Joey free porn video

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> I have paused in my writing for only a moment, as

Joey has called me to attend to him. I am glad he wants me,

and not my wife or one of my darling children. What is it

this time?

> The magnificent Latino teenage stud is in the

bathroom, getting ready for

>a date. At nineteen, he is a total thing of beauty. Smooth

brown body, well

>muscled abs and pecs. Fully pouty brown nipples. Beautiful

sculpted arms. And then of course that dick. I have never

in my thirty two years seen a

>dick like that. I have seen photos on the internet,

photos I thought were

>doctored, but never a dick like that in reality. Right now

it hangs only

>half hard, over eight inches long and as thick as my

wrist. The balls are

>fat and full. I have come to know that dick well in the

last few weeks. So

>has the rest of my poor family, and it's all my fault.

> "Fuckface, I just took a shit and you are out of

toilet paper. Come here and lick my ass clean!" He says it

casually as he says everything. He seldom needs to lose his

temper or yell. We obey his every wish. We have no choice

any more. He turns and presents the muscular brown globes

of his magnificent ass to me. And as I move in, my tongue

wiggling out of my mouth

>as he likes it, I reflect back on how it all started and

on the horrors we have endured.

> My name is Kirk Jenson, and I am a Baptist Minister,

and I think a good

>one. I have a wonderful congregation and my life was

comfortable and happy.

>I have a beautiful wife named Ellie and two adorable

children, Josh,




>fourteen and Sara, thirteen. They are well behaved and

leaders in their

>Bible lasses. I have only one dark secret in my life about

which I will tell

>you in a moment, and that secret spelled my downfall and

the destruction of my perfect family. But first...

> Ellie was cautious but kind. "I know you want to do

this out of Christian charity, Kirk, but do you think it

wise. I mean, the boy was sent to prison or reform school

or whatever they call it for raping a little girl. A very

little girl!" She was in the prime of life, a beautiful

woman of thirty-two, and you'd never guess she given birth

twice. She looked almost a teen herself.

> "Ellie, the boy paid his debt to society and is

reformed. If we don't

>give him a chance, what kind of Christians are we? Where

can he get a second chance at life. They say he is cured

and fit to re-enter society. I've talked to him, and

although his language is of the street, he is truly

>repentant for his crimes and wants to make a new life for


> "I understand that, and I sympathize. But Sara is

thirteen. That is such

>an impressionable and delicate age for a young girl. It is

difficult enough

>to go through that time without having a nineteen year old

boy living with

>you and looking at you. Who knows what her presence might

do to him."

> "Ellie, how can he go into life if everyone is afraid

of how he will feel the moment he is with girls? Some

people are saying that that girl who was

>raped was you know...asking for it."

> "Kirk Jenson, you should be ashamed of yourself. She

was not even a teenager yet, she didn't even have breasts.

I doubt she knew what sex was.

>And he raped her five times over two days. He, and I hate

to say this, but

>he stretched her lower parts so badly she had to undergo





> "Still, they say he is fine now and needs a chance.

That's why they asked us."

> "And what about Josh. He is at that impressionable age

of fourteen. You know how boys that age look up to other

boys as idols and role models. I should hate to think he

would begin to emulate a Latino Street thug."

> "Ellie, his model is the Lord Jesus Christ. That

should be good enough

>for you. Would Jesus turn this boy away?"

> And so we took him in. He was a handsome devil, I must

say. He almost

>always wore a baseball cap of one color or another. He

had dark flashing

>eyes and a baby smooth face. His mouth had a rather cruel

expression on it

>which made him more handsome but was somewhat daunting. He

didn't speak particularly well, and I thought the excellent

grammar of our own children might teach him something. He

was shy, amazingly so for a muscular hunk his

>age, but I guess he got that from his two years as a guest

of the state. He sometimes stammered and looked at the

floor when he spoke. He shuffled a bit

>and chewed his full lower lip. We all took to him at once,

and I could see that Sara thought he was really handsome,

which of course he was. She batted

>her eyes and flirted every so slightly, and then when he

spoke to her, she smiled and got red in the face and often

giggled. Josh thought our house

>guest was just plain "Neat" and said so over and over.

Josh and Sara are both somewhat sheltered being a

preacher's children and all.

> After giving the boy four days to settle down in his

own room and to

>adjust to our lifestyle, Ellie insisted on having a talk

with him.

> I could see her eyes traveling up and down his muscular

body, sizing up his personality. If her eyes lingered on

the huge lump in his jeans, it was




>only because she knew that he had committed a sin with

that instrument and she was wondering if he was truly


> "Joey, do you like it here? Are you comfortable?" She

asked, sliding a

>cup of tea over to the boy across the coffee table.

> "Yes Mum." He said shyly. I don't know where he got the

"Mum" from but it was charming. I smiled in spite of

myself. He kind of poked at the cup with

>one of this thick forefingers. He really was a muscular

dude." I ain't never had a real home or family. My life has

been totally fucked up to now, and I

>am grateful to be here with you and the pastor."

> He flashed his eyes at her and smiled to show his

beautiful even white teeth. He could have been a fashion


> "We don't say that word in our house, Joey," my wife


> "Huh? What word? Oh, you mean fuck? Sorry." Joey

squirmed on the couch. I didn't want to make him


> "We understand if you slip once in a while at first. We

know where you have been, you used that word all the time."

I smild.

> "Every other fucking sentence. Oh, sorry."

> "It's just that we don't like our children to hear it.

Now, Joey, I need to ask you this, and I am so sorry to

bring up bad memories, but are you

>truly sorry for you sins and for the bad things you did?"

My wife pressed the issue.

> He leaned in toward my wife, his face really close to

hers. He whipped off his baseball cap and held it in his

hands. " I am so fucking sorry. I

>never meant to fuck that little cunt, honest. Shit, I

don't even like pussy

>that young. I mean all she had was a fucking little slit,

no titty mounds yet and no developed cunt. But she was such

a fucking cocktease."

> I couldn't believe the words pouring out of his mouth

and neither could




>Ellie. She seemed hypnotized by his explanation.

> "I mean, honest to God Missus. I was cutting their

lawn, you know, doing

>yard work for them, and the little twat kept saying how

handsome my chest

>was. You know, I didn't wear a shirt cause it was summer

and hot and all. And I would sweat. And she kept watching

me and saying how smooth and

>beautful my chest was. I got a nice chest..." With that,

he unbuttoned the

>stripped shirt he wore and revealed his brown, smooth

chiseled chest and his big full nipples. His nipples were

like erasers. The titty tips stood out from the brown nubs,

and I couldn't help but feel they must be irritated a

>lot rubbing against the material of his shirt. They were

as large as a

>woman's nipples, yet there was nothing unmanly about them.

The boy's face however had a sensuality about it that was

almost feminine, but cruelly so.

> " So this little bitch, I mean girl, sorry, she kept

staring at my tits while I cut the lawn. She would like

lick her lips, you know how little

>cunts do when they are secretly asking to be fucked? You

know, I mean young cunt. The kind that everyone says is too

young to even know anything about

>sex, but you just know from the way that they look at you

that their pussies are dripping for dick!"

> My wife's bosom was rising and falling with labored

breathing. Her eyes

>were glued to the boy's chest and the large nipples riding

his pecs. I could see she was feeling sorry for the

misguided youth. He opened his shirt more

>so that she could see his entire chest. He licked his

lips and went on.



?"So I was trying to behave, honest to God. I would jerk

off five or six times a day, just so's I would not get a

hard dick in front of the little

>slut. But she wanted it so bad. And one day I was sitting

having a coke,




>sweating like a fucking stallion in heat, and she comes

over and she put out

>a hand and she pinched one of my nipples like this." He

raised one hand and twisted and pulled at one brown teat.

It stuck out like an eraser. I heard

>Ellie gasp and hold her breath.

> "I know now that she needs to be fucked. I understand

what they say about her being too young to fuck and how it

could fuck up her insides and all,

>but she needed and wanted my big brown cock. I know I got

a monster cock.

>All the kids at school made fun of me. They said I could

never even fuck

>cunt cause my prick was too fucking big and maybe I should

go queer, but fuck that. I showed them. I fucked every girl

in the eighth grade who was worth fucking, whether they

wanted to do it or not. I just made them, just

>to prove my cunt stretcher could do it. And that was when

I was not even fully grown yet. I was only nine inches back


> I should explain that I have a six and a half inch

cock, and feel quite

>normal and comfortable with that. I can well imagine how a

boy in the eighth grade with a nine inch dick must suffer.

The Lord tests us in strange ways.

> Ellie looked from the boy's chest down to the unsightly

lump in his jeans.

> "So yeah, my sin was that the little cunt couldn't

really take me, but I forced it into her anyway. I mean,

she wanted it and all, I could tell, even

>though she kept crying and saying take it out. They all do

that. That is just bullshit. They want it, you can tell by

their eyes. I mean, I think most cunts want cock from about

nine or ten on. By the time they are

> thirteen like Sara, they are thinking about dick all

the fucking time. So

>I was trying to help the little bitch out. I mean she has

no right to go around cockteasing like that." With one hand

he reached down and re-arranged

>the growing lump in his pants. He looked at the tea cup.




> "I know I did wrong. I should have fucked her once and

let her go. But I was horny and got carried away, so I

locked her in the garden shed and I fucked her over and

over. The court says five times, but she don't remember

>correctly. She was in shock I guess. I fucked her eight

times in the cunt and four times in the asshole. And I made

her suck my dick for hours.I know her pussy and asshole

were stretched all to hell, but I can't help that. I

>really hope that the surgery gets her cunt back to a

normal size. Pastor

>Jenson...Mrs. Jenson...I am truly sorry for what I done,

and I want to assure you that I have been totally reformed.

I know now that it is a sin to

>fuck cunt that young, even if their pussies are dripping

and they are asking for it. I want to be a better person."

> We sat in silence for a few moments.

> "Well, thank you Joey, for that heartfelt and honest

confession. We like you and want you to feel like part of

our family." My wife smiled at him.

>And he smiled back at her and his eyes burned with an

inner fire that must have been gratification.

> So things got off to a really great start. Joey made

himself at home.

>He often walked around the house in just white briefs,

scratching his naked stomach and his balls. I had to remind

him that he was no longer in an all

>male environment and that my daughter was a sensitive

girl. I caught her several times staring at him. It was

hard not to stare. His balls and cock

>looked so huge in his underpants. I actually felt sorry

for him.

> He also started to hang around with Josh a great deal,

which I thought was

>wonderful for our son. The boy had led a rather sheltered

life. Now he was learning to enjoy urban music and watching

films with Joey. I didn't care

>for the language in some of the songs, but I am not a

prude, and I know that kids today are exposed to many

things. I was trying to teach my son about some of that

myself in fact. I stopped outside Josh's room one




>day and heard some song that he and Joey were listening

to. The lyrics were as follows:

> "Fuck that bitch and stretch her gash.

> Rape her ass and rip that snatch/

> If her brother gives you sass,

> Fuck that fucker in the ass.

> Fuck her mother, fuck her dad

> Make her pussy hurt real bad.

> Fill her belly with a brat

> fuck her brother where he sat.

> Make their lives fucking obscene

> Breed her before she turns thirteen

> Make her brother suck your dick

> Drink you spooge 'til he gets sick.

> When he pukes it on the floor,

> Make him lick it up and drink some more."

> As I say, I am not a prude, but I did think this was

going a bit far. Oh it's only a popular song, you will say,

and I know that, but my son is a

>sensitive boy, rather immature for his age. So I opened

the bedroom door to see Joey dressed in only his tiny white

underpants seated on the bed with

>my son with one arm slung around the boy's neck. They were

kind of bouncing on the bed and reading the lyrics in the

cd booklet. My son looked so happy.

>He is a really handsome boy and I love him dearly.

> "Ah, Joey, could you turn that off for just a sec.

ugh, thanks. I, I don't want to appear unreasonable, but I

don't think...I really don't think

>those song lyrics are appropriate for my son."

> "Awwww, Dad!" Josh made his Awww, Dad face about ten

times a goes with his age.

> "This is a big hit in the city Mr. J." Joey looked up

at me and scratched his big nuts. My God, he is handsome.

> "Be that as it may, it is not a big hit in the home of

a Baptist Minister.

>I hope you can understand that. So we will refrain from

that kind of music.Is that clear?"




> Joey stood up, his prick pushing out the front of his

underpants. And I

>saw my son gaze at it with interest. Joey lifted one arm

and scratched one

>dark haired armpit.

> "Is that so? And what about the kiddie porno sites I

found on your

>computer? Is that off limits for us too?" he smiled at me

like a little boy.

> I saw my son's jaw drop. He looked at up at me.

> I told you about my one dirty little secret. Most

people have them. One little dark corner in an otherwise

bright life. Mine was my habit of

>surfing porno sites and collecting photos of very young

girls and boys. OH I

>know it's a sin. But I would never actually do anything

bad to anyone..I hope you believe that. Unless I was forced

to. I would never actually want

>to hurt a child. I look at the children in my congregation

and a warm feeling fills my body. I love the children. But

fantasy and reality are two

>different things, and I have this fantasy curiosity. I

don't know, maybe that's why I took Joey in in the first

place. Because he crossed the line.

>But anyway, at that moment, when I found out he knew my

secret, had walked

>in my office when I was on-line and gone out again just as

quietly, at that moment, I knew that we, all of us, were at

Joey's mercy. Joey would call the

>shots in our house from now on. And he knew it too! And

that's when the nightmare began.





> I have paused in my writing for only a moment, as

Joey has called me to attend to him. I am glad he wants me,

and not my wife or one of my darling children. What is it

this time?

> The magnificent Latino teenage stud is in the

bathroom, getting ready for

>a date. At nineteen, he is a total thing of beauty. Smooth

brown body, well

>muscled abs and pecs. Fully pouty brown nipples. Beautiful

sculpted arms. And then of course that dick. I have never

in my thirty two years seen a

>dick like that. I have seen photos on the internet,

photos I thought were

>doctored, but never a dick like that in reality. Right now

it hangs only

>half hard, over eight inches long and as thick as my

wrist. The balls are

>fat and full. I have come to know that dick well in the

last few weeks. So

>has the rest of my poor family, and it's all my fault.

> "Fuckface, I just took a shit and you are out of

toilet paper. Come here and lick my ass clean!" He says it

casually as he says everything. He seldom needs to lose his

temper or yell. We obey his every wish. We have no choice

any more. He turns and presents the muscular brown globes

of his magnificent ass to me. And as I move in, my tongue

wiggling out of my mouth

>as he likes it, I reflect back on how it all started and

on the horrors we have endured.

> My name is Kirk Jenson, and I am a Baptist Minister,

and I think a good

>one. I have a wonderful congregation and my life was

comfortable and happy.

>I have a beautiful wife named Ellie and two adorable

children, Josh,




>fourteen and Sara, thirteen. They are well behaved and

leaders in their

>Bible lasses. I have only one dark secret in my life about

which I will tell

>you in a moment, and that secret spelled my downfall and

the destruction of my perfect family. But first...

> Ellie was cautious but kind. "I know you want to do

this out of Christian charity, Kirk, but do you think it

wise. I mean, the boy was sent to prison or reform school

or whatever they call it for raping a little girl. A very

little girl!" She was in the prime of life, a beautiful

woman of thirty-two, and you'd never guess she given birth

twice. She looked almost a teen herself.

> "Ellie, the boy paid his debt to society and is

reformed. If we don't

>give him a chance, what kind of Christians are we? Where

can he get a second chance at life. They say he is cured

and fit to re-enter society. I've talked to him, and

although his language is of the street, he is truly

>repentant for his crimes and wants to make a new life for


> "I understand that, and I sympathize. But Sara is

thirteen. That is such

>an impressionable and delicate age for a young girl. It is

difficult enough

>to go through that time without having a nineteen year old

boy living with

>you and looking at you. Who knows what her presence might

do to him."

> "Ellie, how can he go into life if everyone is afraid

of how he will feel the moment he is with girls? Some

people are saying that that girl who was

>raped was you know...asking for it."

> "Kirk Jenson, you should be ashamed of yourself. She

was not even a teenager yet, she didn't even have breasts.

I doubt she knew what sex was.

>And he raped her five times over two days. He, and I hate

to say this, but

>he stretched her lower parts so badly she had to undergo





> "Still, they say he is fine now and needs a chance.

That's why they asked us."

> "And what about Josh. He is at that impressionable age

of fourteen. You know how boys that age look up to other

boys as idols and role models. I should hate to think he

would begin to emulate a Latino Street thug."

> "Ellie, his model is the Lord Jesus Christ. That

should be good enough

>for you. Would Jesus turn this boy away?"

> And so we took him in. He was a handsome devil, I must

say. He almost

>always wore a baseball cap of one color or another. He

had dark flashing

>eyes and a baby smooth face. His mouth had a rather cruel

expression on it

>which made him more handsome but was somewhat daunting. He

didn't speak particularly well, and I thought the excellent

grammar of our own children might teach him something. He

was shy, amazingly so for a muscular hunk his

>age, but I guess he got that from his two years as a guest

of the state. He sometimes stammered and looked at the

floor when he spoke. He shuffled a bit

>and chewed his full lower lip. We all took to him at once,

and I could see that Sara thought he was really handsome,

which of course he was. She batted

>her eyes and flirted every so slightly, and then when he

spoke to her, she smiled and got red in the face and often

giggled. Josh thought our house

>guest was just plain "Neat" and said so over and over.

Josh and Sara are both somewhat sheltered being a

preacher's children and all.

> After giving the boy four days to settle down in his

own room and to

>adjust to our lifestyle, Ellie insisted on having a talk

with him.

> I could see her eyes traveling up and down his muscular

body, sizing up his personality. If her eyes lingered on

the huge lump in his jeans, it was




>only because she knew that he had committed a sin with

that instrument and she was wondering if he was truly


> "Joey, do you like it here? Are you comfortable?" She

asked, sliding a

>cup of tea over to the boy across the coffee table.

> "Yes Mum." He said shyly. I don't know where he got the

"Mum" from but it was charming. I smiled in spite of

myself. He kind of poked at the cup with

>one of this thick forefingers. He really was a muscular

dude." I ain't never had a real home or family. My life has

been totally fucked up to now, and I

>am grateful to be here with you and the pastor."

> He flashed his eyes at her and smiled to show his

beautiful even white teeth. He could have been a fashion


> "We don't say that word in our house, Joey," my wife


> "Huh? What word? Oh, you mean fuck? Sorry." Joey

squirmed on the couch. I didn't want to make him


> "We understand if you slip once in a while at first. We

know where you have been, you used that word all the time."

I smild.

> "Every other fucking sentence. Oh, sorry."

> "It's just that we don't like our children to hear it.

Now, Joey, I need to ask you this, and I am so sorry to

bring up bad memories, but are you

>truly sorry for you sins and for the bad things you did?"

My wife pressed the issue.

> He leaned in toward my wife, his face really close to

hers. He whipped off his baseball cap and held it in his

hands. " I am so fucking sorry. I

>never meant to fuck that little cunt, honest. Shit, I

don't even like pussy

>that young. I mean all she had was a fucking little slit,

no titty mounds yet and no developed cunt. But she was such

a fucking cocktease."

> I couldn't believe the words pouring out of his mouth

and neither could




>Ellie. She seemed hypnotized by his explanation.

> "I mean, honest to God Missus. I was cutting their

lawn, you know, doing

>yard work for them, and the little twat kept saying how

handsome my chest

>was. You know, I didn't wear a shirt cause it was summer

and hot and all. And I would sweat. And she kept watching

me and saying how smooth and

>beautful my chest was. I got a nice chest..." With that,

he unbuttoned the

>stripped shirt he wore and revealed his brown, smooth

chiseled chest and his big full nipples. His nipples were

like erasers. The titty tips stood out from the brown nubs,

and I couldn't help but feel they must be irritated a

>lot rubbing against the material of his shirt. They were

as large as a

>woman's nipples, yet there was nothing unmanly about them.

The boy's face however had a sensuality about it that was

almost feminine, but cruelly so.

> " So this little bitch, I mean girl, sorry, she kept

staring at my tits while I cut the lawn. She would like

lick her lips, you know how little

>cunts do when they are secretly asking to be fucked? You

know, I mean young cunt. The kind that everyone says is too

young to even know anything about

>sex, but you just know from the way that they look at you

that their pussies are dripping for dick!"

> My wife's bosom was rising and falling with labored

breathing. Her eyes

>were glued to the boy's chest and the large nipples riding

his pecs. I could see she was feeling sorry for the

misguided youth. He opened his shirt more

>so that she could see his entire chest. He licked his

lips and went on.



?"So I was trying to behave, honest to God. I would jerk

off five or six times a day, just so's I would not get a

hard dick in front of the little

>slut. But she wanted it so bad. And one day I was sitting

having a coke,




>sweating like a fucking stallion in heat, and she comes

over and she put out

>a hand and she pinched one of my nipples like this." He

raised one hand and twisted and pulled at one brown teat.

It stuck out like an eraser. I heard

>Ellie gasp and hold her breath.

> "I know now that she needs to be fucked. I understand

what they say about her being too young to fuck and how it

could fuck up her insides and all,

>but she needed and wanted my big brown cock. I know I got

a monster cock.

>All the kids at school made fun of me. They said I could

never even fuck

>cunt cause my prick was too fucking big and maybe I should

go queer, but fuck that. I showed them. I fucked every girl

in the eighth grade who was worth fucking, whether they

wanted to do it or not. I just made them, just

>to prove my cunt stretcher could do it. And that was when

I was not even fully grown yet. I was only nine inches back


> I should explain that I have a six and a half inch

cock, and feel quite

>normal and comfortable with that. I can well imagine how a

boy in the eighth grade with a nine inch dick must suffer.

The Lord tests us in strange ways.

> Ellie looked from the boy's chest down to the unsightly

lump in his jeans.

> "So yeah, my sin was that the little cunt couldn't

really take me, but I forced it into her anyway. I mean,

she wanted it and all, I could tell, even

>though she kept crying and saying take it out. They all do

that. That is just bullshit. They want it, you can tell by

their eyes. I mean, I think most cunts want cock from about

nine or ten on. By the time they are

> thirteen like Sara, they are thinking about dick all

the fucking time. So

>I was trying to help the little bitch out. I mean she has

no right to go around cockteasing like that." With one hand

he reached down and re-arranged

>the growing lump in his pants. He looked at the tea cup.




> "I know I did wrong. I should have fucked her once and

let her go. But I was horny and got carried away, so I

locked her in the garden shed and I fucked her over and

over. The court says five times, but she don't remember

>correctly. She was in shock I guess. I fucked her eight

times in the cunt and four times in the asshole. And I made

her suck my dick for hours.I know her pussy and asshole

were stretched all to hell, but I can't help that. I

>really hope that the surgery gets her cunt back to a

normal size. Pastor

>Jenson...Mrs. Jenson...I am truly sorry for what I done,

and I want to assure you that I have been totally reformed.

I know now that it is a sin to

>fuck cunt that young, even if their pussies are dripping

and they are asking for it. I want to be a better person."

> We sat in silence for a few moments.

> "Well, thank you Joey, for that heartfelt and honest

confession. We like you and want you to feel like part of

our family." My wife smiled at him.

>And he smiled back at her and his eyes burned with an

inner fire that must have been gratification.

> So things got off to a really great start. Joey made

himself at home.

>He often walked around the house in just white briefs,

scratching his naked stomach and his balls. I had to remind

him that he was no longer in an all

>male environment and that my daughter was a sensitive

girl. I caught her several times staring at him. It was

hard not to stare. His balls and cock

>looked so huge in his underpants. I actually felt sorry

for him.

> He also started to hang around with Josh a great deal,

which I thought was

>wonderful for our son. The boy had led a rather sheltered

life. Now he was learning to enjoy urban music and watching

films with Joey. I didn't care

>for the language in some of the songs, but I am not a

prude, and I know that kids today are exposed to many

things. I was trying to teach my son about some of that

myself in fact. I stopped outside Josh's room one




>day and heard some song that he and Joey were listening

to. The lyrics were as follows:

> "Fuck that bitch and stretch her gash.

> Rape her ass and rip that snatch/

> If her brother gives you sass,

> Fuck that fucker in the ass.

> Fuck her mother, fuck her dad

> Make her pussy hurt real bad.

> Fill her belly with a brat

> fuck her brother where he sat.

> Make their lives fucking obscene

> Breed her before she turns thirteen

> Make her brother suck your dick

> Drink you spooge 'til he gets sick.

> When he pukes it on the floor,

> Make him lick it up and drink some more."


> As I say, I am not a prude, but I did think this was

going a bit far. Oh it's only a popular song, you will say,

and I know that, but my son is a

>sensitive boy, rather immature for his age. So I opened

the bedroom door to see Joey dressed in only his tiny white

underpants seated on the bed with

>my son with one arm slung around the boy's neck. They were

kind of bouncing on the bed and reading the lyrics in the

cd booklet. My son looked so happy.

>He is a really handsome boy and I love him dearly.

> "Ah, Joey, could you turn that off for just a sec.

ugh, thanks. I, I don't want to appear unreasonable, but I

don't think...I really don't think

>those song lyrics are appropriate for my son."

> "Awwww, Dad!" Josh made his Awww, Dad face about ten

times a goes with his age.

> "This is a big hit in the city Mr. J." Joey looked up

at me and scratched his big nuts. My God, he is handsome.

> "Be that as it may, it is not a big hit in the home of

a Baptist Minister.

>I hope you can understand that. So we will refrain from

that kind of music.Is that clear?"




> Joey stood up, his prick pushing out the front of his

underpants. And I

>saw my son gaze at it with interest. Joey lifted one arm

and scratched one

>dark haired armpit.

> "Is that so? And what about the kiddie porno sites I

found on your

>computer? Is that off limits for us too?" he smiled at me

like a little boy.

> I saw my son's jaw drop. He looked at up at me.

> I told you about my one dirty little secret. Most

people have them. One little dark corner in an otherwise

bright life. Mine was my habit of

>surfing porno sites and collecting photos of very young

girls and boys. OH I

>know it's a sin. But I would never actually do anything

bad to anyone..I hope you believe that. Unless I was forced

to. I would never actually want

>to hurt a child. I look at the children in my congregation

and a warm feeling fills my body. I love the children. But

fantasy and reality are two

>different things, and I have this fantasy curiosity. I

don't know, maybe that's why I took Joey in in the first

place. Because he crossed the line.

>But anyway, at that moment, when I found out he knew my

secret, had walked

>in my office when I was on-line and gone out again just as

quietly, at that moment, I knew that we, all of us, were at

Joey's mercy. Joey would call the

>shots in our house from now on. And he knew it too! And

that's when the nightmare began.





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Main aur meri maa

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The Session

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A GEM OF AN OFFER Chapters 2 3

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Home Alone

Letting out a sigh of relief I step on to the front lawn. 'Ahh, home at last,' I think to myself as I proceed to walk toward the front door. Walking toward the front door my mind wonders over the past years events at college, quickly forgetting about them as I approach the door. After some trouble I pull my keys out of my pocket I open the front door and step inside. Nothing seems to be differe, I think looking around the house. I walk to the kitchen remembering that mom and dad went away for a...

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Fucking Louise

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Is there still somebody who has not heard about My Ebony GF? I mean, this site is literally everywhere, and it often shows up as an ad when you are browsing other types of black pornography (aka not amateur). However, since it does look like an ad, and you cannot view their content until you become a member, I decided to create an account and tell you all about it.One thing I really dislike about My Ebony GF is the fact that they do not let you see anything before you create an account, and you...

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Hot Chick Part 4

Needless to say sex with Hot Chick was unbelievable. Fucking for 3 hours, then in the stairwell at school with the risk of being caught, and having sex in front of one of her friends while he rubbed herself, after these events we slowed it down a bit. I had to focus on work and she wasn’t as needy as I thought she would be. A couple days go by without seeing her and I was aching for some pussy but I didn’t want to seem like the needy type. I texted her with a typical “What’s Up” and she didn’t...

3 years ago
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Pumped up granny loves it up the shit hole

Near Camber Sands is a smallish caravan park that attracts the older set and being 50 plus myself I fitted right in. It was a nice hot sunny day and sure enough there was one old lady next door who must have been 70 plus. She was quite pretty and chubby but the strange thing was she wore leggings that to me seemed almost transparent. But the really weird thing was that she had the most prominent pubis and I could not take my eyes off it – and she noticed this when I introduced myself.Going by...

3 years ago
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Momther and daughter

We both get dressed, not really slutty but nice. We are both in really good moods too, so should be a great night. We decide to take cab back and forth so we don’t have to worry about how much we drink. After I call for the cab, lil one looks at me and smiles. Wow mom you look great, I don’t normally see you dressed like that. Its not that I am dressed slutty, well not really any way. However I do not normally wear skirts this short or tops this low cut. Being I am big breasted the low...

2 years ago
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My first time with another man

His apartment was small and I was immediately greeted by his bed. “This way,” he motioned me over to the next room in the open floor plan. He had an accent, it was European but I couldn’t tell where. There was a small couch and table and his laptop laid wide open. It was paused on a threesome video. “Water or wine?” He asked. I accepted some water but thinking back, wine may have been better for my jitters. He disappeared into the kitchen as I took off my shoes and jacket. He returned with a...

4 years ago
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All About Drew

(This is true as best I can recall. Names have been changed to protect some privacy.)It started with my co-worker Chris. I was in college and working at a movie theater for extra money. It had its downside like any job, but mostly I loved it. I was assigned to train Chris on the fine art of box-office cashiering. Chris was different from most of the theater employees who were high school- and college-age kids. He was a little older and had just ended his service in the Navy. Along with his red...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Holiday in the sun

I am a normal, everyday housewife, with a husband who loves me and a beautiful daughter. My name is Megan, and I still look very good at 39 years old, being 5'5" tall and weighing 125 pounds, with long, natural brownish hair and sparkling blue eyes. My husband Michael, is 46 years old and works as a banker for Goldman Sacs in New York City. He always tells me how pretty and sexy I am. I am trim and fit from frequent workouts at the gym, and I have full and firm D-cup breasts that look big for...

4 years ago
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A Hole In One

Autumn laid it's blanket of fallen leaves early this year. The ground now a canvas in bright, patterned hues, the broadleaf's looked a-fright with nary a thing to wear. In chorus, ranks of unpredictable winds shook the landscape for it's waning foliage without remorse. "Ah... perfect golfing weather," I thought. I rang up the course and sure enough all the geezers were at home with mittens and tea, not a geriatric foursome to be found. Only a few tee-times booked for other masochists like...

2 years ago
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Silken Chains Part One

The weather was hot for this time of the month. Leit smiled pleasantly at a workman passing by on the street below his balcony. Waving Leit bid him good morning then ducked back into the coolness of the room. This far north in California never seemed to get hot in the late fall. Leit moved to the table looking at the paper longingly. He sat down instead, he lifted a black ledger from under the paper. With a sigh he began looking over soft young women of all sorts, doubting he would find what...

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