ComrieChapter 41 free porn video

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After picking up those who set up the diversion, the shuttles headed for the British CSG. When they were close the shuttles identified themselves to CSG's FC and dropped their cloaking. After they were given permission to land, the five shuttles lined up in formation and entered the flight pattern. When they were behind the carrier, they drifted down the normal glide path to the carrier's deck. Once there, they leveled out until they were just a half meter off the deck, then followed the directions to their designated area. After they had stopped, the shuttles remained suspended above the deck as the lead shuttle's door opened.

Calvin and Todd immediately identified themselves to an officer and asked for the operations officer or ship's commander. They had hardly finished making the request when the Commander stepped out of the operational island. Calvin saluted and introduced himself, he then introduced Todd and the rest of the team, who had followed them out onto the deck wearing their tactical suits, without the helmets.

"Captain," said Calvin, "we are on our way back to England, and wanted to stop and see how the people we rescued are doing. Could some of the team go meet with them? According to the last operations plan I saw, they were to be transported to England tomorrow."

The Operations Officer had one of the sailors show the group with Cathan how to get down to the hangar deck. Calvin then asked the Commander how the operation was going, from their stand point.

"Well Calvin," replied the CSG Commander, "until a few minutes ago it was going reasonably well."

"I hope our landing here did not cause a problem," replied Calvin quickly.

"No. The sudden influx of people has really challenged the medical staff, since they don't feel they are really equipped to provide the best treatment as quickly as they would like to."

Meanwhile, below on the hangar deck, Cathan saw that the medical staff were having difficulty providing care to those that had been rescued. To her, it appeared that the rapid arrival of so many patients had overwhelmed even the carrier's augmented resources. It was also clear that the space they were using was impacting operations on the hangar deck. Cathan told Todd that they needed to start moving those they had rescued to England immediately, as there were more people than the medical crew could handle.

"Captain, our team members have just suggested that we begin moving the people we brought you to the hospital in England as quickly as possible. No reflection on your staff's abilities."

"My medical staff agrees, and has already strongly suggested it. Flight operations would also like the space back, as we've just been told to prepare to transport the Royal Marine detachment to a country near here. That operation alone will require the use of all the transports that were en route to move the refugees ashore, so they can be flown back to England. Central Command says they don't have any more aircraft available, so we will have to wait until they come back from deploying the Marines before we can start moving the patients."

"Captain," said Todd, "if your medical staff can get them ready to travel, we can take care of transportation to England."

"Captain, could I use your phone?" asked Calvin. "It looks like the medical unit in England is going to have an earlier start for their drill than planned."

"Calvin, were you thinking of calling Mr. Bartlet?"

"Well, I wasn't going to make that my first call, but..."

"Are you referring to the Prime Minister?" asked the CSG Commander with a look of amazement.

Calvin nodded to the Commander as Todd took out a small phone and when it was answered he said, "Rusty, is Mr. Bartlet near you?"


"Calvin needs to talk to him. Could you hand him your phone?"


"Calvin, use this, Mr. Bartlet will answer. He may not know it is you, though." While Todd was talking to Calvin, Rusty handed his phone to Mr. Bartlet, telling him that Calvin would like to talk to him.

"Mr. Bartlet, this is Calvin. Sorry to bother you, but we have a little problem here. We are on the carrier, and the CSG's medical staff is overwhelmed by the number of people we rescued. Also, the CSG has been told to transport the Royal Marines somewhere. My guess is that it is probably to Fuda. Do you have a suggestion as to whom I should call to get the field hospital set up and staffed, now?"

"The field hospital and medical unit should be fully set up," replied Mr. Bartlet, "but if I remember the briefing correctly, the staff weren't due to arrive until daybreak. How soon can you be there?"

"Three hours or less."

"Bring them. The hospital will be ready," replied Mr. Bartlet, and handed the phone back to Rusty.

Mr. Bartlet turned to the young officer sitting next to him. "Lt. Andrews, who would you call if you needed a field hospital staffed in less than two hours, to handle an emergency involving 400 people or more."

"If it were me, I would call the appropriate base's senior medical officer. I don't know that he could, or would, do it for me in two hours though."

"So you think I should call the base's senior medical officer? Why not someone with more authority?"

"Because doing that would lengthen the response time. I suspect that he would initiate an alert to his staff, and then inform his commander."

"Sounds reasonable, now all I need is a phone number."

"Sir, I think this number will work for you," said Aoife, as she handed him her phone, eliciting a surprised from him.

It was a few moments before he said, "Good evening Doctor, this is Mr. Bartlet, the Prime Minister. I will be brief. Your staff was scheduled to be at a field hospital tomorrow at daybreak. The situation has changed, your patients will now begin arriving in approximately three hours or less. Their number and condition has stressed the CSG's medical staff. We are counting on you to be ready for their arrival. My Chief of Staff will call you shortly, to make sure you get all the support you need to accomplish the task. Good evening, Commander."

The looks on the faces of the escorts around the table was one of amazement. Mr. Bartlet looked at them and smiled. "We will talk about this in a minute. My Chief of Staff needs to know about his new responsibility." The group watched as he got up and walked over to the table where the Chief of Staff was sitting with another group. After a few moments, he came back to the table, while the Chief of Staff made his way out of the room, occasionally stopping to talk to a few others.

"I can see all of you are curious about what just happened," said Mr. Bartlet. "Unfortunately, this is not a good place to share information openly, although knowing more about this situation would be beneficial to your professional growth."

"Excuse me, sir," said Sarah, "only this table will hear our conversation." Mr. Bartlet looked puzzled, then smiled when Aoife nodded.

"With Sarah's assurance, I will provide you with some background concerning what led to the phone call. Tonight, a mixed force of Irish Special Ops and SAS units rescued a number of people being held captive by a group associated with a country's leader. Since these people were captured, they have been subjected to intense conditioning in order to prepare them for sale to individuals or brothels as pleasure toys. An auction was to take place this evening, but did not, since our team showed up in time. We are certain the captives did not choose this as their future. The Commander of the SAS unit just called to tell me that the numbers rescued were overwhelming the resources of the CSG's medical staff. He called to ask for guidance concerning whom to call to accelerate staffing the hospital here, which was planned to take place at daybreak tomorrow. At your suggestion, I made the call for him, to the Commander of the Medical Unit that was to staff the field hospital. The Chief of Staff is now ensuring that the Medical Unit Commander has all the support he needs to open the hospital before those rescued arrive. I could have let Calvin make the call, but I suspect that having my office initiate the arrangements will ensure that the medics are ready. So now you know a little more about what prompted the events you just saw. We don't expect any of this to be in the papers." Several of them smiled as he made the last comment. He quickly added, "Well at least, not in any detail."

"Calvin was the SAS Commander," stated Lt. Thomas, softly.

"Yes," replied Prime Minister Bartlet, before he realized the implication. "How did you know?"

"I didn't really. I heard the name Calvin when Rusty told you about the call. Calvin is my brother's name, and he is in SAS. No, he didn't tell me. I can only explain it by saying that it was intuition that told me it was my Calvin. Aoife, I now understand what you meant earlier, but if they are in the Eastern Mediterranean, how can they be back in England in two hours?" Her comments caused many strange looks to pass between the other escorts, as many were puzzled by her comments.

Prime Minister Bartlet had a surprised look on his face, which was slowly replaced by a curious one. After a moment he asked, "And why do you think they are in the Eastern Mediterranean?"

Lt. Thomas suddenly felt very uncomfortable and began to turn red from embarrassment. She felt certain she was right, but was concerned that she had put her foot in it. Taking a deep breath, she replied, "Sir, it is a combination of events, or bits of information, that lead me to that conclusion. Shortly after we arrived in the reception area, Rusty, Aoife, Sarah and Tara were very distracted for a few moments. When it passed, Aoife said that they had a group assisting with a rescue mission. Calvin told me the other day that he thought he would be gone for a few days. The only carrier group at sea that is close to 2 hours away is in the Eastern Mediterranean area. So it all fits together, even though I am not sure we have aircraft that will cover that distance that quickly." Her conclusions drew several chuckles around the table.

Lt. Andrews said, "Now that you have shared the key elements you used to draw your conclusion, I can see how you fit it together. Lt. Thomas, if your conclusion is correct, I will be amazed. I know that I could not have drawn any conclusion from the elements you had. Any consideration of a link between them would have been ignored, because of the extremely low probability of one existing."

"That is true," replied Rusty, "however she came to it some 2 hours before the medical unit will be operational, and the patient's arrival. Remember, she implied that the conclusion was an intuitive solution, using some loosely related pieces of information or elements. While intuition played a role, linking the key elements came about because of an apparent clue she saw in each one. If this was a hostile situation, and depending on which side she was on, she would likely have time to either support or counter the move. The issue she would have faced is that she wouldn't have time to verify anything. She would need to decide based on benefits versus risk, and the strength of her intuition.

"Let me add, all of us are impressed with both of you. Lt. Andrews, your choice of who to contact regarding getting the medical staff in place was good, even if it would have taken more persuasion to get it started without Prime Minister Bartlet's clout. Lt. Thomas' analysis of the few bits of information she had was excellent. I suspect that her intuition was augmented by her using a form of pattern recognition to connect the seemingly unrelated elements. As to the flight time, Lt. Thomas is correct - the distance is too great for your aircraft to cover in two hours. We are supplying the transportation. In fact, those rescued are getting ready to board now."

Both murmured, thank you, as the other escorts nodded their agreement with his comments.

"Rusty, Sarah, Aoife, and Tara," said Lt. Smith, "I am curious about something."

"Feel free to ask your question, I am certain we will not be offended," said Tara. "There is a small possibility that we could choose not to answer, but that is not likely. We are sure there will be no repercussions for asking."

"Thank you. All of you being here seems to be extraordinarily risky. There are assuredly many on Earth who would like to have your technology and there are undoubtedly others who think you should be killed or caged as if you were animals."

"We don't see coming here as any more risky than traveling or living in space," replied Aoife.

"But we outnumber you," he protested, "we could just subdue you and cart you away."

"Let me answer you indirectly," said Tara smiling, "if you had a 2 to 1 advantage, would you try the same thing with a room full of SAS members?"

"Most certainly not, it would be suicide. You would die quickly, if you were lucky," he retorted.

"So does that answer your question?" Several of the other escorts had faint smiles on their faces, as did Mr. and Mrs. Bartlet.

"You're telling me your group's capabilities are equivalent to SAS troops," he exclaimed, with a disbelieving look on his face.

"Yes, she is," replied Mr. Bartlet. "Based on information we have concerning their other contacts with Earth, I believe they are probably better."

"Other contacts?" replied Lt. Smith, before he realized who was speaking.

Mr. Bartlet looked a little surprised, but said, "There is circumstantial evidence that these people have quietly assisted in the release of other people who were held captive. There is also some evidence that they supported an Army unit that was being set up for ambush by terrorists."

"Well then, the aggressor could just use a drug to incapacitate them," replied Lt. Smith quickly, thinking checkmate.

"They could," said Sarah, "if they had a death wish. Such an attempt would likely fail as well, but it is a certainty that all the aggressors would be dead long before the drug was fully effective. Without knowing the drug, it is not possible to estimate our casualties."

Lt. Smith started to say something else, when Lt. Andrews said, "Lt., give it up. From my perspective, I want them to be our friends. Even after our short time together, I would now take any threat to them as a threat to me." The escorts at the table laughed and nodded their agreement, as Lt. Smith blushed.

"Lt. Smith, you had good questions," said Rusty. "You may have found part of your answers just by observing. When a group with a high profile like ours moves around so casually, they are either foolish or have some hole cards. You should always look for the hole cards."

"You sound just like Calvin and his buddies." Lt. Thomas paused and then said, "Were you Special Forces?"

Mr. Bartlet started to respond, but Rusty waved him off. "Let's just say I am familiar with Special Ops." Mr. Bartlet smiled at Rusty's reply. It was correct, but based what he knew, which wasn't much, grossly understated the case.

Just then, the lights blinked, indicating that the choir's performance would start soon.

"Commander," said Todd, "do you need escorts for the aircraft transporting the Royal Marines?"

"Supposedly, not," he replied without much conviction. "We would be much more comfortable if we could send a couple. However, that was not part of our orders, as command views the countries we are crossing as friendly. There is also an issue of any escorts having sufficient range."

"I think we can offer you a solution."

"Dóchas FOC," said Todd.

"Dóchas FOC, go ahead."

"Do you have a couple of aircraft available that can escort some British troop transports?"

"Yes. A flight can be overhead in about 15 minutes. They will turn on transponders as they approach and contact the CSG FC. Can you provide more detail on the mission?"

"Several transports are to carry the Royal Marines, most likely to Fuda, and would feel more comfortable with an escort."

"Captain, Dóchas FOC says there will be four aircraft overhead that can serve as escorts for your planes in 15 minutes. Is that soon enough?"

"Who is Dóchas FOC?"

"Our flight operations center."

"It will take more time than that before we are ready to deploy."

"They will contact your flight control when they are several kilometers out. They will linger at the destination as long as you need them."

"Sir, are there any guidelines on engagement, if challenged?"

"Whatever is needed to defend our aircraft."

Just as they finished talking, the shuttles for transporting those rescued appeared in a line behind, and off to the starboard side, of the carrier, putting them out of the way of flight operations.

After conveying her observations of the makeshift hospital area to Todd, Cathan sought out the head of medical operations in the hangar. She found him standing off to one side, conferring with two other officers in what was, based upon appearances, a rather animated conversation. Cathan walked up beside him and waited to be noticed, or for a break in the conversation. After a moment, she touched his arm and said, "Sir, my name is Cathan. Would you mind if I addressed this group?"

The doctor looked her over carefully, then noticed several SAS soldiers standing behind her. "I take it that it was your group that rescued them," he replied somewhat testily. As he spoke, he looked at the SAS soldiers behind her.

"Yes sir, all of us were part of the operation," said one of the soldier's in black.

"Yes, you can speak to them."

"What is their status?"

"Health-wise, we have found nothing serious or life threatening, and with the proper care their physical injuries will heal quickly. Some of them will require surgery to correct what was done to them. Of greater concern is their psychological stability, based upon what they told us about their experiences. We fear that many of them will become depressed, unless they can come to terms with their experiences. If this was the kind of trauma we were trained for, and if it weren't for the few abrasive loudmouths, I think we could have provided care more efficiently. If they were military, we could easily handle the loudmouths."

"Our apologies, as we did have some idea of the injuries that would need treatment," replied Cathan. "This mission was scheduled very quickly and we, apparently, overlooked providing you with that information."

"You have nothing to apologize for. In fact, I am pleased that we did not have the trauma cases we expected. All of this has been a very different experience for us."

Cathan thanked the doctor before stepping over toward the group. "Attention!" said Cathan, in unison with her clan. Their combined voices carried over all the noise and echoed slightly. "Listen up! Can everyone understand me?" Her team members looked around the area to see if anyone had a puzzled look on their face. "You are all safe now. You are on a British aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean Sea. We need you to be patient for a few more hours. The medical staff here wants to finish your preliminary medical evaluations. Once they are complete, we will be leaving for England. There are aircraft already waiting on deck for that purpose. So, in a few moments we will begin helping those who have completed their medical evaluation to the flight deck, to board those aircraft. In England, a field hospital has been set up to provide you with any required medical treatment. This field hospital is on one of the bases these guys in black use. At the moment, there are very few people who know you have been rescued, or even know that you needed to be rescued. We intend to keep it that way. Once you are in England and rested, you can begin to consider other issues affecting your future. There will be assistance for you in answering those questions. Some of you undoubtedly have questions about us, these we can answer during our trip to England.

"Fuck England! Just let me die," screamed a woman, as she began wrestling with a nurse again.

Ciar and Sorcha immediately stepped over next to her. "So you would prefer to be a dead victim, rather than a survivor?" asked Ciar in a hard voice, as those around them moved back.

"You want to tell the slavers and other scum that you are not strong enough to survive. The door is over there. From there it is a clear path to the ocean. Go jump."

As Ciar was talking, the nurse had moved back from them. Her facial expression showed surprise at the approach the tall woman was taking. The woman who had been screaming started toward the open door. She had only taken a few steps when Ciar said, "Well, hurry up. Go jump. Run away from yourself. We didn't. We chose to survive, and to do it well. But you, apparently, are too chicken to try that. It takes a strong person to suck it up and go on, in spite of their ordeals. I guess your captors were correct about selecting you to be one of their mindless cum buckets."

"You don't know what it's like. To do all the nasty things you are told to do. To feel your body respond, while your mind screams at it to stop. It's horrible."

"Yes it is, when you are forced to do it. Some of us have had similar experiences. We believe that what was done to you was wrong, but your body was only responding to stimulation the way it was designed to. The human mind has many abilities, but you cannot totally control your body's response to stimulation. You tried to fight a battle that could not be won. Stimulating your body sexually, and its ultimate release, is what relieves' many of the stresses in our lives. This is especially true when it occurs between those that care for each other. At that place, you were used. You had no control. So it is now time to start again. You now have experiences that you would not normally have had. With this knowledge, you can now focus on those that you liked, and find others to share them. I can assure you that in the future, your close friends will be very close to you."

Ciar, Sorcha and the nurse watched the woman take a few more steps and then begin to bawl. Sorcha and the nurse went to hold her as she sobbed.

"Come, we need to get moving," said Cathan to the others watching. "Those of you who have already been seen by a doctor, please follow Máiréad up to the flight deck, as our transportation is here. Medics, can some of the crew assist with those needing stretchers?"

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My first sexual encounter with my cousin Rebecca

my cousin Rebecca and I are 9 years apart, she is 22 and I am 31, for as long as I could remember my cousin Rebecca would always fallowing my every foot step as we would play together in our grandparents back yard like a brother and sister would, I always knew Rebecca loved me with a passion as I love that girl to and I would do anything for her as she would do the same, we have always been close to even this day where we share very intimate discussions of our life situations, she understands...

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Luke was kneeling naked in a dark room, staring at the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in his life. "You can't take your eyes off it, can you?" said the low, velvety voice behind his ear. Luke mumbled something in reply. "I'm going to tell you some things now. Things you will not remember hearing. But when the time comes, you will obey them anyway; automatically, instinctively. Are you ready to hear these things?" Luke mumbled something else. "The first thing is, meoooooowwwww....

3 years ago
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High TidesChapter 26 Luck Run Amok

“What trouble has Ninell gotten herself into?” Automatically blame the kid. Right? “Randy kidnapped her!” Antonia tearfully tells me, tugging at me to make haste. Oh, Brother! You little shit! Just wait till I ... Worst of luck this happens just now. Things were going along swimmingly recently. My talking-to Randy seems to have backfired into a vengeful Randy, not a more tractable version. Bad joss. “Wait a minute Tony, while I get dressed. Honey? It’s easier for me to put my clothes on,...

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my bestfriends

my first threesome i was 18 at the time just moved back to my home town with my father, he interdosed me to the rest of my family that i had never met, well i did but when i was just a baby anyway, a cuple months after i started to chill with these 2 guys but i didnt no what to do cuz both of them were my bestfriends for a long time but at the same time were like my play mates. one night when i was just hanging around talking with scott he asked me if i would have sex with...

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Mom Swapping Incest Orgy 8211 Part 2

I am Honey and here the description is about how our daughter is introduced to sex fest with his own brother.Let us hear from the boys . We som,John and Ali became the closest friends and more then blood relation that is sex relation friends. We all discussing how our fuck life with mom is progressing John: Friends do you know that at first my mom told I am as good as my dad but now she is telling that I am much more better than dad but she can not engulf my full cock as it is touching her womb...

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Selena and JoeChapter 71

At about 5 of 10 Coach Reynolds came out and made sure we were all ready to retire. "Tomorrows your last full day here, so make the best of it. The weatherman just said low humidity and low 80's. I may join you on the beach. Don't worry I won't set up ANYWHERE near you. I'm sure a Dad nearby would turn you all into donkey geeks." He said with a derisive chuckle. In a few minutes we were all saying goodnight and getting into our cabins. Marilee was hanging things on the line to air dry...

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Becoming A Slut Wife Hot Hunny

The best blow job I ever got was when I blackmailed a married woman. She was also the first woman I ever fucked in the ass, but there was no blackmail involved in that, no sir re-bob, she begged me for that. It all started because I am a porn junkie and I have a good memory. I spend a lot of my free time on the Net cruising the porn sites and one of my favorites is RedClouds, the explicit photo section of I like it because it is all amateur and has very little in the way of...

2 years ago
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A Wedding to RememberChapter 6 Linc Post Date Pondering

The one thought that bothered Linc the most going into this date scared him to the core. ‘What if she wants sex?‘ Fortunately, she wanted to wait too. As he closed his car door to prepare to drive home, his mind suddenly drifted to Dany. A wave of guilt ran through him. But, he rationalized, ‘She never seemed all that interested in being anything but friends.’ But the guilt remained—until the image of Steph filled his mind. On the drive home, Linc couldn’t believe how everything had...

2 years ago
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The Trip Home

Journal #32 Sunday, December 15th I can’t believe I’ve written thirty-one journals already. With all the stresses and anxieties of life in college, it has been a good release, to get it all of out of my mind and onto paper. I hate to admit it, but mom was right. Writing everything down has really helped me to keep my bearings this year. I find I am much calmer and I am much, much more organized. I now take the time to think things through and I’ve resolved many problems just by writing things...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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What Started As A Joke

What Started As A Joke My name is John, and I'm going to tell you about what went on at a Saint Patrick's day party. But to do that I have to go back about a week or so. You see I work at a company with several attractive women, and I've been working with the same women for several years now. And when you spend more time with people you work with, you learn some intimate details about them. On a normal afternoon Stephanie, a blonde girl I work with who has a nice pair of breasts on her,...

1 year ago
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David and Abi

(Many thanks to orvette1 for his help in editing this story for me and for the very helpful tips.) It was raining, not heavily by our usual standards, it was the wind that helped it along just enough to make people not even bother with the hope that an umbrella would protect them. Instead seeking refuge in a building they hadn’t even thought to be in. David’s choices were limited to one, the diner. Being a stranger in a city sometimes makes there choices for you. Sadly for him it seemed...

3 years ago
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Houston 3Chapter 4 John Argie Different Partners

After a time, the two women began alternating in sucking his member. First, Norma took a deep suck, and then Felicia would deep-throat him, pulling off as slowly as possible. The feel of two different mouths taking turns descending upon him struck John as magnificent, and he laughed as they paused between exchanges, and kissed one another hungrily. After the kiss, Felicia licked the side of Norma's face, and then returned to him, devouring his cock all the way down to the base. Norma...

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Loves Eternal Circle

Copyright© 1996-2003 "There once was a lady named Carter, Fell in love with a virile young Tartar. She stripped off his pants, At his prick quickly glanced, And cried: 'For that I'll be a martyr!'" -author unknown "Love Eternal" Those were the words we spoke to each other on our wedding day. In fact, standing at the head of the church, we had almost a hundred witnesses to those phrases, including the priest who pronounced us married. I can still remember the echo from...

2 years ago
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Wife watches me sniff

My wife is so sexy in my opinion. She is 5'11 and 200 lbs...long legs and very large hips. I am such a lucky guy, and shes not that into sex.At 49 and beginning menopause I am trying to understand her. but she is so aware of what is happening and is accommodating to me so much...She may not like sex anymore, but knows I do.She has a very clean unshaven pussy and she leaves such a nice white discharge in her panties. She knows i like her panties(i wear them at times) but i was not sure if she...

3 years ago
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Confessions of a Daddys Girl Part Two

I lay in bed most of the next day and tried to figure out, in my head, what had happened the night before. Daddy left me alone for the most part, only checking in the morning if I would like for him to make me breakfast, I passed. It was not long before I heard him leave for the day. I was sure that he was not going to be back until early the next morning. He had been talking about this current job for the past week and how as of that day, he was going to have to go the extra mile and put in...

1 year ago
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InvisiteenChapter 19

Mallory wasn't the prettiest girl on campus but she definitely had moved into the top 25 prettiest girls in my opinion. Her transformation caused students to literally turn heads as she passed by. I always thought that phrase was figurative but I saw people turn heads. This Monday Mallory was a primary topic of student conversation. "How is it going?" I asked Mallory during lunch. She had an insufferable smile on her face. She deserved it for at least this first day. "I didn't expect...

4 years ago
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Face time

I had been working with this model on a couple of fetish projects. Most of them had some kind of bondage theme, while this does not really excite me. This model did really got my blood boiling.She was a curvy soft spoken woman in her early 30s. She seemed to be a shy woman, until she stripped out of her clothes to become a very different person. I don't know why she wanted to do all the bondage photography, but since I liked her so much and enjoyed seeing her naked body displayed in front of my...

3 years ago
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mistress enjoys hotel humiliation

we had been in our hotel room for most of the day and you were getting hungry. you told me to pick up the phone and call for some room service. i wuz just about to place yur order when you covered the mouth piece of the receiver and told me to request a "male server". i gave you a quizical look. you returned an icy stare at me which meant do exactly as i say, so i requested a "male server". the male voice on the other end of the phone laughed and said that he would personally bring our...

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my overseas trip

I was heading overseas to visit the family but on the way I was stoppin at KL to meet up with my with my cousin who was flight back to see her parents as she is from the Netherlands. I got in to the air port and had to wait for Anna to land, she was about half an hour behind me. It was late at night by the time we got to the motel after the taxi ride in , we booked in to the room now we were sharing a room but had booked 2 beds. When we got in to our rooms there was only 1 bed but it was a big...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 92

A mathematician is interviewing for a job. The interviewer asks him “You are walking towards your office and running late for a very important meeting and you glimpse a building on fire with people screaming for help. What will you do?” The mathematician thinks for a while and replies “People’s lives are more important than an office meeting. I would immediately call for a fire brigade and help the trapped to the best of my abilities”. The interviewer seems to be impressed with the...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 154

A man met a beautiful lady and he decided he wanted to marry her right away. She said, "But we don't know anything about each other." He said, "That's all right, we'll learn about each other as we go along." So she consented, and they were married, and went on a honeymoon to a very nice resort. So one morning they were lying by the pool, when he got up off of his towel, climbed up to the 10 Meter board and did a two and a half tuck reverse piked with a double twist. This was...

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Zelda Botw

You wake up in a dark room in white panties and bra with a golden outline and a tri force on your pussy you stand up and hear your name called out “Zelda grab the Shika slate” You look over and see a pedistol you walk over and grab the tablet on it and the walk opens up you walk out and see a chest you open it up and find a short white dress with gold detailing its a little ripped and dirty but it fits perfectly you go outside and look around seeing a beautiful green area then you hear a shout...

1 year ago
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The CavemanChapter 41

It seems that I may be Hugo again, and now to all. Irving says this. And more; I will have work that brings me money. Irving says he now believes the tale that Linda and I say to him. “Consider me sold, Linda,” he tells her. “The human lie-detector business is kind of icing on the cake; it’s the machine lie-detector results that do it for me. They say you’re both telling it like it is, and that means I have to buy into the whole thing. You’re right, the fact that it’s never happened before,...

1 year ago
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Pearl Necklace pt 2

A pearl necklace? I’ve known this man for a few weeks and he already wants to give me expensive jewellery? This makes no sense . My inner-self and I are completely confused. Seeing the confusion on my face, Jason adds, “It’s a sexual pearl necklace. Don’t worry, I’ll show you.” With that, he shifts his hips and lifts me off him slightly. More proof of his extreme fitness. He reaches into the space now created as I’m no longer on him and pulls out his cock. How could I have missed the monster I...

4 years ago
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Patricias Wild Week On Penkor Island

Patricia felt her heart skip a beat when she caught sight of Dr. Mackenzie coming through the doors of his office the following Monday morning. Having just spent a most enjoyable weekend with him, she thought, WOW... ! Talk about being handsome and sexy... , I go weak in the knees every time he's around me. Looking out his office door, Jordan could see Patricia was busy preparing for their first surgery of the day. Knowing he was unobserved, he couldn't keep his hungry eyes off her....

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Lucky Jim 1FirehairChapter 12 Gold and Expansion

Gold and Expansion Jun 10, 1858 In the morning, not wanting to leave two women and two infants alone and unprotected on the ranch, I took them into town with me, intending to put them up at a hotel in the room next to mine. The desk clerk and I both blushed when Vivian stated adamantly that the constable had awarded me everything, including them. They had no intention of staying anywhere but with me. Instead, I got one room with the biggest bed they had available. They knew the bank their...

2 years ago
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Brutal Brothers 8211 Part 4

In the meantime i was getting very popular my clothes were getting shorter and shorter many guys from 1st year used to come and talk to me among them there was one boy Manish who used to talk to me a lot and i liked him he was big smart and handsome, It was time for our fresher’s party and every one was supposed to go in couples and Manish asked me to come with him and i agreed. The day of the party arrived and i got dressed in a simple dress from home and Sameer told me that he have a surprise...

1 year ago
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The Affair

I am a middle-aged woman whose marriage is in decline.  I do love my husband.  Didn't I?  I mean we had four kids, the two girls were in their 20's and both in university.  The two boys were "Oops" babies, and at nine and 12, they kept us young and very busy.    My husband and I had been married nearly 30 years.  We got married right out of college.  I got pregnant right away, much to the amazement of the doctors, who said that wouldn't ever happen for me.   I miscarried, and I felt like such...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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The NicBrig Chronicles Connie and Seanna

The NicBrig Chronicles: Connie and Seanna by Armond I. The ice is thin come on dive in underneath my lucid skin... Hours pass days pass time stands still... - Ice, Sarah McLachlan, *** A white flash glittered through a rain-splattered window. Though late morning, the November gale had turned morning to dusk. "Headlights coming, he's here!" Seanna said, her wine red hair swishing as she turned to her mother and aunt. The older women...

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Neighborly Affection Ch 01

The warmth of the July sun baked into her skin as 31 year old Daniela Montreux lay on her teak lounger. She was relaxing next to her in-ground pool. Dani was exhausted after a long week at work. She had her cane with her due to the muscle fatigue. She hated looking at it so she lay on the ground next to her. She decided to soak up some rays wearing nothing. She was tired of being safe and subdued. Even sun bathing nude here was safe due to her new privacy fence. Sighing, she felt the warmth...

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My visit to my Masis house

100% fiction! Hi my name is karan I'm 19 years old and this is my incest story. One evening my Masi called Priya came over to my house to eat dinner. My Masi is a widow and at the age of 42 she is a hotty her boobs are enormous which was noticeable at the table when we were eating. she had come there In a mini skirt and high heels and a very tight low cut top in which her cleavage was very exposed. My Masi Priya never had any children and she said to herself that she would not get married again...

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A Brand New ManChapter 25

8:35 am Eastern Daylight Time, The next morning, Monday, July 27, 1992 Administrator’s Office, Hebron Academy, Hebron, WV “There you go, boss! A nice, hot, steaming cup of coffee! Plenty of cream and sugar, of course,” my new secretary informed me with a very sweet smile ... and not a stitch of clothing. Who was my new secretary, you ask? Martha Howard, formerly Martha Parker, that was her. Yes, the principal’s own wife, no less, though she was now married to everyone in the Howard tribe....

4 years ago
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Work Experience for Terri

I was in a rut - my life was totally boring. I had been divorced for four years this week. My ex-wife Mary had left me five years ago for a woman. Our sex life had been non-existent for the latter years of our marriage. My name is Frank and I am 40 years old. I’m shy and find it hard to mix with people. I’ve not dated since the divorce so I’ve had a very long sexless period of my life, except for what my hand offered by way of relief. Mary hated sex with me - complaining of my less than day...

2 years ago
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A Change of Life Part 10

A Change of Life, Part 10 by LaShaunda As I cudded with James and pressed my head against his chisled chest, I began to think that my recent sexual experience with him may have been crossing yet another threshold next to the "point of no return." It was bad enough that I (naturally a straight white male) had given a tall LeBron James-esque black man the blowjob of his life. Even worse was that my former-sons had...

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This is a work of fiction, sad to say… That an opportunity for the two of us to be together, face to face, seemed to me to be nothing short of a miracle. For months we had been chatting, teasing, learning, sharing and loving. I had resigned myself to never being able to actually meet her. After all, we lived in different countries, lived completely different life-styles, had no reason whatsoever to think that we would ever meet. Yet here we were – together, alone. Not just alone, but alone on...

3 years ago
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My InheritanceChapter 29 Family Time

With Mom, Dad, Abby, Betty and Cathy all watching, unblinking and in shock, I rolled Andy off me. She did not even groan when her head thudded against the floor. She was splayed out in all her naked glory, which is quite glorious I will admit, but I knew she would be mortified to have them see her this way. Why, you ask, would a woman who screamed for a man to fuck her up the ass as she was bound over a whipping horse in a New York City bondage club watched by several hundred people, be...

2 years ago
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The Ultimate Participation

It was a rainy Saturday and we had both been working in the morning and came home for the rest of the weekend. We were glad to see each other again although it had been only a few hours since we parted and went our separate ways.I went to the kitchen to prepare something special for the evening meal while you went to the computer to write some more of your erotic stories. We both loved to share what you wrote and often acted out the characters movements; especially if they involved an older guy...


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