- 4 years ago
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Introduction: A man discovers how decisions can change your life years later It is funny how random and coincidental life events can be. Or, perhaps things are not as random as they seem, could it be fate at work which leads us to our destiny? Its hard to say for sure, I suppose. Simply because my best friend needed help moving, my life was forever changed. But I would find out years later, it was actually events had taken place years before (when I was still in college) which made that questionably fateful day a reality.
I was in my mid 30s (36 to be exact) and had made a very good living for myself. I considered myself successful when it came to my career. I wasnt independently wealthy, but I wasnt hurting for money by any means, either. I could buy just about anything I wanted within reason. But where I always seemed to fall short was in personal relationships. There was always just something lacking: either I wasnt into her or she was too into my bank account (which inevitably led me to not being into her). Id been with plenty of girls, but when it came to real love, I was a bit of a loser.
But then one day, my buddy Stan asked me to help him move. I really didnt want to spend the day packing boxes and hauling furniture around, who does? I offered to pay to have movers do it, but he insisted on moving his things himself. Being the good friend, I agreed to help. He picked me up early on the morning of the move and insisted on buying breakfast. So we stopped at a little mom & pop style diner near his place and grabbed a menu. Stan and I were looking through the menu when our waitress came up to take our order. When I looked up at her, I saw the most beautiful young woman I had ever set eyes upon. She was radiant, an absolute angel on earth. My usually quick mind went numb and I was unable to speak or even keep a coherent thought. What did I want for breakfast? Is it time for breakfast? What is breakfast? Suddenly a sharp pain struck my shin and I was snapped out of it for a moment, Stan had kicked me. I apologized and asked Avery (according to her name tag) what she recommended. She made a recommendation but I was barely aware of what it was, having decided to say yes to whatever she said.
Sure: that sounds goodIll have that, I said. She laughed, turned to Stan and asked for his order and his response brought me back to reality.
Im sorry: Ive actually never seen him like this before, he said before giving his order.
Its ok, Im actually flattered, she said to Stan while smiling at me.
Averys smile was beautiful beyond words and my heart was racing. She went to place our order and I watched as she disappeared into the kitchen.
What the hell is wrong with you? Stan asked once she was gone.
What? What did I do?
You gawked at her like a horny school boy.
Oh, come on, I wasnt that bad!
Do you have any idea what she suggested you have for breakfastwhich you agreed to? Stan asked me.
Ummm&hellip,No, not really. Why?
She suggested a cold shower for you. Im surprised she didnt turn the pitcher of water over your head.
Well, thats a little embarrassing. But did you SEE her?! She is easily the most beautiful girl Ive ever seen!
Stan said, Yeah, shes very pretty. But you could just about be her father. Shes too young for you.
His words were lost on me, I didnt want to hear that. The rational side of me was trying to tell me (based on past experience) that girls her age were only interested in guys my age if they were after money. But my heart had that side on mute. Avery came back out with our drinks and I did my best to collect myself.
Im sorry about how I acted before, I said while trying not to fall into that same spell again. Its just, you are the most amazing girl Ive ever seen and I know you must get that all of the time and that it probably sounds creepy coming from an old guy like me when you could get any guy you want and, oh my god Im rambling. Im sorry.
Stan just looked at me with a blank expression, I could hear his brain screaming WHAT THE FUCK? at me, but he sat there in silence. Avery smiled and melted my heart.
She said, Actually, you might be surprised to hear it, but I dont get that a lot.
I was blown away. How can that be? I asked.
She said, And, between me and all of my friends, if any of us are going to be without a date on a Saturday, it will be meand it usually is.
I said, I find that impossible to believe. Even Stan agreed with me.
Avery said, I guess most guys are too intimidated to say anything to me. Or, maybe they figure Im already with someone, I dont know. Ive tried flirting, but I guess they think Im just trying to be nice. Its like a curse or something.
If a girl like you has a hard time getting a date, the human race is doomed, I said.
Avery laughed and went to check on our orders. Stan just looked at me as if to say what the hell is wrong with you? I asked him why he was looking at me like that and he just shook his head. I was subconsciously calculating the odds of me getting a date with Avery. Id dated many girls around her age over the yearseven recently. However, the girls her age were typically after money and that was always a deal breaker. But maybe I could make an exception in her case: she might be worth it! I was deep in thought when Stan snapped me out of it.
Are you even listening to me?
What? What did you say?
Oh my god, really? he asked.
I tried to explain that I was thinking about something and he was not a bit surprised. I was asking him to tell me what he was saying, but he just shook his head and said to forget it. Before long, Avery came out with our breakfasts and served us. The food looked good, but all I could smell was the light scent of her perfume. I knew I was going to ask her out before I left the restaurant, I couldnt stop myself if I wanted to. We ate our breakfast and Avery brought the check. Even though Stan had said he was paying, I insisted on picking up the tab, the experience was so good that I wanted to pay for it. When she came to pick up the tab, I had a question for her.
Rather than stay home and be bored this Saturday, why dont you join me for a nice dinner? I asked.
Avery chuckled and said, I think Im washing my hair on Saturday, as she put the receipt folder down in front of me.
Stan laughed and I was a little crushed. Well, I would have never forgiven myself if I didnt ask. I hope you dont hold it against me.
Avery winked at me and told us to have a nice day and to come back soon. Before she was more than a few feet away from the table, Stan said I told you. I just shrugged it off and took out the receipt. I saw that she had circled her name which was printed on it and she wrote her phone number in large, looping numbers at the bottom. Stan didnt notice and I just put it in my pocket.
We left the diner (after I made sure to say thank you and good bye again to Avery) and got to work on getting Stan moved to his new address. While making the move, there was really only one thing we talked about: Avery. To be more precise, we talked about women in general. But for me, the subject of women boiled down to Avery. Stan went through the long list of girls Id been with over the years and how every single one of them that was at her level of good looks was a gold digger. But his argument was flawed: NONE of those girls were on Averys level. The one possible exception was a girl (Noreen) that I was with while in college, but that relationship was a completely different story and Stan didnt even know about her. But Stans point was not without merit. I knew what he was saying had a lot of truth behind it and I knew he was just looking out for my best interests, but there was something unique about Avery, something that made her different from any other girl. I just had a feeling about her that I had never felt before and I couldnt stop thinking about her. With all of Stans talk, however, I decided to play it safe and not let her know that I had a lot of money.
The next day was a busy one for me. I took the day off of work and began my plan of hiding my financial status. I bought a used car that was in decent shapesomething the average guy would be able to afford. Then I rented an apartment. It was a hole in the wall compared to what I was used to, but would do for what I needed. I boxed up a bunch of things from my place to put in the apartment to make it look like Ive been living there for a while. And I bought some used furniture from a few people I found on line advertising items on a popular listing site, you can find just about anything you need on short notice from that guys list… A few phone calls had my new apartment set up with electricity, water, and cable TV. It looked like I had been there for at least a year and I felt pretty good about the accomplishment. And, if (god forbid) things didnt work out with Avery, I would keep the apartment any way to aid weeding out gold diggers (but I really didnt believe Avery would be like that).
I pulled the receipt with Averys number on it and was about to call when I decided that it might be better to just go see her in person. So I got in my newly acquired car and drove to where she worked. As it turned out, I got there just as the restaurant was starting to serve dinner. Avery was about to leave when I walked in the door. She was surprised to see me and, even though I was there to see her, I was surprised to see hermostly I was surprised to see her leaving. We both said oh, hey at the same time.
I just dropped by to ask you if there is anything you dont or cant eat. I am making reservations for Saturday and I dont want to mess it up by taking somewhere you cant eat.
With a teasing tone she said, I thought I told you I was washing my hair Saturday&hellip,
Trueyou did say that. But I thought if you finished early and needed something else to do, maybe we could go out.
I see. If we went out, what time would my hair need to be dry by?
Do you think it will be dry by 6:00? Because if it isnt dry by that time, I can wait longer.
I think it will be dry by 5:00, actually. And I need be home by 11:00, I have to work breakfast the next morning so&hellip,
I said, Say no more: I promise to have you home on time.
Avery was smiling just as wide as I knew I was and that made me feel really good. She said to text her Saturday and she would send me her address. I said that I would and we parted ways for the night. I went back to my apartment for reasons I didnt fully understand. It just seemed to make sense. I suppose if I was going to make it believable that I had been living there, I should probably be familiar with where all of the light switches are and all of the other miscellaneous oddities of the place. It wouldnt look right if I was trying to figure out how to use the ice maker in the refrigerator or how the shower knobs work.
The rest of the week seemed to pass unusually slowly, but Saturday finally arrived and I was beside myself in anticipation. It took a lot of self control not to text her for her address first thing in the morning, I waited until shortly after noon so that I wouldnt look like a panting dog. I kept the text simple, saying Im looking forward to tonight. Please send your address when you get a moment and Ill see you at 5. Within just a few moments of sending the text, I had a reply from Avery saying cant wait! followed by her address. I started getting ready for the most anticipated date of my life. I knew that this could be a onetime thing, she could be just going out with me out of curiosity, so I wanted to make it count. I left early enough so that I would be able to find her place by 4:30. I didnt show up at 4:30: rather, I just drove around for a bit until it was nearly 5:00. But I did that just in case there were any problems with finding it, Id be able to call for better directions than what the internet provided and still be on time.
A few minutes before 5:00 I was parked in front of her house and I knocked on her door. She answered almost immediately. When she opened the door, I was once again stunned by her beauty. She looked amazing when she was just wearing her waitress uniform, but now she was dressed to the nines with her hair done up, makeup, sexy black dress, heelsthe works. I was speechless for a few moments and she smiled at my reaction.
Do I look ok? she asked.
I said, No, you do not look ok: you look absolutely fantastic! You are the picture of perfection.
She blushed a little and said, Oh sure: I bet you tell all the girls that line.
I held my hand up and said, Honestly, Ive never told anyone that before.
She said, Well thank you. And you look quite handsome, too.
I thanked her for being overly generous and asked if she was ready to go. She said she was and we left. Of course, I opened the car door for her and helped her in the car. As we set out, she asked where we were going and I said Kennedys if that is ok. She said she had never heard of it and asked where it was. I told her the street and she just looked at me, still not knowing where it was. I explained that it was in the city and she became really excited.
Were going to the city? Ive never been to the city yet!
You got to be kidding me? I asked genuinely shocked. How can you live around here and have never been to the city?
She said, Well, I havent been here that long. I just moved. Its a long story, but the short version is I transferred schools and Im staying with my aunt until I finish.
I said, Oh, you are going to school: good for you! What is your major, do you have one?
She paused for a second before saying, No, not exactly.
Sensing she was embarrassed to not have a major yet, I said, Thats not a big deal, I finished my second year before I chose a major. What year are you?
She paused again and said, Im a sophomore.
Well, there you go: you have some time yet. Do you have any thoughts on what you might want to choose for your major? Since she was a sophomore, I now had a better indication of her age: she had to be right around 19 which was perfect.
She said, I was thinking about being a teacher, math, most likely.
I said, That is a very noble profession. Its a tough road, but I have so much respect for those that teach. Teaching is a calling&hellip,
This was good news for me, I thought. If she wanted to be a teacher, then she was not a money whore. It is well known that teachers dont make a lot of money and if she is going to college to be a teacher, then I was pretty sure she was not going to be a gold digger. We continued talking during the drive into the city, never hitting a moment of awkward silence. I stopped at the closest parking garage to the restaurant and Avery was shocked at the parking rates.
Is that for real? They want that much per hour?!
I hadnt noticed the parking rate in years but agreed with her anyway. I know, its ridiculous, huh?
Can you afford parking here? Maybe there is a cheaper one nearby?
They all charge the same thing for the most part. But its ok: I have it covered. I might have to turn off the cable TV for a few months, but it will be worth it, I joked.
We walked the short distance to Kennedys and Avery held my arm as I escorted her. The streets were full of the typical city traffic sounds, but all I noticed was the sound of her heels on the side walk as she strode next to me. And everyone noticed the beauty on my arm, it was a wonderful feeling. We arrived at the restaurant and were seated right away even though there were a dozen people waiting out front. I said it was because we had reservations (which was partly true) but the real reason was because I was known here. I knew everyone here on a first-name basis. However, I had called ahead and told them to act as though they didnt know me from anyone else in the house (while filling them in on the reason why). This was a highly unusual request from me, so they knew there was something special about my guest, and they treated her special! Our meals were served and we continued learning more about one another. The more I learned about Avery, the more I liked her. Her views on life as well as likes/dislikes were so in line with my own that I found it almost impossible to believe. Before we were finished with dinner, we could finish each others thoughts and we were both laughing comfortably at the instant connection we had made. It was starting to get late and I knew we had to go so she could be home on time. I paid the bill, leaving a large tip (as per my usual) and we made our way back to the car.
The drive back to her place (her aunts place, actually) was no different from the rest of the night: we continued to talk, laugh, and learn more about each other. I could tell I was falling for her already, but I didnt want to play that hand too strongly for fear of chasing her away. We pulled up in front of her place and I walked her to the front door. I knew if she asked me in, that there was no way Id be able to say no.
Thank you for such a wonderful evening. I had a great time, she said.
I should thank you: this was the best night of my life, I said in all honesty.
Avery moved in closer to me and I knew that she either wanted to just hug or maybe a kiss. I moved in for the hug (being the safer bet of the two options) but she turned her face up to mine and closed her eyes. I knew I would die a happy man because I was about to kiss an angel! I leaned down slightly and gave her a gentle kiss, not sure how long to make it. She kissed me back, her silky lips gliding on mine felt like the most natural thing in the world and I could feel every cell in my body come alive. We kissed for a few moments and time seemed to stand still. She stopped moving her lips and we slowly broke our first kiss. Her eyes were still closed and she was rolling her lips together as if to continue the sensation.
Wow&hellip, she whispered.
Yeah, that was amazing, I agreed.
Avery looked at me longingly for a few moments and then said, Id invite you in, but&hellip,
You have to work in the morning, I finished.
She said, No, its not that. Its just&hellip,
This is your aunts house and you dont want to disrespect her, I finished, understanding her position.
Yeah&hellip,and shell be home in a few minutes, she said with a bit of regret.
Yeah: I understand, I said a little disappointed. Its more than ok. Can we go out againsoon?
She nodded her head definitively, Yes, of course! Id like that!
Ill call you tomorrow then. Is that ok? I asked.
You better&hellip, she said.
I promised that I would and gave her one more kiss good-night. The second kiss was just as magical as the first and I knew I was falling for her fast. She went inside and I turned to go back to my car. I stood at my car, looking at the house as lights came on. A light upstairs came on and I could see her through her semi-opaque curtains. She began jumping up and down like she was using an invisible jump-rope and was grinning ear to ear. Then she grabbed a stuffed animal from her bed and began waltzing around the room with it. I smiled and said out loud to myself, I feel the same way! Seeing her reaction in the privacy of her own room was almost as good as the kisses we shared because I knew she was feeling the same way about me as I was feeling about her. The drive back to my apartment was quite, yet her sweet voice still filled my ears. Her perfume hung in the car and it was like she was still there with mearguably she was. I started to plan our next date.
The next morning I called her just as she was about to leave for work. She was thrilled that I called as promised. Truth was: Id have talked to her all night if she didnt have to go to work. I asked her when we could go out again and she said she was off on Mondays and Tuesdays. I couldnt wait until Tuesday, so I told her Id pick her up tomorrow after I got off work.
While at work, all I could think about was Avery. The plans for our second date were much simpler. Id decided that I couldnt go overboard like on the first date or shed get wise to my lack of financial problems. Avery texted me (knowing I was still at work) and asked what she should be wearing for tonight. I texted back very casual and she sent back a smiley face. I cut out of work a little early and went back to the apartment to change before picking up Avery. She wore a cute tank top and a pair of stretchy yoga shorts with flip-flops. She also was carrying a small backpack that I assumed she was using as a purse. It was clear that Avery would be smoking hot no matter what she was wearing.
Avery, you look amazing as always. I said.
Now I know you are just being nice: this is me slumming it.
I shook my head and said, Then no one pulls off slumming the way you do! Are you ready to go?
She nodded and said, Yeah, where are we going?
I told her that we were going to the state park which was not far from where we lived. From our first date I had learned that she loved the outdoors as much as I did. And since it was an inexpensive thing to do, it seemed perfect. She thought it was a great idea and the weather was perfect for it, too. It was mid afternoon when we got to the park and we set about exploring some of the many nature trails the park had to offer. There werent a lot of others in the park, perhaps because it was a Monday. We were hiking, chatting, and just enjoying the company. We got to a part of the trail that had a stream flowing across it and she took my hand to help steady herself as she crossed to the other side. When we were safely on the other side, she simply continued holding my hand. It occurred to me that she never NEEDED my hand to cross the stream, she just used it as an excuse to take my hand. I certainly was NOT complaining! We were at least a half mile into the trail when Avery told me something that was a little surprising.
I feel like Ive known you my entire life. I hope that doesnt freak you out, she said.
That doesnt freak me out at all. In fact, Ive wanted to tell you the same thing for a while now.
She said, I knew there was something about you from the moment I first saw you in the dinerbefore you even saw me.
Are you making that up? I asked.
She just looked up at me and I could see from her expression that she wasnt even exaggerating. I said, Well, you know what my thoughts were when I first saw you&hellip,
Avery said, Yeah: you wanted to get in my pants!
I said, It wasnt even about that. I just couldnt believe my eyes. I thought Angels must be jealous of this beautythats what I was thinking.
Avery wrapped her arms around my arm as we walked, resting her head on my upper arm and shoulder. We reached a patch of grass in the sun and stopped. We seemed to be the only two on the planet, certainly the only two within a mile radius of where we stood. We shared another kiss and that same feeling as before over-took me. Avery and I began to make out and soon we were sitting in the grass and things were getting pretty hot. Her hand had found my crotch and mine found her breasts. She made no attempt to get her hand inside my shorts, so I followed her lead and stayed outside of her top. I figured she probably wouldnt want to go too far in the woods and in public. Grass could have a way of really irritating the skin as any outdoor type person knows. So we just continued to make out there in the sun and it was amazing. The age difference between us was a distant memory, we were completely in tune with each other on every level. We must have made out for an hour before we noticed the sun was starting to go down. And we had a way to hike before we would get back to the car. So we headed back and I was sorry to see this date drawing to a close so soon. But we still had time if she didnt have to be home until 11:00 again.
What time to you turn into a pumpkin tonight? I asked making a small joke.
TonightIm free. I told my aunt I was staying at a friends place. You dont mind, do you?
Are you joking? No, I dont mind! I couldnt believe my luck! Avery wanted to stay the night with me already! Id won the lottery!
I just dont want you to think Im a slut or something. SeriouslyIve never done this beforejumping in with both feet like this. But I feel this overwhelming connection with you. I cant explain it but it feels so&hellip,right. I hope you know what I mean.
I said, I know precisely what you mean. I feel it too. I feel like we&hellip,
She cut me off and finished my thought saying, We belong together?
Yeah, thats verbatim what I was going to say, I said.
Avery took my hand and we held hands in the car all of the way to my apartment. No sooner did we get inside did she remove her tank top. She had a really cute, lacy bra on but I barely had time to notice it before she slipped her black yoga shorts down to her ankles and stepped out of them. She was wearing a black thong which was mostly sheer. I pulled her to me and we began making out again. Her hands worked at the button and zipper on my shorts and soon my shorts where in a pile with hers. She pushed my t-shirt up and I helped remove it, never seeing where it landed on the floor. I picked her up by her waist and her legs wrapped around me as she put her arms around my neck and we continued kissing. I began carrying her towards the bedroom, one hand was under her incredible ass and the other was working the clasp on her bra. As we crossed the doorway to my bedroom, the clasp came undone. She pulled her bra away from between us and discarded it like it was yesterdays trash. Then I realized I didnt have any condoms.
Shit, I said. Do you have a condom?
She said, Birth control: dont worry about it.
Are you sure? I asked.
Knowing that you can still get pregnant on birth control, she understood my question. She said, Yeah, Im sure: my period is also just a few days away. Were safe.
That was good enough for me. I went back to kissing her and now every cell of my being was on fire! Nothing in the world existed except for Avery in my arms. I gently set her on the bed and she started to move toward the center. I grabbed the sides of her thong and she wiggled out of them as she moved across the bed. Her pussy was shaved completely clean, not a hair or even stubble to be seen. And her breasts were spectacular! She was a very full B cup, perhaps a C cup. Her nipples were perfectly placed and they were the same color as her lips. My cock was making a tent in my boxers before I pushed them off of me and joined the most beautiful girl in the world who was naked in MY bed and waiting for ME!
Averys body was perfect. If she had a flaw anywhere, I couldnt find it. My eyes drank in her vision. I hovered over her and we kissed. I slowly lowered myself on top of her and, as I did, her legs opened to get into position. I began kissing my way down her neck to her chest, I played with a nipple in one hand and with my tongue on the other. After a few minutes of flicking and sucking on her nipples, I began kissing her lower, I kissed her very sexy belly button and kept going south until I found the very top of her most private crease. I let the tip of my tongue just barely make contact as it traced the line formed by the lips of her labia. My tongue slowly traced down, circled her vaginal opening and then traced back up, gradually increasing in pressure until it was pushing her lips apart and seeking out her clitoris. I found it trying to hide and played with it mercilessly.
Avery was moaning with pleasure as she rocked her pussy into my mouth. She had an incredibly sweet taste and I loved going down on her. Her juices began to flow from her and I lapped them up slowly and deliberately. Her pussy was just as smooth and clean as a pre-pubescent little girlnot a bit of hair or razor stubble anywhere, she clearly waxed herself. I went down on her for several minutes before making a return trip north, paying just as much attention to kissing her body as much as possible on the way back up.
By the time I kissed her on the mouth again, her entire body was electrified and writhing in anticipation. I lowered my hips towards hers, my cock went immediately to the entrance to her vagina and I eased forward as her pussy lips spread open and cupped my rigid invader. Avery sighed with passion and moaned sweetly, our eyes locked together. A moment later, I knew just how truthful she had been when she told me she had never jumped in with both feet with a guy before: she was a virgin!
Having been with more than a few girls in my life, both virgins and experienced, I could tell the difference. And, I knew not to call attention to it while knowing to PAY attention at the same time. If I went too fast or too soon, it was going to hurt her and I didnt want that. I concentrated on playing with her breasts and nipples for a while, leaving just the head of my dick inside of her. After a few minutes, she began rocking her hips a little and I could feel her getting even wetter.
I put a little more pressure behind my penetration into her and I could feel her hymen straining to keep me out. Averys nipples were hard and pointing straight up at me. I flicked them with my tongue for a few moments before going back to kissing her. I began giving short strokes in and out of her, running into but not breaking her proof of virginity. Avery was rocking her hips more and more and she wrapped her legs around my ass and used her feet to pull me forward.
My cock had never been as hard as it was at that moment and it pushed through her hymen with almost no effort. The thin membrane slowly ripped as my cock passed by and she moaned with a sound of relief. With the worst part of it over for her now, I slowly pushed forward until I was buried to the hilt in her, my balls resting on her perfect ass. I caressed her face with my hand and we looked each other in the eyes, peering into one anothers very soul. We kissed again with passion I had never experienced before and I felt like I had surely found the one.
Avery was perfect in every way, not just in looks and similar interests, but in how she made me feel. We made Love for hours. Even my own orgasm didnt slow me down and we both had several of them. Eventually, I rolled over to lay behind her and reentered her from the spoon position, holding her tight until we both fell asleep. At some point in the night, my cock went soft and was forced out of her tight, warm vagina.
The morning sun broke through the window and we were still in the spoon position from the night before. I knew already that I was in Love with this girl in my arms, that was Love with a capital Lthe real thing. The terrible thought entered my head that it would not go well for me if she didnt feel the same way about me, but I banished the thought before it could stay in my head for too long. I heard her breathing change and I knew she was awake. Avery turned her head to see if I was awake. My eyes were still closed and she must have thought I was asleep. She turned her head back around and I barely heard her whisper, I think Im in love&hellip, I pretended to be asleep for a few more minutes and then woke up.
Are you awake? I asked in a whisper, as if I didnt know.
Yeah, she said turning to face me.
Did you sleep ok? I asked.
Better than ok: that was the best sleep everjust being in your arms&hellip,
I hugged her tight to me and kissed her on the forehead (so she wouldnt get my morning breath). She snuggled in to me, not seeming to care about such things.
Do you have to go to work today? she asked.
Nope, Im off today, too.
Avery just smiled and snuggled in even closer, if that was possible. We lay in each others arms for a while and then she said she needed to get a shower. I said I needed one too.
Come on, she said, Lets get a shower. Avery took my hand and pulled me out of bed with her as she got up. We walked into the bathroom without bothering to cover ourselves. I started the shower for her and she got in. I joined her a moment later and she spoke first.
Last night was so amazing. It was everything I thought it would be and more.
I said, There are no words for how amazing last night was in any language.
Avery surprised me with a confession when she said, That was my first time, being with someone, I mean&hellip,
As I was soaping her back I said, Yeah, I know. I hope I was gentle enough.
She turned around looking up at me as soapy water ran over and between her gravity defying breasts and said, You were perfectlike a fantasy.
Avery held on to me, went up on her toes and tilted her face up to me, I leaned down and gave her a kiss. Once again, my body surged with new energy never felt before Avery. I broke the kiss after a minute and asked her what she wanted to do today.
I have an idea for a fun date&hellip, she said.
What is it? I asked.
Lets just have naked day. Well spend the day here and the only rule is: no clothes. What do you think?
I said, I think you are a genius.
Avery said, Good! First, Im going to make breakfast, Im starving! Are you?
I said, I could eat&hellip, Food hadnt actually entered my mind until she mentioned it. My thoughts were obviously on other things.
I turned off the shower and we got out to dry off. Once dry, Avery went to the kitchen to get started on breakfast. I watched her cute ass cheeks sway as she walked, I knew Id never tire of seeing that site. It didnt take her long to realize that I was a typical bachelor with a limited amount of groceries. The full story, of course, was that I intentionally stocked the shelves and fridge with a minimal amount of supplies. She found some instant pancake mix and some fresh berries and made us pancakes. I wanted to help, but she insisted that I sit at the table, she wanted to do it all. So, I sat at the kitchen table and watched the most beautiful girl in the world cooking breakfast without a stitch of clothing on her. She was incredibly graceful, too. I watched her every move as if she were performing a ballet. Every once in a while she would glance over at me and give me a little teasing smile before returning to her task. Before long, she was serving us our first home-cooked meal together. She set my plate down first and I waited until she was seated with her plate before I even picked up a utensil. The pancakes were delicious, even though they were instant, but I suspect the evaluation had more to do with who cooked them and how she was (not) dressed as opposed to the actual, unbiased quality of the pancakes. We sat at the table for at least an hour after finishing our breakfastjust talking and learning more and more about each other. I saw her shudder slightly and I asked if she was cold.
Maybe a little, she said.
Well, unless we cancel naked day, we have two options: 1) I can turn up the thermostat or 2) we can make our own heat, I said, diverting my eyes towards the bedroom with a sly grin.
She said with a sly grin of her own, I cant see wasting electricity like that&hellip, and Im not canceling naked day so&hellip,
I took her hand and we went back to bed. We made Love again and it was just as amazing as the first time. With Avery, sex was brought to an entirely new level: it wasnt just the physical act as I had known it for my adult lifenow there was a strong emotional aspect that heightened all senses. Our Love making was slow and passionate, it was spiritual and beautiful. I wasnt even worried in the least if she was being less than honest about being on birth control or that she was going to have her cycle in a few days. The way I saw it, if she ended up pregnant, then that was fine with me because I knew that I wanted her in my life. I already knew I was going to ask her to marry me.
We took breaks in between making Love to do other things (eat, use the bathroom, get a drink, etc&hellip,) but we would go right back to bed, sometimes just to hold each other and talk, but mostly we were making Love. At one point in the late afternoon, she did something that I had not had happen to me since I was in college. We were in the throes of passion and we were both just about to orgasm when her cell phone rang. She looked at the caller ID and shook her head.
Im sorry: I have to take this. Its my aunt and shes going to worry if I dont answer, she said.
I was a bit stunned, but said, Ok. I was not able to stop my Love making, though, so I continued quietly and slowly.
Hey, whats up? she asked her aunt on the phone.
What time are you going to be home? her aunt asked.
Oh, Im not sure. A bit later, I guess, Avery said.
What are you guys doing all day? her aunt asked again.
Avery lied and said, Just watching TV and texting friendsyou know: the usual stuff.
Well, I hope you girls arent getting into any trouble&hellip, Clearly her aunt was under the impression that her niece had spent the night with a female friend.
No, we arent, Avery said.
Ok, be home no later than 10:30. You are on for breakfast, dont forget.
I know
It was right at that point that my building orgasm released, I couldnt hold it any longer. The sperm splashed into her cervix and triggered her own orgasm which came out as a long, sharp inhale as she did her best to keep it quiet.
I could hear her aunt ask, Whats the matter?
Avery covered up her orgasm by turning the sound into that of a yawn and said, Nothing, just yawning.
Her aunt said, Oh, ok, for a second there it sounded like you were having sex!
Averys tone turned sarcastic and she said, Yeah, right: thats what Im doingIm having sex right now. Thats why I answered the phone: because what better time to have a phone conversation than when having sex? Isnt that when YOU take phone calls from people?
Oh for crying out loud, I get it! her aunt said, buying Averys deception.
They both reiterated the time to be home and said goodbye before hanging up.
Wow, that was&hellip,weird, I said.
Yeah, I know. Im sorry.
No, its ok. It just&hellip,reminded me of something. Its a long storyforget it.
Avery didnt ask any questions and we went back to expressing our feelings for each other. I knew I would never get tired of this girleven when we were both old and gray, I was going to be in Love with her.
It was starting to get late and I knew we needed to get ready to take Avery home. We took another shower together, but this time I washed her from head to toe, paying close attention to every square inch of her perfect skin. By the time I had finished, there was not one part of her lovely body that had not felt my gentle toucheven obscure parts like her eyelids and between her toes… We finished showering and I dried her off before drying myself. She was collecting her clothes which were still in a pile on the floor from the night before. When she picked up the black thong, she looked at it for a second and then turned to face me.
These are the last panties I wore as a virgin, she said with a bit of nostalgia. I want you to keep themsomething to have to remember last night.
I said, I would never need something to remember last night, but I would love to have them. Thank you, I said as she handed them to me.
We kissed for a minute, both of us still completely naked. But then it was time to put an end to naked day and get dressed so she could go home. I got dressed as Avery put on her change of clothes that she had in her back packpink lacy panties and a white bra to start, then stretchy denim shorts (really short) and a baby blue tank top. She put her clothes from the day before in her back pack (minus the panties she gave me) and it was time to go. We talked on the drive back to her place and it seemed we would never stop learning more about each other and the more we learned, the more we realized how great we were as a match. We pulled up to her aunts place and she didnt have to tell me not to get out of the car to walk her to the door: her aunt was clearly home and walking to the door with her may not have gone over so well. We said good night and I waited until she was inside before driving away. I was half way home before I realized I was singing with joy and a big stupid grin was decorating my face. I did find myself wondering why she was so worried about her aunt knowing that she was with me, she was an adult, after allshe could make those decisions for herself. But then, I knew some family members could be a bit domineering and perhaps she just didnt feel like dealing with that. And I was fine with that.
Avery and I continued seeing each other regularly. We called and texted countless times every day. Mondays, Tuesdays, and Saturdays were the best days for us to spend time together. She didnt always spend the night on a Monday and I couldnt take many days off to be with her, but we still managed to have our alone time. I would take her out to do something fun regularly and we grew closer and closer as time went on. Neither of us ever said I Love you directly, but only because it just didnt need to be said. It would have been like saying, oh, by the way, water is wet, or the sun is hot. We both KNEW how the other felt.
We had been together for about two months when I went shopping for a ring. I was long since ready to ask her to marry me, I just didnt want to rush her by asking too soon. But I knew she was thinking about it now. She was dropping subtle hints from time to time, she would see a magazine featuring a wedding dress and remark about how pretty it was or if there was an old couple she would ponder out loud if they were as happy as we are. She thought she was being subtle, but I was so in-tune with her that she couldnt have been more obvious if she was carrying a flashing neon sign that read, I want you to propose to me.
It took me a while to find the right ring. I couldnt get a really expensive one or else she would question how I was able to afford it and I didnt want her walking around with a fleck of diamond dust, either. But, I figured that the ring would be a temporary ring and I would get her a really nice one after we were married. Then I thought about when/where to pop the question. I didnt know if I should go for the cheesy public proposal that most girls seemed to love because of the extra attention, or if I should go with the private, more intimate one. Weighing the pros and cons, I decided that the public proposal was probably not the way to go. There was a clear age difference between us, not that it mattered to either of us, but I didnt want some jerk to make a rude comment pointing it out that could be overheard by Avery and ruin the experience for her (and me). It didnt take long to decide how to do it once I decided on the private setting.
A few months passed since buying the ring and it was killing me that the right time had not come up. But then Avery was spending the night with me and a perfect chance came up. She had a habit of sitting on the edge of the bed, brushing her hair before bed and that was what she was doing at that moment. I had stashed the ring in a hole in the bottom of the box spring near her usual spot and I accidentally dropped something and accidentally kicked it under the bed. Avery laughed at me.
You klutz, she teased.
I know, right? I agreed while I got down on my hands and knees to find the item, but instead retrieved the ring.
Before coming back up and still looking for the kicked item I said, I just remembered: theres something Ive been meaning to talk to you about. I was still looking under the bed.
Avery said, Im not sure I like the sound of that&hellip,
Well, I said, Its a bit of a confession, I guess.
What is it? she asked some-what guarded. She stopped brushing her hair.
I said, Well, this is the thing. I stopped looking under the bed and came up on one knee. She still had no idea that I was in the proposal position and I was still hiding the box in my hand. I continued, my tone changed to more serious, Avery, you are the most amazing person I have ever known. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I cant imagine my future without you. When I envision achieving my goals, my hopes and dreams in life, you are the main, predominating feature in each of those visions. To put it simply: I cant picture my life without you. Im completely in Love with you and that is why I want to ask you to be my wife. Avery, will you marry me?
Avery was crying before I was half way through my proposal. She was nodding emphatically when I was saying &hellip,cant picture my life without you&hellip, and when I was saying &hellip,completely in Love&hellip, she was saying yes, yes, yes, of course yes! Oh my god I Love you, yes! She was crying and laughing at the same time as only a girl can do as she fell into my arms. I dont think she had even seen the ring yet at that point. I probably could have given her a twist-tie from a loaf of bread and she would have said yes. Her sobs of overwhelming joy eased and she pulled back to look at me. I presented her with the ring and she was grinning from ear to ear as she held out her hand. I placed the ring on her finger and she admired it for a few seconds before remarking that it was perfect and beautiful. She pulled me in tighter than ever and we just embraced on the floor there.
I said, I should warn you: dont hold it too close to your face.
Avery was confused and asked, Why not?
I answered, Because, next to you, even a diamond will look as dull as a common rock.
Avery laughed and kissed me all over my face. Id never seen her so happy and it was my goal to keep her happy for the rest of my life, all other considerations were a distant second. We went to bed and made Love again. As always, it was incredible being with her. We couldnt count the number of times we had been intimate by that point, and each time was just as mind blowing as the first time.
The next morning came and I woke up holding my fiancé,, my future wife. I could tell she was already awake by her breathing.
Good morning, my Love, I said.
Avery said, Good morning, baby.
We held each other for a while and then she spoke first.
So, I have a confession, too, she said.
I smiled and asked with a slight chuckle, What is your confession?
Her face was unusually serious and I became a bit worried. She said, There is something Ive been keeping from you, but its not like what you were keeping from me. This could be serious.
I said, Ok. Whatever it is, Im sure it will be fine. You can tell me.
Avery breathed hard and swallowed. She said, Well, its sort of about my school.
I could see she was having a hard time with this confession. It was the first time she ever had trouble finding words with me and I found myself trying to help her.
You mean about how you havent picked a major yet? I asked.
She said, Yes and no, thats part of it. I mean, its true&hellip,technically&hellip,
I said, Im not sure I understand. Did you drop out of college or something?
She answered, Noooooo&hellip,., drawing out the O as if to suggest I was on the right track.
You never went to college? I asked.
She said, Right&hellip,.
Thats ok. But when we first met, why did you tell me you transferred here to go to school? You even said you were a sophomore.
Well, I said I was a sophomore because I WAS a sophomore.
Now I was really confused.
But you just said that you never went to college? I dont understand.
Thats what Im trying to tell you. OK: when I told you I transferred to go to school here, you sort of assumed I was going to college&hellip,and I&hellip, sort of let you&hellip, assume&hellip, that&hellip, Her words began to separate with pauses as she was connecting the dots for me. Her words soaked in for a few moments when she continued, But I was being honest when I said I didnt have a major picked out for college and I was honest when I said I was a sophomore. You just thought I was a sophomore in college instead&hellip,instead of&hellip,
High school, I finished.
Avery was giving me a sheepish, fearful grin as if to say Im sorry and please dont be mad. It dawned on me that she never did tell me the year she was born, I just assumed she was 19 to 20 years oldshe certainly LOOKED that old. I suddenly understood why she didnt want her aunt to know about megood call, I guessed. I asked why she was living with her aunt and not her parents and she said that her father died in a car accident before she was bornshe never knew himand her mother passed away several years ago. She then moved in with her grandparents, but they were getting old and were having trouble taking care of her. I expressed my condolences, shed had a lot of tough things to deal with in her young life.
I sat contemplating for a minute and said, So you are about to start your junior year in high school. I guess that means you are&hellip,17?
Ill be 17 on my birthday, she answered.
Averys birthday was in Januarylate January, to be more precise (it was August at this time). That meant that Id been making Love with a 16 year old for months now. And I was now engaged to her! This should have been a game changer, but with the way I felt about her, I could no more reverse my feelings for her than I could reverse the direction the Earth orbited the Sun. But our schedule for getting married was definitely postponed. I was deep in thought about this when she spoke.
Please say you arent mad at me? I wanted to tell you right away but I was afraid you would think I was a stupid little girl with a passing crush. And I loved the way you looked at me, I didnt want to ruin that.
I shook my head and said, Im not mad at you, not even a little bit. And I certainly dont think you are a stupid little girl. This news does change some things, but not how I feel about you, ok?
What does it change? she asked sounding worried.
It doesnt change much, honestly. We cant let people know about us yet or I could end up in jail. But we havent been sharing our relationship status with anyone, so nothing really changes there. The only thing that I can think of that changes is we will have to wait a bit longer to actually get married. We cant get married right when you turn 18, that would be suspicious at best. You know?
Avery nodded in understanding. Then she said, Well just have an extended, unofficial engagement and a shorter official one, like a year maybe.
I said, That sounds like a good plan.
Avery and I made Love again and, even with full knowledge of her young age, it felt right to be with her. It wasnt difficult to convince myself that, if busted, a jury would understand that I didnt prey on her, it was just a misunderstandinga miscommunicationand that we were truly in Love.
We kept our relationship a secret for the next year and a half. It wasnt easy to do, but we knew the reward was going to be worth it. Avery turned 18 and was about a month away from graduating high school when she told her aunt that she met a guy and that she really liked me. Her aunt went nuts when Avery told her that I was 38 years old, but Avery stood her ground and said that she was going to date me if she wanted to and there was nothing her aunt could do about it. I didnt like it that her aunt disapproved, but I wasnt surprised either: she was just a few years younger than I was.
Eventually Averys aunt accepted defeat and stopped protesting about the relationship between us. I dont think she ever really fully accepted us, though. When Avery was 18 and a half, we announced our engagement. Averys aunt hugged her silently as if to say, I hope you know what you are doing. She looked at me and said, you better not hurt her. I assured her that I would never dream of hurting her and that was the truth. I asked Stan to be my best man. He thought I was lying when I told him I asked Avery to marry me. He was even pissed that I didnt tell him we had started dating, although, I think he would have been even madder if he knew WHEN we started dating and how old she was.
We were married in a small ceremony the same day Avery turned 19. She was unbelievably gorgeous in her wedding dress. And there were plenty of jokes about me only needing to remember one date (birthday/anniversary) for the year and how that was going to come in handy as the Alzheimers set in over the next few years. But we took it all in good stride.
After the reception, I took my bride back to the little apartment, just as she expected we would go. I even carried her over the threshold. We made Love for the first time as husband and wife and the feeling seemed even more intense than before. It was almost hard to believe that Id been making Love to her for almost three years now and that magic was growing, not fading. We made Love for hours as we usually did and eventually fell asleep, content in each others arms.
The next morning I had a surprise for my new wife. She still didnt know that I had a great paying job and plenty of money and I thought of a funny way to tell her. It had been a while since I spent any real time at my actual home, but I checked on it at least once a week and I had services come in from time to time to do the lawn and dust/clean inside (not that it needed much cleaning). I suggested we go for a drivejust to site-see and she thought it was a great idea. So, after breakfast (she made instant pancakes in honor of our very first breakfast together) we got dressed and went for a drive. I pretended to be driving around aimlessly but I knew exactly where I was going. We were driving through my (now OUR) neighborhood when I started talking about all of the nice houses in this area. Avery agreed but said that she liked our apartment just fine. I stopped the car on the street in front of my house and looked at it as if for the first time.
Yeah, our apartment works for us, but can you imagine how nice it would be to start our family in a house like THAT?
Avery looked at our house and said, It sure is beautiful. And it has a nice yard. But there is a playground at the apartments and kids love playgrounds.
I said, But if we had a house like that, we could put up a playground of our own. Then I pretended to come up with a sudden impulsive idea. Come on! Lets go check it out!
WHAT?! Are you crazy? she asked me as I shut the car off and was getting out.
No, come on, I said as I went around to her door and opened it. I took her hand and coxed her out, pulling her behind me.
You are going to get us arrested! she said in protest.
No: I bet no one is even home! Come on! And if they are, well just ask them if this is the Lipinstein residence and when they say it isnt, well just say sorrywrong address and well leave.
Avery said to herself, I married a lunatic&hellip,
We walked up to the house and Avery was so scared I thought she might pee herself. I started looking in the windows and she was doing her best to hide. I told her to look inside and she did reluctantly. She agreed it was beautiful and asked if we could go.
Not yet, lets check out the back yard.
She said, Baby, youre scaring me. lets just go?
I said, Dont be afraidtrust me. Its going to be fine. She followed but only because I had her hand and was pulling her along. We circled around back and surprise no one was in the back yard either. She seemed to relax a little since no one could see us from the front. I walked right up to the back door (which was all glass) and Avery hid in the bushes. I looked inside and then tried the door handleit was locked.
WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Avery shouted in a whisper.
I said, Its locked. They have an alarm system, but I can see it isnt set. Then I looked around for a hidden key. Amazingly, I found one. Avery came out of the bushes and pleaded with me not to go in.
Oh, they might have a doggood call, I said. I knocked on the door a few times and no one answered, no dog came running. I put the key in the lock and turned it. The door opened and Avery was doing the pee dance.
ARE YOU A BURGLAR? she asked afraid the answer might be yes.
What? No, Im not a burglar: I just want to look around. Come on!
Avery didnt want to come in, but she did any wayperhaps to try and get me to leave earlier than what she thought I might on my own. We walked quietly around the house and she had to admit it was really nice. She especially loved the kitchen and couldnt stop herself from marveling over it. She was whispering how nice everything was as she tip-toed around. I wandered off into the living room and called for her to come and see it.
SHHHH! Keep your voice down! she whispered as loud as she could. She came as fast as her toes could stealthily carry her and she loved the living room too. I said we should check out the bedrooms and she became deadly serious.
NO, NO, NO!!! What the hell is WRONG with you? You are going to get us killed!
I promise I am not going to get us killed. Lets check out one more room and well go, ok?
You promise? she asked.
I promise, I said.
She agreed and I led her into my office. She was looking around like a timid mouse. I went over to the desk and started looking through some of my mail. She found an older picture of me with my parents and she was studying it carefully, not quite putting the pieces together.
Finally she whispered, They have a kid that looks a lot like you.
Really? I said. Thats weird. And look at their mail: he has the same name as me.
What? Really? she asked.
I handed her the envelope and she looked at it curiously. At first she only noticed that the first name was the same. A few seconds later, she saw that the last name was the same, too. Then she noticed the middle initial was the same. Her eyebrows pushed together and her forehead wrinkled in utter confusion. Then she looked back to the picture and pieces started falling in place but still not fully connecting.
Is this your parents place?
No, its not!
Im serious, babe! Is this your parents home? she asked again.
Im serious! It really isnt!
How is this possible? We break into a random place and they have your same name and a kid that looks like you? This is too much&hellip,
Its not a random place, actually, I said.
What do you mean? Whose place is this? Stop playing!
Its our place.
Avery looked at me as if waiting for the punch line.
Its our place, I said again. This is my mail. That is me with my parentsI put that picture there. That is our TV out there, that is our kitchen. That is our yard out there and this is the hidden key for the back door, I said holding up the key I found.
Avery sat down in the chair behind her with a thump. She looked around in a daze, still trying to process it all.
But&hellip,how? she asked.
I said, I have a really good job that pays really well.
But, what about the apartment? Why&hellip,?
No one can ever say you married me for my moneynot when you didnt know I had any. And the other reason is I was tired of girls dating me because of my things. Sure, I knew early on that you were not like those other girls, but I didnt tell you sooner because I thought this would be sort of a nice wedding surprise. I hope you dont mind.
My new bride smiled and shook her head. No, I dont mind at all. This is so beautiful. I feel like a princess in here!
Id prefer to think of you as my queen&hellip, princesses and princes can come later.
Avery jumped into my arms and more tears of joy flowed from her. Mission accomplished, I thought.
Would you like me to show you the rest of our home?
She nodded as I took her hand and escorted her through the house and she loved every square foot of it. I could tell that she had never even considered having a place like this. After I gave her the grand tour, she had one question for me.
Can we afford to keep the apartment?
Why would you want to keep that tiny apartment? I asked.
Thats our first place! We dont have to stay there, of course, but we could use it as a little get awaya place to visit and remember when. You know?
I said, I know exactly what you mean. Yes, we can keep the apartment.
That was good news to her and I was actually glad that she had thought of it. We left most things at the apartment so that they would be there if we needed them, but we moved the rest of her things into our home. When her aunt saw the place, she changed her mind about me and said that I wasnt the looser she thought I was before.
Two months passed after we were married and Avery started getting sick. She had gone off of her birth control just before we got married and we suspected she might be pregnant. A simple home test gave a resounding positive result, so we made an appointment for an OB/GYN and they ordered a blood test which confirmed it. We were getting started on a family!
Averys pregnancy went perfectly. I loved watching her belly grow with my baby inside. And as beautiful as she was, she was just as beautiful while pregnant. Pregnancy did nothing to slow her desire to make Love, either. It was rare for a day to go by that she didnt want to express our Love that way. When she was just over four months along, an ultra sound showed that my queen was going to give birth to a little princess: we were having a girl. Neither of us cared if it was a boy or girlas long as the baby was healthy and Averys doctor said the baby looked perfect in all respects.
Baby Elizabeth was born in mid December and we were officially a family. The baby was just as perfect and beautiful as her mother, I could not have been more proud. Avery was still breastfeeding Elizabeth when she said she couldnt wait to do it again. We waited until Elizabeth was about 5 months old and we began trying again to have a baby. A month later, Elizabeth was being weaned when Avery became pregnant. She used the same doctor and he put her on the same vitamin regiment as before. Avery handled being pregnant like it was her favorite thing to do. And, to a certain extent, it was ONE of her favorite things to do.
The months passed and our Love grew stronger each day. Her belly was again swollen with my baby, but this time we discovered we were having a little boy. I never wanted to have my son referred to as JR, so we named him after my father. Michael was born in early March and he was perfectly healthy, too. He looked more like me, but with several of his mothers features, too. Our family was growing and we both wanted to keep going. So we did.
Over the next several years, Avery gave birth to two more of our childrenboth of them girls: first it was Valerie and then Samantha. With so many young children and babies in the house, you would think that Avery would be pulling her hair out. But she was an amazing mother and able to handle anything that came her way. In fact, we were even debating having another baby.
On occasion, Averys aunt would come over to baby sit the kids so we could go out and have some alone time. It was because of one such occasion that I would end up getting a bit of a huge shock to my life.
Avery was at the store getting groceries and I stayed home with the kids. She was home with them all day and going to the store was a break for her, not to mention doing grocery shopping with 4 young kids is a BIG job. Averys aunt showed up before Avery got back from the store and she had a box of stuff with her.
I found this in the attic the other day, she said. It must have been missed when Avery moved out, I figured she would want it&hellip,
I thanked her for bringing it over and took the box from her, setting it down on the kitchen table. Avery could go through it when she got home. The kids came running and crawling when they saw their great-aunt. She was actually really good with them and I could tell she loved them all. We (she) had buried the hatchet between us a long time ago now.
Avery came home with a car full of groceries and I went out to start unloading. I told her that her aunt brought some of her stuff and told her to go in and sit downI would take care of the
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-Charles Dickens, "A Tale of Two Cities" *** Gévaudan, France, 1769: In the village, a man was dying. Antoine Chastel drew water from the well and went inside. His father lay in the inn's largest room, a single candle lit, Bible open on his lap. He slept feverishly. Antoine wiped his brow with a wet cloth and Jean Chastel's eyes opened. He spoke between labored breaths. "I thought…you had left." Antoine shook his head. "Not until you're well." "I will not be well...
Steve, Mike and Ernesto lay trussed up, bound at the ankles and wrists, arms behind them, in the back of the van. Two bandits sat in the front seats, windows rolled down, watching their Captain with the bare-breasted woman standing beside the Mercedes. One, speaking in Spanish, was making rude comments to the other about the woman's exposed breasts. Steve felt something poking him in the back. He turned his head but was stopped with a wash of pain from the blow he'd taken from the rifle...
Present – Ben, Jens and others – The trip to the garage Thom continues, “I hate to tell you this but we have a big problem...” I swear, “What the fuck is wrong now?” Thom says, “Ben, you have two terrorist vehicles ahead and closing fast toward you.” Gretchen says, “Ben, I will try to stop one of them with the drone.” This was something we hadn’t planned for. I think for a brief moment and order, “Everyone grab something and hold on tight, especially Ira.” I slam on the brakes, spin the...
"Yo Ray, who's that?" "Oh that’s Stacey. Every guy on the block got some from her." He had a light smile on his face. "Even you?" "Yeah." "Well I’ll hit it before I leave. In fact I'll talk to her now." I said confidently. Then I walked across the street. Her back was facing me so she didn't see me yet until she turned around. Damn this girl had ass, it was round, big and tight. Personally I was an ass man. She had light brown silky hair to her stomach and milky...
Dinner was pretty good, I had enchiladas. Rosie surprised me when she ordered a half carafe of wine, and poured each of us half a glass. We toasted my baby on her birthday, and enjoyed the meal.When we got back to their apartment, Linda had to go through the routine I was more than familiar with by now. She was made to sit on the couch and eat her cake, then one by one presents were brought to her which she opened with almost c***dlike glee. Sweaters, a collection of albums, and a few gift...
Skylar Snow is sick of her stepson Charlie’s bullshit. He’s busy scrolling porn, but she assumes he’s playing a video game. Skylar lectures Charlie about the promises he’s made to keep the house up. Charlie agrees to put his phone down and do some of the chores, but that doesn’t satisfy Skylar. She gets bitchier every time she lays eyes on Charlie and doesn’t think enough has been done around the house. Eventually, Charlie screws up sweeping so badly that Skylar...
xmoviesforyou“I think I’m ready to return to work.” Yael blinked. “Are you sure? Your shoulder -” “Still healing. But it doesn’t need to be fully functional for what I do.” “Okay.” Her voice sounded uncertain. “Before I start, I need your help. Something I’ve been putting off for far too long.” “The families?” she asked. I nodded. “They’ll understand. That it’s taken you awhile.” “Every day that goes by, without...” “Joshua. You have nothing to feel guilty for. You didn’t kill those men. Those...
It was a beautiful morning with the sun streaming though to herald a new day. I felt completely rested, Fatima was lying next to me and I could make out the rise and fall of her body as she breathed in and out. I eased myself from under the quilt and crept to the shower, ensuring I did not disturb her slumber. Once in the shower I soaped myself and gradually became more awake, as I did so I slowly became slightly aroused as I thought of all the sex I've had with her within 24 hrs , my penis was...
Meet the Smiths. The family is headed up by Mr Richard Smith. He is a handsome, well groomed man of 46 whose beard has only recently begun to become flecked with grey. He has built his life around the two pillars of work and family. A tremendous work ethic along with a strong entrepreneurial mind has allowed him to join the board of directors at a high profile law firm in the city. What time of his that is not taken up by work, has been dedicated to his wonderful family. This family was...
TeenEin ?berfall -> Diese Geschichte handelt ein bisschen ?ber mich den ich mir bei meinem Job als Kopfkino ?berlegt hatte! Wenn m?glich bitte nur konstruktive Kritik :) Und wer Fehler findet, darf sie behalten || Es war wieder mal einer dieser Tage die jeder kennt (und eigentlich auch liebt) ein sch?ner Fr?hlingstag mit 24?C und einem lauen L?ftchen. Ich selber gehe meinem Job nach, w?hrend andere in der Stadt shoppen oder sonst wo sich herumtreiben. Was ich mache? Tja ich bin ei...
Dragging my arse downstairs, I meet mum by the front door. After the end of last week’s revelations, her attitude towards me has improved greatly, and she finally seems to appreciate the work I’ve been doing around the house, rather than seeing it as my duty. Still, while she is much more cordial to me, she’s developed this annoying habit of never making eye contact. She’ll look everywhere else, but never directly at my face. I put it down to something else about this family I’ll be told...
With every soloed body shirted, the rabbit food on the table, the coals glowing red and the steaks at hand ... for those who wanted steaks ... everybody did ... I started taking orders. "Burned to a crisp?" I asked. Since I'm a guy, I was expecting at least two not guys to raise a hand for destroyed beef. I got one response ... the biggest, burliest, baddest looking biker-type dude I ever saw said, "Crispy, please. And make it a small one." I picked up a half-pounder with the tongs...
The Rally Race crew has made another pit stop. This episode, “A Cabin In The Woods,” features Anya Olsen, Zoey Laine, Sydney Cole, and Tiffany Watson exploring the bounds of their sensuality. Damon Dice and T Shone are the lucky recipients of this exploration. Things kick off with Zoey sucking Damon off while the other three girls practice shaking their asses below the loft. When Damon is ready to explode, he aims his stiffie over the edge to shower the remaining girls with his...
xmoviesforyouYou were 18 years old and still confused with life. You were raised in an orphanage. You didn't have good results as a student, you couldn't make it to college. Your jobs options were limited. One day, a major came to your high school to give a recruitment talk about the benefits of joining the army. You decided that with the superscale pay, there's no reason not to. You were able to indicate your choices to be an admin clerk or a rifleman. So you picked up an application form and start filling...
FetishSissy and Joe came home while they were still sitting around the table. Joe was wearing a Deputy United States Marshal’s badge, grinning that crooked grin, and Sissy was hanging on him like she was shackled to him as she came in grinning. “We’re married, Daddy. I’m a wife now and I love my husband. Judge Parker married us and he cried, he was so happy that we let him. He told us not to worry about that trouble over in unassigned lands, he would take care of it.” “Momma, I’m taking my man...
This story goes back over thirty years to my days when i openly cross dressed and would go out in public because i thought i was passable. I was reading the local news paper and came across an obituary for a man named Theodor Johnson nick named mighty mouse now i knew this person by first name only as Ted and he is the same man i write about today. It was the mid !990's I was single and very sexually active. I loved to cross dress and walk about outside i was indeed passable as a women. I would...
It had been three lonely months since my business trip to Singapore. Mary and I chatted every day on the internet and we always talked about the time we spent in her bed, her daughter’s bed and the shower. Just thinking about the fantastic sex I had with Mary was enough to get me rock hard every time. When I thought about being with her and her 16 year old daughter Cindy I always lost control and shot my load. After my big success in Singapore my boss, Mr. Burrows had given me a...
Before you read1992 Army. Very difficult for musician, for me, for someone that hates weapon and war.Still, it was mandatory,this is one of the erotic moments ,midnight, barracks, and being on duty all night. About 300 soldiers are sleeping, and me... walking and guarding them, actually walking numerous times from one to another side of a hallway. I was sleepy and tired. ******Going back to the empty after midnight corridor I was guarding.The silence of the night was disturbed only by snoring...
Do you know what it’s like to have something take over your whole life? To be so obsessed that every waking thought leads only in a single direction? I do. My preoccupation was the usual one for a 18 year-old male – sex - but I was a particularly suitable case for treatment. What really gripped me was that I seemed to be the last of my entire class to have a proper girlfriend. To hear the others talk, you’d believe they spent every night in some incredible bonk-fest. Not me. I wasn’t getting...
First TimeTransformation covers an awfully wide spectrum of ideas and topics. In the context of this story, transformation refers to a change in physical qualities, which can include growing larger or smaller, changing into a different species, even being turned into something less than human, or a combination of all of those things. Instead of limiting ourselves to one specific kind of transformation or one story, I'd prefer to gather all my stray ideas here, as well as the ideas of a few friends. This...
Bill’s turn: Did anyone ever explain to you that a power plant is noisy and hot? The thing is, there’s a lot of big machinery running, lots of electrical power being generated, which all has to go through conductors, transformers, and control devices. Any time you push current through conductors, you get heat, and big power means big heat, both the waste from the energy going in and losses from the energy going out. And nobody in his right mind would try to cool that mess down to acceptable...
The next morning Johnny sat down for breakfast with Mia. Then, surprisingly, Doctor Stone dropped into the seat on the other side of Mia. Johnny was agog that both women had only oatmeal and fruit on their plates. He was biting into a crispy piece of bacon when Mia spoke. “I had the craziest dream last night, and both of you were in it,” she said. Rachael’s spoon stopped halfway to her mouth. “Were we up on the Second Pylon?” she asked. Mia was nodding her head in surprise when Johnny...
Wife continues to submit joined by s*sAfter Kathy got started she could not turn it off. One cock was not going to be enough for a weekend so most Friday’s we had one to three guys spending the night and Kathy fucking and sucking all of us. This also was the giant step into Kathy becoming submissive.The first few months turned into a couple of years and along the way we agreed, and I do mean we, that Kathy would do what she was told during play times and even during the average work day. I...
Wilton Hall had been her family's ancestral seat for over five hundred years and the current incumbent family member Lady Maud Hamilton had no intention of that ending on her watch! Time however was getting on and at 36 she was aware that she did not have many fertile years left to produce an heir. Having accepted that her husband, even though he had tried, was incapable of providing what she needed Maud had reached the conclusion that she had to consider other options. Her marriage to...
Vetted. This one is compliments of Krista T. Boudreaux, the smoothest-talking Cajun in the Louisiana National Guard, got called up to active duty. His first assignment was in a military induction center. Because he was a good talker, they assigned him the duty of advising new recruits about government benefits, especially the GI insurance to which they were entitled. The officer in charge soon noticed that Boudreaux was getting a 99% sign-up rate for the more expensive supplemental...
At this point, lust had completely consumed me. I needed dick and I needed it bad. I wanted to be the object of a man and I felt no shame in me feeling like that. I lubed up my asshole and prepared for penetration by stretching my ass with my nine inch Doc Johnson dildo. It felt so good having something phallic slide in and out of that lustful spot. In and out, in and out, until it became an effortless glide. I was ready and hoped the boys were ready too.I opened my room door and assumed the...
Gay MaleNotes: this is my first story (as you may tell) and this story may not transition or conclude as a normal story would. I do appreciate tips [email protected] The Alternative Universe. By Joanne Chapter 1 John was a shy and lonely man, after leaving his teenage years recently behind him he has found it hard to cope with the real world, This is his story on how he eventually was able to cope with his fears and...
I am so excited to be with both you guys I can’t stop smiling. I lean back against you while grabbing Scott for a kiss. While I’m kissing him, my firm ass is pressed against your crotch, rubbing back and forth, trying to wake your cock up. Catching your eye in the reflection off the closed elevator doors, I wink at you while Scott’s tongue is in my mouth. Your hands slide down my back and take a hold of my ass, squeezing to feel how firm it is. Your mouth kisses my bare...
There was a knock on the door. A female voice called George's name:"George, are you there? It's Lisa."Reluctantly, George let her in into his hotel room."Are you all right?" he enquired of her."Yes, I'm well. I thought you could do with some company," she answered.George moved away from her to the window on the other side of the room. This left her standing in the doorway without an answer. Lisa let herself in and locked the door behind her. She stood respectfully in silence next to George at...
Love StoriesYou cannot help who you fall for, whatever their skin color may be. As long as you love them, and they love you. That’s what life is, or should be about… University of Chicago, 4:03PM, Modern History Class ‘Shit, shit, shit!’ I exclaimed, running through the corridors of the University’s History and Social Studies floor attempting my best not to be late for my first class of the semester. I was late, and I was going to regret it. I was most likely going to be scolded like a child, by the...
Hi friends, I am Raj, age 19 from Mumbai. I am here to share a real incident of my life which changed my perception of women completely. I used to live with my mom Chitra who is 45 years old. She is good-looking, smart, tall, and has a well-maintained figure. My dad was working in Dubai and used to visit once or twice in 3-4 months. My parents were quite modern and friendly with me and we even used to have drinks together. My mom was quite open with me and so was dad. When I entered college, I...
I sell alfalfa hay. My family has been farming the land for 100 years. I’ve sold hay to many interesting people, a few that I’d like to know much better. One is Deborah and this is how we became biblically acquainted. ‘This is Deborah, do you still have hay?’ ‘Hi Deborah, yes I do, how many bales do you need?” ‘Let’s talk when I arrive, will 6:30 tonight be to late?’ ‘Just right for me, cool but still light enough to load, see you then.’ The farm sits away from town in a super quiet...
I sleep naked. I have since I was young. My friends knew it, girls that slept at my apartment discovered it and my eventual wife put up with it. I have tried to sleep with clothes on but, I just can’t. After our kids were born and they became old enough to walk and talk, my wife would complain that one of the kids might walk into our room one night while I was accidently uncovered. Because I am such a heavy sleeper, there have been times I have awakened to find myself shivering, with no covers...
IncestThe boring days at the office are enough to drive any man good friend at work, Diego. (Phone rings) "Hello. We make stupid shit industries. HEllo! Hello!, says Hector and hangs up the phone. "That is the fith time today that some one has done that", Hector whispered to himself. "What's up Hec?", called Diego. Diego had just left his cubicle around the corner from Hector and came to invite Hector out to get some beers after work. "So, Hector it's friday man we need to get some beers man", cried...
Erotic FictionIt started, the way my last Gina Fantasy started-with an email from Gina inviting her BULLS to a "special event". We were instructed to meet at a small airport in the Port Angeles area about 10 a.m. at hanger number 6. with two days of cloths and-get this-our balls full of sperm. Oh well, no jerking off to Gina videos before the trip. I arrived a few minutes early, but already Gina's herd of bulls was gathering. As we introduced of our selfs, I was struck by Gina's collection of sperm bulls....
After picking up those who set up the diversion, the shuttles headed for the British CSG. When they were close the shuttles identified themselves to CSG's FC and dropped their cloaking. After they were given permission to land, the five shuttles lined up in formation and entered the flight pattern. When they were behind the carrier, they drifted down the normal glide path to the carrier's deck. Once there, they leveled out until they were just a half meter off the deck, then followed the...
I was excited, aroused, and stimulated. I knew Brad wouldn't listen to me. His fingers were wild as they caressed my cunt lips through the wet thin thong. "Oh uncle!" "Like it?" he asked. Of course I liked it but I couldn't say that, could I? Then I heard him asked, "May I remove your thong, Janet?" "OH GOD! NO, UNCLE... PLEASE DON'T!" He persisted, "Please, Janet." His fingers were caressing my cunt through the wet thin thong. He was stimulating me wildly. "Mom, please...
The incessant ringing of the doorbell finally pierced the shroud of sleep that was fogging my mind. "Wait a damn minute," I yelled and staggered out of bed. As usual, I was nude, so I threw on an old terry cloth robe before I opened the door to my condo. After the cool darkness of the air-conditioned apartment, the Florida heat, even at 9:30 in the morning was like a blast furnace. There was a beautiful woman standing there, squinting against the stark whiteness of the sun on the wall....
The author has asserted the moral rights under sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. Carol and Jeremy Coming away from the ante-natal clinic after a check-up four weeks before her second baby was due, Carol looked down, a little wistfully, as she eased her bulk into the car. 'Will I ever see my feet again?' she wondered. 'Nonsense,' she chided herself, 'A month from now I will have my baby to feed and most of my figure back.' She remembered the joy of feeding her...
InterracialEighteen-year-old Hannah was walking back from the school athletics field where she had been training. She was on her way back to college where she was going to be holding a prefect’s detention, knowing that one of the sixteen-year-old girls, Lucy, had earned her second detention in two weeks so would need to be given a bare bottom spanking. Hannah saw enforcing the rules as an important role of hers and was thankful that she had attended so many of the discipline sessions at the Halfway house...
SpankingStacey Dixon was walking down the hall of the municipal recreation building, headed for the bathroom. He was there to attend a meeting of a local youth group which had been held in another area of the building. The meeting was over, and Stacey, who had been given the job of closing and locking the hall after the meeting, was headed for the bathroom before he did that. As he passed the rec center’s office, he thought he heard muffled moans coming from behind the closed office door. Since he was...
Hannah did call me, about two minutes after I got home. She knew how long it would take me, apparently. I’d had ten minutes to think about things, which is to say I’d had ten minutes for my mind to run rampant as I drove down quiet streets. It was good they were quiet. I really had no business driving at that point in time. You know how sometimes you drive from point A to point B and when you get there you don’t remember anything about the trip? It was like that. “You don’t have to pose for...
It was a 34 hour train journey from Istanbul to Budapest. The girls were tired and hot, looking forward to lying in their sleeper carriage catching up on diary entries and reading the lonely planet planning their next adventure when they arrived in Hungary. They had been traveling for 6 weeks, and apart from the odd kiss here and there in hostels neither had had any relief from the sexual tension built up from watching the topless men and the promise of something more, as they ground up on the...
BisexualClara was roused by an odd tingling sensation in her toes. As she began to stir, she realised that the fingers of her left hand were inside her vagina. She quickly removed them and pulled her hand out of her pants as she opened her eyes and looked around. It took her a couple of seconds to remember where she was, and she moaned when she realised that her entrapment hadn’t just been a bad dream. That odd tingling sensation was all through her feet now, and starting to creep up her calves. Clara...
Hi to all my readers of ISS, this is Alex once again with my first ever sexual encounter. I’d like to tell you the story of the day I lost my virginity; I was 19 years old. Heck, I wasn’t even sure that I was ready to go all the way with a woman. As it happen I had a friend who was going to get married in a few weeks and he wanted to have one last big fling before he got married. He talked me and a friend named Ajit, into going on a fuck quest. My soon to be married friend was named Alfred....
I married Alexis five years ago when we were both in college. Ever since then we'd been struggling to make ends meet. Ultimately we had to no choice but to get a loan. The problem was, we had to get it from a shady businessman, Mr. Stone. Dealing with him was scary but due to our financial situation banks were out of the question. We had no idea how to repay him and got more and more worried as the deadline was quickly approaching. Finally, the date we dreaded arrived. It was a Friday and...
It was our first anniversary and we had planned to go to the quiet little restaurant where we had gone on our very first date. Beth asked me to select what she should wear for the evening from her wardrobe. Hoping I was in for a sexy evening, well this was our anniversary; I selected a black blouse that crisscrossed over her lovely small but firm young breasts. It had ties that went around her waist and tied and the back. I also selected a black wraparound skirt and suggested that she...
I had asked Josh to not pester me about sucking my dick and I would consider going over to visit. Friday morning Josh woke me up stroking my hard dick, Josh said I told Joan you let me suck your dick made her hot as a firecracker. Called me all kind of nasty names while I was eating her pussy. Joan wants you to come over Saturday and help me fuck her. Josh was still stroking my dick; Josh leaned over and swallowed my dick then throat fucked himself until I shot a load in his throat. Friday...
Listening to the 80’s music, dancing around the room I think of my man who is right next door doing company business. Remembering of what we did last night. The pleasure, the moans that escaped both our mouths as ecstacy filled our bodies. Turning on the temperature, testing it with my hand before plunging myself under the warm water. Leaning against the wall placing my leg up on edge while my hand slowly slides down my body. Massaging my breasts and pinching my nipples, remembering what we...
Suzie’s graduation was, of course, a joyous event. She was graduating summa cum laude, both because of her grade point average and because she earned her bachelor’s degree in three years, rather than the usual four. That meant more to Suzie and her academic family, than it did to her genetic family, but they knew it was important. Mirriam was almost giddy with pride and excitement. Prudence told her several times to act her age. Mirriam stuck her tongue out at her best friend, and then...
Fotos certificadasCom TD positivosCom vídeoAplicarbela acompanhante de luxo em limeira, uma das mais requisitadas da região. - anúncio de sexo em LimeiraLimeira34 anosR$ 200De luxoPeitudasBisexuaisHora marcadaChuva douradaBela acompanhante de luxo em Limeira, uma das mais requisitadas da região. bela acompanhante de luxo em limeira, uma das mais requisitadas da região. - anúncio de sexo em LimeiraLimeira34 anosR$ 200De luxoPeitudasBisexuaisHora marcadaChuva douradaBela acompanhante de luxo...
By : Ladylover Hi! The following incident or series of incidences have actually been mailed to me by one of my net friends. He told me that he would like me to post the content for him after editing. But after reading, i felt it needed no editing and thus i’m posting it all unabridged! Please reach me at for any comments or suggestions. Here goes the first part! My name is Rahul. I’m 23yrs old and a gay bottom. I had my first gay sex at the age of 19 with an uncle of mine when I was staying...
Gay MaleBrett walked back with me to my car. I tossed the cruise bag in the back seat.“Dirty linen?” Brett asked me.I couldn't think of anything to say other than, “Yes.”Inside the bag were cum soaked sheets and linens. Marcus and Leroy were empty of cum. I had fucked both of them dry.Brett got into his car and left, I was right behind him.On the drive home, I became apprehensive. What would be Brett's reaction to finding out his wife was such a slutty whore. And a easy one at that. I know we had...
Group Sex(The hotter the sex - the greater the insecurities?) Sarah scanned her wardrobe looking for something suitable to wear for her date with Sam. He'd said the cinema, so she bypassed her little black dress with a hint of regret and opted for smart, casual but comfortable. She went for a long skirt and a blouse and her usual high heeled stilettos - this time a lavender coloured sandal. With a light jacket to throw over the top her outfit was complete. There was still some heat in the autumn...
FamilySwap! Have you ever wondered what would happen if you had to swap families for a day? It would probably be fucked up. Living in a new home, family members that are looking at you like you’re a fucking outcast, and all of those new fart smells you’re not used to sniffing. It would be a real pain in the ass. But that is unless everyone in your new temporary home looked as sexy as fucking porn stars!That’s the concept behind Nubiles’ porn series Family Swap. Well, it’s unclear why families...
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