Twin To The Rescue free porn video

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My Twin to the Rescue Ken Brown was an average man. When you looked at him, you saw a man that stood about 5'8" tall and was about 165 lbs. He had auburn hair that, although was a bit longer than what you would expect for a business man, was still neat, and clean. He worked as a bank loan officer and was expected to wear a suit to work every day ("You have to present a professional appearance if you want people to take you seriously," his supervisor often said). On his days off, Ken liked to do the typical "man" things. That is he liked to just hang out with his friends or stay home with a cold drink, a big bowl of buttery popcorn or chips, and watch sports on T.V. Just like you would expect, his apartment was, although clean, not very well furnished. He had just a few things and none of it was really what you would call attractive. It was mostly older stuff he had gotten from garage sells and resale shops. On this particular Saturday, Ken had just settled in to watch the Denver Broncos (his favorite football team) play the Green Bay Packers. He had all he thought he would need. His drink was beside him as were the bowl of popcorn and the bag of chips. The T.V. was on and on the right channel. Kickoff had just happened when the phone started to ring. At first Ken thought, "Just let it ring." But then he started to wonder if maybe, just maybe, it was something important. Annoyed at having his game interrupted, he got up, walked across the room and answered the phone. "Hello," he said into the phone, harsher than he had really intended to. "Ken," said the voice, "are you busy right now?" Instantly the irritation he felt disappeared as he recognized the voice of his twin sister, Kimberly. "Hello sis. What's up?" "I need to see you as soon as possible. I have a problem and I need your help with it." "Sis, you know how important watching the Broncos play is to me. How about if I come over right after the game? I could stop and pick up a pizza for dinner." "I really need to see you now but if that is the earliest you can come over, (heavy sigh) I guess that will work. Just promise you won't forget." "I promise. I will be there at 6:00. See you then." With that he hung up and went back to watching the game, only to find out he had missed seeing one of the most important plays of the day. The opening kick-off had been ran back almost for a touchdown. He had to be content with watching the replay. True to his word, Ken arrived at Kim's apartment right at 6:00 and with two large pizzas in hand. Balancing the pizzas on the palm of his left hand, he used his right hand to ring the doorbell. From inside, he could hear Kim call out, "Yes? Who is it?" "Come on sis, open the door. You know who it is." With that, he heard the locks on the door being opened and finally the door itself. "Hi there brother. Come on in. I see you have the pizzas. Just put them on the kitchen table. I'll get a couple of plates and glasses for us. Do you want Diet Coke or Diet Mountain Dew to drink?" "I'll have my usual." "Then one Diet Mountain Dew it is." They sat down and started to eat the pizzas when Ken asked, "So, what is this problem you have and need for me to help you with?" "The company I work for wants to send me to a national conference to present a paper I wrote. But as you may remember, I am terrified at having to get up in front of a group of people and give a speech. It was that way for me in school and still is." "So what do you want me to do about it?" "Go in my place. Give the speech for me." "But isn't this a convention for business women?" "Yes it is." "Then how am I supposed to do it? Unless you mean for me to go as you." Giggling Kim said, "I just knew my brother was smart." "I can't go as you. It would mean my having to wear some of your things and looking exactly like you." "Oh like you have never done that before. Remember the time we switched Halloween costumes and you went trick or treating in my princess costume and I went in your pirate costume? Or how about the time you took my place for that science tests? Remember how we waited until momma and daddy left the house for work, then we called the school to say you were sick? And what about the time I was sick and you took my place at the cheerleading try outs?" "Ok, so I have replaced you a few times. But this would be different." "How? What would be different about it? You just go, give the speech as me and come home. The only thing would be you would wear a skirt instead of pants and you would be talking to a group of professional women. Other than that, it would be easy for you. Besides, we still look identical except for you are male and I am female. But even then, we can make you look like men. Just a bit of makeup and a wig, a little padding to give you the same curves I have and there you are." "What sort of skirt would I have to wear?" "I was thinking my navy skirt suit with the ivory colored blouse and navy pumps. Perhaps you could wear a pair of pearl earrings to finish your look." "Now wait a minute! I don't have pierced ears. So the earring would be out!!" "Silly, we could find you a pair of clip-ons that look like real pearls. Or maybe you could wear a pair of those magnetic earrings. They look like earrings for pierced ears but without the holes." "You have thought this all out haven't you?" "I tried to. Oh please, do this for me. It would mean so much to my career if you did." "Oh, ok. You know I could never say no to you when you really needed me. So, when is this convention? I may need to take a couple of days off for it." "It is in two weeks. My company has already made all of the arrangements for me. That leads me to another thing, something I didn't tell you earlier." "Oh no" He said with a moan. "What is it now?" "The plane tickets have already been bought under my name and they can't be refunded. So you will have to go all the way as me." "Great! So now I not only have to be you and give your speech, but I have to be you even on the plane?" "Actually, you would have to be me for the whole time of the conference. You see, it is being held on a Caribbean cruise. "What! A cruise? And how am I supposed to do that?" "You could take vacation time and enjoy it. I mean you wouldn't be in the committee meetings all day every day." "And what do you mean committee meetings?" "As a result of my paper, my district supervisor has asked that I work during this on the company's education committee. We are supposed to come up with information that will encourage young ladies in high school to consider business management as a possible career." "Oh this just keeps getting better and better for me. You really expect me to do this for you?" "Yes. And you already said you would do this for me. You can't back out now! Please Ken; I need you so much to do this for me!" She was almost in tears at this point. Afraid Ken would change his mind and let her face the group on her own. He didn't. He merely nodded his head and said, "I will do it for you. After all, brothers and sisters are supposed to help each other." She couldn't help herself. She jumped up, almost ran around the table and hugged his neck. Whispering in his ear, she said, "Thank you so much." The rest of dinner went along with the conversation centering on life, old friends and new ones. As he was about to leave, Kim made a suggestion. She suggested that Ken take all of his vacation, move in with her and start getting used to being her. She would let him try on her things so he would gain a sense of her fashion. He could also practice wearing dresses and walking in heels while she was at work. She could spend time teaching him how to behave like her in every way. He was about to say no to that when she gave him those sad puppy dog eyes she used every time she wanted him to do something special for her. With a heavy sigh (he knew he would say yes), he reluctantly agreed. He would be over at 1:00 the next day. With just two weeks before the conference, they both knew they would need all the time they had to get him ready. As he drove home, Ken kept asking himself, "What have I gotten myself into this time? And it is all because I love my little sister so much. She was born only 15 minutes after me so actually I am her older brother and feel like I need to take care of her." At 1:00 the next day, Ken arrived at Kim's apartment sort of ready to start what was to become the adventure of his life. They wasted no time in getting Ken into his new life as Kim. She had him go take a shower and use the hair remover she used. She even helped him get it in places he could not reach very well. After letting the remover stay on for a few minutes (boy did it smell bad!), Ken stepped into the shower and let the water rinse off all his body hair. The warm water helped him relax some but that feeling started to slip away when he got out and found that Kim had left a pair of her nylon panties for him to put on. The panty was pink and had white lace trim around the waist and leg openings. There was a tiny dark pink bow in front. He was just stepping into the panties when Kim walked in. He quickly turned around to hide his penis from her but she just giggled. "It's not like I didn't know you have that thing. And I have seen it before. Remember that night you wore my cheerleader's uniform and I wore your basketball uniform. Remember what we did while momma and daddy were at that party. I mean, really Ken. Now turn around, I have something I need to show you." "Oh I remember. That was the first time I ever got into bed with a girl. But you remember we were only 11 at the time and didn't know what to do." "I do remember. But what you didn't know was that I had already been with a boy. Remember Bobby Farmer? He is the boy I lost my virginity to just a couple of weeks before we slept in the same bed." "Oh please tell me you didn't! Not with that geek!" Looking up with a dream like look in her eyes she said "It was actually wonderful for the two of us. And he was not a geek!" As soon as he did turn back around, she stopped his pulling the panty up when it got to his knees. She then produced a sanitary napkin and showed him how it fitted. She then let him finish pulling the panty up to his waist. "And why do I need that?" "I know how sometimes a guy gets excited and may leak. That pad is to keep you from making a mess in your panty if you do. Besides it will help hide your manhood. Let's just say you should use sanitary pads just in case and leave it with that." "Oh the things I do for you sis." Once the panty was on, she had him use her deodorant. As he put it on, he noticed it had the scent of baby powder, not at all an unpleasant smell after that hair remover. Then she handed him a bottle of lotion. "I use this to keep soft and smooth. You will want to use it as well. After all, that is a part of what I do and who I am." What could he do? He smoothed the lotion on every part of his body. He even pulled the panty down so he could get lotion on the area that was hidden in the panty. Once that was done, she led him by the hand to her bedroom. There she produced a pair of breast forms which she glued to his chest. "If you are going to be me at the conference, socks in your bra won't work like they did when we were younger." As soon as the glue had set, she took some of the flesh tone body paint and hid the seams where the forms attached to him. Stepping back when she was finished, she admired the results. "Almost perfect" was all she said. The paint quickly dried and then it was time to start Ken's study of womanhood. Kim showed him how to put on a bra the easy way after he had tried several times. The idea of hooking it in front around his waist and then turning it back the correct way never occurred to him. Now it was so easy to do. She had him take the bra off and then put it back on several times to make sure it was almost second nature for him. With him in "his" panties and bra, it was then time for him to start learning about makeup. She started out by having him put on concealer to hide the imperfections he had in his face. Little things like dark circles under his eyes and the shadow caused by his beard. She approved of his efforts and the results. She then handed him a cosmetic sponge and had him apply foundation. She told him this was to give his face an even smooth color. When she was satisfied with his face, she then had him lightly dust his face with a big fluffy brush to put on powder. He was told the powder was necessary to set his foundation and to give him a soft matte finish. When he was handed her lash curler, he asked, "Is this some new form of torture?" "Oh heavens no. This little thing will make your lashes curl. Then you put on mascara to make them look longer and fuller. Haven't you ever noticed a woman's lashes?" "I have but I just thought they were like that." "Well now you know better." With that, Kim used the curler on Ken. He squirmed and complained how it hurt when it pulled his lashes but she didn't stop until his lashes were done. Then she had him put mascara on them, the top as well as the bottom lashes. "Now flutter them a little for me," she told him. When he did, she told him they were very nice looking. "Now you want to put on eyeliner. You want just a thin line at the base of your lashes to make your eyes really stand out. I find it best to use a liquid liner. Oh, and for day, keep it simple. Go just to the edge of your lashes. If it is for an evening, then you will want to go a little farther. Just use enough to give you an exotic look. Don't overdo it. Look at how I do my eyes to get an idea of what I am talking about. As he did what he was told, she offered encouragement when he deserved it and correction when he needed it. She informed him that for a day look to use only one shade of eye shadow. But for an evening out, he should use three shades to give a more elegant look. Then she showed him how to correctly put on each style. He was surprised at the difference a little shadow made in the way his eyes appeared. Finally she finished the lesson with how to put on lipstick so his lips were cute and looked (her words) kissable. She had a pink and two different shades of light red for him to select from. For daytime, she preferred to wear the pink, leaving the reds for evenings. The last step on getting him ready was to have him put on pantyhose followed by a skirt and blouse. The hose she selected for his first time was a suntan color and sheer to the waist. After a few false starts at getting them on, he finally succeeded. He had forgotten what it felt like to wear hose. The last time was when he went to school as Kim to take her science final for her. On Kim's bed was a gray straight skirt with a matching jacket and a pink blouse. The only problem Ken had was in buttoning the blouse. He forgot the buttons were on the opposite side from where they were for his shirts. For his first time in heels, Kim had him slip her gray pumps with a two inch heel. There he stood, looking like a business woman ready for the office except for his hair and nails. They were going to have to do something about them. He spent the rest of the evening trying different shades of eye shadow and lipstick, practicing putting them on and then taking them off until Kim was sure he could do a rather good job of it. With the end of the lesson, it was time for bed. Ken took off the outfit he was wearing, his cosmetics and brushed his teeth. Going into the bedroom where he was going to sleep, he found a pink nylon gown Kim had left for him to sleep in. With the night gown and panties on, he stretched out on the couch and started to drift off into slumber. He was just about to go to sleep when Kim came in to say good night. She had on a short night gown. Leaning over to kiss Ken good night she handed him a small device with ear buds attached. "This will help you sleep better." She told him. "What is it?" he asked. "It is my iPod with some soft music for you. It should help you relax. Pleasant dreams brother." And with that, she went to her bedroom and closed the door. All night he had dreams of being Kim in every way. Even to the point of having a period like she did, with cramps and everything. By the time he woke the next morning, Kim was already up, dressed for the office and just about to walk out the door. He came dragging in just in time to say good bye to her. She gave him a peck on the cheek and told him to enjoy his first full day as her. "Feel free to try on anything I have. Just be sure to remember I will need some of my outfits this week for the office. Oh and I have left some vitamins for you on the table. They are to be taken three times a day for best results. Please make sure you take them as you are supposed to." With that, she was out the door, off to work. As soon as he was sure she was gone, he went to the bathroom and took a warm shower after getting out of his nightie and panties. He once again used the shampoo and conditioner that was in the shower stall. Once again, as soon as he finished with the shower and he had dried off, he smoothed lotion all over and then used the same deodorant he had used the day before. It was now time for him to get dressed for the day. As he looked through Kim's drawers, he found a satin panty to wear. This one was white with a light blue flower at the waist. He remembered what Kim had told him. Before he pulled on the panty, he looked in the cabinets and found the pack of sanitary napkins she had there. Taking one, he applied it to the panty, just like he had been shown, tucked his penis between his legs and then pulled the panty up to his waist. Next he put on a clean bra he found in a drawer. This one was a light pink in color with lace trim around the cups. Not thinking about how it would work with the outfit of the day, he had chosen it because the color as well as the style had interested him. He found out it was a style called a push-up and it made his cleavage even more noticeable. As he looked through Kim's closet, he found a tunic dress that came to the middle of his thighs. It was a cream white color and had a slightly low cut style. As he thought about it, he found a pair of her black leggings (footless tights with lace trim around the ankles). He knew from looking at women on the street that these together would make a totally acceptable outfit for the day. Putting on the leggings was just like putting on hose except he didn't have to worry about getting his feet in them straight. As soon as he had the tunic on over his tights (his tights?) a change started to come over him. He felt a bit different from anything he had ever experienced. There was something going on inside of him. And when he got his makeup on with the ballet flats he decided to wear, it was like Ken no longer existed. Now he was Kim. He had planned on watching the sports highlights on TV but found that he was attracted to the home shopping channel as well as the infomercials that were selling a new "wonder bra" and all sorts of jewelry. He even caught himself watching a soap opera and worrying about one of the lead women. The rest of the week was like that. Every day he got more and more into being Kim. One day he wore Kim's gray skirt suit with her pink blouse, tan hose and gray heels. The next day would find him in one of her dresses. He wore a pair of her low rise jeans with a baby doll top and flips flops on the next day. On Friday, he wore her tan skort with her pastel blue polo shirt and white fisherman sandals. Every night, he would drift off to sleep listening to Kim's music. Every day when Kim returned home, she would find Ken sitting there in one of her outfits. His makeup was getting better each day. And his fashion sense was improving as well. On Friday when Kim finally got home, there sat Ken with tears in his eyes. Afraid something awful had happened, Kim sat down and asked him what was wrong. "It is awful. Ashley was raped by John and now that she is pregnant from that, her parents have disowned her. Even though the rape wasn't her fault. She tried to fight him off but he was just too strong for her. The brute that he is, he just left her to deal with the results by herself." "And just who is Ashley and John?" "They are on that show 'All Our Lives'." Relieved, Kim just hugged Ken and said, "We need to get you out of this apartment and soon. How about we go shopping tomorrow? Maybe we will be able to find you something pretty to wear. Besides, with you wearing my things, the amount of clean clothes I have to wear is disappearing twice as fast as it normally does." "And just what am I going to wear for this?" he asked her, the tears smearing his mascara. "I think you look absolutely adorable in what you are wearing right now. That skort and top would be perfect for you to wear shopping tomorrow." "So I am supposed to go out in public like this?" "Of course you are, silly. How else do you think you will be able to take things into the fitting room to try on? Besides, it is time you got out and started getting some exposure in the world. Remember, you are going to be me at the conference. It is a bought time to spread your wings a bit and introduce the world to my twin sister." "Wonderful," he sighed. Saturday morning saw Ken once again in the tan skort and blue polo. He did his makeup all by himself taking extra to get it as close to perfect as he could. When she saw the job he had done, Kim totally approved. Just before he put on the flip flops he was going to wear, Kim handed him a dainty toe ring and a matching ankle bracelet. Giggling she said "just a little something to make my sister even cuter." Then she handed him one of her spare purses, had him put in it things he would need during the day (lipstick, compact, billfold, spare maxi pad, tissue pack, and a copy set of house keys). With that, they were off to the mall. They were just two identical sisters going out for a girls' day of shopping fun. Little did Ken know what was going to happen to him that day. Kim started their day off by guiding Ken into a nail salon and getting both or their nails done. Hers was already nicely shaped and just needed a new coat of polish. Ken's on the other hand were in terrible shape and Mini (the nail tech that worked on him) said so. It took almost an hour for her to get Ken's nails into shape. She had to use an acrylic to give him nails that were long enough to shape. She had suggested that his nails be given a French look but he insisted on having the more traditional oval shape. He also wanted to have the polish he was to wear a light pink, like the shade he already had on. Mimi finally talked him into a darker shade of pink for his fingers and a dark red for his toes. The whole time he was getting his nails done by Mimi, Kim was sitting next to him, getting hers done in the same shades but enjoying watching him squirm. Seeing how uncomfortable he was, she started to get an idea of where to go next. As soon as Kim had paid for the nail treatment, she led Ken out of the salon and back into the mall. As they walked down the main part of the mall, Kim kept trying to steer Ken in a certain direction. What she was doing was leading him to the Victoria's Secret store. When he saw where they were headed, he stopped. "I can't go in there!" "And why can't you? I shop there all the time for my things. Come on, it will be a new experience for you. Maybe one you will never forget." "I'm sure of that!" Taking Ken by the arm, she led him in and straight to the bras. A sales lady named Amber approached them, hugged Kim and asked "What brings you in today?" "My sister needs to update her wardrobe, including getting some more sexy things to wear. Think you can help us with that?" Giggling, Amber said, "If we can't find some things for her, she will just have to become a man." That comment started Ken blushing. "And just what size bra does your sister wear?" "She is the same as me, a 36C." "Is there anything in particular you were looking for?" "Like I said, she really needs to update her wardrobe. But she will be going on a weeklong cruise soon. I was thinking of something low-cut for when she is on deck and something strapless for those fancy dinners she will be enjoying." Ken just started to glare at Kim but he kept his mouth closed. Turning to him, Amber asked "What do you think you would like to try on?" Softly Ken said, "Her suggestions are ok with me." Taking a bra off the rack, Amber held it up and said "This is one of our most popular styles. It will even serve as a push up." Then leaning close to Ken, she said in a whisper "Makes us girls look even bigger so we are more attractive to men. Here, take it into that fitting room and try it on for size. Of course the straps are adjustable and it comes in different colors to match skin tone as well as outfit." What could he do? Taking the offered bra, Ken went into the fitting room, took off his top and the bra he had on. The bra he was going to try on was nude in color and had the clasp in front. It took him a minute to figure out the best way to get it on. As soon as he finally got it hooked, he heard Kim calling "Is everything alright in there?" "Fine, just fine," Ken called back. Suddenly Kim and Amber were walking in. "We just wanted to check the fit" Kim said. Then turning to Amber, she asked "What do you think?" Amber looked Ken over, checked to see how tight the straps were and finally said "It is as close to a perfect fit as you can get." Before Ken could say anything else, Kim said "We will take three. One in white, this one in nude, and (does it come in blush?), one in that color." Ken was just taking off the bra he had tried on when Amber handed him a different one. This one had no straps to put over his shoulders. "Like you sister said, you don't want to be in a strapless evening gown and have your bra straps show. This one will give you the lift and support you need without showing. That is assuming your gown isn't cut too low in front or back. Try it on." Taking the new bra, Ken put it on just like he did the others Kim had him wear. Only this time all he had to do was to pull it up over his breasts once it had been hooked. Amber said "Very good fit. But do you think your gown will be low cut?" Kim answered for him, "There is that possibility. So what would you suggest in that case?" "We carry just the thing. Wait here a minute and let me get it." With that she left to retrieve the suggested bra. As they were waiting, Kim turned to Ken and whispered in his ear "See you are nothing more or less than my twin sister. Even Amber thinks you are a woman." Blushing once again, Ken whispered back, "Just don't expect me to take off my panties with her in here" Suddenly Amber reappeared carrying a plastic bag. Inside was what appeared to be two skin colored half-moons. Taking one out, she held it up for Ken to examine. She said, "You use an adhesive to hold it in place, just under your breasts. It is designed to give support without being noticeable. This is what a lot of women use for low cut outfits and none have ever complained about it." Again, Kin spoke before Ken had a chance to say anything. "How easy is it to clean after wearing?" "It takes just a mild soap and warm water washing. You do it by hand and let it air dry. You won't have to do anything more than that." "We'll take that too. Now what do you have in the way of panties?" "We have a very nice selection. They are right over here. Is there certain style you were wanting?" "I was thinking maybe something in a hip hugger for her. Poor dear has only granny panties to wear right now." Amber nodded and said "I totally agree that she needs something special. Maybe something a bit daring and sexy to help her fully realize her womanhood." Then she giggled and said "Maybe she can even get a man someday soon. What woman wouldn't like to have her man want her to show off her sexy panties to him?" With Ken in tow, Kim selected several pairs of panties for him. She selected a total of 7 for him. Making him carry the panties and bras to the checkout counter (they were for him after all), Kim pulled out her credit card and paid for everything. The rest of the day found the two of them going from store to store trying on things and actually buying some. Ken forgot about being a man. The longer he shopped with Kim, the more he acted like her. By the time they were tired and on their way home, Ken even offered to drive. Kim didn't let him because if they had gotten stopped or involved in an accident, Ken's license showed him to be male. And that could have caused legal problems for both of them. When they arrived back at Kim's apartment, it became very clear just how much they had bought. It took the two of them two trips each to carry everything in from the car. As he looked over all they had bought, he was suddenly concerned at how much Kim had spent buying panties, bras, dresses, shoes, makeup, jewelry, and even a couple of purses. When he expressed his concern (this was supposed to be for just a couple of weeks followed by five days at the conference), Kim told him that since they wore about the same size dress and shoes, she could use everything when he was finished with them. While Ken put away the things they had bought, Kim looked through the daily mail. That was when she found the envelope from the head of the conference. It was addressed to her so, worried that something may have gone wrong; she tore it open and read the enclosed letter. It said: Dear Miss Brown, This is to inform you of a few changes to the planned conference. Due to unforeseen circumstances involving the cruise ship, the conference has been delayed two weeks. It is hoped that this does not create any problems for you. The cruise line has agreed to work with the airline to get your ticket changed. Also, as a way to compensate for the changes, the cruise line has agreed to extend the cruise itself from just five days to fourteen days. Please make plans accordingly for this. Also, it has been requested that you be reminded about the dress code for dinner. For each dinner, you are to wear either a semi-formal or a formal dress. You may choose to wear a skirt to dinner but it is not to be made of denim. Furthermore, since the cruise has been extended, this should permit you to enjoy the cruise more. It will allow time for things like taking a dip in the ship's pool, going to the dance club or theater that is onboard, or just lounging on deck. Once again, please accept our apologies for the changes and enjoy your time on the ship. As she read the letter, she couldn't help but giggle. In one way she felt sorry for Ken. He had no idea what had happened and what he was in for now. But on the other hand, she was a little bit envious of him. She would have gladly gone if she didn't have to give that speech in front of everyone. As she read the letter to him, Ken's eyes grew wider and wider when he realized what it meant to him. "How in the world am I supposed to do all this now? I have only three weeks of vacation time and have already used one week of it," he asked Kim. "Maybe you could tell your company that you had a car accident and would not be able to return to work for at least 6 weeks. You could say you have a broken leg and a few internal injuries that will need at least that long to heal properly." "That sounds like a possible story. I just wonder if it will be believed." "The only way to find out is to try it," she offered. And then, with "a pleasant dreams", Kim went to bed. As Ken settled into his bed on the couch, he slowly drifted off to sleep only to dream about being Kim. In his dreams, he was on board the ship attending the conference when he met a man named Brad who made him feel special in a funny sort of way. They spent time on deck just talking and enjoying each other's company. Then suddenly Ken found himself in a white wedding dress, walking down the aisle. As he approached the alter, there stood Brad looking extremely handsome in his tux. Once again, the dream seemed to jump ahead. This time Ken was quite obviously pregnant. His swollen belly made it hard for him to walk gracefully. Instead he tended to waddle a bit. It was difficult for him to get in and out of the car when Brad would take him to see the OBGYN for the weekly checkup. At night, just before going to sleep Ken would let Brad place a hand on his belly to feel the babies moving. Yes Ken was going to have twins. At times the two of them would play a game Brad made up called "name that lump." Was the lump the felt a head or a little bottom? And which of the twins did it belong to? On the last visit to the doctor, Ken was told he could go into labor any day and to be ready. Ken and Brad were so excited that day. Ken because it had been a long nine months and Brad because he was finally going to be a "daddy". It was just three days later that Ken's water broke and Brad rushed him to the hospital. The whole time Ken was in labor (about 24 hours) Brad was there with him holding his hand, trying everything he could to comfort Ken. One more time Ken's dream advanced in time. This time found the four of them at Disney World. There were Brad, Ken, and the two children Jennifer and Brad Junior. They were spending a two week vacation there enjoying being a family. Suddenly Ken woke to the sound of the alarm. It took him a few minutes to remember where he was and why the alarm was going off. Today he left for the conference. While he took his shower and got ready, Kim got up and made breakfast for the two of them. For the trip, Ken chose to wear Kin's navy slacks, cream colored nylon blouse, navy blazer, and navy slings with a 3 inch heel. He had just finished with his makeup and hair when Kim came in and handed him a small box. "I think this will go great with your outfit." Opening the box, Ken found a pair of pearl earrings. They had a slight pink tint and a tiny diamond chip for accent. Ken was so glad he had gotten his ears pierced when he did. Blushing Ken looked at Kim and whispered "Thank you. They are beautiful. Are you sure you won't need them while I am gone?" Kim walked over to Ken, put her arms around him to give him a big sisterly type hug and said "I bought them for you." As they ate, Ken asked Kim, "What am I going to do for identification? You know I will need some at the airport." Kim told him, "Take my company I.D. card and my passport. I won't need them. I'll keep my driver's license so I can go places while you are gone. And since my company already knows I will be at the conference, I won't need the I.D. card." Ken chewed a bit of the egg Kim had cooked and then asked, "Did you make sure I have everything I need? Is everything packed?" "Oh my yes! I have gone over everything three times and you are as ready as you will ever be. And don't forget, you are taking my laptop along so while on the plane, you can review my work. Also there is the presentation on it so you will know what to expect as you give your (my) talk." "Are you sure I can do this?" "Step over here to this mirror and let me show you something. Take a look at your reflection and then at me. We are as identical as two twins can be. If we were to walk down the street side by side and wore the exact same outfit, people would swear they were seeing doubles." As he looked into the mirror, Ken could see that Kim was telling the truth. He could not believe how alike they looked even then. As Kim drove Ken to the airport, they chatted just like two sisters. Kim admitted that in a way she was jealous of Ken but it was ok. She was more afraid of getting up in front of people than she was jealous. Finally they arrived at the airport. Stopping in the unloading zone, Kim helped Ken get out the suitcase, laptop, and his carry-on bag. With a final hug and a whispered, "Good luck," Kim left Ken. With his purse slung over his left shoulder, the laptop case in his left hand and his right hand on the handle of the suitcase, he entered the terminal and got in line to get his ticket. At the ticket counter, a man helped him put the suitcase on the platform to be checked in. When the ticket agent asked for some identification, Ken reached into his purse and produced the passport. He then explained he left his driver's license home so there would not be a chance of losing it. "Good thinking" was the reply he got. And with that, the agent handed him the ticket and boarding pass, said, "Your flight leaves from gate number 18 yellow concourse. Have a nice flight. Next please." Walking down the terminal, Ken heard the clicking of his heels on the hard floor. He found it a bit funny how that sound made him feel a bit more at ease, even when he had to go into the women's restroom to pee. The sound of his heels, the feel of his panties and bra under his outfit, the scent of the lipstick he reapplied and even the scent of the perfume he wore all told him everything was going to be ok. Walking into the women's restroom, he went into the first empty stall he found. With his slacks and panties pulled down, he sat down and peed. Then he removed the maxi-pad he had in his panties and replaced it with a fresh one from his purse. He stopped at one skink to wash his hands. As he did, the pink nail polish he wore flashed in the light. "How lovely they are," he thought to himself. "I never thought having long polished nails could be so pretty on me." After he finished touching up his lipstick and checking his makeup one more time, Ken went to the gate where his flight was to depart from. As he got there, he went to the gate desk and checked in. Handing the ticket and boarding pass to the agent; he just stood and waited while she typed some information into the computer. "Miss Brown, I see you are on your way to Orlando. Going on business or pleasure?" "Mostly for business but I am hoping to find sometime for a little relaxation too." "I grew up there. You hope you enjoy your stay. Do you have any idea what hotel you are staying at?" "No. I will be there for just a day. I will be on a cruise the rest of the time." "Well, have a pleasant time where ever you go. We will be boarding in just a few minutes." With that, Ken walked over to the seats and sat down. As he waited for his flight, he noticed a family seated across from him. There was a boy and a girl, their mother and father. As he watched them, he started to feel a bit sad about something. As he thought about it, he started to remember the dream he had just the night before. Then he realized what he was feeling. He was feeling the longing to be a part of a family like that. He felt the need to be the wife of a loving husband and mother to a couple of adorable children. He couldn't help himself. He got up, walked over and sat down in the seat next to the woman. Looking at the children playing on the carpet in front of her, ken said, "They are adorable! How old are they?" The lady blushed a little and replied, "Thank you. Steven is four and Katie is two." "You and your husband must be very proud of them." "We are. They can be a handful at times but I would not trade them and Peter (that's my husband) for anything in the world." Before Ken could say anything else, his flight was announced. Since he had a first class ticket, he was one of the first to board the plane. With directions from the flight attendant, he found his seat, stored the laptop overhead and his purse under the seat, sat down and got the seat belt buckled. As the plane started down the runway for takeoff, Ken thought to himself, "This may not be so bad. What was I afraid of? Actually I am starting to really enjoy the whole thing. I never knew how good it could feel to have on a skirt and heels." And with that, Ken started a whole new chapter in his life. It was one that he would never regret in anyway.

Same as Twin to The Rescue Videos

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Twin Brothers2

Brad and Barry seemed to be two brothers who were normal in all appearances. They did all the things that twins would normally do together. They shared their clothes as they were the exact same size. They played together all during their childhood and got along pretty well at most times. Not to say that they didn't have the usual childish arguments. But all in all they seemed to be your ordinary young boys. They even shared the same bedroom like brothers of a close or same age would do. But...

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Twin Sister DelightChapter 6 Twinsrsquo Wanton Mother

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I wiggled my finger in my twin sister’s asshole as I stared through the slats of the closet door. Kimiko trembled beside me, feeling the tension as we waited to see what our mother would do. Would she suck Clint’s cock soaked in my pussy juices? She wouldn’t know it was my cream on him. That Clint had just fucked my cunt. His jizz ran out of me, leaking down my thighs as I hid naked. This was the moment that my twin sister’s desires finally were...

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Changes In Paradise 05 The Rescue

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A Raid and a Rescue

=== A Raid and a Rescue === by Trismegistus Shandy This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Feel free to repost or mirror it on any noncommercial site or list. ----- I stared in dismay at the screen, glancing back and forth from the regression test results to the clock display. 5:10 pm, and I wasn't getting out of here anytime soon. I took out my phone and texted...

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Twin brother and sister fill little brother in

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

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Damn, I was beginning to wonder why I did this. Search and Rescue is a long job with a low success rate for the individual teams. You always hope you will be the one that makes the find and that you bring them out. The worst is when you are too late. The ringing of the phone had brought me out of a deep sleep. From what the commander said this was going to be a high profile search. A plane went down in the mountains west of here. They had an approximate area, and the search planes should have...

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Twin Brothers1

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Twin Sister DelightChapter 3 Twin Sistersrsquo Incestuous Secret

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Twin Japanese Nieces Pt1

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Twin girls double trouble

I worked at a drive in theater for several summers. One summer I had three girl friends at the same time and was having sex with them up to six times a day. This story is not about the three girls or the amount of sex I had with them and what happened when they found out about each other, that is another story. This story is about what happened one night at the drive in theater.In the entrance booth I was working with another guy about my age and we were just talking as it was slow, when this...

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Twin Sister DelightChapter 4 Twin Sistersrsquo Anal Delight

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Twin Girlfriends

When I was 25 I was working for a catering company that mostly catered for movie productions and the like. We had big trucks and huge industrial-sized outdoor grills that we would set up at movie and TV lots and at on-location sets. We served great food but it was mostly basic fare. We ran a glorified chuck wagon, as opposed to upscale gourmet-type caterers. We catered the production of this one movie--it was a stupid bikini flick, one of those low-brow summer B movies. After production...

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Twin Pain Sluts 2

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Twin AngelsChapter 5

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

2 years ago
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Twin Daughters For DogsChapter 3

The very next afternoon found the twins back in the anteroom of the kennel building. They had selected a beautiful beagle to fuck. At this very moment, the aroused beagle, Leroy, was sitting on his haunches next to the teenaged girls. Saliva was dripping from his lolling tongue as he watched Dee and Kim writhing against each other on an old mattress they had discovered in a shed next to the kennel. The beagle's hardening prick quivered and dripped with pre- cum, protruding several inches...

1 year ago
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Twin Switch Kelly and Mark Chapters 5 8

Twin Switch: Kelly and Mark By Karen Singer Chapters 5 - 8 Chapter 5 The following morning, Janice was almost relieved to see her two twins back to being themselves again. And she spent a lot of time that morning just looking at them that way. Kelly once again looked absolutely lovely in another of her new outfits - high heels and all. She had once again repainted Kelly's nails for her the night before while Mark looked on and filled his sister in on everything the rest...

3 years ago
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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Twin Daughters For DogsChapter 2

The Dixon's dog kennels had a good-sized room in the front which was partitioned off from the actual kennels in the back where the dogs stayed. In this front area, there were a counter, a couple of wooden benches, the cash register, several plaques, photos and awards. At that moment, the floor in this room was strewn with the teenagers' discarded clothes. Kim was on one of the benches, which was wide enough to support her as she lay there on her back. Sitting directly on Kim's flushed...

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Twin Switch Kelly and Mark Chapters 14 17

Twin Switch: Kelly and Mark By Karen Singer Chapters 14 - 17 Chapter 14 "I knew it had to be soon," Janice replied early that morning when Mark went into her bedroom to explain that "his" period had just started. Mark had gone in early to tell her, only because his mother had specifically asked him to do it. "Have you told Kelly yet?" "Not yet. Want me to break the bad news?" "No," Janice said with a sigh as she forced herself out of bed. "I better do it...

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Twin Brides

Based on a true story... Foreword: Twin brides. This is an innocent title of an amazing story. What does it mean? It can mean a lot of things. It can mean that there are two sisters who decide to get married on the same day. The question is: who are they marrying? Two happy grooms? Or -- gasp! -- each other? It seems that weddings can elicit the strangest reactions: the groom faints, the bride laughs as if she were mad, the guests sweat like there is no tomorrow, the bride slips...

2 years ago
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Twin Girls 2

Twin Girls 2 By Laurie Ann B The sun streaming through my bedroom window awakened me. As I turned to throw the cover off I was reminded of yesterdays events as the silky pink nightie wrapped me in its folds. I can't say that it didn't feel nice cause it really did give me goose bumps. It was going to be a warm spring day and as I looked out my window I couldn't spy a cloud in the sky. A breeze blew through the open window and caused the loosely fit gown to wrap me in a silky caress. I...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 11 Althea the School Girl

Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...

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The Devils Pact Sidestory Miss Blythe Is Hot for Her Students

edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...

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Twin Twinks at the Hotel

Twin Twinks at the HotelTwin brothers Liam and Sean had spent a few days down the country on an adventure holiday with their parents. Lots of fun and frolics had been had by all but now it was the morning of going home day.Like all twins, the boys were inseparable and did everything together. They had shared a double bed up until a couple of years ago. Back home they still shared a room but now each had his own single bed to do in whatever he pleased. But for the holiday they were back sleeping...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

4 years ago
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Twin Switch

Chapter 1 The owner of the small salon, Kim, was sitting behind the desk paging through a magazine when the front door opened. A child appearing about 12 or 13 stumbled in, almost knocking into the coat rack just inside the shop. Kim, when she saw the youngster, took a moment to try to decide if it was a boy or girl. The features were boyish-girlish pretty, the hair, fairly thick just to the shoulders. She had just decided it was a girl, then changed her mind that it was a pretty...

2 years ago
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Twin Sister DelightChapter 5 Twinsrsquo Wicked Evening

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “This is going to be an amazing dinner,” my twin sister said as we walked up the street with our mom to Clint’s house. “Minako thinks so, too,” I answered, the pair of us speaking our native Japanese. Kimiko gave me a naughty grin, a smile spreading across her delicate lips, the corners of her mouth spreading wide. She gripped my hand, squeezing it. We both wore dresses, mine sleeveless and blue, the skirt falling down to a few inches above my...

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Athena Corp Chronicles A Mothers Love

As he approached one of the hall's long mirrors he stopped to inspect himself. It was a familiar sight, the flowing, billowy French maid outfit surrounding his body. His arms and legs were outlined in silky, white stockings and arm-gloves. He wore pearl earrings and the lacy white collar around his neck was adorned with a beautiful pendant. It was a gift from mother that he wore every day, without fail. Jon's painted red lips and neatly applied eyeliner and blush were evidence that he was...

1 year ago
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Sex Therapy 2 The Thert

PREFACE:There are no sex acts in the story but the patient does have an orgasm as a result of the Ther****t’s physical examination. Part 1 is the Sex Therapy appointment from the patient’s point of view and part 2 is the same examination seen through the eyes of the Ther****t. I don’t think it matters which one you read first.I hope you enjoy it and will let me know what you think in any...

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