Maragana GirlChapter 21
- 4 years ago
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In the middle of September there was another indication that Kim was becoming more settled in her new life in Danube City. She sat at the table of Sergekt's mother for the first time. Danubian social protocol mandated that any social contact between a young man and a young woman had to be preceded by the young man sitting at the table of the woman's father, or in the case of Kimberly Lee, her guardian, Spokesman Vladim Dukov. Sergekt had complied with that custom and now came over to the Dukovs' house once a week for dinner.
The second phase of the social protocol, that the young woman sit at the table of the young man's parents, only took place if the young man decided that he wanted to become romantically involved with her. By the middle of September Sergekt had decided that he wanted Kim to become his girlfriend. He asked Kim to eat at home with his mother and aunt. She accepted, not fully understanding the seriousness of what he was proposing.
The afternoon before Sergekt arrived to escort Kim to his house, Dukov sat in his library, wondering about the consequences of what was about to happen. He liked Sergekt tremendously. He had all the makings of an excellent Danubian citizen. He was brave, determined, and had "proper values". He clearly understood the importance of friendship and protocol. The fact that he was a convicted criminal did not bother Dukov at all. If Anyia were just a couple of years older, the Spokesman would have been very pleased if Sergekt had shown an interest in her, collar or no collar.
Dukov was somewhat puzzled by Sergekt's interest in Kim. Kim was very different from a typical girl from Upper Danubia and obviously would make a fascinating friend for anyone. However, to become romantically involved with her was quite another issue. At the end of two years Kim would be going home to the US. Did he hope to go to the US with her? Did he expect that Kim would stay in Upper Danubia past the end of her sentence?
Dukov's instincts told him he needed to dissuade his client from any romantic involvement with a Danubian. However, he also remembered what he had told Kim the first night she was at his house, that she had to live from day to day and enjoy the small daily pleasures of life. A romantic relationship certainly would help her get through the difficult times that lay ahead.
Dukov glanced over at the picture of himself and his future wife on the wall, the one in which they were naked and wearing collars. The Spokesman took his own collar off the wall and studied it, running his fingers over its groves and touching the broken latch. This piece of metal had been on his neck for five years. Like Sergekt, Dukov had worn this collar not so much because of anything he had done wrong himself, but because he had refused to betray his friends. The circumstances had been different, of course, but the Danubian definition of honor had remained intact over time ... a definition shared by the Spokesman and by his client's young suitor.
Kim's suitor reminded Dukov so much of himself when he was young. He remembered the countless nights he had danced with Maritza at the Socrates club, just like Sergekt was doing with Kim ... and the nights they sat at the tables of each other's families. There were the good times and the hard times ... hard times, yes ... very hard times. The relationship between Vladim and Maritza had survived through it all. They had been together 28 years.
Dukov's thoughts turned back to his client. Kim hardly fit the image of a proper Danubian woman, but she seemed to be moving in that direction. Two years ... what would two years in Upper Danubia do to her? Maybe she was not destined to leave the country after all...
In the end Dukov decided not to say anything. Kim would sit at the table of Sergekt's mother, just as Sergekt would sit at the Dukovs' table.
When Kim went to Sergekt's house, Sergekt's mother and aunt were dressed in old-style Danubian dresses and the same elaborate dishes the Dukovs had prepared for Sergekt were on the dining room table waiting for Kim. However, Sergekt's mother greeted his new girlfriend with skepticism. An American who was not even of European descent, a convicted drug user, someone who could not express herself properly in Danubian ... what on earth was he thinking? Kim faced a much more difficult task of sitting at Sergekt's table than he faced sitting at hers.
Kim sat uncomfortably while Sergekt's mother probed her with questions that she struggled to understand and answer. She resented being placed in this awkward position, but at the same time realized that Sergekt had to do the exact same thing for her. If she wanted to live in Upper Danubia and have friends, something she had no choice over for the next two years, she had to play by the rules of the country.
In the end Sergekt's mother warmed up just enough to allow Kim to continue coming over. It was not exactly an approval, but instead a withholding of judgment. In spite of all her deficiencies, "Geemberglek" seemed like a decent-enough girl, so Sergekt's mother did not feel justified telling her son she disapproved of her. To do so would be unfair and possibly cause problems for Sergekt and this strange foreign girlfriend of his. To condemn Criminal # 98945 also would have violated the Danubian idea that a person should never form a negative opinion about another person without a very specific reason.
That night Sergekt took Kim back to Dukov's house. Once again in the trolley they held onto each other. Once again she thrilled at the feel of his body next to hers. When he left her at the front door, he took her hands in his and looked at her with a question in his eyes. For some odd reason Kim decided to answer in English.
"You can kiss me, Sergekt."
Perhaps he did not understand her words, but he did understand her meaning. They kissed, slowly at first, then passionately. Eventually they forced themselves to stop. Kim squeezed Sergekt's hand and he was on his way home. In the US it would have been different; he would have come in and spent the night. Not in this country, and certainly not in Dukov's house. In Upper Danubia the pace of relationships, just like everything else in life, was much slower.
As the weeks passed Kim became a regular member of Sergekt's social group at the Socrates Club. They went to the club at least twice per week to drink Danubian beer, eat salted deep-fried vegetables, talk, and share their music and thoughts. Criminal # 98945 had found her place in this hostile country, the one spot where she felt she belonged. She chatted with the others and danced with her boyfriend. Increasingly they danced closer and closer, enjoying the feel of each other's bodies. Over time their souls became more and more connected. Over time Kim thought about Sergekt more and more when she was not with him.
In mid September Kim listened to "Nemát mi biciklét" performed live for the first time in the Socrates Club. When she heard to the song and understood the words, tears ran down her cheeks. The song and its sad message of not appreciating the good things of life until it was too late deeply moved not just Kim, but everyone who listened to it. Quickly it became popular throughout the entire criminal community and the club scene. Within a year the song was featured on Danubian radio. With a simple, heartfelt speech, Kim had left a lasting influence on Danubian popular culture.
The following week was the Autumn Equinox, and also the Danubian Day of the Dead. The holiday was the most important celebration in Upper Danubia, much more important than Christmas, New Year's Day, or even the birthday of Vladik the Defender, Upper Danubia's greatest king.
The Day of the Dead marked the end of the summer growing season and the country's long descent into darkness, cold, famine, and death. It had been celebrated in the same manner since Pagan times, and it remained very much a Pagan event. It was a dark, morbid holiday, designed to appease the dead spirits by letting them know that those still alive were all too aware of the fate that awaits all living things. It was the chance for the living to show their respect and to assure the dead spirits that they appreciated the fleeting gift of life. Once the country converted to Christianity in 900 AD, Catholic Saints were incorporated into the Day of the Dead, but the ceremony itself and its purpose were only slightly changed. Now that Christianity was on the wane in Upper Danubia as it was in the rest of Europe, the ceremony had almost completely returned to its Pagan roots.
On the day of the equinox all electrical power in Upper Danubia was shut off, with the sole exception of emergency services in hospitals. All battery-operated devices had to be shut off. All telecommunications had to be shut off. The borders were closed and no motorized vehicles could operate. The country became completely silent for 36 hours, from sun-down on September 21st to sun-up on the 23rd. The Dukovs observed the holiday by dressing in black capes, as did everyone else in the neighborhood.
Kim did not spend the Day of the Dead with Dukov's family. Kim was a criminal, and the Day of the Dead was the one day out of the year criminals had an honored place in Danube City. Criminals played a central role in the main ceremony and the collective request for atonement. Shortly before sun-down on the 21st, Kim, Sergekt, and every other criminal in Danube City rode trolleys downtown. The criminals gathered in the plaza in front of the Temple of the Ancients, joining about 900 additional people who were not criminals, but instead performing public penance. There were over 3,600 criminals and penitents altogether. They lined up in groups, where their organizers were waiting with white and black body-paint. Every criminal in the city would be painted, first white, then with black highlights. The make-up job had been done in the same manner for 3,000 years. It was primitive, but very effective. From a distance, the criminals looked ghoulish, half-way between cadavers and skeletons.
The marchers were all painted by the time it was dark. Kim was amazed at the effect of seeing 3,600 naked, painted bodies all gathered in one place. It actually did look kind of scary. Temple officials passed out 3,600 torches with over-the-shoulder torch slings and explained how to carry the torches to minimize the strain on the marchers' arms. The participants then divided into two groups and started filing out in opposite directions. They would circle the city that night and meet again on the opposite side of Danube City in the morning. The following night they would complete their march by returning to Temple of the Ancients through the city center. Kim later learned that part of the purpose of all this was to present the Spirits of the Dead with an opportunity to walk the earth again through the marchers, if they so chose.
The criminals marched all night in single file. The group that included Kim and Sergekt followed the trail upstream along the Danube River and finally turned right to head inland. They walked along dark country roads, their surroundings illuminated only by their own torches. All along the route ordinary citizens silently knelt in their black robes, apparently praying for forgiveness for whatever they had done wrong over the past year. Death seemed to hang in the air. Kim could feel it all around her, as though the dead spirits really had woken up.
Kim's eyes shifted back and forth from Sergekt's back to the kneeling crowds, as she tried to comprehend her own participation in this very strange ceremony. No one had asked her about doing this. It had just been taken for granted that Criminal # 98945 would participate along with all the others. She was a Danubian criminal and a member of Danubian society, whether she liked it or not. As such she had certain responsibilities.
Criminal # 98945 spent part of the night wondering about her forfeited life in the US. She would go back home in two years ... probably. Suddenly she wasn't so sure. How could she return to her old life, after everything she had been through? Kim knew that she was changed. Less than three months into a two year sentence she had changed. Was it possible to change back? She thought so, but wasn't so confident about that anymore. This Day of the Dead, for example. Walking naked at night over silent country roads, covered with white and black body-paint, carrying a torch in front of thousands of kneeling Danubians ... how on earth could she explain what she was doing to someone in the US without sounding like a total nut?
There were breaks in the marching about every two hours for going to the bathroom, exchanging torches, and drinking blackberry punch. The punch was dark red and stained the criminals' mouths. Some of the criminals, including Sergekt, allowed the punch to drip down their chests to give their body paint the appearance of being covered in blood.
Kim's group walked a half circle around the city. Shortly before sunrise she made out the torches from the other group as they came from the opposite direction. The distant line of torches and the white bodies underneath truly did look scary. The two lines converged on a campsite made up of military tents and bed-rolls. The criminals would sleep and relax during the day and after sunset resume the march back through Danube City to the Temple of the Ancients.
Kim spent the middle of March confronting the emotional turmoil that resulted from Cindy's trip. Without realizing what was happening until it was too late, she had long since passed a point of no return. She couldn't go back to her old life. Kim expected the first crisis from her decision to hit about 48 hours after she said goodbye to Cindy. Sure enough, two nights after her sister left Kim's parents called her, in hysterics over the result of Cindy's trip. Cindy's decision to support...
Kim began her classes as a Danubian university student in the middle of January. She reduced her hours at the music store to her summer schedule, working only three days per week. She studied Danubian law, history, criminology, and the Danubian interpretation of sociology. Kim's self-confidence increased as she realized she was smart enough to master the somewhat difficult coursework in a foreign language. She was perfectly capable of studying hard and studying well, as long as she had a...
By the end of Kim's first week in Danube City she was partially settled into her strange new life as a convicted criminal and bicycle courier. Within a week her welts were fading and no longer hurt. She had come to terms with what had happened and even managed to pass by the Temple of the Ancients where all her trouble had started. Kim vaguely wondered if that sadistic cop and her partner were still patrolling the grounds behind the Temple, but had no desire to go there and find out. She...
Vladim Dukov was a Spokesman-for-the-Criminal. He son Vladik was a police officer. It was only a matter of time before Vladim would become the Spokesman for defendants arrested by his son. The same day his daughter's school uniform issue was "settled", at least in Vladim Dukov's mind, Vladik arrested two burglars. Over the summer they had broken into several homes around the Dukovs' neighborhood to steal money and jewelry. In two of the burglaries they had killed family dogs protecting...
Upper Danubia's daily rhythm was changing rapidly by the end of September. Farmers were harvesting their crops, school was in full session, and extra trolleys appeared on the streets, ready to begin transporting commuters who had been riding their bicycles all summer when the weather was sunny. The trees began changing color and the nights became colder and colder. Kim and Sergekt began wearing their bright orange winter boots, as did Danube City's other criminals. For the first few days...
Officer Vladik Dukov had been concerned about the other police officers for good reason. Several of them had a reputation for being perverted and two of them already had been reprimanded for abusing criminals. Vladik was appalled when he found out they would be part of the punishment team, which was what prompted him to take charge of the women. Along with the deviant cops, several of the medical students from the Central Police Station were present in the school auditorium. As the male...
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Kim finally forced herself to turn on her cell phone, which was blinking with four messages from Victor Dukov. Instead of listening to the messages, Kim decided simply to return to Victor's office and tell him what happened in the park. The moment Victor saw his wayward employee, he knew something was very wrong. He had the decency to hold off on berating her for the unauthorized break until he found out what was bothering her. In a frightened, broken voice, Kim told her story. It was...
Kim had to return to work at the music store immediately following Malka's punishment. Eloisa entered Dukov's office to remind Kim that she was needed at the customer service counter. She stopped to look at Malka's prostrate body and collection of dark welts and bruises. She was awestruck by the severity of Malka's punishment, and also by the fact that one of the most feared officers in the National Police had been reduced to a beaten and semi-conscious criminal, wearing a collar and...
Criminal # 98945 finally returned to her normal routine as August drew to a close. She continued to deliver Victor's packages and messages, greet customers at the music store, and deal with a backlog of issues affecting Eloisa's band. She continued to rehearse and sing. She divided what little free time she had between Sergekt, Eloisa, and the Dukovs. Kim's life was completely full, about as full as a person's life could be. Ironically, Kim's job with Victor Dukov became a refuge of...
Malka Chorno's final integration into the criminal community came much more quickly than anyone could have anticipated and from a completely unexpected source, the owner of the Socrates Club. As he watched Malka and admired her muscular cop's physique, an idea popped into his head. He decided to approach the former police officer about becoming a physical fitness instructor for the Club. The Club's owner had heard predictions that winter would come early, which would force Danube City's...
Kim's friends became increasingly nervous as the end of April approached. The reason was simple enough; they were due to receive the final switching of their sentences on April 25. The switching was the final major event of their sentences they needed to endure before their release in July, but that did not make them any less apprehensive about having to face the switching table. Spokesman Havlakt lobbied hard to get the group's final punishment canceled. They had contributed greatly to...
Kim's homecoming turned out to be every bit as painful as her sister had feared. She did not bother to bring up staying at her old room in her parents' house; she instinctively knew it would be better to stay at Cindy's apartment. Now that her sentence was over, the older issues poisoning Kim's relationship with her parents resurfaced, especially the endless deceptions she had inflicted on her family throughout her adolescence to spend time with two friends who turned out to be totally...
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While Kim and her friends were occupied with the first week of their concert tour, Upper Danubia struggled through an ever-deepening political crisis. For the first time since the Second World War, the Duchy faced the prospect of political instability. The conservative government of the Party of the Duchy fell in the Parliament's first no-confidence vote since 1940. The Prime Minister immediately called elections assuming, correctly as it turned out, the deputies of the opposition Greater...
The following week Kim divided her time between the music store, rehearsal with Eloisa's band, and studying the cases and laws she needed to become familiar with to properly represent Tiffany during her trial at the end of August. Dukov conducted some of Kim's research for her, finding relevant cases and book-marking them. He laid books and files on Kim's desk, along with a few old drug cases he and other Spokespersons had represented over their careers. Kim later would have to learn how...
Kim spent the afternoon making arrangements for Tiffany's future. There really were only two issues that needed to be addressed; where Tiffany was going to live and where she was going to work. Kim already had both details partly settled, so her calls that afternoon simply were to confirm her previous arrangements. Tiffany would start at the music store the next day. As for living arrangements, Victor Dukov reluctantly agreed to rent her a room, with the understanding she would move to...
By the beginning of October, Upper Danubia had reached an important crossroads in its history. The "Progressives", now aided by corporate campaign donors and foreign professional political advisors, were well organized and campaigning aggressively. Their advisors had developed a slick advertising campaign against the Party of the Duchy in particular and against traditional Danubian values in general. Their candidate was a charismatic banking executive from Rika Chorna. He had a flamboyant...
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Straight SexRita and her daughter, Joanie, were hot-to-trot and I was their target.Rita and her cute daughter, Joanie, moved into the house next door two days ago and I was at work and wasn’t able to go over and say “Hi”, so tonight I did. And boy was I surprised when a gorgeous blue-eyed brunette answered the door!“Hi. I’m your neighbor, Bill Wilson,” I managed to say without my tongue hanging out."Hey! I'm Rita Simmons and over there is my daughter, Joanie," she said and pointed to a cute teenager...
Emma woke up at about 8:00 AM after her date that lasted until 1:00 AM. She had a first date with a guy she had met the previous week at rehearsal for her latest movie. They had seen an enjoyable play and they were getting along great!When he escorted her to her door, they turned to each other and kissed deeply. As their tongues met in her mouth, Emma decided to ask him inside for a drink. What red blooded man could refuse her invitation?Emma was smart enough to know that her invitation would...
I work at London’s main airport, every day I meet assholes, really nice patient customers, the crazy ones who think it’s all my fault and sometimes a famous face enters the round of people I have to deal with. Today was different, I was working United flight 3029 to Los Angeles and I know it was late and was going to have to deal with estranged passengers wanting to get home or their vacation started because it is very annoying when it does not go as planned. All of a sudden everyone got really...
Hi friends!Mera naam ajay hai(name changed).Baat aaj se 5 saal pehle ki hai,tab mai 19 saal ka tha,mere ghar ke saamne ek larki rehti thi,pummi.Meri family aur uski family ke beech bahut achhi dosti thi,uska bhai bhi mere bade bhai ka dost hua karta tha.shuru me to wo mujhe bilkul pasand nahi thi,but dhire2 mai use pasand karne laga,wo bhi mujhe line dene lagi,ek roj uske ghar me koi nahi tha to usne mujhe call kiye aur kaha ki mere ghar me aaj koi nahi hai,sab shaadi me gaye hai,aur mai akeli...
Morning came early and I was in a tangle of arms and legs. It was a wonder the bed frame held up to so many girls in one bed. I felt the bed slowly rocking. After all of that someone was still horny and masturbating this morning. I heard a giggle then a groan and a deep gasp followed by a whimper. I recognized both Ching lee and Lorrie. Without rolling over to see I could easily bet they were in a 69. Moments later they were both trying to whisper that they were cuming but the waves of...
written by Jimmmy D. WARNING: This story depicts acts of torture, rape, drug abuse, and murder. If you find this offensive or distasteful please do not read this story. Poised for conquest. The glare on the mirror blocks her eyes. Not her lips. There’s a small wooden box covered with Rhine stones in front of her; silvery and gleaming it holds her most cherished possessions. Eyeliner, lipstick, masquera, and blush in every color from saffron to platinum, to black or...
Like a skyrocket made of quicksilver, Jerry's jism rose high into the air. It hung suspended for a moment, a fleecy cloud of cum floating above the booths. Then it descended. The creamy lump splattered on Tina's bare belly and ran down into her bushy pubic mound. Both girls looked at this unexpected addition to the available cream in surprise. Where in hell had it come from? Linda leaned down and sucked the tasty spunk up from Tina's crotch. "What was it?" Tina asked. "Cum or...
Ton réveil sonne en te vrillant les tympans, et tu l’envoies valser à travers la pièce d’un bon coup de pied pour l’éteindre. Alors que tu retournes somnoler en serrant ton coussin dans tes bras, le garçon qui a passé la nuit avec toi bondit comme si il y avait un serpent dans les draps et commence à s’habiller à toute vitesse avant que tes parents n’arrivent. Il te promet de te rappeler et t’embrasse la nuque en te disant qu’il t’aime. Tu grommelles une réponse ensommeillée et retourne câliner...
“Suck my dick,” he answered me, voice unsteady, tenor tones punctuated by a quick inhalation. Hands pressed into his chest, I tipped forward till the ends of my hair brushed against his face, ignoring his request even though I had just asked him what he wanted. I smeared my dripping pussy on him. “Oh?” my voice soft and teasing, “do you want me to kneel between your legs?” His cock between us brushed against my own aroused bud as I rocked my hips. Voice breaking, I gasped at the touch, “Do you...
It was very early Thursday morning and a woman on the airplane who sat next to me and looked like my mother was smiling at me and asking, "You're going back?" I smiled at her politely and said "Yes." She said, "Oh, you'll love it in Memphis," and I smiled politely and shook my head and said, "No, New York." She said "But we're going to Memphis." I said "No. New York." I rested my head against the padded headrest. I closed my eyes, and it was just as it was when I was on the...
The sudden, wild joining they enjoyed in the library left both Jason and Sylvia’s mother sweaty and sticky, which meant they wound up in the shower together after all. And, inevitably, as they showered, they grew aroused and made love, although with far less intensity than they’d shown earlier in the den. After they finished their shower and got dressed again, they went downstairs and had lunch. ‘I don’t know how I’m going to survive after tomorrow,’ Karen said, laying her hand on Jason’s as... “I tell this story for your entertainment, in a hope that it intrigues you. The character in this story is a sleepwalker. He spends more time in the real world asleep though you’d never know it if you met him. He has no idea how the following events occurred.” I awoke to find myself lying on my back, limbs cold, numb. I slowly gathered the strength to raise myself and absorb my surroundings. As I sat up a rush came over me and my head began to spin....
It was my freshman year of college, everything is new and big. Select few were chosen from around the UK and US. There were a total of three thousand freshman. We are the first students to attend this college, it takes up over 1 square mile, and is all dedicated to what every student is here for. Creativity. This college is called "Creatively Advanced Art University". I personally I'm here for their painting classes and musical classes. I was chosen by recommendations, and grades, so all my...
BDSMCHAPTER TWENTY-SIX I woke up when a bright light was shined in my eyes. I looked around. Roger had been the one shining the light in my eyes, but Mom and Randy were both in the room as well. I could see that it was still dark outside. I felt a little bit weird. I couldn't be sure of it, but it felt like I was laying on my other side, not the one I thought I'd fallen asleep on. I was still curled in a ball, but I seemed to be facing the window instead of away from it, as I thought I'd been...