Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
- 297
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“It was a sort of spur of the moment thing.”
“And it didn’t occur to you to, you know, speak to me first?”
“I honestly didn’t expect anything to come of it.”
“Oh and that makes it all okay does it?”
“I know I...”
“Don’t you dare even try to wriggle out of this.”
“You have done some stupid things in my time, but this? This is a whole new level of stupidity.”
The voices crashed into silence.
Fifteen year old Scott looked over at his one year younger sister, Mary. She looked terrified. They had never heard their parents argue like this. Ever. The occasional raised word every now and then, but never on this scale. Never with such ferocity. Scott saw the tears at the corners of her eyes. Something had to be done. It was just that he didn’t know what.
“It’ll be okay.” Scott whispered to her. It didn’t sound sincere. Even to his ears. Scott descended the stairs, leaving his sister to sob quietly at the top. Hesitantly he entered the kitchen. “Mum, dad, what’s up?”
His mum glanced at him then turned a gaze that could freeze Hell onto his father. “Your father,” There was a short pause that positively dripped venom. “Took it upon himself, to buy another house.”
“A house?” Scott was astounded. “Why?”
“See! Even your son gets it!”
“I...” Tried his father again.
“Don’t!” His mother held out her left hand, palm outwards towards his father, “let me stop you right there.” She turned and headed to the fridge, lifting out an un-opened bottle of wine. A large glass was also liberated from an upper cupboard. Armed with glass and bottle, she stormed from the kitchen. A quietly crying Mary entered in her wake.
“What’s going on dad?” Scott lifted an arm as Mary slipped into the offered embrace.
Their father sighed deeply and retrieved a mug from the cupboard, flicking on the kettle. He nodded to the kitchen table and it’s attendant chairs. “You might as well take a seat.”
Scott pulled out a chair and sat. Mary followed, sitting on his lap like she used to do when little, holding tightly to the arms he folded around her. Their father pulled out his own chair and sat down.
“A couple of weeks ago,” He started to explain. “I saw a house nearby up for sale. It seemed a stupidly low price, so. I put in a cheeky offer, not expecting much. And it, er, got accepted. The owner is after a quick sale. Needs the money apparently.”
Scott rested his chin on Mary’s shoulder, struggling with concepts that he didn’t quite fully understand. “But aren’t we in a recession? Hasn’t the housing market collapsed? If we sell our house now, will we not get less than what you bought it for? Negative e, e, eq...”
“Equity. Yes.” The kettle boiled and their father stood and started to make a coffee. He paused, “You want one?” Scott and Mary shook their heads. “That is the case. This house would never come close to paying for the other one. However, it was a slow day at work,”
“Obviously.” Scott interrupted.
“And I did a bit of research. You know how interest rates are rock bottom at the moment?” Scott nodded his head. He knew they were at a quarter of a percent. A record or something. They were always going on about it on the news, though he didn’t quite understand why that was important.
“Well, rental yield is still quite high, as is demand in the area. So, out of curiosity, I phoned my mortgage provider. Turns out- I did a bit of enquiring- that the rental income we could get from this house is higher than the mortgage payments. That excess just so happens to make up the difference between what we -your mum and I- pay for this house and what we would have to pay for the other one. With interest rates so low and no sign of changing any time soon, it was too good an opportunity to let slip. You follow?”
Scott nodded his head. He didn’t really follow. Mary sniffled on his lap, wiping her nose on the sleeve of her jumper. “So,” Scott cautiously started as his brain struggled to process all the new information “We get someone else to pay for this house, by living in it. Whilst we live in another house which we -you and mom- pay for. And at the end, you end up with two houses and the renters with nothing?”
“Exactly! And it won’t cost us any more money.” He took a large sip of his coffee.
“Do we have to move schools dad?” Mary asked.
“No, it’s only a few streets away, that is the beauty of it. You can both stay at the same school, you will keep your friends and our commutes won’t alter.”
“So why is mum so angry dad?” Asked Scott.
“Because I never ran it past her first. To be honest, I wasn’t expecting the offer to be accepted.”
“What’s the house like dad?” Broke in Mary.
“Good question. I’ II show you.” He stood and made his way to his briefcase tucked away and forgotten in the corner. He laid it flat on the countertop and popped both the catches at the same time. He rummaged inside and pulled out some sheets of A 4 stapled together at the top left corner. He handed it to Mary. Scott rested his chin on her shoulder again as he looked down. First thing he noticed was the price. It made his eyes water. The second thing was that it was detached, not terraced like their present one and actually had a garden to the front and not the concrete slabbed pavement they had outside at present.
“It’s got a driveway!” Scott exclaimed
“And a garage.” Added their father. Mary turned the page. There was text about council tax band, heat efficiency and some other adult stuff that was of no interest to Scott. It was hard to tell but it appeared the rooms were bigger. The kitchen certainly was.
“It even has a basement.” Their father pointed out. “We could get a pool table in there, maybe a dartboard. A proper man cave, away from the women.”
“Oi!” Complained Mary.
Scott was sold. Mary turned the page. Bedrooms. And they were bigger as well. Two of the bedrooms had on-suites. The last page had local information and a picture of the back garden. Which was about four times the size of their present one, which was large enough just for the rotary drier and that was it.
“And mom doesn’t like it because?” Scott asked.
“Ah, well, she hasn’t seen it yet, I never got that far.”
“Should have led with this first.” Mary pointed out. Their dad reached over and tussled her hair.
“I know that now clever clogs. I just wasn’t expecting her to go full PMT on me.”
“PMT?” Scott was at a loss with the acronym.
“Ask your sister about it.”
“Don’t.” His sister warned before Scott even opened his mouth, glaring at her father.
“Are you going to show her now?” Scott asked.
Their father sighed. “No, I’ll leave it for a bit. Let her calm down.” He took the brochure out of Mary’s hands and placed it on top of his briefcase. Scott’s legs were starting to go dead; he could feel the onset of pins and needles, so he unceremoniously shoved Mary off and stood, alternately shaking his legs. A basement, that would make a cool den! Scott thought. Awesome.
Scott headed back to his room for some FIFA football action on his computer. He was about to click on the FIFA icon on the desktop when he remembered something. He clicked on Google instead, typed in ‘PMT’ and hit return. He scanned the results. “Oh.” There was a knock at the door and he quickly closed the window. “Yeah?”
Mary bounced in, all excited, and waving her tablet as she leapt onto his bed, “I bags the other bedroom with on-suite.”
Mary raised and reversed the tablet so he could see what was on the screen. She had already found the estate agent on-line, and the house, and was currently looking at the pictures. There were more pictures online than there was in the brochure. “I said, I bags the other bedroom with the on-suite.”
“Yeah, whatever.” Scott wasn’t that interested in a bedroom with an adjoining bathroom. Besides if his sister had her own, then that meant she wouldn’t be spending any where as much time as she currently did in the present house toilet, of which there was just one.
“Just look at the size of the rooms! I could have sleepovers and shit!” Scott looked down on his sister, sprawled out on his bed. The last couple of months had seen a marked change in her wardrobe and taste. Out had gone K-pop and your generic mass produced, family friendly pop. In came angry angst ridden wailing from the likes of My Chemical Romance and other wrist slashing barrels of joy.
Her clothing quickly followed suit. Pastels and flowers beaten to death and buried in a shallow grave by the all-encompassing black. Yes, that’s a really nice colour, but do you do it in black was now king. Or was it queen? She was still going on about her new room in a house their parents had not even bought yet. Her knees bending as she casually kicked her heels to and from her arse. And holy shit what an arse! Mary was wearing some sort of Lycra type leggings -black of course- that had been tailored, stitched, glued or something, so that it followed every contour exactly. Scott had never really noticed before, mainly because the black tunic thing she normally wore as well, came down to mid-thigh. As she collapsed on his bed and generally squirmed about, the hem of the aforementioned tunic had risen to her waist, leaving one hell of curvy rear open to his gaze. How did the Lycra follow those contours and disappear into the crack of her arse like that? He could park the front wheel of a bike in that crack.
He became aware that the room was silent. Scott dropped his gaze to meet that of his sister’s. She stared back for a few seconds, and then slowly, purposely, turned her head round to look behind her. She turned back.
“Were you just staring at my arse?”
“No. I was staring at the Taylor Swift poster on the wall.”
Mary turned her head again to glance at the bare, poster free wall. She turned back with a frown on her face. “There isn’t a Taylor...”
“Yes, okay, I was staring at your arse. When the fuck did you get a ‘grade A’ arse?”
Mary flipped the case cover over the screen of her tablet and slipped from the bed. “And when did you start being such a perv?” she fired back.
It was like a switch had been flicked on in his head as he suddenly noticed things about her that he had never noticed before. Like what a pair of legs she had, and how the Lycra seemed to accentuate the muscles and suppleness of her legs as she strode from the room. She shut the door firmly behind her. Scott let out a blast of air through his mouth. “Wow!”
It was Saturday morning. It was EARLY Saturday morning. Normally Scott would still be in the land of nod, but they were off to see the house. He wasn’t particularly bothered about it, but his sister was positively bouncing off the walls with excitement. They met the estate agent at the house and she had hardly opened the door and Mary was in. There was a plaque on the front door- “A man’s home is his castle”. Scott thought that was a bit tacky.
There was a squeal of delight from upstairs. The estate agent laughed! “It looks like the house is a hit with someone already.” The furnishings and carpets were still there, but all the possessions, paintings and detritus of family life that had been in the brochure pictures was gone. His mother started up a conversation with Sarah, the Estate Agent.
“Where is the family that lived here? Have they emigrated or something Sarah?”
“Sadly not. You know that really bad train crash a few weeks ago?”
“Yes, what a terrible tragedy. So many killed.”
“Unfortunately, the family that lived here were some of the unlucky ones.”
“The whole family?” Asked his mother, aghast. Sarah nodded. “Jeez, that’s horrific.”
“So who owns it now?” Asked, Scott’s father.
“A distant relative. Turns out he runs a business that was hit hard by the banking scandal and needs funds as soon as possible to avoid going under.”
“So that’s why my offer was accepted?”
“Yes, the new owner can’t afford to wait and with the housing market being as sluggish as it is at the moment, what with the recession and all.” Sarah shrugged. “The kitchen.” she stated somewhat needlessly, as they entered it.
“Ohhh, I like this!” His mother went straight over to the nearest countertop and ran her hand over it in delight. Scott took a closer look. He didn’t know much about countertops other than his mother went proper ballistic if he used a knife on it without using a chopping board or plate to protect the surface. He rapped a knuckle against it. It looked to be some sort of black stone with sparkly bits through it. There was no hiding his mother’s delight as she opened drawers and cupboards. One wall of the kitchen was sliding glass doors that opened onto a flagged patio leading out into the back garden. Two walls had countertops with cupboard space above and below, one of which contained a large glass topped cooker, and the other wall had a large fridge freezer and sink. The fourth wall was open plan to a dining area. In the middle of the kitchen was a freestanding countertop that was surfaced in the same glittering black stone, with more cupboards underneath and a small sink with a single flexible pipe sprouting from the edge like a miniature shower head. A couple of tall stools were placed around the outside of the central preparation area.
Scott’s mother was still opening a shutting doors and drawers. The sliding movement of the drawers proving to be a source of great joy. His father in the mean-time was looking at a bank of switches on the wall. He pressed one of the buttons and the countertops were bathed in a bright light emanating from underneath the upper cupboards.
“Ooo ... Now that, I DO like!” Exclaimed his mother. Sarah politely guided his parents from the kitchen. The decor in the rest of the house was at odds with the modern day functionality of the kitchen. There was a lot of wooden panelling on the walls, decorative coving, muted light, false ceiling beams and an obvious attempt by the previous owner to shape the house like a Tudor building. Just not very successfully. The plaque on the front door started to make a bit more sense to Scott. His father was in different, his mother not so impressed.
“The previous owner was a builder.” supplied Sarah “Who had a rather obvious historical liking, I’ll admit.” She smiled knowingly at Scott’s mother. “It would also appear that whilst his wife could tolerate some quirks, it obviously didn’t extend to the kitchen. Given the state of the kitchen, it appeared that he could have the house the way he wanted, only if the kitchen was built to her standards and built first.”
“A shrewd woman.” Agreed his mother. The hallway that housed the stairs also contained a mini LED chandelier. His parents both looked at each other upon spotting the chandelier and shared a look of wry amusement.
“Originally” carried on Sarah as she led them up the stairs “This was a four bedroom property, but the previous owner removed one room so he could add the on suites and space for fitted wardrobes. He also extended the building slightly to accommodate the extra space required for the kitchen. As a result the upstairs bedrooms are very spacious.” And they were.
They encountered Mary in one room, flat on her back, staring at the ceiling. “This is my room.” She stated possessively.
“Get your shoes off the bed!” scolded their mother. Reluctantly Mary sat up and swung her feet off the bare mattress.
“Carpets, fixtures and fittings, and furniture are all part of the sale.” Sarah carried on. “Obviously, if you wish to replace them with your own, if you purchase the property, then it will be at your own expense.” Scott’s mom and dad had a brief look in the en-suite and moved on. “This here is the master bedroom.” The bedroom was decorated in a modern fashion and the en-suite bathroom, which contained an actual bath, was in the latest style. It appeared the wife had put her foot down here as well.
The wardrobe doors were mirrored, which made the already sizeable room appear even bigger. His mother opened one door, which slid silently back on its runners revealing floor to ceiling drawers and a loose cupboard door on the floor next to a shoe rack. She slid the mirrored doors back to access the middle potion of the wardrobe. Just open space. She slid the last door across revealing more drawers and a cupboard missing its door, the reason for it being door-less readily apparent. The safe contained within having its door forced open to such an extent that it was useless. It was empty inside.
“The last room upstairs...” They all trooped into the last room, Mary joining them from ‘her’ room.
The room was painted in pastel colours where the walls weren’t clad in even more decorative wooden panelling. It was readily apparent that it had been a young girl’s room, and was the only room in the house to have a four poster complete with canopy for a bed. The four pillars, at best, could be described as having been carved by a very enthusiastic amateur. It appeared that the previous owners building skills didn’t stretch as far as joinery. Not that it was an obvious issue for Mary who announced straight away “I want that for my room.” Their father went over and gave one of the pillars a shove. It didn’t move. “It’s mine” Mary reiterated firmly. Their parents looked at Scott who just shrugged.
“If she wants it, she can have it” Mary didn’t even bat an eyelid, as though ownership was never in any doubt.
Sarah pointedly looked at her watch. “Just the garage and basement and a look at the back garden if you wish?” The garage was a plain single car affair with a lean too roof attached to the side of the house. No-one ventured into the back garden. They weren’t a garden type family. Access to the basement was through a doorway under the stairs. It was well-lit by more LED down-lighters, though the walls were covered in a stone effect covering.
“It’s like the access to a dungeon” Joked their father.
“That isn’t creepy at all.” Stated Mary, though to Scott’s ears, she didn’t sound remotely creeped out. The stairwell led down to the basement that appeared to be the same size as the first floor. It was well lit with LED down-lighters and without the boxes that had been in the brochure, was quite cavernous. The slightly dusty concrete floor had been patterned to look as though it was flagged. The walls contoured to look like they were of hewn stone. There was even a little alcove with iron bars across it to look like a widow.
“No man’s castle is complete without his own dungeon.” remarked their father as Sarah politely herded them back upstairs and back outside.
“I’ll let you think about it” Sarah said as she locked the door behind them. “I have some more viewings today but there will be someone in the office all day if you have any questions.” Sarah said goodbye and climbed into a little smart car emblazoned all over with the name of the estate agent along with the number, address and website details.
They watched the car depart.
“Well?” asked their father eventually. Their mother’s response was to leap into their father’s arms and kiss him deeply and passionately.
“Eurgh! Get a room!” Mary said as she looked away in disgust.
Their mother broke the kiss and poked her husband in the chest with a forefinger. “I’ll let you off, just this once, but if you EVER pull a stunt like this again, I shall kick you so hard in the balls, that you’ll sound like a choirboy for the rest of your life”. Mary rolled her eyes and headed for the car.
They drove into town, Mary and Scott allowed to wander the shops while their parents worked at the financial side at their bank before heading to the estate agents to hand over the details and the contact details of their solicitor so the legal ball could be set rolling.
Scott’s phone rang. It was his mother telling him to make his way back to the car. He was the last to arrive, his sister already grilling their parents over when they could move in and then moaning in frustration when she was told “not until the lawyers had prepared the paperwork.”
To Scott, the next couple of weeks seemed to drag, every day filled with Mary incessantly asking when they were moving. So it was with great relief when the day finally arrived. The week before the big move, they all went round as a family for a few evenings and striped the walls of the more objectionable colours - Like the pink and painted flowers adorning the walls in Scott’s room- replacing them with a colour pallet more in keeping with their tastes. Their parents had decided that they would get a higher rental value to their house - their old house now- being furnished, so they kept almost all the existing furniture in their new house. The faux ceiling beams downstairs, the pretend oak panelling and the pretend chandelier they decided to leave until they had sufficient funds to pay for their removal. The existing carpets and flooring in the bathrooms they decided to keep as well until the financial situation also allowed their replacement. They also decided to leave the basement come dungeon as it was. One of the first things their father had done upon receiving the keys, was remove the plaque from the front door. Mary, upon seeing its removal, quietly fished it back out of the bin when no-one was looking.
Their father did a cash deal with one of the delivery drivers at his work to ‘borrow’ him and one of the works vans for the Saturday and they loaded up and moved their possessions over several tips. The two houses being just a few streets away was an added bonus. Scott slept well on the Saturday night, exhausted by all the box carrying. Sunday was a day of excitement as they finally had time to explore all their new house had to offer, without all the rushing to and fro from the borrowed company van.
Their mother made a big thing about cooking their’ first proper meal’ in their new house on Sunday. Though the seriousness of it all was somewhat marred by her not being able to find anything, continually reaching for items and cupboards that weren’t there and burning the meal because her new cooker was more efficient than the old one she was used to.
A week later after they had ‘officially’ moved in, Scott was still finding himself walking back to his old home rather than the new one. A young family, unable to afford the deposit for a mortgage, had already moved into their old house. Which had greatly pleased his parents as it removed from them the burden of having to fund two mortgages. He inserted his new key into the equally new lock.
There was still a strong smell of paint in the air, though it always seemed to disappear after an hour or two in the house. Scott made his way upstairs to his new room, tossing his school bag at a corner and opening his windows wide to try and replace the paint tainted air. Switching on his computer at the wall, he pressed the on button at the front of the tower. His singular thirteen inch CRT had been replaced with two twenty three inch LCD models as a thank you from his parents for all his help during the move, and all the walls painted since. Whilst he waited for windows to load, the stripped out of his school uniform into something more comfortable. He pulled a pair of tracksuit bottoms out of the bottom drawer and kicked it shut with his foot. It sprung back out a little bit. He kicked it again. It popped back out a smidgeon. His computer beeped and he turned back to it.
“For Fucks sake...” : Windows is updating, please don’t turn off your computer: He glanced back at the chest of drawers. There was a small sliver of black between the drawer and the carcass, the bottom drawer not quite in line with the rest. He must have lost a sock or something behind the drawer or something. Scott dropped to his hands and knees and pulled the drawer out as far as it would go. He studied the runners for a moment, worked out where the release catches were. Pressing both catches in together, he slid the drawer fully out of the carcass. Scott put the drawer to the side and peered in. Sure enough something had fallen down behind the drawer. He reached in and pulled out one single blue ankle sock that definitely wasn’t his. He threw it into the bin. It wasn’t much use to Scott or its recently deceased owner. There was a pink sock is there as well. Scott pulled that out, though it didn’t feel much like a sock when it was in his hand.
A quick glance in the light of day set his pulse racing as he looked down at a pair of very lacy pink panties. He stretched them out between his two hands against the summer light coming in through his window. “Wow” They were sexy as hell. He brought them to his nose and took a tentative sniff. It was a weird smell. Partly dusty, partly wooden from the un-painted bare wood inside the dresser and the barest hint of flowers or something, most probably from the washing powder.
That they were so intimately linked to the previous inhabitant of the room, who just happened to be a teen girl, was extremely erotic to Scott. He tossed the pants onto his bed and, after a couple of failed attempts to line the runners up, slid the drawer back into place. The drawers now lined up perfectly. Windows was still updating. He lay down upon his bed and pulled out his hard cock and started to stroke it with one hand whilst he picked up the lacy pink panties with the other. He imagined the previous owner lying naked but for the panties, lying on the very same bed, squeezing a breast with one hand whilst the other rubbed her pussy through her panties. “Oh fuck yes...” Scott moaned as the girl in his mind similarly moaned.
Her legs splayed wide open as her hand feverishly rubbed her pussy, back arching off the bed as she came. Scott’s back didn’t arch, but his toes certainly curled as warm white cum erupted from the tip of his cock to splatter across his t-shirt clad chest.
“Eurgh.” He muttered as he milked the last of the cum from his cock. Scott sat up slightly so he could remove the soaked T-Shirt. He used the dry bits to mop up the remainder of cum from his hands and around his cock. He slipped his new found favourite possession under the mattress and pulled a clean T-shirt out of the drawer.
For the next few mornings and nights he had several very enjoyable wanks, dreaming about the girl and her pants, sometimes on her own, sometimes with Scott. He really wished he could have seen her in them, felt her body through them. Once, he briefly even considered grave robbing to bring his fantasy to reality. He quickly discounted it though. He didn’t know where she was buried, or if she was even buried and not cremated. And even if she was buried nearby, it had been weeks since the accident. So she probably smelt a bit, and not in a good way.
Mary still wanted her four poster, as amateurishly carved as it was. To Scott it appeared more the principle of having one than because of any aesthetic reason, the thing was god-damn awful in his eyes. That didn’t stop her badgering their father about it to such an extent that he eventually handed her a screwdriver set and pointedly remarked that “God helps those who help themselves”.
As their parents left on Saturday morning for the weekly shop, and to trail round carpet and curtain showrooms, Mary bounded into Scott’s room armed with the screwdriver set.
“Come on, give me a hand big bro’” Scott sighed and paused his game. When his sister was in one of her missions it was better just to either get out of her way, or help her so she would leave quicker. She dumped the screwdriver set on the bed “How does this come down?”
“How the hell would I know? I didn’t build it.”
“You’re a bloke; don’t you know blokey type shit?”
“I know about as much about joinery as you know about cooking.”
“Low blow bro’, low blow ... Look, how hard can it be?”
“‘How hard can it be?’ The famous last words said before many a death. Only beaten in stupidity stakes by ‘Hold my beer, I’ve got this!’”
“Ye’ of little faith ... come on, shift your arse.”
Scott couldn’t see this escapade ending in anything other than a blue light fast drive to the big building with the equally big ‘H’ on the roof and ‘Hosp’ on the side. He went searching for the stepladder. With copious amounts of un-helpful advice from Mary, he set about dismantling the canopy “Woah! Watch it! You damn near took my head off!” Mary danced back as Scott swung down a crosspiece.
“Why the fuck do you want this anyway M?”
“It’s nice.”
Scott looked at the terrible carving “Really? Been to Specsavers lately, because I think you are overdue.” It took most of the morning to dissemble the canopy.
I guess with all the excitement and with the radio being on, we never heard his grandfather come in. He walked in with me kneeling over Scott with his cock in mouth and me fucking myself with a brush. He cleared his throat out loud and we both jumped up with pure fright. He then said, "after you get dressed, we should talk ". We were both so scared but we sat in the living room with Vern to await our fate. I was scared that he would tell my parents but he said he wouldn't. He actually eased...
It was about 7pm when I headed back over to Vern's. He had ordered a couple of pizzas for dinner then we ended up sitting on the couch getting ready for the movie. Vern was only wearing a pair of shorts that accented his bulge nicely and an button up short sleeve shirt that was left completely unbuttoned exposing his massive hairy chest. I was wearing just a tank top and soccer shorts without any underwear. He complimented me on the nice tan I had and offered to rub more lotion on my back...
Scott's had recently turned 18, for his birthday his father and his stepmom decided to get his own laptop so he didn't have to share the family computer no longer. Scott resented his stepmom, he hated the way she made him address as her as Mom or Mommy. Scott's real Mom ran out on him when he was little boy, so now he lives with his father (40), stepmom (52) and two half sisters both younger.Scott was a total nerd, top of all his classed, member of the chess team, and the AV club. He had never...
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Chapter One: Feelings realizedIt was a friday and there was Sara sitting Alone in her living room watching Television. As she landed on something finally interesting the power clicked off."No!" she shouted"Sara!?" Her roommate Scott said emerging from his room. Sara met Scott six months earlier, he was new in town and was looking for a place to stay and Sara was between jobs and desperately needed half of the rent so she agreed."The whole block's out!" Scott said looking out the window. "So...
"No one lives forever," said a voice in his ear. "Certainly not us," said another, on the other side. Two figures, both women, appeared in the mirror behind him, though Friedrich knew that if he turned around he would not see them. They were only ever in the mirror. Friedrich sighed and sat down. The room was dark, and filthy, and full of dust. The windows and doors were barricaded, and everything smelled of decay. How long had he been here? He barely remembered now. He was dying...
I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
At 17 I never dreamed that I would be returning to live with my father. I said “I do” to my high school sweetheart that year. The problem was, over the next five years he would continue to say “I do” to every woman that winked at him and after our first year of teaching, I said, “Enough,” and had no where else to go.Fortunately, that was also the summer when my little brother was going to leave our small town where he had worked since he was 15 in the medical equipment center and go for 6...
Where am I? Who am I? I struggle with figuring out these things from a fuzzy state of u*********sness. As I slowly come to, I remember my name is Scott Smith. I am lying face down on some sort of table. I try to raise my head and torso, but I am strapped down. The room is pitch black so I can’t see anything. I try to remember how I got here. The events of last night are coming back. I was in a bar talking to a knockout looking chick. She was enjoying my come on lines that always work well,...
I knelt down next to Mama in the bath and ran a scrunchie across her shoulders. Her head was back against the little purple pillow, one of those that suctions onto the side of the tub. I bought it for her from Wal-Mart. She had a scented towel across her eyes and her breaths came in slow and rhythmic succession so I knew she was asleep. I moved the scrunchie across the front of her chest and watched the water and soap flow down over the vast expanse of soft flesh. I dipped the little plastic...
First TimeMy last patient of the day needed a check-up after a minor operation. I was running late so I’m the last one at the outpatient clinic, the rest of the staff had already left for the day.“Wow, this is a very nice young stud,” I thought, as soon as I saw him. I invited him to come with me to the examination room. He had dark hair, brown eyes, was a little muscular, not too tall and an aura which made me at the least, very curious. As soon as we were in the examination room, I locked the door. I...
Oral SexMy situation is so surreal. My name is Scott Smith and I find myself standing naked In front of a ranch house. The house is on the HO Ranch and it is here that I hope to get some answers. A nice elderly couple drove me here after picking me up on the road outside a warehouse that I had been held captive in for who knows how long. My tormentor did some cruel and unusual things to me. She injected my breasts with a bovine lactation stimulant mixed with female hormones. It caused my breasts to...
Tim's Friend Scott Hello again, yep another installment in the sneaky nephew universe. This one involves Tim's friend Scott. If you haven't read the first several stories in this series, you've missed a lot. Just to catch you up, my sneaky nephew Darrin, started this all just after he turned 18 and lead me into a great three years, and I say sneaky because he instigated the sex part, not me. While I was sworn to secrecy, I guess he was allowed to talk, because I met plenty of his friends...
My name is Scott. I am a 15 year old boy who lives in a pretty wealthy neighborhood, my father is a wealthy business man, my mother is a physical education teacher. My only sibling is my 16 year old sister Katie, who goes to a different school to me, because our parents wanted us to go to single-sex schools, which is pretty shit in my opinion. The lack of girls at school really annoys me, which is why I use porn as my only sexual relief. I never bothered with girls, picking up is too hard, not...
IncestRandi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...
Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...
When I pushed the key into the door, we heard a small click, and he shot one of his famous smiles at me again. I opened the door and walked in. Now this hotel is very nice. They advertised their amenities, not their prices, meaning they were nice rooms. When Scott and I walked in, he flicked on the lights, and I backed him up against the wall, and proceeded to kiss him passionately. He had a light teenage mustache, that I loved a lot, and it tickled my upper lip as I kissed him. We...
Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...
Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...
Prom. The last night of this life.Scott was on the dancefloor, particularly handsome tonight. The grey suit he was wearing made him look older and wiser. But he was also very, very drunk, dancing with a friend of ours; a beautiful girl who, unfortunately, had a terrible reputation. I saw their bodies get closer, his crotch rubbing against hers. As usual, he got hard very fast. I laughed to myself. Will he ever change?I hope not.I have known Scott all my life. We were neighbours, best friends,...
Gay MaleThere was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...
He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...
Scott was blondish, with a nice white swimmer’s body. I thought he was smoking hot, and so did some other people. He was tall, like 5’ 10”, with a medium build. He always had his bangs spiked up at the front, which always turned me on when I saw him. We were in forensics together, and basically in the same category. I was in extemporaneous speaking, and he was in radio speaking. We both needed to be in the draw room before every round, which gave us allot of free time together. One day, it was...
Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...
I woke up again when the lights came back on. ‘Wakey Wakey” she said. I must have passed out again sometime during my night of **** from that machine. “Did you two have a good time?” she asked. As she went around to the fuck machine to check it she said, “Oh my yes you did. You two had sex six times last night. Naughty Naughty. Did you get enough to eat Scott? I bet you did. Well I will leave that in place for a moment and check on my other experiments.” She moved around to under the table...
I woke up again when the lights came back on. ‘Wakey Wakey” she said. I must have passed out again sometime during my night of **** from that machine. “Did you two have a good time?” she asked. As she went around to the fuck machine to check it she said, “Oh my yes you did. You two had sex six times last night. Naughty Naughty. Did you get enough to eat Scott? I bet you did. Well I will leave that in place for a moment and check on my other experiments.” She moved around to under the table...
This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
IncestThis introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
IncestSant Ghoshal-Anand Goswami ‘pahunche huye’ siddh purush ya mahatma hn.Sundar Van ke ghane jungle me Aadiwasi basti se sata unka ‘Slddhashram’ h.swami ji vese to Raam Bhakti ki rasik shakha Sakhi Sampraday ke bhakt hn lekin vo Shiv Bhagvan ke nagn rup ke upasak bhi hn.Isi liye unke Ashram me ghuste hi ek sundar Shiva Ling sthaapit milta h. kaha jata h ki yeh ”Swaymbhu Lingam” h, arthat iska nirman kisi kaarigar ne nahin kiya, ye to uska apne aap bana prakritik rup nitya ling h. Swami ji ke...
Mandy's sickest stories - Mandy reloadedAuthor: SickoChickMandyAuthor's email: mandydarkfantasies [at] gmail [dot] comTags: F/f, torture, snuff, feet, nc, cannibalismProofread by EmmaPNote, that English is not my native language, so my writing will surely have many grammatical and syntax errors just as improper usage of expressions. I can only hope someone will still find it exciting. Be aware, this is graphic, brutal and extreme. I read it after writing and scared of myself.DisclaimerThis...
Andrew Running (part 1 of Andrea's Stand) Chapter 1: Running I called my Aunt Clara from the bus station. She didn't seem that surprised to hear from me and when I explained why I was there she told me to walk a couple of blocks to the local diner and get myself a cup of coffee. She'd pick me up in about half an hour. I sat and sipped chocolate milk and tried to eat a pastry while I glanced nervously out of the window waiting for my father to show up and force me into his...
by Millie Dynamite Jaden and I meet a few weeks after he transferred to the Naval base just outside of town. I sat on a bar stool sipping my Pappy Van Winkle when this tall African-American man in full dress uniform sat next to me. He whore captain’s bars. He possessed an air of authority. I nodded to him when perched on the next stool. He returned my nod with his own acknowledgment, in a deep voice he said, “Yo.” He spoke without looking at me. “I’ll have bourbon, make it a shot of Evan...
This is a story about seduction and transformation that’s written about a real-life sissy named Brandon Hippel, Brandon’s a cute little limp-wristed sissy-faggot from Abington Pennsylvania that loves to be humiliated and exposed online. She loves feminization, crossdressing, being exposed online, humiliation, anal play, degradation, being captioned, taking pictures, and talking to new people, so feel free to contact her through these various social media; Her kik is; HumiliationSlut2Her email...
Armand Wilson sat in his home office/study sighing. From the office, things had looked pretty good; business was on track, and Sharon appeared to be handling her new situation well. But in the car on the way home, Armand began getting bad vibes, and when he arrived at his mansion, things were even worse. Everyone on staff was walking around as if on eggshells. It took Armand about twenty minutes' worth of snooping, but the situation resolved itself -- the Hernandez' quarters were an armed...
Hi Dosto mera name knight he me harroz net yahoo me raat ko chat karta hu aur cam2cam chat karta hu 1 deen ki baat he har raat ki tarha aaj bhi chat karhata tha lekin aaj meri chat par mulakat jis ladkise hue vo alag thi, usne cac2cam chat k liye muje invite kiya mene bhi apna cam on kiya, thodi der idher uthar ki bate chalne lagy aur fir hui sexy bate usne mere lund ki size puchhi mene bataya mere lund ki size 8′ he to vo hasane lagy mujapar mene kaha me sach bolraha hu to boli mene bahut logo...
by Oediplex 8==3~ The sweetest mom discovers her boy is both convenient and delightful. [She also recounts when her dad fucked her at nineteen!] Like the name of Madame DeVille's moniker, Cruella, some names fit the personality they are bestowed upon. Disney came up with that evil woman's apropos handle. My mother's folks named their only child, a daughter, Candy. This was shortly before the infamous 1968 movie was out. Though there were aspects of mom that paralleled the...
The sounds of the soft snores of the kids as they sleep in the tent are intertwined with the sounds of crickets chirping and the faint cry of a loon as the sun slowly and reluctantly gives off it’s last bit of light as it disappears behind the horizon. We have our arms around each other as we sit on the beach beside a fire, warm, happy and very content after a full day of fun with each other and our kids. As we sit on the old familiar gray blanket, we look up at the stars, millions of them, as...
I knelt down next to Mama in the bath and ran a scrunchie across her shoulders. Her head was back against the little purple pillow, one of those that suctions onto the side of the tub. I bought it for her from Wal-Mart. She had a scented towel across her eyes and her breaths came in slow and rhythmic succession so I knew she was asleep. I moved the scrunchie across the front of her chest and watched the water and soap flow down over the vast expanse of soft flesh. I dipped the little plastic...
Holly’s belly filled with a thousand fluttering butterflies as she waited for him on a brick wall outside of her house. Her legs dangling over the edge, she wasn’t quite sure why she was so nervous about his arrival. They had met before. But under different circumstances, they were in public constantly. But this time they’d be all alone in a Las Vegas hotel room. She waited only a few minutes before he pulled up. She stood up, tucking a strand of her dark blonde hair behind her ear. Her full,...
Prom. The last night of this life. Scott was on the dancefloor, particularly handsome tonight. The grey suit he was wearing made him look older and wiser. But he was also very, very drunk, dancing with a friend of ours, a beautiful girl who, unfortunately, had a terrible reputation. I saw their bodies get closer, his crotch rubbing against hers. As usual, he got hard very fast. I laughed to myself. Will he ever change? I hope not. I have known Scott all my life. We were neighbours, best...
I forgot to mention that it was Vern's 70th birthday the next day.I called him the next morning to thank him for the wonderful gift and to see if he had any which he did not. I dreamt of him all night and couldn't kwait to see him again. I asked if he wanted to go to a nice place for dinner that night to celebrate my treat. Of course he said yes. I arrived at his house around 7pm. He was already ready and looked so handsome and smelled terrific . I told him I'd have to fight the ladies off with...
We sat together and talked while he caressed my back. I asked him when he felt an attraction for me and he told me that he always thought I was cute and the day he caught me pleasing his grandson threw him over the edge. He also confessed to jerking off that night thinking of me. I confessed as well that I'd stare at his crotch when he'd wear his speedo and he said "I know ". It was getting late and I really had to get going so I got dressed and headed for the door. He said "hold on for a...
So I laid face down on the chair with my towel still wrapped around me. He pulled up a chair next to me so he'd be comfortable. He was wearing just a towel too and the position I was laying I could get a clear view of his cock. I immediately felt an erection coming on. He applied the lotion and started working around my neck. It felt so good. He worked on there and my back for ten minutes before he moved down to my calves. I remarked, " this is how a massage feels? I never knew what I've been...
Well, now it's time for school. Candace and I go to a small high school, not private, but because we are so rich, it is not exactly public either. The students have been screened by my fathers' security teams; they are all exceptionally bright, well mannered, not prone to causing trouble, and to add ice cream to the pie, all are very good looking. There are 40 students, 20 boys and 20 girls. When the school was larger it had state champion quality teams in boys basketball, girls volleyball...
Dave and Mary Dave and Mary lived in a large stately home on the outskirts of Yeleverton on Dartmoor, Dave is a multi millionaire from a large lottery win some years ago, and Mary ran a small business selling women's clothes in Tavistock which is a few miles north of Yeleverton. They both lived very comfortably and where both very happy with each other. Dave to relieve the bored of not working helped out at the shop which his wife runs, Dave was just a glorified coffee boy but...
"Are you smitten by the waitress?" I teasingly asked Mary.We were having a few drinks after dinner, waiting for an up and coming local band to take the stage. The Night Moves restaurant, located in the East end of Toronto, was Mary's preferred watering hole. Mary had mentioned the bar to me on many occasions. She had also went on about a cute, new waitress that started working there. The waitress and Mary became acquainted very quickly, and Mary made an effort to go for dinner at Night Moves,...
Oral SexIt was bitter cold outside and all Mary felt like doing was curling up on the couch with a glass of wine and enjoy a good movie. The snow was falling outside as she poured herself a glass of merlot in the kitchen then made her way into the living room. She felt alone in the large empty house as her husband of less than a year was once again away on business. Mary had just turned 20 and she thought of her mother's warnings of marrying an older man, although very successful, he was frequently...
Standard warnings apply (i.e if your too young,too gullible, or it's plain out illegal don't read any further). The storyis fictional as are the people it's about. Enjoy. Gaining Mary The halls were empty now, all the students havingleft for the day. Mary was in no hurry to go, however.Her stepmother had gone on another week long businesstrip and she had no real friends to hang out with so she decided to snoop aroundthe deserted school.There was not much of interest, a few open lockerswith the...
It was bitter cold outside and all Mary felt like doing was curling up on the couch with a glass of wine and enjoy a good movie. The snow was falling outside as she poured herself a glass of merlot in the kitchen then made her way into the living room. She felt alone in the large empty house as her husband of less than a year was once again away on business. Mary had just turned 20 and she thought of her mother's warnings of marrying an older man, although very successful, he was frequently...
It was bitter cold outside and all Mary felt like doing was curling up on the couch with a glass of wine and enjoy a good movie. The snow was falling outside as she poured herself a glass of merlot in the kitchen then made her way into the living room. She felt alone in the large empty house as her husband of less than a year was once again away on business. Mary had just turned 20 and she thought of her mother's warnings of marrying an older man, although very successful, he was frequently...
My head hurt, my stomach was roiling and my wife was screaming at me: ‘You bastard! You rotten cock sucking bastard! How could you do this to me? One day, I’m gone one fucking day and leave you here alone and you do this to me.’ I had no idea what she was ranting about, all I knew is that I had to get to the toilet. I barely made it. After praying at the Porcelain Throne I rinsed my mouth out with mouthwash, took three aspirin and then stumbled back into the bedroom to see what the hell had...
They broke out of prison, the four of them, all dangerous men willing to do anything not to go back. Their stolen car ran out of gas a few miles away from the next city, nothing around for miles. They had been travelling for two days, trying to put as many miles as they could between the police and them. A storm was coming, nothing would be moving for days, the snow out here making the roads impassable. The lights of the house were inviting, the family living there believing they were...