- 3 years ago
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Chapter seven
By the time the morning sunlight hit the top of the cathedral, my mind had returned to business. Somehow that long, dreamy night with Tolerante had made me more determined than ever to find out what had happened to drive Paul into that mysterious and seemingly hopeless captivity, to turn that powerful love of ours so suddenly and irredeemably cold.
‘Tolerante,’ I said as we sipped coffee and munched on fresh bolillos in the courtyard, ‘take me to see el cubano.’
He shook his head immediately. ‘ No, senorita,’ he said. ‘ This I cannot do, not even for you.’
‘And why not?’
‘Because, senorita, one doses not seek out elcubano. If he wants you, he comes to you.’
‘How unsatisfying,’ I said. I reached into my purse, took out another hundred-dollar bill, and stuffed it in his shirt pocket. Then I reached across the table and gave him a long passionate kiss, sliding my tongue between his teeth and rolling it enticingly around the moist cavern of his mouth. He remained stiff for a moment, and then began to respond, sucking at my tongue like a hungry kitten at his mother’s tit.
‘All right, senorita,’ he sighed as I finally broke the kiss. ‘ I will take you. But I cannot guarantee that we will find him. Even if we do, I don’t think he’ll talk to you.’
‘I’ll take the chance,’ I said
‘I don’t think you understand, senorita. It could be very dangerous for you to go into the mountains.’
‘I’ll take the chance.’ I repeated
He gave me a long look, than seeing that I was absolutely resolute, he sighed and nodded. ‘ All right,’ he said in a resigned tone. ‘ Vamoose.’
We got into my rented car — one of those horribly noisy German jeeps that everyone finds so cute these days — drove through town, and headed south on the highway toward the Guatemalan border. After a half an hour’s drive along the excellent pan American highway, Tolerante suddenly directed me to stop at an unmarked spot by the side of the road. There was a small foot trail that led off into the forest, for the life of me I still can’t figure out how to tell one of these tiny footpaths from the other, and without a word Tolerante started off down it, leaving me no choice but to follow in silence.
We walked for what seemed like hours through the still forest, seeing no signs of life whatsoever. Thankfully I had worn a pair of baggy jeans and an army shirt, for everywhere it seemed that thorns and brambles reached out to grab at me. Finally, when the noonday sun had burned the mist off the clinging trees, the trail began to broaden and I thought I heard voices in the distance.
In another few minutes we emerged into a large clearing, where a dozen or so stone huts with thatched roofs were pouring smoke through the unadorned holes that served as chimneys. Immediately a tiny Indian woman appeared at the door of one of the huts, and then walked quickly towards us. Tolerante met her halfway, and the two talked urgently in a language the words of which thundered with antiquity, while I stood off to the side trying to hide my nervousness.
Finally I saw Tolerante nod solemnly, and then he turned and walked back to me.
‘Esta bien,’ he said, ‘ the old woman will take you to see el cubano.’
‘And you?’
‘I go back to san Cristobal.’
I frowned at this news, for a moment not knowing whether I should feel relieved that I was finally going to see the Cuban or apprehensive about being abandoned here by Tolerante. But I could see that I had absolutely no choice in the matter.
‘All right, ‘ I said. ‘ I’ll see you in the hotel.’
‘Si, senorita,’ he mumbled, giving me a look of such intolerable sadness that my heart nearly broke. I reached to touch his cheek, but before I could he spun on his heel and walked off down the forest trail. Within moments the trees had swallowed him.
It was the last time I ever laid eyes on that marvelous boy, who had touched me so deeply in such a short time.
Now the tiny Indian woman — she could not have been more than four feet tall — motioned that I should follow her. We crossed the village, the woman beating off the wretched, furiously barking dogs as we passed, and soon plunged back into the forest, following a trail that, unbelievably, was even narrower than the comparative superhighway on which we had come. The old woman immediately broke into a surprisingly rapid trot, so that I had some difficulty just keeping her in sight, let alone keeping up with her.
After an hour or so of this, we suddenly broke out of the woods into another clearing. In this one there were no houses, only a blackened, ash-strewn field that had once obviously bourne some crop. The woman stopped at the edge of the clearing and let out a howl so astoundingly similar to the ones I had heard last night from the Gatos del Monte that an inadvertent sexual thrill passed through me.
In a moment the call was answered, and soon a couple stepped out of the woods on the other side of the clearing. Their appearance was so strikingly different from anything I had seen since coming to Mexico that I almost gasped in surprise: – the man was at least six and a half feet tall and black as a panther, while the woman, who resembled him somewhat, was a statuesque Negro Latin mix with a round face, startling eyes, and skin the color of milk chocolate.
They walked quickly across the clearing toward me as the old Indian faded away into the woods. They were holding hands, and their quiet confidence with one another led me to assume that they were lovers, or perhaps husband and wife. Finally they reached me and I looked from one to the other, barely able to hide my admiration for these two nearly perfect physical specimens.
So this is el cubano, I thought. Maybe I’m finally going to get some answers.
‘Miss van bell,’ the gorgeous giant said in flawless English, with just a hint of a Cambridge accent. ‘ We’ve been expecting you.’
‘You have? ‘ I said. ‘ How? Why?’
He ignored my question completely. ‘ I am nacimiento Santos, ‘ he said, ‘ and this is my wife, Julia. Please come with us.’
With out allowing me a word he took his wife’s hand and led me up a small hill on the other side of the clearing. When we reached the top he pointed down the hill to a large field in a bowl at the bottom. Even from that distance I could see that I was looking at what amounted to a marijuana plantation, the plants — all of them from ten to fifteen feet tall — waving in a gentle breeze, foot long flowers crowning the tips and reaching for the benevolent sun.
‘Very impressive,’ I said, and I ment it.
‘It’s actually quite sad, ‘ he said. ‘ come with me and I’ll explain.’
They led me down the hill to a tiny shack at the edge of the marijuana field. From there I could see corps of Indians tending the plants, some trimming and picking yellow leaves from the bottom stalks, others carrying bucketfuls of water with that now familiar forehead strap. Evidently what the Cuban had here amounted to an industrial installation — lack of machinery not withstanding — and I found myself wondering how much he paid his peons for their obviously considerable labor.
We stood outside the shack, watching silently as the workers went about their business. Finally the Cuban spoke:
‘This is our last field, ‘ he said, and I could hear the sadness through his steely voice. ‘ I came here ten years ago from Cuba, with orders from Fidel to organize these Indians, to make them see how the puercos in Mexico City were conspiring to keep them poor and miserable. And I did a good job. I cut their corn production in half and applied that labor to planting mota, which we then traded for guns and money. We had a real revolution going. We were wining. The army didn’t dare follow us here, where the forest is one of our most powerful weapons, and we controlled everything outside San Cristobal. We even elected one of our people gove
rnor of Chiapas. Oh yes, we were strong.’ his eyes shone as he remembered his triumph.
‘What happened?’ I said.
‘The D.E.A.’ he spat out the words as if they were some kind of deadly poison.
‘Are you talking about parquet?’ I asked, remembering the hubbub that the spraying of Mexican marijuana had caused. ‘ You mean they killed all the plants?’
‘Pah! ‘ he said bitterly. ‘ They never touched a plant. But they killed the trade as effectively as if they had really sprayed the entire country.’
‘You mean it was a hoax?’
‘The hoax of the century. You see how this field is protected? You feel how the winds blow everything up the hill, how no plane could possibly fly lower than the field to seed the wind with that poison of theirs? All our fields were that way. We were never touched by parquet. The only thing that killed us was the scare.’
Now I understood. I myself had never smoked much Mexican marijuana, as I preferred the fragrant Thai and the potent afghan sinsemilla grown on the kona coast. But I had heard the talk. I had heard the news of lung damage, of parquet testing and chromosome breakage and what – have you. I had not paid it much attention at the time, but now that it was laid out in front of me I could understand that no American pot smoker would have bought Mexican marijuana during those days of fear. I could see how clever, how diabolical the government had been in playing on the paranoia of the health food generation, knowing the yogurt- eaters would never touch anything that had been tainted with chemicals, even if the tainting were nothing more than sheer invention, sheer propaganda.
We sat in silence for a moment, looking down at the field that represented the last gasp of hope for Santos’ personal revolution — or so I thought at the moment. As we sat I occasionally glanced over at him, seeing the almost holy determination in his eyes shine through the unutterable weariness. I saw now that Julia was looking at him in the same way, and abruptly I suspected that this lovely young woman, a teenager probably, had known no other existence than this for over half her life. Nacimiento Santos had become her entire world — her hero, her raison d’etre, her friend, her lover, and this last thought stirred in me a pang of the one emotion that I hardly ever fell: — jealousy.
Then another thought occurred to me. ‘ Senor Santos,’ I said, ‘ you said awhile ago that you’d been expecting me. And yet you let me find you without your knowing why I came. Why? If I were you, I would let no one find me.’
‘A dangerous policy, I agree,’ he said in that curious accent. ‘ And you’re right, I don’t know why you came. But I do know that anything important enough to bring you to me must be important enough to deal for.’
‘You’re offering me a deal? But what could I possibly do for you?’
‘I know you well enough to know that you have influence.’
‘I know many influential people,’ I said. ‘ That doesn’t mean I have influence.’
‘No?’ he said, turning to look at me with a cool, challenging stare.
‘It depends on what you want me to do with these influential people.’
‘Just tell them what I have told you. Tell them what your government has done to a country of poor, ignorant Indians who will starve if they have nothing to live on but corn. The mota is the only chance they have to improve their lives.’
‘You want me to tell my friends to support a communist revolution?’
‘Communism has nothing to do with it. I stopped being a communist six months after I got here. ‘ Isms ‘ mean nothing to these people. They need food, and they need self-reliance. And what they need, I need.’
He was looking directly into my eyes, and the dedication, the sincerity in his expression was undeniable. It was evident that he had somehow been absorbed by these secretive and implacable Indians, and that in that process he had given up his political orientation to become something of a missionary.
‘All right,’ I said after a long moment. ‘ I’ll do what I can.’
For the first time I saw him smile, a flashing smile, blazing smile that lit up his face like a diamond. He reached over to touch my hand, and it was as if he had put his strong fingers directly on the entrance to my vagina, so strong was the sexually thrill that coursed through me.
‘Thank you,’ he said softly, still smiling that magnificent smile. ‘And now what can I do for you?’
‘Among other things,’ I said coyly, throwing him a teasing glance, ‘you can tell me who your buyers are. Or were.’
‘Why would you want to know that?’ he said frowning slightly.
I told him about Paul, about the mysterious contract, and obliquely about the lead that had brought me to Chiapas in the first place. He listened intently, and when I was through he sighed deeply.
‘I’m afraid, ‘he said, ‘that you’ve got the wrong drug. The man you’re looking for, the man who apparently owns this lover of yours, does not deal in mota.’
‘But you know who he is,’ I asked hopefully.
‘No. I just know his reputation. And I’m not trying to frighten you, but I think you would be much better off if you simple found a new lover.’
He turned again to look at me, and I caught his eyes and held them. I am quit good at reading truth or fiction in people’s eyes, and if Santos was lying, then he was by far the best lair I had ever met. Realizing that, I was stuck with a feeling of hopelessness and utter disappointment – it seemed as if Paul was further away from me then ever, as if I would never solve the wretched mystery, and as if the entire incident was lodging in my brain like a fish bone in the throat.
My thoughts must have registered on my face, for in a moment I felt Santos’ hand in mine again. I looked up at him to see his face softly lit up by a gentle, compassionate smile.
‘Come,’ he said softly. He helped me up, then released my hand and started walking down the hill, indicating with a gesture that Julie and I should follow. When we reached the of the marijuana field, he stood up on tip toe, grabbed one of the fifteen foot plants by its neck, then pulled the foot long flower down toward him. A look of calm and peacefully ecstasy passed over his face as he closed his eyes and rubbed the fragrant blossom all over himself, smearing his face with the heavy golden pollen and sticky resin.
When he was finished he offered the flower to me, and I followed suit, immersing my face in it, inhaling its delightful perfume, feeling the pollen cling to my lips and eyelashes. When I finally turned the flower over to Julia– who immediately began to repeat the ritual in which Santos and I had just indulged—Santos bent over and kissed me lightly on the eyelids, the tip of my nose, and finally my lips, licking the resins from them, then feeding them back to me with his tongue as it entered my mouth.
What a wonderful sensation! It was as if my head were immersed in a fragrant cloud of perfume marijuana, my eyebrows and lashes dusted with the sweet pollen, my taste buds inundated with the thick flavor that was being planted in my mouth by his gentle tongue. I sucked now on that warm flesh, feeling my head go light as the insistent weed penetrated my brain, my body, my pores, down to the very cells them selves, the center of life. At the same time the tip of his tongue was rubbing gently at the back of my throat, thrilling me with little sparks of desire that were growing more urgent by the moment.
I knew I would have this marvelous man, and soon!
In a moment I felt him gently with draw his tongue from my mouth, and I opened my eyes to see what he would do next. My question was answered when he dipped his in the rich flower again, then walked over to his wife, who turned her ecstatic face up to his. In a moment they were kissing passionately, a kiss that spoke of an intimacy so powerful, so total, that I was almost ashamed to watch, and even wondered momentarily if I should somehow
make a graceful exit and try to find my way back to San Cristobal.
But I needn’t have wondered. Santos soon broke the kiss with Julia—I noticed that he stayed with her no longer than with me—-took her hand, and led her over to where I was standing.
‘Now,’ he said in that soft, strong voice, ‘my two ladies if you please.’
I looked at Julia, carefully examining her face for any sign of jealousy, or of mindless submission to her husband. I saw neither. What I did see was a bright, eager, innocent face, a face that radiated beauty and devotion to this man, whom she obviously loved with all her heart. I was touched deeply by that face, that smile, and I soon found when she licked the pollen from her lips, parting them just slightly to allow the very tip of her tongue to pass over them, that I wanted her every bit as much as I wanted him.
‘Come to me Julia,’ I whispered.
She obeyed instantly, stepping over to me and opening her arms wide to except my embrace. As her body melted into mine, I could feel the pliant softness of her breasts as they met my own, and as we kissed, our tongues mingling in delightful play that was laced with the heady flavor of marijuana, I found my hand beginning to rove of its own volition over the smooth roundness of her buttocks. This touch she answered by beginning a slow undulation of her hips, so that I could feel the shy softness of her mound of Venus as it made contact with my own love-flesh.
By this time the beast was stirring within me, and it was all I could do to keep from taking over the program, as it were, and attacking the two of them simultaneously. But I realized that I was on soMeone else’s ground, that Santos was to be the conductor here, and that I would probably enjoy myself all the more if I simply surrendered to him, accepted his pleasure as my own, and availed myself of the lush fruits that were being offered to me in the form of their two glistening bodies.
I stepped away from Julia and waited for Santos to introduce the next movement in this sexual concerto of his. While Julia and I watched raptly, he took a dried corn leaf and rolled the most enormous joint I have ever seen from the blossom he had picked. He lit it and inhaled deeply, closing his eyes and grinning that marvelous grin of his, and then passed the joint to Julia, who took a hearty tote.
Then it was my turn. I inhaled the grass and instantly felt it fill my veins with its secret joy. I felt as if the weed were making love to me itself, massaging me just under the skin with a thousand subtle fingers, a thousand tongues.
‘Excellent!’ I murmured, closing my eyes to savor the juice of it. ‘My compliments.’
‘Open your eyes,’ Santos urged.
I did as he asked, seeing that in the meantime Julia had stripped her self and was standing naked, like some magnificent bronze statue in the afternoon sun. She stood there with her arms outstretched and her legs spread wide while I gaped unashamedly, almost sobbing in my desire for her lush body.
‘Santos…’ I groaned. ‘My god, she’s so beautiful… I want her so…’
‘Patience, my darling’ ‘ he said, and for the first time I could hear the rolling accent of the Caribbean in his voice. ‘Everything will happen, darling. Just be patient.’
I moaned to myself and unconsciously cupped a hand under one of my breasts, beginning to massage it idly as I kept my eyes glued on the rich chocolate brown of Julia’s body. As I watched, Santos picked another blossom and walked slowly over to her, as she spread her gleaming legs that much further at his approach. When he reached her he put his hand down so that the blossom he was holding came to rest squarely between her legs, and Julia immediately began to ride back and forth on it slow, tantalizing motion, her pussy lips just grazing the soft, furry flower, her eyes closing and a lazy, seductive grin beginning to spread across her face.
‘Si, ‘ I heard her whisper as she rocked gracefully back and forth. ‘Si, deme la flor…la Linda flor………’
I was hypnotized by the lushness of this sexual scene being played out in front of me, fascinated and stimulated almost beyond control by the lovely Julia as she swayed so elegantly over the golden bloom. Only half conscious of what I was doing, I raised my other hand to my breast and now began to poke and tease at both nipples through the material of my fatigue shirt. Santos glanced over at me and smiled approvingly as he continued to hold the flower for Julia, whose lips were beginning to pull back to bare her teeth in a lusty smile.
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Gay MaleRina and I are both finishing 1st year at university, so we are 19. I looked at Rina; a tall slim classically pretty sexy with blue eyes, shoulder length hair and long legs. She is slightly taller, if certain little bids are telling the truth, interested in me.”Put your coat in the closet and I’ll put this in the kitchen,” she said, “we’re going to sit in the den; go down the stairs and turn left, first door on your right.”I went down the half flight and entered the room.”Hi,” a voice...
Money always wins…unless you have none and your landlords wants sex. Aspen Romanoff is about to boot her friend and her friend’s boyfriend Ryan out of her home if they can’t pay their rent, just like they couldn’t last month. While Ryan’s lady is out looking for a new job, Aspen tells him they’d better get their stuff together, but that in the meantime she needs him to help her review the new outfits she’s purchased for her go-go dancing gig. Ryan’s on the spot without cash in hand, so he...
xmoviesforyouNathan stepped off the streetcar at the corner of Exchange and Elderberry. On the corner he noticed a small grocery with a rack on the sidewalk containing bunches of gladiolus blooms. He grabbed one, carried it inside and had it wrapped in some butcher's paper. Paying for his purchase, he proceeded down Elderberry looking at the house numbers. He stopped at number 213. It was a 1920's vintage bungalow in white stucco and with a detached garage in back. A maroon Dodge Caravan was parked in...
Skylar and I take time off for our honeymoon a couple months after our wedding. It’s still hard to believe that I’m married, and even more so that he makes me so happy. Skylar plans the entire trip himself, which is fine with me. I use the time to update my documents to reflect my new name, which I want everyone to know. I’m his wife, Mrs. Mclean.Even as we board our flight, the only thing I know about the trip is that our destination is France. The flight is long, and after a while, the only...
ExhibitionismFlickering candles surrounded my bed. All were burning, except one, where Erica stood. She watched me, waiting for just the right time. I lay back. I shifted my body, finding a comfortable position. "Alright, I'm ready. I shall begin." I began muttering the words of the spell. They did not need to be loud. In fact, for this particular magic, a whisper was better than a shout. Erica needed to hear them, however. I reached the critical part. I closed my eyes and opened my perception. I...
Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...
Among the traumas of my early life (and there are many for a Jewish girl) was the fact that my dad never displayed any sexual interest in me whatsoever. The only meat he was interested in was the stuff he cut and sliced at his deli. My mom was equally neglected, which led to my first lesson about sex.I came home from school one windy autumn day, and immediately heard two things emanating from upstairs: Male grunts and female gasps. I had long suspected Mom had taken a lover to get the kind of...
Here I am back with one more of my experience during my travel to Arkonam. I was waiting for Chennai express in KR Puram railway station. The train was to come at 12 am and reach Arkonam at 5.25am. The train is always crowded and the TT pretty strict in terms of people with General ticket boarding sleeper class compartment so I had only General compartment as an option on the platform there not many people and a dog looking greedily at the biscuit packet which I had in my hand. The train was...
Hi, my name is Pete and this is the story of how I realized that I fancied men, more specifically my friend John. Now that we were both turning 18, we went out for each other’s birthdays and because my friend lived a lot closer to the bar he said I could crash at his place to save the long trip home afterwards. We had a great night and were both a little drunk as we made our way back to our beds for the night. We were trying to sneak up his stairs but probably not doing a very good job at it.
Every so often Rebecca Volpetti and her partner love to disappear into their cottages dungeon where they have crazy roleplaying sex for hours on end. This time is no different. Like usual, David leads Rebecca, who has her hands bound together, out to the dungeon by a leash thats attached to a collar around her neck. After having reached the inside of the dungeon, David pulls a massive plug out from Rebeccas ass and replaces it with his cock. Over the next thirty minutes, David dominates Rebecca...
xmoviesforyouHigh School is one of the most transformative times in the life of any teenager. Boys start to sweat more. Underarm hair starts to grow. The penis and testicles grow and the scrotum gradually becomes darker. Most girls gain weight – and it’s normal for this to happen – as their body shape changes. Their breasts continue to grow and become fuller. Pubic hair becomes coarser and curlier. Only all of the above are quite normal changes. But what if by some strange twist of magic or technology there...
TeenShe stopped and looked in and saw naked bodies moving in an unmistakable rhythm on the screen of Brad's small TV. The grunts and groans of sex flowed out the open door. Sara was not surprised that her twenty-year old son was watching porn movies. She had to admit he was quite a hunk with a firm tan body and a sweet smile that was sure to melt some hearts and lure some hot babes into his lusty arms. She tried to see his bed to see if he was alone, pressing her head against the door and easing...
Train sex is awesome..!! Just experienced. [email protected]
IndianMost people don’t have good experiences with their roommates in college. Not me. In fact, I can still remember my freshman year vividly…It had been a chaotic day of last minute shopping at Target. My parents and I had spent the better half of the day trying to get everything an eighteen year old would need for his first year. After piling everything into the car, we trudged into the entrance of Marks Hall, where I would be spending the next eight months of my life.203…. 204…. 205…206… I...
Gay MaleIts me the hidden desires again here to share u a story.. Before that i like to thank all the guys and girls who hav mailed me after reading my story exspecially to divya who is stil in contact wit me wit frequent chats.. Now the story begin as most of the iss readers am also a member in orkut and my id is But i didnt use tis frequently because of the fakeness and to be honest no girl replied me der.. So i just check them once in a few days.. One day a had a scrap in my account and it had mail...
Anny (Anny Aurora), a beautiful young blond, has a bit of an achy tooth so she schedules a visit with a local dentist, Dr. Rock (Donnie Rock). It’s her first time seeing Dr. Rock so she has no reason to suspect anything unusual. Dr. Rock wastes no time putting Anny to the test. With two fingers down her throat, Anny gags and almost decides to leave. But she falls for Dr. Rock’s holistic medicine explanation and soon finds herself trading oral stimulations with the perverted doctor. He fucks his...
xmoviesforyouMy Step-Mom Lexi can be a real bitch sometimes, I was busting my ass outside all day mowing the lawn in this heat. I came inside to get my allowance from her, Lexi starts to yell at me and tell me I don’t deserve it. I beg my Step-Mom to give me the money my Step-Dad left for me, Lexi tells me if I want my allowance I am gonna have to work for it….. she wants me to have sex with her… I am totally blown away but I have to admit my Step-Mom is really hot, Lexi is blown away when...
xmoviesforyou289 Family pain and joy 2The boys returned, Graham first a hansom lad, fast becoming all his parents would want, Miriam met him at the station, and in the car, he explained about his new girlfriend, Tina, and her invite to spend the last week of the holiday at her home. She excepted the inevitable, realising he was growing up, leaving the apron strings and just said “that’s nice son, I do hope she`s all you dream of.” He produced a picture, and as she knew it would be, it was of a pretty...
Truda - Fighting woman Varick - Protecting Ruler Harman - Man of the army "You did what!?" Varick was practically screaming. "I thought I warned you not to! Now that repulsive son of a bitch will be after us even more! We aren't strong enough yet to completely resist him!" Alan sighed and tapped Varick on the shoulder the man suddenly finding his voice had stopped, "Thank you now if you'll allow me to explain you'll see just why I did ok?" Varick was only glaring at...
The guys are at the table, joking around and drinking beers, as Rachel gleefully trots down the stairs. "Hey guys!" She smiles brightly as she walks past them, her perky chest bouncing, to go to the fridge. They smile back, Rick smirks at her as they make eye contact. Rachel is a very sexy teen girl. Standing at around 5'4'', thin body, with long legs, smooth skin with a slight tan, deep brown eyes, sultry facial features, flat stomach, tight little butt, perky 32C bust, and long, dark...
“It sounds like Lisa is having a blast out there,” Sasha comments after hearing the woman scream for Jonathan to cum in her. “I know,” August agrees as she leans against Sasha. “It’s fucking hot isn’t it?” Sasha nods and August kisses her, pressing her body against Sasha. Their breast mash against one another as Sasha runs her hands down her back, pulling August into her. Her hands rest on August’s soft, toned ass. Their tongues touch and they kiss deeply. The water arches over Sasha as...
This continues the Mrs Denver Prelude series, but is a spin-off. Elizabeth and Emma Carson, mum and daughter, are regularly spanked and caned under the various disciplinary systems introduced by Headmistress Mrs Denver. There is a change in who dispenses that discipline. 24-year-old Miss Hannah Bentner, a teacher at Emma’s school. This is how she takes over disciplining Emma. Elizabeth and Emma sat in the living room chatting. Miss Bentner had offered to give 17-year-old Emma private lessons at...
SpankingHi friends and this is my first story mera nam Sameer hai our mai Mumbai ka rahnewala hu. Ye mere pahle sex ki real storie hai agar apko pasand aye to khaskarke bhabi to muje jaroor reply karna mera email id hai to jyada bore na karte hue apne kahani suna ta hu. Yebat pichale sal ki hai mai Mumbai mai rahta hu mai jaha rahta hu wahase najdik mai hi hamare gaon se shadi hokar sadhana aeye thi uske shadi ko 6 sal ho chuke the gaon se hone ke karan sadhana aur hamare Pahlesehi acche talukat thy...
Hi! Escapist here! It's been a while I guess. Last time I tried to put a story up, I made a lot of weird points and pranced around and made it seem like I had contempt for the TG field in all its forms. Then I went ahead, after wasting a page on the intro: to make the same mistakes (look up the story A Fictional Treatise on TG Fiction.) I wrote it about two years ago, and going to the commentary makes me realize how much of a prissy fuck I really was. The comments pretty much boiled...
Ana and I had been invited to a swinger party with some friends.But it was Tuesday and I should finish some heavy paperwork at my office; so then I could just be there after midnight…The solution seemed simple in that I would meet my hot Ana there. But my sexy wife surprised me by being reluctant to go alone; as she said that she was feeling very aroused that night and she would feel vulnerable and tempted to stray. But I reassured Ana that I trusted her choices and I very much enjoyed her...
"Oh... nothing I just… eh… won in PE," He stammered out not wanting to tell her the truth, "You know nothing much." "OK, well good for you," She said not really sure what to believe but not really having any good reason to dought him so just believed him. Dave jumped over the back of the sofa and sat and began to watch TV. As he watched two things slowly occured to him one being that the TV program was unbelievably shite and the other was that a georgous woman was cuddling into...
Sienna Day has a cock addiction. The blonde Milf with blue eyes and inviting enhanced tits can’t wait to see Mr. Longwood’s big hard black cock. She pulls down his pants and stares right at this dark veiny dick! The curvy British stunner takes his massive meat into her mouth and starts sucking that tasty prick when suddenly her husband Marc Rose enters the room. After a short dispute, she grabs him by his balls and crams her insatiable mouth with his white dick while giving the...
xmoviesforyouFleshlight. Fleshjack. Pocket pussy. It has many names, and to fleshlight lovers I’m known as a ‘frequent flyer.’ That is, I use it regularly. And often. I discovered the fleshlight several years ago and was immediately drawn to it. A tight hole is something I’ve never been able to resist, and when that hole is also always ready and always willing, I’m helpless. I love fucking the fleshlight because I can make it just about me and my needs. With the fleshlight my pleasure and my fantasies...
All I remember is that as I entered the room I was quickly drawn to the mysterious man standing in the corner. A quiet man it seemed, basically minding his own business, his head slightly bent looking down with a shy demeanor. Almost unapproachable I would say. As if intentionally not trying to get the attention of anyone but there I was totally captivated and intrigued. I wanted to speak to him, touch him, kiss him. Although I don’t know why, the reasons for my sudden need to explore this...
Oral SexLateshaythank you baby!5:46 pm, September 8 liploverAwesome tits and ass. Been watching your movies and tributes. I have so far pumped out 3 huge loads and need a break to build up the cum volume. I will be back at it as soon as I can blow more cum loads. Would love to pump my cock while I watched you strip on cam and you could see my cumshots come squirting out for you.
On Wednesday before Christmas Katy and I took the chance to wrap the Christmas present we had bought for Joe and Isa. It was a joint present from us to them. We had bought them a grandmother clock from a charity shop, believe it or not, much cheaper than it would have been if the person who donated it had sold it to an antique shop. I made a mental note to myself now that I had come into my inheritance to make a donation that would compensate for the bargain I had obtained from them. Once we...
This is my first story so constructive criticism is always appreciated! This story is 100 % fiction. My name is Alex, at the time of these events I was 18 years old, recently left college and taking a gap year before university, (meaning all I really do is ride motorbikes and sit around doing sweet fuck all!) I am 5”11, a lightweight 120 pounds with an average, if not slightly athletic physique. Medium length mousy coloured hair with spikes, rough facial hair and bright green eyes make up my...