- 4 years ago
- 26
- 0
Many years ago I had a brief affair. I was then in my early forties, Elaine a bit younger. We were both married. While the sex at the time was both intense and very good, we both had lives full of other complications, and neither of us dealt well with the secrecy and sneaking around. It didn't last.
In the years that followed, however, we kept in touch, talking on the phone, meeting for coffee and occasionally going for a walk. Over the years we both had to deal with some serious life issues and found mutual support and comfort in each other when things grew dark. In short, what started as a sexual fling, turned into something deep and meaningful. We also became family-friends; inviting each other to celebration and parties, and even going out as two couples together. Apart from still being married to other people, we have as close a friendship now as two people can.
Several months ago Elaine's uncle passed away. He lived the other end of the country. She of course went with her husband to the funeral but later found that she'd been named executor in his will. From what I understood, her uncle owned very little and his last instructions were not exactly onerous, but it did mean she had to go back to see the family solicitor and sign documents.
This second trip fell at a time when Elaine's husband was busy at work, and having never driven very far on her own, she started to worry about the trip. When she told me, I didn’t hesitate in offering to make the drive with her; it's what any good friend would have done, and our respective spouses accepted the suggestion as though it was the most obvious and natural thing in the world. I knew before setting off that we would be staying two nights, giving her a full day for meeting the solicitor and seeing family, but it was while making the journey that Elaine told me the arrangements.
"Do you remember the sex we used to have," she asked, after sitting silent for a long while.
"I've aged by twenty years," I replied teasingly, "but I'm not senile yet. Of course I remember."
"Do you miss it?"
"I don't miss the dirt and dust we put up with in that old house, and I don't miss getting splinters in my knees, but I do miss the sex. We're neither of us as fit as we were, and I'm not sure I could manage all the things we tried to do back then, but..." My mind wandered, partly on the junction we were approaching in the car, and partly on memories of the moments we had snatched together, the occasional grope, the quick fuck against the wall hoping no-one would walk through the door.
"I'm glad," Elaine said, her voice sounding unusually nervous. "Because I only booked one room at the hotel. A double."
It was hard not to take my eyes off the road, or my hands off the wheel. I apparently had the biggest grin on my face that she'd seen for years. When I reached over, took Elaine 's hand, and lay it against my groin, I think I also had the biggest erection for years too.
Apart from the now heightened anticipation, the rest of the journey was uneventful. It was early evening by the time we arrived, and we were both weary so after unpacking, freshening up, and phoning our respective spouses to say we were safe, we sat in the hotel bar and ordered food. The conversation flowed as easily as it ever did between us, covering both what needed to be done the following day and the inconsequential stuff that friends discuss and laugh over. It was when I said I thought we should order a bottle of wine, Elaine‘s voice sounded nervous again.
"You know the hospital changed my medication?"
"Yes," I answered, confused. "You told me at the time, and you said that you were doing a lot better with this new stuff."
"I am. I'm feeling a lot better, and not suffering the side effects like before ...." She paused.
"But the doctor warned me to avoid alcohol. She said the drugs can make me very sleepy if I mix them with booze. I would really like to share a bottle of wine with you. With all the stress of being here, it would help me relax, but I don't want to be out cold and spoil our chance of a night of passion."
"I'll make you a promise," I said, trying hard to get her to stop worrying. "Enjoy a drink with me, relax, and if I have to undress you and put you to bed after, that itself will be reward enough for me."
After six hours driving and a couple of drinks, I didn't think I'd be capable of much else tonight, but I wasn't going to dampen the mood.
It was over breakfast the following morning that Elaine confessed she couldn't remember anything beyond me pouring her a second glass.
"Was I embarrassing?" She asked.
"Apart from standing on the table and taking a piss in the ice bucket, no."
The innocent, sheepish look turned into a dark glare.
"You're teasing me. Right?"
"Of course I'm teasing you," I laughed. "No, you didn't do anything embarrassing. You were giggling, but no more than we usually do when we're together and I was pleased to see you relaxed and happy. You were a bit unsteady on your feet walking back to the room, but you managed to undress without too many problems. It's just that we were still in the lift but thankfully there was no-one in the corridor to see you."
Elaine's face turned pink. One of the many reasons I loved to tease her was that I found that easy innocence a huge turn on. I considered myself very lucky to have discovered how base and abandoned she could be when it came to sex, but to the outside world, she was and always would be a perfect lady. Sadly I wasn't able to keep a straight face for more than a few seconds, which resulted in me getting kicked on the shin. Hard.
"You got undressed in the bathroom," I confessed. "You would have been happy to leave your clothes in a heap in the bath, but other than that, you were as good as gold. I did have to help you get into bed, and despite the fact I was still fully dressed you did say you wanted me to fuck you."
"And did you? Fuck me?"
"As tempting as the invitation was, I went back to the bathroom to tidy up and brush my teeth. By the time I got back to bed, you were sound asleep, so no, we didn't fuck last night. I did make the most of cuddling up next to you, but that was all."
"Yes, you had your arms round me when I woke up this morning. And you had an erection." The last comment brought back that little bit of colour to Elaine's cheeks. "You could have fucked me last night, even if I was out cold. I want you to enjoy these few days we have together. You could have done anything you wanted. I wouldn't have minded."
That particular strand of conversation came to an abrupt close when a waiter brought a young family to the adjacent table. They were however words that would stay in my head. It had been a long time since I had seen Elaine naked, or had such an opportunity, but she still had an incredible body and still turned me on. I was not in the least surprised to have woken with a hard-on.
The rest of the day was long and tedious, but no worse than either of us expected. Elaine decided it better she deal with the solicitors and family on her own, rather than explain to her cousins who I was. I hang about in coffee shops and later in the car reading my book. After she was finished we took the half-hour drive to the coast, had a walk along the beach and sat and ate fish and chips on the promenade while watching the sun go down. It was still early when we got back to the hotel. I suggested we go to the bar and enjoy a drink before bed.
"Are you trying to get me drunk again?"
"No," I protested, but couldn't help blush.
The words spoken over breakfast had stuck in my mind. Apart from that one brief affair, my sex life had been spectacularly unadventurous and I will admit, the idea of fucking Elaine while she was unconscious held a strange sort of appeal. I wasn't sure if it was just for the pleasure of trying something different, or if it spoke of something far deeper and darker, but I'd come to the conclusion that I would if the opportunity arose.
"Ok," she said, half smiling, half laughing, "I'll believe you, but I'm only having one small glass. I want to remember at least one night of being with you."
We found a quiet corner with our drinks and as usual, settled into easy conversation. With sex already at the front of our minds, it was no surprise that most of what we talked about were reminiscences; what we had once enjoyed, and what we would like to do. It wasn't long before our plan for a relaxed drink turned into a rather desperate rush to get back to the room.
Elaine was out of her clothes a lot quicker than I and lay down on the bed invitingly. I have to admit I was torn. Part of me wanted to just bury my cock deep inside that sweet hot cunt. Knowing that there was now no risk of her getting pregnant (she was post-menopause), that I could fuck her bareback and cum inside her for the first time ever, was a taunt I could hardly resist, but there were other pleasures I wanted to remind her of.
I crouched on my knees between her parted legs and leaned forward. The first lick brought back a flood of memories, her juices sticking to my tongue. While my mouth sought her hardening clitoris, my fingers slid easily into her vagina, and while I sucked and teased with my teeth, I finger fucked her, at first slow, then harder and faster.
When I thought I was going to bring Elaine to a climax, she sat up suddenly and pushed me across the bed. Forcing me onto my back, she crouched across my face and leaned forward, taking my now throbbing cock into her mouth. I'd almost forgotten how much she enjoyed giving oral, and how good she was. The sensations now flowing through my body were wonderful, heightened by the closeup view of her now dripping pussy lips and ass.
Movement was now a little more awkward, but I resumed licking, inserting my tongue between those puffy lips and into the outer reaches of her vagina. Every now and again, she would stop sucking me and sit up, almost forcing me to put my tongue against her tight puckered ass. It was a first for me, but needless to say, I didn't object. If I could have reached, I would have happily inserted my tongue into her anus.
I could sense from the sound of Elaine's breathing and the loud sighs that she was close to an orgasm. As she returned to sucking my cock, I went back to biting on her swollen bud. I managed to free one arm and again inserted two fingers into her cunt, this time pushing down against her bladder. That took her over the top. She came. As I felt the muscles of her vagina pulse and squeeze against my fingers, bodily fluids flowed and squirted over my face and into my mouth. I could taste her cum and her wee. It started to sting my nostrils but far from being unpleasant, it was wonderful. I couldn't imagine how I'd lived for three score years and never experienced such bliss.
When Elaine climbed off me, I took the opportunity to run to the bathroom to wipe my face. When I returned, I could hear that Elaine’s breathing had changed; from that rapid chaos of orgasm into something soft and even. I don't think she had completely fallen asleep at that point, but I could tell she was close.
Again I was torn. I knew she had not had an easy day, and the simple fact that I cared made me want to just pull the covers up and let her rest, but I was horny. I knew that Elaine wouldn't have cared if I'd lay next to her in bed, masturbating until I came but I needed more. I wanted to fuck her, and remembering her words from breakfast, decided that was exactly what I was going to do.
She had already turned partly onto her side. It would have been relatively easy to turn her onto her back, and while I thought missionary style had all sorts of advantages, not risking waking her fed into my fantasies. I put one of the pillows in front of her, gently persuaded her to roll into it, and lifted her knees into a more foetal position. The only movement she made not orchestrated by me suggested she was just getting comfortable. She was sleeping.
I walked round the bed. Seeing her exposed cunt, her bum cheeks slightly parted and that beautiful tight, puckered hole was magical. I couldn't resist holding my cock and pulling the foreskin back, imagining where that purple swollen head was going. I couldn't remember being more aroused or excited about fucking someone, ever.
I lay down behind this beautiful, sexy woman and allowed myself the joy of exploring with my hands, fingers first caressing the soft flesh of her body, wandering slowly down. I reached between her legs, sliding between her wet cunt lips, feeling the heat of her vagina. I slid my body and curved my spine, trying to get my cock in a position where I could penetrate that sweet, welcoming pussy but realized it was impossible. I would have had to be hanging off the edge of the bed and even then I thought Elaine’s legs may still be in the way.
I got up and walked back round the bed, thinking I would somehow get her to move but could see she was now in a deep sleep. I wasn’t sure whether my motivation was selfish or selfless but it felt wrong to now be risking waking her. I decided that if I couldn’t fuck and cum inside Elaine, I might at least be able to cum over her.
I lay back down behind her, one hand gently massaging the end of my now throbbing cock, the other back under her body fingering and parting her wet pussy lips. She was still wet, and hot. From the position I was laying in I couldn’t get more than the end of my finger inside her vagina, but like that, I started to finger fuck Elaine, her cunt making soft, squelchy noises as I moved in and out.
With my other hand, I positioned my cock between the cheeks of Elaine’s beautiful ass, gently rubbing the shaft and sliding the head up and down between the soft flesh. Now I should probably stress that Elaine and I had never indulged in anal sex. It wasn’t that she’d ever said she didn’t like it or wasn’t willing, it just never came up. Equally, I wasn’t sure at that point, I’d made a conscious decision to fuck her ass hole. My actions just seemed to flow.
While still jerking my cock, I pulled back my other hand back, slid my finger over her tight bum hole and pushed it into her anus. Still damp from her orgasm, and my finger wet from her cunt, it slid in easily. I did wonder whether the feeling would wake her, but there was no movement. One finger was replaced with two, slowly pushing deeper, allowing my knuckle to stretch the sphincter muscles, curling my fingers to explore her insides.
Feelings were racing through my mind and body. I was getting close to having an orgasm, I needed that release. The problem was cumming over Elaine no longer seemed to make sense. I wanted to share this with her in a much more intimate way, I wanted to fill her with my seed. I started to wipe my own saliva over the end of my cock, and then into the crack of Elaine’s ass.
I then returned to holding my cock, pulling the foreskin back hard, sliding it once again between those beautiful bum cheeks, this time more easily. I soon found that tight hole and pushed gently. I felt it yield. I waited a moment to see if Elaine would wake if I was causing her pain, but again there was nothing. I assumed her relaxed state was making this easier.
The second gentle push seemed to get me no further, but with the third, I felt the head of my cock pass through that tight muscle and into Elaine’s rectum. I could feel that vice-like grip around me. I pushed again, going deeper, and again deeper still. Then with half the length of my cock inside her ass, that tightness and thrill took me over the edge. I came.
My wife and I had stopped having sex for some time, so the most sexual pleasure I’d had recently was in the company of my right hand. I’d got used to reaching an orgasm like that, but it was never particularly satisfying, and it was never more than a dribble. Reaching a climax while fucking Elaine, and in particular fucking her bum, was very different.
I felt my penis pulse twice while I was inside her, shooting my semen somewhere deep into her bowels, but as I withdrew and the head of my cock was pushed from her anus, I continued to cum, spraying my hot sticky fluid over her bum-cheeks and thigh. I don’t remember having an orgasm that strong or that long, ever.
I remembered the days that Elaine and I would fuck like sex-starved teenagers, desperate for each-others bodies at whatever opportunity. There were times when I had no condoms but unable to restrain our desires, I’d pull out and ejaculate over her belly. She loved it. She adored the feeling and sight of being covered in a man’s cum. With that in mind, I took photos of what I’d done with my phone, making a mental note to delete them before returning home.
The following morning the euphoria of that evening had turned on its head. I felt guilty. It felt wrong to have fucked Elaine without her explicit consent, particularly as I'd fucked her ass. I felt as though what I'd done was abuse because she was sleeping and not actively participating. I was ashamed, and apparently that showed.
"Please tell me what's wrong," Elaine asked over breakfast. "You haven't said a word, and you look as though you don't want to be here with me."
"I'm sorry, I do want to be here with you, it's just... "
"You feel guilty that we're having sex, that your cheating again?" Her voice sounded more concerned than angry.
"That is part of it I suppose," I said thoughtfully. "This has reminded me how much I enjoyed sharing you, how much I enjoyed snatching those brief moments of passion. That is going to be hard to live with when we get back. Neither of us enjoy the freedom or opportunities we used to have. But the bit I'm really struggling with is that I did fuck you last night."
It was clear from her expression that she didn't understand. I could still hear her saying that I could have done anything I wanted, that she wouldn't have minded, but somehow I felt I had crossed a line.
"How much do you remember?" I asked.
"I can remember going back to the room and being on the bed naked. It does start to get a bit vague after that. I think we started doing sixty-nine, but I really don't know if that was just me dreaming. Please just tell me what happened so I can figure out why you seem so worried."
So I told her, exactly as I have told you. Every touch, every movement, every thought and feeling. As the story unfolded, I grew more nervous, thinking she would be upset, worrying she would be angry. I pushed my half-eaten breakfast away from me, unable to face taking another mouthful.
I finished the tale, half expecting Elaine to walk away, but she just sat there, smiling. In all the years we had known each other we had never had a fight. Not even a difference of opinion, and I genuinely don't know how I would have handled an upset now. I will admit that I was troubled by the lengthy silence, but glad there were no harsh words.
"How many times have I told you that I love you?" She asked eventually.
"Most days over the past twenty years," I said nervously, not knowing if this was a rhetorical question. "I'm not sure I could work out an exact total, but it's a lot."
"It is a lot, but apparently you still haven't got the message that I would do anything for you. I will tell you one more time in the hope that it sinks in. I love you. I don't mind that you fucked me while I was asleep last night. I don't mind that you fucked my bum. I don't mind that you came all over me. I am very pleased that you did and it matters to me that you enjoyed it.” Her voice turned more sheepish when she added “My only regret is that I wasn't conscious to see it. You know how much I love being covered in cum."
I pulled the phone out of my pocket and showed her the photos. Elaine's face turned pink and her smile became a grin.
"Are you sure you were the only person to cum over me. There's an awful lot of the stuff." She spoke as though she had suddenly developed a stutter. She was shocked but in a good way. I could tell she was getting aroused.
"I know. I don't think I have ever cum like that before.”
Our conversation was again brought to an abrupt halt as the same young family was ushered to the adjacent table, Mum and Dad this time engaging us in polite hello’s. Elaine excused herself to go to the ladies. I was just trying to work out if I’d regained enough of an appetite when my phone pinged. It was a text message.
‘I’m in the toilet. You made me horny and very wet. Do you want to come and fuck me?’
‘Yes.’ I replied. ‘Ladies toilet or bedroom?’ Suddenly the fact that I was hungry no longer mattered.
‘Bedroom. Do I have to put my panties back on?’
‘No. Meet me by the lift.’
I finished the last mouthful of coffee and almost ran out of the restaurant. Elaine was waiting for me looking hot and flustered. Knowing she had been sat in that toilet, thinking about what we’d said at breakfast and that she’d been playing with herself, was incredibly erotic. As the lift door closed, I slid a hand under her skirt and up between her legs. Even her thighs were damp.
Back in the room we virtually tore clothes off each-other. I know at least one of my shirt buttons came loose and was forever grateful that Elaine’s top slid easily over her head. Unhooking a bra was never something I’d gained proficiency at, and my aging, slightly arthritic fingers weren’t going to make the task quicker, so that stayed on. I know it wouldn’t get in the way of groping her tits, but for the moment my focus was somewhere else.
Elaine jumped on to the bed and spread her legs wide, almost pulling me on top of her. Under any other circumstances, there might have been some foreplay, some fondling or oral, but we both seemed to read what we wanted and needed. She was already wet, and I was already hard. With just a little bit of guidance necessary, I plunged my cock deep into Elaine’s hot waiting cunt.
With arms wrapped lovingly around me, with breasts pushing against my chest, being inside Elaine once more was perhaps the most exquisite feeling I could imagine. And this was no slow, caring movement, this was hard and hungry. We were fucking like the world was about to stop. I managed to get my arms under Elaine’s legs and pin them under my shoulders, forcing her to arch her back. I slid even deeper into her. I could feel the head my pubic bone pressing into the soft flesh of her labia and clitoris. I could feel my ball sack slapping against her perineum. I could feel the head of my cock pressing into her stomach.
It wasn’t long before I felt that spasm ripple through Elaine’s body, heard the sharp intake of breath and long guttural moans as she reached her first climax. I continued to fuck her, harder and faster. I could feel fluids being squeezed from Elaine’s vagina and perhaps her bladder making me wet, and making the two of us squelch as our bodies collided.
When Elaine came a second time, the muscles in her vagina squeezing, it took me over the top. I held still and felt my cock pulse, delivering my hot sperm into her womb, filling her with my seed. I knew that after the previous night, I would unlikely have produced as much cum, but my orgasm seemed to last just as long.
Eventually, I withdrew my cock and we collapsed into a heap of random arms and legs across the bed. Neither of us had the energy to roll over and embrace, but I was happy to hold hands and enjoy the feel where our bodies happened to touch. I think we might have stayed like that forever but our reverie was interrupted by a knock, accompanied by that call of ‘Housekeeping.’ I knew the one thing we didn’t do in our desperation was bolt the door. I don’t think I have ever run so quick.
“Can you give us an extra hour,” I pleaded, trying to hide my naked form around the half-open door. It was a remarkably pretty young girl, making my now obvious predicament all the more embarrassing.
“Of course sir.” She smiled knowingly. “Please take your time. I’ll come back later.”
It was sadly a reminder that no matter how good the sex was with Elaine, that it would always involve that element of secrecy and shame. It would always be something we would have to hide from the world. After twenty years I had grown very philosophical about the affair I’d had with Elaine, but that housemaid, albeit innocently, had stirred all those feelings and emotions once more.
“A penny for them?” Elaine asked. We had by then been on the road for a good two hours.
“You’ve hardly said a word since we checked out of the hotel. I was wondering what’s bothering you. Do you regret fucking me again?”
“No,” I said, trying hard to watch the road. “I could never regret what we did. It was probably the best sex I’ve had, ever. How could I regret that.”
“But?” She knows me too well, knew the tone of my voice. She is perhaps the one person I can’t hide from.
“But,” I started hesitantly, not even sure of what words to use. “I’m going to miss it. I hard a hard time with the decisions we came to all those years ago. I don’t regret them and I’m glad of what grew out of those decisions, but it was difficult at the time, and it is going to be just as difficult now.”
“I know.” She said after a long pause. “I will miss it too. I often miss having you in my bed with me. Not just because the sex is good, but just having you close by. You are good to have around, you proved that by helping me these past two days, and you’re good for me. We’ve learnt how to deal with staying friends, perhaps we can learn how to stay lovers too.”
“It got complicated before, and neither of us handled that well.”
“I know,” she said, sounding surprisingly upbeat. “But then neither of us imagined that opportunities like this might come our way. If it’s happened once, why wouldn’t it happen again?”
That’s where my story ends. We both returned to domesticity with our respective spouses, no-one (with the possible exception of one maid) any the wiser as to what happened during that forty-eight hours. I would say our friendship returned to what it was, but there was that shared memory every time we spoke, that added flirtation if we messaged each-other, that hope that we would get to do it all again.
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Friends had told me about my hubby many times, that he is cheating on me with other women. I don’t know why I didn’t react on that. It did bother me, but our sex life had changed into a once in month or less, and that one time was usually a fast job. I would lay on my back, legs fully open and he does his job pretty much in few minutes. If he’s over me 5 minutes he’s doing overtime. Usually it’s over by 2-3 minutes without me getting any kind of orgasm out of it, So I don’t count that as”sex”...
Ella Hughes is one of our top girls here at private.com and today this gorgeous redheaded star returns in Just Between Us as a camgirl horny and ready to meet her dream man Sam Bourne. After warming up in front on the camera Ella is quickly pounced on and has her beautiful hairy pussy eaten, she then returns the favour with a blowjob before putting that big juicy ass up in the air and getting rammed. Then watch as Ella continues to get pounded on the sofa in her favourite positions before...
xmoviesforyouEnticing angel Alita Lee has a seductive little voice that will make you cream. Her perfect, petite body is just the right size for manhandling, and she knows it. She bounces around outside and exposes her perky titties before our stud shows up to give this tiny lady a big treat. She kisses his cock, sucking it enthusiastically while her pussy gets wet. Then, she climbs on top of the lucky guy and goes for a pogo stick ride that has her toes curling in pleasure. She moans as she bounces, and...
xmoviesforyouChris laid back on the mattress in the cell and relaxed, what he was doing was using his library to find out what other spells he could use, he realised that his bicycle rusting spell could be invoked to keep on going and he smiled to himself, in many ways it would be an improvement on his karma as many people knew it was illegal to ride their cycles on the pavements and in pedestrianised areas but still did it regardless. He found the book that held the spell and then it pointed to another...
"I have to cum, I have to cum, I have to cum." Those were the identical words that Christopher Lord had uttered ever since that first amazing night when he had lost his virginity with the nubile sixteen year old Lauren King. With those words whispered into his wife's ear, his balls, his Commanding Officers, began to send battalion after battalion of sperm cells into her vagina. There were six spurts in all, each preceded by a grunt, each spurt smaller than the previous one, until just a few...
Hi friends. Today I want to share my first hot experience with my chachi. Before diving into the pool of sexual pleasure, let me introduce you my fucking awesome auntie’s figure. She is of 5’6” height, nice round ass which directly stimulates any man’s rod to point to sky. Her boobs are 34 in size with pretty sharp nipples which you can suck like hell. The navel is soft and a perfect place to land a romantic kiss. The squeeze of the navel itself makes you cum out. OK by now you must have...
Incest"So what about it? Is this place a stud farm or isn't it?" "Janice!" Linda sat at the other end of the kitchen table, a glass of juice in her hand. The question had caught Linda off-guard. Janice was sitting opposite her, sipping her coffee nonchalantly, staring at her with those blue eyes. "Well, I've heard all those stories about the men who work on the ranches... you know," she said confidentially, setting down her coffee and leaning forward with a wicked smile on her lips....
The steam bath looked to be empty. It's just about dinner time, so most of the hotel guests should be off making arrangements for supper. My husband and sons are on a snorkeling trip, and won't be back until later in the evening, so I have all the time in the world to relax. Wrapped in my towel supplied by the resort, I walk past the spa and towards the steam bath. I've just come up from the beach, and I'm looking forward to some "me" time in the steam bath. It's wonderful! The steam is so...
LesbianFiling Room 2A was mine. No-one ever went in it, which was why I had chosen it. My colleagues all thought that its dusty filing cabinets were filled with reports and receipts from years past. Well, some were. The others I had commandeered to hold my personal items from home. The danger of someone discovering me or my toys, however unlikely, added to my buzz every time I stripped off and mounted the giant desk in there, a vibrator in hand. I hadn't had a proper boyfriend in a year now, and...
MasturbationAs a girl growing up, there comes a point in your life when you make a conscious decision about sex and sex toys. My periods came upon me when I was twelve, and this act of puberty, a girl becomes consciously physically aware, she has a vagina. Puberty also alerts men around her of the sexual nature of her journey to adulthood, and suddenly she is aware of the interest she generates, in what she says, does, and wears. Like most girls in their teens, dress sense and the lack off, makes men...
Jason hoped to resolve the problem with the Chippies without the residue of violence expected from the Goslins. There was little chance of that, but both he and Betty still hoped for the best. That night, Jason dressed in his "working clothes" and set out for the headquarters of the Chippies. Stanley Rush was the leader of the Chippies and no more likable than Vic Swan; however, he was reputed to be a little more intelligent. Jason hoped that this latter characteristic would make him more...
As I entered the bar thinking of sex, my mind automatically slumped. The bar was full of hot babes, but none of them, wore expressions “I’m easy.” FUCK!So I decided to sit at the bar, playing the depressed lonely guy shit. It rarely worked and tonight was no exception. At 2:00 am the bar flooded with people emptied and I was forced out to find a cub and go home and release myself by jerking off. I phoned up a cab and I waited on a park bench, sitting there whistling “Twinkle Twinkle Little...
She looked up at me and paused, letting the stray stream that hit above her eye just hang for moments before slowly oozing down her face, over her lip and into her smiling, taunting mouth. He fell deeply asleep. All four of us had now orgasmed before breakfast. I still had mixed feelings watching Sue orgasm with someone else, but they were easily resolved. When we all stirred again, I remembered why I felt so hungry, for food this time. We'd skipped dinner and breakfast. "Let's get up you...
The contest was now nearly over and Drake was still standing, but it had been tough competition for him and our local boy looked more than a bit the worse for wear. At least it wasn’t one of his ears that was now decorating the moll’s jacket. He and another survivor from this sand ring made it to the center arena and climbed upwards just as a meager selection of small weapons appeared out of seemingly nowhere and scattered themselves widely across the final upraised combat stage. “Hah!” Leo,...
Young and cute entrepreneur Eliza Jane meets with hot angel investor Julia Ann and finds more than what she bargained for. Using her new app, Julia sends Eliza on a wild scavenger hunt. Eiza returns with a bag full of kinky sex toys and a willingness to do whatever it takes to be successful in the tech industry. The evening starts with smoking fetishism and leads to foot worship, tons of pussy licking, face sitting, spanking, woman handling, finger banging, nipple clamps, pussy and anal...
xmoviesforyouMy cock was that hard in its tight plastic cage it hurt, and I now got a perverse pleasure from the combination of this pain, and the fact that I had learned to massage my prostate by squeezing my plug with my rectal muscles. Elaine sensed this and smiled knowingly at me, asked me to remove my stilettos and passed them to Hortense. She then began her enjoyment of her dominance over me, as she paraded me on all fours in a walk up and down in front of the stage; her beautiful round arse tight...
She had always been very rough with him, the big woman, but this morning was exceptional, and different. She had come home late from her usual soiree with other local mistresses and had whipped him mercilessly for no apparent reason; she had woken him during the early hours several times, tormented him and had her arse licked while she applied her dildo or had him lick her till she grunted out yet another orgasm, before serving him with cane or whip. Now morning was here she face sat him;...
Nicholas, or Nick to his friends, was a 21st Century Adonis, only much larger. Nick stood 6'10", 360 pounds his senior year in high school. He was a strikingly handsome, highly intelligent and naturally gifted athlete who seemingly had the ability to pack on muscle mass by just walking past the weight room.What hung between Nick's massive, muscular thighs was equally impressive. His man area looked like the business end of a Louisville slugger, with the exception of one very peculiar...
Group SexThe rides were small and unexciting. The carnival games were lame. The food was standard carnival fare. It didn’t matter as far as Ted was concerned. He was in heaven with the most beautiful girl he had ever met. Sitting down at a picnic table across from Amy, Ted handed her one of the drinks he had just purchased. She accepted it with a smile and a quick thank you. Looking at her date across the table, Amy said, “I’m really impressed.” “By what?” Ted asked looking around. “You don’t seem...
This is a true story, which happened 2 years ago , it involves myself, my mom and my aunt.First a little about me, I'm 24 so was 22 at the time,I have brown hair, brown eyes, I'm 6ft 2" very well built, with a shredded 6 back,a straight 9 incher , my mom cathy is 39, she had me at 17, I'd say she stood about 5ft7 , has shoulder length blonde hair, she's very slim size 8 with an amazing naturally firm FF boobs, my aunt Tina is 43, she started staying with us 3 years ago when her marriage...
Eva is a fictional character living in a fictional world. She is aware of that fact and that she was brought to life by her creator instead of being born like a real human. Eva doesn’t care about that. Everything she cares about, just like any fictional character would, is a good story. Each main branch (story) is governed by its own set of rules.
Jordan is a 5,7 Goth girl with perky b-cup boobs. Her ass is small but tight and round. Even though she has no friends, most men secretly wouldn’t deny a chance to sleep with her. She wakes up Friday morning, after a long hot shower she heads over to her closet as she brushes out her shoulder length black hair. She puts on an oversized MCR band tour shirt and ties it to her belly from her back. She thinks about putting on a bra but she decides not to, #freethenipple she thinks. She slides on...
Hello I am dhara. I am 38 years old. I am from gandhinagar. Ye hadsa mere sath december 2015 mein hua.Pehle mein mere mere bare mein bata du.I m a very sexy lady. My figue 36-34-38 .Mere husband america rehte hain to mere ko bhi december 24 ko america jana tha.Mere koi bachhe nahi hai.Meri ek friend kalol rehti hai aur ek vavol rehti hai. To maine socha ki mein america jane se pehle aapni friend ko mil ke jau , toamine buspakdi aur kalol gai , to maine aapni friend ko phone kar ke bata diya ki...
“All right,” I said to the three boys in the room. “Your Mother and I are going for a walk on the beach. We’ll be back in a while. We’ve got our cellphones if you need us. Only call us for fire, flood, or blood- and there better not be any blood, ok?” “Ok, Dad,” said one of them non-commitally, staring at the TV screen. The oldest, my 15 year old, grunted in agreement as he continued to hammer away at his Xbox controller. The other sibling was silent, engrossed in watching his brothers shooting...
Straight SexSunday afternoon alone in the dunes, well we thought we were. It's your worst nightmare, that gushing feeling when you suddenly realize that you have been caught in a comprising situation. It had been one of those typical family visits to the relatives, the type of visit which had become routine, with everyone being polite, interjected with moments that were actually enjoyable, such as the trip to the beach after Sunday lunch. As there were quite a few of us, we had to leave in three cars. I...
VoyeurHi guys and girls, I am Vivek from Nashik city. I am 5″10 long, average fairness and body. My story is real and starts with a Bus journey. I was once travelling to Mumbai by Bus as my Car was pending oil change and so I boarded the bus at early morning 6 AM which was almost completely reserved with only the long back seat empty. I saw 2 girls got the seat and 8 were empty. I somehow managed to get a seat there and this resulted in me in between these 2 girls. One was in corner of the bus, then...
Ben caressed Freya's cheeks, kissed her nipples and nuzzled her neck and Freya played along. Ben’s concentration on gentleness left him no clue about Freya’s wandering mind. She tilted her head to view the wetness coating Ben’s thick cock. It was naughty and exciting because she knew it was more than just her wetness. Yet Freya wondered if Ben could ever get past missionary sex. She fantasized about fleeing and re-engaging in wild sex and she imagined this as her prelude. Freya wished Ben could...
CheatingHello friends this is my first story on ISS and I keep often reading stories on ISS and I like to read it. M Sahil from delhi and male 24. I’d like to share my incidence with you people without wasting much of your time I’d like to tell u the actual part! This incident occurred with me recently actually, I had lost my cell phone due to which I had purchased blackberry curve as my friends suggested further story and I would like to tell in Hindi please give me feedback at Doston mein blackberry...
My Hotwife Life of Fun:My life, in my opinion, is very comfortable, very happy and sexually fulfilling to a point. Not the greatest of opening lines, though true nonetheless. Emotionally, financially and every way I could wish, my life is all it could be, with one possible small exception. And that possible exception is that my sexual desires verge on the exhibitionist, somewhat carnal and can at times, prove to be incredibly unfaithful, regarding my marital vows, almost to the point of being...
Frankie drove down the street and checked out the addresses. This was the street, he wondered what he would find at her house. He was so hoping he would not find this young girl in a dumpster somewhere. He noticed the numbers getting close and then he saw the house. He pulled into the empty driveway and stopped on the side of the house in front of the garage. He climbed out and noticed there was a deck of some sort in the back. He opened the wooden gate and stepped into the yard. He saw...
No one on the Aphrodite's Pleasure showed their faces again for the rest of the first day until it was nearing dinner time. At that time an announcement was made ship wide saying, "Cum is a wonderful appetizer, but it's not a real meal, so anyone that wants to eat something else for a while, dinner's on the table, come and get it and CUM with me while your at it!" "That's not Josie," Laura said as she momentarily stopped sucking Stan's cock. "It must be the new cook Henry...
Waking up to a New Life. Ch 2. By Matthew. I felt something stroking over my face, putting my hand up to brush it away, I realized it was also a hand belonging to someone else. Yes this nanny woman. "It seems a shame to be waking a sissy from its lovely sleep, but we have a busy day ahead for you Sissy," it was that same woman from last night. I tried to burry my face back into the comfort of the pillow, not wanting to hear what I was hearing. "Yes we would all like to spend...
Liza came back home from the hostel after the school is closed after the final exam. She got a great relief and was just running around the rooms to familiarize herself with the new atmosphere. Her parents left for work and her mother told her that her breakfast and lunch is kept on the dining table and she has to help herself.Liza has to take bath leisurely and take her breakfast. She was just 18 and possessed very well formed body. She was beautiful and she was not able to apply make up when...
It was early in morning when 12 year old Abdul went on the roof of the block of flats he lived in, it was normally deserted this time of morning but today he saw a girl there, he knew her and knew she was trouble, he went down the opposite end of the block but after a few minutes the girl 16 year old Mandy came down and asked him if he had a light, Abdul told her no and saw her blouse was open quite a way showing her yellow bra that covered her ample boobs, Mandy said ” what you looking at”...
Hi indian sex stories dot net doston Bimla aur meine 25-30 dino tak khub maze kiye, tabhi pitaji ne gaanv bulwa liya aur pata laga ki maa pitaji aur chacha ji surpanch ki aguwayee mein 70 log dharmik yatra pe nikleinge. Gaanv mein dono bahuon ko bina aur poonam ko akele nahi chorr sakte the isliye mujhe sahar le ke jaana tha aur zamin jaydad ke kagjaat bhi ghar pe chorna thik nahi tha isliye mujhe hi de diye, chacha ki beti aane wali thi lekin wo nahi aa payee thi isliye chacha ke bhi zamin ke...
The constant drone of the aircraft’s engines filled my ears. One of my legs ached and the other was numb. I shifted sideways in the seat, trying to fold them up slightly differently so as to encourage the blood to start circulating again. My knees pressed against the back of the stool in front of me. Some of us had woken and lifted a few blinds from the windows and sun streamed into the cabin. It was probably a shaft of sunlight that had woken me. I looked around the aeroplane at my fellow...
WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...
Damn I love college Well I’m in my second semester of college now, its fun but some of the classes stink. I mean, come on. I’m majoring in science, why do I have to take a music class? Anyways, my name is Thomas Parker, construction worker turned college boy. This year I get the joy of taking a couple classes that any sane person wouldn’t touch with a 10 foot pole; Biology, Music appreciation (oh joy), Psychology (great now I can figure out how messed up I am in the...
First TimeMichael was at work and as was his habit several times a week, he checked the MW4M section of the Craigslist Casual Encounters Personals section. Ever since his wife had died, he never had the desire to even attempt another love connection. He was always on the lookout for couples seeking a BBC to make a connection with. This satisfied his sexual needs with no strings, no romance, just pure primal lust. Since Claire was gone he continued enjoying white women, especially married white women, and...
InterracialI woke easily and showered, shaved, and dressed. I didn’t wear a tie but did wear a light sports coat. I could always lose it. I also had my Bible in the back seat. I drove to the Cox residence and parked behind Morgan’s spot to be out of her mother’s way if she showed up. I went to the door and rang the bell. A gorgeous vision opened the door and pulled me inside. Morgan was breath-takingly beautiful this morning. She was wearing a sundress with a halter top that showed tanned arms and...
Mr. Reel has about had it with his neigbors. Ever since their daughter came back from college she has been throwing big parties. Now we are talking about ragers. The type that people pay to show up to. Well damn it. It’s time he spoke his mind. So he marches over to confront her parents but they are gone and only Nikki is around. Now this little girl must be in business school or something because she negotiates her way down to not only not having her parents find out but also getting the...
xmoviesforyouI was tired and fell to sleep immediately after a round of hugs and kisses from my mates. I slept soundly until 3 o clock when I woke up with an adrenaline rush. The hair on the back of my neck felt like it was standing on end. I had not had that feeling since the incident with the rapist gang at the college With my glock in hand I began checking out the house. I checked all the doors and looked in on all my mates and in every room. I went to the computer and looked at tapes of the gym...
The couple slept peaceful through the night, naked and wrapped in each other's arms.Lilli Rose woke up first know that she would have to go to work soon. As she laid there awake, she ran the thoughts of the previous night through her head and she realized how hot and wet she was getting just from remembering. She wanted Keith, but he looked so sweet and peaceful just sleeping there next to her. The more and more she reflected on the night before, the more and more she wanted to feel his hard...
Natalie Knight and her friend Haley Reed are just hanging out gossiping with the added bonus that Natalie’s stepbrother, Brad Sterling, thinks they may be talking about him. The girls delight in taunting Brad as their whispered questions to one another get increasingly sexual – but not about him. When Brad has finally worn through their amusement, the girls decide to actually talk about him if that’s what he wants so badly. They ask him questions about his cock, which makes Brad so...