Gaining Mary free porn video

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Standard warnings apply (i.e if your too young,too gullible, or it's plain out illegal don't read any further). The storyis fictional as are the people it's about. Enjoy.

Gaining Mary

The halls were empty now, all the students havingleft for the day. Mary was in no hurry to go, however.

Her stepmother had gone on another week long businesstrip and she had no real friends to hang out with so she decided to snoop aroundthe deserted school.

There was not much of interest, a few open lockerswith the usual junk inside. She was stealing a lighter when she heard whatsounded like voices from down the hall.

At first she panicked fearing punishment for beingcaught on School grounds after hours.

Then, however the words, "Now take the restof it off" drifted down the hall to her ears followed by a finale whimper.

Any fears that were left were destroyed by theoverwhelming thrill of possibly catching a couple of fellow students makingout in a classroom.

"You know what to do next" Said the malevoice in a stern tone.

She crept as quietly as she could in the directionof the sound and soon was standing outside the room. Carefully she peeked aroundthe partially open door and was so stunned her jaw almost hit the floor.

There on hands and knees, completely naked, washer literature teacher Ms. Hurmtee. Standing behind her was a stern lookingbut incredibly handsome man Mary had never seen before. Neither of them wasfacing the door.

"Please..." she whimpered

"Louder slut." he demanded.

"PLEASE PUNISH THIS SLUT!" Hurmtee shouted,probably louder than she intended.

The yard stick in his hand was a blur #SWISH# CRACK!Landing hard on her rump.

The teacher let out a shriek, lost her balancefalling to her elbows, and buried her face in her hands.


With a sniffle the shaking woman slowly moved backinto position "Master, thank you for punishing this slut."

"And...?" he said holding the ruler up tothe light as though admiring a fine sword.

"Oh god..." she moaned then louder, "andthis slut wishes her Master would continue the punishment at his pleasure."

"Very well." He smiled and began swinging.

Mary was mesmerized, she couldn't move. The thoughtof running for help never even crossed her mind. In fact she was getting ratherexcited, her own breathing becoming nearly as ragged as her teachers. She watchedhis arm swing steadily, like a metronome of pain, covering Hurmtee from thetop of her ass to mid thigh with an almost perfectly parallel array of welts.

For a full five minutes he whipped the poor woman.The man showed no sign of exertion, neither his rhythm nor strength of swingwavered the entire time.

Finally he stopped. Ms. Hurmtee collapsed ontothe floor her whole body shaking as she cried.

"Do you think you've had enough?" heasked using the yardstick to poke at her bright red ass.

Her only response was to snivel pitifully as shestruggled to get back into position.

"No answer? Hmm well then I guess we'll justhave to ask the audience."

Mary almost had time to wonder what he was talkingabout but suddenly she found him staring straight into her eyes. His gaze seemedto consume her in a way that made her knees week.

The spell was broken when he spoke. "You cancome in."

Though the tone was friendly, it seemed more acommand than a statement of her abilities. Even though she was terrified ofwhat may happen, the idea of fleeing was nowhere to be found in her thoughts.Mary stood up straight put her backpack over her shoulder and, shaking onlyslightly with nerves, walked into the classroom.

Only then did the teacher finally see her. Ms.Hurmtee fell back to a seated fetal position as she began shrieking, "OhMYGOD! -YOU SWORE --- NO ONE! I M RUINED..."

"Quiet. Slut."

Mary watched in awe as he punctuated the end ofeach word with a swat from the yardstick without ever taking his eyes off Mary.

Once the woman had quieted down to silent sobsand a little sniffling he spoke again, "So what is your name?"

"M-Mary." she said, alternately staringat her naked (and to be honest, exceptionally hot) teacher and the man thathad just beaten her with a ruler.

"Lovely name for a lovely girl" he saidwith a smile, "Mary, I assume you already know Jessica over here (pointingto the huddled teacher). You may call me Nathan."

Mary waved hello somewhat lamely not knowing whatto say and half smiled.

Nathan gestured to a nearly desk, "Would youlike to have a seat, Mary?"

"Uh ok?" she shrugged sitting on thetable part rather than the built in seat. It was a strange sort of thrill tobe standing, fully clothed, in the same room as a nude, humiliated adult.

Nathan pulled Ms. Hurmtee's chair from behind herdesk, crossed his feet, and used the still fetal teachers shoulder as a footrest.He looked her over critically. She was maybe 5'5", wavy black hair downto her shoulder. A pixie like face made her much younger than she probablywas. It was hard to tell breast size through the loose shirt (and he wasn'tin the mood to peak with his powers) but he would guess maybe a 34B, 36 atmost. "She does have a cute little ass though" He thought looking at her bluejean encased bottom.

"So, Mary, do you believe Jessica has beenpunished enough?"

The girl appeared to think for a moment and Nathanwas having too much fun to cheat and read her mind.

"Well...I don't know what she's being punishedfor so how can I know if she has been punished enough?"

Nathan laughed and clapped his hands appreciatively, "Excellentpoint!"

Nathan could not believe his luck. Not only didshe manage to sneak up on him, but upon seeing him beating her teacher, sheactually stayed to watch (and from the look of it get a little excited aboutit). Now here she sits calmly discussing further punishment for the older woman.

''We'll just have to inform you then won't we?" hesaid, taking his feet from the teacher's shoulders, "Stand up slut!"

He had to suppress a laugh when Mary almost jumpedto her feet at his command. She managed so catch herself but saw him watchingand blushed furiously.

"This girl's a natural!'' he thought, thenout loud, "Slut you're going to explain to Mary what you did to deservepunishment."

Jessica almost refused but the look on his facereminded her of what happened the last time she refused. Bowing her head miserablyshe replied, "Yes Master."

Nathan figured he might get board hearing the storyhe'd experienced first hand so to entertain himself he decided to have thenude teacher sit on his lap as she told the story. That is, of course, aftershe undid his pants and stroked his cock until it was stiff enough for herto get a proper seat. (He knew that having a dick in her hand let alone hercunt was totally repulsive to her, it's what made it fun)

The look of revulsion on Jessica Hurmtee's faceas she was made to take his rod into her pussy was making Mary squirm in excitement.Reading about women being punished and enslaved online was one thing but tosee it happening to someone she knew was almost enough to make her cum.

Once Nathan had the nude woman's hands firmly tiedbehind her she was allowed to begin her tale.

"I am and always have been a lesbian. Therewas never any "curiosity" or possible bisexuality, even when I wasyoung I was only attracted to girls."

"But that's not why I'm punishing you is it?" Nathanasked, cruelly twisting her breasts.

"Ow! No! You're tormenting me because I'malso a chronic pedophile!"

Mary was stunned. She hadn't known what wouldhave made her teacher submit to such treatment but this certainly wasn't it!

Jessica went on to explain that as she grew upher taste in girls didn't. Her first time was with a girl two years youngerthan her that she was baby-sitting. Overwhelmed with curiosity she slippedthe younger girl some sleeping pills and when the girl barely conscious Jessicastripped her down and got her first taste of another girl's pussy. From thenon she was addicted, screwing younger girls whenever she could and usuallyagainst their will. By the time she had gotten her first teaching job (notsurprisingly at a private all girls junior high) her methods were nearly perfect.

"Figuring out their schedules was easy. Iwould pick from girls that would be staying out late and alone due to detentions,sports or whatever. Once they were out of sight of any one I'd drug them, didn'teven have to sneak up usually I was their teacher after all wasn't I?

"I'd drag the sleeping girl to an empty room orcloset blindfold and tie them up, then give them the antidote. When they wokeup, I'd fuck them with a strapon and force them to eat my pussy. Once I'd cum,they'd get drugged again, then I'd clean them up and leave them somewhere nearwere I found them."

Mary interrupted, "Didn't they remember seeingyou right before they passed out? Or recognize your voice when raping them?"

For a moment a smile of pride overcame her disgustat Nathan's fucking, "No, I said I was good at it. The particular drugs I usedtend to screw with a person's memories near the time they're injected, especiallywith three doses in quick succession. Their whole day was a blur. As for myvoice, I wore a special device that distorted my voice. I called it my rapenecklace."

"The first year I would only do one or two a month,and never the same girl. Then, since it was so easy I did more, almost onea week. I started rotating through my favorites; there were about twelve orso. I got brave, started recording my sessions, digital camera, video, whatever….

"The third year I became obsessed with one girlin particular. Sara was so perfect……" Ms. Hurmtee drifted offdreamily, until a sharp tug on her hair brought her back to the present.

"Yowch! She was hard to get….never did anythingalone, never snuck out. Half way through the year I was so desperate I gaveher detentions, just to give myself an opportunity. I took her but it all wentwrong.

"I was naked, having just given her the antidoteand was donning the strapon when the classroom door opened. It was one of Sara'sfriends, out looking for her when she hadn't shown up for dinner. I was terrifiedand so was this new girl. I recovered first and used my one remaining doseof knockout drug on her. Thinking I was now safe, I fucked them both, madeSara lick both mine and her friend's pussy. When I came down from my orgasmI realized my problem. I had used the last of my knockout serum on her friendand wouldn't be able to get more for days.

Panicking I tied the girls, naked in a sixty nine,cleaned my juices off them and told Sara not to scream (lying about havinga gun), grabbed my cameras and ran. The girls were found the next morning bya janitor that heard their screams. The police came and did an investigation,found a picture of another girl I'd raped lying where my camera bag had been.It must have fallen out.

"The scandal was tremendous, they found more picturesthat I'd though had been well hidden on the school network. I was terrified,certain they'd track it back to me. They didn't though, no prints, the networkhadn't tracked who put the pictures there so the case was pretty much dropped.Being that most of the kids were from rich families, it was hushed up fromthe news.

"I quit working at the school pretending that,like several other teachers that were leaving, I was afraid for my safety.In truth knowing my desires would make it too dangerous to stay. I thoughtI had made a clean getaway. I was wrong. Ahhh!"

At that point Nathan shoved her off his dick. Shefell hard onto the floor, but he still had a hold on her hair. Using it, hespun the teacher around so her face was in his crotch. "And that" he said slappingher twice across the face, "is where I come in." He then shot a massive loadof jizz all over Jessica's face.

Mary was breathing hard now; she gave a quiet whimperwith each jet of sperm that shot from Nathan's large member. This sick woman'sstory was disgusting but watching her suffer such degradation made Mary wantto switch places with her.

Nathan explained that Sara's parents, while byno means the richest of people, had a very powerful friend that owed them afavor. That friend was, of course, Nathan. He was asked to find out who hadraped their under aged daughter and make that person suffer appropriately.It did not take him long to find out who was responsible (being able to readthe girls' drug clouded memories was the key, but he didn't tell Mary that.)and then track down the recently unemployed teacher.

He had found Ms. Hurmtee the previous winter, justafter she had accepted a position at Mary's school for the following schoolyear. Finding her stash of home made child porn, he destroyed everything inwhich she was not easily identifiable and then duplicated what remained foruse in confronting her.

When Jessica was presented with his evidence shedid not even try to deny it, simply breaking down to tears.

"I made her an offer," Nathan smiled, forcing Hurmteeto clean her own juices from his rod, "She could either turn herself in takingthe law's punishments for her crimes. After, what I would make certain wasa VERY public trial; she would serve her undoubtedly long prison term in themost squalid prison I could find where she could be sure to suffer every humiliationher fellow inmates could imagine. OR she could spend the summers with Sara'sFather, suffering whatever punishments he deemed fit. Then she could returnto her new teaching job with relative freedom, save for serving my desireswhenever I happened to be in the area."

He kicked the teacher away and as she lay sobbingquietly on the floor, he zipped up his pants.

Mary's breath caught at this first unhindered lookat Nathan's penis, she licked her lips.

"So Mary, Do you think she has suffered enough?"

"What did Sara's dad do with her all summer?"

"Well I'm sure he fucked her a few times, oncehe realized she'd hate it. The rest of the time though…well he ownsa pretty large kennel, breeding and training dogs and the like. Let's justsay she became intimately familiar with the canine reproductive system."

"Eeww! Sick!"

Digging the heel of his shoe into Hurmtee's cunt, "Isthat enough, you think?"

"For what that bitch did to those little girls?" Marygave an evil smile he had seen quite often, usually in the mirror, "No wayin hell, she's lucky you let her live."

He smiled back, "My thoughts exactly, however Idon't have time for anything else tonight. I'll be continuing her punishmentafter school again tomorrow. Wear a skirt and be here at three sharp if you'reinterested."

Hurmtee let out a groan as Mary's face lit up, "Really?I can watch again?"

"If you're on time and behave properly, I mighteven let you help. Now Ms. Hurmtee is going to be a responsible teacher andgive her student a ride home."

Knowing it was a command Jessica got unsteadilyto her feet, reaching for her clothes. Her hand was slapped away.

"Ah-ah, Mary will give you your clothes back AFTERyou have walked her to her front door." He held out her car key.

Having long since lost the strength to disobeyhim, she took the keys and head bowed in shame, slowly shuffled to the door.

Mary was handed the bag of her teacher's clothes.Leaning close he whispered in her ear, "Make sure she takes the long way, andtreat yourself to dinner with whatever cash she has. If she doesn't followyou're directions or give you a hard time, remind her that I WILL find outand make her suffer."

She was still thrilling with the power she'd beengiven over her teacher when Nathan gave her a firm swat on the ass to moveher out the door. The sting in her butt triggered a small orgasmic wave thatmade her shudder.

The two women rode in silence, Jessica only pleadingfor her clothes once when they first got to the school exit.

"You're going to disobey him already?" Mary sneered, "Nowstart walking or do I go back in there and tell your Master you won't followhis orders?"

Jessica blanched, "You'd tell him? Why won't youhelp me?"

"Because, you're a sick bitch that deserves muchworse." And it makes me horny as all hell, Mary added to herself.

They drove in a strained silence except for Maryproviding vague directions to her home thus forcing the teacher to drive aroundmost of their town while completely nude. Fortunately for the teacher it hadbeen a rainy day and nobody was out walking the usually busy streets.

At one point Mary asked, "What did you do there?"


"At the kennel, what was it like?"

"I had to keep the cages and runs clean, includingmine. No clothes or shovels or anything."

"Is that all? Nathan talked like you fucked them,the dogs I mean."

Tears began rolling down her cheeks as the alltoo recent memories flooded her mind, "Eventually, yes. I had no choice. Theyput me in a shock collar and locked it in place. They loved using it…..makingme….disgusting…."

"How many did you do?"

"I don't know….passed out a lot, lost count."

Soon after that they arrived at Mary's home. Ms.Hurmtee refused to get out of the car, while nobody was outside there wereoccasional cars that passed by as well as the neighboring houses where anybodymight see her. She demanded her clothes back.

"Get out here now and walk me to the door likeyou were told or drive home naked and face Nathan tomorrow when I tell him!" Maryfurther made her point by using a lighter she'd stolen from a locker to igniteHurmtee's panties.

She got out of the car so fast she tripped on thesafety belt. Mary extinguished the now ruined panties and began walking upto the front door at, to Jessica appeared to be an, exceptionally slow pace.

''Well thanks for the ride. It was fun, see youtomorrow." Mary smiled as she shut the door.

"Wait! My clothes!"

"Oh, right. I forgot!" Mary lied, ''Hereyou go!"

She flung the pile of clothes as hard as she could,causing the items to scatter across the rain soaked sidewalk and yard. By sheerluck Ms. Hurmtee's favorite blouse was driven into a particularly gooey mudpuddle when her shoes landed.

Laughing Mary watched for a moment as the nakedwoman scramble after her clothes. Finally she slammed the door shut lockedit and ran to her room.

She actually managed to get onto her bed and takeher pants off before she could no longer resist, her hand dove for her softfolds hidden beneath her already wet panties. Two screaming orgasms later shefinally calmed down enough to realize she was hungry, and ordered a pizza.

Going down stairs she intended to pass the timeby watching some TV. The mundane antics of even her favorite show could nothold her interest, however, not in light of what she had seen at school today.Lost in the memories of seeing her beautiful teacher humiliated by such a gorgeousman, her fingers slowly worked their magic between her legs without her evenrealizing it.

The next day at school seemed no different fromany before. Until, of course, she got to her literature class. Ms. Hurmteeseemed nervous and wouldn't look in Mary's direction through the whole class.

Mary herself was quite distracted the whole dayas was notices by the few friends she did have. She tried not to get distractedyet could not help but constantly wonder what she would be witness to todayafter school.

The last bell finally rang and the halls were floodedboth by students and their teachers, everyone rushing to get home.

Nobody had ever noticed Mary sneaking into thegirl's bathroom to hide and today was no exception. She waited impatientlyfor the janitor to check the restroom empty before locking it for the night.

Finally she heard the door squeak open followedby the board "Everyone out? 'M lockin' the door."

The door creaked shut and there was the loud echoof a key in a lock. Mary crept out of her stall and smiled. Mr. Dilly was anice enough old man (even the school bullies liked him too much to play prankson) but liked to joke that anyone fool enough to get locked in a school bathroomgot what they deserved. So he tended not to look very hard then locking up.

She wasn't worried about being locked in, either.One of the first things she had done when deciding to stay after school andraid lockers was to jam the bathroom lock so that she could get out.

Stepping into the hall she looked at her watchand panicked. She had less than a minute to get to Ms. Hurmtee's classroom!Forgetting entirely about trying to remain quiet she took off at a run, sheneeded to get nearly to the other end of the school. Turning the last cornerat full speed she slipped and nearly fell. Cursing she slowed, her shoes wereover a year old but she'd only worn these saddle shoes once for a school playand the bottoms were quite slick. They hardly even fit her anymore but shehad been told to wear a skirt and, for reasons she couldn't explain, she wantedto impress Nathan. So she had dressed in the white blouse, pleated plaid skirt,etc. of the stereotypical school-girl that she had worn only for the play.

"If the stares I got during class were any indication,this'll definitely impress him" She smiled smoothing the skirt's front. Shewalked into the classroom with seconds to spare.

Ms. Hurmtee was sitting with her feet propped ontop of her desk, her panties pulled to her knees and her skirt bunched aroundher waist so only her bare ass was on the chair. Her eyes had been closed asshe used both hands to play with her pussy but opened them with a start asMary entered the room.

"Oh, I thought you were Him." She said, hesitatedthen returned to masturbating.

Mary looked around the room crestfallen, "Nathan?He's not here? He said three…"

"He requires his sluts to be punctual even if heisn't."

Slowly she walked over to the desk, "Why are youjerking off? I thought he disgusted you?"

Hurmtee glared at the teen, "He does. Everythinghe makes me do is repulsive. I have to wait for him like this, exposed andjerking off without cumming."

"Oh," Mary smiled, "I bet that's why he's latethen….to see if you'll keep it up. With me watching."

If it was possible the teacher's look of hatredintensified.

"Well?" Mary sat on the desk looking her teacherin the eyes, "Keep going. Open your blouse too."


"'Cause I want to watch your tits jiggle. You'rethe slave here; from now on you don't get to ask why."

The older woman didn't move.

"And because I can still tell Nathan you wouldn'tlisten last night. What do you think he'll do to you?"

Hurmtee groaned and unbuttoned her shirt and tentativelybegan stroking herself once again. Trying to forget her situation she gavein to the sensation her fingers were providing, her eyes closed. She triedto remember Sara, pretend it was the young girl serving her. She felt something,her blouse moved, her eyes flew open.

"There, much better." Mary smiled, having flungthe teachers shirt wide to reveal her braless bosom, "No more closing youreyes either, I can bet what you're imagining you perv. Keep looking into myeyes or we'll see how much trouble I can make for you with Nathan!"

Cursing under her breath she obeyed, continuingto use both hands to play with herself. Though her body reacted with a moisteningcunt and hardening nipples she felt no real pleasure. She couldn't even focuson the image of her beloved Sara while forced to stare at the smirking faceof her student.

"Very interesting."

Mary started, looking towards the voice. It wasNathan. How had he gotten in? There had been no noise, and the door was stillshut from when she had entered. Had she been that absorbed in her teacher'shumiliation? That must be it, she thought and dismissed it all together.

"You saw? I thought…" Mary started to panic,no matter what she'd told her teacher Nathan had technically not given herany authority over the other woman beyond the ride home the night before.

"That you would make use of a prime opportunity?" Hesmile at her, "Nicely handled, though a bit crude, perhaps."

Mary blushed furiously at the compliment.

"Slut, four fingers, alternating hands." hesaid in what Mary was beginning to think of as his command voice.

Hurmtee whimpered and began trying to force allthe fingers of one hand into her pussy.

"Now Mary lets have a look at you."

Quickly she stood before him and did a slow pirouettewith her arms above her head so he could take in the whole outfit.

"Do you like it?" She asked nervously, "Iknow you only said a skirt but, well, I really don't have many. Except thisold costume."

Nathan circled her slowly looking over every inchof her.

"Nice though I'm guessing it's a couple yearsold." he said, noting the blouse buttons straining to contain her welldeveloped C-cup.

"It was for a play a few years ago. I didn'trealize I'd grown so... much." She gestured to indicate her boobs, "Whatare you going to do to her today?"

They both turned to watch Jessica grunt with effortas she pistoned first one hand then the other into her wet, too small hole.Nathan held his hand up with two fingers extended. Hurmtee, apparently familiarwith this signal, groaned and started to work both sets of fingers into herselfat the same time.

"Tit abuse and an ass fucking or two."

Mary took her seat and watched with rapt attentionas her teacher was put through her paces.

First she was made to remove the remainder of herclothing, fold each item neatly, then kneel before Mary and beg her to, "Holdthis unworthy slut's while she receives the beating she deserves."

Much to Nathan's delight Mary made her teachergrovel pitifully before accepting each item. She placed the last item of clothingin her backpack and ordered, "Kiss my feet."

Hurmtee hesitated only a moment before complying.

"Now crawl over to your master and beg him forwhat you deserve!"

She shuffled on her hands and knees over to Nathanwhere, kneeling, she presented herself, hands behind her head, tits pushedout and legs spread wide. He circled her slowly, correcting her posture withlight taps from a riding crop.

"You'd be amazed how long it took her to learnproper posture." He said, in a matter-of-fact tone, "For a teacher she's amazinglyslow on the uptake. Even with a shock collar and sleep deprivation."

Mary half smiled and found herself thinking she'dlearn to do anything he wanted willingly, no...eagerly.

"Well on with the show." He reached into a dufflebag Mary was sure hadn't been there a moment ago and withdrew two small plasticbags. They were clothes pins. He held them out before the kneeling woman.

"Here slut, I thought you might be getting tiredof simply being naked while entertaining me…I mean us." He correctedhimself, smiling at Mary. "So I brought you some decorations."

The brunet took the bags with a questioning lookat her tormentor.

Nathan rolled his eyes, "There are two bags. Youhave two tits. Do the math."

Jessica seemed to deflate somehow as she tore openthe first bag with a miserable, "Yes sir."

"They're plastic ones, not wood?" Mary asked afternoticing.

"Well, your porn sights amateurs like the woodones but they have a smooth grip surface. Plastic ones usually have ridgesor teeth and tend to hold better"

Hurmtee let out a painful, "Ahhhr" as she placedthe first pin on her left nipple.

"And, as our slut is finding out, they have muchstronger springs."

Mary laughed, they watched in silence for a fewmoments as Hurmtee continued to 'decorate' Mary absently stroked her own breastwondering if her mom kept any clothespins in the house.

"You'd better put them on secure, it's ten lasheswith the crop for each pin that comes off before I tell you to remove them."

Soon both bags were empty and Ms. Hurmtee's boobswere so covered with the plastic clips that there was hardly any flesh visible.She had tried to avoid it but due to the sheer number of pins even the sensitiveunderside of her breasts were coated. To test how securely they had been mountedthe teacher was made to stand and shake her chest like a music video dancer.All the while her student was giggling and making helpful suggestions; "Shakethose money makers!", "Make 'em bounce up and down!", "Can you do circles?"

After fifteen minutes of this Jessica was gaspingfor breath, finally being allowed to stop. She glanced down, there were fiveclothes pins lying on the floor. She looked up pitifully into Nathan's eyes.

Before she could speak, beg not to be whipped,he picked up the clips and smiled, "That's fifty lashes so far."

He started for the teacher's chair, intent on usingthe whore's mouth to get him nice and hard before reaming her ass.

"Um, you're not just let her leave them off….areyou?"

He stopped and turned to Mary. She must have thoughthe was mad because she continued, "Sir, I mean. Not telling you do. Ijust thought…other places…"

He smiled, she was just so damn perfect! "No. No,you're quite right. Can't let the tramps jewelry go to waste! On your backslut, cunt facing Mary."

Jessica complied, knowing from long painful experienceto keep her legs spread wide. She could guess what was coming as she lacedher fingers behind her head, keeping her elbows on the floor. Stretching likethis moved her breast, causing one of pins to slip almost completely off. Sheclosed her eyes and ground her teeth in preparation for the pain. It didn'tcome, instead there was a feather light caress at her labia. This teasing continuedand despite herself Jessica began to relax. It had been so long since anythingdone to her down there felt good that, though she hadn't even been penetratedher hips were grinding in time with the touches. Then there was an uncomfortablepressure and tugging at her pussy lips, then a sharp pain that made her cryout. Three more sharp pains followed and she knew without looking that hercunt was now decorated just like her boobs.

The pain started to ease into merely a dull throband her breathing slowed as she became accustom to it's presence. Apparentlythat is what Nathan was waiting for because it was at that moment he took holdof her clit. Gripping it firmly he wrenched it as far out as he could and clampedon the fifth clothes pin.

She let out a shriek, tears running freely fromher eyes. Instinctively she reached to sooth her violated love button but hecaught her wrists.

"That'll be another twenty lashes for not holdingposition." He slapped her hard across the face twice, "Now on your knees, Iwant a blowjob."

Struggling she rolled onto her knees, being carefulto keep her thighs apart so as not to help the clips crush her labia. Her handswere bound wrist to elbow behind her back after she had been turned to theside so that Mary could see her profile. The chair from behind her desk wasplaced in front of her. Nathan dropped his pants, freeing his cock, and satdown.

"Get to work slut. We both know you need the practice."

Jessica hesitated, sure she had done this hundredsof times (several hundred if you counted all the dogs she'd been forced tosuck off) but she was 100% lesbian. Even the musky scent of his crotch wasalmost enough to make her want to puke. She looked pleadingly at Mary but couldtell from the expectant look on the girls face there was no help to be foundthere.

"Are you trying to make it harder on yourself?Maybe you're starting to like all the pain? Should we switch to humiliation…PUBLIChumiliation?"

"No, sir." She mumbled, crawling forward to gingerlytake his member into her mouth.

She tried. Going through all the motions she hadlearned over her summer in the kennels. Her tongue worked over his shaft evenas she fought her stomach's attempts to purge itself. It took her almost fiveminutes to get him hard, and even that was probably only because he knew shehated it.

"God but you're horrible at this." He grabbed ahandful of hair with each hand pulled her down hard on his shaft, smotheringher in his crotch, "You haven't been practicing have you?"

She tried to answer but could only gag and sputtertrying to breath.

He threw her head back and she gasped deeply gulpingdown the air, large amounts of drool pouring from her slack jaw. "Have you?"

"N-no (gasp), Sir." Her eyes were watering, herface crimson.

"We'll have to do something about that." He snarled, "Nowget back to work"

Chest still heaving for breath Jessica bent backto her task.

Mary watched all this with rapt attention. Shewas a virgin herself, Nathan's being the first dick she had seen in real life,but she had seen several porn films and even learned to deep throat the vibratorher mom kept hidden in the closet. So it would have been obvious to her, evenif Nathan hadn't been berating the woman, that Ms. Hurmtee gave terrible head.

Still, it was entertaining to see the woman struggleso she continued to watch. Mary's eyes drifted momentarily to the desk whereNathan had sat while the teacher 'decorated' herself. The riding crop stilllay there. An evil though crept into Mary's mind, what if…just if shecould make the blowjob better for him? Would he be mad at her for beating hisslave? Maybe, but he'd seemed pleased when she humiliated the woman earlier.If it did please him though….

Mary stopped herself, she'd cum if she kept thinkinglike that. Smiling evilly she quietly got to her feet, picked up the crop andgave it an experimental swing.

Ms. Hurmtee, her immediate world focused on Nathan'sgroin, never even heard Mary move. Nathan himself had his eyes closed and wasguiding Jessica's head with his hands barely registered the noise. Then bothheard the very familiar swish and crack of a riding crop on female flesh.

Next were the sensations, for Jessica it was thesharp sting and spreading warmth of the crop biting the tender flesh of herass. For Nathan it was wondrous massage Jessica's throat provided as she screamedaround his dick.

His eyes flew open in time to see Mary in mid-swing.Another loud *CRACK*, another muffled scream, and Jessica struggling to freeherself from these unseen attacks. Nathan held her in place however.

Mary looked up and noticed him watching. She smilednervously and shrugged. "I just though maybe I could…motivate her," Shewaved at the wand, "Until she made you cum."

He stared at her, his face impassive. Was it possiblefor a girl this young to be this perfect? She had all the right instincts,apparently limitless potential. Almost like some of his 'project' girls onlybetter, a quick scan of her mind showed it completely unaltered. Not programmed,not forced, not taught, simply a girl that was naturally kinky.

His silence must have been worrying her, she bither lip apprehensively. In the schoolgirl outfit it was impossibly cute. Nathansmiled and nodded. She grinned, giving an excited hop, and recommenced whippingthe round globes of her teacher's ass.

Nathan watched her, she swings certainly did nothave the even metronome rhythm of his. Nor did she seem to pick a specifictarget other than the general area of the exposed butt. She also lacked anyreal form that would allow her the maximum speed. What ever she lacked, however,she more than made up for in energy and enthusiasm.

Jessica whimpered and twitched in time with thecracks of the whip. She managed to keep his rod in her mouth only just.

He grabbed her hair and forced her to look himin the eyes, "The only way she's stopping, slut, is if you make me cum. I suggestyou get going before you have to spend the rest of the week standing up!"

She realized that even if she managed to outlastMary's whipping Nathan would only come up with an even worse way to punishher. So she bent to her task, trying to focus on pleasing the cock in her mouthrather than the mounting pain in her buttocks. It's amazing what proper motivationcan do, Jessica felt his body tense and his hot seed pumping down her throatin half the time it usually took her.

"Grrreeahh! Yes!" Nathan growled pulling her offhim by the hair. He held her face less than an inch from the head of his penisas he continued to cum. A jet of semen splashed across the bridge of her noseand into her eyes before she could react.

Even with her eyes closed, burning from the saltyjizz Jessica could feel several more globs splash across her forehead and eyes.Finally he wiped his penis off on her lips and released her, she fell backto sit on her heels. It was uncomfortable but she knew better than to movewithout permission.

"That was wonderful Mary, you did very well."

"Thank you Nathan…Sir"

"Slut, open your eyes. Show Mary the lovely resultsof her work."

Hurmtee obeyed and instantly felt a large warmblob of semen drip into her left eye.

"Well what do you think, Mary?"

The girl took a moment to fully appreciate thesight before her. Here was this beautiful woman, a respected teacher, kneelingnaked before her. Her breasts covered in painful clips, a man's cum oozingdown her face to mix wit tears from her puffy red eyes. Tears that Mary, herselfhad helped make the woman cry. Mary's first thought was, "Very sexy, a beautifulwhore." And she told Nathan so. Her second thought, which she kept to herself,was, "God I wish that was ME!"

"Now I think it's time to take those clothes pinsoff of her. Would you like to do it, Mary?"

"Yea sure!" She smiled and started to reach forthe teacher's breast.

Nathan caught her hand, "No, no. Not like that."

Both women looked at him confused. "What but how?" Maryasked.

"You still have the riding crop don't you?"

Hurmtee groaned as Mary's face lit up, "Really?Cool!"

She took position in front of her teacher, liftedher arm in a high arch. The whole time Jessica was shaking her slime coatedface pleading, "Nononono, pleeeaassee Master! Don't let her…."

"Shut up bitch. You'd better not move or I'll usethe cat-o-nine on you till your tits are purple."

She stopped her pleading but the next second letout a shriek as the whip came crashing down on her right tit. As before, Maryhad not really aimed any further than which tit but there were so many pinspresent the sheer force of the blow was enough to dislodge three of them. Sheswung again, this time aiming for the other breast and managed to knock offtwo.

Hurmtee tried to curl into a fetal position andprotect herself but two hard face slaps and a whispered word from Nathan (Theonly word of which Mary heard was 'electricity') had her once again kneelingrigidly upright. Still though her body shuddered with barely contained sobs.

"Mary, I'm guessing you never used one of thosebefore today?" Nathan pointed to the crop in her hands.

She looked at the whip, "um, no." She said, blushingas though admitting to something embarrassing.

"There's a technique to it, to sting the targetmore. It's easier on your arm too." He said gently massaging her shoulder.The contact sent jolts of electric pleasure to her groin. "I could show you."

It took several attempts but she finally managedto breathe the word, "Please?"

Smiling, he took her right hand in his, adjustingher grip. Moving behind her his left arm snaked around her waist and pulled,shifting her into a better angle from which to strike. Mary let out a softgasp, he had never put his dick back in his pants and she could now feel hisrigid prick pushing into the cleft of her ass through her skirt.

In the back of her mind, behind the haze of pain,the thought struck Jessica how her two tormentors now looked like a couplein a romantic dance. They looked so RIGHT together. These thoughts were washedaway by a new torrent of pain.

Now guided by Nathan's experience and powered byMary's desire to impress him the whip seemed to take a vicious life of itsown. One by one the clothes pins of her right breast were struck, first lightlyto make them bounce painfully, then again much harder forcibly removing itfrom the flesh it gripped so tightly.

By the time Jessica's right tit was bare both womenwere panting heavily. Jessica because she was still crying though had few actualtears left and Mary from shear sexual excitement.

"Here, feel how warm and tender it is." Nathantook her left hand, moving it to cup the sensitive flesh that was still redfrom the beating.

Mary's knees went weak as she was guided into fondlingher teacher. She began squeezing and tweaking the soft mound on her own ashis arm once again wrapped around her waist. Unconsciously she began grindingher hips into Nathan's. He stood firm allowing the girl to work his hard memberbetween her butt cheeks, even through the skirt.

Ms. Hurmtee let out a yelp.

"Not so hard, you'll rip it off." He whisperedin Mary's ear.

She froze and her eyes flew open and she lookedto her hand. She was clutching a large hand full of Jessica's 34C so tightlyher knuckles were turning white.

"Oh, I…" She started, quickly releasingher hold. A bright red handprint formed on the mauled tit with small curvedmarks where Mary's nails had bit into the flesh.

"You got carried away, but that's alright. Likeusing the whip, you have to learn patience and control."

"Yes, sir."

"Now do you think you can handle the other oneby yourself?"

"I think so." She said, instantly regretting havingsaid so as in response he released his hold on her and stepped off to the sidefor a better view.

"Right, go ahead then. No rush."

She smiled at him, turned, taking a deep breath,aimed for the clip directly on Jessica's nipple, and swung. Twenty minuteslater both of Hurmtee's boobs were bare of clothes pins, covered in welts,and being mauled none too gently by Mary.

There was a shrill beeping that stopped almostas soon as it started. All three looked around the room confused. The soundrepeated and Mary laughed.

"It's my phone!" She ran to her school bag, producinga cell phone from its depths.

Ms. Hurmtee looked questioningly to Nathan. Heglared at her, putting a finger to his lips for silence.

"Hi, mom?......You're back already?... Just tonightthen…..I'm at the uh" She looked nervously at Nathan, who shrugged, "themall with a friend….Ok I'll be home for dinner, then. Bye."

She hung up the phone tossing it into her bag onceagain.

"I'm supposed to be home in two hours." She gesturedto the wall clock.

"Plenty of time. Want to help get her ready forher ass reaming?" He held out a roll thick clothesline.

Mary took the rope happily, "What should I do?"

Nathan explained the plan and Mary went to hertask, untying Hurmtee's arms from behind her back. By that time, a harnesshad been attached forcing the teacher's mouth to stretch obscenely around thewhite rubber ball.

Jessica was given 30 seconds to stretch her armsin an attempt to return their circulation while a black studded collar andleash were locked in place around her neck. When the time was up Mary followedhis directions on how Nathan wanted the woman's wrists bound.

"Stand and present yourself, slut." He ordered.


Almost falling over the bound woman got to herfeet and stood rigid, her feet shoulder width apart. She could imagine thesight she presented with her bound arms seeming to hug large bruised breaststhat were still an angry crimson from their beating. Her face, while shinyfrom nearly dried semen and tears, was framed by the leather straps holdingthe gag in place while clothespins still dangled from her pussy. In truth,it wasn't the most extreme bondage she had ever had to endure but it was humiliating.Especially being forced to endure such treatment in front of a student.

Even though a young girl was involved, she wasn'tenjoying this at all. This wasn't like those porn stories on the net wherethe victim develops or has a secret love for what's happening to her. No, Jessicahad never gotten the slightest bit of enjoyment from bondage. Even when bindingher young rape victims, tying them up had been only a means to an end not apart of the pleasure.

Mary knew none of this (and even if she had itprobably would have only served to make her hornier) as she led the other womanby her leash. They stopped with Ms. Hurmtee standing a few inches from theedge of her own desk.


"There's something I saw on the net I'd like totry if it's OK to hurt her tits more, that is." She said in a rush, havingfinally worked up the courage to make a request.

Nathan was forced to smile once again in pleasantsurprise, "Sure, let's see what you've got."

Mary gave an excited hop and giggle as she turnedback to her victim. Hurmtee was made to bend over the desk until her nipplestouched its cold surface. Mary eyed the area critically, ordered her teacherto stand straight once again, and then began rummaging through the desk drawers.

"Ah-ha!" She exclaimed, apparently finding whatshe was looking for.

He had a pretty good idea what she had in mindeven before she held up the large box of thumb tacks. After all, Nathan hadbeen in the business of tormenting women for a very, very long time.

Mary dumped out the entire box onto the desk whereHurmtee's nipples had touched. She ran her hand through the mass of pointymetal until she felt they were sufficiently spread to cover the majority ofthe older woman's large chest and that most of the tacks were lying point up.

Grinning evilly, she used the remainder of therope to tie Jessica's already bound hands to the legs on the far side of thedesk. This forced her to bend at the hips and stretch across the table butif she arched her back and stood tip toe she could avoid pricking anythingsave the very tip of her nipples.

Mary frowned, "It didn't work out right…dumbidea I guess."

"No, I like it." Nathan caressed her shoulder lengthblack hair, "Just needs a little effort to make it work. Watch."

He stood behind Ms. Hurmtee, grabbed her firmlyby the hips and pulled her hard towards him. She let out a shriek that wasbarely muffled by the gag as the movement altered her balance and making herchest fall toward the pins. However she managed to prop herself up by her boundwrists preventing the whole of her breast from being perforated. As it wasshe could feel the prick and scratch of a dozen pins at both areolas.

"Now get up there and sit on her arms, near theelbow." Nathan commanded, threading the leash through a D ring high on thegags harness.

Mary complied, straddling the older woman's arms.Thrilling to the thought that her crotch was mere inches from the nose of awoman that would probably like nothing more than to eat her pussy. Though shefought Mary's weight was too much and the teacher collapsed, several dozenmore pins biting into the already over sensitized flesh of her boobs.


Jessica let out a disparaging howl as, at the samemoment Nathan drove his huge rigid pole into her unlubricated ass. He pullson the leash, forcing her to look up at Mary who smiles down at her. Her bodyshudders under the force of his pounding, as always there is a small amountof pleasure that simple biology will not let her deny. This pleasure thoughis overridden by the seemingly million pricks of pain in her chest and thesheer ferocity of her sodomy. She glances down, only able to move her eyes,as Mary straddles her arms the too short skirt rides up, providing a generousview of her 'camel toe'. The girl was obviously horny, as evident by the largewet spot on her underwear.


Mary saw her teacher eyeing her crotch and decidedto tease her some more. She bunched up her skirt revealing even more of hersheer panties. Slowly she rocked her hips, grinding against the bound arms,moving slowly closer to Hurmtee's gagged face. She stopped so close the mesmerizedteacher was nearly cross-eyed from focusing on her.

The vibrations shaking through the older woman'sbody as a result of the ass reaming felt wonderful as Mary felt it betweenher legs, "What the hell!" She thought, "I'm so horny I'll explode if I don't." Shereached down and began stroking herself gently through the fabric of her panties.

It didn't take much to set her off. The orgasmthat exploded through her was intense. She wanted to cry out, but at the sametime was embarrassed and struggled to stay silent. The result was as choked,hyperventilating moan as she crested. Blushing she looked but thankfully Nathanwas too preoccupied at the moment to notice. She continued to stroke herselfbut was careful not to push herself over the edge again.


"The little bitch came! Right in front of my face!" ThoughtJessica, even if she hadn't watched the girls body tense suddenly or see thepanties that were so wet with woman juice they were nearly transparent. No,she could SMELL it, at this distance there was no avoiding it. She rememberedthat smell, and the taste. Oh, the TASTE of girl cum! She was addicted to it,both the scent and flavor. The addiction couldn't have been stronger if itwas heroin. Memories came rushing back, all the dozens of girls she'd had,and the pleasure they'd given her (willingly or not). She couldn't controlherself; even over all the pain she was becoming aroused. Her tongue foughtvaliantly against the ball gag, trying to catch just a drop of that glisteningjuice.

Nathan groaned, body tensing, beginning to dumphis seed into her bowels. In Ms. Hurmtee's mind, however, it was one of thefew willing young lovers she'd had riding her with a strapon. Her pussy clenched.He reached around, took hold and ripped the five remaining clothespins fromher labia and clit. To her, one of her less willing 'lovers' was being rebelliousand nibbling just a little too hard, it still felt good though.

Then, without planning it, without even glancingat each other Nathan and Mary acted as one. He placed a hand on each shoulderblade and shoving the teacher down with all his might, driving nearly all ofthe thumbtacks into her tortured boobs. Mary hooked one finger under her pantiesand pulled them to the side, flashing her tender cunt as her other hand smearedsome of her pussy juice under the woman's nose.

The smell, the pussy shot, and the pain were justtoo much. Ms. Hurmtee's body shuddered in orgasm, and then collapsed as shepassed out.


"Wow, First time she's ever cum from being assraped." Nathan laughed, stuffing his still semi-hard dick back in his pants, "Shemust like having you here."

Mary grinned evilly, "Maybe. So now what?"

"Now we start getting her ready to take you home." Nathanbegan rummaging through his bag.

"Home?" She thought bewildered for a moment thensaw the clock. It was only 45 minutes until the time she had promised to behome. She would be happy to see her step-mother, of course but what she foundherself wanting more than anything was to stay with Nathan. This realizationboth stunned her and sent a thrill of happiness coursing through her. She wasstartled from her happy musing's of the possible future by a loud squealingemanating from Ms. Hurmtee.

Mary looked up just in time to see the end of something3" thick, black, and quite rigid disappear between the globes of Jessica'sass.


Jessica hadn't felt the needle stab her right buttockbut whatever it injected her with quickly roused her from the bliss of unconsciousness,She was still exhausted from all of the strain but knew, from experience, nothingshort of a severe blow to the head would put her to sleep for the next severalhours. The name was unknown to her but she was certain she had been subjectto this drug before. It was designed to keep its subjects awake and their bodiesextremely sensitive, to EVERYTHING. Her suspicions were confirmed as everyache and pain she was feeling doubled in intensity, it was as though she couldfeel every single one of the thumbtacks that had pierced the flesh of her breast.The air burned on her severely beaten ass.

There was a pressure between her ass cheeks, ithadn't really dawned on her until then that she was no longer being sodomized. "He'sgoing to fuck me again?" she thought ruefully but then realized this anal invaderwas much more rigid and somewhat larger than Nathan's huge manhood, "Or isit the girl this time? Has he given her a strapon?"

She shook her head and tried not to let herselfcare, relax and let it happen. It would be over sooner this way she thoughtas the cold, hard whatever it was slipped past her unresisting sphincter. Hertwo tormentors were talking about something, more torments probably, she triednot to listen. The thing being forced into her was apparently ribbed as shecould feel it rubbing her insides in an almost pleasant way. Then she panicked,at first she hadn't notice but it was definitely getting wider! It seemed togo on forever, too!

Jessica let out a squeal to put pigs to shame asthe intruder seemed to rearrange her bowels by force for it's own accommodation.Suddenly it narrowed, with an almost audible pop the widest part slid intoher. There was a kind or ratcheting sound as she felt the widest part, rightinside her anus, expanded even further.


"Untie her now, please."

Mary obeyed without a thought, "What was that youput in her?"

"A butt plug. A very special, 1.5 foot long, 3inch wide, locking butt plug." He held up what looked like a house key.


"Yes, once fully inserted and locked it's too widefor the victim's body to force out." He smacked the teacher's butt playfully, "WhichI'm sure she's discovering just now."

The mixed look of concentration and constipationson Hurmtee's obscenely gagged face was one of the funniest things Mary thoughtshe'd ever seen.

Jessica's newly freed hands flew to her ass, scrabblingfor something to grab on the plug in order to rip it from her body.

"Oh and without the key," He dangled it beforethe woman's pleading eyes, "there's not nearly enough to grab for removingit. Here, catch."

Mary caught the chain, stunned. The questions werebarely forming in her mind when He answered them.

"You were impressive today. Prompt, obedient, andinventive." Nathan went on to explain that, as a reward he was putting herin charge of Ms. Hurmtee, at least until tomorrow. The keys on the chain shewas to keep with her at all times, one was for the butt plug, the other forthe collar and leash. She could remove them if she wanted but they must bein place the next afternoon when they would meet and torment the teacher oncemore. As he explained Ms. Hurmtee was pulling the thumbtacks from her breast,one at a time as ordered.

"What do you do for lunch normally? Would anyonenotice you weren't there?"

"Eat lunch, usually by myself or with a couplefriends. I doubt anyone important would care."

"Good, then you'll eat here, sitting at Ms. Hurmtee'sdesk, with her kneeling at your feet like a good slut puppy." He seemed tothink for a moment, "She'll be naked from the waist down of course and you'llbe holding her leash."

Mary's face lit up, "Cool!"

"Oh, and afterwards you'll be administering thepunishments she earned earlier. Seventy strokes all together, more if she disobeyson the way home. Can you handle all of that?"

"I'd rather die than disappoint you!" She thoughtdreamily, out loud she said, "Definitely."

"Good. She will keep the whip in her top desk drawer." Theyboth turned to look at Jessica. To the both of them she was a beautiful, eroticsight. Her hair was sweaty and disheveled, kept back only by the harness gagthat no doubt had her jaw aching by now. Tears had caused what little makeupshe wore to run and the dried cum gave her face an unnatural sheen. Due, almostcertainly to the butt plug, her posture was strained as if she didn't wantto (or quite possibly, couldn't) stand up straight. Her tits were a brightcrimson red all over with splotches of darker red where the whip had bittenespecially hard. Of course there were also the seemingly hundreds of littledots where the thumbtacks had punctured her flesh.

It was a happy surprise to Mary how little bleedinghad resulted from all of the tacks, she liked seeing women sexually torturedon the net but blood sports had always turned her off. For one ridiculous momentshe imagined connecting all the dots to see what pattern they made.

As she led her teacher out the door by her leashNathan whispered in her ear, "Take the gag off of her before she drops youoff. Keep it as a souvenir if you like. The only clothes she gets back is herblouse and panties."


Once again Jessica was humiliated, yesterday shehad been made to walk out to her car naked in the company of one of her students.It would have been very difficult to explain had anyone seen but she felt thatwould have been easy compared to today. Today she was with the same student,and just as naked save for a harness gag and a collar. Said collar did of coursehave a leash attached the other end of which was held by the young girl. Naturally,the young girl was dressed in a slutty, way too tight schoolgirl uniform.

"Of course!" She thought hysterically, "What elsewould you expect to see in the parking lot of a respectable high school atsix o'clock in the evening?"

When they first stepped outside she tried to coverherself, only partly out of modesty it was a very cool evening. Mary had lookedher up and down once and shrugged, "OK, 75 and another five strokes for eachstep you take while covered."

Jessica froze on the spot. The little bitch! Nathanwouldn't let her, would he?

The girl rounded on her, "It'll be one HUNDREDseventy five if I get home late because of you!"

She looked at Mary in disbelief, Nathan wouldn'tlet her do that, would he?

Seeming to read her mind she continued, "I'm incharge of you now remember?"

Miserably she nodded and moved her hands to herside.


The ride home was fairly boring for Mary. To keepherself occupied she played with herself through her underwear but soon realizedshe couldn't walk into her house smelling like sex. She thought for a moment,then her lips curled wickedly. She began smacking her nude 'chauffer' withthe loose end of her leash.

The first strike caught Jessica by surprise, thecar swerving wildly as she jerked in pain.

"Keep you're mind on your driving. Imagine whatwould happen if we got pulled over!" Mary's voice became sarcastic, "Oh officerI don't know! She asked me to stay after class…I got really sleepy andwoke up in her car and she was naked!!! Her hand was in my-my panties!"

So it was that Ms. Hurmtee struggled to drive normallywhile naked and having random parts of her body beaten with a leather leash.So focused was she on the road and ignoring the pain that Mary had to slapher hard across the face to get her to pull over to the curb.

She was confused until the girl explained, exasperatedly, "Mymom's home you idiot. Do you think I want her to see me dropped of by a nakedslut like you? I can walk from here."

She began undoing the straps to the harness gagand with some difficulty wrenched it from the woman's mouth.

Jessica rubbed her aching jaw, tenderly workingit open and shut as though unsure it would still work properly. She saw thegag being stuffed into Mary's school bag, on top of her clothes.

"May I have my clothes now?...Please?" She askedtenetively, not wanting to upset the teen.

"No, not yet. Kiss me first."


Jessica's mind reeled. Kiss her? The girl was abit old for her own tastes but still pretty. Under other circumstances, i.e.sans sexual abuse to herself, she would not have minded such an invitation.This however was not an invitation but a command, she could see it in Mary'seyes.

"Kiss you? Why?" She dared to ask suspiciously.

"That's 80 strokes. I told you, you're the slaveyou don't get to ask 'why'." Jessica squealed as Mary's nails dug into herareola, "Now kiss me like you were kissing Nathan."

Giving in hopelessly she leaned over and pulledthe girl into an open mouth kiss. Just as she had been taught her tongue teasedthe other's gently while simultaneously running her hands firmly up and downthe girls back and pulling her in close. She felt Mary begin to return thekiss and patiently waited for her to break the kiss (she had learned the long,painful results of ending a kiss before her master wished it). The kiss seemedto go on forever, in reality maybe only 2 minutes, the whole while Hurmteekept thinking, "This isn't nearly as fun when I'm being forced to do it.",in reference to the slight tingling in her pussy that was a result of contactwith this young tender flesh.


Mary found herself enjoying the kiss immenselybut forced herself to break off before giving her teacher any pleasure in it.Quickly she got out of the car throwing the older woman's blouse and pantiesback in.

"Before you bitch Nathan decided that's all youget back." She said sternly holding the door open, "Now go home. I'll see youat school tomorrow."

She started to slam the door when Jessica spoke, "Please…"

Impatiently she caught the door, "What?"

"At least let me take off the collar, please? Ican't show up wearing this!" Hurmtee held up her leash, "I'll wear it duringlunch I swear, just don't make me while I'm teaching!"

"You will wear it and you will teach tomorrow,knowing I hold these." She dangled the keys she wore as a necklace, "Deal withit bitch."

Mary rushed into the house, shouted "Hi mom!",and rushed up to her bathroom before her stepmother could see how she was dressed.She quickly stripped, throwing her soaked panties under her pillow for later,and put on clothes more like she usually wore.

She found Anna in the kitchen, looking oddly sexyin the remnants of her business suit. Even barefoot, as she was now, Anna wasnearly 5'11". Her straight naturally blond hair hung between her shoulder blades,only slightly tangled from being worn 'up' all day, framed a face that couldeasily be mistaken for that of a runway model. In her youth she had been veryathletic, a member of the Track and swim teams until her 36D bosom bloomedmaking such activities impractical. Her body had retained its shape, hard tonedmuscle softening slightly into a softer more supple form.

For the last year or so Mary had found secret pleasurein sneaking glimpses of Anna's body whenever possible. These opportunitieswere quite frequent since it was just the two girls Anna thought nothing ofwalking around the house in next to nothing.

Catching an eyeful of her stepmother's firm breastthrough her half buttoned blouse Mary could understand why her father, a widowersince Mary's birth, had married her. Barely 2 years after their marriage herfather had been killed in a car accident, leaving Mary with a mother that wasonly 11 years her senior.

Mary wasn't resentful though, Anna was young enoughto be like a friend and away for work often enough not to smother her withattempts at being a 'good mom'. The last two days with Nathan was giving Marynasty, half incomplete thoughts as to what else Anna could be.

"I'm sorry about this trip, honey. I know I'd promisedto stick around a while after this last one, take you shopping and all." Theblond waived vaguely as she hung up the phone. "It's just that my boss, Ms.Pelty, says I'm doing wonders on these conferences and is talking about promotions."

"That's cool, I guess. What's for dinner?"

Anna frowned a moment, "Not much in the way offood, unless you feel like waffles?"

"Order in?"


"Cheesy movie?"

"Deal." They said in unison laughing.

They had a relatively normal evening, filling eachother in on what was going on at work and school. Mary of course omitting herrecent after school extra curricular activities.

Finally the started cleaning up and heading forbed.

"Oh, hey I almost forgot!" Mary lied, "Do we haveany clothes pins?"

Anna looked puzzled, "Clothespins? Why?"

"It's for…for school a special project." Wellthat's sort of true she told herself. Then an idea struck, "Oh and some candles."

"If we do they'd be in the kitchen closet."

"I'll just get them ready so I don't haveto rush in the morning. Sleep good.

"Good night." Anna called as she wentupstairs.

Mary rummaged through the closet and several cupboardsbefore finding a handful of clothespins and a couple small candles.

She took her findings, rushed up to her room, andstripped. Getting ready for bed as quickly as she could Mary finished brushingher teeth and, deciding not to brush it, ran her fingers through her hair.Her hands didn't stop with her hair, they ran down her neck, across the breaststhat she constantly wished would get bigger. Gently they trailed down taunttummy to tangle her fingers in her neatly trimmed bush.

"Not yet." She moaned, resisting the urge to playwith herself. She wished she could get her hands on her mother's vibrator butknew not to risk it while she was home. "Heck unless she got laid on the tripshe's probably using it anyway."

Reentering her room she picked up two of the clothespins then began rolling her nipples between the thumb and forefinger of eachhand. She closed her eyes and imagined her lover doing was doing it. Mary smiledwhen she realized for the first time her imaginary lover had a face, it wasNathan. Breathing heavily and believing her nipples were as erect as they couldget she stopped. Taking firm grip of her right nipple she stretched it straightout until the pain made her wince, then placed the clothespins at the nipplesbase. After doing the same thing to the other side she paused, reveling inthe ache they caused, and thought a moment. Going to her underwear drawer shemanaged to find one of the few sports bra's she owned (Her bust line reallydidn't require one when working out.).

Mary readjusted the clothespins so they laid parallelto her body and pulled on the bra. It was a snug fit without the pins which,in addition to pinching her nipples, were being relentlessly crushed into herboobs. She smiled at the lumpy bulges they made in the garment. She shook herchest experimentally, nothing jiggled loose.

"Good, don't want them falling off in the middleof the night!" She laughed.

She crawled into bed wearing nothing else and beganidly playing between her legs, working slowly to enjoy the mounting discomfortin her chest. Her eyes wandered coming to rest on the candles. A wicked thoughtcrossed her lust hazed mind. Mary grabbed the longest one, maybe 8 inches andtwo of her fingers wide at its thickest. Rolling onto her side she spit wetlyon the base of the candle and pulled it under her blankets.

Fumbling slightly she had to stop playing withher clit to spread her ass cheeks. It took only seconds to find the rosebudof her anus with the candle, it took slightly longer to work up the courageto shove it in.

"I wish he were here to MAKE me do it!" She thoughtimagining a time when Nathan would be sodomizing her unwilling body. Well shetried to imagine it but couldn't conceive a way that would make her unwilling.Finally she shamed herself into it, "Why would he ever want me if I couldn'teven fuck myself for him?" and she shoved.

"Nnngggahhh!!!....Oooohhh" she knew how very smallthe candle was, especially compared to Nathan's manhood but to her virgin butthole it felt like a baseball bat was invading her. Once the wide part was pasther sphincter it was quite easy to slide in. She stopped at what she guessedwas probably half it's length when she encountered some resistance. She didnot want to break it off inside herself.

Exceptionally aroused now she fumbled around inher schoolbag for the gag. Hands shaking with excitement she tried to don itbut found the ball much too large for her cute little mouth. Frustrated shethrew it back in the bag, "Just as well I guess, what if mom saw it in themorning before I woke up?"

She buried her face in her pillow to muffle themoans and resumed masturbating with a hand in her cunt while the other pumpedthe candle in her ass. In the morning she woke with both hands still gentlycaressing her labia and a broken half candle under her pillow.

She got out of bed to find her mom had alreadyhad already left on her trip. It took several tries before she could get enoughof a grip on the remaining piece of the candle in her butt. She finally didmanage to pull it out and gave herself a small orgasm in doing so. While showeringshe tried to figure out what to wear today. She really didn't have anythingas kinky as the too small schoolgirl outfit left but wanted to continue impressingNathan.

Digging through her underwear drawer Mary rememberedwhat was hidden in the 'secret' pouch of her old stuffed bear. She rushed overand pulled out the two items. They were a matching pair of strapless demi-braand thong panties. Both were lace, made out of a shimmering sky blue materialwith black highlights. The bra was a pushup type to enhance her minimal bustline. It had a catch in the front and Mary liked to think that in combinationwith the panties they sent the message that the woman wearing them hoped thatwouldn't be the case for long.

"Certainly true in my case." She thought slippingon the thong. It felt wonderful, she didn't get to wear them often for fearher mom finding them in the laundry.

Bra on she finished her outfit with extremely lowhip hugger jeans that seemed painted on (in fact they had a concealed zipperup each calf to make putting them on easier). Next was a sea green halter topthat matched her eyes.

Finished she looked herself over in the mirror.The severe French braid left her neck and shoulders bare to reveal the singlespaghetti strap over each shoulder, the chain bearing the keys disappearedbetween her enhanced cleavage. Unless she were to lean over extremely far itdidn't look like she was wearing a bra at all. The halter ended just belowher belly button leaving almost 3 inches of her gently curved stomach barebefore her jeans dangerously low waistline. They were so low, in fact, thatit took a concerted effort to keep the top of her thong from showing and eventhen, they only stayed hidden until she moved again.

"Perfect!" She giggled, threw her lunch and a fewother things into her backpack and headed to school.


Mary walked to her locker enjoying the stare fromthe boys, glares from the girls and the double takes of both as they realizedthat it was "plain old" Mary Collins dressed to kill. A few of the teachersglowered disapprovingly but there were many other girls that pushed the dresscode even further every day so she had no fear of getting into trouble.

"What the heck?" She had opened her locker to finda small package, wrapped in gold paper stuck to the inside door.

There was a post-it note stuck to it, "Open now.~N"

The package pulled easily from the door. It wasperhaps half the size of a cigarette pack and made no noise when shaken. Sheassumed '~N' was Nathan as she excitedly unwrapped the package.

It appeared to be a remote, like a car alarm. Therewere two buttons and a small thumbwheel set into the side. The note foldedaround it cleared her confusion.





Mary hardly paid attention in her classes thatday. She was constantly fiddling with thee remote imagining the effect it washaving on Ms. Hurmtee. She didn't want the teacher getting too used to thesensations and figuring her pain wracked orgasms in the middle of class whilefunny would not be beneficial in the long run. At most she would hit the onswitch twice in a class period. She even skipped an entire class, mostly becauseit would have been hard to explain carrying a remote while playing basket ballin gym class

Finally lunch came Mary rushed to out of her lastclass so quickly she had to wait several minutes for Ms. Hurmtee's last classto let out when the last student had left the classroom. Mary strode into theroom, forcing herself into a confidant strut though she was extremely nervousabout getting caught doing what they were about to do. 'I'm sorry but I'm verybu-"Jessica started hearing someone enter the room but then looked up fromher papers. -sy. She finished quietly

Mary looked her teacher over. Conservative heeledshoes, black pleated slacks and a thick knit sweater with a high turtle neckthat still reached her chin even though it was rolled down at least two turns

Mary shut the door and locked it, "Are you wearingit bitch. The collar I mean."

Jessica's hands were shaking, "Of-of course, they'relocked what would I have done?"

"You might have been dumb enough to call a locksmith.Now shoes off and drop the pants. Panties too"

"I-I would have but…" in truth she had triedto call but the two times she picked up a phone to try some how Nathan wasalready on the line saying she would be punished for this if she kept it up. "Pleasetake the plug out! Just for a few minutes, please!! I have to go so bad ithurts!"

"If there's time after I eat and give you yourbeating I'll think about it. So take as long as you want getting naked."

Nervously she stood kicked of her shoes and loosenedher belt. It was with great difficulty she stood to remove the pants. She hadn'tbeen lying about needing the bathroom and was beginning to cramp around thetoo long plug. Not seeing any point in delaying the inevitable she pulled thepanties and slacks down as one. Jessica was bent over, stepping out of herclothing when the thing violating her ass came to life once again. She nearlyfell over.

"Does that help take your mind off needing the'little slut's room' Ms. Hurmtee?"


It took Jessica a moment to respond, "Nathan musthave made this especially for me." She thought ruefully as the plug throbbed,sending vibrations to all the right places to make her wet while shaking hardenough to hurt.

She tried to catch her breath mumbling, "Yes Master…Mistre..Mary"

"Mistress? You almost called me mistress?" Marysounded surprised, "I like it, that's what you'll call me from now on. Whenwe're alone."

"Damn that bitch!" Jessica though kicking her pantsaway to stand nude from the waist down.

"Now slut, you should take better care of yourclothes! Kneel and fold them neatly, then you will offer them and your leashto me!

"Yes mistress." Jessica knelt down silently prayingfor lunch to end soon.


Mary ate quickly wanting as much time as possibleto torment her teacher. Once finished she purposely brushed the crumbs fromthe desk directly into her teachers face.

"Time to get on with your punishment." Mary dangledthe harness gag before Jessica's eyes.

"Mistress…please no not the gag! I'll begood I swear!"

"Listen slut, I don't think either of us believesyou could stay quiet for the full 80 lashes." She shrugged disinterestedly, "Butthen, maybe you WANT everyone walking by to hear you scream, maybe they'd breakthe door down to see your bare ass beaten and plugged?"

Jessica was quiet a moment, maybe that would begood, end this torment. It would be humiliating but then it would be over.Right? "No it wouldn't. Nathan would just make it worse for you." She thoughtto her self.

"I'll wear it." She said flatly

Mary yanked harshly on the collar, "Were you talkingto someone slut?"

Jessica knew what she had to say, countless torturesessions over the summer the 'right' way to speak. "Mistress, please gag thisslut so that she will not embarrass herself with her weakness." She spreadher mouth wide, as if inviting the gag to take its place.

It took a good bit of force to get the ball behindHurmtee's teeth. Mary ended up having to put one hand flat at the back of herhead and the other on the gag, squeezing with all her might, before the ballslid into place with an audible "Pop".

"Hell with a ball that size I think the strapsare kind of a mood point don't you?"

"Mph mifprtff"

"Oh, well then, if you insist!" She mocked, asif understanding every word. Mary began buckling the straps down as tight asshe could, ignoring the pleading whimper's of her victim.

Using the leash Mary led her teacher to bend overthe desk much as she had done the night before.

"I'm not tying you down so if you don't stay inposition well….we'll just find ways of making it more 'interesting'for you" and with that she began to whale on the exposed ass. It was difficultbut she remembered Nathan's instructions about control and picking a target.

Stopping after twenty strokes to rest her arm shefondled Jessica's buttocks to feel the warmth radiating from the reddeningflesh. Jessica's outstretched body was wracked with sobs, probably from a combinationof pain and humiliation Mary guessed. Starting again she tried her left armbut it felt uncomfortable so after five strokes she switched back.

Again she stopped after twenty, stroking her targetgently. Giving in to temptation Mary traced the ass crack and gently followedthe outline of Jessica's labia. The older woman shivered in response.

"Like that did you slut?" Mary said in mock disgust, "Probablygetting you all horny you fucking pervert. Here let me help"

She started the vibrator on it's third highestsetting (The maximum she was allowed to use by Nathan) and resumed whippingMs. Hurmtee's increasingly welt covered butt. Despite the severity of the beatingthe vibrator was having a definite effect. The glistening wetness between herthighs drew Mary's eye from the target of Jessica's ass. She actually lostcount while licking her lips.

Guessing she was somewhere near twenty for thethird time Mary stopped. She stared at the pussy that was moistening againstits owners will. A small war was raging in Mary's mind.

Sucking her bottom lip she moaned, "Oh what thehell, I forgot to bring desert anyway." She fell quietly to her knees and inhaleddeeply, catching her first ever whiff of another woman's pussy. Tentativelyher tongue stuck out and probed one of the protruding cuntlips….


Jessica was holding the edge of her desk in a whiteknuckled grip of death trying not to move. Trying not to shield herself, knowingthat would only make things worse. In a way she was relieved for the gag. Itkept her from crying out and drawing the school's attention of course, butit also made it impossible for her to be made to count each stroke out loud.It was one of Nathan's favorite punishments, forcing her to keep track.

There was no way she would have been able to thistime. Nathan was cruel, certainly, but he was methodical, patient. This younggirl however was hardly anything but relentlessly vicious. The gentle touchat her cunt had been more of a shock than the whip's sting. It was gone almostas quickly as it had started.

Now, though, there was a different sensation. Afamiliar sensation. Something warm and wet. Probing weakly, inexperienced betweenher nether lips. Was it possible? Mary was eating her out?

"God it's been so long!" She though "Too long withouta little lover down there!"

She was frozen in place, wanting to grind her hipsinto the gentle mouth attacking her but fearing it would end if she so muchas moved a muscle. She shivered, between the vibrator in her ass and Mary'swonderfully inexperienced mouth. An orgasm was building and it was wonderful.Jessica had hardly cum at all since Nathan found her and rarely from somethingso near the fantasies she used to live out.

She was on the edge. She screamed in combined rageand pain as the riding crop bit her once again, pleasure once again deniedher.


The taste was different from her own, slightlybitter, but wondrous. Mary very nearly lost herself to the older woman's flavor.It took an effort of will to break away and resumed the teacher's punishment.Catching her breath she realized how close she had come to bringing Jessicaoff. An icy chill of fear ran down her spine, Nathan hadn't forbidden her frommaking Hurmtee cum, technically. It was supposed to be punishment, what wouldhe say if Mary had made her feel GOOD?

Fear of what he might do, or more importantly notdo to her drove her into a rage. The remaining twenty lashes were much harsherthan any she had delivered so far and almost certainly guaranteed Jessica wouldbe avoiding her chair for the rest of the day

"Oh wow!" Mary exclaimed glancing from her watchto the wall clock, "Never even heard the bell"

She yanked on the leash, pulling Ms. Hurmtee up. "Lookslike you have about a minute to get ready for class, whore."

She threw the whip to the far end of the class,her pants in the other and walked out of the room leaving the door wide open.

Mary was so exited from leaving her teacher insuch a predicament (though she had lied about the time, just to make her panic)that she completely forgot to wipe the pussy juice from her face until shewas already seated in her next class. Trying to be discreet she licked as muchof it up as she could, wiping the rest off with her hand and then sucking saidfingers. It was halfway through class before she thought to turn the anal vibratoroff.

To Be continued…

Next: After School

Eventually Mary's stepmother and schoolmates will fall victim to James. Anycomments, questions, suggestions are always welcome at [email protected]

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My wife was working one of her overnight jobs and I was bored as hell. I didn't care to watch TV, it was Monday night and there was nothing on worth watching. I had already seen all the new stuff on my porn sites and was tired of it for a while. I wanted to get out of the house but didn't know where I wanted to go or what I wanted to do. I don't go to clubs or bars.....why pay for one beer what I buy a 6-pack for and have to shout to be heard by the person sitting 2ft away all the while...

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Visiting Aunt Mary

I'm a college student, 23 years old, just finishing my engineering degree. While engineering studies are somewhat masochistic, I've really enjoyed school and learning and have been talked into continuing my education by one of my professors with a masters degree. I've already mentioned that I enjoyed school, but the thing you need to know about engineering schools is that there is a weird mismatch between men and women. I'm not going to speculate why, but will say that they're this song I heard...

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Visiting Aunt Mary

I'm a college student, 23 years old, just finishing my engineering degree. While engineering studies are somewhat masochistic, I've really enjoyed school and learning and have been talked into continuing my education by one of my professors with a masters degree. I've already mentioned that I enjoyed school, but the thing you need to know about engineering schools is that there is a weird mismatch between men and women. I'm not going to speculate why, but will say that they're this song I heard...

2 years ago
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Copyright© 2007 Chapter 1: The Old School "I wonder what she's up to?" Ray mused as he noticed the young girl walk slowly passed the wall at the road end of his front garden for the fourth time. He called it a front garden but at the moment it was a waist high wilderness of grass and weeds; a wilderness he was trying to reduce to a manageable length using an old fashioned scythe hired locally. "When it's short enough, I'll use the ride-on rotary mower to keep it under control and...

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Getting Mixed up with Mary

As with earlier stories this takes place on the farm in rural mid west. I was in my late teens this story is true by all accounts but has been altered just a little bit. It was a typical summer day in the mid west hot and humid was the way to describe it .Beverly my mother had given me a whole list of chores to be done before i could even think about going fishing or for a swim in the pond. As i was working up a sweat out in the garden i saw Mary arrive. Now Mary was our closest neighbor and my...

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second date with Mary

“I like Don and Nancy but I would like to get to know you better,” she said as I helped her into the van. “Besides they smoke too much weed, a little is fine but they seem to over do it don't you think”she said as we were leaving the driveway. Everything happened so fast last week I wasn’t expecting that “I said I don’t usually have sex on the first date. Mary replied “I don’t either but I think it was the weed and how Nancy portrayed you to me that gotten me excited.I hope you don’t think...

4 years ago
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The Ghost of Resurrection Mary

The story of Resurrection Mary was told around Chicago for so many years that it became legendary. But, back in the thirties when a pretty young girl was killed by a hit-and-run driver, it was heartbreaking. Mary had been with her boyfriend at a dance hall when a fight began and she ran out into the dark night and was killed. In the year nineteen-thirty-four, she was buried in Resurrection Cemetery in an unmarked grave. That’s when the sightings began.People, mostly men, swore they’d seen...

3 years ago
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friemd mary

My friend Mary from back in college dropped by unexpectedly and this was the beginning of some very wild happenings. She and her husband Mark where traveling through our area and decided to stop by. I asked them to stay over so they could meet my husband. After a little tugging, they agreed to postpone their travel plans. Once my husband David got home from work, we settled down with some drinks and conversation. David suggested we go out and enjoy the hot tub. Once everyone changed, we all...

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friemd mary

My friend Mary from back in college dropped by unexpectedly and this was the beginning of some very wild happenings. She and her husband Mark where traveling through our area and decided to stop by. I asked them to stay over so they could meet my husband. After a little tugging, they agreed to postpone their travel plans. Once my husband David got home from work, we settled down with some drinks and conversation. David suggested we go out and enjoy the hot tub. Once everyone changed, we all met...

2 years ago
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A visit to my Aunt Mary

One December evening I received a phone call from an aunt I hadn’t seen for years. It was my Aunt Mary, of whom I’d been very fond as a kid. She and her husband had lived near my parents back then and we saw each other often. Since then, however, I had moved away from home when I’d gotten a job on the other side of the country. I still saw Aunt Mary when I came home for birthdays and holidays, but that had changed when my parents had retired and moved to another part of the country as well....

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Play It Again SamChapter 4 Mary

The following day Clarity and I drove up to LA a little early. I wanted the extra time to see how the renovations to the Hollywood hills house were coming along. When we moved to San Diego we had decided to keep both the Beach House and the Hollywood hills house. Oddly enough the Beach house we ended up leasing to Michael and Margaret Curtiz, the same folks I learned had purchased the home when I had gone back to 2006. The Hollywood hills house we left vacant in the event any of us needed a...

2 years ago
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This is more about Mary..her husband Bill and myself. After the first time together our friendship developed much deeper. We just connected deeper than just a sexual attraction. There was only 1 moment that made me concerned and that was a few days after our fist visit at Marys and Bills home. I stopped for coffee and when i went in the other younger girl Melanie who works in the shop with Mary gave me a funny little look as i entered. Did she know? As i was pouring my coffee Mary came...

2 years ago
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Seducing Mary

Brian, Tom and Jenna sat around the kitchen table. Brian was actually more pacing than sitting, and was so deep in thought that he had worked a cigarette out of its pack, put it in his mouth and had it halfway lit before realizing that Jenna would have his ass on a platter if he finished the action in her kitchen. Surprisingly, she was so deep in thought that the whole process, complete with stamping out the cigarette and putting it back in Brian's pocket managed to escape her in its...

2 years ago
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Mike and Mary

I am Mike. I grew up in a small town that was so far out in the middle of nowhere that we were heading back in on the other side. If you farted on the south side of town, they knew about it on the north side within 5 minutes. We did not have a stop light in town, just a 4 way stop at the square. I was never a person that someone would notice. Average is the best way to describe me. Height, weight, looks, you name it, YEP I was average. I could stand alone in the middle of a stadium and no one...

4 years ago
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Vengeful VirginChapter 15 Don Does Virgin Mary

It had sounded workable and exciting to all three of them eighteen days ago. Joan, out of guilt for her infidelities, had thought that sharing her husband with her young sister was a fair compromise. Newly deflowered Julie seemed also amenable to sharing her brother in law with his wife. After all, they were married to each other so Joan had a right to him despite her previous immoral actions. For Don, the prospect of being able to fuck his fifteen-year-old sister in law without fear of being...

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Great Aunt Mary

I was about 16 when my mother’s aunt, Mary, was suddenly widowed. She must have been in her late sixties by then. My mother felt responsible for her so the whole family made sure that everything was okay for her and that she had no problems. She was an intelligent woman and still very lively. She would ask me to go to the house to fix minor things around her place that needed some attention. One day, she phoned mother and asked if I could pop over and help her move her late husband’s rocking...

3 years ago
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And Along Comes Mary

I was thirteen when Dad got his new job. From March to July, all I heard was how it was a great opportunity and how this could be a new start for the whole family. Big deal. I didn't want a new start. I was happy here. Len, my sixteen year-old brother, was happy. Chelsea, my twelve year-old sister, was also happy, but as you know, once the adults decide, we get dragged along. Some major multinational was opening up a new office, or as they called it, a 'Rural Campus'. Translated into...

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Maria occasional would blow into town like a storm. This time was no different. She had called when she had stopped for gas outside of town to ask if I could make time for her. It was New Year’s eve and a bit unexpected, but I had no serious plans and welcomed her to ring in the new year together. About an hour later she knocked on the door. ‘George, it’s so good to see you,’ she exclaimed as she threw her arms around my neck. ‘You’re looking good Maria’, I said leaning down into her grasp....

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Losing my virginity to Mary

I masterbated a lot during my youth and I still do, there’s nothing better than a good private wank.I stayed at my mates house whilst his parents were away and he told me to stay in his parents room. I used to love looking at women’s underwear as I’ve previously mentioned in another story so whilst I was in their room I decided I’d have a wank and snoop around to see what underwear my friends Mum ‘Mary’ had. I discovered some huge knickers and bras, Mary was a big woman, her breast size was...

4 years ago
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BBW Mary

I had recently turned s*******n and I was a late bloomer. I had been teased by the other guys for not growing any pubic hair and my penis had been small too. Suddenly the hormones kicked in and I started to grow. It was almost overnight that I went from having no pubic hair to have a full bush around my now good sized cock. The guys in the gym class now started to tease me about my big cock instead of having a little penis... I clearly prefer to be teased because I was much bigger than them.My...

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BBW Mary

I had recently turned s*******n and I was a late bloomer. I had been teased by the other guys for not growing any pubic hair and my penis had been small too. Suddenly the hormones kicked in and I started to grow. It was almost overnight that I went from having no pubic hair to have a full bush around my now good sized cock. The guys in the gym class now started to tease me about my big cock instead of having a little penis... I clearly preferred to be teased because I was much bigger than...

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BBW Mary

I had recently turned s*******n and I was a late bloomer. I had been teased by the other guys for not growing any pubic hair and my penis had been small too. Suddenly the hormones kicked in and I started to grow. It was almost overnight that I went from having no pubic hair to have a full bush around my now good sized cock. The guys in the gym class now started to tease me about my big cock instead of having a little penis... I clearly preferred to be teased because I was much bigger than...

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Cherishing Mary

CHERISHING MARY! By Anne Gray "To love and to cherish, As long as we both shall live? I do." Life wasn't fair, in fact sometimes it was downright hard to handle. Mary and I had been married for just on thirty years and now I was looking at closets full of her clothes wondering what I would do without her. At fifty-two I was alone...

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Tammy and I meet mary

After work I would get home about 1 in the afternoon. One day after lunch Tammy announced that she wanted me to help her work on her tan. She stripped, and we went out to the backyard, where I found out that she had already laid a blanket out on the grass. On the blanket was a bottle of tanning oil. She had also pounded 4 tent stakes into the ground, with ropes attached to each. She pulled my cock and balls out of my pants and sucked until it was hard, which took about 5 seconds. Then...

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