Maragana GirlChapter 6 free porn video

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In the middle of September there was another indication that Kim was becoming more settled in her new life in Danube City. She sat at the table of Sergekt's mother for the first time. Danubian social protocol mandated that any social contact between a young man and a young woman had to be preceded by the young man sitting at the table of the woman's father, or in the case of Kimberly Lee, her guardian, Spokesman Vladim Dukov. Sergekt had complied with that custom and now came over to the Dukovs' house once a week for dinner.

The second phase of the social protocol, that the young woman sit at the table of the young man's parents, only took place if the young man decided that he wanted to become romantically involved with her. By the middle of September Sergekt had decided that he wanted Kim to become his girlfriend. He asked Kim to eat at home with his mother and aunt. She accepted, not fully understanding the seriousness of what he was proposing.

The afternoon before Sergekt arrived to escort Kim to his house, Dukov sat in his library, wondering about the consequences of what was about to happen. He liked Sergekt tremendously. He had all the makings of an excellent Danubian citizen. He was brave, determined, and had "proper values". He clearly understood the importance of friendship and protocol. The fact that he was a convicted criminal did not bother Dukov at all. If Anyia were just a couple of years older, the Spokesman would have been very pleased if Sergekt had shown an interest in her, collar or no collar.

Dukov was somewhat puzzled by Sergekt's interest in Kim. Kim was very different from a typical girl from Upper Danubia and obviously would make a fascinating friend for anyone. However, to become romantically involved with her was quite another issue. At the end of two years Kim would be going home to the US. Did he hope to go to the US with her? Did he expect that Kim would stay in Upper Danubia past the end of her sentence?

Dukov's instincts told him he needed to dissuade his client from any romantic involvement with a Danubian. However, he also remembered what he had told Kim the first night she was at his house, that she had to live from day to day and enjoy the small daily pleasures of life. A romantic relationship certainly would help her get through the difficult times that lay ahead.

Dukov glanced over at the picture of himself and his future wife on the wall, the one in which they were naked and wearing collars. The Spokesman took his own collar off the wall and studied it, running his fingers over its groves and touching the broken latch. This piece of metal had been on his neck for five years. Like Sergekt, Dukov had worn this collar not so much because of anything he had done wrong himself, but because he had refused to betray his friends. The circumstances had been different, of course, but the Danubian definition of honor had remained intact over time ... a definition shared by the Spokesman and by his client's young suitor.

Kim's suitor reminded Dukov so much of himself when he was young. He remembered the countless nights he had danced with Maritza at the Socrates club, just like Sergekt was doing with Kim ... and the nights they sat at the tables of each other's families. There were the good times and the hard times ... hard times, yes ... very hard times. The relationship between Vladim and Maritza had survived through it all. They had been together 28 years.

Dukov's thoughts turned back to his client. Kim hardly fit the image of a proper Danubian woman, but she seemed to be moving in that direction. Two years ... what would two years in Upper Danubia do to her? Maybe she was not destined to leave the country after all...

In the end Dukov decided not to say anything. Kim would sit at the table of Sergekt's mother, just as Sergekt would sit at the Dukovs' table.

When Kim went to Sergekt's house, Sergekt's mother and aunt were dressed in old-style Danubian dresses and the same elaborate dishes the Dukovs had prepared for Sergekt were on the dining room table waiting for Kim. However, Sergekt's mother greeted his new girlfriend with skepticism. An American who was not even of European descent, a convicted drug user, someone who could not express herself properly in Danubian ... what on earth was he thinking? Kim faced a much more difficult task of sitting at Sergekt's table than he faced sitting at hers.

Kim sat uncomfortably while Sergekt's mother probed her with questions that she struggled to understand and answer. She resented being placed in this awkward position, but at the same time realized that Sergekt had to do the exact same thing for her. If she wanted to live in Upper Danubia and have friends, something she had no choice over for the next two years, she had to play by the rules of the country.

In the end Sergekt's mother warmed up just enough to allow Kim to continue coming over. It was not exactly an approval, but instead a withholding of judgment. In spite of all her deficiencies, "Geemberglek" seemed like a decent-enough girl, so Sergekt's mother did not feel justified telling her son she disapproved of her. To do so would be unfair and possibly cause problems for Sergekt and this strange foreign girlfriend of his. To condemn Criminal # 98945 also would have violated the Danubian idea that a person should never form a negative opinion about another person without a very specific reason.

That night Sergekt took Kim back to Dukov's house. Once again in the trolley they held onto each other. Once again she thrilled at the feel of his body next to hers. When he left her at the front door, he took her hands in his and looked at her with a question in his eyes. For some odd reason Kim decided to answer in English.

"You can kiss me, Sergekt."

Perhaps he did not understand her words, but he did understand her meaning. They kissed, slowly at first, then passionately. Eventually they forced themselves to stop. Kim squeezed Sergekt's hand and he was on his way home. In the US it would have been different; he would have come in and spent the night. Not in this country, and certainly not in Dukov's house. In Upper Danubia the pace of relationships, just like everything else in life, was much slower.

As the weeks passed Kim became a regular member of Sergekt's social group at the Socrates Club. They went to the club at least twice per week to drink Danubian beer, eat salted deep-fried vegetables, talk, and share their music and thoughts. Criminal # 98945 had found her place in this hostile country, the one spot where she felt she belonged. She chatted with the others and danced with her boyfriend. Increasingly they danced closer and closer, enjoying the feel of each other's bodies. Over time their souls became more and more connected. Over time Kim thought about Sergekt more and more when she was not with him.

In mid September Kim listened to "Nemát mi biciklét" performed live for the first time in the Socrates Club. When she heard to the song and understood the words, tears ran down her cheeks. The song and its sad message of not appreciating the good things of life until it was too late deeply moved not just Kim, but everyone who listened to it. Quickly it became popular throughout the entire criminal community and the club scene. Within a year the song was featured on Danubian radio. With a simple, heartfelt speech, Kim had left a lasting influence on Danubian popular culture.

The following week was the Autumn Equinox, and also the Danubian Day of the Dead. The holiday was the most important celebration in Upper Danubia, much more important than Christmas, New Year's Day, or even the birthday of Vladik the Defender, Upper Danubia's greatest king.

The Day of the Dead marked the end of the summer growing season and the country's long descent into darkness, cold, famine, and death. It had been celebrated in the same manner since Pagan times, and it remained very much a Pagan event. It was a dark, morbid holiday, designed to appease the dead spirits by letting them know that those still alive were all too aware of the fate that awaits all living things. It was the chance for the living to show their respect and to assure the dead spirits that they appreciated the fleeting gift of life. Once the country converted to Christianity in 900 AD, Catholic Saints were incorporated into the Day of the Dead, but the ceremony itself and its purpose were only slightly changed. Now that Christianity was on the wane in Upper Danubia as it was in the rest of Europe, the ceremony had almost completely returned to its Pagan roots.

On the day of the equinox all electrical power in Upper Danubia was shut off, with the sole exception of emergency services in hospitals. All battery-operated devices had to be shut off. All telecommunications had to be shut off. The borders were closed and no motorized vehicles could operate. The country became completely silent for 36 hours, from sun-down on September 21st to sun-up on the 23rd. The Dukovs observed the holiday by dressing in black capes, as did everyone else in the neighborhood.

Kim did not spend the Day of the Dead with Dukov's family. Kim was a criminal, and the Day of the Dead was the one day out of the year criminals had an honored place in Danube City. Criminals played a central role in the main ceremony and the collective request for atonement. Shortly before sun-down on the 21st, Kim, Sergekt, and every other criminal in Danube City rode trolleys downtown. The criminals gathered in the plaza in front of the Temple of the Ancients, joining about 900 additional people who were not criminals, but instead performing public penance. There were over 3,600 criminals and penitents altogether. They lined up in groups, where their organizers were waiting with white and black body-paint. Every criminal in the city would be painted, first white, then with black highlights. The make-up job had been done in the same manner for 3,000 years. It was primitive, but very effective. From a distance, the criminals looked ghoulish, half-way between cadavers and skeletons.

The marchers were all painted by the time it was dark. Kim was amazed at the effect of seeing 3,600 naked, painted bodies all gathered in one place. It actually did look kind of scary. Temple officials passed out 3,600 torches with over-the-shoulder torch slings and explained how to carry the torches to minimize the strain on the marchers' arms. The participants then divided into two groups and started filing out in opposite directions. They would circle the city that night and meet again on the opposite side of Danube City in the morning. The following night they would complete their march by returning to Temple of the Ancients through the city center. Kim later learned that part of the purpose of all this was to present the Spirits of the Dead with an opportunity to walk the earth again through the marchers, if they so chose.

The criminals marched all night in single file. The group that included Kim and Sergekt followed the trail upstream along the Danube River and finally turned right to head inland. They walked along dark country roads, their surroundings illuminated only by their own torches. All along the route ordinary citizens silently knelt in their black robes, apparently praying for forgiveness for whatever they had done wrong over the past year. Death seemed to hang in the air. Kim could feel it all around her, as though the dead spirits really had woken up.

Kim's eyes shifted back and forth from Sergekt's back to the kneeling crowds, as she tried to comprehend her own participation in this very strange ceremony. No one had asked her about doing this. It had just been taken for granted that Criminal # 98945 would participate along with all the others. She was a Danubian criminal and a member of Danubian society, whether she liked it or not. As such she had certain responsibilities.

Criminal # 98945 spent part of the night wondering about her forfeited life in the US. She would go back home in two years ... probably. Suddenly she wasn't so sure. How could she return to her old life, after everything she had been through? Kim knew that she was changed. Less than three months into a two year sentence she had changed. Was it possible to change back? She thought so, but wasn't so confident about that anymore. This Day of the Dead, for example. Walking naked at night over silent country roads, covered with white and black body-paint, carrying a torch in front of thousands of kneeling Danubians ... how on earth could she explain what she was doing to someone in the US without sounding like a total nut?

There were breaks in the marching about every two hours for going to the bathroom, exchanging torches, and drinking blackberry punch. The punch was dark red and stained the criminals' mouths. Some of the criminals, including Sergekt, allowed the punch to drip down their chests to give their body paint the appearance of being covered in blood.

Kim's group walked a half circle around the city. Shortly before sunrise she made out the torches from the other group as they came from the opposite direction. The distant line of torches and the white bodies underneath truly did look scary. The two lines converged on a campsite made up of military tents and bed-rolls. The criminals would sleep and relax during the day and after sunset resume the march back through Danube City to the Temple of the Ancients.

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Annelore antwortet auf meine Anzeige Reife

Vorweg muss ich sagen, sie hat mir nette Fotos geschickt, auf denen Sie aber nicht drauf war, sondern eine Reife Dame in Strumpfhosen, die hier auch schon mehrfach veröffentlicht wurde. Aber die Fantasien hätte ich gerne schon live erlebt. So blieb mir nur die Geschichte zum wichsen.Also gut, ich halte es wie Zuckerbrot und Peitsche. Mal lieblich, doch oft streng und rigoros. Ich stelle mir unser erstes Treffen so vor (oder so ähnlich): Wir treffen uns an einem neutralen Ort, ein Cafe oder so...

2 years ago
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A Day In A Lungi

Hi, this is writing this story. Your comments and feedbacks are welcome. It was when I came back from playing football that my mother told me about this news. It was summer vacation and I was a keen football player, spending almost the entire day on the ground. That is why I didn’t like the idea when my mother told that I will have to stay out of home for the night to give company to an aunty who is our distant relative. It is like her husband had to suddenly go out of town on account of a...

1 year ago
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Hidden Pleasures in Lesbian exploration

Hello all ISS readers, this is your one and only JJ back with a lesbian experience after writing so many stories in this site and receiving a very good response from readers. As you all know I am a true advocate of lesbianism and one of my readers wanted to me to narrate a story that will make her horny as ever and every time she reads the story it must make her climax again and again. They day I submitted my first lesbian narration she has been in touch with me and truly feels there more...

3 years ago
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My girlfriend eats me

Introduction: This is a dark fantasy story. This story is going to be disgusting to some people, check the tags. Youve been warned. Written in the perspective of a woman. Are you sure you want to do this?, Emma said and looked at me. Yes, Ive never been so sure about anything. I need this., I say and lean over to her and give her a kiss. Me and Emma have been together since we both were 14 years old. That would make this weekend our 10th anniversary. We met at a pretty dull party. There were...

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Wolf Creek Ch 11

Ada Albin Raven and Frank Wolf were married on a beautiful, clear and crisp, spring morning in 1927 in the glade by the cascading eastern arm of Wolf Creek about midway between Brook House and Hagen’s Saw Mill in the lower reaches of Hahn’s Peak. Ada had wanted to be married in the open air of the Rocky Mountains, and she could think of no more beautiful spot than the one where she and Pete Fair had met and made love. She meant no disrespect for her new husband, but her afternoons spent...

3 years ago
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Being An Erotic Tale of Majik In An Untolde and Unknown Number of Parts Composed By A Coward Preferring To Hide Behind the Pseudonym "Ocelot Phayze" Chapter One: In Which The Story Begins I've come to the realization that one of the necessities of extended trips over land or otherwise is the capacity to ignore your bladder. Someone, somewhere, sometime in my past must have warned me about coaches, but I either don't remember exactly what they said or, more likely, I never bothered...

2 years ago
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The Taboo Family Files Chapter 8

My eyes were wide open and my heart was beating so hard, it almost felt nonexistent. "If he is cheating, I'm gonna find out. Nadine told me it could be happening right now, so I'm gonna race over there and crash their party," I explained, speeding over there. As soon as I rolled up in front of his house, I got out and zoomed right to the front door. I opened it up and saw no one in sight. "Well, Nadine said her dad was gone and I know she isn't here, so maybe I'll check Ted's bedroom," I...

1 year ago
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DchasChapter 20

As Alpha1 carried Sarah's Clan back to the Enclave, they reviewed the time spent on the ship that day. Over the last several weeks, they had returned to the ship many times. Each trip was a little different but their first stops were always to see how Amy's Clan was progressing and then to see how the crew was doing with the maintenance. Also, on each trip they usually managed to spend some time on the bridge. Normally this was to review the documentation on their area of responsibility....

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Cherie DeVille Kenna James Lesbian Hospital Waiting Room

When Chloe Foster walks into her 3 o’clock appointment, she’s greeted by Kenna James. Kenna asks her to fill out a form and tells her that the doctor, Cherie De Ville, will be right with her. When Cherie comes out and asks her how she’s feeling, she can’t believe how hot her doctor is. As Chloe flirts with Cherie, Kenna is visibly disgusted. They leave the reception area and Sara Vandella walks in and is asked to fill out a form as she waits for the doctor. Sara...

2 years ago
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Tarak Mehata Ka Hot Chasma Part 8211 10

Hi indian sex stories dot net dosto me sandy firse aap ke samne meri kahani ka agla part pesh kar rah hu aap ne mere is kahani ke sare part pade hongr agar nahi to pls pad lena aur muje reply karna ki kaise lage.. To chalo jada time wast na karte huye me side kahani par ata hu.. Sodi aur komal bhabhi ne mast me shower room me chudai ki aur dono bhide ke room me ate hai par unhe ye nahi pata hota hai ki unhe koi dek raha hai.. Unki chudai babitaji dek rahi hoti hai jo komal bhabhi ko pahalese...

2 years ago
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Dark Days 2 Dawns Early LightChapter 7

It was two more days before Neville called me and told me that he was on his way with a first draft of the contract. While we had waited, Erin, my real estate guru, had me driving all over LA and the surrounding area looking at houses. There were a couple of nice ones, but none that really grabbed me, so she said she was flying in to look for herself. I offered to put her up on the boat but she would be stuck with crew quarters. She just laughed at me and told me she had a company AmEx. Hmm...

3 years ago
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My sisters best friend

I’d had a longish drive up the M1 to Leicester where my rather younger sister lived. She had been a late baby, and I had been in my last year at school when she was born, so I really didn’t see much of her when she was a child, but after my divorce, I visited my parents much more often and saw much more of her and her friends also when they were in their teens. Then her marriage and children brought us a lot closer, and I enjoyed being the older uncle, especially as I saw less than I would have...

2 years ago
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A Surprise For My Husband

It was a quiet warm night in the middle of the summer as my husband sat shirtless on the couch focusing on his game with his headphones and virtual reality headset on. His dark curls twisting up around his gaming headset and his breathing slowed as he focused on a mythical world I couldn't see. Something about the energy in the air and how gorgeous he looked as he relaxed after a long hard day had me feeling horny and my panties were so subtly getting wet. Quietly I slipped off my jeans and...

2 years ago
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Caras twisted revenge on her family Introduction

Cara had had enough  She had had enough of her overly  protective mother always dictating to her what she can and can't do. She had had enough of her obsessively aggressive father and his unpredictable outbursts of anger. And she had had enough of her disgustingly annoying little shit of a brother who never knew when enough was enough. Cara had had enough. It was time to get her fucking revenge Ever since Cara can remember, she's always been a little bit messed up in the head....

1 year ago
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The Best of Paris WatermanChapter 5 Dinner and Then Some

Dinner and Then Some Leigh lay in her bath, indulging in a slow masturbation and tried to recall the places and ways they'd done it. Over the last two weeks they'd been like rabbits on a honeymoon. She'd even gone out and on a whim had her nipples pierced. Michael had been enthralled with them, and after they had had a chance to heal, played with them constantly. They made love everywhere. The dining room table; Leigh had marred it with her bracelet while gripping its sides as Michael...

3 years ago
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Blackhawk HallChapter 4

Arilee and Christi walked through the massive double doors of Blackhawk Hall into the cobblestone courtyard beyond. Both were dressed to impress, and the effect was not lost on the guards flanking the door. Christi turned around after a few steps, knowing that the guards would be looking, and winked. The men both quickly lifted their eyes from the sway of the women's bottoms, provoking a laugh from Christi as she turned her eyes back to the path ahead. A glance at Ari readily revealed the...

3 years ago
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Before Double Trouble

Before Double Trouble IOur protagonists:Lori Lavalle, not quite 21 years old, was 5’7? tall and weighed about 130 pounds.  Along with flashing green eyes and high cheekbones, she had long, lustrous coal black hair, and a figure many women would kill for:  1) a beautifully rounded set of boobs, very upright and erect, measuring 36? with a C/D cup – 2) thanks to many hours of waist training, she measured just over 25? around her middle – 3) 37? hips, with the most perfect bubble butt man had ever...

2 years ago
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First Love Making

By : Hotlove_1414 Hi, this is Sabbir from Dhaka. I am 18, average physique and a pretty average dick. I was from a middle class family. My father was a businessman and my mother, a housewife. I have two elder brothers and a small sister. This story took place one years back…….. I was 17 then. I had too much interest in love making but everyone see me as an innocent boy. In our house, we had a maid to help my mom. Her name was Nupur. She was 19 years old and a typical village girl. She has a...

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The Birthday Present

I open my eyes and slowly come to wakefulness. Glancing at the alarm clock, I see that it is eight in the morning.  The aroma of coffee wafts through the room, and I can hear sounds from the kitchen of breakfast being prepared. Swinging my legs out of bed, I don a pair of cutoff jeans before I go downstairs . “Good morning, and happy birthday,” my wife Alice greets me as I enter the kitchen. “Good god fifty today,” I realize. She comes over and gives me a chaste kiss on the lips, and hands me...

1 year ago
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MylfXTeamSkeet Jaycee Starr Penny Pax Embrace The Ginger And They Will Cum

Cute ginger Jaycee Starr has yet to embrace her red hair. But her sexy neighbor Penny Pax has long since realized that redheads do it way better. When Jaycee watches Penny fuck a big cocked stud through the window, they catch her in the act and invite her to join. She explains her insecurities, but Penny assures her that guys love gingers. Jaycee joins in on the phone and our stud fills both their pussies up with all the man meat they can handle. He plows them hard and then gets ready to bust a...

2 years ago
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Visiting a special friend

“Ei, what are you doing here?” “I’m here to visit your sister…” I trailed off, knowing how unusual that was for me. He looked at me like he was trying to send me some message between the lines of “Really?” and “Don’t mess with me, I’m watching you”. After some brief moments he replied: “Aiite, come in.” The area inside was a bit stereotypical. Concrete floor in the front as a driveway (thankfully it was empty) A couple of trees, some bushes spread around the corners and...

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Dare YouInterlude

When Kevin arrived home from his evening with his girlfriend I greeted him with a hug as I usually did. He'd seemed subdued and I probably should have been concerned but I'd received a shock when I'd hugged him and I wasn't thinking too clearly. The first thing I'd noticed as I held him was his erection, a hard, hot bar that I could feel even through our clothes. Now don't get me wrong, I know young men are horny creatures and Kevin was seeing a beautiful girl. It's just that I...

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