Rainbow - Copyright 2000 by Samantha Michelle
Standard warning and disclaimer: All characters
are fictional. If you see yourself, buy a new mirror.
Contains subjects some people may find
offensive. If you are one of them, why are you
reading this? Protect your kids. If you are worried
about them reading this sort of material, please
censor free speech and use a safe surfing program
such as net nanny. Or better yet, teach them early
and lovingly to understand and accept different
lifestyles. Before they learn from bad experiences.
All constructive comments are welcome. Please e-
mail to me:
[email protected] or
[email protected]
Finally, this is a piece of adult fiction. If you are
underage, or if you find it offensive, please go
elsewhere. Quickly.
It was the beginning of my sophomore year, and I
was trying to be the big little guy on campus. The
high school campus. And getting nowhere. My
sister and her friends were thoroughly tired of my
attempts to catch them undressed. I could not get to
first base with the easiest girl in the school. And my
face was breaking out like a lava field.
I had an incredible interest in girl's underwear, and
the girls who wore them. But they treated me like a
fungus. The girls, that is. Partly because I was so
little. You know it's bad when a freshman says you
look just like her kid brother. The one in grade
school. The only things I had going for me were I
was really intelligent, could out-swim a fish, and
had thick, really long hair that got me at least a
little attention from the female side of the world. So
I managed to get really decent grades despite
everything. I made the swimming team. And I still
didn't get dates.
One of my acquaintances, since I had few friends,
asked if I had ever worked with a miniature camera
that connected to a computer.
"Dig this!"
He pulled out something about the size of a golf
"All you do is hook it to a serial port and a power
supply, and you get really good pictures. My Dad
uses them all the time to set up store security
systems. This one has a broken mount, so he gave
it to me."
My mind went into overdrive.
"Mind if I borrow it for a few days?" I think I was
"No problem, you can have this one, I've got
several more."
As he walked away I had evil thoughts dashing
through my head. I almost failed a test in
chemistry, which would have been a first. Mar,
actually Marcie, my older sister, Lisa, and Nancy,
her two closest friends, were chatting away in her
room when I got home. When they saw me they
closed and locked Mar's door. I went searching for
a long serial cable.
Friday, Mar went to Lisa's for a sleepover. Mom
and Dad went to a show. I raided Dad's shop for
tools. By the time anyone got home, the camera
was concealed in the trim above her closet, and the
wires ran through the wall to my computer. I had it
set for a really good view of her bed. So I shut
down the computer, and jerked off in a pair of her
undies to thoughts of my own private strip show.
Saturday, I missed her, and the same happened
Sunday. I was so mad I was spitting. Pictures of
Mar sleeping, cuddled up with a stuffed animal
were not what I wanted. So I worked on my
graphics program, and figured out how to get my
computer to store a series of pictures
automatically. And came down with the flu. So I
was off the computer and onto the toilet until the
weekend. When Mar announced that Saturday Lisa
and Nancy were spending the night, I sneezed Jell-
O out my nose. Mom made me go to bed really
early, but I left the computer on, and hoped for the
Sunday, I was well enough to do homework, and
with Mom in and out of my room, I was afraid to
see what I had collected. Sunday night I found what
I was looking for. Three very good looking girls
(Mar is really built) running around in their
underwear. Lisa took off her bra, and I discovered
she was wearing a lot of padding. Nancy had big,
heavy boobs. And unless the camera was lying, she
was shaved down there. I was so horny I shook, but
I managed to remove all the extra pictures, and
store the good ones in a hidden directory. Then I
took care of the back-pressure.
By the end of the week, I could give a good
description of how Mar got dressed, and what she
did with a funny looking round thing that took
batteries, which she kept hidden in drawer. I was
walking like a peg-legged pirate most of the time.
My grades were not doing well, (that meant
anything less than an A) so Mom was all over my
case the next weekend, and all the week after. Soon
I was caught up, and Mar had another sleepover
planned. So I reprogrammed my computer, and on
Friday night I let it run. My eyeballs almost fell out
Saturday night when I checked the pictures. I had
heard of girls doing other girls, but one of them
was my sister, and she looked like she loved every
minute of it.
So my collection of pictures grew, and I fantasized
a lot about joining them. But I still didn't have a
date. It was almost Christmas when I dropped
a box of books on my toe, and Mom took me to the
emergency room for x-rays while Mar was having
a sleepover. I was in so much pain it never dawned
on me that Mar might do anything with my
computer. With the monitor off, nothing was
visible anyway.
I learned much later that Mar's computer was
having trouble reading a disc on which they had
some homework files, so she decided that since I
was out, she would use mine. When she turned on
the monitor, she found herself looking at her own
room on the screen. So they searched my computer,
and found my picture collection. It would have
been better it they had told Mom and Dad. Or
strangled me.
It was several weeks later that my little camera
stopped working. I found something inside had
burned up, so I carefully cleaned up my stuff, and
enjoyed the pictures I had collected. It was about
this time that the doctor prescribed some new
medicine for my face. It seemed to help a little, but
it put me into a super-sound sleep that even an ice
cube on the back would not interrupt. I guess I
should have been suspicious when Mar found out,
and grinned evilly.
One morning the next week I woke with both
cheeks of my butt aching. But I could find nothing
wrong, so I did some exercises, and it seemed to
help. Two weeks later my face started to really
clear up. But I was feeling weird. Sometimes
happy, sometimes crying for no reason. And I was
not as horny all the time. And again I woke up with
my butt sore. By February my face was
completely free of blemishes, and my skin felt
really smooth and soft. And I seemed to have
stopped gaining hair on my face and body. Which
was fine, because it was swimming season, and I
usually shaved it all off in hopes of gaining a slight
My chest itched, and my nipples seemed to be
getting bigger and darker. But I ignored it, figuring
it must be the medicine Mom was giving me. They
had said that temporary breast enlargement was a
possible side effect. Mom noticed, and the doctor
reduced my dose. I got teased at swimming
practice, until the coach informed the others that I
was taking medicine that caused the problem, and
that if they made fun of me they were off the team.
He found me a girls top to hide things at meets, and
I really liked the way it felt, so I wore it whenever I
In late March I realized my hips, legs, and butt
were getting bigger, and stronger. And I was
actually getting smaller around the waist. But I was
still swimming fine, and Mom did not notice,
especially since I was now wearing a psuedo-
baggie look that could hide a small car. I again
woke up one morning with my butt sore. For some
reason it always seemed to happen when Mar was
having a sleepover. It was the end of April when I
went back to the doctor for a follow-up on my acne
medications. He took one look at me
naked, and came unglued. They took a lot of blood,
and stopped my medications. Mom was really
upset, but Mar simply laughed when she heard I
was starting to look like a girl.
It was at the follow-up the next week that the
doctor said I had a hormone imbalance, and that I
needed to be checked monthly. He also told my
Mom that I would probably grow to look a lot more
like a girl before they could get my hormones back
in balance. She cried all over me. Mar suggested I
wear a skirt, so I could bend over and the boys
could look at my panties. She got grounded for a
week. By early June the doctor said my hormone
levels were very slowly improving. But I now had a
big butt and hips, and jiggled painfully when I
walked. The doctor and Mom recommended a bra,
and I finally agreed. But that was all. Whatever
was wrong, I was still a boy, and boys did not wear
girls clothes unless they were weird, or gay.
Mom and dad sent me to see a counselor, saying I
needed help in handling my changes. The counselor
kept trying to tell me that I should consider
dressing in girls' clothes and learn to live with my
being different. I made suggestions she become
something less disgusting and disappear. And I
continued to change. By the early August I had a
figure almost as good as Mar's. My voice had quit
breaking, and was stuck at a high alto. So I was
taken to a hospital where they ran a bunch more
tests. Three days after I got home, Mom and Dad
called a family meeting. I will never forget that
evening. Dad did the announcements. Mom held
me. Mar just sat back and laughed, at least at first.
"Brandon, we received a full report from the
specialists today. There is
both good and bad news."
I stared at Dad. I was already miserable. And the
good news lately had only been less bad.
"The good news is that it appears your hormone
levels should, if things continue the way they are
going, be back to normal by this Christmas.?
I had gathered this from what the doctors at the
hospital had said.
"And you are in excellent health. They were really
happy to tell us that it appears your male organs
are functional, just quite a bit smaller than normal."
Mar giggled, and Mom's scathing look shut her
up. It didn't seem to matter. Girls would never even
consider someone who was a freak like me.
"The bad news is that the changes cannot be
reversed without major plastic surgery and special
hormone therapy. And there is a chance that the
hormones could damage your heart and liver at the
needed doses."
Mar screamed, and ran out of the room sobbing.
Mom chased her down, and brought her back in. I
was still staring at Dad, the shock slowly working
it's way into my brain.
He began again.
"They can't do anything until your hormone levels
have been stable for several months. When I asked
how effective the surgery and hormones would
be, they were not overly optimistic. Their opinion is
that they can probably make you look like a boy
again, but you will always be small and somewhat
feminine. The surgery will also mean many weeks
in the hospital, and the cost won't be covered by
our insurance."
He looked pained.
"They estimated
the whole procedure will cost almost fifteen
thousand dollars."
"Brandon, I've already called your counselor, and
she wants to see you tomorrow morning. Your
mother will take you."
He looked at me with pain in
his eyes.
"Please work with her. It's your life that we are
trying to make better, not ours."
I nodded, and silently made my way to my room.
Sleep was hard coming. I liked girls. I hated almost
being one.
The next morning Mom had a splitting headache,
but took me to my appointment anyway. She said it
was a two-hour appointment, and she would be
back to pick me up. She gave me a hug, winced and
held her head, then left. I got the same briefing
from my counselor. And a push to accept how I
looked, and to quit fighting against my body. It was
not a pleasant session; neither of us was willing to
give an inch.
Mom was not there when the appointment ended,
and I waited for an hour, wondering where she was.
My counselor saw me sitting, and after finding
Mom was supposed to have picked me up, she went
into her office, saying she would call my Dad.
When she came out, her face was white, and her
expression scared me. She woodenly told the
person who was supposed to be next that she
would have to reschedule, and asked me into her
office. When she closed the door, she held me.
"Brandon, I just talked to your father." Her voice
was breaking "Your mother died of a brain
hemorrhage about an hour ago. There was nothing
anyone could do. I'm sorry."
I stared up at her, and felt my world falling apart
around me. She held me until I finally cried myself
out. Then she took me in her car to the hospital,
and stayed with me until Dad was able to take over.
We met Mar at home, and when she heard, her
screams sounded like knives. Mar and I wound up
holding onto each other while Dad notified
relatives. Two days later they held the funeral. Dad
was a wreck. Mar and I looked like we felt. Awful.
We hugged a lot of relatives. And went home to a
horribly empty house.
Dad was despondent for the next couple of weeks. I
kept going to my counselor, and refusing to talk,
getting more depressed every day. Mar
looked haunted every time she saw me. Finally
when Dad was out, she grabbed me and pulled me
into her room. And told me why I had turned into a
girl. About her and her friends finding the pictures
on my computer. And how they had somehow
gotten some slow release female hormones, and
given me shots while I was sleeping.
"We just wanted to teach you a lesson for taking
those awful pictures, but we thought that when the
hormones wore off, everything would go back to
normal. We never meant to make it permanent."
She broke down completely, and I held her until
Dad got home.
For some reason I didn't tell him. She did. I guess I
figured it was as much my fault as Mar's. I went
into my bedroom, and erased all the pictures. We
cried on each other's shoulders again when I told
her the pictures were permanently gone, then she
looked at me, and wailed that she wished she
could change me back that easily.
I had one appointment left with my counselor
before school was due to start. It lasted five
minutes. I told her to shove her ideas. And walked
out as she told me not to come back. Dad was
upset, but I said I wanted everyone else out of my
miserable life. He looked really worried. When I
got home I barricaded myself in my room. And
thought. The next afternoon I grabbed Mar, and
told her what I was going to do.
Mar was putting the finishing touches of clear
polish on my chipped nails, as tears leaked from the
corners of her eyes.
"Brandon, are you sure you want to go through
with this, I mean, like, the doctors said that with
plastic surgery and a year or two of male hormones
you will be able to pass for a boy again."
"Mar, you know what else they said. Weeks in the
hospital, risky surgery, huge medical bills. And the
very real possibility that the hormones would
damage my heart and liver. And for what? A
chance to look like a sissy for the rest of my life?"
I shook my head.
"Like it or not, and I don't, I'm stuck like this. You
and your friends did way too good a job."
"We never intended it to be permanent, it just..."
"The way to hell is paved with good intentions. And
you guys laid down a really good piece of
I watched as she ran crying out of my room. I had
hurt her. But I didn't feel any better. I was still
undecided about facing my future. Mar really
did not understand. And I had been very careful
that no one knew of my other option. What was it
my counselor said as she told me not to come back?
Quit wallowing in self pity and get a life? I looked
in the mirror. A very plain teenage almost-girl
looked back, the pain of living twisting her face.
I looked at my room. Books, my computer, the
sports trophies I had won before they turned me
into a... a freak. A pair of shoe laces holding my
last flying model to the ceiling. I remembered
getting laughed at when I took it to the field last
week, dressed as much like a boy as my body
would allow. "Fags don't fly airplanes", was all I
heard as they ran me off. From the beginning I
steadfastly refused to dress in any way like a girl.
Except wearing a bra because it HURT if I didn't.
Mar came back in, and stared at me. She looked
awful, and I wanted to rub her face in it again. But
it wouldn't come out, and I held myself and slowly
collapsed to the floor, whimpering. She picked me
up and carried me downstairs. Dad was sitting on
the couch, watching, as she carefully set me
in the big recliner. He looked exhausted, and I
knew it was partly because of me.
"Brandon, I spoke with your counselor today, and
she said it was pointless for you to continue. She
recommended that I have you hospitalized, so you
can receive medications and much more intensive
I had sort of expected this. I stared tiredly at him.
"You. And only you, are making your life
I started to say something, but he indicated quiet.
"Neither your sister or I can change the past. If I
could, your mother would be here to help you
through this."
I could see the pain in his eyes. Mom's sudden
death had devastated him.
"And the longer you spend trying to be something
you're not, the worse it's going to get."
"I'm not trying to be anything. I'm a dammed freak,
a boy stuck in a girl's body. I look, move, sound,
and dammit, even smell funny. I've got no friends,
people treat me like I've got AIDS, and..."
"And you are throwing another pity party."
I shut up. He was right, but there was so much
"Because you are afraid to face the fact that
under that cute girlish exterior there is a wimpy
little kid who needs to grow up."
"I am not a dammed sissy wimp!"
"Really? Then why are you refusing to face reality?
Scared of the big bad boogie-man? Afraid someone
will figure out that you are so insecure about who
you are, not what you are, that you might pee
yourself? Terrified of actually being human and
caring because it might make you look weak?"
I stared at him, and tried to scream "NO", but
nothing came out. My head hurt. And suddenly I
felt very sick. I sagged to my knees, managed to
grab a wastebasket, and vomited until I was
dehydrated and raw. When I finally looked up, they
were staring at me.
"Had some trouble stomaching the truth?"
He did not sound sympathetic. I got sick again.
When I looked up a second time, Mar was standing
there with a glass of water and a towel. Dad was
still on the couch. He looked worse than
I felt, and I knew he was close to breaking. I
carefully rinsed the bile out of my mouth, and
cleaned myself up.
Dad stared at me.
"Brandon, I talked with Lisa's dad about you
I gave him a pained glance. Lisa was one of the
conspirators who helped Mar made me into a girl.
Her father was a research psychologist, who I was
certain did not know about her involvement. Mar's
eyes were wide open in fright.
"He told me that your problem has nothing to do
with how you look. It is how you look at yourself.
He asked me if I would have you join him at a
meeting he needs to attend. The only stipulation is
that you must dress as femininely as possible."
"Great, now you want someone to parade me
around and show off your little
pet weirdo." I stared at him. "If this is a way to get
me hospitalized..."
"No, if I was going to do that I would have drugged
your orange juice this morning."
His look said he was not joking.
"Please, he said it might help you to learn a little
more about yourself. And he promised to take you
to Sandy's for dinner."
That got my attention. Sandy's was a seafood place
that I loved, but we could rarely afford to visit.
"Um, can I get lobster?"
He smiled. "Whatever you want. He said he is
paying for it." He looked thoughtful "But don't toss
your dinner all over him."
Mar giggled. I stuck my tongue out. The tension, at
least for the moment, was broken. Mar announced
that we had about four hours, and that she was in
charge of my appearance.
"Are you willing to dress the way I want you to,
and just let it go?"
I nodded "Sure, it's not like it can get any worse..."
An hour later I was beginning to think she had
found a way. I was showered, lotioned, and
powdered, and all the hair below my neck was
down the drain. Like when I swam, but more so.
Soon I was dressed in a very tight panty-girdle, real
stockings, a new, very supportive bra, and was
having my hair done by Lisa, whom Mar had called
for help. I was having a mixed reaction. I hated
everything but the bra, and the stockings, which felt
strangely good on my hairless legs.
Shortly they were working on my face, and I tried
to object when they plucked my eyebrows.
"Remember your promise!"
I decided to sit through it. It was almost three when
they finished lacquering my newly extended nails. I
felt like an idiot, and wondered how anyone could
do more than stab themselves with talons like the
ones I was now wearing. Even though they were
only a quarter-inch past the end of my fingers.
When Lisa pulled the outfit I was to wear from a
suitcase, I tried to back away. Fifteen minutes later
I was wearing an ankle-length denim skirt and a
very fitted, revealing western style blouse. My hair
had been combed out, and I discovered that Lisa
had given my normal mouse-brown hair red
highlights. It fell in soft curls down my back. They
refused to let me look in a mirror, and I was afraid
I was being turned into a clown. The boots
they brought were a good fit, and had over three-
inch heels.
Finally they finished working on my face, and
added jewelry and heavy earrings. They were
smiling, and I demanded they show me what I
looked like. When they uncovered the mirror, I
looked right past myself trying to find my
Then I stared at her. She looked about eighteen,
and although not beautiful, was strangely
attractive. Her hair was awesome, and she made me
horny just staring at her. I wobbled on the high
heels, and they had to hold me up and get me to a
"I just got aroused by looking at myself..." I paused
"I look just like a... a girl going out on a date..."
"Damn straight, Sis, you look great."
"But, I'm not supposed to..."
I heard the doorbell ring.
"You are supposed to relax and learn about
yourself. And don't drop food down your cleavage."
Dad gaped at me when he saw how I appeared.
I was still in shock when Dr. Simpson, Lisa's dad,
escorted me out to his car. He opened the passenger
door for me just like I was a girl, and helped
me with my seat belt. I felt like a complete idiot.
Worse, I looked like a real girl.
Dr. Simpson interrupted my internal conversation
by introducing himself as Charles, and began
asking me about my life. He was easy to talk to,
and I guess I needed to talk, because I was pouring
out the story of how I wound up like this when I
mentioned Lisa, and he sputtered.
He pulled into a parking lot and stared at me.
"Lisa, as in my daughter Lisa?"
I nodded. He looked really mad for a moment, and I
wondered if I was going to find myself walking.
"Can I make an educated guess that a girl named
Nancy was also involved?"
I nodded again.
"I wish I had known, maybe there was something I
could have done."
I shook my head.
"By the time my doctor figured out what was
happening, it was too late. They
said they couldn't mess with my hormone levels
until they stabilized, and apparently the shots the
girls gave me are some new, long-duration kind, so
they still can't be sure I've finished changing."
He nodded, and pulled back on the roadway. We
continued to chat until he stopped at a rather fancy
subdivision, saying he had another person to pick
up. I started to panic, and he made it really clear
that I looked fine, and no one that didn't need to
know would have any questions. When he pulled
up at a big green house, I screamed.
"No, I know the kids who live here...!"
As the front door was opening, he stared in shock
at me.
"Tony was on the swim team with me. Oh god, I'll
be killed..."
I started to shake, and was ready to run when the
back passenger door opened, and someone got in.
"Hi doc, see you have a new girl for the meeting."
I jumped up and looked at the person in the back
seat. She was tall and absolutely gorgeous. And
looked familiar. She stared at me.
"Don't I know you...?"
I slid down against the seat belt, and started to cry
and shake. Suddenly the person in girl in the back
started to cough. Dr. Simpson broke in.
"Time for introductions. Brandy, meet Tammy. I
think you two have met before. Probably as
Brandon and Tony."
I sat up and spun around. And stared.
The gorgeous girl in the back seat was my old
swimming buddy, Tony. And he, or was it she?
seemed to be happy looking like a girl. Now I was
really confused.
"Tammy, Brandon has a medical problem that has
turned him into Brandy. But she really does not
understand that the person inside is the same. If
you don't mind telling her your story it may help
her cope."
Tammy agreed, and Dr. Simpson recommended we
sit together in the back. As I switched seats I
saw she was wearing a microskirt and really high
heels. And her legs were killer. Now I was getting
aroused by my friend.
Her voice was soft and low. And very feminine.
"Brandy, the best way to begin is to say that I have
always felt I should have been born a girl."
I stared at her.
"I guess it is how I look at life. I am happier doing
girl things, I get along a lot better with girls. And I
feel so much better when I am dressed like one. So
I started to borrowing and wearing my Mom's stuff
when I was five or six, and got caught when I was
She paused.
"To make the story short, my Dad blew a fuse, and
I got sent to a shrink, who tested me and then sent
me to Dr. Simpson. Dad didn't like the diagnosis,
and sent me to three other psychiatrists. But he
finally came around a bit when Mom threatened
him with divorce when his three consultants
all gave the same diagnosis."
She smiled at me.
"I suffer from something called gender dysphoria,
which means I have a woman's personality in a
man's body. It doesn't mean I'm gay. I really do like
girls, and yes, they excite me. But I'm not happy or
comfortable looking or acting like a guy."
She gave me a sad look.
"If what Dr. Simpson says is true, that you have a
medical problem that is causing your body to
become female, I wish to god I could transfer it to
me. For both our sakes. As it is, I'm taking
hormones to try and make me more feminine, and
using a lot of padding. I hope to come out as a girl
at school this fall."
He looked at the expression of shock in
my eyes.
"And you really don't want to be a girl at all, do
I shook my head. He pulled me to him and held me,
just like Mar always did. I wanted to scream that
boys did not hug each other. But it just wouldn't
come out. So I simply burst into tears. Tammy
popped open her shoulder bag, and handed me a
bunch of tissues. It was not long before we arrived
at out destination.
When we went inside, I almost ran back out
screaming. Tammy anchored me in place, and she
and Dr. Simpson almost carried me to a couch,
where they pinned me between them.
There were over thirty people in the house. Some
were beautiful. Some looked like linebackers in
skirts. But from the conversations, they were
almost all males. One of the beautiful ones, who
was obviously not wearing any padding above the
waist, jiggled over and gave Dr. Simpson a hug. He
introduced her as Betsy, and said she was the host
for this get-together. She obviously knew Tammy,
but gave me the once-over before asking to be
"Betsy, meet Brandy; Brandy, Betsy."
She shook my hand gently. He continued.
"Brandy has had, for her, the bad luck to have no
choice in becoming a girl, and is really
uncomfortable about the change. Maybe you can
introduce her to Fran, Josie, and any others that
unwillingly transitioned."
She smiled at me.
"Well, you damn sure are cute and pretty enough."
She looked at my chest.
"They're real, right?"
I nodded, totally embarrassed.
"Hey, most of us here would give our last year's
earnings to have a natural figure like yours."
She dragged me to where what appeared to be four
young women were having a heated discussion on
something. So I was introduced, with a description
of my problem, despite my trying to disappear into
the scenery, as Brandy to the group.
One woman, actually a pretty, dark haired Hispanic
girl about my age, introduced herself as Fran, and
gave me a hug.
"Hey, I was in a similar pickle as you last year."
She grabbed a much taller, masculine looking girl,
and introduced her as Josie, saying she too was a
prisoner in panties. Josie sounded as feminine as a
bass drum. But she was smiling. The two others
departed, leaving us alone.
"So what strange quirk in life got you trapped in a
Fran was direct and to the point. I motioned to an
empty couch. And spilled the entire tale of my
being feminized by my sister and her friends. When
I was finished, they had tears in their eyes.
"Damn, that's a lousy way to get stuck in a
dress. But you say your plumbing still works?"
"They say it's fine, and I keep trying to get aroused
while wearing this damned girdle, and it hurts!"
That got a laugh from Josie, and a frown from
Josie spoke up.
"I was a boy, including my plumbing, until last
summer. I was a real tough guy, or so I thought,
always in trouble with the law. One night I tried to
break into a storage yard."
He looked pained.
"They said I slipped, and landed crotch-first on the
razor wire."
I almost doubled over in sympathy pains.
"Anyway, at the hospital they told my mom there
was nothing left worth saving, and they
recommended I consider undergoing a sex
change. She was so pissed at me for doing
something stupid and illegal, she told them to go
He looked wistful.
"So now I have an innie instead of an outie, and am
taking hormones and trying to learn to sound and
act more like a girl. The only good thing about it
was that the Judge tossed out the charges, saying I
had suffered enough. So I have a new name, and a
totally clean record. And have to sit to pee."
I gave her a hug, then realized what I was doing.
The dammed hormones were affecting my brain.
I looked at Fran. She was crying quietly.
"My mom always wanted a daughter, and when my
Dad ran off with his mistress a little over three
years ago, Mom decided I was to be her revenge.
So she fed me lots of hormones, much stronger than
those your sister used,. and gave me shots, saying
they were to help me get over my Dad's leaving. By
the time someone rescued me, the hormones had
made it impossible for me to father children, and I
looked just like a girl except for a tiny penis.
So I can still get a hard on, but it's too small to do
much with. And I still like girls, which makes it
She shrugged.
"So I'm now taking small doses of hormones to
finish the job, and keep me from growing a beard.
And being a girl is not all bad. I've got a lot of
friends, and have discovered how much nicer girl's
clothes feel. I haven't decided if I'm going to get
surgery done when I'm old enough to make me into
a complete girl. So now you know you're not alone.
And no, dammit, I would not wish this on anyone."
We sat and sniffled at each other until Dr. Simpson
came by and collected me. As we walked away, he
asked if they had told me their stories.
"Neither wants to be a girl, so why do they try?'
"Because being neutral is really boring." I had to
think about that.
"And they can't ever be boys again, their plumbing
doesn't work. But mine does, sort of..."
He smiled.
"Your next discussion will be with Wendy, who is
a lot like you. The only difference is that she
changed because of a medical problem. She's also a
bit older, and is married to a wonderful genetic
woman who is the mother of their two kids."
I stared at him.
"A girl would marry a boy who looks like a girl?"
He snickered.
"You have a lot to learn about love. It comes from
Soon I was being introduced to Wendy and a cute
redhead, who was apparently her wife. Wendy
was pretty, but sort of plain. Kind of like a much
bigger me, I realized in fear.
She spoke up,
"Dr. Simpson says you are another unwilling
convert to the pantyhose and heels set."
I nodded.
"Well, don't let the woes of Fran and Josie get you
too depressed. I was a perfectly normal teenage
His redheaded companion made a rude comment
about normal,
"until I hit puberty. Then I suddenly started to grow
boobs, and get fat in the butt. When the doctor's
finally figured out why, they told me it was a
genetic problem that I would have to live with until
I quit changing. After the changes were finished,
they said surgery was possible, but until then I
should learn to dress and act like girl.
So I was teased and roughed up and generally
wanted to die, but then I met this goofy girl,"
(she hit him),
"who was more interested in the person than the
clothes. And was a closet lesbian."
(she blushed and smiled wickedly),
"and who taught me to like my breasts."
This caused me to blush, as I had used their
sensitivity to masturbate way too often lately.
"Anyway, when it came time I could have the
surgery, she convinced me that I should stay like
this, and spend the money on college, and a
marriage license."
(they hugged).
"That was six years ago. I have a master's in
accounting, and Sherry here"
(he hugged the redhead)
"teaches kindergarten and
has been kind enough to get pregnant twice."
(she kissed him).
"So, although I
think I would still rather be a guy, well, I'm happy
and don't want to change back. Besides, I've
developed this silk fetish that is really hard to
indulge when dressed in a business suit."
This was a whole different perspective. I asked his
wife a lot of questions, and basically got the feeling
that she didn't care if he was green and spotted. She
said she married the person, not the clothes. Now I
was really confused.
By the end of the evening I had met guys who
wanted to be women, some that had gone all the
way, and some who were giving it a test drive.
Tammy was glowing, and asked me to dance. I felt
like a fool. But she was enthusiastic, and talented,
and I found myself enjoying the closeness. I
wondered if I was becoming gay. But I doubted
anyone would mistake Tammy for anything but a
really pretty girl. And inside, I grew a little
knowing that I could do the same if I chose.
Tammy held me the whole way back. We dropped
her off, and she asked me to keep her secret until
fall. I pointed to myself, and said,
"like I'm going to say something?"
She giggled.
When I was dropped off at home, Mar and Dad
were waiting for me. Over a bowl of ice cream they
gave me the third degree until I told them all about
the people I met, except Tammy. Mar cried when I
told her about Wendy and her wife. Dad cringed
and turned green when I described what had
happened to Josie.
Mar helped me get undressed, and stuffed me in a
flannel nightgown before tucking me in. As she was
leaving I started to cry. She came back, and I
managed pull my self together for a moment.
"Mar, I'm so scared, I don't want to be alone."
She gave me a hug and half-carried me to her
room. And snuggled me like a teddy bear till I fell
asleep in her arms.
I woke the next morning to the smell of breakfast.
Mar was nowhere to be seen, so I figured she was
doing the cooking. When I entered the kitchen, I
found Lisa, Nancy, and Mar all waiting for me.
Before I could say anything, Mar stuffed a piece of
toast in my mouth, and handed me a plate of bacon
and eggs. So I sat, munched, and watched them.
They got their own, and joined me. Lisa was the
first one to speak.
"Brandon, none of us wanted to permanently hurt
you, you do understand that
She and Nancy looked really sad. I was tired of
fighting. I nodded.
"Mar called us last night and told us what was
going on. And this morning Mom and Dad read me
the riot act. I guess Dad called Nancy's mom,
because she barely escaped alive."
Nancy nodded, making strangling motions.
"We can't change what had happened. We both
know that."
She looked at Mar and Nancy, who were nodding.
"But we can help you..."
She looked at her feet
"learn how to be a girl, at least on the outside."
She looked at me.
"Please? It is the only way we can help..."
"So I'm to be your Barbie doll?"
It oozed out. Mar started to cry, and Nancy
looked like she wanted to run. Lisa just winced.
"No, you will not be played with. You are not a
She grabbed Nancy and Mar and looked at me.
"Dammit, this is the only thing we can do. Please,
let us try to show you that being a girl is not all
I just shook my head.
"Why bother. The first guy who sees me will pound
me to a pulp as a faggot. Just like they ran me off
the ball-field when I tried to fly my model."
"Not with one of us, or any of our friends around,
they won't."
She looked at me.
"Mar told us you destroyed those pictures, even
knowing you couldn't change back. Please, let us at
least try."
"So what are you going to do, teach me how to wag
my butt, so some guy will try and molest me? I'm
not gay. I like girls. But I'll never get a chance
with one like this."
I put my head in my hands. I was surprised when
they held me.
"No, we'll teach you to be a young woman. And
you may be really surprised at what some girls
want. Most of us can't stand jocks."
I gave her a hard look.
"Tell me honestly you would, if you were not
involved in this, consider me boyfriend material."
She tried to say something, and shook her head. I
looked at Nancy. She shook her head also.
"Case closed."
I started to get up, and found myself pinned to my
chair by Lisa.
"Damn you, quit feeling sorry for yourself. If it's a
piece of ass you want,"
She took a deep breath
"Then you can have me whenever you want until
I graduate. And I'm a virgin."
I stared at her in shock. She stepped back, and took
off her clothes. She no longer needed the padded
bra, and had a beautiful body. Mar and Nancy
were holding each other. I managed a very
small tent in the nightgown.
"Well, I see it still works. Here or upstairs, your
I managed to breathe, then handed her back her
"No. I can't do that. Despite what you think, I not
that kind of person."
I looked hard at them.
"If I live, I'll make a great old maid."
I headed up to my room to be alone. It was half an
hour later, as I was staring at the ceiling, that they
came into my room. Lisa had her clothes back on,
and they sat on my bed and looked at me.
"Other than getting your old body back, which was
pretty wimpy anyway, what can we do to help?"
"I was not wimpy"
"Brandon, when we gave you those shots we also
looked at you naked. You looked like a sixth-grader
with a few extra muscles. And you never were very
big down there."
That hurt, because it was true.
"With your size, long hair and narrow face, most
people thought you were gay or a sissy anyway."
I hung my head.
"But I was a guy..."
"I hate to burst your bubble, but you look a hell of
a lot better as a girl. And you are still a guy, even if
it is small, where it counts."
I felt awful. Because they were right.
"If the right girl gets to know you, it
won't matter if you are purple and have feathers.
But you won't have a hope looking like a girl in
drag. So give us a chance. Besides, this way you
can legally get into our locker room."
I realized how absurd this all was. At least if I
appeared as a pretty girl I could at least look and
dream. And I thought of Tony/Tammy. She was a
fox, and I had a better body. What I didn't have
was her attitude.
"Give me a few minutes alone. I need to call
They looked afraid
"And no, I'm not going to hurt myself. Now get
When they were gone, I pulled out the phone book
and called Tammy. When I got off the telephone, I
knew it was going to be a long day. I headed
downstairs, and gave them a weak smile.
"Do any of you remember Tony from
the swimming team?"
They nodded.
"Was he a hunk or a looser?"
They all voted major hunk.
"He is on his way over, in about fifteen minutes."
They stared at me.
"When he gets here, you can explain to him what
you want me to do, and what you are planning on
doing to me. Standing in your birthday suits. Or
the whole thing is a wash. You can wait in the
kitchen till I call you."
I headed for the living room, leaving them with
their mouths open.
When the doorbell rang, it was Tammy, not Tony.
He looked at my disheveled nightgown.
"Hey, it's been a rough morning."
I closed and locked the door.
"Okay girls, it's show time."
I wondered if they would do it.
Three very red girls walked stiffly into the room,
without a stitch of clothes on. And stared at
Tammy, who was wearing a miniskirt and a tank
top. Mar was the first one to get her voice.
"Hey, you said it was Tony, not some bimbo
Nancy's "Oh my god" stopped her.
Nancy was pointing and giggling.
"Nancy, what the hell's so funny?"
"Take a closer look at her."
Mar and Lisa went over, looked, and when it hit
they both slid to the floor.
"Tammy, meet the three who made me into a girl."
"Girls, meet Tammy, who used to be Tony."
I wish I had a camera trained on them.
Soon we were all sitting around the kitchen table.
Tony and I were down to panties, and the girls
were still naked.
"So it's like you are a girl inside? And want to look
like Brandy?"
Tammy nodded sadly.
"God, tiny tits and all and you are still turning me
Lisa was wiggling against her seat as she talked.
The tent in Tammy's panties said the feeling was
Tammy asked the girls,
"What you want to do is teach Brandy how to look
and act like one of you, without trying to change
him into someone else?"
They all nodded. Lisa was now sitting on Tammy's
lap and nibbling on her ear. Tammy looked at me.
"I wish I had been given the chance they are
offering you. Even if it's not your choice. Give it a
whirl. And they are right, you look a lot better as a
I gave him a raspberry. Lisa looked like she
was trying to give his ear a hickey.
"Lisa, you told me I was not boyfriend material.
What's so different between me and Tammy?"
"I like tall girls."
It took a while to digest that.
"And Nancy doesn't like boys."
Now I began to understand some of what I saw on
the computer. Nancy was quite a bit taller than
I suggested we get dressed, and do some planning.
Lisa requested the loan of a bedroom. Tammy
seconded the request. They got Mar's room. Mar
made a ceremony of loaning them some protection.
While we got dressed, they provided sound effects.
Tammy and I were comparing notes on how to tuck
things away when Dad got home. He gave Tammy
the evil eye, wondering what a beautiful girl like
her was doing alone in the house with me. We
didn't enlighten him. The three girls were away on a
mission. It was almost nine when they started
dragging bags of stuff into the living room.
They were followed by Mrs. Simpson, and Mrs.
Hanover, Nancy's mom, looking like wardens.
After a very short set of instructions to their
daughters, and threats of dire consequences, they
grabbed Dad and dragged him out the door. Mrs.
Hanover stuck her head back in and said they were
going out to dinner and to talk, and would be back
very late.
When they drove off, Tammy and I looked at Lisa
and Nancy. Mar looked like she had been too close
to a grenade. Lisa managed,
"If we can't help you get your life back, we are
going to be sent to a special girl's military school
in Alabama. Where the girls wear crew cuts and
don't shave anything."
She looked really scared.
"Mom says their motto is: ?We turn girls into real
Tammy and I cringed. Mar added shakily that their
moms were more than willing to pay her tuition if
Dad agreed.
"So if you want revenge, all you have to do is tell
either of our moms, and we get two years of marine
boot camp. Or worse."
I nodded.
"They intercepted us on the way back from
shopping when we tried to get some stuff from
She looked at me.
"If you want them to ship us off, please tell us now.
Don't keep us on a hook. We didn't try to destroy
your life."
She broke down crying and Tammy grabbed and
held her. Mar and Nancy were shaking.
"Revenge won't help me. I don't think anything can.
So quit whining and lets get started."
It was a very subdued group that set out the
contents of their travels. Much of it was used, but
in great condition. Tammy said she was jealous,
she barely had enough clothes for a week. It looked
like I now had enough for a year. I was surprised
when two of the bags contained clothes much too
big for me. Lisa gave Tammy a hug, and pointed at
the resulting piles. Nancy handed me a package
with a smile. Inside were three spandex thongs with
instructions. Lisa gave a similar package to
Ten minutes later there were two sort-of girls in
their new undies unhappily trying on clothes. Okay,
it was actually a blast. Tammy's enthusiasm
helped. Several outfits landed in the "Yeech" pile.
One was a really pretty dress. If I was a ten-year-
old on the way to church. Tammy tried on a little
green outfit. It was awesome. I got so horny I
almost ruined myself. Mar said Tammy could work
street-corners for quarters. It joined the pile.
When we were finished, Tammy and the rest agreed
I had an excellent wardrobe. Nancy's "most of the
other girls will be jealous" made me grin, then sit
and cry. I got a group hug. When Nancy started to
give me a body massage, I stopped her.
"You said you don't like guys."
She gave me a hurt look,
"I don't want to have sex with you, but at least I
want to do this. Please?"
I looked at Mar and Lisa, and Tammy, who gave
me a thumbs-up. Mar tossed a comforter on the
floor, and in a few minutes I felt like a piece of
bread dough. Almost naked, relaxed bread dough. I
was sensually being turned into putty as the others
quietly raided my room, and took all my boy
clothes and put them in bags, then restocked my
room with the new clothes. Not that I noticed, or
cared. I creamed my new undies and made all kinds
of funny noises when she softly sucked on my
I woke up to the sound of giggling. Mar was
standing there with a camera. I was wearing a pink
flannel nightgown with little animals all over it,
snuggled up to Mar's big teddy bear. And Nancy,
wearing a similar nightgown, was wrapped around
me. Flash! I was too relaxed to move. Mar giggled
"Your first sleepover pictures."
I stuck out my tongue. Flash! My fuzzy brain said
"brilliant move." I snuggled back against Nancy.
She was warm and her breasts were so nice
pressing against my back...
When Dad and the others returned, I suspect they
gave birth to a bushel basket full of porcupines.
The five of us were all curled up in the living
room, on and under a huge pile of blankets and
pillows. Sound asleep. Tammy and Lisa were
entwined. Mar was wrapped around Lisa. Nancy
was using me for a teddy bear, with my face buried
in her cleavage. I was out like a light. At least that
was the description provided by Dad the next
When I woke up, there was the smell of food, and
the sight of three moms and one dad staring at us.
It was then I realized I had been sleep-nursing on
Nancy's breasts, and was still firmly attached. I
glanced up, and she had this incredibly content
smile. It was probably the embarrassed red glowing
beacon I became that woke the others.
We were trying to shrink into the covers when
Nancy's mom started to giggle. Soon all the parents
were sitting around laughing. Once they had
ascertained that we had not thrown an orgy they
told us we looked so cute they couldn't keep from
taking pictures. And they held up three cameras.
Tammy tried to apologize to her mother, and got
told that teenage girls held a lot of sleepovers. That
caused her to break out in happy tears. It was
suggested we get dressed, as there was food in the
kitchen. It turned out we were all in nightgowns,
but Nancy had to pull hers up and fasten the top.
Her nursed nipples were huge. I was surprised
when she gave me a really sensual hug. In front of
her mother.
There was no question all four parents seemed
happier. Over breakfast Dad told us why.
"We met with Dr. Simpson early this morning,
after we found the five of you asleep together.
Aside from some concerns about his daughter's
virginity, he said that you and Tammy were acting
like teenage girls, which was extremely important."
Lisa looked mortally embarrassed.
He looked at me. "He said that if either of you were
still acting as boys there was no way you and
Tammy would have slept together with the other
girls under the same covers. Was he right?"
Tammy and I nodded.
"But I don't want to be a girl!"
My protest sounded pretty feeble.
"Ready to give up sleepovers?"
That was Nancy.
I turned bright red.
"Um, well..."
"And that long rayon party dress that we had to
lace you into, and you begged us not to take off?"
I shut up and sat down.
"So not everything about looking like a girl is all
I nodded.
"And I'll bet that you wouldn't want to give up
those wonderfully sensitive boobs of yours."
Now I was glowing.
Everyone broke out laughing.
"Besides, you can't wear four inch heels, which
make you so much taller, as a guy."
She came over and hugged me.
"We know you'd rather be the little boy Brandon
than the pretty little girl named Brandy. But you
are finding out it's not all bad news."
She held as I cried. I never noticed settling my
head comfortably between her breasts. Mar
whispered in my ear that if I wanted a pacifier it
would be a good idea to use my thumb while her
Mom was watching. I quickly untangled myself,
and looked guilty. Nancy's Mom was giggling.
We got a lecture on birth control from Lisa's mom.
And Tammy and I were advised we had
appointments at a beauty salon at one, for complete
makeovers. When I asked,
"What's a makeover?"
it got the other three kids giggling. They were told
they had to take us. Tammy suddenly looked
scared. Lisa gave her a wrap-around hug. She
quickly looked a lot less scared.
Beauty parlors stink. Perming solution stinks
worse. And waxing should require anesthesia. Or
tranquilizers. But when Tammy and I walked out,
the three girls were making jealous noises, and
every male in the area was tracking us like we were
edible. The girls had me wearing a low-cut lycra
mini-dress, an almost indecent push-up body-
shaper, and real stockings. And what felt like stilts,
but were actually four inch plus platform heels.
Tammy was wearing a tight leather microskirt,
pantyhose to show off her incredible legs, and a
padded bra under her crop-top. And heels taller
than mine. So she was over six-five, a foot taller
than me. Between the short, tightly clinging skirt
and heels I swished and swayed as I walked.
I was afraid to touch anything with the painted
talons they had given me, even though they said
they were almost as strong as steel. Tammy was
strutting and her eyes were wet with happiness. I
gave her a hug.
"This is what you always wanted, isn't it?"
She looked down at me, and smiled.
"I'm glad to have you with me. I was afraid all my
friends would abandon me,
I gave her a hug, and she shut up and hugged me
We spent the afternoon cruising the malls with the
girls, who were muttering about having created
monsters. Several kids who knew Tony and me
gawked, but none seemed ready to take on the five
of us. We were about to head home for dinner, and
a second night of sleepovers when we were
confronted by the worst three of the brainless
muscle set from school. They started teasing
and taunting Tammy and me, calling us fags and
making obscene motions. We tried to retreat with
the girls, and they boxed us in, getting physical.
Suddenly Mar whispered something in my ear. It
made sense. I pulled down my top to get the
leader's interest, and kicked him as hard as I could
in the crotch while he was staring. He went down
with a grunt. So with everything I had, I soccer-
kicked him in the face. The platforms have very
hard toes. He crunched.
Meanwhile one of the others had grabbed Tammy,
and let go fast when she shredded his face with her
new nails. I saw her pivot and kick, and heard a
snap as his knee collapsed sideways. Lisa
proceeded to kick him in every vulnerable spot.
That left one facing Mar and Nancy.
He must have had the majority of their IQ points.
He turned and ran. Into a mall guard, who maced
him. Nancy and Mar pulled Lisa off the one that
had attacked Tammy. I was carefully watching the
one I kicked, but all he was doing was screaming
and holding his face and crotch.
Mar called Dad and Dr. Simpson while we talked
to the police. An ambulance had taken all three of
our attackers to the hospital. None of us knew their
names, but one older woman came over and got the
police's attention. We all recognized her as one of
the teachers from the school. She proceeded to give
names and histories, and said she saw the whole
thing and would love to testify.
Dad and Dr. Simpson arrived and after verifying
we were okay, confirmed Tammy's and my
identities. We got some funny looks, but when Dad
and Dr. Simpson said they would be pressing
charges, the policeman in charge smiled,
and read off a list. Assault. Assault and battery.
Attempted sexual assault of a minor. Disturbing the
peace. He added that if they could think of
anything else, they would be sure to add it to the
list. He then looked at Tammy and me.
"If we prosecute, you two are probably going to
have to testify. And then you two dressing as girls
will make the papers."
Tammy started to shake, looked at me, and I
nodded. She then stood to her full height.
"This is who we are."
She looked at me, and I hugged her.
"We will testify."
Dad gave me a crushing hug, and Dr. Simpson
hugged Tammy.
We managed to get home intact. Dad called the
other parents. By the time they arrived, Tammy and
I were better, but Dr. Simpson spent an hour with
us to make sure we could handle what happened.
Mrs. Hanover was livid, and left saying she had
some pressing business to take care of regarding
our three accosters. Nancy giggled, and said they
would be lucky if they got solitary. She didn't
provide details, other than her mom used to date the
District Attorney. We ate a very quiet and subdued
dinner, and crashed early.
Lisa and Tammy slept together. Mar used me for a
teddy bear. So did Nancy.
This time Nancy stuffed a very erect nipple in my
mouth, saying I needed a pacifier. There is
something about having your hands full of soft
breast, sucking on warm nipple. I was asleep in
minutes, feeling her quiver and listening to her
make happy noises.
Sunday morning we made plans for the first day of
school. Dad and Dr. Simpson were going to be
there to answer any questions. I was given some
paperwork that caused a lot of discussions. Once
signed, if I agreed, I was officially on the road to
becoming a card-carrying member of the panty
brigade. Tammy had already done hers at the
beginning of summer.
"Brandy, this is the start of what is called a real life
test. For a full year you must live, dress, act, and
try your best to be a teenage girl."
I looked at him in horror.
"No, you don't have to go out with boys."
I relaxed a bit.
"But you will have to use the girls washrooms, and
if you are brave enough, the girls locker room."
That got a lot more discussion. I finally signed.
Nancy had to head home early, and Lisa left with
her Dad. Which left Dad, Mar, and me staring at
each other. Dad suggested we go out and get a
I wore a long skirt and loose blouse. And the heels.
All we got were compliments.
Monday, Dad drove Mar and me to school. We met
up with Dr. Simpson, Tammy's mom, and Tammy,
and headed for the administrative offices. It looked
like the story of what happened at the mall had
gotten around, and there was a lot of whispering
and pointing. Tammy and I were shaking and
jittering so badly Dr. Simpson made us each take a
pill. By the time the principal was ready to meet
with us, I don't think a bomb would have made us
It tuned out to be a no-brainer. We were registered
under our female names, and told how to report any
harassment. All of us were surprised when the
principal told us there were two other students like
us, and asked if he could tell them who we were.
"Um, did you hear about an assault at the mall
He looked puzzled, but nodded.
"Tammy and I were the ones assaulted, so everyone
in the city will know who we are soon enough."
He grimaced.
Since Tammy was a senior, and I was a very
advanced junior, and needed the moral support, we
got our schedules changed to take the same classes.
Including gym. That had been the subject of a lot of
discussion Sunday, but we both liked to exercise,
and figured that it would at least squelch any
rumors. We got stared at and joked about all
morning, but most of it seemed to be friendly. And
congratulated by a lot of girls and even some guys
for putting the three muscleheads out of circulation.
We were too nervous to eat lunch, and spent the
time being hugged by Mar, Nancy and Lisa. Who
also chased away anyone bugging us.
At two, there was the mandatory all-school back-
to-school assembly where, as always they read the
rules of dress and conduct. We almost screamed
when Mr. Kimball, the Principal, called us by name
to the stage. This was not in the plans. When we
finally met him at the podium, My heart was trying
to go into overspeed, and Tammy looked like a
"I want to introduce you to two
new, formerly old, students. You probably know
them from the swimming team as Brandon and
Tony. Due to medical necessity, both of them are
undergoing the difficult and stress-filled change
from male to female lifestyles. The new students
are Brandy and Tammy. They have the
wholehearted support of their parents and the
school. I expect that you will treat them with
respect, and help them adjust smoothly to their new
"Normally I would not place them in the position of
being in the spotlight so soon. But an inexcusable,
criminal attack on them occurred this weekend
because they were different. Three former students,
who were supposed to be seniors this year, taunted
and assaulted them at a mall on Saturday. Two of
them remain hospitalized from injuries received
when these two and their friends defended
themselves. The third is in jail. The three have been
permanently expelled from this school, and are
facing multiple criminal charges. The District
Attorney has assured me they will be prosecuted to
the fullest extent of the law."
"I will not accept any form of intolerance or
harassment of any student for any reason. Should
any such act be reported, it will be investigated,
and the individuals involved will be suspended or
expelled, and turned over to the police, if
appropriate, to face criminal charges. There will be
no further warnings."
He paused to let his speech sink in.
"So rather than worry, treat them like any other
new students, except they are not freshman,
so no stupid pranks. And to make it clear to
everyone from the start, they will use the girls'
washrooms and lockers. Anyone objecting to this
should see me immediately after this assembly."
He turned to Tammy and me.
"Welcome to our school."
We shook his hand, and jittered our way back to
our seats. Of course as soon as the assembly was
over, we desperately had to visit the washroom.
Inside, the first question we got was,
"Are your breasts real?"
Tammy shook her head, blushed and said,
"still growing".
I nodded. We grabbed the first available stalls, and
remembered to sit. When we got out, there was a
welcoming committee of senior girls. They looked
like a lynch mob. We were told to stand and be
inspected. If we hadn't just gone we'd have peed our
panties. They looked us over, squeezed us and
prodded us like we were groceries. Wendy, their
leader, a big girl with an incredible body, who was
also head cheerleader, conferred with the others.
Finally, we were pushed out the door into a waiting
crowd of girls. Nancy, Mar, and Lisa were there,
each held firmly and looking scared.
Wendy, nicknamed Wedgie by a lot of guys, and
who was well known as a hard-assed bitch, spoke
"Listen up. We have inspected them, and they
are not making fun of us. In fact, a lot of you
should take lessons from them."
There were hisses.
"So as long as they behave like us girls,"
someone hit her with a pair of panties, and she
"they have my friends' and my support and
She looked up at Tammy.
"You're cute. Got a girlfriend?"
Lisa's "Hey, she's
mine, so keep your hands off!"
got a lot of laughter. And Lisa turned bright red
when she realized what she had said. Soon we were
reunited with our friends. Amazingly, we made it to
the bus without further problems.
Our parents debriefed us over a dinner at Lisa's
place. Dr. Simpson was upset about the principals'
speech, and our being "inspected" by the girls'
Nancy spoke up.
"Dr. Simpson, what Wedgie and her friends did
would have happened eventually. But now no one
will dare to bother Tammy or Brandy."
"Who is this Wedgie, and what makes her so
The parents seemed upset.
"Wedgie is Wendy Ashton, Sarah and Fred
Ashton's youngest daughter."
I looked confused. To me she was just a bitch.
They looked impressed. Mrs. Hanover provided an
"Fred Ashton is the power behind the politics in
this town. And Sarah, who I know fairly well, is the
meanest divorce lawyer this side of New York. If
Wendy takes after her parents, crossing her is a
very bad idea."
Nancy giggled. "Um, Mom, did I tell you Wedgie
and I have a date for Friday night?" That got a lot
of discussions started.
We were stared at a lot over the next two weeks.
Several parents tried to sue to keep us from using
the girls facilities. And found out we were covered
by anti-discrimination laws. A couple of fundies
accosted us in the locker room. Some of Wedgie's
cronies tossed them out the back door wearing
only towels. Tammy and I got pinched. Lisa and
Mar said get used to it. Tammy was wearing a
padded girdle, so it didn't hurt. I wasn't. OUCH!
After that, things settled down. I was put on a
maintenance d