PREDATORS’ HUMAN - 17 free porn video

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After the encounter with the dog pack and the native people on the plains, b**st and I needed to regroup and make some decisions about our immediate future. b**st suffered only minor injuries and they would heal just fine with a little time and TLC. Of course, that was my put on it. In reality, in the wild he would have just gone on with his life and probably been just fine without the kind of rest I wanted him to have or the TLC (who would have given him that?).

We arrived back at the lagoon late the second day after leaving the native people at the edge of the jungle. The jungle covers more than two-thirds of the island. It’s a little hard to put clear perspective on it from the ground but the island seems to be mountains along the whole south edge of the island where the lagoon is and then again on the northwest side where the tallest mountain peak is. Then, except for the north central and northeast side, it is all jungle. The plains area that we were just on covers that north central and northeast side. The river that we encountered running from the lake in the south to the sea in the north ran about in the middle of the plains. The plains consist of gently rolling hills and tall grasses with few trees.

Upon returning to the lagoon, I pretty much just collapsed in the hut. I had carried the two packs since b**st was injured and I had originally packed them without much regard to weight since b**st was carrying them and he was so strong. I’ll try to be more considerate next time but we did need more of that stuff to help treat the people injured by the dogs. Too much or too little, it seemed.

I woke the following morning not sure what part of the day it was. There was a light rain coming down. We had these fairly regularly but they lasted only an hour or two at the most. Being so warm it didn’t affect our activity much except to add to the humidity level in the jungle. Here at the lagoon it just cleans everything and freshens the vegetation. The steady breeze off the ocean moved the humidity out. But, since it was raining, it was overcast and no sun. Could be early morning or mid-morning. Given how I slept I settled on mid-morning. But didn’t really care one way or the other. Life here was that way. Things happened when they happened, not because it was time for them to happen. Life had a flow to it that was natural and not forced.

It was nice to wake up that way. I stretched and tested my muscles. Yeah, that hurts. My shoulders and legs had tightened up overnight. My body was rebelling from carrying that extra weight. I looked down my body and noticed I hadn’t even bothered removing my boots. At least I had removed my weapons. I sat up with some winces and removed the boots and lay down again and stretched my entire body. As I woke up fully, I realized how grungy I felt from the week away in the jungle and on the plains. The first order of the day was a swim and then the waterfalls. Rain or no, I was being wet, anyway. I walked out the hut and looked around for b**st. I finally saw him way to the left walking away from the waterfalls. He saw me about the same time and came trotting over to me. He gave me a kiss on the face and I leaned into him and hugged that huge head to my shoulder.

I put my hands on his body and walked along it inspecting his wounds from the fight. They looked good. I touch them gently and remarked mentally, ‘They are healing well, already. I think a few more days and they will be good.’

He responded and I was still not used to it, ‘Thanks’.

‘I want to go for a swim and then to the waterfalls to clean up. Are you okay for a while?’

‘Go. Fun.’

‘Fun? Oh, have fun. Yes, it will be nice to swim again and clean up from the jungle dirt.’ I ran down the beach into the shallows with my hair flying behind me and dove into the water, coming up further in and started an easy stroke out into the lagoon. This was great for loosening up my shoulders and legs from the stiffness and continued that stroke out to the middle of the lagoon and rolled onto my back and drifted. Enjoying the feeling of the water on my naked body, the rain coming down, plunking onto the water surface and me. I did the back stroke for a bit and then stopped and lazily checked the world around me. This place was like a piece of paradise that b**st and I had all to ourselves. I hoped to keep it that way regardless of what happened outside the cliffs that formed our lagoon.

I spotted b**st lying at the edge of the water. He raised his head seeing that I had stopped. I then checked the tops of the cliffs. I didn’t know if I ever really expected to see anything up there but I still occasionally checked. I turned in a circle until I was facing the ocean inlet and stopped and focused. I saw several fins breaking the surface of the water and then disappearing again, reappearing. They got closer to the breakers separating the lagoon and I wondered about sharks all of the sudden. Being in the middle of the lagoon, I was not going to make it to shore in time if they were and somehow got into the lagoon and wanted me for a snack. As I watched, though, they didn’t seem threatening. Even when they leaped out of the water, over the breakers and into the lagoon. There were three of them and I could clearly see they were what I knew as dolphins on earth. Maybe a little bigger like several other things seemed to be here.

More relaxed now I swam towards the breakers where I often got out and enjoyed the view across the ocean. As I neared the other side, the dolphins came closer and one even bumped me. I stopped to see what they might do next and it occurred to me that these dolphins might not be the friendly, playful dolphins of earth. But they turned out to be just that. One after the other would bump me as I tread water among them. One stopped and looked at me while swimming vertical. I reached out and touch its neck and side, then its flipper. As dolphins do, they seemed to be constantly talking among themselves, chattering away. Getting tired I started swimming for the far side again. Reaching it, I climbed out and stood looking down into the lagoon. They eventually leaped back over the breakers and disappeared. The rain had stopped sometime during that exchange and the sun was peeking out through the clouds as they gave way to blue skies.

I looked over at b**st who was anxiously pacing the edge of the water. He apparently was agitated by the appearance of the dolphins. My protector. On land. At least he was watching.

I swam to the waterfalls directly, cleaned the salt off, and walked down the beach to a waiting b**st. He got up to meet me and rubbed up against my side, licking my hip. When I stopped and faced him, he licked my breasts and nipples, my stomach and made one swipe between my legs. I squealed and giggled. I rubbed his ears and head and hugged him so my whole body seemed to want to meld with his. I ran my hand along his back and felt the scars that were forming.

I thought, ‘We better let these heal a little more.’

He just responded, ‘No, I on your back. Not you on me.’

I laughed and hugged him again. ‘Alright stud, follow me.’

I walked us to the fallen tree we often used for him to mount me at the right height. But first I lay on my back, ‘I need you to get me ready, first.’ And I opened my legs to him and smiled. He eagerly came and lapped at my pussy greedily. And the more he licked the more I leaked for him to lick up. I grabbed my knees and pulled them up to me and thrust them out to fully spread myself for him. His tongue felt amazing and I wanted it more than I could remember before. More than any man at any time. Maybe it was the combat and him being injured. Maybe it was the sense that I was on this planet with no one else that I knew and could count on. Everything was so different, but I had b**st. An a****l and I wanted him sooooo bad.

He licked me and licked me and licked him. His big tongue usually starting below my pussy and dragging the length of my slit, over my clit, and onto my mound. Over and over and over. I was moaning and gasping but not wanting to yield, not just yet. I wanted more. Then he did the unexpected. A first. He did something to his tongue that allowed him to push it inside me. Ooooooooooo … nnnnnnnnnnn … Oh Goddddddd, yes. That’s what I wanted, needed. I came and came. I screamed my release. I arched my body forward in convulsions but refused to close my legs. More please. I screamed, again, with another crashing wave of orgasm. My whole core was quaking, shivering, shaking, spasming with my release. Finally, I couldn’t take more, finally I had enough, finally I let go of my knees and wrapped my legs around b**st’s neck to hold him from getting to me more. My back fell to the tree and I let my legs fully collapse from him. I was gasping for breath. Fighting to regain control of my senses. Control of my muscles, again. Because I wanted him deep inside me now. I wanted to be as close and in as complete contact with him could manage.

I looked up at him and I swear he had a smile across that big b**st snout of his. Maybe I just wanted one. But he did just look at me, then bent his head and licked each breast several times. Then I saw something else from him for the first time. He pulled his lips back and bared his teeth and lowered his head to my chest. He licked my breast, then baring his teeth, he nipped my nipple! I flinched and I heard in my head, ‘No, stay’. I lay back down and he did it to the other nipple. He licked and nipped at my nipples sending jolts through me.

I grabbed his head with both hands and forced him to look at me, ‘Where the hell did you learn that?’

‘You bite me sometimes. Just share.’

‘I love it. Thank you. Come here. I want to kiss.’

He crawled up along my body until his head was at mine, still standing above me. His head came down to mine. My mouth was already open and my tongue out to meet his. We kissed by touching our tongues. By licking along each other’s tongues. I opened my mouth further and let his tongue enter my mouth. I nipped his tongue and pulled back and looked at him. I smiled. ‘Like that?’ And we kissed some more.

I reached up to wrap my arms around his neck and pull myself into him and hugged him deeply. I felt him move and then I felt him, his cock, against me, against my mound. I shuddered. I wiggled my bottom and moved to try to gain better contact. He seemed to rotate his hips to pull slightly further away, then we both came together and he penetrated me only a few inches. I gasped. I might have had another small orgasm.

“Yes”, I said out loud. “Wait, yes, oh yes. That is so nice. Let me adjust. Stay still and let me. Wait, this won’t work.” I was frustrated. He was in me but just barely. I knew then, it was the angle. The angle was wrong, but I could fix that if … yes, if I got my ass higher. ‘Can you lower your hips? I want to wrap my legs around your hips.’ He did immediately. I threw my legs up and hooked them at the ankles around him. “Yes. Now … fuck the … hell out … of me, please. Now, just … fuck me … nnnnnnnnnnnnn, yes, like only … ooooohhh, b**st, yesssssssss … like only you … cannnnnnnnnnn. Yessssss, nnnnnnnnn … OOOOOOOOOO … God, yes.”

As I was peaking for another orgasm, this one was a big one, b**st stiffened himself. He went rigid, almost as rigid as that beautiful cock buried in my pussy. I felt that cock jerk once, twice and then I felt, actually felt, his cum spurting inside me, hitting the walls inside my pussy. And my orgasm put me into spasms, again, this time my pussy had something act against and clamped hard against the cock inside me. I clamped and release, clamped and released against him, against his cock, that beautiful rigid, jerking, b**st cock. All I could do at that point was hold on. My legs squeezing him, my arms trying to find a hold to grab and use for leverage. I could feel his cum completely filling me, well past capacity as it leaked out around his cock, ran down over my ass. Somewhere in the back of my mind it occurred to me that we hadn’t achieved knotting. Something to look forward to later.

After several days, we fully recharged. b**st’s back was fully healed and we were both rested and eager to be busy. The days at the lagoon were relaxed and energizing. My swims each day and the waterfalls were refreshing and cleansing. We were having a good variety in our diet, but I wanted to add more fish in mine which was difficult from shore. I planned on building a raft for use in the lagoon. I figured I would need six logs that were eight feet long to easily support me and be stable. I convinced b**st to go out with me and he could hunt while I selected and cut down the logs I would need. I took my bow and arrows, the axe and rope for hauling them back. Put on my boots, strapped on the knife and scabbard, and we went through the tunnel to the other side. It actually felt good to be moving with intention after the days of rest.

b**st and I agreed on our directions so we knew our relative locations and separated. He to his hunting (we agreed for him to avoid the people) and me to a likely area where the down trees may go unnoticed. b**st disappeared quickly into the growth of the jungle.

I found the area I needed, selected a couple of trees that looked good and were separated from each other so as not to disturb the general environment, and started chopping the first down. It came down with a crash. I looked around me again to see if that attracted any attention which it didn’t seem to, although birds and small mammals seemed quite upset. I clean off the miscellaneous branches for the smooth pole I would need and walked off the length. This one appeared to be about twenty-five feet of usable length for the width I was looking for. I started chopping it to cut it down to the eight foot lengths but decided that with b**st’s help it would be easier to drag two long sections than six shorter sections. So, I took down the next tree and cleaned it up. I struggled to position the two long sections together and wrapped a length of rope around them so it was cinched tight. I was able to drag them only a hundred yard with an extreme amount of effort and knew I wasn’t going to make that happen. I was already streaming with sweat from the exertion and humidity.

I was returning to the area near the tunnel to meet up with b**st when movements up the slope caught my attention. Not knowing if I had been seen or not, I crouched, watched and waited. Then I spotted it, again. But it wasn’t just a movement. Up the slope I saw numerous a****ls moving carefully through the growth. I struggled trying to get a good enough view to make identification. But I was certain what I was watching were a****ls and not people, of any kind. I carefully followed them from my distance and observed. Finally, there was a large enough gap in the growth and I was surprised to see what I knew to be gorillas. At least as I knew them on earth from zoos. Making allowance for distance and nearby objects, they appeared to be huge. Like earth’s they were massive in size, but these seemed to be extra-large in height while maintaining the same proportions. If that was true, they were huge. And, b**st might not be the king of the jungle as it were. b**st was big and ferocious but these guys were huge.

I backed away with the intent of finding b**st. I still needed to get the logs to the lagoon. b**st came to our rendezvous location as planned and agreed his back could now take the rubbing of the rope to pull the logs through the jungle and to the lagoon. I described the a****ls to b**st but despite both of us watching for them, they had either moved further on or were quietly watching us. Either way, our trip to the logs and returning with them was uneventful.

It took me most of the afternoon to chop the logs to eight foot lengths, cut notches into them periodically along their length for the ropes to sit into and then to lash them together with rope. As it was just getting dusk, I finished the crude paddle and was done. Except that it was thirty feet onto the beach. Lifting the end nearest the lagoon and I dragged it ten feet. Put it down, redoubled my effort and moved it another fifteen feet. I looked up and saw b**st sitting and just watching me. I stood, put my hands on my bare hips and looked at him sternly, ‘You could do something besides just watch’.

‘Look good shiny’.

I said out loud, “Shiny?” I looked down at myself and saw I was dripping in sweat from the activity. I said, “Sweaty. Thanks, a lot buddy. You like to see me tired and sweaty. So, I can’t resist you later when you try to ravage me?”

‘No try. Willing.’

I looked at him in mock shock and hurt. He was saying he didn’t have to try to ravage me when I was too tired to resist. Because I was willing to be ravaged. I wanted to laugh because it was true, but I held my pose to see what he would do. He stood and slowly walked down the beach to me. He reached up to my face and gave me a lick. When I didn’t change my pose, he licked one breast and nipple. No change, so he licked the other breast and nipple. No change. He looked at my face, my breasts and then lowered his gaze to my pussy. Then he looked up at my face, again. Lowered his gaze and back to my face. I thought to myself, ‘He wouldn’t’, but of course my thoughts were heard by him and that’s exactly what he did. He lowered his head and swiped his tongue between my legs covering my ass, pussy, clit and half the way up my stomach. I jumped and grabbed his head laughing. I put my mouth to his ear and whispered, “You have me and you know it. Any time. I love you.”

I stood up. I love him? That’s what I said. I love him. Yes, I do, “I love you”, I repeated. He looked at me, took that one step separating us and put his head to my body, then to my side as I raised my arm to put over his head. He rubbed his head along my side and gave my naked hip several licks. I hugged him, again. Tightly. I didn’t want to let go. Why should I? Can we just stay this way? Stay right here at the lagoon and not be bothered? No, we were both too active to be lazy on the beach for more than a couple days at a time. But right now, I just wanted to hold him. As I hugged him my mind was going on its own without my conscious effort. One of the thoughts was, ‘I would love to ride him and just wrap my body on his as he walked.’

He responded with, ‘Yes’.

‘Yes? What?’

‘Yes, ride me. Me feel you along my back.’

‘Oh my god, b**st. You know all my thoughts? You know how much I crave you? Want you? Need you with me? In me? … to love me?’

‘Yes, all. Think know love. Yes. Know love because you.’

I thought I almost came right there. We were reaching on a level women and men would never reach. Never. But we were. Woman and b**st. Different species. But in each other’s heads. My emotions were in overload. But I did climb up onto him. I lay myself out along his back and traced his scars. I kissed them. I put my naked body out along his. Pressed my breasts into his back. Closing my eyes and feeling his breathing. Feeling his heartbeat. I felt him move and I lowered my legs to grip him in from of his hips. I reach up and held onto his shoulders as they rotated and moved as he walked. And as he walked and his body swayed and rocked, his back bone pressed into my clit, into my mound. After just a short walk, already intensely aroused by my emotions, and now by his movements, I came. And he continued to walk, and I continued to cum. He turned his head trying to look at me. I thought to him, ‘Yes, I do ... and I … always will. I am yours … NNNNNNNNNNN … and you are mine. Ooooooooooo, yes … Thank you for being here with me. OOOOOOOHHHHH … mmmmmmmmmm … God, yes … and for accepting me.’ And I continued to cum.

The next morning, I woke feeling satisfied and refreshed. It was also not completely light. Still early. I felt b**st next to me, gently breathing indicating he was still asleep. I giggled to myself when I realized our position. My head was on one of his front legs and his other was d****d over me. I was pressed up against his chest. Talk about a safe place to sleep. I gently lifted his leg and slipped out, stood, stretched and looked around the area. Totally naked which is now standard for me, I get ‘dressed up’ wearing boots if I go beyond the lagoon. I looked at the raft and considered taking it out for a maiden trip but opted for just a swim. It was just getting light and the lagoon surface was like glass. I walked out into the water and dove in once I was waist deep. Coming to the surface again I used smooth, strong strokes to take me into the middle where I paused to survey my little part of this world. If there was a little bar that served drinks with little umbrellas, it would be paradise.

I continued further and turned onto my back to float and enjoy the sensation of the quiet water, still air, and early morning sounds. Even the ocean was producing only gentle waves against the rocks of the breakers. Then I felt a bump against my butt, then another and another. I raised my head and saw the three dolphins treading water vertical around me chattering away at me or each other. I slowly turned myself while treading water and looked at each one of them. There was no aggression evident. On earth they were known as supportive and friendly.

I swam out of the circle and they followed, continuing to bump me as we swam. One and then another would come up alongside of me which would interfere with my stroke. My hand hit the back of one and I grabbed onto the dorsal fin in reaction. It pulled me along the surface for a period and then slowed. I positioned myself so I was more along his back and a better grip on the fin. It seemed to sense the change and started moving, again. It swam along the surface and then went underwater but not far and came back to the surface. It got into a rhythm of surface, dive, surface and I took my breaths each time at the top. Then I sensed him going a little deeper with each dive and my intake of breath adjusted. Another one came alongside and I transferred to him. This went on for a while until I had ridden on each of the three dolphins. During the entire time the other dolphins would bump me which felt playful and intimate at the same time. I wasn’t sure why it had an intimate impression to me.

I found myself very comfortable with them and was again in the middle of their circle. This time they moved me into the center until I was being touched by all three of them at once. When I was face-to-face with one of them, the other two seemed to be coordinated in dipping their head under my arms, lifted me slightly and moved me into contact with the one in front of me. This felt very odd and I didn’t know if I should be concerned or not. I was now in direct contact and so close that I put my arms around the one in front for support. But then I found the reason. These guys were setting me up. I couldn’t believe what was about to happen as I felt the first contact of his penis against my leg. If I thought I was okay because of that, he adjusted and pushed up with this tail and rose further out of the water and his penis hit me near my pussy. A couple more times and he was inside. My eyes went wide and I tried to move back but the others were right there and nudged me so I didn’t have room. The one I was on surged several times which drove his penis in deeper.

My mind was racing. I was being fucked by this dolphin and his friends were helping him. And, although I wanted to be offended and angry, it felt good and very erotic to be in the middle of the lagoon attached to this dolphin. The sexual stimulation, the feeling of floating, and the smooth surface of the a****l I was holding onto. It really did feel too good. The cock wasn’t big but the angle held me tight to him. And the swimming motion he used to stay vertical provided a lot of movement between us. Then he did something I wasn’t expecting. He kicked his tail and lay over onto his back and swam that way with me on top of him. This was quickly turning into a sensory load to adjust to. I was impaled on a dolphin swimming across the quiet water of the lagoon, water flowing over me, lying on the smooth belly skin of the dolphin with his cock going in and out with the action of his swimming. Then he rolled us, under the water and back up. It took only a few seconds but was so unexpected to be underwater. He swam that way, alternating actions. I learned that I could grab and onto his side flipper for stability and wrap my legs around his body at the rear. He must have sensed my new stability and literally dove straight down and quickly came back up to the surface and rolled so I was up. Over and over. I started to tremble and moan from the exertion of holding on, having that cock driving at me constantly, and timing my breaths. I pulled hard on his flippers as an orgasm rolled over my body and as I pulled, he slowed and gently swam on his back keeping me on top and able to easily breathe.

When I opened my eyes, I saw that we were close to the shallows. I pulled myself up and off his cock. I rolled off and into water. The other two dolphins were close by and pushed me in until I could easily stand. I stumbled out of the water and collapsed onto the wet sand of the receding tide. I noticed the feet of b**st in front of me. I rolled over onto my back and sighed up him.

‘Did you see that?’


‘Did it bother you?’

‘No … yes’

‘Why no and yes?’

‘You mine?”


‘But …’

‘No but’

‘But …’

‘b**st, on the Predator ship, what was I there?’


‘A good one?’

‘Yes. Quick, fearless, deadly.’

‘Am I a good warrior with you?’

‘Yes. Best. You quick, think, fearless, very deadly. Me strong, fearsome.’

‘What else was I on the Predator ship?’ He seemed confused. ‘I was very sexual on the ship, especially with the Unit and you, but also others. Was I a slut for you all?’


‘Was that good? Was I a good one?’

Hesitation. ‘Yes’

I was still on my back, my head under his, looking up at him. ‘b**st, you have to believe me. I was very sexual before I met you and you decided to come with me and leave that planet where we met. I included you but I didn’t stop with the others. I am still the same, but now you are my primary. I want you but it’s more complicated than that for someone like me. I need you to support that. Are you mine, b**st?’

‘Yes. You mine, Alexa?’

‘Absolutely. With everything that I am. But sex is sex for me. I love your sex but it is not only what I love about you that makes you mine and want to be yours. That is you, not the sex. Understand?’

‘Yes. Sorry.’

I mumbled, “A jealous b**st. Who knew?” I rolled over, covered in sand and looked right at his immerging cock from the sheath. ‘Let me take care of that for you. Lay down on your side, big boy.” He started going down and sprang at him and pushed him down and jumped onto him. I spread myself out along his side and nuzzled into his ear and cheek, giving him kisses and whispering my affection. He let out a contented rumbling from deep inside his chest. I got up, kissed his nose and crawled to his hind legs. I dug my feet into the sand, braced myself and pushed to get him onto his back. I then lay down on top of him with my legs straddling his massive chest and my face right in his crotch. I kissed, licked and nipped the tip of his cock. I then inched forward, doing the same for more and more of his cock as more and more of it came out of hiding from his sheath. I licked and kissed it length, hungrily lavishing my mouth over the length and circumference of it. Wanting him to feel my devotion to him in this simple act. Simple act. My life was now nothing like anyone might or could have imagined. Instead of beautiful or handsome man to lavish my love onto, I was totally consumed with pleasuring this a****l. This a****l that I now wanted only to love and embrace for the rest of my life, to live out the rest of my life with. What would old be like for us? An old woman running around the jungle naked? Maybe with a walker in the jungle? No, by then we will be secure in our relationships on the island or dead by the conflict that prevented that from happening.

I took him fully into my mouth. Twirling my tongue around it before pressing down toward the base, letting my mouth and throat adjust to the size and shape once again. Taking more with each push. b**st just patiently lay as I ministered to him. Him breathing quicker and emitting grunts and groans, snorts of quick breaths and long sighs of releasing his breath again. I was now nearly at the base, nearly up against the knot until finally I was there and I pushed out my tongue around the cock in my mouth and licked the knot, his cock down my throat. b**st groaned and grunted louder, twitched and shook. He put his front legs on top of me, onto my ass and moved them along me. Contact between us. But I focused on the cock, taking more and longer, further into my throat. I felt him tense, felt him grow suddenly thicker. Felt a twitch from the cock and then a heavier spurt than the pre-cum spurts typical leading up to the climax. I pulled back so two or three inches remained in my mouth and I sucked like a vacuum and was rewarded with the elixir I was seeking, the juice of his sexuality, his cum. Spurt after spurt went into my greedy mouth and down my throat. No way was I not taking all of his gift this time. I gulped and gulped and gulped, again. Finally, just sucking to make sure there was nothing more to suck out of his cock. I reached out and massaged his balls just to make sure and he groaned with a deep rumbling from his chest that I felt as much as heard.

I rolled off him, turned and pulled him onto his side. I then moved to his neck and lay against him so my head rested on his thick neck. I put one hand on a front leg and the other reached over my shoulder to play with his ear and neck. ‘Are we good?’

‘Yes. What love?’

‘What is love? Maybe an unknown concept for you?’

‘You say love me. What mean?’

‘It means I want nothing more than to be with you, all the time. I will do anything to protect you, to help you, to make your life better. I give myself to you, freely. I give myself as your mate. You know what a mate is?’

‘Yes, mate. But love more? More than making young?’

‘Yes, my big boy. Definitely more than mating, more than just sex. Love is you and me. Like this, quiet, understanding each other. Content to be just with each other. Comfortable when we are just quiet. Not saying, not doing, just quiet and comfortable. That is how we are.’

‘Yes. Thank you.’

‘No problem big guy. I still can’t get over that we can communicate now. I would still be with you. I made that decision before I could understand you. But now, much better. We communicate. Hell, we can even fight, like before. Like a married couple.’

He was quiet. But it seemed not a quiet of peaceful rest. His breathing was a little ragged, a little labored. He moved his head to me and licked my side.


‘Yes, b**st.’

‘Love Alexa.’ I was stunned. We talked, he considered, he applied the concept, he confessed it to me.

I got onto my knees and moved to his head. I wrapped my arms around him and planted kiss after kiss on his neck, head, snout and mouth. He lifted himself so his head was up. I pulled away and I had tears running down my cheeks.

‘Alexa? I say wrong?’

‘No, no, no. God, no! I am so happy you said that.’

‘Eyes water from happy?’

‘Girl thing. Don’t try to figure that out.’ I laughed and hugged him to me.

* * * Part 18 will follow * * * Thanks for reading.

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It was well after 9:00PM when I finally returned from work. I was exhausted mentally, which was definitely affecting me physically. But I had much preferred to stay rather late on a Friday evening than go to work for a few hours on a Saturday morning. Still, I felt less than human when I walked in the front door. Clearly, I had missed dinner, and the snacks I had bought from a vending machine at work would not last me much longer. If my fiancée had cooked dinner, she had already put away...

4 years ago
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Battle For Humanity

There is a war going on, which the world doesn’t know about. There are these entities known as the Siphon. They exist as pure intelligence, intangible and invisible, and completely lacking physical form. In a way, they seem to be spirits. It is their natural state. In this natural state, they are immortal. Unfortunately for them, they are incapable of affecting the physical world when they exist as invisible and intangible entities. The origins of the Siphon are unknown. They inhabit another...

1 year ago
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The WereHuman

A last story to submit for the list as a good-bye to the list that has given me so much joy over the last year and a part. I dedicate this to Mindy for all she has done. Now, onto the boring stuff ------------------------- DISCLAIMERS ------------------------- This story contains scenes of an erotic and/or controversial nature, and is not intended for the perusal of minors. Further if perusal of such material is considered illegal in your area or immoral by your religion...

3 years ago
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Salvation of Humanity

With the sudden obliteration of a strange comet over the pacific ocean few cared what would happen. Microscopic spores purposefully spread to major landmasses entering everywhere. Only when some humans discovered the spores a few months later did activate consuming all organic life that it came in contact with and spreading its strange carapace like structures over all inorganic structure. Within minutes of Outbreak due to the density of its populations China, Japan and much of the eastern...

3 years ago
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Fucking With Humans

Human sex is a joke all across the Universe. For all other advanced species, sexual reproduction was carried out sensibly—outside the body, in a secure location, with the aim of birthing hundreds to thousands of offspring at a time. But many Earth fauna had evolved to need to fuck, to directly couple and begin gestation inside one animal or the other, an arrangement so ludicrous and absurd that scientists still have not determined how of all the thousands of methods of external reproduction are...

2 years ago
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Humanity vs DHumanity

The year was 2013, the world had suddenly fell back to the dark ages. The ages of war, death, famine and destruction reigned supreme. The dead have suddenly risen from their burial ground and has brought upon a deadly maelstrom of attacks on humanity... How did this began? No one really knows. Acce-core tech, the world's leading pharmaceutical company in developing the said 'cure' for cancer has been bashed by the government about the situation. This was just a theory. The military had been...

2 years ago
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A Lesson Regarding Humanity

The Reptilian Lounge Nightclub in Dallas, Texas was in the Deep Ellum neighborhood of the city, a somewhat rundown though still vibrant district separated from the high-rises of downtown by the elevated lanes of the North Central Expressway. It was a humid, sticky Friday night in late summer and at thirty minutes to midnight the three-story club was packed to well beyond legal capacity, mostly with twenty-one to twenty-five year old men and women, most of whom were provocatively dressed, most...

3 years ago
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The Control Of Humanity

Hypnosis to a large degree   The Control Of Humanity.   Section One. Narrator: Welcome to my country. I would like to tell you some tales of it, how we choose to live here, and the nature and quality of our culture.First, a slave-doctor will introduce you to our most important asset; Slaves. They are the backbone of our economy, industry and service. Part 4502: Interesting technology from years gone by part 98. It has taken three years to train her to this degree. As she stands before...

2 years ago
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Rise of the Pokehumans

Dr. Solomon had always had a love of Pokemon. To the point that they should be considered equals to humans. A vast number of people considered him crazy for thinking this. One day he had revelation, what better way to make them see that they were equal than to have them be one in the same. After years of experimenting on himself, he finally perfected the recipe to his serum. While he couldn't control what Pokemon the human would share their D.N.A with, he was just making sure it would transform...

2 years ago
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Hello, for those of you wondering why the first chapter isn't already diving into the story, it is for the reason as a type of hub for everything I will post and/or edit. Do not fret, I will try and make weekly updates if I can, though I will not take longer than an entire year, just remember I still have a life besides writing smut and similar things. I am currently writing a book so don't expect me to update this regularly. ~Virtual —Introduction— You walk in the shoes of Icarus Knight, a...

2 years ago
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TheHumanoidTyphoonhmmm... i imagine a logging road way back in the sticks, just after a heavy rain storm, there's a bunch of big mud puddles.. I'm standing next to one. you're down on your knees in the mud at the edge, naked except for your panthose, your legs covered with mud.i reach down and begin to smear mud all over your ass, giving it a playful spank. you try to crawl away, but slip in the mud. i pull you back towards me as you continue to try and squirm away. i tear a hole in your...

1 year ago
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Silly Parahumans

A collection of stories about Parahumans getting into silly, humiliating, and sexual situations. It can be an accidental wedgie, a bullying incident gone wrong, or a clothing malfunction leaving them nude and embarrassed! It’s a tough job being a cape. You have to look good for the cameras, attracting both male and female attention and the crazy paparazzi. If you aren’t careful, even a jealous rival or angry nemesis! Cape egos are the lifelines of their work. So it’s real fun to see them...

1 year ago
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Like fucked up porn? Well, here's Inhumanity dot com. With a name like that, you know this isn’t going to be your run of the mill, vanilla porn site. It won’t be anything like finding your old man’s spank mags under the bed. This is going to be some truly hardcore, brutal shit, guaranteed. Two seconds after I learned the name of the site, I found out they were a sister site of eFukt. Inhumanity’s slogan is Come For the Tits, Stay for the Train Wreck, so I know this is going to be a fun...

Funny Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Are you looking to meet people and have some sexy fun with them? Well, you’re not going to do it from your man cave. That is unless you’re on the website which specializes in just that. You’ll meet plenty of people with similar interests as you and you can start meeting up with them and making some new memories right now! In the end, you’ll have to go outside, but before you do that why not take a minute to utilize the wonders of modern technology in order to find yourself the...

Escort Sites
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Zombie Leza3 Last Days as a Human

“It’s not looking good, Ed.” Rose arranged the spare shells, loading each weapon and arranging them within easy reach. She glanced around the house, worry lines etched along her forehead. “There are a lot of those... things out there. We can’t hope to fight them all off.” “I know,” her husband acknowledged, glancing out the window at the shadowy figures banging on the sides of the house. “I’m trying to think of a way out, but I’m drawing a blank.” “Maybe I can try something?” Lisa Maria...

2 years ago
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Episode 51 HUMANS

IntroductionHUMANS is a British-American TV series currently airing on AMC and in the UK Channel4, where humanoid robots called Synths are being bought as home helps, but increasingly becoming indistinguishable from humans. I have only watched episodes 1-4, so have to anticipate some of the plot lines. In episode 3 we see the gorgeous female Synth Anita standing in front of a speeding car to save Toby from being knocked off his cycle. She undresses in the garage so that Joe can assess the...

1 year ago
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Not Quite Humans

I was alwasy a little...bothered by the Alma. They were visually indistinguishable from humans except for their eye colours. They have yellow and orange patterend eyes, the pattern being unique for each individual. The eyes weren't what bothered me though. No, the eyes were beautiful, absolutely nothing to be bothered by. What bothered me was the slavery. The Alma are a people who, apparently, willingly become the slaves of others. That bothers me. Slavery is conceptually horrifying, being...

2 years ago
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Once Human

The memories were still there. The hoards of goblins and the army of orcs. The troop of trolls and the other beasts from hell. I relived the long battle over and over but the end was always the same. I had stood in the gate to Elvanhome and fought constantly for two days before the legions of sidhe returned. They had struck into the rear of the enemy and brought their allies the dwarfs. The foul ones died or fled and I finally stood with no enemy before me. That was when the single black arrow...

2 years ago
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Proxy Paige and her friends fucked me into a human

I'd been bound, hands behind my back and legs frogtied. I was splayed on an enormous bed, a cockring fit snugly around my balls and erect shaft, and my ass was filled to capacity with an inflatable butt plug. I could hear their hushed voices from the other room, probably discussing how they'd divvy me up.The cracked door opened, and in she walked: Proxy Paige. Shirtless, with rainbow locks falling about her shoulders and ample breasts; thigh high sheer black stockings adorned her legs, with...

3 years ago
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Like Humans

I was halfway through shaving my tits when I heard the doorbell over the music. My Were senses engaged suddenly as I looked into the mirror. I'd shaved one breast smooth and the other still had a rough five-day stubble smothered in shave gel. I reached out a wet, foamy finger and the extended claw tapped the screen with no effect. Grimacing, I angled my hand until the pad of the finger touched pause, silencing the music and leaving a smear on the phone screen. I listened, noticing that I'd...

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Create a female humanoid

In the year 2050, humans have started creating humanoids. These humanoids resemble humans in every aspect. They can think, talk, eat, drink and even have sex!!! But they are too expensive. Only millionaires can think about buying them. A leading humanoid manufacturing company, Technotrons inc. conducted a lucky draw. Winners will be awarded a free humanoid designed to their liking. You have enrolled yourself in the draw and luckily you have won!!! Now its time to design the female humanoid!!!!

3 years ago
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Gift of Humanity

Laura noticed him as she approached the ducks. He didn’t belong here in the fashion-conscious business district. His pink polyester shirt and worn pants would have clashed anywhere. His pants were at least one size too large, while his large arms stretched the fabric of his shirt sleeves. But he wasn’t homeless, or at least she didn’t think so: he was clean. Although he could use a hair cut and beard trim. The other picnic tables were all crowded. He was sitting alone; she sat across from him....

4 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 9 Hogan Educates the Humans

Bentley asked Hogan what he knew about the Keltria people where he lived. Hogan happily gave them the following narrative to his very attentive audience, which Bentley made sure he recorded. “The people who called themselves the Keltria people had come from Earth’s past. They had left Earth over seventeen hundred years before. It could be a bit more, as the two planets weren’t precisely on the same time frame. At the time, most of their histories were only recorded by the Wizards. The...

3 years ago
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Masishen EvolutionChapter 21 Serving Humanity

Sugiarto Kusnadi, Secretary-General of the United Nations, sat flanked by his aides in the spacious salon of the Masi'shen Embassy headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. He held a delicate cup and saucer of tea in his hand. A small serving table with a silver pot and a plate of pastries and other treats, stood to his right. He sipped his tea, looked up to the assembled people in the room, and smiled. "This is most excellent tea, Ambassador Jon'a-ren. I recognize the blend. It is from my...

3 years ago
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Zombie Leza5 The Last Days of Humanity

Fredrick glanced out the wide front gate, watching as the men carted steaming piles of manure into the fields. Since Leza promised to keep her zombies away, Thomas decided it was the perfect opportunity to develop their property beyond their gated walls. Virtually everyone in the compound—small children, nursing mothers, barking dogs and squealing pigs—were involved in the day’s activities. As Fredrick’s responsibilities remained in the scientific realm, his duties lay elsewhere; formulating...

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The new Human

You open your eyes and all you see is blur and through it, a ray of light. You've never seen light before but by the intensity you can tell that this is artificial. You move your right arm in front of you. By the sensation around your body and what your eyes perceive, you can tell that you are in a liquid. You push your hand in front of you and your palm contact with an obstacle. A high sound suddenly resonated with a red light which began to blink. The sound sounded like an alarm but... how do...

3 years ago
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[Note to Readers: This story is designed to be read in game mode; this will prevent potential infinite loops and allows certain choices to only show up when the appropriate conditions have been met. This is your first and only warning.] Four voices chanted in unison, "Happy birthday Ari!" You took the little box wrapped in silver paper and a red ribbon with a smile. You're the youngest of your group of friends, just turning eighteen today. You know what's in the box; all of them know, since...

2 years ago
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Enhanced Human

Hi, Sanpeux here agin. Bit later then I expected, but a few things popped up irl. This story was original posted on Chyoa story pathway underneath the Lust Spirit story. I spoke to the author and we both decided to take out stories in different directions. Over the last few months I have been re-writing this story and am now ready to post. Anyway, hope you enjoy this new story. It will be shorter chapters and some chapters may have little smut inside, while others will have more. Enjoy! - Adam...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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More Than Human

you are a nerd, an average nerd. You belong to the bottom of the social ladder. Your near-perfect memory and ability to analyze information could help you if they weren't completely dedicated to video games, anime, and comics. All things geek, really. Fortunately you are not intimidated. Not too much at least. Others have it worse than you. Much worse. Most people just ignore you. The few that don't are simply condescending or mildly teasing. None of those teasing is too cruel. Unfortunately,...

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Habitat for Humanity

On that day, we drove 4 different cars, and I drove my Dad's minivan (not exactly glamourous) but I had 2 girls in the back and a teacher sitting in front giving me directions. We would switch every 3 hours on the 12 hour drive down from New York. Well I got to know the teacher by talking a lot with her, she had a Master's in forensic science, and was one of those nerdy but hot white girls. I could tell she partied, and was secretly a sex fiend or something. I didn't let my fantasies...

2 years ago
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Sympathy for Humanity

Please allow me to introduce myself; it's not enough to know that I'm a man of wealth and taste. The money comes because I've been around for a long, long year; and the taste is more of the same. I stole many a man's soul and faith; those words are the only introduction you need to know my name. And I was around when Jesus Christ I stood naked before the windows that looked over a new Sodom smiling at the night sky. No star shone to welcome my triumphant return, but then again... no...

4 years ago
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Magic in the MoonlightChapter 12 Caged Humanity

When I woke up the next morning, Evan was spooned up tightly behind me. My legs were tangled with his and one heavy arm wound around my waist. I snuggled back against him and thought about everything that had happened the day before. I wasn't quite as panicked about our impending trip. Being with Evan had calmed both me and my wolf about what might happen. Surely he wouldn't be sleeping this soundly next to me if he were worried. He certainly had more experience with the Council than I...

3 years ago
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Nature take away all inhibitions of humans

Myself 42 yrs old Gujju Muslim guy from Mumbai having Height 5.9″ & Weight 74 kgs… Having whitish complexion & Athletic & Energetic & Manly body for me…I M regular reader n fan of ISS since last 4 yrs but never felt like sharing my sexual flings here with my fellow readers but fling I had last week with My Lady didn’t resist my Temptations for sharing same with U all…I feel I specially owe it to all my fellow writers already shared their life with Us n I M doing it now… Though I had regular...

2 years ago
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His Girlfriends Ok But Her Mom Is Awesome

All characters and terms including boy and girl refer to people age 18 and over.There they were, Spencer and Kayla both naked sitting on the bed, him sucking her tits, her playing with his dick, when the bedroom door opened. Spencer and Kayla stared in horror, his lips frozen on her tit, her grip almost crushing his hard cock. Standing at the door was Kayla’s mother. Spencer and Kayla were mortified, her more than him: after all it was her mother. The moment Mrs Lewis realised what she was...

4 years ago
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(Peeping on the neighbor girls leads to much more)Part 1 – The TrespassIt was a smoldering summer morning, normal for Phoenix, when I chose to climb the wooden, six-foot-tall fence separating our backyard from our neighbor's, to retrieve the basketball that had inadvertently bounced into their yard the previous day. I absolutely hated going over to a neighbor's house, knocking on the door, and requesting something I'd lost in their yard. Looking back, I have no idea why I felt that way. When I...

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Jake White The BeginningChapter 33

It was fully half an hour before Andrew showed the two artists, Ben and Phil into Victoria’s office. “How did you get on?” she asked them. “Is the equipment suitable?” “Yes,” Ben replied. Victoria had noticed that he was invariably the leader and spokesman. “It seems excellent, better than the college has. You said the previous photographer was a lady.” “Yes, my stepdaughter,” said Victoria. “Lady Beatrice Hatherley.” “Oh! We wondered who took the photographs in the gallery,” said...

4 years ago
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My Sex Encounter With My Uncle 8211 Part 2

This is the second part of my gay sex in India. Please read the first part posted in Indian sex stories first if you haven’t read it first. After the marriage was over I had little lunch and started packing my bag to go back to home. Suddenly Murali came behind and asked what happened why are not good. Me “you know what happened then why are you asking”. Murali “Sanjay… it’s nothing wrong I was just kidding”. When we were talking my dad came into the room and asking ” What’s my son telling”....

Gay Male
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Virgins no More

This is the concluding part to Seduced by the Milkman and details an event which lead to our lifelong friendship. The idea of returning home to my boring parents did not seem appealing, for following the fucking I had just received from Brian my inhibitions now were almost zero and my sexual fantasies were focusing on having some real hot sex with him. “Brian…can I stay at your place” I asked in a very subdued manner. “Well…err… if you don’t mind roughing it,” came his reply. On several...

4 years ago
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50 Shades Of Me In Pune

Hey friends. This is Ethan back again. I am 6 feet tall gym hitting guy. Here on I would be referred as the BULL. So I have already posted my 2 real life sex stories and this one is the third. I am Pune guy and my email is After a long dry spell I was looking for someone who could empty my balls with love. It was 20th August and I was waiting for my girlfriend in the Starbucks Cafe of Amanora Mall. As usual my babe was late and I was busy watching the birds. Suddenly my eyes found a gorgeous...

4 years ago
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My sons erection a mothers Love

They stared as I walked down the isle and took my seat, my short dress and dark shade of stockings were what caught their attention, 'Boys will be men', I thought I as I adjusted my body into a more relaxed position for the journey ahead.Once my entrance had been made they went back to their normal boisterousness ways as teenage boys will be, initially ignoring everyone else, the sum total of which was me, and became louder and idiotic as boys are.When we pulled away from the platform the...

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Chloes Sex Lessons Ch 01

Chloe Ashley Anderson grew up on a farm in northern Minnesota close to the Canadian border, about as far north as you can go in the United States without getting into Alaska. Chloe attended a traditional one room rural schoolhouse before getting into high school & thus had little interaction with her peers. Even when she actually got into high school she had virtually no friends. Chloe was born big and was always big for her age. She was already 5’9′ tall when she was just nine years old on her...

3 years ago
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Santa Clause Woke Me Up

It was late Christmas eve, well by now it is Christmas day like maybe 3:00 am was the last time I looked at the clock at least so I had gave up waiting to see if Santa was coming. I checked my sack at the end of the bed with a little kick to find it was empty, I don’t know perhaps I dozed off for a while and missed him, I thought it was worth checking. Any way 3:00am had passed and my eyes started to shut. Then I heard the squeak of my door handle, I shut my eyes tight a prayed “Please let it...

2 years ago
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A Little DifferentChapter 5

Berlin is by no means far away. An hour and half to get to the ferry and on the German side a few hours drive, the last hour spent in a queue, trying to get to the centre of Berlin. The queue started in the suburbs and was caused by roadwork all the way to Alexanderplatz where our hotel was. The bus moved at walking speed more or less, but eventually we were there. We had planned what we wanted to see. Naturally, we were going to see Brandenburger Tor, Kurf¸rstendam, what was left of...

2 years ago
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Amity 1 StormChapter 11 Boyoboy

I helped myself to the port and sat across from Kim. I asked why he was down here alone and he pouted at me and told me it was my fault. When I gave him an inquiring look, he grinned and said I shouldn’t have winked at him. I laughed. “Sorry, I’ve never actually been with a bloke, but for some reason, I thought if I did, you wouldn’t be a bad place to start.” He must have liked this answer because he said, “Damn straight! You’d break my heart if you did it with anyone else before...

3 years ago
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I Satisfied My Neighbor Didi

Hey guys myself Stiffer(name changed obviously) I’m reading stories at ISS since last year..It’s my first story.let me tell you about myself I’m 18 year old wheatish handsome looking guy with 6ft height.Any girls or Bhabhis who wants fun or to get satisfied by me.And it will be a secret ,can contact me at Let’s come to the story. I live in an apartment in Mumbai.I have a s crush on my neighbor.She lives on my floor only.Her age is 35 but she looks like 26 or 27.She is damn hot.I wanted to fuck...

1 year ago
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The Strawberry Patch Book 3 Life On The SavannahChapter 16 Irsquom From The Government And Irsquom Here To Help

Moving into November, life proceeded along at a normal pace and The Club-Club continued on as an increasingly viable destination for entertainment in the Treasure Valley. Lynn began getting requests from bands to be booked as they passed through going between Denver and Salt Lake, Seattle, and Portland. We booked many, but did not give them ‘friend’ status. In mid-November, however, the guy that I dived on from the stage did decide to sue me and the Club for damages and medical expenses. My...

1 year ago
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PornMegaLoad Aria Carson Blue Eyes Red Hair And Jizzed Face

Occupation: Hardware store salesgirl; Lives: San Francisco, California; Age: 21; Born: November 3; Ht: 5’4″; Wt: 120 pounds; Bras: 32C; Panties: Thongs; Anal: No thanks; BJs: Swallow; Masturbate: Yes. Meet Aria, the redheaded, blue-eyed sexpot from the Bay Area. Originally from Washington state, she’s a big Seattle Seahawks fan. She played volleyball in high school. Currently enrolled in college, Aria is studying psychology and told us that she loves helping people....

4 years ago
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The Surprising Rebound

Robert flipped through the ‘online’ adverts on the ‘dating site’, so many were very young but attractive women; he smiled for he knew from past investigation that they were really just computer creations, aimed at trying to get men to open an account with a fiction site, that offered nothing more than entertainment to pay to speak to a mirage, just a programmer there was no attempt to make it a genuine engagement and for a physical connection that was not even on the agenda. There were real...

3 years ago
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Quiet Ones

I'm not sure why she's here. Or who even invited her over. Is she even friends with anyone? She being this girl I went to school with, Illiana. I think she's my sister's friend. But, she's not home. She never is when Illiana comes over. Her and my mother are talking about some book she's reading. She has dirty blonde hair, but it's always in some pony tail or bun. She's on the shorter side, 5'3" at most. Thick in all the right places. She's kinda shy. She's only ever said,...

4 years ago
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Black and White

It was a late night and Raine was tired. She looked down at the expensive flower arrangement in her hand and pressed the apartment's doorbell for the fifth time. No answer. Only when she turned to walk away did the door finally open.“Hey,” The man was tall, wearing a t-shirt over boxers. His dark hair looked damp. “Sorry for the wait.”He smelled like soap. Raine didn’t quite look at him, distracted by the brightly-lit apartment behind him. There was art everywhere. Paintings, sculptures and...

1 year ago
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SweetSinner Casey Calvert My Sister Fucked My Guy82308230Again

Blair Williams and Casey Calvert are back home with their parents for vacation and Blair sees the new neighbor Tyler Nixon and decides to take dibs on him to make sure she avoids another situation with her sister fucking the boy she wants. Of course, in this Sibling Rivalry, placing dibs is as good as challenging her sister Casey on who can fuck Tyler first. Once again, Casey schemes in order to get what her sister wants and this time it’s Tyler’s cock deep inside her pussy. Blair...

3 years ago
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Cave Woman BluesChapter 2

Eve and her protégée Evita made a good killing team and they were in great demand on all raids despite the fact that females generally did not go on raiding parties just because they spent most of their time pushing out tiny new cave-dwellers. Both Eve and her follower Evita were fit enough to handle raiding confrontations up to about the halfway point of carrying a new member of the prehistoric cave-dwelling society. That meant about a four to five month period of non-participation rather...

2 years ago
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Sex In An Empty Classroom

Having lost my virginity to an older woman a few years earlier, I had been on a quest for my next sexual experience. It seemed that every girl that I would meet instantly became the object of my sexual desires. I guess that is what an undersexed teenager’s mind will do. Admittedly, there were moments of heavy petting over clothes with other girls and an occasional hand inside of a bra, but the ultimate score continued to elude me. There so many doubles and triples a guy can hit before growing...

College Sex
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Late night phone call

On Friday nights I usually would hang out at a party, but this friday I felt like staying in. I missed my part way boyfriend, Adonis, who had went to Canada for an internship. I hated being in my apartment alone. I hopped onto the couch and surfed through the channels. Then I went to chat on my computer. My phone rang and I thought about not answering it, but eventually picked up the phone. "Hello" no answer "Hello" I say again. "Hey this is Chase." I know no Chase "Wrong number" I say annoyed...


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