RetreadsChapter 18 free porn video

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I let Bryan in and he stopped in his tracks before blurting "damn Matt! How in the heck did you manage to lure so many beautiful women in here?"

The girls laughed and Paula said "you're right, we like him already!"

Evidently Paula and Becky sure did because they claimed him and placed Bryan between them on the love seat. It was cramped but they seemed to prefer it that way. If there had been another love seat my companions and I would have been just as happy. Kathy was on one side and Rhonda on the other while Tina was in my lap.

It didn't take Bryan long to tell us his story since there was much less time involved. After that the girls elected me spokesperson and I filled him in.

He didn't seem too shocked but looked sad and Becky asked him why. "I don't see what help I could be" he sighed "I only made it to sixteen before so what could I possibly contribute?"

From the looks he was getting I could think of at least one thing but didn't say it. Instead, I volunteered "look dude, you were plenty smart before. There's no reason you can't learn what you need to know. Lin and Amy have even less experience and Kathy is in the same boat you are. You'll do fine, I know it. Hell, you've already got a fan club!"

His bookends didn't even blush. Instead, they both took turns kissing him senseless. Since they looked so serious we suggested they "get a room". Paula thought that was a great idea and led him away. The three left with me figured that sounded good and led me to bed as soon as the others were out of sight.

After the girls wore out I headed for the kitchen and was just sitting down when Bryan reappeared. He looked shell shocked but happy. He got settled with a coke before I asked him what was on his mind.

"I'm more than a little confused but happier than a pig in slop" he explained "Those two are something else." You have no idea just how glad I am that I read the paper. I was going nuts before I found you. Now that I did, well that's where the confusion comes in. I don't understand what happened in there. I only had sex twice in my life and felt like a fool both times but in there? What the Hel happened to me?"

I assumed that Loki had been involved and told him what the changer did for me. He got a huge grin and said "that explains it. I guess I owe them a lot. I still can't believe I made two lovable and gorgeous girls pass out though."

Loki chose that moment to show up and caused us both to choke on our drinks when he did it by appearing already seated at the table. He got a kick out of that but let us recover before he addressed Bryan. "We heard you question why you were chosen" he said solemnly "and I must admit that we did this at the urging of Frigg. We agreed because your death weighed on Matthias heavily and we thought this would ease his mind. We still would not have done this had you not had the potential to help. In addition to this we have provided the same level of enhancement to you that we bestowed on all of Mathias's companions. Use it well."

We didn't get to say anything before he was gone as suddenly as he had arrived. We only had enough time for me to fill him in on the "improvements" and promise to help him and his family with their investments before he had to get home.

He did make sure to kiss his two new admirers goodbye before pulling me outside with him. "Matt", he said seriously, "I always knew we were damn good friends before but I just want to say thanks again. If we hadn't been best buds the first time around I wouldn't have got a second chance at life. What I'm trying to say is that if you need anything, anything at all, call me and I'll be here in a flash."

I just hugged him again and said "you'd have done that before, same as I would for you. For now the only thing I want you to do is keep your ass off of motorcycles." I saw his expression and amended that. "Or at least wear a fuckin' helmet for Pete's sake! I don't ever want to go through seeing your ass laid out in a casket again!"

He smiled sadly and promised "I think I learned my lesson. I can't promise I won't get a bike, 'cause I love to ride too much but if I do I'll have a helmet on. Between you, my sisters, and folks I'm sure I won't forget. They know what happened and would shit a brick if I even talked about a bike right now."

I added one more thing before he left. "Make sure you take care of those two ladies. Not only are they very special people, according to Frigg you're meant for each other."

He just smiled and said "I will, and I know. As soon as I laid eyes on those two I was a goner. If I was a Christian I'd think I was in heaven." as he departed.

Nina's transformation blew everyone at school away. She started with a bang by launching herself into my arms for a good morning kiss. Her hair was in a ponytail and she was wearing a new outfit of tight jeans and form fitting sweater.

Even her teachers didn't recognize her. She had amazed her parents and had a shopping trip planned with her mother for that afternoon (starting at Kaye's). She could also spend the weekend with Tina if they met her first. They made arrangements for her to accompany Nina on her shopping trip.

Life was full of surprises. I had to visit the office after second period. I actually got in trouble, or at least somebody got me in trouble. I was just turning around from my locker when I was attacked by two pretty blondes that I didn't recognize at first. I think it was all the kisses that got us busted.

Bryan evidently told his sisters how he managed to come back and they were very appreciative. Diane and Carol loved their little brother to pieces and always had. I'd always gotten along with them really well too. Diane was a senior and her sister Carol was a Junior. Both were Blonde and built like models but not at all stuck-up.

They were horrified at being sent to the office but the principal didn't make a big deal about it. He just said "take it easy around Ms. Halpin's room. You know how she is, Matt" before writing us a note and sending us on our way.

He was right about Halpin. The old biddy probably had her picture next to "bitch" in the dictionary. How anyone who obviously despised teenagers so much ever got to be a high school teacher amazed me. I was just glad she taught Spanish because I already knew it and didn't need her class.

The girls apologized so much it got on my nerves. I dropped them both off at their classes and Carol was first. When she started again I shut her up with a kiss. This wasn't one of the little ones they unloaded on me but a nice long one with a bit of tongue thrown in for good measure.

Her eyes were still closed when I broke it and said "look, I dreamed about kissing you for years. I am not angry because you kissed me today. Halpin is nothing but a walking rectum who has probably never been kissed in her life and was just jealous, got it?"

Carol just blushed and said "uh-huh" before walking slowly into her class with a goofy smile on her face.

I guess I looked confused because Diane cracked up when she saw my expression. I looked at her and said "what?" and she took me by the arm and started walking.

She was smiling as she explained how I screwed up. "I don't think Carol has ever had a kiss quite like that one before Matt. When you laid that on her and then told her you had always wanted to do it I think you lit her wick. She's never even been on a date that wasn't with a bunch of other people so unless you're interested in starting something with her I'd make sure you two aren't alone together."

By this time we had arrived at her room and she turned to me "I'm not Carol. I know the score because when our little bro' explained things to us I was listening. I think you've already got your hands full. I still want a kiss though."

It lasted longer than with Carol and Diane was the aggressor this time. She finally let me go with a sigh "Carol might be a problem. That was very nice, maybe too nice. Too bad you're taken. My sister and I kinda want a guy we don't have to share. If you happen to know any we might like you could be a really big help. Thanks again for helping us not lose Bryan. I don't even want to think what that would be like."

I just hugged her again and said "no, you don't. It was hell." I did clue her in on a couple of "good" guys who were unattached and who I thought would treat them right. Neither one of them were athletes, popular or stood out in any way but I knew these girls and that wouldn't matter in the least to them.

When I arrived home after practice Lin, Adam, Connie, and Jackie were there and they had company. Two boys who were obviously identical twins were sitting on the sofa. I had never seen them before. After they were introduced as Gene and George French Adam stopped pacing and was anxious to explain.

"Matt" he said "these two guys were outside during free time and got jumped by five kids. These two put all five of them on the ground before I could blink. I finally convinced them to come over here to meet you. Something's up with them and I think it concerns us. They just moved here and I hadn't ever talked to them but when I did it became obvious very fast. I can't get the story out of them and hoped you might be able to."

I asked them to please stand up and noticed they took a defensive stance. Both were balanced on their feet as if readying themselves for attack. I studied them and nodded with a sigh before saying "alright guys, spill it. How did it happen with you?"

I finally got a reaction then and it was one of confusion mixed with hope as one of them said in a very adult voice "what exactly do you mean?"

I gave them a hint "Adam" I explained "was close to Denver when it evaporated. Connie and I missed the main event because we came back before it happened. Jackie was in DC, so I'll ask again, where were you? I know you were there. I can see it in your eyes."

They exchanged a look that conveyed much and one nodded at the other. I suppose this designated George as spokesman and he began. "We were fishing on a charter out of San Diego when the city went up."

Both their mouths flew open when I asked which God they called to when they died. "With me it was Loki, same with Adam, Jackie, and Bryan. Connie made the acquaintance of Forseti. Tina and Kathy, whom you haven't met yet, are followers of Freyja. Paula, whom you also haven't met, looks to Eir."

They said in a hoarse whisper "Tyr" and I nodded and asked which branch of the military they were in. They were startled and the gist of their dual responses was "how the hell would I know they were in the military"

I went on to explain "its obvious guys. Even if you hadn't named the god of war, you were attacked and the training kicked in automatically. Been there, done that, got the fuckin' t-shirt. So what was it Marines or Navy? I know it sure as hell wasn't the Air Force."

I got a smile as one extended his hand and gripped mine firmly. Gene French, formerly Master Chief Gene French of the Seals.

The other followed with an equally firm shake and "Master Sergeant George French, Marines. They say once a Marine, always a Marine so I'm assuming it applies even under these circumstances".

Out of curiosity I asked what their last memory was and in harmony I heard "revenge!" and George said "we begged Tyr for a chance to make the fuckers who did that to our country pay. We wanted blood, and we were granted the chance for some reason. He only gave us one hint. We were to find the group. That was all he would say."

I smiled and said "mission accomplished men, and well done!" I gave a smile of pure glee as I said "I thought I would have to train people like you for what I had in mind. Now it looks like we found someone to train us."

They asked what I had in mind and their smiles soon matched mine as I told them what we had done to change the Munich Olympics and said "remember the parking garage attack on the WTC? It won't happen, neither will 9-11. We're going to put a serious hurt on some people. Then we're going to hunt them down and exterminate them like the vermin they are. I want them to go to their meeting with Allah and get what they deserve. I'd like for them to meet him adorned in various pork products, hear "no virgins for you!" and be sent to whatever form of hell they believe in."

After they got the entire story they said they'd be happy to work with us. We found out that they had just moved here from Tennessee and didn't know anybody yet. They were both twelve years old and other than being muscular they looked it. I asked Lin to call Rhonda and have her schedule a meeting for the entire group as soon as our various schedules allowed it and pulled the French twins and Adam to the side so we could talk privately.

I'm going to try and phrase this delicately men. Loki did a few things for me when I was "recycled". Some I asked for. Other things were surprises. Very pleasant surprises but surprises nonetheless. I became rather "gifted" in some areas and I was curious as to..."

George interrupted me by holding his hand up and chuckled "say no more. We get the drift and I think Loki and Tyr had a conversation, if you know what I mean."

They practically drooled when I told them that we were still greatly outnumbered by beautiful women. Gene told me that based on what he had seen we had excellent taste. "Not only are they all gorgeous" he added "if there's an IQ below 160 among them I'll eat my skivvies."

George added "Marines and Seals are used to being outnumbered anyway. Being outnumbered like this is a lot more fun."

I asked when they had to be home and found out that they lived with their dad who traveled a lot and had recently (I wonder how) convinced him that they could look after themselves. He was still leery about it but had caved. They liked my suggestion that to make him feel better they could bunk with us.

I asked if their dad was a salesman or something and George said he was an insurance adjuster. Their mom was killed shortly before their return in a car wreck.

I remembered the things I had missed when I returned and asked if either of them wanted coffee or a drink. It was hilarious to see four eyebrows rise so fast at the second item. Gene said "did you say drink? I hope we're not talking cola here."

I opened the wall panel to reveal the much larger version in my new digs and told them to help themselves and they could crash here if they wanted. They first conscientiously left a message for their father before perusing the selections.

Eventually, both settled on a beer because they didn't know how well they could handle the hard stuff at this age. George said they'd "ease into it".

I didn't have much selection but they seemed to share my preference for Molson Ale. I slipped away to make a request of Tina and returned happy. Fifteen minutes after everyone who was leaving had departed we were invaded by lovely and curious females. Tina had invited Rhonda, Kathy, Connie, Jackie, and Nina to spend the night.

Evidently, Nina had been rather forceful in her request to be allowed permission. Kathy had Paula and Amy come over too. The girls who hadn't met them gushed over the newcomers after they got the story.

As soon as Gene and George set eyes on them they both switched to coffee. The women formed two lines and each gave both boys a spine tingling kiss that left them weak-kneed. We all got better acquainted and when it was bedtime I found myself alone with Beth, Tina, Jackie, Rhonda, and Connie. Nina left with Gene while Kathy had claimed George. After a short discussion with the other girls, Paula left alone.

The remaining ladies informed me in no uncertain terms that they had agreed none of them were going to participate in any "extracurricular activities" unless I was there. I had maybe an hour's worth of rest all night. Strangely enough, I didn't mind at all.

Before we got up the last time, watching Connie's face contort in ecstasy as she slid her tight pussy onto its mounting post made me thank the Gods once more. She began to ride me slowly as I held her ass cheeks in my hands, occasionally lowering her torso for me to capture a nipple in my mouth. She didn't scream when she came as I spurted for the umpteenth time, she sighed in satisfaction.

They weren't done with me however. Tina rolled her off and jumped aboard for a vigorous good morning fuck. We had an unbelievable simultaneous orgasm and both collapsed half conscious.

When we recovered enough to shower Jackie confided to me "we feel kinda guilty. The others are great and we love them but live for the times we can spend alone with you. I even find myself hoping that someday I can travel with you when you're president. I know I won't be your first lady but you'll need advisors with you. The attorney general would be an appreciative companion."

I stopped her with a kiss and said "I hope the walls are thick in the Kremlin. Of course they'll plant bugs there too and maybe even tiny cameras to spy on us."

She huffed "then we'll give them a show that'll have 'em jacking off in their little spy room and blow their fuckin' eardrums out!"

It sounded like a plan to me and the others seemed to get a kick out of it. We met four well-fucked looking individuals for breakfast and the girls scolded me good naturedly for not warning them about what would be getting into them.

Gene apologized to them by explaining that after all, it HAD been a very long time for he and his brother.

Nina added "and they saved it all up! I'm glad we had help or I'd be walking funny for a week!"

After we ate we went our separate ways, Jackie with the twins and us to the high school. I caught a little good natured ribbing in the locker room about the marks.

Connie had gotten a little carried away, as she seemed to often do. I had some scratches on my back along with bite marks on my shoulders. It was obvious how I got them.

Even coach got in the act and asked what happened to me.

My teammates "helped" I heard one say "he fell in the tigress cage at the zoo" and another add "damn thing 'bout fucked him to death looks like."

Nick just shook his head and smiled. His marks weren't quite so obvious but they were there. I whispered so only he could hear "looks like you and Ramona are getting along pretty good." He laughed and slapped my back commenting that he still thought he'd died and gone to heaven.

This game went even better than the first. Jackson was cocky and expected to blow us away. They even tried to psych us on the line. It worked so well that our first play from scrimmage was an 80 yard touchdown from Pete through a huge hole opened by Nick and me.

The second play was an interception (by me), and lateral for a score. Two plays into the game we were up 14-0. Their offensive line wasn't as good as advertised. They were easy to confuse and slow. Basically they were big and dumb. They didn't complete a pass the entire game and every time they tried their quarterback was running for his life. They finished with zero yards passing and thirty yards rushing as we easily won 41-0.

That evening the twins asked me if any of us that had been recycled had told our parents about it. I explained about Tina's situation and you could say that her parents knew because they were my folks too.

Adam couldn't make himself do it because he firmly believed that they could nor handle it. I told them that they had to do what they felt was right for them.

George said "pop could handle it alright. I'd just worry about him wanting to be a part of what we're doing. If he finds out later that we knew and didn't tell him, well I wouldn't want to be us about then."

I told them that if that was their decision when their dad returned we would get together and have a talk. I warned them from first-hand experience that their father would never look at them in the same way "you'll basically be taking your childhood away from him" was how I summed it up.

They were firm in their belief that honesty had the most advantage and I figured they were probably right.

Our meeting was held on Sunday afternoon. Almost everyone had met by then to talk, if not more. Our group had grown to fifteen people by now (not counting Al's group). We made sure everyone got better acquainted with the new members and after that things turned into more of a social gathering than a meeting.

Monday I talked with the twins' dad. He came over with them at six to go over things. I had just enough time for a shower after practice before they showed up. It took some convincing with Mr. French. I actually had to show him some old betting slips before he was forced to admit that no one was THAT lucky. Needless to say, he was stunned. He quickly appreciated the advantages, especially when we told him what was going to happen.

He informed me that he was Jim to me. He refused to have someone older than him address him as Mr. or Sir. The only comment he made about his sons was that it explained a lot of what had happened in the last year. From now on as far as he was concerned they were adults and responsible for themselves. He would support them of course but expected them to have the courtesy to inform him of there whereabouts.

Our game Friday was against a decent, but not great team and most of the starters only played one half. We were up 38-0 by then and the final was 45-14. Next week was homecoming and against our biggest rival. The schools were located just ten miles apart and had hated each other for as long as anyone could remember. I had a dilemma though. Who would I take to the dance? No way was I about to choose!

As usual the girls came up with the solution. It was simple really. Since only students at our school could attend unless they had a date with somebody who went there the plan was for three of the girls to take the twins and Adam, while Bryan would take Jackie. All the girls made it clear that my date was to be Connie. Everyone else would go stag and we'd be there together as a group.

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Moira lived in the top floor, North end flat in a six flat block near the University. Being so close to the school, many girls in the block were in classes. The only man living in the building lived in the lower South corner. None of the girls knew his name, only that he worked overnights and slept all day. They did their collective best to not bother him and he gave them all the same respect.Moira didn't attend any classes. Instead, she worked days at a local shop, usually home in time for...

3 years ago
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Shy Wifes Humiliating Exam

Chapter 1: Who's whoMe:My name is Vinod. I am 29 years old. I came to America as a boy and grew up here and settled in Virginia. I work as a computer programmer. I currently live in a 2 story, 3-bedroom house. On the second floor there is the master bedroom and another bedroom. On the first floor there is the kitchen, the dining room, and a guest bedroom. In a corner of the kitchen there is a small office with a desk, some office supplies, and a computer.Kavitha: My wife of one year. She grew...

2 years ago
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Friends from around the pool at an exclusive Baja resort get a little carried away with a strip poker in their suite

Through all the heat and the humidity around the pool, we had been swimming and sunning the entire day. At Palmilla, the pool attendants doubled as waiters and we’d had plenty of drinks since late morning. All day there were different people occupying the loungers around us and we had amusing and friendly conversations. There were mostly couples but some single guys and gals mixed-in during the day. We awoke from a quiet nap in the late afternoon to get ready for dinner. The outdoor...

3 years ago
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Lodger Becomes Her Lover

Bazza had been kicked out of his girlfriends home after shagging another woman in her bed and she found out about it, He was now homeless and had no were to go until he bumped into a friend down the town, her name was Helen, a sexy hot wife well in her 40's but still a cougar. He told Helen about him becoming homeless and Helen was shocked and didn’t want this to happen so she suggested Bazza come to her home for a while and she would speak to her husband about Bazza staying, he was over the...

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Baiser de la Mort Kiss of Death

Introduction: A girl finds a master in a cemetary. A master who loves to bite. I loved the cemetery. Something about it seemed peaceful. Quiet. The perfect place to be. Especially when skipping school. It was a Friday, the first warm day in months and I couldnt spend it at a desk listening to teachers drone about useless information. So I played sick. My mother went off to work and I put on a pair of shorts, combat boots, black tank top, and I snuck out and walked to the cemetery. It was...

2 years ago
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11 Days Til Christmas

As the bustle of Christmas shopping, parties and sending off cards with our annual catch up letter to all our family and friends builds, our energy level starts to lag. We need a break from it all before we embark on that last great shopping expedition to lay in all our supplies so we can rest for the holidays and truly enjoy our little family and the love we share. Returning from the mall with our arms laden and our noses rosy red from the dropping temperatures, we work quickly together to...

4 years ago
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Community Moving OnChapter 3

Don Matzke’s turn: You’ve probably heard the phrase, “If it looks stupid, but it works, then it ain’t stupid.” Yeah, well, there are some corollaries. The first is, “If it looks stupid and it doesn’t work, then it’s REALLY stupid.” The second is, “If it looks smart and it doesn’t work, then it’s STILL stupid.” A third is a Forrest Gump quote: “Stupid is as stupid does.” Dunno if the second or the third applies to me -- maybe both. My first “stupid” moment was getting hooked up with a...

2 years ago
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Lous Birthday present

You have meet Lou in Previous stories -- This is written by Missy -- Wendy who Lou babtsits for ......... EnjoyLou's birthday present from me is that I will give her extra driving lessons in my car ---- she almost eats me alive -- she is so happy -- But as usual I have other ideas!! She turns up at the house at 1.00 pm as arranged --- I have just watched those long tanned legs in a very short mini skirt all the way from the corner of the road to the front door ---- after my recent play days I...

1 year ago
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Old friends 1

"Mmmmmm, this looks nice," April said as she held up a pink baby's christening dress, "that is if I have a little girl!!!" She was just about to pick up a matching blue outfit when someone on the other side of the table asked, "Is that you, April!?!" "Who is it," she asked while trying to focus on the questioner!?! "It's me, Lin Park, you know from college, back then I was Lin Yamana!!!" "Lin," April cried, "how long has it been, four years, now," as she walked around the table to meet her old...

3 years ago
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The start of things

The start of school It all started on a nice warm Monday morning when I was taking a nice relaxing bath before I was to go out with my mates to school, relaxing in the bath I heard a loud clunk which was the noise of the bathroom lock and I knew it was being opening from the outside, turning to look I saw the door swing open and one of my half-sisters went in and picked up my clothes and walked out before I could make a noise of protest, less than 10 seconds later she came back in...

3 years ago
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The TarotChapter 14

She called Jeremy that evening. "Jeremy, Terry hired a private investigator. He knows all about us. He says I have to end it with you or our marriage is over." "Perhaps it's just as well, Angilee. I've decided to complete my final semester of college on the coast -- UCLA or USC, I haven't decided yet, but I'll be moving in the next few days. I was going to call you tomorrow." Her heart sank even though she knew she should feel relieved. "You're quite a woman Angilee. I have...

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It8217s A Family Affair 8211 Part 4 How We Make Dreams Come True

In the previous parts, you read how we got infatuated with our mom and how we got into incest. Now you will read how we make dreams come true. Probably one month had passed after our adventurous summer. I had a bad headache. I had spent the previous night having wild fantasies about my mom and couldn’t sleep. So I decided to bunk college. But I didn’t tell my mom as she would not allow this. So Chetan, mom, and I got out of the house at the same time to go to our respective schools and...

1 year ago
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CoercedChapter 2

Just as I felt Dave’s fingers brush against my pubic hair, Jack leaned down and kissed my nipple, tickling it with his tongue. As I jumped in surprise my movement pressed my pussy against Dave’s hand. He cupped it and gave it a gentle squeeze, making me moan. I heard Brian laugh from behind the wheel and ask what was happening. “Well, Mrs. Hopkins is just showing us what she would do if she were dating again,” said Dave, gently massaging my outer lips. As he rubbed his hand up and down the...

3 years ago
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DDC1 Lay Over

Dirty Dan Chronicals #1 This is an excerpt from the e-mails archives of Daniel London and Serena Washington sent during one hot, summer when neither had anything better to do with their time. They have not been edited and appear in their original form. To: Daniel From: Serena Subject: Lay Over +++Flight delayed 12 hours min. Will call when I land. Looking for hotel now. Later. SJ.+++ I text my friend so she won't bother driving out to BWI to pick me up and put my phone away to save my...

2 years ago
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cocksucker turned whore

I headed back to the adult bookstore where I had my first taste of cock and cum. I needed more, and headed for the gloryholes in the back booths. It wasn't long before a man entered the next booth. He rubbed his crotch and slowly lowered his zipper. My heart was beating faster in anticipation of sucking his big cock. He pulled it out of his shorts, and it was about 3 inches long, and not very thick.He moved toward the hole, his uncut cock being stroked slowly and tantalizingly, precum appearing...

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Wife Stories Lisa

IntroductionThis hot tub feels amazing. The warm water, bubbling, gurgling all around my naked body. I close my eyes, lean my head back, hearing the sounds of my three beautiful daughters loving on a black man. They are sitting across from me, Angela, Alice, Jules, along with TJ.I hope my eyes, watching them run their hands over his huge black muscles, kiss at his face, shoulders, chest, and take turns sucking and stroking the monster cock poking out of the bubbling water. I moan, thinking...

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Mother And Son A Tale Of Forbidden Love ndash Part 2

this is a continuoes story of part1 Priya gently removed her panties. She felt Dev’s hand on her secret mount. God! This was the first time someone other than her husband is touching her privates and the one touching her cunt is none other than her own son!Dev was curious. He brought his nose to his mother’s cunt hole and deeply inhaled the pungent sexy aroma of her pheromones.“You hungry?” Priya asked.“Oh maa, its like a dream come true”“Then eat me Dev, I can’t wait!”Dev with both his hands...

4 years ago
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House Guest Part Two

So carrying on from where I left off in Part One. If you haven't read it, then go get up to speed!Gemma got home from work with a bit of a shock to myself and Louise who was about to get her tonsils tickled by my cock. So I've got myself composed and get to the kitchen before she has got into the house. Prepping dinner I hear foot steps and turn to see Gemma walk in. Fuck she looks good, she had a Black suit jacket and trousers on. Matching this was a White blouse and just visable under it was...

1 year ago
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Invisible Dead Prologue Revised

A man stands at a row of complex machines, typing data into a computer. The machines take up two of the walls in the small room, which is cut in half by a wall of sturdy glass. The man is of about average height with brown hair, accented by grey at the temples. He is of average build as well. He wears glasses over his light blue eyes. His lab coat is an immaculate white without even a speck of dirt upon it. He wears his coat over a grey shirt and black pants. With brown loafers to complete...

2 years ago
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Total Woman Zodiac 08

Zack emerged from the TWA corporate limousine at the exclusive Scorpion Desert Resort and Convention Center. The fancy marquis over the entrance simply announced a private, invitation-only fashion show would close the facility to others for the weekend. Zack had arrived at the biggest private fashion event of the year: the Annual TWA Fetish Fashion Show. As a TWA Zodiac, Zack had pageant management responsibilities. He would be the Master of Ceremonies and the Emeritus Guest Tutor, charged with...

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Turn the Tables Ch3

  My name is Katherine, Kat for short. I am the star and CEO of one of the most popular pay-for-view porn websites on the internet. My husband Jimmy started it without my knowledge. That story is told in Chapter 1. I took it over 9 months ago and made many changes. I employ a full time film crew and have used 6 different actors in our videos. We update the site about once a week with either pictures or videos. My assistant Carla really runs the show and I couldn’t have done this without her. I...

2 years ago
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Amazing Session

It had been several months since Jane and I had any sort of sex. Five weeks ago Jane gave birth to our beautiful first baby Liz. I was completely okay with waiting for sex. After all Jane went through to deliver our baby girl 5 weeks earlier, I'm sure the last thing she would want is someone thrusting in and out of there. I was getting a bit worried however because I was horny as hell and had asked Jane if she would give me a hand job a few weeks earlier, which she wouldn't do because it felt...

Wife Lovers
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Ten Years Late

This story is for the girl I never had. However, since it is set in a few years from now it just might happen. So to Katie, I hope for the best, maybe foolishly. I wish I had told you all those years ago of the youthful passion I had for you, but now I have probably lost my chance. Maybe in 2006. Jim R. I was listening to the radio as I pulled into the parking lot. Since it was my high school reunion, I was listening to a station playing songs from the early to mid nineties. I had come a...

3 years ago
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UniversityChapter 24

We both enjoyed the last six or seven hours of the trip: from Tarcoola, where passengers from and to the Ghan de/embarked, through Port Augusta to Adelaide. There was changing scenery and a sort of bustle of new folks and getting ready to get off. Rachel must have checked our stuff half a dozen times. We got a cab to the Stamford Plaza hotel and registered. Check-in time was 1400, but I'd told them we were arriving on the train when I placed our reservation. "Are you as tired as I...

2 years ago
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BarbaraChapter 21

When the judge declared the court to be in recess for fifteen minutes, Bobbie took the opportunity to escort Cindy to where her parents were sitting and then all four moved to an unoccupied corner of the room. Bill and Kathy looked at Bobbie expectantly, while Cindy, who Bobbie was holding in her arms, appeared apprehensive. "I didn't want to lose a moment to tell you what a delight Cindy is," Bobbie began. "Furthermore, I can't tell you how moved I was by her words on the witness stand...

4 years ago
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52 black fridays

Convincing my wife at try another cock was the hardest part. It took over a year of careful suggestions always being sure to not over play my hand. Then that one night the stars were aligned just right. We had a friend of mine staying the night due to being what I thought was over served. As my wife and I were picking up around the pool after everyone had left I made yet another suggestion that she go inside and give my buddy a blow job. She was just buzzed enough to listen to what I was saying...

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Master MasterChapter 16

Happy Easter, everybody! I’d just like to thank all of you for making it to the end and giving me your thoughts! Enjoy the finale of ‘Master! Master!’ I pushed open my bedroom door and a crowd of girls rushed me. “Master!” they all yelled in impatience. “Sorry, girls, sorry, I had to get our last member.” Neija, clinging to my arm, gave a sheepish smile. “Sorry.” We stepped into the bedroom, to find that the entire floor was covered in beds. Lean a few on the walls and we’d have a giant...

2 years ago
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Young and Willing Part One

My new friend pulled into the supermarket parking lot right on time. As we drove to his apartment, he told me his name was Harry, and asked me how I was feeling about coming to his party. I just told him I was fine, but inside I was trembling with anticipation. Harry went on to tell me that he spoke with all three of his friends, and they all agreed they wanted me to relax and have a good time. He assured me that no one would hurt me.As we entered Harry’s living room, he looked at his...

1 year ago
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You Only Love Once

NOTE: This story was written during Hurricane Sandy. Comments and insights wanted, however, don’t be harsh! Sex is toward the end for you impatient readers… As I took a wobbly step onto the school bus, the sky was washed with variant hues of yellow, red, and violet. Through the trees, it seemed as if the road was being led into a portal that was gurgling fire. It was 6:43 AM exactly. My dark brown eyes were blurred as darkness still remained in the west. When I did a little jog up the bus...

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fiona finally swallows my sperm


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Ellen The Embezzler 1

-- Ellen the Embezzler 1 --It was late in the day as I visited the real estate office where my stepdaughter Ellen worked. The owner, Howard, was an old friend; we went way way back, all the way to our school days. He'd been kind enough to hire Ellen as his bookkeeper after she'd not done well in several other job areas. She complained about the work and the lengthy hours, but so far as I was concerned, it was a decent job, Howard was looking out for her, and he reassured me she was doing all...

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Picture This

Picture This Lindsay and Cade arrived at the Bellagio in Las Vegas at half past four, Lindsay was nervous and kept twirling her long black hair. “Are you sure you want to do this Lindsay?” Cade asked her and took her hand in his. He was excited, he knew she would be surprised by what he had in store for her. The planning had taken quite some time to put together and he couldn’t wait to see it come to fruition. Lindsay looked at him from under her long dark lashes and thought about how to...

Group Sex
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Dirty old man fucked as wife watches Wirral Mer

Myself and my wife are an old kinky couple, who, after watching lots of porn one evening decided my wife watching me with another woman would be really horny. We have never done anything like this before, and are in our 50's and not an great looking couple. We are both a bit overweight, however, my wife has fantastic large breasts and a huge sexual appetite!We would love to do this again with a bi lady though as my wife really is desperate to have her pussy licked by another woman as I fuck the...

4 years ago
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Doctor Doctor 8211 Gujarati Story

Hi friends, I m Jay and from Mumbai (name Changed). I am 33 and married living happy life. I m Gujarati so rest I will write in Gujarati so that all my Gujju friends can enjoy Gujju story. Pehla to hu ISS no regular reader chu ane ghani stories vanchi che. Stories vachya pachi lagtu nathi ke badhi stories real hoy. Kemke mane kyarey avo koi chance nathi malyo jevo lokone emna padosi jode, travelling maa vagere vagere chance malya che. Any ways hu bahu bore nahi karu. hu ahiya story nathi...

2 years ago
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By Command of Julias InvitationChapter 18

Hope was particularly aroused by her control over Woodge, having him kiss her feet in the carriage while she sat with the hood he’d wear on completing his testament, on full view in her lap. He was evidently a clever man, being a solicitor, and she hoped the devious nature of his profession wouldn’t lead him astray when within the confines of the bijou and rural police station outside which the cab was stationed. He was the third of the trio to make his testament, and would have the last...

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Ashleys First Threesome

My name is Ashley, I’m 20 years old. I’m 5’5” tall, weigh 130 lbs, with dark wavy hair, dark eyes, and an above average sex drive. I was in a two-month dry spell when I visited my good friend Kelly and her fiancé Steve. Kelly and I were having drinks and chatting in the kitchen while Steve watched TV in the other room. During the conversation, I mentioned to Kelly that it had been two months since I had sex, and that I was really craving it. I don’t know whether it was the drinks, or something...

4 years ago
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MCU Iron Man and Pepper Potts

"Pepper, can you come in here for a moment?" Tony Stark's voice came across her computer speaker, without any electronic distortion, telling Tony Stark's consummate assistant that her boss was -- for a change -- not encased in the gold-and-red Iron Man battle suit armor.Pepper Potts had been just another secretary in the pool when she had corrected an accounting error made by Tony Stark, saving Stark International a small fortune but embarrassing her boss. Fortunately, rather than be angry,...

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Broken WingsChapter 4

The atmosphere in the apartment was heavy the following morning. It was like the house was divided into two sides; on the one side was Angela who did the chores, cooked, read books she discovered in the bedroom and kept pretending that nothing out of the ordinary ever happened. On the other hand James tried his best to ignore her. He paid no attention to her comings and goings and he talked to her only when it was absolutely necessary. He slept, he played music and he tried to recover as if...

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Sis and I

This story is a work of fiction and all characters are not real. enjoyHi my names Mike I’m the oldest of 3 kids. I’m 18 6’1 around 200lbs with a thick 7.5in cock, I’m athletic 3 sports soccer, track and baseball. There’s my twin sisters Jen and Sheena 16. Jen has long brown hair about 5’6 125 34c tits and an ass to die for while Sheena has long blonde hair and about 5’5 110 lbs has 32b cup and a tight lil ass. Their not identical twins but both dead sexy. My parents are both in their 40’s my...


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