Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 25 free porn video

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The Wanderer stood at the threshold to his bedchamber, gazing through a small gap between the curtain and the edge of the frame. He peered at the still form of Sirinna as she lay on her bed, her sides rising and falling slowly and steadily. He had already checked on Amanda moments before and found her fast asleep as well.

Carefully, the merchant slipped past the curtain, crouching as he made his way as silently as possible towards the exit. He was not concerned with Sirinna waking and seeing him leave. This he could deal with. As a more "typical" slave, he would not have to explain himself, and Sirinna would likely forget about it.

But if she awoke and the noise of their soft conversation woke Amanda, who was most assuredly not a typical slave, that might give him trouble later.

It was most unfortunate that he had to do this. At the same time, he was prepared for it. His task was so important that he needed to be prepared for nearly any eventuality, however unlikely it may be. This had been considered more of the unlikely ones, which unfortunately meant his preparations were not as good.

In fact, he already knew that luck would be a large factor in his success.

Jollis made it into the cool night air. He paused a moment, and felt only the lightest of breezes. This would work in his favor. Already luck began on his side.

He took his time as he walked the paths of the Manor. There was no need to rush. Only a guilty man hurried along at this time of the night. The innocent had no need. Yet he was careful. He did not wish anyone to see him. It was unlikely that anything would be traced back to him, but stranger things have already happened on this mission.

He reached the Healer's office. It was empty and open. There was simply no need to secure such things in a Manor. No slave would think of coming to this place at this hour, nor be skilled in using it unless she had been specifically trained for it.

Jollis found a small oil lamp and ignited it. He took in his surroundings carefully, making note of where the Healer might keep his herbal and potion supplies. He wanted to make sure he did this in the quickest amount of time, and by touching the least number of things in the room. The less he disturbed, the more unlikely it would be that the Healer would discover his work.

He began to gather the ingredients that he needed.

Jollis was no Healer. However, he was quite good at memorization, and a potion formula was quite an easy thing to remember. But there was more than a formula to what he was undertaking. He knew that such a thing should be tailored to the individual, but there was no way this could be done. He had to hope that a "standard" formula would work.

Yet here, it appeared, his luck had run out, for Vanlo's supplies were missing a key ingredient.

The merchant sighed into the darkness. It should not have surprised him. There was little use for a Healer at an Overlord's Manor to be making draughts to cure mental disorders. Jollis looked again, to make sure he had not missed it somewhere.

It was then he found the Jonalla.

Jollis recognized it at once. He knew of the events that had transpired here. He knew how this had been used by the Imperial agent to poison the minds of the slaves. The shiny black crystals were rigorously controlled by the Healers' Guild. Even the likes of Vanlo would have had trouble procuring it on his own.

Obviously, in keeping the Jonalla, the Healer had decided to make the best of a bad situation. The Jonalla in and of itself was not at fault for what had happened. He had seen no need to throw out a perfectly good herb simply because of the way it had been abused.

Jollis also knew that Jonalla could be used as a substitute for his missing ingredient if he carefully adjusted the doses of the others. Yet he also knew this was incurring more risk. The resulting potion would be more unstable and more prone to imbalances in the mixing.

But Jollis had no choice. It must be done.

He quickly took the ingredients into the inner chamber, where the apparatus that Vanlo used to produce his potions sat on its customary table. The merchant looked forlornly at it. He wished he had the time to brew this properly through the apparatus. That would greatly reduce the risk. But it would also take much of the night to finish, and then he would have to clean the apparatus afterward. No, this would not do.

Jollis instead arranged the ingredients on the table on the opposite side of the room from the apparatus, where he kept his special items. After carefully measuring out the ingredients one by one into a flask, adding the black Jonalla crystals last, he opened one of the drawers. There arrayed on velvet were nearly two dozen blue pearls.

He needed exactly two. One for now, and one for when he delivered the potion to the Healer's residence.

Jollis' hand hovered over the pearls, sweeping over them slowly, until his latent magic sense told him which one held the proper spell. He picked up the correct one and dropped it into the mixture.

There was a dull glow and a gentle frothing as the binding energies of the spell forced the ingredients to mix at a vastly accelerated rate from the normal apparatus. This is what Vanlo used when he needed to mix a potion quickly if a patient's life was at stake, as he had the night Sirinna nearly died from a sleeping powder overdose. For simple poisoning antidotes, this was acceptable.

It was generally considered sheer madness to do it for the potion that Jollis was preparing.

Jollis counted silently to himself as the potion mixed. He took a long, thin wooden stick from the counter and inserted it into the mixture as his count reached a particular point. He carefully stirred, the glow suffusing more through the potion before eventually fading. Soon the frothing stopped as well.

The merchant lifted the flask and held the oil lamp to it. His eyes held a subdued look. It was not perfect. It was not even good. He was not at all sure he had balanced the other ingredients properly with the introduction of the Jonalla.

But it would have to do.

He used a small set of grasping claws to fish the pearl from the potion and place it on a patch of cloth to dry. He looked down at the potion he had created and paused.

This was the first time in his mission that he actually hesitated to carry out his master's will. He knew that everything he was told to do was for the greater purpose, but he found this to be reprehensible nonetheless. Yet, was it any better than the plans that were in store for others that were closer to him? At least the Healer was a stranger to him.

Jollis picked up the flask. He returned to the drawer with the blue pearls and selected another after a moment's contemplation. He then turned and headed out the door and back into the night.

Rennis stood in stunned silence after Roquan finished speaking.

Clad now in his robe, a nearly drained goblet of wine in one hand, Roquan fixed his level gaze on his friend when the silence continued for another few moments. "It would help if you would say something to me at this point," Roquan said in an irritated voice.

Rennis just stared incredulously at Roquan.

Roquan sighed. "Do you wish to hear me say that I was foolish to agree to Freya coming to my quarters for this so-called debate? Is this what you wish to hear from me, Rennis, before you will grace me with your words? Is that... ?"

"You used a slave as a spy," Rennis said tonelessly.

Roquan paused. "Yes, I used Amanda to give me information on..."

"You used a slave as a spy."

"Let us not go there for the moment. The point is, I..."

"You used a slave as a spy!"

Roquan stared hard at his friend. "Do you wish to repeat that a little louder?" said Roquan icily. "So that the Overlords on the other side of the Manor can hear you?"

Rennis turned way from Roquan, his hands clenching into fists. "Roquan, this... I... words completely fail me!"

"That is not what I wanted to hear from you."

Rennis gaped. "Not what you wanted... ! What in the blazing hells did you want?! Did you want me to sanction what you did? Did you want me to tell you 'good thinking, Roquan!' Is that what you want to hear from me?"

Roquan remained silent.

Rennis sighed and shook his head. "I don't believe this... Roquan, you... you have done some stupid things before..."

"I beg your pardon!"

"Yes, Roquan, stupid! This goes beyond just letting your ego get the best of you when you decided to train her in the first place!"

"Rennis, this is not the time to argue the wisdom of my actions," Roquan said in a voice of forced calm. "We need to figure out how..."

"Then when is a good time? You have this Conclave going in order to get the other Overlords to do something about a travesty that the Emperor has committed against Overlord traditions! Roquan, what you did in having Amanda spy for you is no better than what the Emperor did against you!"

"That's enough!" Roquan shouted. "You will not DARE compare my actions to those of Z'haas! I did not poison anyone! I did not try to forceably kidnap anyone! And I most certainly did not try to kill an Overlord's BEST TRAINER!"

Rennis was livid. "Don't get self-righteous with me! I've had enough of it! Don't think yourself above everyone else just because the Emperor wronged you!"

"Then what would have me do?! Let Gronnus buy the vote of the Conclave? Let the Emperor continue to do what he is doing? Let him try to go to war?!"

Rennis remained silent for a moment.

"Or do you think I am paranoid about that? The Emperor has terminated relations with Colos, Rennis!"

"I am already aware of this..."

"But are you really aware of the consequences?"

Rennis took a deep breath. "No Oceanus Emperor has gone to war in a over a century."

"This is no ordinary Emperor. No ordinary Emperor does the things that Z'haas did. Even in that last war you mentioned, as I understand it, the Emperor sought support from the Nobility and the Overlords before he lifted a finger. Where is that support-seeking now?"

Rennis sighed, exasperated. "Roquan, do you realize what you're asking me to do here? You're asking me to tell you that it was okay to use Amanda like that. I can't tell you that!"

"No, I will not ask that of you. I realize that is impossible."

"Then just what do you want from me?"

"I simply want your support, Rennis. I need that more than ever right now."

Rennis blinked once. He was too surprised to respond. He was seeing a look in Roquan's face that he had never seen before: fear.

"You cannot tell anyone how I have been using Amanda," Roquan continued, his voice softer. It was not a command he was giving but a plea.

Rennis gave Roquan a nonplussed look. "I had no intention of telling anyone. I wouldn't do that to you."

"Thank you."

"But you're playing a dangerous game here. If someone else does find out, or Freya refuses to keep her silence on this..."

"I must take that chance."

Rennis stared at him. "You plan to use Amanda again, don't you?"

"Yes. Twice more tomorrow. That would make four deals total I can snatch away from Gronnus."

"Unless he figures out what you're doing."

Roquan made a face. "Overlord Gronnus is clever. He is sly and duplicitous. One thing he is not is intelligent. He will not figure it out. And the others will not either, as they are too mired in their thinking to ever conceive of this."

Rennis wanted to protest, but he had already come to the embarrassing conclusion that he, too, was guilty of this. It had never entered his mind that a slave could be used in such a way, even after having had one in their midst as an Imperial agent!

"And after that?" asked Rennis. "What then?"

Roquan paused a long moment. "That is what I had hoped you might help me with."

"What is there to help? You have to give Amanda to Freya."

"I cannot do that."

Rennis stared. "You just got through telling me this Conclave was important enough for you to make a slave break her loyalty, and it's suddenly not important enough to..."

"Freya abuses her slaves."

Rennis fell into a stunned silence. It was one thing to suggest, to insinuate, to imply that an Overlord perhaps went a little too far in punishing his slaves, but to come right out and make such a statement was never, ever done.

"Realize what you are saying, Roquan..."

"Yes, I fully realize it, Rennis! And I say nothing but the truth! You know yourself how she alters the formula for her Draughts, how it turns them into virtual playthings instead of true slaves..."

"You have no proof of that..."

"I have all the proof I need from Amanda! And I will not sanction the abuse of any slave I own!"

Rennis was quiet for a moment. "Did what Amanda tell you confirm any of the rumors about Freya's slaves?"

Roquan was already nodding his head. "That she makes them feel inferior and humiliated? Yes. That she uses orgasm denial outside of proper punishment? Yes. That she withholds reward when they do well? Yes. Do I need to go on?"

Rennis sighed. "You know, if she wasn't a woman, the other Overlords..."

"Yes, I know," Roquan said softly.

Rennis stopped. He realized if he went any further, he would only embarrass his friend.

"So I have a dilemma," said Roquan with a small sigh.

"I don't know what to tell you."

"There has to be a way to stop this. I cannot let Amanda go."

Rennis was both surprised and worried about the conviction in Roquan's voice. His friend was looking for answers and solutions that Rennis did not have. "You may have to give Amanda to her. Temporarily."

Roquan's eyes hardened.

"She gave you a deadline, Roquan," Rennis said, his voice rising. "You can't ignore that! So she owns Amanda for a short time while she is here. She is still in your Manor. There is a limited amount of... of abuse that she can do to the girl."

"And then what?" Roquan demanded.

"Then... we try to figure something else out. That's all I can tell you! I have no magic that can change the situation for you. And you might consider bringing Doran in on this."


"Not to tell him about the Draught, just that Freya's demanding this payment for her vote."

"Yes, and you know exactly what he will say." Roquan drained the rest of his goblet in one go. "He will praise the deal, and tell me that I am finally learning how to negotiate well."

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"Incestuous relationships are illegal in many places around the world - the following story purely fictional." Cousin Danny Takes Care of Me Three days before my seventeenth birthday, my great grandma died in her sleep. She was the last remaining matriarch on either side of the family so the funeral was massive. Hoardes of relatives flew in from everywhere. I was super shy around all of them especially because I'd finally begun to develop. Just last summer, I was still a chubby nerdy girl with...

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Tami my office manager

This is the first in a series of stories inspired by an affair with my office manager. Some are true, some are fantasy. The thing that is funny is the more extreme stories are most likely the true ones. The only one I’ll say is completely true is this first story you are about to read.---I’ve always had a bit of a thing for Tami.She’s worked with me for about 12 years in a small office. She is not any model or hottie, but she’s very appealing, she has a very natural appeal in a country girl...

2 years ago
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Introduction: Eric set his sights on his married sisters. I grabbed my sister Sheila as she walked by where I was sitting and pulled her onto my lap. It was purely an impulsive move...or maybe not. I'd been obsessing about Sheila and my other sister Vanessa for a while. My name is Eric and I'm 16 years old. If you read "Barb-a-que" you know how I lost my virginity and acquired two lovers in one eventful day. That was almost a year ago. One lover was my own mother and the other was a friend of...

2 years ago
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Fucked My Maami

Hello all ISS readers. I hope you have been enjoying my story so far. Today, I am going to narrate the experience I had with my maami (mother’s brother’s wife). It was when I was studying in Jaipur in the 2nd year of my college. My Mama and Maami used to live in a small town near Jaipur named Nasirabad. It was an hour’s journey from Jaipur. My maami (Madhu) was 38 at that time and I was hitting 20. She is a teacher in the local govt. school, wears spectacles and always wears salwar – kameez,...

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True based story bicurious

Too hot to sleep , need to find some way to waste some time :)How about i tell you guys i lost my "virginity". Well, at least my male-on-male virginity :DFor a lot of years i had a craving to fill my butt, starting out with small things like a finger and ending with golf-balls and 20 CM vibrators. However all this time i had sex with women and never actually thought of having sex with a guy. Sure in the heat of the moment when i was horney as hell it passed my mind a few times. But whenever i...

3 years ago
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Saras last show

Last ShowChapter 1 ?You want me to help you do what??     I had to restrain myself so as not to scream; we were, after all, in a public place.     ?You heard me,? Sara said, ?I want you to help me impale myself.?     ?You are fucked up crazy. How can you ask me to do that??     I hadn’t seen Sara for seven years or so; since she married that old Dom, more than twice her age. That was the day I decided enough was enough and I broke off our relationship.     Sara and I had been best friends since...

3 years ago
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Cherry BombChapter 17

I'm glad we had the mesh on today. As we headed on the 121E to 75N I thought we had hit a wall. The heat was terrible but that is what we had mesh and cool vests for. We hit the Oklahoma border with no problem and then it was on to Tulsa. We traveled 75N to 69N then jumped over onto the 60E. It was a nice quiet ride, a few twisties and a lot of farming. Since it was Sunday, we just took it easy. I think Reggie wanted to stop at every roadside fruit and veggie stand we found. We stopped in...

1 year ago
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Exposed 4 A Surprise Party

"Sweetie can you stop and come in here for a minute?" Smoothing down my dress I put down the feather duster. I curtseyed as I entered the room, just like she'd taught me over the last couple of days. "Yes dear is there something you need?" "I wanted to discuss something with you sweetie. Please come sit by me." I came and kneeled down next to her, I learned from painful experience that this was my proper place when she asked me to sit! "You know how nervous you were last...

3 years ago
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New years done right

Robert is a guy I meet on Craigslist a couple weeks ago. He's 6’3” 198 lbs with blue eyes and brown hair. He's a personal trainer and does not use any drugs. He's 31 years old. He's quite successful and owns his own gym. I'm Lisa, a trans woman. I completed my transition almost three years ago now. I'm 34 years old weigh 134 lbs. I'm 5’7” tall with a 36-25-37 figure I'm very proud of. I have blue green eyes and long natural red hair. The only surgery's I've ever had was a Tracheal...

1 year ago
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Truth Or Consequences Part 5

Wearing only bathrobes and fluffy slippers, Kerrie Latimer and I watch Dave Compton's van chug along Woodford Road and turn left into Rectory Lane. The vehicle is heading for Havant railway station, where Padraig and Eamonn will soon begin the journey back to the industrial north-west. Their filial duties done, the boys are eager to resume the carefree independence they've come to take for granted. Let them enjoy it while they can. "They'll have a story or two to tell," says their...

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29The punishment

29.The punishment Notes from Dawn written up by Ed Having done a lot of spanking and the occasional slipper or paddle, on one visit master, Ray, decided it was time to up the stakes and use a cane, he also decided that it should be in front of Andy to demonstrate my submissiveness. Just as I was about to leave the masters house, he told me that he had decided this was to happen the following weekend. I drove home with my heart racing at the thought of what Andy my husband would...

2 years ago
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Big Beach Bulges Butts and Boobs Part 2

As soon as he sat next to me and the hostess had wandered away, I hissed at him, “Turn that off! I am not going to have an orgasm right here in the restaurant, so don’t waste your time trying to make me.”It was a lie, of course; with the vibrating egg deep inside of me and the remote in his hands, if he’d kept it at that special pulse-buzz-pulse setting that I like so much I’d probably have turned into a twitching, helpless, orgasming puddle of goo right there at our table!Luckily he didn’t,...

Wife Lovers
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A Married Female To Model

Hey, This is Sammer again. Thanks for your emails and support. I got many emails from females and cuckolds and have a nice time with them. Female and cuckold can contact me at Without wasting time, one day I got mail from a female fan named Meenakshi (name changed). She told me that she read my previous stories and she found them amazing. We started to chit chat from normal stuff like where are you from? Blah blah. I asked about her, she told that she is 29 years old married, Punjabi...

4 years ago
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Unloved but sucking cock

So here I was on X hamster not feeling great, having a bout of depression, when I find a post from a guy not far from me. He happens to be on line so we start chatting as you do, swap the odd photo, turns out he likes to take photos, is open minded and likes my nylon pics with me in stockings. Asked if the wife is free which she not as working.We swap a few more comments when he asks if I was free and fancied popping round for a coffee.Well to be honest, I kinda wanted some company, the 3 weeks...

3 years ago
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The Edge Of The World

When I was growing up, I always thought winter came in two colours. There were white days, when everything looked as though it was covered in a fine icing and the frozen grass would crunch under my feet while I practiced making smoke rings on the frosty air. Then there were grey days, a multitude of variations on the same colour, as if God himself had switched the colour setting off on the world. When grey days bled into one another, it felt as though wintertime would never end. During the...

2 years ago
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Secrets of the Tea Room Ch 06

They were lead through the gleaming marble halls, past guards, servants, columns veneered with lapis lazuli, bubbling fountains and rare exotic birds on ivory perches. Eventually they stopped before two massive doors guarded by fierce looking men with scimitars. One of the Favorites nodded her head and each of the guards took hold of an enormous bronze ring and pulled the doors open. There they were welcomed into the women’s quarters … the harem. The sights they had seen during their brief...

1 year ago
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The Heat WaveChapter 1

It was the seventh of July and hotter than Hell -- which was news, and it wasn't. It WAS news, because it had BEEN that hot for over a week -- a serious heat wave -- and it wasn't news for the same reason -- it was just another murderous day in a long line of them. I sat out on my back deck, under the awning, watching the neighbor boy listlessly wander the yard, looking for some respite from the oppressive ninety-nine degree heat. He was one of those scrawny yet doughy-looking kids that the...

1 year ago
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Going Back Home to Lose My Virginity to Virgins

Introduction: First this is a story about how I lost my virginity to my best friend, there is a part 2 to this that I might post depending on how I feel. However, PLEASE REMEMBER YOU DO NOT HAVE TO READ THIS STORY AND LEAVE ME RUDE COMMENTS. I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT I MAKE MISTAKES AND I AM NO ENGLISH PROFESSOR! I write the way I speak and my English does NOT stand up to certain individuals standards OH WELL thats life. ENJOY THE STORY AS MUCH AS I ENJOYED WRITING IT! Have you ever given the...

1 year ago
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Making Daddy Do What She Wants

This story is entirely fictional! I didn't grow up in a normal household. My mother made tons of money, and my father stayed home. Mom had been a successful model in her early 20's and Dad was her manager, but when Mom retired from modeling and started her own cosmetics company, Dad agreed to stay home and take care of my little sister and I. It was actually pretty fun with Dad in charge as things like sugary snacks and lot's of TV were the norm rather than the exception. The only problem was...

3 years ago
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Sissy Bitch goes to Dinner

Anthony sat at his desk, glaring at his secretary. Although the poor woman had done nothing to invite his ire, he continued to berate her. She stood there in tears, hoping to keep her job, even though she knew that it was a hopeless cause. As she waited for the ax to fall, Nomi silently thanked the Lord for her back up job at Chez Louis, an upscale restaurant in the city. It didn’t pay as well as this job, but it was all she had left now. “This is the second time this year that you have been...

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BadMilfs Ryan Keely Anastasia Rose Sharing The Creamy Load

When MILF Ryan Keely learns that her stepsons girlfriend broke up with him, she is determined to make him forget all about her. She licks his cock from balls to tip to ensure she is the only woman on his mind. Later, Ryans stepson bounces back and finds a new girlfriend, Anastasia Rose, but Ryan is jealous! She intimidates the new girl by grabbing her tight pussy in private. A couple days later, Ryans stepson and his girlfriend are hanging out alone when they start to get a little frisky. Ryan...

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Rendezvous on the interweb

Gi had a message waiting for her when she got out of the shower. She had set herself online just before going in and this early in the day hadn’t really expected to get anything. So it was quite the nice little surprise to find someone waiting for her. Standing at the end of her bed she let her body begin to air dry as she flicked open the request. It was from DaveyCrockett09, one of her regulars, and easily one of the most fun to talk to. She had always enjoyed a bit of roleplay here and...

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Becoming A Slut CoupleChapter 3

She was bent forward over her desk, skirt pushed up to her waist and her thong in a pile around her right ankle as I pushed my hard cock into her from behind. She had a file folder gripped between her teeth to keep her from crying out and letting everyone in the outer office know what was happening to her. I gripped her hips and drove hard into her wanting to get as deep as I could before I came. I still could not get over how readily this hot beauty would open herself for me and I took as...

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Petite Daizy Cooper Petite Girls Deserve A Large Cock To Enjoy

Petite babe Daizy Cooper is depressed that no one wants to fuck her at school. Small Hands walks up and promises her that he will show her just how sexy and beautiful she is and fuck her brains out! She loves the feel of his large cock in her super small and tight pussy! He just makes her cum over and over with every thrust he does! She loves to ride on top and loves when he takes control pounding her hard in some doggy and missionary before letting her taste his load as he paints her face with...

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New Delhi and Agra Boys

I wheeled my suitcase out of the New Delhi Oberoi Hotel, numb from a three-day publishers’ conference and more than ready for the three days of letting down and experiencing that I’d added on to my itinerary. I was checked out of the Oberoi, though, as nice as it was. I didn’t want any of my hoped-for experiencing to be mixed in with meeting any of the people who’d attended the conference with me. I was following the whispered directions of Chet. We shared a fetish that neither of us could...

3 years ago
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A Second Chance Chapter 37

MONDAY, May 30, 2016 When the girls got on the bus on Monday morning, Rachael asked Larissa to sit with her. "This hockey camp your brother is doing?" Rachael asked the taller girl. "Do you have any information about it? Who to call?" "I don't," Larissa said. "But my mom would have all that information. You could give her a call anytime. She hasn't got a work permit yet, so she will be at home most of the day." "Great. Don't tell Marc, but there might be a chance for Bobby to...

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Breeding At Will

Many of the political fights ongoing ceased as surviving was much more important. The fight to overturn Roe vs Wade was abandoned and, given that it was no longer considered essential, abortion was abolished completely. No matter what anyone believes, the truth is America is a patriarchal society as men, from hunter-gatherer tribes up until now, have always ruled. As such the creation of life was deemed very important and the rules had changed. Suddenly what certain states considered...

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