Tuition Teacher Ki Kunwari Choot Fadi
- 4 years ago
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After picking up those who set up the diversion, the shuttles headed for the British CSG. When they were close the shuttles identified themselves to CSG's FC and dropped their cloaking. After they were given permission to land, the five shuttles lined up in formation and entered the flight pattern. When they were behind the carrier, they drifted down the normal glide path to the carrier's deck. Once there, they leveled out until they were just a half meter off the deck, then followed the directions to their designated area. After they had stopped, the shuttles remained suspended above the deck as the lead shuttle's door opened.
Calvin and Todd immediately identified themselves to an officer and asked for the operations officer or ship's commander. They had hardly finished making the request when the Commander stepped out of the operational island. Calvin saluted and introduced himself, he then introduced Todd and the rest of the team, who had followed them out onto the deck wearing their tactical suits, without the helmets.
"Captain," said Calvin, "we are on our way back to England, and wanted to stop and see how the people we rescued are doing. Could some of the team go meet with them? According to the last operations plan I saw, they were to be transported to England tomorrow."
The Operations Officer had one of the sailors show the group with Cathan how to get down to the hangar deck. Calvin then asked the Commander how the operation was going, from their stand point.
"Well Calvin," replied the CSG Commander, "until a few minutes ago it was going reasonably well."
"I hope our landing here did not cause a problem," replied Calvin quickly.
"No. The sudden influx of people has really challenged the medical staff, since they don't feel they are really equipped to provide the best treatment as quickly as they would like to."
Meanwhile, below on the hangar deck, Cathan saw that the medical staff were having difficulty providing care to those that had been rescued. To her, it appeared that the rapid arrival of so many patients had overwhelmed even the carrier's augmented resources. It was also clear that the space they were using was impacting operations on the hangar deck. Cathan told Todd that they needed to start moving those they had rescued to England immediately, as there were more people than the medical crew could handle.
"Captain, our team members have just suggested that we begin moving the people we brought you to the hospital in England as quickly as possible. No reflection on your staff's abilities."
"My medical staff agrees, and has already strongly suggested it. Flight operations would also like the space back, as we've just been told to prepare to transport the Royal Marine detachment to a country near here. That operation alone will require the use of all the transports that were en route to move the refugees ashore, so they can be flown back to England. Central Command says they don't have any more aircraft available, so we will have to wait until they come back from deploying the Marines before we can start moving the patients."
"Captain," said Todd, "if your medical staff can get them ready to travel, we can take care of transportation to England."
"Captain, could I use your phone?" asked Calvin. "It looks like the medical unit in England is going to have an earlier start for their drill than planned."
"Calvin, were you thinking of calling Mr. Bartlet?"
"Well, I wasn't going to make that my first call, but..."
"Are you referring to the Prime Minister?" asked the CSG Commander with a look of amazement.
Calvin nodded to the Commander as Todd took out a small phone and when it was answered he said, "Rusty, is Mr. Bartlet near you?"
"Calvin needs to talk to him. Could you hand him your phone?"
"Calvin, use this, Mr. Bartlet will answer. He may not know it is you, though." While Todd was talking to Calvin, Rusty handed his phone to Mr. Bartlet, telling him that Calvin would like to talk to him.
"Mr. Bartlet, this is Calvin. Sorry to bother you, but we have a little problem here. We are on the carrier, and the CSG's medical staff is overwhelmed by the number of people we rescued. Also, the CSG has been told to transport the Royal Marines somewhere. My guess is that it is probably to Fuda. Do you have a suggestion as to whom I should call to get the field hospital set up and staffed, now?"
"The field hospital and medical unit should be fully set up," replied Mr. Bartlet, "but if I remember the briefing correctly, the staff weren't due to arrive until daybreak. How soon can you be there?"
"Three hours or less."
"Bring them. The hospital will be ready," replied Mr. Bartlet, and handed the phone back to Rusty.
Mr. Bartlet turned to the young officer sitting next to him. "Lt. Andrews, who would you call if you needed a field hospital staffed in less than two hours, to handle an emergency involving 400 people or more."
"If it were me, I would call the appropriate base's senior medical officer. I don't know that he could, or would, do it for me in two hours though."
"So you think I should call the base's senior medical officer? Why not someone with more authority?"
"Because doing that would lengthen the response time. I suspect that he would initiate an alert to his staff, and then inform his commander."
"Sounds reasonable, now all I need is a phone number."
"Sir, I think this number will work for you," said Aoife, as she handed him her phone, eliciting a surprised from him.
It was a few moments before he said, "Good evening Doctor, this is Mr. Bartlet, the Prime Minister. I will be brief. Your staff was scheduled to be at a field hospital tomorrow at daybreak. The situation has changed, your patients will now begin arriving in approximately three hours or less. Their number and condition has stressed the CSG's medical staff. We are counting on you to be ready for their arrival. My Chief of Staff will call you shortly, to make sure you get all the support you need to accomplish the task. Good evening, Commander."
The looks on the faces of the escorts around the table was one of amazement. Mr. Bartlet looked at them and smiled. "We will talk about this in a minute. My Chief of Staff needs to know about his new responsibility." The group watched as he got up and walked over to the table where the Chief of Staff was sitting with another group. After a few moments, he came back to the table, while the Chief of Staff made his way out of the room, occasionally stopping to talk to a few others.
"I can see all of you are curious about what just happened," said Mr. Bartlet. "Unfortunately, this is not a good place to share information openly, although knowing more about this situation would be beneficial to your professional growth."
"Excuse me, sir," said Sarah, "only this table will hear our conversation." Mr. Bartlet looked puzzled, then smiled when Aoife nodded.
"With Sarah's assurance, I will provide you with some background concerning what led to the phone call. Tonight, a mixed force of Irish Special Ops and SAS units rescued a number of people being held captive by a group associated with a country's leader. Since these people were captured, they have been subjected to intense conditioning in order to prepare them for sale to individuals or brothels as pleasure toys. An auction was to take place this evening, but did not, since our team showed up in time. We are certain the captives did not choose this as their future. The Commander of the SAS unit just called to tell me that the numbers rescued were overwhelming the resources of the CSG's medical staff. He called to ask for guidance concerning whom to call to accelerate staffing the hospital here, which was planned to take place at daybreak tomorrow. At your suggestion, I made the call for him, to the Commander of the Medical Unit that was to staff the field hospital. The Chief of Staff is now ensuring that the Medical Unit Commander has all the support he needs to open the hospital before those rescued arrive. I could have let Calvin make the call, but I suspect that having my office initiate the arrangements will ensure that the medics are ready. So now you know a little more about what prompted the events you just saw. We don't expect any of this to be in the papers." Several of them smiled as he made the last comment. He quickly added, "Well at least, not in any detail."
"Calvin was the SAS Commander," stated Lt. Thomas, softly.
"Yes," replied Prime Minister Bartlet, before he realized the implication. "How did you know?"
"I didn't really. I heard the name Calvin when Rusty told you about the call. Calvin is my brother's name, and he is in SAS. No, he didn't tell me. I can only explain it by saying that it was intuition that told me it was my Calvin. Aoife, I now understand what you meant earlier, but if they are in the Eastern Mediterranean, how can they be back in England in two hours?" Her comments caused many strange looks to pass between the other escorts, as many were puzzled by her comments.
Prime Minister Bartlet had a surprised look on his face, which was slowly replaced by a curious one. After a moment he asked, "And why do you think they are in the Eastern Mediterranean?"
Lt. Thomas suddenly felt very uncomfortable and began to turn red from embarrassment. She felt certain she was right, but was concerned that she had put her foot in it. Taking a deep breath, she replied, "Sir, it is a combination of events, or bits of information, that lead me to that conclusion. Shortly after we arrived in the reception area, Rusty, Aoife, Sarah and Tara were very distracted for a few moments. When it passed, Aoife said that they had a group assisting with a rescue mission. Calvin told me the other day that he thought he would be gone for a few days. The only carrier group at sea that is close to 2 hours away is in the Eastern Mediterranean area. So it all fits together, even though I am not sure we have aircraft that will cover that distance that quickly." Her conclusions drew several chuckles around the table.
Lt. Andrews said, "Now that you have shared the key elements you used to draw your conclusion, I can see how you fit it together. Lt. Thomas, if your conclusion is correct, I will be amazed. I know that I could not have drawn any conclusion from the elements you had. Any consideration of a link between them would have been ignored, because of the extremely low probability of one existing."
"That is true," replied Rusty, "however she came to it some 2 hours before the medical unit will be operational, and the patient's arrival. Remember, she implied that the conclusion was an intuitive solution, using some loosely related pieces of information or elements. While intuition played a role, linking the key elements came about because of an apparent clue she saw in each one. If this was a hostile situation, and depending on which side she was on, she would likely have time to either support or counter the move. The issue she would have faced is that she wouldn't have time to verify anything. She would need to decide based on benefits versus risk, and the strength of her intuition.
"Let me add, all of us are impressed with both of you. Lt. Andrews, your choice of who to contact regarding getting the medical staff in place was good, even if it would have taken more persuasion to get it started without Prime Minister Bartlet's clout. Lt. Thomas' analysis of the few bits of information she had was excellent. I suspect that her intuition was augmented by her using a form of pattern recognition to connect the seemingly unrelated elements. As to the flight time, Lt. Thomas is correct - the distance is too great for your aircraft to cover in two hours. We are supplying the transportation. In fact, those rescued are getting ready to board now."
Both murmured, thank you, as the other escorts nodded their agreement with his comments.
"Rusty, Sarah, Aoife, and Tara," said Lt. Smith, "I am curious about something."
"Feel free to ask your question, I am certain we will not be offended," said Tara. "There is a small possibility that we could choose not to answer, but that is not likely. We are sure there will be no repercussions for asking."
"Thank you. All of you being here seems to be extraordinarily risky. There are assuredly many on Earth who would like to have your technology and there are undoubtedly others who think you should be killed or caged as if you were animals."
"We don't see coming here as any more risky than traveling or living in space," replied Aoife.
"But we outnumber you," he protested, "we could just subdue you and cart you away."
"Let me answer you indirectly," said Tara smiling, "if you had a 2 to 1 advantage, would you try the same thing with a room full of SAS members?"
"Most certainly not, it would be suicide. You would die quickly, if you were lucky," he retorted.
"So does that answer your question?" Several of the other escorts had faint smiles on their faces, as did Mr. and Mrs. Bartlet.
"You're telling me your group's capabilities are equivalent to SAS troops," he exclaimed, with a disbelieving look on his face.
"Yes, she is," replied Mr. Bartlet. "Based on information we have concerning their other contacts with Earth, I believe they are probably better."
"Other contacts?" replied Lt. Smith, before he realized who was speaking.
Mr. Bartlet looked a little surprised, but said, "There is circumstantial evidence that these people have quietly assisted in the release of other people who were held captive. There is also some evidence that they supported an Army unit that was being set up for ambush by terrorists."
"Well then, the aggressor could just use a drug to incapacitate them," replied Lt. Smith quickly, thinking checkmate.
"They could," said Sarah, "if they had a death wish. Such an attempt would likely fail as well, but it is a certainty that all the aggressors would be dead long before the drug was fully effective. Without knowing the drug, it is not possible to estimate our casualties."
Lt. Smith started to say something else, when Lt. Andrews said, "Lt., give it up. From my perspective, I want them to be our friends. Even after our short time together, I would now take any threat to them as a threat to me." The escorts at the table laughed and nodded their agreement, as Lt. Smith blushed.
"Lt. Smith, you had good questions," said Rusty. "You may have found part of your answers just by observing. When a group with a high profile like ours moves around so casually, they are either foolish or have some hole cards. You should always look for the hole cards."
"You sound just like Calvin and his buddies." Lt. Thomas paused and then said, "Were you Special Forces?"
Mr. Bartlet started to respond, but Rusty waved him off. "Let's just say I am familiar with Special Ops." Mr. Bartlet smiled at Rusty's reply. It was correct, but based what he knew, which wasn't much, grossly understated the case.
Just then, the lights blinked, indicating that the choir's performance would start soon.
"Commander," said Todd, "do you need escorts for the aircraft transporting the Royal Marines?"
"Supposedly, not," he replied without much conviction. "We would be much more comfortable if we could send a couple. However, that was not part of our orders, as command views the countries we are crossing as friendly. There is also an issue of any escorts having sufficient range."
"I think we can offer you a solution."
"Dóchas FOC," said Todd.
"Dóchas FOC, go ahead."
"Do you have a couple of aircraft available that can escort some British troop transports?"
"Yes. A flight can be overhead in about 15 minutes. They will turn on transponders as they approach and contact the CSG FC. Can you provide more detail on the mission?"
"Several transports are to carry the Royal Marines, most likely to Fuda, and would feel more comfortable with an escort."
"Captain, Dóchas FOC says there will be four aircraft overhead that can serve as escorts for your planes in 15 minutes. Is that soon enough?"
"Who is Dóchas FOC?"
"Our flight operations center."
"It will take more time than that before we are ready to deploy."
"They will contact your flight control when they are several kilometers out. They will linger at the destination as long as you need them."
"Sir, are there any guidelines on engagement, if challenged?"
"Whatever is needed to defend our aircraft."
Just as they finished talking, the shuttles for transporting those rescued appeared in a line behind, and off to the starboard side, of the carrier, putting them out of the way of flight operations.
After conveying her observations of the makeshift hospital area to Todd, Cathan sought out the head of medical operations in the hangar. She found him standing off to one side, conferring with two other officers in what was, based upon appearances, a rather animated conversation. Cathan walked up beside him and waited to be noticed, or for a break in the conversation. After a moment, she touched his arm and said, "Sir, my name is Cathan. Would you mind if I addressed this group?"
The doctor looked her over carefully, then noticed several SAS soldiers standing behind her. "I take it that it was your group that rescued them," he replied somewhat testily. As he spoke, he looked at the SAS soldiers behind her.
"Yes sir, all of us were part of the operation," said one of the soldier's in black.
"Yes, you can speak to them."
"What is their status?"
"Health-wise, we have found nothing serious or life threatening, and with the proper care their physical injuries will heal quickly. Some of them will require surgery to correct what was done to them. Of greater concern is their psychological stability, based upon what they told us about their experiences. We fear that many of them will become depressed, unless they can come to terms with their experiences. If this was the kind of trauma we were trained for, and if it weren't for the few abrasive loudmouths, I think we could have provided care more efficiently. If they were military, we could easily handle the loudmouths."
"Our apologies, as we did have some idea of the injuries that would need treatment," replied Cathan. "This mission was scheduled very quickly and we, apparently, overlooked providing you with that information."
"You have nothing to apologize for. In fact, I am pleased that we did not have the trauma cases we expected. All of this has been a very different experience for us."
Cathan thanked the doctor before stepping over toward the group. "Attention!" said Cathan, in unison with her clan. Their combined voices carried over all the noise and echoed slightly. "Listen up! Can everyone understand me?" Her team members looked around the area to see if anyone had a puzzled look on their face. "You are all safe now. You are on a British aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean Sea. We need you to be patient for a few more hours. The medical staff here wants to finish your preliminary medical evaluations. Once they are complete, we will be leaving for England. There are aircraft already waiting on deck for that purpose. So, in a few moments we will begin helping those who have completed their medical evaluation to the flight deck, to board those aircraft. In England, a field hospital has been set up to provide you with any required medical treatment. This field hospital is on one of the bases these guys in black use. At the moment, there are very few people who know you have been rescued, or even know that you needed to be rescued. We intend to keep it that way. Once you are in England and rested, you can begin to consider other issues affecting your future. There will be assistance for you in answering those questions. Some of you undoubtedly have questions about us, these we can answer during our trip to England.
"Fuck England! Just let me die," screamed a woman, as she began wrestling with a nurse again.
Ciar and Sorcha immediately stepped over next to her. "So you would prefer to be a dead victim, rather than a survivor?" asked Ciar in a hard voice, as those around them moved back.
"You want to tell the slavers and other scum that you are not strong enough to survive. The door is over there. From there it is a clear path to the ocean. Go jump."
As Ciar was talking, the nurse had moved back from them. Her facial expression showed surprise at the approach the tall woman was taking. The woman who had been screaming started toward the open door. She had only taken a few steps when Ciar said, "Well, hurry up. Go jump. Run away from yourself. We didn't. We chose to survive, and to do it well. But you, apparently, are too chicken to try that. It takes a strong person to suck it up and go on, in spite of their ordeals. I guess your captors were correct about selecting you to be one of their mindless cum buckets."
"You don't know what it's like. To do all the nasty things you are told to do. To feel your body respond, while your mind screams at it to stop. It's horrible."
"Yes it is, when you are forced to do it. Some of us have had similar experiences. We believe that what was done to you was wrong, but your body was only responding to stimulation the way it was designed to. The human mind has many abilities, but you cannot totally control your body's response to stimulation. You tried to fight a battle that could not be won. Stimulating your body sexually, and its ultimate release, is what relieves' many of the stresses in our lives. This is especially true when it occurs between those that care for each other. At that place, you were used. You had no control. So it is now time to start again. You now have experiences that you would not normally have had. With this knowledge, you can now focus on those that you liked, and find others to share them. I can assure you that in the future, your close friends will be very close to you."
Ciar, Sorcha and the nurse watched the woman take a few more steps and then begin to bawl. Sorcha and the nurse went to hold her as she sobbed.
"Come, we need to get moving," said Cathan to the others watching. "Those of you who have already been seen by a doctor, please follow Máiréad up to the flight deck, as our transportation is here. Medics, can some of the crew assist with those needing stretchers?"
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EroticAs I'm kneeling there, over my garden, stretching to grab at the last of the weeds, I feel my wet hair caress my heated cheeks. I love that feeling, especially on such a hot day as this one. I'd been working in the garden for over an hour now and the sweat was flowing freely. There was, in fact, so much of it that it has left a wide swatch of moisture between my breasts, leaving my T-shirt soaked down the front. Leaning back on my heels, I again stop to wonder if I'm crazy to be out here...
Me and my big mouth. I had a perfect marrage , my wife is a beautiful five foot four blonde with blue eyes. Her body a tight one hundred pound sexy fucking machine. She was a shy girl when we met. I talked her into showing off that body of her's and buying the kinds of cloths men like to see on pretty women. Short skirts , dresses and tight shorts. One Saturday soon after we married we planed a trip to tje mountians in north Georgia. She had never been and I knew a cabin rental place up...
If it wasn't for the cute 19 year old that moved in next door I would have never known. For the last 2 years I was working on my 1986 Ford Mustang 5.0 HO. I spent a lot of time and even more money tearing down the 302 engine block replacing just about everything that could be replaced. I rebuilt it three times each time a major problem developed as I was breaking it in taking it easy for the first 500 miles. The first time the heads did not seat properly on the block. The second time the valves...
The sensual brunette, Ruby Reign, and glorious big titted MILF, Sienna Day, have come to Private Movies, Traders in the City to share their favourite thing in the entire world… cock! That’s right, this incredible duo is here today to take on stud Máximo Garcia, and they waste no time at all getting down to business by immediately treating him to a double gagging blowjob. Then watch the rest of the action unfold on as Ruby’s tight pussy and Sienna’s beautiful ass take a hard...
xmoviesforyouIn a part of the Warp.. The Elven Archer Kerrilian is on the floor, pinned by Norscan slavers and bred by them for pleasure, her eyes empty and her tongue out and wet.. her mind broken. In another she is with her party, slaightering the same slavers along with hordes of Skaven . A Tau woman is captured by the forces of Chaos, her cunt assaulted and moaning as she felt these new pleasures.. In another, she is executed by a Commisar. The same Commisar is captured by Drukhari slavers, she is...
FantasyIntroduction: From my personal favourites I bring you a story from a great book of real women sex stories: SUGAR IN MY BOWL My First Time, Twice By: Ariel Levy When I was fourteen years old, I decided it was time to lose my virginity. Precocity had always been my thing. As an only child, I spent most of my youth around adults, which made me sound sort of like one. By early adolescence I had become so accustomed to being told I was mature, it seemed obvious to me that this next benchmark had...
Helen was bored. She was no longer living with anyone, and having her own apartment, though exciting in its way, was a lonely venture. She had gone to a bar with her strictly platonic friend, Hayley. Her friend was something of a “goody-goody” (how HAD they become buddies?) and wanted to be home for 10pm. So Helen was not expecting a very exciting time. They were sitting in a corner of the joint when five guys came in and sat down. “D’ ya mind if we sit here?” one of them asked. Helen said,...
Group SexJim and I had been married for six months when he started talking to me about swinging. Six more months later I finally said yes. Little did he know that it was a big mistake. I'm Jenny. I'm 5'5" tall and weigh 125 pounds with c cup tits and a nice flat tummy, long dark brown hair and blue eyes. I was a 21-year-old virgin when we got married and Jim was 25. Jim is 6' and weighed 180 pounds and was in really great shape. He still is. He has a firm average 6" cock. We met...
Wet EditMelody sighed as she unlocked the door of her apartment. Thank God it’s the weekend she thought to herself. In her hands she juggled her briefcase, a shopping bag of groceries and a bottle of wine.It had been six months since her relationship had ended. She marveled at how far she had come in establishing her independence. She now had her own place, her own things and her much needed freedom. Life as she knew it was good. She sang her favourite line from her favourite Jann Arden song: I...
Becky arrived at 11:00 the next morning, the trunk of her car filled with a large suitcase, a laundry basket heaped with dirty clothes, and several brightly wrapped gifts. Jack had been sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee, reading the newspaper, when he heard her come in. "Daddy?" she called. Jack nearly bumped into her in the hallway, and she leapt into his arms, wrapping her own tightly around his neck. "Merry Christmas, honey," he said, squeezing his little girl tight...
Alyson couldn't stop thinking about the previous evening and Roger's big cock. She had trouble sleeping and although she had had so many intense climaxes the thought of it just kept making her more aroused. She woke early in the morning, reached over to Graham and rubbed his cock. As she got it hard she straddled him and it slid inside her so easily. Although she managed to make herself cum she was immensely disappointed with his size. Later on her way to work while driving in her Mazda sports...
The first boy that fucked me was very hot, I was like 16 and he was 17. He had like this Jock look, when he took his shirt of he had this perfect body that i loved to leak. But, when we had sex he just wouldn't make me cum right you know.But any ways his name wasnt Melvin so... Melvin was this nerdy k** that lived down the street he was very good with computers, he would never charge me for fixing up the viruses and stuff.So one day am talkig to my friends and i see him getting picked off by...
Lily Lane and Rocky Emerson love their jobs as tattoo artists, but there are still some slow days. Lucky for them, Lily and Rocky are not the type of girls to let themselves get bored. They decide that as soon as the first hot guy walks into the shop, they are going to jump all over him. They are praying for just one, hard, HUGE cock! And they get their prayers answered. Our stud walks in and these girls get to work quickly. They yank out his tattoo gun and wet the tip with their tongues. Lily...
xmoviesforyouI'm Maria. I'm 29, work and live in a Czech city. A girlfriend suggested we go to a salsa party. I rarely even drink two cocktails in 2-3 hours. It would have made me stupid that no one invited us to dance and an African came to me and we started dancing. In general, my experience with these is that they are very pressed and rejected, which annoys and cuts them. However, this one was different, it didn't push me and at the same time it led me well. My girlfriend, I think, became dumb because...
My mums friend, had her sister staying, she was running from an abusive relationship. They had arranged a night out and I went to look after her k**s for a few hours. When I got there they was just about to leave, she told me her husband was in the shower but had to go to a meeting and they would be back by 1am. I went and got settled as their cab arrived. It wasn’t long before the baby needed a bottle and I went and got one for him, he soon went back to sleep. So I watched TV. I got a little...
When Jerry came home from work that evening he was surprised to find his wife, Loren, seated, cross legged on the couch, shoes off, in her stocking feet. The surprise was simply due to the fact that she rarely got home before him, and when she had, she was in the habit of remaining fully dressed. Now, she was in a new pink slip he had never seen before."What do you think of these sexy flats," she said, putting one of the black ballet flats on, extending her leg."Very nice," said a blushing...
FetishThe next week was relatively uneventful. Monday we painted Cheryl's room. "It stinks," she said as she climbed in bed, her pert nose wrinkled in disgust. "Maybe I should have gotten the bright orange after all." "That was oil based enamel, not latex. It would have smelled worse." "Worse than this?" "Yes. Do you want to sleep in one of the other rooms for a couple of nights?" "No. I just want this one to smell better." "It will in a couple of days." "What if the stink...
As he glided down her body, teasing, tasting, she moaned. Opening up like a lotus flower, she laid pliant with need and desire before his eyes.Gasping with unbridled need, eyes in half mast, she anticipated his every nimble touch, stroke by stroke, arching her back towards his ministering hands as she unabashedly grasped the ruffled cotton sheets like a ship about to be thrown in a storm.She had the most lovely breasts he had ever seen. Dark rimmed around the areola with the most plump looking...
Straight SexI remember this as if it happened yesterday. In fact, whenever I think about it I get still get so hot that if I’m fucking my husband I start to orgasm almost as soon as his cock slides into me. If I’m alone and at work I have to go to the ladies room, go into a stall, and masturbate until I cum. At home I will masturbate, use my vibrator or fuck myself with my dildo until I cum. That’s how good that day was. I am not a big football fan but my husband, Ned, is. He and some of his friends will...
Harold Saves Her Husband Part Three Copyright Oggbashan July 2014The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.Although apparently set in part of 19th Century India, the locations, incidents, customs and activities are in a fictional world that does not, and did not,...
Pulling at the Red Thread of Fate - Chapter 5 - The Only Easy Day is Yesterday I could feel the tension on the field as we broke our huddle and lined up. 30 seconds on the clock, 4th down, 50 yards to go. The defence slipped back to zone coverage - it didn't take a genius to know that we had to make a passing play. The Brightman Academy Tigers, or the Brightman Bastards as we "affectionately" called them, lined up to meet us. I could tell by the look on their DB's face that...
We all went round to Grandpa and Grandma Shaw's for Sunday lunch; Mum took a few things, but Grandma did most of the cooking. We had a very good roast joint of beef, with lots of crispy Yorkshire Pudding and roast potatoes. Grandpa didn't feel up to carving, so Grandma did it; Grandpa had the sense not to say anything, but we knew from past experience that he had always prided himself on his meat carving skills, and we realised that he felt very frustrated not being able to do it...
I finally got the call from Judy ( First Encounter) that I was waiting for. I was diappointed when she asked me to do a job for another senior member.She said the couple were in their 70's and really needed help,so I agreed to call this woman Helen.I called Helen,she told me she was70 and her husband was 77. He was unable to do plumbing and asked if I could.No problem I said.I agreed to be there the next morning because they had buckets under the leak.The next day I showed up at Helen's.When...
It started as a normal day for Amy, her husband went to work and her son was off to school. The housework was always there and she wasn’t in the mood to clean today. Perhaps a visit to the new lingerie boutique at the mall was what she needed. Upon arrival at the store she was amazed at the cost of their merchandise, my god she thought $95 for one outfit. It might be worth it as Russell her husband was more interested in golf these days then her. Amy was short five foot tall, around 145 lbs....
Brenda sat on the bean bag and lifted her teddy to above her 36-C breasts. Like her friends, Brenda's pussy was well shaven and used to the kind of action it was going to see for the next ten minutes or so. Not that mutual masturbation participation or viewing was a regular experience for the so-called Century Club gals. But Julie had them all convinced that a little naughtiness was going to go a long way in getting their freshman fall-girl to humiliate herself. So it was in a good...
****This is another exquisite story written by a talented author.NOT my work, but a hot, steamy, tease of a read, nonetheless.. Enjoy!****--------------------------------------------------------This work is copyrighted to the author © 2006. Pleasedon't remove the author information or make any changesto this story. All rights reserved. Thank you for your consideration.--------------------------------------------------------Voyeur's Wifeby Author Obscure (1994)***Barbara and Tom were c***dhood...
The last week of class before finals was mostly review in most of Phil’s courses. His economics professor – a prick of the highest magnitude – dropped a quiz on them each day for no apparent reason other than to ensure very few people came out of his class with an A to show for it. Phil’s grades were high enough he could have skipped the final and still earned a B but was determined to score as high as possible just in case it caused the hateful fucker personal distress to send a good grade...
Two hours later I was at thirty three thousand feet in the huge jumbo jet headed to California. For the first time in my life, I felt truly alone, hollow and empty. My plane arrived in Los Angeles at one o’clock, my driver was waiting for me outside the terminal. As we pulled out of the holding area, I received a text message on my phone, I answered it quickly, hoping it was from Ashley. I recognized the number as Courtney’s, I paused for a second, realizing the error I had made. I had forgot...
What a vacation this has been. It hasn't been anything like what I thought it would be. I'm filled with mixed feelings as I lie here in bed with my good friend Greg's wife Pam. What a tremendous woman she is. Not only is she gorgeous but sweet and kind. If it wasn't for her I'm certain I would be completely consumed with depression. The events of last night still caused pain in my heart. "Good morning hot stuff," whispered Pam. "Ah, so you're finally awake, beautiful," I...
My name is Brandi. I'm seventeen and one of the hottest girls at my school. I was hanging out at the mall yesterday bored, hoping to see a friend or two. I was sitting on a bench sipping a strawberry banana smoothie when Jeff approached me. He's twenty-years old, six feet tall with dark hair and blue eyes. He looked so good that I didn't mind that he was out of high school. "You look good enough to eat! I work at the Gap. If you want, you can come try on some of the inventory we're about to...
FetishEach group had someone go to the mike closest to their area and speak. Jimmy Warren was first. He said, "Our group is in favor of a trip so our answer is 'yes.' However, many of us don't want to go because of what we have here." There was an approving murmur in the crowd. The second, third, and fourth groups' speakers stood and agreed with Jimmy. The fifth group's speaker was Gladys McMahon, a young woman of about twenty. "I speak for our group though they are aware that I don't...
That brings a smug voice as he says goodbye. After looking at the phone for a few her mind thinks, "enough already." Then she snaps the phone in half and tosses it into the waste container. The drive is uneventful, boring and filled with apprehension. Upon her arrival she does not hurry but gets to the cabin quickly enough. After a knock she has to wait for twenty minutes before he door opens. She sees him standing there nude bile rises up into her throat. Cheryl enters and notices his...
I had just gotten back to the office from a late lunch meeting with a senior client and was quiet please with how everything had played out. I was sure the deal was final and we were guaranteed some additional business here on the west coast once all of the paper work was signed. I have been working as a sales associate for one of West Coast top design firms for the past 2 years. I use to work as a draftsman when a position opened up and my boss thought I would be the right fit for the position...