Captain Horatio Horn and the Slutty Space Pirates
- 4 years ago
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Rowan held his beloved wife Gwenda extra tightly in bed, for she had been quite ill of late with a winter flux in her lungs that just would not depart, despite the treatments of the local medicus and the village wise-woman together. Even old Ashburn's best trained pupil, Doran, now the master medicus of Tellismere castle had taken ship to tend to her, but none of his remedies seem to offer her any improvement. In addition, her old skull wound suffered at Orshold bothered her increasingly over the years with constant recurring headaches that only a day or sometimes two spent in bed, in darkness would soothe. Her twice wounded shoulder could now accurately predict the weather and tightened painfully in the cold.
His own health, truth be told was not so good either, but he had tried to hide the worst of his aliments from his loving wife, so as not to trouble her. His heart was not so stout and strong, it seemed these cold and short winter days and he now tired easily and often, and he had been quite unable to bear the weight of the hammer in his smithy for very long lately. His own old war wounds were very painful and stiff these days also, particularly his old leg wound, that lamed up his leg so that a crutch or a cane was nearly always necessary now, even for a short walk. Their eldest son Coryn had been the master of the Swanford town forge for some years now, but Rowan, even at the ripe of age of seventy-four still tried to get up every morning and be useful in some small way.
Their eldest son and daughter, true to Gwenda's oath to the dying ship's captain of The Lady Ellyn, had been named for that brave old man and his late wife, who had saved her life on that nearly totally forgotten battlefield of Ruromel. Coryn was a fine mature man with a good wife and a growing family of his own. He was much like Rowan in many ways, quiet and gentle, but with a stout heart when it was needed. He was quite as skilled a smith as his famous father, and his own eldest son had just donned his first apprentice apron to learn the family trade. He was also the headsman of the village, and did those duties well.
Their eldest daughter Ellyn had married well to a good young nobleman of Broadmore, and together the young couple was trying their to match their mother's final brood of fourteen children. Each of the other twelve was now grown and had good lives of their own, mostly in other cities, and towns both in Tellismere and in other duchies, on many of Rowan and Gwenda's gifted lands. Two of Rowan's younger sons, and their second youngest daughter were each officers commanding companies in the small, pitifully maintained Duchy regiments that attempted to keep order in the many wilderness backwater regions of the land where still, even fifty years after the great war, many villages and towns had not been resettled, and most of the existing ones were still too weak to fend off the ever growing bands of bandits.
Rowan and Gwenda had retired from court, for good, some years ago, but the couple still paid regular return visits there to see their dearest friends until Ayleth's sudden illness and death three years ago. Ayleth and Boyle's eldest son, Godfried, was now Duke, and to all signs was trying to be a good one, but the problems he now faced would have overwhelmed even his resolute parents. He already had a consort and a young heir, and once he was sure his son was settled onto the dragon throne, Boyle had retired to Swanford, and there he remained, rarely ever returning to the castle at Tellismere City.
Shrouded in a perpetual fog of grief, he remained near his beloved's grave, where he spent much of his days, rain, snow or shine, until his own death less than a year later. His lungs had been slightly seared by the dragon-flame during his last famous cavalry charge, and they never entirely healed, leaving him with a constant rasping cough that only got worse over the years. When he passed, he was perhaps one of the very last and final victims of the great war, dying from those slow internal wounds at long last, but Rowan and Gwenda knew better. Their friend, acutely missing his heart-song, had quite lost his will to live without her.
Rowan saw that his tomb was laid right next to hers, and he commissioned a carved white marble statue of the two lovers, depicted holding hands together, set above their grave. On every free-day since, they and their many grandchildren would picnic there on the grass of the island, under the carved smiling faces of their old and very dearest friends, and while the children played on the soft and thick green grass nearby, Rowan and Gwenda would somberly relate to their departed friends the latest news. It was usually bad these days.
Despite his best valiant attempts, Duke Godfried was fighting a slowly losing battle against his truculent barons, a weakening economy, and ever growing bands of lawless men in the ever increasing number of wilderness places of the Duchy. Already Lloan Valley had declared itself to be an independent Duchy, and Godfried had far less than sufficient arms-men to force his will in even a fraction of the places that they needed to be sent to. Even the pay of the soldiers was often in arrears, as the Duke had empty tax chests, and little means to forcibly collect even the minimal taxes that were due to him.
The lines on the maps that indicated where his authority ruled shrunk every year, and Rowan feared that by the time Godried's own son took the throne, the actual remaining Duchy of Tellismere would be little more than the area immediately surrounding Crystal Lake.
If Tellismere was poor and fragmenting back into ill-populated wilderness, the other four Duchies, which had suffered little or no actual physical damage during the great war, also had problems of their own. Each had lost great numbers of soldiers, about a third each of their respective armies, and while the defeat of the Eorfleode had been popular with their people at the time, the expenses of the war, and the loss of so many soldiers, had put a tarnish to the immediate afterglow of victory. Resentment began to grow as local taxes increased, collected and provided for the rebuilding of Tellismere for many years, until the bitterness over providing even token such sums was too great even for the more charitable Dukes, like Kelvin of Broadmore. Upon his death, no further pence, let alone any gold marks, went to help Tellismere. Overall, in each of the duchies, growing malaise seemed to turn into stagnation, and trade never seemed to recover to the profitable pre-war levels anywhere.
Broadmore and Drakland were at war, once again. This time probably for keeps. The treaty marriage, where Duke Kelvin's brother Roland had married Perola, the daughter of Duke Enos of Drakland had started auspiciously. The bride had been a fríþwebba, a peace-weaver to bind the two ever warring lands together in friendship, and no one could ever claim that she had not done her part, and with joy. Their marriage proved to be love-match, with the couple ever doting upon the other, but it was tragically doomed. Despite bearing three children, acknowledged heirs by all to the Duchy of Broadmore, each sickened and died in turn ... in rather peculiar and often suspicious circumstances. When the couple themselves were drowned, when their ship sailing back from Drakland after a visit sunk, and in peculiar circumstances, the scramble for the throne of the Duchy began.
Drakland naturally made their claim, based upon the old, pre-war genealogies, and the young Duke of Everdun, and even the Duke of Oswein had new semi-valid claims by blood of their own. In the heady, optimistic days after the great war, the nobles of the five Duchies had intermarried much, and suddenly the idea of turning the Southern Duchies into a kingdom was much less unthinkable than it had been. Each of the four Dukes now plotted how their own head could best fit this crown, and the forges everywhere now rang with steel being beaten into arms and armor.
While the elderly hero Rowan was still hailed for his deeds during the war, the tarnish was growing to his reputation as well. More than a few gléamen and skalds were hinting in their songs and stories, that had Rowan accepted the crown, when it had been first offered, today the kingdom would be a happy and prosperous place. Rowan and Gwenda laughed at those tales, knowing them to be quite untrue ... but still the legend of the 'golden age' that was lost, continued to spread, and more common folk, increasingly living lives of poverty and danger, began to believe that fairy tale story.
Old veterans from the war at last no longer came to Swanford to pay their respects. Like Rowan and Gwenda, they were now old and often infirm, if they even still lived. Not a day hardly passed that some note arrived in the mail mentioning the death of an old friend, comrade or companion in arms. Gwenda would read to him the short messages, as his eyes were too weak for most writing these days, and she'd craft a short note of condolence back in return. In past years, especially in good traveling weather, or at the anniversary of the great final battle of Lacestone, throngs of old veterans would come and visit him with their families, as if on holiday, to pay their respects and to introduce their old commander to their children and grandchildren.
To be honest, for many years Rowan found this visits an almost unwelcome distraction, as it made him recall those terrible months of the war that he had spent much of the rest of his life trying to forget. Still, as the years passed, he became more gracious about these visits, appreciating more the love that these old warriors still felt for their once young and inexperienced commander.
The ten year reunions, of which the fiftieth one had just recently passed but two weeks ago, were the hardest upon him still, he felt. Held at the old battlefield of Lacestone, the short journey for him wasn't hard or taxing ... but the still overwhelming memories were. His job was to be seen, and to shake the once thousands, and now but a mere few score hands of the survivors. They would gather in formation and salute him, after which he would make a short speech of thanks and welcome. Everyone then would assume their old position in the battle-line, as if recreating the battle once more. The great dragon's head, borrowed from its display in the Duke's castle, would be displayed and everyone would cheer. Then everyone would drink, feast and tell their stories of the war to their families, friends, the townsmen and the thousands of visitors, and to the ever eager groups of gléamen, skalds and story-tellers, eager to hear these tales one last time from the lips of the survivors, trying to not notice when tears came to the old soldiers eyes when they spoke of the death of an old friend or companion. As the ale and wine flowed, the more the tears would flow.
The war had been dreadful for everyone, and sometimes tales of honor and courage weren't an adequate replacement for their feelings of pain and loss, even long decades later.
War, or the rumors of war, seemed to be everywhere. Caestor, emboldened by the weakening of its old rival the Aldarian Blessed Sapphire Empire, constantly threatened Oswein, and all of its other neighbors, and its legions grew. Further to the east from Caestor, Helden and Acquila were locked into a deadlocked war of their own to the bitter end. The stories Rowan had heard were savage and barbaric, as each side, desperate for allies and any sort of tactical advantage, summoned Infernals to the land to fight for them ... and with predictable results. The evil daemonic creatures, as always, worked for their own advantage, and now it was they, more so than the two human armies, that ruled that battlefield now.
If he had been bit a bit younger, Rowan mused, he would have gone to that sad land to help repel the Infernals. What madness it was for any mortal to believe that those evil creatures would for even a moment serve them!
"My sword!" He croaked suddenly with a hoarse voice, not remembering that his weary and ill beloved was sleeping by his side. "It was hanging up in the smithy, but I didn't see it there today.
"Gone, some years ago, my love." Gwenda whispered, and then coughed for a long while, as if she were unable to take a clear breath of air. "You gave it our daughter Cwengyth, our youngest. She had a dream in which she was told that she would need to be the next guardian of the sword. She took it with her on her consort-day, when she left home for his lands in the east. Don't you remember?"
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It was the sixth of Lagufæ, the late-mid summer month of the Goddess of the Sea, before Rowan had regained much of his strength once again and realized probably for the first time that his old life here in this village was now over for good. His master's-piece done, his relationship with his old master Gorge was now rather different; not strained, but things were indeed now a bit different between the two men. Sitting here and sharing a pint of beer at the Goblin's Head with him at the same...
For the next two marching days the regiment made good progress, nearly thirteen leagues. The wounded of the 4th Reserve Company still slightly kept the pace slower than Rowan would have preferred but he would not ever offer a single word of complaint to the many still injured. They had fought and held their ground while their friends around them had died, all in the name of Rowan and his infernal sword. They trusted and believed in him and he knew he must never let their faith in him down! If...
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It took exactly a week to arrive in Tellismere from the crossing at the ford, and the towns of Glideuch and Ghasby came and went with little to remark about them to remain in Rowan's memory. At every stop they gained some fresh coins for their caravan guard fee, but nothing like the large sums they had earned earlier on the other side of the great river. Here nearer the capitol, things seemed safer and talk of war remained that, just talk. All of this land on the western side of the Duchy,...
Although they had been sharing the same bed in the second largest suite of the inner keep for nearly two weeks, Rowan and Gwenda had had almost no private time to themselves. At night they would hold each other, mentally and physically exhausted, naked in bed, but their few pitiful attempts at foreplay had come mostly to naught. Tonight, they agreed, things would be a bit different. A large hot bath in a tub easily big enough for two had been prepared and Gwenda couldn't hardly wait to dive...
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I am PonPon. In this world of strange people having strange or weird fetishes, I am out of this world with one of the strangest and weirdest fetish's you've probably ever heard.First, let's have a brief description of my strange fetish. I am a slim sexy woman, love wearing high cut swimsuits, leotards, body stockings, etc. I have a special love for nylon spandex clothing, but what is strange about me is that I have a special love for big trucks and their horn's.The vibrations of a truck air...
BDSMThis is NOT my work, but another great read that lead to a few nights of hot African roleplay sex!All credit is due to Shooter3704.-------------------------------------------------------This work is copyrighted to the author © 2014. Pleasedon't remove the author information or make any changesto this story. All rights reserved. Thank you for your consideration.--------------------------------------------------------Great Horn of Africaby shooter3704 (address defunct)***A man's wife expresses...
Seeing as im just registered i thought this would be the best place to share my filthy thoughts and going's-on with you Tongue outMe n a couple of my girl pals went out last night, havent been out for weeks cos my wee b*y was ill so i needed it, and it was SUCH a good night, had a great laugh and danced our asses off.Ive woken up today with my head thumping and a total hangover horn, i dont have the wee g*y till later so i really wish id pulled last night but me n the girlz were havin such an...
Jim and Buck were working on their second cup of coffee when Jim glanced out the open door and noticed Jasper running down the street toward the office. He burst in through the door! "Sheriff Buck, Jim, please come quick! Bert sent me to tell you there's going to be trouble over at the saloon!" Buck followed Jim who was hot on the boy's trail as he headed back in the direction of the saloon. As soon as Jim saw the number of horses with Mexican rigs at the hitching rail he reached out and...
As the Duke's carriage was back in its normal place in the stables of Haldyne, the Ducal Lady ordered it prepared to carry her back to Swanford the next morning. This wasn't unexpected, and frankly didn't slow down her companions too much at all. Her two white horses were fast and strong and knew the road northeast to the village well. Her guard escort had wanted to move swiftly up the road at a much faster pace than wagons, or carriages could go, but the relatively short trip to the...
With barely a full company's worth of troops currently able to stand or bear arms, Rowan ordered the brave soldiers to take their rest and enjoy the fruits of victory. The Count declared a day of celebration in the town, and a great many wine and ale casks were breached. Some of the now veteran warriors found dalliance with the grateful townsfolk, or their family and friends of the refugee camp followers. Military discipline was abandoned for several days as everyone drank and feasted and...
Survivors of the Battle of Kenniford swore that as bad as this battle had been, the dreadful defense of the town of Ruromel had been worse, but Rowan was not at all sure. Only the deadly accurate missile fire of the goblin slingers had kept the sides of the battle-line clear enough to allow the flanking cavalry archers the freedom to sweep the opposing Eorfleode ranks with bow fire deadly enough to keep their center line from being massively overwhelmed, right from the very start of the...
Author’s note: This is one of a series of poems I am posting on my blog. I know it’s not a “story” per se, but I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy reading the postings here. Please comment either here or on my profile if you like it. Thanks. Warm winter winds caress the prairieAs a full moon lights the grass sighing in the air. The Horned-God is walking the erythI smell his seed-scent as it wafts through the currents. The moon feels good on my bare fleshAnd the stars seem to tickle my...
As they ran for awhile, Rowan wondered out loud, as much to himself as to Gwenda. "Do we need to leave a more obvious trail of our passage? I've heard that they are keen trackers, but I know nothing of them from any personal experience." The girl laughed and replied, "Their tracking skills are more than adequate to follow us here in this soft river mud, nearly indefinitely, without any assistance from us! Their eyes are not quite as keen as ours, but they can follow our scent nearly as...
The following story contains characters owned by DC Comics/Warner Bros. It is written as a fanfic parody story not intended to make any use of actual story lines in published books. The story is purely for fun, with no profit to be made by the author. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the author is given proper credit. I would really love to hear any comments you'd like to send me. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy it! Rose and the Thorn: A Third...
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Crystal Lake City of Tellismere (Capitol of Duchy, where the short Klure River flows west into the Great Western Sea from Crystal Lake) Village of Swanford (just east of Crystal Lake up the Emerald River) City of Evesham (coastal southern port of the Bekingham River, where it flows south from Crystal Lake) Town of Meribren (small coastal town) Town of Alnmouth (small coastal town near the Juniper Mountains) Dead Tree Island (ruined town along a dangerous point of the Emerald...
Dukes Summer Island Castle and Village of Swanford Emerald River and River Guard Tower Crystal Falls and Brittle Mountains Beran Island & Village (Meaning Bear) Hanna Island & Archaic Ruins (Forbidden) Osweleg Island & Village (Meaning Oswyn's Island) Docks & Walled Town of Haldyne Walled Town of Lacestone Walled City of Applewood (or Apeleia "Apple Tree Clearing") Bekingham River (Flows South to Coastal City of Gemehold) Roger's Ford (Highest River Crossing...
The Maiden Urðra frowned as she reached into her box of raw threads and discarded handful after handful. 'Too dark!' She muttered, mostly to herself, as she drove her hand into her spinning box yet deeper, to find something newer and brighter ... or at least something different. "Yes indeed." The Matron Veránda muttered in concurrence. "The weaving has been much too dark, as of late, and my next panel could do with a bit of brightness." "Quite so!" The Crone Skúlda rasped with...
If there had been a nicer mid-summer, late afternoon in Swanford, then Rowan couldn't remember it. The sun was warm, and very nicely so, but there was enough of a western breeze, off of the ocean and the lake, to keep even the hot forge from being a sweltering place of misery. Off and on all day, he had been hearing sounds of laughter and play from the river, probably from the region of the Lily Lake, but for awhile yet Rowan had some last remaining duties to perform before he could think...
The young friends finished their meal and parted ways for the evening. Bryce was needed back at the bridge guard tower for duty, until the caravan was unloaded down at the southern warehouse, and Boyle wanted to be back at the stables to look over the horses. He would have a busy night attending to them, especially the injured ones, and he would likely also spend much, if not all, of his day tomorrow helping to repair any damage to the wagons. Half-day of scheduled work or not, Boyle was...
Oddly, the fear of running out of money during the long overland journey soon proved to be a chimerical concern. If anything, their coin purses just seemed to grow fatter and heavier with every stop that they made along the road! Right from the very start, Oddtus had made some sort of deal with a westward going caravan heading towards the big walled city of Apeleia (Applewood) offering to share his 'two personal guards' to help guard their caravan, for just a minor payment. With the fears...
The first significant threat of danger came a few days later, on their fifth day of the voyage, as the crew was putting out the dinner campfire, and nearly everyone was preparing their bedrolls along the shore. Knowing that he was unlikely to get any sleep, yet once again, Rowan volunteered to take the first camp watch, to stay up until the moon was in the center of the night sky. One of the crewmen, Tashyl, was taking his turn to hold a similar watch onboard the boat, in case trouble came...
Rowan and his party were indeed having nearly all of the trouble that they could handle. And their epic journey down-river was one that the gléaman could and did tell countless times in the years afterwards. They were making very fast time going back down the river, paddling hard with their oars along with the current to make even greater speed than The Lady Ellyn had made going upriver with sail. They thought that they could reach the island before dawn, under cover of darkness and perhaps...
Despite their lack of proper rest, they started off again right at the very first crack of light and made a decent amount of relatively swift progress on the dryer grassy ground before the skies fully unloaded upon them. The rain soon got so hard that they could barely see ten yards in the woods ahead of them, so they risked a more dangerous but open path across several meadows to speed their course. Driven slightly south, to avoid a large hill that Gwenda feared had an Eorfleode watchpost...
The sight of the destruction of Elmcrygh brought great misery and many tears to the poor survivors of Silana, who had hoped to find shelter and perhaps a new home behind the walls of the great walled town. In size, the now burning ruins were once nearly large enough to be considered a city, and it formerly sheltering tens of thousands of people and was the major hub of trade for nearly a hundred leagues around. Even at the height of their collective despair, Rowan refused to believe that the...
Gwenda was a tall and strikingly beautiful young woman, even dressed up in the plain leathers of a guards-woman. Even this, Lady Ayleth had to grudgingly admit. She was also quite smart and had grown up in a northern barony that was always on the pointed edge of danger, even in more relatively peaceful days. Her sharp green eyes missed little and her generously wide red lips stayed tightly shut when they needed to be, all the better to hear and listen, and react, to what was happening around...
"You've darned near had your darned fool skull split wide open! So remain still and rest your eyes. You'll probably be seeing stars for awhile yet and you'll be dizzy for a few days." Ashburn gently advised her, when she had awoken in pain and darkness later. The healer's voice was trying to sound stern, but Gwenda could hear the smile in his voice even though her eyes were still shut lying in bed. Her head still hurt with a near constant throbbing, even now apparently several days...
If Boyle had been amused by the Lady Ayleth's modesty back at the hot tub in Dragontooth, her reaction to the casual partial nudity that was common in Corælyn, was even more entertaining. Even in the late autumn, the humid and warm winds from both sea coasts kept the temperature quite pleasant and the attire rather stimulatingly casual. For women, the presentation of mostly bare breasts, and their virtually always pierced nipples, was quite the art form. The Foole, quite sincerely, tried to...
Boyle, tried to project confidence that he didn't quite feel as he reviewed with Rowan and Oddtus for the last time what his arranged role was in the madness that was about to occur. Somehow, despite his growing nervousness, he kept his head held high and somehow a smile on his hard-edge but still round face. In the trials of the last seasons, the formerly stocky lad had replaced most, if not quite all of his flab with honest hard muscle. His eyes, like Rowan's and Gwenda's, were black...
Not quite a full hourglass from time Rowan and his companions set foot from off the ship onto Broadmore, on the docks of the walled City of Penryn, right at the mouth of the Penryn River in the Southern Gulf, they found themselves outside the great walled gates of the city facing three great armies, of which only one was their own. There, out of a great field outside of the walls of Broadmore's second greatest city, was the invading army of Drakland which stood ready for battle, holding it...
The ocean trip to the city of Tellismere was somewhat delayed by contrary winds, which at this winter season came near head on, from the northwest. The fleet was running close-hauled, tacking back and forth beating their way upwind. In better weather, the trip could have been made in less than a week, but instead they felt lucky that the trip had only taken two full weeks. From off-shore, the situation with tracking the progress of the Eorfleode horde remained simple. With their slow...
"I don't care what you say, courage or not, that was still a damned stupid thing to do! What were you thinking? You weren't!" Boyle sadly muttered from Ayleth's deathbed, later that evening inside the small keep of Lacestone. "I sent the reserves to hold the left flank and they did!" She whispered, her face sheet white and pale with pain from her crippling and mortal injuries and extreme loss of blood. "The counter-attack swept their right flank and we merged with both the light and...
AFTERWARDS, TEN YEARS LATER Rowan and Boyle smiled as they sunned themselves after a brief swim and watched their wives and their children splash and play in the cool but refreshing waters of Lily Lake in Swanford. It was still early summer, and the shallow river waters had not yet warmed up very much, but they had been eager to leave Tellismere, and the requirements of duty, for a long summer of rest and relaxation. Swanford, still essential as a trade transit town between Crystal Lake and...
The Matron Urðra frowned as she completed weaving her first panel of the new tapestry for this age. 'Still too fucking dark!' She muttered, mostly to herself, as she looked towards the new Crone for advice. "Certain it is!" The Crone Veránda muttered, in rather annoyed concurrence. "The last panel of the old age that I weaved, before I took the shears, was bright and held forth some cheer. Now, with your first weavings the world is again dark and sinister. Where is that nice bright...
Satou boiled with conflicting emotions. He was elated, his heart still racing after his encounter with Higa. He couldn’t keep his mind off her even for a moment as his family chatted around the table. Whenever he closed his eyes, all that he could see was her red skin and her white hair. He could still taste her lips, feel the smoothness of her body, like an afterimage that lingered in his mind. But at the same time, his gut was twisted with dread. Like a charging ox headed towards a cliff,...
I am finishing my chores when Thorn rises from the sofa:"Is the bathroom done yet?”“Yes, just finished.”“Good. I’m going to shower while you finish the kitchen and then you are to take me out dancing."That might sound good, but she knows I can’t dance and don’t even like it. Still, nothing to be done about that. I get on with my work as she gets ready. I see her flit from the bathroom to the bedroom and back again a couple of times. Obviously unable to decide what to wear, she passes in varied...
I stood in the doorway watching him. He was sitting in his office, feet on the desk drinking coffee and finishing the last of his bagel with hungry bites. It was a little past 7 in the morning, and the rest of the English building was quiet. The newspaper sat unread on his desk, he preferred to gaze out the window. I smiled to myself as I realized that he was busy watching the female students walking by. His eyes were out on stalks as an extremely attractive brunette strolled past the window...
EroticI woke up early in the morning. Then I saw my aunt sleeping next to me. I started to touch her tits softly. She came to me and hugged me tightly. She putted a leg over my legs. Her pussy met with my leg. I started to rub my against her pussy. I started to kiss her neck. Then she started to talk in a sleepy voice “making a woman Horney in the morning is not a good idea. You will get blue balls in the evening. Make me horney I will suck every drop of your cum until your balls get dry”. Actually I...