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Foreword: This is a work of fiction. None of the people in this story are real. None of these events ever happened. This story is nothing more than words that came from my imagination. Any similarity to any real people, places, or events is purely coincidental.

This story is a sequel to UNDER HER. UNDER HER is a sequel to CO-ED TANDEM BEER PISSING CONTEST.

This story was inspired by reading some news article about a hospital in Sweden that treats victims of sexual torture by assigning them a sex surrogate to live with them during the duration of their treatment. I'm not sure if that story was true. And even if true, my story obviously doesn't depict how this treatment really works on torture victims, but I thought it would make an excellent premise for an erotic story .

Operators of erotic story web sites and other collections, whether free or fee-based, have my permission to post and/or distribute my stories, provided that credit is given to "Hungry Guy" as the author. You may not make changes other than fixing typos. Even beware of fixing typos, for I occasionally use local slang and dialects that may be flagged by your spell checker. Thanks.

WARNING: Do not, under any circumstances, attempt to enact any of the tortures depicted in this story! Doing so will render your slave a quadriplegic at best, and kill him/her at worst!

Jack had learned a fast lesson in BDSM two weeks ago at Edge Play. He had entered a co-ed tandem beer pissing contest as a single bottom not knowing exactly what the contest entailed. He lesson came from a black woman from the audience volunteered to be his top in the contest. Together, they had won second place by her sitting on his face and chugging as much beer as she could as fast as she could while peeing in his mouth, and by him drinking her pee and then peeing into a pipe flowing into a small pitcher under his ass. They were the second couple to fill their pitcher.

After the contest, Tameka had invited him home for the rest of the weekend to be her toilet slave. Being a private agreement, they were not bound by the club's slave auction rules. That weekend, she mercilessly continued his indoctrination into BDSM. Tameka was an experienced and demanding Domme who had put him in his place. She used him as her total toilet and made him consume every possible substance, liquid and solid, excreted from every possible orifice on her body.

It had taken Jack two weeks, now, to work up the guts to return to the club and offer himself in the weekly slave auction to serve a mistress for a weekend. It works like this:

Every time you enter the club, you are given 10 slave points. This was his third visit, so he now had 30. You can offer yourself for sale, and the high bidder gets you as their slave for 24 hours. You also gain 10% of their bid amount added to your total number of points.

To offer yourself, you sign a release form stating your sexual orientation: straight, gay, or bi. If you're straight, you're only offered to masters of the opposite gender; if you're gay, then only to masters of the same gender; and if you're bi, you are offered to anybody. You give your minimum bid, which works much like the "reserve price" on Ebay -- you only get sold if someone bids at or above your minimum bid. You also list your limits and print your safe word -- they recommend "may day," but "red" is the customary safe-word. If a slave refuses to do something that he didn't list as one of his limits, then the slave is banned from the club for life.

On the other hand, if you buy a slave, you can't leave the premises with your slave except under special circumstances. For this reason, there are suites that you can rent for the night like a hotel room -- with a bedroom, bathroom, kitchenette, and dungeon. Likewise, a master who violates a slave's limits is banned for life from the club and is reported to all the newsgroups.

Jack actually had little interest in being a slave, but, as a newbie, it was the only way to get enough "slave points" to buy a slave in said auction. Furthermore, his gender worked against him. Female slaves, even inexperienced ones, went for a premium price -- often thousands of "slave points." However, male slaves were the proverbial dime-a-dozen. Being an inexperienced male meant that he would go for a pittance, indeed, if anyone bid for him at all.

So Jack went to the auction and signed up as a slave. He listed his orientation as straight -- being bi would have given him better odds at going for a higher price, but he just couldn't stomach the idea of being gay. The best he could do was to have no minimum bid and to not list any limits whatsoever. After all, what could be worse than being used as a human toilet -- having a woman sit on your face with her asshole over your mouth and take a shit into your mouth while you swallow it all direct from the source?

So he waited in the changing room of the Violet Dungeon. He was ordered to strip naked, then collared, then waited along with about twenty other slaves, both male and female.

One by one, the auctioneer brought the slaves out to the auction block as he waited his turn. About halfway through the auction, when about half of the slaves had been auctioned off, the auctioneer ushered him out into the assembly room decorated like a medieval torture chamber. His face turned beet-red as he stepped up, buck naked, on a pedestal, and faced the small crowd.

The auctioneer started the bidding, "Here we have a newcomer to the scene. He's straight, so only women may bid. He tells us he has experience as a toilet slave, and he and his top had won second place in the beer pissing contest two weeks ago. Best of all, he has listed no limits -- anything goes! He has no minimum, so do I have an opening bid, ladies?"

The audience murmured. After a few moments, Jack figured that no one was going to bid on him. Then a hot looking blonde dressed in pink spandex pants and a black tank top announced, "I bid fifty points."

Jack quickly calculated that would add all of five "slave points" to his total. At least she's a babe! Jack thought to himself.

The auctioneer announced, "We have a bid of fifty for this fine specimen of manhood. Surely a slave with no limits can command a higher price. Can we have a counter bid?"

At that, another bid came from the room, "I bid sixty!" Jack looked across the room at a small Chinese woman with short straight black hair. She grinned back at him. While Jack was pleased that he got a little higher price, he would have preferred going to the hot blonde.

The auctioneer continued his pitch, "We have a bid of sixty! Anyone care to up that? Come on ladies!"

Jack thought to himself, Come on babe! Outbid her!

The blonde called out "Seventy!"

Yes! Jack could hardly believe that he had caused a minor bidding war. But before the auctioneer could resume his pitch, the Chinese girl called out, "Eighty!"


"Ninety!" from the blonde.


"One hundred!" from the Chinese girl.

Damn again! But at least I'll be getting more than a few points of my own. C'mon babe! One more bid!

After a pause, the auctioneer announced, "We have a bid of one hundred slave points." He pointed to the blonde, "Don't let him get away!"

She shook her head "no."


"Anyone else care to bid on this hunk?" the auctioneer asked the crowd.

The crowd started to murmur a little, then the auctioneer announced, "We have a bid of one hundred! Going once! Going twice! Gone for one hundred slave points to Mistress Jin Li."

Shit! Well, at least I went for a decent price.

"Come forward, Jin Li," the auctioneer said to her.

The Chinese woman came up to the podium. The auctioneer clicked a leash to Jack's collar and handed the leash to her.

That moment felt so humiliating for Jack -- standing there completely naked while a total stranger held a leash attached to a collar on his neck.

Jin Li led Jack by his leash into the back room and into a smaller adjacent room. Purchased slaves were there getting dressed, some in their original clothes, and others in fetish-wear provided by their new masters.

She asked one porter, "Please bring my slave's clothes in here."

The porter returned a moment later with the plastic tub that he placed his clothes in before the auction.

"Thank you," she told the porter.

Jack's master handed jack his socks and shoes told him to put them on.

After he did so, she picked up one of a handful of small suitcases and opened it.

"Now put these on," she said as she threw assorted articles of clothing to Jack.

Jack put on a leather G-string then held up the snake's nest of leather belts and O-rings that followed.

"What's this?" he asked her.

"Silence slave!" she yelled at him in her Chinese accent. She took it from him, shook it out, and held it up to his body. "Put it on. Now!"

Jack took the harness and draped it over his shoulders. He buckled the buckle under his crotch, around his waist, under his armpits, and around his neck. Jin Li then attached small padlocks to all the buckles that connected the straps together.

She reached into her case and pulled out a lightweight overcoat and tossed it at him, saying, "One last thing."

He put on the overcoat.

Then she dumped his clothing from the tub into her satchel and closed it.

She then took the leash and yanked on it hard as she left the room, with a curt, "Come."

She led Jack through the club, up the elevators, and to the street. She retrieved her Honda from an adjacent parking garage and drove home with jack.

Apparently, Jack thought, the garage attendant was used to seeing people lead other people by leashes coming out of Edge Play.

Jin Li got on the West Side Highway and headed north. Along the way, Jin Li often chatted with truckers on her CB radio.

A truck cab lacking a trailer sped past her going well over the speed limit. She picked hp her microphone. "Breaker nineteen. You in the blue bobtail, you got your ears on?"

"That's a ten four, driver. What can I do for you?"

"You just blew my doors off, man! You know Smokey likes to take pictures up near 128th street. You better slow down!"

"Thanks, ma'am. I just delivered my load from Shakey Town and I'm heading north to see my niece. I don't get this far east very often. Thanks for the bear alert!"

Jin Li continued chattering in this jargon-filled foreign language with different truckers along the way. It was almost 2:00 AM by the time they arrived at her house up in Tarrytown. She led him down to her finished basement, set up like a mock dungeon, and chained his leash to a ring embedded in the concrete wall. "You can sleep on that mat on the floor and your leash is long enough so you can use the lavatory. Sleep well, slave, for you'll need your strength in the morning."

Jack nodded but didn't speak in answer. She turned and went upstairs throwing Jack into darkness. Jack found the mat, curled up, and dozed off to sleep quickly.

Jin Li came back down early the following morning. "Wake up, slave. You've got a busy day ahead."

Jack yawned and stood, answering "Yes, mistress."

She unlocked and removed all the padlocks from his body harness and told him to remove it and to remove his G-string.

"Now go stand in front of the Saint Andrew's Cross," she said, pointing to a large wooden X mounted to the wall.

He stood there naked as she shackled his wrists to the upper posts of the cross. He had to stand on his tip-toes for his wrists to reach the shackles. She then swung one ankle to one of the lower arms of the cross and shackled it in. Then she swung the other ankle to the other lower arm, causing him to be suspended off the floor by his wrists, and shackled it.

Lastly she set a stool in front of him and stood on it to place a fencing mask over his head.

Stepping down, she said, "We're now going to play 'Human Darts'."

"Yes, Mistress," he answered again struggling to breathe while suspended by his wrists, spread eagle on the cross, with his feet inches off the floor.

Jin Li walked over to the other end of the room and opened what appeared to be a large electric stainless steel pressure cooker.

Holy Shit! Jack thought silently when he saw her remove a fistful of darts from it.

"Do you know how to score?" she asked.

"No, Mistress."

"You're inexperienced, so I'll forgive you. This time. Your navel is fifty points. Each nipple is one hundred points. Your cock is two hundred points. So are your balls. Anywhere else on your body is ten points. You will keep score. When I earn one thousand points, the game is over."

"Mistress, forgive me, but is this safe?"

"Of course it isn't safe! But you have no limits."

She lifted one dart, took aim, and tossed it at Jack.

Jack gasped as he saw the dart fly straight toward him.

"Yeowww!" Jack yelled when the dart slammed into his stomach.

"Silence, slave," Jin Li ordered.

Jack continued to cry, "Ow! Ow! Ohhh! Ow!" as he panted heavily with the pain in his stomach. He could feel a tingling from his blood flowing from the puncture wound down his stomach and down his leg.

He hardly noticed her throw another dart at him until he felt another stabbing pain in his chest this time.

"Gaaaa! Aaahhh! Aaahhh!" she shouted again.

"You're such a noisy one!" Jin Li said in obvious annoyance.

Jack caught his breath against the pain only to see Jin Li toss another dart his way.

"Yaaaa! Gaaa-aak!" he shouted as it struck somewhere near his crotch.

Another dart hit him in the stomach causing him to release another scream.

Then another dart hit him in the leg, for one more scream. The pain was unbearable as tears poured down his cheeks.

"What's my score, slave?" Jin Li asked.

"Ahh! I -- don't -- know -- mistress."

"That's unacceptable, slave. I'll have to continue playing until you learn to keep score."

She walked up to him and yanked the darts from his body, one by one. Then she returned to the back of the room and dropped the darts in a steel bowl next to the 'pressure cooker'."

She removed five more darts, took aim, and let one fly again.

"Eeeyyyaaaa!" Jack screamed as the dart hit home. As unbelievable as it seemed to Jack, the pain from this dart was far worse than it had been before. He could feel that the dart had stuck into his left nipple.

"Where did the dart hit, slave?" she asked.

"I -- think -- it -- hit -- my -- nipple," he struggled to say against the agonizing pain.

"That is correct, slave. And how many points do I get for that?"

"One -- hundred -- mistress?"

"Yes, slave."

She tossed another dart at him, and it hit somewhere near his stomach.

"Now, where did the dart hit, slave?" she asked again.

"I -- don't -- think -- it -- hit -- anywhere -- special -- just -- my -- stomach."

"Very good, slave. And how many points do I have now."

"I -- think -- you -- have -- one -- hundred -- ten -- points -- mistress."

"Excellent, slave!" she said.

She threw another dart which hit him straight in the center of his chest. The point hit his breastbone and then fell out onto the floor as Jack let out another piercing scream.

"How many points was that, slave," she asked.

"I -- don't -- know -- mistress -- the --dart -- fell -- out."

"That means I don't get any points for that one, I'm afraid."

"Yes -- mistress."

She tossed another dart, which pierced his dick. The point had gone all the way through and jabbed him in the balls briefly and then just dangled from his dick."

"Ghakkk! Uuurp!" Jack grunted with the newly experienced pain that far surpassed the previous pain threshold.

"Ohhh!" Jin Li giggled with delight. "What's my score now, slave?"

Jack panted to get the words out even harder than he had before. "Three -- hundred -- ten?"

"I'll accept that answer. But next time, you will address me properly, slave. Do you understand?"

"Yes -- mistress."

She tossed one more dart, striking him in the stomach.

"What's my score now?" she asked.

"Three -- hundred -- twenty -- mistress."


She pulled the darts from Jack and removed five more from the steel tank. She played six more rounds of five darts each before she reached one thousand points. A small puddle of blood had begun to collect under each of Jack's feet, but not enough to be life-threatening. Jack had nearly passed out from the pain, and Jin Li was kind enough to place bandages over the numerous puncture wounds on his body before going upstairs for lunch.

Jack was alert, though quivering and shaking, when Jin Li returned to the dungeon after her lunch. She went into the lavatory, and he could hear water dribbling for a minute, then she returned carrying a tall glass of yellow liquid.

She set the glass down on a table next to the cross and then she unshackled his ankles, then his wrists, from the cross. Then she removed the fencing mask.

"That was very good for your first time as human dart board, slave? As your reward, you may have a drink." She handed him the glass.

He thirstily gulped down her hot rancid piss.

"Thank you, mistress."

"You're welcome, slave. Now, come over here and lie down."

He lay down on the floor in the middle of the room. Then she lowered a pair of ankle cuffs from a rope trough a pulley in the ceiling. She locked the cuffs to his ankles and then walked over to a winch mounted in the wall and began cranking it. Slowly, he was raised off the floor by his ankles. She stopped lifting him when his head was about two feet above the floor.

She then walked up to his head and jumped up on his head.

He heard a pop and felt a strange sharp pain come from his neck as she sat on his chin while wrapping her thighs tightly around his neck. Her ass crack was dark and hairy and pressed heavily on his chin.

Immediately, she started swinging on him, back and forth, back and forth, higher and higher, she used his head as a swing.

"Wheeee!" she shouted. Her weight was magnified with every downward motion, causing his neck pain to become more agonizing with every swing.

She continued swinging on him for about ten or fifteen minutes before jumping off.

She went back upstairs while he continued to swing back and forth from the remaining inertia.

She let him hang there for the rest of the day. In the evening, she returned and lowered him back to the floor and chained him back to the wall for the night. Then she returned back upstairs.

Jack was in agony. The puncture wounds all over his body were painfully sore. He felt weak from the lack of blood. And the slightest movement of his neck sent lightning bolts down his spine.

He looked around for a phone, but there was none in the room. It was then that he noticed another CB radio in the room. He walked over to it, and turned it on, but it didn't turn on. There was a floor lamp plugged into the same outlet, and when he tried it, it wouldn't light either. There was a wall switch that might power the outlet, but the chain wasn't long enough to reach it.

Then he noticed that the Autoclave was plugged into an extension cord. He grabbed the extension cord and unplugged the Autoclave, then yanked it from the wall. He carried the cord over to the CB radio and plugged the radio into the cord. Lastly, he plugged the cord into an outlet further down the wall.

Success! The radio hissed to life.

He had no idea how to use a CD radio, but hopefully someone would be listening. He keyed the microphone and said, "Breaker! Breaker! Is anyone listening?"

There was no answer.

"Please! Breaker! Do you have your 'ears' on anyone?"

Again, no answer came from the radio.

"If anyone can hear me, please help me! I'm held captive in thee basement of this house by a crazy woman! She's torturing me! I don't know where exactly, but somewhere north of New York City. Please, someone, call the cops and get me out of here! Please!"

Still, there was no answer. He gave up and unplugged the radio. He plugged everything back the way it was and crawled over to his mat to sleep.

Jin Li woke him bright and early again the following morning. "Good morning, slave. If you though we had fun yesterday, just wait to see what I've planned for us today."

Jack didn't answer, but merely sighed.

She opened a chest against the back wall and brought forth a number of odd looking implements, one of which was obviously a cattle prod.

Oh, God, no! Please! he thought to himself.

As she plugged the cattle prod into an outlet, Jack heard a strange vibration. Jin Li must have heard it too for she looked around with a "Huh?"

She set the prod down and started walking around the room, searching for the source of the odd sound that had become steadily louder.

Suddenly, a pointed object burst through the floor about in the center of the room. Jin Li ran screaming up the stairs as a giant drill bit slowly emerged from the basement floor. Jack screamed too, but being chained to the wall, couldn't escape his certain demise at these fool subway tunnel builders who had obviously made a wrong turn.

The machine continued to climb through the floor as the point of the drill pierced the ceiling. Finally, though, the yellow body of the machine stopped when its door was centered between the floor and the ceiling.

The door opened and a man emerged wearing a blue uniform with a pastel yellow sash with an odd emblem sewn on it.

"Who are you?" Jack asked.

"I'm Virgil. You called for help. This is the danger zone, right?"

"Uhm, yes, I guess. But, uh, what the hell is that?" Jack asked pointing to the tunnel drilling machine.

"Brains calls that 'The Mole'. Now, we don't have much time." Virgil walked over to Jack and cut through his chain with a torch.

"Come with me, quickly," Virgil then said to Jack.

Jack followed Virgil into his "mole" machine and belted in.

Jack watched as Virgil piloted the tunnel drilling machine backward through the tunnel it had created to reach his location. After about five minutes, the drilling machine returned above ground and stopped atop its trolley. While still in the drilling machine, Virgil backed the mole and its trolley into a large green hangar.

Virgil unbelted himself and said to Jack, "Please follow me."

Jack followed Virgil out of the drilling machine and out of the hangar to see the hangar situated directly underneath a huge green cargo plane supported on four poles. A moment later, the plane lowered itself onto the hangar, causing the hangar itself to become the part of the plane's fuselage. Jack had never seen anything like this before in his life!

It was then that Jack noticed a winged rocket parked on its side, also supported by struts.

Another man, similarly dressed but with a pastel blue sash instead of yellow, walked over to Jack and Virgil and introduced himself. "Hi there. I'm Scott. You must be the person needing rescue."

"Uhm, yeah," Jack answered, realizing that he was still in considerable pain from his multiple puncture wounds and aching neck.

"Don't worry! At fifteen thousand miles per hour, we'll get you to the Torture Victims' Hospital in Copenhagen in about fifteen minutes. Come with me."

Jack knew that Scott was grossly understating the travel time top keep him calm, for he knew that the Concorde took at least three hours to cross the Atlantic. Still, Jack followed Scott aboard the rocket, and they lifted off without delay.

Jack was astonished when, about fifteen minutes later, he felt the rocket touch down and Scott announced, "We're here."

Jack was even weaker now, and Scott assisted him down the ladder from the rocket onto the lawn. A team of doctors was waiting there with a stretcher outside the hospital.

The doctors ushered Jack onto the stretcher and rushed him into the hospital. He was wheeled into an operating room and was immediately put under anesthesia.

Jack then woke in a bed in a room in the hospital with a heart monitor wired to his chest and an IV bottle attached to his wrist.

The doctor walked in and Jack tried to sit up when searing neck pain forced him back down.

"Stay laying down Jack," the doctor said. "I'm Doctor Sorensen. You're at Rigshospitalets."

"I know. Will I be okay? My neck and back hurts. And I ache all over."

"You're very lucky that you are not paraplegic. I am sorry to say that you will live with neck and back pain for the rest of your life. Still, the pain will ease with time. You have many injuries to your internal organs and you will need more surgery. First we have to remove the infection in your abdomen from the puncture wounds in your intestines. For now, just relax. Would you like to watch television?"

"Yeah, sure," Jack answered.

The doctor handed him the remote control and said, "A specialist will be in to see you later."

Jack turned on the TV, but all the programs were in Swedish, so he then turned it off and tried to sleep.

An orderly brought in a tray of food a little later, but Jack wasn't hungry. He tried to eat a little, but pushed it aside and dozed off to sleep.

When he woke the following morning, there was a fresh tray of breakfast. He ate a little better this time, but still didn't finish. He just gazed out the window down to the street below.

Several days went by. During that time, nurses routinely came to take his temperature and administer medications. Over the first few days, Jack screamed in terror and pulled away whenever a female nurse tried to touch to him, and the hospital subsequently sent only male nurses to tend to him. Doctor Sorensen also stopped in every couple of days.

About a week later, during the afternoon, a different doctor walked into his room.

"Hello. I am Doctor Olsson."

"What happened to Doctor Sorensen?"

"Doctor Sorensen is still your doctor. I came to ask you a few questions."

"Sure. You're a psychologist, right?"

"I'm a psychiatrist specializing in the treatment of torture induced trauma."

"I see. Well, shoot, Doctor."

"I understand that you were tortured sexually by a female. Am I right?"


The doctor proceeded to ask Jack a litany of questions about his feelings toward women and sex.

Jack was cooperative, but it came through clearly that Jack wanted nothing more to do with women and sex.

The psychiatrist said, "You are a special case, Jack. We have a special program for victims such as yourself. A rehabilitation partner will be assigned to you. She will probably come in to see you tomorrow."

"I guess," Jack answered ambivalently.

As promised, the following evening, a Chinese woman entered Jack's hospital room carrying a small satchel. She set the satchel down by the door and said, "Hi, Jack! I'm Ping! I'm your rehabilitation partner."

"No!" jack shouted, grabbed the TV remote control, and threw it at her. "Get away from me!"

She dodged the projectile and rushed to Jack's side. "My poor dear. You must despise women after your ordeal. My job is to fix that."

"If you're a 'shrink, ' I'd rather talk to Doctor Olsson. I don't need you. Go away!"

"I'm not a 'shrink, ' Jack. I'm your partner. Doctor Olsson will still come in to see every few days."

At that moment, an orderly wheeled in a cart carrying two trays of food. Ping placed a bed tray over Jack's lap and placed the two food trays on the bed tray."

"I'm getting two meals?"

"No, silly. One is yours and one is mine."

"You're eating with me? Why? Don't you have other patients?"

"No. Partners work one-on-one with victims."

"Well, I don't want you!" Jack screamed and threw dish of apple sauce at her.

Ping stood and said, "Jack, I'm so sorry you were hurt so bad. I'll see you again tomorrow." She wiped some apple sauce from her cheek, smiled, and exited the room, leaving her satchel where she left it.

Jack finished eating his food in solitude. After a few hours, he finally fell asleep.

Jack woke the next morning as Ping wheeled in breakfast for two.

"Good morning, Jack. I hope you're feeling better today."

"I was until you walked in," Jack muttered.

Again, she placed the tray on the bed and set the two food trays on the bed tray. She spooned a bowl of rice and leaned over to place the spoon in his mouth.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm going to feed you, Jack. Come on, it'll be romantic."

"Romantic! Romantic? What the hell are you, anyway?"

"I'm your rehabilitation partner, Jack."

"What? Like a sex surrogate or something?"


"So, does every torture victim get a free prostitute here?"

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The Office I was finishing out my internship at Calico Industries. I had been there 2 ? months working as a graphic artist in their main facility. Calico was spread out at six different office complexes, but all were within 20 minutes driving time of the main building. Most interns worked with central staff and since that is where the graphics branch was set up it made sense for me to be there. I had hoped to get on full time, as I had finished my schooling in the spring, but there had...

3 years ago
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My BFB 3

I was rudely awoken by the sounds of heavy petting and sloppy kisses. I rolled over quickly to see Megan and Sam, drunk and making out right next to me. “Oh my God guys.” I said, flinging the covers off of me. Megan flipped the table lamp on and said laughing, “Leigh, I’m sorry.” She covered her mouth to stifle her giggles. “We thought you were on the couch.” I had never seen her that drunk before, so I couldn’t help but laugh too. “Got you some liquid courage huh Meg?” I asked in a sarcastic...

Straight Sex
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My Sons Girlfriend

Joel Patterson was sitting at home alone watching television one Friday night. His wife, Julie, was gone to visit her mother for the weekend. Joel’s eighteen-year-old son, Jay, was out on a date with his sixteen-year-old girlfriend, Amy Holloway, when he got a call from his son. Jay had been arrested for DUI and would not be able to see the judge until Monday to set his bail. He asked his father if he would go to the police station and get Amy, because they had impounded his car until he made...

1 year ago
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My Pretty Little Slaves0

Characters: Ben “Big Ben”, 30 6'5 Black Male (light skin color). Tiffani, 28 mother 5'5 White woman Blonde hair Blue eyes 34c breast Brittany, 13 daughter 5' White girl with Blonde hair and Blue Nikki, Ben's daughter Gerald, Ben's friend Tiffani's husband had passed away just over a year ago when her daughter was just twelve leaving her without means to support herself. She has gone from one job to another before finding what looks like a great job. She finds it on a career...

3 years ago
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Hot School Girl

Hello friends, mai ansh, aaplogo k liye ek nayi kahani laya hun. Ek baar mai fir se apna intro aap logo de dun. Mai Uttar Pradesh ke Varanasi ka rahne wala hun, aur aajkal lucknow me rahta hun. Mai 5 feet 7 inch aur average body ka ek smart guy hun. Mera lund lagbhag 7 Inch lamba aur 3 inch mota hai. Aur han mujhe specially teanage girls aur 40-50years ki aunties ke choot ka diwana hun..kyuki ye dono chudwati bhot mast hain. Meri pahle ki story padh kar ek he din me aap logo ka itna achha...

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A night out

You and your best friend had agreed to meet at "Black-light" the local watering-hole tonight for a few drinks and see where the night when from there. You arrive at the door half past ten, the line is short but a crowd is starting to build up. Just as you are about to take a place in line your friend calls, "Hi it's me. I'm terribly sorry but I'm not gonna make it tonight." As you listen to the ramblings of a guilty mind you become frustrated. You had really been looking forward to this. It...

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Drunken encounter

I’m married with two kids, 36 years old, every month my wife friends have a girl’s night in where they lay on some food and bring dinks, latergettings their husbands to pick them up later if they are further than walking distance home. On this occasion they all came to my house .shanthi is my wife’s name . Five friends of my wife enjoyed their evening .it was around 10.30 pm i went down to the lawn to see them . They all were in high spirits. Four of her friends went away with their respective...

3 years ago
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The Story of Us Take Me

Perhaps this is where I should begin, with public moments—intense, intimate and sometimes discreet. It matters not who is present or how many surround us. This is the story of us and why I am his...My husband does what I call “flexing”. He laughs when I use this term. In general, it is that look of restraint he gets right before he is about to pulverize someone either mentally or physically. But that’s not what it means when his focus is on me. It too is a form of restraint. But, this form of...

Quickie Sex
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Women get horny here is my story

It was the last train form the city back to Edinburgh and it was getting late when I boarded it. The carriage was empty and I kicked off my heels and put my feet up onto the opposite seat.The carriage was very warm as the outside temperatures were near freezing, what you would expect in mid December. I studied my netted stocking with my red painted toenails sticking though, very whorish, ran through my mind, which appealed to my darker side.I followed my legs up to my short skirt and even...

1 year ago
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Breeding my wife 2

The next weekend after Jens risky gangbang I ask her as we're having breakfast,"So, when are you supposed to get your period?""Um, should be near the end of this coming week, probably Thursday or so I would hope!""Me too! You don't feel any different do you?" "Different? Like as a person?" She questions back."No I meant, different like you could be pregnant!""Oh, well my boobs have been very sensitive the last couple of days, but thats all. God! I hope I'm not pregnant!"" You did take that...

4 years ago
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presser to wife with stranger

और मैं अपमी बाकी सहेलियों को भी विनती करूंगी कि वो भी अपने अनुभव कथन करें। मेरा नाम रजनी है, 32 साल की हूँ, मेरी शादी 10 साल पहले हुई थी। वैसे तो मैं एक छोटे शहर से हूँ लेकिन शादी के बाद अपने पति के साथ मुंबई में रहती हूँ। मेरे पति रमेश एक कंपनी में सुपरवाइज़र हैं। हम लोग मुंबई में एक चॉल के एक कमरे में रहते हैं। यह बात करीब नौ साल पहले की हैं, हमारी शादी को करीब डेढ़ साल हो गया था। जैसे कि हर शादीशुदा जोड़े का होता है, शादी के पहले साल में सेक्स के अलावा कुछ भी नहीं सूझता, मेरे पति को और...

1 year ago
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The Handy ManChapter 8

Man, I don’t even know where to start charging for this job, handling glass was worth more way back when I helped Dad. Maybe I can ask someone at Moorelands ... maybe I’ll meet Kasey and she’ll help me on this. Yeah right asshole - she’ll help you right out the front door. I called the other number on the list Carol had given me last. “Hello, this is Billy Sherman. I called this number about a handy-man job. I got your number from Mooreland’s.” “Yes Billy, I was wondering if you built...

3 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 5 Major EventsChapter 30 Loosening Up

Dave lay snuggled in his bed between Athena and Taylor. He’d made love to each of them twice. Athena seemed more relaxed and talkative after watching Taylor and Dave make love. Taylor was in seventh heaven, and talked throughout the lovemaking sessions about how good it felt and how she never wanted them to stop. Cricket came in and joined the fray. She’d been with Dave’s brother and sister-in-law, and seemed very content and fulfilled. Dave teased her, “What are you going to do when Don...

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The Girl Stories Mission 1

She had to take special care so nobody would notice she slipped into a dirty alley from the main street, but thankfully, not a lot of people were walking where she was going. She enjoyed the eyes on men, looking at her, but did not want any suspicions cast on her masters working place. After making double sure she wasn't followed, she traversed the labyrinth of small dirty, back alleys to get to the one she wanted. The one, she had such vivid memories of. The alley she first met her masters....

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Her Place in the Garden

The warm sun rained down on me as I knelt in my garden. The fresh smell of flowers and bushes combining with the peaceful tranquility of moving the garden dirt around with my shovel. As I squatted doing my daily morning chore, Cynthia peered over her wood picket fence and gave a snort. "Think she'll finish on time this go around?" Florence looked me over, inspecting my progress before checking her stop watch. "Its gonna be close. She still hasn't even put in the Azalias." Oh fuck I...

3 years ago
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Hiding in SchoolChapter 4

My Mom thought I hid in my room out of anger over something. And I’m pretty sure Carter had no idea why I was hiding in my room. Sure at first I was mad but then it became clear that I felt ashamed over my small bust size. From the other side of the door, I heard my Mom say, “There is nothing to be ashamed of Kyla. You have beautiful breasts. I actually wish I could have your breast size.” Dang it, I had been narrating out loud again. I timidly said to the door, “Then you can trade me. I...

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Little Black Dress Chapter 1

I am not sure where we turned the corner but it has been a fun ride. The names have been changed to protect the not so innocent. Let me start by saying we are now in our mid forties. I am Greg and my wife is Dee. We have had many experiences and it all started with my sexy wife wearing a little black dress while we were out dancing. I am 5'11" with blond hair, brown eyes, thick arms and legs and generally tanned. I am by no means a wimp and I am not hung up on jealousy. I am very well equipped,...

Wife Lovers
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Exploring The Virgin Pussy Of Hot Maid 8211 Part 1

Hi, this is Suresh again. Let me give a quick recap. I am 20 years old now and I have a six pack body and a 7-inch cock. It had been long since I had sex. I never really had a virgin pussy. But I always wanted to have one. As usual, summer vacations came and I went to my granny’s village. My granny welcomed me with joy and happiness. I saw a girl there who was around 18 years old and looking hot. I asked my grandma who she was. She said her name was Kaveri and she was the maid who was hired to...

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Equal Shares Ch 41

The morning after the night before was not nice, but copious amounts of water and painkillers helped, along with several cups of coffee. All three gathered in Stan’s kitchen, listlessly going through the motions of making breakfast. Finally, Stan said ‘Hey, we ought to go to Iorio’s for breakfast. Getting out of the house would do us good, anyway.’ ‘I never thought I’d hear you advocating fresh air, Stan!’ grumbled Anne, though she had a slight smile on her face. ‘He’s probably right,...

2 years ago
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New Neighbor Makes Me A Glory Hole Part 2

Ever since Hilda and I played the Glory Hole game last week, I spend nearly every afternoon behind the garage listening for her to exit her house.  So, earlier today I was putting at the potting bench near the fence we share, just feet from the new glory hole.  I was lost in my task when the sound of her back door slamming shut, startled me back to my senses.I listened intently for the melodic tone of her voice, but was instead surprised to hear another female voice - two actually.  It took me...

Oral Sex
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PublicBang Alice Fantasy Indecent Exposure

Alice Fantasy was sitting on a park bench in a crowded mid town park. Emilio Ardana decided to sit next to her. He was a little obnoxious, was eating her popcorn and throwing it in her cleavage. Finally the director eased the tension by offering her money if they could grab her tits and if she could give Emilio a blowjob. All in the city park with people everywhere. She liked Emilio. They moved to a slightly less crowded place, close to a street with cars passing by. She sucked some more. Then...

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Overacting Mom And How I Fucked Her 8211 Part 4

There she stood with her nighty half torn, exposing her boobs in her bra. Her mangalsutra was seen in full glory, gliding from her neck and ending inside her deep cleavage. Though I see it often, that first sight is still fresh in my memory. The nighty exposed her milky, white navel. It barely covered her panty with the torn half hanging over to the floor. I thanked my luck. I held her navel and pinned her to the wall behind her to the side of the bed. I played with her navel looking into her...

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Blackmailed spanked and screwed

David looked as his watch two hours later ? Blackmailed, spanked and screwed.? By BlackStar? This story is not fantasy.? It actually happened in real-life.? Eventually the blackmailer got four years.? But Valerie got a well-deserved hiding she would never forget.  David sat in the living room while Valerie looked out the window.? David watched her with concealed amusement.? It was obvious that she was extremely edgy while she waited for a exceptional client to turn up for his...

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How Im Spanked

"Alright, Mindy, go get yourself ready for your spanking."That's what Daddy says every time I'm going to get a spanking. Don't get me wrong, he's not my Father, he's my fianceé Mark, but to me he's my Daddy and I'm his good little girl. Well, most of the time. Daddy spanks me a lot. Mostly because he wants to, and I have to admit that getting a good bare-bottom spanking from Daddy makes my little girly bits get tingly and wet once the crying has died down. But I'm getting ahead of...

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Jamie and them

We had been married for about thirteen years. I knew that not having children of her own was starting weigh heavily on her shoulders. After a heavy round of fucking Jamie lay smiling next to me in bed. “You seem happy,” I told her. “We have a solution to our problem at work,” she said. “What is it?” I asked Jamie. She worked at a biomedical company. They did various experiments with animals and such. “You’ll find out in a couple of days when you return from your trip this weekend,” said...

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Random Titbits

An unending universe. An unending possibility of stories. We live in a world where there are so many stories to tell, with as many emotions, feelings, yurning, fantasies and pleasures. So many people, so many tastes. Nowadays we can tell these stories to a much greater amount of people. One of these places you can visit for this kind of stories is the tavern of Chyoa. Some come here to listen, some come here to tell. What do you come here for? Are you after fantasy stories about knights saving...

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Making Love vs Fucking

We all know the difference between making love and fucking, but for those that may not here is my take on the subject.When my partner makes love to me it is slow, gentle, sensual....he does it not only to make himself feel good, but to satisfy me as well. Making love is selfless and sacrificial: my partner would ask me how he can sexually satisfy me, and makes sure he is not hurting me. With making love the point is not to finish, not to climax. But just to be together. In making love there is...

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The Accidental MasterChapter 4 A Weekend Away

The rest of the week was rather mundane after Monday. Kayla needed to spend some time working at the restaurant, so I made sure to pay her some attention in the mornings. Emily was quitting her job as a receptionist and this was her last week of work after giving her two week notice the day after she met me. And Angela was spending a lot of time in the library catching up on her studies. Finals were just a few weeks away and then she would need to start studying for the North Carolina...

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Teri and Tom

Being on display in public is an interesting experience! Especially when you know someone out there is examining you but you can't see them. But that is what Teri and Tom had requested. They are somewhere in this place looking at me, judging. Am I worthy, sexy enough? Teri and Tom are a cuckold couple in their forties. We had hooked up through a website/email invitation. She had though my profile was hot and my photos sexy. But she also wanted to see me in the flesh, in a public place. I had...

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IBE The Days Of WanderingAddendumHouston

Kelly welcomed me back into her life with a bit of fear on her part. I mean she was really happy to see me, there was no hiding that, nor denying it. But after all this time together, she had been distinctly uncomfortable that my instinct was to run away rather than face this together- as we should have, frankly. Kelly asked me to sit with her in the living room, and I of course did so. “We really need to talk, Johnny,” she said. The infamous words wives say when their husbands are unlikely...

1 year ago
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The Trials of First Love Chapter 6 The Finale

My eyelids were heavy and as I slowly opened them, the light hurt. As my head started to pound I tried to move, but the pain stopped me. “Anna, oh Anna,” I heard my mother whispering. “She’s awake,” she said louder. When I tried to turn my head toward her voice, she told me not to move. I felt pain all over my body as an image flashed of Jeremy above me angry and the feeling of cold air on my skin. ‘What was that? When was that?’ I asked myself. I cringed and immediately felt more pain in my...

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Finding out About Marsha Pt 4

(This is, for now, the last of a 4 part series ... I've left the door open for more, but don't know when I will be able to write it).  By the time Mary came to visit us, 6 weeks after I moved to California, I had become well established as a pimp … I mean manager for Marsha and Amanda.    In spite of my reservations about my new “job” I was attacking it with enthusiasm.   My doubts about what I was doing were outweighed by my love for Marsha and fast growing affection for Amanda for I felt...

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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Rogues Wicked HaremChapter 42 Inspirationrsquos Freedom

Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Aingeal “We need to give you a proxy with big tits so you can do this, princess,” I purred as I wrapped my big breasts around Sven’s pussy soaked cock. He lay on his back again, a huge grin on his face as he savored the delight of my boobs engulfing his dick. “Yes, I need that proxy,” Ava groaned. “Enjoy,” Kora said and rolled off the bed. She made her way towards the aoi si. “Aingeal,” Sven moaned as I pumped my tits up and down my...

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Losing it young

When we first started liking each other we used to sneak out to the playhouse and french kiss.At the time we felt so grown up doing that. Then one time when jess was at my house we decided to go swimming at the river while our parents were getting high together so we rode on down to the river and went to our favorite spot wich was up river from the road. We finally got there and I climbed on to the rock and was ready to jump in when Jess asked me to wait. She said "Hey come down a moment I got...

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Tag Team

(I wrote this story with Odink. This is a 50/50 collaboration. Thank you, Odink. Your input was sensational!) Kim's phone rang early that morning. She looked at the caller ID and noticed it was JD. With a groan, she picked up the receiver. “I know that you are my best friend, but prepare for an ass whipping. Do you realize it is 7 am?” she grumbled. “Yes, and you need to get your lazy ass out of bed. I reserved us a spot at the lake, but we need to get there early. So, get up and get to...

Group Sex
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Unnatural Urges and Desires

Samuel Hathaway was looking forward to a nice relaxing Saturday night at home. His week at work was long with him doing a couple of hours of overtime each day. Then he spent all day Saturday doing yard work, trimming the trees and bushes in the backyard. All he wanted to do was grab a beer, and hold his wife while they watch whatever movie she picked. Samuel's loving wife, Hermione, had different plans. She wanted to go out dancing. Oh how she loved to hit the town with her man on...

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Vampire Nights 2

It had been two nights since Darla had been with her Vampirelover. Morning had come after their first night and she had woken with their naked bodies tangled together. His place was dark, the windows all covered. She had managed to find her clothes in the darkened room and dressed herself quietly, leaving her number and address for him beside his bed. Leaving him there had made her sad but heading home to get ready for work had forced her out the door. These past nights she had waited for him...

2 years ago
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Note : I posted this story a few years ago but it eventually was replaced by others. I thought I would post it again.WELCOME TO THE FACTORY (LESBIAN STORY)It was Ania’s first day and she was nervous. She had had enough of school and at 18 she wanted to work to help her mother Paula make ends meet. Paula’s husband had left a long time ago and the Polish wife with broken English had had trouble finding a job until she was recruited by the chocolate packing factory owned by another Polish woman...

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Puzzle Box Genie 20Chapter 1

I trudged through the snow, wind blasting into my face, biting at any exposed skin. Silently. I vowed not to leave my shopping until Christmas Eve next year. Last year I said the same thing. Come to think of it, the year before that as well. I wasn’t the only one. Despite the freezing weather and late hour, the streets and stores were still busy. It was primarily worried-looking middle-aged men trying to buy for their wife’s or girlfriends. Judging by some items I saw them carrying around,...

4 years ago
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Introduction: This is the story of my first affair and my sexual awakening. Although I learned to use dirty language during sex, I did not use any in this story, because when it happened I was still very innocent and never used any dirty language. At the age of 13 I had an operation to remove a tumor at the back of my brain. After the operation I was left blind. It was a great shock and it took me months to come to terms with it. Sometimes I still rebel against the fact, but what the hell, I am...

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His Infernal Majestys ServiceChapter 21

Mom grimaced as she stood. "I'll get it." I rocketed out of my seat toward the door. "I'LL get it. You be polite." Dad put his hand on Mom's arm. "Sit down honey." Mom dropped on the couch and crossed her arms. "Fine!" I opened the door. Kim looked up to me with wide eyes and her chin trembled as she started to speak. I did an about face and went back to my seat without making a comment. She skittered through the door like a nervous mouse, her hand clutched at the base of her...

2 years ago
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Inclusive Is Good Seduction Through Cinema 4

We ended our last encounter sharing a shower. Nothing of any consequence occurred because we were exhausted. Sloane excused herself to go to sleep. Siobahn asked if we could talk a bit before I left.She poured us each a Jameson and repaired to the den."I genuinely like our situation. We have a special trust and enjoy mutual respect without baggage. There are boundaries that we are very comfortable which makes our relationship very rewarding.  I love the idea that you treat me with exclusivity,...

1 year ago
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08 TogetherChapter 103

Present – Ben – In the bedroom trying on his dress blues I sure as hell didn’t think I’d need my dress blues this soon, but like a good Marine I made sure to pack them away correctly. Yeah, even though I hadn’t been a Marine in years, the Corps’ training still stuck with me and of course with my wife Jens. The time I shared with her as a Marine was good, but was also too fucking short and I gave her too much shit about things. Yeah, she must really love me to put up with all the shit I...

2 years ago
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My hornny bhabhi

Hi I am Ramesh from Mumbai. My cousin bhabi name was Sudha, aged 36 slim whitish complexion, slim figure and tight ass and medium size breast and a flat stomach. Well! Most of the readers would have got an erection by now by thinking of the sexy figure.She lived with her family at a distant place where I used to call her husband on phone on week ends and once I invited them to my home during there visit to my town where they came for two hours only I went to pick them up from the bus stop and...

3 years ago
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Feeling My Daughter Part One

___________________________________________________________________________________ If there is one thing a sixteen year old girl never wants to happen is for her daddy to catch her naked somehow. I found that out the hard way. Molly obviously thought she was home by herself. She had no idea that I was down in my basement office catching up on some lost work. I needed a break and headed upstairs to the kitchen to grab a drink and a lite snack before dinner. When I entered, there was my...

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Tim And Abbie 61 Matt And Marthas Celebration

Getting off earlier than usual after the positive ending to their meeting, Matt makes one quick stop on his way home to share the news with Martha.  The stop is to get some sparkling grape juice to toast the new job.  With Martha unable to drink as now within days of her due date, sparkling juice will have to do.Arriving home, he takes Martha in his arms and spins her around while kissing her.  She could see the excitement in Matt’s eyes from the moment he walked in the door.  She giggles as he...

4 years ago
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Millie Meats Her MateChapter 2

(Due to the fact that quite a bit of time has passed since part I was written, my recommendation would be to read part I before reading part II. Some editing has been done on part I of a technical nature not enough to change the storyline in any way. The “meats” in the title is not a typo but a pun of sorts due to the butcher trade of one of her candidates for lifelong partnership. This will close out this story because there is a decided lack of interest in this style of restrained erotica...

4 years ago
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Fulfilling a Promise

I have to write this final chapter. There is no one else to do it, I have to do it for Lee. Lee and I worked together in a medical wellness clinic. I learned that she started writing after her husband (Magichands on this site) passed away. I have read all of his stories, and all of hers that she posted under ‘Magichandslee’. In some ways, I think Lee wrote better than her husband did. Although I personally found most of them wonderful, Lee’s showed emotion and the pain she went through right...

3 years ago
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My First Time with Lacy

We went out hiking on a Saturday, driving all morning to get there, with plans to spend the night camping and then come back on Sunday. Saturday went fine, we spent the day hiking over various hills and past streams, all while following the trail. It was Saturday evening, right before dark, when things started to get worrisome. According to our map there was supposed to be a rest station where we were, but we couldn't find it. We searched farther up the trail thinking we hadn't gone...

2 years ago
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The GymnastChapter 5

Stephanie gave serious thought to what Ruth Parker had suggested. After telling her parents an extremely modified version of events at dinner that evening, she proposed allowing Greg to work out with her after school several days a week. Later that evening she called Greg to tell him about the idea. She also suggested that he contact Ruth Parker about working in her real estate office. They agreed that, to start, they would work out at home on Mondays and Thursdays, and that she would attend...

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