Maragana GirlChapter 27 free porn video

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Kim spent the afternoon making arrangements for Tiffany's future. There really were only two issues that needed to be addressed; where Tiffany was going to live and where she was going to work. Kim already had both details partly settled, so her calls that afternoon simply were to confirm her previous arrangements. Tiffany would start at the music store the next day. As for living arrangements, Victor Dukov reluctantly agreed to rent her a room, with the understanding she would move to Vladim's house following Kim's marriage.

Tiffany was up within just a couple of hours. She struggled off the table, wincing at the pain from her badly marked up backside. Tears rolled down her cheeks, as she again thought about the grim chain of events that brought her to her current state in this office. For a few minutes she stood with her hands on the recovery table, trying to steady herself.

Kim ordered Tiffany to go into the back office and quickly explained her job and living arrangements. Tiffany dried her eyes and partially recovered after drinking some tea. Her next statement hugely surprised Kim.

"I was curious ... could you take me to the store, you know, so I would see it ... maybe meet some people there?"

"Well ... uh ... sure ... except you don't have to report in until tomorrow."

"No. I want to do it today. I want to get started, or at least know what it's gonna be like."

"Alright, I'll take you over. You really think you can make it over there with your butt like it is?"

"It's not that bad, at least if I don't sit down."

The two women left the Central Police station. In spite of Tiffany's assurance she was fine, she did have some trouble getting down the stairs. Once they were out on the street Tiffany was able to walk fairly normally, although she had to walk more slowly than usual.

At first Kim was surprised that Tiffany didn't seem to be bothered by being out on the street wearing nothing but her collar. At this stage in her sentence Kim had been mortified at the thought of being so completely exposed to the world, and thus was surprised by Tiffany's acceptance of her situation. However, during their walk Kim remembered that Tiffany already had spent nearly six weeks in the nude in the National Hospital rehab program, and before that she had worked as a stripper. Any modesty about her body had long since been purged from Tiffany's mind.

Tiffany, in fact, wanted to be exposed, and have her punished backside exposed, to the view of the population of Danube City. The punishment and her collaring marked the final break from her past. She no longer was a stripper, no longer a prostitute, no longer Raymond Stark's girlfriend, no longer an active meth and heroin user. She now was a Danubian criminal and eager to move ahead with her life as quickly as possible. Subconsciously Tiffany actually was proud of her collar and welts because of what they symbolized, a new beginning for her.

Once they arrived, Kim, following store protocol for employees, stripped off her dress and hung it up in the employees' break room. She then led Tiffany around the store and introduced her to the owner and everyone working the afternoon shift. Kim then explained how Tiffany would start out. She would begin by doing manual chores such as window washing and cleaning up until her Danubian was good enough for her to train as a cashier. Over time she would start at the information counter, to provide an English-speaking presence when Kim was not working. It was possible that later on Tiffany might be promoted to a job at the studio and recording complex, perhaps as a guide or information assistant.

Kim was amazed at how happy Tiffany was upon hearing the explanation about the routine she needed to follow and the steps she would go through to get promoted. Tiffany now knew she had escaped, really, truly escaped. Her life in Danube City hardly would be exciting, but after two years of squalid drug-addled adventures, she felt she needed a routine life and a break from "excitement".

There was another surprise for Kim coming from Tiffany that afternoon. Before they left the store Kim's client noticed disposable cameras for sale and asked Kim to buy her one. Kim then shot the entire roll on Tiffany posing in front of the store, in the store, and later in the Central Plaza. Once they got back to Dukov's office Tiffany did something that struck Kim as extremely odd; she placed her hands on the recovery table and looked back at Kim over her shoulder. The pose emphasized her welt-covered bottom. Kim took two pictures of Tiffany in that position and finished out the roll of film. Once the film was used up Kim handed the camera back to Tiffany. The criminal then got on her knees and thanked the Apprentice for doing her the favor.

Shortly afterwards Kim took her client by trolley to Victor Dukov's house. She met his family and partially ingratiated herself by kneeling when she greeted him. With that Kim got ready to leave, with the weird sensation of seeing her former boss and her former best friend standing next to each other. Tiffany knelt and in heavily accented Danubian said "Goodbye, Apprentice Lee, until we meet again."

"Goodnight Tiffany. I'll be here at 7:00 tomorrow to take you to work. I'm scheduled to be there all day, so I'll be helping you train."

With that, Kim departed to return to the other part of her life, rehearsal with Eloisa and the other singers of "Socrates' Mistresses" for the upcoming Day of the Dead Equinox ceremony.

Kim and Sergekt returned to their classes at the National University two days after Tiffany's sentencing. For the first time they entered classes as free citizens, but the euphoria of entering the university in their new status quickly wore off. Kim and Sergekt realized their second year of classes would be extremely demanding for both of them. Sergekt, in particular, faced a rough year, studying chemistry, engineering, and geology, with the promise of a third year that would be just as difficult.

Kim did have one pleasant surprise on campus when she ran into Anyia's friend Jennifer. It turned out Jennifer had decided to stay in Upper Danubia to go to college for at least a year. Upper Danubia had grown on Jennifer during her year in high school as an exchange student. She now felt comfortable in the country and was not ready to give up her friendships with Anyia and some of her other classmates. More importantly, she was not ready to give up her relationship with her naked boyfriend. At the university café he was by her side, in his usual subdued manner, with his bottom pink from constantly being slapped. While they were talking Jennifer ordered her boyfriend to get her and Kim some fruit punch. The order, as every other command she gave him, was accompanied with two sharp slaps on the bottom as he left, and two more when he came back with the drinks.

Kim was surprised to find out where Jennifer was living. She was staying with her exchange-program counselor, the same woman who had punished her in high school. It turned out that her counselor had helped her enroll at the university and complete the paperwork needed to extend her student visa. Obviously Jennifer needed to behave with proper protocol at all times in the woman's house, but in public she rebelled by wearing jeans and keeping her non-Danubian hairstyle.

The grim and politically charged atmosphere on campus worried Kim and her fiancée. The campus was bitterly divided between students coming in from the eastern provinces who supported the Greater Danubian Progressive Party, and the ones from the capitol and the surrounding Central Valley, who mostly supported the Party of the Duchy. That afternoon Kim, Sergekt, Eloisa, Dima, and Valia sat down to afternoon tea at a university café to discuss the country's future. Sergekt, the most politically aware of the group, explained the Duchy's political situation to his increasingly dismayed friends. He concluded:

"This country is going to be in a lot of trouble, no matter who wins the next election. Our choices are just terrible. The "Nobility" doesn't have a viable candidate and they think it's still 1945. The "Progressives" have been bought out and want to hand us over to foreign companies. The "Dissidents" couldn't organize making a pot of tea. Who will we vote for? Or maybe we'll just have election after election..."

Sergekt looked at Dima, who sighed and buried his hands in his hair. The three women had no clue what to say.

Officer Vladik Dukov invited his partner to his father's house a couple of weeks after Kim and her friends started classes at the university. Vladik thought it would be a perfect afternoon for a quiet tryst with his lover, with Anyia in school, his fiancée and Kimberly Lee at the university, and his parents at work.

The couple turned off their police radios and parked their bicycles near the front door of the Dukov residence. There would be a nice three hours to have some wine, a small meal, and a pleasant session of lovemaking under the sun in the back yard. The two cops had done this plenty of times before. There was no reason to suspect today's adventure would end any differently.

The two officers finished their meal and went into the back yard. Their uniforms came off and Vladik caressed his partner's lean, muscular figure, enjoying the feel of the hot sun on his backside and his lover's hardened sweaty body underneath. Maybe he was engaged, and maybe she was married, but it seemed...

The kitchen door swung open and banged loudly against the back wall. The two naked cops looked up to see Vladik's fiancée, holding a camera. The camera clicked twice before the young interloper dropped it down her blouse. The photographer addressed the policewoman with a tone of quiet rage in her voice that frightened both cops.

"I expect you to put on your uniform and be off this property within a minute. If you take any longer than 60 seconds your section chief sees these pictures tomorrow morning, and your husband will see them tomorrow afternoon."

The policewoman jumped up to grab her uniform and quickly got dressed in the living room. As soon as she had her tunic and boots on she scrambled out the door and sped off on her bicycle. Vladik reached for his uniform as well. His fiancée snatched away the clothes before he could reach them.

"You will not put this on. You have proven yourself unworthy to be a police officer, just like you have proven yourself unworthy to be my husband."

She reached back and pulled her silver hairpiece out of her hair, and then quickly tore off her necklace and her ring. She threw the items at Vladik's feet.

"Your father had no right to call you Vladik. You are a disgrace to our King's name, and you're a disgrace to your family's name."

Vladik had nothing to say. There was nothing for him to deny, she had seen everything with her own eyes and it was on film. There was no point in trying to persuade her to give him a second chance, in Upper Danubia a dishonored engagement never got a second chance. Finally he choked out a question:

"How did you know?"

"I could see it in your eyes, Vladik. I could see it in your eyes for more than a year, but I kept deluding myself it was my imagination. Anyhow, I have a classmate whose younger sister is a friend of Anyia. Last week she mentioned your partner's little visits to this house, and I became more suspicious. But, what I want you to know is that it was not your sister who gave you away. You gave yourself away."

"I suppose I did..."

"You made a final mistake today. I saw the bicycles and let myself in. You were very foolish to have left those bicycles there and not to have locked your front door."

"I ... I don't know what to say."

"Well, I do know what to say, you dishonored liar. Your life is ruined. I will see to that. It's up to you to decide whether you want me to ruin your partner's life."

"No ... you can ruin my life, but not hers."

"That's up to you. If you wish to spare your partner you will resign from the National Police, effective immediately. If you wish to spare your family and those two Americans, you will resign. That will be my revenge, destroying your career. Next Monday I will check the National Police roster. If your badge number is still active, your section chief, your partner's section chief, your partner's husband, and your father will get copies of the pictures. If your badge number is removed, then I will send the pictures and the negatives to you, after I'm absolutely sure your resignation is finalized."

With that she threw Vladik's uniform on the ground and walked out. As she went through the front door, the woman's controlled rage became a bit less controlled. She picked up Vladik's police bicycle and with all her strength flung it at Dukov's front window. It shattered several panes and broke part of the window frame. It was a very un-Danubian display of temper, but one Vladik realized he deserved.

Vladik lost no time putting on civilian clothes and folding up his uniform. He got on his bicycle and rode back to the Central Police Station. He knew his ex-fiancée would be true to her word, whether he chose to resign or attempt to keep his job. She wanted revenge against him, not anyone else, not even his partner. However, she was perfectly willing to destroy the other people in Vladik's life if he did not accept the punishment she had laid out for him. Vladik's concern was to protect his father and his lover from his mistakes, not himself, so there was no question his police career had ended.

Vladik went up to his father's office and typed out a letter of resignation on one of the secretary's computers. He printed several copies and then went downstairs to present them to his stunned section chief. He handed his folded uniform to his chief along with the letters.

"I dishonored myself, my uniform, and my father's house. I am unfit to wear this uniform and am returning it to you."

"Have you lost your mind?! You're one of our best officers! You're up for promotion! You could be a section chief within two years!"

"No, that would never happen. I ... did something that if you knew, you'd understand. It's not just my life that's involved, but also several others. It is best ... for everyone ... that I resign. That'll spare the honor of several innocent people, including you."

Vladik's dumbfounded boss reluctantly signed his resignation letters, realizing his star employee apparently was resigning to prevent a scandal. The section chief was torn between wondering what on earth Officer Dukov had done that was so terrible and hoping not to find out.

With that Vladik went back upstairs to his father's office. Kim was at her desk, researching some of Dukov's old cases for an upcoming class project. Kim, upon seeing Vladik in civilian clothes and with a stricken look on his face, realized something was very wrong. He sat down and buried his forehead in his hands.

"You will need to find someone else to punish your client Tiffany next year. I'm not ... I'm not an officer with the National Police anymore. I'm dishonored, and I have only myself to blame."

For a moment Kim stared in silence at Vladik, who didn't even look like the same person with his broken expression. She decided it would be a good idea to get him out of the police station and then get him to talk about what happened. She told him to accompany her to the nearby river park. He listlessly complied and walked with her down several city blocks to the spot where Danube City gave way to the strip of parkland that lined the Danube River.

Kim knew, because she was not Danubian, Vladik would be able to speak to her and not have to be afraid of being judged according to the harsh standards of the Duchy's morality. Vladik did what he most needed to do, talk. In a single afternoon he had lost his fiancée, his mistress, his job, and his self-esteem. The fallout from his mistakes would continue that evening when he would have to face his irate parents and uncle.

"I don't know myself what was wrong with me. She was perfect: smart, determined, educated, pretty, from a good family. Her parents liked me and Mother certainly liked her. She got along with Anyia ... she's a woman with honor. And what did I give her up for? I gave her up for sex with a woman I preferred, but one who I knew could never be mine."

"Vladik, did you love your fiancée at all?"

"No. The woman I love is my partner. I respect my fiancée, but I don't love her. I don't know why. She's everything a man could possibly want, but in my heart I never appreciated her. That is why I'm so dishonored."

"Well, I'm going to be honest and tell you that, from my point of view, I think you got what you deserved. I never said anything, but I knew what was going on because it was a bit obvious. I think what you did to both those women, especially your fiancée, was totally wrong. The only thing I can say is I do admire you for taking the blame yourself and trying to protect everyone else."

Vladik said nothing. Kim thought for a moment and then continued with a statement that over time would change how he saw himself and what he wanted from life.

"I was wondering ... you know, about how you Danubians see love. Maybe you're all a bit too logical about it. It's always 'good family' and 'honor' and 'logical partner', and never 'how do you actually feel about this person'. Maybe she was too perfect for you. Maybe what you need is a woman with flaws and problems, someone you can love for who she is and how she feels about you, not for what she is. If your parents approve, that's great. If they don't..." Kim shrugged her shoulders, "that's their problem, not yours."

"That's not how we think, Kimberly. A proper partner is necessary to have tranquility in life."

"Really? You had a 'proper partner', and how tranquil was your life? You deceived and lied to everyone you knew, and you wasted four years of her life because you didn't love her. To me that's not how you should live. It's definitely not living with honor."

"Very well, Kimberly, since you seem to have the answers, let me ask you this. What do you think I should do next? What advice can you give me?"

"Really there's only two things. First, start over. Get another job, or maybe go to college. Maybe with the end of your career with the National Police Force you've been blessed instead of cursed. Think about it. Maybe now you can just enjoy yourself instead of worrying all the time about your responsibilities and what other people think about you. Then, you'll be free to find a woman who you actually like being with, instead of a 'proper partner'."

"You make it sound so easy."

"Well it's not. It's easier to do things the way you've been doing them, because everything was laid out for you. But it's obvious to me that you can't live an easy life. You need a life where you have to make your own choices and suffer the consequences. If you can accept that about yourself, then you have the chance to be happy."

Kim and Vladik came up to the grounds behind the Temple of the Ancients. Suddenly Vladik decided to go in and talk to a priest. He knelt and confessed what had happened while Kim stood nervously watching. The priest repeated much of what Kim had told Vladik, that he needed to start his life over with a better understanding of what he really wanted. The priest then suggested Vladik undergo a purification ritual and perform public penance during the week leading up to the Day of the Dead Ceremony. Public penance would allow Vladik time to divide his life between who he had been up until that day and who he would become after the Day of the Dead. Vladik agreed, nodded, and stood up.

Two female attendants dressed in black robes took Vladik by the hands to a stone platform behind the main Temple building. There was a fire-pit with an active fire at one end, and a small prayer stand at the other end.

Vladik stood at attention in front of the prayer stand. The two attendants quickly undressed him. One of the women handed Kim his wallet, watch, keys, and a religious medallion. The rest of Vladik's belongings went into the fire.

Vladik then knelt at the prayer stand, as the priest stood in front of him and an attendant stood to either side. There was a lengthy set of ancient prayers that Kim could not understand, some burning of incense, then more prayers. Vladik then began a series of confessions. The priest was much more interested in Vladik's habit of lying than in his physical acts of adultery. Merely confessing to a lie was not enough for the priest. As he confessed to each incident in his life, Vladik had to go into detail concerning what he actually said, why he told the lie, and its result. Kim could tell that Vladik was becoming increasingly scared, because his confessions were far more numerous and detailed than he had anticipated. It was obvious the priest was determined to dig deep into Vladik's soul, to find out what made his mind work and what motivated him. In the end, Kim found out much more about his secret thoughts than she cared to know.

The priest asked Vladik what he wanted for his future, but he only could answer by referring to his past. He wanted to live differently, but wasn't sure how. To Kim's surprise the priest did not have much advice, apart from telling him the obvious, that he needed to be more truthful. However, Dukov's disgraced son now faced a radical change in his daily life, which would last at least through the upcoming Day of the Dead ceremony.

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To Reign in Hell Book 2 Hollywood Be DamnedChapter 8

“Well, I see that you’ve gained some ground. Good for you. I’m pleased that you’ve respected our pact so far. I’m not thrilled that Gabriel has taken Anne Boleyn for himself, but so be it. I wanted us to talk in person at last. Make a final deal, a covenant, if you will. I’d like to move beyond these temporary accords, which are a start, but not enough for me. I would like to move toward a more just and lasting peace between the Kingdoms of Heaven and Hell. You and I can strike a bargain, and...

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my first time fingering myself in public

l was on my way to london for a conference on the train, l'd managed to get a seat with a table and the train was quite busy. it's a long journey so l'd brought a book to read, l knew the book was about a sex clinic for people with problems in their sex lives, what l didn't know was how descriptive and deeply the book went into the patients sexual experiences, and l was getting more turned on the more l read! l kept thinking to myself l can't wait until l get to the hotel room so l could...

2 years ago
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After The Ball

I could still feel the burning sensation on my cheek where he'd kissed me goodnight- how easy it would have been to turn my face and allow him access to my lips, but that wasn't the plan. I'd waited ten minutes, then here I stand outside his room. I knock on the door, no hint of hesitation in my actions. He opens the door, still wearing the white dress shirt and black trousers, his feet bare, the bow tie loosened around his neck. "Lauren... everything ok?" He wears a slightly worried look....

Straight Sex
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Once Youre Rubbed by Amy

(Apologies to Maurice Chevalier) It would be more interesting if I could say that it started out as a normal day, but it didn't start that way at all. This is the story of how I met this fascinating woman, her best friend, and her dog. The story also involves Brad Pitt, but his involvement is sorta beside the point. Perhaps I should stop for a moment. I'm sure he's NOT beside the point to lots of the women who are reading this. Already, just at the mention of his name and the prospect of...

3 years ago
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Gaadi Seekha K Phasaya

Hi to all ISS readers, yeh meri pehli story ha esliye mujh se koe galti ho jae to i am sorry. Main 1 sardarni hu Gurgaon se. Aap sab jante hi ha k sardarni ladkiya kitni hot hoti ha. Main bhi kuch wasi hi hu. Lamba kad, gora rang, bhare hue mumme aur gol gaand , patli kamar, lambe baal. Jo bhi mujhe dekhta tha apni pant pe hath rakh leta tha. Aisa nhi ha k main virgin hu. Stories to bhot ha share krne k liye lekin shuruat is story se kr rhi hu. Main college second year mein thi. Mera bhi man...

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The Assistant Principal And Instant Messenger

THE ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL AND INSTANT MESSENGER by Skip CODES: M/F, F/F, Consensual, Heavy, later NC SYNOPSIS: Once again AOLs Instanting Messaging facilitates a bondage encounterinvolving a submissive female high school assistant principal and a dominantmale. The encounter turns out not to be quite what she expected. The entirestory is told in the female's own words. My name is Joyce, I'm 48 years old, and reside in a rural area of CentralPennsylvania and work as an assistant principal at a high...

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If Your Ever Did Believe

This story is about Stevie Nicks and KeithRichards. Its written from the perspective of Stevie Nicks. It takes place in 1976, when the famous Fleetwood Mac record “Rumours” was being made. It was also when the relationships in the band started to fall apart. Stevie had broken up with fellow band mate Lindsey Buckingham just 3 weeks ago. Meanwhile in England, Keith Richards decided to go to California to make his first solo single “Run Rudolph Run”. He was in a relationship with Anita...

3 years ago
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EchoesChapter 2 Reservoir

It took a couple long minutes, laying in bed the next morning after my eyes opened, to wipe the silly grin off my face. I hadn't been sure what I would find come morning. Hell, I wasn't sure I'd find morning! Ned popped his head over the edge of the bed as soon as he heard me moving around, and I reached down and patted his head. He'd need to go out as soon as I was dressed. In fact, that made me think about what I'd have to do starting tomorrow. His big exercise of the day usually...

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A Midnight Tale

Stirring slowly, I flip over onto my side. The silence of the room and the coolness of the night’s air bit my skin, the softness of the comforter – bliss. I mumble something to myself, something I would barely remember in the morning to come. But, now it is just me, my bed, silence and darkness. I am rudely awaken by a slight uneasiness, something, yet I cannot tell what. The items and furniture in my room are of different shades of grey and black, the darkness is certain. As I try to sit up...

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PrivateerChapter 15

The four of us met in the main room a little later. It was obvious even to me from the satisfied looks on Katherine's and Mari's faces that they, too, had enjoyed themselves. I asked Sam how she was doing and she gave me big grin. "I'm good. Don't you worry about me." She had listened in on my conversation with Anna through my implant and was happy with the way it went. We talked for a while and decided to go to dinner when people's stomachs started to grumble. I made sure the...

2 years ago
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Family Vacation 2

I was in bed spooned up against my sister when I felt someone tugging at my shoulder. I opened my eyes and realized it was morning, the sunlight coming in through the window. I turned my head to see who was tugging on my shoulder only to look into the eyes of my mother. She was standing there in a short robe with my gym shorts hanging from the end of her finger. “Morning Rick. Would you like to explain yourself?” she said, in a surprisingly calm voice. Without thinking I flung the sheet...

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the stripper

I am a stripper, a hooker in the eyes of many. In the eyes of the narrow minded anyway. But I am far from a filthy street hooker. I always play safe, I lead a normal life with a decent boyfriend (at least until two weeks ago), I never do drugs, as all the other girls, but most importantly I never fuck customers. But my aspects of life were in for a revision.  It all started on that hot Friday evening, when you and your friends decided to have some fun in the club I work. I don’t know whether it...

2 years ago
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GirlsWay Lilly Ford Jill Kassidy Fansexual

Two girls, Lilly Ford and Jill Kassidy, who have been friends for a long time, are each a huge fan of comics and sci-fi, and especially each a die-hard fan for rivalling series – Fantasy Factory: Wastelands and Future Darkly. They’re about to sit down and watch an episode of Wastelands, which has Lilly more than excited, though Jill looks almost bored. If Lilly likes sci-fi so much, they should watch Future Darkly, Jill drawls. Lilly is insulted as Jill switches to Future Darkly...

3 years ago
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A Night With My Girlfriend8217s Sister 8211 Part 2

Hay guys, this is your boy Ronak. Thank you for your amazing feedback on my previous story. This is going to be the continuation. So I suggest you guys read the previous story before reading this one about breaking virginity of my girlfriend’s sister. Anyway, let’s hop into the story. It’s been a week since I spent my night with my girlfriend’s sister Priyanka. I have been masturbating a lot, thinking about her tiny wet pussy and juicy, firm boobs. We started talking on social media, and...

2 years ago
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Be my pet

Lying in bed wearing that black, silk night dress you're having that dream again. The one where that tall stranger is tending to your every need, worshipping every inch of your body with his gentle touch and sending shivers down your spine as his warm breath whispers sweet nothings onto your soft neck. You've had this dream a thousand times but every time your hand creeps between your legs and you wake up with damp sheets. The stranger in your dreams treats you like a goddess as he holds you in...

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Pool Girls Part 2

Tess got out of the cab and made her way up to her apartment. She had slowly started to come around during the jostling of the cab ride, She still felt drained, but at least her mind had begun to start working. She looked at the clock, it felt like it was late but it was only 7PM, too early to go to bed. She could smell the sex and sweat on her body so she decided that the first thing she needed was a shower. She went into her bedroom and took off her clothes, only noticing then that she...

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Chat room slut gets real

I’ve been playing online in adult chat rooms since before I got married and here I am 29 and never accepted a meeting invite, if I am honest it was just a way to masturbate and I never had any intention of meeting anyone. My husband knew and knows little of this secret life. Overtime I had developed regular chat buddies who knew my inner most sexual secrets and fantasies, but once they started to get too close and too demanding about meets I would drop them. Reality would destroy my marriage...

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The Lost One Ch 13

A/N: Here’s the last chapter folks. All loose ends are tied up here. Enjoy! Thank you Blackstallion21 for everything! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ XIII. New Beginnings The sky was an array of pinks, reds, and purples as the heroes of Serenai arrived at the remains of the Unicorn Kingdom. As the flyers landed, their riders got off of them before the flyers changed form. ‘Oh my goodness!’ exclaimed Joyce when she saw her home. Pristine stepped forward before turning to her court. ‘This...

1 year ago
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My Friends Mom

It all started when I met my friend Brian in the eighth grade. We bacme friends and then we decided to do something on the weekend. We went out to see a movie and I decided to spend the night at his house. His mom came to get us and when isaw her i realized that she was the biggest milf that i had ever laid eyes upon. She was gourgeouse. Her tits were plump and round I would say a 36-38 C. They were so perky and perfect that I was not sure that they were real. Her ass was the most beautiful...

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First time giving head

So when I was a teen I had been looking at every piece of porn I could find, it wasn’t like today when every k** has access to porn 24/7, lucky little shits. Back then, it was all magazines, not even film, it was just before video tapes.So a blow job was often just inferred in magazines like Penthouse, you had to get your hands on a hardcore mag to see actually touching of mouth to cock. So at the time I was old enough to get my drivers license that was my experience with seeing cocks outside...

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Carmen And Ron Seduce A Visitor

Carmen and Ron were both in their late forties and had been married, both for the second time, for three years. Their up and down and tumultuous personal life was partly balanced and counteracted by an avid and lustful sex life, which was often very spasmodic due to long separations.They were on a short interstate working holiday and sitting forty floors up, in the piano bar of an International hotel, enjoying an after-dinner drink.Both had a vivid and profound interest in sexual variations and...

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The Trap part 3

THE TRAP Part 3 As I took notice of the well appreciated reviews, the POV were not as they should have been in the first to parts. I find it important to show that there are two partners her, with different angles and for that reason every angle has its own chapter, making things more clear for the reader I hope. Keep on sending your reviews please. Chapter 1, Mavis I obviously did a good job at serving Miss Cummings, as she accompanied her orgasm so loud, I was afraid some...

4 years ago
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Visiting nurse

Jim is a friend of mine. He told me about an encounter with a nurse a couple of years ago. That night nurse was... well, go ahead and read.Long story short, Jim was 48 years of age and alone in a physical rehab center, nearly 500 miles from his home. He had been rock climbing, had a piece of slate break loose. When the safety rope caught him he broke a forearm and badly dislocated his other shoulder, both of which required surgery just an hour after they got him down to the parking lot.That had...

1 year ago
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Adult Empire For Women

Some websites just do their thing. Some joints manage to beat the fierce competition and stay afloat long enough to become legends, despite a shitload of other websites offering the same merch. Meet! The place that captures that 90's vibe. The time when fuckers had to hide their boners while on their way to buy adult magazines. Wanking off was still a taboo, which made things a whole lot interesting.Adultempire is so freaking huge that each of its categories deserves a separate...

Premium Porn For Women Sites
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A Trip To The DVD Shop

I was nineteen and in my second year of Uni. I am athletic, but incredibly shy - I hadn't had a girlfriend and used to buy a fair amount of top shelf magazines. One day on the way to Uni my train was taken out of service and everyone was dumped at a station waiting for the next one. I was thirsty so I left the station and went to find a newsagents. I thought I might get a few porn mags whilst I was around - and there was no chance of meeting anyone I knew. I walked around and found a...

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loosing virginity with daddy

hi readers, mera naam ridhima sharma hei , abhi mei 20 saal ki hu. mera figure hei 34-28-26. ye story hei mere pehle sex, vo bhi mere papa ke saath. ye 2 saal pehle ki baat hei jab mei 18 saal ki thi aur mera figure tha 28-26-32. meri height 5ft 3 inches thi aur abhi bhi utni hi hei. mera rang gora hei aur baal lambe aur kaale hei. mere papa ki height 5ft 10inch hei aur vo bhi gore hei, aur unka lund toh amazing hei, around 8 inch hoga. mere ghar me ek chotti behn hei aur mummy hei. jaisa ki...

3 years ago
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A dream vacation

We decided to get away for a weekend. Mary chose a hotel a very nice one too by the beach. As we were getting ready to leave the house I noticed she was wearing my favorite dress. Its skin tight, its a summer dress with blue and white stripes. Length wise its right above the knee. It's a spaghetti strap and her big tits look huge when she wears it. I always tell her to go panty less but she is very conservative, One could hope though. As we pull up to the hotel a young black man opens the door...

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Exploring The Virgin Pussy Of Hot Maid 8211 Part 2

After the first session, the next morning everyone sat on the dining table for breakfast. Our hot maid Kaveri was serving food for 3 of us. She was wearing a black gorgeous nighty. When she came closer to serve me, I pulled her close and slid my hands into her nighty. Her facial expression changed. The maid was trying to resist. But I didn’t leave her. She whispered in my ear not to do this as granny might see. But I started caressing Kaveri’s right thigh with my left hand as she stood left to...

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Call GirlsChapter 11

It was almost three o'clock when Peter Stewart awakened and realized he still had his hand on Jan's breast. He lay in bed without moving as he reflected on the last few weeks. He couldn't believe his good fortune: He had come out to Hawaii for a rest and was going home with a wife. The girl whose head was still resting on his shoulder was lovely beyond his wildest dreams. Then he moved his head to be able to see her more easily. Even that slight movement was enough: Jan's eyes opened and...

4 years ago
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Young boy give me happiness

Hi, I am from Bangalore, my name is Neetha, I am aged 33, I am a house wife and I have son who is studying 6th standard. I have a good married life as ours is a small family having myself, my husband Rohit and my son Nikhil. I am loved very much by my husband though we had an arranged marriage. About I actually hail from Delhi, me a graduate, settled as house wife. I look attractive with my fair skin, straight knee long black hairs, black eyes, shaped eyebrows, naturally red potting lips, well...

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Glass shatters wood bends but doesnt break or does it

So let me tell you about my night. It was the usual we (the boys and I) go to the club and bring home our trophies. I have been batting above .500 for a few weeks in a row and last night I hit the jackpot(or so I thought). I actually pulled a set of twins, yeah man twins and they were FINE. Thighs and heavy rack abound on both and DAT ASS!! I prayed to the gods i would get to ride the tricycle and win that belt. Little did I know I pulled waaaaay more than I bargained for. This is how it went...

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Cocooned Chap 5

Cocooned, Chapter 5 By EF666 After an evening complete with a spectacular dinner, incredible wine, sumptuous dessert and some playful nocturnal activity it was time to turn in for the night. We were spooning, her breasts pushing into my back, both of us likely only a couple minutes away from conking out. It occurred to me that in the day and a half since she'd been altered by Dave, Simone, the new and highly enthusiastic lesbian, formerly the straight and borderline mousy Collette,...

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Cheerleader CoachChapter 22 Good News and Bad News

I heard from Ed that afternoon and he reported that the refinery took a hit and one of the buildings was reduced to a pile of scrap iron. (This was the building where Robert had taken refuge from the storm). The Texas City rescue team was called and a search for survivors was mounted. Ed said that he would get back to us when he finds out something. My next door neighbor Jenny got a call on her cell phone ordering her to report for work in the ER at Memorial Hermann Texas Medical Center in...

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What are friends for 3 Suspicious Minds

"It's alright, Teddy. You go right ahead and tell, Mr. Brian." Brian smiled across from the two ladies in front of him. He had already met Mrs. Katarine a few days ago. She had told him everything already, but Brian wanted to hear it firsthand. It was an interesting situation. Mrs. Katarine was beautiful, but her husband put her to shame. He was a blond bomb-shell. His make-up was delicately done in a 50s style. His wig gave him an appearance of a blonde Bettie Page. His...

3 years ago
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Introduction: A bittersweet reunion and coming of age for sisters….and lovers. (Warning: graphic scat/body fluids.) LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fantasy: attempting performing the sex acts detailed here could seriously damage your health. Do it anyway ^~^ Melissa turned the corner and emerged, finally, into arrivals. At midday there was a smattering of people waiting on friends and family, not quite a crowd. She stopped for a moment and scanned the faces, the variations in tone...

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