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The constant drone of the aircraft’s engines filled my ears. One of my legs ached and the other was numb. I shifted sideways in the seat, trying to fold them up slightly differently so as to encourage the blood to start circulating again. My knees pressed against the back of the stool in front of me. Some of us had woken and lifted a few blinds from the windows and sun streamed into the cabin. It was probably a shaft of sunlight that had woken me. I looked around the aeroplane at my fellow passengers, most of them arranged at awkward uncomfortable angles, deep in slumber on thin pale yellow airline pillows and under thin pale yellow airline blankets. I raised my backrest as much as I could without trapping myself against the reclined chair in front of me, and then lifted my own blind to look out at the bright blue sparkling ocean stretching out to the whole horizon beneath us. I had no idea what the time was nor where we were nor how much longer we had to fly. It was my first flight on an aeroplane and my first trip abroad and excitement welled inside me. My name is Steve and I was on my way to Thailand!

My uncle Roger lived in Thailand with his Thai wife. He sent regular letters describing a very sedate peaceful life in a tropical paradise and sometimes there were pictures of him and his wife Nin. Roger had prematurely white hair and looked older than his 50-odd years. Nin was a short plump Thai lady who always seemed to be smiling. None of the family had actually met Roger in years and no-one had ever met his wife and Roger was beginning to leave heavy hints about how everyone was welcome to come visit them. For some reason he never contemplated them visiting us. The hints in his letters had gotten louder and louder and, in the spring, he had outright suggested that I spent a gap year before uni with him in Thailand! At first everyone had dismissed the idea, but the seed was sown and soon it was accepted that I could spend my summer holidays in Thailand visiting Roger! I just had to finance and arrange it.

The family’s disdain for Roger’s seedy life choices only became apparent to me after it was agreed that I would go. I hadn’t thought about it much before, but Nin was possibly a mail order bride? This was just becoming a thing in England and uncle Roger could have been an early adopter. My uncle Sam was over for a barbecue one spring evening and, after dad and he had had a few beers, started teasing us about how Roger was going to lead me astray. Mum was riled and I was scared that suddenly the trip was off.

What actually ended up happening was dad took me aside a few days later and tried to teach me the-facts-of-life. I was mortified, it not being a conversation any kid ever actually wants to have with parents. Dad seemed equally uncomfortable but he had promised mum he’d talk with me. I’m not sure what exactly he had promised mum – probably rallying along the lines of Nancy Regan’s just-say-no campaign – but dad took a more pragmatic approach and tried to scare me off ever touching a Thai girl with fear stories about the risks of sexually-transmitted-diseases and giving the impression that Thailand was full of hookers and girls wanting to find rich husbands. If he had meant to scare me he failed: he actually made me excited about the potential prospects ahead. With only the films Full Metal Jacket and Apocalypse Now to guide my imagination I was looking forward to a very seedy baptism indeed!

And now it was June, 1997, and I was sitting on a plane on my way to Thailand for the adventure of a lifetime! I was so excited. A stewardess passed through the cabin and I beckoned her over to ask if we were nearly there yet.

The oppressive heat and humidity hit us like a solid wall as we got off the plane in Phuket. We had to go down the steps and cross the apron to reach the shock of the cold air-conditioning of the small terminal building and it was one of the hardest short walks I’ve ever done. I felt dizzy by the time I reached the sanctuary and shelter of the building. The queue for passport control took forever but I got my first ever stamp and I examined it excitedly. By the time I got through my luggage was already lapping on the baggage carousel and I quickly headed through the exit to the arrivals lounge.

Here I saw uncle Roger and auntie Nin immediately. After much shaking of hands with uncle Roger and a chaste one-armed hug from auntie Nin I nervously fished around in my rucksack for Nin’s present that I had been entrusted to carry. It was a very elegant and expensive but also very dainty gold watch that my mum had selected as a present from the whole family. A belated wedding gift I guess. Nin became ecstatic, tears of joy running down her cheeks, and I got a mite tighter fonder second hug from her. She barely came up to my chest.

And then it was time to spill out of the terminal and into their little white Suzuki jeep parked outside. Mercifully there was a covered walkway out into the centre of the carpark which kept the sun at bay but the hot sticky air still pushed back at me as I threaded my way through the foot traffic out to the jeep. Luckily the jeep was a hard-top with air-conditioning and, after the very uncomfortable five minutes in a hot oven the temperature plummeted as we headed out into the afternoon traffic.

There was an incessant rumble as we drove because the roads were concreted in sections and there was a slight bump as you passed from one section to the next every two or three seconds. The road was swarming with mopeds and strange little open mopeds-with-side-cars called ‘tuk tuks’ and minivans. We seemed to be overtaking and undertaking in equal measure, zig-zagging between mopeds with whole families on and tuk tuk taxis. The roads were lined with shop fronts and house fronts with flat tin roofs and there were thick black rubber power-cables criss-crossing between buildings and pylons everywhere. People sat around everywhere and small children weaved along the roadside. There was just so many people! It was a shock to see that much humanity.

Uncle Roger veered off the high-road suddenly and took us down a smaller backstreet and around the back of the houses. As we came to a stop auntie Nin jumped out and opened some impressive white steel gates and the jeep pulled into a bare paved back yard. We had arrived.

Uncle Roger and auntie Nin – I’m going to start calling them Roger and Nin from now on to save on the typing – lived in one of the many combined-shop-and-home units along the roadside. Theirs was markedly better tiled than many of the neighbours and they had air conditioning. The shop part at the front was not actually a shop and instead furnished as a living room. To this day I’m unsure what Roger and Nin had for any kind of income but they seemed to live quite well. I never saw them work in a conventional sense. Roger and I sat down in the living room with the big shop show window looking out into the hustling bustling street, and Nin brought us out nice cold bottles of water and then disappeared. Roger looked me over expectantly and asked what I thought of it all. He grinned at my discomfort and unease at my sensory overload and said I’d be used to it in a few days. He let me rest a bit and so, as suddenly as I’d arrived, I was alone in a strange house in a strange land and I felt lonely. The flight had messed with my body-clock and I was actually quite tired so I slipped into a merciful sleep.

That evening I was poked awake by a giggling Nin. She talked with a charming broken English, missing lots of words but still very easy to understand and communicate with. “You wake now” she barked and giggled again. I got up and stretched. Then we headed out, the three of us, for an evening meal.

It was very dark out but there were lots of very yellow dull street-lights and lots of traffic. The air was still very warm but it was much more comfortable to be outside in the evenings. A tuk tuk pulled over in front of us and we ambled onto the bench in the big side-car. The tuk tuk took off again, straining under our weight, as Nin and Roger chatted amicably with the chauffeur in Thai. It seemed Roger could talk passable Thai. Nin linked her arm through mine, perhaps partly to make sure I didn’t fall off the end of the bench into the traffic, but mostly I think to make me feel part of the adventure. It was a cheerful group that got dropped off at a nearby restaurant just a minute or so later. We were so close to home we could have walked, but I quickly learned that it was the done thing to hail a passing tuk tuk for even the shortest of journeys. Roger led the way in and Nin followed behind me.

The restaurant was a large open-sided terrace with a big pitched roof spread over it. It was like a house without walls. We sat on comfortable low sofas with a low table between us. Roger and Nin took one side and I sat across from them. Roger was trying to explain how everything worked in Thailand, from the tuk tuks to the restaurants to the shops and markets I hadn’t seen yet. Coming from England where tipping was the exception even in cafés to a land where everything seemed negotiable but you were expected to tip and haggle at every turn seemed daunting.

The waitress was gorgeous. Drop dead gorgeous. I was quickly noticing that all the young girls were thin gorgeous things and all the middle aged ladies were plump ugly things just like Nin! I was kind of unsure how the pretty young things turned into plump ugly things but there didn’t seem to be any in-between states. I would search my whole holiday for a glimpse of the missing-link thirty-something Thai lady but never spotted one!

The food was hot. Roger had taken care of ordering and at first I thought he was trying to trick me, but with time I began to get used to it and came to accept that all Thai food is quite spicy. That first night I tried lots of different small dishes but mostly ate a very good massaman curry. Massaman curry is, on a Thai scale, mild. Its a kind of spicy soup stew mix with whole potatoes in. Its absolutely delicious.

Roger had ordered us tall big bottles of Singha beer, a very popular Thai brand, and we got quite drunk. Alcohol is quite expensive in Thailand, approaching English prices, and the food probably cost less than the beer. As Roger settled the bill I stole a glance at it and was surprised by how cheap everything was and it began to dawn on me just how far my spending money I had converted to Thai Baht in England was going to take me. We left a tip and left. A short tuk tuk ride brought three very sated people home for a nightcap and bed.

My bed was in a very western-feeling room. The whole house was kind of western furnished, but with tiled floors and glass tables. It was actually nice to have cool surfaces. No carpet anywhere. I kind of wonder how icky carpet would get in such a warm wet climate.

I awoke awkwardly early, my body clock still way out of sync. My first full day started with a breakfast of sliced fruit and yoghurt in the tiny kitchenette in the house. It was clear that Nin rarely cooked at home, although there were some stocks of things in the cupboards.

As I said, I have no idea what Roger and Nin did for a living. Certainly when I was there they weren’t working. They set about entertaining me.

The first trip that first morning was to a large market. There was a sea of market stools spread out under a large rusting corrugated iron roof. Many pitches were just cloths spread out straight onto the ground with bowls and bustles of chilis and fruits and nuts packed on them. Other stalls were trestle tables stacked with t-shirts and shorts and belts and things. The market was bustling with natives and I was one of the few tourists. As Roger explained, June was early wet season and the market would be full of tourists during the dry season December through April. I had simply come at the wrong time of year? Roger shrugged it off, saying Thailand was paradise all year round and the tourists didn’t know what they were missing.

Roger told me to look over the stools and, if I saw anything I liked, I was to just make a good note of the stall and how it looked. Then I was to describe everything to Nin afterwards and she’d go back and buy it. Apparently if I tried to haggle, or if the market stall owners knew that Nin was with me, we’d get a less stellar deal. Everything was negotiable in Thailand.

That’s a lie. Straight after the market, where I had gotten a pile of t-shirts and shorts and a good pair of sunglasses and a straw hat, we went into a normal shop. Apparently in normal shops there is no haggling and the price on the shelf is the price you pay, always. I was actually comfortable with that concept, and comfortable with the shop’s air conditioning too, and was a bit reluctant to leave and head out back into the hustle and bustle of the high street.

That afternoon Roger took me out to ‘see the town’. Nin came with us. I wasn’t quite sure what he had in mind but we were quickly in a part of town that was just one long interconnected chain of bars! Now this was what I had imagined uncle Sam had alluded to...

Go-go bars are bars full of scantily clad young ladies. Their asserts are on full display with nothing left to the imagination. As we passed along the street the girls would try and catch my eye. Nin had her arm linked through Rogers and I trailed behind, the siren of the blushing waving girls in the bars we passed making me stumble and become disorientated. I didn’t know which way to look. On every side I was being bombarded with eyefuls of beautiful young bodies available for hire.

We stopped at a normal bar; that’s to say a bar without girls. We were the only customers but the barman, an old white bloke with a strange accent I think was German, seemed to know Roger and Nin well and we sat at the bar chatting with him. Roger introduced me to Otto. Apparently Otto owned this bar and quite a few of those we had passed with the girls. Technically, apparently, a foreigner can’t actually own property in Thailand but Otto, predictably, had a Thai wife and her family held the deeds and Otto held the real control. If he was a local small-time mobster he was very nice about it.

Sitting down and getting comfortable I began to get excited at all the flesh so enticingly close by in the surrounding bars. There were very few ‘johns’ about and the girls were underutilized and scanning me regularly, hopefully, expectantly. I figured it was just a matter of time before I built up the courage to visit with one of them. It was a strange feeling, to have prostitution so on-display and straightforward and it was liberating to be so far from home. I had a feeling that Roger was fine with it and I just had to build up the courage to make this happen.

Another middle-aged Englishman drifted into the bar and I was introduced again. Soon this Englishman was chatting with Roger and Nin and I was left out, staring across the bamboo bar at the girls in the next bar across. Otto slipped around the bar and came sat beside me with a beer of his own.

“You know, the girls won’t come to this bar” he told me quietly. He started to explain how the system worked. I just had to go sit at one of the other bars and hostesses would hover around me until the conversation drifted around to what I wanted to do. I could be very direct. Once negotiated, I would pay the barman and then be led away to one of the rooms tucked off to the side. It was low season and a lot of girls had gone home to visit their family. But the girls who were left were desperate for business. “Very safe, very safe” he kept repeating, “Police leave us alone”.

When I didn’t make any move he whispered conspiratorially “You like boys? We have boys too! We even have boys who dress like girls...”.

Although everyone seemed so comfortable with buying sex – Roger even had Nin with him – I was feeling extremely awkward and nervous. Faint, even. But no matter how slowly I sipped my beer I was running out of beer. I looked down forlornly into my empty glass. “You want another beer?” Otto asked cheerfully. I nodded. “Sorry, barman not here!” he exclaimed, sweeping his arm out over the empty bar. Duh, the barman was sitting beside me. He didn’t show any sign of moving back around the bar. “Perhaps you try another bar?” he grinned broadly. I had been outsmarted. I got up and stretched and Otto stood beside me, one arm pressing hard on my shoulder as he spun me around and gave me a shove off back down the row of bars.

Walking alone along the the path between the bars made me a target. Every girl was staring at me, trying to entice me. I got half way along the path and I swear it was getting narrower, the girls much closer, all saying “hello” and “hi” and trying to get my attention. I felt the heat on my cheeks and the sweat running down my spine. I scanned the girls. Somehow their obvious availability was intimidating and off-putting; a shy nervous first-timer like myself was going to get eaten alive!

And then I saw her. She was noticeable because she was the only girl not trying too hard to get my attention. She was even on the far side of a bar, apart from the other girls. She looked inexperienced and shy and beautiful and I felt my leap at the sight of her. Two out-of-place young scared people in a world surrounded by scarily overt sexual tension. Subconsciously drawn, I turned sharply and approached her bar.

As I got to the bar the other girls parted so I could slip onto a bar stool. There were about ten girls milling around me now, purring, trying to get me to appraise them. There were no other customers at all in this bar. The quiet girl stayed on the far side of the bar. I looked up across the bar at her and she saw me looking and cast her eyes down. I felt such pity.

The barman, who spoke excellent English, noticed my gaze. He went over to her and said something rough and she steeled herself and came around to my side. The other girls seemed to resent her somehow, them all being cheated out of a john and all. The girl slipped into a barstool beside me, becoming the only girl sitting down. “You want to buy Kohsoom a drink?” the barman asked expectantly and I nodded. To my horror I saw him popping a cork on a large chilled bottle of something bubbly and I suddenly had the sure knowledge that this was going to be an extremely expensive afternoon.

“Hi, I’m Steve” I said to her, offering my hand. “Hi Steve, I’m Kohsoom” she replied in good English. As soon as we held hands the other girls drifted back to facing the path again, leaving Kohsoom and I to drink and chat. Kohsoom didn’t let go of my hand. Almost immediately she had put my hand, palm down, onto her silky smooth thigh and pinned it in place with her near hand as she took a sip of her cocktail with the other.

The barman drifted away too, leaving Kohsoom and I to get down to business. It was weird but her shyness actually made me braver. It was obvious that she was just as for-sale as all the other girls but her demur made me see her almost as an equal and I tried to get her comfortable by talking to her. She kept asking questions about my life and where I came from and what I was going to study and everything. She kept diverting my questions back about her life and future. She seemed to come out of her shell a bit.

The barman came back and pointedly suggested I buy Kohsoom another drink. I guess its bad for business to occupy a girl without paying for the privilege. I accepted. Kohsoom confided that it was non-alcoholic and actually quite nice. She was talking quite quickly and quietly and nicely now and we joked about how seedy this place, Patong Beach, was.

Although we had only been talking for perhaps half an hour the bars were already getting more lively. I was no longer the only punter and the other girls were less openly trying to get some action from me. There were now a steady stream of johns strolling down the path between the bars and the girls reverted to trying to lure them instead. One of them, a talk ugly sun-burned tourist, came and sat on the stool beside me. Suddenly all the girls jostling to be around him were rubbing their back up against me. Kohsoom giggled and pointed out that there was much more space around the other side of the bar island, which was completely empty. We decamped and retreated and were now standing alone on the far side of the bar, looking across the ring of counter and out onto the street.

Kohsoom was standing very close to me now, her bikini-clad bust – all the girls were only wearing bikinis – brushing against my arm as we talked. She knew what she was doing. Soon one of her hands was stroking broadly up and down on the inside of my thigh as we talked innocently about the weather. Apparently it would start to rain any minute now; it rained every afternoon in Phuket this time of year. “Perhaps we should go somewhere drier?” I asked suavely. “I thought you’d never ask” she replied relieved, “I’m already wet!”

Our relationship taking a new turn, Kohsoom coached me in how to ask the barman to ‘release’ her from her bar job being a hostess. She even confided in me the going rates and explained how to haggle. That was for future reference, of course. She seemed okay with letting me pay normal rate despite my inexperience and her sure knowledge I would have naively paid her ridiculously high opening bid. Kohsoom deftly signalled to the barman, who had been attending to the other johns lined up on the other side of the bar island, and I paid for a full hour of ‘everything’, which was the top price tier. Even with the drinks, this wasn’t actually all that much. A quick bit of mental arithmetic intruded into my brain as I calculated that I could easily afford to visit Kohsoom daily.

Kohsoom linked her arm through mine and led me away. It was hard to reconcile the shy lady who had first caught my eye barely an hour earlier with this consummate courtesan leading me away from a go-go bar on Patong Beach. Behind the bars there were some huts, barely hovels, where the girls lived and slept and entertained their johns. Kohsoom led me to a second row of huts behind the first row, this row even more dilapidated and down-run. Perhaps Kohsoom was a second-tier prostitute?

The hut was actually very clean and tidy inside. It was just one room, with mats on the floor and walls and a mosquito net over the mattress that was laying directly on the floor. There was a small dim lamp on a small low beside cabinet. As we ducked in through the door it began to rain, lightly at first, but quickly a downpour. Kohsoom laughed and said I might have to stay for more than an hour. She shut the door behind her and, in one quick motion, removed her bikini top.

Of course I had appraised her body the moment I first saw her an hour ago. But somehow, now she was topless, I got caught up staring and drinking in her appearance all over again. She was short, like many Thai women, but slim and youthful looking. Her tight little tummy and slender arms and legs had not an ounce of fat on them. Her breasts were large, if not nearly the largest of the girls at the bar. They were quite pointy. I had a healthy urge to explore and caress them, these two firm gravity-defying pyramids of flesh. But it was really her face, her hesitant shy look, that had drawn me to her and somehow that look had past and now she was just as confident as the other girls. Somehow that was less attractive. I guess perhaps that’s the hard business face of a girl prepared to sell her body for money?

My shyness returning, Kohsoom moved seductively towards me, her hips swaying. She pushed down on and stepped out of her bikini bottoms as she walked, leaving them deposited in the middle of the mat of this tiny room. I suddenly bumped into the edge of the mattress, not conscious before that that I had been moving backwards as Kohsoom advanced on me. “Its okay,” Kohsoom purred, “I can tell its your first time with a girl”. She smiled a sweet smile that spread to her twinkling eyes and I felt a lot better. She put her hands on my shoulders and pushed me down onto the mattress. And then, slowly, she undressed me.

She surprised me when she gently nestled down beside me. I had been expecting her to just grab my hard cock and start pumping, or something. Instead she slipped onto the mattress beside me and cuddled. The warmth of her body against me was really comfortable. A finger tip gently caressed my chest as she looked into my eyes and studied me as I studied her. She was so beautiful again. Such perfect skin, such symmetrical face, such small dainty features, such deep warm eyes. Perhaps all girls look extremely beautiful when seen at such a close intimate distance? Kohsoom was gorgeous again. I wanted to kiss her. But somewhere, in the back of my head, a little voice was telling me that she had just sucked some other john’s dick. That wasn’t a thought that could be ignored. Kohsoom looked puzzled, as though she could tell that I had had a sudden change of heart. “Sorry” I smiled awkwardly, “I’m not used to this”.

“Me neither” Kohsoom said quietly, almost to herself, as she skirted down and engulfed my throbbing cock.

The ecstasy was total. Within seconds my mind was blank, unable to focus on conscious things, as the extreme new sensations seeped from my crotch up through my body. My whole body began to tingle. Just a few seconds of attention was enough for my hair trigger: it was about to happen.

Kohsoom, her mouth clamped around the head of my dick, looked up questioningly at me. She grabbed my base and held it tightly, extremely tightly, and took her mouth off of my cock. She smiled a big grin and with laughing eyes said “You too fast! Sorry!” apologetically. Was she worried I would spend my, eh, money too quickly?

Under her unrelenting tight grip my near-orgasm abated and and slowly calmed down. Then Kohsoom gently stroked and tugged on me, bringing gentle waves of euphoria over me but keeping my orgasm at bay. She seemed both amused and pleased.

“Do you ever play with yourself?” she queried thoughtfully. The question came out of the blue. Somehow, it wasn’t spoiling the mood. She seemed to genuinely want to know. I was embarrassed to answer, but I nodded reluctantly eventually. She smiled again. “Good” she said softly. Then, after a pause, she carried on “How many times can you come?”. Now that was an extremely technical question, and one I wasn’t quite sure of the answer to. I shrugged, wondering why she was asking. It wasn’t exactly romantic mood-setting lovey-dovey pillow talk. “I will let you finish in my mouth now” she explained authoritatively, “if you promise me to get hard again after.” She looked at me expectantly as though we were doing a deal. “Or we can just take it slow” she said more quietly as though that wasn’t her preferred option. I nodded. “Which?” she asked me to clarify. “I promise I’ll get hard at least three times” I replied in a strained voice in a sudden sweep of bravado. Kohsoom just giggled excitedly and beautiful small dimples teased the edges of her mouth as she did so.

Kohsoom knew what she was doing. Taking my cock in her mouth again, she was soon sucking on me as she pumped the base of my cock with one hand and tickled my balls with the other. And in no time at all I was shooting burning hot cum into her tight little mouth and she was swallowing it all. She never let go of my dick as she continued to suck and play on it, preventing it from going down as she looked me full on in the eyes.

Then she jumped up and stood over me, bending over to open the beside draw. Looking up I could see her large breasts and glistening pussy just up out of reach, swaying above me. I instinctively lifted my head from the pillow and kissed the nearest nipple and Kohsoom shrieked playfully and giggled some more.

Kohsoom returned back to my cock with a condom. I’m eternally relieved she did this because I wasn’t able to think straight and wouldn’t have asked her to use one. She slipped the condom over my cock which was still achingly hard. Slowly she lowered herself onto my cock, impaling herself. It was heaven. Again, strange new sensations emanated from my crotch and swept over my whole body as my eyes stared greedily at Kohsoom’s upright torso rising and falling on our joining. Then she sat down fully on me, sinking right down to the base, and started rocking her hips backwards and forwards. She put her hands down onto my chest to steady herself and crunched her eyes closed and panted sexily. Her eyes flickered open and she looked at me with intense longing before they snapped shut and her brow furrowed and she gasped and signed and shook.

Suddenly she was back to sawing up and down on me, her breasts swinging wildly to her rhythm, and I felt the familiar sensation building in my balls and surging up as I again orgasmed for her. This time my first ever time in a woman. I was no longer a virgin!

Kohsoom felt it and opened her eyes and locked them on me. She seemed pleased. She slowly lifted herself off of me. She pulled the condom off of me and tossed it straight into a small bin by the door like a basketball star. Then, without hesitation, she put her head down and licked and sucked all the cum off my dick again.

Soon I was getting hard again from her attention, and she cooed and giggled. “You are a man who keeps his promise!” she teased me playfully and holding out her hand with three fingers up. Then she got up, standing straddling me again, and reached for the beside cabinet draw. She wriggled to give her breasts some life and they swung pendulously above my face again. I think she was deliberately lower this time and I got the message, lifting my head to suckle on the nearest nipple. She took her time getting the second condom and let me play.

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Hi . I am back with a new story of two brothers. Which get to know by this month when I received the mail. Now I am going to continue with story. Mera naam sameer h . Aur meri family me mai bhaiya aur bhabhi h mere bhai mujhse 5 saal bde h. Meri umar 20 saal h. Saadi ke do saal baad bhabhi ki maleriya se death hi gayi . tbse bhai bahut dukhi rhne lage bhai bhabhi ko Jaan se bhi jyada pyar krte the. Maine socha saayad kuch dino me Thik ho jaye. PR ek saal bit gaye aur woo abi bi bhabhi ke gaam...

Gay Male
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When I was a Tutor Chpt 14

When I was in my mid-twenties I had a history-professor at university that I really got along well with. I was doing the tutoring for some of his younger students and helped during office hours while he paid me good cash. He also was a man past his fifties who hadn't forgot what days were like when he was young, so a little booze-flavoured sweat in the morning coming from my side did not freak him out, as long as the work was done properly. Swell guy, one could say. And it was this man...

3 years ago
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Mrs Dewitt Helps OutChapter 3

The next afternoon, when I got home after school, I checked my email and : To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Talk We need to talk about yesterday. It isn't as bad as you might think. Come over after lunch tomorrow. Yours, Etta So, the next day, she answered the door and led me into the kitchen. "Well, that was a scare. But, I had a long talk with Brenden about it. I told him I was never happier than now and he said that, yes, he had noticed it himself. He asked...

2 years ago
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The Seventh SensePart 18

Editorial comment: Inevitably, Bobby’s world expanded, and the number of people in it did, as well. The story has been told, to this point, in a mixture of court records, journal entries, and the author’s own recollections and observations. To this point the interaction of all the primary characters/people in Bobby’s life (primarily Olivia and Gator) could be told by the author in the first person voice. As others became involved, and knowing (hoping) that this documentary would get written,...

3 years ago
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Willing My Wife Into Fucking Other Men

Finally my wife lives my fanatasy, having sex with other men while I watch on.I had long fantasized about my wife fucking other men. My wife is very sexual and there is nothing she would not consider in bed (or other places). This was just with the two of us and a matter of trust.Sometimes (more often as time went on), I would think about mfm or my wife screwing someone else while I watched. It really turned me on. More so me then my wife. While out to dinner after a few drinks I might mention...

1 year ago
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The Bank Job

Hello. My name is Alan. I have spent the last three years in the Waupun Wisconsin Correctional facility. I will most likely never see the outside of this compound again. I have accepted that fact, and if I had everything to do over again I wouldn't change a thing. I broke the law and am now willingly accepting my punishment. This is the story of the day that caused me to be incarcerated. This story is not meant to be an apology, I am only writing this because remembering that day still puts a...

2 years ago
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The Candy Man

I met this guy and he had an addiction for candy. He was over six feet and was very thin with a muscular build, with abs of steel, brown hair and beautiful chocolate brown eyes. He was the one I went to when I wanted something sweet. I went to him and pushed him against the wall, pulled him close to me and kissed him softly and slowly. He pulled me close and kissed me rough and fast. We moved toward the couch and lay down on the couch with him to the left side of me with his right hand on my...

2 years ago
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My Wifes First Introduction to Black Cock

After introducing my Sexy Slender 49 Year Old Wife of 15 years to Brown Mexican Cock, I wanted to see her with a Black Man. It wasn't hard at this point to talk her into meeting a black man I had been chatting with online at a bar for a few drinks. It was a rather warm early evening in Phoenix, Arizona and my wife wore a modest pair of shorts striking her sexy legs mid thigh and a top that snugged her 36C tits and exposed the roundness of them without putting them on display. She was excited,...

4 years ago
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Star Trek Invasion part 2 of 3

The Empire has invaded the Federation's universe! Now the captain of the USS Endurance finds herself facing the Empire fleet alone, while on Camus II her mother Janice Lester, the former Jim Kirk, discovers the terrible truth behind a conspiracy decades in the making. STAR TREK: INVASION (part 2 of 3) by BobH (c) 2018 - 7 - As we made our way to wherever Kate...

1 year ago
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Madame Butterfly

Madame ButterflyIn my last story “I Found a DVD”, I told of how I had witnessed my work colleague, Jane, getting cum splattered over her face from her husband and how this made me so horny everytime I saw her that I had to find ways to achieve desperately needed orgasm at work.I decided I should expand on this part of the story.So, as I mentioned, I had found videos of Jane getting cum squirted into her face and it made me sooo horny. Every time I saw her at work, we would stop and chat,...

1 year ago
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Twists of Fate Ch 01

Hellu guys!! Here is a new story I’ve been working on. Inspiration hasn’t hit me yet to continue the chapters of To be transformed or not so hope you like reading this series while I work on the further chapters of the former one!! Keep the votes, rates and comments comming!!! XXX ‘Oh shit!! Oh shit…’ she murmured as she rushed through the crowded corridors of her university. She was late of Prof. Tam’s Economics class. That old man was one of the meanest people she’d encountered in the 21...

1 year ago
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Bla Book 7 Time Enough to DreamChapter 11

Timora hung upside down, the ropes cutting into her bare leg as she swung beneath the tree branch holding the rope. She squealed as she felt a hand rubbing her exposed crotch and kicked out with her free foot, hoping to catch whoever was standing behind her. The wild kick only sent her spinning dizzily and she was unable to use her arms to stabilize her, as they were somehow tied behind her and secured to her right leg. "Whooooaaaa, shit!" she yelped as Jax caught her and stopped her...

2 years ago
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Big Little SisterChapter 13 Party Time

By Saturday afternoon, the twins were in a state of high excitement. They didn't know what had been arranged with them in mind, but there was going to be a party and that was enough for them. They would be able to dress up and show off their amazing figures (yes, I admit it, amazing), they could have a few drinks, and they could meet some boys. They could snog them, and have their titties felt up. There might even be some *girls* there so they could have sex! Well, the twins were learning...

4 years ago
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A fine f amily pt7

After the shower with his mother, Kevin went to his room to relax. He plopped down on his bed naked, with no intention of getting dressed or closing his bedroom door. There was nothing left to hide, since it was just him and his mother Linda at home. Then again, there really wasn't anything to hide with his sister Kelly either, since the two of them were now messing around. Just thinking about his sister was giving him a boner, picturing her blowing him until they both fell asleep. Then of...

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Helena and her lovely surprise

I was home alone and getting bored, since my lovely wife would spend the weekend visiting one of her girlfriends at a nearer town.I was in the afternoon checking my mail, when I received one from Helena, my sweet wife’s best girlfriend; the sluttiest one…I was really surprised, because that bitch had not spoken to me in many time, after we had fucked like rabbits several times…It was really shocking to watch Helena in an very unusual video. It I could see that bitch playing with her dog Roman,...

1 year ago
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Rosedale Replay

S Mayolin Freghym rode into Rosedale a few weeks after Jonahl had departed, and instantly she was greeted with suspicion. Having heard through rumors that her good friend Ciel Ravenswood had saved the entire town from a demonic plot, she was very curious to catch up with the half-elf. One part of Mayolin was even a bit jealous that Ciel had vanished off on an adventure and not told her. "You may enter... drow. But we're keeping an eye on you after last time," the surly guard at the...

4 years ago
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An AllAmerican Teenage Sex LifeChapter 35

FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1991 Edited by WRC264 I rumbled into Mandy’s driveway at the appointed time. This time she did let me get to the door and I did have a short and awkward talk with her parents, who were very nice. I knew them from years of being around their daughter. We’d been classmates many school years. Soon we were off to The Corner for supper and shakes, or a shake, I should say. We shared a big one. I had an extra critical eye for Allison as she served us, knowing the advice Woody...

2 years ago
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Wife and The Businessman 4

A short time after confirming a date with her businessman lover, Lynn, tells her husband, “With all of the excitement, I forgot, Janey wants us to come over tonight.”“What time?”“Around six-thirty. I told her we celebrated my new job late last night and can’t stay too long.”Lynn and Mike are relaxing with Janey and her husband Roger, on their patio.“That was great grilled chicken, Roger. What’s the secret?”“I’m glad you like it. I used a different marinade and let it soak all day.”Janey asks,...

3 years ago
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Anything For Georgetown part five Monica is realizing what shes getting into

After Monica had left, Houlihan got up from his chair and changed into his sweats. He always brought an entire change of exercise clothes to work every day. He’d put himself in a precarious situation, but among the faculty and administration, Monica O’Toole caused mixed reactions. She was one of their brighter students, but her reputation baffled and even ashamed them. It was known that she was picking on Brenda Hartley, Brenda seethed under the verbal jabs, but hadn’t gone to school...

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Dinner party with amazing afters

I’d been married about 5 years when the sex life with my husband started to deteriorate. It didn’t help when he started doing night shifts with work. But we carried on regardless and just had sex every month or sometimes less. Most of my orgasms came from my self-pleasuring whilst watching porn videos on Xhamster..One day out of the blue I met with my Mum for lunch. I didn’t see her very often as she was single now and always off dating new guys. She had me at just s*******n and she still...

3 years ago
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Mine Part 1 The Bet

Introduction: This is for a submissive girl who loves my stories ,) Mine Part 1: The Bet God Greenview sucked. I hated this place more than anyone. I couldnt wait to finish up college and leave. Unfortunately I still had 3 more years to go since I was only in my Freshman year. Greenview University was my home away from home I must admit. The campus was alright and I had a room all to myself. I was lucky normally people get paired with a room mate but I think mine dropped out, Or had a nervous...

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VacationChapter 3

Day Three - Wednesday I was up at five again, showered and brushed. While I was looking at myself in the mirror, I thought I might want to trim the beard a little as I was scary looking. Oh well, I thought as I dressed in jeans and one of my new T-shirts. By six I had boiled some water for instant oatmeal and made some coffee that I drank out on the patio. Martin came over so I offered him coffee but he said he had too much already. I asked for directions to a Sears and where a barbershop...

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James 4

I looked up at him hovering above me, James smiled kissing my lips, I closed my eyes massaging my lips agianst his. He ran his hand over my leg and up my shirt. I bit his lip lightly and he smiled leaning up and sitting back staring at me beneath him. He ran his hands up my shirt and over my bra, I smiled up at him. He always knew how to tease me, I bit the corner of my lip as he lifted my shirt over my head. I stared at his body running my fingers up and down his arms, and tugging lightly at...

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old myth about truck stops

Through talking with Lee over the years I had found out that in her younger years she was a prostitute . Not by choice but by the necessity to support her self and her young daughter .Apparently she lived in a trailer park across the street where her boy friend at that time deserted her. She was left alone and had no family to help her so she survived by bringing truck drivers in to bed her. Back in the day before the interstate this was a very busy truck stop. Lee had told me she made...

3 years ago
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Game WorldChapter 68

Richards teleported me into range of the complex on Hawaii without any problems and I arrived there roughly fifteen minutes ahead of the shuttles that had flown the whole way under their own power. With the combat load I was carrying and the time over the target area that I would need to unleash that load, I'd be almost on fumes by the time I got the craft onto the ground. Hopefully I wouldn't run into any problems. The time spent waiting for Richards to teleport the Sparrow Hawk and me to...

4 years ago
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HubbyWife Fantasy

The first time I met Max and Shelia was when they came up on me one night when I was standing outside a motel room window, watching my husband fuck another woman (which we had arranged). They stayed and watched the show with me and then I invited them back to our room. What a night that was… When Max and Shelia accepted my invitation back to our room I was so excited. As they followed me back to the room, we passed the woman my husband had just picked up in the bar next door and fucked. She...

1 year ago
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SeeHimFuck Valerica Steele In Full Force

Grimy fella Logan Xander makes his See H?️M Fuck debut today, and seeing as his IRL GF is none other than See HIM Contract Star Valerica Steele ?‍? I think we’re required by law to pair HIM up with her. Anyway, after our above-average director Johnny ?? Robins helps us get to know a little about HIM, Logan begins to strip from his FUCKING AWESOME sharp red suit (❤️ THE ?) and when that dick pops out of his See HIM boxers ? well, Valerica just had to toot on it a lil bit. Valerica then...

2 years ago
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A WWE Experience

FIRST NAME & LAST NAME = Fill-in both for the main/new character. This is the true story of John Doe, his rise to the top, and the many, many sex tales along the way. As one of the most-promising talents in the WWE youth program, you've been tipped to follow in the path of greats like Stone Cold, Undertaker, Bret Hart, etc. You are just over six feet tall, with a very muscular build, and long, brown hair. You're a destructive force in the squared circle. You were given a choice by Vince McMahon...

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There Must Be A Mistake Ch 18

Note: All persons in this novel are fictitious. If you are looking for a great deal of explicit sexual activity, this story is not for you. Those scenes that are included will be evocative rather than just for the sake of sex itself. This story is for your reading pleasure. Its length is undetermined at this time, because I do not know where my mind will take me along the way. I hope you will stay with me during this journey until it reaches its inevitable conclusion. Note: Relax: You asked...

3 years ago
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Sex With My SisterInLaw From Hyderabad

I am 34 yrs old now. This incident happened when I was 26 and my wife was 22.She had a sister who was 18 at that time and she came to Hyderabad for her graduation (now she is married and settled in US). She used to stay at our home. Initially she had great respect for me and I used to take care of all her needs. One day my wife was not at home and my wife’s sister was having a bath. I peeped through the bathroom hole to find her gorgeous body. She had a clean shaved pussy and well shaped ass...

1 year ago
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My Favourite Netball Player A Very Pleasant Afternoon with Susie

As I said earlier, Susie and I discussed a multitude of different things as we finished our lunch. I could tell that Susie was still in a fairly high state of arousal as we went and paid our bill before making our way back to the car. I suddenly thought just what a luck lad I was, 18, fairly well-off financially and with a gorgeous little 16 year old schoolgirl holding my hand. Not only was this gorgeous little girl a schoolgirl – she was wearing her school uniform, proper school knickers...

2 years ago
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Sex Starved Wife

I walked into Great Clips right before closing wanting to get a haircut.   I was greeted by Elise. I followed Elise to her stall admiring her ass as it swayed side to side.   She asked what style of haircut I wanted I told the same as last time. We made small talk while she cut my hair. Elise is your typical stylist. She is has supple breasts, long brown hair that is pleasantly pulled back about 5’5” and an ass to die for. She was in a black skirt and a white blouse. The skirt ends at her...

4 years ago
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Staid Roses and Other Poems

A DIFFERENT GAME Leafless bird passion Stemmed with veins If I touch you You may spread your phallic Wings and fly Pollinating another flower Than I When you unfold Your petals wet with dew I must be one with you Soft tickling elegance That deceives You make me want to believe Ambrosial stories of nectar Sweeter than mortals may sip Between their lips We are a storied creation Full of undiscovered species Cunts without lips Men with full, rounded hips But scientists...

3 years ago
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Fuck Doll Chapter Five

It only takes one more e-mail to know that the man who e-mailed me is, in fact, the same Ethan I met in the club the other night. I’m completely shocked. I’m not sure what to do: He had met some of my friends, so I think it might be wise just to ignore his request. It is too much explaining and making sure things stay hush-hush. I have to think on it. The day of the wedding is finally here and after getting my hair done and ready, I wait for AJ to come pick me up. He was able to find a shirt...

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The Collaring of Pet

 "Master, can I be your slave...permanently?" That was the question that began our new life together. It is a question that still rings in my ears all these years later. She asked the question of me that Saturday evening after making the statement to me the night before, that she wanted to know more about the D/s lifestyle that attracted me so much. She had tasted it, and found that she, too, had a penchant for the 'Dark Side' as a submissive. And she decided she wanted more. She wanted to take...

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        So about a couple months ago I went to a Halloween party in the woods, I was dressed as slutty elf. I was wearing some really tight green spandex that barely covered my big round juicy plump bubble butt, I was wear a black thong that you can kinda see through my spandex, I was wearing a small elf shirt that barely covered my waist, and I was wearing an elf hat. My spandex barely covered my thong! When I got to the party I caught every guys attention. I went to go get a drink and From...

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Ganga The Teacher

I know this gorgeous woman since about a year. Her name is Ganga. She is aged about 30, but looks far too young with amply filled body and very sexy eyes and a mouth half open in a ever lasting smile. She was the elder sister of Hema and Swarna, who were my students. When she learnt through her sisters that I was quite a teacher Ganga perhaps felt like taking some lessons herself. Ganga is about five six, stoutly built woman. She is married and quite satisfied sexually with her husband. She...

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The Princess Incest Diary 2

Dear Princess, I slipped into your bed and fucked your virgin pussy tonight. I've wanted to do this for months, ever since I saw you for the first time in a skimpy bikini at your sixteenth birthday party. I bought it for you. I got it at one of those beach boutiques that specialize in swimsuits, clothing and lingerie for petite women. The top was just two triangles of lavender cotton with little fish embroidered in black thread. The bottom was just a similar triangle in front -- barely covering...

4 years ago
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Forest Fuck

I wake up in a daze in the forest, tied down with ropes, pain shooting through my body. As far as I can tell, theres nobody else with me, but its pitch black and I cant move my head. How did I get here? I cant remember. ———————————- Britney, I dont want to go, I whine, laying on my best friends bed, staring at her ceiling. I dont care if you dont want to go, she replied, putting on her Victorias Secret lip gloss and making lustful faces to herself in the mirror. I need to go, Brandons...

1 year ago
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Star Gazer

Since being old enough to realize there was a sky, I have been a star gazer. As a small boy, the heavenly lights enhanced my active imagination. The adventures that raced through my mind were as endless as the stars themselves. After reaching my teens my relationship with the stars became far more intimate. On clear summer nights I would frequently sneak out of the house and lie naked in the back yard. The black sky seemed to absorb my adolescent worries as the twinkling of a million distant...

2 years ago
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Anime God

Do you know what's funny? That me - probably someone who will be sent to Hell due to his unholy thoughts and actions - got these powers. That ME, the most lust-ridden, perverted, horniest bastard in the world got these powers. The world is one fucked-up place. But anyways - I got these powers, and I'm enjoying them. Haven't you ever seen those animes, and then closed your eyes and imagined that you were jerking off to that hot chicks' tits? If you haven't, you probably have a life - but seeing...

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Dudleys DilemmaChapter 17 Reunion and Renewal

After dinner, Petunia had wanted to stay longer. Apparently she, Albus and James had got on well together. Lily, who was two years younger, had attached herself to Tunie like a big sister and she had made sure the boys did not leave her out of anything. However, Luna and Dudley wanted to get to Luna's place so that they could get their things put away and get some time to themselves. They felt that a lot had happened that afternoon and they needed time to reflect on it. Particularly as it...

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This story goes back to when my wife Sarah and son Rick and daughter Christina and I visited my immediate family back in 1981. At that time as I,d lived in North London for ten years my k**s had yet to meet any of my relatives so it was a great mini family reunion held in western Washington State at my Aunt,s house before we travelled back to my parent,s place in eastern Washington. Once I,d acclimatised myself I couldn,t wait to try so,e trout fishing in the tiny stream Mill Creek that flowed...

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BangBros18 Emma Bugg Fucked My Step Daughter

Emma Bugg is fixin for a dickin. Peter Green wants to take a shower in peace. When she enters the bathroom he immediately feels guilty but doesn’t stop her from relieving his stress with her mouth on his cock. She promises not to say a thing so he takes her in the room and shows her how she’s daddy’s girl and plows her pussy with his rock hard cock. She gets what she wants a lot of dick in her perfect pussy, bouncing ass on Peter and spreading her vagina wide open for him. He...

1 year ago
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The Business Conference

Business conferences are always a surreal experience. You're living out of a suitcase in a hotel, working from your laptop in a city far from home. Business conferences are always a surreal experience. You're living out of a suitcase in a hotel, working from your laptop in a city far from home. This time around, my workmate Livy had attended the conference as well. She wasn't supposed to attend; another colleague had been scheduled, but due to the newest merger talks, Livy ended up filling the...

3 years ago
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I found Ellie by accident, which, I think, is how all loves begin. I noticed her because she was wearing our school uniform, despite it being a Saturday, waiting for a bus to come. She had short, blonde hair, blue eyes, and her face was evenly proportioned. Se was thick in the correct places, which is something I had not noticed in a woman before, and have not noticed since. She was sucking on a lollipop so forcefully that her cheeks became concave and her lips presented themselves as if they...

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Alba Damned

So let me tell you a story I'm not even sure I believe happened......About a week ago I was working on a lounge suite (I'm an upholsterer by trade) listening to the radio when the DJ asked what his listeners thought would be good New Years resolutions could be for celebrities.I'll tell you he sparked some interest (among his listeners) and the calls came pouring in. Britney Spears should release another album, Lindsey Lohan should re-think her whole alternate life-style, and Angelina Jolie...

2 years ago
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Avrils dairy

24 of July, MondayWoke up around noon. Last nights party really took ut out of me. Two of the guys had crashed on my couch. Gave them a quickie before sending them home. Met Miranda for lunch, and told her about the party. She has yet to try being with more than two men, and think I'm crazy. "How do you even do it with 20 guys in one night?" she asked. I just smiled. Went on home to get some rest before the date I had planned for the evening. Rick and his guys showed up at 8 at agreed. There...

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The Price of Magic

Warning, this story is rated G, and the TG element is rather limited. If either of these things offend you, please read no further. The Price of Magic By Morpheus The rain was pouring down hard all over the kingdom of Darst, which wasn't uncommon for that time of the year. However, a young man dressed in blue and gray robes was walking through the rain without seeming to notice it. The thin, oung, minor wizard, Sorven by name, was too lost in thought about his upcoming Trials...

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