Maragana GirlChapter 4 free porn video

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By the end of Kim's first week in Danube City she was partially settled into her strange new life as a convicted criminal and bicycle courier. Within a week her welts were fading and no longer hurt. She had come to terms with what had happened and even managed to pass by the Temple of the Ancients where all her trouble had started. Kim vaguely wondered if that sadistic cop and her partner were still patrolling the grounds behind the Temple, but had no desire to go there and find out. She would see the woman in six months in the Police Station for her second punishment, and that was soon enough.

Kim's new boss, Victor Dukov, forced her to quickly learn the skills needed to move about as a courier in Danube City. Victor Dukov was very different from his brother Vladim. He was gruff and impatient and pushed her very hard. He quickly forced her to learn how to ask for and understand directions in Danubian. He ordered her to memorize a map of the city and yelled at her when she made mistakes. He expected her to find and use the shortest route and to ride from one assignment to another with no breaks. His favorite line for admonishing the American was:

"Kimberly, you smart girl. You pretty girl. But you lazy girl, and you do dumb thing. Why you lazy? Why you do dumb thing?"

Kim knew that line always led into an unpleasant lecture, but over time she got used to it. She learned it was easiest to go along with Victor's nagging, and if she agreed with him and apologized that tended to shorten his lectures. Whether Victor was right or wrong, Kim simply answered "Mr. Dukov, I guess I wasn't paying attention. I'm sorry for not listening. I'll try harder in the future."

Kim did not like Victor, but she had no specific grievances against him. He did not treat her any worse than he treated his other employees. Victor never disrespected Kim for being a convicted criminal or for being a foreigner. For example, he never required her to kneel when she spoke to him, which was something that in theory he had the right to do, being her superior. To Victor, Criminal # 98945 simply was his employee, the same as four other individuals, and thus she was subject to his temper and demands no more and no less than were the others.

Because Kim's command of Danubian language and society were so limited at the beginning, Victor Dukov sent her on the deliveries that were furthest from his office, the ones that would take time away from his other employees. That meant fewer deliveries and thus fewer chances of making mistakes, but also longer trips and constant riding. Kim rode hard all over Danube City, often to within just a block or so of the dreaded yellow signs. She made her delivery, or picked up the needed signatures and receipts, and then was riding again, desperate to make the next delivery before Victor Dukov's cell phone went off to check on her whereabouts. She was always exhausted after each day's work from her hours of hard riding through the city summer heat. However, the courier job was extremely beneficial, because within a month she knew the entire city very well and understood some details about Danubian business protocol.

A delivery to a private individual or business owner was no different than a delivery would be in the US. Kim walked in with her package and her signature pad, announced herself with her terrible Danubian, completed the delivery, and quickly was out the door on her bicycle. If the delivery was made to a public official, she had to go to her knees and hold the delivery items out in front of her. Once the client took them Kim put her forehead to the floor, and stayed in that position until she felt the signature pad placed back in her hands. If she wasn't sure if the client was a public official, she asked, and dropped to her knees if the answer was affirmative.

Over the first few days following her sentence Kim was mortified at the thought of having her body on display for a full two years. However, a person can get used to many things in life. Within a week Kim's mind had accepted her constant nudity; by the end of the second week she no longer even thought about it. It seemed that the intense stares from bystanders had started to diminish and Criminal # 98945 simply received the same casual glances any other naked criminal would receive. The unwelcome attention towards her body had receded, and with it much of her self-consciousness.

What helped reduce the constant curious stares, ironically, was the broadcast of Kim's punishment on Danubian television. Kim's case generated a sensational amount of interest. However, the broadcast also satisfied much of the curiosity surrounding Kim and answered a lot of questions. The naked Asian girl with welts on her backside and a collar on her neck had been sentenced under Danubia's marijuana laws and was serving a two-year sentence as a criminal. It was that mundane, and that simple.

No one in Danube City felt that Kim should have been exonerated, since there was no doubt she had possessed and smoked marijuana. However, most of the people interested in Kim's case felt the reduced sentence was fair and that she did deserve some leniency. Kimberly Lee projected a sympathetic and likeable image on TV and there was general agreement that she had been treated shamefully by her two friends. People also agreed with Dukov that the prosecutor had behaved irresponsibly in trying to get a maximum sentence for Kim while releasing the other two Americans. But that was why a Spokesman-for-the-Criminal was needed, to argue on behalf of the suspect and work out a fair sentence. Spokesman Dukov had done his job admirably and as a result the American had received fair treatment in court.

The hot summer weather continued unabated as July became August. Kim continued her sweaty bicycle trips around Danube City. She was in great physical shape from the constant exercising. She ate well and slept soundly at Vladim Dukov's house. She spoke by phone to her parents at least once a week and tried to assure them she was fine. Kim was too busy to have much time to feel sorry for herself. She was too busy even to think about how much she hated Tiffany. While she was not exactly happy, she had achieved a daily equilibrium in her life. Kim's tranquil existence in Danube City had been one of the goals of the judge who had sentenced her.

Vladim Dukov decided to extend Kim's stay at his house until she had enough money saved up to get a decent room. He insisted that she open a Danubian bank account and deposit most of her paycheck from her job. Dukov also laid out a series of chores he wanted the American to perform at his house in exchange for her free boarding. He sent his client out to buy groceries, pay household bills, and other errands with the intent of forcing her to learn how to perform the basic tasks needed to live from day to day. Often Anyia went with Kim and helped her carry the groceries.

By the end of her first month in Danube City, Kim had become a de facto member of Vladim Dukov's family. Her professional relationship with Dukov, her dependency on him, and her lack of any other friends in Upper Danubia resulted in her becoming almost a second daughter of the elder Dukovs. Having been convicted criminals themselves, both Vladim and Maritza understood much of what she had to face. Furthermore, the Spokesman had traveled to the US several times in his life on official functions. While US society and its values were unfathomable to Dukov, at least he had a glimpse of the world that had produced Kimberly Lee and was able to understand some of the cross-cultural difficulties she faced in her new life as a Danubian criminal. Kim needed to be educated and brought up to function in Danubian society. She needed to learn what that society expected of her and how she needed to behave in many different situations, large and small. The restrictions and rules Kim had to live under as a convicted criminal only complicated her adaptation to Danubian society.

After just a few days Kim knew how to speak some phases of Danubian, the most important and most frequently used being "Ya negat rozumigut," which meant "I don't understand". Danubian was a difficult language, very archaic and with grammar and pronunciation rules that would make the average Westerner cringe. Not many average people in the isolated country spoke anything other than their native tongue, thus the task of learning Danubian was a top priority.

Oddly enough, Anyia was willing to help Kim with learning Danubian, at least during the times she wasn't sunbathing. She learned to leave Anyia alone if she was in the yard on her towel or with one of her friends, but if she was in the house alone the girl was perfectly approachable. After a short time Kim's vocabulary expanded way beyond "Ya negat rozumigut", largely with the help of Dukov's moody teenager.

August 15 was a significant day for the members of Victor Dukov's courier service. On that day there were to be no deliveries during the morning, no bicycle runs whatsoever. On that day Kim briefly saw a different side of Victor Dukov, even if it was only for a single day. It was the day Kim's co-worker Vita completed his sentence for fighting in school. It was a significant day for Vita and one that Victor and his staff fully appreciated. Vita would enter the courtroom still a criminal, but would exit as a free man.

Unlike trials, the only day of the week that end-of-sentence ceremonies were held was on Mondays. Normally around 20 criminals ended their sentences on any given week. It was a significant event in their lives and one marked by a formal celebration of the transition from criminals to free citizens.

Monday morning Victor and his couriers went to the courthouse. Vita separated from the group to hug his parents, and then joined the group of naked soon-to-be ex-criminals waiting at the entrance of the main hall of the court. The departure of Vita left Kim feeling a bit uneasy, given that she now was the only naked member of the courier group and as of today would be the only naked member of Victor's staff. She pushed that thought aside and tried to concentrate on Vita, not herself.

The courtroom was filled with relatives, co-workers, and friends of the 19 criminals whose sentences would end that day. There was a lot of happy chatter among the audience. The atmosphere was similar to the over-all feel of a graduation ceremony.

A trumpeter in a traditional Danubian tunic blew a very old horn, signaling the criminals to enter the chamber. They filed in, 12 men and 7 women. They knelt and put their heads to the carpet, for the last time of their lives. The trumpeter blew again.

"Doc-doc Danube!"

The entire room put their right hands to their left shoulders, except for the hand-full of criminals in the audience such as Kim. The criminals in the audience dropped to their knees and put their foreheads to the carpet. The judge who had sentenced Kim six weeks before entered the room, and everyone in the audience sat down. The 19 criminals in the front of the room stayed kneeling, although they knelt upright to be able to watch the proceedings.

Vladim Dukov and three other Spokespersons for the Criminals came forward. They saluted the judge, who saluted back.

The judge asked each Spokesperson if each of the criminals under his or her authority had completed their sentences and whether or not they were ready to assume the rights and responsibilities of a free citizen. He asked the same question 19 times. Kim heard a loud "Doc!" 19 times. The judge then gave a brief speech about the transition from criminal to free citizen and the significance of reform and a new start in life.

The next part of the ceremony was the de-collaring of the criminals. One by one they came forward and knelt facing a sturdy metal post. The collar technician then hooked a scary-looking device to the post and closed it around the criminal's collar. The device looked like a huge pair of pliers. It had several clamps that latched into the collar and firing pin to snap the collar's latch. The technician fired the pin into the collar's locking mechanism and pulled it apart by opening the extractor's handles. Once the collar was off, the technician quickly removed the small transmitter and then handed the open collar back to the ex-criminal.

Still naked, but now free citizens, the ex-criminals lined up for the next part of the ceremony; the passing out of their clothes. There were 19 sets of traditional Danubian clothing waiting, tunics for the men and dresses for the women. The Spokespersons placed the respective outfits at the feet of each of their clients. Once everyone was ready, the judge ordered the ex-criminals to get dressed. They did so, quickly. The Spokespersons then stepped in front of the group and saluted them. Their ex-clients saluted back, then turned around and faced their audience, smiling and holding their collars over their heads. The room exploded into cheering and camera flashes. The long suffering of these 19 persons had come to an end.

Later that afternoon Victor Dukov held a small party for Vita in the office. The party was short, because Vita later had to go home and celebrate with his family. Vita's co-workers teased him about the tan-line around his neck from where the collar had been. There was laughter and good cheer in the office. Tomorrow Victor would return to his usual dour over-bearing self, but for one day, at least, he proved himself able to celebrate a joyful moment in another person's life.

Kim's bike routes frequently took her past the plaza where the Temple of the Ancients was located. The first couple of times she passed the Temple she experienced both fear and regret over what that building meant for the loss of her old life. However, towards the end of August the location also began to symbolize a new beginning for Kim and new hope for her future.

On a blazing hot day Kim finished her morning deliveries early. However, she was dehydrated and did not want to wait to go all the way back to Victor's office just to have some water. She decided to stop at the outdoor cafe across from the Temple, the one where she had gone with Tiffany and Susan just before they were arrested. The naked waiter was there, the same shy young man that Tiffany had tormented just before Kim's arrest. She sat down and ordered a large glass of fruit punch, and ... oh please, with lots of ice.

The café was nearly empty, leaving the young waiter with some spare time to converse with Kim. She could tell he was fascinated with her. Suddenly she found herself somewhat attracted to him as well. He was not the type of guy she would have been attracted to in the US, but she had changed as a result of her two months in Upper Danubia. Kim realized that she desperately needed someone to talk to who was not connected to Dukov or his family. In a flash she realized this waiter was her first chance to make a friend of her own, one who she had chosen herself.

The waiter's name was Sergekt. Kim found the name hard to pronounce correctly, but he in turn called her "Geemberglek". The two laughed at the mangled pronunciation of each other's names. With that they briefly exchanged a few details about their lives. It wasn't much, but it was a start.

Some new customers came into the café and Kim's cell phone went off, pulling her and Sergekt away from their brief conversation. With that Kim was back on her bicycle, but she shyly smiled and waved to Sergekt as she pulled away. She badly wanted to see him again.

Over the next few days Kim never missed a chance to stop at the café, even if she could only stay a few minutes. Finally at the end of her fifth visit, Sergekt asked her when she got off work. It turned out that Kim would be off work just after Sergekt got off, giving him time to meet her outside Victor Dukov's office. The result was a pleasant uninterrupted conversation at a nearby café. Kim had to force Sergekt to repeat himself many times to understand him, but gradually she found out more about him.

Sergekt had completed the first year of a three-year sentence for participating in a student riot at his high school. Kim was not able to understand much of Sergekt's explanation of why the riot took place, but apparently a total of 28 students had been convicted of the crimes of insurrection and vandalism resulting from the incident.

Kim did understand enough of Sergekt's explanation to get a perspective on how Danubians saw "honor". When the 28 students were brought before the judge, each refused to say anything about what any of the others had done. Apparently both the judge and the police chief had expected the students would not say anything against each other, and thus the group had to be punished collectively. They were sentenced to three and a half years, collared, and returned to their school. They were switched one-by-one in the school courtyard in front of their classmates, something that took up an entire school day. Because they were under-aged, their punishments were not televised. The offenders then returned to their classes as criminals, naked except for their collars. As far as everyone was concerned the matter was closed and no one ever mentioned it again. All 28 students graduated at the end of the previous May, some of them with honors. Most were now in college. However, the sentences remained, the expected price of loyalty and friendship among the group. Every four months they had to show up at the local police station near their old school to be switched, a burden they would endure until their collars came off two years in the future.

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I heard a snort of disgust from the lounger beside me. “Let me guess, ” she said, “you want your car and fifty bucks for gas.” “Pretty much, ” I said. “If this … if we can’t make this work then I walk out with what I came in with.” “It’s not going to work that way and I think you know that, ” she told me. “I think it should work that way, ” I noted. “Maybe it should, ” Liz said. “But it doesn’t. Do you know where I’d be right now if I hadn’t run into you again?” “Anywhere you wanted to...

2 years ago
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Black Mans Guide To Power

The name is Kurt Brands. A six-foot-one, lean and ruggedly handsome young Black man living near the city of Boston, Massachusetts. And I lead a life like no other. Let’s walk through some of my finest moments, shall we? I guarantee it shall be worth your while. There is so much fun to be had when you’re young, handsome and wealthy. And fun is exactly what this tale is about. I should also add that I’m one of those rare people blessedly born without the ability to feel remorse. Life has always...

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Whip the Cat

“What are you doing?” he asked, angry and surprised at the girl in front of his car.Roger was sitting in his car ready to drive off when Carla ran up to the passenger side, opened the door, and let herself in.“Aren’t you taking me home?” she asked innocently.“No, and fuck you, get out,” he said quickly, turning away from her, hands clenched on the steering wheel.“You just left so quickly,” she shrugged, still looking at him with those doe eyes which made him angrier.“Well, what the fuck did you...

3 years ago
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KarlaChapter 18

Alfred had done well. After breakfast he handed Elise a thick bunch of pages, texts and pictures alike. "Elise, there is so much to be found, I just printed what I thought to be most relevant. My tiny printer has its limits. It's fascinating stuff, I hardly slept. But also quite frightening, if I am to think that Lexa and I have to start all over. We won't have much time for anything else should we take a liking to the procedures." His chuckle was proof enough. He had recovered. Now for...

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Schoolgirl Black Coach the Water Boy

This a re post of an earlier story. The pictures are not the same model do help the imagery of the story. Melissa strutted through the gym as the basketball team worked on their drills. Coach Washington watched as the teen girl parade past his team. Damon his best player ran into another player as he was distracted by the hot white chick as she shook her tight butt in front of the team. Coach thought to himself now there is another white bitch that needs to learn to not tease young black men....

2 years ago
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Sweet Perfume

My wife had a work related friend stay at our place a couple of days to attend a conference. Teri was a petite 40 something yr old strawberry blond about 5ft tall with small breasts. She was average looking but very friendly and whore some very nice perfume that made me nuts. After picking her up from the airport we brought her home and she immediately changed into her sleep wear. Nothing really daring, shorts and a tank top, the standard uniform for Hawaii. We sat out on our lani and Terry...

4 years ago
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OMG X The Hair

Stanley was grateful for the excuse to get out of the boardroom. As Chief Counsel for Tudor Inc., everyone expected him to just file a motion, and all of their fuckups would just magically go away. The truth was, being Stanley around all those people was exhausting. He could feel himself relaxing as the elevator descended down to the engineering level. Not very many people had access to this level. It mainly contained air- gapped servers housing data too precious or more likely too...

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Getting Lucky With The Maid

Hi guys, I’m Alex, 25year old Malayali and last year, I came to live in Kerala while I looked into studying further, abroad. I stayed at my family home which at the time was occupied by my grandmother and a girl, Jancy, whom my grandmother had hired to take care of her needs. Jancy is a very dusky, decent looking girl with an above average height in comparison to the women in the locality. She has a proper figure with no disproportionate assets. I would not classify her as sexy and I doubt she...

1 year ago
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A Young Daughter8217s Wild Passionate Night

Vishwanath (47) was looking forward to meet his daughter Riya (22) as she was returning from the usa after completing her ms. Riya’s mother Shobha divorced her dad, and didn’t really wanted Riya to meet Vishwanath. Riya always loved both her mother and father equally, she never wanted them to separate but when time came for her to choose between them, she chose mom as she thought she would be devastated without her daughter. Although it was sad for her to leave her father, he was understanding...

3 years ago
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Our First Trip to the Gloryhole

"We are going to the video store tonight." It was a command, stated as fact, unlike the times before when he asked if I wanted to. He wanted to, and I wasn't going to be able to back out this time. In the same moment my stomach sank and my pussy quivered. My mind raced. "You'll wear a tank top with no bra and a skirt with no panties." So that's exactly what I put on.It took an hour to get there. I was a wet, trembling, nervous mess the whole time. "Pull down your top. I want to see your tits."...

4 years ago
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Some People Collect Stamps

I didn't go back to the adult bookstore where I'd jerked that other guy off for nearly six months. It wasn't that I hadn't enjoyed doing so, but the place was such a dirty, sleazy, depressing sort of ambience! It felt like a place where only losers would want to go and hang out at; and the same time, there had been an undeniable sense of unbridled, unvarnished, and open sexual lust; and it had exhilarated me, even as the place itself appalled me! I'd been close to my mother growing up...

3 years ago
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Sweet for TutorChapter 2

After a few weeks of thrice-weekly tutorials, everything was going great. Penny was learning quickly and had progressed through almost two months of the syllabus, and Sarah and I had built an easy camaraderie. She made me coffee afterwards, and she’d fuss in the kitchen while we chatted, baking or preparing dinner, affording me many opportunities to stare longingly at her breasts. Penny’s half-brother, Ben, was home every afternoon, and got bored without his big sister to entertain him. He...

3 years ago
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An introduction to a new sensation

After my divorced, I bought a house with a large piece of property in a rural area away from the madness of ubran life. As summer had brought about considerable foliage around the perimeter of my ample property, I felt concealed allowing me to wear less and less clothing as the heat of the season built. I would walk around my property in merely a long tee shirt allowing the breeze to caress my ass and genitals in a pleasantly unfamiliar manner. Occassionally I would even venture outdoors...

3 years ago
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Making memories

You arrived a few hours ago with your girlfriend and a few members of her family. After unpacking and getting settled in Janet calls the two of you down for dinner. You look at your girlfriend and smile, her beautiful blue eyes always leave you breathless and you can't wait for dinner to end so you can get some alone time.

4 years ago
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Why Not

Dot had just finished logging off and had put the dust covers over her computer when there was a knock on her office door. "Come in!" she said. The door opened and one of the blackest men who had ever worked in the office entered. "Hello! Owen", she said "Can I help you?" Owen smiled. "I was thinking as it is a very hot day if you would like to join me in the company pool?" In the seconds before Dot replied the events of the past days came flooding back. They had started, as they did...

2 years ago
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Huge 2 Original Huge v2

Heather lay in her bed and listened to the rhythmic squeak of the old fashioned bed springs that came from her son's room. Chris rarely gave her any cause for worry, but these days he seemed obsessed about playing with himself. She knew that teen boys masturbated, but it seemed as if Chris did it all the time. Whenever he was in the bathroom, and she passed by, she could hear the whiff, whiff sound of skin on skin. Even now, just a few minutes after going to bed, she could hear the telltale...

3 years ago
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Harrys Protg Ch 06

Harry’s elderly but wiry and astonishing strong doctor hauled a disbelieving Harry out of bed. When Harry’s legs almost gave out on him, he agreed to stay in bed until Saturday, with a probable return to work on Monday. ‘It’s a virus laddie and there’s little we can do about it. It just has to take its course,’ Doc Macdonald said with his persuasive tongue. ‘Now from memory you stock Scotch, don’t disappoint me laddie.’ ‘You’ll find a selection in the living room cabinet Dr McIntosh. Harry...

4 years ago
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My Secret Pleasure Part 2 An Unexpected Encounter

Jenna gently pushed Stace's back as a way to tell her to lay down on the table which she obediently obliged in. She pulled off Stace's sneakers as she began to tug at her skinny jeans, pulling them off impatiently. She noted the matching panties that went with the bra as she pressed her lips against the panties taking in the scent of Stace. It was a smell she'd never get tired of. She slipped her panties off as she began to lick her clit. Flicking her tongue against it, taking in all...

4 years ago
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Toys Ties and Teasing Part 2

Well hi there guys.  I know it’s been a couple days, and I am generally a really rapid updater, but I’ve been ill! I hope you like the story, this is the last part of it, so after this you’re going to have to wait for a whole new concept!  It had to have been about seven in the morning when I heard him shuffling around outside our bed room. I had somehow managed to fall asleep, but then I was forced to realize the pool of my liquids forming underneath myself. The smell of my juices filled the...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 467

Six Little Life Wisdoms Once all villagers during a drought decided to pray for rain. On the day of prayer all the people gathered, but only one boy came with an umbrella. That's FAITH When you throw a baby in the air, she laughs because she knows you will catch her. That's TRUST Every night we go to bed, without any assurance of being alive the next morning but still we set the alarm to wake up. That's HOPE We plan big things for the New Year in spite of zero knowledge of the...

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A Gorean kajira

by ScottMaster In the Darkness, I sleep so peacefully that the world itself seems to cease to exist. I feel the tender touch of bizarre dreams filtering through my mind. The cascade of heightened sensations during such strange, yet eloquent visions. It happens in the darkness, taking me by surprise and pulling me into a very strange place. I can not understand where I am or what I am doing. Suddenly, pain and horror fill my mind as I disappear from my world. I awaken to the visage of...

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From Candace to CandyChapter 6

A couple of hours later I went into the bedroom to free Candy and let her get ready for her performance at the bookstore. Even though her hands were tied she still managed to get herself off; there was a small puddle of pussy juice between her legs. I untied her, flipped her over on her stomach and gave her ass cheeks several swats with my hand. "Oww, what was that for," Candy mewed as she rubbed her ass. "Because I can. Anytime, anywhere, better get used to it, Candy, 'cause I love...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Liz Jordan When She Creams8230 We All Cream

Liz Jordan needs a scoop of cherry ice cream, of course! Codey Steele may ensure she gets a cherry on top, but we think Liz might really top off the creamy treat! This smoking hot Cherry enjoys every lick off the cone on a hot Summer day, as she gazes at the unsuspecting Codey Steele. This sweet brunette begins to make a mess of herself, dripping ice cream on her perky nipples. Codey immediately rushes to help her get cleaned up, and finds that cream off her body is far tastier than what he’s...

1 year ago
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Three Musketeers

While we were at college we called ourselves the three Musketeers. We got together primary to have ago, sexually that is, at our Modern History tutor, a Ms Rita Townsend, but we cut quite a swath through the female student's population too. We're made quite a contrasting trio, Tom is a dark, brooding Welshmen, with a good singing voice; his Saturdays are taken up with rugby and drinking beer. Sean is slim effeminate looking, delicate guy, who likes reading and writing poetry, but I can affirm...

3 years ago
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Two curious friends

We had no idea what we were doing but horny curious boys do crazy things. I'll start of with a little background of both guys. My name is Justin and his is Colby. We're the same age (now 21 but about age 13) is when this started. I'm (justin) about 6'2 and about 250 but have a good build for that weight due to sports, I have short dark hair and an average size penis that has been cut. He (Colby) is about 5'11 and 215, has short blond hair and also has average size penis that is also...

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Helping a Friends Friend

During several “teaching” sessions with my young neighbor boy Timmy, he would bring up his best friend Scott. Timmy would tell me that Scott was very shy with girls and awkward around them. Timmy told me that his own confidence with girls had soared since I helped him with his virginity and gave him lessons on how to please a woman. It seemed a little odd to me that we were both lying naked in my bed talking about Timmy’s best friend while Timmy’s cum was seeping out of my pussy. Timmy told me...

First Time
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Miladys Wiles chapters 1722

"Milady's Wiles" by Brandy Dewinter with the invaluable assistance of P.J. Wright Chapter 17 'Tis Better To Give Than To Receive It was so late it was early when we finally retired to bed. After the trial and the discussions afterward that had no doubt included more groupings than our own, no one rose until mid-morning at least. Part of the reason, or excuse, for that was the lack of sunshine. Our good weather had broken and while there was no new snow, dark,...

2 years ago
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Amr Bou Er Honeymoon

Hi ami rahul ar amr wife mousumi.. Eta amder first sex story.. Asa kori tomader valo lagbe. Jadi valo lage comnt dio. Ghotonata bochor 2 age. Biyer just 2 month er modhey. O bola hoy ni amder arrange marriage. Amr age 29 ar mousumi r 23. Biyer por office theke ekta gift dilo. Khule dekhi honey moon er ticket. Jaygay ta keral r ekta resort e. Eke bare sea beach er gaye. Bag guchiye amra royana dilm 1 week er trip. Giye jnlam okhne wr ekta new coupple ache. Ghor besh valoi, barandy samudrer dheu...

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