From A To Z Ch. 03 free porn video

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As usual this story is exclusively my property and can’t be republished or redistributed without my permission. Names have been changed to protect the guilty and not-so-innocent. Any resemblance to people living, dead or non-existent is merely a coincidence.


Zack gave Adele a little squeeze as they relaxed on her sofa and watched a movie. Adele snuggled into him and grinned. It had been about six months since Adele had made her leap of faith and opened up to Zack. They’d decided to take it slow so Adele could get over her issues with men.

‘So you’re really okay with this Zack?’

Zack kissed the top of Adele’s head and squeezed her again. ‘Honey if it took a thousand years I’d wait for you.’

‘You’re not just saying that?’

‘No babe, I’ve stuck by you for this long, when you’re ready for the next step I’ll be here waiting for you.’ Zack said as he smiled at Adele.

Adele turned back to the movie and smiled to herself. She knew that Zack meant what he’d said. From the day they’d met he’d been nothing but patient and sweet with her, letting Adele decide how fast or slow their relationship would unfold.

Zack thought about why Adele was asking these questions. He knew she was still self-conscious about her scars, but that was mostly only when they went out now. He still thought she was pretty despite them. Zack thought she was exceptional for surviving what she’d gone through. He knew he’d do anything for Adele, she just needed time to let her emotional scars heal, and he was willing to wait.

‘Did you want more wine hon?’ Zack asked.

Adele gave Zack a kiss, ‘Thanks love.’

Zack went to the kitchen and poured more wine into Adele’s glass and mixed himself another ‘Jack’ and ginger.

He still couldn’t wrap his brain around how a guy could do what had been done to Adele. She had a sweet, almost innocent air about her. With her sparkling hazel eyes and musical laugh she was everything he wanted in a woman.

When Zack returned to the living room he saw that Adele had pulled a blanket around herself. He placed their drinks on the coffee table and as he went to sit down Adele opened her arms to wrap him in the blanket as well. Adele rested her head and arm on Zack’s chest. Zack’s arm unconsciously wrapped around her.

‘So uhm, are you doing anything next weekend sweetie?’ Zack asked.

Adele hummed, ‘As far as I know I’m going to be with you hon, why?’

‘Well my sister and brother-in-law are flying in for the weekend, and I was hoping maybe you’d be up to meeting them.’

Adele raised her head and looked at Zack. He could see a look of fear in her eyes for just a second. ‘Wow it must be serious if you want me to meet your family.’

Zack kissed Adele’s nose, ‘Well Sandy’s been bugging me for details for months. I think this ‘trip’ is a scouting mission for my Mom.’

Adele gave him one of her precious grins, ‘So. How much have you told your family about me?’

‘I told them that you were the most wonderful, beautiful girl in the world with the spirit of a tigress.’

‘Did you tell them about my…’

‘Yes I did love, and when I told them what had happened they didn’t care. They just want to meet the girl who’s captured my heart.’

Adele frowned a bit, ‘Well I don’t want them to feel sorry for me. I get enough of that crap from strangers on the street.’

‘That’s my little tigress!’ Zack said with a chuckle.

‘So I guess you’ll be giving up your bed to them when they come in?’

‘Yeah it’s only for a few nights, I’ll just pike out on my couch.’ Zack replied.

‘Or,’ Adele said shyly. ‘You could sleep here.’

‘My couch or yours, not much difference baby.’

Adele blushed prettily, ‘No I meant you could sleep here. With me.’

‘Are you sure sweetie? I don’t want you to feel pressured or anything.’

Adele smiled and gave Zack a lingering kiss, ‘No pressure, I promise. But I think I’m ready for the next step. That is if you think you are.’

Zack grinned, ‘I think I can manage honey.’

Zack met his sister and brother-in-law at the airport Friday. Adele had begged off going to the airport, but offered to make a dinner instead.

As Zack opened the door to his unit an amazing array of aromas wafted out into the entry hall.

Zack’s sister inhaled sharply, ‘Oh wow! Is that an Indian curry and Thai food I’m smelling?’

Zack grinned at his sister, ‘Yeah Adele’s a bit of a mad scientist in the kitchen. She makes me look like a rank amateur.’

Adele came out of the kitchen rubbing a tea towel over her hands. Her hair was down, hiding her scars from view.

Sandy stepped forward and gave Adele a warm hug. ‘Hi Adele, I’m so happy to finally meet you. Zack didn’t do you justice, you’re far prettier than he said.’

Adele smiled shyly, ‘Thanks, I guess Zack’s told you more about me than he’s told me about you.’

Sandy laughed, ‘Zack’s been like that with all of his girlfriends, I think he’s afraid we’ll spill his dirty little secrets or something.’

‘Hi Adele, I’m Dean, it’s great to finally put a face to a name.’

Adele gave Zack a saucy grin, ‘Just what else have you been telling your family about me Mister?’

Zack gave Adele an innocent look, ‘Nothing but the truth, honestly.’

Sandy took Adele by the arm and led her toward the kitchen, ‘Time for us to have a girls only chat Adele.’

When the girls got into the kitchen Sandy let go of Adele’s arm and turned to her, ‘Is my little brother being good to you honey?’

Adele smiled shyly, ‘He’s been wonderful, nothing but gentle and attentive. He never forces the issue and lets me set the pace.’

‘As he should, I’m sure you’re skittish after going through what you have.’

Adele giggled, ‘I thought I was going to die the first time we met! I was so scared of Zack I couldn’t even look at him.’

‘Well you seem to have come around pretty well so far sweetie.

‘Zack’s told us about what happened to you. Would you let me see them?’

‘Huh? See what Sandy?’

Your scars sweetie, it’s okay I’m an ER nurse.’

Adele slowly pulled her hair away from her face and tucked it behind her ear. Sandy inspected Adele’s scars for a moment, taking her by the chin and moving her into a better light.

‘I hope the rat-bastard is in jail honey,’ Sandy said.

‘Yes, attempted murder, aggravated assault, battery, and sexual assault. He’ll be gone for a good long time.’

Sandy sighed, ‘Do you have any idea how lucky you are to be alive? Probably a half millimetre deeper and he would’ve cut your carotid artery. I’ve see this too many times sweetie.’

‘I know I’m lucky Sandy, if it weren’t for Mrs Klein upstairs calling 911, I never would’ve made it.’

Sandy gave Adele a tight hug, ‘The important thing is that you’re here with us now. So when’s dinner? Airplane food doesn’t agree with me and your dinner smells heavenly!’

Adele blushed at Sandy’s compliment. ‘It’s ready now. Let’s call the boys in.’

After dinner Zack and Sandy cleared the table while Dean and Adele went out to Zack’s small patio.

‘Are you okay with me being here with you Adele? I can go back inside if you want.’

Adele shook her head. ‘No it’s okay Dean, my therapist has done wonders with me. And having Zack to help me too doesn’t hurt either. Six months ago I would’ve been a complete wreck with you here.’

Adele pulled a small silver case from her pocket and removed a cigarette and lighter from it. She lit it and took a pull then exhaled a cloud of blue smoke.

‘So what kind of work do you do?’ Dean asked.

‘Well I used to do some acting, mostly bit parts in tv shows and movies. But since this happened I had to be happy with voice-over work and character voices on children’s shows. Then I showed Zack the stories I wrote f
or my niece and nephews, and apparently I’m now an author!’ she said with a small laugh.

‘Sounds like you’ve had some fun jobs, beats being an accountant,’ Dean laughed. ‘Zack never mentioned that you smoke, how long have you been doing it?’

Adele blushed, ‘Only since I was attacked. Nervous habit I picked up from one of the girls when I was in the hospital. We’d go outside to chat and one day I asked for one. I know I need to quit. Zack’s not thrilled with it but I’ve almost got it beat.’

‘Good, I smoked for ten years and haven’t regretted quitting once.’

‘You know she’s a pretty amazing girl don’t you?’ Sandy asked her brother as they did the dishes.

Zack smiled, ‘Yes I do sis, she’s a real fighter. She’s come so far since we met.’

‘In more ways than one Zack. That knife cut on her throat should’ve killed her, but she somehow beat the odds. I’ve seen girls come into the ER with less severe wounds die on the table. I have no love for men who do things like that.’

‘Neither do I Sandy, it just doesn’t compute for me. I could never do anything like that to a woman.’

‘So have you met her family yet Zack?’

‘She’s talked a little about her family. I know she has a sister here in town and brother out in B.C., but that’s about it. She’s still not to the stage where she wants me to meet them I guess.’

‘Give her time little bro, it’ll come.’

Later that night Zack and Adele were in her apartment getting ready for bed. Adele slipped under the covers and pulled them up to her neck. She started to shiver when she thought this would be the first time she’d shared a bed with a guy in over two years. ‘Maybe I’m not as ready as I thought I was.’ she thought to herself. Adele shook her head to clear it, ‘No, this is Zack. I know he’ll respect my boundaries.’

‘Okay, I’m ready hon.’ she called out.

Zack came into Adele’s bedroom and was surprised by what he saw. On every horizontal surface there were small statues and figurines of unicorns and Pegasus’.

He chuckled softly, ‘Wow, you could at least have warned me before I came in baby.’

Adele looked sheepishly at him. ‘Sorry, it’s a bit of a fetish for me. I’ve collected them since I was a kid. I just find them soothing.’

Zack could see that Adele was nervous, he didn’t want to push her out of her comfort zone. ‘Are you sure you’re ready for this sweetie? I can still sleep on the couch if you want.’

‘No! No it’s okay Zack. This is just a big step for me. I trust you, it’s me I’m worried about.’

‘Don’t think you can resist this hunky bod huh?’

Adele threw a pillow at Zack, ‘Just hurry up and get into bed before I change my mind and banish you forever.’

Zack slipped under the covers and lay beside Adele, he could feel her shivering and grew concerned. ‘Sweetie, maybe this isn’t a good idea.’

‘Zack it was my idea and I’m not changing my mind now.’

Adele slipped her hand into his and sighed. Zack squeezed her fingers gently. Then she squeezed his. Adele looked at Zack and smiled.

‘See? I survived!’

Zack let her hand go and rolled onto his side, propping his head up. ‘You are so beautiful, I can’t believe how lucky I am.’

Adele rolled to face him. ‘What do you want?’

Zack kissed Adele softly. ‘Just to hold you until you fall asleep love.’

‘Are you going to behave?’ Adele asked softly.

‘Yes, I promise.’ Zack said with a grin.

Adele frowned, ‘Darn, I was hoping you’d say no.’

‘Are you serious? This is already a big step for you sweetie.

‘Yes, no. I don’t know Zack. I love you honey, you’ve been so kind and patient with me. I just don’t want to get your hopes up then chicken out on you.’

‘So lets just leave it the way it is for now. I’m in no rush, I just want to be with you when you’re ready okay?’

‘Okay. Do you think it’ll be okay for us to cuddle?’

Zack ran the backs of his fingers along Adele’s cheek, ‘I think that’ll be a good start.’

Adele rolled to her other side then squirmed back until she could feel Zack’s chest against her spine. Zack wrapped his arm around Adele’s slender waist, she was still shivering but not as bad.

‘See sweetie? Just like when we cuddle on the sofa.’

‘Yeah it is. I like it when you hold me. I feel so safe in your arms Zack.’ Adele said as she cuddled closer.

Zack kissed her ear lobe and murmured into Adele’s ear, ‘Sweet dreams my love.’

Adele purred and smiled, enjoying the warmth of Zack’s body against hers.

Adele woke up alone in her bed. She couldn’t remember having such a good sleep in a long time. She wondered where Zack had gotten to, but realized that he was making coffee and what smelled like breakfast from the smells coming down the hall. She got out of bed and walked down the hall to the kitchen.

‘Morning gorgeous! I was wondering when you’d wake up. Sandy and Dean will be up in a few, so you might want to get a robe or something on.’

Adele ignored Zack’s words for the moment and walked over to him. She planted a slow sensuous kiss on him then grinned. ‘Thanks for the best sleep I’ve had in ages, last night was my first night with no nightmares.’

‘You’re welcome baby, but unless you have plans to show Dean your panties you’d better hustle.’

Adele turned and gave Zack a cheeky grin over her shoulder as she went back down the hall.

When she came back into the kitchen Sandy and Dean were sharing coffee with Zack at the table.

Later in the day while they were all out browsing the old town shops Adele pulled Zack down and whispered in his ear, ‘Last night was good. How would you feel about going for the next step tonight?’

Zack smiled broadly, ‘Only if you feel that you’re ready sweetie.’

Adele nodded her head, her eyes wide and filled with excitement and just a hint of desire.

‘Did I ever tell you how much I love you?’ Zack asked as he hugged her close.

‘God, you two just look so cute together!’ Sandy said as she and Dean approached them from across the lane.

Adele blushed shyly as she looked up at Zack, ‘Thank’s Sandy, .’

That night events played out very similar to the previous night, except this time Adele got into the bed naked.

‘I’m in now Zack,’ she said after she’d climbed into bed and pulled the blankets up again.

Zack poked his head in the door, ‘Are you sure Adele? It’s not too late if you want to change your mind sweetie.’

‘Zack it’s time. You’ve patiently waited for me to heal emotionally. If I can’t make love to the man I love, the man who loves me with all his heart, then it’s time for me to break it off so you can get on with your life. I took a leap of faith with you six months ago. It’s time for another one.’

Zack stepped into the room and Adele started to giggle uncontrollably.

‘Laugh it up sweet-pea, I’ve been walking around with this hard-on since this afternoon.’

Adele patted the bed beside her and grinned, ‘Looks like our little friend needs some attention, lover.’

Zack got into bed beside Adele, he could feel waves of heat coming off of her. He opened his arms to her and she snuggled into him, resting her head on his shoulder. Feeling Adele’s lithe body pressed up against his only made his erection that much more uncomfortable.

Adele’s fingers traced circles in Zack’s chest hair as she hummed tunelessly to herself.

Zack shivered at her touch, ‘God sweetheart this is driving me nuts.’

‘Well I’m still calling the shots lover, you’ll just have to be a bit more patient okay?’

Zack growled but acquiesced, knowing that his months of patience was well worth it.

Adele’s fingers drifted down Zack’s chest and stopped at his hard stomach. Zack squirmed and inhaled sharply.

‘Calm down honey, I’ll make it happen. Just a little bit longer ok
ay?’ Adele said with a soft moan.

Zack began stroking Adele’s back and kissed her passionately. His tongue darted into her mouth and began wrestling with hers. Adele moaned again as her hand slipped lower until the tips of her fingers just grazed Zack’s cock head. His whole body lurched at Adele’s touch, this was far and away the most intimate they had ever been.

Adele kissed Zack hungrily. She was surprised at how brazen she was acting. Ever since they’d cuddled the night before she’d had this tremendous hunger to have sex with Zack in the worst way. Her fingers brushed the tip of his cock again and tickled it playfully, which made Zack groan and twitch with pent-up lust.

Adele rolled on top of Zack, pinning his cock between them. They kissed again and Adele arched her back as she fed Zack one of her firm breasts. Zack’s hands explored her body, touching her in places only her lover would know.

‘Uhhnn, God that feels so good lover. Thank you, Zack. Thank you for being so patient, thank you for loving me.’

Zack pushed his hips up into Adele’s, making her squeak in surprise as his cock thrummed against her clit. Adele kissed Zack again as she rubbed her steaming pussy against his cock, leaving a trail of warm moisture along its vein.

‘Baby I should be thanking you.’ Zack said as he kissed Adele.

Adele stopped rubbing her pussy on Zack’s cock for a second, ‘Thank me for what Zack?’

‘For trusting me, and believing in me sweetie.’ Zack replied with a grin as he tweaked her nipple.

‘I’ve always trusted you Zack, I just couldn’t trust myself.’ Adele said as she slowly lowered herself onto him.

Zack groaned as he felt Adele’s pussy engulf him in its warm, moist embrace. Adele mewled as he filled her up. They both moaned as she ground her clit against Zack’s pubic bone. Adele slowly started to raise and lower herself on his manhood, impaling her hot vagina on him oh so slowly.

‘Oh Zack, I’ve wanted this for so long. I’m so sorry I took so long, I just had to know that we really loved each other before this could happen.’

Zack caressed Adele’s breasts and he thumbed her nipples, eliciting a sharp gasp and soft moan. ‘I’ve loved you since that day in the laundry room.’

‘I know lover,’ Adele said as she picked up her pace. ‘I just had a hard time trusting my own feelings for you.’

Zack started to thrust upward into Adele, making her cry out with pleasure. ‘So now you trust those feelings babe?’

‘Oh God yes!’ Adele said as she felt herself nearing climax. ‘I love you Zack, I’m so close lover!’

Adele was riding Zack like a fury, grinding herself onto him with unbridled lust. Zack was holding her hips as she gasped and moaned in ecstasy.

‘Fuck babe I want to cum so bad. You’re driving me nuts, ride me hon.’

‘Fuck, fuck fuck! I can feel it lover! I’m cumming! Shit! Oh God, Jesus! Adele’s pussy clamped down on Zack’s cock and began milking it hungrily. Zack couldn’t hold back any longer and roared out as his member swelled in Adele, his cum jetting deep into Adele’s burning pussy.

Adele began crying with release and slumped down onto Zack’s chest, sobbing uncontrollably. Zack wrapped his arms around her and stroked her back as he murmured softly into her ear.

Adele’s body was wracked with her crying, ‘I’m s-sorry Zack! I-I, well wow. Its been so long, I just. Holy Mother!’

‘It’s okay babe, just take it easy. Get yourself together hon, take a deep breath.’ Zack murmured as he kept stroking her back and hair.

Zack was taken totally off guard when Adele started to giggle.

‘Are you okay baby?’

As she caught her breath Adele lifted her head and grinned at him, ‘I’ve never said ‘holy mother’ in my entire life until just now. I have no idea why I said that!’

They both started to laugh and Zack gave Adele a tender hug. She tucked her hair behind her ear as she grinned at Zack.

Zack traced her scars with a finger, ‘You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known Adele.’

She smiled shyly, ‘Do you really mean that? Even with my scars?’

‘Your scars show the world that you can take anything it throws at you and you’ll overcome it!’

Adele kissed Zack and nipped his lower lip playfully. ‘Wanna go again?’

Zack grinned as his hands patted her bottom. Needless to say they got very little sleep that night.

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Sometimes I wish Tracey wasn't quite so extravert.We've known each other for twelve months now, since final year at school. We're head over heels. I've never complained about the cheeky little stripteases she gives me, and now we're at uni I'm constantly on edge of 'coming' in the lecture theatre, simply thinking of her size C breasts with their pretty pink tips. But there are limits. We were only four weeks into uni when she announced: "Guess what. I've answered an advert and we're to do a...

1 year ago
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Dragons Blood

Mistress Sandra was a beautiful strong, sexy and voluptuous woman with a taste for the sexually exotic and the taboo. She enjoyed examining and exploring her own sexuality with others who were as open-minded as she. Her sexuality was not set in stone and was forever changing and moving in as fluid a way as water. She flowed as easily with male energy as she did with female energy. She was unique and it was for this quality that she was also highly sought after both as a partner and as...

1 year ago
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Forgotten Island Pt 01

The Forgotten Island Caribbean Sea 1735 Aboard the SS Sharon Day 1 The main mast had shattered to pieces after the last wave washed over. Half the crew was washed overboard, the other half was in complete disarray. Captain Steven Blitzen took a moment to gather his thoughts.’ If I can get turned INTO the waves…’ After the last series of waves, mixed with the reef they were just now bouncing against, he doubted he had a rudder left to steer with. He ran to the empty spot once held by his...

2 years ago
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Those Six Days

Those Six days ?This is not a fantasy or a story of fiction. It’s a true story that happened to me a few months ago. I am from India, where sex is still considered taboo. Here, Slave, Mistress, BDSM are words people would not have even heard of. Your comments are invited on [email protected] ?Those days, I was working in a private firm in a good position. I got this job after a lot of painstaking efforts and hence this job was extremely precious to me. ?My immediate boss was a South Indian...

1 year ago
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Over Fifties Fun Finale

Jane arrived in the middle of the afternoon, full of excitement, wanting to tell Vera of the wonderful night she’d had with Lee.“He’s so sweet V,” she said, as soon as they had poured some wine. They were walking through to the lounge when Jane stopped. “Why don’t we take these drinks up to bed, we can get ourselves worked up ready for tonight.”Vera was quite happy with the suggestion, she had been horny all day, dreaming of Barry. Once in the bedroom, they quickly undressed and got into bed....

2 years ago
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A Rain Date with an Asian Girl

Hey this is Sharan from Hyderabad. Life is full of fun and excitement through different times and i want to share with the ISS readers a part what happened in my Life.This is a story about the incidents that happened back when i was doing my graduation. staying away from hyderabad, i was constantly hooked to the internet. i had made quite a lot o friends. she was someone whom i used to chat with occasionally. she was from an Asian City but was pursuing her education here in India. we always...

3 years ago
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the best birthday present

Me and my husband have been together for over ten years now, his birthday was coming up and i was trying to think about what to get him so i invited my girl friends round to help me think of ideas. We were all sitting down on the sofa drinking wine and thinking of ideas for Garry (my husband) one of my friends admitted that for her husbands birthday they decided to have a threesome, WITH ANOTHER GIRL. I couldn’t believe she never told me, she said that it was the best night of his life and he...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Death by fucking ch 21

Our little girl has changed our lives. Something – hypnotism, magic, psychic brain surgery – has moved our relationship to a place we never knew existed. It’s what I suspected about our children all along. But I never expected it for my husband or my sister or myself. We long ago had recognized that the children ‘touched’ each other with their emotions. Andrew calls it telempathy. But I must say that I was the first one of us to recognize the implications. I had guessed that they could...

2 years ago
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Caring for JulieChapter 6

When I woke up on Wednesday morning, Julie was still next to me. I looked over at the clock. "What the fuck?" It was 0645 hrs. Chief was supposed to wake me for last watch at 0430. What the hell was going on here? I quickly dressed, and went to find out what was up, leaving Julie covered up in bed. I found Chief in the kitchen with a cup of coffee. "There's more in the pot," he said. "Thanks. I thought you were going to wake me for last watch, like we agreed last night." "Well,...

1 year ago
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Horny Collage Guy

When not busy at the shop and had some free time, I’d hit the computer and hunt for horny guys. So one day, I’m chatting guys up looking for something after work when I hit on this collage guy looking to hook up now. Sounded good to me, he looked pretty good in the pics he sent and he was a top looking to fuck and not looking for anything but that. He was interested in a little fun and it was slow at the shop, so why not? He sends his address and what luck, he lives right behind my shop less...

3 years ago
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The Jared Chronicles Jared Teaches a Lesson Part 1

The Devil’s Rejects were ten minutes into their set, before Sylvia Steele recognised her former student Jared. By that stage her second Black Russian was seeping its way through her bloodstream and her body was swaying rhythmically with the band. Her gaze had strolled over the lead guitarist’s tightly-muscled body several times before she made the connection. “Oh my god. That’s Jared Morgan!” “Who?” asked Gretchen, her fellow teacher at Glen Lake High School. “Before your time,” Sylvia replied,...

1 year ago
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Rescuing Dianne Ch 02

The reader should read RESCUING DIANNE before reading this part in order to understand the plot. GE286 I awoke and saw Dianne watching me as I napped on the plane back to Ocala. She looked so sweet and childlike as she smiled. She said she couldn’t believe how much she liked me. She said she felt I really liked her and even more important, I respected her too. She really wanted to kiss me again. She was a bit frightened. She had bet her life on the impression she got of me. That I was honest,...

3 years ago
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Once a Year

I first met Shelby three years ago at a nightclub. She was with a girlfriend that I knew from high school and they had been club hopping. I got an introduction courtesy of my high school acquaintance and fell head over heals for her the moment she opened her mouth to speak. I don't know if you have ever experienced this, but I knew that I loved her the moment we met. I also knew that she was way out of my league. She was like a goddess walking the earth. Shelby has a body that is perfect in...

4 years ago
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Mami In America Looks Like Sonali Bendre Fucked By Me

My name is Sid with a story happened with me. I am 27 year single with a average body, brown skin with a good face. I came United States for work 5 years ago. This is story happened at my Mama’s place in US. Although there is no direct blood relation but I was close to my Mama. I lived near to Mama’s house and often visited my Mama, Mami and their 2 small kids once in 10-15 days. Her name is Shweta, 36 yrs old housewife very beautiful very fair skin, slim with a decent ass with not a huge...

2 years ago
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The Destroyers Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 2 New Explorers

Ken played his light around the cave, and saw that it was getting tighter. They were descending into an unexplored cave system at the bottom of the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. Ken moved some smaller rocks out of his way, and pointed his light down the incline. The area was less than eleven inches high at his position, but it seemed to widen out a few feet farther on. Looking deeply into the darkness, and seeing no danger of loose rock, he turned his body on its side. He looked back at the...

4 years ago
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My Fun With Mom

My fun with momChapter 1As Mom and I walked back to the car after dropping dad off at the airport, she put her arm around me and pulled me close. She had been doing this whenever we were together and alone. She giggled as I placed my arm around her shoulders pulling her toward me. I was a little taller than Mom so I kissed the top of her head as we walked. Why I did, I couldn't tell you, except I loved my Mom and at that moment felt a little sorry for her because Dad would be gone for the next...

2 years ago
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Moving in With Mara Part 1

I had been searching for a new place to stay for months, but nothing had come up in my price range. Finally, I came across a listing about a single room for rent by a nice looking couple. Everything seemed to check out, so I called them up and set up a time to look at the room. The day finally came and when I arrived at the house I was met by a woman. She introduced herself as Mara and invited me in to check the room out. The room was right next to theirs and was quite large with a walk in...

2 years ago
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Letting it all hang out

I recently joined a bicycle club where I net up with somesingles and married men and women. One of the women was veryfriendly and flirty during a recent ride. I found out fromthe club leader that she was recently divorced and has ahabit of hitting on the single guys in the club.I told him I wasn't interested in her even though shehas an awesome tight petite body but I prefer my ladies tohave some meat on their bones.After one of the more intense and longer rides, I was tiredand sore when we got...

2 years ago
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Butlers DelightsChapter 7 Punishment

Whish ... THWACK! The Chief Eunuch lashed hard at the woman's shoulders with his dog whip as the Emir walked out of the Throne Room. The first to take the opportunity of using the woman was Major Fahd Ahkras who rubbed at the blackening mark across her shoulders as he fucked her arse. This made her cry out in further pain. The Chief Eunuch turned to Robinson and said, "Would you like to participate here? I recommend doing so now, as she will be torn and unresponsive by the time of the...

3 years ago
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Ownership of Madame

„Be there on time and don’t you dare to look at your Madame!“ was the text message sissy received.This was enough to send shivers along her spine. She couldn't concentrate on her business any more. The day was dragging. Finally, she embarked on train and started counting stations to when she will meet HER.sissy was so nervous before placing her finger on the door bell button. Faint sound of bell in the distance could be barely heard. Nothing happened. sissy didn't know what to do. Ring again?...

1 year ago
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Hotel room fun

Her name was Mel. She was from Croatia and we met in an online chat room about Shakespeare. This was a totally strange attraction as we lived in oppositte countries and we were both happily married. Yet there was something electric in our chats online. There was no moment which was left without sexual innuendos and no Shakespeare pun that did not have to do with sex. And us. She sent me her picture, and it was one of a 30year old stunning woman, tall slim, with longish blond hair and the most...

Cheating Wifes
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The Day I Turned Myself Into A Woman

The day I turned myself into a woman By Jason Sommers Chapter 1: An odd twist of fate It all started when I inherited my grandfather's journals. I don't know why he wanted me to have them but I guess it's better than nothing. Several weeks after the will reading the doorbell rang and it was UPS with my package containing the journals. I signed for the package and closed the door. I then proceeded down to the basement where I had my lab, see I am an aspiring chemist for Lucent Labs...

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My name is Lisa , I am a 29 year old blond wife of Steve who is 38 ,we are both white and live in London ,England.We have been married for 6 years , in fact although few of you would believe it Steve's paltry 4 inch cock had been the only cock to have penetrated me in my life.Our sex life had become very lame ,consisting of me opening my legs every saturday night and receiving his weener in the missionary style.Steve has fertility problems so at least we never needed a condom.About a year ago...

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The Amish Woman

A big thank you to Mistress Lynn for her editing of this story. I'll begin by saying this happened to me over thirty years ago. I was an Insurance agent and transferred to the Central Ohio area. I was young and gung ho to do my best. Unfortunately, I guess I neglected my family too much. My wife Susan and I would argue constantly about me not being home. I was on the road three and four nights a week. Looking back at it all now, I can see she was right. At the time, I just wanted to be the...

3 years ago
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Bills Slutty Girlfriend

Bill watched Morgan pack her things. "I can't believe I lost that bet," she shook her head. He watched his gorgeous girlfriend prepare for the weekend away. It was all part of the bet. They bet on who could go the longest without sex, not even masturbation. Morgan had made the bet as a joke. If Bill won, she would do whatever he wanted for a whole weekend. If Morgan won, Bill had to promise alot of things. To be nicer to her friends (he was an asshole), and not put his hands all over her all...

4 years ago
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In the Navy

It was a hot Summer day, walking around the town with my daughter and her new husband. He was interested in joining the military, so we had spent the day visiting different branches of military recruitment offices. We were on our last stop, a Naval office. The sun had been beating down upon us, sweat trickling down between my breasts. I was more than happy to step into the air conditioned office to cool off.From the back of the office a very tall young man,strode confidently towards us. He...

2 years ago
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A House DividedChapter 3

Can't you see that I'm lonely... Rescue me! Joanne's promise to keep in touch lasted a little over a week. She phoned three times the week after the Memorial Day weekend and then twice the following week, followed by a brief Sunday call in the next two weeks. She seemed to sink deeper into her job with each passing week and there was no hope she would be home on any weekend during June. The Fourth of July was a mid-week date and I wondered how Jo would mark that Holiday with her family. I...

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Milky Adventure Alternate Plot 8211 Pt 5 Excellent Students

On the last day of the college, they got their results cards. I went to their college to attend the meeting the teachers arranged in order to distribute those cards. They showed those cards to me. I could see that they got very good grades. I felt very happy. Their teachers talked to me a lot about their effort and intelligence. I was feeling very proud. Soon I walked out with both of them and appreciated them by kissing them on their foreheads. I was feeling very proud. Soon I walked out with...

3 years ago
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Innocence Enslaved chapter 1 That Fateful Night

*As usual, if you're going to neg it please tell me why so I can improve. Don't neg it just because you don't like the themes, they're all tagged so if you don't like them don't read the story. And if you do like it, don't hesitate to give it a +1. All comments, suggestions and constructive criticism welcome.* Innocence Enslaved chapter 1: That fateful night Emily woke slowly. Her eyelids felt heavy, she was cold, and the room was brighter than usual. She was uncomfortable, the...

1 year ago
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After a Long Day

Paige calls her husband at work to let him know she is going home early from work and that if he needs her to call her at home. Quincy asked her what’s wrong and does she want him there. Paige tells him no and that it has just been a stressful day. Finally at home, sitting in her antique claw foot tub full of hot steaming water and her, she puffs on her hookah. Paige relaxes her stressful day away puffing on the finest smoke. She has her huge windows in the bathroom open enjoying the smell of...

3 years ago
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Caitlin had just turned sixteen, and for a girl her age, all I could say was, "Holy shit. What a fucking body on her." When she came over to the house the day after her birthday, she was hanging out with my daughter Kayla. They were on the back deck and I heard the girls talking about going swimming. I was in the kitchen getting a snack when Kayla came into the kitchen. "Can Caity and I go swimming?"I know we'd talked about going out somewhere and getting some dinner but we decided we'd...

2 years ago
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A Simple Doctors Visit Part II

“Just a moment, Angela,” Dr. Yamada replied as she quickly put on her lab coat and stashed her bra, skirt and blouse in one of the cabinets in the examination room. No one would know by looking at her that all she had on under her lab coat were her pink and black panties, garters and stockings. Ryan tried to grab his clothes or at least the gown but the doctor would not allow him to cover up. He sat there dumbfounded as Dr. Yamada’s assistant entered the room. He looked down and could see...

1 year ago
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Crystal Maidens

If you’ve never heard of ‘Crystal Maidens’ before then you’re about to get your feeble little mind blown because it’s one of the most interactive and epic porno games on the whole internet. This isn’t just one of those shitty flash games that you pick up and finish in 20 minutes with questionable art and shitty gameplay, oh no, this is one of the most intricate strategy games you’ll ever play because it’s on par with some non-XXX games like Warcraft III, Age of Empires and so on.Basically, you...

Best Porn Games
3 years ago
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One Last Job With VengeanceChapter 10

The dirt track was full of potholes and played havoc with the suspension. Slowing to a crawl, the taxi slaloms its way to the old shack at the end. Pulling up close to the crumbling wooden door Rob gets out, pays the taxi and watches it snake its way back up the dirt road. Rapping on the door, half expecting it to fall off its hinges, he waits for an answer. With an eerie creak that would not have gone amiss in an old horror flick, the door slides open. What emerged looked like a love child...

2 years ago
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Made Love To Owner8217s Daughter Priya

Coming to the story my family just moved into a new house it is 3 storied building ground floor owners house, second ours and the top floor is a pent house for owners children and I having more interest on the terrace than house wanted to check it and started climbing stairs, then for the first time I have seen priya she is so beautiful she have got sexy curves and killing looks for which any guy could die, the moment I saw her eyes I have got butterflies in my stomach. She is the daughter of...

2 years ago
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DNA IIChapter 9

"Hurry up!" Mandy shouted from outside Paul's bedroom. "I'll be ready in a minute!" Paul replied, and turned back to the mirror. The girl that stared back at him no longer startled him as much as she used to, but he was still far from comfortable with his new form. He was wearing a flowing long skirt which covered his legs. He would have preferred to have worn jeans, but they just made his masculine lower half too obvious for his liking. Paul fiddled with the buttons on his white...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Jenna Sativa Angela White Panty Theft

Thief Jenna Sativa breaks into the home of Angela White in the middle of the night. But the person she’s robbing sleeps with one eye open and owns a gun. When Jenna makes a noise sneaking through the gates, Angela wakens from her slumber. The sultry homeowner slips a robe over her naked body, grabs her glock and heads outside to secure the perimeter. Angela combs through each room of the house leading with her pistol and finally gets to her bedroom. There she finds a female thief, barely...

2 years ago
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My First Mutual Jerkoff with more to come

Hello all, hope you enjoy my first time writing here. This story and all stories to come will be entirely true, except for the names obviously. Please post your comments so I know how I did.Rude immature people need not bother!This was to be the last summer that my friend Steve and I were going to have. We grew up together just a couple houses apart. We lived out near the edge of town at the time and open fields and woods weren’t that far away, an easy bike ride. His dad was getting a job...

1 year ago
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One night stand in shanghai with young karaoke hostess Ms Su

I was in a shanghai karaoke and met a young hostess Ms Su (age 21). she was quite a demure young girl who shouldnt be working in such places. my business associates had flirtatious hostess who encouraged physical flirting in the private room. As I was only there to entertained them, I was fortunate to be matched with Ms Su. We spent most time chatting and I respectfully treated her like a friend. she tried to do her job by hugging me and holding my hands whenver her "mummy" entered the room. by...

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Im Now a Blackcock Gangbang Fuckpig

I thought I would tell you of what I have got myself in to as I still cannot believe it myself! My name’s Sue & work at a printers factory in Derby’ Have been marred for many years with not that much exciting happening along the way as it were! I thought our sex life was ok but that it & me thinking his Cock was an ok size of around 5 inch’s & sex lasting around 5mins being the norm’ The only excitement I get is knowing the lads at work like to get a look at my arse when I am...

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