A Very Rare Species free porn video

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“Ok Julian, thanks for everything. I’m leaving now,” said Sally Thompson into her mobile phone, pushing her glasses up her nose. “Yeah should be home by lunchtime, byeee.”

She put the mobile into the dash cradle of her Ford saloon, gunned the engine and drew away from the hotel which had been her home for a week. Sally wasn’t unhappy to be leaving the terrible food the hotel had tried to serve her, forcing her to eat out three of the five nights. Typical standards by that stupid cow in Human Resources who did all the hotel bookings for all 150 staff, she muttered under her breath. To remind her of the place, her fried breakfast repeated through her gut and back up into her mouth and she shuddered and wondered why she had eaten it. Sally’s motor hit the motorway and headed for her destination 280 miles away south. Satisfied with her week in the north, with the regional administrators and the local on-site wardens, she hummed happily to a Robbie Williams CD. It wasn’t often she was called away from her office, but the reorganisation of the national parks and particularly the accommodation and subsistence levels of the hands-on employees like wardens, keepers and specialist trades, was her baby and it was going extremely well.

Her mobile warbled and she flicked a switch and spoke into her clip-on microphone, held firm on the lapel of her moss green silk blouse. She listened to the caller with a puzzled expression as she slowed her speed and kept to the inside lane, saying the odd ‘yeah’ and ‘I see’, but not interrupting.

“Well yes I am very interested in the development of the species and I know how beautiful they can be, but just to drop things and come like that is not really on,” she stated. “Anyway, how come I didn’t meet you?”

She listened some more and to concentrate and also to top up her fuel she pulled into a service station and parked before the fuel area. The conversation wore on and she glanced at her watch. It was tempting, the weather was fine and she hadn’t actually left the region and what the caller was talking about could be reached via the next off junction. She had the whole day and tomorrow was Saturday. She tried to grab her laptop telling the caller to hold a while, as she checked her diary, but her phone charger cable snagged on the belt buckle of her black skirt. She loosened the cable and thought about her clothing – not really suitable for foraging on the moors. Her rough gear was in a holdall in the back of the car. Yes she had flat shoes on, but they were expensive and certainly not waterproof. Her tights would keep her legs warm, yet she was glad to be in a skirt instead of trousers like all week, when out on sites. She had good legs and liked to show them. This reminded her of a squash game she had arranged with her cousin Joanne for the following morning and she grinned confident of a win. She reverted to the call, reading her bookings.

“Look, I am free yes and it would be easy to get to you, you say less than an hour ... yes I am nearly on junction 34 ... yes ... Yes ... Hmm! I’d have to change into my rough clothes and ... Oh It’s blacktop all the way and gravel to the site ... Hmm!” she pondered as the caller went on.

“Strange how we didn’t meet in the last few days,” said Sally. “Let me make a call and I’ll call you back, what’s your number?”

The call was terminated and she dialled Julian. He wasn’t in and on voice mail. She dialled his assistant, a friendly fat young Scottish girl called Fiona, who had fussed round Sally all week to make an impression. She said Julian couldn’t be interrupted and Sally remembered his meeting. Fiona was new and didn’t really know Sally’s caller, but she would check. Sally hung on.

“Yes Sally. Ray Harris. He’s been the woodman at Harrarth Valley for fifteen years now. Never met him myself, but I wouldn’t would I?” Fiona giggled.

“Can’t think how I missed him, ‘ murmured Sally.

“No. Not much in his file, thirty eight years old, single ... ah! divorced, two kids with their mum Elspeth who is in Gateshead. There’s a photo here. Huge man,” warbled Fiona appreciatively.

Sally tutted and thanked Fiona, closing the call and mused before driving to the fuel area and filling up with diesel. It wouldn’t take long, it was on the way – relatively. He – Ray Harris, was very keen for her to experience his findings and he was a regular employee. Big man as well, she chuckled inwardly recalling Fiona’s words. Her last boyfriend Hugh, had been so tiny, almost as small as she, yet athletic, wiry, fit and strong and into some weird form of alternative exercise called hashing, which involved loads of running to pubs. But – he was one hell of a lover, except for his deplorable persistence on asking Sally to take it up the arse. What Hugh didn’t know about foreplay, oral sex, long ecstatic fucks and giving her the best orgasms in her twenty five year old life, wasn’t worth writing about, but there was no way she would let him or any other boyfriend invade the private orifice meant only for excretions and not insertions. She jolted her thoughts as she strode to the pay desk. Come on Sally, you’re not going to see these birds for a love affair with a crude oaf of a woodsman.

She called Ray back, sensing his elation and got the directions and set off in high anticipation as the sun finally blasted through the early morning mist and bathed the surrounding magnificence in bright spring fresh colours. She turned the volume up on her CD and made for junction 34. Then she went to satnav punching in the reserve name, but she was going to rely on writing words on her pad. Exactly as described, after seven miles up a major road, two minor roads about half a mile each, a short lane, then her GPS system went into spin, two extremely difficult tracks barely covered in blacktop, with grass sprouting down the middle she noticed with a grimace, as her car bottomed twice, she saw the 4x4 vehicle parked in the gateway to a plantation of young pines. As she pulled in alongside, she saw a man come from round the back of the vehicle and smile as she stopped and switched off. The 4x4 had the organisation’s logo on it’s door and on the canvas cover. He had the official dark blue fleece, with the green edging, green collar and the logo and the obligatory Swift binoculars hanging on his chest, so she opened her door.

“Hello I’m Ray,” he said warmly. “Sally ... Sally Thompson?”

He liked the look of the frail looking girl, better than her photograph definitely. Her dark brown curly hair was short, no ear rings, little makeup and those glasses made her look even more academic than her CV stated. As she grabbed a navy blue, quilted body warmer, he glanced at her athletic but shapely hose clad legs.

“Who else?” she twittered as they shook hands before she pulled on the garment. Her delicate hand felt childish in his spade like grasp of rough hardness “You’re not expecting any more Sallys up here are you?”

He grinned through his bushy, unkempt greying beard and she noticed his twinkling clear grey eyes. For a moment, she thought he might be staring at her flat chest but reprimanded herself and tidied her jacket. Ray’s bulbous reddish nose spoiled the general picture and she stopped herself considering his appearance, especially when she caught a whiff of his body. It stank foul as he held the top of the door for her to slide out of her car. She reached back in for her mobile.

“You won’t need that up here Sally no signal. If you leave it on it will scare the birds. It might take a message here for you,” he said softly noticing how tiny she was in height and stature.

She nodded and screwed up her pert nose in friendly agreement, then as he turned away, she screwed her nose up again, this time in distaste as another whiff of his foul body odour wafted round her. He gestured she should follow him and made his way into the plantation. The trees were no more than six feet high and amongst them Ray looked six feet twelve. He was enormous, yet his tread was light and his voice too.

“I couldn’t let you leave without seeing this spectacle Sally. I heard you were into birding. The timing is perfect. It’s not far,” he told her.

“I hope not. You did say gravel and this just about qualifies. They won’t be in the plantation though surely?” she queried, knowing about this particular species of bird and gazing about through the regimental rows of the spruce. “It’s my shoes you see. I should have put my boots on.”

Harris ignored her and shrugged.

Her mobile – out of earshot, warbled in the car to no answer except voicemail. Fiona had left a message.

‘Sally. About Ray. You wouldn’t meet him. He is not in your jurisdiction now. He’s been transferred to the Eastern information sector under the new - you know regime. Only a couple of weeks ago. He’s not your concern. He was a pain in the arse to deal with apparently and he’s well rid of according to Simon Bignall at HQ. Big chip on his shoulder and he doesn’t like the move. He’s a hands on man and they’ve put him in a backwater office. Don’t bother with him and have a nice journey.’

“How did you know I was into birds?” Sally puffed as the track steepened.

“Saw your photo and profile in the group magazine some time ago. It read as if you would want to see what I’ve got up here, so I asked you. Simple,” he answered matter of factly, with a open wave of his hand. “Your mobile number was in there if you remember.”

Sally nodded to his back, trying to keep upwind of him. That wasn’t difficult – it was coming from behind her and as his stride was huge, he was always three or four feet ahead, unconcerned at her odd squeal of difficulty over a particular stretch of track. She picked her footsteps carefully. Soon they opened onto a massive heath area with the odd scrubby tree, thick heather, gorse and close cropped grass loved by the native sheep. Sally reckoned this would be more like the habitat for this species and silently hoped it wouldn’t be far.

“We didn’t meet in the last week, but you knew I was here,” she stated.

“Of course I knew. Everyone in the region knew. You’re a big wig from down south remember,” he chuckled.

“Yes ha ha!” she laughed sarcastically. “I have a job to do and that’s all really. No big wig power crazed individual here.”

He strode on silently, leading to a shallow hollow, Sally not surprised or hurt she didn’t get a reaction. He was his own man and a strong, silent, intriguing sort of hulk – but oh! that pong from his body.

She was amazed to see the ground hollow carpeted with a folded tarpaulin sheet, but when she saw the backpack, the bottle of water and the tripod on it’s side she guessed that he would have been up here already. He indicated she should be quiet, with his fingers on his lips and she nodded as they dipped their heads and slid onto the sheet after he unfolded it. She assumed that was to keep the dew from the inside. Harris knelt and bade her do the same. She hadn’t bargained for this and feared for her expensive tights, but the rewards would be much greater than the cost of replacing them.

Ray lay down on his belly, so she did the same and he handed her a pair of binoculars from the backpack. She focussed them expertly and scanned them in the same direction as him. The air was still, but noisy with morning feeding frenzies of many moorland species of birds. She loved the sound as an accompaniment to the silent sweeps of the horizon and nearer with the powerful lens. They spotted curlew, snipe, oyster catcher, hobby, kestrel and three pair of buzzards, soaring high on the thermals above a forest to the west, their calls like the mews of a big cat.

Half an hour passed with not a word. The only communication being pointing, gasps of recognition and agreeing nods. The sun blossomed from light cloud cover and warmed Sally, which pleased her as her hands and legs were getting cool. She thought he might have coffee in the bag but dare not ask in fear of disturbing the wildlife. An hour passed and she nudged Ray.

Her frowned expression of puzzlement was clear, together with her gestures and he smiled and shuffled closer. Eager to hear what would be whispered words of wisdom, she turned onto her side and waited for his stench to hit her and tried not to gag on the foul odour.

“Enjoying it Sally?” he murmured, making her now notice the rampant halitosis on his breath.

“Yes, but...” she grimaced, questioning by expression. “I know we have to be patient, but it’s long past dawn - which is their best time, but they have a territory here I suppose. That’s why you ... and I are here, so where are they?” she asked pleasantly but firmly.

“Dunno,” he whispered dismissively, shuffling closer.

She tried to blank out the noxious smells from his surrounding body warmth as she felt his knee budge against her calf then fall away. She glanced at his face and saw the hardening smile. Suddenly worried, Sally shoved her glasses up her nose and tried to sit up. His arm fell across her waist, he pushed her back and pulled her close.

“Ray please. So why have you got me up here?” she challenged, half knowing – dreading the answer.

His grip on her thigh was vice like as he spoke.

“You’ve got a good job. One you’re good at. How would you like to be transferred to driving the lorries, or cleaning the fucking toilets?” he asked softly, his hand massaging her thigh.

“You’ve got an excellent job too Ray. Woodman for the reserve, one of the biggest regional set ups we have. Now let’s not get silly and spot these damn birds,” she said firmly, trying to lift his hand off her leg.

“They’re not here. It’s the wrong place Sally and you have put me in the wrong place. Miss clever clogs Sally Thompson. I don’t do office work,” he jeered. “But this is the right place in a way, for a very rare species like you.”

“Ray. Now please, let’s not get...”

His hand suddenly shot under her skirt and onto her crotch. She squealed and squirmed but by now he had knelt up swiftly and pushed her backwards while his other hand pinned her shoulders to the ground. With a wrench he found and tore down the top of her tight, the synthetic, expensive material as if paper in his massive fingers. The strong waistband dug harshly into her with the effort it took for him do so, but that pain meant nothing to Sally. She felt powerless.

Momentarily Ray gazed on her thighs and groin, licking his lips and Sally started to wail, her arms flailing at his bulk. He grinned at her feeble efforts and dug his fingers into her panties and ripped the delicate lacy white garment off. He stuffed them in her mouth and grinned down at her frightened eyes from behind her skewed spectacles.

“I’ll show you what it means to have your life turned upside down, you city bitch,” he snarled.

Sally shook her head and tried to express with her eyes that she didn’t know what he was talking about. Ray’s eyes were not registering her mumbled, tearful message. They were locked onto her groin which lay bare, surrounded by the torn tights, which indicated an old, cheap whore, rather than the young sophisticate she was. He pushed her legs apart, but they couldn’t spread far, held by the stretch hose across her thighs. She kicked out at his touch and with the back of his hand he lashed her face, knocking her head violently sideways like a rag doll. Her designer spectacles found a new home yards away in the heather. Blood trickled from the side of Sally’s mouth and the bruise coloured almost immediately. Another blow hit the side of her head on the return swing, making her feel as if her skull had caved in and dulling her senses.

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Avery makes a mistake

A loud knock startled her from her trance. Running to the door, and flinging it open, she could see 7 very large men, towering iver her 5'1" petite frame. "But where is everyone else?" she asked, disappointed. They had promised her a group of 27, and she had reserved 2 whole nights for this. "Dont worry about it whore, theyre coming" the closest man replied, as he shoved her down onto the floor. Then the men started filing in.. one after another. Some of them spat on her as they passed....

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Earths CoreChapter 20 Rarest Side Of The Spectrum

"Tularg", Zetsa turned to the seated Tularg and awakened him for the absorbed state of mind. "Big sister Zetsa", the rest hardly made any difference to his complexion, but inwardly Tularg did feel slightly better. "What have you decided?" Smirking disdainfully at the encirclement of enemy experts, Zetsa's gaze shifted to Zax and then to Tularg. "These guys are not stupid, if you managed to sense them, then the Core Masters on their side should have noticed and know now that we are...

3 years ago
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A rare erotic moment

In comparison to most people on xhamster, having watched your videos, all things considered compared to a most of you I have had a very boring sex life. College life was fun, I was with quite a few girls but nothing spectacular like group sex or threesomes. I've never even had anal sex unless you count fucking my wife in the ass when she's really drunk asleep. If you have read my previous story you know that my friend and I over the past year have been trading nude pics of our wives and now...

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Slavery in our Time

Slavery in our TimePart 1 – Her Strange FascinationLaura walked down the aisle gazing at all the merchandise around her. Since she was a child, Laura had always been fascinated with the selection of slaves at the department store.  Highclass was a superior department store and the quality of the slaves was high. Highclass offered a wide selection of quality slaves from domestics and nannies to gardeners and chefs. Slaves varied in price due to a number of factors such as age, health,...

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Delvery to Grampa

By Larry Malone Mom asked me to stop in and drop off a package for my Grandpa on my way home from school and to see if he needed anything. Gramps was in good health but Mom was always a worry wort so I stopped by. Gramps is a little hard of hearing so, as always, I used the extra key under the door mat and let myself in. As I closed the door, I saw Gramps laying on the living room couch, pants and boxers pulled down to his knees, His face to the back of the couch, His bare skinny ass...

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The porn video of a girl making herself squirt was blaring through my headphones. I was mimicking her motions trying to do the same thing with no luck. My phone buzzes and I read the text, "Hey Jackie my parents are out tonight do you wanna come over?" I immediately texted back, "I'll be there in 5" Me and Kylie had always had a thing since she kissed me at recess in second grade. She's had me on my knees ever since. I'd sat and watched her kiss other guys and gush about the...

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To his delight he discovered that there were literally hundreds of sites on the Internet that catered to those that shared his passion. He must have joined a dozen sites and spent hours on line reading the blogs, chatting and asking hundreds of questions. Kyle had obtained part time employment while still in high school that paid a great wage and it allowed him to order lingerie and makeup from various supply houses. That was after renting a box at one of the mailing services to ensure that...

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I began this as a Yuri, so I tried to stay withing the realms of young teenage love rather than blatant down and in your face sex. It is dedicated to Juliet, with love. The Juliet in this short work of fiction resembles the Juliet for whom the story is written.(Just a little older) The writer can be contacted at [email protected] It was just after her 13th birthday, when her family moved to England. The move was just the second step of Christina Robert's...

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It was on that Thursday in June last year that Lauren’s life completely changed. It was coming up to their school’s prom and a boy called James had recently asked her out, and on the Wednesday night he had taken her on her first date to the cinema. The film was average but Lauren had hardly noticed because of the close attention that James had been paying to her. It had started off with the ‘yawn-arm round the shoulder’ and by the end of the film this had evolved through cuddling up to full...

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Rediscovery and Recovery Ch 03

I lost touch with Em very early on after leaving for university, we bumped into each other once or twice in the holidays perhaps, but always when we were in the middle of shopping or something else, and with no time. These were the days before Facebook or even mobile technology, so it’s not just that we had no particular reason to keep in touch – we didn’t really have the means to do so either. Beyond the age of writing letters, but not yet the age of the text message – we were quite a sad...

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Rediscovery and Recovery Ch 05

Chapter 5: In the Pub and What Happened Next Em got to the pub before me, but was waiting for me in the car park. As tempted as I was to start asking questions, I kept my counsel, the evening had already taken so many different and unexpected turns, I didn’t want it to take a wrong one. I slipped my arm around Em’s shoulder and gave her a quick squeeze and again she turn to me and gave me a quick peck on the cheek. We went into the pub together, and it struck me that this was the first time...

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Rediscovery and Recovery Ch 07

The Weekend’s Conclusion and a Postscript Friday night had been a revelation. At 8pm I thought I was popping down to the swimming pool for an hour’s much needed exercise. By 1.0am Saturday morning, I’d had that swim, plus three pints of beer, a curry and hot, passionate sex – all of this with a MILF (a genuine first for me, I believe) – one who just happened to be Emily Barrington, by childhood best friend. It’s almost embarrassing, but honestly, it was very natural, I simply fell asleep...

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Rediscovery and Recovery Ch 06

Confessions and Giving in After the best part of eighteen years, I’ve been reunited with my childhood best friend, Emily, a school friend and swimming partner. It came about because after a failed marriage, I moved back to my home town, it came about also because my mother encouraged me to rediscover the swimming pool, a place where I’d been happy and comfortable as a growing child and teenager. Em was at the pool, and we swam together and raced again. Then, somehow, we were suddenly very...

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Rediscovery and Recovery Ch 04

Chapter 4: The Swimming Pool It had been nigh on eighteen years earlier that I had left the town’s swimming club to concentrate on my school work. Having returned to my hometown from an abandoned life in London, I had been encouraged by my mother, and a visit to the pool of my youth, to return for the adults-only Friday night swim. Not that I’d abandoned swimming completely in the meantime, of course – I doubt anyone who has swam seriously can ever give up the bug completely, as it’s such a...

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Rediscovery and Recovery Ch 02

Before I proceed with Chapter 2, I need to introduce you to Emily, or Em. It will be two more instalments before she returns to the story properly, but it will help you to understand the scope of my history, and where it is going. Emily Barrington – Em – my teenage best girlfriend, that is, best friend who happens to be a girl. We were both school friends and swimming team mates from the age of 10 or 11 to when I dropped out from the club at 17. As teenagers, we spent a lot of time together....

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Rediscovery and Recovery

I’m going to tell you a true story, or at least as true as I can remember it. Let’s be honest here and concede that when we’re in the middle of something, we don’t stop to write down the exact detail, we don’t have a voice recorder to capture every aspect of who said what and when. So even in stories like this, we use writing skills and some imagination. As a writer, I’ve always thought that imagination is borne of experience, sometimes it’s our experience, sometimes it’s that of others. This...

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theivery at the marketplace

Leihla had been caught red handed stealing from her employer. She had agreed to be his sex toy to avoid going to jail. The man handcuffed her and began to have his way with her. He lifted her top and kissed her neck. He pulled up her top and massaged her young breasts and pulled on her nipples. He ran his hands all over her body. She wanted to hate it but could not help but enjoy his wandering hands. She kept trying to convince him to let her go home but he was intent on having his way with...

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VerySexy on a Date From MrTitLover and VerySex

You like nice sexy lingerie and you have a lot of it?Hmm but you like to wear it right?When do you wear it?Never when you go out?Hmmm Gorgeous!!!!Imaging you wearing this with a black short skirt and a dark blouse...High heels and going out for dinner with me...You would be my sexy date we would go to a quiet but nice restaurantcandle lights on the table....and I would place you with your back to the personal and the other visitors...You drink wine ? Red or white?A white one then, I order...

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DeliveryBoy Fucks SlaveBitch Lizzy

hello sweeties! Lizzy here so yesterday, I was getting fucked by my family, and we were all having a great time. I had completely lost track of time, and realized that we hadn’t eaten in a long while. so I asked everyone what they wanted and stopped fucking for a minute to order takeout. I placed my order, hung up, and asked my parents if I could do my favorite thing. they said yes, just be careful, and I thanked them.I ran off to take a super quick shower and hose down. when I was clean, I...

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theivery at the marketplace

Leihla had been caught red handed stealing from her employer. She had agreed to be his sex toy to avoid going to jail. The man handcuffed her and began to have his way with her. He lifted her top and kissed her neck. He pulled up her top and massaged her young breasts and pulled on her nipples. He ran his hands all over her body. She wanted to hate it but could not help but enjoy his wandering hands. She kept trying to convince him to let her go home but he was intent on having his way with...

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LONDON, ENGLAND - July 2107 Colin Foster settled his muscular, tanned body back in the comfortable, overstuffed leather chair, his feet resting on the back of a beautiful, young redhead who was squatting on her knees and elbows before him. Colin smiled as he looked at the naked woman who would obey his every whim and, not only that, was paying him a foolish amount of credits for the privilege. Glancing at the mirror mounted on the ceiling, Colin admired his perfect physic, his muscular...

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You know those Walgreen ads, where they talk about ‘If this were a perfect world?’ Well, where I live, and I can’t tell you where it is, we’ve a perfect world. I can tell you that we’re in the United States of America, but the people who approved of my writing about it, only did upon my keeping the name of the town to myself. Let’s call it - ‘EVERYTOWN!’ The laws of this town are unlike any laws of any other place in America. A sampling includes, Life begins at Conception, and is a human...

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Redicovery and LossChapter 2

On the Monday at the office I contacted my local head of sales and asked him if he could find a vacancy for a friend of mine. I told him of her experience prior to her marriage and how efficient she had been and how good at handling sales staff. I made it clear he was under no pressure to give her a job only an interview if the opportunity arose. He told me that he had noting immediate, but had a woman in that kind of position who would be going off on pregnancy leave in three months time. He...

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EverywhenChapter 2

[Sunday, July 5th, 2020] Right now, I wanted to play with gambling with this ability for a little while, so I jumped back into the tunnel. Once again I was in the tunnel, facing another end section. The scene on the wall showing my monitor, keyboard, and mouse sitting upon my desk. I figured this would be a good way to leave it as I would probably be back at some point. I headed back down the tunnel to the intersection and considered going back in time to the last time I was in Vegas....

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EverywhenChapter 3

But being an 18 year old me? Now that has some serious potential. In my base timeline, when I was 18 years old (1986) I had just finished up my senior year of High School and I was facing the prospect of finding a job. After graduation, my Mom informed me that I was not going to screw off all summer and she needed me to hit the pavement looking for full-time work. I parlayed a couple of weeks in a trade school machine shop into a job working at a mill and operating a turret lathe at a...

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EverywhenChapter 4

[Friday, June 20th, 1986] Up in my room, I started with setting the box on my bed and pulling things out. I liked a few of the shirts she had in there, so it was good to see them again. I had no interest in the stuffed animals, but maybe Anne would like them. There were a few crystal animals in there, they would probably go to Anne too. One of them did not look familiar to me, hell, it probably came from some other guy. That’s kinda funny actually. I can’t be certain it wasn’t from me, but...

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EverywhenChapter 5

[Saturday, June 21st, 1986] I awoke to the sounds of our next-door neighbors pulling their truck out of the driveway. It was a big Ford F-350 diesel with dual rear wheels and he had a camping trailer hooked up to the rear bumper. His wife was loudly playing spotter for him, and apparently she was making absolutely sure that they took out their mailbox as they pulled out. Much cursing and blame throwing was involved. They were both assholes about it if you asked me. With the windows open it...

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EverywhenChapter 6

[Saturday, June 21st, 1986] As we started up the stairs I warned Kim that my room was in the attic and that there was no A/C up there. I also told her, “We probably should have brought some water to help us avoid heatstroke.” Sadly, I wasn’t kidding much. It gets damn hot up there during a summer day. When we got there she said, “Nice room, but you weren’t kidding, wow it’s hot. We better do this quickly.” She asked me to pull out any clothes I had in dresser drawers that weren’t socks or...

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EverywhenChapter 7

[Tuesday, June 24th, 1986] I woke up and looked over at the alarm clock on my nightstand. It showed 07:55 am. I climbed out of the waterbed and stretched. I was enjoying having this 18-year-old body again. I was still way too thin at this point in my life. I remember my first Military ID showed my weight at 135 pounds. Which was about 10 pounds less than normal for me at the time. Sure, I was a bit of a beanpole, but not quite that bad. I figure all the exercise in basic made me lose more...

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