Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 18 free porn video

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Gronnus watched with smug satisfaction as he saw Overlord Berin D'flaar leaving Trennan's quarters. Seeing that helped offset the indignation he had felt against Freya for what she had pulled on him that morning. The gall of that woman! She was trying to take over the whole show. She had no idea what greater interests were being served here. Though he realized that if he had told her, she would more likely than not try turn it around to her advantage and his detriment.

He had a short while before Roquan would deliver Amanda to him, and made good use of the time. He wandered away from the bluff and towards the gardens, where he knew the merchant would be waiting for him.

"Good day, Overlord Gronnus," said the merchant with a short bow of his head.

"Good day, Merchant Herdon," said Gronnus in a gruff voice. He wanted this conversation to be nothing but business, and conveyed that to the merchant in his tone. "The deal has been made."

"And I will deliver," Herdon said quickly. "From both you and Berin. Or rather, my contacts will. They need but the word."

"And you are sure this is free of ties from the Ne'land Clan?"

Herdon nodded once. "They are independent merchants. You will be charged far less for this transfer."

Merchants did more than simply procure goods. They also acted as couriers, movers, and deliverers. The Imperium itself sometimes employed them to move important documents and correspondence to the outlying kingdoms. But they charged a premium for such services.

Or at least the Clan-based ones did. Independent merchants undercut them in price. The Clans rarely worried about this because they were self-limiting. Without Clan resources, their volume was small.

Gronnus frowned. "Are you quite sure that Uridon will not hear of this?" he said in a low voice. "I can't imagine he would take kindly to this."

Herdon smiled. "No, your Lordship, he would not."

And Herdon relished this.

He thought it ironic. His father had never really thought of his son as a "true" merchant. Yet here he was conducting a lucrative deal for transfer of goods from not one but two Overlords to another.

"Then why are you doing this?"

"The same reason you do, of course. At the Emperor's bidding."

Gronnus looked a bit askance at this, even though he already knew this was likely the answer. Soon after his second meeting with the Emperor, Gronnus had been contacted by Herdon, who had offered his resources "in the Emperor's name." Even after realizing how useful the merchant was proving to be, he still resented the fact that Z'haas did not believe the Overlord capable of procuring his own trade contacts.

"I am wary of what would happen were Uridon to discover your private dealing. I thought such things were considered unconscionable within the Clan."

No, Uridon would not be impressed with this deal, not when Herdon was undercutting his own Clan to pocket a profit for himself. The Overlord's assessment was indeed the correct one. It would be far worse if Uridon ever knew the origin of some of the goods that he was transporting. Herdon had to take great pains to conceal the nature of their origins even to his own contacts.

But it would be nothing compared to what the Clan Leader would say were he to learn from whom Herdon's marching orders came.

"Please, allow me to worry about that," Herdon said respectfully. "I assure you that I have everything in hand. It just awaits a word from you."

"I will give you that word shortly. I wish to wait until the evening, when I am sure that the deal is closed." He snorted in amusement. "Not that I am expecting any counteroffers, you understand."

Herdon smiled evenly. "Of course, your Lordship. Which leads us to the final matter. My fee."

"Yes, yes, fine. And?"

"Four thousand platinum."

Gronnus blanched. "Four thousand? Surely you don't mean that."

"I need compensation for my time and the effort involved in keeping this hidden from the Clan. And Overlord Berin's goods are..."

Gronnus made a quieting gesture with his hands, glancing about nervously.

Herdon smirked. "... of questionable legality," he completed his thought softly. "That is my price. You are still paying far less than you would were the Ne'land Clan delivering your goods, even if they were all legal."

Gronnus huffed. "Very well. Four thousand. I will have it for you in the morning."

"Very good, your Lordship. If there is anything else I can do for you... ?"

Gronnus shook his head.

"Are you quite sure? I have heard rumors that you are a hunter of some repute."

Gronnus allowed himself a small smile. "I do not get a chance to do it as much as I would like these days, and this infernal Conclave nonsense has consumed all the precious time I did have. But, yes, I am known to do well for myself."

"Your preferred weapon?"

"I used to use a longbow," Gronnus said, a hint of pride in his voice. "However, the years have caught up to me and I cannot draw one as well. I have dabbled with crossbows of late."

"Then perhaps you would allow me to procure a rather nice one for you?"

Gronnus' eyebrows rose. "You would know a good one if you saw it?"

"I am a marksman, Overlord. I would."

Gronnus looked interested. "Indeed?"

Herdon smiled. "I have a rather nice one. Very good power. A crank for easier drawing of the bow. I believe you would like it."

Gronnus scratched his chin. "How much?"

"You've given me very good business, your Lordship. I would be willing to include it as part of the price you are already paying me."


"I will have it brought to your quarters in a day's time. You will need to perform some minor assembly on it, as weapons of that nature cannot be transported across the Manor fully operational."

Gronnus smiled. "Very good, Herdon."

"If there is nothing else I can interest you in?"

Gronnus shook his head.

"Then our business is concluded." Herdon paused. "However..."


"May I ask you a question, your Lordship? Purely for my own benefit and nothing to do with this deal."

"Yes, but get on with it, I have important matters to attend to."

"Of course. I wish only to ask... how do you expect the Conclave to go?"

Gronnus' eyes narrowed. "Did Z'haas put you up to asking me this?"

"Indeed not. He merely put me in touch with you as a contact for your goods to improve your chances. I am curious simply for my own benefit. And merchants by nature crave information."

"To sell to the highest bidder, you mean," Gronnus grumbled.

"Some do, this is true."

"It will go as the Emperor desires," Gronnus said in a low voice. "And it is what the Overlords desire as well. What they should desire, at any rate. There is little reason to change course now, Herdon. I would have said that regardless of... well, regardless of any other matters. Now, I really must go, Herdon, as I have important matters to attend to."

Gronnus turned and left without waiting to perform the customary protocol.

"Good day, Overlord Gronnus," Herdon said to the empty air with a satisfied smile.

It was rare that Vanlo received a summons to see the Overlord. Normally Roquan simply dropped by the Healer's office whenever he needed anything. A summons expressed that there was a sense of formality to this, and thus he would respond accordingly. He would make sure he concentrated his thoughts on the business at hand, and leave levity by the wayside for the moment.

Yet when he walked into the Overlord's chambers and saw not just Roquan, but Amanda as well, already with her chain back on and her wrists restrained in preparation to be brought to another Overlord of the Conclave, a worried look crossed his eyes. His gaze darted over the girl's body, looking for any sign of injury or contusion that might be the reason for which he had been summoned.

"You wished to see me, your Lordship?" Vanlo said, turning his gaze to the Overlord and clasping his hands behind his back.

"Yes, Vanlo, I need to discuss a point of policy with you," Roquan rumbled.

Vanlo's eyes briefly darted back to Amanda. He admitted to having a soft spot for the girl. He so wished she might take up an interest in Healing. He would not mind having the energetic Amanda as his assistant to replace the wayward Yanna. His concerns for her were such he could not contain himself. "Then I trust my reason for being here has nothing to do with Amanda's health?"

Amanda looked up an Vanlo and saw the Healer give her a small, gentle smile. She found herself smiling in return at his concern.

"Not at all. And I would like to keep it that way."


"Overlord Freya D'yros procured some Naiduna from you I believe."

"Quite right, your Lordship," Vanlo answered. "Very early in the morning. She was waiting for me when I arrived."

"I wish you to clear any future requests for salves from the Overlords with me."

Vanlo paused. That was most definitely not standard protocol for a Conclave. It was traditional to give the Overlords whatever they wished without hesitation. Yet the look that Roquan gave him was significant. It brooked no argument whatsoever.

"As you wish, your Lordship," Vanlo said.

Roquan knew that he did not need to explain anything to his Healer. Vanlo would obey the order without question. But he felt he owed the man a little more. "I am wary of some of the actions of the other Overlords, Vanlo. I wish to insure that they do not take things further than I wish with some of my slaves."

This was the first time Amanda had a direct experience with Roquan's protectiveness of his slaves. She was a bit stunned by it. Furthermore, he was making his thoughts about the Overlords known right in front of her, even after having become angry with her earlier for making him admit such a thing.

Or perhaps that was the difference. Before, she had forced his hand. Here, it was his choice. She understood the Overlord a little better now.

Vanlo was intelligent enough to understand what the Overlord was really saying. It was not everyone that he found suspicious. "In the interest of efficiency, your Lordship," Vanlo began slowly. "May I suggest you give permission to accept requests from Masters Rennis and Doran?"

Roquan nodded. Yes, they did understand each other. "Granted. Oh, and Vanlo?"


"Have you... sensed anything in other capacities?"

Vanlo understood. "Ah, no, your Lordship. It has been quiet in that area, I am pleased to report."

"Very good."

Amanda was curious about that. Obviously this was something that Roquan did not want her to hear for whatever reason.

Amanda was already experiencing a dilemma. She knew what she had been told about loyalty and "forgetting" what others said in her company. Yet it was an unfortunate trick of the human mind that the more one attempted to forget about something, the more it tended to replay itself. Such was the case with the meeting between the two Overlords in Trennan's quarters.

She knew she simply had to avoid discussing it with anyone. She could do that. Yet she had the feeling that she was doing something wrong by even entertaining it in her head in the first place.

"Is there anything else I may do for you, your Lordship?" Vanlo asked. He knew that planning the Conclave had been taxing on Roquan, and it was obvious just looking at the Overlord's tired face that it was even more so now.

"No, Vanlo, not at the moment. It is hoped that I will have things in hand fairly shortly."

Vanlo nodded at this, though he noticed the lack of conviction in Roquan's voice. "If you are concerned about Amanda's condition after the Presenting is over, I will be more than happy to examine her."

Amanda did not feel any apprehension at this. She knew the Healer enough to know that his examination would be nothing but professional.

"I will likely do that. I do not know when this will be."

Amanda glanced up at Roquan when she heard this.

"Oh? The Presenting will continue?"

"Very likely. I have no lack of requests for her from the others."

Amanda sighed through her nose lightly. She should have realized this would happen. She seemed to have nothing but bad luck lately.

"I consider it a learning experience for her," Roquan commented.

Amanda could easily take issue with that, but said nothing.

"I will be at your service when you need me, your Lordship," Vanlo said. He bowed his head and quietly left.

Roquan turned to Amanda. "Trennan was pleased with you, I am given to understand."

"Yes, master."

"Very good. It was important to make a good impression on him. Now, I need to bring you to Gronnus. It is imperative that you maintain your good behavior."

"I'll try, master."

"Do not try, Amanda. Simply do it."

Amanda took a deep breath and let it go. "Yes, master."

Roquan gave the chain a snap, much lighter this time than the one he had given her earlier, and they set about their way.

Overlord Doran D'jorus was growing increasing frustrated.

Three Overlords now! Three that he was sure he would sway at least enough to consider rallying under Roquan's banner, and every last one hemmed and hawed and would give him nothing in the way of even a hint of consideration. And he knew exactly who he had to blame for it.

Damn that Gronnus! The overbearing fool was far more resourceful than Doran gave him credit. And damn Roquan for making him doubt that dealing was the only way to go. Perhaps if he had wasted less time on convincing Overlords on the merits of the arguments, he could have started putting out feelers for more deals.

Now as Doran looked out from the gazebo, he saw Roquan with Amanda before him as they headed down the path towards the cluster of Overlords' quarters. Who wanted her now?

He quickly left the structure and jogged around to the path in order to catch up with them. He paused and hung back when he saw Gronnus come up to meet Roquan. Roquan stopped, and it appeared some words were exchanged. Finally, the end of the chain was given to Gronnus.

Doran wrinkled his nose. Somehow the idea of that particular Overlord having sex with that particular fourteen-year-old slave was perverted to him.

As soon as Gronnus had snapped the chain and directed Amanda away, Doran rushed to close the gap with Roquan. Roquan turned just as Doran approached. "Good morning, Doran."

Doran stopped before Roquan, but paused to watch Gronnus and Amanda. Gronnus opened the door to his quarters, and at that point it appeared that Amanda had taken a single step and then paused, forcing Gronnus to snap the chain to get her to move. After the door closed, he noticed that the shades were drawn over the window.

"Well, it's morning, don't know how good it is," Doran grumbled.

Roquan sighed. "What is it now?"

Doran waved a dismissive hand. No sense in worrying Roquan about this yet. "Pay me no mind. It's nothing. So how did it go with Amanda and Trennan?"

"It went well. Trennan appeared pleased with her."

Doran nodded absently. "Perhaps that will clinch it."

"Did we not already have the deal sown up?" Roquan asked warily.

"We did, but I spotted Berin entering Trennan's quarters sometime after Amanda went in."

"And is this a problem?"

"Maybe." Doran snorted. "Berin is practically Gronnus' lackey anymore."

"So what could he do to affect the deal?"

"I don't know. He hardly has anything of his own to offer. Unless Gronnus gave him something like I gave you the wine."

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Mar 2, 1857 I met the three eager families at the docks just before dawn. I’d warned the captain about them last night, guaranteeing their passage, so he still had room for their wagons. Along with their passage, I paid for them to have a hot breakfast and a hot supper each day. The captain expected the trip to take three days. He reviewed the cargo I had aboard and checked to make sure they had secured everything. They had. I told him where our warehouse was, and that “Lucky J” should be...

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Naziya ki chudai

Hi friends I am Sahid from karanchi dosto meri age 22 years hai. Main Ka student hoon . Meri ek choti bahan hai naziya aur meri ammi aur abbu mere abbu business man hai is vajah se vo aksar ghar se bahar rahate hai. Naziya ki age 18 years hai aur 12th kar chuki hai aur sirf ghar me ammi ka hath batati hai. Naziya ki figar jabardarst hai . Bilkul model ki tarah koi bhi use dekhe to chodne ka man kar de. Paint fad kar land bahar aa jaye. Ye bat kuch ek sal pahale ki hai jab main apne exam...

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SexAndSubmission Lyra Law Chloe Cherry My Slutty Cousin

When beautiful, chaste bride to be Lyra Law leaves the house to pick up wedding invitations her visiting step cousin Chloe Cherry can’t keep her slutty ass off of her fiance’s Steve Holmes huge, hard dick. Lyra returns to find Chloe tied up and freshly fucked. Watch to see what happens…. Two blonde creamy skinned cuties get tied up tight and fucked into submission with flogging, deep throat blow jobs, pussy fucking, hard core anal and more! Lyra and her slutty cousin just...

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Drawing for Straws

DRAWING FOR STRAWS... Being a junior in high school in today's world can be an extraordinary adventure. It is a time in life when one feels neither fish nor foul, boy nor man, girl nor woman. Experimentation with the things of life are conventional. Sex is commonplace. Research into everything is a craving. Even excursions into homosexual behavior are tried, then usually discarded. The world seems somehow wide open to all. It was during this uncertain time of my life that...

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Crossing a Line to Submission

There is no better way to wake up than with somebody?s balls draped across your mouth and nose.?Look alive, chico,? a voice says. My eyes flutter open. I inhale the familiar smell and smile contentedly. My tongue reaches out and flicks softly at his scrotum.?Good, you?re awake,? he says. ?Yes, Sir,? I say meekly.?I have good news for you,? he says while I lick busily at his balls. Otherwise I do nothing. I wait, expectant. I know better than to speak without being bidden. There is a price for that.?First, ...

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Sarah Carerra 308 Ever After

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra Book 3 - Concerto in A- By Megan Campbell (Released: March 19, 2012) Chapter 8 - Ever After We had a small celebration at my house after we arrived home from the airport. It was just Mom, Dad, Emily and I celebrating the fact that 'You Can't Hurt Me' had...

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Scappa o vieni schiacciato

Sono nella casa dell'annuncio sul giornale.Diceva:"riuscirai ad uscire da una casa piena donne di ogni età pronte a catturarti?se riuscirai avrai un grande premio in denaro.." Entro e vengo fatto accomodare da una signora di mezza età che mi dice:"Sei qui per l'annuncio?benvenuto!vuoi partecipare allora?iscriverti costa 100 euro,ma il premio che troverai in soffitta è molto più grande!" La guardo e le dico:"mi sta bene,solo siamo sicuri che non ci siano sorprese strane?" Lei sorride e mi...

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Teen Titans Chronicles 5 Quiver Full of Toys

This is the fifth edition of my Teen Titans’ Chronicles series. If you haven’t read the first four parts of the series, you might be a little lost at this point. I would suggest that you at least go back and read parts 1 and 2 before you read this addition. This story is set on the Monday after Parts 1 and 2, which happened over a Saturday and Sunday. Parts 3, 4, 5 are occurring at around the same time, with all of them starting on the same Monday. Please note that my Teen Titans...

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Obedient Sissy Cuckold

Obedient Sissy Cuckold by Throne I was wearing a little-girl style dress with capped sleeves, short arms, a wide cloth belt, and full skirt. It was yellow, with a design of green leaves and red roses. Along with that I wore knee socks and Mary Jane shoes. My wife Sylvie stood in front of me, checking everything. She reached out and straightened my wig, which was a mass of golden curls that fell to my shoulders. Then she stepped back for another look. With her hands on her wide...

1 year ago
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Mum undressing Part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! My orgasm was close. I gripped the satin sheets & closed my eyes. Cum began spewing out of my throbbing cock like never before.My orgasm tore through my body like nothing i had ever expierienced. My mother had just reduced me to a whimpering pool of cum. Laying on the bed,dazed but happy,mum cuddled up next to me. She had swallowed every drop of my semen. "Mmmmmmm,that tasted good darling"she whispered,running her fingers up & down my chest.We shared a...

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Just a SecChapter 32

“That was a rough one!” said Brad Pittman as he and Tina returned to the hotel at the end of the day. They had been in Buffalo for two days of negotiating with a new supplier for molded and cast aluminum beams and blocks being shipped there by barge from Toledo along the length of Lake Erie. The other company’s team had been trying to gouge as much out of J.A.M. as they could. Twice, Brad had almost called things off and left town. But, Tina’s presence in her role for this trip as his...

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The GiftChapter 24

After being driven to the downtown headquarters of the office of the FBI, I was taken to an interview room. In it, was a medium sized rectangular table, five chairs, and the ever-present two-way mirror. Three agents were waiting to question me. There was a microphone on the table. My attorney and I sat on one side of the table. The three agents were on the other side. After we were seated, the middle agent stated everyone's name, the date, time, and location of the interview. "Mr....

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Landlord Bhabi Ko Choda Part 2

Hello indian sex stories dot net dosto.I am amit from kolkata.Age 24.Lund ka size 7.5 inch.Ye mera kahani ka 2nd part hay.Pehle part main aapko bataya tha k keyse mera landlord bhabi mere lund ko hilate hue dekh kar horny hoke apni boobs press kar rahi thi.Ab aage ki story Agar koi girl ya lady mujhse contact karna chahti hay to mera mail id hay Main apni lund ko jor jor se hilane laga aur ise dekh k payel bhabi aur v horney ho geyi.Wo jhuk k mere lund k saamne aagyi.Uski agar saanse mere lund...

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My Pussy Licking Lesson

I learned somewhere along the way her name was Ann. After Ann gave me my first pussy licking in a bar bathroom, I knew I needed to learn to reciprocate. We exchanged numbers, and she told me she would call me.   Ann had a relatively controling boyfriend and her "girls-only" time was a bit limited.  For a while after the bar bathroom incident, I had almost constant fantasies about her.  I masturbated a lot.  I called her once, and I waited and waited for her to call me back.   Finally,  about a...

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Kadja Gaining PowerChapter 4

I pulled agasinst the chains that tied me to the sacrificial altar. I don't know if in that moment I wanted to escape, or get closer to the beast that flew above us. I looked up at it is at banked, and flew again across the moon. At first it was just a pair of wings eclipsing the moon. It flapped its wings, and dove straight for us. As it fell, Jayne called out in that strange language and the torches burst into bright white light. Still it fell toward us faster, and faster. I tested my...

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Rear Window 1

The apartment door closed behind me with an echoing thud. Three whole weeks, I thought excitedly, as I eyed up the expensive looking paintings hanging in the large hallway which stretched out before me. I didn't recognise a single one, which meant the Jacksons had probably paid a fortune for them.I pushed my butt off the door, dropped my suitcase, and happy-danced my way down the hallway towards the huge kitchen. Everything in this apartment was huge, and it was all mine for the next three...

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Chapter Three Feminzer disease takes my body over

Feminzer disease takes my body over By Terry Hansay Chapter Three Description: My wife helps me through the Feminzer disease as I become a full woman slowly. I had to learn a whole new life with her help. It felt very unusual to wake up in a pink silky nightgown. I thought I was dreaming. My wife had already been up and brought out more new clothes for me. "Good morning dear, why don't you slip on this matching robe? Look...

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Foursomes and MoresomesChapter 8

I woke up first. The sun's first rays were hardly over the horizon. Melinda was curled up behind me. Usually she beats the rest of us out of bed, but when she's pregnant, she tends to sleep a little longer; I can't explain it, it just happens. Leah lay with her head on my shoulder. Her breath was warm against my skin. Katie was curled up in a ball, one hand resting on Leah's naked hip, her cheek pressed against our wife's shoulder. With practised efficiency, I extracted myself from the...

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My Mom Taught Me

When this started I was a 17 year old my mom was 37. She still had a nice figure and, to be honest, didn’t go without, after all she has always been a very sexy woman. I lost my virginity on my sixteenth birthday and have never looked back. I had never looked at Mom sexually, but one morning when I knocked on her door, and went straight in as usual, I found her lying on the bed naked and masturbating. Whether she had heard me I don’t know but she apologized and I said, “It’s alright, I don’t...

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Satisfying my buddies

I was a Marine in the Philippines when I was young. It was an amazing time to learn about sex and explore. The hot little babes where open minded and taught us a lot about sex. We were having sex every night and frequently with several girls each night. We were probably cumming 2 or 3 times a night for weeks on end. My previous experience with sex was very limited so this was a wonderful opportunity.Then, some dumb shit got stabbed and the base was locked down. We went from lots of sex to being...

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Zuzanna lag in ihrem Bett und schlug die Augen auf, das letzte Schuljahr! Mürrisch zog sie sich nochmals die Decke über den Kopf, der erste Schultag in ihrem letzten Jahr konnte gerne ohne sie beginnen. Um acht Uhr wurde sie dann doch von einem zaghaften Klopfen ihrer Mutter geweckt. So stand sie dann doch auf und trat vor den Spiegel. Die ganze Familie der 19-jährige Abiturientin stammte aus Polen, aus Danzig um genau zu sein. Ihre Familie war jedoch schon vor vielen Jahren nach Süddeutschland...

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The Tick Bites Again

The door closed with a dull thud. A similar thud was heard when my head hit the desk. How the fuck did I end up like this? My marriage to Cathy was comfortable; there were not a lot of demands placed on either of us. Besides who needs that kind of drama anyway? The kids were grown and out the door. Life was pretty mellow. Our sex life reflected that - pretty vanilla, we had sex 2 to 3 times a month, standard fare. We kissed, we fondled, I went down on her until she came, we fucked, I came. One...

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Tim and His Cousin

Tim was masturbating again. He was locked in the bathroom, sitting on the throne with his erect cock firmly in his tight right hand. As he stroked himself slowly letting his precum covered palm reduce the friction and intensify the feeling, while he jerked himself towards an orgasm. He closed his eyes and thought of the day he had fucked his mother. She sucked and fucked her son finally begging him to put his teenage cock into her tight asshole. Libby, his mother, wouldn't have sex with him...

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Bell Boy Then Canteen Boy And Then Mohsin

Hey everybody…thanks for your good compliments about my earlier story with Saraf Naveed…. As you know from that story…..I met a bellboy named Mohsin Khan in hotel at Paradise Point… and I promised him to get him in the university canteen….and I will teach him school also. After Naveed left to England….I was feeling lonely….needs someone to fulfill the gap of Naveed….I was cleaning my pocket…there I saw a small paper from Mhsin Khan…..then I suddenly remember him…to make him my bed partner….I...

Gay Male
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The Hotel Room

The Logic stories are three interrelated tales that begin with the actions of a monstrous, selfish, immature man, continue with an immigrant who wishes to weaken and destroy his adopted country and end on an isolated pony ranch in the Texas Hill Country.  This particular story has been expanded from a short vignette found in The Logic of My Anger: A Sociopath’s Tale.  The woman in the hotel room has been unknowingly subjugated by her psychopathic boyfriend; she has unwittingly allowed him to...

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Fun at the Bar with Strangers ndash Another True

So I told you about the fun I had with the taxi driver, on my way home from a night out with friends (it’s called ‘Fun with a Mature Taxi Driver – a True Story’), well, as I said at the end, I wanted more that night, so I went to a local late bar.The bar is hidden away in the basement. It’s dark and a place where people go, mostly older men, to drink and try and get a hook up. The women there are few but those who go are like me, horny and after some anonymous fun.I’ve cleaned the taxi driver’s...

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the dessert

I seriously never tought of him as someone like thisI was his son friend from soccerhe was married and very seriousyet , on a nice summer night i cross him at the park and he was smoking weed in secrettrying to make sure it was him, myself a bit drunk from the party downtowni really dont know how it all endup like it did he was trying to explain he does this for stress relief and anxietythat his wife dsnt understand and all but i ask if i could smoke with himwe smoke together and both went to...

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Laundry Room Surprise

Introduction: A woman home alone gets a surpirise A woman home alone gets a surprise. — It had been a particularly long day, and I arrived home with a lot of pent up energy from all the frustration. I made a simple dinner and settled down into the evening, though unsure of what to do with myself. I had the house to myself tonight, since Rob had sent me a text earlier saying hed be home late from work. Although it didnt fit my energy level, I settled on some recreational reading. I had some...

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Phone Call

Copyright © 2002 by the author I'm a 40-year-old male, tall and heavyset (okay, fat), moderately attractive with blonde hair and beard, not spectacularly well-endowed, and I've always had a bit of the submissive in me. When I was in college I led a really wild sexual life, the kinds of things that my friends now would be totally shocked by but which I find myself remembering when I jack off (which is frequently). By the time I finished school and got out in the real world, I'd put that...

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Soul Brother Goes Corporate

What makes a man a man? That’s a question I hear often in the Black community. I was born in the City of Boston, Massachusetts, to Haitian immigrant parents. Jacques Etienne is the name. I’m twenty two years old, and recently graduated from Northeastern University with my MBA. I previously acquired my bachelor’s degree in accounting from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Black, male and educated. That’s me. I’m the brother you never hear about. The one who doesn’t walk around with his...

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