EverywhenChapter 3 free porn video

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But being an 18 year old me? Now that has some serious potential.

In my base timeline, when I was 18 years old (1986) I had just finished up my senior year of High School and I was facing the prospect of finding a job. After graduation, my Mom informed me that I was not going to screw off all summer and she needed me to hit the pavement looking for full-time work.

I parlayed a couple of weeks in a trade school machine shop into a job working at a mill and operating a turret lathe at a place that made “Threaded Metal Inserts” amongst a lot of other things. If you’ve ever really looked at a joystick knob, or maybe the gear shifter on assorted muscle cars, you’ve seen them.

Hell, they are used in lots of things. They are little pieces of metal cylinders (usually brass) with threads on the inside and often on the outside too. The inserts get screwed or pressed into wood or plastic parts to give the softer material actual metal threads inside and allow them to stand up to more abuse.

Anyway, the machines I ran had five tubes that fed solid metal rods into a multi-station lathe. From the back end, it kind of looked like a really big Gatling gun, but the barrels of these machines were just the feed tubes.

The machine would automatically perform assorted steps at five different stations simultaneously, then rotate the whole feed tube assembly to the next station, and eventually turn the solid metal rods into many hundreds or even thousands of these metal inserts on the other end per load.

I’d have to reload the feed tubes regularly and also monitor the machines to make sure they were running properly. Ensuring streams of lubricating oil were pointing to the right places to keep things from getting too hot. Doing spot inspections on the parts to make sure they were up to snuff.

It was a dirty, oily, loud, boring, repetitive, and monotonous job performed in sweatshop conditions. It was also fairly dead-end as promotions were practically non-existent. However, it did pay pretty well for the area and I stayed with them for about a year and a half before joining the AirForce to get out of town and maybe get a decent life for myself.

I had originally wanted to join the service right out of High School, but the girl I was dating at the time (Lisa) talked me out of it. We had a very rocky on-again-off-again relationship. One day, after breaking up with her yet again, I decided I was better off getting out of town permanently.

So I spoke to a recruiter and got a date set up to enlist. I quit the job and headed out to basic training. Yay, I’m free right? Would you believe I was stupid enough to marry her even after all that? I was. Well, nothing had truly changed and we ended up divorced within a year.

When people asked about the divorce, I used to joke that “It was my fault really. She got tired of me complaining about the other men in her life”. That isn’t all that funny in reality, but joking about it helped me deal with the pain involved.

Eventually, I came to terms with my own demons about the “failure” of our marriage. They say that everyone gets cheated on sooner or later, so you probably know what it’s like. The lesson I learned is that “Cheaters are gonna cheat. Just get past it. You will find someone better soon enough”.

I know it is easy to say, and much harder to do, but that doesn’t make it any less true. When you think about it, “finding someone better” is a pretty low hurdle to get over, all things considered. I had plenty of good relationships after Lisa. Just none that would last for very long.

I ended up staying in the AirForce for almost 10 years, including a little tour to the desert for the Gulf War. After getting out I started a career in computers. Looking at the big picture, I couldn’t argue with anyone who might say that I eventually became a fat, lonely, and bitter old man.

Well, things are going to be a little different this time around.

I guarantee it.

If I was targeting 18 years old, and right after my graduation seemed like the best place to start, I would be better off starting from the other end of this timeline. I turned toward the past and started going as fast as I could. In just a few seconds from my perspective, I was facing the scene of my Mom in the mirror with me again.

I turned around and began moving forward while gaining speed. Soon the scenes were just a blur. Periodically, I stopped to check where I was. The first one I stopped at showed my oldest sister Laura sitting on the couch beside me, it looked like she was telling me something.

Laura was the oldest of my brothers and sisters, 6 years older than me, and she looked like a young teenager. I guessed she was probably around 13 or 14 years old. Figuring that mid-conversation would be a bad time to jump back into my life, I looked for a better opportunity a little later in the day.

I should probably explain a bit about my family at this point, to keep you from getting lost. I am one of 8 children born to Irene and Robert Turner. If you are guessing that they were Catholic, you guessed correctly. Their firstborn child was Laura (+6 years older), followed by Diane (+5), then Robert Jr.(+4), then came me a few years later.

A year after me, my parents were blessed with twins: David(-1) and Marybeth(-1). After a long break from new children, Michael (-8) was born. Then, last but not least, we have Anne (-12). Can you picture our family after the twins were born, 6 kids with the oldest being only 7 years old? Kinda crazy, but it’s the life we knew. You don’t get to pick your family, but overall I might still pick the same if I could. We’re all pretty good people. While we didn’t have much, we never went hungry either.

By the time I was 18, Laura was living in Indiana with her girlfriend Tracy, yeah that went over real well with the parental units. None of us had a problem with it that I saw, but it did cause a little family tension. I mean, it could be contagious or something, right?

Diane was doing her own stint in the AirForce, she only did 4 years before she got out and moved to Colorado. She had been out of our house for a couple of years by that point.

Bob had long since been diagnosed with Paranoid Schizophrenia, which was not helped by the mass quantities of pot he smoked as a teenager. He had been in and out of State-run mental health facilities for years by then and no longer lived with us either.

Mom and Dad had gotten divorced just as I started High School. Even Catholics can get divorced you know, though it was a bit of a shock to all of us at the time. All of my younger siblings were still in school in 1986, and as the oldest at home, I tried to help out Mom as much as I could. We got by OK.

I skimmed forward in the tunnel just a little further, until things seemed calm. I was alone and watching some TV commercials. I focused on the scene and jumped into my body. I looked around and quickly spotted our dog, Brutus.

I hadn’t thought about that dog in a long long time. Brutus was a stray that we picked up one day when he walked onto our property back when we still lived in Canterbury. He was a mix between what looked like a German Shepherd and a St. Bernard. He had the coat and coloration of the Shepherd, but he was much bigger than they normally run. His face was not as angular, he had a shorter snout and floppy ears instead of the pointy ones that Shepherds are known for.

What a great dog he was. Always fun to play with and loved to pull us on sleds in the winter. My younger brother and sister could ride him like a small horse, but I was a little too big for that. We never knew where he came from, but we fed him once and he stayed with us for about 6 years before he passed from doggie cancer. I remember a big tumor on his side that he lived with for a few years. It never seemed to pain him, but I suppose the signs were there.

Anyway, I was really happy to see him again and gave him lots of love, and tummy rubs which he adored. While I was doing so the TV got back to the episode of “The Six Million Dollar Man” that we were watching.

Apparently he had to deal with Bigfoot about something, I had to shake my head at the stupid things everyone watched back then. Mom was puttering around in the kitchen, and the rest of the family must have been playing in their rooms or something because I was alone. Which hardly ever happens with a family like mine.

A quick look at the TV Guide on the coffee table told me it was probably sometime in October of 1976. That was close enough information for my needs anyway. My sister Laura came out of the bathroom and headed my way. I thought it was probably not worth chancing my doing something stupid to raise suspicions, so I jumped back into the tunnel and quickly headed uptime again on the base timeline.

Let’s see, I went from being 2 being 8 in what felt like about 5 or 6 minutes of pretty fast travel in the tunnel, if so then 10 minutes of comparable effort should get me close.

When I stopped to check after slowly counting to 600, I found that I miscalculated and had overshot a bit. I was looking at a scene of me doing jumping jacks with my squad in basic training. That would put it somewhere in December of 88.

I quickly turned around and headed back, I was looking for somewhere in June of 86, I figured that the day after graduation would be a good choice. With a little back and forth I quickly found a good spot to use, which was just as I opened my eyes the next morning.

I was surprised to find myself in a struggle just to sit up on the bed. Somehow, I’d forgotten that I had a big old queen size waterbed back when I was in high school. Well, I wouldn’t be choosing to do that again either. I dug through my dresser drawers and found some clothing that I could wear.

No, I would not go for the parachute pants, they were no longer a fashion statement I was interested in making. A pair of wrangler jeans and a plain grey T-shirt would have to suffice for now. I grabbed my keys and wallet off the top of the dresser and headed downstairs.

I found the house quiet, which wasn’t a big shock since it was just after 6 am and none of the kids had school. Mom was working as a secretary for an office in town and didn’t need to be there until 8 am. She would be up and about soon, but not yet.

Nobody drank coffee in the house back then, so I knew I would need to head out if I wanted some. Checking my wallet I found a pair of twenty-dollar bills and a couple of ones. That should be plenty for my needs.

There was a diner called “Bon Appétit” just down the road, and I knew they would be good for a pleasant breakfast. I also wanted to check the paper to see what opportunities I had available to me, we didn’t get one at home. I left a note on the board, as was our habit when we were going out somewhere, and I stepped outside.

My beat-up, rusty, and mostly tan colored 1976 Mazda 626 coupe was sitting in the driveway. She was my first car. I bought her from a guy who only purchased it when he got stranded in Indiana and needed transport to get back home to CT.

It had a manual transmission, the first I ever drove with one. I stalled it twice on the test drive, very embarrassing at the time. While it had a bunch of rusted holes in and around the wheel wells and the back seat had to be covered with an old blanket to hide the sun-exploded upholstery, she was a very good car.

She never gave me any trouble as transportation with the single exception of a fuel pump once that I was able to change out on my own. She even got around 30 MPG which I thought was pretty amazing especially when you consider I was able to buy it for only $300 bucks. You know, thinking about it, that might be the best car purchase I ever made.

I got in the car and it started with ease, and reaching the diner only took a couple of minutes. I entered and grabbed a fresh copy of the morning newspaper (the Norwich Bulletin) off of a pile sitting by the register as I made my way to a booth.

A waitress that I recognized, but couldn’t quite place until I saw the “Carol” on her nametag, came by with a pot of coffee in her hand before I finished getting settled in the seat. I turned up the cup already sitting in front of me on the table and thanked her for being so kind.

She said, “You’re welcome. What can I get for you?”. I replied, “Let’s go with two eggs, over easy, hashbrowns, and a side of wheat toast please.” She came back with, “We’ve got a special that includes all of that and comes with either bacon or a sausage patty if you like. Just $3.00 with the coffee.” I decided to go for the bacon, thanked her again, and started looking through the paper.

The paper quickly confirmed the two biggest questions I had, first that today was Wednesday, June 18th, 1986, and second that the Connecticut lotto was currently sitting at 3.8 million dollars and the next drawing was going to be Friday night.

My thinking was that when I checked on Saturday morning if nobody had won I’d take a little trip back and change that little factoid in my favor. I might do some investing with the winnings, but really how much money did I need?

I could always make more anytime I wanted to, couldn’t I? I put the paper away, folding it back up nicely to put it back on the stack on my way out, and decided not to worry about it right now. Shortly after I finished that task, Carol was back with my food and I just enjoyed my breakfast while I thought about the next steps.

I tried to remember if Lisa and I were currently dating or not, and I honestly couldn’t say. I would guess we were, but I wasn’t interested in doing that to myself this time around. If we were currently together, I’d have to find a good way to end things.

I’ll have to play that by ear, at this point I had plenty of suspicions of her cheating, but never any proof. Nor did I want to bother with getting that proof. I think I’ll just wait for her to call me or visit and then break things off. If we had any plans at this point I couldn’t possibly remember them, so I’d just stick with waiting to hear from her.

Wait a minute, why am I sticking around here until Saturday? Nothing I do at this point should have any possible way of effecting the lottery numbers, but why risk it? I’m gonna want that winning ticket in my pocket before I start working on things.

I should just do that first, then decide where I want to come back to. Plus it will give me a chance to watch a bit more closely to see if I’m missing anything important, and possibly find a better point to jump back in at. With that plan in mind, I finished my meal, paid for it, and left a good tip.

Why am I bothering to do all this paying and tipping, considering my new abilities? Well, I don’t know what happens after I leave this timeline, even though I plan to abandon it. As far as I know, there is no way to get back here to find out if it matters.

But “just in case” when I get the opportunity to choose how I should act, I’m gonna choose to be a decent human being regardless of whether it matters in the long run or not.

Besides, it’s not like it hurts me to do so, I’ve got all the time in the world. Once I parked the car back in the driveway, I turned it off and jumped back into the tunnel and exited the alternate timeline I was on. Then I moved forward on the base timeline to Saturday morning.

It took three more night cycles to get to Saturday morning, nothing really exciting happening in the scenes I viewed along the way. Well, Lisa was definitely in the picture. We went to the movies Friday night and saw “Big Trouble in Little China”.

It was a pretty good movie as I recalled, but I didn’t want to get into anything with Lisa just yet. Stick with the plan, lottery numbers from Saturday morning first. I continued forward through the tunnel, looking for the night to end and soon found a spot as I was getting out of bed the next morning to jump into my body again.

[Saturday, June 21st, 1986]

I Looked at the Ironman watch on my left wrist, I pretty much only took it off to shower back in those days, and I saw it was almost 10:00 am. Lisa must have kept us out late last night. We would find the occasional time steaming up the windows from the back seat of my car, but actual quality alone time was always hard to come by.

I saw some of that in the scenes I passed while in the tunnel but didn’t investigate very closely. There would be time enough for that sort of thing, and to be frank about it, I was more than a little leary of getting my heart involved with her again. It would be easy to let my dick talk me into starting something I didn’t want to be involved in, so extra caution was warranted.

I was feeling kinda funky, and a shower sounded like a pretty good idea. I grabbed some clothes for the day and dug through the laundry basket for a used towel to wrap around myself as I headed downstairs to the shower.

The bathroom door was shut, so I knocked lightly and said, “Take your time, but I’m looking to take a shower”. I heard Marybeth say “Just a minute”. I wondered aloud, “Would that be a normal minute or a Marybeth minute?”. She laughed and told me “Shut up, I won’t be long”.

I smiled, we had always gotten along well. I loved her, but like most women I’ve known, she couldn’t be trusted to be accurate about anything time-related. I settled in to wait, and several minutes later, the door opened and she was looking adorable in a light blue sundress. I said, “Very nice” and kissed her on the cheek, then asked, “Are you and Tom headed somewhere today?”.

Same as Everywhen
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It all began when I decided to do something productive with my life. Maybe go for a nice walk or something, maybe even a run. I dressed into the appropriate clothes and headed out to the nearest park. Now, jogging isn't really my thing but I thought I might aswell, what with the boredom taking over me. 15 minutes into it though, and I'm already starting to regret it. The lack of fitness from lazing around at home was having an impact on me, and at this point, only my will was keeping me...

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SyntheticChapter 19

An hour later, Sawyer was at the desk, engrossed by the terminal. Renee sat with her back against the couch's armrest, one eye on the boy, and the other on the book that rested upon the table. She wanted it. -but she knew if she dared open the thing, she'd be caught more deeply than the figure to her right. Anyone would be able to sneak up on her ... as Claude had demonstrated often enough. Moreover, showing the slightest bit of interest might make them think she enjoyed it. It'd give...

2 years ago
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James and His Hot Mom

By Docker500 Chapter 1 James Hunter was nervously sat in his living room waiting for his two best friends to pick him up it was his 18th birthday today. And they had a surprise for him. James’s mother was busy tidying up the house before she disappeared to go to her new Saturday job. Wendy hunter finished tidying up the living room; she gave the kitchen one last wipe down before she went to get her coat. She gave her son a little kiss on his cheek and again wished him. “A...

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The Good The Bad and the Molly Chapter Five

She knew. Even the possibility of her knowing was just a branching path. Did she hate it? Did she like it? Did she want more? I couldn’t say for sure I knew that she knew, but some part of me just… knew. When Molly first began to stir, rustling around more than she usually did in her sleep, I could do nothing but freeze. I lost the ability to speak, breathe, or even think. “You awake?” she asked in a groggy voice. She couldn’t see my eyes. I turned slightly to meet her, feigning tired...

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Dads MindControlled Daughters Chapter 9 Daddy Unwraps His Virgin Gifts

Chapter Nine: Daddy Unwraps His Virgin Gifts A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2021 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! “Happy birthday to you!” sang my six daughters. They were clustered around the kitchen table that had my birthday cake on it, all six of them smiling and clapping. “Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear daddy! Happy birthday to you!” The cake, covered in white frosting, had two candles on it, a Six and a Two. I was sixty-two...

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How I want fucked

I show up to my apartment after too many to find my new neighbor had a few, as well. She is doing better than me, but clearly hornier.I bring her inside, light the candle, play some music and try and be sensual. Grab some drinks, and get ready for as little talking as possible. The lights in my room are off, and she says to keep them off. She wants a back rub.I don't even know her name yet, but I leap on without asking. Her shirt is off, her skirt is still on, as are her panties and bra. ...

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The Unkindest Cut of AllChapter 5

“Wake up, mister! It’s time to wake up and try to piss normally! We removed your catheter, though it still might hurt a bit. A dull, sore kind of ache. Sorry about that. It couldn’t be helped. I’m your nurse tonight. I was there last night, too, but you were a little out of it to notice me. I’m Jessica Aguilar,” a lovely Hispanic woman told me as she smiled and helped me out of bed, “by the way, my compliments.” “Compliments? Thank you, but what for, anyway?” I asked Nurse Aguilar. The...

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Conversations 12

Sometimes conversations just appear out of nowhere. “We need to talk!” The universal phrase that means someone is in deep shit came out of my mouth like the knell of doom. Sue stopped and looked at me for a moment, and then continued on towards the stairs, dragging that stupid little suitcase behind her. One wheel jittered from side to side as it always did, annoying me even more. “We can talk after I’ve rested,” she said over her shoulder. “We talk now, or you can just turn around and...

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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 11 Decisions

I was amused to be seated at the head of the table. Greta was on my left and Cavil had the other end of the table. The Bellows may have been wondering what was going on, but I wasn’t in any hurry to tell them. Dick had been seated beside Greta and his sons interspaced with Cavil’s three main spouses at my request. I had invited only one of my grandfather’s people to be at the main table. I was interested as to why my sister Jose had been part of his entourage. She had been seated on my...

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Deep Secret Ch 02 Epicurean

Chapter 02 – Epicurean We finished eating at a local Spanish restaurant, finishing a bottle of Rioja and then a carafe of Sangria. I try to drink cheap wine infrequently, but it just felt like the right thing to do. Naturally we both got very drunk. Over some espressos the conversation turned to the general area of sex, but since I don’t recall all the details it probably was very general. Suffice it to say we laughed a lot and I kept trying to figure out how to get her to go home with me. ...

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Jeff Takes Another Step

Jeff followed Miriam out to her car after … after everything that happened!"I'll follow you home, so don't lose me or I'll have to tell your wife."Jeff went to his Honda in a quandary. His wife, Joyce, caught him, actually caught him with Miriam and Temple and reacted in a strange, yet thrilling way. It was strange because he expected her to fly off the handle and just lose it. The thrilling part was while she was angry, honestly angry, she took complete control of the situation and it was...

1 year ago
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Uncle Mike makes bail

Note : This story is completely fictional! Rita Rojas got a phone call when she was nine months bitch rot" When she was in the car Rita sobbed uncontrollably."I don't know what to do?""You stay with me until you feel better""You bastard" she laughed.Rita packed her bags and moved in with her husband's uncle. He treated her like a queen. Jerry got ten years for rape and car theft. After the baby was born she divorced her husband and married his uncle Mike.

4 years ago
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The first time is not always planned

I posted this story in another smaller group, thought that I should share it here as well. It is a true story. I had talked about her playing with another guy a long time before this happened, but she always said no, never, and got angry so I dropped the idea. A few nights ago I was in the chat room with wetman and PolysexMinOH. The conversation got around to first time sharing. We were all agreeing that it takes a lot of planning when I mentioned that the first time with my present wife...

2 years ago
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CagedChapter 2 Oral Exams

After about two hours of sleep, the girl was woken by someone poking her with a stick. "Hey! Wake up." "Huh? Wha?" she mumbled groggily. "What's your name?" "Sharon," she said, and put her head back down to sleep. "Wrong answer," said her master. Before she knew it, she was being dragged out of the cage, and thrown on the bed. By the time she was fully awake, she was tied down, on her back, spread eagle on the full-size bed. A loop of rope, from under each corner, held down an...

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Cents and NickelChapter 21

It's my wedding day. I put on my tux and left Ben with plenty of food. It was a beautiful, clear, warm day. Sweet Adeline's top was down with the windows up and the heater on for the trip. I came to the road at the end of my drive. Two state trooper cars were waiting for me. One pulled ahead and the other followed behind me with their lights on but no sirens. As I came into Notasulga, there was a mixture of police cars and Sheriff's cars waiting. They joined us with their lights only some...

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Bunny and the SlopesChapter 4

Somehow, the girls had radar that told them when they could get Jack alone. He went to the combination convenience store and gift shop, where he was promptly greeted by name by a very competent and professional young woman who asked if the kids were all having a good time, and how was that nice Bunny, who had slipped on the ice. He was trying to figure out how to ask for condoms without raising eyebrows when he was suddenly surrounded by giggling teenaged girls. “Hi Mr. Kelly” gushed Linda,...

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Adventures at WalMart

On a hot sunday afternoon I realized that I had run out of food. I had decided to go to my local Super WalMart since i needed a few additional items. On this day i had also picked out my favorite little pink halter dress..yes..it was a lil short and hardly covered my 38D breasts but i love it anyway. As i had walked into walmart i was so busy talking on my cell i had forgotten to get my shopping cart. So, as i walk back to the front..i realized that i had quite a few older men checking me out....

1 year ago
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Barrack Room BettyChapter 9 Pink Pussycats

All good things come to an end and the six-week Reduced Operations Period at HMS Chelmsford ended on 15th January 1974. The Wrens and Leading Recruits were very busy as that day approached. The Depot needed to be de-winterised and preparations made for the return of the Ship’s Company, the other Recruits, and the Wrens from their leave. Even Petty Officer White sobered up for the last week to oversee things. Knocker was wary around Leading Recruit Jones and the other lads and ran things...

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PrincessCum Theodora Day Making A Deal For My Stepsisters Pussy

Theodora Day is doing her homework when she comes across a coupon in one of her textbooks. That gives Theodora an idea. She gets to her knees and musses herself up, cropping her top and making sure her tits show in her sheer bra. Losing her glasses and mussing her hair, she calls for her stepbrother Ricky Spanish. When Ricky comes to see what Theodora wants, she crawls across the bed in full do me mode. Theodora reminds Ricky of the time that she gave him a handjob so he would do her homework...

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Webslut Part 6 10

I'm not the author of this story! But I loved the story and loves to do this to a real slut some day! I hope you will enjoy the story as much as I did! Part 06A week passed since Madison had met with Hannah and had their day of fun. Madison still hadn't posted the nude pictures of Hannah on the website. Actually, she had agreed not to do it until Hannah picked out one extremely slutty thing for Madison to do, and if Madison actually went through with it, Hannah's pictures were free to be...

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A Massage At The Beach

One time I was at the beach in St. Petersburg, Florida, with a group of friends from the neighborhood bar. One of the women had injured her back that week working in the warehouse. She asked me if I would rub her back. Her back was really bothering her. At that time I was receiving physical therapy and massage for a back injury myself. She was wearing a bikini but had put on a shirt and shorts. I just did to her what they did to me. When she told me her back felt much better then I moved down...

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Too Much LoveChapter 84

Althea Crenshaw loved to fly. When she’d first taken her job with Jayanesia Health and Hospitals, she’d been trepidatious about the idea of getting into a helicopter and traveling all over the island chain that made up her recently-adopted country with so little between her and a long plummet to the Earth, but it had quickly become a favorite part of her job - so much so that she’d been learning to fly the craft herself in her spare time and on her own dime. There was just so much beauty to...

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"So, you're a patron of Cyberwhore then, Kev?" asked Jeff with a sneer. Kevin nodded sheepishly. How had he let something like that slip out? "What's wrong with the alternatives, Kev?" Jeff persisted, sipping from his beer glass in the window seat of the Red Encounter. "What about virtual sex? What's wrong with penis pumps? And what about, heaven forbid, the real thing?" "Not much chance of that up here on Mars, Jeff," Kevin pointed out. "How many women have you known who'd want...

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The Belshes Hunt Chapter II

Destiny walked towards the edge of the cave, looking out over the small hillocks in which she was sheltered. The sun had not yet risen. Destiny thought it the perfect time to move, she could she where she was going but past that visibility was poor due to the morning fog. Destiny walked through the edge of the cave and went on her way, her long, red hair catching and waving in the strong wind. Destiny began picking a path in-between the small hills, heading away from the rising sun and the...

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My beginning and pathway to group sex Part 4

Read parts 1 - 3 first.  This is a continuing story. This became a new routine for the next five days; me visiting my boyfriend and then seeing his brother in their rec room.   His brother was much more forward in saying and doing what he wanted.   The first thing he wanted to do again the next day was the oral thing that had so nearly made him come the day before.   He wasted no time in getting his jeans down and getting me to kneel on the floor at his feet.   He held the back of my head...

Group Sex
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mens restoom becomes coed

I live with my divorced mother Lauren, she’s 37 but she says 29 which is funny but that’s what she says. Then my younger sister Nicole, she’s 15 almost 16, she turns that in 3 weeks and mom and I have been planning her party for a few days now. Dad got tired of his marriage vows and decided to go fuck some other women and now he’s living across the country in New York where he’s got a new job and girlfriend. Now that I’ve introduced everyone to you here’s how this family started its new...

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Fucking My Innocent Village Sister

Hi guys, Hope my previous encounter (real incident) was liked by you guys. Hence due to the great response and large number of comments received, I am hereby coming up with one more real incident which happened in my life. As I had told you before, I am Raghu (name changed), working in a top MNC company and maintaining a good physique. I am telling this story about how I seduced my innocent cousin who comes from a village. Let me describe you about my cousin. She is aged around 27-28 years,...

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The Road or an RathadChapter 2

I was at the house. The garage door was wide open, and all my lawn service equipment was out in the driveway. It was quite a collection. I had an assembly line going. At the base of the driveway two of my workers were cleaning the stuff as best they could. I was then handed the item. I ran it a bit, to make sure it worked. Then I siphoned out the gas if there was a lot left. I did not store my equipment with gas left in it. Unleaded gasoline, even with stabilizer added, is a conglomeration...

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Jilnar Jardalys Sexual Healing

Hey, gang! I've head about this amazing thread so thought I'd share an amazing experience I've had with the gorgeous جلنار جردلي Jilnar Jardaly slut.After a couple of tours in Iraq (I'm a US marine) I returned to my hometown Detroit in a complete state of physical exhaustion. The docs told me about a new military hospital that was trying a brand new experimental procedure which was already having amazing results on ex-servicemen patients suffering my condition, so I signed up...I was put in a...

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My wife in the forest

Introduction: Rebecca – I thought she was prude My wife was wearing a brown skirt with sky blue, black, and purple plaid argyle socks. I really liked these socks on her because they were sexy and irresistible. Her blouse was purple, silky, and even though she had a bra on, her nipples might be seen depending on her mood. I loved her beautiful, thick, luscious nipples which were disproportionate to her smaller perky breasts. We were driving in the car listening to some classic rock when I...

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Helen goes dogging pt2

"I'm sorry, Helen, I was thinking out loud without remembering who I was with." Steve looked genuinely apologetic."That's ok, if we had a clearer view you wouldn't have needed to wonder."Helen was hoping they could go closer to watch, but Steve interpreted the comment differently. Dinah's partner was just getting up as Steve leaned out of his window and shouted to her."Come on, Dinah, let's get a fucking look in, do it where the door doesn't hide you!""Fuck off, Steve, there's more than you...

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