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Damn, I was beginning to wonder why I did this. Search and Rescue is a long job with a low success rate for the individual teams. You always hope you will be the one that makes the find and that you bring them out. The worst is when you are too late.

The ringing of the phone had brought me out of a deep sleep. From what the commander said this was going to be a high profile search. A plane went down in the mountains west of here. They had an approximate area, and the search planes should have an exact location shortly after sunrise. We would be sent in to check for survivors. This was the routine that we played out a couple times a year. What made this one special was that some bigwig and his party had been on this plane. That meant the media would be at the command post almost as fast as we could get there.

Another thing that could become a problem was the weather. A cold front was due to pass through within 72 hours bringing high winds and snow. If we couldn't get there quickly, any survivors of the crash would probably die of exposure.

Before I could get dried off from my shower, my partner was sitting in the bedroom waiting for me. Thor sat watching me dress in my warmest clothes, anticipating my next move before I could make it. He led the way down the stairs to the closet where I kept my pack and his harness. Thor then knew that we were indeed going to work. His excitement started to affect me and I became more anxious to get started.

The van pulled up and I piled our gear into the back. Simon Walters, the base commander lived close enough that we would often ride together. With him driving the hundred or so miles to the command site, I could relax a bit and think about what we would soon be up against. However for some reason, staring into the darkness that enveloped us, my mind wandered back. Back to a time I would give anything to not think about again.

I had joined Search and Rescue as an extension of my job as an EMT. I was partnered with a Sable German Shepherd named Heidi that had already been trained. Our first efforts were comical because I had no idea what I doing. The instructor finally explained that I had to learn to watch and listen to the dog. We did much better after that, but it wasn't until I learned to trust her completely that we really meshed as a team. I had to earn her trust as well.

Things changed the day I sat on the ground in frustration at another missed decoy. I was squatted down holding my head in my hands, ready to throw the towel in. Suddenly there was this big black muzzle resting in the bend of my elbow. I looked over and stared into those dark brown eyes. She was giving me a look that I learned was her complete trust and love of me. I gave her a scratch behind the ears and told myself that we could do this. And we did.

I was living in California at the time and most of the work was finding lost children in the parks and hills. We were a great team, winning awards from competitions and racking up a good record of rescues.

But mostly we bonded as a team and as best friends. This was a good thing since my wife had decided that she needed to find herself with a banker that made about five times as much as I did. I came home one evening to find most of the house cleaned out and a note that explained that I would be getting the papers from her lawyer in the mail. All the emotions that I had welled up within me and I went into every room alternating between rage and complete desperation. Heidi followed me, not understanding except that I was very upset. I spent the first night in a stupor, staring at the little TV my ex had left and drinking whiskey until I passed out.

I spent the first few weeks in a deep depression, just going through the motions of surviving. Heidi got into the habit of sitting beside me and laying her huge head in my lap. Her big brown eyes would look into mine trying to tell me it would be alright. That was the look of absolute love and devotion.

I was so down on relationships that I spent most of my time with Heidi in practice and advanced training. She passed the explosives test with flying colors, and won several awards.

We came into our own when an earthquake in the northern part of the state. It was a strong one and caused extensive damage. Heidi and I were assigned to check for survivors in the rubble. We went into the search area and went to work. I could see her orange vest as she went around piles of rubble, her nose sniffing for any signs that humans were buried.

We were about to move on to another area when Heidi barked and then sat in front of a pile that just hours before had been a four-plex. This was her signal that she had made a find. We moved to the side and signaled for a crew with the proper equipment take over. They started moving the rubble and within a short time the man in the hole shouted out that they had found a young man trapped but still alive.

I pulled Heidi's favorite toy out and gave it to her for her reward. He had been our third find that day and I was proud of her. Heidi even made the national evening news. The crews caught footage of her as she moved around a pile of rubble, her nose sniffing the cracks and under the concrete for any scent that would mean a person was alive in the pile of bricks and wood that once had been a house. Of course, she could have cared less about the cameras and lights. She knew her job and she would do it without any distractions.

It was late in the day when were moving through piles of debris near what had been a strip mall. There was an aftershock that caused the ground to move a bit. I was told later that the movement caused a propane tank that was hidden under the rubble to explode. All that I heard was a deafening explosion and I felt myself thrown about 20 feet into what once was the parking lot. My ribs hurt like hell and there was blood running down the side of my face. I knew Heidi had been in front of me and I frantically searched for her.

When I spotted her body lying on the ground about 10 feet from me, I could see the piece of twisted metal that seemed to have magically grown out of her rib cage. I staggered over to her calling her name. When I knelt down next to her, she raised her head up and gave me a look that was filled with pain. I knew that there was no hope, she had already lost a lot of blood and what was still trailing out was the bright red of oxygenated blood. The piece of steel had gone through her lungs. I picked up her head and cradled it in my lap. She gave a couple of feeble wags of her tail and gave my hand a lick. That had always been her signal that she was there for me and that she loved me. I stroked her muzzle and the side of her face as I watched the once brilliant brown eyes lost their luster, and her body gave a final gasp of life. There had been nothing I could do to save my best friend, but at least she felt me there as she passed.

How long I sat there completely despondent trying to shield her lifeless body from the light rain that had started I still don't know. We were found by fire rescue when the dusk of the day had started to envelop us. They tried to get me to move, but I simply could not just leave Heidi lying there. The search supervisor finally assured me that she would be taken care of, and they placed me on a gurney for the ride to the crowded emergency room.

Heidi's ashes were put to rest with honor. She was a hero of the fire department in our small town ever since she had found one of their own after he had broken his leg in a fall. They gave her full honors in a memorial that did her service proud. I decided that I could no longer handle the emotional hurt and decided to retire from Search and Rescue. Never again would I have another dog.

Three years passed and I had started a new life. I had moved to the mountain town of Telluride, joined the fire department as one of 3 EMTs, and even started a social life. I definitely did not want to settle down, but the snow bunnies were always ready for a good time, even if it was just dinner or drinks. Something more happened often enough to keep me satisfied.

Then came the day that the local group found out that I had been in Search and Rescue. I was talking to another of the EMTs about a couple of rescues that had turned out really well. We continued to talk about how the mountain passes would be different to search from what I was familiar with where I had come from. Something must have clicked when he stared at my nameplate and grinned.

"Tim Rivers. You had a dog that won the western regional championships two years in a row. That was you, wasn't it?"

I reluctantly admitted that I was. And before I could say I didn't want to talk about that, Jimmy was waving over a small group of people that had been standing near the pool tables.

As the 5 men and 3 women approached, Jimmy too loudly stated, "Simon, you remember when you got your ass royally kicked in the regionals 4 years ago?"

"Of course I remember, you won't ever let me forget it will ya?" said a man about my height with black hair and a face that I vaguely remembered. "Ham and I were just outclassed."

Jimmy, being shorter, had to reach up to clasp the man on the shoulder. "I want you to meet the man who showed you how it was done." With that he indicated me with a slightly drunken sweep of his arm.

I was very embarrassed as I extended my hand. Simon had a huge grin as he grabbed my hand and shook it with vigor. "I have to admit that you did deserve that trophy. I never have seen a team work as well together. I was looking forward to the rematch the next year. I was surprised when you weren't there."

It was like a shot in the gut. I looked down into my half empty glass. "Heidi was killed in a rescue 8 months later." I said it quietly, but Simon caught it. His hand went to my shoulder as a sign of support. The others gathered around and offered their sympathies as well. We ended talking of rescues and the funny things that could happen while on them.

They finally convinced me to help with some training. The memories bothered me at first, but I forced them behind me and we were soon practicing one weekend a month and I was really starting to enjoy it.

Janice, one of the 3 women that were in the group, came to me one day with a problem. Her black lab, Ditz, was getting well past the age where he could still go out. She was looking for another dog that was still trainable so Ditz could retire and live out the rest of his days in comfort. I suggested a kennel that I knew of on the Colorado Utah border that trained working dogs of all breeds. After much batting of baby blue eyes and pleading looks, I promised to take a couple of days off and go with her.

We arrived at the kennels and looked at over 60 dogs. The owner of the kennel was up on the traits of each of his animals and was helpful in steering Janice toward the animals best suited to her. As she was choosing from 3 finalists, I wondered back around to a set of kennels that we had missed.

Inside the third one from the end was a German Shepherd put that looked to be about 3 months old. His ears were much too big for his head, but were standing straight up. His eyes were watching every move I made with interest. I thought there was no harm in giving him some attention. He watched closely until I knelt next to the chain link, then came bounding up almost tripping on his huge paws. He pawed on the gate and then licked and nibbled on my fingers as I put them through the wire.

The owner of the kennels came up and opened the gate so I could look at him closer. His body was sound, the shoulders felt right. The owner assured me that both Sire and Bitch were clear on their hips and that this fellow showed no sign of dysphasia. He also gave me the linage and I recognized some names that were previous show and obedience champions. I was holding the pup in my arms trying to tell the owner that I really didn't want another dog, when Janice, walked up leading the yellow lab she had chosen. "Looks like love at first sight, at least on his part." she stated as he gave me a swipe of his tongue up my cheek.

I kept trying to come up with excuses why I didn't want or need another dog. Excuses that Janice would immediately would shoot down. When we finally left, there were two dogs in the back of the SUV. I had firmly decided that this fellow would be a pet, not a working dog. I was NOT going to get into that situation again.

I should have known that the fates were against me. Thor, who was named after I heard him bark the first time, had a thing for my socks. He would drag them out of the hamper and come in carrying them in his mouth. I tried to hide them, and he would find them. I threw out some of his chewed up toys, and he would trace them to the trashcans. It finally got to be a game for me to hide his favorite toys and he would keep looking until he would find them.

At the insistence of Janice and the rest of the group, I started working him in the basics. Just obedience and a little "hide and seek". He took to it like it was second nature. I finally gave up and started working him in earnest. We went to classes and started working on the advance techniques. The day Thor turned a year old we were standing on the grounds for certification. He performed perfectly that day and we went home with the certificate and the orange vest that told the world he was part of an elite group that could and did often save lives. That was also the day that I finally decided to let Heidi have her rest. I owed Thor that much since he had come so far.

Since that day, two years ago, we had worked in the mountains around our home. Mostly hikers that had lost their way, and fools skiing out of bounds on the slopes. It kept me in shape and Thor was always eager to go.

I was jolted out of my memories as Simon pulled the big SUV into the lot of a campground. Simon parked near a tent that had been hastily erected. He headed into the tent and I started pulling the equipment out of the back of the Suburban. My backpack, Thor's vest and lead, extra water and rations. Everything was in order. We then headed into the tent to get our search area.

The light of the two lanterns cast a glow in the interior illuminating the radio station, the chairs, maps and other items that were needed. I headed over to the most important piece of equipment in the pre-dawn chill. Filling a cup with the strong, black coffee, I moved over to see what Simon was looking at.

There were several topographical maps scattered on the fold up table. Simon was studying one that showed a mountainside that had everything that would cause problems for a search. Steep grades, large areas of forests interspersed with boulders, these obstacles made the chance of surviving a crash very low, and finding that crash quickly even lower.

He pointed to a rough section with his chubby finger. "Tim, you and Thor are going to be dropped at the only landing site and you are to get to this area. These four grid areas are yours."

I was still studying the map when the other 3 teams came in. We were discussing just what we were up against, when Simon called for our attention. "I have been told that we will have reinforcements here by late this afternoon, but for now it is just us. Radios will not reach back to the camp, so you will have to relay to Richard who will be on the top of the ridge. You have your assignments, so head out and be careful."

We all took a last sip of coffee and picked up our equipment. The chopper was warming up in the parking lot and we headed towards it. We settled into the old army helicopter and prepared for the ride. On my left was Janice. Her lab, Boomer, had become a favorite among us all due to his friendly personality. To my right was Jose', the newest member of our group. He and his Golden retriever had been certified only a few months ago. But his enthusiasm and love of a challenge quickly made him a favorite. Sitting there, Jose's head came just to my shoulder and he was constantly teasing about my being too tall to fit in most places. I in turn, would tell him he had to climb a ladder just to see over the back of Chester, his dog.

However there was no joking during this ride. We were all deadly serious. We knew that if anyone had survived the crash, their continued survival depended on us doing our jobs.

Thor was not too happy flying in the rocking, rolling motion of the chopper and he was more than ready to jump out when we touched down. As soon as the chopper was out of the way, I checked the GPS I was carrying and headed to the search site.

Thor was setting a quick pace and I was soon peeling off my parka. The air was crisp and clear this high up but the physical exertion of moving through the underbrush and over rocks made up for the cool air. We kept moving in a zigzag pattern covering the area that the plane was thought to have gone down in. It was a slow process, but it made sure we didn't miss anything.

I had just sat down on a rock for a rest and a snack as well as a drink for Thor. Scanning the area as I ate, I saw a glint of metal reflecting the pale sunlight that was coming through the gathering clouds. I radioed to the relay man on top of the mountain my position and that I had a possible find. Then Thor and I headed to toward the metal.

About halfway there, Thor lifted his head and smelled the air for a moment. Getting his bearings, he stopped the random movements and headed straight along an invisible trail only he could decipher.

I saw that it was indeed the plane that we were searching for. Or at least what was left. The right wing had been torn off and the fuselage had been ripped open. There was someone moving around as I approached so I knew there was at least one survivor. We moved quickly into the rocky clearing calling out who we were. A young woman looked up from wiping the blood from a man leaning against the wreckage. She was rather small but with a pretty face even with the cut that was across her cheek. What was the most surprising was the calm that she greeted us with. She rose from her crouch and calmly stood waiting for me to get there.

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I pull you in and kiss you hard. I run my fingers through your hair and hold you close to me. My lips are soft against yours. I push against you as the ceiling fan spins slowly above us. The gentle hum of the cicadas outside fade away as my thoughts drift to you and you alone.The feeling of your body pressed against mine, the sound of your breaths, the touch of your hands on my back. I pull away for a moment to take off my shirt and toss it to the side. I giggle when I catch your eyes on my...

2 years ago
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Me And My Neighbor Aunty

Hi Indian sex stories readers. Hope all of you doing well. I am Sujith, going to tell another sexual adventure of mine. This time our heroin is Sheela, a 45 year old aunty who lives my neighborhood. Her husband is a college professor. I got chance to see Sheela”s navel many times through her transparent saree and which make my dick rise up. I masturbate thinking about her. I was waiting for an opportunity to fuck her. And i got my chance… Her husband is a subscriber of Yathra Magazine and I...

4 years ago
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The Party Casual Ending

You’re sitting on the couch and I’m seated on your lap as we observe all the entertainment around us. I’m wearing my favourite pair of jeans and a white tank top with a black bra underneath. (Of course, you were the one who gave me the permission to wear it like this). You gently pull my shoulders so that I lay back to rest against your chest and kiss my neck lovingly. Then you coyly begin to snake your hand over my breasts and tummy and sneak it down the front of my pants. I gasp at...

4 years ago
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Wow ThanksChapter 13 Meditation and Reading

Denise got home about 30 minutes later, to find me immersed in one of my business magazines. I hadn't forgotten the awkwardness of the earlier interaction, but I'd pushed it to the back of my mind with the realization there was nothing I could do about it except wait and see. She fiddled in the kitchen for a few minutes, and asked if I wanted anything to eat, and finally put some chips and veggies and dip down on the coffee table in the living room and sat facing me on the couch. I could...

2 years ago
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Death Mask

Death Mask It's a small chapel, with wooden pews and light streaming in through an abstract stained-glass window. The music is gentle, religious. The space feels heavy, like the air has weight. I decide to sit at the back on the left hand side: a lone young man in a cheap black suit, staring at the flimsy photocopied order of service and avoiding the eye of anyone else who comes in. The photo on the cover is a good one, and in color, which is surprising. I smile looking at her face,...

3 years ago
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She agrees to anal

True story Its been at least 2 years since we last were able to find ourselves somewhere that we could do it. She came to my house and we were all over each other in a matter of seconds. I love to lick and tongue her pussy while she's holding my head just where she likes my tongue. I'm pushing my tongue as deep as i can and sucking her lips while i push my finger into her. I can feel her starting to tense and i know from experience she wont be last long now. She cums hard and begs me to fuck...

3 years ago
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Kiwi Candles

‘Baby,’ I called to him, ‘I’m back.’ The apartment seemed to be empty, no lights on, o sound from the TV, I was starting to think he wasn’t here. I smiled, standing in the door of our room looking at him, asleep on the bed. I dropped my bag quietly to the floor and approached him. I kissed his cheek, ‘my sexy baby.’ And he was, I liked when he dressed in his sweats with his wifebeater and hat, I kind of emulated his style on this hot day in Oakland, I was wearing dark blue shorts, and a...

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Diaries of Ceres and Taliya Part One

I thought today would be like any other day.   I thought wrong.   Master told me not to listen to Mistress.   Unfortunately for me he never told her: I didn’t want to get in trouble with either of them.   My sister was upstairs cleaning her room while Master had me clean the rest of the house.   You see, Mistress Julia owns my sister Taliya.   I, Ceres, belong to Master John. It’s hard pleasing them both, trying not to disappoint them.   Master left for work, Mistress Julia wasn’t too far...

2 years ago
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Perfect timing

I had always had a crush on my friend, Charlie's mum. Her name was Kirsty and she was aged in her late 30's and had a terrific body but I think it was her personality that I liked most, you could have a real conversation with her and she always seemed interested in how I was feeling. My own parents were a lot older having had me later in life. All their friends seemed so much older than Kirsty and were of the belief that c***dren should be seen but not heard. So Kirsty and her husband Mack,...

4 years ago
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I Did Bukkake and I didnt even know what it

After one of my bosses "special parties" there was a note in one of the tip envelopes asking if I wanted to work a bukkake party. I called the number and told the man that answered I'd have to clear it with my boss to make sure there wasn't anything else planned. He chuckled and said he already cleared it, he's not that crazy, and my boss was going to be there.Then I had to ask him what a bukkake party was. He told me and said he'd had three of them and had the same girl, Lisa, there each...

2 years ago
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John Sally Get Horny

Now there was a husband and a wife named John and Sally Martin. They were both 30 and were very attractive. They had no kids but today might be the day.... One day John came home from work and took off shirt, revealing all of his muscles. Sally was sitting on a chair starring at him. There eyes met and both of them knew that the other person wanted to have sex. They went to the...

3 years ago
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Slaves Exhibition

In a certain town, in a certain district, there was a popular slave market that you'd decided to see for yourself. The market was famous for it's exhibitions; large scale events where trained slaves were shown off to potential buyers. Beautiful men and women, all remarkably trained in pleasure and obedience, paraded around an audience to show which ones were the most desirable. As you arrived at the market and passed your ticket to a guard, your stomach was already tingling with excitement....

1 year ago
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BBC Inside My Booty

I sat at my desk doing homework and staring out my bedroom window hoping my boyfriend Mr. Chapman would get home soon. He’d been working a lot lately and as a result we had seen little of each other. As a police officer I knew his schedule was weird and I didn’t want to smother him or anything, but as his girlfriend I worried about the late nights and wanted him to be safe and snuggling with me every night. Living with my parents threw a wrench in that particular fantasy, but I wanted it all...

2 years ago
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Surprising Susie

It was a summer warm day as i met Susi at a bus stop.I was chatting her up. We talked about the area and some nice places to hang and go out. I wanted to see her again as i was attracted to her right away.I asked her if i would see her again. Her answer shocked me and aroused me at the same time. She replied "Only if you coming naked to my house".Wow, did she really say that? I was excited and shocked at the same time while i also thought quickly about how i could pull that off!To get to her...

4 years ago
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A Memorable Backpack

I pull my car into the trailhead parking lot. Great, not another car here, I think, as I pull to a shady spot and turn off the ignition. This is a popular spot on the weekends because it is a perfect one day hike into the pools and creek area that the locals call the ‘shut-in’. I have a week off and decided to take a couple of days to enjoy the beautiful spring weather. It has been a mild winter, but it always felt good to get out for the first hike of the spring. I get out of the car and pop...

1 year ago
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Tha Man Who Would Be Queen Ch7

The Man Who Would Be Queen Chapter 7 "On the Eve of the Beginning" Olivia paced the floor nervously in his red 5" spike high heels. His husband and his girlfriend were coming to visit him today and this always made him very uneasy. Olivia had not seen his husband in several months. He both hated and feared the most sadistic and unkind human he had ever met, then forced to marry, and he hated the girlfriend even more. She relished...

3 years ago
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We Four MChapter 3

Portrait Bill Pierce was home trying to decide how likely it was that both the boys would stay asleep long enough for him to read at least one entire story in the Trib when Carolyn asked him a question out of the blue. “You sure you got the dissertation to Kindle?” That had been weeks ago. “I went to the classroom you told me to. I addressed him by name. I mentioned your name, and he didn’t say ‘Who?’ He addressed me by name. He put the dissertation in his briefcase. It was as full and...

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The Blind Date Night Part 1

The date was arranged by a good friend of mine, she said she'd shown my picture to Warren and he kept pestering her to arrange a meeting. I finally agreed to meet him with no strings attached or promises. I had no idea what to expect or how far things might go but I always like to be prepared. I showered, shaved my legs and any other area that needed attention, shampooed my hair and perfumed and powdered my body. I decided to wear black thigh hi stockings, a black push-up bra and the cutest...

2 years ago
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Falling Below Standards

“I know” she beamed back. “Ladies, stop” came a firm direct order. They froze. Principal West stood before them, he was a tall man in his fifties with silver hair. There was a tense silence as he looked at them, inspecting them with his dark eyes. “Miss Greene, what’s this?” he said, stepping to the side of her and pulling at a loose strand of her dark hair which had fallen out of her neat bun. Madison’s heart sank and she remained silent for a moment. “Please-” “I think we better have a...

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Pizza Delivery With Extra Cream

Well, I was halfway through the shift and was just finishing my break when an order came through. So after waiting for the order to be processed, I got all my gear and went off in the car, I was actually making some decent time as for once all the lights seemed to go my way. If I had known what was going to happen later, I may have bought a lotto ticket, haha. I pulled into the end of this street and was just looking for the number of the house. Most of the houses were pitch black. Well, seeing...

Straight Sex
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Lisa gets things started

~ Lisa was lying on the bed and she reached her hand down in between her legs, finding her pussy already beginning to get wet. Slowly she rubbed her clit so lightly letting her fingers slide down into the folds of her lips and feeling the heat emitting from her own body. Massaging it ever so gently and softly, almost not touching it.Rubbing her breasts with her other hand, cupping them one at a time and than pinching her own nipples she closed her eyes and went into her own zone of pleasure....

1 year ago
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SexAndSubmission Summer Day The Eviction

When Summer Day tries to buy out Tommy Pistol’s home lease he makes her a counter-offer she cant refuse. Sexy Summer Day submits to hard domination, bondage and anal sex! Tommy takes matters into his own hands and writes up a contract that says Summer will swallow his cock to the best of her ability! He teases her with the zapper to make sure she reads the fine print. First he puts her on her knees and ties her up to a table to punish her with the flogger. He whips her big tits and thighs...

1 year ago
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The air circulates. Grasses, brown and arid in this semi-desert land, move with the breeze. Inside body armour it matters not a jot. Sweat trickles down your back, your chest ... irritatingly around your groin. So you wait. Stand as ordered, formed in a regulation square. And wait to hear what platitudes shall be offered. Crap, of course. Total crap. We were told that we would be holding the line. A very fresh faced young officer, doing the telling, still looking rumpled from the brief...

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Peeping tom neighbor boy

Introduction: After she sees the neighbor boy watching her and her husband having sex …. My husband and I were in the middle of a good session of sex. We were in the missionary position with my legs tightly around his waist, pulling him deep into me when I happened to look out my bedroom window. There in the window, watching us, was our neighbors eighteen year old son, David. My first thought was to stop and let him know that we caught him and tell his parents, but I was right on the edge of an...

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Loving AmyChapter 7

The next morning Brad had already had two cups of coffee before Amy came down stairs. She looked like she was still worn out from shopping. She shuffled into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of juice and brought it into the office. Brad looked at her and laughed, "Can't handle it? I guess I tired you out yesterday." Amy slumped down into the chair opposite his desk. "That was really nice what you did for Carol yesterday. She told me that she needed clothes but her money was a bit tight....

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Happy Ending Pt 2 Falling in Lust again

Testing the waters, as we did not know where to start, we decided to place an ad on Craigslist.Sensual massage for wife. F40 M54.Experienced male masseur wanted who knows how to give a professional massage, that’s pleasurable and highly erotic while respecting her boundaries without expectation. Before we retire somewhere private. We’d like to meet for coffee to see if we click. She’s choosy; you must be a non-smoker, slim, have no facial hair and a high regard for cleanliness - No attraction;...

Group Sex
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Apocalyptic Lovers

Lover at World’s EndSex, Apocalypse & Me!How it happened, what started it and why were some of the many questions asked by the billions dead. Seven days it took for the world to become a horror show where every day was like the last!Some had joined the newcomers willingly, some through desperation and many from the fear of opposing their rule. The cities were theirs and yours if you accepted their draconian law, but conditions were not humane, or human!I lived in the wastes, areas outside...

2 years ago
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The Jonah Ryan IncidentChapter 4

“I, James Marwood, do solemnly swear... , “ the Chief Justice intoned. “I, James Marwood, do solemnly swear... , “ Speaker of the House Jim Marwood repeated. “That I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States,” the Chief Justice continued. “That I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States,” Marwood replied. “And will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States,” the Chief Justice...

1 year ago
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A Swingers Diary 1

NOTE: THIS IS A PIECE OF FICTION AND MEANT FOR EROTIC READING. ANY RESEMBLANCES IN REAL LIFE PURELY COINCIDENTAL, UNINTENDED AND REGRETTED Hi there! I am Shruti from Pune. I am fair skinned girl of 24. I am 5ft. 6in tall. I have (as mentioned by my near & dears) a cute round face, brown eyes, shoulder length black hair and a voluptuous figure (36-26-36). I was married to Asutosh in January this year. He is a Zonal Finance Head for some MNC here and I work as a personal assistant to a...

2 years ago
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Celebrity Sex Trainer

You've managed to gain access to a very special gym that few are privileged to even know about, let alone work out at. It's the whispered talk of celebrities, where they come and have sex to keep their fantastic bodies in shape. The membership roster reads like IMDB. The handbook reads like the Kama Sutra, listing 1001 positions and techniques that tighten every part of the body and use sex to keep both parties looking fit and fabulous. Some celebrities prefer to run the show as a trainer,...

3 years ago
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Trucker get a grip on yourself

I was rolling down I-81 in Virginia thinking my thoughts as my big diesel ate white stripes on the two-lane interstate. My thoughts were currently on my internet friend/lover Sarah.I'd met Sarah some months previously in an online chatroom. We'd hit it off very well and become cyber lovers. I know, many of you think that's stupid, icky, gross. I have found it to be stimulating. It titillates my biggest sex organ, the soft round one which is located between my earsWe'd explored many scenarios...


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