Sailboat Passage free porn video

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It was 10 years ago this week that we first made the passage together.

I was on my boat, the Califia, on a Thursday morning. I was making ready to leave Muskegon Harbor for a 2-week vacation sail that would have its high point at Mackinaw Island, Michigan. I had just removed the sail cover from the mainsail and was folding it up to be stowed. She came out of nowhere. All of a sudden there she was, climbing over the starboard rail which was up against the pier at that time.

"Please hide me, mister!" was her request to me at the time.

I pointed to the companionway leading below. She literally jumped to the cabin sole. If it hurt her (it would have hurt me to do that) she didn't show it and quickly disappeared heading forward, backpack bobbing at her shoulders. All that I had seen was a small slim female passing out of view.

I finished my folding job and was removing the cover from the helm station when a man about my age (call it 35 at the time) came trotting down the main pier. He was a grungy looking character; hadn't shaved yet that day and looked to be fairly sloppily dressed. He stopped at my dock when he saw me back in the cockpit, and walked down the arm of the pier next to my boat.

"Hey! You see a girl, about 16, around here in the last few minutes?" he shouted.

I shook my head no and stayed with my folding.

"She's a runaway and the cops are looking for her! You sure you didn't see her?"

"Look, fella, I've been out here for the last hour cleaning up and I haven't been looking for anyone else that whole time. You're free to look around the rest of the pier, but I haven't seen anybody to tell you about!"

"You ready to tell that to the cops?"

"Well, if they get here in the next 15 minutes I will, but I'm on a schedule and I'm pulling in my lines at 0900 and heading out to the lake."

"You'd better be telling the truth, mister!" He was blustering.

About that time I set down the folded cover and moved toward the railing.

"You making threats, fella?"

He backed away down toward the main pier. "No, no, it's just that they're after her and you'd better be here to talk to them."

I put my foot up on the cockpit seat and looked at him. "Sounds like you're calling me a liar, mister! I'm just here mindin' my own business and you come bullin' in here for no reason! I'd suggest you go and peddle your business elsewhere!"

He kept backing down the walkway and as he turned to walk down the pier he shouted, "You'd better be ready to back that up!"

I watched him walk down the pier, looking every which way as he walked. I picked up my covers, opened the engine compartment and reached below to store them in one of the side lockers up above the engine well. As I came back up I could look down the length of the interior of the cabin for the girl. I didn't see her, but the curtain covering the forward berth was pulled across and I never left it that way when I was on board alone, so I figured that she had gone as far forward as possible and gone to earth, or in this case, to berth.

With my head in the engine compartment I checked the engine oil level and looked at all the connections, battery, steering and others, for anything unusual. After all, out on the lake is not the place to find a problem that should have been taken care of in harbor. Seeing nothing I knelt up and closed the engine compartment cover and stood up, grabbing the boom as I stood. About that time two cops came down the main pier, looking for something or someone.

"Good morning, sir! Have you seen a young lady or a man come down this way this morning?"

"I saw the man, I think. Is he a fairly obnoxious guy about your size?" pointing to one of the cops.

"That's a pretty good description of him," the cop at point agreed.

"What's up, guys? What did he do?"

"It's not him that did anything. He reported his stepdaughter as a runaway and is insistent that she headed down here toward the marina. Frankly we think that she headed to the park 'cause there's nothing out here to attract her."

"Why did he say she ran away?" I asked.

"He didn't say, but her mother died last week and he says she's pretty broke up about it."

"Leave her alone and she'll come home, dragging her tail behind her." I suggested.

"Probably, but we have to make a look for her anyway. So you haven't seen her?"

"I can't really say — but your pain-in-the-ass went that-away! Good luck, guys!"

"Thank you sir! Have a good day." And they headed down the pier toward the obnoxious guy.

I had killed enough time talking with the tourists so I started the diesel and let it warm up a bit while grabbing my hat from the shelf along the companionway. Then I cast off the mooring lines fore and aft and put the Cally into reverse and backed out of the slip, turning into the channel between the piers.

I motored over to the fuel dock to top up the diesel tank. I had already filled the freshwater tank and emptied the holding tank before all of this started.

Pulling up into the fuel dock I pulled the transmission into neutral and guided the boat up to the fueling station, grabbing the line passed over by the dock boy. Mooring the boat I killed the engine, took the fuel line from him and pushed it into the fuel port on the starboard side. Pulling the lever, I locked it into flow position and climbed below briefly.

Fairly quietly I said into the still cabin "If you want off, now's the time to be getting that way. When I leave this dock the next stop is about 30 hours north of here. No questions, no arguments, leave or not, it's up to you. OK?"

"OK," came the quiet response from nowhere in particular.

I regained the deck in time to finalize the fuel flow and hand the hose back to the dock boy, along with my credit card. When he brought it back I signed off, took my copy and handed everything that was his back to him. Starting the engine I moved forward and then aft casting off the fuel dock lines. Taking the helm I put the engine in gear and pulled away from the marina, catching, out of the corner of my eye, the cops and the obnoxious guy moving down another pier full of boats.

I headed out to the shipping channel and turned west toward the big lake, making a steady 4 knots according to the knotmeter. Putting my butt on the back rail and my feet down on the cockpit seat I slowly conned the Cally down the channel and into the big lake. I waved back to some of the tourists walking along the beach side of the channel and to some of the incoming boaters passing me on my port side on their way up to the 'little' lake.

Motoring for about 15 minutes after reaching the big water I eventually locked the helm and went to the front of the cockpit to raise the jib. That took about three minutes and then I cast off all the ties from the mainsail and hauled on the mainsheet. Cleating that line home I regained the helm just as the boat started to heel to the wind. I freed the wheel and at the same time dropped the engine out of gear. After about five minutes making sure that all the sheets were where I wanted them I headed the boat toward the northwest and killed the engine.

From below I heard a small plaintive voice, "Are we OK, is the boat supposed to tip this way?"

I spoke loud enough for her to hear me, "Yes, we're OK. Sailboats tip when they're under sail. Have you ever been out on the big lake before?"

"Nooo! And I'm not sure right now if this is a good idea!"

She sounded like a landlubber who was about to hurl. I didn't want that down in my cabin.

"If you're going to barf either get to the sink in the galley or the one forward in the head. Put it all in the sink! I don't want to be cleaning up the deck down there! If you're really desperate you can come up on deck and lean over the downwind side, but if you don't want anyone to see you stay down below. Just don't mess up my cabin!"

"I don't understand half of what you said, but I can see a sink here and I'm going..."

I saw her slim form pass into the galley area and then heard the sounds of someone being sick. It happened more often than one would think, and almost always at about the same point in the voyage — just after getting under sail out here on the deep water. After allowing about 40 minutes for her to empty herself out I'd go below and feed her a Dramamine with some crackers, and put a low dosage Scopolamine patch behind her ear. She wouldn't feel good for a few hours, but eventually the two acting together would remove that nauseous tendency to barf that often accompanies a first voyage.

I really had no choice of actions, unless I was going to cater to my uninvited seasick guest by going back into harbor. I set the course on the 'iron pilot' that served as my autopilot and went about checking lines and sheets. I adjusted sails, checked the wind, readjusted the sails a bit and then spent some time with the GPS that the marina had recently integrated with my autopilot. At least, that's what they said they did. I wouldn't trust this integration of new and older technologies until it had proven itself. I was expecting this passage north to do just that. I had already programmed the trip with waypoints and expected transit times. Now to see if it worked in reality as it did in advertisements and the installer's assurances

I had originally planned to make the passage to Mackinac Island without any stops along the way. But with my 'unknown' passenger that plan might change. There were other ports I could put into, from White Lake which was only a few hours up the coast now, all the way to Ludington, which would perhaps be a bit of a reach for a seasick landlubber. I was going to have to talk with her. Whoever 'her' was! Common sense would dictate that a discussion was needed. I had just lied to 'her father' and to the cops. I could be in a world of hurt if I got caught. But my brief glimpse of her fear-filled face and her absolute silence, even when sick, told me that this wasn't something she was joking about. Not at all!

Now all I had to do was figure out how deep into her problems I wanted to immerse myself.

Figuring I had baffled anyone who was watching us, since we were now almost out of sight of land, I went below. I found a fairly messed up young lady lying on the forward berth.

"So, how goes it?"

"Can I just die now instead of later?" was her unhappy response.

"No, you can't. But I've got a few things for you to try, to make this experience better."

I found the Dramamine and the rest of the stuff I wanted for her. She sat up, looking downright miserable, and I gave her two pills to swallow with a bit of water, which I offered her. She chose to chew them dry and quickly crammed in the three saltine crackers I offered her to follow them. I explained the Scop patch to her and gently applied it to the left side of her head, low and behind her ear.

Then, for the first time really, I sat back to examine my patient. She certainly looked older than the 15 or 16 that guy had claimed for her. She was a blond with shoulder length hair, now sticking out in every direction. She was sitting down so I couldn't judge her height exactly but she seemed to me to be fairly short. A fairly big bust under the tank top, a fairly narrow waist, and very good legs below her rather short shorts.

"So, what's your name?" I asked.

No response was made.

"Since I've put myself in jeopardy with the Muskegon cops I think that you at least owe me a name!

"I'm Nikki Glasman. My name is Nikki!"

"OK, Nikki, would you mind telling me why you're on board my boat on the way to Mackinac Island?"

"He tried to rape me!"

"Again, OK! Who tried to rape you? Your father? The guy who was looking for you back on the dock?"

"Yes, him! He's not my father! My father died six years ago. Ben is my stepfather! And when my mother died six days ago he started to tell me that I was going to have to replace her! He's crazy! He meant that he wanted me in his bed! Oh, God, I miss her so much! He wasn't like this before!"

"Well, you can settle down now, Nikki. He's a fair ways behind us and I don't think anybody saw you board the Cally. I think you're safe, right now."

"Oh, thank you! Thank you! It's embarrassing but I don't even know your name. I'm just so happy that you took me away from him!"

She didn't look very happy — she had an 'I'm almost sick' look about her that didn't go away for at least another hour.

"My name is Bill Poll, and you're on the Califia out on Lake Michigan and headed North at the moment. And I have to confess that I don't know what to do with you."


"First question — how old are you? I need to know how much trouble I'm likely to be in if they catch up with us."

"I'm seventeen — I'll be eighteen in ten days! I'm not going to get you in trouble, am I?"

"Well, if I get caught with a seventeen year-old runaway I might be! Let's see to it that they don't find you for the next ten days!"

"I can't stay here with you for that long! That wouldn't be fair to you! Can't you drop me someplace sorta safe and kinda forget about me?"

"Yeah, I could do that. But what would you do? If you're here I can keep an eye out for you and see that you get at least three squares a day. Could you do that if I dropped you in, say, Ludington? Do you have anybody there to help you?"

"Nooo. There's nobody there or anywhere. Mama was the last of my family! I'm all alone! I don't even know if I can trust you!"

At this point she broke out in sobs and all I could do was to take her in my arms and hug her until she stopped a bit. She was too miserable to resist the hug. I pulled out my handkerchief (clean at this point) and gave it to her to dry her tears. With a quick final hug I released her and sat back on the edge of the berth.

"Well, he said that you were sixteen, so he was lying to the cops. You're almost at that magic point where you can be responsible for yourself. In ten days you can do anything you want to do. Does he hold anything else over you? And can you prove to the cops, and to me, how old you are?"

"Well, he has anything that my mom probably left to me. I don't know what she might have done that way. I know she made a will, but I don't know what it said. And yes! I can prove how old I am. I have my driver's license with me. I suppose that my birth certificate is back at the house we lived in."

"Would you please let me see it so we can plan a defense if it's needed?"

She reached back into the berth and pulled out her backpack. Digging inside of it she pulled out a wallet, and digging in that she pulled out her license. It showed her photo (quite flattering, actually) and her birthdate. I had to do some quick math but she came up smelling like roses. She was just a bit short of eighteen and therefore, just short of being a legal adult. Her stepfather had no claim on her if we could keep her free from him for ten more days.

"Well, this says that all we have to do is keep you away from him for 10 days and you can do whatever you want. The question is, do you want to stay with me all the way to and back from Mackinaw to get to that point?"

"I guess so. I really don't know what to do anymore now that I'm away from him. He scared the shit out of me when he got drunk last night! He was grabbing at my tits and my ass! I pushed him down and ran! I was just lucky that I could grab my backpack before I ran away and that my wallet was in it. I just got paid last night. Otherwise I wouldn't have anything!"

"All right, you're free of him and the cops for the moment. How are you feeling now?"

She looked surprised as she sat back to answer that question. Obviously running through all of her systems, she responded, "Pretty well, right now, it's a lot better than before you gave me this stuff!"

"OK! Here's the deal. The cops, at least the state cops, have planes that they can fly over us. I don't want you showing yourself above board any time when you hear a plane, OK? You can stay down here most of the time and if you need to come up into the cockpit I want you ready to bail down below anytime we hear a plane! That should keep them from suspecting us of something funny. I'm just a guy, alone, heading north! I'm going to continue the passage north until you cave in and want to get back to dry land. If you really think you need to be back on land, we'll head to the nearest port although it may be quite a while before we reach it. We'll be heading into night after a bit and then you're welcome on deck as long as you want to be there. There's more Dramamine over there on the counter when you need it, but not for another three hours at least. The Scop patch won't need to be replaced until after we arrive at Mackinaw Island. All right? Oh, by the way, I'll be sleeping on deck tonight so you don't have to worry about me bothering you down here!"

"Actually, at the moment I trust you more than I ever trusted Ben, and with much better reason! You could have forced me to do something ever since you came down here, but all that you've done is shown me respect. I could love you for that after what he tried to do to me!"

"All right, the hard part of the time we're going into is that nothing happens. We're facing another full 24 hours of absolutely nothing! Can you handle that?"

"Yes, as long as you let me up by the steering wheel once in a while. I don't think that I can stay down here without being able to see anything!"

"You are welcome above, as long as you listen for airplanes. But you won't see much! We're almost out of sight of land and the only way we know where we are is by GPS or by the charts that I can show you. You won't see much up above! And always remember that you're probably safest down below here."

"Just let me up there, please!" She was starting to get a desperate look in her eyes.

"OK! I need to grab a sandwich and some chips before I go back to the wheel. You're welcome to some stuff from the fridge too!"

"No thanks! Don't even show me food! Just get me where I can see something besides this room!"

So I grabbed a sub and a Coke out of the fridge, a pack of chips from the cabinet and headed back to the helm station. Nikki followed me, carefully looking at the sky. She had gotten the necessary message.

Once on deck she seemed to be feeling some better. I also got a much better look at my passenger. She was rather pretty, with medium blond hair that she pulled back into a ponytail and tucked through the strap hole in the back of the baseball cap I gave her for some sun protection. She was wearing a yellow sleeveless T-shirt and a pair of short jean shorts that were rather tight around her well-shaped bottom. Her chest was impressive for a short woman; her attributes were high and large and apparently well supported because there was very little movement under her shirt. I looked! My guess is that she stood about 5'3" and weighed probably about 110 lbs. I showed her where the sunscreen was located and watched admiringly as she wiped it onto two very shapely legs.

Dramamine makes some people sleepy and she napped for the next couple of hours. When she was awake she protested a couple of times that she didn't want any food. She did go below at the appropriate time for her re-dose of Dramamine. While she didn't find exactly what she was looking for above deck in the line of a view, she was calmer and apparently happier than she had been below.

A passage like the one we were making is boring to many people. There appears to be nothing to do, or, as far out as we were, to see. There is just 'water, water all around'! On the other hand, I was somewhat busy at times. I was checking the set of the sails and making any needed adjustments. For quite a bit of the next while we were making a good five knots of speed, and I was always watching that. I was also checking where the GPS said we were as opposed to what I calculated at the chart table. (It ended up being more right than I was on this and later trips.)

As Nikki's stomach settled down she asked for and got a Coke to drink. She didn't eat anything for about six hours after we left harbor. While she was awake we talked a lot. She had questions about what I was watching and doing with the boat. She had questions about why I was going where I was going. She was curious about a lot of things that would make her understand me better. And that made some sense I suppose, because she was stuck with me at least until we made harbor somewhere up the coast.

We talked about her family, about her mom and her mom's death. This was difficult for her to do and she broke down a few times while we talked. We talked about her mom's marriage and her own relationship with her mother's husband, Ben. We talked about what he had said, done and implied to her that made her run away. (It certainly sounded as if she had the right of it all. She'd had to take off, in my humble opinion.) We talked about her mother's will — she knew nothing about it. We talked about what she would want that had belonged to her mother but was now in the possession of Ben.

I was used to long conversations while making a passage, but this one I found myself enjoying in a different fashion. It still struck me as strange to even be having it. Here I was in fairly deep conversation with a 17 year old young lady who had only by accident chosen my boat to hide on. I was having fun at the same time that I was becoming rather concerned for her welfare. I wasn't sure how far to take this business of hiding her that I had begun when her stepfather had come looking for her back at the pier.

Eventually we talked about what she could do. We walked through many possible future scenarios for her life in the short run. It turned out that she had already graduated high school and had been planning on going to the local Community College in our area while living at home. 'Home' was now out of the question for her but she still wanted to start college if at all possible.

All of the scenarios we discussed started ten days from right then. After she had reached legal majority. She could succeed at almost everything once she passed that birthday.

Where could she stay for those ten days? She'd have to hide out the whole time, just in case! In case of what? In case Ben had filed a missing persons report and she had all the cops in the state looking for her. She was getting quite frustrated as she eliminated option after option. It wasn't looking good for her as she had relatively little money with her and we had decided that using credit cards would leave too many trail markers for other people (cops) to follow straight to her.

Eventually I did what I had probably decided subconsciously quite a bit earlier. I invited her to stay with me on the boat. Her ten days was just a bit shorter than my intended vacation, but the extra few days before she reappeared wouldn't hurt anything either.

But now another whole list of options had to be explored and about this time I was getting hungry, and Nikki admitted that the treatments had helped stop her nausea and she was also beginning to feel rather empty. So, after a check of the rigging and the autopilot I headed below to get some supper type food. I gave her a couple of choices and she said that the hamburger choice sounded good. So I used the rail-mounted gas grill to burn the burgers while she got the buns, condiments, chips and Cokes up from the galley. Again she said that she felt better on deck than in the 'downstairs'.

I did advise her to go slowly with the food. She didn't want a reoccurrence of her earlier experience. Too much food too fast would bring the heaves back to haunt her. So we ate slowly and we talked as we ate. She seemed to enjoy the taste of the food despite her problems of several hours ago. She also seemed to be changing her emotional state as the sun moved closer to the western horizon. I'd say she was actually beginning to get angry about what had happened.

If she wanted to hide out on the Cally she would need to take precautions against being seen. I stressed the need to stay below decks, even if uncomfortable, when anyone else was around. We also talked about camouflaging her so that she could in fact leave the cabin. That would be more important when we made harbor at Mackinac Island.

She didn't have much with her in the line of clothes, and all of them would perhaps be recognizable as hers if her stepfather could figure out what she had taken when she ran off. So one of the things we had to do in order to help hide her was to get her some clothes that were quite different from what she usually wore. She suggested cutting her hair, which then was long enough to hang down her back several inches. Either or both of these changes took resources that we wouldn't easily find on Mackinac Island so I suggested that we put in first somewhere on Grand Traverse Bay. We could pick a place that had a Wal-Mart or something similar to get some different clothes and a ladies' hair place to get her hair reshaped.

It all sounded good to her, but she was a bit disappointed when I told her that we wouldn't get there until tomorrow morning sometime. I think she was kind of hoping to get off of the boat earlier than that.

By now the sun was setting to the west, so I took some time to do the necessaries. I dug out the radar reflector from under the companion way ladder and hauled it aloft. I turned on the lights and went and checked that they were all working properly. I rigged the lights below for red color so we wouldn't be blinded below by the usual white lights. And, after grabbing some blankets and a pillow I picked up my mag-light and rigged it with the red night lens. With my arms full I made it back to the cockpit and arranged my stuff on the windward side of the boat.

As the sun put on a beautiful show while slipping below the watery horizon the temperature began to fall. I had started the day in jeans and a T-shirt so I just pulled on my Yacht Club hoody which was usually stored in one of the cockpit lockers. Nikki on the other hand had been wearing that short pair of jeans shorts and sleeveless T-shirt top when she came aboard so she was getting cold quite rapidly.

She went below to switch into long pants and a long sleeved shirt from her backpack. I also suggested that she put on some socks and tennis shoes if she had any with her. She did and when she had changed in the head space she came back to the cockpit. "Well, that's just about it for my clothing options," she said. "I really didn't get to grab much before I took off. At least I've got some money to use at Wal-Mart."

"Look, I told you before that I'd lend you the money you need for the next ten days, so don't worry about that! If you want a sweat shirt to wear there's at least one of mine down below and maybe even something left by one of the people who've been out with me. They have a tendency to forget things like towels and sweatshirts, and sometimes even more. If I can't get the stuff back to them easily it just builds up in that bottom locker across from the head."

"The head? What's that? You guys sure have funny names for things on boats! What's 'the head'?"

"You'd call it the bathroom, but on a boat we call it 'the head', like the kitchen is the galley and a bed is a berth. We sailors have to have some ways to show our superiority to the rest of mankind."

"And womankind? OK, I'll go down and look through that locker. How do I see anything down there?"

It does get pretty dark pretty fast after the sun goes down out on the lake. So I told her where to find the switches that would turn on the red lights below and asked her to turn them off when she came topside again.

"Topside? See there you go again, Bill, with that fancy talk! OK, I'll be right back."

When she came back up she sat down next to me on the upwind side of the cockpit. Moving closer than she had been all day she put both arms around me from the side and gave a strong "Thank you, Bill! I know I've just pushed myself into your life, but I want you to know that I really appreciate the way you've been treating me since I became your stowaway! And I've made up my mind since this morning — I do think that I can trust you."

Releasing me, she moved to go back across the cockpit, but first I grabbed her into a big hug in return. "Nikki, I'm glad you came along on an otherwise boring passage. And I'm glad to have met you, I just wish it had been under different circumstances for you. I'd like to take a poke at that Ben for what he's making you go through. But if we can make it through ten more days together, you'll be home free from him. I hope that at the end of those ten days you'll still have trust in me!"

This time I released her from the hug. But she abandoned the idea of moving away and sat next to me for the next couple of hours as the stars came out and then the moon rose.

Out in the big lake the stars are fantastic to watch. They're there in their millions and if you know your constellations you can easily pick them out from the rest of the myriad. As the moon rose the starfield dimmed somewhat, but Nikki and I still spent time picking out the star pictures we knew.

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Audra definitely had a temper. After showering, shaving, and donning a coat and tie I returned to the dining room where I busied myself setting a second place at the table. As I looked for the various items I noticed that all of the dishes and stemware had been carefully washed and replaced in the hutch. As I worked the rattle of pots and pans in the kitchen gradually subsided. I quietly opened the pocket doors and moved to face my young lioness in her den. I was surprised to see her slumped...

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Passages By Autumn Writer © Copyright 2006 ‘I hope that you remember that this was not my idea at all, Jeff.’ ‘It will be okay, Barbara. Please, just let me keep my mind on the road.’ He could feel it building, the familiar tension, as the Explorer crept forward on the snow-covered road. Throughout their twenty-nine years of married life she had always lashed out at him whenever stress arose for any reason. After all their years together he could foresee the warning signs in the far-off...

3 years ago
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"I hope that you remember that this was not my idea at all, Jeff." "It will be okay, Barbara. Please, just let me keep my mind on the road." He could feel it building, the familiar tension, as the Explorer crept forward on the snow-covered road. Throughout their twenty-nine years of married life she had always lashed out at him whenever stress arose. After all their years together he could foresee the warning signs in the far-off distance. She sunk down in her seat, looking unsatisfied....

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Rite Of Passage

You learn a lot about someone by the way they act after you tell them you love them, or at least tell them that you love something about them. The next day, things could have gone in a very serious direction.Amy’s twenty. I didn’t fuck around with twenty-year-old girls even when I was twenty. (There’s more to the Aunt Judy story than I told Amy. Let’s just say Judy had me over a lot that summer and she gave me a lasting taste for older women. We’ll get back to that.)Would Amy latch on to that...

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Rite Of Passage

The old priest looked down the woman, the child, who lay looking up at him, the brightness of her eyes, the rise and fall of softly rounded breasts with each breath, the glow of her skin under the torches foretelling the coming dawn, as though the sun was rising first in her body before it granted itself to the land. Life itself radiated from her: a vibrant presence that filled him with love and awe, that burned through to his soul with the vital urgency of existence. ‘So beautiful, always so...

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Frigid Passage

My friend had this 1958 Chevy. It was an obscene colossus of a car with a paint job consisting of peeling blue enamel, gray primer, body putty and rust. It used a rusty wire coat hanger as a radio antenna. Whenever one of the two massive doors slammed shut, a fine effluvium of rust would drift from the rocker panel to the ground. Inside the vast interior plastic peeled and headliner drooped behind an ornamental dash that managed to combine an art deco theme with the late fifties standard of...

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Dark Passage

The White House ‘My Fellow Americans,’ the President of the United States of America began his televised address to the country, ‘since September 11th, 2001, Christians and Jews around the world have lived under the threat of annihilation by Islamic extremists bent on global domination. These terrorists, while certainly not representative of the main currents in Islamic teachings, have nevertheless managed to expand their ideology of hatred to vast segments of the global population. Despite...

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Rite of Passage

All families have their traditions. Kristin's family was no different. Well, at least not in your common traditions, such as having relatives over at Thanksgiving and Christmas. But there was one time-honored tradition that had been handed down from mother to daughter for generations. That was for the father to take the daughter’s virginity on her 18th birthday.And in that tradition, Kristin’s father had taken her virginity on her 18th birthday. She loved it.Now her own daughter Kelly, was...

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The Rite of Passage

The Skorlin mountains are ruled by the 7 northern clans. These mighty warriors descend from the mountains every year to ravage the southern kingdoms. Each spring, the clans gather for a great Moot. At the Moot, rivalries are set aside and each clan sends forth its most promising youth. Together, these youths form a raiding band known as Odin's Spear, and go south to prove their worth to their chieftains. This spring is no different, and the tribes gather on the vernal equinox for a revel before...

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CockSucking a Sexy Rite of Passage

When a man looks at a girls mouth, he is looking at an orifice, where he, and she, instinctively know, he should put his cock into it.I'm Mariel, and I am twenty nine now, and literally speaking, I have sucked hundreds of cocks, long and thin, short and fat, a colourful range from pink to black, my lips, tongue, and cheeks, have worked tirelessly on those meaty poles, coaxing ejaculate into the back of my mouth and down into my gullet.But when was I aware of my mouthy potential?It's not like,...

2 years ago
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Rite of passage

Excitement fills your heart as you venture into the jungle for today you become a real man. Today is the day you have been training,for your whole life. You dream of what you will do to the women that will fall prey to you as you walk forward confidently. You ignore the chill as wind stroke your naked bulging muscles, you are afterall only wearing a leopard skin loin cloth." Any kind of outside weapons are not allowed in the jungle. Make use of what you find. " was the only advise from the...

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Key West Passage

Damn she was beautiful. I couldn't believe something was actually going right in my life. Not that I was destitute or anything. But my relationships with women were—well—a mess. No, it must be the wrong boat, and besides she's married. I reevaluated my situation. I didn't need this. Since my latest divorce, I had met many good-looking women. It's just that nothing seemed to work with them. I was hoping she would be ugly, so I could keep my raging hormones in check. I just wanted to sail....

4 years ago
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My InheritanceChapter 41 Passage

As you know, Andy is a kitten, which means she is chemically programmed to obey my commands. I could say to her, “On your back, bitch, and spread them,” and she would immediately comply, gladly giving me that which I desired. The programming would force her to obey. And, Andy’s own love for me, that unprogrammed part of her nature, reinforced the programming. I had trained myself not to give her direct orders in things sexual. It was more fun to suggest and let Andy respond as what she was,...

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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 46 Rite of Passage

September 4, 2000, Chicago, Illinois On Monday morning I went to my study to make a surreptitious call to ensure that the surprise I’d planned for Kara was still going to happen, and after confirming that it was, Jesse, Matthew, Michael, and I began preparing for the Labor Day party by getting beer and soda into coolers, getting the grill ready, setting up tables and chairs in the backyard, and ensuring the liquor cabinets were stocked while my wives and daughters worked on food prep in the...

2 years ago
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PalimpsestChapter 9 Northern Passage

Arrangements during the first meeting of the PIs promised L would follow Joe and Marta without them stopping first at the office. She wanted discretion if the car was followed. Once outside the environs of Chicago, she'd pass them if she spotted a tail. Evidently no tail existed. Marta couldn't have been more surprised by Joe's car. In fact she and Mary had passed it when they searched for him at the curb. He had to step out and yell and wave. A 1966 cherry red Mustang convertible with a...

3 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 4 RevelationsChapter 31 Rites of Passage

Karen and Cricket went into the pool hand in hand after breakfast. They were laughing and bonding as best friends. He briefly compared Cricket to his wives, and realized that it was the warmth and sense of inclusion he felt from the newcomer that made her as attractive. She had an uncanny knack to bond with people, besides being a superb lover who made him conscious of the many levels of connection they were making with one another. He really did love Cricket. Dave circulated and said hello...

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The Passage

She awoke from a pleasant dream filled with naughty thoughts. Her husband’s eyes met her’s instantly. “Been watching me sleep?” she asked, as she stretched her arms over her husband’s shoulders and embraced him. “Aye, like an angel.” Her husband stated as he gave her a morning kiss. She felt her body tremble slightly as he ran his fingers down her spine. “James, You’d better be careful or you might seduce me.” She giggled. She felt his fingers rise up her spine and she felt as though she was...

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I pulled into the visitors lot of the Belle Vista Long Term Health Care Facility, found a parking spot in the shade, and turned off the ignition. I hesitated a moment before opening the door, but taking a deep breath, I steadied myself, emerged from the car, and entered the lobby. "Good Morning, Mr. Foster!" called out Dorothy, the always effervescent receptionist. "It's a beautiful day, isn't it? Here to see your Mother?" Good morning to you, as well!" I replied, "It is definitely...

3 years ago
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Legion of LightChapter 20 Light Passages

When our two week honeymoon was over and it was time to go home again, where to go was a simple decision. We were in the Mediterranean. A daylight jump to the Montecristo station on Meadow would put us there with our clocks already used to the local time. We planned our departure for the afternoon so could make a quick trip home to Angel's Camp before dinner. We had each called our parents the day before and said we'd be popping in at the Parkin's house for a quick visit at 10am this...

3 years ago
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Chapter 4 FemDom pt8

Baroness led me down the stairs by my balls, giving them a squeeze or a tug with every we reached the bottom step, i could hear some sexual activity. i didn't know who was involved, or what was happening, but you know the sound i am talking about.Baroness led me toward the sound. quickly, i could see Mistress from behind, and she was going to town on someone."Mistress." Baroness spoke."Baroness" Mistress replied without missing a thrust.i said we continued closer i could see...

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Life Is Full Of Surprises

Hello my name is Ajay . Mein 21 saal ka hun and I am doing b tech from delhi. So now coming to my first story on iss. But before that you all should know about a little incident that happened way back. Back in school days I was having a young and gorgeous physics teacher(her stats 34-28-36 with cup size D). At that time too I had sexual feelings for her. I used to go her home for tuition and I was a good lad at that time. But soon I got addicted to porn and used to keep porn in my mobile....

2 years ago
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Cheer Leading

Cheer Leading I was new to the cheer leading squad, and our team, a pro-ball team, demanded the best looking girls. I was surprised I made it, since I don’t consider myself that good looking. True, I’ve never had trouble finding guys, and my figure is pretty good, but not perfect. It took about three days to find out who the bitches were, and who the friendly girls were. Our costumes consisted of scanty wisps of nylon, and small shorts, our long dance leotards that hugged our bodies close....

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The Black Rooster Resort Ch02

Chapter 2Across the country, in Los Angeles, Ben Adkins sat down to interview the stars of the new Tarzan movie for Cuck Magazine. Behind the leading actors, Mack Baxter, Genevieve Blanchard, and Bradley Huff there was a poster of the new movie; Tarzan - Rise of Mobagu. The poster showed Tarzan's wife, Jane, naked and in the ebony arms of the muscular and half naked tribal warrior Mobagu. Mobagu looked strong and mighty with one of his hands on Jane's butt and the other one holding a spear....

2 years ago
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Suhani raat vol 1

Main 21 saal ka hoon aur meri gf 19 saal ki hai. Hum dono 1 din movi dekhne gaye or raat ko humne bahar restruant me candle light dinner kara,.,. Uske bad main use ghar chodne jaa hi raha tha ki 1 dam thandi hawa chalne lag gayi or bijli kadakne lagi.,., wo mujhse lipat gai ., or mere tan badan me aag si lag gai.,.,., jo hal mera tha wahi hal uska tha ,,.,. Maine usse kaha ki mera ghar pas hi hai or rat bhi bhot ho gai hai..,., mosan ka bura hal hai ..,., apne ghar jate jate pareshan ho jaogi...

1 year ago
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Love Thy NeighborChapter 2

It felt so good I was about to blast my sperm into her mouth instead of her pussy, I hated to do it but I had to stop her. I put my hands under her arms a drew her up astride of my belly and began to tease her nipples and lick all over her tits. Man they were beautiful, large and perfectly formed and those nipples began to get longer and harder as I pulled on them and sucked them. Beth had her eyes closed and her breathing became real fast as I played with her tits. Beth groaned and slid...

3 years ago
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It had all started a year ago in a moment of weakness when she had sex with her best friend's husband. They had been flirting with each other for a while. Then one day they found themselves alone when he innocently came by on an errand for his wife. It happened fast, right there in her kitchen, but it was good. When he left that first time, Nancy felt a slight trickle of guilt. The gorgeous 41 year old mother of two, Nancy definitely did not want to lose her husband and her family. But the more...

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Entrapped Enslaved Chapters 14

Thanks in advance! Disclaimer: There is no action in these first chapters. There will be more than enough later, but I want to set up the mood first. Disclaimer for the stupid: No, don't go out kidnapping and stuff. I don't condone it. It's bad mkay? Entrapped, Enslaved Chapter 1) Carpe diem. It all started in the autumn of my career. I had done quite well for myself, starting a few startups, selling them and keeping stocks in the more successful ones. As I was always able...

2 years ago
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Time For A Shower No Longer My Private Gym part 2

Allan grabbed me by the jaw, pulled me up off my knees and kissed me passionately. His tongue explored the inside of my mouth and he also licked the remaining cum off my lips. I was both shocked and instantly turned on at the same time. My still dripping cock instantly swelled to display an enormously stiff erection. "That's the spirit, Dean," said Allan as he noticed my erection, continuing, "let's take a sauna and see if we can find a use for that cock of yours."  I noticed he was also...

Gay Male
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Mountains of RubberChapter 3 First Morning

Even in Dan's dreams, MzDominica continued to stimulate his sex -- insistently, relentlessly -- commanding him to serve her. He licked Dominica's boots -- up, up, up, to her soft, creamy thighs -- only to have her stop him, just as his tongue was about to touch her skin. He could smell her skin. He could smell her pussy... so close. So warm, and musky. In his sleep, he sucked on the dildo, tasting her juices, smelling her scent, imagining her cumming and squirting around the dildo, through...

3 years ago
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Gates of Incest

The last five minutes before I can punch my time card seems endless. Each second seems like and hour and each minutes feels like a day. It was Friday and I just got paid and I had one thing on my mind. Once A month I go to my favorite Strip Joint. It's not a glamorous strip joint by any means. But it's ours. When I say that, I mean that this strip joint was strictly for the brothers (Owned by black and run by blacks). No white boys and no white bitches. This spot was what I called Black Man...

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Sex Fantasy TV A Play Sixth stab at humor

Scene 1: A television studio set sometime in the future. Three couples are seated in front of the main TV camera. The show's host is standing in front of them with a stage behind the host. On the stage are prizes for the contestants. A studio audience is observing the goings on. Characters: Peter Long: Sharply dressed middle-aged man. He is the host of the show. Debbie: Shapely, young woman in a sequined dress. She points to the prizes on the stage. The Announcer: Deep male voice,...

1 year ago
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Afican Slave Queen bondage begins

In the last 24 hors since her all night humiliation with the two Arab VIPs she had been treated more as a valued possession than a captive. Pampered by two young women they had painted her face and manicured her nails. She had been bathed in scented oils and even her hair had been restored to its fabulous golden cascade. To look at her you may have believed she'd imagined the last eight weeks of indignity, however as she stretched her neck some things remained to bring her back to reality....

4 years ago
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Hostage Part Two

We fall asleep for a little bit, then my arms, and legs start to cramp up from being tied up for so long. “Trevor, baby. It’s time to wake up.” I say quietly. Your arms tighten around me and you rub your face in my breasts, for a bit, before you go back to sleep. “Trevor, come on, baby. Get up for a few minutes.” More smooshing your face around my breasts, and even a little tired sucking of one of my pink nipples, when you find it.I bite my lip, as the pleasure from you sucking my tit, goes...

1 year ago
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My Dog My Lover

The driver finally pulled in to my townhouse driveway and reminded me to give him a good review if I think he earned it. I could feel his eyes all over me as I walked up to my front door, not to mention the constant checks in his rearview mirror on the way back (it was a miracle that he was able to watch the road). He wasn’t my type but a very cute young man with glasses, scattered acne and a disheveled look only a teenager could pull off. It would have been fun to play with him but my time...

2 years ago
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My First Naked Experience

This goes back to when I was young and very naïve with a close friend of mine who I had grown up with since we were 3yo. The incident happen when we were much older, but still naïve and innocent and also reaching puberty and discovering the world of sex.It was one Summer afternoon and my friend; well name him Steve, suggested we play a game of “Dare” and as per normal I accepted, I had a bit of a reputation of never turning down a “Dare”, normally it resulted in me getting hurt physically, but...

4 years ago
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Truth or Dare Too Dangerous

Megan thought she was mature enough to handle anything. After all, she had lost her cherry at fourteen and the world didn't come to an end! As a matter of fact, she felt a bit stronger than her mother, who warned her that sex could become like a narcotic - you want more and more. The boy hadn't been that good. The oral sex was better. Fortunately, even without protection, she didn't get pregnant and there was no health issue. And she didn't allow an encore on their next date. (True to...

3 years ago
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wife knocked up for 3rd time by ex boyfriend

Vegas seems to be my wifes weakness. My wfe and her best friend were there in November celebrating their 40th birthdays. At the time they left, I was not aware that it had been arranged by my wifes friend for her ex from highschool, who now lives in Dallas to meet them there to help her celebrate in style. She was not told he would be there this time, so it was a total surprise, when they were lounging by the pool and who should swim up and climb out of the pool, but Darcy, her well hung ex...

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Redheads Homecoming

Homecoming I’d say I proved you wrong, Father. I’d say your expectations of me came up short. You said I could never survive without a man to define me; said I could never exist without his protection, his touch, the submission he would demand. But that was before the law brought me to task for my youthful indiscretions. Dragged from my husband by the conscription squad for service in the Public Regiments, I was condemned to distant frontiers until my debt was repaid. As I left our secluded...

Love Stories
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My entire routine had changed as well as my sex life. I had recently moved back from my hiatus out of state so that meant adapting to a different life style as well as a new routine. Not that I cared that things weren’t as comfortable as they used to be, I actually embraced it. I’m the kind of guy that likes change, who welcomes change, so that’s why it was easier for me to adapt to a different culture. Of course the culture was something I was used to – I used to live here, after all. It’s...

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Becky Was Bad

Becky Was Bad (1) She had worked on me for over two weeks to talk me into coming to this party and I had to admit that my reservations about meeting and getting along with her co-workers were groundless. I was getting along great with them although I did wonder why the women, especially those talking in groups, kept looking my way. I kept wondering if I'd left my fly open. The men there seemed to be mostly my age and in talking with them I found that we had a lot in common. Several were old...

4 years ago
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New Dream Come True 4

NEW DREAM COME TRUE 4 BY PAUL G. JUTRAS Ever since Eric tried on her sister Sabrina's high heels and print skirt at the age of 4, he was entranced with being as feminine as his sister was. Whenever Sabrina got home and found a blouse in a different location or clothes in the hamper that she didn't wear, she knew it was her brother borrowing her clothes. She chose not to tell her parents about it though because she cared for him so much. On Eric's 14th birthday, Sabrina asked Eric...

3 years ago
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La Vita e Bella

My name is Brianna. My girlfriend Tina has written stories about her and me, and she even showed photos of me – with her, with my man, with her man, and by myself.Tina asked me to tell you my story, so I’ll try. It’s difficult to know where to start.My whole life, my mother told me I was beautiful. Deep down, I’m not sure I ever believed her.All that changed one day when I was sixteen. The partition that kept the boys’ gym and the girls’ gym separate, had been opened for a weekend high school...

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The Top 10 Hot Sex Stories Of January 2021

Dear readers, these are top 10 stories of the first month of the new year. Yes, you all have liked these stories the most amongst all the others!   1) By: Took my sister (didi) to the shopping mall and encouraged her to buy hot pants. What happens next? Does she allow her younger brother to remove them? ‘She blushed. She told me that it was a bit tight. That pant was really tight but I replied that it looked ok. Her thighs were looking awesome. I told her, “Aaccha, turn a...

3 years ago
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EdenChapter 38

Eden's sun had reached its point near the horizon when they had usually stopped, but Joe showed no signs of finishing. Indeed, as the day had worn on he seemed more and more eager, readier to answer the humans' questions than ever before, even volunteering information occasionally, but mostly pushing his own questions forward and greeting the responses with still more questions. Finally Meiersdottir held up her hand palm outward as she finished her response to a particularly delicate...

4 years ago
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Ritika Ne Muje Blackmail Karke Gigolo Banaya

Hey. This is abhinav.. As you all must have read my 1st part if not than please read and than continue to this part.   So you all know I got call from ritika and she askd me to meet her at marinlines. Jab me waha pe ritika se mila and uske sath uski 1 or friend thi ritika ne hume intro karwaya. Ritika sayd that she is her friend monika. Monika was looking hot.. She must be 34-30-36 uski gand bohot mast hry yar.And thodi bate karke chali gai . Jane ke pahele usne uski frind se kaha please du not...

1 year ago
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PunishTeens Harley Ann Wolf Twisted And Taken

Peter got fired from his job over some bullshit, and he had to find a way to get back at his boss. His sick twisted mind thought for a while, then got the most fucked up idea ever. He kidnapped his bosses daughter, set up a camera for him to film it, and dicked her down dirtily. Little Harley got not just one of the roughest, but also the scariest fuckings shes ever recieved that day. Peter started by smacking her ass with great force and finger fucking her roughly. He then spread her pussy to...

2 years ago
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Time Scope Part 2Chapter 16 The Decision is Made

Explorer Leader Thelt begins by saying, “Alright, people, find a place to sit, and no chit-chat. We have a lot to go over.” As the Patrol Group members take their seats, Relpt asked, “What’s this about, Vert?” “I don’t know, but we are about to find out.” Thelt begins his briefing with, “Ship Commander Shimlt, the First Offspring, Soldar Tomrd, and Adviser Xlau have been notified of several problems with our current plan. They decided it needs to be revised. These changes will impact our...

1 year ago
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Cheating Bridesmaid

Introduction: Sucking a thick British cock I was a bridesmaid several months ago at my friends wedding. Her soon to be husband was from Scotland so he flew over with a group of his English friends. I was pleasantly surprised because they were all quite cute and tall, and spoke with the most arousing accents. We spent several days prior to the wedding all hanging out together taking pictures and building up to the wedding. I hit it off with a tall and very cute twenty six year old Englishman...

1 year ago
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FamilySwap Lauren Phillips Lulu Chu Swap Family Settles In

What would happen if four families each contributed one member to create a new family? In this episode of Family Swap, Jay Romero is taking advantage of what he thinks is some alone time to jerk off. He doesn’t know that the rest of his swap fam has come home from the grocery store. Lauren Phillips sees her swap husband Charles Dera checking out their swap daughter Lulu Chu, so she sends Lulu upstairs to deliver some shower products to Jay. When she walks in on Jay jerking it, Lulu is...

4 years ago
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Game WorldChapter 34

The hairs on the back of my neck told me we were in trouble just before it happened. We'd sailed the next day for Izmir. Our taskforce consisted of the Windrunner, the Swordfish, and six smaller craft that we were using to transport the Oak Hall Expeditionary Force. It wasn't that large. With four out of the six fighting ships in our fleet being manned by men and women from Oak Hall, we had very few left who could be used on the ground at Izmir. Still Elsa Mueller had recruited a hundred...

3 years ago
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Cruising Ch 05

Wednesday I woke up kind of groggy, either from the drinks, the massive about of physical fun or both. Going right into the bathroom I started the shower and took a leak in the toilet. The shower woke me up and I packed up my things for the day. I was planning on picking up Millie at her cabin, going to breakfast and we arranged to be on the same tour of Cozumel. Twenty minutes before I was supposed to meet Millie there was a knock on the door. Looking through the peep hole I spotted Millie in...

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