- 4 years ago
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Chapter 1 – Crash-landing
The pilot turned back and smirked at Paula and Noel.
?How are you girls?? he asked.
?It’s getting boring,? Paula replied and slumped into her seat.
Noel hemmed, then took out a comb and brushed her curly brown hair.
The little Cessna rocked slightly and tilted. The pilot studied the dials. The engine started to whir louder.
?Problem?? Paula asked and looked fearfully at the vast expanse of water below them.
?No, it’s just turbulence,? the pilot said. ?What are you gonna do in Hawaii??
?Business. We are reporters,? Paula said smugly.
?I was sure that you were models. Such pretty girls, you know!?
?You are wrong,? Noel said curtly to the pilot. ?Are you scared of flying, Paula??
?No,? she replied.
?Are you sure?? Noel pressed on.
?Of course, I’m sure.?
Noel smiled knowingly and looked out. The shadow of the plane was sliding over the flat surface of the ocean. The sun was gleaming happily. She started to muse upon sunny beaches and cold cocktails. At the same time, Paula, feeling tense and scared, could not think of anything except the end of the flight.
It came quite unexpectedly. The engine chugged a couple of times and stopped.
?It’s not possible! Someone has messed up my plane!? the pilot cried out.
Paula’s face grew pale. Her blue eyes goggled. She clutched the armrests and whimpered. Noel shifted nervously in her seat. The plane was gradually losing altitude. The pilot was frantically switching on and off something.
?There is an island out there,? Noel cried.
The pilot saw it and veered.
?Is there a landing- strip,? Paula asked.
The pilot chuckled nervously. Paula closed her eyes and shuddered.
?Fasten your seat belts!? he ordered.
A minute later the plane reached the small island. Only cliffs, palms and coastline. No people or buildings in sight. The plane was no more then 30 feet above the ground when a tall palm loomed ahead. The right wing cut its top off. Paula and Noel started to scream. The plane lurched.
?We had to land on the beach,? the pilot cried.
These were his last words. A cliff cut into the cockpit and decapitated him. Then it ripped up the fuselage. The plane rolled over a couple of times and disintegrated.
Chapter 2 – On the Beach
The first thing Paula became aware of was the noise of the surf. She opened her eyes and saw pieces of the fuselage scattered around her. The sand felt hot under her. A palm tree was on fire in the distance. For a moment, she felt happy that she was still alive. Then the pain hit her like a huge wave. She gasped. Her bottom was hurting terribly. Propping herself up on her elbows, she saw that her right leg was twisted unnaturally inward. Although the short skirt was covering the deformity, she could see that her hip joint was not in its natural place.
?Please, help me!? Paula cried out.
A bird twittered mockingly. She looked around. The plane had completely disintegrated. The burning palm fell noisily on the sand. There was no sign that the island was populated. No ships or boats on the horizon either.
Then she saw Noel. She was lying on her side no more than ten meters away. Her wide-open brown eyes looked glazed.
?Oh, God!? Paula exclaimed.
Noel’s lips twitched.
?Oh, dear! Noel! Are you all right??
?Am I looking all right?? Noel mumbled, then her features contorted.
Paula noticed that Noel’s thighs are bruised. Her right one was bent at a weird angle. Her blue cotton skirt was torn, revealing her panties.
?It looks like your right leg is broken,? Paula said.
?My thighs hurt like hell,? Noel uttered, ?You don’t look in a very good condition too.?
?My bottom hurts and I think my hip joint is dislocated,? Paula replied.
?Too bad. I thought that you would be able to help me. Have you seen my pumps??
?Your pumps??
?I have lost my pumps.? Noel said and closed her eyes.
Paula saw that Noel’s feet are bare. One of her black pumps was wallowing in the sand nearby.
?I don’t think you need them right now.?
?Yeah. I am thirsty and I feel dizzy. Is it? getting dark??
?Noel, Noel! Please don’t die!? Paula cried.
?You need me? Hard to believe. I am of little use to you now.?
?Noel, you are scaring me. Do not give yourself up! The pilot will save us.?
?Sorry. The pilot is death.?
?How could you know that??
?I saw his severed hand down there,? Noel said and pointed at the shoreline.
?They will find us.?
?No one heard me as I was crying for help. You were unconscious then.?
Paula lied on her back and looked up at the sky. Her eyes moistened. She wiped the tears off with the back of her hand. Her right wrist was swollen. The sling of her high heel was digging into her left ankle. She took a deep breath and sat up with difficulty, moaning with pain.
?Noel, look at me! I managed to sit up. You can do it yourself. ?
?What’s the purpose?? Noel asked.
?You are scaring me. Lying like that ? motionless. We should do something!?
?I don’t feel my legs, Paula. Don’t count on me. ?
?Yeah. Your legs are broken but we should crawl under the palms. The sun will kill us here.?
?I did enough damage. Leave me alone!?
?What do you mean?? Paula asked.
?I tried to crawl to you when you were unconscious. I crawled nearly fifty meters. Then something snapped in my back. I heard it. Nasty sound. I can’t wiggle my toes anymore,? Noel explained.
?You think your back is broken??
?But you said your thighs hurt. So you have sensitivity there.?
Noel’s face brightened.
?You think I am not paralyzed?? she asked.
?I am not a doctor but maybe the pain is a good sign.?
?Do you think I should try crawling again?? Noel asked with trembling voice.
?No. Stay where you are! I am coming.?
Paula turned gingerly on her side, then on her stomach. A shooting pain stabbed her pelvis. She tightened her lips, stifling the cry. A minute later, when the pain abated, she started crawling. The pointed toes of her sling back shoes dug into the sand, furrowing it. Her left ankle was on fire. As she was halfway through, already gasping for breath, she stopped to rest. Noel casted an anxious glance at her.
?You don’t look well, Paula,? Noel said, ?Better stay where you are.?
?I’m fine.?
As Paula got close enough, Noel reached out and took her hand.
?Thank you so much. I don’t want to die alone,? she said.
?No one is going to die, Noel? Paula rejoined.
?I want to be prepared. I won’t be able to bear the suffering much longer.?
?Shut up! We are too young to die. Let me see your back!?
Paula drew herself closer, pulled Noel’s tank top up so that to expose her injured back. There was no blood. Only huge bluish swelling. Just above her waist, two or three of her vertebrae looked caved in.
?What?? Noel asked.
?It is not that bad,? Paula said.
?It feels as if a nail has been hammered in my spinal cord. Every movement is an agony.?
?You still can’t wiggle your toes?? Paula asked and looked at Noel’s bent thighs.?
Paula caressed Noel’s cheek, wiped the tear that was about to trickle down, then moaning, sat up and reached down to unbuckle the sling of her left shoe. The pain in her pelvis and the dislocation of her hip joint made the task impossible.
?My hands are fine. Let me help you,? Noel said.
Paula pulled herself back so that Noel to be able to reach her feet. Noel clumsily unbuckled the sling of the left shoe, freeing the swollen ankle.
?Your ankle is so puffed up,? Noel said,? ?and your heel looks ?crushed.?
?Crushed?? Paula asked.
?Judging by the deformity it’s definitely broken.?
?Damn it!?
?Do you want me to pull your right leg? I might be able to set the dislocated joint,? Noel proposed.
?Do it!? Paula answered without hesitation.
Noel tugged a couple of times but nothing happened. Only the pain gnawed deeper into Paula’s groin.
?Sorry, I am too weak, ?Noel said, then the pain in her broken spine became unbearable, and she collapsed.
?Noel! Noel! Do you here me??
Noel didn’t answer. Paula burst into sobs. Two hours later she lost consciousness too.
Chapter 3 – In Plaster
Paula knew that she is still alive. She felt cool air blowing softly and she heard someone talking. The words were not audible though. It looked as if they were coming from far away. After a couple of unsuccessful attempts, she finally managed to open her eyes. An IV line was attached to her left arm. White plaster cast was covering her right hand and forearm. Using the cast, she gently brushed a stray blond lock of hair away. Her blue eyes popped out. At first, she saw her bare breasts. That surprised her and made her feel uncomfortable. Then she noticed the white plaster cast. It started just below her breasts. Covering her abdomen, it narrowed at her slender waist, then widened following the contours of her hips. She reached down and touched her private parts. They were exposed, surrounded by the padded edges of the cast. Startled, Paula withdrew her hand and gazed at her legs. The cast was masterfully molded over her hips and thighs. Her left leg was casted all the way down to the tips of her toes. It was hanging in a sling high above the bed. Her right thigh was casted too. The plaster reached down to her knee. Her bare right foot was left to rest on the bed. A bar was molded a couple of inches above her knees, keeping her casted thighs wide apart. She lifted her right foot and stirred her ankle, then lowered her foot again. Then she stirred her shoulders to check how tight the cast was. Its embrace was more unyielding than she expected. She felt protected, and at the same time, vulnerable. Happy that she is alive and afraid of the prospects of long-term immobility. At least the pain was under control now. She felt only soreness in her pelvis.
The memories of the crash flooded Paula’s brain. Noel! What had happened to her? Was she alive? She looked around her. Noel was lying on her bed, a bed that was surrounded by strange-looking medical equipment. Paula wondered if she looks the same way as Noel. The thought made her feel uncomfortable.
Noel didn’t answer. Her eyes were closed; her face was pale but somehow relaxed. Paula studied Noel’s face for a wile then looked at her body. The cast started just under her armpits and was covering her body entirely, except her feet. There was something strange about Noel’s arms. They were not casted, not even bandaged. Despite that they were elevated and tied to the frame that was attached to the bed. Paula had never seen someone so helpless as Noel. Her slim body was virtually engulfed by the massive cast. The enormity of the cast made her bare feet look unnaturally small. Paula noticed that Noel’s casted legs were elevated even higher than her left one. The spreader bar that was molded between her ankles added to her helplessness. ?She is a lot more immobilized than me? Paula thought. ?She can only move her feet?. Then she remembered the terrible spine injury Noel had suffered, and fixed her gaze on Noel’s feet. They were turned slightly inwards, motionless and limp. Paula stared at Noel’s toes for a minute but noting changed. Her toes looked dead. There was not even a slight twitch ?Is she paralyzed? I don’t like her very much, and should not be so concerned about her but?Why I think about her now! Maybe I am as badly injured as her! I have to talk to the doctor.? Paula wiggled her toes, and despite the pain that erupted, she smiled contentedly. ?There must be a button somewhere. I have to call the doctors. I need to know?? There wasn’t any button. She tried to turn and check the wall behind her. The cast stopped her. The futile attempt caused a persistent throbbing in her injured pelvis. Paula realized that she is as helpless as Noel. Her eyes welled with tears.
Chapter 4 – The Nurse
Paula woke up with a start. A nurse was bent over her, smiling mildly. Paula managed to focus her eyes and saw that the nurse has oriental features. Her long black hair was tied in a ponytail, her eyes glittering with interest.
?Can I talk to a doctor?? Paula asked sleepily.
The nurse’s smile widened.
?I am so sorry but it is impossible. If you need something I am at your service.?
?I suppose I have broken some bones,? Paula said flatly.
?Yes but everything is fixed now. Your pelvis is broken, your left foot and ankle as well. And your wrist. I have to assure you though that the worst is over and you should not worry.?
?What about Noel??
?Noel? Oh? I think that her life is not at risk anymore,? the nurse said hesitantly and looked back at Noel.
?Are you sure she is OK??
?It is obvious that she is not OK but she is definitely better.?
?I want to know who found us. Do you know that??
The nurse shook her head and got closer.
?You need to rest.?
?It is Hawaii here right?? Paula asked.
?Yes. You are in a private clinic and you are safe here.?
?I have to call my boss, my parents too?
?No!? the nurse said and frowned.
?But why??
?That’s against the rules of the clinic.?
?But they have to know??
?They know,? the nurse said and forced a smile. ?They know about the crash. When your condition improves you will be transported and you will see your relatives.?
?Why this can’t be done now??
?No. You have multiple fractures and moving is not an option,? the nurse explained.
?But I ‘m not in pain anymore!?
The nurse smirked.
?Dear girl, you are stuffed with painkillers. You want me to stop them??
Paula hesitated, then sighed and shook her head. The nurse bent over and touched the padded upper edge of the cast. Her fingers brushed Paula’s left breast, then slipped under the cast. No more than an inch though. Paula gasped feeling the cold fingers of the nurse.
?Sorry, I have to check the cast. Is it tight? Is it chafing your skin??
?No, it’s fine, except the fact that it holds me immobile,? Paula said gruffly.
?That’s its purpose, dear. It immobilizes you so that the broken bones to knit together properly. You have to get used to the immobility.?
?I lead an active life. I hate to be restricted like that.?
?Not anymore sweet, not anymore. Look at Noel! She didn’t complain at all.? the nurse said and giggled.
?It is not funny,? Paula said and glared at the nurse.
?Sorry,? the nurse said, her eyes sill twinkling.
?How long I have to be in plaster?? Paula asked.
?At least three or four months.?
?Oh, God,? Paula groaned.
In this moment Paula felt cold fingers touching her exposed private parts.
?What are you doing? Stop it!?
?I am checking the cast,? the nurse mumbled innocently.
?OK, but be more cautions! It is embarrassing, you know??
?Sorry. I had to make sure the cast is applied properly.?
?What! You think the doctor could have made a mistake??
?Everything is possible. But most important is to make sure that there is no swelling.?
?The swelling is not a good sign, that’s why? the nurse said.
?Everything seems fine.?
?Can you please, tell me something? Will I be able to walk normally after the cast was removed??
?You will need crutches at first,? the nurse said.
?Gosh! Crutches! My career is ruined! No one likes crippled reporters! How long I will be on crutches??
?I am not a prophet, Paula. But judging by the condition of your foot and ankle you could be on crutches for years.?
?Are you serious?? Paula asked, her face reddening.
?I can’t be sure.?
?What the problem with my foot and ankle??
?The main problem is that they are crushed, especially your heel. I can’t imagine that you will be able to put weight on it anymore. But who knows. The doctors are magicians nowadays,? the nurse said and rubbed Paula’s casted thigh.
Paula closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
?I should not be answering your questions. I made mistake. The patients should not be worried. By the way, Noel has more reasons to be worried. But look how calm she is. Good girl.?
Paula opened her eyes and fixed her gaze on the nurse. She smiled amiably.
?What about Noel??
?Her spine is damaged and both her femurs are broken.?
?Is she paralyzed??
?It is difficult to say what the extent of the neurological damage is. But I have to tell you that the operation was successful. She has chances to recover.?
?Why her arms are tied to the frame??
?She removed the IV line a couple of times. She is not always so peaceful. Nightmares maybe.?
?Did you talk to her??
?No. She is not ready yet.?
?Is she drugged??
?Yes,? the nurse said and paced to the foot of the bed.
Then she pinched the big toe of Paula’s left foot and scrutinized it carefully.
?Can you wiggle them?? the nurse asked.
Paula complied.
?That’s great, dear. That’s really great,? the nurse exclaimed,?Now we had to do some exercises,? she added.
The nurse drew a plastic stool to the bed and sat on it. Her hands started to knead Paula’s uncasted calf.
?What’s the purpose of that?? Paula asked.
?We have to keep your muscles in shape.?
?I see.?
Paula closed her eyes and relaxed. The massage made her feel good. For the first time she felt comfortable with the nurse.
?Your skin is so smooth?so soft to touch?? the nurse started unconfidently.
Chapter 5 – I Found You
The nurse sat on Noel’s bed and placed her hands on the upper part of the body cast. Her fingers touched the plaster mounds covering Noel’s breasts. She explored the gentle curves for a while then traced her forefinger on the upper edge of the cast. After a short hesitation she slipped it under the cast as deep as its tightness allowed.
?What are you doing?? Paula asked.
The nurse didn’t answer. Her right hand slipped down and rubbed the exposed private parts of the injured woman.
?Stop it! Now!? Paula cried out shrilly.
The nurse didn’t stop nor did she pay any attention to Paula. Her fingers moved faster.
?You will be fired when I tell them what you did,? Paula hissed.
?Really?? the nurse said mockingly.
?Do it then!?
?Heeeeeeeeeeeeelp,? Paula screamed.
?No one will hear you,? the nurse announced.
Paula’s face showed total perplexity.
?Why?? she asked.
?Because there is nobody there.?
?How could that be??
The nurse ignored her and continued to rub Noel’s vagina vigorously.
?Look! She seems to like that,? the nurse said and giggled.
Noel gasped, her eyelids fluttered and her mouth opened partially as she breathed noisily. Then she started to shake her head sideways.
?What’s going on here? Where are we? Where are the doctors?? Paula asked.
?I found you on the beach and saved your lives. I own this island.?
?This is not a hospital!?
?No. I had to refurbish one of the bedrooms to accommodate you.
?Why did you do that? We have to be in a hospital. We need a doctor??
?Don’t worry about that. You got the best medical care available. I arranged and paid for it myself. Now you need only? a nurse.?
Paula opened her mouth, then realizing that she didn’t know what to tell, closed it.
?Look! It appeared I made a miracle,? the nurse exclaimed.
Noel had curled up her toes. A moment later she stared wiggling them. Her eyes were still closed.
?I was sure that the spinal surgeon did his best to fix her,? the nurse said happily.
?What do you want from us?? Paula asked, trying to sound calmer than she felt.
?I want to help you recover as quickly as possible. I have ever wanted to be a nurse.?
?But? ?Paula started.
?I know what I am doing, Paula.?
The nurse stood up and went to Paula. She cupped the casted heel of her left foot. She held it like that for a moment then bent and kissed her big toe.
Paula reddened. A second later she felt her big toe being sucked and the nurse’s tongue tickling the base of her toes. Paula realized that the only thing she could do now was to enjoy the moment. And she did it.
The End
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The Prison Planet ...”I don’t give a shit what that thing says, someone or some thing is watching us. It gives me the creeps just standing here, and yeah, the feeling is a hell of a lot stronger than last time.” Jasmine stood staring at him for several seconds. It’s not like Morales to get rattled. When he and I were attacked by the snow leopard, his response was instantaneous and accurate. Even afterward, his voice didn’t show any stress and his hands were steady while I was shaking like a...
Saturday 4th January 2020The traumatized teen searched his mind for an answer. For some crumb of comfort. And somehow, he found one!Maeby! She will help. She will know what to do.He dialed her number as he helped his mom out to his car.“Hamilton, Wolff, and Lauder. Maeby Lewis speaking,” her sparkling voice answered after one ring. Richie realized he must have dialed her business number rather than her cell. He put the call on speaker as he was getting his mom’s seatbelt fastened.“Maeby? It’s...
IncestChapter One (Part Three)PERSONAL NARRATIVE OF JASON BELMONTMiss Ramon and I went to the bar by the side of the swimming pool. Half a dozen or so guests were splashing about, mostly women. It was quite warm. There were tables around the pool where guests were sitting. Two slave-girls were moving hither and thither on the alert for any signal from a guest. Guests don’t like any delay in service.“A Pernod with ice,” I said in reply to Miss Ramon’s invitation. She ordered the same. The barmaid, I...
Higuys this is the story about what happens after the movies. It’s the second part of the story with one more to follow, tell me what you think. We slowly made our way out to the car, from inside the movies. We walked slow holding hands. We had reached the car, you then pushed my back up against the car and gave me a deep and passionate kiss, our tongues dance together and our hands went everywhere exploring each other’s bodies. Things started to getting pretty heated and it was a bit of a...
A couple of months into the the relationship I started to get braver with Kirsten as she told me on more than one occassion that she is a sexual freak and loves to do new things. One night while we were in bed fucking I decided to see how far I could push the new things with Kirsten. I layed her down on her back and went down on her and ate her pussy for a few moments. I made sure to suck on her fat pussy lips. She really liked it when I did this. I made sure to slide two fingers into her...
The night was full of broken sleep, just as I drifted off I would be jolted awake by a shock from the plug. No sooner was I awake than it stopped shocking, sometimes it would vibrate but always enough to stop me getting in to a deep sleep. The strain of my cage would be the other thing to wake me, my nighttime erections straining on the cage to no avail. By the time 6am came I was already awake and awaiting the next shock, but the next beep was the cuffs unlocking and the alarm tone from the...
The 99 Laws of TG (Or, My Excuse For Not Actually Having Any New Material) By Tanto 1) The Laws of Quantum Reality favor TG. Of all possible outcomes to a situation, most will result in TG. Unknown containers, curious knick-knacks, and strange devices will all cause TG. Odd stores appearing, dispensing such items, and disappearing are an example of quantum realities overlapping in order to facilitate TG. 2) TG is highly contagious. There is never any isolated TG. 3) All...
– 45 years old – Is currently single and has never been married with no kids – She decided to do this because it has always been a fantasy – She has never made a sex tape in her entire life – Is a trade show model by day and a freak in the sheets at night – !00% natural redhead with a very high sex drive – Though she doesn’t get out too much, she’s a homebody – She uses a few different dating sites to attract younger guys – If she did go out you’d find her at a heavy metal or rock concert – She...
xmoviesforyouIt was two nights before Ollie was due for shore leave. Mandy and her aunt were going at it hammer and tongs in the kitchen. It was the usual don't-go-out-with-that-gangster-boy tirade from Aunt Philo and the smart-ass replies that Mandy snapped thoughtlessly. Things spiralled out of control very quickly after that. The event wasn't unusual. I shrugged and made my way out of the house and went for a walk. I had had a snack the night before and I wasn't craving for blood. I noticed that...
Dark coffee slopped over the side of the wimpy styrofoam cup as Trish banged her fist on her desk. “God, I can’t seem to make a break on this case,” she groaned. While tangling her fingers in her hair, long tendrils escaped their braid to rest along her forearm as she leaned over the case file. She’d been working with the police department for two years, and they’d finally given her a “biggie.” ‘ Well, if you can call a string of break-ins with the homeowners bound naked in bed with duct tape a...
SupernaturalWe hadn’t been able to get a sitter to watch the kids on Friday or Saturday as usual, but then one of them called Sunday afternoon to say she had the evening free. We jumped at the opportunity. My wife likes to dress up sexy and flaunt her body for me. I knew tonight would be no different when she walked out of the closet with a skirt in each hand, ‘Long and elegant or short and…’ she hesitated briefly, ‘slutty.’ Mmmmm, this was going to be a good night. Since she had both hands full she...
Hey its raghutomar1303 again.. Coming back to tell what happened after morning fucking session… Well for those who have not read my first part I will introduce me again… I am from Gwalior standing 5.11 tall regular gym going and have a 6 inch dick to pleasure any girl… Any girl or aunty from Gwalior or any where please contact me full pleasure will be given mail me at Now coming to the story after fucking my girl friend in the morning we slept naked in each other arms. When my eyes opened she...
Glynn caught his sister coming out of the bathroom on Sunday morning. She was still glowing, but looked a little mussed, as if she had gone through a long and grueling night. "Hey, sis--how did it go? He locked the door, and I couldn't ease into your room to watch from the closet, but I wanted to." She smiled. "It's a good thing dad and mom sleep in different rooms; he's still in there all wrapped around Jean. Now he's fucked all three of us women, just as you have." "All...
100% fiction! My mom and I are very keen armature actors and have acted in several local theatre productions but never together. Most of my work has been youth productions linked to my school and now college. Mom works as a legal secretary but her passion really is in the arts and since her college days has yearned to do serious and edgy drama productions. We live in a big town so neither mom nor I really get recognised on stage as we keep few close friends and none of them are really into the...
IncestBoob Critic! Every straight lad loves to see a pair of bouncy tatas, right? I mean, whether they are small, huge, saggy, or just right, we are all in love with tits, and this site allows you to choose the tits that best match your taste. It is called and I think that that pretty much explains everything you need to know about this place.Old-school site and lots of tits.The first thing that caught my attention was the fact that the site looks quite old. I have a feeling like we...
Amateur Porn SitesAstrid Star and her Hubby are one freaky couple! Get this: Hubby loves to watch strangers bang his wife, and with Hubby’s help, Astrid scours the internet looking for dudes! They like the dudes to be well hung…and black! While Astrid was on her “hunt”, she came across a gym owned by two “Bulls” who are personal trainers! When Astrid saw their pictures online, she almost came in her panties! So Astrid and Hubby set up a “consultation”...
xmoviesforyouI feel like such a fucking idiot walking down an alley at two in the morning. Granted, I’m in the affluent suburbs and crime hardly ever happens here. But what if my neighbors look out of their windows and see me in my black spandex mini dress, fishnets, and red fuck me heels? They will probably call the cops on the hooker in their alley. I wanted this fantasy, and Rob was all too eager to give it to me. It’s every woman’s fantasy to be caught in the alley by a stranger and fucked, right? I’m...
Straight SexAfter seating themselves, a waitress appears. “Sir, we generally don’t allow dogs in our restaurant,” she says, shooting a glare at Sandy. “Unless she is some kind of service animal, she can’t be in here.” Alan grins. Technically Sandy is a service animal, she services me. He wishes he could tell this woman that the dog is more than just a service animal, but that would get them both tossed out and they would have to find somewhere else to eat. “I’m under doctor’s orders to take a trip. I...
Updated: September 18, 2004 I must have fallen asleep because suddenly it was very hard to swallow and my mouth was quite dry. Then I became aware of the rolling thunder of the storm along with the gusts of wind that was shaking the house. It made me wonder how I had ever managed to fall asleep in the first place. I could feel a thin sheen of perspiration covering my entire body as I lay there, still half asleep and trying to go back to sleep between the bursts of thunder. So I started...
"Hey, Daniel! Guess what?!" I looked at my roommate, Louise. She was waving her phone wildly with a massive grin on her face. "Come look!" I set my snack down and got up. I walked over to the counter where she was bent over, butt raised high in the air. I could've sworn she wiggled it a bit, but that might've just been my imagination. I walked up alongside her and she turned her phone towards me. "Hold it," I started, "you want me to help you with another one of those-" "Before you jump to...
FetishSunday morning started with the sun streaming in the bedroom window. Both the girls were still sleeping soundly, so I wiggled my way down and got out over the end of the bed. I showered downstairs, so not to make too much noise. I dressed and once I heard the shower upstairs start up, I put bacon and eggs on for breakfast. Linda came down first. She was dressed in Jeans and a blouse. She quickly gave me a kiss, and hugged me tight. "I love you so much," she said to me. I got her some...
Heres Part 2! Chapter 2: Im the Demon Overlord! When I came to, I was in my room. My eyes slowly opened, revealing my surroundings. I looked up and saw a girls face right up to mine. It took me a second to realize my position. I was laying down on a lap pillow. I slowly got up and scratched my head. Good Morning Master, The girl said. Mornin, I replied. I looked at her, and saw she was bare naked. This must be a dream, I said to myself. Youre not dreaming, Master. She replied. Oh? I moved...
To my dearest sweetheart, Well, it's been three years since the last time I saw you. Three years since I've heard your laugh. Three years since I've given you a hug. Three of the longest and most miserable years of my life. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about you, talk to you, even though you're not physically there, I still talk to you and hope you can hear me. Every time I close my eyes, I see your smiling face. There are times I'll be out, and swear I hear...
I ground my foot into the faded welcome mat, scratching the cement porch as it pivoted. The midday sun beat on the open back of my halter top, but I was sweating even before I stepped out of my car. My excitement had billowed over the hour long drive and peaked as I had knocked on the worn door of this college apartment. Now, however, that excitement turned to uncertainty. Two polite knocks had elicited no response, and I began to worry. Had I been stood up? Was this a joke? Were there 3...
Oral SexHello ISS readers! I had been thinking of writing about the experiences I had even, even though I had very few of them. This particular one is the most amazing experience I had and the most fulfilling one too. I am Nalin, a 20 year old student from Bangalore. At 18, after my board exams I had applied to colleges all over India and so in Pune too. After securing a seat in a Bangalore College, I had an interview and GD session at a Pune college too. My cousin brother, 26 year old stayed there...
Gay MaleSociology students take at least one course in social deviance, I took that course as well. Now, many years later, I am a social deviant writing sexually explicit stories, and you, dear readers, are being socially deviant as well. You see, what we do on explicit web sites is still outside the boundaries of socially acceptable behavior. Even though the boundaries are much more broad in contemporary society, the content of these stories is the imaginative fantasy of the writer and most often a...
This is a fictional creation and should be taken as is. Any resemblance of names, places and or acts should be considered incidental. The best sex is between any two consensual partners who love and enjoy sex and know when and how not to hurt each other. Enjoy and as usual, please do not hesitate to comment. Thank you. ************* I Christopher, am not sure but tend to believe that most siblings play with each other as they are growing up playing their share of “doctor” games and examining...
IncestThis story has been passed down for years in my family's history, of course the sex part has been added but then again sex between the white master and female slaves did take place. By the 1820's the importing of slaves was illegal in the US, but there was still selling [auctions] up to the time of the war. When there was a female mulatto they were often sold since they were mostly the offspring of a slave and her master. This is a story of one such young girl who was shipped to the slaves...
This story is seven chapters. I will be posting two chapters at a time till all are posted. Hopefully every two days. Thank you to Linda62953 for taking the time to edit my story. Chapter 1: My name is Katrina but my friends and family have always called me Trina. I want to tell you about my life and the mistakes I’ve made, maybe some of you can learn from my experiences. I can tell you right now that I’ll be called every name in the book by some readers. Maybe I deserve it, time will tell...
This encounter happened between my very sexy neighbor, Geetha; I was staying in Chennai doing my pg and was staying in a rented house, which was on the 3rd floor with a terrace next to it. I was the only bachelor boy (age 22) there and our building had families from all sects, Rajasthan, Tamil, Kannada, etc, Geetha (age 28) was a Bengali from Calcutta and her husband was a scientist for a space research organization. They were 4 in their family, her mother in law, son, she and hubby. Her mother...
Hey everyone hi, I am Veer and this is my first story please reply me about it through mail and all the replies will be apreciated and now let me tell you all about myself. I am 20 year old boy 5 ft.5 inch in height I had just shifted to Kolkata for my studies and two of my friends were there in a rented house there everything was good except food we all decided to cook our self but no one was a good cook. Our neighbour was small family of three her husband (Mohan) wife (Smita) and a small...
I met Cee 3 years ago in an online chat. We were both married at the time, but do to the lack of sex in those relationships, we were looking for something. I had just separated from my wife and filed for divorce. I got a promotion and moved to a new city, I was on my own again. Cee’s husband lived in another state with his job, leaving her all alone except for holidays. Our online chats turned to sex. We traded pictures of ourselves and there was an instant attraction for both of us. We talked...
A new life for Ruth…... part two Ruth was at the window watching as Donald left for his Sunday morning golf, only two days had passed since she had been spanked and fucked by Robert one of her bosses. Ruth had chastised herself for getting into such a position, the problem was her mind kept drifting back as she remembered how much she had enjoyed it, what sort of a women was she becoming.Her thoughts were then interrupted by the door bell, Ruth answered the door to a mail courier he smiled...
I was bored so I decided to start a course at the local college, in the evenings.So first class, and all my fellow students are coming in , mixed ages, and one lady of around 58 , nicely dressed, large breasts, nice, sturdy thighs, and a lovely smile.Hi I am Aileen , can I sit with you , yes sure , I am Haggis, oh I like that , we both laughed, I just knew, instantly that I wanted more from this lady .Over the weeks we went for coffee, and chatted, and became friendly .The holiday break was...
Here we were standing leaning against a large tree in the middle of nowhere, kissing like a couple of school kids on their first date. Within a minute we were both breathing hard and losing our sense of where we were and what we were doing. You were wearing a long sleeved pullover that I had pulled out of your jeans in short order. In nothing flat my hands were under the top and caressing both of your breasts and running my thumbs over your nipples. When you moaned with pleasure I pulled the...
Love StoriesThe first time I suspected my family was not like every other family was when I was 18. Being a teenage boy, I had all the normal hormones and urges, and I had become fond of masturbating. It wasn't something my family talked about a lot, and I knew that my older sister on occasion played with herself. But it was certainly not discouraged, and to me it was normal to fondle myself in my pants or even out in the open while we were watching television or sitting outside on the patio. In my family,...
Hi if you want to find out the background to this story please read part 1 .Sandra Richards the 47 year old wife of a vicar had had a really bad week since she had payed off the first installment of her £3000 loan with her pussy .Sandra had never sucked a cock before she was forced to suck Alan Holmes cock she hated it the taste of his cum in her mouth was disgusting and the feeling of his cock in her pussy was revolting .Sandra laid in bed at night thinking how on earth did i get into this...