- 2 years ago
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August 1968
The old man sat in his chair watching the evening news. For the last several days, there was a minor story on a large hurricane, named Doria, traveling up the middle of the Atlantic. Since it was not predicted to make landfall, the news channels were not making their typical dire warnings of “the apocalypse is upon us“.
Tonight, however, appeared to be different.
They were reporting that a smaller cruise line had offered the services of one of its older ships for a humanitarian effort to bring several hundred children out of a war-torn African nation. The “perfect storm” was occurring just offshore of the Carolina sand islands; the ship’s engine had failed, the until then meaningless hurricane had engulfed the vessel and there was nothing the Coast Guard could do to help. The few helicopters they could task to the effort would not be enough for a rescue effort and over the years since the War, Congress had allowed their fleet to diminish and grow old. A reporter was yammering on and on about how the plight of the children was worsening and that they were facing certain doom.
The late teen male sitting on the couch beside the old man’s chair was reaching for the TV tuner dial when the old man said, “William, leave it. I wish to see what the next reporter has to say.”
With a surly smirk, the young man yelled, “MOM! Gramps is hogging the TV! They are showing ‘Rowan & Martin’ from last week.”
A disembodied female voice came out of the kitchen, “Dad, why don’t you take a nap. I’ll have dinner ready in about two hours. The rest will do you good. That way, Billy can watch his show.”
“I don’t need a nap. I WANT to see what is happening with this cruise ship!” the old man yelled in return.
During this short back and forth, Billy had reached out to dial and was turning it to WYFF, the NBC affiliate in Greenville, SC.
“Boy, put the channel back or lose the fucking hand,” the old man said.
“MOM! Gramps is cursing again,” Billy yelled.
“DAD! You know I don’t allow that kind of language,” said the woman, bustling out of the kitchen.
By this time, the old man had risen to his feet and fixed a gimlet stare at the young man. “Boy, when I was your age, I had respect for my elders.”
“Was that before or after they discovered dirt, old man?” Billy scoffed.
The man’s hands had begun to clench into fists and his vision was narrowing when the female entered the living room, saw the situation and began to move the old man along. “Dad,” she said, “why do you have to keep picking at Billy? You know he’s sensitive.”
“Sensitive, my ass,” said the man as he was harassed out of the living room and down the hall by his daughter-in-law, “He is a self-centered slug.”
“DAD! Billy has issues with authority figures and it’s not his fault that the police have it out for him.”
They were just entering the old man’s bedroom. His daughter-in-law was shepherding him along as if he was an imbecile. “The police do NOT have it out for ‘poor Billy’. If the boy would get a job instead of hanging out with that crowd of petty criminals and losers all the time they wouldn’t be after him,” he said, “And the way you coddle him does him no good service either.”
“Dad,” she said, “How many times do I need to remind you that you are a guest in our house? I will not let you get away with badmouthing my son!” With that parting shot, she closed the door and left the old man to his thoughts.
On her way back to the kitchen, she detoured long enough to ruffle Billy’s hair, give him a hug and say, “You’re a good boy, Billy. Don’t let that useless old man get you down.”
With the ‘old man’ issue resolved, they both went on about their daily routines.
The old man turned away from the closed door. His blood pressure was way up and the bile in his stomach was roiling. He turned on the small TV on top of his dresser just in time to hear the end of an interview with the PAO from Charleston Navy Base. “While the Navy is deeply concerned over what is happening just off our coast, we are in the same boat, sorry for the pun, as the Coast Guard; we simply do not have the active resources available to stand up a rescue mission.”
“There you have it, Tom,” the reporter said, “Standing here in North Charleston, in this mild rain storm, it is hard to imagine that there is a life or death drama playing out a short distance off our coast. What would be a short drive on land, is an eternity away for those poor children and the adults working to save them from the jaws of war. Back to you, Tom.”
The old man opened his closet and yanked a battered footlocker out from under the neatly hanging row of clothes. There IS an asset that can do this, he thought as he opened the footlocker and began to dig through its contents. First, he tossed a well-worn O-2 coat off to the side, followed shortly by a set of equally worn khakis, their metallic gold emblems winking at him from the collars. As he was dressing, he was working out in his head how to dig up his old crew.
“Robert!” she said as her husband finally got home, “You need to do something about your Father. He went off on Billy again for no reason. I know we talked and I agreed to have him stay with us but he is getting impossible. I think we need to talk about sending him to the home.”
The old man sat in the OOD Bridge Chair looking out into the gloom of the night. A rating came up beside him, offering a steaming mug of coffee. “Sorry, Sir,” he said, “the Chief is down below cursing out the storekeepers who let the galley supplies go down. He was able to find coffee so he has lots of joe to go around. He’s trying to scrape up enough cans to get something hot put together.”
“That’s okay, Krepki,” the old man replied as he reached for the handle-less mug, “it’s surprising he was able to find even this.”
The rating nodded his head and went back down the center passageway. The old man went back to staring out the windscreen.
Sipping his coffee and staring out into the blackness, the old man’s mind wandered back in time.
Midshipman Warren Kelly threw his cover into the air along with the rest of the Class of ‘22. He had just suffered through the grueling torture of “Graduation” and was now officially ENSIGN KELLY USN! It had taken a boatload of work to get his grades up when he first arrived four years earlier.
When his father was killed in the Great War, his now single mother had to work two, and sometimes three, jobs to keep a roof over their heads. As soon as he was able, he started picking up part-time and after school jobs to help out. As a consequence, his grades in high school had slipped; not bad enough to get him kicked out but not much better.
As graduation approached, he tried to get an appointment to West Point. Between his grades and lack of “public service and sporting” entries on his application he did not make it. He was discouraged and had started to look for a job at the local mill when out of the blue a guy knocked on his mom’s door one summer evening. He was wearing a khaki uniform, but Warren could tell it was NOT US Army.
After apologizing to his Mom for arriving unannounced, the man introduced himself as David Alexander, a friend of his Father from back in the war. He explained that after the war, the Army was cut way back and the only way he found to stay in service was to join the Navy.
The visit was nice; David told some silly stories that were appropriate for wives and children about the things he and Warren’s Father had gotten into. As things were winding down, David asked what Warren’s plans were for the future. Warren explained his failure to get an appointment to West Point and his subsequent plan to just get a job.
Alexander looked perplexed and then asked why Warren was not trying for Annapolis? A bit stunned, Warren had no answer. David explained that he had some favors owed him and as the surviving son of a killed in action service member Warren had a better than average chance of getting into “Canoe U”.
That fall, Warren had traveled by train to Annapolis, Maryland to begin his future ... and now that future was upon him.
“SIR!” the Quartermaster startled him out of his ruminations, “we’ve cleared the twenty mile line, our current speed is fourteen knots and we are heading towards last known position. We are encountering a Sea State 3 condition at present.”
“Very well,” Kelly replied, “I want best possible speed, but I’d rather make it a few minutes late than not at all, so watch your heading and sea state.”
Mary VanderFloote’s family was as aristocratic as you could be in the United States. The family dated back to the Dutch “New Amsterdam” days of what was now Schenectady, New York. They originally were landed and wealthy from running the North America end of the extremely lucrative trade between the New Word and the Old.
Over the years the wealth had been utilized to diversify into industries and investment almost beyond the ability of the army of retained accountants to catalog. Young Mary went to the best private elementary and high schools in New York. After graduation she went to Bryn Mawr College outside Philadelphia. In the fall of her Junior year she relented to the unending pleas of her roommate to join her in going to a dance sponsored by the local YWCA. It was only once they arrived that Mary realized the dance was cosponsored by the USO and many of the young men in attendance were resplendent in their crisp military uniforms.
LT (JG) Warren Kelly was feeling extremely uncomfortable. He had agreed to accompany another J.O. from his ship to a stupid USO dance and was now standing against a wall in his Choker Whites holding a small glass of warm punch in his hands. He was not a good dancer and it was apparent from the beginning that there were two types of women in attendance; those from a working-class background who were looking for potential husbands and those from the snooty upper class slumming for cheap thrills.
It was in this mindset that he was about to leave when his thoughts were disrupted by one of the matronly chaperones who appeared in front of him, dragging a young woman behind. After a few introductions and some pushing by the deceptively strong chaperone, Kelly found himself out on the dance floor with one of the “slummers”. He was polite and remembered the sage advice contained within the “Newly Commissioned Officer’s Handbook” covering “Social Situations” sub-para “DANCES”.
Mary and Warren married in the Spring of ‘24 shortly before he was promoted to LT and assigned to a West Coast Cruiser Squadron. Mary accompanied him and was soon enveloped by the Navy Wives Club at Hunters Point, San Francisco.
Mary found being a Navy wife both alien and at the same time fulfilling. Mary’s childhood stood her well as she easily entered the social fabric of the physically isolated Navy wives. What she found strange was that the other wives gave no deference to who her family was or how much they were worth. Instead, precedence was loosely based upon the command structures of their husband’s units and the seniority, by age, of the women in the group. Even then, it was more like a family with sisters and aunts and mothers than it was any of the social clubs her mother belonged to. This was a new experience to Mary and one to which she not only adapted but in which she began to thrive.
Mary became the quintessential Navy wife and in ‘28, when Warren was assigned as a Department Head on one of the new Destroyers entering the Atlantic Fleet, she arrived back in Philadelphia in time to deliver their son, Robert. Complications during the delivery meant that Robert would be an only child but the Navy Wives came together around one of their own. The outpouring of support, understanding and sympathy was much more than Mary received from her family and their society friends. This realization reinforced in her mind that she had made the correct choice when she married the shy “man” Kelly over all the “boys” who had chased her throughout high school and college.
Mary and Warren’s life had the usual ups and downs. Promotions were slow in all the Services and especially in the Navy. By ‘39, even with the drum beats of coming war sounding in Europe, Warren was still a LT, even though he was now the XO of DESRON 11. Robert was doing well in high school, Mary was now the “older aunt/sister” within the wives and Warren watched the increase in training temp with worried eyes.
When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, Kelly was acting as the XO for USS New Orleans (CL/CA-32). In 1942 he was selected for his first Independent Command; USS Narragansett. Even though she was not a combatant, she was one of the newest class of ocean going Fleet Tugs and to Kelly she was beautiful.
The nightmare continued for Virgule “Gus” Freeman. The rescue mission had been going okay; they had picked up the children without incident and were well on their way back to the States when things went sideways. This freaking hurricane had come out of nowhere ... one minute it was a Tropical Depression and the next it was a CAT1 hurricane.
They would have still been able to scoot across its path and made port except for the fact that the old girl might have the will, but her guts were worn to hell and gone. The final blow was when her main engine crapped out. The auxiliary generator was maintaining power, for the moment, but without the main, they had been a sitting duck for the hurricane.
The crew was doing what they could to get repairs made while at the same time trying to keep the ship afloat. The real problem was the ship’s owners had been cutting back on maintenance and support in anticipation of sending her off to the breakers soon. The ship’s Engineer knew what he needed to get the engine back on line, but had no spares.
At least the volunteers were keeping the children under control but between the Vaga’s equipment breaking and now the storm, it did not look like he was going to see the morning. With the engines down, they had no control and the old girl was being tossed around and beaten into scrap. He didn’t even know why he stayed manning the radio. There was no help coming and when the winds had torn away his last antenna a few hours prior, his reception had become nil.
Rescue All my life I've been a big advocate of acts of kindness. I've always said you can never know just how much difference even a simple act can make. Then one day I learned how right I had been .... I was having a tough week looking for a job, and on the spur of the moment I decided to go for a drive to clear my head. I headed out of town, thinking I'd visit a nearby town that had a botanical garden, but as I approached the turn-off, I saw a car in the ditch. The engine...
Foreword: This is a work of fiction. None of the people in this story are real. None of these events ever happened. This story is nothing more than words that came from my imagination. Any similarity to any real people, places, or events is purely coincidental. This story is a sequel to UNDER HER. UNDER HER is a sequel to CO-ED TANDEM BEER PISSING CONTEST. This story was inspired by reading some news article about a hospital in Sweden that treats victims of sexual torture by assigning them...
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Hey there, I am back again after a while. I am a 23 year old guy from Bangalore. You can reach me out at Well to begin with I would like tell guys to control your hormones. It’s good to read stories now and then and cheap to stare and comment on each and every girl you see and even more disgusting to force a person for sex! These days’ maniacs don’t spare kids also. So guys take your dick out when necessary, if you are that out of control go to a prostitute, if you can’t afford then jerk off...
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This is a story in which you play as an adventurer who thinks nothing of taking advantage of helpless maidens, molesting monsters and general debauchery. I highly recommend turning on the score as there as decisions and items down the line which require score to be active. To do this, go to the red tab on the left hand side of the page and hit 'start game'. This is also where you will find items that you have collected, lists of followers or status effects. This story is purely for...
Ok, Here it goes. The sex was good healthy and normal. Maybe we were doing it three or four times a week and at least twice a day. Hey, we were newly weds. This is what sex should be like. I was taking my shower before bed and noticed the neighbors window was right in my view. I pulled the shade down, I didn't want him or her to see me naked. I pulled the shade over maybe an inch, just enough for me to see what they were doing. my husband knocked at the bathroom door and I got...
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I feel I lost this years ago somehow. Or maybe I was just always this way. I remember my first time masterbating. It took forever and I never came. A lot like how I am now. Only thoughts of being the woman seem to turn me on. And one other taboo: i****t, but that's another story. I just don't know what it is. I feel like it might be an issue of respect or something. I grew up very polite and also with my mom and sisters. Maybe deep down I am a woman. I feel the act of "fucking" a woman is such...
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I am from Chandigrah, here I’m going to tell my experiences with my Bhabi which is real happened in my life 6 months back. This is my first story I’m sharing to the readers of ISS. If there is any mistake please forgive me. My Family and one of Cousin Brother are living in same town in same locality. My cousin brother is working in a private company as a marketing manager so he is on tour 15 to 20 days in every month and married two years back still now not having any kids. When he is on tour...
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Holly Brown, a young 32 year old school teacher, was preparing for the day andalso for after school. She taught business subjects to the ninth and tenthgrades and she always had the hots for the younger kids, but especially forthe young girls. Holly had always picked out one or two of the girls to hiton, and this year, she had picked out Allison Johnson, a young girl of 15 inthe ninth grade. Holly had planned a special after school detention for Allisonand hoped it didn't get her fired, but she...
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xmoviesforyouI had been chatting for some time online with a guy who said he liked crossdressers and loved getting his cock sucked. we chatted numerous nights, roleplayed online. i guess, i don't remember, but i guess i gave him my address. but i worked long changing hours. one thursdau night about 2 am i was coming home from worked, turned onto my street when i saw a strange car parked there. as i drove by its headlights came on and it pulled out following me. i parked in my driveway and watched as it...
I was chill'in at my crib minding my one business when my door rang. "Let me in... I know she in there... I know she's in there you Black Bastard." "What Da Fuck!!!" I said to myself, "Who the fuck is this knocking at my door." I was pissed the fuck off. All I knew, it was some female voice at my door. And what really pissed me off is what she said. Black I am, but a bastard, I don't fucking think so. I'm a black man and I don't put up with any non-sense. All of my bitches know...
As he walked to the podium, Jay Sanders wondered why he was doing this. But he had to answer for his past sins, and this was one way that he could. Quite possible stopping another person before, they walked down the path he did. “Fellow students, facility, Mr. and Mrs. Lembowski, honored guests. Thank you for being here today to honor the passing of a well respected person, and I promise not to take too much of your time. I am here under my own free well, to talk with you and others, as I...
Petra awoke to the sound of Nick's computer talking. She walked naked to his room. Nick noticed her. "Good morning," he said somberly. She asked, "What time is it?" "Five thirty. I figured you would awaken if you heard me moving around. I made you some coffee." "Thank you. What are you doing?" "Research. Cal showed me a modified pistol yesterday with some very deadly ammo. I was trying to figure out who was smart enough to create them. There are only about eight ammunition...
“I’m home!” “Oh...hi Rob...” Mum hastily called from the lounge. God, could she never control herself? I wonder who it was this time... I wandered into the lounge bracing myself for the worst. I poked my head round the corner and saw Mum lying spread-eagle on the sofa with the cock of a well-toned black haired businessman right inside her. Well it’s not the worst I’ve seen. “Don’t mind us dear! Just go through to the kitchen for twenty min... Oh!” I didn’t need asking twice. Why did Mum...
I’d been away for a few weeks, hanging out in Europe, where I’d met up with some very open-minded and horny guys – and back in the UK I felt a need to catch up with local lads for some of the kind of fun which seems so much easier to find abroad – piss fun! I'd been really horny all morning and on Squirt for a few hours (!) I realized I needed to have some serious piss fun and soon. So I got messaging with a piss fan in my neighbourhood, 34-year-old bear of a guy, and we decided to meet when...
That Asshole Just Left Me Here I had my camera with me and I was taking pictures along a small stream that separates my property from my neighbor’s property. It isn’t much this time of the year but it contains a lot of baby frogs and provides water for the wildlife that live in the woods. I must have stumbled onto a couple making out because on the other side of the stream a teenage boy jumped up naked and ran off carrying an arm full of clothes. I heard a girl say, “That asshole...
Midsummer in England, six weeks off school. It was going fast. My friend Mick and I, both 15, were once again having a two man video party, as we so often did at his big comfy house. That night we had viewed vintage porn stuff like Debby Does Dallas, Deep Throat, Kitten Navidad videos and many others. We liked the raw nature of the scenes and particularly how big bushed the women were, which you don’t see on modern stuff. How two lads who were pals, came to like the full lady gardens I don’t...
I was in the office alone, yet again, and I could not get him off my mind. All I could think about was ways to get him off. I smiled to myself. Sigh. I could not begin to understand why he had this effect on me. I heard the bells chimed to the front door and pretended to focus on work. My head started to hurt from all the thoughts that ran loosely in my mind the whole day. I looked up and I saw him. There he goes giving me that ridiculous school girl feeling I hated so much. As he came...
Quickie SexMarch 14th, 1995, 1:03 PM; Mile 10; Crossing Portal Bridge into Penn Station Newark, NJ George entered “Silver Restaurant” to find that it was aligned incorrectly, with the hallway facing the sleeping cars, rather than the dining area facing the sleeper. That was still a common occurrence in those days, before ADA became so ironclad. Marching to the diminishing clattering and shaking as the train pulled in to the gorgeous Newark Pennsylvania Station, he went through the narrow hallway with...
It would have been a dinner for the wedding rehearsal, if the engagement hadn’t been broken off two months previously. As it was, Will had invited a few old friends to dinner in order to get out of the funk he had fallen into, and hopefully to kick start his social life. The food had been good. The conversation was excellent. It was after midnight before most of the guest left. By one o’clock, it was only him and Angeline still talking. They were talking about why some relationships fail. She,...
Hi to all Hope you all are in best of your health and spirit ! Me aap sab ka shukriya ada karta houn jo mujhe emails kiye ! I never expected this many mails . Bahut saare emails aaye aur bahut saare ladies aur gents ne ae bhi request kiye hain ki aap apni biwi ki chachi ke saat. Next day kya kya kiye aur kaise kiye . Mera to plan nahi tha likne ka but aap logoun ke request ko bhi me thoda nahi chahta , so come let me take to you to my true story ( jo log meri pheli story nahi padhe hain onse...
My husband was transferred to his company’s corporate offices, we found a house in a very nice suburban community and I was at the school getting my second grader registered. After I had finished the process and he was on his way to his new schoolroom, I asked about the PTA. The principal’s secretary informed me the committee was meeting right now if and she would take to the meeting if I were interested. She showed me into the room, introduced me to the president and wished me luck. The...
LesbianSally, If you want to see your husband again you’ll follow the instructions below. You will dress in the clothing which you will receive shortly, make sure you Wear everything; you will then be at the Hotel Castor by 8pm Enter the bar and sit in the 3rd booth at the far end of the room. You will be contacted with further...
Hi dosto, mera naam aarif hai age 23 height 5.6 aur mai karnataka state ke gulberga me rehta hu mai bahot dino se sex stories padhta hu, aur usme se mujhe incest stories bahot pasand aati hian. Aaj mai aapko apni zindagi ki sachi kahaani batane ja raha hu pasandaaye toh zaroor mail karna mera email hai__ Agar koi bhi ladki ya aurat yaa gay mujhe contact karna chate hai mujhe mail karsakte hain..Maine apna real name bataya he kyunki jab choda to zamaane se kya darna..Ye meri pehli aur sachi...
"Sir, rider approaching on horseback." Sgt. Langford said. "Well well. On a horse you say? This should be good. How soon until the plane is completely unloaded, Sgt?" Greg asked. "About another 10 minutes sir." Was the response. "Well, keep an eye on our rider. I don't think he is dangerous, but double check with security." Greg stated and went over to where one of the two vehicles that had been unloaded already sat. Greg sat on the hood of his Humv and watched as the rider got...
What an amazing night! From the perspective that I was truly responding to your Craigslist Ad with the expectation of:A.) No responseB.) a "Fuck Off" response, or at bestC.) A meet for drinks as suggested and nothing more.Imagine my surprise and delight with how it developed!When I stepped into the bar area and glanced around... looking to see just who I was supposedly meeting, I Immediately set eyes on you two. Al, well dressed, good looking guy. And then... I rested my gaze upon D......
Introduction: Cash strapped Ally get re-acquainted with an old friend. The Banger Sisters. I was stuck for cash, avoiding my landlord and everyone else I owed money which left me with very few friends. The friends that were left I held very dearly. Jessica, my best friend in the world, had been friends with me since nursery school when we were named the gruesome twosome. Jessica and I both left school at fifteen, she had a well-paying job to go to, and I went on to have a scholarship at an art...
This was the first time since graduating college three months ago that Katie felt anxious about being an adult. At first, Katie had scoffed at all her friends’ complaints about money being tight and never having time for fun. Katie had been having the time of her life; most nights she bar hopped with friends, and the temp agency she’d been working for kept her making enough money to buy booze and the “going out” clothes she loved so much. Katie was young and beautiful, with silky blonde hair...
First TimeHi, my name is bhargav. I am from Gujarat, and currently living in thane (mumbai), 5’8” with above average looks, good body and 7.5” tool I am 21 years of age. This story is about me and my sister – Maya(name changed). Her pet name was Pallo. She is 24 right now and she was just going to get married. I had a serious passion on females. I am a very frustrated person. My sister has a very sexy figure. She has a sexy body with huge boobs and great tits. She has a tight ass too. I must have...
IncestI let Bryan in and he stopped in his tracks before blurting "damn Matt! How in the heck did you manage to lure so many beautiful women in here?" The girls laughed and Paula said "you're right, we like him already!" Evidently Paula and Becky sure did because they claimed him and placed Bryan between them on the love seat. It was cramped but they seemed to prefer it that way. If there had been another love seat my companions and I would have been just as happy. Kathy was on one side and...
As told to me by Varsha didi Varsha didi was no virgin on the first night of her marriage. Far from it, actually. Over the last year, she has told me a lot about her sexcapades but I thought it best that I start with the night of her marriage since, apart from being very erotic, gives a quick overview of the kind of life she led. When I met Varsha didi, she was in her late thirties. She had separated from her husband and moved to Goa, where she bought a small house by the beach. I had just...
Incest“Get home safe young lady” the bartender yelled as she left the bar the local dive bar. “I will thanks” Jamie yelled back as she pushed the door open and left. It was a cold night and Jamie was dressed appropriately for the weather, wearing a long coat over her turtleneck sweater and a long skirt that went past her calves. With not much skin showing she had expected to make the short walk back to her apartment without incident. It had been a slow few weeks for her and...
Please leave comments!!! Sorry if this story isn't amazing. It's my first one.You: what would you do with me if we were in my bedroom aloneYou: but with clothesYou: onStranger: do u want the whole picture step by step or just a brief descriptionYou: step by stepStranger: what kind of clothes would u be wearingYou: skimpy little top,with no bra,short shorts,and red lace thongsStranger: ur age will be?You: 17Stranger: ok hang onYou: okStranger: ok here we goStranger: i am your new...
Hi guys I am Rahul again and I work in software in one of the MNC.I am from Hyderabad, I am single, tall and have very athletic body as I go to Gym daily for workouts. I dedicate my love to all females and I am regular reader of ISS, today I am going to narrate another story which happened with my cousin. Let me describe about her .Her name is Keerthi and have perfect figure of 34-26-36 for any male to die for. Let me come to the story now, me and keerthi were first cousins and she is of my age...
IncestHello…friends it’s Harry. I’m a college student at Trivandrum, in Kerala. I’m pursuing my btech and here I present my story about how I fucked my sister’s friends for a threesome who are my seniors here. I know it’s really hard for girls and ladies in Trivandrum to find boys for sex chats and more fun. All young ladies and aunties can ping me at Coming to the story. I’m a hosteller at Trivandrum and as I was new to the place I couldn’t make any contact out here. During my admission, my...
Mackenzie:I spanked him until my hand hurt and then I told him to get up, figuring I had taught him a lesson. But when he stood up and I saw him totally erect, I couldn't believe my eyes."Oh my god" I said disgustedly, "You enjoyed that? What's wrong with you. I'm more than twice your age”"I'm sorry. I know its not right but I think you're beautiful""That settles it. I can't live my life worrying if my shades are down, to be afraid to even hang my laundry outside. I'm going to have to tell your...