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My friend had this 1958 Chevy. It was an obscene colossus of a car with a paint job consisting of peeling blue enamel, gray primer, body putty and rust. It used a rusty wire coat hanger as a radio antenna. Whenever one of the two massive doors slammed shut, a fine effluvium of rust would drift from the rocker panel to the ground.

Inside the vast interior plastic peeled and headliner drooped behind an ornamental dash that managed to combine an art deco theme with the late fifties standard of conspicuous consumption and ostentation.

It was the last in a long line of elderly vehicles that Rob had managed to acquire for a modest sum only to abandon them, engine smoking on the side of some mountain road.

Built at the very apex of post war greatness the car was a mammoth statement of American affluence and power. Now fifteen years later the rusting chrome and coat hanger antenna whispered a darker message of decline and approaching death. Like a dinosaur headed for the tar pits it trudged down the road dropping an occasional chrome ornament or hubcap and looking for all the world like it wished only to find a place to pull over to rust and drip oil while the sun cooked the interior.

Looks can be deceiving.

The Chevy was the one-in-a-thousand car that, for whatever reason, despite appearance and price was relatively sound.

The former owner had ambitions of creating a racecar and had installed a custom shifter, done some work on the transmission and equipped the huge engine with a mammoth turbocharger.

Maybe he got sick of working on it or got drafted or ran away to a commune. Whatever the reason, his parents were left to dispose of it. They parked it in a vacant lot where it sat with weeds growing up through the grill and a ‘For Sale’ sign propped on the dash behind the dusty cracked windshield. Rob purchased this monster for seventy five dollars, cash.

The modifications the former owner had made meant two things. The car drank more gas than a bulldozer and it was faster than it had any right to be. Much faster.

We would pull this creaking behemoth up next to the brand new Corvettes and shiny hot rods waiting at the traffic light to race across the viaduct to North Denver. Ignoring the catcalls and laughter from the suburban kids, we would sit, engine idling in a cloud of blue smoke waiting for the light to change.

The light would turn green and while the other drivers squealed tires and laid rubber Rob would step down on the accelerator gradually pressing it half way to the floor.

He couldn’t afford to squeal his tires because they were all bald and at least one was showing fabric. I really don’t think he could have squealed them if he wanted to since the car weighed so much.

The reason he accelerated gradually was because of a very real fear that the transmission would tear itself lose, rear up between us like a huge metal beast and kill us both while fragments of hot metal rained on the intersection and engine parts flew clanging down the street.

Even with this gradual method of acceleration, we would both be pressed back into our seats by the drag of gravity as the massive road locomotive got underway. Halfway across the intersection the rest of the drivers would see our one functioning taillight through a heavy blue vapor of unburned gasoline disappearing over the top of the hill leading on to the viaduct.

Usually, just as we got about half way across the viaduct we would see headlights from the other cars topping the rise at the beginning of the overpass. We usually got going eighty or ninety miles an hour before we had to slow down. On the open road the Chevy had a cruising speed between a hundred twenty maybe a hundred thirty miles an hour. We never had the nerve to find out what the top end was.

Anyway a car like that required lots and lots of gas and we didn’t have lots and lots of money. Our favorite method of filling the seemingly bottomless tank was to pull up at the gas pump so the car blocked the proprietor’s view of the numbers that measured the gas going into the tank and the price we should pay for that gas..

One of us would start filling the tank while the other watched the clerk inside the station. When the clerk got busy ringing up another sale we would stop the pump, flip the switch so all the numbers went back to zero and start filling the tank again. One of us would go in and pay for the dollar or two showing on the pump and we’d be on our way.

We were engaged in this very activity one Friday evening as we prepared to leave town to visit my girlfriend Carol who lived in Oshkosh Nebraska.

It was late in the year, past autumn, but not quite winter yet. Still the chill in the air was beginning to sharpen as Rob watched the clerk inside the station and I listened to gasoline gurgle into the colossal tank.

The summer of love had long since faded into a winter of cynicism and paranoia as the beat of Disco music displaced the folk anthems of the sixties. Nixon was president and the war in Vietnam ground on and on and on. Kent State had made the point that the government was through fucking around with protesters.

The former protesters and flower children were either busy eradicating their consciousness with an ever-growing pharmacopoeia of increasingly dangerous drugs or else they were crouched down in basements attaching electric wires to high explosives. They too were through fucking around.

None of this mattered to me as I listened to the gas gurgle into the tank and waited for Rob to signal for me to stop and turn the dial back. Around us traffic whizzed by in the fading twilight of a hazy November evening. The smell of wood from fireplaces had mixed with the brown cloud that customarily hung over Denver on Friday at sunset in cool weather to create a breathtakingly crimson dusk that glowed fire red in the west. Now in the growing darkness the half light faded like embers and the crisp fall air had a real wintry bite to it.

‘OK, flip it back’

I flipped the lever running the numbers back to zero while Rob kept an eye on the attendant. I squeezed the handle of the pump and the sound of gas pouring into the black hole of our tank resumed.

‘Is Willie coming?’ I asked.

‘He said he wanted to see Bill and Kenny, something about car parts.’


‘Do you think he bought them?’

His point was well taken. Willie Cortex had never to our knowledge held a job longer than it took him to locate and steal anything of value. A completely hapless alcoholic at the age of fifteen, he had the pasty furtive look of someone with quite a few years of prison in his future.

With dark curly hair and a fair complexion, Willie was an Irish and American Indian lad with the misfortune to reach adolescence just as the Age of Aquarius got into full swing.

Along with an astonishing alcohol intake, Willie had been ingesting LSD and a variety of other illegal mind altering drugs on a more or less daily basis since the age of 12.

The effect this had on him was to reduce his already limited intellect significantly. As a matter of fact his vocabulary had been shrinking over the past year to the point where he made do with about ten words to cover all of his conversational needs.

One story told about Willie was that he was sitting in the back seat of his cousin’s new GTO at the Old Wadsworth drive-in when he cracked the rear side window with a quart bottle of beer he was drinking. Looking at the damage, he laughed drunkenly and said ‘Telephone’, one of the ten words he used in place of a real spoken language.

His cousin understandably annoyed at the damage to his brand new car and Willie’s apparent lack of remorse drug him out of the car and gave him a sound beating. Willie wandered off bleeding still clutching his half-full quart of beer.

A few minutes later Willie reappeared, having finished the beer and filled the bottle wi
th gravel. He drunkenly shouted something along the lines of ‘You’re obviously telephone, so later.’ and smashed the front window out of the shining car.

The second beating his cousin administered that evening is still discussed in some circles. His cousin’s car was parked toward the back of the drive-in so fewer people passing on their way to the concession stand would notice the clouds of marijuana smoke wafting out of the open windows.

Willie was beaten punched and finally kicked from the damaged car all the way to the concession stand where he was left unconscious and bleeding to walk home alone.

Such a beating would have killed or at least disabled any other person at least any normal person. Willie reappeared the next day badly cut and bruised but apparently none the worse for the wear. Neither Willie nor his cousin discussed the matter with anyone else and next Friday night Willie was at his accustomed place in the back seat next to a replaced window enjoying the drive-in with his cousin and their friends. He did not however damage his cousin’s car in any way ever again.

One other thing is worth mentioning about Willie. He had no parents. I mean he must have had parents somewhere or other but in all the time we knew him we never saw them. I mean not even once.

We pulled up to his house in the deepening nightfall and honked the horn. Willie emerged from the garage carrying a bulky and apparently very heavy object. He stopped at the driver’s window and when Rob rolled it partly down, Willie said ‘trunk’.

Rob turned the Chevy off and silently handed the key over. Willie scooted around to the back of the car and popped the massive trunk lid. We felt the Chevy settle slightly as he put whatever he was carrying into the back end. He ran back to the garage and emerged with another object and threw it in as well. The 58 settled a little more on its tired old springs.

Willie repeated this operation several times and finally slammed the trunk lid shut. He got in the back seat, handed Rob the keys back and promptly lit a joint, which he passed around as we drove toward the highway.

Between hits Rob, ever the optimist, attempted to start a conversation with Willie.

‘So how’s it been going man?’


Mind if I ask what’s in my trunk?’


‘What kind of parts?’


For Carol’s brothers?’


We drove past the oil refineries of Commerce City in silence for a few minutes and then Willie lit another joint. Rob turned on the radio and we listened to ‘Good time Charlie’s got the blues’ playing and watched the Chevy suck up the road like a string of oiled spaghetti. Once the lights of the city faded behind us Rob opened it up. Soon the old relic was rocking along as we cruised down the dark road passing the occasional truck as if it were standing still.

About half an hour later a drop of rain hit the windshield. This was followed by another drop and then another. In a few minutes we were driving through a buffeting rain and Rob cut the speed down to about ninety and turned on the wipers.

The ancient wipers barely cleared the cracked windshield before the downpour obliterated our vision again. Rob switched them to high which improved the situation only marginally.

‘You ok to drive?’ I asked.

‘Nothing out here but the trucks, even in this mess they’re kind of hard to miss.’

In the back seat Willie lit another joint and passed it up to us. Rob took a long hit and then passed it to me saying, ‘Don’t worry we’re not going to let a little weather stop us.’

Ten minutes later the rain changed to snow and Rob slowed down again. The snow was sticking, not only on the brown buffalo grass on the side of the road, but to the road itself. This was not a good sign. Rob slowed down a little more and said ‘If this keeps up, we’re going to have to pull over and put the snow tires on’.

‘How far to Fort Morgan?’ I asked.

‘About ten miles, it this doesn’t let up we’ll stop and change tires there.’

The snow didn’t let up and by the time we pulled into the brightly lit truck stop at Fort Morgan it was an island of light in a sea of darkness and blowing snow that was starting to drift around any object that protruded from the ground. As we pulled into the gas station I felt the back wheels slip a little when we rounded the turn.

‘Looks like we made it just in time’. Rob said shutting the engine off. ‘Get your shit out of the trunk.’ He said, handing Willie the key.

While Willie unloaded the trunk, Rob and I went to the station to use the bathroom. By the time we walked past two islands of gas pumps and into the station we were nearly frozen and very wet. There was no doubt by this time in either of our minds that we had driven smack into the middle of a fall blizzard on the plains.

This should have been our cue to turn around and try to make it back to Denver which lay about sixty miles to the west. Our goal, a tiny town situated on the Platte river was still about two hundred miles away to the east in Nebraska.

Outside the wind howled flinging sheets of snow out of the darkness nearly obscuring the nearest island of gas pumps. Willie and the huge Chevy was entirely shrouded by the fury of wind and snow that seemed to be picking up even as we looked through the window. The small clapboard building shuddered as the wind moaned outside and I looked at Rob questioningly.

‘Once we get the tires changed it’ll be cake.’ He said without hesitation.

I didn’t argue I was in love.

When I first met Carol, Rob was going out with her. I joined them at a coffee shop and sitting across the table from Carol, I was smitten.

In a way, it was like being in a serious auto accident. You don’t really remember what happened, you just wake up in the hospital. I don’t remember a single thing about the night I met her except what she told me later.

She said I just kept looking at her and when it was time to leave I said, ‘You sure are lucky to have met such a nice girl Rob.’ I don’t know if she called me up or I called her but within twenty four hours we were passionately necking at a drive in. From that night on, we were together.

There was no apology to Rob and no sneaking around either, we just were. You don’t apologize for breathing.

A few years later, Rob slept with an exceptionally beautiful girlfriend of mine while she and I were in the process of breaking up. He didn’t apologize either and it didn’t even cause a ripple in our friendship. I wasn’t angry when Rob slept with Sandy and he wasn’t angry when I took Carol. These things all seem to have a way of working themselves out.

Here’s the funny thing. Carol wasn’t particularly gorgeous, at least not in the sense of conventional beauty. Mind you, she wasn’t ugly by any stretch of the imagination but basically she was just a normal healthy seventeen year old girl.

She was my height and I preferred girls to be a little shorter then me. She was plump. Not fat, but curvaceous and robust. She had dishwater blonde hair, brown eyes and a shy hesitant smile that reduced me to total mush.

Carol certainly wasn’t the first girl I had gone out with. Although at the time, technically I was still a virgin, I had spent more than my fair share of time exploring my sexuality with a variety of willing partners. At one point I had removed the back seat from my car and installed a bed complete with pillows and comforter. This may have explained my lack of popularity with the parents of girls I had dated before Carol.

What bewildered me about us was the sheer power of the passion and animal magnetism between us. It went past sex and extended to everything. When we talked I felt like I was talking with myself. It was like she was just another part of me, a part that had been missing and I had been lucky enough to find.

When her mother and step father decided to move to
Oshkosh on the theory that there would less for her two brothers to steal in a small town there wasn’t a question in our minds that we would continue to be together.

There are things about Carol I can barely remember and others that remain lodged in my memory like a bad tattoo.

These thoughts continue to bob to the surface of my consciousness sometimes like the taste of a sweet summer night, sometimes like a bloated corpse surfacing after years of putrefaction in the cold depths of my subconscious.

When she moved along with her family we were true to our word, our vow…our love.

We wrote each other on a daily basis, not just love letters, but a continuation of the dialogue we had started the first night we were together and now found it impossible to live without. We wrote monster letters of many pages, sometimes more that once a day, pouring our words onto the paper like a pent up stream of consciousness that unwritten might cause one or the other of us to explode.

It wasn’t sex we wrote about, aside from noting we missed each other, we wrote about what was inside us, what was happening, what we felt.

And of course I visited her in Oshkosh at least once a month but usually more often. Each time I saw her it was like coming up from deep water for a breath of fresh air. It was like being an amputee who is allowed to have his missing limb back for a little while or a blind person who receives the gift of sight for a short time. It was like being made whole again.

So as we stood looking out at the growing blizzard I didn’t argue with Rob about our destination. In my mind it was far preferable risking the storm then turning back. Like a junkie waiting for his connection, the thought of Carol drove everything else from my mind including the colossal stupidity of driving into the heart of a Colorado fall blizzard in an ancient car that to my knowledge hadn’t had so much as an oil change in the last year let alone a tune up.

Driving across two hundred miles of darkness and drifting snow seemed like the only logical course of action open to us, so when Rob said, ‘Let’s get those tires on’ and pushed the door open, I followed.

The howling wind almost pushed me back inside, but I lowered my head and pushed out into the gale. Willie was unloading the last of the parts onto the ground where the snow was drifting around them.

Rob reached into the trunk and removed two of the oldest baldest most threadbare snow tires I’ve ever seen before or since that night. Pointing to a couple of rusty metal hobs extruding from the thinning tread he said, ‘Don’t worry, they’re studded.’

Working together we got the gargantuan hulk of the car jacked up and the tires changed in a matter of minutes. When we were finished and Willie had loaded his trove of stolen auto parts back into the trunk, Rob noticed one of the tires was low.

‘Looks like a slow leak’ he observed as he unscrewed the valve cap with blue numbing fingers. ‘It ought to hold until we get to Oshkosh and then I can patch the tube’. He hooked the air hose to the valve letting the air hiss into the ruined tire.

‘There’ he said stepping back and looking at the tire which was rapidly disappearing in the deepening snow, ‘good as new.’

We capped the gas tank, not even bothering to watch the station now lost in clouds of drifting powder. When we finished Rob flipped the pump back to zero.

He started the car and slowly pulled out of the station aiming the car toward the eastbound entrance to the highway. In less then a minute the island of light had disappeared entirely and we were surrounded by darkness and blowing snow. In the back seat, Willie lit a joint and passed up to us.

Between Fort Morgan and Julesberg, the last town in Colorado before Nebraska, lies about a hundred and fifty miles of utterly desolate and empty land. Flat as a pancake and lacking a single tree to break the monotony or the wind blowing down from Canada to Mexico it forms the heart of what used to be called ‘The Great American Desert’.

A few years back on New Years Eve I took a non stop transcontinental flight from New York City to Los Angeles.

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As you know, Andy is a kitten, which means she is chemically programmed to obey my commands. I could say to her, “On your back, bitch, and spread them,” and she would immediately comply, gladly giving me that which I desired. The programming would force her to obey. And, Andy’s own love for me, that unprogrammed part of her nature, reinforced the programming. I had trained myself not to give her direct orders in things sexual. It was more fun to suggest and let Andy respond as what she was,...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 46 Rite of Passage

September 4, 2000, Chicago, Illinois On Monday morning I went to my study to make a surreptitious call to ensure that the surprise I’d planned for Kara was still going to happen, and after confirming that it was, Jesse, Matthew, Michael, and I began preparing for the Labor Day party by getting beer and soda into coolers, getting the grill ready, setting up tables and chairs in the backyard, and ensuring the liquor cabinets were stocked while my wives and daughters worked on food prep in the...

3 years ago
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PalimpsestChapter 9 Northern Passage

Arrangements during the first meeting of the PIs promised L would follow Joe and Marta without them stopping first at the office. She wanted discretion if the car was followed. Once outside the environs of Chicago, she'd pass them if she spotted a tail. Evidently no tail existed. Marta couldn't have been more surprised by Joe's car. In fact she and Mary had passed it when they searched for him at the curb. He had to step out and yell and wave. A 1966 cherry red Mustang convertible with a...

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Loosening Up Book 4 RevelationsChapter 31 Rites of Passage

Karen and Cricket went into the pool hand in hand after breakfast. They were laughing and bonding as best friends. He briefly compared Cricket to his wives, and realized that it was the warmth and sense of inclusion he felt from the newcomer that made her as attractive. She had an uncanny knack to bond with people, besides being a superb lover who made him conscious of the many levels of connection they were making with one another. He really did love Cricket. Dave circulated and said hello...

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The Passage

She awoke from a pleasant dream filled with naughty thoughts. Her husband’s eyes met her’s instantly. “Been watching me sleep?” she asked, as she stretched her arms over her husband’s shoulders and embraced him. “Aye, like an angel.” Her husband stated as he gave her a morning kiss. She felt her body tremble slightly as he ran his fingers down her spine. “James, You’d better be careful or you might seduce me.” She giggled. She felt his fingers rise up her spine and she felt as though she was...

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I pulled into the visitors lot of the Belle Vista Long Term Health Care Facility, found a parking spot in the shade, and turned off the ignition. I hesitated a moment before opening the door, but taking a deep breath, I steadied myself, emerged from the car, and entered the lobby. "Good Morning, Mr. Foster!" called out Dorothy, the always effervescent receptionist. "It's a beautiful day, isn't it? Here to see your Mother?" Good morning to you, as well!" I replied, "It is definitely...

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Legion of LightChapter 20 Light Passages

When our two week honeymoon was over and it was time to go home again, where to go was a simple decision. We were in the Mediterranean. A daylight jump to the Montecristo station on Meadow would put us there with our clocks already used to the local time. We planned our departure for the afternoon so could make a quick trip home to Angel's Camp before dinner. We had each called our parents the day before and said we'd be popping in at the Parkin's house for a quick visit at 10am this...

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Black Bra Panty Wali Aunty Ki Mkkhn Jese Chut

Hi friends mera naam Ashok Sharma hai or me faridabad haryana se hu ye mere fast storie hai jo ki mere jeewan ki ek scchi ghtna ahi me 27 ka hu or mera color saaph hai or mere ramu kaka ka size 7/3.5 hai jo ki kisi bhi age ki chut ko nani yaad dila dega agr aap ko khaash kr female ko mere storie acchi lge to please mail jrur krna Sbse phle me ye btana chahta hu ki mujh ke married female bhut psnd hai kyo ki un ko hi sex ka asli mja lena or dena aata hai so please mere bhabhiyo or mere sexy...

3 years ago
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Biye Barir Maja03 Bangla Galpo

Khanik pore amar kheyal holo je amar kichu kaj ekhono baki ache, ami ekhono amar pheda Paruler guuder bhetore charinee. Amar kheyal holo, jakhon theke Parul ghore esheche aar amara amader khela shuru korechee, takhon theke Parul ekbaro amar laura ta bhalo kore hathe neye nee. Ami Paruler kache eegoie gelam aar parul ke amar bara ta dekhlam. Parul amar dike takiye bhalo bhabhe chude debar janno ekgal henshe amar khara hoye thaka bara tp bhalo dhore nilo aar laura ta ke khuntoye khuntiye dekhte...

2 years ago
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The Breeding Room Part II

Judy stood naked in front of the mirrored wardrobe doors, one hand held a large bath towel and the other cupped her left breast. She was admiring herself. She couldn’t understand why because until moving into the house she had never spent a great deal of time paying attention to her body. She had never really paid much attention to her sexuality; Judy just took it for granted. Yes, she was aware of her body and took care of herself as far as diet and exercise was concerned but she had never...

Wife Lovers
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The Bet

He had won and she had lost and that was the bottom line. Initially it had just been an argument between siblings but it ultimately turned into a bet over their grade point averages. His sister bet that she would end up with the higher GPA and she had lost, 3.9 to 3.87... it was close but still she had lost. When they had first argued over their GPA's it had just been for fun then his sister taunted him about her being smarter and Mark caved in and agreed to the bet. Mark had at first been...

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Her Restless Night

It was late and she was awake. She had gone to bed as normal but had hoped that he would want her – want to make love to her. He was asleep. It was not totally dark and she gazed around at the ceiling and the walls illuminated through the slight gap in the curtain. She wasn’t tired. She lay listening to the sound of his breathing and let her mind wander aimlessly, hoping that sleep would come to her soon. As she remembered the events of a quite ordinary day she found her thoughts returning...

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Crisis at IshtarChapter 21 Impressing the Citizens

Madoka was hungry. Once I offered her a meal, she drank it down. Afterwards she fidgeted for only a moment before closing her eyes again. I was not completely surprised, as she had been awake for the last hour as I memorized the seating chart. Once she was slumbering in one of the cribs set up in the backstage nursery, I hurried back to the theater, prepared to lead the citizens to their seats. Janice met me at the curtain. She seemed a bit distracted, but held up a hand for me to pause. I...

2 years ago
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Up Le Revard

Jane struggled up the stairs with her two heavy suitcases. She had been banished by the hospital council to their clinic in south France, and now it was mandatory that she spend a week in a little village up Le Revard, the second tallest mountain in the region. Her best friend had tried to placate the hot headed surgeon by saying, “Think about it as a romantic getaway to the Alps! You can pick up hot French guys, and have hot steamy sex all the way up in a little cabin, and no strings...

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When in Toronto Extended Version

“And that’s it! That’s it! It’s over!” the commentator babbled into their headset. “The match goes to Klutz! I can’t believe it!!”The cheering in the stadium was deafening, and yet still Kenneth Lutz couldn’t hear much. He was too busy coming back to reality and focusing on the fact that he needed to breathe.For seven years Ken had worked his ass off to get to where he was now. Where he belonged. He had finally achieved his life’s dream – sitting on a stage, hearing people chant his name. For...

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Hospital of Bangalore Chapter 16 More to serve

The hospital is working smoothly. Inverness is under construction. We are getting response to the ad for more staff. The staff has setup three scholarships for any centaur foal that wants to go and get their doctorate in medicine or psychology. We might as well grow our own. Mark had me also set up two scholarships for civil engineering. Since we have no birth restrictions on Bangalore our schools need teachers. We do have one rule. If you have a youth in school you or your spouse must...

3 years ago
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Out of town on Business

I was in San Antonio on a business trip, bored out of my mind and not really wanting to hang out with the coworkers I traveled with, so I decided to hit up a “friend” I had only met online who I knew lived in the general area. We emailed back and forth for the first couple of days I was in town, but the week was drawing to an end and my curiosity was killing me so I decided to invite him out for dinner and drinks. Unsure at first and somewhat hesitant, I convinced him to just meet me at the...

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The Corruption Of Suzy

Believe it or not, I used to be very prude. I never considered myself promiscuous in any way. My husband always warned me that a woman reaches her sexual prime in her late twenties while men peak between eighteen and twenty-one. Boy, was he right! Things that seemed perverted started to seem interesting. The first time he brought home my 12-inch vibrator I was pissed at him. I thought vibrators were perverse and I had no interest in a fake cock. He had to wait until I was drunk on night to...

2 years ago
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Something New In Bangalore

Writing down one of my experience in Indian sex stories after long time. Had penned down few of my experiences before. Apologies for not writing down new experiences even after good responses. About me native Bangalorean with a creative brain. Feel free to Drop me mail about feedback or on any service ;-) @ Please don’t write mail asking for couple contact details with whom I had this experience. Discretion is most important for me and everybody whom we meet outside regular relationship....

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The Weekend2

After a quick meal and a couple of beers, he went to his room and got undressed to take a shower. As he was about to go into the bathroom and start his shower, the phone rang. "Shit, why does someone always fucking call me when I'm going into the bathroom". He answered politely and heard his neighbor, Carol, saying hello in a hurried voice. " Jack, I'm sorry to bother you with this but I'm in a real jam." She explained she had to go out of town for a family situation, and that she can't...

2 years ago
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Swimming in the Jury PoolChapter 13

(The best defense is to attack) Finally, there came a morning when I dreaded going into the cafeteria for the morning breakfast because I was being bombarded with glares from angry women from all sides. In all honesty, I don’t know who I had offended the most. Recently, I had gotten in the habit of not answering my door when I had a female in my bed and I never as able to sort out who it was on the other side of the door. I must state up front that the most depraved female in the bunch...

2 years ago
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Becoming A Man Part 7 Beneath the Toga

"If you shake it more than three times it's masturbating, you know."“Can you blame me?” I asked in response, giving my engorged but not-quite-erect dick a few strokes of my hand. "You saw me slow dancing with Monica!"  There we were, Jim and me, standing next to the woods on the edge of campus, stroking our own woods after having just finished up a pee. We were walking back to the dorm from the toga party at the campus gym.  Twenty minutes earlier, we'd both been dancing with women we were hot...

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NFBusty Anna Bell Peaks Leather Submission

Leather Submission with this big tits teen Anna Bell Peaks who seduces this horny man into a pussy pounding session! This beautiful girl has the elegance and grace of a ballerina. She showed up to visit wearing a beautiful tight black dress with a bit of tulle peeking beneath the skirt and long white gloves. Her adoring boyfriend helped her untie all of her ribbons remove all of her lacy things and then he laid her gently on the bed, where she looked up at him with her big soulful eyes in this...

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Leap of FaithChapter 10

Alba – Tayari Plaza, nine hours after slip-space rupture. Alba heard the scuffle as the remaining Jackal launched its ambush on the Imp, along with the squeal that informed her of its outcome. She readied her carbine, aiming the reticle at the shadowy stairwell down the corridor. There was only one way that the Imp could come, and the radioactive rounds from her carbine would punch straight through his jet-black armor with ease. His helmeted head emerged, but she hesitated once again as he...

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The Back Of The Bus

You're sat alone at the back of the school bus again, being the first to get on in the morning. Naturally, as an adolescent male, you start thinking about sex. You have just obtained a rock hard 9 inch boner when the bus door opens to let the next students on. You try as hard as you can to will your erection down, but the realisation that two of the hottest girls in school have just got onto the bus isn't helping any. "Hi Paul" The girls say merrily in unison as they sit either side of you on...

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Too Young

Introduction: Tamara was quite young at thirteen, but was she really a virgin. Sometimes I still like to think that she was. Fbailey story number 238 Too Young I knew that she was way too young but I just couldnt pass up the opportunity. She was just so young and innocent. She was also all alone. I knew that because I had been keeping an eye on her. Her mother had dropped her off an hour ago and had never came back. I watched her lying on the beach in her little girl bathing suit. It was a...

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Tim and Jill The Early Years

When Tim Met Jill - Not a Romance As Tim watched the last of Wilson's ten-inch cock bury itself between the welted cheeks of Jill, who was bound spread-eagle fashion to the bed, he thought about the first time he had ever laid eyes on her. You talk about a mess. That was Jill. He had been invited to a sorority pledge event to check out the new meat. Although no scholar, Tim was well known on campus thanks to his impressive cock and his natural talent for using it. He'd gone down to the...

5 years ago
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A trip to a club

So Saturday night my wife and I went out to a local club , I sent a message to a guy we have played with before . He met us at the club , had a few drinks and decided to head to a local motel . Once there we all stripped down and climbed into bed , he's was sucking on her nipples while Iicked n sucked her sweet pussy. We then took turns fucking her, she came several from the combination of two different cocks , soon he was cumming deep iside her hot pussy , when he pulled out you could see a...

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The Lesson Plan Part Two Supply Teacher Episode Eight

The Lesson Plan -- Part Two: Supply Teacher Monday: Drama Chapter 41 "Morning Ellen!" Miranda waves towards me, breaking off a conversation with a colleague. I walk over to join her, pouring myself a cup of coffee from the machine. She looks great in black pants and a white button down and I tell her as much. "Oh shut up," she replies with a roll of her eyes. "That's a cute dress though. Work appropriate," she adds with a teasing wink. I'm happy with today's choice, in that...

2 years ago
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Cajoled That Gym Babe

Hello to all the Indian sex stories readers. I am back once again with yet another story after a long time. This story is a bit long but please bear with me as I assure you that you will definitely enjoy this story and won’t be able to resist yourself from relieving yourself after reading this story. Now for those who are new to my stories, I will first tell you about myself in short. I am Rohan from Pune. I am 20 years old guy with 6ft height. I have muscular body as I always keep myself fit...

4 years ago
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The Routine Chapter III

There had really been something surreal about his wife sitting on her knees in front of him, her face streaked with cum and her hands massaging the sticky goo into her tits while she addressed their daughter Christine. The girl had obviously been woken by the noise they'd been making and come downstairs to check out what was happening. She'd apparently been shocked by what she saw when her mother greeted her and had run back upstairs like a bolt of lightning. Damn, Robert thought. This...

3 years ago
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Trying to Be NormalChapter 9 A Compromise Is Offered

I was very rudely awakened when my two older sisters trooped noisily into my bedroom and proceeded to jump on the bed, shaking me awake. "Come on, stud, time to get up. We're leaving soon and you've got to come tell us goodbye." "Uhh," I wittily replied. Glancing around, I saw I was surrounded by Becky and Melinda. The girls I had gone to bed with all seemed to be missing. Who the hell was supposed to be protecting me from my sisters? Of course, the answer immediately sprang to mind....

3 years ago
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The Damsels Heart

There once was a damsel – in most respects, she was a rather ordinary girl. In fact, she loved and needed, hurt and cried, smiled and laughed just like the rest of us. The damsel had an enormous capacity for love – so much so, in fact, that although she found female anatomy more pleasing, she could fall in love with nearly anyone’s heart and mind if they were kind and well-meaning enough. And the rest would generally follow if it was meant to be. The damsel once fell madly in love with a...

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