Happy to be used
- 4 years ago
- 28
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My parents had had plans to go away for the weekend. They offered to cancel them. I know they were worried about me, because of Sam. I assured them I was fine. I don't know if they were quite convinced, but when I told my mother my plans, she laughed and agreed.
Friday Craig picked me up for a date.
"My parents are going away for the weekend," I told him.
"Ah," he said.
"So, I was wondering," I continued. "I really don't want to be in that big house all alone all weekend." Craig laughed--I was pouring it on thick and we both knew it. "So, how about you staying over tomorrow night?"
We had gotten to a red light. Craig turned and looked at me. "Do you mean stay over, or stay over?"
"Whatsoever do you mean?" I said, grinning.
"I mean, are you going to show me to your guest room?"
"Not on your life, Lyubovnik."
He had to drive again, so he waited until we got to the next red light. "Are you sure?"
"Yup. How do you feel about it?"
"I'm getting a woody just thinking about it," he laughed.
"Good answer, Lyubovnik."
"I've been fantasizing about it since our first date. I just didn't want to rush you."
"You haven't. But I want it, and I want it bad," I admitted. "And only with you."
"Good." He sighed. "My problem is, you said stay over. I have a curfew."
"Leave that to me. Take me to your house after we eat."
"OK," he said warily.
What I was about to do next might be considered strange. But I'm not a huge fan of sneaking. I understand some people have to do it--some parents are just ridiculous. But my parents knew what I was going to be up to. And I didn't think Craig's parents were going to freak. If we're old enough to make love, we should be old enough to deal with this in a mature manner, right? Yeah, I know--Craig would say my 30-year-old side was peeking out again. But I really didn't like sneaking. Craig had a curfew. I didn't want him to lie to get around it. And we wouldn't be out carousing past his curfew, we'd be home. Just not his home.
The problem was--I knew it was his mother I was going to have to get by. And mothers and sons don't talk about sex all that easily. So, I figured I was going to have to be the one to bring it up. And, to be particular about it, it wasn't really about sex. We could have sex at any time. We could be having sex right now. It was about breaking his curfew, because I didn't want him to have to finish up after our first time and then hit the road. Though I knew that you-know-what would come into the conversation.
So, we went over his house. And I cornered his mother in the kitchen.
"Mrs. Tolland? I'd like to ask your permission for Craig to break his curfew tomorrow night."
"What for, Ginny?"
"I'm alone in my house this weekend. I'd like Craig to stay over and keep me company."
She was leaning into her refrigerator, not looking at me. "You have a guest room at your place, Ginny, or you going to make him sleep on the couch?" she said with a grin I could hear.
I waited to answer that, until she'd straightened up out of the refrigerator. Like I said, no sneaking, and I wanted to see her face when I answered that. I looked right at her and told her the truth. "Yes, Mrs. Tolland, we have a couple of guest rooms. But Craig won't be using any of them."
She looked right back. "Are you asking me permission to have sex with my son?"
"No," I said, and told her what I'd thought earlier. "We could do that without breaking curfew. We could be doing that this moment if we wanted to. No, I'm asking your permission to keep him there overnight afterwards." I gave her a little smile. "It's going to be my first time. I want the full-night unlimited cuddle afterwards."
"You are an extremely unusual girl, Ginny Klusse."
"Well, that's a given," I grinned.
"Do your parents know what you've got planned?"
"Yes. Well, Mom does. She's very open. I'm sure she's given Dad a heads up as well, but she's who I talked to about it."
"OK." She took a breath. "Craig has a curfew, mainly, because we don't want him out driving late at night. He's only had his license for a short time, his judgement may be impaired when he's tired, and all the nuts and drunks are out late at night. If I give him permission to break his curfew, I want your guarantee that neither of you will be out driving past eleven."
"You've got it."
"Good. I'll tell him later."
"Thanks," I grinned.
He called me the next morning. "OK, what the hell happened?"
"Hm?" I said.
"My mother just told me she knows I'm not coming home tonight and it's OK with her. What the heck did you tell her?"
"Don't worry about it. She said it's OK, right? I just told her I needed company tonight." I wasn't going to embarrass him!
"OK," he said warily.
"And you're coming for dinner. I'm cooking."
"Woah. The full works!" His voice dropped. "Uh, do I need to stop at a drug store on the way?"
"Nope. Got that covered. All I need is you."
"You got it."
Twenty-ThreeHe got there about five. I cooked. I'm not bad at cooking certain things. I made Boeuf Bourgingon, something I'd known how to make for a while. It came out great.
I'd asked my Mom if I could pull a bottle of wine out of the wine cellar, and she agreed. A good red wine goes well with Boeuf Bourgingon--hell, there's wine in it! We each had a glass with supper, then took the bottle into the living room with us.
We watched TV for a bit. Then I grabbed the wine--there was still quite a bit left--and the two glasses, and stood up. "Let's finish this upstairs," I said.
"OK," Craig replied. I led him to my bedroom. We sat on the bed. I poured us each another glass. You know, enough to get us relaxed, but not tipsy or anything. We ended up sitting in my bed, up against the headboard, still clothed, drinking the wine.
"You OK?" I said.
"Yeah. Nervous," he admitted.
"That makes two of us. That's what the wine's for," I giggled.
"This is actually the first time I've ever had wine. You know teenaged boys, when they get their hands on something to drink. 'BEER!'"
I laughed. "I actually hate the taste of beer. I like wine, though."
"It's good," he agreed. "Especially with that dinner you made. Much more refined than beer."
"That's the idea."
"How long have you been planning this?" he asked.
"Two days," I grinned.
"Dinner, wine, empty house, no curfew for Craig--all in two days? That's pretty impressive."
"Well, I didn't have time to cover the bed with rose petals, but the rest worked OK. So far," I said impishly. "You know, this big brain of mine comes in handy sometimes."
"It does, huh? Well, I guess that gives me my marching orders for the evening." He drained the rest of his wine. I followed suit.
"What marching orders are they?" I asked.
"That big brain of yours?" he said, as he pulled me into his arms. "I'm going to try to short-circuit it."
"Oooh, won't that be fun!" He kissed me then, long and deep. "Not nervous anymore, Lyubovnik?"
"Yes. But turned on. And in love, so it balances out."
"Ditto. To all of those. Kiss me again." And so he did.
Damn, I felt so comfortable with him!
He broke the kiss again and his hands went to the buttons on my blouse. I grinned up at him. "So, do you have any specific ideas of how to short-circuit my brain?"
"I have a few," he said.
"If you get stumped, I might have some."
"Listen to us," he laughed. "The two blushing virgins, going on like we're Casanova."
"I may be a blushing virgin, but I do read. I've done my research."
"Yeah, now there's a shock," he chuckled. "However, I need to tell you, Brainiac, that I also did my homework."
He had my blouse completely unbuttoned by now, and I sat up a bit to help him get it off. Then he went for the bra. "You know what?" he said. "The wine worked."
"Yup," I said. "What my mother always says is, 'Not so much that you get drunk, but just enough to get a glow.'"
"You glow anyway," he said.
Damn, my heart skipped a beat at that! Mercy me. That was just the type of thing, a casual tossed-off compliment, to get me right where I live. If you pour it on too think, I question your sincerity. But something like this? Completely gets me.
Jesus! How did this guy know me so well?
By this point, I was naked from the waist up and he was playing with the ol' tittie while he kissed me. Then, he kissed his way down. As I've said, it wasn't the first time for that bit. Not that I'm complaining, mind you, I loved it. But it not being the first time for that probably explains why I was still so relaxed. Being relaxed is not my thing. But I was plenty relaxed at the moment, sighing happily while he sucked on my nipple.
Then again, the wine did help.
And it's a good thing. I was wearing a skirt, you see. And one of his hands was rapidly crawling up my leg. And then a finger swiped its way up my panties.
Boy, didn't that feel nice!
It didn't take long before Craig was tugging at my panties, trying to get them off. I raised my ass off the bed to help him. While he was getting them off my feet, I reached around and unsnapped my skirt. When he looked back up, I was stark naked.
OK, so I was nervous. I think I've established that I wasn't thrilled with my body.
I should've known better. Craig's eyes were locked onto me--all of me. "God, you're beautiful," he gasped. I don't know if I'd ever agree with that, but it was nice that somebody thought so!
He also looked like he was about to pounce! Which was a nice thought, but there was some unfinished business. "Your turn," I said, and started tugging on his shirt. He laughed and got the picture. Between the two of us, we managed to get his shirt and pants off. He stood up and took care of the boxer shorts himself.
Uh... well... you know, I'd thought I was fully prepared for this. I wanted it, I was sure of that. I'd been dreaming of it since puberty--which, for me, was at about eleven--and I definitely now wanted it with Craig specifically. I'd prepared myself. And I wasn't kidding about the research. I was a voracious reader anyhow--adding 'naughty stuff' to my reading repertoire was something I'd done some time ago. Not only that, but I'd read all the 'instructional' stuff, too--for me, that was just more education. Well, mostly. And I wasn't above peeking at pictures or the odd video on the internet.
So, I was ready already, right? Well... shit. As soon as Craig dropped his undershorts, I quickly realized my mistake. Apparently, even your basic oversized porn star dick looks small on a seventeen-inch monitor. Seeing one in the, er, flesh was completely different.
I couldn't take my eyes off of it. Don't ask me size, I didn't have a ruler handy, and had no basis of comparison. But when I saw that... thing sticking out from my boyfriend's groin, I had two thoughts. One was 'God, I want him!' The second was, 'How in hell is that thing gonna fit?'
As Craig lowered himself back next to me on the bed, I unwittingly verbalized the latter.
Craig just laughed. "Hey, your equipment's designed to let a baby out. I think it can take me."
"Babies hurt," I said pedantically.
He got a solemn look on his face. "Well, from what I understand, this won't be painless, either. You know I'll be gentle, but..."
"Well, I don't have a hymen," I told him. "Don't know what happened to it, but it's not there." I looked down at his dick. Somehow, my hand had involuntarily wrapped itself around it. "But you're so big!"
"Just average, from what I can tell."
"Coulda fooled me!" I exclaimed.
He reached out and grabbed my ass. "Damn, you're good for my ego," he laughed. "Anyhow, it's gonna fit. I promise. I'll just have to work you up first." He looked down at my hand, which was still--with no real input from my brain--tugging on his dick. "Of course, I think that's working the other way around at the moment."
"You want I should stop?"
"Not necessarily. But do you want me to cum all over your hand?"
"Well, I read that if you cum first, you'll last longer inside me. And since you're sixteen, I'm counting on a quick recovery anyhow."
He broke up laughing. "Figures. I get to have my first time with the most analytical and logical teenager in the universe."
"You complaining?"
"No," he said, but then he grimaced.
"Something wrong?"
"Uh, well, when I do myself, you see, I usually use something. Hand lotion or something."
"Oh," I said, and pulled my hand away from his dick. I reached over him to open the drawer in my night table, and withdrew a tube of KY. "Something like this?"
He chuckled. "Analytical, logical, and prepared. You did go to the drug store." He peered in the open drawer. "Didn't you buy anything else?"
I quickly twigged onto his meaning. "Don't need those. We're both virgins, so disease isn't a worry. As for the other thing, I'm on the pill."
"OK," he said. I put a dab of the KY on my hand, and reached back down. "Oooooh!" he moaned.
"Heaven," he said. His hand went back to my ass. "God, I've wanted my hands on your bare ass for over a year." I couldn't help but giggle at that.
Now that I'd gotten going, I was enjoying it. His dick was hard but still soft, and nice and warm. I liked it in my hand, a lot. And I found out I really liked his hand on my ass!
As for him, I do believe he was enjoying himself, what with all that moaning and groaning. His other hand--the one that wasn't on my ass--was clutching a boob, which was also fun.
It didn't take long at all before he yelped "GINNY!" and my hand got very, very wet.
I reached down behind me on the floor for a towel. Yes, I'd had some handy--I'd read about wet spots and this was my bed, after all! This one I just used to wipe off my hand. Then I looked at him, still flushed and breathing heavy.
"You gonna live?" I asked.
"Most definitely."
"You gonna recover?"
"Eventually," he laughed. He flipped over so he was facing me, and kissed me, long and deep--while his hands roamed all over me. He broke the kiss and said, "I think I'll have to play a bit while I recuperate."
"That sounds like fun," I grinned. He grinned back, and quickly lowered his lips to my nipple.
My arousal, while never completely disappearing, had gone to a low hum while I was jacking him off. It was fun, and sexy, but I was concentrating on him and my arousal had kind of gone on the back burners. Well, no more for that. His mouth on my nipple was working me back up, and he had a hand lazily cupping my pussy. Not doing much, mind you, just making contact. It was warm, and very nice. Oh, and arousing. Definitely that.
Then he kissed my stomach! Well, who the hell would've guessed that? It made me jump, even. Especially when he kissed my belly button!
And then he kept going. And I quickly figured out where he was headed. Now, of course, I'd read about this--but didn't expect it, not tonight especially!
But I wasn't going to turn it down. In fact, when it looked like he'd stopped the forward progress, I stifled an impatient groan. But stifle it I did--I didn't want to be a demanding bitch or anything--and I was glad I did when I realized why he'd stopped: he'd seen the towels on the floor, divined their purpose, and was reaching for one. "Raise your hips, honey," he said. I did.
Next thing I knew I had a tongue on my pussy--and boy did that feel fantastic!
It was unbelievable. His tongue seemed to hit, just right, every nook and cranny of my labia. Then he stuck it into my opening, and wasn't that a trip! After a bit of that, he went for the clittie.
I think I jumped five feet in the air.
"Too much?" he asked.
"N-no," I managed. He swept down my pussy again, then back up. I managed to confine the jumping to a couple of feet that time. "God," I gasped, "you sure you've never done this?"
"Nope," he said mildly. "Told you--did my research." Then he went back to his tongue on my pussy.
That's when it hit me, right upside the head. It all added up, right in that minute.
I'd gotten hints the whole time we were going out. Hell, I'd gotten hints last year, in Chem lab.
Craig didn't have my grades. Of course, nobody did. He did well, but he wasn't going to be valedictorian, and I was. He himself had made remarks about being 'nowhere near my league'. I'd kind of dismissed them, though I'm sure the egomaniac part of me agreed with them to a certain extent. The egomaniac part of me was wrong, dead wrong.
Because that's what I finally realized--Craig was a thinker. Yeah, grades, and IQ and all that--but that went back to what I told him earlier, it just being a matter of speed. That's not having the thinking mindset. The thinking mindset is knowing you're going to end up in bed with your significant other at some point in time--and doing research on it. The thinking mindset is using psychology--and that's just what it was--to talk your girlfriend down from a bad self-esteem day. Seeing the towels on the floor and instantly knowing what they were for. There were other things. It all added up, finally. Shit, I'm Example Number One--here I was with my boyfriend doing extremely wonderful things to my pussy with his tongue and my brain is racing a mile a minute with this shit!
Well, I knew that about myself--who else would've been logical and analytical about suicide? Stupid, maybe, as Joe told me--but logical and analytical all the same.
But that was me. Realizing Craig was a true kindred spirit, in more ways that I'd realized, was astounding.
This all ran through my head in less than a minute, mind you. And it was a good thing. Because Craig was giving all that research of his some excellent real-world application. And all that application did exactly what he promised to do--fried my neural synapses to a crisp! Just as I came to this whole 'great minds think alike' realization, he upped the ante on my clittie. And that was all she wrote, temporarily anyhow, for Ginny The Brain.
My GOD. It was like explosions. Yeah, explosions in my pussy--sure, I expected that. What took me by surprise was the explosions upstairs. It was like sticking my brain in a box of fireworks. Including, after a few minutes of him sucking on my clittie, the traditional Grand Finally. I think they heard the screams three towns away.
Jesus. By the time he was done, and had crawled up next to me--hugging me, which was about the only thing that let me know I was still in this world--my brain had turned into a throbbing pile of mush. And I didn't mind one little bit.
"Boy, it's nice to know I can make Miss Logical scream," he said with a chuckle.
I opened my eyes and grinned at him. "Funny, I felt the same way when I saw Mister Research get all glassy-eyed when I jerked him off." He blinked twice, figured out exactly what I meant--I saw that in his eyes--and grinned. And then he kissed me.
Look, we'd already had the meeting of the hearts. This was the meeting of the minds. And we both knew it.
And only I would figure out something like that in bed!
However, that wasn't the only thing I was figuring out. I was figuring out the answer to something I'd said to Shannon way back, on that first day we'd met. The thing about just being allowed to think, not being allowed to feel.
Craig allowed--no, fuck that, Craig encouraged me to do both. When I got around to telling him--which I would--what had been going through my mind over the past ten minutes, from the analysis to the fireworks, he'd crack up and make a comment about how that was 'just like me'. I knew it.
And that might've been the greatest gift of all.
We were still cuddling. I was still sort of in my post-orgasmic deadassedness, but was beginning to join the Land of the Coherent slowly but surely. And I wasn't quite sure I wanted to. Not yet. There was still one more thing. And, God, I was ready!
I reached down and found what I'd hoped. "You're recovered," I said.
"Basic male biology, Sweetie. You think I'm gonna not recover while doing what I was just doing?" he laughed.
"You're such an ass," I said, with absolutely no heat whatsoever.
"You love me anyway."
"You're right." I tugged on not-so-Little-Craig. "Let's see if this thing will fit."
"I guarantee it," he said. Then he climbed up on top of me, and proved it. Without a doubt. Yeah, it took some effort--I was a virgin, after all, even without a hymen--but he got it in like it belonged in there, and without an ounce of pain.
"Oh, Lyubovnik, this is heavenly," I told him when he hit bottom.
"No pain?" he said.
"None whatsoever," I assured him. "You can start moving anytime."
"Give me a minute," he said, not without strain.
Whoops. I had to grin at that. "Recite the periodic table in your head," I told him. He snorted out a bark of strained laughter. "Seriously, Lyubovnik. Go for it. I already had one. And if you go off too soon--well, we do have all night, right?"
He didn't say anything. He just started moving--slowly at first, which was best for both of us. I groaned, and brought my legs up around his hips. He leaned down and captured my mouth with his. Hot damn!
After five or so long, slow, unbelievable strokes, he stopped again. "You OK?" I asked him.
"Yes," he said. "I've decided on the alphabet backwards."
I cracked up, which produced rather interesting sensations--laughing with a dick all the way up inside me! "I'll teach you the Russian one, it's got seven more letters," I teased.
"I need more than seven," he said ruefully.
"Craig. Really. It's OK. If you knew how good this felt you wouldn't worry."
"Not just for you," he said. "I don't want this to end."
"It won't be an end, just a break. Now kiss me!"
He smiled, kissed me, and started moving again. I had my hands on his shoulders. I guess the backwards-alphabet thing worked, because I felt the strain in his shoulders go way down.
This time, he kept going. And I was hearing fireworks again. A bit in the distance, but they were getting closer.
"Go faster, Lyubovnik," I told him. "Just a little." He recaptured my lips with his and picked up the pace. Just a little. But it was enough.
Rumble... rumble... BOOM!
"God!" I murmured into his mouth. "Oh, God, Craig! God!" We were still kissing but kept missing each other's mouth. Who cared? This was... WOW!
"Craig?" I gasped after a couple minutes. "Oh, baby, faster, 'k?"
"If... I'm gonna..."
"It's OK, baby, take me with you," I said.
He went faster. And he took me right with him.
I shook. I screamed. I stuck my tongue down his throat. A dead man wouldn't last through that--and Craig didn't--but it didn't matter. He took me with him, in a big way. I just came apart at the seams.
All over the pillow. Little bits of Ginny-brain leaking out my ear, all over the pillow. Had no doubt of it.
And it was glorious.
He rolled off of me--worrying about crushing me, like I gave a shit--but took me with him, so we ended up side-by-side, cuddled, our lips still all over the other's face.
We'd covered hearts and minds, right? This was souls. Well, yeah, bodies too--but not just that. I felt like I'd found the other half of myself.
We came down from it sloshing all over each other like two kinky amoebas. Even after Little Craig slipped out, I still wasn't sure where I ended and he began. Wow.
After the odd aimless kisses and punch-drunk murmuring, I told him. "It means lover," I whispered.
"Lyubovnik. It means lover."
He just hugged me tighter. It was the last thing I remember before I fell asleep.
Twenty-FourIt's kind of strange waking up at three in the morning in any case. Waking up disoriented and with a full bladder only makes it stranger.
Disoriented? Well, yeah. I'm not used to waking up snuggled into a guy's chest with his hands on my ass! Not that I was complaining, mind you.
The full bladder, that I was complaining about. Because it necessitated that I unwrap myself from said guy and go take care of it. At least I had a bathroom right there, attatched to my room. I went and did my thing. I also wet a washcloth and used it on my thighs--I was a bit, er, sticky. When I came back out, that guy in my bed was on his side, as awake as I was, grinning at me.
"My turn," he said.
"You know, there's another bathroom down the hall," I said.
"And miss seeing you saunter back in here naked as a jaybird? Perish the thought." He waited until I got back in the bed, kissed me, then went to do his thing.
When he got back, I was wide awake. He leaned over and started kissing me. One hand went right to the boob, the other one started on my ass. Before long, it was between my legs.
"You trying to get me going again?" I asked.
"Yup. Is it working?"
"Are you sore?"
"Not at all," I assured him.
"Good. You see, it did fit."
"Yes it did," I agreed. "Evidently, fucking violates all the laws of physics."
"You're forgetting the elasticity factor."
"Really. You got a formula for that?"
"You're asking ME?" he roared, cracking up. "Who's the brain around here?"
"Both of us," I said pointedly.
"OK, be that as it may, who's the physics brain around here?"
"OK, touche," I laughed.
"That and the Russian brain. That reminds me. How do you say 'gorgeous ass' in Russian?"
"I have no idea," I laughed. "Google it."
"I can't read that alphabet!"
"You Google, I'll transliterate." God, his hand on my pussy was making me very, very wet--again. "It's just more research. Which reminds me--anything you discover in your research we haven't tried yet?"
"Lots," he said. "Blowjobs, for example."
"Was that a request?" I twinkled.
"Actually, no," he said seriously. "I'm sixteen, but I'm not unlimited. If we're going for number three in one night, I can't guarantee a fourth, even with the few hours sleep in between, and I have better places to put number three."
"I agree."
"Plus I want to try to save one for the morning." I just looked at him. "We need to christen your shower."
"Oh, Lyubovnik, now there's an idea! I must admit, I was surprised blowjobs was your first response."
"Knowing you, I figured it'd be anal."
"Not that I didn't think of it, mind you, but that's the advanced course, Sweetie."
"True. Glad I bought the big tube of KY."
"You're something else."
"So are you," I said. "Of course, you knew that. I'm running like a river already."
"Yeah, I noticed we didn't need the KY for that. Should I do something about you running like a river?"
"I think so," I teased. "We should probably do something about this, too," I said, tugging on his very hard dick. "You know what? I did my research as well."
"Ah, yes. You mentioned that. Did you find anything interesting?"
"Well, there's this girl-on-top thing," I said impishly. "That sounded like fun."
He grinned, and spun away from me, off of his side to end up lying flat on his back with his dick sticking up in the air like a flagpole. "Don't let me stop you!"
Well, what do you think I did? Straddled him, of course!
And I was right. It was fun. I do think I got him a little deeper like that. The fireworks were even more intense. Problem was, he'd discovered some stamina since he was going for number three, and I left him hanging. The minute the fireworks went kablooey my poor overworked brain forgot how to work my legs. Luckily, he quickly sized up the situation--not difficult since I was flopping all over him like an uncoordinated walrus--and flipped me over. That finished him off. And got me another one--a wee bit smaller, but very very nice. Smaller was probably good at that point, since by then I think I'd forgotten my name!
We nodded off to sleep again quickly after that, still wrapped up in one another. And, yes, when we woke up at about nine we went for the knee-trembler in the shower. We were just close enough in height to make that one work. Then we got to wash all the residue off one another, which was almost as fun!
The funnest part, though? When he washed my hair for me. Sigh. How romantic!
I made him breakfast, of course. Then we hung out, mostly cuddling and kissing, until Craig had to leave about two in the afternoon. I did homework, still tingling to myself. When the parents got home, Mom tried the ol' third degree.
"So, did you have a good weekend?"
---This story is complete fantasy. Any relation to real people is a coincidence.---Sorry for any grammatical or spelling mistakes.It was about three years ago that I moved out and got a home on my own. Before I moved I lived with my family of 5. It was my dad: 43 years old, about 5'11, stocky built; My Mom: 44 years old, 5'8; Lauren my sister: 5'1, 17, slim body but with C cup bra; and Taylor my other sister: 5'4, 16, slim body with B cup bra, but an ass that was absolutely astonishing. Me and...
Richard drove to Mitchell on the 28th, taking a room in the nearly-empty Richard’s Hotel. He ate dinner, washed up and slept. It had taken nearly nine hours to cover the 400 miles from Southport to Mitchell. But he felt invigorated in the morning. After a hearty breakfast, he drove to the store, and bought a 600’ coil of 1/4” manila, a small sledge, a bright orange grease marker and a 40’ measuring tape; he also bought ten pounds of sugar, two bricks of chewing tobacco and a tin of pipe...
Before starting, it is necessary to tell few words about me and my family. I am Hriday Joshi, aged 26 years from Vadodara. My father is a businessman having whole sale and retain cloth shop at God dhod Road Surat. We stay at far off locality from Surat Called Olpad. My father gets clothes from manufacturers and sells at his show room. I am 19 years old and is studying in MS University in first year of engineering and staying in a hostel. In fact, I am son of my father’s second wife. My father...
The Afternoon We ArriveWhen we got to the hotel, we were surprised by how lovely the room was and the views of the beach and sea from the full length French doors.It had been a very long, hot drive so the first thing I did was to strip off and climb into the shower – quickly followed by the g/f.It was a power shower in one of those cubicles with no door and with her on her knees – well to be quite honest, she was nearly drowning so that was abandoned but as I was rock hard by this time, she did...
Anyone that has visited Amsterdam knows the Red Light District..I visited there with my girlfriend and we were up for a weekend of experimentation and exploration of the sexual offerings in Holland.During the evening we would walk through the neon-lit district, and all of the alleyways and watch the horny men of all ages engage in negotiations with the window hookers, oblivious to the watching public or passing folk. I suppose when a guy's desire for hot pussy is so strong all else is...
I had licked my cum from Kathy tits she sat on Ed's cock! Ed had lifted her up and moved her pussy to her mouth sucking his cum from her pussy watched as he slipped his tongue deep in her hole lapping his cum. Ed's cock was cum covered I figured what the hell seeing him lick Kathy pussy I would suck his cock. Got down on my knees and grabbed his cock lowering my mouth on his cock Ed jumped at first and looked down at me he seamed shocked at first I had his gland in my mouth, he went back to...
She picked up two glasses of the cocktail she had just made, and walked up to me. She, now just in her red panties which was already stained by the drops of her seeping precum. As she walked towards me my eyes were just stuck on that patch and the outline of that strong piece of meat beneath that. "Here" she said bending down revealing her big round tits cleavage, extending the cocktail to me. she sat next to me and said. "Oh I remember you saying you were a different kind of a girl, what did...
“If it suits you, miss, this morning would be admirable. I can ask Miss Frobisher to come along as a chaperone.” “Chaperone? For me? Or for you, Jeeves?” “Either, Miss Catherine. May I go and speak to her now?” “All right, then. Try to set it up for an hour from now. That will give me time to tidy my bedroom before you invade it.” I found my way to Miss Frobisher’s office, and tapped on the door. She answered it, and I said, “Miss F, I propose to use Miss Catherine’s telescope mounting...
Part 12: A new day is dawning Several days later: It was a warm, bright and sunny late spring day the sky was crystal blue with no clouds. The Chalmer’s had opened the windows the night before allowing the fresh spring air to flow thru the house. It was nice allowing the stale winter air to escape out of the windows to be revitalized and blend with the fresh spring breeze. It was just a little after 6:15 in the evening and Lt. Commander Mark Chalmers was sipping on his ice cold beer...
Just a little history about who I am. My father died when I was eight years old leaving my mother alone to raise six young children. There were three boys and three girls, and I was stuck right in the middle, I wasn’t the oldest and relied on to take-charge, nor was I the youngest and looked after as the baby. I was just there in the middle and somewhat forgotten. My mother tried (on her own) for a few years to raise us and as far as I was concerned, she did a pretty good job. But my mom...
I am sitting naked blind folded on the sofa, waiting for you. The door is leaned but not closed. I do listen to a nice mix cd in my room. Full of excitement I am waiting what happened next. You suppose to arrive any minute. I started earlier a drink and I am not sure should take of my blind fold and finish the drink? Or should I wait? I hear someone outside the hallway.I leave them on and waiting with great excitement. I can hear the door opening very slow and quietly. Is that you? I hear the...
Rainbow - Copyright 2000 by Samantha Michelle Standard warning and disclaimer: All characters are fictional. If you see yourself, buy a new mirror. Contains subjects some people may find offensive. If you are one of them, why are you reading this? Protect your kids. If you are worried about them reading this sort of material, please censor free speech and use a safe surfing program such as net nanny. Or better yet, teach them early and lovingly to understand and accept...
August 15, 2000, Chicago, Illinois “Whoa!” Cynthia declared, as she turned the pages in The New Joy of Sex. “All these positions! I want to try them!” She was paging through the section of the book which had lots of illustrations. “Wait!” she gasped, as she turned the page. “Bondage? Whoa! He has her tied to the bed!” “That might be fun,” I grinned. “And then I can tie YOU to the bed?” she asked with a silly smirk. “I suppose turn-about is fair play.” “And threesomes?” “That might not...
Hi my dear ISS Readers, Thanks for your time. . . Fully enjoy true stories. . . Very HOT ones. . . This is Lover ( ) again from Bangalore… Thanks to ISS Team, as well. . . . This true incident happened in a Mall in Bangalore. Recently, I went for shopping around 8 PM and I was carrying a Mall-Basket with some items, wanted. A lady (should be in middle twenties), who came across me, slipped & fell on me (Her high heel shoe slipped)! Luckily, I could just manage her weight and balance, by...
In this world there are Angels, Devil's and Fallen Angels, but not many people know about that except you of course, you are a devil after all. You, and your family are not known for much anymore, though you are probably middle class yourself at least, but your father is a Satan-Class, but your mother's are all high class why plural? Because it's not that uncommon for male devils to have a harem of sorts, after all woman, and devil woman no matter how powerful they are in this world are nothing...
The strange man drew his weapon, but before he could fire, five 115-grain 9mm regular rounds and one 150-grain hollow point made a nice circle on the man’s belly. His eyes stayed open, his knees buckled, and he ended on his back with his legs bent under him in a most uncomfortable position. Two more approached and fired. John’s shield stopped 90% of the blasts. People around them took several steps back to widen the circle. Reverend Jacobs yelled, “SHIELDS UP.” The Secret Service was...
Hello, everyone, this is my first story on ISS.Though I have been reading the story since 10 grade.Well, I don’t know why I am writing…Maybe because I want to share with you all. Hold on your dicks.And ladies keep your fingers ready for your pussy with shooting loads of cum. Without wasting much of your precious story I will start.The story starts when I first came to Mumbai as I was selected in mnc.First few days went on settling in the new flat in Goregaon area.We all roomies thought to hire...
His co-worker and friend Paul had suggested to him that he try out Tinder and, to begin with at least, he’d loved the idea of it, see a girl, read her profile and if you felt compatible, swipe right, if not, swipe left, easy right? But as days had passed and conversation with matches led nowhere but the occasional hookup he had, as many did, grown to dislike the nature of the beast, no longer bothering to read their profiles or checking for any compatibility, now, as he lay on his couch, the...
I met Shanice at work three years ago. We worked for a manufacturing company, I worked in the plant and she worked in the lab. It was at the company Christmas party that we really had a chance to talk. I had such a great time with her at the party that I decided to ask her out. Things progressed from there and soon we were dating on a regular basis. I can still remember the first time we had sex. Shanice is a beautiful, athletic black woman. I had never seen a naked black woman up close before...
A month before I got a call on my cell. As soon as I lift the call n said ‘hello’ I heard a sweet voice of a lady from other end saying ‘hello’. She asked for the person she called for and it came to notice that she dialed the wrong number. She herself said ’sorry’ and disconnected the phone. I called her up again and asked whom did she called for. She said ‘I m sorry I have dialed the wrong number’. Again she disconnected the phone. After sometime I sent her a message ‘Sweet voice, can I...
David left the house after Belle had gotten dressed and walked into the kitchen. On the way out the back door he mumbled something about being gone for a couple of hours to run some 'errands'. She ran to the door to catch him before he got to his car. "I'll have dinner ready in two hours. Will you be back then?" "I should be." "Okay, bye." Once back in the kitchen she went to work preparing dinner. She pulled out some fresh chicken breasts from the refrigerator and breaded them...
Chapter 9 - The BitchSo Shanika found herself standing in the luxurious lobby of the main house. Wooden paneling, fine carpeting, and a high ceiling complete with a glass chandelier. She stood at the front desk with her head hanging down. Naked, except for the two sets of shackles that fastened both her wrists and ankles as well as the steel slave collar around her neck, the black slave girl contrasted dramatically with the the opulent surroundings.Debbie stood behind the desk, her gray jacket...
ZZZzzzzz Zoe Zimmerman awoke with a start, a sound fading in her sleepy memory and a funny feeling that she'd been here before. The 14 year-old girl was trying to grab hold of a dream that was fading and vanishing from her consciousness even as she grasped it by it's tail of anxiety and pleasure. That's what was so confusing about her recurring dream. It shocked her but, as she could recall not a single detail, all she was left with was a sense of dread, shame, shock and OMG what pleasure...
Bill got home slightly before his wife that afternoon, and the first thing he did was to put the matches back in the bathroom on the shelf where they had been. Until he thought more about this he didn't want Linda to realize that he was interested in her paper matches. That evening they went out for supper at the Alibi Club, and had a good time together. Linda was even interested in having a drink in the attached lounge after their meal, and they spent an hour and a half there, getting up...
Ryan was someone I wanted to do everything with the moment I laid eyes on his photograph. Tall, dark, and handsome. He was half italian, half white, but his eyes and hair were jet black. He was a police officer and that made my cock even harder. Ryan in uniform was a sight to behold, but look of authority he had even in his every day clothes pushed me almost into an obssession. My cock craved him. I knew come hell or high water, I would have him one day. Soon. Only problem was,...
By the time that the SBI lab boys got through with the scene, it was past midnight. I was on overtime, but I didn't mind. I was enjoying the prospect of hitting the meth lab. "So do you want to volunteer to stay over and go on the strike team. We need to get in there before the word get out that we are on the way." Michaels said. "You know I want to see it through to the end. I want to see what a working meth lab looks like. I only seen them on TV." I said. "It doesn't look like...
See the link in my profile to find all my stories and more chapters to this story DISCLAIMERS -I'm just trying to be helpful with these disclaimers. I don’t want to spring things on anyone! -My writing is SUPPOSED to be gross and wrong, which is what makes it so thrilling to write! You SHOULD feel icky reading it, which is why I consider it HORROR! I try to creep myself out as I write, getting into the mindset of a perverted VILLAIN. We're all acknowledging he is evil and wrong....
Will Forscher smiled as he put the finishing touches on the speech he had been writing and saved it to his computer. He stood up and stretched, then walked over to the quarter full coffee pot and went to pour himself a cup of the liquid upon which most political campaigns depended. He shook his head as what almost appeared to be sludge poured from the coffee pot and into his cup. Feeling daring, he took a tiny sip, grimaced and poured the contents of his cup and the coffee pot into the sink. He...
Priya emerged from my shower wrapped in a white towel. She had left her dress downstairs and hadn’t been wearing any underwear. I took the towel from her and marveled at her naked body. “Can you stay tonight?” I asked eagerly“I’d like that,” she replied softly.I had to ask, “What about your husband?”“He is away with his friends, he won’t be back till tomorrow afternoon. My husband is gay.” She continued, “He is very discreet about it, but that is where he is right now.” I sensed a certain...
MatureI am a 46 year old married guy...I have a beer belly but otherwise not bad looking 6'2" 250 tatoos and an average 6 inch cut cock. I have always been turned on by both men and women but never had sex with a guy although i did have dreams about it. One day I left the wife and kids home to go fishing. I got to the lake and in my favorite spot was a tall (6'6" about 150 pounds) skinny young guy. Since there was enough room for 2 I asked if he minded if I took the spot next to him. He said...
GayHello, Indian sex story readers. The word lust is so dangerous and exhilarating it can drive you mad, it gives you courage & strength and will also make you weak and docile. I’m a 24-year-old guy and for you readers I’m Roshan, and the encounter which I’ll be sharing is the most memorable one I’ve ever experienced and it’s not possible to experience something like that again in this lifetime, I believe so. I’m 5 foot 7 inches tall weighing in about 75 kgs and I’ve been going to the gym ever...
Victoria walked awkwardly through the estate the two loads of cum dripping down her thighs her hairy ginger pussy was visible as she tried to cover either that or her arse. She was starting to think she’d made a mistake but the sex had been the best she’d ever had.At 5’11 with red hair and huge tits she stood out a mile and she had caught the attention of a group of chavs who started following her. She quickened her pace and so did they until they were along side her.“What you doing round here...
It had been about a week since my "alone" time with Melissa and Morgan and I really hadn't had a chance to talk. Especially since my finding out of her affair with John. The thing was i wasn't ashamed of what I did with Melissa. Hell, I hadn't stop thinking about it. Being deep inside her warm pussy was something I could never forget. Ever since that night Melissa has been texted me nonstop. So much so she has been sending me nudes. I told her she has to be careful if she wants to keep this up....
Hello friends mere nam Sonam h me 21 sal ki hi mere ghar me total 5 log h mom dad me mera bhai or bhen bhai 19 sal or bhen 18 sal ki h. me dekhne me bhut khubsurat hu meri bhen bhi bhut khubsurat h mere hight 5’4″ h or mera rang gora h mere bobs kafi bade h college me mujh par sare ladke line marte h mere boyfriend ka nam Rajesh h mere bhai ka man rahul h or bhen Shruti h. Ye us time ki bat h jab mere mom dad mamaji ke yaha gaye hue the to waha mom ko ak bike ne takkar mar di isliye mom ko waha...
It took us over two hours or so to find a hotel, not that we were looking very hard. We spent that time driving on state highways, talking about us and the future. As long as we were warm and together, it didn’t matter. Finally, it was getting dark and we ended up around Rapid City. We found a motel and went in to register. We asked about a diner or the pizza place nearby. The clerk’s name was Patty, at least that’s what her badge said. She appeared to be a couple of years younger than us and...
I have always been interested in boys and sex, but afraid at the same time. My mom, who is liberal in most of her beliefs but conservative when it comes to sex, drummed into me at an early age all the bad things that can happen to girls when they are sexually active. Sometimes I think that something bad must have happened to her when she was younger, but I have never talked to her about it. She made me very paranoid about sex with all of her horror stories of unwanted pregnancies and STDs. I...
Websites such as Masala Seen are pretty hard to figure out. For starters, the design of these websites is pretty fucking simple, so you can't really tell what the hell is going on up in there. Then, the name of this website in specific doesn't really tell us a lot about the contents of the page, which is pretty weird, but not uncommon. For the most part, websites that are hard to figure out will have some sort of gimmick in their name that will either make it much easier for you to remember...
Indian Porn SitesHi Reader mera naam Samir patel hai.Meri age 20 hai.Main California ka rehne waala hu..Main Indian sex stories ka bahut hi bada fan hu.AAj main aapko mere aakhon dekha scene share karunga jisme kaise ek Gore ne meri Didi ko pela tha. Main California mein apni family k saath rehta hu.Meri family mein 4 log hai,Mere dad aur mom aur meri 24 years ki sister.Mere dad ka yaha bahut bada business hai,Meri mom house wife hai aur main MBA k final year mein padh raha hu.Meri badi behen ka naam Tejaswini...
[Note: This is an alternative timeline different from our own. Modern and the anachronistic mix.] Arsène Lupin III, grandson of the famous, the greatest, "Gentleman Burglar" who was even a match for Sherlock Holmes, was with, for the lack of a better term, his 'best friend', Daisuke Jigen. The best world's best marksman and former hitman for hire, whistled as he looked at the ultra plush surroundings of their suite. This was the European-style wing of a grand hotel that also had a...
Mary maintained the poker face and continued sucking her lollipop seductively and not breaking eye contact.“For God sake, stop giving a blowjob to that lollipop!”The next thing I knew is that the lips which were sucking and kissing the strawberry flavoured lollipop were pressed against mine. After what seem to be two long minutes, she broke the kiss and said, “Took you long enough.”I was stunned and aroused at my first kiss. It was sweet. The mixture of sugar with her saliva made me want to...
Oral SexI doubt there many activities in our lives that haven't gone through some changes since the flowering of the computer age and in particular, the Internet. That is, for those of us who reached adulthood before it really took off in the early 90s. Those who grew up with computers can hardly conceive of life without them. I suppose I sort of resent being tied to that technology on some level but I certainly reap some nice benefits along with the frustrations. I now live in a remote area of West...
Melody and I met the first day of our freshman year of High School. We became instant friends and through our years of school, we ended up in a lot of the same classes and even ran on the track team together. Mel was absolutely beautiful, long blonde hair, the sexiest eyes and a smile that would just light up a room. Her body should’ve been in a museum, it was perfect in every way. The only physical difference between us was that my blonde hair was a little shorter, and my eyes being blue,...
So guys this is my first story that I am submitting. I have been a rugular reader of indian sex stories dot net . This story is real and me and my aunt had lots of memories during this period. Describing my aunt. Her name is bhavna and she is 39 years old and have been married for 14 years and his husband is 10 years older than him. She has one daughter and one son. Her figure is ahem ahem Awesome she looks like an experiences women who had a lots of sex in her life. Her boob size is 34c and...
Lil Mami was looking super Hot as ever. She had on her Baby Phat skin tight Black jeans on to accentuate her thick thighs curves, and that big round butt of hers. She also had on a nice low cut hot pink slinky blouse to shows off her size C cup boobies. Under all this she was sporting her hot Latina self in new set of matching hot pink Victoria Secret thong that kinda just lost it’s self in between those thick round butt cheeks of hers, and the push up bra that made her nice and firm boobies...
When I was a teenager, I was very shy. Painfully shy. I had tried to blend in with the wallpaper, but when you're the fattest girl in class, you're hard to miss. Consequently, I had zero experience with boys. When I went to college for a year, I came out of my shell somewhat-my saracastic sense of humor started to blossom there- but I still hadn't even been kissed. After my failed attempt at college, my family relocated to a very small town in Northwest Pennsylvania. When I say small, I mean...
MY EXPERIENCE Pt 1I know there is a lot of shit that goes on around here, but I want you toknow that this is an honest story. It is not neccessarily a spectacularstory - but it's a turn on just to retell it.This is the first time I ever "really" had sex. I recall always beingturned on by good looking guys from the time I ever knew what sex was. Ican remember jacking off as early as when I was nine or ten. My first manto man experience, if you want to call it that, was as a seventh...
The Milking Wheel by The Technician. Non-Consent, Femdom, Milking, Electro, Slavery = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = In future Womyn have all power & lustful thought is a crime. In a future time, a young lawyer is accused of a "man crime." Specifically, he is accused of violating The Protection of Womyn Act by thinking of a Womyn in the office in a "lustful and i*****l" fashion. The punishment for such a crime is the pain and humiliation of a public milking and possibly the complete...
Angie was never much of a drinker, therefore the six glasses of champagne she had on this particular night were much more than she could handle. Her demeanor was becoming very loose and flirtatious. She was stumbling around, giggling almost uncontrollably and chatting with anyone who would stand still long enough. The straps on her dress were constantly falling off her shoulders, though she seemed not to mind. For that matter neither did most of the guys at the party. If it wasn’t for her...
EroticBeth is just slipping on a midnight sky chemise with a T-back style draped fringe when the doorbell rings. She smiles in the full length mirror. He’s here! After their encounter earlier in the day, Beth has been looking forward to meeting back up with Daniel. At first she was looking for a way to get back at Rebecca by seducing her husband, but after giving him the blowjob, she began to want more. So when he called she was more than happy to set something up with him. She is certain his wife...
Wednesday Morning The next morning, standing there in my room after my shower, I looked at the school clothes I'd set out, wondering what I'd been thinking of. There they were; underwear, socks, white short sleeved shirt, khaki pants today, instead of jeans. Why in the world had I bothered? Once I got to the school door they all had to come off. Then I heard Mom calling me to breakfast, and reached for my underpants - and dropped them. I'd deal with the clothes problem after I ate. I...
32 Weeks.I was 32 weeks and my belly had gotten so much bigger. It was a harder to get around and move freely. I was so horny. It seemed as if I couldn’t get enough sex and it didn’t take me long to cum when I had it but I seemed to crave it more and more. I knew it was my hormones but I couldn’t stop myself. I always carried an extra maternity thong or two in my purse because if I saw someone look at my belly or my boobs, I’d get wet instantly. My boobs, they were big before but they had...
The next several days went by in a haze. I was there, but can't tell you anything much that happened; other than that we buried Joyie and I didn't get much sleep because of the nightmares haunting me. I started seeing a counselor on the Monday Brad and I went back to school, and went to see her all that week, but by the end of the week, I decided I was tired of dealing with everything. I just wanted it to all go away and decided the best way to get it to go was to not talk about anything...
She caressed her C-cup breasts, moving her fingers in circles around her perky nipples, so that they poked out from between the fabric of the black fishnet body-stocking that she habitually wore. It wasn't going to be long until the big show and having just recalled her first encounter in the Cave of the Werewolves, she was definitely getting into the mood. Tamara smiled to herself, turning away from the view and back to her room. The mountain-top plane crash that had left her and Alice...
Alex — Before Class Friday morning, we were all pulled into Ms. Pat's office before we could strip. All of us except Tiffany. Ms. Pat closed the door as Gail pointed out that she was missing. "Tiffany won't be here today, I'm afraid. That's what I want to discuss with you. We're canceling the program, effective immediately." "What?" Steph was appalled "Why?" Zach asked. Ms. Pat sighed deeply. "Tiffany was attacked last night." Everyone gasped; there were only two questions,...
0001 - Tempro 0003 - Conner- Thomas 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0098 - Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) - Lucie 0125 - Lars 0200 - Ellen 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0667 - Marco - Brown 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human) 0908 - Tara - Mara Ungrown - unnumbered 3 - onboard Shelby 2 in re-gen 1000 - Sherry - lost at the moment 0999 - Zan - also lost Known and OR numbered 0501 - Thaddeus ???? - Lena Derrick watched as Jonathon appeared from the portal with Ace in tow. Shelby was...
Turned in to a SlutIt all began innocent enough. As usual Tim's mom grabbed her six-pack ofbeer after she finished the dinner dishes and retired to her bedroom forthe evening. We gave her about a half hour before we slid out the backdoorto burn a joint. Back in his bedroom we played video games for a whilewhen Tim asked me if I wanted to check out the prono's his brother hadgiven him when he moved out a couple weeks ago.Of course I was game. What teenage guy would say no. He pulled a box...
Now let me come to my first experience. Well i am ajnabee(name changed) from chennai.i am 6 feet tall and well built. Now let me tell you about her.her name was priya(name changed) and she was 29 yrs old married and her husband was in marketing and so most of the time he was not in town at all so obviously she was sexually starved. Now let me tell u how she looks., she was about 5’4 feet tall and she had very huge and firm breast and perfectly worked up ass and very fair skin and she is bomb...