as he was a cool chap and good colleague of mine. When I opened th site he mentioned, I actually found some nice XXX stuff while I was browsing...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Found A Hot Delhi Girl Who Made Me Cum

Hey guys and girls! I am sharing a recent experience in this story that satisfied my cravings for sex, even though I don’t have any girlfriend. Now, some of you might be in a relationship, but you too can derive pleasure (in private!). That mind-blowing experience goes something like this.. Ever since the precautionary lockdown was imposed, I couldn’t masturbate in my one-room flat. The college term was terminated, I was sitting home idle, there was no reason to worry about the career, yet my...

3 years ago
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Found A Hot Delhi Girl Who Made Me Cum

Hey guys and girls! I am sharing a recent experience in this story that satisfied my cravings for sex, even though I don’t have any girlfriend. Now, some of you might be in a relationship, but you too can derive pleasure (in private!). That mind-blowing experience goes something like this.. Ever since the precautionary lockdown was imposed, I couldn’t masturbate in my one-room flat. The college term was terminated, I was sitting home idle, there was no reason to worry about the career, yet my...

3 years ago
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Found Him

It had taken me three years to find him. Six months after Nick had run away from home did I even learn about his coming out and the hatred he received from everyone in town. When I finally tracked Nick down he was working at a gay male strip club, if you call it that, in the back alleys of south side of Metro City. The club was not much more than old rum bar for chicken hawks and guys on the DL. Watching his floor showing, I was shocked. The little boy I once knew was gone and a young muscle...

4 years ago
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Found Out and Forgiven

FOUND OUT “Before you answer Gary, I think you’d better have a look at these,” I said as I opened the triple X file on my lap-top. Gary’s face was a sight to see as I flicked through the pictures that popped up on the screen, pictures of my wife sucking or being fucked by a variety of men. “Look Gary,” I said, “I don’t mind if you are fucking her but I would like to know about it.” I’d just accused my neighbour, Gary, of having an affair with wife and the pictures I was showing him were from...

2 years ago
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Found and Feminized

Part V: As I begged desperately I noticed a bit of a crowd developing around us, though a small fortune was there was no one I seemed to know yet, just a random selection of concerned, disgusted, and amused faces. Daddy grabbed me by my hands and pulled me to my feet, with a satisfied and proud smile on his face. "Well if you want it that badly that Daddy will happy oblige his cute little cupcake." His eyes closed and he went in for the kiss, leaving me with little options but to...

2 years ago
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Found Sex Tapes

I had found some of my moms sex videos she had recorded while swinging with other guys. One was labelled at the hotel she I placed it into the video player and hit play. Up came my mom naked and on her knees waiting in a doggy position, then a big cock guy walked past the camera and got behind her slowly pushing his big cock in her pussy, she slowly started rocking back and fourth pushing his cock deeper in her clit with each stroke, slowly she did it, her eyes were closed tight as she began...

1 year ago
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Found Chapter One

What’s wrong with me? I ask myself as I attempt to open my eyes and lift my arms for the umpteenth time. I can’t move… it’s like I’m completely paralyzed. I feel wetness slide down my cheeks and land on the corner of my mouth, followed by a cold sensation landing on my forehead. ‘Gracie, it’s time for you to wake up,’ I hear Chandler whisper, his breath warm against my ear. I swallow the large lump forming in my throat as my heart rate increases with fear. ‘I know you can hear me, darling. The...

1 year ago
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Found Mamas Porn Films Part 6

The display of my phone glowed softly in the darkness of my bedroom. "2:34 AM" and I was still unable to sleep. Sometimes when I stay up late working on a paper, I get like this. After 45 minutes or so of trying to doze off, I realized I needed some help. Nothing like a little wank to help me get sleepy. I grabbed my laptop from the desk and dug into my panties drawer to find the shiny DVD having mom's porn movies on it. I'd discovered it in the basement file cabinet a month or so ago and still...

4 years ago
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Found Mamas Porn Films Part 5

I lay quietly in my room with my laptop on my knees, providing the only light in the room. My duvet cover was down to my ankles as my fingers glided over the cotton of my panties. The gentle caress of my fingertips along the ridges of my camel toe gave me tingles. Playing on my laptop was a video from a huge collection of porn films my mom made when she was younger. IN this one she played a girl named Barbara who was experimenting with a friend for the first time. I couldn't take my eyes off...

4 years ago
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Found out Im Definitely Gay

I'm Nick, and I just found out I'm bisexual about six months ago. These two monster guys at the gym, Steve and Butch, caught me watching them have sex in the shower after hours. Since then I've been their little fuck toy every Wednesday night. I love getting fucked and sucking cock.I'm married and so far my wife doesn't suspect. If anything, my sex life with her has improved. We have sex much more frequently and she's even opened up to anal sex. It's great!About one month ago the consulting...

2 years ago
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Found out Im Bisexual leaning Gay

It's Nick again. I recently found out I'm Bisexual. I discovered it by having two guys, Butch and Steve, catching me watch them have sex in the gym shower after hours one night. Since then I've been their little fuck toy every Wednesday night after our work out.I'm 5'11", tan, and in good shape. Steve is 6'6", blonde, slender and athletic and Butch is also 6'6" with red hair and the body of a professional body-builder (which he was).One night after our Wednesday work out, we all headed to the...

3 years ago
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Found Chapter One

What's wrong with me? I ask myself as I attempt to open my eyes and lift my arms for the umpteenth time. I can't move... it's like I'm completely paralyzed. I feel wetness slide down my cheeks and land on the corner of my mouth, followed by a cold sensation landing on my forehead. "Gracie, it's time for you to wake up," I hear Chandler whisper, his breath warm against my ear. I swallow the large lump forming in my throat as my heart rate increases with fear. "I know you can hear me, darling....

Love Stories
1 year ago
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Found Chapter Five

I squeeze my eyes shut as tight as possible as I stretch out across my bed, silently praying the pounding in my head will disappear. My fingertips brush something warm and wet. I frown and I open one of my eyes just a crack, wincing in pain at the light. I blink rapidly before a body next to me comes into view. "What..?" I whisper, slowly sitting up, even though the pounding in my head recommends lying down. "Hey sweetie, are you finally awake?" Danny's voice murmurs, and I feel his fingers...

4 years ago
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Found out I have a Reputation

Some years back I traveled with a friend to Raleigh N.C. We were talking last week and he brought this trip up in our conversation. I had a real good time and thought I would share it. My friend did and does not know of my Bi side.. He is Pretty much Homophobic I think. So my sex part of the story is something he knows very little of.We drove back east to pick up some stuff and deliver most of it to different people along the way back home. I had a large truck and my friend needed to pick up a...

4 years ago
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Found out by another classmate

I was playing in the woods as I always have done, it was a few weeks after my encounter with my three assailants. I saw a fellow class mate, I'll call him 'Al', he was not an intimidating guy but he sometimes hung with Bruce, Charlie and Daniel. Al approached me and asked if the elementary school was open, he said he needed to use the toilet. I answered I did not know and Al suggested that I should go with him to see if he could get into the ground floor Reluctantly I agreed, his argument was...

2 years ago
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Found an xhamster girl at the store

I was about to hit a friend’s party last weekend. He had just moved to a new part of the city and was having a few of us come by. I stopped off at the store in his neighborhood to grab some chips and beers when I saw her. I was fairly certain it was her. I’d seen her enough on xhamster, first on her boyfriends page, then her own. A young redhead named Sarah. The eyes, the hair, the smile - it had to be her. I followed her around the store a couple of aisles, just to be sure. I eventually...

2 years ago
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Found The Sexdoll Again

To know the angle between me, Rakesh and Radhika, please read the first part. It had been ten days and I was unable to take my mind off her, that luscious body and the mind-blowing sex that we had even though things ended badly. We wanted to set things right if given the chance. Me, Rakesh and Nikhil had come over to Mumbai to attend a friend Abhinav’s reception party. We were staying at a Five-star property. I was just finished with my swimming session in the pool, when I saw Radhika leaving...

2 years ago
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Found one

It all began strangely enough with an argument with a couple whose party we planned on going to. We left, returned home and then had several drinks there. After a little bit we both decided to go out anyway. My wife, Susan, is an exhibitionist who loves to dance and while I appease her at times I would rather play pool than dance. Consequently when we go out she dances a lot and I play pool.We arrived at a dance club that featured a live band while she danced I played pool at a small table in...

2 years ago
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Found my Cuck and Wife at the YMCA True Story

True story that happen to me two years ago. One day I was working out at my local YMCA. When this sexy mature white lady walks into the workout area. She had a veery sexy body, with the perfect ass and tits, and dirty blonde hair. As I continued to work out I noticed her looking at me with those fuck me eyes. Then I saw the wedding ring and thought to myself..." shit she married". I continued my working while enjoying looking at her sexy body. As I was almost done with my workout. A shorter...

3 years ago
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Found MF cons inc rom

Foundby SpectreOfHellAntonia excused herself from the reception hall after the Maid of Honor had made her toast. She just couldn't take it anymore. It wasn't that she was not happy for her little sister, not at all. She loved Alicia to death and was overjoyed to see her sister so happy. She was just jealous, that's all. Sad because she was about to turn thirty and she had never been able to keep a boyfriend longer than a year. It had been nine months since her last breakup. Not her...

2 years ago
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Found A Young Partner

Hi friends, I am going to narrate a real experience of mine, which happened to me 3 years back, and that affair is still continuing. Starting from introduction I am Swati from Mumbai, 29 years old, married. I stand 5.5 and normal body type, for measurement freaks my figure is 34-30-36. I am a school teacher and my husband works for a MNC in middle level management. We live in a flat and opposite to ours is a flat of a rajput family which consists of Husband, wife and their two sons of age 19 &...

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