HeroesPart 5 free porn video

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My parents had had plans to go away for the weekend. They offered to cancel them. I know they were worried about me, because of Sam. I assured them I was fine. I don't know if they were quite convinced, but when I told my mother my plans, she laughed and agreed.

Friday Craig picked me up for a date.

"My parents are going away for the weekend," I told him.

"Ah," he said.

"So, I was wondering," I continued. "I really don't want to be in that big house all alone all weekend." Craig laughed--I was pouring it on thick and we both knew it. "So, how about you staying over tomorrow night?"

We had gotten to a red light. Craig turned and looked at me. "Do you mean stay over, or stay over?"

"Whatsoever do you mean?" I said, grinning.

"I mean, are you going to show me to your guest room?"

"Not on your life, Lyubovnik."

He had to drive again, so he waited until we got to the next red light. "Are you sure?"

"Yup. How do you feel about it?"

"I'm getting a woody just thinking about it," he laughed.

"Good answer, Lyubovnik."

"I've been fantasizing about it since our first date. I just didn't want to rush you."

"You haven't. But I want it, and I want it bad," I admitted. "And only with you."

"Good." He sighed. "My problem is, you said stay over. I have a curfew."

"Leave that to me. Take me to your house after we eat."

"OK," he said warily.

What I was about to do next might be considered strange. But I'm not a huge fan of sneaking. I understand some people have to do it--some parents are just ridiculous. But my parents knew what I was going to be up to. And I didn't think Craig's parents were going to freak. If we're old enough to make love, we should be old enough to deal with this in a mature manner, right? Yeah, I know--Craig would say my 30-year-old side was peeking out again. But I really didn't like sneaking. Craig had a curfew. I didn't want him to lie to get around it. And we wouldn't be out carousing past his curfew, we'd be home. Just not his home.

The problem was--I knew it was his mother I was going to have to get by. And mothers and sons don't talk about sex all that easily. So, I figured I was going to have to be the one to bring it up. And, to be particular about it, it wasn't really about sex. We could have sex at any time. We could be having sex right now. It was about breaking his curfew, because I didn't want him to have to finish up after our first time and then hit the road. Though I knew that you-know-what would come into the conversation.

So, we went over his house. And I cornered his mother in the kitchen.

"Mrs. Tolland? I'd like to ask your permission for Craig to break his curfew tomorrow night."

"What for, Ginny?"

"I'm alone in my house this weekend. I'd like Craig to stay over and keep me company."

She was leaning into her refrigerator, not looking at me. "You have a guest room at your place, Ginny, or you going to make him sleep on the couch?" she said with a grin I could hear.

I waited to answer that, until she'd straightened up out of the refrigerator. Like I said, no sneaking, and I wanted to see her face when I answered that. I looked right at her and told her the truth. "Yes, Mrs. Tolland, we have a couple of guest rooms. But Craig won't be using any of them."

She looked right back. "Are you asking me permission to have sex with my son?"

"No," I said, and told her what I'd thought earlier. "We could do that without breaking curfew. We could be doing that this moment if we wanted to. No, I'm asking your permission to keep him there overnight afterwards." I gave her a little smile. "It's going to be my first time. I want the full-night unlimited cuddle afterwards."

"You are an extremely unusual girl, Ginny Klusse."

"Well, that's a given," I grinned.

"Do your parents know what you've got planned?"

"Yes. Well, Mom does. She's very open. I'm sure she's given Dad a heads up as well, but she's who I talked to about it."

"OK." She took a breath. "Craig has a curfew, mainly, because we don't want him out driving late at night. He's only had his license for a short time, his judgement may be impaired when he's tired, and all the nuts and drunks are out late at night. If I give him permission to break his curfew, I want your guarantee that neither of you will be out driving past eleven."

"You've got it."

"Good. I'll tell him later."

"Thanks," I grinned.

He called me the next morning. "OK, what the hell happened?"

"Hm?" I said.

"My mother just told me she knows I'm not coming home tonight and it's OK with her. What the heck did you tell her?"

"Don't worry about it. She said it's OK, right? I just told her I needed company tonight." I wasn't going to embarrass him!

"OK," he said warily.

"And you're coming for dinner. I'm cooking."

"Woah. The full works!" His voice dropped. "Uh, do I need to stop at a drug store on the way?"

"Nope. Got that covered. All I need is you."

"You got it."


He got there about five. I cooked. I'm not bad at cooking certain things. I made Boeuf Bourgingon, something I'd known how to make for a while. It came out great.

I'd asked my Mom if I could pull a bottle of wine out of the wine cellar, and she agreed. A good red wine goes well with Boeuf Bourgingon--hell, there's wine in it! We each had a glass with supper, then took the bottle into the living room with us.

We watched TV for a bit. Then I grabbed the wine--there was still quite a bit left--and the two glasses, and stood up. "Let's finish this upstairs," I said.

"OK," Craig replied. I led him to my bedroom. We sat on the bed. I poured us each another glass. You know, enough to get us relaxed, but not tipsy or anything. We ended up sitting in my bed, up against the headboard, still clothed, drinking the wine.

"You OK?" I said.

"Yeah. Nervous," he admitted.

"That makes two of us. That's what the wine's for," I giggled.

"This is actually the first time I've ever had wine. You know teenaged boys, when they get their hands on something to drink. 'BEER!'"

I laughed. "I actually hate the taste of beer. I like wine, though."

"It's good," he agreed. "Especially with that dinner you made. Much more refined than beer."

"That's the idea."

"How long have you been planning this?" he asked.

"Two days," I grinned.

"Dinner, wine, empty house, no curfew for Craig--all in two days? That's pretty impressive."

"Well, I didn't have time to cover the bed with rose petals, but the rest worked OK. So far," I said impishly. "You know, this big brain of mine comes in handy sometimes."

"It does, huh? Well, I guess that gives me my marching orders for the evening." He drained the rest of his wine. I followed suit.

"What marching orders are they?" I asked.

"That big brain of yours?" he said, as he pulled me into his arms. "I'm going to try to short-circuit it."

"Oooh, won't that be fun!" He kissed me then, long and deep. "Not nervous anymore, Lyubovnik?"

"Yes. But turned on. And in love, so it balances out."

"Ditto. To all of those. Kiss me again." And so he did.

Damn, I felt so comfortable with him!

He broke the kiss again and his hands went to the buttons on my blouse. I grinned up at him. "So, do you have any specific ideas of how to short-circuit my brain?"

"I have a few," he said.

"If you get stumped, I might have some."

"Listen to us," he laughed. "The two blushing virgins, going on like we're Casanova."

"I may be a blushing virgin, but I do read. I've done my research."

"Yeah, now there's a shock," he chuckled. "However, I need to tell you, Brainiac, that I also did my homework."


He had my blouse completely unbuttoned by now, and I sat up a bit to help him get it off. Then he went for the bra. "You know what?" he said. "The wine worked."

"Yup," I said. "What my mother always says is, 'Not so much that you get drunk, but just enough to get a glow.'"

"You glow anyway," he said.

Damn, my heart skipped a beat at that! Mercy me. That was just the type of thing, a casual tossed-off compliment, to get me right where I live. If you pour it on too think, I question your sincerity. But something like this? Completely gets me.

Jesus! How did this guy know me so well?

By this point, I was naked from the waist up and he was playing with the ol' tittie while he kissed me. Then, he kissed his way down. As I've said, it wasn't the first time for that bit. Not that I'm complaining, mind you, I loved it. But it not being the first time for that probably explains why I was still so relaxed. Being relaxed is not my thing. But I was plenty relaxed at the moment, sighing happily while he sucked on my nipple.

Then again, the wine did help.

And it's a good thing. I was wearing a skirt, you see. And one of his hands was rapidly crawling up my leg. And then a finger swiped its way up my panties.

Boy, didn't that feel nice!

It didn't take long before Craig was tugging at my panties, trying to get them off. I raised my ass off the bed to help him. While he was getting them off my feet, I reached around and unsnapped my skirt. When he looked back up, I was stark naked.

OK, so I was nervous. I think I've established that I wasn't thrilled with my body.

I should've known better. Craig's eyes were locked onto me--all of me. "God, you're beautiful," he gasped. I don't know if I'd ever agree with that, but it was nice that somebody thought so!

He also looked like he was about to pounce! Which was a nice thought, but there was some unfinished business. "Your turn," I said, and started tugging on his shirt. He laughed and got the picture. Between the two of us, we managed to get his shirt and pants off. He stood up and took care of the boxer shorts himself.

Uh... well... you know, I'd thought I was fully prepared for this. I wanted it, I was sure of that. I'd been dreaming of it since puberty--which, for me, was at about eleven--and I definitely now wanted it with Craig specifically. I'd prepared myself. And I wasn't kidding about the research. I was a voracious reader anyhow--adding 'naughty stuff' to my reading repertoire was something I'd done some time ago. Not only that, but I'd read all the 'instructional' stuff, too--for me, that was just more education. Well, mostly. And I wasn't above peeking at pictures or the odd video on the internet.

So, I was ready already, right? Well... shit. As soon as Craig dropped his undershorts, I quickly realized my mistake. Apparently, even your basic oversized porn star dick looks small on a seventeen-inch monitor. Seeing one in the, er, flesh was completely different.

I couldn't take my eyes off of it. Don't ask me size, I didn't have a ruler handy, and had no basis of comparison. But when I saw that... thing sticking out from my boyfriend's groin, I had two thoughts. One was 'God, I want him!' The second was, 'How in hell is that thing gonna fit?'

As Craig lowered himself back next to me on the bed, I unwittingly verbalized the latter.

Craig just laughed. "Hey, your equipment's designed to let a baby out. I think it can take me."

"Babies hurt," I said pedantically.

He got a solemn look on his face. "Well, from what I understand, this won't be painless, either. You know I'll be gentle, but..."

"Well, I don't have a hymen," I told him. "Don't know what happened to it, but it's not there." I looked down at his dick. Somehow, my hand had involuntarily wrapped itself around it. "But you're so big!"

"Just average, from what I can tell."

"Coulda fooled me!" I exclaimed.

He reached out and grabbed my ass. "Damn, you're good for my ego," he laughed. "Anyhow, it's gonna fit. I promise. I'll just have to work you up first." He looked down at my hand, which was still--with no real input from my brain--tugging on his dick. "Of course, I think that's working the other way around at the moment."

"You want I should stop?"

"Not necessarily. But do you want me to cum all over your hand?"

"Well, I read that if you cum first, you'll last longer inside me. And since you're sixteen, I'm counting on a quick recovery anyhow."

He broke up laughing. "Figures. I get to have my first time with the most analytical and logical teenager in the universe."

"You complaining?"

"No," he said, but then he grimaced.

"Something wrong?"

"Uh, well, when I do myself, you see, I usually use something. Hand lotion or something."

"Oh," I said, and pulled my hand away from his dick. I reached over him to open the drawer in my night table, and withdrew a tube of KY. "Something like this?"

He chuckled. "Analytical, logical, and prepared. You did go to the drug store." He peered in the open drawer. "Didn't you buy anything else?"

I quickly twigged onto his meaning. "Don't need those. We're both virgins, so disease isn't a worry. As for the other thing, I'm on the pill."

"OK," he said. I put a dab of the KY on my hand, and reached back down. "Oooooh!" he moaned.


"Heaven," he said. His hand went back to my ass. "God, I've wanted my hands on your bare ass for over a year." I couldn't help but giggle at that.

Now that I'd gotten going, I was enjoying it. His dick was hard but still soft, and nice and warm. I liked it in my hand, a lot. And I found out I really liked his hand on my ass!

As for him, I do believe he was enjoying himself, what with all that moaning and groaning. His other hand--the one that wasn't on my ass--was clutching a boob, which was also fun.

It didn't take long at all before he yelped "GINNY!" and my hand got very, very wet.

I reached down behind me on the floor for a towel. Yes, I'd had some handy--I'd read about wet spots and this was my bed, after all! This one I just used to wipe off my hand. Then I looked at him, still flushed and breathing heavy.

"You gonna live?" I asked.

"Most definitely."

"You gonna recover?"

"Eventually," he laughed. He flipped over so he was facing me, and kissed me, long and deep--while his hands roamed all over me. He broke the kiss and said, "I think I'll have to play a bit while I recuperate."

"That sounds like fun," I grinned. He grinned back, and quickly lowered his lips to my nipple.

My arousal, while never completely disappearing, had gone to a low hum while I was jacking him off. It was fun, and sexy, but I was concentrating on him and my arousal had kind of gone on the back burners. Well, no more for that. His mouth on my nipple was working me back up, and he had a hand lazily cupping my pussy. Not doing much, mind you, just making contact. It was warm, and very nice. Oh, and arousing. Definitely that.

Then he kissed my stomach! Well, who the hell would've guessed that? It made me jump, even. Especially when he kissed my belly button!

And then he kept going. And I quickly figured out where he was headed. Now, of course, I'd read about this--but didn't expect it, not tonight especially!

But I wasn't going to turn it down. In fact, when it looked like he'd stopped the forward progress, I stifled an impatient groan. But stifle it I did--I didn't want to be a demanding bitch or anything--and I was glad I did when I realized why he'd stopped: he'd seen the towels on the floor, divined their purpose, and was reaching for one. "Raise your hips, honey," he said. I did.

Next thing I knew I had a tongue on my pussy--and boy did that feel fantastic!

It was unbelievable. His tongue seemed to hit, just right, every nook and cranny of my labia. Then he stuck it into my opening, and wasn't that a trip! After a bit of that, he went for the clittie.

I think I jumped five feet in the air.

"Too much?" he asked.

"N-no," I managed. He swept down my pussy again, then back up. I managed to confine the jumping to a couple of feet that time. "God," I gasped, "you sure you've never done this?"

"Nope," he said mildly. "Told you--did my research." Then he went back to his tongue on my pussy.

That's when it hit me, right upside the head. It all added up, right in that minute.

I'd gotten hints the whole time we were going out. Hell, I'd gotten hints last year, in Chem lab.

Craig didn't have my grades. Of course, nobody did. He did well, but he wasn't going to be valedictorian, and I was. He himself had made remarks about being 'nowhere near my league'. I'd kind of dismissed them, though I'm sure the egomaniac part of me agreed with them to a certain extent. The egomaniac part of me was wrong, dead wrong.

Because that's what I finally realized--Craig was a thinker. Yeah, grades, and IQ and all that--but that went back to what I told him earlier, it just being a matter of speed. That's not having the thinking mindset. The thinking mindset is knowing you're going to end up in bed with your significant other at some point in time--and doing research on it. The thinking mindset is using psychology--and that's just what it was--to talk your girlfriend down from a bad self-esteem day. Seeing the towels on the floor and instantly knowing what they were for. There were other things. It all added up, finally. Shit, I'm Example Number One--here I was with my boyfriend doing extremely wonderful things to my pussy with his tongue and my brain is racing a mile a minute with this shit!

Well, I knew that about myself--who else would've been logical and analytical about suicide? Stupid, maybe, as Joe told me--but logical and analytical all the same.

But that was me. Realizing Craig was a true kindred spirit, in more ways that I'd realized, was astounding.

This all ran through my head in less than a minute, mind you. And it was a good thing. Because Craig was giving all that research of his some excellent real-world application. And all that application did exactly what he promised to do--fried my neural synapses to a crisp! Just as I came to this whole 'great minds think alike' realization, he upped the ante on my clittie. And that was all she wrote, temporarily anyhow, for Ginny The Brain.

My GOD. It was like explosions. Yeah, explosions in my pussy--sure, I expected that. What took me by surprise was the explosions upstairs. It was like sticking my brain in a box of fireworks. Including, after a few minutes of him sucking on my clittie, the traditional Grand Finally. I think they heard the screams three towns away.

Jesus. By the time he was done, and had crawled up next to me--hugging me, which was about the only thing that let me know I was still in this world--my brain had turned into a throbbing pile of mush. And I didn't mind one little bit.

"Boy, it's nice to know I can make Miss Logical scream," he said with a chuckle.

I opened my eyes and grinned at him. "Funny, I felt the same way when I saw Mister Research get all glassy-eyed when I jerked him off." He blinked twice, figured out exactly what I meant--I saw that in his eyes--and grinned. And then he kissed me.

Look, we'd already had the meeting of the hearts. This was the meeting of the minds. And we both knew it.

And only I would figure out something like that in bed!

However, that wasn't the only thing I was figuring out. I was figuring out the answer to something I'd said to Shannon way back, on that first day we'd met. The thing about just being allowed to think, not being allowed to feel.

Craig allowed--no, fuck that, Craig encouraged me to do both. When I got around to telling him--which I would--what had been going through my mind over the past ten minutes, from the analysis to the fireworks, he'd crack up and make a comment about how that was 'just like me'. I knew it.

And that might've been the greatest gift of all.

We were still cuddling. I was still sort of in my post-orgasmic deadassedness, but was beginning to join the Land of the Coherent slowly but surely. And I wasn't quite sure I wanted to. Not yet. There was still one more thing. And, God, I was ready!

I reached down and found what I'd hoped. "You're recovered," I said.

"Basic male biology, Sweetie. You think I'm gonna not recover while doing what I was just doing?" he laughed.

"You're such an ass," I said, with absolutely no heat whatsoever.

"You love me anyway."

"You're right." I tugged on not-so-Little-Craig. "Let's see if this thing will fit."

"I guarantee it," he said. Then he climbed up on top of me, and proved it. Without a doubt. Yeah, it took some effort--I was a virgin, after all, even without a hymen--but he got it in like it belonged in there, and without an ounce of pain.

"Oh, Lyubovnik, this is heavenly," I told him when he hit bottom.

"No pain?" he said.

"None whatsoever," I assured him. "You can start moving anytime."

"Give me a minute," he said, not without strain.

Whoops. I had to grin at that. "Recite the periodic table in your head," I told him. He snorted out a bark of strained laughter. "Seriously, Lyubovnik. Go for it. I already had one. And if you go off too soon--well, we do have all night, right?"

He didn't say anything. He just started moving--slowly at first, which was best for both of us. I groaned, and brought my legs up around his hips. He leaned down and captured my mouth with his. Hot damn!

After five or so long, slow, unbelievable strokes, he stopped again. "You OK?" I asked him.

"Yes," he said. "I've decided on the alphabet backwards."

I cracked up, which produced rather interesting sensations--laughing with a dick all the way up inside me! "I'll teach you the Russian one, it's got seven more letters," I teased.

"I need more than seven," he said ruefully.

"Craig. Really. It's OK. If you knew how good this felt you wouldn't worry."

"Not just for you," he said. "I don't want this to end."

"It won't be an end, just a break. Now kiss me!"

He smiled, kissed me, and started moving again. I had my hands on his shoulders. I guess the backwards-alphabet thing worked, because I felt the strain in his shoulders go way down.

This time, he kept going. And I was hearing fireworks again. A bit in the distance, but they were getting closer.

"Go faster, Lyubovnik," I told him. "Just a little." He recaptured my lips with his and picked up the pace. Just a little. But it was enough.

Rumble... rumble... BOOM!

"God!" I murmured into his mouth. "Oh, God, Craig! God!" We were still kissing but kept missing each other's mouth. Who cared? This was... WOW!

"Craig?" I gasped after a couple minutes. "Oh, baby, faster, 'k?"

"If... I'm gonna..."

"It's OK, baby, take me with you," I said.

He went faster. And he took me right with him.


I shook. I screamed. I stuck my tongue down his throat. A dead man wouldn't last through that--and Craig didn't--but it didn't matter. He took me with him, in a big way. I just came apart at the seams.

All over the pillow. Little bits of Ginny-brain leaking out my ear, all over the pillow. Had no doubt of it.

And it was glorious.

He rolled off of me--worrying about crushing me, like I gave a shit--but took me with him, so we ended up side-by-side, cuddled, our lips still all over the other's face.

We'd covered hearts and minds, right? This was souls. Well, yeah, bodies too--but not just that. I felt like I'd found the other half of myself.

We came down from it sloshing all over each other like two kinky amoebas. Even after Little Craig slipped out, I still wasn't sure where I ended and he began. Wow.

After the odd aimless kisses and punch-drunk murmuring, I told him. "It means lover," I whispered.


"Lyubovnik. It means lover."

He just hugged me tighter. It was the last thing I remember before I fell asleep.


It's kind of strange waking up at three in the morning in any case. Waking up disoriented and with a full bladder only makes it stranger.

Disoriented? Well, yeah. I'm not used to waking up snuggled into a guy's chest with his hands on my ass! Not that I was complaining, mind you.

The full bladder, that I was complaining about. Because it necessitated that I unwrap myself from said guy and go take care of it. At least I had a bathroom right there, attatched to my room. I went and did my thing. I also wet a washcloth and used it on my thighs--I was a bit, er, sticky. When I came back out, that guy in my bed was on his side, as awake as I was, grinning at me.

"My turn," he said.

"You know, there's another bathroom down the hall," I said.

"And miss seeing you saunter back in here naked as a jaybird? Perish the thought." He waited until I got back in the bed, kissed me, then went to do his thing.

When he got back, I was wide awake. He leaned over and started kissing me. One hand went right to the boob, the other one started on my ass. Before long, it was between my legs.

"You trying to get me going again?" I asked.

"Yup. Is it working?"


"Are you sore?"

"Not at all," I assured him.

"Good. You see, it did fit."

"Yes it did," I agreed. "Evidently, fucking violates all the laws of physics."

"You're forgetting the elasticity factor."

"Really. You got a formula for that?"

"You're asking ME?" he roared, cracking up. "Who's the brain around here?"

"Both of us," I said pointedly.

"OK, be that as it may, who's the physics brain around here?"

"OK, touche," I laughed.

"That and the Russian brain. That reminds me. How do you say 'gorgeous ass' in Russian?"

"I have no idea," I laughed. "Google it."

"I can't read that alphabet!"

"You Google, I'll transliterate." God, his hand on my pussy was making me very, very wet--again. "It's just more research. Which reminds me--anything you discover in your research we haven't tried yet?"

"Lots," he said. "Blowjobs, for example."

"Was that a request?" I twinkled.

"Actually, no," he said seriously. "I'm sixteen, but I'm not unlimited. If we're going for number three in one night, I can't guarantee a fourth, even with the few hours sleep in between, and I have better places to put number three."

"I agree."

"Plus I want to try to save one for the morning." I just looked at him. "We need to christen your shower."

"Oh, Lyubovnik, now there's an idea! I must admit, I was surprised blowjobs was your first response."


"Knowing you, I figured it'd be anal."

"Not that I didn't think of it, mind you, but that's the advanced course, Sweetie."

"True. Glad I bought the big tube of KY."

"You're something else."

"So are you," I said. "Of course, you knew that. I'm running like a river already."

"Yeah, I noticed we didn't need the KY for that. Should I do something about you running like a river?"

"I think so," I teased. "We should probably do something about this, too," I said, tugging on his very hard dick. "You know what? I did my research as well."

"Ah, yes. You mentioned that. Did you find anything interesting?"

"Well, there's this girl-on-top thing," I said impishly. "That sounded like fun."

He grinned, and spun away from me, off of his side to end up lying flat on his back with his dick sticking up in the air like a flagpole. "Don't let me stop you!"

Well, what do you think I did? Straddled him, of course!

And I was right. It was fun. I do think I got him a little deeper like that. The fireworks were even more intense. Problem was, he'd discovered some stamina since he was going for number three, and I left him hanging. The minute the fireworks went kablooey my poor overworked brain forgot how to work my legs. Luckily, he quickly sized up the situation--not difficult since I was flopping all over him like an uncoordinated walrus--and flipped me over. That finished him off. And got me another one--a wee bit smaller, but very very nice. Smaller was probably good at that point, since by then I think I'd forgotten my name!

We nodded off to sleep again quickly after that, still wrapped up in one another. And, yes, when we woke up at about nine we went for the knee-trembler in the shower. We were just close enough in height to make that one work. Then we got to wash all the residue off one another, which was almost as fun!

The funnest part, though? When he washed my hair for me. Sigh. How romantic!

I made him breakfast, of course. Then we hung out, mostly cuddling and kissing, until Craig had to leave about two in the afternoon. I did homework, still tingling to myself. When the parents got home, Mom tried the ol' third degree.

"So, did you have a good weekend?"

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Threesome with Asians on New Year

Last New Year’s Day I went out with a Japanese woman name Mayuko. It started out just the two of us going to a pub called ‘Three Wise Monkeys’, but she asked if it would be ok for her friend, Yoko, to join us.I told her, “Sure, no problem. It’ll be fun, we have a lot in common.”I’m thirty-four-years-old, Mayuko is thirty-six and Yoko, forty-one. Mayuko and I had been having sex as we had been dating for almost five months.That night I was dancing with both girls and Mayuko asked me, “Is it okay...

1 year ago
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College Love The Club X Prelude

“Avril was a filthy fucker,” he laughed, sucking determinedly on the joint we had been sharing.“Yeah?”“Hell yeah,” he replied, the heavy smoke billowing through his nostrils as he handed me the reefer. “She couldn’t get enough.”“Really?” I asked, taking the sweet smoke deep into my lungs and holding it.“Oh, yeah,” he crowed. “Used to love giving head, too. Just loved to suck cock.”“No way,” I spluttered, coughing smoke into the room. “I’m telling you,” he said, reaching out and taking the joint...

2 years ago
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Crazy Shopping

Crazy Shopping By Kathi B. Johnson It was a long day at work. Mark stopped at the SuperStore to pick up a few things. He knew he needed some black socks and underwear. He was wearing his black business suit and entered the store. He began pushing his orange shopping cart around the store. Passing up the men's hosiery department, he soon found himself in the cosmetics section of the store. Slowly walking down the cosmetics isle, he was unaware of the clicking sound his...

1 year ago
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Onlyfans LiaChapter 2 An Orchard Is Proposed

It was a couple of weeks later that Lia came knocking on my door to invite me round for a cup of tea. That wasn’t so unusual as we’d gotten into the loose habit of sharing a meal in a local pub of a weekend and the odd evening in each other’s garden, drinking cider, and just chatting about nothing. Lia’s really easy company at the best of times, but when she’s wearing short dresses or a bikini? Yeah, doesn’t hurt a bit. Funny thing is though that since I was now so familiar with how she...

1 year ago
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WebYoung Emma Hix Eliza Ibarra Gabbie Carter Strip Pillow Fight

Eliza Ibarra, Emma Hix, and Gabbie Carter are feeling a little bummed. They had planned to have their annual water fight but the weather put a damper on their plans. Once they’re inside, they try to figure out something else to do to honor their friendly competition… and that’s when a pillow fight breaks out! As the girls giggle and duke it out with each other, Emma suddenly becomes inspired. To make things interesting, why don’t they turn it into a strip game?? Each...

1 year ago
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Women Bending Over

I like my women on all fours, and if you think the same, how about checking out r/WomenBendingOver/? This subreddit is exactly what you would expect it to be, filled with chicks posting their pictures as they are bending over. There will be loads of nudity and suggestive content, and if you are in the mood, you are bound to love seeing it all.Now, keep in mind that Reddit is not a porn website. This site is dedicated to all the Redditors who would love to post NSFW or SFW content… which brings...

Reddit NSFW List
4 years ago
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Rebuilding Faith Ch 06

As Faith lay basking in the orgasmic afterglow, she thought, ‘This is one of those rare moments when reality exceeds your fantasy.’ Turning onto her side and propping her head on her hand, She met the eyes of her grinning lover. ‘Was it only yesterday I was thinking how nice it would be just to spend time flirting with him?’ An old Rolling Stone’s tune popped into her head and she sang softly, ‘You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometime, you just might find, you get what you...

3 years ago
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First Night Together

“Come with me, Jack,” Nina whispered in my ear at the end of the house party, after having disappeared upstairs for a quarter of an hour.Everyone else had collapsed in a drunken heap, fallen asleep, gone off in couples or done a combination of the three. Neither of us had drunk anything that evening, having been too busy chatting to each other, so I had no hesitation in abandoning my drunk friends for my new acquaintance. Despite her stunning beauty combined with my minor obsession with Indian...

4 years ago
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Family Escapades 8211 Part 4 Slave To The Servants

Hi, I am Jai and this story which I am going to narrate is a real-life incident, which happened in my friends’ life. I have narrated it as he explained it to me. Just sit back, relax and enjoy while shagging your dick. I even gotta see some encounters after my friend explained this experience. It’s a long story and I will try to make it as interesting as possible. I am a good looking, 5’8 tall and have a 6-inch strong dick; I work out regularly which helps me go really long sessions on the bed....

1 year ago
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A Christmas cuckold present is given to a friend

I work the evening shift, so I do not see much that goes on in our neighborhood. Last Wednesday, when I got home from work, Sally, my wife, said, “We have to go see how the neighbors have decorated for Christmas.” I changed my clothes and we started walking the neighborhood. Some had lights on timers, and they had shut down for the night, but on the next block, our friends Jenny and Tom still had their lights on, and they were standing on their front porch. Sally and I looked at the...

4 years ago
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How I Enjoyed Her Submission

Dear indian sex stories dot net Readers, This is my first story, I would love to hear from you all if you liked it & want me to share more incidents like this one. A brief about me, I am 29 years old, a young IT guy staying in Bangalore. I am 6ft tall, fair complexion and love to break the ice with beautiful young people. I have been in many relationships in my past where I have gained a lot of moments to share. One such incident I am going to share with you all today. This happened when I...

2 years ago
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AscentChapter 4 Of Playing Two Fingers Lucky Late Risers

When I awoke Sheel was already up fixing breakfast, but a wide-awake Roya was still lying next to me. "We didn't want you to wake up all alone so I stayed next to you Dac." Roya offered as an explanation. "We played two fingers to see which of us would have to get up," Sheel said turning from the fire and giving us a mock frown, "I lost." "Oh that's to bad Sheel," I commented pouting my lips as I used my hands to touch, feel and generally maul all the softer parts of Roya's...

3 years ago
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Looking in on My Sister and Her FriendsChapter 3

The next thing I knew, my sister, Tina, was standing next to the bed, shaking me, "Time to get up, slave, and make us breakfast. Get up." As the three of us get up from the bed, Paula said, "Looks like he's already 'up, ' see," as she reached for my dick, already hard, more than my usual morning hard-on. We all went downstairs, all of us naked, me, in awe at all the beautiful boobs and pussies surrounding me as I start making scrambled eggs and toast. Robin had tied an apron around...

1 year ago
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Slutty Wife 83 Vacation Day 4

MONDAY - DAY FOUR"SHIT!! SHIT!! OH FUCK THAT'S SO BIG!! FUCK ME DEEPER!!"And with that little outburst, I was wide awake. My wife was obviously getting pounded in some way or fashion I could only guess at. Then I heard Eric's voice..."HEY!! GET IN HERE AND SEE WHAT I'M DOING TO YOUR WIFE'S TIGHT LITTLE CUNT!!"There's no way that could have been directed at Sarah. I guess my 'probation' period was over, so I rolled out of my bed and walked over to their room. I wasn't ready, despite what...

2 years ago
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Ami Ki Chudai With New Neighbor

It was the peak of summers my mom and I used to live together I was in high school.my dad was abroad I never had any weird feelings for my mom, dad used to visit once in a year for about a week as I grew up I observed that something was not right with my mom she started remaining a bit desperate and depress at first I was not able to grasp the situation then I decided to council the physiatrist, After counseling session he told me that as my mom is now above 40 so she has some basic desires and...

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Job Interview To Life Partners

Hi, I am Rohit, 23-year-old computer engineering graduate from Karnataka. This is my fantasy story. After finishing my graduation I was desperately searching for a job. I have uploaded my resume in all the job portals but with little or no success I had to leave my hometown and left for Bangalore in search of a job. I did not have money for the longer duration of stay in Bangalore and pressure to find a job was brewing on me. I booked a paying guest in j p Nagar for 3000 rupees per month which...

Gay Male
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Lorne Ascott pulled his coat tight around his body before stepping from the lobby of his downtown Chicago office building into the cold December winds that whipped unmercifully off of Lake Michigan! As usual the limo was idling silently at the curb, and when Charles, his chauffeur of fifteen years spied him coming through the revolving door, he quickly hopped out of his driver's seat and opened the rear door to allow his boss easy entrance into the luxurious car while he said evenly, "Thank...

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A Life Halflived

“I found this upstairs.”Box-shaped and covered in grey dust, he placed it on the kitchen table.Eloise frowned, “Mmm, what is it?”He shrugged, “I dunno, I’ve not opened it.  I found it under some floorboards.”It felt heavy in her hands and her heart leapt with anticipation, “Interesting.  Thanks Joe.”He nodded to where he came from, “Erm, I’ll get back to it.  It’s going well so far, better than I expected.”“Do you want a brew?”As he smiled, it revealed his dimples, “In an hour or two, the...

Straight Sex
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Sex Studio Secrets 5 Regina2

Regina sexily undresses from her 'petit noire' à la Coco Chanel in front of my mirror in my sex-studioRegina spreads her legs wide to show her pretty pussy, opens her hot tulip-type cute cunning love lipsErotic play continues as my dear Gina starts to caress her firm little titties and nibs at her nipplesErotic play turns to turn me on watching her through my one-way mirror, her hand slides down her bellyGina starts to play with her pussy, which soon lets her hot tulip lips grow and glow, wet...

3 years ago
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Home Visit Part 1

A Home VisitThe first night...I was surprised when my mobile pinged telling me I had a text message, no one sent me messages I didn’t like them, if you had something to tell me just call, it wasn’t hard was it?I was even more surprised when I looked and saw it was from Jessica my step-daughter, she never ever called me let alone sent me text messages, I only knew what she was up to from my wife, she was the one she kept in contact with, after all she was her Daughter and she was the one...

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Living With My AuntEpisode 33

We nodded and waved as we turned the corner of the garage. I opened the gate to the patio and ... stopped ... dead. Aunt Jane was lying on a pool mattress with naked black man and was kissing him passionately. "Ah hem," I pretended to cough to get the attention of the lovers. "Ah hem!" It was only on my second try that I got Aunt Jane and the man's attention. I was stunned to say the least, but not at the nudity. I was surprised (and pleased) to see that Aunt Jane had found a man with...

2 years ago
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A Simpleton Becomes Business Women 26 Visit to crowded place

Woman around 27 years old. Married childless after 6 years of marriage. She and her husband were trying their best for a child with their full force But still she has not been able to become a mother . Then she tried with her old boy friend and then with Mr Vijay Kumar to have a child but all her efforts were fruitless as ever. Then she went to Her sister who was blessed with a baby girl to assist her in raising her baby. In her quest to have her own child she visits a ashram to take a...

4 years ago
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A Pictures WorthChapter 3

The next morning Sally again, slowly woke up. She let out a little groan. Why do mornings need to be so early? she asked herself, not for the first time. Through her bedroom door, she could faintly hear, her father's voice coming from the kitchen. Her clock said it was already 10:00 am, she decided to get up and see if there was any more news about Jessie. Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, Sally shuffled into the bathroom. She picked up her electric toothbrush and brushed her teeth. Sally...

2 years ago
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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Thirty Five

Chapter Thirty Five What it Might be Like 1 Burt came slowly awake to the most profound and intense pleasure imaginable. He didn't open his eyes for a minute, just enjoying the total sense of relaxation and physical bliss. The covers were off him but the sun coming in through the hayloft entrance kept him warm. Mavis was on her hands and knees down by his legs, working his cock in her mouth with joyful intensity, stroking at his legs and stomach and coaxing his balls toward...

2 years ago
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Maple Heights Chapter 2

PhilippaI’ve worked at Maple Height Investments for over two years and I’ve been fucking the boss for about six months.I don’t really know what it is about Millington but he does exude presence, charisma, whatever you want to call it. I’d enjoyed teasing him for ages because I get a kick out of it and here’s the thing Millington doesn’t know: I have fucked all my bosses. I guess I’m the kind of woman who likes a man with power but I also like to be in control.I fucked my first boss when I was a...

Oral Sex
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The 3am Itch

His night had only just begun at the front desk of the hotel and Matt was getting bored already. The hotel’s bar was next to the lobby separated only by a slight frame so people could walk through easily. He sat and watched the bar die down until there were only a few people left finishing up their drinks. The bartenders worked quickly to clean so they could leave for the night. “Lucky bastards,” Matt thought to himself glancing at the computer clock for the millionth time. He decided to read...

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Missy Day Five Evening

I looked back at the mirror in the bathroom. My face, flushed from the hot shower, stared back at me. My eyes traveled down my back to my small waist and finally to my bottom. It was still rosy from Mommy’s palm. I lifted my hand and ran it over the fleshy curve of my ass cheek. It was warm to the touch. Shrugging off the discomfort I finished drying off and walked into my bedroom. Mommy had laid out one of my comfortable night gowns to wear on the bed. It was a light heathered grey color...

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Did she really have a lot of choice now she wondered?   For the best part of an hour Tania had been interviewing for a bar job that she desperately needed to clear a backlog of debts. She had never waitressed before and had had to plead her case to be interviewed for this ‘experience preferred’ position. She had confidently told the bar owner that she was ‘a natural’ and would ‘breeze through’ any demonstrations of her ability that he required! Her long stockinged legs, had strode up and down...

3 years ago
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Secrets of Liberty Mountain Yesterdays TomorrowChapter 17

Morpheus, the God of dreams, wrapped us in a cocoon of dreams. But when he did, he forgot to include a bathroom. I awoke with a four-alarm “urgent need to go” moment as my bladder trembled in an effort to hold back a flood of biblical proportions. It would be wonderful to wake up gentle and slow like I used to do in my younger days. I used to enjoy the delightful transition from slumber to wakefulness. No such luck. Personal plumbing issues are now at the top of my morning’s To-Do List. I...

1 year ago
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NewSensations Natalie Brooks Natalie Gets More Than Feelings Deep Inside

Slutty little helper Natalie cannot help her feelings for her client Michael when he walks back into the house just as his wife and kids left for the day. As Michael confronts Natalie with her fingers already inside her hot tight young pussy, he swore that they would not do this anymore. With some convincing of her pussy and sweet ass, Michael angrily slips inside her hot pussy as she is bent over onto the wall of the front room, fucking her into bliss, as they move to the bedroom where he can...

2 years ago
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It's rarely that you find yourself alone with Mia Reid. On this occasion, no-one else is expected for at least half an hour. You make her a cup of tea and take advantage of the opportunity to get to know her better. You've lusted after Mia for a while now, but you've never made a move on her. You can't imagine that anything good would happen if you were ever to proposition her. Instead you make small talk and wonder if she suspects the depth of your feelings. Mia eventually gets up from the...

4 years ago
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Aphrodites KissChapter 2

Walking out of the room at last, with plenty of calories already burned by the spontaneous sex act, I took Madeira by the hand and made it plain that she was with me, maid uniform and all. This naturally got some strange looks from several guests en route to the breakfast buffet, but neither Madeira nor I cared right at this point. We were very happy to hold hands and show public affection as we reached our intended goal: the buffet table. Having paid ahead of time, I was more than happy to...

2 years ago
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ProfNigma Stories 8 Blame It On Me 6

As the two pained teens made it back to their cabin, they couldn't help but notice the grey overcast sky above them. Clearly, they had made it back just in time before a storm hit. The two had barely made it, Freddie's leg giving him some major trouble as he pulled Jade, who he knew was in pain from their lovemaking, through the woods.Almost immediately, Jade rushed to the bathroom to check herself and to clean herself up. She felt really dirty between what they had done, and being in the woods...

1 year ago
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Short But Sweet

Dear sex story readers and admirers, Hope you are doing well and enjoying hardcore experiences in your sex lives. Those who do not remember me let me introduce my self yet once again. I am fair skinned, having a very soft plump body. Main attractions of my body are my ass and my breasts. Yes, breasts. I have tiny cute breasts like a 14-year-old girl with exact same females like nipples and brown dark circles around them 100% like a woman. If I were to take a close up picture of my breasts or...

Gay Male
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Sanuras Tale Part 3 A MORFS Universe Story

Note: The MORFS universe is now open for submissions. Please send any stories or questions to Britney at [email protected] for approval until the universe rules are posted. Sanura's Tale - Part 3 (A MORFS Universe Story) By Britney McMaster Chapter 10: Running Late "NURA!" yelled Mom, "Get out of bed you're going to be late!" I rolled over and looked at my alarm clock. *7:36? Crap!* I rushed through my shower, cutting myself badly on the arm in the process. *Damn claws.*...

3 years ago
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Stranger becomes a sex slave 8211 BDSM stories

I am Tejas I am 19 year old . I have a nice athlete body and a black of 7 inches, and I am from Mumbai. If anyone wants to give feedback, please message me at I am going to tell you about how I fucked a married stranger woman and how I made her my BDSM sex slave. So let’s begin. It was a very hard day at the office. I thought of watching some movie in the theatre. I asked my friends, and they denied it as they had other plans. So I went to the theatre, and I saw a romantic movie. I thought...

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Going on Display

       It is the same as I have been telling you the last few times – I am your master and you my slave.  Although you are just one young girl of my large harem (for I have made my career out of raising you slaves as whores for amusement as well as livelihood) you have a special position – you are my favorite, and I keep you for myself exclusively.  You share my bed nightly and I only allow you to couple with other men on very special occasions – for visiting kings and the like – and always I...

2 years ago
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First Swingers Club Visit Fantasy

I have a long standing fantasy. To attend a swingers party and to watch my wife get her pussy filled by another man. The following is how I imagine it happening:I was scanning though porn on the internet as my wife played some game on her iPad. I was lost in my views of two men having their way with what was said to be the woman’s husband. The familiar theme was there. A surprise visit (usually set up by the husband) by a friend who the husband thought his wife found desirable. As plot...

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Sissyjackie Continues His Journey Part 3

I move further down the hole to sissydom with chapter 4 added here. To catch up you should read the first two (2) stories of Sissyjackie 4. Masturbation/Anal Play/Humiliation Even since my first accidental orgasm, I tried many times to recreate that wonderful feeling. I finally did when I was laying on my bed one day looking at one of those wonderful catalogues I talked about earlier. I had pushed my penis down between my legs to be able to lie smoothly as I looked at the lovely...

2 years ago
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Not Of This World

My sexual fantasy that this sex story is based on starts out with me getting abducted by an alien spaceship and getting fucked by alien tentacles and facehuggers. Everytime I have this sexual fantasy, I use the Ovipositor alien sex toy that can lay large eggs inside of you. This sex story starts off with me getting abducted by an alien spaceship and get fucked by alien tentacles and facehuggers with huge cocks. Please enjoy. When I have some of my sexual fantasies, I imagine that I am the...

3 years ago
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Suddenly Rich KidChapter 7 Senior

Five weeks later, it was time for Danny to saddle up and drive up to Triple-P for his last hurrah. With Ashley’s okay, Lynn had given him a torrid good-bye night and he felt wrung out. This time, he could check back in quickly and move to the senior wing. He roomed with Jimmy Crenshaw, a quiet studious kid who had been sent to Triple-P to be out of his mother’s way. Danny planned to finish his applications for several colleges, Penn being his true wish. They had an excellent undergraduate...

1 year ago
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Private Nesty Fucked at the Cinema

Today, we are thrilled to be reuniting you with Nesty, a sensational blonde who we were lucky enough to work with in Private Specials, Cum Hungry Eurobabes and now, we finally get to release this amazing scene on www.private.com! A trip to the cinema with this horny babe was only ever going to end one way… sex, and that’s exactly what the lucky Matt Bird got to experience as Nesty took him to the back row for a handjob, a blowjob, a taste of her pussy and an incredible fuck as she flaunted her...

4 years ago
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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 37

It took most of a day, running around town. I was able to meet with Gloria and she happily signed what I needed signed. When I got home, I revised my long-term budget. Now, I was golden for me plus a harem of four. I was good with eight. Even with twelve, I didn't go broke for six years or so if I lived my typical lavish lifestyle. Which reminded me that if I was going to St. Tropez this year, next month would be a good time to go. A Rivera trip for eight. The hotel and airfare were...

1 year ago
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Target of Opportunity

I had spent several months getting my little "room" ready, lots of planning had gone into it and my cock would get hard just thinking of having someone to try it all out on. I tried to blame it all on Cindy, she had awakened the desires in me to be dominant, they had always been there I suppose, but she had caused them to surface. My mind would drift back to all the times we had been together, how she would encourage me to tie her up and use her young body, to create a pain that she enjoyed...

3 years ago
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Round Two

You wrap your hands around me and you wisper in my ear "i need more" i pull my head back and look in your eyes and say ...give me your hands...... I turn you over and extend your hands to the corner of your bed... I grab my handcuffs and lock your right hand to one post and lock your left to the other. My cum.covered cock is leaving trails.of your cum all over your ass...... i wisper .... Your about to get more..... I then start to lick behind your ear i get bold and bite down on the edge of...

1 year ago
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Taking a Gamble

About one thing, we must be absolutely clear. The club was not Becky's idea. She had lost a bet with some of the girls in her dorm, and the price was that the loser had to visit this club and gamble at least $100. To be honest, she couldn't even remember what the bet was about anymore. All she could remember was feeling like she couldn't let those bitches win, so she went.Becky was shocked at the sight as she entered. There were people there in clothes she had only read about on the internet on...

1 year ago
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Officer our uski family

Hello dosto, mai vicky from c.g., kaise hai aap sabhi.. Ummid hai ki aap logo ko meri is story ka first part me mazaa aaya hoga.. Ab aage kya hota hai suniye…jab hum dono.. Matlab mai our suresh ji apna chudayi ka karykram karke baith kar bate karte rahte hai tabhi uske mobile par uski wife shalini ka call aata hai.. Our suresh us se baat karne lagta hai.. Vo kahta hai ki darling vicky to bahut mazedar ladka hai.. Aaj sham iske sath guzar kar to mazzaa hi aa gaya.. Uski ye baat sunkar mujhe...

3 years ago
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Shy Indian Wife Opens Up part 1

My name is Gautam. I am 30 years old, and I work in a big manufacturing firm. Until a few months back, I used to work in a factory in Delhi as a senior manager, but then I got promoted. The company chose me to go set up and head a new manufacturing plant in a remote rural area. So I went there, accompanied by my wife, Bela. Bela is 24 years old, and we got married two years ago. Ours was an arranged marriage. Bela is from my community, and was chosen by my parents. She grew up in a small town...

1 year ago
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New year8217s eve with hot cousin

Hi all ISS fans. My name is Rahul. U can contact me at I have gone through a lot of stories and I am sure most of them are fake but the story I am telling you is True and Best life incident I ever had. This is a fantastic story about me and my cousin from states. I am 24 years old now with good physique. I remember i was in 12th standard that time. I was 17 years old that time and it was new year’s eve. So my Bua (Dad’s Sis) came from states to celebrate new year with us. She was accompanied...

2 years ago
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Craigslist Meet A True Story

The following is a true story and happened to me recently. All of the details are 100% true and not embellished at all.I am a married 37 year old guy in a stagnant, boring relationship. The sex isn't interesting any more. More often that not, I find myself coming to this site and jacking off nearly every day. I have to find other forms of sexual titillation to excite me. My wife has an "Adam's Cock" dildo that I fuck my ass with when she isn't home. I also love shooting a load on that dildo and...

4 years ago
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Ricky lost virginity to doctor

So about the experience….. I started masturbating from early ages i.e., I used to masturbate daily twice or thrice coz I used to watch blue films a lot when I started to know about the pleasure. This incident happened when I was 18, as I used to masturbate daily, after masturbating I used to feel pain in my penis was unable to know why it was paining and I was unable to tell anyone. I was unable to contact any doctor in our area coz they all know my family well, so I used to suffer like...

2 years ago
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Stepsons Revenge

Lisa Ann Davis sighed as she turned into her driveway and saw her stepson’s car parked there. “Darn it.” she said to herself as she pulled her car behind his, “Why isn’t he at work?” The 37 year old brunette shook her head in shock and disappointment that her stepson, Billy, wasn’t at work. 19 year old Billy Davis had graduated high school last year and decided to “hold off” on going to college for a bit and “take the summer off“. The young man had been a problem child ever since his mother...

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CynthiaChapter 8

"Are you having company later?" "You tell me. I don't call her. The girls are right there" "I will make her day. Her little trysts are the highlight of her week. Okay, I love you. I need to call Laura and then get something to eat." "Do you have an alarm clock?" "Yes, daddy, but no one will lick my ear, or any place else." "I hope to see you tomorrow night. My life is better when you're here." Laura called while I was grilling the burger. I said, "I'm having onions. Be...

1 year ago
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Meeting Cassandra

When Daddy got home from work, Patti was already in the shower. Daddy had called her earlier with the news they were going out for dinner. Daddy walked into the bathroom and joined her in the shower, much to her delight. Daddy helped her wash her hair. She loved the feeling of daddy's fingertips massaging the shampoo, then conditioner through her long strands of hair. He would turn her around to face him as she leaned back and let the water rinse out the suds. He leaned down and kissed...

3 years ago
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Patriot Games v20 Chapter 8 Battle between Good and Evil

Chapter 8 - Battle between Good and Evil "...true evil needs no reason to exist, it simply is and feeds upon itself." E.A. Bucchianeri The room was momentarily quiet except for the drumming of a strong tattoo of rain on the roof of the abandoned warehouse. Jess Falk sat unconscious, lost in a wonderful dream. He was wrestling with his 10- year-old son in their front yard. Then the pain started again. Being tied securely to the metal chair, there was nothing Jess could do...

2 years ago
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My wife and I were in our bedroom with our houseguest – I’m gonna call him “Robert.” It was late, well after midnight, and I was tired. I wanted to quit, go to sleep, but Robert was still wide-awake. He was fucking my wife. She was on her back, her ass at the bottom corner of the bed, legs up and bent. Robert was leaning against the backs of her thighs, moving in an uneven, detached sorta rhythm. Moving slowly. Gently. Lazily. Not with any real purpose other than just to be moving. Fucking. I...

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