Conclave Of ConspiracyChapter 33 free porn video

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Roquan arrived in the Healer's office shortly after sunrise. He was greeted with a welcome sight: Amanda was on her own two feet and looking as if nothing had happened to her, save for one slash of faint pinkish-red on the side of one calf. Amanda actually smiled when she saw the Overlord approach.

To even his own surprise, Roquan smiled back.

Healer Vanlo, however, was not at all shy about his good humor. For the first time in a long while, he could say he had a good night's sleep. He was feeling far more chipper and well than he had for awhile. His good spirits managed to keep the remaining fuzziness in his head at bay for the time being. "Ah, your Lordship. Amanda is about ready to be released."

"You have again done a wonderful job, Vanlo," Roquan said. In a very pointed tone of voice he added, "It would have been terrible had not someone with your years of experience been here to assist when we needed him the most."

Vanlo's face crinkled as his smile broadened. "But you flatter me with your praise. Perhaps we will need to talk shortly about it."

Roquan caught the implication of that and simply nodded, though inside a sense of relief flooded through him, almost as much as finding out that Amanda was going to live had the day before.

"Master, may I ask a question?" Amanda asked.

"You certainly may, Amanda."

"How will the Conclave go after what happened?"

"You are concerned about it?"

Amanda nodded. "Yes. Especially if it really was the Emperor behind what almost happened to you." She paused and glanced down at her leg. A shiver went through her and she swallowed. Only now had the initial shock worn off enough to make her realize how close she had come to losing her life.

"And what happened to me," she added in a softer voice.

"He is indeed. There's little doubt of that now. I believe the Conclave will see it that way as well." He paused, then reached forward and placed a hand on Amanda's arm, squeezing it gently. "You have done very well. I am very proud of you. And I thank you for what you did."

Vanlo raised an eyebrow at this, but nodded in approval, even though the Overlord did not see it.

Amanda stared at him in surprise at first, then managed a small smile.

She still could not comprehend what she had done. She could barely remember everything that had happened after she had decided to try and pull down the shade. The shock of her injury had driven much of the finer details from her mind already.

The true implications of her actions, for herself and for Roquan, would have to wait. She simply could not deal with it this soon. "I'm just glad it's over, master," she said softly.

Roquan was about to correct her but stopped himself. It was far from over. This was only the beginning. But there was no need to alarm her. For what the Overlord knew, Amanda's role in events was finally at an end. From this point in time, it would be the Overlords that would handle matters, as was proper.

As for Amanda, she would have to go back to her slave training. But she had shown herself to be much more than a slave. He could no longer think of her in quite the same terms as he had before.

But most striking was the fact that Amanda had saved his life. Roquan was not at all sure how to deal with this yet.

However, there was one thing he could do for her. He could keep his promise to her, once he freed her from Freya's control. Or rather, once Freya freed her.

"So, is she ready, finally?"

Amanda's heart sank when she heard the voice. Roquan turned, stepping to one side. Once Amanda had a clear view and her eyes fell upon the female Overlord, she could not repress a shudder, the smile disappearing from her face.

Freya stood at the entrance from the reception area. She had opted for her more revealing red dress and lacy panties again. She leaned with one hip tilted upwards, and from one hand leather restraining cuffs and a chain dangled.

Amanda sighed to herself. She had hoped that Roquan was about to tell her that he had managed to find a way to release her from Freya's control. Even now she looked at Roquan with a pleading gaze.

"If she is," Freya said, strolling inside, letting her hips swing. "Then I wish her back now. She is, after all, my property."

Amanda felt another little shiver go through her. Roquan turned his head towards her, meeting her pleading eyes with his own steady, unyielding ones.

Then, to Amanda's surprise, Roquan offered her a very small smile. She was so nonplussed she did not know what to think or how to react.

Roquan assumed a more businesslike look and turned smoothly back to Freya. He grasped Amanda's upper arm lightly and walked her over to the other Overlord. Freya looked on with a slight degree of wonder and no small amount of suspicion. "Of course, Freya. You are correct. At the moment, she is your property."

An eyebrow arched. "At the moment?"

"Please take her. In fact... I would recommend bringing her to the Full Conclave this afternoon."

Now even Amanda looked askance at Roquan.

"The what?" Freya asked in confusion.

"Surely you agree that recent events call for a Full Conclave?"

"That's not what I mean! Why do you want me to bring her?"

"Do you not wish to show off your acquisition before the others?"

Freya paused a long moment, studying Roquan's eyes. Yet this time there was nothing to read in them. It was like trying to look through a stone wall.

Her lips thinned and she gestured to Amanda, giving her an imperious look. Amanda turned and crossed her wrists behind her back, trying not to despair. Something must be up with Roquan. He must have something planned. She had to hang on to that thought.

She closed her eyes briefly as Freya pulled the cuffs rather tightly around her wrists. She heard the click of the lock, and then the chain went back on her collar. She winced slightly when Freya gave it a hard snap.

Amanda turned back around and met Freya's icy gaze. "Come along, Amanda. And do not think that because you were injured that I will tolerate any misbehavior from you."

"Yes, mistress," Amanda said dutifully.

Freya snapped the chain again and thrust her hand towards the door. Amanda fell into step before the Overlord, favoring her uninjured leg slightly, as they both marched out of the Healer's office.

Roquan allowed himself a small sigh. He truly hoped that his idea was going to work. If not, there was little else he could do.

"Your Lordship," Vanlo said. "If you have a moment?"

Roquan turned, clasping his hands behind his back. "I do, if this is about your 'retirement'."

"Indeed it is."

One corner of Roquan's mouth rose. "I trust you will return to your duties at once, then?"

Vanlo paused. "Not quite."

Roquan hesitated a moment, but then nodded for the Healer to continue.

"What I said to you before still stands. I still consider myself not up to par. And before you say anything, your Lordship, realize that these standards are my own. I realize those are the toughest ones to abide by, but that is what I have always done and will always continue to do."

"Yes, I understand this," Roquan said softly. He was the same way. The Manor was run in the way it was because he drove himself to that level of meticulous efficiency.

"That said... I perhaps was somewhat hasty in what I assumed was the limit of my abilities," Vanlo said in a softer voice. He sounded vaguely embarrassed, and Roquan refrained from comment, letting the man speak at his own pace. "I still feel I am limited to some degree. Perhaps... perhaps if I had an assistant to take some of the burden from me."

"You wish another slave to assist you in healing duties?"

Vanlo shook his head. "No, I am not up to teaching another. Instead, I wish to call for a journeyman from the Guild Hall. If that is amenable to you, your Lordship. I do not wish to presume you are willing to pay for..."

"How soon can the Guild send someone?"

Vanlo paused.

"But make no mistake, Vanlo," Roquan said in a serious tone of voice. "Whoever they send, this person is to report directly to you. You are to make sure his work is up to snuff."

Vanlo slowly smiled. "I will endeavor to do so, your Lordship."

Roquan nodded. His expression softened. He reached out and clasped Vanlo on the shoulder. "And it is good to hear that you will stay. I doubt I could ever replace you."

Vanlo was again moved by the Overlord's words and did not respond for a moment. When he did, his voice was softer and quavered slightly. "I am simply glad to be of service to the Manor... And I am happy that Amanda is all right."

"As am I, Healer."

"A speech?? Are you mad?!"

Roquan paused and looked at Doran as he took a sip of his wine. "It amazes me how many times I have heard myself described as 'mad' over this past moon."

Rennis looked up from the table where he was still finishing off the last of his midday meal. "Doran, don't try to understand Roquan anymore. I gave up a long time ago."

"Ah, thank you for that ringing endorsement as always, Rennis," quipped Roquan. Despite the seriousness of his tone when he said it, there was amusement in his eyes.

"Anything to be of help, you know that," said Rennis, grinning.

"You do not need to make a speech!" Doran declared loudly. "You are already set to be the first Overlord in history to receive a unanimous vote for his cause at a Conclave! Don't make someone change their vote just to spite you or shut you up."

"Oh, come now, Doran, you exaggerate."

"I just don't see what this will buy you. The Overlords need no more convincing. Why, just earlier I overheard Trennan -- Trennan of all people! -- already talking about possible successors to groom for the throne. They need no encouragement."

"Perhaps it is simply for my own satisfaction," Roquan said levelly. "I have endured much. Perhaps I wish a little time to express my feelings."

"Overlords do not deal in feelings."

"Tell that to the ones that witnessed Amanda being taken to the Healer's office."

Doran paused, then simply huffed and turned away, shaking his head in exasperation.

Rennis paused a moment and said in a more sober tone of voice, "Perhaps it is good, then, Roquan, that there is not a Mage in residence here."


"You can still see where Amanda's injured leg trailed blood in the sand. Even Freya looked a little shaken by it when she returned with Amanda."

"Well. Perhaps if she looked the same way towards the plight of her own slaves, they would better off," said Roquan loftily.

"Speaking of her... what is this plan of yours to get Amanda back?"

"You will see," Roquan said, taking a long drink of his wine.

"And still you persist in that folly!" Doran cried, throwing his hands up.

"It is not folly to get Amanda back from an abusive Overlord."

"We've discussed this before! You simply do not openly accuse..."

"No, do not try to pacify me," Roquan said, his eyes blazing. "I may be forced to socialize with the other Overlords, but I will not treat with her ever again after this. I will risk whatever that may bring upon me."

"And Gronnus?"

Roquan paused. "I will still deal with him."

Doran rolled his eyes. "So you will work with an Overlord that nearly had you killed, but you will not work with one that merely treats slaves in an unsatisfactory manner?"

"For Gronnus, it is a practical matter."

Rennis cut in. "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer?"

Roquan nodded to him. "Indeed. Do not think for a moment I trust the man. But he is best kept close at hand, where he can be watched."

"And Freya?" Doran insisted.

"She cares only about herself. She is not a threat in that manner. Let her wallow in self-indulgence for all I care. But she shall not do it with my slaves."

"Is it too much to ask, dear Roquan, that your speech be short?" Doran asked with exaggerated politeness.

"Most likely, yes. That is too much to ask."

Doran shook his head and sank into his seat. "You are impossible."

Rennis smirked. "You're only figuring that out now?"

The tone at the Conclave was quiet and solemn. Every Overlord showed up on time. In fact, it was as if they were competing for the privilege, to show the others that they were the most proper and dignified. Yes, even now, the competition among them did not end.

Freya had Amanda in tow, as Roquan had hoped. Amanda was looking slightly nonplussed. Freya had done little with her that morning. She had not activated the thing on Amanda's pussy even once. She did have Amanda service her, but briefly, and Freya did not express either enjoyment or disappointment over it.

Now she sat fixing a cold stare on Roquan, quietly indignant, gripping the end of Amanda's chain tightly. She played with it a bit, as if hoping this would get some sort of rise out of him. When it did nothing of the kind, she sighed in frustration and folded her arms tightly.

Gronnus was the last to arrive. He slunk in quietly with his head bowed, and took a seat far in the back. He avoided the eyes of the other Overlords. While none had been told of Gronnus' part in this -- and he already had seen Vanlo about the shiner that Roquan had bestowed -- he still felt as if the weight of their gaze were upon him, as if they were silently accusing him.

Roquan stood up. Immediately, all attention was riveted on him.

"Thank you for attending this Full Conclave," he said, his voice more steady and sure than it had been in some time. "As you are aware, this will conclude with a formal vote on the issue at hand. I understand that it is likely by this time that your minds are already decided on the matter."

Many of the Overlords nodded their heads.

"Protocol would call for a simple statement and then the vote. I beg your indulgence for a little longer as I depart from this."

He paused a moment to see their reaction. He saw nothing negative in any of their faces. Even Freya looked mildly interested.

"You all know what happened yesterday. Many of you are likely basing your decision today on this. However, I wish to remind you of a more critical issue than simply the life of one Overlord."

This caused a small stir. There was some soft murmuring and exchanged looks, but no less curiosity from them. Even Doran looked interested as well.

"The issue -- the one upon which you should truly base your vote -- concerns the matter of the Emperor and his slaves.

"The very idea that Z'haas would train his own slaves alone should be met not simply with disdain, but with fear as well. Why do I say this? It is very simple. No slave of the Emperor would have ever had -- or would be capable of having -- the Draught."

Doran's eyebrows flew up. Rennis looked shocked as well.

Among the other Overlords, Freya furrowed her brow and leaned forward, fixing Roquan with an intense gaze. As for the others, another spate of murmuring arose from them, some of it alarmed. Mentioning the Draught in such a venue was unprecedented. Yet no one raised an objection, and eventually everyone turned their attention back to Roquan, their curiosity now piqued.

Amanda simply stared. She had not yet figured out what Roquan was attempting to do.

Roquan leveled his gaze, first at Amanda, then at Freya as he said the next words. "Because we all know, the very idea of attempting to train a slave that has not had the Draught is utterly, utterly foolish. And there is a simple reason for this. Loyalty. Or... lack thereof."

Amanda took a breath. His words were triggering a feeling of indignation inside her. Roquan of all people should know that Amanda was loyal to him, regardless of the Draught! If what she had done for him against the assassin did not convince him, nothing would! Yet there must be something else to his words she was not gleaning. She forced herself to remain calm.

"Overlords, all of you are used to trusting your slaves implicitly," Roquan declared. "It is not something you think of, it is not something you even question. It is a given. You think nothing of letting visiting Overlords have access to them, or of bringing them with you when you travel. You think nothing of leaving them unattended if you are away from your Manor. You know they will commit no impropriety in any of these cases. You cannot assume any such thing with a slave that is Draughtless."

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I’m starting to become worried. Summer is speeding along, and I have little hope of losing my virginity. Certainly not before a return to school in the Fall. I haven’t heard from Amber since that day in the pool, and the game I’m playing with Elsa doesn’t appear to be leading us anywhere. Never mind the confusing relationship that I’ve begun with Emma, and my role as her make believe boyfriend. I really don’t understand what everyone wants from me. Elsa stopped using my bedroom window to...

3 years ago
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My Neighbours Daughter

Our neighbours are a middle-aged married couple, dull and unremarkable (church going, Volvo driving etc.), with an 18 year-old daughter, Kim. There is nothing unremarkable about her. She is tall and slim like a model, with a tanned and toned body and blonde hair. We had only said hi to each other a couple of times, and this was the first time that I had seen her at home during the day. Anyway, as I was saying, I was clearing out our summer house, having taken a few days off work to settle...

3 years ago
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You can learn a lot in college

The girls met a few weeks before Gail's last and Wendi's first year of college. The meet was arranged by their mothers. Gail's mother needed help paying for Gail's off-campus apartment. Wendi could share the apartment and her mother would help with the rent. It was thought that Gail could look after the younger Wendi and provide some direction. Gail told her mother that she was no babysitter. The mother and daughter agreed that direction would be provided but if Wendi made mistakes it would not...

2 years ago
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Son Plays Truth or Dare With Mom

I couldn't believe my dad would leave my mother, she was a little over weight I will admit that, but holly cow, she was still hot! Especially her large breasts and legs, they were hot as hell. On top of that, her mannerisms made her beautiful, she carried her weight with dignity and grace, so much so I never could take my eyes off my mother when I was around her. We made the best of it with my dad being gone, playing games on the weekends helped the time pass and gave me and my mother chance...

4 years ago
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Jessica and Grandpa Pt2

Chapter 2 – Jessica Next day at school, my mind raced. I had decided to stay over again this evening, asking my mom to drop off some clother for me, during the day, by phone. It would only be the 2nd time I’d stayed over at my grandparents this week, so was nothing unusual, though it wasn’t often I’d stay over two nights in a row. I knew Grandma would be out visiting friends when I got back in from school, as she always was on a Friday afternoon, which of course meant I would have some time...

2 years ago
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Girlish DelightsChapter 1 Accidental Death

Pauline Bollington was driving back to Oxford from a visit to a friend in Banbury, and she was driving far too fast in the wintry conditions. When she saw the cyclist in the road she had to brake hard and swerve; she missed him by a hair's breadth but lost control on the icy road and the car slammed into a tree still doing forty miles an hour. It took the emergency services two hours to cut her lifeless body out of the resulting mess. "The only consolation I can offer," said the...

1 year ago
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Where Friendship LeadsChapter 3

In the morning, Kevin and Bobby dressed slowly, shyly. Eyes meeting, looking away, then meeting again, grins finally appearing at the silliness of it all. Yes, things had changed. But they were the same. There was no reason to act like something life altering had happened. Even if it had. Twice during the night they had awoken together, twice they had given the other pleasure. Kevin had felt nothing strange about touching his friend, enjoying the experience of making him tremble and shake....

2 years ago
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TJ MorgChapter 15

"Chief, you couldn't have looked very hard" TJ justified their alleged uncontactability; "my PDA com, my next of kin's PDA com and Morg's PDA com are all listed in our files; on end week we signed into the Guard House and nothing was said" "Batson, come here ... I told you to find this pair fourth day. What did you do?" "Chief, I left a message at the Barracks and you 'member I was late on fiveday 'caust the shuttle bus broke down so I didn't get in early to open up" Batson...

3 years ago
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A slave girls week of training

The girl trusted her Master and she knew that whatever He expected of her she would surrender to.  However, she did not know what the next week would bring.A few months before the girl had been used as the admission for her Master to a select club of Masters who would have access to a place in the country.  The girl knew that because of that acceptance into that club she would be available for use by other Masters and/or Mistresses that were members of the club.That evening her Master told her...

4 years ago
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Hedonistic Wife Sharing 8211 Part 1

Hi, It’s Me Mani again..Came back with another real sex story but its too not mine. An ISS Reader Asked me to share their story to You all. Anyone who want give their stories can email me at even girls and married ladies can approach me, at Madhapur, Hyderabad. Okay, coming back to the story now… Sanjay Ray and Srilekha Bose got married in their early mid-twenties, in April 2007. Sanjay — dark guy in complexion, average in height and built, and with high libido — was then working in a noted...

2 years ago
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Semper FiChapter 4 The Huntress

October 19th was Kieu-Linh's sixteenth birthday. They celebrated with a small tinned cake which Hitch had picked up over the Summer from Mountain City. He'd bartered for it, not in anticipation of consuming it, but because he expected he could probably trade it later for something of more value, such treats rare from what he'd seen. With a long shelf-life and a dwindling supply of such things available, Hitch had wagered that it would be worth significantly more the following Spring than...

4 years ago
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Animalslave Rescue

The SPCP "Welcome to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Petslaves," Damian,the chief Investigator, said as he opened the door. Outside, on the step, wasa man with a microphone and two cameramen. "As you no doubt know, we're anoffshoot of the SPCA. This branch was formed when the overpopulation problemmade it necessary for the excess of slaves to begin performing the duties androles of certain animals usually considered pets. We take care of abused, neglected,and abandoned ponygirls...

1 year ago
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My dads business partner 1

I was 19 then. I lived with my , mom and younger sister. Mom and alice(my sister) had gone for a cousins wedding. So me and dad were living alone at home for a while. It was around 10 pm. I cooked dinner for us when dad called me up. He said he was getting a client home. They had to discuss business. I was ok with it. In a while, i heard the car cominp up. They had come. I opened the door. Dad and his client came home. He was a tall, black man. Really muscular. We spoke for a while. His name...

3 years ago
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Sex With Actress Keerthi Chawla

Hai, This is kumar from hyderabad.This is my story in this forum.let me discribe my self.I am 33 year old and physically very fit due to my routine height is 5 foot 8 inches.Like every man has I have fantasy with having sex with a actress keerthi chawla a young and very beautiful actress in south.She was damn hot when I saw her in her first movie AADI with NTR.She has lovely boobs and round ass with a good height.One day I had to go to taj krishna a famous star hotel in hyderabad...

3 years ago
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A Fair Trade

Leanne found herself glancing sidelong at such a pair of Ulani, haggling over some trinket or another in their low rough voices and caught the eye of one, the rugged Ulani man eying her over briefly, appraisingly before looking away, seemingly satisfied. He had been eye level, she noted. Which was in impressive feat, given that she was on a horse. The Ulani typically ranged from nine to even ten foot tall and despite their peaceful nature and reputation, put the fear of the gods into her....

1 year ago
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Aoife the Queen Maker A Halloween Story

WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...

2 years ago
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What in the Hell Was ThatChapter 58

“Let’s go up to our suites, Sandy. You’re way too sexy and way too beautiful to keep pressing your naked body against my naked chest like this.” “I could stand here forever with your arms around me, and my titties pressed against your bare chest like this. I want more, and I hope you will want me too.” “Sherry is standing behind you. Give her a hug, and we’ll all go up to our suites.” Sherry was smiling at me when she pulled the upper part of her gown open to let her huge breasts spring...

1 year ago
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The Nightmare Inside Chapter 5

Over the last few days, the only thing Lori could think of was whether or not to take those last two lives. The song, Cruel To Be Kind kept playing in her mind.She tried to reason her conflicting emotions. On one hand, it was two more people and it would all be over. On the other hand, if she didn’t take them, she would be taking lives for the rest of her life. Deep down inside, Lori knew the truth behind her struggle, because either way, people were going to die. Her real reason that she kept...

2 years ago
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Wet Dreams3

"Hey Rob, what are you doing out here?" "Nothing much just was going to come over and see what was going on." he said with a shy smile. I thought it was the most gorgeous smile I had ever seen before. "Oh, well aren't you cold out here? It’s pretty chilly" well of course it was cold to me; I was wearing next to nothing! But I wasn't ready to tell him that just yet. "Well yeah kind of. Care to invite me in?" he asked me. I bit my lip and thought about it for a moment before finally...

1 year ago
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Amandas Continuing EducationChapter 2

As it turns out I was feeling a bit too smug for my own good. Dennis had to spend the weekend at a seminar in Atlanta. This was not an uncommon event. It was something that was required of all of the junior executives where he worked. Since I had the weekend to myself, instead of spending an hour or two at the library with Nathan I invited him to come to my house. He had seemed more depressed than usual the last few days and I thought that I could help him with his schoolwork and give him a...

3 years ago
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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledChapter 62

It's been six months since we returned from our original timeline. Billy and Maria are going to be parents. Lisa has decided to wait a little while so she can help Maria. They have conspired to alternate years for children. I convinced HAL to help make that happen. Billy now has 5 other wives and they all adore him. I certainly am glad I was able to bring them along. The village is getting bigger every week as more groups of people apply for residence. We've had to build more public...

3 years ago
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Mujburi employee keee

Hello ISS reader hay may aap logo ka ak new romantic story likh raha hoi yah kahni mara papa ke factory ma kam kar rha employee ke hai. Hamri steel ke factory hai humari factory ma ram chand naam ka men hamuri company ma supervisor hai us ke abhi mirage hue ko 1year hua hai us ke biwi sunder hai or bhoot innocent hai Ram Chand ke Wife ka naam mallu hai dekhna ma fair colour nipple gol thoda motta or height 5.6” or age 30 saal hai. Ram chand factory ma acchi tarh kam kartha tha par kuch month...

2 years ago
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AnnetteChapter 22

Harry did manage to get away the following weekend. They did not do anything of note, merely basking in each other's company. "Only a week to go," said Annette gleefully. "Are you clear on Friday?" "Yes, Wednesday actually. Are you going to come early?" "I wish I could but I'll try to get here by about half past five on Friday. I've booked us a room at the Grand Hotel at Llandudno for Friday and Saturday." Annette's eyes widened in surprise and then she kissed him hard. "Oh,...

3 years ago
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Lexi and I PART 1

My brother was about twice my age with 4 lovely daughters and two handsome sons. Jacob and Jackson where the oldest boys. Jacob was 22 and Jackson was 21. Jackson's twin sister was Lexi. Lexi was about 5 foot five with long curly blonde hair trailing down her back stopping at the edge of her butt. Then there was Samantha who was 17 with brown hair stopping at the top of her breast line. She was 5 foot one with the best blue eyes I'd ever seen. Than there was Chloe who was 12 years old...

4 years ago
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The Vassal GroupChapter 2

Jeanette had been taken to the promised land of upstairs. For the last five weeks, she had endured humiliating and degrading punishment in the cells, while Sandman, the computer worked to erase her memory of anything before her arrival here, and to program her to serve the Master. Master would show he or she was pleased by giving Jeanette love in the form of ejaculations or other gifts. Jeanette stood in the room, Master Devon having departed only a minute or two before, and stared at the...

2 years ago
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From virgin to sluttrue story

Initiation into sex I never went to college. High school was it and that is where, at sixteen, I learned a great deal about sex and very little else. The school I went to was mostly black and latino. I was in the minority. My problem was I wanted to get fucked because I was having orgasms just thinking about it. One spring day after school I was offered a ride home in a van. When I got in I saw there were another two guys in the back. The sides of the van were blacked out and that is why I did...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Nurse Bonnie Knows Her Caregiving

Burton stepped onto the train, clutching his folder from St. Stanislaus. The train was half full and he didn't feel like dealing with strangers, not after the news he'd gotten. Thankfully the little area at the end of the train, facing the driver's compartment with its locked metal door, was empty; he could have it to himself, to think. There was no seat but there was a raised surface and he set his folder down on it, staring at it glumly. At the next stop Bonnie got on. The seats were too...

1 year ago
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My InheritanceChapter 50 Berts Last Message

“I have a message from Bert. Andy is to hear it with you,” Mary said quietly in the unique voice of a trance, as she knelt in front of me. Andy sat down by me, but Lisa, who had never been present when a trance message was given, started to leave. I pulled her down by me, telling her to stay with us because she was very much a part of this family. She hugged me gratefully as she curled up against me. In a moment, Mary began. “Hello, son. It is me again. I knew you would get this message one...

4 years ago
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Ujjaval And Friends

Hi, this is a sex story where I am going to describe my wonderful sex experiences with my friends – Harsh, Manav, Shiv and Ujjaval. For the introduction, I am average fat. Harsh is darkish in complexion, Ujjaval is stud boy fit and very tall. Manav is the sexiest of all the gym hunk with a body better than Hulk and Thor combined! Now, one day all of us were at my place for a night out, we watched movies and we all had slept. Me, Manav and Shiv in one bed and Ujjaval, Harsh in another room in 1...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Rogues Story Part ThreeReflection

She stands at the kitchen sink, the bubbles from the washing up liquid covering her hands. She stares out of the window into the back garden but her eyes are glazed, locked into a different time and space, her hands working as if on autopilot but her mind unaware that she has been cleaning the same plate for the past ten minutes. She closes her eyes as the feeling of the lead weight in the pit of her stomach grows, the bile rising in her throat past the lump of tears that refuses to flow. Her...

2 years ago
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Sasu Maa Ki Hawas

Hello mere dosto, Mera naam sonny hai. Meri kahaniya un logo ke liye hai jo sex har tarah se enjoy karte hai. Meri kahaniyo mein aapko lust, love, wildness, gandi galiya, sex ki bookh, roleplays, hawas aur sex ko enjoy karne ke har tarike milenge. Designer hone ke karan meri sex fantasies mein aap sabko bhut aag milegi aur koshish yahi rahegi ki in kahaniyo ko padte, padte aapke lund se aur madam ki chut se paani nikal jae. Aapki satisfaction meri sabse badi khushi hai. Saasu maa ki hawas –...

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